
President’s Report
Don Seaquist
Change to Win
Since its inception, our union
has been a member of the national AFL-CIO. This summer we formally pulled out in order to build a
new and more effective national
labor organization. Change to Win
is now the official name of this
new labor federation. I have just
returned from the founding convention, held in St. Louis, and
want to update you on some of the details of this new organization. I have previously written about the reasons for us leaving
the AFL-CIO so I won’t repeat myself as to why the change, but
take a look forward into the future with Change to Win.
Many international unions have recognized that as employers
have grown in size from the mom and pop independent businesses to national and international corporations, unions must
respond to this change. Our partners in CTW ( Change to Win)
share the same philosophy that organizing is the lifeblood of
organized labor. As employers grow and become more national in scope, then employees of these corporations must be
empowered with their own national organizations. The UFCW
is a perfect example of why this is necessary. When 70,000
members went on strike in southern California, it still wasn’t
enough to have an economic impact on employers who operated across the country. Our members, along with the community who supported them, could not affect the revenue stream of
employers with thousands of stores in other states. This is why
we now must look at new methods of action to support our
members and future members.
The new federation partners will develop organizing strategies that are larger in scope than before. We will work together
to identify and target the employers that now employ the vast
majority of workers in this country. The sole purpose of this
new federation will be to organize!
We at 789 are familiar with the difficulty of organizing. Just
this last year we won the organizing award for our region. We
organized more new members then any other local union in
UFCW Region 6 (MN, WI, SD, ND, IA, NE, IL, IN, CO) but even
with these victories, our membership has remained relatively
flat. We have had multiple employers close their doors in the
last few years. A number of nursing homes, including
Whitehouse, Lexington, and Summit Manor closed due to
changes in state funding. Pabst Meats, a McDonalds suppler,
ceased operations due to the importation of beef from Australia
and moving production to the south. Our members have provided the financial resources and our union certainly lives in a
culture of organizing.
In meetings with our new partners in CTW, we expressed the
opinion that a new bureaucracy is not an option and are
pleased to say that our views are shared by our local friends
and also at the national level. No leader of the new federation
will receive a salary from their participation in CTW. That alone
is a significant change at the national level and one we support.
Our commitment to workers in our community and around the
country is to inform and teach them about how they can
empower themselves by being part of an organization whose
sole purpose is to improve their economic situation and provide
a louder voice on social issues.
Cambio al Triunfo
Desde su inicio nuestra unión ha sido un miembro del
AFL-CIO, la confederación nacional de los sindicatos. Este
verano salimos formalmente para construir una nueva
organización del trabajo nacional. Cambio al Triunfo es el
nombre oficial de esta nueva federación de trabajo.
Acabo de regresar de la convención de fundación
sostenido por St.Louis y quiero compartir con Ustedes
algunos de los detalles de esta nueva organización. Escribí
anteriormente sobre las razones para nosotros que dejaban al AFL-CIO así que no me repetiré en cuanto a porqué
el cambio, pero tome una mirada adelante en el futuro con
el Cambio al Triunfo.
Muchos sindicatos internacionales reconocen que los
patrones ya han crecido y que los sindicatos han debilitado. Tanto que los impresas mas chicos los sindicatos
tienen que responder a este cambio. Nuestras camaradas
del Cambio al Triunfo comparten la misma visión. Por los
trabajadores los sindicatos tienen que seguir adelante
organizando más impresas para fortalecer el poder del
obrero sindicalizado.
Las compañías están creciendo nacionalmente y
mundialmente la unión tiene que crecer también para confortarlos por cualquier frontera. Setenta mil, 70.000,
obreros salieron de huelga de un supermercado por
California pero fue suficiente para vencer a la compañía.
La compañía es nacional y suportaba la huelga con sus
ganancias de sus otras impresas. Esta es la razón por la
cual ahora debemos ver a nuevos métodos de acción para
apoyar a nuestros miembros del futuro.
