Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Cathedral Basilica of Saints


Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Cathedral Basilica of Saints
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016
“A great prophet has risen in our midst God has visited his people.”
-Luke 7: 11-16
Mass Intentions for the Week
June 4, First Saturday, The Immaculate Heart
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12:05 Intention of John & Janice Palmer
Peter D’Angelo
June 5, Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Arthur Quici
11:00 Louise Antonucci
12:30 Irene Colon
Pro Populo - For the People
May 6, Monday, Weekday, St. Norbert, Bishop
Antonio Di Crescenzio
12:05 Jean Ann Vogelman
May 7, Tuesday, Weekday
William A. Hause
12:05 Mildred Tamburro
June 8, Wednesday, Weekday
Fr. Shane Tharp
12:05 Rosalie Apadula Gugliotta
June 9, Thursday, Weekday, St. Ephrem,
Deacon and Doctor of the Church
Catherine Ferraro
12:05 Shirley Quigley
June 10, Friday, Weekday
Catherine Ferraro
12:05 Mark Adamo
June 11, Saturday, St. Barnabas, Apostle
12:05 Doris Stritmatter
Carolina Pomponio
June 12, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
Carmela Berarducci
11:00 Nicholas Pascale, Sr.
12:30 Antonio Sanchez
Pro Populo - For the People
Dear Parishioners,
Summer is here! For many reasons during the summer—the weather, an opportunity for vacation, summer work
schedules—the pace of life slows just a bit. So, maybe this
summer is the season to do something additional to enrich our
spiritual lives. I encourage you to consider coming to daily
Mass, spending some time in adoration of the Most Blessed
Sacrament, finding some quiet time for prayer at home, reading
a good spiritual book, especially the Bible. I would recommend any of Jacques Philippe’s recent publications, especially
Time for God.
A farewell for Father Angelo Hernandez will take
place next Sunday, June 12, 2016, after the 12:30 PM Mass in
Spanish. Everyone is invited to a reception in Sister Cities
Park, directly across the street from the front entrance to the
Cathedral Basilica. We again extend to Father Hernandez our
prayers and gratitude for his priestly ministry here at the Cathedral Parish over the last three years. We assure him of our
prayers as he assumes a new assignment at the Holy Innocents
Parish in Philadelphia. I hope you can join us at this reception.
June is the month for Baccalaureate Masses at the Cathedral Basilica. More than half of our Archdiocesan High
Schools and some of our private Catholic High Schools come
to the Cathedral Basilica for the celebration of Mass for graduating seniors. These are festive occasions for students, faculty
and families of each of the High Schools. Let us keep our
graduates in our prayers during these days as they mark this
milestone in their young lives. Let us ask the Lord to keep
them faithful to him and bless them as they take their next steps
into their futures.
This year we will observe our parish feast day on Sunday, June 26, 2016. This is the Sunday closest to the Solemnity
of Saints Peter and Paul which is observed on June 29. Once
again, we will have the Mass of Saints Peter and Paul on Sunday with a reception for our parishioners and visitors afterward
in Sister Cities Park. Please mark your calendars. More information will be in the Parish Bulletin next Sunday.
The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be to
assist the poor and homeless in the neighborhood of the Cathedral Parish. Thank you so very much for all of your goodness
and generosity to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways and to
the Catholic Charities Appeal.
God bless you,
Father Dennis Gill
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Our parish Charismatic Prayer Group
meets faithfully each week to join together for prayer and to intercede with the Lord for many intentions, including the intentions of the parish. The
Charismatic Prayer Group now provides a way for
us to send to them our requests for prayer. Simply
e-mail your intentions and prayer requests to:
[email protected]
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every
Wednesday at 6 PM in the Neumann Room.
Cathedral Custom Rosary
Our custom made rosaries from the Ghirelli Rosary
Company in Italy are still available for purchase.
Choose from two styles of bohemian glass beads—
either brown or pearl/green. The Cathedral Rosary
can be purchased in the Cathedral Shop.
New Parishioners
The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns
this week in the Cathedral Basilica
For: Margaret Franz
From: Rose Malone
  
Donations are accepted for intentions for the Sanctuary
Lamp in the Basilica and the Cathedral Chapel. This candle burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is truly and
really present in the tabernacle. If you wish to make the
suggested donation of fifteen dollars for an intention for
a Sanctuary Lamp, you may contact the Parish Office
directly or place your intention and offering in the collection basket.
