Delaware Community School - City School District of Albany


Delaware Community School - City School District of Albany
Delaware Community School
City School District of Albany
Giglio’s Journal
Volume 1, Issue 3
Delaware Community School friends and families,
As our academic school year draws to a close, our children have had an opportunity
to engage in fantastic programming at DCS. All members of our learning community; teachers,
support staff, families as well as volunteers have designed meaningful educational experiences
this month.
Our International Wellness Day was a huge hit. Thanks to Mrs. Wislous and Mr. Kearnan for bringing this fun event to our students.
Our Science Night brought out many students and families for an evening of discovery
and excitement. Thanks to our parents and staff for making this event so successful.
Our gymnasium was filled to capacity for our Spring Music Concert. Our families were
treated to our strings, band and chorus. I continued to be inspired by the work of this talented
group of students, lead by Mr. Lindquist, Ms. DeVall and Mrs. Vargo.
We have purchased two new SmartBoards for the fall. Our staff has been scheduled
to receive training this month on how to fully integrate this exciting new technology into our
lessons. In addition, we have 24 newly refurbished and operational computers in our computer
lab as of last week.
Finally, please see the updated information on our SNN (School News Notifier) system. This looks to be a strong vehicle to relay important information to our families.
Have a safe and relaxing summer!
Thomas J. Giglio
Delaware Community School
Home of the Dual Language Program
July/August 2010
ü Enrichment Programs at DCS
ü Supply Lists
ü Highlights
ü Upcoming events
ü Event Calendar
Giglio’s Journal
A los amigos y las familias de la Escuela de la Comunidad de Delaware,
Según nos acercamos al final del año escolar, nuestros estudiantes han tenido la oportunidad de captar la programación fantástica en DCS. Todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad de aprendizaje; los profesores, el personal de ayuda, las familias así como voluntarios han diseñado experiencias educativas significativas este mes.
Nuestro Día Internacional de la Salud y el Bienestar Físico fue un éxito. Gracias a la Sra. Wislous y al
Sr. Kearnan por traer este evento de diversión a nuestros estudiantes.
Nuestra Noche de Ciencia trajo muchos estudiantes y familias para una tarde de descubrimiento y de
entusiasmo. Gracias a nuestros padres y al personal por hacer este evento exitoso.
Nuestro gimnasio se llenó a capacidad para nuestro concierto de música de la primavera. Nuestras
familias disfrutaron de instrumentos de cuerdas, la banda y el coro. Sigo inspirado por el trabajo de este grupo talentoso de estudiantes, bajo la dirección del Sr. Lindquist, la Srta. DeVall y la Sra.Vargo.
Hemos comprado dos “SmartBoards” nuevas para el otoño. Nuestro personal recibirá entrenamiento
este mes en cómo integrar completamente esta nueva y emocionante tecnología en nuestras lecciones.
Además, nosotros hemos tenido 24 computadoras nuevas en nuestro laboratorio de computadoras desde la
semana pasada.
Finalmente, mire por favor la información actualizada sobre nuestro sistema de SNN (notificador de
las noticias de la escuela). El sistema luce ser un vehículo fuerte para retransmitir la información importante a
nuestras familias.
¡Deseo que tengan un verano seguro y relajante!
Thomas J. Giglio
Escuela de la Comunidad de Delaware
Hogar del Programa de “Dual Language”
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 2
Nurse’s News
Another year has come and gone and it is very hard to believe. I would like to extend my thanks to all for your
patience, assistance and cooperation. I wish all a very happy, healthy and enjoyable summer. Please review the following if you are registering a new student/s and medical regulations for specific grade levels:
Communicable disease control is a primary responsibility of school and public health authorities. Mandatory
immunization is one aspect of a comprehensive communicable disease control program. N.Y.S Public Health Law, Section 2164 mandates that schools not permit a child to be admitted unless the parent/guardian provides the school with a
certificate of immunization or proof from a physician that the child is in the process of receiving the required immunizations. Students need the following:
Diphtheria (Primary series) 3 doses required
Hepatitis B
3 doses required
3 doses required
1 dose required
3 doses required
1 dose require
1 dose required
Please note that Pre K students require only 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). Kindergarten requires 2.
