saint john of god parish


saint john of god parish
84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722
Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: [email protected]
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Humberto Contreras, Associate Pastor
Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin.
Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette
Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano
Dcn. Frank Gariboldi
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education
Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Cemetery Secretary
Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry
Parish Center: 234-6535
Religious Education: 234-4040
Outreach Office: 234-1884
Cemetery Office: 234-6535 x135
Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4:30 PM
Apostolado Hispano
234-6535 x 106
Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Rev. Humberto Contreras,
Pastor Asociado
Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ
Sra. Ana Sullivan,
Ministerio Social
Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM
(Mass Cards)
Emergency Sick Calls Any Time
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel
Sunday: 8 AM Church
9:30 AM Church
11:00 AM Chapel
Misas En Español
Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla
Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla
12:30 PM Capilla
Martes: 7:30 PM Capilla
Weekday Masses
Monday – Saturday:
9 AM Church
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Monday at 9 AM Mass
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church
or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center.
Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register
at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism.
Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements
at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center.
Our Lady of Providence Regional School
Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade
234-1113 or 234-6324
Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
November 14, 2010
Bautizos en Español:
2ndo y 4tro Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM Los padres de los niños
deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos. Llame 234-6535 x 106
para una cita.
Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM
Primera Comunión y Confirmación:
Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de
Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040
Sacramentos Para Los Adultos:
(18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más
información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las
11 AM.
Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de al boda.
Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo
Pastoral que habla español.
Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica
Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado
234-1113 o 234-6324
Principale: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week of November 14:
– 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
Wednesday – 9:00AM
Thursday – 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
– 5:00PM
– 8:00AM
– 9:30AM
– 11:00AM
– Theresa McEnroe
– Frances Anzaldi
– Frances Anzaldi
– Mary & Joseph McDonough
– Rev. John Berkery
– Frances Anzaldi
– .June Murphy
– Those Enrolled in the
Society of Prayer
– Eleanor Maher
– People of St. John of God
Monday, November 15th –
“Martyr” and “confessor” are two
words for “enduring witness.” The
lists of our holy ancestors in the
faith are full of those people
giving witness to the resurrection
of our Lord Jesus and its consequence for life.
Our faith is based on those witnesses tracing a
line all the way to the first Easter Sunday. We
sign ourselves, we recite the Creed, and we pray
the Our Father as they, and we, were taught at
baptism. Our solidarity with them in faith and
the Eucharist gives us strength to endure for our
lives, too.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.
Illustration © 2001 M. Erspamer, OSB.
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP.
All rights reserved.
Saint Albert the Great, bishop & doctor of the Church
Rv. 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk. 18:35-43
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Tuesday, November 16th –
Saint Margaret of Scotland & Saint Gertrude, virgin
Rv. 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk. 19:1-10
9:00AM – Daily Mass
7:30PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla)
Wednesday, November 17th –
Sunday Collection
Late Repairs
Late World Missions
$ 8,845.00
Sunday Collection
$ 7,674.50
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Rv. 4:1-11; Lk. 19:11-28
Mass Attendance
Week of November 6th & 7th
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Thursday, November 18th – Dedication of the
Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome
Rv. 5:1-10; Lk. 19:41-44
9:00AM – Daily Mass
Friday, November 19th –
Rv. 10:8-11; Lk. 19:45-48
9:00 AM – Daily Mass
Saturday, November 20th –
Rv. 11:4-12; Lk. 20:27-40
9:00AM – Daily Mass
5:00PM – Mass – English – (Chapel)
7:00PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla)
Sunday, November 21st –
Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
2Sm. 5:1-3; Col. 1:12-20; Lk.23:35-43
– Mass – English
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
7:00PM (Spanish)
8:00AM (English)
9:30AM (English)
9:30AM (Spanish)
11:00AM (English)
12:30PM (Spanish)
Restoring the Glory….
to welcome…to worship…
to grow…to serve…
Pledge Report:
$ 1,287,302.75
Total Paid to Date: $ 1,141,434.75
$ 145,868.00
Remember in your thoughts and
prayers, the Sick of the Parish...
