holy apostles santos apóstoles


holy apostles santos apóstoles
The Church of
Iglesia Catolica de
February 14, 2016
First Sunday of Lent
Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and
healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity.
St. Baldrick’s Community Shave on
March 16—Join or donate to our team
to combat childhood cancer
Stations of the Cross at 6:30 PM
Feb. 17 and 24, March 2 and 9
Lenten Speaking Events at 7:30 PM
Feb. 17: Fr. Tim Seigel
Feb. 24: Dr. Scot Hodkiewicz
March 2: Fr. Tim Seigel
Help us communicate with you!
On thechurchofholyapostles.org
or flocknote.com/thechurchof
Download our app on iTunes or
Google Play Store
CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-5673 FAX 815-385-6045
FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 218, 220 or 225
Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.thechurchofholyapostles.org
MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM;
Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and
Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM
CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM
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The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Dear Holy Apostles Parish Family,
This weekend we begin the season of Lent,
with our focus being SURRENDERING TO
GOD. I looked at some of the crosses hanging in our narthex and you see what it is that
we want to surrender to God: anxiety, grief,
loss, sickness, job, family struggles and realizing God is with us. It is a time that we realize in the YEAR OF MERCY, that God is calling
us closer to him so He can help us.
I spend a great deal of time with people who
are sick, those who struggle with grief or addictions, plus much more. Daily we face
questions that have no clear answer but we
are called to keep walking with God. Sometimes we get worn out and think of giving up.
This is the moment that defines our lives.
The moment I say, “I can’t,” is the moment
we let God do for us what we cannot do for
The thing that ultimately shapes and defines
us is how we let God help us and love us.
Ultimately, when we meet the face of God
that is what it comes down to, so it is good to
learn how to surrender, so God can help us.
Please check out our Lenten series of talks
on three Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM
following Stations of the Cross (February 17
and 24 and March 2) to pursue this further.
All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the
grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill.
Nancy Hoffman
Marisa Diedrich Richardson Sharon Justice
Carole Dumont
Patrick Waldron
Bill Michaelis
Glenn Ehrhart
John Jelinek
Annette Feller
Clara Williams
Donald Gauwitz
Len Kubiak
Kathy McCormick
Ethel Parisi
Joan Flood
Tom Majercik
Toni Nolde
Darlene Briscoe
Diane Briscoe
Carole Ann Walberer
Michael L. Prihoda
Gene Seaver
Frank Sweeney
Anthony Scianna
Tracy Norlen
Bennie Brown
Bertha Smith
Jean Bower
Victor Ortiz
Baby Maxine Branson
Reg Hawkes
Robert Holas
Liz Vavrik
Baby Lukas Zalewski
Jamie Dusthimer
Carlos Torres
Lu Andersen
Baby Kale Brenner
John Christensen
Irene Agrella
Erick J.
Mike Moore
Germaine Henningfield Baby Cole Schwarz
Fernando Acevez
Mary Yeagley
Yolanda Mendoza
Josie Gluesing
Laura Smith
Nancy Guzzo
Maureen Skinner
Denise Lucas
Donald Nolde
Lucas Palacios
Colton Wray
Grace Wesinger
Alexander Pacheco
Rev. Msgr. Wm. Clausen Bill Fenwick
Mark Patterson
Brendan W. Thompson Ed Adeszko
Ann Gaul
Julia Ramsland
Frank Kucharski
Barbara Krepel
Jaime Hernandez
Peter Schopen
God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to
add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do
not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles
Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to [email protected].
During This Week We Remember:
Rita M. Sayler, James A. West and Eugene L. Adams
Have a Blessed Lent!
Father Paul
Week 1: Believe in the greatness of God
All that we are, all that we have, is from God.