Readings for Mass for this Week
in English and Spanish
Please see the website of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops.
The Cathedral Shop is open
Wed. 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM/ Sat. 11:00 AM - 5:15 PM
Sun. 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM.
It is closed during Masses and weddings. Come visit!
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!
The easiest way to register can be accomplished by
speaking with one of the parish priests after any regularly scheduled Mass. If preferred, you can also
contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to meet with a priest for parish registration.
If you have new contact information, please call the
Parish Office so that our records can be updated. If
you have not been receiving your weekly offering
envelopes, again, please call the Par ish Office to
insure that your address is registered correctly.
Parish Office phone number is 215-561-1313.
The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the duty
of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we are
greatly supported as well by our many visitors.
The Offertory Collection for Sunday, 5/29/16 was
$6,038.50. This generosity demonstrates the support,
interest and encouragement of so many for the ministry
and service of the Cathedral Parish to carry out the work
of the Gospel.
Thank you very much for your generous
financial support.
Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers:
James Pinto, James Ross, Pearl Hammond, Loretta Braccili, Dorothy Tomassini, Pam Bucelli, Barbara
Denny, Charlotte McLaughlin, Amberlyn Boland, Wendy Cornel, Michelle, Oscar Rodriguez, Enrique
Rodriguez, Linda Watson, Randy Burbage, Rosa Maria Santos, Amy Fife, Theodore Barry, M.D., Marissa
Kostrzewa, David Kaplan, Marilyn Mullen, Kathleen Aponik, April DeMatto, Paula Cohen, Janice Holshin,
Lauri Mitchell, Maryann Healy, Darren Gardner, Barbara Elaine, Nicholas Tiziano, Christopher Browne,
Darren Gardner, Laura Emerson, Regina Carberry, Patrisha Bollinger, Anna Marie Burgio, Jeanine Tingeter, Bobby
Mitchell, Thomas Sabol, Doris Davison, Nancy Tomaszewski, Therese & Bob Black, Robert & Marguerite Grant,
Andrés Castillo, Antoinette Gonnella, Bryon Hoch, Ryley June Nazario, Kim Whybrew, Josephina Bianco, Richard J.
Mott, and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all the sick..
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Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list.
Damos gracias a Dios si en momentos de angustia y aflicción hay alguien a nuestro lado que nos susurra: “¡Arriba,
levántate! Hay tantas cosas por las que vale la pena vivir…” Damos también gracias a Dios, si nosotros mismos podemos decir a alguien que se siente derrotado en
la vida: “¡Aúpa, arriba! ¡A vivir de nuevo!” --- Aquí
está ahora Jesús con nosotros, en la eucaristía, y nos dice: “¡A ustedes se lo digo, levántense! ¡Vivan! ¡Vivan mi
vida, para Dios y los unos para los otros!” --- Abramos
nuestro corazón a su palabra de vida.
Campaña de Recolección
de Ropa
Domingo, Junio 12
8:00 AM a 1:00 PM
La Catedral Basílica de San Pedro y San
Pablo tendrá una campaña de recolección de ropa en beneficio de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Dicha Sociedad estará usando los servicios de GreenDrop.
Se necesitan donaciones de ropa de hombres, mujeres, y
niños que este en buenas condiciones. Por favor empacarla en bolsas plásticas o en cajas. Se aceptan también objetos domésticos como utensilios de cocina, electrodomésticos pequeños que pesen menos de 50 libras, juegos,
juguetes, artículos electrónicos, artículos deportivos, libros, CDs y videos. Desafortunadamente no se aceptan
muebles, electrodomésticos grandes, televisores o pantallas de computador. Par a mir ar la lista completa de
objetos permitidos y averiguar mas acerca de esta compañía, por favor visita
Busca el camión con el aviso “GreenDrop” en el parqueadero de la Parroquia, un asistente te ayudara con tu
donación. Gracias por tu ayuda, Dios te bendiga!
Programa de Nutrición Para Niños
Servicios para el Desarrollo Nutricional
Comidas pare los niños en verano. ¿Reciben sus niños
comida durante el año escolar? ¿Le preocupa que les den
comidas saludables durante los meses de verano?
