Style Sheet for Submissions Authors are requested to send three


Style Sheet for Submissions Authors are requested to send three
Style Sheet for Submissions
Authors are requested to send three copies of their contribution, with the corresponding diskette ( Word or
equivalent). All correspondence must be addressed to: Poligrafías. Revista de Literatura Comparada. División de
Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, México, D.F. 04510. Authors
should allow about six months before publication decision. Manuscripts will not be returned. Authors will receive a
copy of Poligrafías and 25 off prints. Languages: Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese.
Manuscript preparation:
Articles must adhere to the MLA Style Handbook (1988 edition, 5.7.1. "Author-date system"). The following
guidelines and examples should be taken in consideration:
- The title must be centered. Use upper and lower cases. No underlining, except for Italics which should be marked
as such and not underlined or bold faced. Leave ample space (6.5 cms/2.5 inches approximately) at the top of the
first page, before the title.
- The author's name and institution, also centered, must be typed below the title and in separate lines.
- Manuscripts, not exceeding 30 pages, must be typed double-spaced throughout (including quotations, footnotes,
and reference list), with no less than 2.5 cms / 1 inch margins on all four sides.
- Quotes exceeding four lines must be set off the main body of the text, indented, and with no inverted commas (see
example 1).
- References must be made in the main body of the text (not as footnotes) as follows: author's name, publication
date, and page number between parenthesis (see example 1). If there are two or more books or articles published the
same year, they must be listed alphabetically (see examples 4 and 5). If the author has been mentioned immediately
before the cited text, include only date and page number between parenthesis (see examples 2 and 3). If there is no
citation but only a reference, the publication date alone should be given (see examples 6 and 7).
- Endnotes (rather than footnotes) should be double-spaced and kept to a minimum.
- Works Cited must adhere to the MLA author-date system. Only cited works may be included (see examples of
Works Cited) .
1) (texto principal / body of text)....
Hay temas que son largas duraciones, longues durées, que perduran transformándose a lo largo de muchos
siglos; otros, más breves, como la fantasía ferroviaria (...), ya envejecida; y aun otros, moyennes durées,
digamos también con Braudel, que dominan en cierto período histórico o se incorporan en determinado
momento a nuestro acervo cultural, con posibilidad de permanencia. (Guillén 1985, 261)
2) Como bien decía Harry Levin, "el rostro continúa variando de acuerdo con el espejo, y también con el
observador" (1974, 31).
3) Daiches is useful on the Restoration (1970, 2: 538-89), as he is on other periods.
4) Si atendemos al concepto de isotopía, de Greimas (1979a, 197-99), ...
5) On voit donc que "la sémiotique urbaine n'a pour tache de décrire ni des villes réelles ni leur producteurs en chair
et en os, mais des objets canoniques et des actants syntaxiques" (Greimas 1979b, 37).
6) La narrativa de la búsqueda puede reunir los textos más dispares, como bien lo ha mostrado Julie Campbell
(1993) en su estudio comparativo entre Beckett y Bunyan .
7) De acuerdo con el esquema ya clásico de los factores de la comunicación, de Jakobson (1960), ...
Obras citadas / Works Cited
Campbell, Julie. 1993. "Pilgrim's Progress/Regress/Stasis: Some Thoughts on the Treatment of the Quest in
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Beckett's Mercier and Camier." Comparative Literature
Studies 30.2: 137-52.
Daiches, David. 1970. A Critical History of English Literature. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Ronald.
Greimas, A. J., J. Courtés. 1979a. Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage. Paris: Hachette.
___________ 1979b. "Pour une sémiotique topologique." Sémiotique de l'espace. Architecture, urbanisme, sortir
de l'impasse. A.J. Greimas et al. Paris: Denoël/Gonthier. 11-43
Guillén, Claudio. 1985. Entre lo uno y lo diverso. Introducción a la literatura comparada. Barcelona: Editorial
Jakobson, Roman. 1960. "Linguistics and Poetics." Style in Language. Ed. Thomas A. Sebeok. Cambridge: The
M.I.T. Press.
Levin, Harry. 1974. El realismo francés. Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, Proust. Trad. Jaume Reig. Barcelona:

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