Like Jesus being tested in the desert, if we
truly believe in the
greatness of God, we
have no need for
empty promises that
keep us from salvation. If we have faith
we do not need to test
God. Everything we
have is a gift we have
been given, for which the proper response is
gratitude. We surrender our false pride by
recognizing God's generosity, and returning
that abundance by living in truth and doing
the good work of building the kingdom on
Next Sunday:
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-7, 16-19/Mt 6:7-15
Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19/Lk 11:29-32
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-3, 7-8/Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-8/Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8/Mt 5:43-48
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14/Phil 3:17--4:1/
Lk 9:28b-36
For complete daily Mass readings, visit the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops website, usccb.org. Click on the date on the calendar
for that day’s readings.
Saturday, February 20:
5 PM—Fr. Ruben
Sunday, February 21:
8 AM—Fr. Tim
10 AM—Fr. Paul
12 PM—Fr. Rubén
5 PM—Fr. Paul
*Subject to changes in priests’ schedules.
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First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
3:30 PM
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Mass: †John & Helen Biesiadecki and †Franziska Spurny
Family Faith Formation in whole building
Taped Mass: †Lynn Benson and †Andrew Fichter
Misa en Español:†Andrea Zermeno y †Maria Zermeno y
†Aureliano Bautista Olvera
Girl Scout Troop 1807 Mtg. in St. Joan of Arc
Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
Confirmation Classes in whole building
F.Y.R.E. Choir Rehearsal in church
Gathering for 8th grade class Mass
F.Y.R.E. Mass
†Laverne Bruens and The People of Holy Apostles
Valentine’s Dinner/Games for teens & parents in Sherry Center
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass
†Katherine and Laura Lyn Blumm and †Marvel Olson
9:00 AM Adult Faith Formation Study in St. Francis/St. Augustin
10:30 AM Hope Takes Action Meeting in St. Ambrose
12:10 PM No Mass
6:00 PM Community Kitchen Meal in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr./Kitchen
6:00 PM Emmaus Meeting in Thrones
6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop 1614 Meeting in St. Theresa
7:00 PM Adult Faith Formation Study in Archangels/Angels
7:00 PM Spanish Emmaus Meeting in Thrones
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass: †Della & Edward Fortaw Family and Barb Thomas
(for healing)
9:00 AM Adult Faith Formation Study in St. Francis/St. Augustine
5:00 PM Student Faith Formation Classes in Angels Wing/Apostles Bay
5:30 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 6:15 PM
6:30 PM Mass: †Helen MacGregor
7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room
7:00 PM “33 Days to Morning Glory:” DIY Retreat in Seraphim
7:00 PM RICA Class (en Español) in St. Francis/St. Augustine
7:00 PM RCIA Class in Family Center
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass: †Larry Staller
12:10 PM Mass: †Robert Feller
1:00 PM Adult Faith Formation Study in St. Francis/St. Augustine
5:00 PM Delayed Sacraments Classes in Apostles Bay
6:30 PM Stations of the Cross with Benediction in church
7:00 PM Teen Faith Formation Meeting in Family Center
7:-00 PM Men’s Emmaus (Spanish) Meeting in Thrones
7:30 PM Lenten Speaking Event: Fr. Tim Seigel in Sherry Center
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
Mass: Sandra Geffert (birthday blessing)
Confession/Reconciliation until 8:45 AM
Magnificat Prayer Group Meeting in Apostles Bay
Mass at Fox Point Retirement Center
Mass at Alden Terrace Nursing Home
Children’s Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room
Girl Scout Troop 625 in St. Joan of Arc
6:00 PM Confessions/Reconciliation (Spanish & English) until 6:45 PM
6:00 PM Rosario in Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel
6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 1361 Meeting in St. Francis
6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 1810 Meeting in St. Augustine
7:00 PM Misa en Español:
†Por las almas del purgatorio
7:00 PM Women’s Emmaus Meeting in St. Ambrose/St. Catherine
7:00 PM Men’s Emmaus Meeting in Seraphim
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room
7:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John