All of the above immunizations must be documented by your physician or the Health Department where the
child received the immunizations, or must be from an official copy of the immunization record from the child’s previous
Education Law and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education require physical examinations of children
when they:
Enter a school district for the first time
Are in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 7 and 10
Participate in interscholastic sports
Are referred to the Committee on Special Education
If a report of a child’s examination is submitted from a primary health care provider, it must be signed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. Physical forms (blank) will be in your child’s last report card in grades
Pre-K, 1, 3. Physicals must be no more than twelve months prior to the commencement of the school year in which the
examination is required. Students must also have dental certificates if the child is entering the district for the first time,
and in grades Pre-K, 2, and 4.
School Personnel are often asked to given medicine to children during school hours. Many medicines CAN be
taken effectively outside school hours. If your doctor feels it is absolutely necessary to administer medication in school,
contact the Health Office to obtain a Medication Permission form. The form needs to be filled out by the physician and
parents/guardians need to fill out bottom half of the form before medication can be administered. Medication must be
delivered to the Health office with your child’s name and pharmacy label on the medication to be administered. Medications should not be transported to and from school. Parents/guardians should ask the pharmacist for two containers,
one to remain at home and one at school. Medications must NOT be carried to school by students on school buses.
This presents a danger to all students. Students may NOT carry medication on their person during the school day.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep the school informed of any health condition that would affect their child’s safety, school performance, or toleration of physical activity. If for any reason a child is unable to participate in the physical education program, the parent/guardian must provide appropriate documentation from the attending
physician indicating the problem, the specific limitations and the duration of those limitations. When the child may return
to gym participation, we must have a note from the physician indicating this.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of any contagious diseases or unusual health
problems that the child may have. In this way we can plan for the child’s safety and special needs in order to maximize
the child’s educational experience.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 475-6755.
It has been a pleasure caring for you child/dren this year. Hoping to see you in the Fall,
Linda Johnson
School Nurse-Teacher
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 3
Nurse’s News
Es difícil creer que otro año vino y se fue. Me gustaría dar las gracias a todos por su paciencia, asistencia y cooperación. Les deseo a todos un verano muy feliz, saludable y agradable. Por favor, revise la siguiente información si usted
está registrando un nuevo estudiante y los reglamentos médicos específicos para los diferentes grados:
El control de las enfermedades es una responsabilidad primaria de la escuela y las autoridades de salud pública. La vacunación obligatoria es un aspecto de un programa integral de lucha contra las enfermedades transmisibles.
La ley de Salud Pública del Estado de Nueva York, Sección 2164 ordena que las escuelas no permitan que un niño sea
admitido a menos que el padre o apoderado proporcione a la escuela con un certificado de vacunación o prueba de un
médico que el niño se encuentra en proceso de recibir las vacunas requeridas. Los estudiantes necesitan las siguientes:
La difteria (serie primaria) 3 dosis requeridas
Hepatitis B 3 dosis requeridas
El sarampión 3 dosis requeridas
Parotiditis 1 dosis requerida
Polio 3 dosis requeridas
La rubéola 1 dosis requieren
Varicela 1 dosis requerida
Por favor, tome nota de que los estudiantes de Pre-K sólo requieren un MMR (Sarampión, Paperas, Rubéola).
Jardín Infantil requiere 2.
Todas las vacunas listadas anteriormente deberán estar documentadas por su médico o el Departamento de
Salud, donde el niño recibió las vacunas, o una copia oficial de la cartilla de vacunación de la escuela anterior del niño.
La ley de Educación y el Reglamento del Comisionado de Educación requiere exámenes físicos de los niños
Entran a un distrito escolar por primera vez
Si está en los grados Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 7 y 10
Participan en deportes interescolares
Si son referidos al Comité de Educación Especial
Si un informe de examen de un niño es presentado por el proveedor de atención primaria de salud, debe ser
firmado por un médico, enfermera o asistente médico. La forma física (en blanco) estará en la tarjeta del ultimo informe
de su hijo en los grados Pre-K, 1, 3. Los exámenes físicos deben ser no más de doce meses antes del comienzo del
año escolar en que se exija el examen. Los estudiantes también deben tener certificados dentales si el niño está entrando en el distrito por primera vez, y en los grados Pre-K, 2, y 4.
