5/22 - Santa Catalina Catholic Church


5/22 - Santa Catalina Catholic Church
Santa Catalina
Roman Catholic Church
Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m.
Every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
The Rosary
[email protected]
Anointing of the Sick
Every Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m. and
Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
Every 3rd Thursday
after 8 a.m. Mass.
Page 2
As members of God’s
Faith Community at
Santa Catalina Catholic
Parish, we commit our
lives to being the voice,
hands, and spirit of
Christ, as our way of
continuing God’s call
to love and peace.
Como miembros de
Dios en la comunidad
de fe de la Parroquia
Católica de Santa
nuestras vidas para ser
la voz, manos, y el
Espíritu de Cristo,
como una manera de
continuar con el
llamado de Dios, por el
amor y la paz.
Parish Staff
Can be reached at 520-825-9611 plus ext.
Pastor - Fr. Larry Sanders, C.Ss.R., x100
Deacon Alfonso De La Riva, x100
Deacon William Krueger - x100
Deacon Joe LaFleur - x100
Receptionist/Parish Registration - Venus Arnold, x100
Director of Finance - Margaret Yonkovich, x102
Office Manager - Susan Budrow, x103
C.A.R.E. Ministry Director - Judy Rossman, x104
Liturgy Director/R.C.I.A. - Stacy Pincus, x105
Weekend Mass Coordinator - Gerry Dugan, x105
Hispanic Ministry Dir. - Maria Luisa De La Riva, x106
Religious Education - Carol Padilla, x107
Youth Ministry Director - Lupita Parra, x108
Bulletin Editor - Pilar Dougall, x109
Human Concerns Director - Sr. Jean Mariani, x110
Music Director - Alex Navas, x100
Maintenance Supervisor - Tomas Nieves, x100
[email protected]
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Weekend of May 14 and 15, 2016
Month to Date
Year to Date
Actual Offertory
Budgeted Offertory
Direct debit is available, please call 520-825-9611 (x103) to set up automatic donations.
If you wish to add or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Pastoral Center office at 825-9611. In order to
ensure an updated prayer list, names will be listed for two months and then removed.
Dorothy Bentz
Chris Cathcart
Callie Rae Christensen
Dorothy Cuono
Barbara Druachta
Tina Fantasia
Mickey Felber
Roz Halmos
Margherita Kroop
Linda LaBarbera
Leah Lanaman
Joe McGowan
Peggy Melville
Melissa Montjo
May 22, 2016
Daniel Mousel
Steve Newlon
Donna Newlon
Claudia O'Sullivan
Vincent Palmeri
Ginny Pergantis
Shelsey Polito
Paisley Polito
Brandy Polito
Shawn Puschnig
Doris Reese
Bob Salvaterra
Beth-Ann Santos
Catherine Silva
Ralph Sitko
Don Suman
Steve Wagner
Gerry Wolfgram
Jessica Wolin
Evan Wolin
Barbara Wronski
Most Holy Trinity Sunday
MAY 25 - Bede is one
of the few saints honored as such even
during his lifetime.
His writings were filled with
such faith and learning that even
while he was still alive, a Church
council ordered them to be read
publicly in the churches.
At an early age, Bede was entrusted to the care of the abbot of
the Monastery of St. Paul, Jarrow.
The happy combination of genius
and the instruction of scholarly,
saintly monks produced a saint
and an extraordinary scholar,
perhaps the most outstanding
one of his day. He was deeply
versed in all the sciences of his
times: natural philosophy, the
philosophical principles of Aristotle, astronomy, arithmetic,
grammar, ecclesiastical history,
the lives of the saints, and Holy
From the time of his ordination
to the priesthood at 30 (he had
been ordained deacon at 19) till
his death, he was ever occupied
with learning, writing and teaching. Besides the many books that
he copied, he composed 45 of his
own, including 30 commentaries
on books of the Bible.
Living Stewardship
God does not want us simply
to acquire a set of beliefs in the
Trinity or any of its three
Persons, but to leap into the
divine embrace. What’s holding
you back? What are you going
to do about it?
