Jan 17, 2016 - St. Edward the Confessor


Jan 17, 2016 - St. Edward the Confessor
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 17, 2016
NEW—small faith-sharing groups forming: page 7
Register for our Called and Gifted Workshop: page 8
Parish School Open House Jan 24: page 9
One Life LA Walk January 23: page 13
Men’s Retreat January 29-31: page 9
St. Edward Parish Office
8 a.m.—7 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m.—2 p.m.
(949) 496-1307
33926 Calle La Primavera
Dana Point, California 92629
Fax: (949) 496-1557
Rev. Brendan Manson
(949) 429-2880
[email protected]
Rev. Dave Gruver, Senior Priest
(949) 542–4312
[email protected]
Rev. Armando Virrey, Parochial
Vicar (949) 429-2870
[email protected]
Deacon Al Scaduto
[email protected]
Deacon Victor Samano
[email protected]
Faith Forma on
Youth Ministries
Parish Ministries
Parish School
Parish Business
Chris an Service
(Food Bank) -Hours open:
Mon. & Wed. 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.
Friday 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eucharis c Liturgies (Mass)
8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Vigil)
7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m., 12:30(Spanish) & 5:30 p.m.
8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Penance (Confession)
6:00—7:30 p.m.
4:00—5:00 p.m.
San Felipe Confession mes (1st Friday 6 p.m.—7:30 p.m.)
(You may also call a priest to schedule an appointment.)
Sacrament of the Sick/ Emergency
In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, contact the
Parish office to arrange for Anoin ng of the Sick and Eucharist. In case of
a medical emergency a er office hours, call (949) 257-8017.
Sacrament of Bap sm
Infant Bap sms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays of each
month following catechesis for parents and godparents. Parents of infants should contact the Faith Forma on office (949) 496-6011 to enroll.
Celebra on of Chris an Funerals
At the me of death, a family member should contact the Parish office to
arrange the date and me for the funeral liturgy.
Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA)
Adults reques ng informa on about full ini a on and communion with
the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap sm, Eucharist and
Confirma on) may contact the Faith Forma on office at (949) 496-6011.
Sacrament of Matrimony
The Sacrament presumes ac ve sacramental par cipa on on the part of
one or both persons. Couples must begin prepara on for
their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding
date. Please call the Parish office for more informa on.
Eucharis c Adora on
On the first and third Monday of each month for 24 hours beginning
a er 8:15 a.m. Mass. Adora on in San Felipe the 1st Friday of every
month 8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our church.
We hope you will find our parish community a place where
your faith will be nourished. We also hope you will share
your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your
presence and your talents are most welcome.
To register, please visit our parish office.
Liturgias y Sacramentos
celebrados en español
Horario de Oficina
Lunes y Martes 5:00—8:00 p.m.
Domingo: 9:30—11:30a.m.
(949) 493-8918
26010 Domingo Ave
Capistrano Beach, CA.92624
Llame a la oficina de San Eduardo
de Lunes a Viernes
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. para hablar con:
Millie Estrada
(949) 496-1307
Victor Samano, Deacon
[email protected]
Horario de Educación Religiosa :
Lunes y Martes 5:00—8:00 p.m.
Para registrarse en la parroquia visite
la oficina o nuestra pagina web
Altar Server/
Gloria Luz Gálvez
(949) 566-4587
Caballeros de Colon/
José Luis Hurtado
Knights of Columbus
(949) 254-2261
Cenáculo Misionero
Apolonio Ontiveros
(949) 347-8524
Elo Ruiz
(949) 257-5090
Ángeles Garcia
Eucarísticos (Spanish)
(949) 870-5738
Faith Formation/
Educación Religiosa
Sr. Sue Dunning CSJ (949) 493-8920
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Guadalupe Paniagua (949) 290-0239
Lectores (Spanish)
Benito Moctezuma
(949) 616-5290
Crescencio y Ana
(949) 412-9143
(949) 413-8240
Raquel Mares
(949) 456-5988
Mari Nájera
(949) 973-0208
Lucia Guzmán
(949) 257-7314
January 17, 2016
Misas en Español
10:00 a.m. (San Felipe)
12:30 p.m. (San Eduardo)
Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m. (San Felipe)
Confesiones en San Eduardo
de 6 -7:30 p.m.
de 4 - 5:00 p.m.
Confesiones en San Felipe De Jesús
Primer Viernes del Mes de 6-7:30 p.m.
