Lilliam Alvarez Díaz • Country of birth: CUBA • Cuban Academy of


Lilliam Alvarez Díaz • Country of birth: CUBA • Cuban Academy of
Lilliam Alvarez Díaz
Country of birth: CUBA
Cuban Academy of Sciences
Field of study, Physics-Mathematics
date of doctoral degree , PhD, 1989
-which institute? Computer Cneter of the ex-URSS Academy of Sciences,
International experience, collaborations- Grant of the ICTP- Trieste, Italy, South-South
Fellowship of the Third Wordl Academy of Sciences in Campina´s Universtiy Brazil, Joint
projects with UNAM, Mexico, ULA- Venezuela, UNLP-Argentina, UNESCO-Regional
office, TWOWS- OWSDW
Present position; institute; head of the Group of Promotion of Sciences, Cuban Academy
of Sciences
address; Capitolio Nacional, Habana Vieja, CUBA
link to web page: www,
Research interests: Basic Sciences, Gender issues, Public understanding of Sciences,
Teaching Sciences by non-formal vias, Interactive Musseums
Some Important research results:
-Book: Métodos Numéricos del Análisis Matemático, Editorial Academia, La Habana. 1991,
(520 pp). Premio Nacional del Instituto Cubano del Libro a la mejor Obra Científica en 1991
-Getting Women Into the Physics Leadership Structure Nationally and Internationally, and
Cuban Women in Sciences, published in the Proc. of the Second IUPAP International
Conference on Women in Physics, 2005.
-Report of the TWOWS activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, TWOWS 3rd. General
Assembly, Bangalore, India, November, 2005.
-La Estrategia Nacional de Ciencia e Innovación Tecnológica de Cuba, instrumento del
futuro, published in Revista electrónica “Prospectiva, construyendo futuros”, La Habana,
-Report of the TWAS standing committee for Women in Sciences, Mexico, December 2008
and Durban, South Africa, October, 2009.
-Book: Ser Mujer científica o morir en el intento, published in January, 2011, Editorial
ACADEMIA, Havana, Cuba.
Honors and distinctions: Merit Member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, Member of
the Caribbean Academy of Sciences, National Medal “Carlos J. Finlay”
 Work in support of female students, postdocs and career women in S&T
- President of the Cuban Chapter of OWSDW and National commission for women in the
Academies, Establishement of the Sofia Kovalievskaia Prize for Young women in Basic
Sciences (4 editions), Organizer of the VII Iberoamerican Conference of S&T and Gender,
Havana, February 200008.

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