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
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Let us remember
those from our
parish family who
have died recently
and returned to the Lord. We
give thanks for their lives and
offer comfort to their families.
George Arkoosh,
April 1
Elenor Fehniger,
April 10
Carroll (Woody) Erickson,
April 18
Harry Poole,
May 4
Florence Madas,
February 7
Recordemos a
todos aquellos de
nuestra familia parroquial quienes
recientemente han muerto y han
regresado al Señor. Damos gracias por sus vidas y ofrecemos
consuelo a sus familias.
Join Father Larry for his Bring
Your Own Lunch Bible study.
He meets with parishioners
every Wednesday afternoon at
12 p.m. in the Catalina Room
for lunch and discussion of the
upcoming Sunday’s Mass
Fr. Larry invites everyone to
come for prayer and reflection.
Fr. Larry will not be having
bible study on the following
days: June 15, June 22, and
June 29.
May 22, 2016
On Tuesday, May 10 hundreds of people gathered in the
parking lot of Santa Catalina to hear about the two wildlife
crossings completed this past spring and to get a chance to
tour the tunnel and the overpass bridge. Officials from the County, Game and Wildlife, Granite Construction, and various wildlife conservation groups were able to
give the background and the scientific studies completed prior to the construction
and to thank the many groups and individuals who worked together on this project. Last year, approximately 277 roadkill were counted in this area.
Santa Catalina Parish was thanked several times for our patience, and cooperation
with giving up part of the driveway easement for the new fence plantings that will
eventually grow so that the animals will not see the lights from our space. There are
17 cameras now operating in the area to record the animals via motion sensor cameras. The Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protections have a cam going that can be accessed
via their office website. This was the only time the public will be allowed to walk in
these areas as even bikers and horse riders will be restricted.
On the last day of RE classes a group of students saw 4 to 5 deer travel across the
bridge during the early evening hours. It was quite a sight for all.
El Martes, 10 de Mayo ciento de personas se reunieron en el
estacionamiento de Santa Catalina para escuchar sobre los
dos puentes para la fauna terminados en esta primavera y
para tener una oportunidad deun recorrido por el tunel y
sobrepaso del Puente. Ociciales del Condado, Juegos y Vida Salvaje, Construcción
de Granite, y varios grupos conservadores de la fauna estubieron disponibles para
de antecedentes y los estudios científicos anteriormente completos antes de la construcción, y para darle las gracias a tantos grupos e individuos quienes trabajaron
juntos en este Proyecto. Aproximadamente 277 animales muertos se contaron en
esta area el año pasado.
Se nos dió las gracias a Santa Catalina en varias ocaciones por nuestra pasciencia, y
cooperación y en dar parte de la entrada al lado del cerco para que lo que se ha
plantado con el tiempo crezca y de esa manera los animals no podran ver la luz
desde nuestro espacio. Hay 17 camaras de sensor hasta hoy operando en el area
para grabar el mobimiento de los animals.
La Coalición de la Protección del Desierto de Sonora tienen una producción de cosas a las que tendran acceso a su oficina por medio del website. Esta fué la única ves
que se le permitió al publico caminar en esta area y tanto a los que pasean en bicicletas como a los que andan en caballos seran muy restringidos.
En el último día de clases de Educación Religiosa un grupo de estudiantes vió 4 Venados caminando sobre el Puente en las horas del atardecer. Esto fué un buen espectaculo para todos.
Judy Rossman
Most Holy Trinity Sunday
25 MAYO — Beda es
uno de los pocos santos honrado aún en el
tiempo durante su
vida. Sus escrituras estaban llenas
de tanta fe y aprendizaje aún cuando el estaba con vida, el Concilio de la Iglesia les ordeno que
fueran leídas publicamente en las
A temprana edad, a Beda se le
confió que cuidara del abat del
Monasterio de San Pablo, Jarrow.
