University of Texas at El Paso Library


University of Texas at El Paso Library
 University of Texas at El Paso Library
The UTEP Library is designed to provide University and community users
with an up-to-date facility for study
and research.
The library has over one million
books and access to over three hundred online databases.
additional information visit the
Library’s home page:
Federal Government
Documents are shelved according to the Superintendent of Documents
(SuDoc) system, and Texas Govern- ment Documents are shelved by
their own system. The library’s large
E-book collection is available online
both on campus and through remote
Finding Books
The online catalog is the major finding tool for the library’s collections.
Computers to search the catalog are
located throughout the library. The
catalog may be searched by subject,
author, title, keyword, or call number and will display call number and
circulation information.
Call numbers provide the location of
each book in the library. The Library
uses the Library of Congress call
number system. Call numbers begin
with one or two letters and contain
combinations of letters and
The chart shows where books are in
the Main Stacks. They are shelved
by floor according to the first letter
in the call number.
Other classification systems are used
for certain specialized collections.
The Children’s collection is arranged
according to
the Dewey Decimal
Floor Main stacks Call number begins with A—G 3 H–PR 4 PS-­‐Z 5 Browsing CollecƟon 2 Children’s CollecƟon 3 Government Docs 1 Reference 2 Special CollecƟons The 10,000 volume Children’s
Collection is located next to the Law
Collection on the 3rd floor.
contains fiction, folklore, biography,
poetry, and how–to books for
Library Hours
7 am—1 am
7 am—8 pm
9 am—6 pm
12 noon—1am
Government Documents
The Library is a selective depository
for both United States Government
pu blicatio n s an d a sele ctiv e
depository for Texas documents.
Much of this material may be
searched in the library catalog.
Special catalogs, indexes, and
databases provide access to this
Government Documents
are located on the 1st floor.
6 Children’s Literature
children and young adults.
Law & Map Collections
The Law and Map collections are
located on the 3rd floor, in room
The Library maintains print as well
as online access to all primary Texas
legal sources and most primary
Federal legal sources.
secondary sources such as treatises
and legal encyclopedias are also
maintained in print and online.
worldwi d e
topo graphi c,
geological, meteorological, demographic, and aerial maps.
collection features the complete U.S.
Check our website for
hours during
vacation periods,
holidays and summer
Geological Survey 7.5 minute map
collection as well as a large number
of INEGI (Mexican) maps.
maps and documents may be
Current issues of periodicals/
journals/magazines/newspapers are
located in the Current Periodicals
Reading Area on the 2nd Floor.
Research assistance is available at
the Reference/Information desk on
the 2nd floor.
Periodical indexes,
encyclopedias, dictionaries, and
other reference works, including the
Opposing Viewpoints collection, are
housed in the Reference Collection.
Selected reference materials are
located at the Reference Desk.
Current Periodicals Reading Area
Special Collections
The Special Collections Department
is located on the 6th floor.
includes the Chicano Collection, the
J. Carl Hertzog Collection, the
Judaica Collection, the S.L.A.
Marshall Military History Collection,
the Southwest and Border Studies
Collection, as well as art and rare
book collections.
In addition to
published sources, the department
houses extensive manuscript and
archival collections, as a well as an
oral history collection documenting
local and regional sources.
The Browsing Collection, consisting
of popular fiction and non-fiction, is
housed nearby.
Media & Microforms
Media & Microforms (M&M) on the
1st floor contains the microform
collection including a wide variety of
older newspapers and historical documents. It also houses the Library’s
collection of audiovisual materials,
such as DVDs, VHS, CDs, and
related items.
Several computers located in M&M
provide community users access to
the online catalog and most of the
library’s databases. However, they
cannot be used to access the internet.
software using computers in the
Collaborative Learning Center (CLC)
on the 2nd floor and the Technology
Support Center on the 3rd floor.
Community users may access the
databases on the 2nd floor using the
computers near the Reference Desk.
Most of the Library databases may
be accessed via the Internet on
campus or from home. Use a web
browser to search the databases at:
Remote access is available to UTEP
students, faculty, and staff with a
valid UTEP ID.
Librarians in the Reference Department can help patrons search the
many available databases. In most
cases this information can be downloaded, emailed, or printed. If you
do not find the materials on your
topic in the Library catalog or the
Library databases, ask a librarian at
the Reference Desk.
Electronic Information
The Library provides access to nearly
four hundred electronic databases,
covering a wide range of subjects.
Those with a valid UTEP email
address and current UTEP ID may
access the Internet and a variety of
Interlibrary Loan
The Library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Department borrows books and journal articles from other institutions
throughout the country and abroad.