Nuestras camaradas de la nueva federación están desarrollando estrategias más amplias que antes. Vamos a trabajar juntos para identificar y confrontar a las compañías
más grandes del país. La justificación principal del Cambio
al Triunfo es organizar para dar poder y dignidad al trabajador.
Como la unión 789 sabemos organizar y las dificultadas
que viene con ella. El año pasado ganamos el premio de
organización por nuestra región, la región seis (MN, WI,
SD, ND, IA, NE, IL, IN, CO). Pero con tantas victorias nuestro membresía ha sido más o menos igual. Varios dueños
donde teníamos contrato ya cerraron. El estado quitó beneficios de los ancianos y algunos asilos cerraron. Una
empacadora cerró porque sus clientes empezaban a comprar res de australia. Pero agradecemos a Ustedes, los
miembros, para los fondos para manejar un departamento
de organización.
Nuestros camaradas con Cambio al Triunfo estamos de
acuerdo que no queremos crear una nueva burocracia. Los
líderes no van a ganar un salario para trabajar por la federación. Es un cambio importante del nivel nacional sindical.
¡Estamos comprometidos a los obreros del mundo para
despertarles al poder que tienen y llevarles al triunfo!
Workers’ Choices
Members Negotiate and Vote
on their Union Contracts
Yikes! 260 Employer Contract Proposals
--Shirley Muelken
Part of the duties of representing our Nursing Home members, is
correct “typos” and other language that had evolved over time that was
negotiating Union Contracts. Most of our members don’t
either obsolete, or needed changing in some way. However, a
know how that process works (unless you
good portion was substantive contract changes.
have been on a negotiation commitThe good news is that the company is
tee), so please allow me to
represented by a very knowledgeable
explain the process.
attorney, which really makes such
Prior to a Nursing
a daunting task as slogging
Home Union Contract
through 260 contract proexpiring, (or a retail
posals a little more palatcontract for that
able. The other good
matter), the
news is that Don
Seaquist (Union
President) is doing the
meets with the
negotiating for the
members of that
Union, (I am assisting)
bargaining unit to
and Don does a wondiscuss
derful job of taking one
proposal at a time, dischanges to their existcussing it, and moves on.
ing contract. If there are
“gray” areas of the contract
I would be remiss if I didn’t salute
that need to be clarified or
the negotiating committee at Sauer
changed, a proposal meeting is the
Memorial. We have three Service and
venue for membership suggestions or contract
Maintenance members and two LPN members on our
“proposals.” Other ideas for proposals come from members who want a committee (pictured on this page). They have been very engaged in the
wage increase, more vacawhole negotiations process,
tion, additional sick days or
and have kept the best
Seated across the table from President Don Seaquist are the negotiating
in someway want to modify
interest of their coworkers
committee members from Sauer Memorial Nursing Home. Pictured from
or change language in their
in mind when considering
left to right Sheril (Frame) Speltz, Nursing Assistant; Chris Springer, Rick
contract. The proposal
the 260 employer proposCornwell, Dietary Aide; Mary Gilbertson, LPN; and Lisa Kostuck, LPN
meeting is where the Union
Rep and the members forMy hope is that by the
mulate the contract proposals they want to present to management at
time this edition of Insight goes to press, we will have moved along in
the process, and we will be nearing the end of negotiations; or with any
I held a contract proposal meeting with our members at Sauer
luck will have voted the employer’s offer.
Memorial Nursing Home in Winona, on June 30th, 2005. We formulatI share this experience with you to help you understand a small portion
ed our proposals for the Service and Maintenance (S&M) contract, as
of what a Union Representative really does with their time. In this case,
well as the contract for the LPN’s at the facility. The S&M contract had
traveling to Winona takes time; not to mention committing to our memseven proposals. The seven proposals were things like, a wage
bers at Sauer Memorial that we will stick with the negotiating process to
increase, and some minor suggestions to “fine tune” their contract. The
the end, regardless of time, and get them the best contract we can.
LPN’s had three (3) contract proposals, which were primarily economic
issues having to do with wages and Health Insurance.
We met with the employer for the first time near the end of July 2005.