Unción de los Enfermos/Emergencia
En caso de una enfermedad seria o emergencia médica, un
fallecimiento o la necesidad de recibir la unción de los enfermos o
la Eucaris a, llame a la oficina de San Eduardo si su emergencia es
después de las 8 p.m. al (949) 257-8017.
Sacramento del Bau smo
Bau zos: segundo sábado del mes a las 11 a.m.
Plá cas pre bau smales: primer martes del mes de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30
p.m. en la Capilla de San Felipe de Jesús.
En el momento de la muerte, un miembro de la familia debe ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia para reservar la fecha y
hora de la liturgia fúnebre.
Rito de Iniciación Cris ana para Adultos (RCIA)
Los adultos que soliciten información acerca del programa de RICA
para recibir (los sacramentos del Bau smo, Eucaris a y Confirmación) puede llamar a Mari Nájera al (949) 973-0208.
Sacramento del Matrimonio
Las parejas deben comenzar la preparación para el Sacramento del
Matrimonio al menos seis meses antes de su boda. Por favor llame a
la oficina parroquial para más información.
Tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10 a.m. en San Eduardo.
Adoración al San simo Sacramento
Primer viernes del Mes 8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (San Felipe)
1er y 3er lunes del Mes las 24 horas (San Eduardo)
*Nuestra despensa de alimentos*
está situada en frente de Knight Hall y está abierta:
Lunes y Miércoles - 9:30 am a 3:30 pm
Viernes - 9:30 am a 12:30 pm
The Bodies of Christ
The Blessed Sacrament Chapel and the Poor
A House of Prayer
After God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, He told him to
build a tabernacle, saying "they shall make me a sanctuary and I will
dwell in their midst” (Ex 25:28). Moses did as God commanded and
built a tabernacle in which was placed manna from the Exodus, the staff of Aaron,
and the Ten Commandments. The tabernacle, a Hebrew word meaning
“residence” or “dwelling place”, was a sacred place where God chose to meet his
The new tabernacle in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel will be blessed today at the
12:30 Mass by Bishop Vann. Located behind the crucifix and glass rererdo (wall), the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel is a sacred place where God continues to meet us, His people. Unlike the
tabernacle of the Israelites, the tabernacles in Catholic Churches contain the true and living presence
of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
One of the most powerful gifts we have to help us develop our prayer-life and our relationship with
God as individuals, families, and a parish is to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. If you
haven’t seen the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, please visit it today. Jesus is always there in the tabernacle
as God, friend, and counselor saying to us as He did to Moses “here, I will dwell in their midst”.
The House of the Poor
Our worship of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist leads us to recognize, love, and serve Him in
His other body: the tabernacle that is the human
person, created in God’s very own image and likeness. Authentic worship leads to service and authentic Christian service is the fruit of prayer. I
want to express my gratitude to the many individuals and groups who have been generous and joyful stewards of their time, talents, and treasure by
serving the body of Christ in the “least among us”.
Below are a few ways that we have work together recently to serve the body of Christ in others.
Thank YOU for a VERY Successful
Jacket and Sleeping Bag Drive
Welcome INN would like to thank the parishioners of
St Edward Parish for their tremendous generosity and
support of the homeless on Dec 12 & 13.
Through your donations we collected 200 sweatshirts,
300 jackets, 50 pairs of jeans, 70 sleeping bags, lots of
socks, ponchos and blankets. Because of your love, the
homeless of our community will be
warmer this winter.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thank You
We are extremely grateful to St. Edward for hosting a
very successful Craft Sale for Concern America on
November 22. The proceeds from the sale were
$1,947. A special thank you to your Social Justice
Ministry volunteers who staffed the craft sale.
We, and the men and women working in the cooperatives that produce these beautifully handcrafter items,
are so very grateful for the opportunity for a better life
that these sales represent. Thank you St. Edward!
Los Cuerpos de Cristo
La Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento y los Pobres
Casa de la Oración
Después de que Dios dio a Moisés los Diez Mandamientos, Él le dijo que
construyera un tabernáculo, diciéndole "me harán un santuario y habitaré
en medio de ellos" (Éxodo 25:28). Moisés hizo como Dios ordenó y construyó un tabernáculo en el que se colocó maná del Éxodo, la vara de Aarón, y los Diez Mandamientos. Tabernáculo, una palabra hebrea que significa "residencia" o "morada", era un
lugar sagrado donde Dios escogió para cumplir con su pueblo.
