The Hogar Nueva Granada Library, Growing One Volunteer and


The Hogar Nueva Granada Library, Growing One Volunteer and
Abril 2010
The Hogar Nueva Granada Library,
Growing One Volunteer and
One Book at a Time
The Hogar Library was founded in 2006 by a group of dedicated
volunteers. These volunteers had a vision. They knew the importance
of putting books into the hands of the Hogar Nueva Granada students.
Through many generous donations, and many more hours of hard work
they created a library. Over the past few years the library has
continued to grow and expand, not only with books but, more
importantly, with the love of books and reading that the volunteer’s
enthusiasm brings to the library each week. This group of dedicated
volunteers has become the heart of the library. Over the years, a few of
the faces and names have changed, but each week they still come and read
to the Hogar students and help in the selection of that perfect book to check
out and take home. It is amazing to see these children walk out of the library
with big smiles on their faces, hugging their library book, or often even
reading them as they leave.
This vision and dedication by so many volunteers has guided the library to
where it is today. In January of this year, the library moved into a larger
space. The goal of this move is to have the Hogar library functioning similarly
to the libraries at CNG. The library currently reaches around 280 students
from 1st through 7th grade with a weekly library day. There are presently over
4,500 books in the library’s collection which is over halfway to the ultimate
goal of the minimum 16 books/student ratio needed. Organized like most
libraries, the volunteers have separated the books into categories; fiction and
nonfiction, picture books and
chapter books. Current projects
include, developing a reference collection and a teaching materials section. The
library is also starting monthly rotating classroom libraries through the book
bucket program for each class. This additional exposure to books and needed
education material inside the classrooms will be a benefit to teachers and
students alike. Another important goal is that of having the library open to the
students and staff five days a week, thus allowing the students to conduct
research and learn that reading for pleasure is great fun!
As a result of the continued support from volunteers and donations, the library,
like the school itself, is growing. Supplying books to these students, who typically
have little access to reading material outside of school, is vital to the Hogar’s goal
of developing well- rounded readers. Instilling the love of books and reading is
crucial for the educational success of these children. Become a part of this goal
by volunteering your time or donating your gently used books.
For more information, please go to the CNG website, click on ‘Libraries’ and open
the HNG link. You may also contact Adair Poole, the Hogar volunteer librarian, at
Our library needs a computer and printer! If you have used or
new equipment to donate, please contact us.
A finales del 2009 un grupo de profesores del Hogar Nueva
Granada fuimos invitados a escuchar sobre un programa líder en
solución creativa de problemas. Era interesante, aceptamos la
invitación y allí empezó todo…
Nos dijeron que D.I. era un programa que permitía en los niños
desarrollar la creatividad, solucionar problemas y aprender a
trabajar en equipo de manera divertida y significativa, lo único que
teníamos que hacer era armar un equipo de máximo 7 integrantes
de la misma edad y cada uno de nosotros se encargaría de ser
facilitadores de su equipo.
Formando los equipos percibimos en nuestros estudiantes un
estado de emoción que se fue transformando en un trabajo lleno de
esfuerzo, diversión y muchos logros.
Llegó el gran día de la competencia, era el momento de mostrar a
todos el resultado de un trabajo en equipo. Los sentimientos
afloraban en cada participante de manera diferente, unos se
aceleraban, otros se quedaban quietos o pensativos, otros se
mostraban ansiosos pero en general rondaba la alegría y el
Se presentaron 9 equipos de diferentes colegios de Bogotá, de los
cuales sólo pasaban a la final 4. Las presentaciones del Hogar
Nueva Granada tuvieron un sello de original, creatividad y
confianza en sí mismos.
Todos estábamos a la expectativa de saber el resultado; porque
quienes pasaran a la final viajarían a Bucaramanga representando
a Bogotá.
Finalmente podemos decir que de tres equipos que
representábamos al Hogar dos habíamos ganado… ¡esto fue
emocionante! Pero al mismo tiempo nos sentíamos incompletos
porque queríamos seguir los tres.(Ese era el riesgo que todos los
equipos corrían en esta competencia).
Hoy podemos decir que logramos alcanzar la meta, nuestros
equipos MENTES CREATIVAS trajeron de Bucaramanga el Premio
“Da Vinci a la Creatividad” y LOS PITUFOS DEL HOGAR trajeron
dos premios: “Tercer puesto en la porra más original” y el premio
“Al esfuerzo y persistencia”. Esto confirma que en el Hogar Nueva
Granada se encuentran niños y niñas con creatividad, dispuestos a
trabajar en equipo para solucionar problemas de manera divertida y
Agradecemos a Mr. Barry Gilman, Hugo Poveda, Directivos de
H.N.G., a los padres de familia y a todos nuestros compañeros de
labor por apoyar y creer en las capacidades de estos niños y niñas
del Hogar Nueva Granada.
Martha Haydé Moreno.
Ana Patricia Gómez Díaz.
Directoras de los equipos
Pg. 2
Marta Sanders, CNG CNG alumni 1967, Broadway and cabaret award winning singer, recently stopped at the
Hogar on her visit to Colombia. Mesmerized by the budding talent, dedication, and aspirations of our children,
she donated her time to work with Sergio, our music teacher ,and his music class teaching them about singing
techniques. Thank you Martha for your sharing with us your talent, charisma, and becoming a role model that our
children can aspire to!
CNG and Hogar children in the
playground, by Gabriel Jinich, K5
Plan Padrino:
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Información general:
[email protected]
Pg. 3

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