July 24, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


July 24, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
XVII Sunday in
Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
Volume 2
Number 35
SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
2 | The SETON Sunday News | Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16
The Readings this week:
Sun., July 24: Genesis 18:20-32; Col. 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
Mon., July 25: St. James Apostle
2Cor 4:7-15; Matt. 20:20-28
Tue., July 26: Sts. Joachim and Anne
Jeremiah 14:17-22; Matt. 13:36-43
Wed., July 27: Jeremiah 15:10,16-21; Matt. 13:44-46
Thur., July 28: Jeremiah 18:1-6; Matt. 13:47-53
Fri., July 29: St. Martha
Jeremiah 26:1-9; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Sat., July 30: Jeremiah 26:11-16,24; Matt. 14:1-12
Sun., July 31: Ecc 1:2;2:21-23; Col. 3:1-5,9-11; Lk 12:13-21
Monday July 25
Evening Prayer
Leadership Team
Tuesday July 26
Rosary for Life
Adoration/Bible Study
Wednesday July 27
Evening Prayer
Thursday July 28
Evening Prayer
St.V. de Paul
Luz y Vida—Gpo de Oración 7pm
Friday July 29
Evening Prayer
Grupo de Jóvenes
Saturday July 30
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm
How to reach us:
Phone: (425) 481-0303
Fax: (425) 485-8510
2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012
P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082
Web Site: www.easbothell.or g
Facebook web link:
Email: [email protected] g
myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. 1
St. 7
St. 2
Seton House
Youth Room
St. 6
Phone: 425-481-9358
Our Shared Vision
Enliven Faith
Embrace our Ethnicities
Enhance Spirituality
Office Hours:
Mon. - Thu. 9 am - 4:30 pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm)
Mass Times:
Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,
1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm
Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor
Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Armando Hernandez, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Craig Lundberg, Deacon
Shannon Everist,
Pastoral Asst. for Administration
Lori Lowery, Secretary
Officers and Councils
The Pastoral Council
Gerry Apin, Eduardo Cardona,
Jean Dellino, Paul Gallagher,
Bob Kennedy, Jim Krieger, Alice Paine
The Leadership Team
Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin,
Rolfson Augustine, Shannon Everist,
Marcia Gimenez, Heidi Gogal,
Dc. Craig Lundberg, Steve Robinson
The Finance Council
Richard Carlson,
Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist
The Seton Sunday News Bulletin
Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher
Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher
Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president
Monday thru Friday:
10am - 5pm
Stephanie Moran,
Faith Formation Director
Rosamaría García, Bilingual PA for
Faith Formation/Administration
Stephen Kramp, Life Teen
Susie King, The Edge
Calendar of Events
Daily Readings
From Fr. Mario
Pastor’s Reflection
Sección en Español
Vocational Awareness
Year of Mercy
Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3
PASTOR’S Reflection
y dear brothers and
sisters, last week we saw
accompanied by listening to the Word.
Prayer is above all, listening. But today,
that same Word shows us that we can
also speak in prayer, expressing our
wishes, our needs, our petitions.
The First Reading shows this as
well. The wonderful dialog between
Abraham and God exemplifies that we
can not only address him with our
requests, God does not mind it when we
do so, He listens patiently, even when
our petitions are somewhat of a
complain. On the other hand, from the
conversation between the patriarch and
the visitor, a serious issue arises that
truly affects the way we understand God
and how we relate with Him.
At first glance, we get the
impression that God wants to punish
Sodom and Gomorrah due to its grave
sins. This goes well with the idea that
God is judge and punisher, and this idea
is still valid for many people today. They
usually think that certain bad things, like
earthquakes, floods or other natural
disasters - or provoked by men - are
punishing acts from God due to the
sinfulness of mankind. But faced with
this idea of a vengeful God, Abraham
raises his voice, who cannot stand that
the just pay for the sinners. This same
complain that Abraham raises is repeated
today by many, and they even use to
appears in the
precisely for
him to teach
us to pray.
