Mr Fabrizio CAFAGGI


Mr Fabrizio CAFAGGI
Fabrizio CAFAGGI
Professor of comparative law at the European University Institute (EUI), founding member and
member of the Executive committee of the European Law Institute and member of the American
Law Institute.
Director of the Center for judicial cooperation EUI.
Direttore del Laboratorio Reti fondazione Bruno Visentini.
Fields of interest : Transnational private regulation, International commercial contracts, European
contract law and regulation, Networks and supply chains.
Latest publications include
– “Global public goods and private bads”, in European Journal of international law 2012
– “Transnational governance by contract. Private regulation and contractual networks in food
safety”. in J. Swinnen, J. Wouters, M. Maertens, & A. Marx (eds) Global Governance and Private
Standards. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, (Ed.)
– The enforcement of transnational private regulation, Edward Elgar, 2012
– The Challenge of Transnational Private Regulation: Conceptual and Constitutional Debates, WileyBlackwell 2011
– "Redes contractuales y teoría contractual: una agenda de investigación para un Derecho
contractual europeo" in J. I. Ruiz Peris (a cura di), Nuevas Perspectivas del Derecho de Redes
Empresariales, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2011, (Ed.)
– Contractual networks, Inter-firm cooperation and economic growth, Edward Elgar 2011.

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