Joseph Acciarito
Jacob Aceiedo
Felix Acevedo
Mary Alfieri
Frances Barnhurt
Helen Boeke
Maureen Bose
Steven Braille
William Campbell
Suzanne Celery
Gerri Eshun
Ron Gillette II
Virginia Gonzalez
Joan Growich
Carol Hemmerich
Elaine O’Mara Hulbert
Alice Hydell
Karen Kelly
George Kuehne
Alfred Lapadula
Eddie Linz
Diane Lysaght
Joan McCarroll
Peggy McNamee
Mike Meola, Sr.
Liz Mouzakes
Gladys Oakley
Rocco Palatucci
Margaret Petrie
Cole Pletman
Jean & Joe Pipitone
Carmen Ramos
Shirley Ramsey
Grabiel Riviera
George Santiago
John Santiago
Josephine Seymour
Marie Shay
Linda Smith
William Stottler
Stanley Tesoro
George Tintugo
Joseph Vereline,Jr.
Mary Weber
Barbara Warfield
Bread & Wine Memorial for This Week:
In Loving Memory Of:
Marie J. Wagner
Requested By:
The Wagner Family
Thank you to Jack Moloney for cleaning up,
painting the railing, and planting mums
around the statue of Mary in front of the
Parish Center
7:30pm In the Chapel
Advent Retreat offered by Sr. Judy Ottensburg
of the Cenacle Sisters and Ms. Anita DosSantos,
a Cenacle Staff Associate: Walking with Mary
and St. John the Baptist during Advent.
“Memories of Father Jim”
Submitted by:
The Langman Family
We remember Father Jim as a very personable person. He loved to tell stories along with his homilies.
Many of Father’s stories made fun of himself (like the
Howdy Doody stories). He was always willing to share his
family history: Communion memorabilia; the Christmas
story; his brother, sisters and their children, etc. We also
remember the time he blessed Anna’s new Blessed
Mother statue that watches over her in her bedroom. He
was good with the kids and kept everyone’s attention
even when they were falling asleep. We miss him and
pray for him.
Submitted by: The Gardiner “Clan”
{as Fr. Jim lovingly refereed to our family as}
When our beloved dog, Happy, died a few years ago,
we were heartbroken. My daughter, Diane and I asked
Fr. Jim if they did memorial masses for pets. Unfortunately, Fr. Jim said, no but he gladly offered to come to
our home and say prayers as we buried Happy. We gathered our grandchildren and great-grandchildren on a
warm spring afternoon. Fr. Jim came over and we followed him in prayer. He commented on our statue of St.
Francis overlooking Happy and talked to the children.
His caring enough to come to our home and share in our
grief and help the children accept Happy’s death brought
us much needed comfort.
My son, Steven, remembered when we saw Fr. Jim at
two different funerals an hour apart. Fr. Jim told him that
the next time we get together, we should go have a couple of beers instead! His wonderful humanness and
sense of humor brought levity to any difficult situation.
Last November, just weeks before God called Fr. Jim
home, our daughter Diane passed away. We didn’t even
know Fr. Jim knew (it had only been 24 hours) until he
walked up to us with his arms outstretched and embraced
us as we arrived for 5pm mass. The look of sorrow in his
eyes showed he was feeling our pain as if he put it on his
own shoulders. His level of compassion was like none we
had ever experienced in a pastor and it lightened our load
and brought comfort to our broken hearts. His dedication
to his parishioners was unique. It brings to mind Jesus
caring for His sheep. It is what made Fr. Jim a step
above all the rest. It is the reason he is loved and will be
missed every day.
Girl Scouts
Mrs. Jo Ann DiNardo, Principal
Our kindergarten to 5th graders are
involved with lunch-time Girl Scouts’
meetings where they make seasonal
crafts and learn how to cooperate with others.
There are still a few seats available at Our Lady
of Providence , your regional school. If you are
interested, please call us for a visit and check
out our website, for more
Fire Prevention
In October, the Central Islip Fire
Department visited our school to teach
our students from grades 1-8 about fire
safety and prevention. Students
viewed videos and then inspected a mobile home
which showed them how to STOP, DROP, AND
ROLL when there is smoke in a building .
Grades PK and K visited the fire house and
experienced the fire engines up close.
Thanks to the firemen who were so helpful
to our students.