Nutritional Development Services de la Arquidiócesis de
Filadelfia tiene disponible comidas en la mayoría de las
áreas de Filadelfia y en muchos condados suburbanos.
Todos los niños y adolescentes de 18 años y menores
pueden recibir un almuerzo sin NINGÚN costo. El programa de comida de verano 2016 es de junio 20 a agosto
26. Los interesados pueden participar en el programa
completo o sólo una parte. Para información, llamar al
(215)895-3470, opción 1.
What’s Happening at the Parish
Outside the Liturgical Schedule
June 6 Hallahan H.S. Baccalaur eate Mass,
Basilica, 11:00 AM
6:30 PM Lectors Workshop
Neumann Room, 6:30 PM
June 7 Car dinal O’Har a H.S.
Baccalaureate Mass,
Basilica, 7:00 PM
Augustine’s Brothers
Prayer and Support group for Men,
Neumann Room, 7:00 PM
June 8 Char ismatic Pr ayer Gr oup,
Neumann Room, 6:00 PM
June 9 Neumann-Goretti H.S. Baccalaureate Mass,
Basilica, 3:00 PM
June 10 Roman Catholic H.S.
Baccalaureate Mass, Basilica, 2:30 PM
June 12 Men’s Discer nment Meeting,
Neumann Room, 7:30 PM
All are most welcome to join Fr. Brabazon for our Cathedral Parish's upcoming pilgrimage to the shrines of the
Northeastern United States
and Canada in honor of the Jubilee
Year of Mercy
For additional information please contact Teresa Zubert,
610-223-4191, [email protected]
or Fr. Ken Brabazon, 215-561-1313.
Be sure to book soon, as space is limited!
Visítanos, dale «me gusta» y comparte con nosotros
en el mundo virtual, utilizando el hashtag
#CatolicosHispanosPhilly en la página «Ar quidiócesis de
Filadelfia - Católicos Hispanos»
o en el siguiente enlace:
Jubileo Para Migrantes y Refugiados
Marters 21 de Junio del 2016, a las 7:00 PM.
Iglesia Sto. Tomás de Aquino, al Sur de Filadelfia. Homilista: Arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, F.M.,Cap. DD.
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Todos son bienvenidos
Sunday, June 12th - 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
The Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul will be hosting
a clothing drive to benefit the Society of St. Vincent de
The Society will be using the services of Green Drop to
support their clothing drive. Look for the GreenDrop truck
in the Parish parking lot where an attendant will be available to assist you with your donations. Please place your
donations of usable men’s, women’s and children’s clothing in plastic bags or boxes. Household items such as:
kitchenware, games/toys, small appliances under 50
pounds, electronics, sporting goods, books, CDs & videos
are also accepted. Unfortunately, furniture, large appliances, TVs or computer monitors cannot be accepted. For
a full list of acceptable items at to learn more about
GreenDrop visit their website gogreendrop.com
Upcoming Events for the Young Adults
at the Cathedral Parish
Friday Evening Bible Study: We ar e adjusting Bible
Study back to EVERY OTHER Friday evening from 7:00
-8:30pm in the Neumann Room (which can be enter ed
from the outside, around the rear of the church). Our
group gathers to reflect on the readings and the Psalm for
the upcoming Sunday. We look forward to having you
join us. Our next Bible Study will take place on JUNE 17.
We are in the midst of planning a few more items, the
dates and times are hopefully soon to be revealed. Keep
tuning into this section of the bulletin for more information.
If you are interested in the Young Adults of the Cathedral
Parish as well as receiving the most up-to-date information on our group’s events please e-mail [email protected]. Please search for our Facebook page (search: Young Adults at the Cathedral).
Bereavement Support Group: Special Topic on
Grieving Children. Thursday, June 9, 2016,
Evangelization Training Camp Coming in August!
10:00-11:30 AM and 7:00-8:30 PM at 2 locations.
Want to learn more about how to talk about your faith with
family members, co-workers, friends, and fellow parishioners? Want to deepen your own prayer life and learn
how to pray so that it truly changes your life?
Come to the Evangelization Training Camp this summer at
Malvern Retreat House on August 8-12. The ETC is hosted by our friends at The Evangelical Catholic and is 5 days
of spiritual growth accompanied by the best and most practical evangelization training tailored to your unique ministry or apostolate.