El nuevo tabernáculo del Santísimo Sacramento será bendecido hoy en la misa de 12:30pm
por el obispo Vann. Situado detrás del crucifijo y vidrio (pared), la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento es un lugar sagrado donde Dios nos espera, a su pueblo. A diferencia de la tienda
de los israelitas, los sagrarios de las iglesias católicas contienen la verdadera y viviente presencia del Cuerpo, Sangre,
Alma y Divinidad de Jesucristo.
Uno de los más poderosos dones que tenemos para ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestra vida de oración y de nuestra
relación con Dios, como el prójimo, las familias, y una parroquia es pasar tiempo con Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento. Si usted no ha visto la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento, por favor visite hoy. Jesús está siempre allí, en el
sagrario como Dios, amigo y consejero diciendo a nosotros como lo hizo con Moisés "aquí, yo habitaré en medio
de ellos".
La Casa de los Pobres
Nuestra adoración del Cuerpo de Cristo en la Eucaristía nos lleva a reconocer, amar y servirle en Su otra institución: el tabernáculo, que es la persona humana, creada muy propia imagen y semejanza de Dios en. Adoración auténtica lleva a reparar y auténtico servicio cristiano es el fruto de la oración. Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a
las muchas personas y grupos que han sido mayordomos generosos y alegres de su tiempo, talento y tesoro al servir el cuerpo de Cristo en el "menos entre nosotros". Aquí hay algunas maneras que tenemos de trabajo juntos recientemente para servir al cuerpo de Cristo en otros.
"Who of you will help the poor amongst us?"
St. Edward’s parish is entering into a pilot program with Family Assistance Ministries (FAM), in San Clemente. FAM is a faith based, nonprofit organization
that has a long record of successfully aiding the poor, feeding the hungry and
sheltering the homeless in this area. Technology has provided instant access to
a wide range of resources and has enhanced case managers’ ability to provide
long-term care and planning to aid those who seek a path out of poverty. FAM
Is linked to many databases throughout the Orange County and state that gives
them the ability to seek long-term solutions. Their goal is to offer personalized
supportive counseling to aid clients in bridging the gap from dependency to self-sufficiency.
This partnership will augment St. Edward’s Christian Services and the Saint Vincent de Paul ministries. Their focus
has been and will continue to offer emergency assistance. They have done a remarkable job of providing food, rental
assistance, hotel rooms and many other services when desperate people had nowhere else to go. This new partnership with FAM will now add another level of assistance, which up to now, was not available.
We are seeking parish volunteers who are willing to serve twice a month for a 3-hour shift. It will be held at our San
Felipe de Jesus chapel midday every Friday. Commencing in January, FAM will provide orientation to those who
want to be a part of this exciting new ministry. Based on the response we receive, we hope to begin serving “the
least among us” by February. If this is something you would like to be a part of or want more information, please call
our program volunteer coordinator, Jane Galligani 949.276.7382 or leave your name at the church office.
January 17, 2016
Thank You for Supporting the Poor and Sharing Joy
Thank you for your support and donations during the months of November and December. As a result of your
generosity many of our less fortunate brothers and sisters received food, toys, gift cards and other support from our
Christian Service and St. Vincent de Paul ministries.
In mid-November BUNDLE SUNDAY was once again a huge success! The St. Vincent de Paul truck left our lot fully
packed with your donations of household items and clothing that will be sold at SVdP thrift stores to raise money to
help the poor.
For Thanksgiving, 80 turkeys were given to the poor individuals and families from St. Edward the Confessor and San
Felipe de Jesús most of who receive food weekly from our food pantry.
During Advent and Christmas you helped to bring the joy of Christmas to many poor individuals and families in our
community with your gift cards and cash donations of $3,474.
Fifty-eight families, made up of 99 adults and 171 children, were adopted by you and
provided with Christmas dinner and gifts.
And you didn’t forget the children! It was such a joy to see 141 excited children be
blessed with new toys donated by parishioners, school children, the Knights of Columbus, and St. Vincent de Paul Toy Collaborative.
THANK YOU to the many volunteers who helped
to make these programs so successful. They donated many hours to bring joy to others. We are truly
blessed as a parish to have so many volunteers who
help serve and care for the poor.
St.Vincent de Paul and
Christian Services Ministries
THANK YOU to the Amazing St. Edward the Confessor Parish Family!
I am continually amazed and grateful to see the action you take to help those in need! True givers of heart! With the
help you and others provided, in December Family Assistance Ministries (FAM) was able to serve:
 3,180 people with food; 463 of these were food distributions to homeless.
 24 homeless women and children were sheltered at Gilchrist House, FAM’s homeless shelter, and provided with
life’s necessities.
 19 people were re-housed through FAM’s Rapid Rehousing Program.