Grades 2, 4, and 5 participated in an antibullying program run by CAPS. This program
was mentioned in Newsday two weeks ago.
Welcome !!!
We are happy to welcome Mrs. Cheryl
Crispo to OLOP as our teacher replacement in
the second grade. Mrs. Crispo was a teacher at
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament School in
Bayside, Queens, and taught the Communion
class there.
Teachers are using technology to teach
shapes and colors, parts of speech, inequalities
in math, and elements of short stories. We again
have to thank Mr. Gerard Tilton for purchasing
two more Smartboards for our school.
FUNDRAISING Please register at
Stop and Shop so the store will give us a
percentage of the money you spend on
groceries. You do not pay any EXTRA money but
they will give the school a donation based on sales.
You can shop at any Stop and Shop. YOU MUST
SCHOOL YEAR. Just go to their website put in your
information and your Stop and Shop
card number. It is so easy!
We are also still collecting
Boxtops for Education,
Campbell Soup, Prego,
Franco-American, V-8,
Pepperodge Farm,
Spaghettio’s labels
& empty inkjet cartridges.
Your support is always very much appreciated
by the students and faculty.
Family Mass for children
November 14th —
(This weekend)
At 11am in the Chapel
The children will participate
in the homily.
All families of the
parish Are Welcome
To join us!!!
Religious Education Office
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director
Telephone: 631-234-4040Email: [email protected]
Office hours for the week of November 14:
Monday, Nov. 15:
9:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday, Nov. 16:
11:00am – 4:00pm
Wednesday, Nov. 17:
9:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday, Nov. 18:
9:00am – 3:00pm
Friday, Nov. 19:
Saturday, Nov. 20:
Sunday, Nov. 21:
Schedule of Classes for Week of Nov. 14:
Mon., Nov. 15: Level 8 7:00pm—8:15pm
RCIC 7:00pm—8:00pm
Regular Session Chapel
Wed., Nov. 17: Levels 1-7 Regular Session
4:45 — 6:00pm
Sat., Nov. 20
Levels 1-7 & Miss Sandy
Regular Session 8:30-945am
or 10:30-11:45am Chapel
Thursday, November 11:
4:30 — 6:00pm in the Chapel
First Rehearsal for English
Language Christmas Pageant
Open to all students in the
Religious Education Program.
Confirmation Photos available online!
Please use the following link to view
& order photos from St. John of God’s
Confirmation, October 27, 2010:
or email [email protected] with
“Confirmation Photos” in the Subject
line & Mrs. Martin will send you the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Gospel predicts end times; our
challenge though is to live faithfully now.
St. Vincent often asked this simple
question: “What would Jesus Christ do,
if he were in my place now?”
Our Society knows the answer and has
been providing for the needy in our parish in many
ways. In this past year, we have helped over 75
families with aid toward utilities, rent, and other
necessities. We have also given Christmas gift
cards and have provided furniture valued over
$13,000.00 to many families.
Our clients often are those who have been
relocated to this area and come with few
belongings. The SVdP Society believes that
people should have the dignity of not sleeping on
floors, therefore much of the furniture supplied is
beds and other basic needs.
Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ
do?” and your continued support will help us give
those who are suffering hope that life will get
Consider joining the Society of St. Vincent
de Paul. We welcome new members and can be
reached at 234-6535, ext. 103. Our next meeting
is this Tuesday, November 16th at 12:30PM in the
Conference Room of the Parish Center. Work
with us and learn to see Jesus in the broken and
the poor.
NOV. 21ST (SUNDAY) 12:30pm
Come and welcome this wonderful group of
riders. They have done so much for our
Outreach Thanksgiving Project. Without their
generosity, we would not be able to supply as
many families at Thanksgiving as we do.
Eucharistic Ministers
and Lectors
We need more parishioners to serve
in these ministries. Our Lord is
calling you to help serve at his Mass.
Speak to Fr. Chris or
Deacon Ron
Telephone: 234-1884
Ana Sullivan, Coordinator
Thank You
to all the parishioners who donated food,
money, clothes in the past few weeks. Your
help is greatly appreciated.
Thrift Store
Come and browse our Christmas items!
