مختبر إبداعي في مجال تصميم املجوهرات والحرف املعاصرة


مختبر إبداعي في مجال تصميم املجوهرات والحرف املعاصرة
‫مختبر إبداعي في مجال‬
‫تصميم املجوهرات والحرف املعاصرة‬
Laboratorio creativo de la orfebrería y la artesanía contemporánea
Creative lab in contemporary
jewellery & crafts
ُ‫صمم وُ طور وُ نفذ من قبل‬
Concebido, desarrollado
e implementado por
Conceived, developed
and implemented by
Organizado por
Organized by
‫بالتعاون مع‬
En colaboración con
With the collaboration
‫بالتعاون مع‬
En colaboración con
With the collaboration
08-09-10/ 12/ 2014
Ecole Supérieure des
Sciences et Technologies
du Design Avenue de
l’indépendance, Denden
‫بدعم من‬
Con el apoyo de
Supported by
‫الشريك املحلي‬
Socio local
Local Partner
08-09-10/12/2014 : 10.00 h – 17.00 h
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design. Avenue de l’indépendance,
Denden 2011, Tunis Tunisie
Language: French
More info:
[email protected]
Meeting local with
local Creativity
Creative workshop with local creatives
Directed by
The art director of the programme and
the creative director
Programme: Introduction and rethinking
contemporary jewellery design; research
methodology; new techniques inspired by
local culture.
Presentation of the Durar tailor-made
production template, which will be used by
local creatives as a production guide.
Each designer should finish the workshop with
a clear idea of the new design to be developed
through Phase 02.
3 days, 21h
Creative Director - Durar
Jewelry designer, Member of Dialogue
Collective, a London-based jewellers,
She collaborates with La Garantie - France.
Her work is exhibited in many galleries
around the world.
‫محاضرات من قبل الخبراء‬
‫املحليني والدوليني‬
Seminarios de Diseño por expertos
internacionales y locales
Design Seminars by International
& locals experts
10/12/2014 : 19.00 h – 20.00 h