We must learn how to pray, and
consequently, to ask, for it is still true
This is, in essence, Paul’s message
that we do not know what to ask for.
to us in his letter to the Colossians we
Jesus, a master of prayer, teaches us
just read: “And even when you were
dead in transgressions… (God) brought what we should ask for, but also how to
you to life along with him, having ask: besides praying in trust, insistently
forgiven us all our transgressions.” In the and persevering, we should not be afraid
same way, in Abraham’s prayer of to bother God, like Abraham did.
intercession we can hear both the
And here we may give way to an
complaint of mankind against injustice,
objection against this trusting and
and the saving will of God, who does not
persevering prayer. Sometimes we feel
find pleasure in the death of the wicked,
that God does not hear us, and we are not
but wants them to turn back and live.
talking about things of little importance.
(cfr. Ez 18: 23; Lk 15: 7).
Prayer in anguish by some, for their own
This saving will of God translates health, or their family’s, for life, peace,
also in a willingness to communicate: justice, they seem to not be answered, we
God wants to establish a dialog with us, feel that sometimes silence is the answer.
he wants to talk to us, and for us to talk Also in this case we can refer to Jesus as
to him. Jesus Christ is a living example a teacher, more by looking at his
of prayerful communication with God example rather than his words. The
the Father. It makes perfect sense that model for this anguished prayer is Jesus’
the disciples, motivated by that example, prayer at the garden of Gethsemani,
would ask Jesus to teach them to pray. when he asked that the chalice of his
Today, we repeat that plea and receive in Passion may pass by him, but he added
return the Our Father. We have said that “if you are willing… still, not my will
prayer, aside from listening, includes but yours be done” (Lk 22: 42). In all
petition. What can and should we appearances, God did not answer Jesus’
included when we petiion in our prayers? prayer, since he died on the Cross. But,
in reality, the Father answered, and
abundantly, far more than all we ask or
imagine (cfr. Eph 3:20), raising him
from among the dead through the power
of the Spirit. And, no matter what the
result of our prayer is, we can be assured
that, if we learn to pray as we should
from Jesus, no prayer falls on deaf ears;
our heavenly Father hears us always, and
he will never deny the Holy Spirit to
those who ask for it.
negate God’s existence. But we need to
be able to read between lines in these
texts. Faced with the persistent
complaints of Abraham, God listens
patiently and agrees to save the whole
town for the sake of the few just men
who live there, and so we can understand
that God’s plan is not to destroy, but to
save, and that justice for a few is cause
of salvation for many.
Fr. Jose Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S
4 | The SETON Sunday News | Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16
Merciful like the Father
ran wild in heaven, and chaos came again. But man, who is the
guilty one, calls it by soft names. He explains it away. The world
lauhs at it, and is indulgent to it; asd, as to its deserving eternal
punishment, it rises up indignant at the idea, and rather than admit
it, would deny the God who has said it does. The world thinks sin
the same sort of imperfection as an improprietry, or want of taste,
or infirmity.
ake the most hideous of
diseases, under which the body
wastes away and corrupts - all is nothing
compared with that dreadful sickness of
the soul which we call sin. They all are
effects of it, they all are shadows of it, but
My God, imprint on my heart the infamous deformity of sin.
nothing more. That cause itself is something different in kind, is of
Teach me to abhor it as a pestilence - as a fierce flame
a malignity far other and greater thatn all these things. O my God,
destroying on every side; as my death. Let me take up arms
teach me this! Give me to understand the enormity of that evil
against it, and devote myself to fight under your banner in
under which I labor and know it not. Teach me what sin is.
overcoming it.
In the judgement of the Creator it is that which has marred
Blessed John Henry Newman,
his spiritual work; it is a greater evil than if the stars got loose, and
Year of Mercy Companion
of The Holy Spirit
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is staffed by the Religious
Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
In this Section you will find interesting articles about the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, the Spirituality
of the Cross and the life of their founding parents: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)
and Fr. Felix de Jesus Rougier.
The Vision of the Cross
(Part 2)
Third and following visions:
“I saw the cross again.
Suddenly I saw today the beautiful Cross,
which has appeared to me many times...
Description of the Heart
In the center of the Cross I see a Heart, not
a painted heart, but alive, beating, a Heart
made of flesh, but glorified, which
transcends virtue, warmth and life…
words fail me.
The Heart is surrounded by what looks
like real fire, the fire seems to glow and
sparkle, as if in a bonfire; above it, there
are other flames which seem to come from
inside the heart. A different kind of fire, as
if tongues of fire which are hotter or more
intense, different than the fire that
surrounds it. These flames flare up, as if
expelled from a volcano, violently, and in
their movement they cover and uncover
the small cross which is embedded on the
top of the Heart.