Se le pide con frecuencia al personal de la escuela que administre medicina a los niños durante el horario escolar. Muchos medicamentos pueden tomarse con eficacia fuera del horario escolar. Si su médico considera que es absolutamente necesario administrar la medicina en la escuela, comuníquese con la Oficina de Salud para obtener un formulario de autorización de medicamentos. El formulario debe ser llenado por el médico y los padres/apoderados deben
llenar la mitad inferior del formulario antes de que el medicamento pueda ser administrado. Los medicamentos deben
ser entregados a la oficina de Salud con el nombre de su hijo y la etiqueta de la farmacia sobre el medicamento que se
administra. Los medicamentos no deben ser transportados hacia y desde la escuela. Los padres o apoderados deberán
solicitar al farmacéutico dos envases, uno para permanecer en la casa y el otro en la escuela. Los medicamentos no
deben ser traídos a la escuela por los estudiantes en los autobuses escolares. Esto presenta un peligro para todos los
estudiantes. Los estudiantes no pueden cargar medicamentos durante el día escolar.
Es la responsabilidad del padre o apoderado el mantener la escuela informada de cualquier condición de salud
que afectan a la seguridad de sus hijos, bajo rendimiento escolar, o la tolerancia de la actividad física. Si por alguna
razón, un niño es incapaz de participar en el programa de educación física, el padre o apoderado debe presentar la
documentación adecuada del médico tratante indicando el problema, las limitaciones y la duración de esas limitaciones.
Cuando el niño puede regresar a participar en el gimnasio, debemos tener una nota del médico que indica esto.
Es la responsabilidad de los padres o apoderados el informar a la escuela de alguna enfermedad contagiosa o
problemas poco comunes de salud que el niño puede tener. De esta manera podemos planear para la seguridad del
niño y sus necesidades especiales con el fin de maximizar la experiencia educativa del niño.
Como siempre, si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en llamarme al 475-6755.
Ha sido un placer cuidar sus niños este año. Espero verlos en el otoño.
Sra. Linda Johnson
Enfermera-Maestra de la Escuela
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 4
Classroom Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Pre - Kindergarten:
1 lápiz grande para principiantes
Mrs. Banda-Wemple Dual Language Program
4 barras de pegamento grandes
1 oversized beginner pencil
1 botella de pegamento marca Elmer’s (7.5 fl. oz.)
4 extra large glue sticks
1 folder con bolsillos (para comunicación con la casa)
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue (7.5 fl. oz.)
1 caja de papel tissue (Kleenex)
1 pocket folders (take-home folder)
1 rollo de papel toalla
1 tissue box
1 caja de bolsas “Ziploc”
1 paper towel roll
1 caja de toallitas desechables para bebés
1 box of “Ziploc” bags
2 cepillos de dientes (su niño lo usará en la escuela)
1 container of baby wipes or wet wipes
1 tubo de pasta de dientes – aprobado por FDA
2 Toothbrushes (for your child to keep at school)
(su niño lo usará en la escuela todos los días)
1 Toothpaste – FDA Approved (for your child to use at
school daily)
una manta y/o una almohada para la siesta (con nombre)
Blanket and/or pillow for naptime (with name)
Una muda de ropa (con nombre y en una bolsa de
plástico) para tenerlo en la escuela “por si acaso”
1 change of clothing (labeled and in a plastic bag) to
keep at school "just in case"
*Blankets will be sent home every other Fridays to be
washed, and returned to school on the following Monday.
*Las mantas se mandarán a casa cada dos viernes para ser lavadas y deben ser devueltas el siguiente lunes.
You may donate one or more of these items to our
class: (now or anytime during the school year)
Usted puede donar uno o más de estos artículos para
nuestra clase: (ahora o en cualquier época del año escolar)
-Paper plates
- platos de papel
-Paper cups
- vasos de papel
- servilletas
Ms. Daniels
Supplies Needed:
Blanket, pillow, box of tissue, extra set of clothes
Volume 1, Issue 3
Classroom Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Mrs. Valentine Dual Language Program
2 Boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
1 pair of Fiskar scissors (rounded tip)