Belonging to a Union means having a voice, both
We gave them our short list of proposals. Imagine the look on the negoindividually,
and collectively. This is a right that nontiation committee’s face (and mine) when the employer gave us their
contract proposals. Remember, combined the S&M and the LPN’s had Union workplaces do not enjoy. Be part of the voice
about 10. The employer had 140 proposals for the S&M contract and a
in your workplace, and make a difference……
mere 120 proposals for the LPN contract……..260 proposals in total.
even if there are 260 contract proposals!!
In the employer’s defense, a high percentage of their proposals, were to
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Jennifer Christensen
Wal-Mart: The
High Cost of Low
Brave New Films, a new production company dedicated to
making cutting edge films about
the most relevant subjects of our time, announced that it will
theatrically release its first film, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of
Low Price, in select independently-owned theaters in New
York and Los Angeles on Friday, November 4.
Challenging the traditional release window, the limited theatrical release comes just a week before Premiere Week,
when Wal-Mart will be shown at well over 3,000 screenings
and house parties across the nation – by churches, small
business owners, teachers, and others (including the Local
789 Union Hall).
Due to an overwhelming response, trailers for the film
originally released exclusively on the web will begin showing
on dozens of screens across the country in early October.
The trailers are parodies of Wal-Mart advertisements, starring among others James Cromwell and Frances Fisher.
Robert Greenwald, filmmaker stated that “Wal-Mart: The
High Cost of Low Price is the story of one company using its
power to destroy the fabric of American life, and it is impor-
tant to us that as many people as possible see it. The theatrical release will only serve to increase the profile of WalMart.”
Premiere Week, which takes place from November 13-19,
will launch Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price utilizing
the largest grassroots mobilization in film distribution history
and we are joining in the movement. With over 3,000
screenings spread across all 50 states, people from all
walks of life will have the opportunity to see firsthand the
effect this corporate behemoth is having on the American
family and local economies around the nation.
More information on the movie can be found at:
We will be showing the movie on the Big Screen TV down
at the Hall (266 Hardman Ave. N., South St. Paul) on Friday
November 18th at 7:00 PM. If you are unable to make the
show but would like to see the movie, we will be happy to
loan you a copy. All you have to do is host a viewing party
with some of your friends and co-workers. Contact your
Union Representative or Jenny Shegos in the Organizing
Department for assistance with your event. Sign up ten
people at your event and receive a free Wake-Up Wal-Mart
It isn’t often that we ask you to become involved by
watching television with your friends and family. Be an
activist, be part of the grassroots movement to change WalMart and do it all without having to leave your living room!
Coming soon to a Living Room near you!!
Everyone has seen Wal-Mart's lavish television commercials, but have you ever wondered why Wal-Mart spends so much
money trying to convince you it cares about your family, your community, and even its own employees? What is it hiding?
WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families,
business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel... and shop.
Sign up to Host a Movie Night at your House or Community Event!
Sign up ten friends at your event and receive a Wake-Up Wal-Mart t-shirt!
Contact Jenny at 651-451-6240 (toll-free 1-877-832-9789), or email: [email protected]
Join us for the Movie and help us kick off our Holiday Campaign to Change Wal-Mart
MOVIE SHOWING DATE & TIME: November 18, 7:00 PM
LOCATION: At the Local 789 Union Hall
266 Hardman Ave. N., South St. Paul (651-451-6240)
Workers’ Justice
Supporting Workers
Fighting for the Right to Earn a Living Wage
Relief Fund Exceeds $500,000
The United Food and Commercial Workers
International Union (UFCW) members, constituency
groups and local unions have opened their hearts over
the past few weeks and generously contributed to the
well-being of Hurricane Katrina victims.
The UFCW Katrina Relief Fund has topped a halfmillion dollars, and representatives from UFCW
Regions 3 and 5 have been using the funds to help
more than 1,000 UFCW members affected by the
The UFCW has also been assisting members returning to their homes in New Orleans and other devastated areas in getting transition housing and jobs, as well
as in cleaning up and rebuilding damaged homes.
Additionally, several UFCW local unions have distributed food and have adopted members, and their families, who have been left homeless by Katrina.