 All clients were provided financial counseling and workable solutions toward stable housing.
 900 children were adopted for Christmas and provided with toys. 545 children were able to see Santa and pick
out two toys. Many children received a new pair of shoes at FAM’s Annual Children’s Christmas Party!
Here’s the story of one of the many people you helped by supporting FAM:
A man, homeless since 201, came in for help to find shelter from the cold. He had been surviving by living in his vehicle but then injured his back. We were able to provide him with food and
personal care items. We paid to repair and smog his vehicle so he could register it AND provided a referral to a shelter so he could heal. He came back to thank us and to tell us he has
helped two homeless women get off the street!
Praise God!
Mary Gray Perdue, Executive Director
Family Assistance Ministries
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 23, 2016
We will have a bus that will depart @ 8:00 am from St Edward. To offset the cost of transportation we ask
$25 per person. Couples or families $20 per person. To sign up and reserve your place please contact Alejandra Baker(949) 690-7315 [email protected]
El 23 de enero 2016, únase al Obispo Vann y a miOn January 23, 2016, join Bishop Vann and tens of
les de personas en el centro de Los Ángeles para el
thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the second
segundo evento anual UnaVida LA, un evento que
annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty
celebra la belleza y la dignidad de cada ser humano
and dignity of every human life from conception to
desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Conatural death. Beginning at 12:00 at La Placita/Olvera
menzando al mediodía en La Placita/Olvera St., caSt., we will walk to Grand Park for a family-friendly
minaremos hacia Grand Park para un día familiar
day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment,
donde habrá conferencistas, música en vivo, entrefood trucks, and exhibits from community organizatenimiento, camiones de comida, y puestos de orgations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for
nizaciones comunitarias que sirven a personas necethe Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm.
sitadas. Concluiremos con la Misa de “Réquiem para los No Nacidos” en la catedral a las 5PM.
January 17, 2016
On-going Religious Education and Spiritual Growth for Everyone, ALL THE TIME!
Connect with us 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week : http://.stedward.com/faithformation
Faith Formation Calendar at a Glance
Sunday January 17th
9:00 am—Tiny Angels (School)
9:00 am—Family Faith Session “FISH” Group (School)
2:30 pm—Infant Baptisms in the Church
6:30-8:30pm –Insight – in Knight Hall
Wednesday January 27th
9:00am-Women of Wisdom in Knight Hall
7:30pm-Bible Study in Knight Hall
Thursday January 28th
Tuesday January 19th
7:30 pm—Baptisms Preparation Class-in the Church
9:00am - Bible Study in Knight Hall.
7:00pm - RCIA in Knight Hall
Sunday January 31st
Wednesday January 20th
9:00am-Women of Wisdom in Knight Hall
7:30pm-Bible Study in Knight Hall
Sunday January 24th
3:30 pm—Confirmation I-Speaker Series Event
4:00 pm—Outlet Middle School Program (School)
6:30-8:30pm –Insight – in Knight Hall
Tuesday January 26th
9:00am - Bible Study in Knight Hall.
7:00pm - RCIA in Knight Hall
9:00 am—Tiny Angels (School)
9:00 am—Family Faith Session “A” Group (School)
2:30 pm—Infant Baptisms in the Church
3:45 pm—Confirmation II-Meet in Church
6:30-8:30pm –Insight – in Knight Hall
Tuesday February 2nd
9:00am - Bible Study in Knight Hall.
7:00pm - RCIA in Knight Hall
Wednesday February 3rd
9:00am-Women of Wisdom in Knight Hall
7:30pm-Bible Study in Knight Hall
What Is A Small Group and What Do They Do?
A small group consists of three or more people who gather at a
chosen time in a home, workplace, other designated place, or
online. A small group comes together to talk about God and faith
and Some groups study Scripture or watch and discuss a video series. Other groups do service projects together. IT’S UP TO THE
SMALL GROUP TO DECIDE what to do at each meeting. The
main purpose is to form companionship on the spiritual journey so
that no one feels alone.
Who Can Join a Small Group?
Any adults, any age – singles, married people (with children or
without children), co-workers, neighbors, friends – can join a small group. You can choose a multi-generational group
or a group specifically your age… Ready? Find a group that fits you or start one of your own.
Start A Small Group
We need people who are willing to start small groups and host them. This simply means that you are the designated
organizer/facilitator. The best part of starting a small group is that you get to choose when you meet, the location, and
what you would like the group to do. WE WILL TRAIN YOU TO BE A FACILITATOR. IT IS EASY AND NOT
TIME-CONSUMING. The parish will match people to what your group does, when it meets, and where. OR you can
invite people to join your group and form it yourself. Whatever works for you.
