Parent Education Program LEISD


Parent Education Program LEISD
Kelly Painter M.S Counselor at Lakeview
Parenting has been called one
Eileen Horton M.S Counselor at Oak point
of the hardest, yet most
Vanessa Moya Dual Language Teacher at Hackberry
rewarding, jobs in the world.
Juan Alfaro Dual Language Teacher at OPE
The Parent Education Program
Sofia Alexander P-K teacher at OPE
at LEISD agrees with this state
Yamile Quintero M.S, CFLE. Program Coordinator.
Family Support Services facilitator LEISD
ment. We truly understand
(972) 547-3585 Ext. 41010
that raising children nowadays
requires several resources. We
are continually collecting par
enting resources in order to
share the most comprehensive
help possible. Along with other
resources We use the Curricu
lum from Practical Parenting
Education as the framework of
our services focusing on under
standing the roles of parents,
communication skills, parent
“It takes a village to
raise a child”
The purpose of our
program is to help
our LEISD parents to
raise responsible,
self-reliant, and well
educated children
who will make a
difference and a
positive impact in
the world in which
they are living.
ing styles, self esteem, dealing
with life transitions, discipline,
and building academic skills.
972-547-3585 Ext.41010
Parent Education
Acerca del
Kelly Painter M.S Counselor Lakeview
Eileen Horton M.S Counselor OPE
Vanessa Moya Dual Language Teacher
at Hackberry
El ser padres de familia es una
de las mas gratificantes. El Pro-
Juan Alfaro Dual Language Teacher at
grama de Educación para padres
Sofia Alexander P-K teacher at OPE
de las labores mas difíciles, pero
del Distrito Escolar de Little Elm
esta completamente de acuerdo
Yamile Quintero M.S, CFLE. Program
Coordinator Family Support Services
facilitator LEISD
con este pensamiento. Entendemos que hoy en día la crianza de
(972) 547-3585 Ext. 41010
los hijos requiere de muchos recursos. Por esta razón estamos
continuamente buscando lo mejor en recursos y conocimientos
para compartir con los padres de
familia en todo lo posible. Entre
estos recursos contamos con el
“ Se necesita de todo un
pueblo para criar a un
marco teórico del currículo de
Educación Practica para padres
el cual se enfoca en comprender
el rol de padres, patrones de comunicación, estilos de crianza,
autoestima, solución de problemas, disciplina, y reforzamiento
La meta de este programa
es ayudar a los padres de
LEISD a desarrollar hijos
responsables y bien
educados que logren tener
un impacto positivo en el
mundo en el que viven.
de habilidades académicas.
972-547-3585 Ext 41010
Parent Education

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