Children who have lost a grandparent, parent or sibling
certainly grieve, but their grief often looks different than
adult grief. They may say that they feel fine, but their
schoolwork might suffer, or they may regress in behavior,
or even start having physical symptoms such as stomach
aches. Come and hear how caring adults can help children
cope with grief.
Location 1: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, North Wales,
PA, Parish Center Conference Room 10:00-11:30 AM.
Location 2: St. Stanislaus Parish Center, Lansdale 7:008:30 pm. No Fee, no registration necessary.
Contact: Mary Coakley 215-646-4192
To learn more and to register, visit
The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is the doorway to the Christian life and to all the
other Sacraments. As such, preparation of the parents and for the Baptism itself deserve very
special attention. The celebration of Baptism at the Cathedral Parish takes place on the first
Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM after the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass. Everyone is welcome.
The celebration will be carried out with liturgical music and with a great sense of hospitality.
A Baptism Preparation Session takes place on the third Sunday of each month in anticipation of the celebration of the Sacrament. Parents in the Cathedral Parish are obligated to participate. The session is open to all of our neighbor parishes and
to godparents as well. Parents are encouraged to participate during pregnancy, if at all possible. Please call the Parish Office - 215–561-1313 - to register for the Baptism Preparation Session.
The next Baptism Preparation Class will be Sunday June 12th following the 11 AM Mass. There will not be a class on June 19th or in the month of July. The regular schedule will re-4- 062 cathd
sume (on the 3rd Sunday of each month) starting August 21st.
God Among Us
Holy Hour for Religious Freedom
Sunday, June 26, 2016 5:30 pm
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
Confessions beginning at 5:30 pm
Sunday Mass at 6:30 pm
Five Ways to Observe the Fortnight
for Freedom
Hold a prayer vigil for religious freedom. Eucharistic adoration, the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy
Chaplet are all forms of intercession for our country
and our first freedom. The U.S. bishops have made
prayer resources available at:
Catholic teaching on religious freedom is rich and
has much to offer our culture today. Consider getting a study group together to read and discuss what
religious freedom is really all about. Resources are
available at: www.fortnightforfreedom.org
Get together and celebrate religious freedom with a
parish picnic or barbeque. Hand out religious freedom conversation starters as a way to spur discussion about our first, most precious liberty
Join Catholics from all over the country in the nation’s capital on July 4 at the Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception to pray for our country and for our Church.
We want to hear from you! Share pictures of Fortnight celebrations in your area on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag
#Fortnight4Freedom. Your picture might make it to
our USCCB website!
Office for Divine Worship - Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Today’s Gospel reading offers what seems to
be a simple story of loss, grief, and a miracle. A
woman in the town of Nain has suffered the death of
her husband and now her son, her only child, has
died. Approaching the town with the usual crowd of
people in tow, Jesus sees the funeral procession and
is moved to deep pity for the death of a young man
and for his mother, a woman bereft of family. Yet
Jesus not only has compassion, he also has the power to restore and make things whole again, and so he
does. Telling the woman not to weep any more, Jesus approaches the bier and tells the young man to
get up. He brings him back to life and to the arms of
his mother. The crowd following Jesus gasps in real
fear and amazement, while praising God. As believing Jews, they must have immediately recalled how
the great prophet Elijah brought another widow’s
son back to life (1 Kings 17:17–24). When that boy
returned to life his mother said to Elijah, “Now indeed I know that you are a man of God. The word of
the Lord comes truly from your mouth” (17:24). Jesus is revealed in this account not only as a miracle
worker—a wonder in itself—but he is, like Elijah, a
sign of God visiting the chosen people.
God walks among us now. Distracted as we
are by the almost unending stream of bad news that
we hear in the media, we might not recognize God.
And if we are too busy looking for the “big miracles”—the quick fix to our problems, the answer to
our every prayer, the granting of extraordinary favors—we might miss God’s miracles right there in
the ordinary, everyday things right under our noses.
Living Stewardship Now
Make a conscious decision today to see Christ in
those around you and respond to them accordingly.
Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Tours of the Cathedral Basilica
A guided tour of the Basilica is
available after the 11:00 AM
Sunday Mass. Please gather in
front of the Side Altar of the Sacred
Heart, which is located to the right
of the Main Sanctuary. -5- 062 cathd

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