Shortly after the hurricane, the Local 789 Executive
Board approved an initial donation to the general
UFCW Katrina Relief Fund. Additionally, at the
request of the Community Services Committee, the
board authorized money to adopt a UFCW family
affected by the storm. Local 789 has “adopted” a
worker from the Louisiana Domino Sugar Factory. He
is a single father with two small children. Our worker
and his family have been relocated to Texas. Work is
underway to repair and reopen the factory. With luck,
the Domino plant should be operating in three months.
UFCW Regions 3 and 5 continue their outreach
efforts aiming at accounting for every UFCW member
affected by the storm. Katrina-affected members can
call 866-820-6141.
While short-term efforts continue, UFCW members
affected by the hurricane will be rebuilding their lives
for some time, and the UFCW will continue sustaining
members through this difficult time.
Contributions can be mailed to:
UFCW Katrina Relief Fund: Region 5 Council
1400 West Northwest Highway
Suite 100
Grapevine, TX 76051
--Caroline Larsen
That is how it starts: with one tiny action. When other members join the action, it can grow into a movement. We have
been looking at the faces of poverty every day since the hurricanes hit. Did we not know poor people were there? Is this
new news to us? I do not think so. The top twenty percent of
the world’s population consumes eighty percent of the world’s
resources while the bottom twenty percent of the population
uses only one percent of the world’s resources. There are
people in this world who live on $1.00 per day. There are
people in this world that live in garbage dumps, foraging for
food and things to sell. We need a wake up call.
Food, clothing, shelter and work should be a God given right
for every human being on this earth. We can make many
excuses, and we do, every day, not to contribute to these
human needs. We can share a little and help others when we
have the time. That should fix the problem, right?
We are not doing enough. When a person works at a job
that does not provide a living wage, health care and retirement
plan, they will have to rely on the government for assistance at
some point in their life. That is if there is any assistance available. When people have nothing to live for they do not value
life. The faith communities are trying to meet the needs of the
poor, but they cannot provide healthcare.
We need to start a movement to eliminate poverty!
When there was a strong labor movement, labor attempted
to negotiate wages, hours and working conditions that kept
people out of poverty. They did a good job of doing just that.
If there are good jobs, the economy will benefit. People can
buy products, take vacations and share their good fortunes
with others. Stockholders were happy with the growing economy too. In the last ten years or so, everyone has been getting so greedy. CEOs now make so much money. They are
paid this excessive amount whether they do a good job or not.
Man has no wealth without labor.
What about labor? Are you one of those people who say
we do not need labor unions anymore? Who will look out for
the workers? Worker rights are human rights too! We need to
reboot the labor movement. I have a choice where I can fight
these battles. I am fortunate to be in a position where I represent many workers and working poor. I need to start a ripple:
just one tiny ripple. Please join me. We can start something.
I suggest that you and your co-workers refuse to shop at
Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart until they pay their employees a living wage with proper health and retirement benefits and convince your friends and relatives to do the same. That can start
the tiny ripple. After that, we can convince those in our religious community to do the same thing.
One final thought. If you want peace, work for justice.
Happy holidays!
Who’s Aldi?
¿Quien es Aldi?
-- Shane Bastien
What most of us see when we go into Aldi’s is the low prices
and the lack of name brands, appearing to cater to those of us
who budget our groceries, but what is Aldi’s track record with
the community? Where do they come from? What’s their
game? Aldi is a relative stranger and that has to change.
On a recent Monday, I met with the Equity Coalition to
answer some of these questions and kick off our Aldi’s campaign in the University Midway area where two Aldi stores are
under construction.
One can always find the intent of something through its
inception. Aldi was founded when Theo and Karl Albrecht were
released from a US POW camp after WWII. Penniless they
returned to war ravaged Essen and opened their first supermarket.
From these disturbing beginnings Aldi grew to being the dominant grocer in Germany. Aldi has become known in Europe as
a “hard discounter.” A “hard discounter” is a term for a grocer
who slashes prices by forcing their producers to remove their
brand names from their goods so they can sell them at little
more than cost.