The Heart is also surrounded by rays of
light which narrow to a point as they move
further from the Heart; and these rays are
differentiated from the flames, as if they
were under the fire, as if a shadow of light;
hard to explain, like a halo or a disc of
very bright light.”
“Many times this beautiful Cross with the
Heart manifests to me, night and day, at all
times it comes to meet me and pursues me.
My Director suggests I should have
somebody paint it. I carry it so deep inside
my heart that I think about it often, and
“Very sharp thorns pierce this Heart, and I
what might the Lord mean with this.”
can see they are tight around it, piercing it,
and it hurts me just to see them.”
“At prayer last night, and in prayer right
The Lance
now, and between both moments, I kept
“There is a lance, but I can’t see its tip
seeing inflamed hearts with moving
because it is inside the Heart, but I can see
flames, rays and heavenly light (not all at
the wound wide open, whence blood pours
the same time, but the same one, time and
out, some liquid, some coagulating, and it
time again). This Heart is like alive, it is
drips on the Cross”
not drawn.
The Cross
Many times I have seen crosses in
“The Cross where I see the Heart is not a
different sizes, but all of them have that
flat Cross, two-dimensional, rather I see it
Heart in its center.
from an angle, as if in perspective.”
“I can now speak clearly about this Cross
because I kept seeing it, night and day,
“The Heart, alive and beating shows veins
though without the Dove.”
or capillaries, something red and thick, in
relief, like branches…” O! If only I could
This is a description that’s repeated
paint it just the way I saw it! I’m not sure,
almost identically in several of Conchita’s
father, if this explanation is enough, but
writings. We will continue explaining the
there are things the even when they are
symbols in more depth.
explained are mere traces of reality.”
Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5
Fr. Felix wrote the following,
O Beloved Congregation! … So much time has it taken, and it
will continue to take, to solidly build your foundation!... But
that’s the way it was meant to be, we believe this is how Jesus
wants it to happen, because we know, or at least we guess… the
wonderful proportions of the future Building! This building that
Jesus wants, and we understand then that the foundation must
be in proportion to that.
As a parish we are undergoing a moment of great “construction”
and we continue to build the foundation for our journey. We have
received three “new” priests in our parish, who have come to share
with us their very best for the parish journey. We are going through a
process of transition and small changes which still make us
uncomfortable at times, because we can’t quite find our place. But this could be a wonderful opportunity for each one of us
to evaluate how important Parish life is for us. Nobody can remain indifferent with the adjustments we are making; each of
us has a role to play in this magnificent play, Parish Life. I would like for this moment to be a new dawn and for all of us to
feel renewed with passion for the building of the Kingdom of God in our parish. We are called to build a grand building, the
spiritual building which has Jesus at the center of our lives.
We’ll only be able to adapt to the changes if we are prayerful men and women. We invite you to transform your heart
into a more prayerful heart, and just the way the disciples asked Jesus: “Teach us to pray”, it is Jesus Himself who guides us
always, and He will lead us to a life-giving encounter with God the Father, hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants us
to continually adjust our projects for the building of His kingdom among us. Don’t fear change, my invitation is for you to
be passionate about these changes and have faith that through them you will find a better path to holiness. Fr Felix dreamt
big for our Congregation, in the same way we, Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and the Parish Leaders dream big for our
parish. We pray this parish will truly become an “Amazing Parish” centered around Jesus.
The clergy, staff and community at St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton would like to welcome Rosamaria
Garcia into her new position. During the last year,
Rosamaria has been our Bilingual Assistant, she
now will be our Bilingual Pastoral Assistant for
Faith Formation and Administration. She will
continue with her ministry to our Hispanic Sisters
& Brothers plus she is taking on the full
Administrative duties in the Office of Faith
Formation Ministry. When you drop by or phone
into the Faith Formation Office, more than likely
you will be speaking with Rosamaria. Please
welcome her and pray for her as she takes on this
expanded role.
Faith Formation Team
Together Under
the Big Top
Saturday August 20 / 11am—3:30pm / Grass Lawn
Burgers, hot dogs, games,
Bouncy houses for the younger ones and more!