La feliz combinación de genios y
de instruccion de estudiantes y
monjes santos produjo un santo y
un extraordinario alumno, quizas
el más destacado en los tiempos
de él. El era profundamente versado en todas las sciencias de sus
tiempos: Filosofía natural, la
Filosofía principal de Aristóteles,
astronomia, aritmética, gramática, historia Ecleciastica, vida de
los santos, y especialmente las
Santas Escrituras.
Desde el tiempo de su ordenación
para el sacerdocio a los 30 (el fué
ordenado diacono a los 19), hasta
su muerte, siempre estuvo ocupado con el aprendizaje, escribiendo
y enseñando. Además de los muchos libros que el copió, el compuso 45 de el mismo, incluyendo
30 comentarios sobre libros de la
La Corresponsabilidad
Vivida Ahora
Dios no quiere que nosotros
simplemente creamos en la
Trinidad o en cualquiera de
sus tres Personas sino que
abracemos esa divinidad.
¿Qué le detiene a hacerlo?
¿Qué va a hacer al respecto?
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Page 5
SCCC Schedule of Events
Page 6
Sat. June 4, 5-8:30 PM
Everyone is invited for a night of fun,
food, and games. Join us in the Parish
Hall following the 4 PM Mass.
Sat. and Sun., June 4 and 5
Bring non-perishable foods and help
those in need.
Sunday, June 5
Stop by the Patio, pick up a donut, and
enjoy some hot coffee and good company.
Saturday, June 25
5-8 PM, Parish Hall
Round up the family, invite your friends
and neighbors and join us in the Parish
Hall for a great movie and popcorn! All
are invited to attend.
Please Note:
The Parish Office
will be CLOSED on
Monday, May 30
in observance of
Memorial Day.
Spanish Classes
have begun!
 = Mass Intention
Saturday, May 21
3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church
4 PM Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley
 For Penny Vega (d) — Alice Cruse
5-8 PM — Summer Movie Night, Parish Hall
James 5:13-20 — Psalm 141:1-3, 8 — Mark 10:13-16
Sunday, May 22
7 AM Mass — Fr. Larry
 For Carole Piet (d) — Georgette Piet
7:30 AM-12:30 PM — Pancake Breakfast, Parish Hall
9 AM Mass — Fr. Larry
 For the intentions of the Parish
11 AM Bilingual Mass — Fr. Charlie Wehrley w/Deacon Al
 For Jeannette Culhane (d) — Chris and Camy Culhane
5 PM Mass — Fr. Jim Modeen
 For Joseph McGuinness (d) — John and Dottie Hoey
Proverbs 8:22-31 — Psalm 8:4-9 — Romans 5:1-5 — John -16:12-15
Monday, May 23
10 AM-1 PM — St. Vincent de Paul, Marian Room
1-2:30 PM — Spanish Class, Cholla and Ocotillo Rooms
5-6 PM — Spanish Choir Rehearsal, Church
6-8 PM — Spanish Prayer Group, Cholla & Ocotillo Rooms
1 Peter 1:3-9 — Psalm 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10 — Mark 10:17-27
Tuesday, May 24
8 AM Mass — Fr. Larry
 For Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taylor (d) — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Konen
7-8 PM — Men’s Prayer Group, Saguaro Room
7-8 PM — Pastoral Council Meeting, Conference Room
1 Peter 1:10-16 — Psalm 98:1-4 — Mark 10:28-31
Wednesday, May 25
8 AM Mass — Fr. Bob Brazaskas
 Nicholas Martinico (d) — Walter and Dorothy See
8:45-11 AM — Eucharistic Adoration, Church
10 AM-1 PM — St. Vincent de Paul, Marian Room
12-1 PM — Bible Study w/Fr. Larry, Catalina Room
2-3 PM — Finance Council Meeting, Conference Room
1 Peter 1:18-25 — Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 — Mark 10:32-45
Thursday, May 26
Join us on Mondays at 1 p.m. in the
Pastoral Center.
These classes easy, fun, and FREE.
For beginners and advance.