However this creates unfair competition to supermarkets that
lack similar leverage and puts pressure on food producers, creating an artificial market not based on production costs.
For example:
- 35,000 grocers in 2003 went out of business in Germany due
to Aldi
- German dairy farmers picketed in response to a 15% plummet in milk prices due to Aldi’s imaginary economy.
- Opening stores: World wide Aldi is recognized as Wal-Mart’s
main competitor.
Aldi poses a threat to Wal-Mart by not only being able to
slash food costs but by operating in a smaller more
urban environment. This places them in direct
competition with smaller markets, many
of which are locally and minority
As for worker benefits Aldi
proves no better. Each store
employs only about seventeen people total including a
manager and two assistant
managers. There are no
departments, everyone does
Shifts are irregular and
apart from management no
one is full-time. Although starting pay is decent, roughly ten
dollars an hour, that’s where it
stays, and with a stripped down management structure ability for advancement is negligible.
Will other grocery stores survive
when faced with artificially low prices
or will the only choice left be Aldi or
Que la mayoría que nosotros ven cuando entramos Aldi es
los precios bajos y la carencia de las marcas conocidas, apareciendo como una buena oportunidad de ahorrar dinero, ¿pero
cual es la expediente
de pista de Aldi con la
comunidad?, ¿de
donde vienen? Aldi es
desconocido y esta
tiene que cambiar.
Lunes el día tres fui y
conteste estas preguntas por una reunión de
la coalición para igualdad para empezar
nuestra compaña para
organizara a Aldi. Va a
abrir dos impresas por
University y el Midway.
Uno puede encontrar
siempre el intento de
algo con su inicio. Aldi
fue fundado cuando Theo y Kart Albrecht fueron lanzados de
un campo del PRISIONERO DE GUERRA de los EEUU
después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin dinero volvieron a
su pueblo Essen ya derrotado por la guerra y abrieron su
primer supermercado.
De estos principios sombrosos Aldi llego a dominar Alemania.
Aldi se fundió el práctico del “descuento duro”. El “descuento
duro” es cuando el vendedor dirige al productor que le quita su
marca para reducir radicalmente los precios. Sin embargo esto
se hace la competición injusta a los de mas que tienen que
comprarlo y venderlo al valor de la marca. Crea un mercado
artificial no basado por la producción sino a lo gusto del Aldi.
Por ejemplo:
- 35,000 supermercados alemanes
cerraron en el año 2003 por Aldi.
- Granjeros de la leche levantaban un piquete en contra de
Aldi por una plomada de 15%
de leche dentro de
- Aldi es reconocido como
el competidor principal del
No solo es una amenaza
a los mercaditos que han
levantado algunos acá pero
no trata bien a su trabajador
tampoco. El sueldo es más o
menos pero no le dan a nadie
tiempo completo sino los supervisores. Además es casi imposible llegar a
una posición alta por esta compañía
porque tienen un sistema de mayordoUnion Organizer Shane Bastien is shown
mos regionales.
at a recent community meeting discussing
the potential negative impact Aldi will have
¿Puedan sobrevivir otros superon metro grocery stores and their workers.
mercados confrontados con los
precios bajos de Aldi?
Workers’ Issues
Information on
Issues that Effect Our Members
How Many Vested Credits Do You
--Tom Oswald
During my store visits, I have had numerous conversations with
Union members regarding their pension benefits. It concerns
me that many of our Union members do not know if they have
vested or not in their pension plan. Each year, every member
who works in a position that requires an employer contribution
to one of the UFCW pension plans will receive a pension
update in the mail. This update is only an estimate, and there is
a possibility that it may not be completely accurate. If you
changed employers, Unions or job classifications over the
years, it is possible that an error could occur. Even if you
haven’t changed jobs or employers, mistakes in reporting can
and do happen.
To be sure your vested credits are accurate and accounted
for you should check with the Pension Office periodically to verify that your vesting years and pension credits are accurate.