7:30 PM Cursillo School of Leaders in Archangels/Angels
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting in Family Center
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
12:10 PM
Mass: Ken Michaels (for Healing)
Montini 4th Grade Retreat in Sherry Center/Apostles Bay
Mass followed by Stations of the Cross:
†Marge Fugiel
6:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in Upper Room/St. John
7:00 PM Family Catechesis (Spanish) in Room of Remembrance
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
Mass:†Robert Hilpert
Marriage Ministry Retreat Day in Sherry Center/Apostles Bay
“One Thing is 3” DIY Retreat in Archangels/Angels
Confession/Reconciliation until 4:45 PM
Mass followed by Anointing
†Lavonne Sallaz and The People of Holy Apostles
8:00 AM Mass followed by Anointing
†All members of Holy Apostles who died in February in past
years and †Frank May
10:00 AM Taped Mass with RCIA Penitential Rite followed by Anointing
†Ada & Elmer Wagner and †Henryka & Peter Jankowski
12:00 PM Misa en Español con unción de los Enfermos
†Almas del purgatorio, †Martin Hernandez y
†Juanita Carpio y Leilani Salemme Villacis
1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
3:30 PM Confirmation Classes (9th grade only) in whole building
3:30 PM F.Y.R.E. Choir Rehearsal in church
5:00 PM F.Y.R.E. Mass followed by Anointing
†Ellen Levesque
6:00 PM Youth Group in Sherry Center
Advertiser of the Week
We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for
advertising their products and services. Our advertisers
make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly
bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank:
Koch Indoor Weather
HVAC 24 Hour Service
Contact Jeff Tkachuk of LPI Publications at 1-800-950-9952,
Ext. 2513 or [email protected] to place an ad.
Page 4
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Explore Noah’s Ark Preschool
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Come explore our parish’s own preschool, Noah’s Ark
Preschool and consider giving
your child a faith-based start to
his or her education. Noah’s
Ark offers morning and afternoon classes for three and four
-year-olds (your child must be
three by September, 2016 to
enroll for the coming school year). For more information, call Terri Vrasich, Preschool Director, at 815385-5673 or email [email protected].
Matteo Banuelos, child of Omar and Edith Banuelos
Spring Women’s Day of Reflection
As a great way to deepen your relationship with God
this Lent and prepare for Holy Week and the Triduum,
the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women
(CCW) is hosting their annual Women’s Day of Reflection on Saturday, March 5, here at Holy Apostles. Signin begins at 9 AM with a continental breakfast. Lunch
is provided. The cost is $5.00. The day will come to a
close at about 3 PM. John McGrath, Diocesan Director
of Educational Services, will speak on “Encountering
the God of Mercy in Scripture and in our Lives.” Dress
in comfy clothes, leave your troubles at the door, open
your heart and mind to mercy and the scriptures and
bring your Bible and a friend! St. Peter’s (Spring Grove)
musicians will provide music for inspiration. Reservations
are preferred but walk-ins are welcome. Send name,
phone and payment to Carol Sima, 4912 Wilmot Rd.,
McHenry IL 60051 by February 27 or call Barb Russell
at St. Mary’s at 815-385-0024 for more information.
Spring Clean-up of HA Cemetery
Spring clean-up of Holy Apostles Cemetery is March 1
through 15. Please remove all items from graves
BEFORE clean-up dates.
The following are NOT permitted in the cemetery:
Glass of any kind; clay flower pots; solar lights; metal of
any kind; concrete statues; border edging of any kind;
candles of any type; grave blankets or coverings; dogs;
smoking and picnics.
Permitted are: Plastic or wood flower pots; toys in baby
section only; flags and flowers in authorized vases only
(not in ground); natural flowers may be planted 12” in
front of the grave only (none on sides or back); artificial
flowers in small bunches and birthday balloons only.
These restrictions are necessary for the safety of all visitors
and the cemetery staff. Items
that are not permitted will be
removed and disposed of after
holding them for two weeks
near the maintenance garage. Let’s keep our cemetery
looking good and respect our resting loved ones’ graves.