Families A-L please bring a salad to share
M-Z please bring a desert to share
6 | The SETON Sunday News | Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16
ConstruyendolaParroquiadeJesú s...
El P. Félix escribió este texto:
¡Oh amadísima Congregación!... ¡Cuánto tiempo nos ha costado, y nos
costará, la construcción sólida de tus fundamentos!... Pero así debía
ser... creemos que así lo quiere nuestro Jesús, pues sabemos, o por lo
menos vislumbramos, ¡las proporciones inmensas del Edificio futuro!
del Edificio que quiere Jesús, y comprendemos que los fundamentos
deben ser proporcionados.
Nosotros como parroquia estamos en un gran momento de
construcción y de seguir poniendo los fundamentos de nuestro caminar.
Han llegado tres sacerdotes “nuevos” a la parroquia quienes han venido a
aportar lo mejor de ellos en el caminar de nuestra Parroquia. Estamos
pasando por el tiempo de ajuste y de pequeños cambios en los cuales a
veces nos sentimos incomodados porque no estamos acomodados
todavía. Pero esto puede ser un gran momento para cada uno de nosotros y de volver a plantear lo importante que es la vida
parroquial para nosotros. Nadie se puede quedar indiferente ante los ajustes que vamos haciendo; cada uno de nosotros tiene
un papel que jugar en esta gran obra que es la vida parroquial. Me gustaría que fuera un nuevo amanecer y que todos nos
sintiéramos llenos de pasión por ir construyendo el Reino de Dios en nuestra Parroquia. Estamos llamados a construir un
gran edificio, el edificio espiritual donde Jesús es el centro de nuestra vida.
Sólo podremos adaptarnos a los cambios si verdaderamente somos hombres y mujeres de oración. Te invitamos a
transformar tu corazón en un corazón más orante y como los discípulos le preguntaron a Jesús: “Enséñanos a orar”, Jesús
mismo es quien nos guiará y nos llevará a ese encuentro vital con Dios Padre, de la mano del Espíritu Santo. Jesús es quien
quiere que siempre estemos ajustando nuestros proyectos hacia la construcción de su Reino en medio de nosotros. No le
temas a los cambios, te invito a apasionarte en esos cambios y creer que en ellos vamos a encontrar mejores caminos para ser
santos. El P. Félix tenía un gran sueño para la congregación; también nosotros los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo y todos los
líderes de la parroquia tenemos un gran sueño aquí. Pedimos que esta parroquia llegue a ser verdaderamente: una “Amazing
Parish” desde Jesús.
Ya estamos recibiendo inscripciones par a clases de
Catecismo en todos los niveles. Llene la forma que se
encuentra en el Vestíbulo y entréguela en la Oficina de
Formación en la Fe. Todos deben llenar una nueva forma,
aunque sea el segundo año que asistan a clases.
Rincón de Raquel
Elgrupodeoració n“LUZy
inolvidable,llenadere lexiones
endondetendrá sunencuentro
Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado
“He perdonado de corazón a mi Mamá, ella me ha
perdonado y me he perdonado a mí misma. Me siento en paz y
-Testimonio de retiro
Venga a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™
Del 7 al 9 de octubre del 2016
(Por favor, llame tan pronto sea posible.)
Marisela 206.450.7814
deje un mensaje confidencial
amor eterno te he amado!
El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la agencia de Catholic Community
Services .
“Encuentro personal con Jesús Vivo y Resucitado”
Lacitaserá losdı́as26,27y28deagostodel2016en
eledi icio“SetonHouse”.
Lasinscripcionesserá npró ximamenteyelcupoes
limitado.Tepediremosunpequeñ odonativopara
cubriralimentació n.
¡Acé rcate!
Notearrepentirá s
Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7
SECCION en Español
impugnar la existencia de Dios. Pero en
estos textos hay que saber leer entre
líneas. Si ante las insistentes protestas de
Abraham, Dios escucha paciente y
concede que perdonará a toda la ciudad
en atención a los pocos justos que se
encuentren en ella, podemos entender
que Dios no se dirige a destruir, sino a
salvar, y que la justicia de pocos es causa
de salvación de muchos. Este es, en
sustancia, el mensaje que nos transmite
Pablo en la carta a los Colosenses que
acabamos de leer: “Ustedes estaban
muertos por sus pecados…; pero Dios les
dio una vida nueva con Cristo,
perdonándoles todos los pecados.” Así
pues, en la oración de intercesión de
Abraham resuena no sólo la protesta
humana ante la injusticia, sino también la
voluntad salvífica de Dios, que no quiere
Ya la primera lectura ilustra esto con
la muerte del pecador, sino que se
gran prontitud. El precioso diálogo de
convierta y viva (cf. Ez 18, 23; Lc 15, 7).