2 Pocket Folders
12 small glue sticks
1 Small supply box (approx. 71/2 L X 41/2 W). It must be big enough to fit all of your child’s supplies.
2 Boxes of Tissues
**A towel or blanket for rest time
**A change of clothes in a bag labeled with your child’s name “Just in case”
2 cajas de 24 crayolas
1 tijera de “fiscar” (punta redonda)
2 fólder con bolsillo
12 tubitos de pegamento (12 small glue sticks)
1 caja de plástico pequeña (aprox.. 71/2 X 41/2) para poner todos los útiles
**Una toalla o una sabana para la hora de descansar
**Un cambio de ropa en una bolsa con el nombre de su hijo/a “por si acaso”
Mrs. Short
Please send supplies in a plastic bag
24 count crayons
1 pkg. pencil
2 pkg. index cards
1 index card box
1 eight count pkg. classic color markers
2 boxes of tissues
1 backpack
24 glue sticks (we go through a lot!)
1 pair of scissors
1 pencil sharpener w/cover
Extra pair of clothes (labeled with child’s name)
2 pkg. of dry erase markers
3 blue folders
3 red folders
1 PRIMARY composition book
1 pkg of black fine tip markers
Variety of family photos that do NOT need to be returned
Page 5
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 6
Classroom Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
First Grade:
Ms. Loomis
- A book bag
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- A box of crackers/cookies to share with the class
Ms. LaFountain
12 dozen yellow #2 pencils
2 black & white composition journals
4 2 pocket folders (red, blue, green, yellow)
6 large pink erasers
4 glue sticks
2 boxes tissues
64 count crayons
1 package dry erase markers
3 packs white 3X5 cards
** Please buy supplies only in the colors indicated **
Ms. Avila - Dual Language Program
Lista de materiales escolares
8 - Pocket folders (2 red, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 yellow) 8 libretas/carpetas (2 rojas, 2 azules, 2 verdes, 2 amarillas)
5 - #2 pencils 12pk
5 docenas – lápices #2
8 - Large glue sticks
8 grande tubos de pega
2 - Boxes of markers (12 count)
2 paquetes de 12 marcadores
3 - Boxes of tissue
3 cajas de tisúes
4 - Large pink erasers
4 grandes borradores rosadas
2 - Boxes of crayons (12 - 24 count)
2 cajas de crayóla (12-24)
2 - Composition notebooks
2 cuadernos
2 - Scissors
2 tijeras
1 - Box of pencil top erasers
1 paquete de borras para lápices
1- Package of 3x5 index cards
1 paquete de 3x5 - tarjetas de índex
1- Pencil box
1 estuche de lápices (grande)
1- Ziploc bags
1 paquete de bolsas de Ziploc
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 7
Class School Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Second Grade:
Ms. Fowler
24 yellow #2 pencils
Box of 48 or more Crayola crayons
4 glue sticks
1 roll paper towels
2 boxes tissues
4 folders ( 2 should be a solid color)
2 black and white composition books
2 large pink erasers
Most supplies are communal and will be shared in class. Thank you!
Mrs. Lyons
1 dozen #2 pencils
4 composition notebooks
Erasers- pencil top and rectangular
Glue sticks
4 pocket folders—with the pockets on the bottom- not on the sides
A box of crayons- 24 pack is big enough
A pair of scissors
A package of WIDE RULED loose-leaf paper (not college-ruled)
1 box of tissues
A roll of paper towels
A box of baby wipes
Optional (but nice to have):
Blue or black erasable pens
Pack of markers
Pack of white board markers (Expo or Marks-a-Lot brands)
*Materials need to be available each day for the students to use.
*Parents will be asked to replenish items as needed during the school year.
*Students need a BOOKBAG to carry homework, notices, etc. back and forth to school.