Questions? Contact Loren Schiera at 815-451-9389.
Madison Ella Gloede, child of Jason and Traci Gloede
Anthony John Vlahos and Vincent Victor Vlahos, children
of Nicholas and Natalie Vlahos
Women’s Emmaus Retreat
Are you longing to deepen your relationship with God
and with our faith community? The Emmaus Retreat is
based on the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. This retreat
provides women from our parish and surrounding community an opportunity to take a step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and to walk more closely
with the Lord. The Emmaus Retreat begins Friday, February
26, at 6 PM and concludes with 5 PM Mass at Church of
Holy Apostles on Sunday, February 28. The retreat will
be held at Bishop Lane Retreat Center, Rockford. The
cost for the weekend is $130
for a double room and $175
for a single room ($75 nonrefundable deposit with registration), which includes lodging,
meals and more! Don’t let cost
keep you from attending.
Please ask about available
scholarships. Registration
forms are also available in the Parish Office and the Information Center. For more information please contact
Mary Fiedler by phone at 815-344-9003 or by email
[email protected].
SVdPS Helps with Unexpected Needs
Anticipating the birth of a child is a joyous time—and it
was for a local single mother until her doctor ordered her
to be on extended bed rest. This young mom left her job
in order to follow her doctor's orders and protect her unborn baby,
even though this led to her falling
behind in her bills. With these new
worries, she reached out to the St.
Vincent de Paul Society. Vincentians were able to help her with rent and food while also
referring her to other agencies who could also provide
assistance. Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed,
for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9
Win a Jeep with Marian Raffle
Marian Central Catholic High School will Raffle a new
2015 Jeep Patriot. All proceeds will go toward providing
tuition assistance. The winner will be announced at our
Annual Dinner Auction on March 12, and need not be
present. Purchase tickets at marian.com or at the school
between 7:30-8 AM and 2:30-3 PM. Ticket prices are 1
ticket $5; 5 tickets $20; 15 tickets $50; 40 tickets $100.
Page 5
First Sunday of Lent
We Share Our Blessings
Our Parish Tithe this week will be given to Pioneer Center.
Be Inspired by Lenten Speakers
The traditional liturgy of Stations of the Cross will be
prayed on Wednesdays in Lent at 6:30 PM. Following the
Stations, talks will be offered to help us focus on surrendering to God’s mercy. On February 17 and March 2, our
own Fr. Tim Seigel will be speaking on “From Surrender
to Grace: The Temptation to the Empty
Tomb.” On February 24, Dr. Scot
Hodkiewicz, (pictured) author of
“Getting to Heaven by Going Through
Hell” will speak about his near death
that changed his life forever. Reading
his book before the talk is recommended to get the full impact of his message.
The book is available on holyapostles
religiousgoods.org and in the store.
Offer Your Intentions with Candles
Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in
the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning
for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for
their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested donation is $15 per candle. From February 14 through
27, with these candles, your prayers have been requested by Bernice Musielak.
Jesus Will Bless You...
…your family and the whole world for this hour you
spend with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Take some
time each week to visit Jesus in the Divine Eucharist at
the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel. and thank
Him. Pray, listen, and feel the peace that He gives us so
lovingly. Take a break from your busy life to acknowledge
His comforting love. Please pray about committing to
one of these open times:
Thursday: 1 to 2 AM
Friday: 3 to 4 PM and 12 midnight to 1 AM
Contact Mike Thielsen at 815-385-8562 or mthielsen
@live.com to volunteer as a permanent adorer.
Girl Scout Cookies on Sale Here
Please support Girl Scout Troop 406 by purchasing
cookies after Mass on Sunday, February 28.
We’re open after all weekend Masses
and other special events. Shop online
at holyapostlesreligiousgoods.com.
February 14, 2016
Valentine’s Family Dinner/Game Night
All teens and their parents are invited for a fun evening
tonight, Sunday, February 14, at 6 PM in Sherry Center.