Abraham con Dios indica no sólo que
Esta voluntad salvífica de Dios se
podemos dirigirnos a Él con nuestros
ruegos, sino que Dios se deja importunar traduce también en una voluntad de
por nosotros, escucha con paciencia, comunicación: Dios quiere establecer con
incluso cuando nuestras peticiones tienen nosotros un diálogo, quiere hablarnos y
el tono de una queja o de un reproche. que le hablemos. Jesucristo es un
Por otro lado, al hilo de la conversación ejemplo vivo de comunicación orante
entre el patriarca y el peregrino que ha con su Padre Dios. Es lógico que los
venido a visitarle, se plantea una grave discípulos, alentados por ese ejemplo, le
cuestión que afecta a la verdadera imagen pidieran que les enseñara a orar. Hoy,
de Dios y a nuestra relación con Él. En nosotros repetimos esa súplica y
una primera lectura tenemos la impresión recibimos como respuesta la oración del
de que Dios se dirige a castigar a Padrenuestro. Hemos dicho que la
Sodoma y Gomorra por sus muchos oración, además de la escucha, incluye la
pecados. Esto se corresponde con esa petición. ¿Qué podemos y debemos
idea del Dios juez y castigador que pedir? La primera petición que aparece
todavía opera en muchos, que
consideran que ciertos males,
provocadas por el hombre, son
acciones punitivas de Dios por
los pecados de los hombres.
Pero ante esa idea del Dios
vengativo se levanta la voz de
Abraham, que no puede
soportar que caigan justos por
pecadores. La protesta de
Abraham la hacen propia
muchos contemporáneos, y la
usan a veces incluso para
Mis queridos
hermanos y
hermanas, la
que la acción
cristiana tiene
precedida de
la escucha de
la Palabra. La
escucha. Pero, hoy, esa misma Palabra
nos enseña que en la oración también
tenemos derecho a hablar, expresando
nuestros deseos, nuestras necesidades,
nuestras peticiones.
en el Evangelio de hoy es precisamente
la de que nos enseñe a orar. Tenemos que
aprender a orar y tenemos que aprender,
en consecuencia, a pedir, pues sigue
siendo verdad que no sabemos pedir
como conviene.
Jesús, maestro de oración, nos enseña
qué debemos pedir, pero también cómo
debemos hacerlo: además de con
perseverancia, sin miedo de importunar a
Dios, como hizo Abraham.
Aquí puede alzarse, sin embargo, una
objeción contra esta oración confiada y
perseverante. A veces tenemos la
impresión de que Dios no nos escucha. Y
no se trata de cuestiones de poca
importancia. La oración angustiada de
muchos por la salud propia y de los
suyos, por la vida, la paz, la justicia…
parece no encontrar eco, sino, por el
contrario, el silencio por respuesta.
También aquí Jesús es nuestro Maestro,
más con el ejemplo que con las palabras.
El modelo de esa oración angustiada es la
suya en el huerto de los Olivos, cuando
pidió que pasara de él el cáliz de la
Pasión, pero añadió, “si es posible; y que
no se haga mi voluntad sino la tuya” (Lc
22, 42). Aparentemente, Dios no
respondió a la oración de Jesús, puesto
que murió en la Cruz. Pero, en realidad,
el Padre respondió con creces, muy por
encima de lo que es posible pensar o
imaginar (cf. Ef. 3, 20), resucitándolo de
entre los muertos por la fuerza del
Espíritu. Y, sea cual sea el resultado
oración, podemos estar
seguros de que, si
aprendemos de Jesús a
orar como conviene,
ninguna oración cae en
saco roto, el Padre
celestial nos escucha
siempre, y no dejará de
dar el Espíritu Santo a los
que se lo piden.