That way, down the road when you are actually ready to retire
and “pull” your pension, you’ll know that your vested credits are
accurate and you can receive your pension in a timely fashion.
If you have never checked on your vested credits with the
Pension office you should seriously consider doing so. If, for
some reason, their records differ from what your records
reflect, it can be a time consuming issue to get it straightened
out. It is better to find an error now and spend the time getting
it corrected while you are still working, than to discover it when
you are out the door, ready to pull the benefits, and are unable
to because of the discrepancy.
To make sure you have all the vested credits you‘ve worked
hard for, all you need to do is contact the UFCW Local 789
Union Office at 651-451-6240 and request a “Pension Vested
Credit Check Packet” be sent out to you. Please be sure to let
our office know if it’s for the Grocery or Meat Pension because
the packets are different for each pension. Also, be sure to
verify your current mailing address and phone number with our
office to insure you receive the information in a timely manner.
The bad news is, when you receive your packet, you are
going to have to fill it out. Both forms are simple to complete
and require a copy (not an original) of your birth certificate.
The forms require you to answer basic general questions that
should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. Note:
if you do not remember or you don’t have exact employment
dates it is ok, get as close as you can, noting the year in which
you worked is generally sufficient.
President Don Seaquist has contacted both the Meat and
Grocery pension offices and is in the process of scheduling
Pension information meetings for sometime in January, 2006.
Experts from the pension office will be on hand to answer all
your questions (including those on early retirement). Keep an
eye on your bulletin board for exact dates and times.
Again, if you have any questions, contact your Union
Representative. If you have difficulty filling out the forms, we
can help you with that as well.
La Última Palabra
Hay varios temas para exponer, las negociaciones de los asilos, las negociaciones de Minnesota Beef, nuestra
nueva campaña en contra de Wal-Mart, el costo de la aseguranza, el retiramiento, etcétera, etcétera, la lista sigue.
Son las remas que nos rodea y no van a disminuir. Los 8.000 miembros de esta unión merecen lo mejor servicio y
los que no tienen la unión tienen que conocer a sus derechos. Por muchos han sido muy difícil para ganar el sueño
americano y la unión esta puesto a apoyarles como puede.
Algunos obreros nunca vayan a lograr este sueño. Con este conocimiento debemos luchar para cambiar al sistema
económico que deja que los patrones ganan 431% más que sus obreros. Donde los patrones del Northwest, el
aeropuerto, están cerrando y queden con sus bonus cuando sus obreros queden afuera con hambre.
Es nuestra responsabilidad como obreros sindicalizados para confrontar a la injusticia que permanece a nuestra
sociedad. No solo debemos pelear por nuestros derechos pero para todos los obreros. Cuando el obrero no alcance
a llenar su tanque con gasolina tenemos levantar nuestra voz y cambiar el sistema. Si no los patrones aprovechan
de nuestro silencio.
In Solidarity,
Don Seaquist, President
Women’s Network Annual Fund Raiser is a Huge Success!!
The Women’s Network Silent Auction Event Raised over $10,000.00 for the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
100% of the money raised will go toward funding research to find a cure.
Thank you to everyone who made this event out best ever. Thank you to all of you who answered our request for
donations to the Silent Auction (see list of donors on page 9). Thank you to all of the Stewards, Members, Staff,
Family and Friends who sold and bought tickets to the event, and purchased items at the Auction.
Thank you to the Community Services Committee for assisting with the food (along with your other contributions),
and thank you Gail Freeman and Lee Kern for making sure we got everything done right and on time.
Members enjoy a brats a
to music during th
Future Union Members assist the Women’s
Network with prize drawings
Women’s Network Members Caroline Larsen,
Suzi Johnson, Jeanine Owusu and Ruth Andre
Members, Family and Friends enjoy
a fun filled evening of giving
Workers’ Giving
and beverages and listen
he Silent Auction
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the
success of this year’s event
Anderson, Larson, Hanson & Saunders
Jensen, Bell, Converse & Erickson PA
T.E.A.M, Inc.
Comprehensive Care Services, Inc.