Come enjoy dinner and games with your friends and family!
Come Play and Have Fun!
It’s always sunny at Raymond’s Bowl! The Knights of
Columbus Council 1288 of McHenry will host their third
annual Family Fun Bowl on Saturday, March 5, from 1 to 4
PM at Raymond’s Bowl, 3960 Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg,
Come for an afternoon of family fun! All ages are welcome;
all children 12 and under are guaranteed a door prize. If
you don’t want to bowl just enjoy pizza and pop.
The cost is $20 which includes 2 games of bowling, shoe
rental, pizza and pop; $12 for pizza
and pop only. Registration begins
at 12:30 PM; games begin at 1
PM. There are handicap accessible
lanes and bumpers available. Order tickets ahead by sending your
check payable to KOC Council
1288 to P. O. Box 129, McHenry IL 60051 but payment
is also accepted at the door. Your participation in this
event will benefit needy people in our community. For
details call Dan Cwiak at 815-482-6846, Jeff Godzicki at
847-638-1418 or Dylan Olson at 815-527-2387.
Join or Give to Our St. Baldrick’s Team
We are excited and gearing up again for our third St.
Baldrick’s Community Shave Event on Wednesday,
March 16, at McHenry West
High School. Please consider
signing up to be part of this
year’s Holy Apostles Team to
raise money to conquer childhood cancer or sponsor someone who is on the team by
making a donation. This exciting event truly makes a difference to children and their families affected by cancer. Joining the Holy Apostles team or donating to an existing team
member is easy to do:
 Go to www.thechurchofholyapostles.org.
 Click on the big green “McHenry Community Shave”
box on the right side of the home page.
 Click on Join or Donate and follow the directions.
Each of us has been touched by a family member or a
friend who has or has had cancer. Take those feelings
and extend them to an innocent child and their family.
The monies collected go to research to fight childhood
cancer. Your donation could be the one that finds a cure.
Join our team, or donate to one of the team members.
We all have a part to play in this battle against cancer.
You can also help this cause by purchasing a St.
Baldrick’s t-shirt after Mass today. Every little bit helps!
Pagina 6
Servicios en Español
La Iglesia de Santos Apóstoles , McHenry, IL
Rev. P. Rubén Herrera
MISAS: Domingo a las 12 PM en la Iglesia
Jueves a las 7 PM en la Capilla
Para solicitar una misa pasar a la oficina por lo menos
dos semanas antes de la fecha. El horario es de lunes a
viernes de 8:30 a 5 PM.
CONFESIONES: Jueves de 6:00 a 6:45 PM.
ROSARIO: Jueves a las 6 PM. Domingos a las 11:30 AM
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento
Jesús lo esta esperando!! Aprovechemos la oportunidad
de venir a agradecerle a Jesús por todas las bendiciones
recibidas. Separe un espacio de su tiempo y visítelo.
Le invitamos a que se una al grupo de Adoradores permanentes. Horarios disponibles:
Jueves 1—2 am ( madrugada)
Viernes 3 –4 pm; 12—1 am (madrugada)
Interesados contactar a Medalit O 'Hagan al
815-690-7373 o Celia Rojas 815-600-0050.
Veladoras en la Capilla de Adoración
Las familias que deseen que una de las veladoras que
están en la Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo sea encendida por sus intenciones, sus necesidades, o alguna petición en especial.( solo se anuncia el nombre de quien la
solicita). Puede pasar a la oficina de la Iglesia para solicitarla. Dura 14 días encendidas y el costo son $15 dólares por veladora. En esta ocasión son encendidas a petición de Bernice Musielak del 13 al 27 de febrero.
Misas para Intenciones
Si solicito alguna misa por teléfono y el donativo lo pondrá en la canasta de la colecta el día de la misa. Por favor recuerde ponerlo en un sobre, anotar la fecha de la
misa y el nombre para quien fue solicitada. Gracias
St. Baldrick
Le invitamos a ser parte del equipo de los Santos Apóstoles para la recaudación de fondos en la lucha contra el
cáncer en niños o patrocinador de alguno de los miembros del equipo aportando algún donativo. La forma de
participar es entrando al website.
www.thechurchofholyapostles.org. Dar un click en donde
dice McHenry Community Shave y después dar otro click
donde dice join o donate y seguir las instrucciones.