Students and faculty unable to find a
particular item in the UTEP Library
can create an ILLiad account and
l i b ra r y w e b. u t e p .e d u/ a b o u t /
There is a 50 cent per item fee
charged for ILL requests.
Collaborative Learning
PC and Mac computers are available
to UTEP users and are located on
the 2nd floor in the CLC.
A valid
UTEP email address and current
UTEP ID are required to login.
These computers provide
access, word processing
and a variety of other programs.
MARCS and Writing Center
MARCS (Mathematics Resource Center for Students) provides tutoring in
Math and Engineering and is located
on the 2nd floor.
The University Writing Center provides writing assistance to all UTEP
students and is also located on the
2nd floor.
Military Student Success
The Military Student Success Center
provides advising for active duty
military, veterans, and their families.
It is located in Room 205.
Loan Policies
Books in the main stacks circulate
for 28 days to undergraduates, 105
days to graduate students, and one
year to faculty with the option to
renew if there is no hold placed on
them. Full information on circulation
policies may be found at http://
Holds may be placed on books at the
Circulation Desk. Individuals
requesting a book will be notified
when it is returned and available to
them. A university ID card must be
presented by faculty, staff, and students for all circulation transactions.
Hourly and Overnight reserve
50 cents per hour.
25 cents per day.
Non-Circulating Material
Certain materials can only be used
in the Library.
For example:
work s,
periodi cals,
newspapers, most materials on
reserve, rare books and Special
Collections materials.
Faculty may place library books,
periodical articles, and personal
publications on reserve at the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor.
Reserve materials may also be in
electronic format.
By placing materials on reserve,
they are assured that their students
will have access to materials that
may be heavily used throughout the
Contact the Circulation
Department for more information.
Educational Services
Specialized instructional presentations are available to assist students and faculty in the use of the
Contact the Reference
Department for an appointment or
additional information.
Study and Meeting Space
Over 30 group study rooms are
available throughout the Library on a
first-come, first-served basis.
number of the rooms are equipped
with monitors or projectors that can
be connected to a computer.
Non Reserve
The Library provides meeting spaces
for University related activities. The
Blumberg Auditorium accommodates
up to 99 people; other rooms are
available for smaller groups.
Reservations are required. Contact
Library Administration for further
Food and Drink
Library policy allows food and drink
in designated areas of the building.
Please use caution: these items may
cause irreversible damage to
computers, furnishings, books and
other materials in the library. Food
also attracts insects and rodents
which destroy the paper and binding
of books and journals.
Telephone Numbers
Collaborative Learning Center ……………………………....747-5391
Copy Mine…........................................................747-5423
Interlibrary Loan (ILL).........................................747-5678
Library Administration........................................747-5683
Meeting Room Reservations..............................747-5683
Media & Microforms............................................747-5681
Reference Desk..................................................747-5643
Special Collections ............................................747-5697
Technical Services..............................................747-5831
Technology Support............................................747-5257
The Copy Mine, located outside the
library in the Hertzog Building,
provides a
variety of copy services.
Blue books,
scantrons, and other supplies may be
purchased there as well.
Copy machines are located on every
floor. See map insert for all locations. Copy
machines only accept Miner Bucks as
payment. Guest copy cards are available at
Circulation and the Reference Desk.
Library Locations
Community Users
The Library is open to the general
A community user’s card, which
allows adult residents of the EL Paso area to
borrow UTEP library books, may be
purchased at the Circulation Desk for an
annual fee of $50. The Library also honors
the TexShare card, which may be obtained
at El Paso Community College campuses, the
Public Library and other Texas libraries to
borrow certain items.
Community users
may access the Library’s electronic resources
using the computers in M&M on the 1st floor
and near the Reference Desk on the 2nd
reservations for library tours.
information regarding the use of the library’s
materials and resources by community users
htt p ://libra ryw e b . u t ep . e d u / a b o u t / p o l ic i e s /
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Blumberg Auditorium......................................111
Chicano Collection...................................6th floor
Children’s Collection................................3rd floor
Circulation/Reserves...............................2nd floor
Class Rooms....................................204A&B, 309
Collaborative Learning Center ................2nd floor
Current Periodicals..................................2nd floor
Government Documents...........................1st floor
Interlibrary Loan............................................201B
Law Collection..........................................3rd floor
Map Collection..........................................3rd floor
MARCS....................................................2nd floor
Marshall Military History Collection…………..6th floor
McNeely Room.........................................6th floor
Media & Microforms..................................1st floor
Military Services..............................................205
Reference................................................2nd floor
Special Collections...................................6th floor
Technical Services..........................................102
Technology Support........................................300
Writing Center..........................................2nd floor
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Email us at Ask a Librarian.
T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E X A S A T E L P A S O 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79968 915-­‐747-­‐5672