Zenith Administrators
Wilson McShane Corporation
Legacy Professionals, LLP
McGrann Shea Anderson Carnival
Graves 601 Hotel
Wild Wings
Minnesota Twins
Mystic Lake Casino
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
Salon Etc.
Rainbow Foods, Inc.
Cub Foods Cottage Grove
Awada’s on Plato
Cooper’s Super Valu
Lund Food Holdings, Inc. (Byerly’s/Lund’s)
Shirley Muelken
Donna Kronholm
Tinnucci’s Restaurant
Laurie Anderson, Sue Flores, Mike Dreyer, Pat Eger
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Suzi Johnson
Ruth Andre
Estetica Salon (165 Western Ave)
Chicilo & O’Hara
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Minnesota Zephyr
Voyageur Asset Management
Mike Dreyer
Caroline Larsen
Doris Toritto
Jerry’s Cub Foods
Pam Travis
Gail Freeman
Sue McKee
Howard & Lee Kern
Minnesota Vikings
Susan Unger
Tom Andring & Son
Jean Schwab
Curves (South St. Paul)
Dale Earnhart, Inc.
Cathy’s Racing Collectibles
Diane Winter
K.I.K. Corporation
Nascar, Inc.
Jo Romer
Penske Racing
Members of Local 789 Working
to Improve the Lives of all Working People
Mark your Calendars!!
Fun for the Whole Family!!
Visit with Santa
Enjoy Games, Food, Fun and Prizes!!
Coloring Contest and Face Painting!!
Annual UFCW Local 789
Kid’s Christmas Party
December 4, 2005
12:00 - 2:00 PM
At the Union Hall
Call Tom Oswald at 651-451-6240 for
more information.
Sponsored by the UFCW Local
789 Community Services
UFCW Local 789 Receives
Awards for Excellence
Local 789 was honored for our efforts at two recent events. This Summer, our newsletter INSiGHT received the following four awards at the annual ILCA (International Labor
Communication Association) convention:
Second Award for General Excelence, Second Award for Best Cover, and a Second
Award & an Honorable Mention for Best Editorials.
We were again honored when we received an award at the
yearly Region 6 Education conference. The Local was recognized for the Largest Union Election Victory (for a Local
with over 5,000 Members).
The Award was for our 2004 organizing efforts.
Thank you for supporting your Local Union in the Fight to
represent the Organized and the Unorganized work force.
Workers’ Time-Off
Fun Things
for Local 789 Members to Do
Apply Now!
Your Dream Can Become a Reality
-- Howard Kern
It is hard to believe that as I write this article, summer is all
but over. Days aren’t as warm and the evenings are cooler.
What happened to those long lazy days of summer? The first
signs of fall – the State Fair and Labor Day have passed and a
new school year has begun.
For many of us, the start of the school year rekindles our
dream to continue our education. We have always wanted to
improve our skills or even change careers, but have realized
that it would not be possible without further education. At the
same time, we are aware that to do so, requires a big commitment of both time and money.
Education can be costly.
2006 Kokaisel College Scholarships
to the 2005
Kokaisel Scholarship Winners
$1000 - Victoria Krezowski
Cashier, Kowalskis on Grand
$1000 - Moses Ngugi
Nursing Assistant, Roseville Good Samaritan
$1000 - Brian Hendey
Cashier, Midway Cub Foods
Not only does it take
time away from home and family by requiring more of our precious time to attend classes and study, it takes a huge financial
commitment as well. These costs can be used as an excuse
for not pursuing additional education. Although nothing can
compensate for the time away from home and family, there are
some financial assistance options available to our members.
One such option is our own UFCW Local 789 Kenneth W.
Kokaisel Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is open to all
UFCW members with at least one year of membership in good
standing. If you would like more information on this scholarship
or to receive an application, call the Union office
at 651-451-6240.