May 22, 2016
8 AM Mass — Fr. Larry
 For Sabina Abeyta (d)
4-5:30 PM — Al Anon Meeting, Marian Room
5-5:45 PM — Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Church
6:30-8 PM — English Choir (9AM) Rehearsal, Church
7-8:30 PM — AA Meeting, Marian Room
1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12 — Psalm 100:2-5 — Mark 10:46-52
Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Page 7
Friday, May 27
8 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest
 For Joseph Lima (d) — Frank McHugh
9-11 AM — Guadalupanos Board Meeting, Saguaro Room
1 Peter 4:7-13 — Psalm 96:10-13 — Mark 11:11-26
Saturday, May 28
3:30-3:45 PM — Reconciliation, Church
4 PM Mass — Fr. Larry
 For Pat McKeon (d) — Joe, her husband
Jude 17, 20-25; — Psalm 63:2-6 — Mark 11:27-33
Sunday, May 29
7 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest
 For Barbara Volk (d) — Bill & Eileen Hooks
9 AM Mass — Fr. Greg Wiest
 For Irene Selas (d) — Bev Mildenberger
11 AM Family Mass — Fr. Larry w/Deacon Al
 For the intentions of the Parish
5 PM Mass — Fr. Jim Modeen
 For Joseph Sevigny (d) — his wife
Genesis 14:18-20 — Psalm 110:1-4 — 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 — Luke 9:11-17
Every First/Third Tuesday, 1-3:30 PM
Cholla Room
Learn new art skills. Art supplies are
provided. No talent required. Bring a
friend. Call Mary at 825-0500.
Every Third Tuesday, 9-10:30 AM
Saguaro Room
Prayer and study group promoting the
Divine Mercy message.
Will return on 2nd Wednesday in
This group does not meet during the
months of June, July, August, and
Every Third Thursday 2-3 PM
Catalina Room
Everyone is invited to attend.
Every first Monday from 1-2 PM
Catalina Room
Bring your knitting needles and crochet
hooks, yarn is provided.
Will return in September
This group does not meet during the
months of June, July, and August.
Every First Thursday, 1-2:30 PM
Saguaro Room
Everyone is invited to attend.
Every Monday, 6-8 PM
Cholla Room
All are welcome to join us for prayer
and music.
Page 8
On May 12,
six Santa
Parish Social
members welcomed a newly arriving
Syrian refugee family of five at the
Tucson airport with welcome signs,
flowers, balloons, gift bags and fanfare. They were truly appreciative for
the warm welcome and it was a touching experience for all of us.
Anyone interested in learning more
about this new Refugee ministry can
email Judy Lynch, Refugee Ministry
chair at [email protected].
Four new Stephen Ministers will be commissioned at Mass on
Saturday, May 28. They have completed 50 hours of training with a
city wide group of Stephen Ministers over the past five months and
look forward to serving our community.
The new ministers are: Mary Helen Kranze, Louise Sample and Elaine
Woods. They join 13 other Stephen Ministers in our parish who are available
upon request to provide confidential, compassionate listening, prayer, and
support via weekly meetings to those going through a difficult time or event.
This could mean death of a loved one, caregiving, divorce, dealing with a
chronic illness, isolation, or unemployment.
Please contact Judy Rossman at 825-9611, x104 if you desire more information
about Stephen Ministry.
If you have a working golf cart that you no longer need, the Desert
House of Prayer would love to take it off of your hands. If you have one
that you want to donate, just call Br. Bill Cloughley at 520-490-7516.
Once again, on
behalf of the recipients of the most
recent funds, let me
thank the very generous supporters
of the Poor Box! Our most recent
recipients were:
VBS 2016 is going to be
Join us
July 11-15
9 AM - 12:30 PM
♦ The Kolbe Society: Prison Ministry
♦ AZ School for the Deaf and Blind
♦ Emerge! Center Against Domestic
Violence Abuse
♦ GAP Ministries: Their mission is
to stand in the gap for those in
need. They provide hope, help,
and healing to those having a
rough time navigating life.