Holy Apostles Religious Goods (artículos religiosos)
Horarios : Sábado 4:30 a 6:30 pm.
Domingos 8am - 2 pm. y de 4:30 a 6:30 pm.
website www.holyapostlesreligiousgoods.com
Girl Scouts
Le pedimos su apoyo comprando galletas a las niñas
scouts el 28 de febrero.
Cuaresma Tiempo de Conversión
La Cuaresma es el tiempo litúrgico de conversión, que
marca la Iglesia para prepararnos a la gran fiesta de la
Pascua. Es tiempo para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y de cambiar algo de nosotros para ser mejores y
poder vivir más cerca de Cristo.
La Cuaresma dura 40 días; comienza el miércoles de
Ceniza y termina antes de la Misa de la Cena del Señor
del Jueves Santo. A lo largo de este tiempo, sobre todo
en la liturgia del domingo, hacemos un esfuerzo por recuperar el ritmo y estilo de verdaderos creyentes que
debemos vivir como hijos de Dios. El color litúrgico de
este tiempo es el morado que significa luto y penitencia.
Es un tiempo de reflexión, de penitencia, de conversión
espiritual; tiempo de preparación al misterio pascual. En
la Cuaresma, Cristo nos invita a cambiar de vida. La Iglesia nos invita a vivir la Cuaresma como un camino hacia
Jesucristo, escuchando la Palabra de Dios, orando, compartiendo con el prójimo y haciendo obras buenas. Nos
invita a vivir una serie de actitudes cristianas que nos
ayudan a parecernos más a Jesucristo, ya que por acción
de nuestro pecado, nos alejamos más de Dios.
Por ello, la Cuaresma es el tiempo del perdón y de la reconciliación fraterna. Cada día, durante toda la vida, hemos
de arrojar de nuestros corazones el odio, el rencor, la
envidia, los celos que se oponen a nuestro amor a Dios y
a los hermanos. En Cuaresma, aprendemos a conocer y
apreciar la Cruz de Jesús. Con esto aprendemos también
a tomar nuestra cruz con alegría para alcanzar la gloria
de la resurrección. 40 días La duración de la Cuaresma
está basada en el símbolo del número cuarenta en la
Biblia. En ésta, se habla de los cuarenta días del diluvio,
de los cuarenta años de la marcha del pueblo judío por el
desierto, de los cuarenta días de Moisés y de Elías en la
montaña, de los cuarenta días que pasó Jesús en el
desierto antes de comenzar su vida pública, de los 400
años que duró la estancia de los judíos en Egipto. En la
Biblia, el número cuatro simboliza el universo material,
seguido de ceros significa el tiempo de nuestra vida en la
tierra, seguido de pruebas y dificultades. La práctica de
la Cuaresma data desde el siglo IV, cuando se da la tendencia a constituirla en tiempo de penitencia y de renovación para toda la Iglesia, con la práctica del ayuno y de
la abstinencia. Conservada con bastante vigor, al menos
en un principio, en las iglesias de oriente, la práctica penitencial de la Cuaresma ha sido cada vez más aligerada
en occidente, pero debe observarse un espíritu penitencial y de conversión.
No habra Bautismos en Cuaresma
Fechas de Bautismos para el 2016:
Abril 3; Mayo 1; June 5; Julio 3; Agosto 7; Septiembre4
Fechas en Sabado: May 28; Jun 25; Jul 23; Agosto 27
Fechas de clase Pre-bautismal, Lunes 6:45 PM
Marzo 28; Abril 25; Mayo 23; Junio 27; Julio 25.
Para mas información puede llamar a la oficina.

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