Our Thrift Store is open on Sundays
10:00 A.M to 2:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 A.M to 2:00 PM
Monday & Thursday Evening
16:00 P.M to 7:00 PM
Our Food Pantry is very low or out of
the following items:
Canned Meat
Tomato Sauce Canned Vegetables
Peanut Butter Baby Food
Diapers Sizes 3-4-
Thank you and God Bless you
for your continued support.
RCIA– Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Need a Sacrament or Two?
We Can Help!
* Never Baptized but thinking about it
* Baptized in another Christian Faith
but thinking of joining us
* Baptized Catholic but missing
Communion or Confirmation
If you or someone you know is 18yrs
or older and needs any sacraments of
Initiation, please call Father Chris
or Deacon Ron.
Mark Your Calendar
 November 14th – Ministry to Catholics
of African Ancestry will hold their monthly
Meeting at 12Noon in Room 11 of Our Lady of
Providence School. All are invited.
 November 25th – Thanksgiving Mass
10:30AM (Bilingual) in the Chapel.
All are invited to this very special Mass.
What better way to begin your Thanksgiving Day.
 November 25th – Thanksgiving Dinner
11:30AM to 3:00PM at the Knights of
Columbus Hall. Sponsored by Saint John of
God Parish. All are welcome!!!
 December 4th & 5th – Christmas
Wreath and Grave Blanket Sale Sponsored
by FANS. Proceeds go to the Parish. Please
support this fundraiser.
 December 9th – 7:30 to 9:00PM –
Evening of Advent Renewal In the Chapel led
by the Cenacle Sisters –
 December 10th – Our Lady of Providence
School Christmas Show In the Chapel.
 December 18th – Anniversary Mass
in Remembrance of Father Jim’s death.
Bishop William Murphy will be the principal celebrant.
Please send in your “Memories of Father Jim” to
share with the parish.
Adult Choir Rehearsal Schedule:
November 17th -- 7:30PM in the Chapel
November 24th -- NO REHEARSAL
December 1
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
December 8
December 15th -- 7:30PM in the Chapel
December 22nd -- 7:30PM in the Chapel
December 29th -- 7:30PM in the Chapel
Children’s Choir Schedule:
November 18th
November 25th
November 25th
December 2
December 5
December 9
December 16th
December 23rd
December 30th
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
-- SING—10:30AM Mass
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
-- SING—at Sunday Mass
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
Please return to Saint John of God Church by
November 12th. This form may be placed in the
collection basket.
Telephone Number: ________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
Prepare leftover food for Outreach
Take food to Outreach
Set up tables and chairs
_____ CLEAN UP
Prepare food for guests in morning (Early AM)
_____ HOSPITALITY Serving our Guests.
turkey at home and delivering it, carved if possible).
Delivery may be made on Wednesday from 6:000PM
to 9:00PM to the Knights of Columbus, 62 Carleton
Avenue (Phone: 232-2736)
_____ COOKING (donating and cooking, an unstuffed
Thursday, November 25th, 2010
From 11:30 – 3:30 PM
Knights of Columbus Hall
Thanksgiving Day Dinner
Favor de devolver a la Iglesia San Juan de Dios
antes de 12 de noviembre. Puede poner esta hoja
en la colecta.
Telephone Number: ____________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Name: _______________________________________
para la Oficina de Outreach
Lleva la comida a Outreach
Ponga las mesas y sillas en sus lugares normales
_____ La Limpieza. Prepare la comida sobrante
Prepare la comida para los huéspedes temprano
por la mañana
_____ HOSPITALIDAD. Sirviendo a nuestros
casa y llevándolo, cortado si posible).