May Our Lord continue to bless your
Sr. Jean Mariani, OSF
Director of Human Concerns
May 22, 2016
In Barnyard Roundup VBS,
your children learn that Jesus gathers us together!
They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts
where Jesus graciously gathers us together to be with Him with His abundant
provision and saving protection, now and forever.
Registration is open for children, grades K-5.
Come along with us as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play
awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn all about Jesus our Savior and how
He gathers us together!
Can’t wait to see you there!
For information, contact Carol at 825-9611, x107.
Page 9
Lupita Parra, Director of Youth Ministry — 825-9611, x108 — [email protected]
The 5 PM Life Teen Mass has
months and other times when we don’t have Life Nights, will
changed its name to 5 PM Mass, due not be at that Mass. I have decided to take Sunday's off when I
to the lack of participation of teens
can. Due to my working on Sunday nights I have missed out
attending that Mass.
on a lot of family and friend functions , and I am looking
Many of our teens find it more
forward to my time off. I live thirty minutes away from Santa
convenient to attend Mass with their family at a different time. Catalina and I will be attending Mass at churches that are closer
to my home during those times.
As you know, Sunday’s are when many families get together
and many fiestas take place. My goal as catechist is to teach our I decided to address this issue due to some parishioners asking
teens the importance of attending Mass, no matter what time
me what I was going to do now that I wasn’t doing Life Teen,
they choose to go, right? I would rather have them attend a
implying that I wasn't going to be here anymore. That is not
Mass from start to finish, than to be late and leave early.
the case, during the summer I will be working Monday –
The Life Teen Mass was designed at St. Timothy’s Church in
Thursday, and I will be here for the food collection weekends
Mesa, AZ to engage teens. Which means that this Mass is a
very charismatic Mass. I love it; however, I don't know that
our parish is ready for that yet. Maybe later on, but for now,
the 5 PM Mass will stay pretty much the same. Fr. Larry and
Fr. Jim will continue to celebrate Mass and the music will
remain the same. I, on the other hand, during the summer
and Summer Fun Nights! I will be on vacation this week, May
22 and will return after the Memorial Day holiday. I look
forward to my time off and will come back ready to meet our
upcoming freshman and to have our current seniors join us for
the summer.
“Fr. Kino’s Cup Priests vs. Seminarians Soccer March”
Friday, May 27 at 6 PM
Golf Links Sports Complex, Field A
Time to Relax!
Life Teen will be taking a break for
the remainder of May.
Attention High School
Join us for some
Youth Ministry fun in
June & July!
Watch the bulletin for more
Join us and support our seminarians. Encourage your priest(s) to participate and be
part of the Padres’ Team. Invite family and friends to this wonderful event. Our
priest and seminarians need you to cheer for them. There will be surprises, hotdogs,
raffle, and lots more.
Page 10
The word mercy, Pope Francis declared in his announcement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, “reveals the
very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity” (Misericordiae
Vultus, 2). For mercy is how God comes to meet us;
mercy is the fundamental law helping us recognize
everyone as brothers and sisters; mercy is the bridge
connecting God and humanity, opening our hearts to
the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.
God’s self-revelation as a life-giving, love-sharing Trinity of Persons
draws us closer to God in friendship and communion. Both Judaism
and Islam consider mercy one of God’s most important attributes.
Israel unceasingly proclaims God boundless in mercy. Islam addresses the Creator as “Merciful and Kind,” believing divine mercy limitless, its doors always open. May this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope
Francis prays, open us to more fervent dialogue, deepen our mutual
understanding, eliminate all closed-minded disrespect, and drive out
every form of violence and discrimination.
En la Bula papal Misericordiae Vultus, 2, el Papa Francisco dice que la misericordia “es la palabra que revela
el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad”. Pues la misericordia es cómo Dios viene a nuestro encuentro; misericordia es la ley fundamental que nos ayuda a
reconocernos como hermanos y hermanas; misericordia es el puente que conecta a Dios con la humanidad,
abriendo nuestros corazones a la esperanza de ser
amados por siempre pese a nuestras ofensas. La revelación de Dios
hacia nosotros es un don de vida, un amor compartido de la Trinidad
de personas que nos acercan más a Dios en amistad y comunión.