*Sneakers will be needed on Gym days and anytime your child plays on the playground. (For safety reasons)
Mrs. Militello - Dual Language Program
2 Dozen #2 pencils
2 docenas de lápices #2
4 folders (1 each: red, green, yellow, blue)
4 folletos (1 de cada color: rojo, verde, amarillo y azul)
2 boxes of 24 crayons
2 cajas de 24 crayones
1 safety scissors
1 tijeras para niños
1 box of colored pencils
1 caja de lápices de colores
1 box colored markers
1 caja de marcadores
5 jumbo glue sticks
5 gran palitos de pega
4 composition notebooks
4 cuadernos de composición
1 pkg of pencil top erasers
1 paquete de borras para lápices
1 box of Ziploc gallon bags
1 caja de bolsas de Ziploc de galón
2 erasers
2 gomas de borrar
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 8
Class School Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Third Grade:
Ms. Tavarez Dual Language Program
Lista de útiles escolares
Backpack—no wheels
Mochila (sin ruedas)
Folders with pockets
Portafolios (folders) con bolsillos
2 folders with any design (for homework)
2 portafolios de diseño (para la tarea)
#2 pencils—a few packs**
Lápices #2 (varios paquetes)**
Large erasers—no small erasers**
Borradores grandes (no borradores pequeños)**
Pencil box
Estuche (bolsa) para los lápices
Pencil bag
Caja para los lápices
Box of crayons (24 count)**
Un caja de crayolas de 24**
4 composition notebooks (marble)
4 cuadernos de composición (mármol)
4 spiral notebooks (1 subject) green, yellow, orange or
red, negro.
4 cuadernos espirales ( 1 materia), verde, amarillo, anaranjado o rojo, y negro
2 sharpeners with lids**
2 sacapuntas con tapas**
Colored pencils
1 caja de lápices de colores
Glue sticks**
Palitos de pegamento**
1 glue bottle
1 botella de pegamento
1 plumón fosforescente (highlighter)
Dry erase markers
Plumón (marcador) para la pizarra (dry erase)
1 roll of paper towels
1 rollo de papel toalla
Index cards
Fichas de cartulina (4X6) “index cards”
Markers (12-pack)
Paquete de 12 Plumones (marcadores)
****Materials needed for the home****
****Útiles para la casa****
English dictionary
Un diccionario en inglés
Spanish/English translation dictionary
Diccionario en traducciones de español/inglés
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 9
Class School Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Third Grade:
Ms. Zielinski Dual Language Program
Ms. Schiavoni
Folders with pockets: Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green, Orange
Following are the supplies I’d like your child to bring in to
school for third grade. Check out stores like Staples, Walmart, Target and Office Max, just to name a few. They usually have good sales over the summer!
2 folders with any design (for homework)
#2 pencils (a few packs-better quality)**
Large erasers **
“Fiskar” scissors
* One pack of dry erase markers (either Marks-ALot or Expo brand --- the cheaper brands don’t write well, and Pencil box
run out too fast)
Pencil bag
* Two packs of pens (blue or black). I PREFER the
Box of crayons (24 count) **
Papermate Erasermate pens, but they are expensive, so
please send in ANY KIND of ball point pen. Please do NOT
2 packs of loose-leaf paper
send in pencils.....too much time is taken up with sharpening.
2 composition notebooks (marble)
* One roll of paper towels
4 spiral notebooks (1 subject):1-orange, 1-green, 1-yellow, 1* Two boxes of Kleenex
any color
Mrs. Schillinger
2 sharpeners with lids
2 Boxes #2 Pencils
Colored pencils
5 Pocket Folders
Glue sticks
1 Box of Colored Pencils
4 Boxes of Tissues
Dry erase marker
2 Pencil Sharpeners
2 boxes of Kleenex (tissue)
2 Composition Notebooks
2 Packs of Glue Sticks
4 Large Pink erasers
Portafolios (“Folders”) con bolsillos:
1 Pair of Scissors
Azul, Morado, Amarillo, Verde, Anaranjado
2 Boxes of Wipes
2 Portafolios de diseño (para la tarea)
1 Box of Pencil Top Erasers
Lápices #2 (varios paquetes- americano es mejor calidad) **
2 Boxes of Crayons
Borradores grandes**
1 Binder with Plastic Front
$5.00 for snacks or bring in a healthy snack two times
throughout the year
1 bolsa para los lápices
Fourth Grade;
Ms. Myers
6 plain two pocket folders in different colors, one for every
subject (red, blue, green, yellow, purple, etc.)