Puede llevarlo al Salón de Los Caballeros de
Colon, 62 Avenida de Carleton miércoles desde
6:00PM a 9:00PM. (Teléfono: 232-2736)
______ COCINANDO UN PAVO (sin relleno en
Jueves, 25 de noviembre 2010
des de 11:30 a 3:30 PM
Knights Of Columbus Hall
Cena De Acción De Gracias
The St. John of God Parish Community
+ St. John of God Parishioners +
+ People alone for the Holiday +
+ People who don’t have the means to celebrate the Holiday +
+ People looking to serve and give back to God +
Mass begins at 10:30am in St. John of God Chapel
84 Carleton Ave, Central Islip
Thanksgiving Day Dinner from 11:30am to 3pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
62 Carleton Ave, Central Islip, NY 11722
If you wish to volunteer to serve during the dinner, leave name(s) and phone # at:
631-234-6535 or e mail: [email protected]
If you wish to donate food for the dinner call Brian at: 631-348-3507
or e mail: [email protected]
If you wish to donate a cooked turkey-sliced-no stuffing call: 631-234-6535
or e mail Jim Byrne: [email protected]
If you wish to donate food to a family for the holidays call Mrs. Ana Sullivan
at SJOG Outreach: 631-234-6535 (ext 118) or e mail: [email protected]
For monetary donations, make checks to: St. John of God Outreach
Sponsored by: St. John of God Church and the Knights of Columbus Rogan/Halpin Council
+ Los parroquianos de San Juan de Dios
+ La gente que está sola
+ La gente que no tiene el dinero para celebrar el Día Feriado
+La gente que quiere servir y devolver algo a Dios
La Celebración Eucarística comienza a las 10:30 AM, la Capilla
De San Juan de Dios
84 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip
La Cena de Acción de Gracias de 11:30 AM- 3:00PM
El Salón de Los Caballeros de Colón
62 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, N.Y. 11722
Si quiere ser un voluntario para servir durante la Cena, favor de dejar el nombre y el número de teléfono
a :631-234-6535 o e-mail [email protected]
Si quiere donar comida para la cena, llame a Brian a: 631-348-3507
O e-mail: [email protected]
Si quiere donar un pavo ya cocinado
e-mail Jim Byrne: [email protected]
Si quiere donar comida a una familia para los días de fiesta, llame a Mrs. Ana Sullivan
at SJOG Outreach: 631-234-6535 (ext 118) o e-mail; sjogoutreach@verizon .net
For monetary donations make checks to St. John of God Outreach
Patrocinado por: La Iglesia de San Juan de Dios y Los Caballeros de Colón Rogan/Halpin Council
Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad!
Para Acoger….Para Alabar
Para Crecer….Para Servir
Cantidad Total de los Compromisos
Cantidad total de los Pagos
En nuestro mundo y cultura, donde el trabajo duro se
valora tanto (dedicamos todo un día del calendario cívico a
celebrar el trabajo) y nuestras “ocupaciones” parecen escalar
de continuo, las admoniciones de san Pablo a los tesalonicenses parecen un tanto obvias. Pero aun en nuestras vidas de
hoy, cuando tenemos más y más aparatos para ahorrar tiempo
y pensamos que tenemos menos y menos, hay muchos que
encuentran la manera de ser entremetidos en medio de tantas
ocupaciones. En tiempos de san Pablo, algunos miembros de
la comunidad cristiana estaban ociosos porque sabían que el
Señor retornaría en gloria muy pronto. ¿Por qué molestarse
en trabajar? Así que volcaron su atención a meterse en la vida
de otros. Suya era la bien complaciente actitud de “yo soy
salvo” frente al gran tumulto de los últimos días descritos por
Malaquías y por Jesús en el Evangelio. En estos días, no tenemos una noción tan potente del inminente retorno del Señor,
pero el mensaje de san Pablo, que halla eco en Malaquías y
en san Lucas, todavía es pertinente en nuestros días. Debemos
continuar haciendo nuestro trabajo diario con perseverancia,
consagrándolo todo al Señor y siendo fieles hasta el día de su
Lunes: Apo 1:1-4; 2:1-5a; Lc 18:35-43
Martes: Apo 3:1-6, 14-22; Lc 19:1-10
Miércoles: Apo 4:1-11; Lc 19:11-28
Jueves: Apo 5:1-10; Lc 19:41-44 o (para el memorial de
la Dedicación)
Hch 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-23
Viernes:Apo 10:8-11; Lc 19:45-48
Sábado: Apo 11:4-12; Lc 20:27-40
2 Sm 5:1-3; Sal 122(121); Col 1:12-20;
Lc 23:35-43
El domingo próximo, 21 de noviembre el
club de la motocicletas va a venir a nuestra
Iglesia para entregar su donación anual de
pavos y dinero a Outreach. Cada año, los
clientes de esta oficina reciben una canasta
para que puedan disfrutar el Día de Acción
de Gracias con sus familias. Los motociclistas van a recibir una bendición especial de
nuestro Pastor, Padre Chris.