Tanto el judaísmo como el islamismo consideran a la misericordia
uno de los atributos más importantes de Dios. Israel incasablemente
proclama la misericordia inmensa. El islamismo se refiere hacia Dios
como “Misericordioso y Clemente” (Corán 59:22) creyendo en su
divina e inmensa misericordia cuyas puertas siempre están abiertas.
Que este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, ruega el Papa Francisco, se
nos abra a un dialogo más ferviente, profundizando nuestro entendimiento mutuo, eliminando toda falta de respeto de tener una mente
cerrada y, eliminando toda falta de violencia y discriminación.
—Peter Scagnelli
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015,
Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
May 22, 2016
Page 11
Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Al-Anon and AA
meetings are held at
Santa Catalina by
the respective sponsoring organizations. If you or someone
you know is interested in an
Al-Anon meeting, join us every Thursday in the Parish Hall
at 4 p.m. For details, call Robin
at 818-1177. AA meetings are
also held on Thursday in the
Parish Hall at 7 p.m. For more
information on AA meetings,
call Art at 825-5218.
St. Vincent de Paul
provides compassion
and support to individuals in need, regardless of
race, origin, or religion. Their
office hours are Monday and
Wednesday, 10am-1pm, in the
Parish Hall. For more information, please call 825-8288.
Marriage Help – Retrouvaille
has helped thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help
you, too. For more information
or to register for the next program on August 5-7, contact
Art or Valerie at 800-470-2230
or [email protected].
today’s gospel it says “But
when he comes, the Spirit of
truth, he will guide you to all
truth. Let the Spirit of truth
bring you to the knowledge of
God’s plan for your marriage.
Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament
by attending a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend
on May 27-29 in Tucson. For
more information visit
(Para los fines de semana en
español, por favor visite
TRAP - Fr. Charlie Wehrley
will be offering this powerful
healing retreat, June 10-12 at
the Redemptorist Renewal
Center, 7101 W. Picture Rocks
Rd. Shame is a devastating
feeling that often causes us to
"act out" in order to medicate
it away. This is why we eat
when we aren't hungry, or
shop when we don't need anything. We are trying to bury
uncomfortable feelings like
shame and anxiety. This retreat will help people to get
out of that trap and come to
terms with their uncomfortable feelings in healthy ways.
The retreat begins Friday at 6
PM and ends Sunday at 12
PM. Please call the 744-3400
for more information or to
make your reservation.
The Diocese of Tucson Catholic Cemeteries is holding their
annual Memorial Day Masses
on Monday, May 30 at 8:30
a.m. at Holy Hope with Rev.
Miguel R. Mariano, Jr. and
Our Lady of the Desert Cemeteries with Most Reverend
Gerald Kicanas, D.D., Bishop
of Tucson.
To advertise your business on
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517141 Santa Catalina Mission (A)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
What happens when you turn off your TV,
pull out your favorite board games,
and gather the family and friends?
An evening of fun that brings all of us closer together.
Sound good?
Then you need to join us for an evening of family fun on
SATURDAY, June 4 from 5 - 8:30 p.m.
Cuando tu apagas la TV y sacas las cajas de juegos,
que es lo que tienes?
Una noche de deversión que nos mantiene a todos reunidos
¿Suena bien?
Entonces tu necesitas acompañarnos para una noche
de diversión familiar el
SABADO, 4 de Junio, 5 - 8:30 p.m.
Bring your favorite games and a dessert.
Sandwiches, chips, and drinks, will be served.
Gather in the Parish Hall following the 4 p.m. Mass.
Traiga sus juegos favoritos y un postre,
se servirá, subs, refrescos y papitas.
Nos reuniremos en el salón Parroquial después de la Misa de
las 4 p.m.
Sponsored by Spirit of Motherhood — Donations gratefully accepted.
Patrocinado por el grupo de spirit of motherhood; agradecidamente se aceptan donaciones.

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