1 caja para los lápices
1 caja de crayolas de 24 **
1 plumón (marcador) de borrar en seco para la pizarra
1 plumón fluorescente o transparente (highlighter)
4 plain composition notebooks
2 paquetes de 100 hojas de papel rayado
Hand held pencil sharpener with lid
4 cuadernos espirales (1 materia): 1- anaranjado, 1-verde, 1amarillo, y 1-cualquier color
2 boxes of tissues
two rolls of paper towels
2 packs of loose leaf paper
2 packs of 24 pencils
1 pack of erasable pens
2 cuadernos (mármol) de composición
2 sacapuntas con tapas
1 caja de lápices de colores
Palitos de pegamento
2 cajas de pañuelitos de papel-Kleenex
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 10
Class School Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Fifth Grade:
Mrs. Wisenhunt - Dual Language Program
Red folder
Lista de artículos escolares
Yellow folder
Una carpeta roja
Purple folder
Una carpeta amarilla
Green folder
Una carpeta morada
Red, yellow, purple, green, and blue notebooks (5 total)
Una carpeta verde
Composition notebooks (2)
5 cuadernos con espiral (roja, amarilla, morada, verde y
Dry erase markers (4)
2 cuadernos tipo “composition”
4 Glue sticks
4 marcadores tipo “dry erase”
1 Protractor
4 palitos de pega
1 Ruler
1 Transportador
1 Mathematical compass
1 Regla
1 Scissors
1 Compás para matemáticas
Tissues (2 boxes)
1 Par de tijeras
Loose leaf paper (2 packages)
Pañuelos de papel (2 cajas)
TICONDEROGA Number 2 Pencils (3 packages)
Papel a rayas (2 paquetes)
3 x 5 note cards (3 packages)
Lápices TICONDEROGA #2 (3 paquetes)
Container of Clorox wipes (1)
Tarjetas de 3 x 5 (3 paquetes)
1 contenedor de toallitas Clorox
Ms. Cimini:
Ms. Hendley
6 composition notebooks
1 durable folder for your child to use to keep track of
homework and important papers
Pens (black/blue)
Pencil box
3 packages of number 2 pencils
1 package of loose-leaf paper; wide ruled works best
4 one subject notebooks (red, green, blue, yellow)
4 pocket folders (red, green, blue, yellow)
2 packages of post-it notes (standard size)
2 black and white composition notebooks
1 package of 4 skinny dry erase markers.
Loose leaf paper
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 11
Class School Supply Lists/
Listas de Materiales Escolares
Fifth Grade:
Ms. Scharf:
Welcome to 5th grade! Keep your eyes open for incredible sales at Staples, Rite Aid, and places like Wal-Mart to get really cheap
prices on these items during the summer. It is important for your child to bring all of the following supplies, as we will be using them
the entire year.
NOTEBOOKS: 6 composition notebooks
FOLDER: 1 durable folder for your child to use to keep track of homework and important papers J
PENCILS: 3 packages of number 2 pencils; it would be awesome if they were already sharpened, too!
LOOSE-LEAF PAPER: 1 package of loose-leaf paper; wide ruled works best J
POST-ITS: 2 packages of post-it notes (standard size) I will collect these and we will use them during reading and writing
DRY-ERASE MARKERS: 1 package of 4 skinny dry erase markers; I will hold on to these (to ensure they last the year!), yet these will
be for your child’s personal use with mini-whiteboards.
GLUE: 1 package of glue sticks to add to our classroom supply
TISSUES: 2 boxes to add to our classroom supply
Feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns you may have in regards to the supply list. My email is
[email protected] or you can call Delaware Community School 475-6750 and leave a message.
Ms. Hans
1 red pocket folder (writing)
1 yellow pocket folder (morning work/seatwork)
1 blue pocket folder (math)
1 green pocket folder (reading)
1 purple pocket folder (science)
1 white pocket folder (social studies)
1 folder of choice (take home folder/homework folder)
1 Book bag
1 Pencil Case
5 packs of pencils
2 package of markers
1 package of crayons
1 package of colored pencils
Erasers (2 large)
4 packages of Lined paper (Wide Ruled)
3 Boxes of Tissues
8 Glue sticks
1 Bottle of glue
4 Composition Notebooks (2 for writing and 2 for reading)
5 Spiral Notebooks (2 Spelling/Homework, 1 math, 1 for science, and 1 for social studies)
1 Pair of scissors
2 Highlighters
2 Pack of index cards
4 Dry erase Markers
If it seems like a lot, these supplies are to last the entire year. Some items such as lined paper, tissues, and index cards are used as
a class community. To prevent lost items, names should be placed on all supplies. Some items are stored in the cabinet until needed
to save space and prevent them from going missing such as extra glue sticks/pencils.