The International UFCW offers another scholarship option. In
2006, seven UFCW scholarships totaling $28,000 will be
awarded to UFCW members or their dependents who graduate
from high school and enter college in 2006. Applicants must be
UFCW members in good standing as of December 31, 2004, or
their unmarried dependents, and must be age 20 or under on
March 15, 2006. Starting November 15, 2005, you can go to and apply on line. If you prefer to
have an application mailed to you, please send your request in
writing to:
UFCW Scholarship Program
1775 K Street NW
Washington DC 20006-1598
Take advantage of one or both of these options and perhaps
your dream can become a reality.
Monday November 7th is
over $3000 in Union Logo Stuff to be given away!
Come down and WIN!
7:30 PM at the Union Hall 266 Hardman Ave. South St. Paul 651-451-6240
Monday, November 7th is Membership Appreciation Night!
Nov/Dec 2005 Volume 17, No.6
Hilarie Duval-222
Gail Freeman-220
Twill Grove-227
Hall Rentals-651.437.2195
President: Don Seaquist
Jennifer Christensen
Recorder: Caroline Larsen
Vice Presidents:
1st Paul Finkenhoefer
2nd Duane Geske
3rd Marjorie Schwartz
4th Ruth Andre
5th Garry Busse
6th Bernie Hesse
7th Lauri Anderson
8th Ruth Zeman
9th Jeffery Swant
10th Diane Winter
11th Robert Klingner
12th Bill Bauer
14th Loren Murphy
15th Bob Adams
16th Bill Young
Published by: UNITED FOOD
266 Hardman Ave.
SouthSaint Paul, MN 55075.
Phone 651.451.6240;
Editor, Layout and Design:
Jennifer Christensen
Jennifer Christensen
Your Union Representatives
Don Seaquist-235
Jennifer Christensen-228
Caroline Larsen-233
Shirley Muelken-230
Howard Kern-229
Tom Oswald-224
Jeanine Owusu-231
Rafael Espinosa-232
Your Union Organizers
To leave messages for your
Union Rep. on the weekend:
Dial 651.451.6240 then enter
“2” and their extension:
Shirley Muelken Caroline Larsen
TEAM: 651.642-0182
Howard Kern
Groc/Meat HealthCare
Administrator : 952.854.0795
Tom Oswald
Meat Pension Office
Jeanine Owusu
Grocery Pension Office
Rafael Espinosa
Kokaisel Hall, 266 Hardman Ave. N, So. St. Paul
Union Meetings are held on the
1st Tuesday in January, March, May and September.
1st Monday in November (due to the Elections).
266 Hardman Avenue N
South St. Paul, MN 55075
Web :
Bernie Hesse, Director -239
Shane Bastien - 226
Jenny Shegos - 240
Don Seaquist, President
[email protected]
Bernie Hesse
In Solidarity
Union Office: 651.451.6240
Toll-free: 1.877.UFCW789
Fax: 651.451.8227
Shane Bastien
There are any number of topics to write about in this final word, from
nursing home negotiations, first contract negotiations with Minnesota
Beef, our new campaign against Wal-Mart, health insurance costs,
retirement plan concerns, and the list could go on and on. The issues
that surround us on a daily basis will not go away. The 8,000 members
of this union deserve excellence in their representation and the workers
who don’t enjoy the benefit of a union contract need to be empowered.
The financial pressures that our members face need to be addressed
and they look to their union to help them. They have found it increasingly difficult to enjoy the American dream.
For some workers, this dream will never be a reality; and that should
make us all to want to change our economic system that allows executives to be compensated over 431% higher than the average hourly
workers’ wages. We are the only industrialized nation in the world
where this occurs. When the boss at Northwest Airlines asks the
bankruptcy court to approve the bonuses currently in place for the executives because their expertise will be needed to get them through their
“situation”, we should be outraged. Have we just been conditioned to
accept the arrogance of executive compensation?
Part of our role as workers, citizens, and Union members is to expose
the inequities in our society. It can be based on race, gender, religion,
etc.; but we also should look at the growing economic disparities.
When workers can’t afford to put gas in the car to get to work, we need
to change the system. The ability to speak out on issues that we realize are unjust is our right and obligation as a free nation. When we
don’t, we empower those who will take advantage of the silence.
Phone Numbers
Jenny Shegos
Final Word

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