3rd Grade - Marjory Stoneman Douglas


3rd Grade - Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary
3rd Grade
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary will be participating in a Summer Reading Program. Every student in third
grade is required to read (2) books from the attached District Summer Reading List and complete (2) assignments
of your choice from the list below.
The (2) completed assignments will be collected by your child’s teacher during the week of August 22, 2016, and
the assignment will be graded.
Incoming Third Grade Students
Independent Reading Activities
Directions: From the list below, choose and complete (1) activity for each book that you have read during the
summer. You must choose a different activity for each book.
Make a poster advertising your book so someone else will want to read it.
Draw a map of the book’s setting. Explain the setting in detail.
Create a collage around themes or characters in the book.
Write a character diary, writing at least five journal entries as if you are the main character in the story.
Write down events that happen during the story and reflect on how they affected the character and why.
Send a postcard from one of the characters. Draw a picture on one side; write the message on the other.
Choose a character. Tell whether or not you would want him/her for a sibling, parent, friend, or partner
(choose one). Give details to support your answer.
Create a timeline of the major events in your book. Use drawings or magazine cutouts to show the events
along the timeline. Label each event.
Draw a portrait of the main character and write a summary to accompany your sketch.
Design a T-shirt that promotes your book.
Create a Top Ten List. On this list, write or illustrate ten things you have learned from the book.
***MSD will also be participating in the 2016 Summer Literacy Adventure sponsored by the Florida
Department of Education***
Join students all across Florida as they take on the Summer Literacy Adventure Challenge and pledge to read every day.
Set a personal goal, work to accomplish it and strive for success!
Florida’s students are being challenged to pledge to read as many books as possible throughout the summer break.
Each student can fill out his or her Summer Literacy Pledge. Following the summer break, the department will recognize
the top 10 schools with the highest percentage of participation. The school whose students read the most books will
receive a surprise visit from First Lady Ann Scott.
MSD Programa de lectura de verano
Tercer Grado
La escuela primaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas estará participando en un programa de lectura en el verano. Es
obligatorio para los estudiantes de tercer grado leer dos (2) libros de la lista de lectura de verano del Distrito y
escoja y complete dos (2) de las tareas.
En la semana de agosto 22, 2016, la maestra de su hijo(a) recogerá las dos (2) tareas completas, la cuales serán
Direcciones: escoja y termine una (1) de las actividades de la siguiente lista por cada libro que haya leído durante
el verano. Usted debe escoger una actividad diferente por cada libro.
(escoja dos)
Diseñar un cartel dándole propaganda al libro para que alguien más lo quiera leer.
Dibujar un mapa del escenario del libro. Explique el escenario en detalles.
Crear un collage de los temas o personajes del libro.
Haga un diario de personajes y escriba por lo menos cinco anotaciones como si usted fuera el personaje
principal del cuento. Escriba sucesos que pasaron en el cuento y reflexione cómo y porqué estos sucesos
afectaron a los personajes.
Enviar una postal de uno de los personajes. Dibujar una ilustración al derecho y al revés escribir un mensaje.
Escoja un personaje y diga si usted quisiera o no que el personaje fuera su hermano(a), padres, amigo o
compañero. Escriba suficiente detalles para respaldar su respuesta.
Cree una cronología de los principales sucesos del libro. Utilice dibujos o recortes de revista para mostrar
los sucesos. Rotule cada evento.
Dibujar un retrato del personaje principal y escribir un resumen de una oración que acompañará su dibujo.
Diseñe una camiseta que promueva el libro. Crear una Lista de los 10 más principales. En dicha lista, escriba
o ilustre diez cosas que usted aprendió del libro.
**MSD también estará participando en la aventura de literatura 2016 este verano patrocinado por el departamento de educación de
la Florida. Los estudiates se comprometeran a leer todos los días.***
Los estudiantes de la Florida van a comprometerse a leer tantos libros como sea posible a lo largo de las vacaciones de verano. Cada
estudiante puede completar su compromiso de lectura. Después de las vacaciones de verano, el departamento reconocerá a las 10
escuelas con el mayor porcentaje de participación. Las escuelas en que los estudiantes lean la mayoría de los libros recibirán una
visita de sorpresa de la primera dama Ann Scott.
Grade 3 Summer Reading List
Titles have been selected with age appropriate reading level and content in mind; however, parents are
encouraged to help their child make a selection by previewing the titles for difficulty of the text, subject
matter, and content of the book.
Grade 3
101 Ways to Bug Your Parents
Lee Wardlaw
A to Z Mysteries
Ron Roy
Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon
Paul Danziger
Bone by Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons
Sara Levine
Busybody Nora
Johanna Hurwitz
Cam Jansen and the Green School Mystery
David A. Adler
Don't Say Ain't
Irene Smalls Hector
Each Kindness
Jacqueline Woodson
Grandfather Gandhi
Arun Gandhi
Judy Moody Saves the World
Megan McDonald
Las Huellas Secretas
Julia Alvarez
Mallory on the Move
Laurie Friedman
Me, Frida
Amy Novesky
Mr. Farris and his wheel
Katheryn Davis
No Dogs Allowed
Bill Wallace
Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great
Judy Blume
Razia’s Ray of Hope: One Girl’s Dream of an Education Elizabeth Suneby
The Lemonade War
Jacqueline Davies
The New Kid at School
(Dragon Slayers' Academy Series)
Kate McMullan

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