If you would like to contribute extra items, it is greatly appreciated and we can always use them!
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 12
School News Directly to Your Cell-phone, email
Dear Members of Delaware Community School:
The City School District of Albany has launched today a new e-mail and text-message notification system
that allows parents and community members to choose the information they will receive from each school and
around the district. School News Notifier will provide updates in 20 different categories, including news and events
from individual schools as well as district-wide information such as transportation, athletics and Board of Education updates.
Text alerts, limited to 140 characters, will be sent out regarding school closings, delays and other timesensitive emergencies. E-mail notices will provide the same level of information as well as more detailed notices
about a wide range of additional news and events. District-wide news and alerts will be available immediately, and
all schools will be implementing the new system by the start of the 2010-11 school year.
You can choose to sign up for this “opt-in” service, and can unsubscribe at any time. Sign up by clicking
the “Albany SNN” icon on the home page. Once you register, you can choose to receive notifications from as many or as few categories as you would like. Please spread the word about this great
new communication tool with our families and community members and urge them to register!
Text messages are free to people who have unlimited text-messaging services; cell-phone carriers may
charge a fee to people who don’t. Check with your provider if you’re not sure of the terms of your plan.
Ron Lesko
Director of Communications
City School District of Albany
Estimados miembros de la escuela “Delaware Community”:
El distrito escolar de la ciudad de Albany ha lanzado hoy un nuevo correo electrónico y sistema de notificación de mensaje de texto que permite a los padres y miembros de la comunidad elegir la información que se
reciben de cada escuela y del distrito. El notificador de las noticias de la escuela proporcionará información en 20
distintas categorías, incluyendo noticias y eventos de las distintas escuelas, así como información del distrito,
como transporte, atletismo e información de la Junta de Educación.
Textos para alertar, limitados a 140 caracteres, se enviarán con respecto a los cierres de la escuela, retrasos y otras situaciones de emergencia de tiempo sensible. Los avisos de correo electrónico proporcionarán el
mismo nivel de información, así como avisos más detallados acerca de una amplia gama de eventos y noticias
adicionales. Las alertas y noticias del distrito estarán disponibles inmediatamente, y todas las escuelas implementarán el nuevo sistema para el comienzo del año escolar 2010-11.
Usted puede elegir inscribirse para recibir este servicio de "opt-in" y puede cancelar la suscripción en
cualquier momento. Suscríbase oprimiendo el icono de "Albany SNN" en la página principal de Una vez que se registra, puede elegir recibir notificaciones desde tantas o tan pocas
categorías, como gustaría. ¡Por favor, comparta la información acerca de este nuevo medio de comunicación con
nuestras familias y miembros de la comunidad y anímelos para que se registren!
Los mensajes de texto son gratuitos para las personas que tienen servicios de mensajería de textos ilimitado; las compañías de teléfono celular pueden aplicar un cargo a personas que no tiene ese servicio. Consulte
con su proveedor si no está seguro de los términos de su plan.
Ron Lesko
Director de comunicaciones
Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Albany
(o) 518. 475. 6065 (celular) 518. 376. 0013
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 13
School Bus Application Schedule
Please submit completed bus applications to the main office. Any applications received by Delaware Community School on or before August 16 will result in transportation beginning on September 7. The schedule below will be used for any applications
received by DCS after August 16th.
Application Received By
August 20th
August 23rd - September 3rd
September 7 - September 10th
September 13th - September 17th
Transportation will Begin:
September 7th
September 13th
September 20th
September 27th
September 20th - September 24th October 4th
September 27th - October 1st
October 12th
Por favor de presentar las aplicaciones completadas a la oficina principal de autobús.
Las aplicaciones recibidas de la Escuela de la Comunidad de Delaware en o antes del
16 de agosto resultará en el comienzo de servicio de transportación el 7 de septiembre. El plan siguiente se usará para cualquiera de las aplicaciones de DCS recibidas
después del 16 de agosto.
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 14
International Wellness Day
At Delaware Community School
Día Internacional de la Salud y el Bienestar Físico
en la escuela de la comunidad de Delaware
What a way to end our 2009-2010 school year! Students, staff and some parents came together to celebrate
an International Wellness Day in style at Delaware. Under the leadership of our Physical Education Teacher,
Mr. Kearnan, we enjoyed a day of complete physical fitness. The students traveled through six stations that
brought excitement, laughter, and a strong sense of sportsmanship. This was an event enjoyed by participants of all ages. Thank you to Mr. Kearnan
and to everyone who made this event so wonderful!