P. José Gerardo Alberto,
8 | The SETON Sunday News | Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16
Vocation Awareness
Seven Steps for Discernment:
Observe what the country and its
inhabitants are like, what the cities they
dwell in are like, what the land is like.
(Nm 13:17-20)
3. Information
In The paths for carrying out the consecrated calling are multiple. The will to
offer your life to God and dedicate yourself to building the Kingdom is
necessary, but they are not enough. You also need to understand where God
wants you to serve Him.
In order to find your place in the Church, you should get to know the various
vocations. Research the spiritualities that different religious congregations or
secular institutes practice. Visit them and see how they live: a contemplative
order is different from a society of apostolic life. Find out what is their mission
and how they carry it out: teaching, hospitals, prayer, spiritual direction,
missions, media, parish ministry… Ask who are the main recipients of their
ministry: the youth, the poor, clergy, the sick, children, seminarians, indigenous
peoples, the elderly, etc.
forget to express appreciation to
those in service-oriented jobs,
including priests, sisters and
brothers. We forget because we
think, “It’s their job to help.”
superhuman. They need genuine
support from those they serve. Let
them know how you feel.
Serra for priestly and religious
Usually, when one experiences vocational curiosity, he/she is also feeling an
appeal for a specific calling. It is important that you dedicate some time to
gathering more in-depth information about this vocation and other possible
By taking this step you may say, “I like the spirituality, lifestyle, and
apostolate of this specific community.” “Perhaps God is calling me to offer my
life to Him or to enter the seminary.”and to cooperate with Jesus Christ in the
salvation of the world”.
“Do I Have a Vocation?”, Fernando Torre, MSpS
O Jesus,
Our Eternal Pastor,
Deign to look with merciful eyes
Upon this part of your loving flock.
This week please pray for
Seminarian Chris Hoiland,
Our Lady of Lourdes Church,
Lord, we need a lar ge number of pr iests,
and men and women consecrated to the
religious life.
Multiply vocactions,
And sanctify more and more our priests,
And those consecrated in the religious life.
We ask you all this through the Immaculate
Virgin of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother.
Jesus give us pr iests accor ding
To your heart.
Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them!
He just finished Theology III at Mount
Angel Seminary, in Oregon.
Has your
family prayed
for vocations
For information on becoming a
Religious Priest Missionary of the
Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest
contact one of the following people:
Serra Club: Arthur Adams
Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp
Priests: Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S.
Fr. Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S.
Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9
Y o u t h Section
announcing several weeks ago
that I’ll be leaving my position as High
School Youth Minister at the end of this
month, I’ve wanted to write something for
this space that can serve as a kind of
farewell to a parish that has grown quite
dear to my heart. But now that the time is
here to say farewell I find myself at
something of a loss for words.
Ty p o l o g y
You can breathe a sigh of relief if you
want. But do me this one favor: interpret
my silence not as disinterest, but as the
silence of one who is deeply grateful and
counting his many blessings, one who is
searching for new opportunities to repay
Jesus even a little for his many gifts.
much you love us, especially these little
ones. Please continue to protect them and
to bless them as they follow you wherever
you lead.
God’s promise is that if we stay with
him we’ll all be together again. So let’s
stay with him! Like frayed little threads
that converge beneath his greater plan and
power, we’ll someday be astonished to
find ourselves woven into the tapestry of
heaven. And it’s OK if words fail us for
now. Farewells are bound to be imperfect,
if only because God’s mercy makes them
temporary, no matter how final they might
seem. And that to me is a beautiful thing.
Thank you, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, for
welcoming my family and helping me
It’s not that there are no words. You’ve learn that ministry is always a collective
all heard me after Mass inciting large effort of the Body of Christ.
crowds to buy armloads of pizzas or to
Thank you, St. EAS teens, for sharing
mob local restaurants, totally disregarding your lives with me, and for standing up for
the integrity of your food budgets and God’s love even when our world fears the
weight-loss programs in the process. change God’s love always brings.
