Algunos aspectos económicos de la seguridad energética


Algunos aspectos económicos de la seguridad energética
Centro de Documentación e Información Mtro. Jesús Silva Herzog CEDI
Algunos aspectos económicos de la seguridad energética. © Economics for Energy
Centro de Documentación e InformaciónINTER t i p s ... 2 0 1 2 Servicio de diseminación selectiva en información económica
© Victor Medina Corona
Labandeira, Xavier and Baltasar Manzano
Some economics aspects of energy security. España, © Economics for Energy, WP 09/2012, 2012, 17 p.
Energy security is becoming an increasingly important issue in the energy domain. However, from an economic point of
view, many questions related to energy security are still unclear: from its definition and the costs associated to insecurity,
to the design of policies intended to reduce it. In this paper we first illustrate why the security of energy supply is and will
continue to be a major concern in the next few decades. We subsequently attempt, with a review of the limited literature
on these matters, to provide an answer to some of the economic concepts associated to this issue and to the application
of corrective public policies in the field.
Palabras Clave: energía, seguridad energética, sector energético, costos, precios, demanda, políticas públicas
Clasificación JEL: Q42, Q43, Q48, Y10
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