¡Qué forma de poner fin a nuestro año escolar del 2009-2010! Los estudiantes, el personal y algunos padres
se reunieron para celebrar un Día Internacional de la Salud y el Bienestar Físico en estilo en Delaware. Bajo
el liderazgo de nuestro profesor de educación física, el Sr. Kearnan, hemos disfrutado de un día de aptitud
física completa. Los estudiantes viajaron a través de seis estaciones que trajeron entusiasmo, risas y un fuerte sentido de espíritu deportivo. Este fue un evento disfrutado por participantes de todas las edades.
¡Gracias al Sr. Kearnan y a todos los que hicieron este evento tan maravilloso!
Staff Tug-o-War
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 15
Science Night/Noche de Ciencias
On Friday, June 11, the DCS gym
was a hub of scientific discovery as
"Wonderland" transformed the gym
into DCS's first annual Science Night.
There were smiles all around as kids
made their way through 19 science
stations. Along the way, they made
magnets, bubbles and reed instruments, used cabbage juice to test for
acids and bases, built marble roller
coasters, studied things through microscopes, and got to handle real
bones, among other things. Keep
wondering, and get ready for next
year's Wonderland!
El viernes el 11 de junio, el gimnasio de
DCS se convirtió en un centro de descubrimiento científico cuando el “País de
las Maravillas” transformó el gimnasio en
la primera noche anual de la ciencia de
Vimos sonrisas en los alrededores según
los niños caminaron a través de 19 estaciones de ciencia. En la caminata, hicieron imanes, burbujas e instrumentos de
lámina, usaron jugo de col para probar
los ácidos y las bases, construyeron
montañas rusas de mármol, observaron
objetfos a través de los microscopios y
lograron manejar huesos auténticos,
entre otras cosas. ¡Siga su curiosidad y
prepárese para el “País de las Maravillas” del próximo año!
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 16
Friendship Garden/Jardín de la Amistad
Global Garden /Jardín Internacional
As you may have noticed we have a new garden developing near the office. We would like this garden to represent the different cultural heritages of our community. If you know the plants that are grown in the countries that
represent your heritage or are able to find out what plants are grown in Burma, Africa, Ireland, Italy, Puerto Rico,
Dominican Republic, please forward the information to Susan Fowler or Leanne Iorio!
Thanks to everyone who painted!
Ms. Azzarella, Nurse DeDe, Mrs. Schiavoni. and Sam Shipherd!
Como se habrán dado cuenta, tenemos un nuevo jardín creciendo cerca de la oficina. Nos gustaría que este
jardín representara los distintos patrimonios culturales de nuestra comunidad. Si conoce las plantas que se cultivan en los países que representan su patrimonio o pueden averiguar qué plantas crecen en Birmania, África,
Irlanda, Italia, Puerto Rico o República Dominicana, por favor envíe la información a Susan Fowler o Leanne
¡Gracias a todos los que pintaron!
Upcoming Events/Futuros Eventos
Saturday, July 10th - Check Metroland for location
Delaware Community Art Show and Block Party
Displaying the work of Delaware Community School Students
Tuesday, September 7th
Martes, 7 de Septiembre
First day of School
Primer día de escuela
Thursday, September 16th
Jueves, 16 de Septiembre
Open House
Jornada de Puertas
Friday, September 24th
Viernes, 24 de Septiembre
Welcome Back Picnic
“Picnic” de Bienvenida
Tuesday September 28th
Martes, 28 de Septiembre
Picture Day
Dia de fotos
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 17
City School District of Albany
Delaware Community School
43 Bertha Street
Albany, NY 12209
Phone: 518-475-6750
Fax: 518-475-6754
Principal: Thomas Giglio
e-mail: [email protected]
Upcoming Issues:
Do you have a story to share?
Do you have information to pass
along to our school community?
E-mail your information to a member of the Newsletter Committee.
(50 words or less please!)
Leanne Iorio
Dixie Lopez
Carmen Militello
Tere Wislous
Willow Zielenski
ESL students working together with Ms. Fowler’s class
to weed the gardens

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