HORA: 8:00 PM
(La celebración tendrá lugar el jueves, 25 a las
10:30 PM. Después de la Misa, todos están invitados a comer en el Salón de los Caballeros de Colón)
Si quiere ayudar, favor de llenar la forma que
se encuentra en este boletín.
Padres, si quieren que sus niños participen
en este drama, favor de traerlos el miércoles,
24 de noviembre a las 7:30 PM. El drama
tendrá lugar el 23 de diciembre a las 7:30
PM. Después de la Misa hoy, pueden inscribirlos
Se abre cada domingo a las 10:00AM hasta
las 2:00PM. Hay muchas cosas buenas y baratas. Vale la pena ir y echar un ojo.
From Fr. Chris N.:
As the Church year comes to an end, the Sunday readings reflect on the final days of the
world, our own death and the final judgment. Today's theme is “The Day of the Lord” or the
“Second Coming” of Jesus in glory as judge at the end of the world. Although Paul expected
to be alive at the return of Jesus, he cautioned the Thessalonians, in the second reading,
against the idleness with which some of them were anticipating the end, and encouraged them
not to be weary of doing good. He suggested that the best preparation for the future was to
devote the attention to present duties, to maintain a holy and wholesome balance between
prayer and service, work and play, and to develop enduring family ties and values. Today’s
gospel passage warns that the date of the end of the world is uncertain. Signs will precede
the end, and the faithful will be called upon to testify before kings and governors. The good
news, however, is that those who persevere in faithfulness to the Lord will save their souls and
enter God's eternal kingdom. Christ’s Second Coming is something to celebrate, because he is
going to present all creation to his heavenly Father. That is why we proclaim it at every Mass:
Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again. Thus, the message of the day is: don't
give up; God is always with us.
We need to be prepared daily for death and judgment. The ideal way to accept Jesus’
apocalyptic message is always to be ready to face our death. We must live lives of
selfless love, mercy, compassion and unconditional forgiveness, remembering the demands of
justice in our day-to-day lives.
God’s Blessings Always, Fr. Chris N
De Padre Chris. N.
Mientras el Año Litúrgico de la Iglesia llegue al fin, las lecturas del domingo reflexionan
sobre los días finales del mundo, nuestra propio muerte, y el juicio final. El tema de hoy es “El
Día del Señor” o la “Segunda Venida” de Jesús en la gloria como Juez al fin del mundo.
Aunque Pablo esperó ser vivo al regreso de Jesús, advertía a los tesalonicenses, en la
segunda lectura, contra la holgazanería con la cual algunos estaban anticipando el fin, y les
animó que no se canse de hacer lo bueno. El hizo la sugestión que la mejor preparación para
el futuro fue dedicar la atención a los deberes presentes, a mantener una balance santa y
sana entre la oración y el servicio, el trabajo y el recreo, y desarrollar atados perdurables y
valores con la familia. El Evangelio de hoy nos advierte que la fecha del fin del mundo no
tiene la certeza. Signos precederán el fin, y los fieles se llamarán a testificar antes los reyes y
gobernadores. La Buena Noticia, sin embargo, es que los que perseveran en fidelidad al
Señor se salvarán y entrarán en el reino eterno de Dios. La “Segunda Venida” de Cristo es
algo para celebrar porque va a presentar toda la creación a su Padre Celestial. Por eso,
proclamamos a cada Misa: Anunciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección. ¡Ven, Señor
Jesús! Por eso, el mensaje del día es : No se desanime; Dios está siempre con nosotros.
Necesitamos ser preparado diariamente par la muerte y el juicio. La manera ideal
aceptar el mensaje apocalíptico de Jesús es estar listo siempre para confrontar nuestra
muerte. Tenemos que vivir vidas de amor desinteresado, misericordia, compasión y perdón
incondicional además de recordar las exigencias de justicia en nuestras vidas diarias.
Las Bendiciones de Dios Siempre, P. Chris. N.

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