You’ve heard me inviting adults to
Yours in Christ,
Most of all, thank you, Lord Jesus, for
volunteer as LifeTeen leaders, even though
this is akin to selling tickets for a time- blessing this ministry so abundantly, and SK
machine trip back to the Battle of the for showing me, again and again, how
I might not be the most
accomplished salesman in the world (or
even in my pew, judging by that last
analogy), but I’m certainly not a man of
few words. Teens who have spent three
years of Sundays listening to me
“inspire” (a.k.a. hector) them to claim the
world for Jesus Christ will second that, I’m
The problem, rather, is that I’m a single
thread and I’m trying to describe the
tapestry of love this parish has spent years
weaving in my heart.
friendships, shared struggles—here in his
house our Lord has given me an amazing
range of experiences. How could I do
even one of them justice? I really can’t.
Not today, and not ever in this life.
So even though I’m not really falling
silent, just taking my words elsewhere, you
can pretend I’ve fallen silent for once.
Enjoy WORLD YOUTH DAY coverage on Sacred Heart
Radio AM 1050! WYD is July 25-31.
Listen to Catholic news from a Catholic source, all year long. We
keep you connected in Christ.
Keep praying for our Wor ld Youth Day pilgr ims,
everyone. This weekend they’re finishing up their stays
with Polish host families in Legnica and traveling to
Krakow to keep Pope Francis company during the main
events and celebrations of World Youth Day 2016.
You can follow the main events at
AM 1050 Seattle / AM 970 Spokane / FM 88.1 Yakima /
FM 88.3 Kodiak / AM 1240 Olympia
1-800-949-1050 / www.sacredheartradio.org
http://worldyouthday.com/krakow-2016, Facebook or
Downloding the App
10 | The SETON Sunday News | Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16
HAPPENING Here and elsewhere
Rosary for Life will be pr ayed every
Tuesday at 12 pm dur ing the
summer months in the church. You are
all welcome to join us!
The 2016 St. Brendan Charity Golf Tournament benefiting
the Fr. Mike Schmitt Tuition Assistance Fund will be held at
the beautiful Harbour Pointe Golf Club on Saturday,
September 10. Par ishioner s, alumni, par ents and fr iends
of St. Brendan Catholic School are encouraged to join in this
fun event. Registration forms and more information can be
found on the school’s website. Registration is limited—so
don’t miss out! Registration deadline is August 28th. Golfing
will be followed by an awards banquet in the clubhouse with
prizes, awards and fun. Meal-only tickets are also available
for non-golfers to join in the fun! Sponsorship opportunities
are available.
Please contact Brenda at
[email protected] for more information.
Volunteers needed for Mother Seton Ministries
We are a group of ladies that meet @ 8:00 Friday mornings
to straighten pews and when necessary put inserts in the
We usually finish the pews by 9:00 am and therefore are
able to attend the Mass. If we have bulletins to stuff, we do
it immediately following the Mass and usually finish by
On occasion we could use a substitute when one of us is
unavailable for whatever reason.
If you would be interested in helping on a regular basis or
as an occasional volunteer please contact the office; Thank
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
“My mind, my soul, my spirit are filled with peace. The
retreat gave me greater assurance and another way of
seeing my life. I feel cleansed, calm in knowing my
children are at the side of the Savior.”
2016 VBS at Area Catholic Churches
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
9:00am to 12:30pm
VBS July 25 to 29
[email protected]
Blessed Teresa of Calcu a Catholic Church
VBS July 26 to July 29
9am to 12pm
[email protected] / 425-806-8096
St. Mary Magdalen
VBS August 8 to 12
[email protected] / 425-353-1211 x118
Our ‘Home Visitation/Peer Mentoring’ ministr y is a year
old this month, and I’m happy to say we have accomplished a
great deal in that interval. We have visited ‘clients’ in their
homes and in nursing homes - spending one hour with them
each week: listening, supporting, praying, and being there for
them. We are trying to implement Pope Francis’ edict to be “…
an evangelizing community and getting involved by word
and deed in people’s lives.” He talks about the needs of the
poor and the elderly and those who find themselves isolated and
alone. He speaks of “the abandonment of the infirm” (The Joy
of the Gospel). We want to be there for all who are going
through these difficult transitions --whether it is isolation
because you can no longer drive, illness, loss of a loved one
in death, or aging and needing help.
We are continuing our ministry of home visitation, but we are
adding a Coffee/Conversation component on the first Sunday of
each month after 9 am Mass. Our first coffee time will be on
August 7th. This will be a time to meet with others
experiencing: grief, pain, loss, loneliness, etc. We are counting
on you to evangelize and get this information to the right
people, and, yes, we do have ministers who speak Spanish.
Information in the narthex:
[email protected].
Registration is now open for all Faith For mation
Programs. Registration is required for all children and Youth
seeking a Sacrament, even if this is their Second year of
Registration Forms can be found in the Vestibule, the Faith
Formation Office and online.
-Testimonial after Retreat
God yearns to help you see who you really are in Him and walk the
path of healing with you to a joy you have never known before.
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat , he will be there!
August 12-14, 2016
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
ConfirmaƟon photos and First Communion photos/DVDs
are in. You can pick them up in the RE office Monday –
Friday 10am to 5pm. If you need to arrange for another
me please call the RE office at 425-481-9358.
The Faith Formation Office will close at Noon on
Thursday July 28. Sorry for the inconvenience
Seventeenth Sunday, 07/24/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11
Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
Alpha, Steve Robinson
Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona
Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone
Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley
EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver
Environment Team, Claudia Galindo
Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer
Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo
Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto
Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck
Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez
Linens, Linda Brownfield
Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya
Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati
Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto
Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
Stavros, Jim Krieger
Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson
Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie
Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez
Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie
Catholic Daughters, Lois Raske
Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill
St. Vincent de Paul
Connect to St Elizabeth Ann
Seton Church through
myParish App
(for I-Phone and Android)
Want to listen to Sunday’s
homily? Download the App!
Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
Mina Amlag
Salvador Andrada
Roberta Autron
Michelle Barthole
Tom Bender
Jane Bentley
Shawna Boger
Eulalia Castillo
Ruth Carpizo
Ed Crull
Billie Dougherty
Anna Epps
Fran Fielden
Marjorie Frye
Dee Holiday-Osborne
Rosemary Jesmer
Helen Johnston
Patricia Kramer
Jennie Leyva
Patti Means
Marie Milne
Shirley Muntz
Yolanda Noblezada
Teresa Paris
Ritzy Rafer
Floyd Roderick
Joyce Rosas
Florentine Ruhland
Benita Schumacher
Jim Schumacher
Leticia Solorzano
Fran Sphung
Adrienne Steuer
Harry St Nicholas
Francis Sullivan
Richard Totorica
Barb West
Tami Wyatt
Beatrice Zorzi
May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and
God the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.
Staff and Clergy
Alberto, Fr. Gerardo [email protected]
425-481-0303 ext.39
Everist, Shannon
[email protected]
425-481-0303 ext.24
Garcia, Rosamaria
[email protected]
425-481-9358 ext.31
Hernandez, Fr. Armando [email protected] 425-481-0303 x. 36
King, Susie
[email protected]
425-481-9358 ext.34
Kramp, Stephen
[email protected]
425-481-9358 ext.26
Lowery, Lori
[email protected]
425-481-0303 ext.21
Lundberg, Dn. Craig [email protected] 425-481-0303 ext.25
Moran, Stephanie
[email protected] 425-481-9358 ext.28
Rodriguez, Fr. Mario [email protected]
425-481-0303 ext.23
Ugalde, Fr. Jose
[email protected]
425-481-0303 ext 22
Ministries and groups
Adams, Arthur
Alejandro, Jon
Apin, Ana May
Apin, Gerry
Augustine, Rolfson
Auroux, Jacqueline
Baer, Jane
Brownfield, Linda
Cardona, Eduardo
Cardona, Veronica
Carver, Amelia
Chagoya, Graciela
Christie, Ken
Christie, Mary
Cooley, Kelly
Dellino, Jean
Egashira, Kathy
Galindo, Claudia
Gagner, Nicolette
Gallagher, Paul
Gimenez, Marcia
Gogal, Heidi
Harvill, Chris
Hernandez, Elvira
Iwamoto, Marianne
Kennedy, Robert
Kluck, Joan
Krieger, Jim
Leone, Vicki
Martinez, Roberto
Maurer, Pat
Occhiuto, Scott
Paine, Alice
Portello, Doug
Raske, Lois
Robinson, Erin
Robinson, Steve
Salvati, Karen
[email protected]
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A Call to Share…
Saturday 5pm
9 am
11 am
1 pm
5 pm
Children’s Envelopes $149.00
EFT Contributions
Mid Week
Total Offering
Thank you...
T-Trans Landscaping
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