Do you think you want to start a small group or need more information? Go to:
or email Liz Iorio in the Faith Formation Office: [email protected].
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Ministries
Liturgical Ministers
Morning Reflection
and Ministry Training
Saturday, February 27
9:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.
Are You Stressed? Discouraged?
Feeling Down?
You don't have to go through difficult times alone.
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you
with confidential, one-to-one, Christian care and
support to help you get through a tough time. So
don't keep it all inside and struggle alone. Our
Stephen Ministers are "there to care.” To find out
more about Stephen Ministry, call 949-496-1307
x2503 or email [email protected].
Serra Club of South Orange County
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Tuesday, January 19 @ 7:00 p.m.
Vincentians serve the poor cheerfully, listening to
them, respecting their wishes, and helping them to
recover their dignity, for we are all created in God's
image. In the poor, we see the suffering Christ."
Please join us for our monthly meetings on the 3rd
Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Church
Meeting Room.
Parents’ Grief Support Group
Thursday, January 21 @ 6:30—8:00 p.m.
Our grief support group is for parents who have lost
a child of any age. We meet at 6:30 p.m. on the
third Thursday of the month in the Church Meeting
Room. If you are interested in joining the group, or
you would like additional information, please call
Celine Miller at (949) 361– 0878.
Monday, January 18 @ 6:00 p.m.
You are invited to join the Serra Club for dinner
and speaker. Dinner and drinks are included: a
$10 donation is appreciated.
The Serra Club of Southern Orange County is part
of an international organization devoted to praying
for vocations. We meet the 3rd Monday of every
month in Knight Hall at 6:00 p.m.
Letter to Women
Wednesdays Jan. 20 – March 16
9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
This group study is foundational to Endow and is
based on Saint John Paul II’s Letter to All Women of
the world. It reaffirms the dignity of human persons
as it upholds the special place women occupy in the
family, the Church, and the world.
Register on line at www.Endowgroups.org or contact Carey 949.661.9156 or [email protected]
LEARN Natural Family Planning
January 22 and 23
Join other couples on January 22 AND 23 to learn
Natural Family Planning. John Kippley will be teaching a sympto-thermal, cross-checking system and
a breastfeeding method that postpones the return of
fertility. Cost for the manual, thermometer, charts
and instruction is $50. There will be
3 sessions on these two days at a home in Capistrano Beach. To sign up or for information
contact Martha Sears – [email protected]
or Meredith Thomas - [email protected]
January 17, 2016
Mother of the Redeemer
Redemptoris Mater
Thursday mornings
9:30 —11:30 am
January 21 through March 10
Endow study groups meet weekly over an eight
week period. No homework is required.
Sign Up at http://endowgroups.org/join-a-group/
Contact : Tamara Jordan [email protected]
Please Pray for…
The Sick
Carol Munroe
Barbara Westfal
Eric Wolf
Michael McGuire
Jack Swartzbaugh
Scott Hernandez
Barbara Sexton
Alexis Trujillo
Kaelyn Pich
Maria Pich
Dr. Richard Cerutti
Bob Miller
Werner Barden
Stella Sadler
Jack Kotin
Jack Coughin
Carm Mazanec
Patricia Solares
Reino Hendrickson
Vickie Trujillo
In Memoriam
Elena Puente
Peggy Halper
The Deceased
Jan. 17: Norman Patti (1980), Robert Grzegorczyk (2004),
Barbara Willeford (2006), Danielle Grisaffi (2010),
Lawson Janes (2011), Nicholas Scarola (2014)
Jan. 18: Alice Pepper (1980), Michael Armando (2011),
Carol Briggs (2014)
Jan. 19: Marca DeLeon (2001), Ronald Siebert Sr. (2003),
Matthew James Meaglia (2004), Mariln Peitz (2004),
Florence Urban (2011)
Jan. 20: William Cole (1993), Mary Ruth Schludecker (1995),
Anthony Fermelia (2005), Margaret Maly-Stamm
Jan. 21: John Pelch (1974), Maureen Reinthaler (1988),
Emilio Giannotti (2000), Philip Smith III (2002),
Donna Pratt (2002), Evelyn Lindley (2003),
Marilou Kiernan(2003), Roberto Terminella (2007)
Jan. 22: Juanita Caroline Finn (1996), Jennifer Allen (2004),
Cecelia Scallon (2005), Roberto Lynn Tucci (2011),
Charles Capozzoli (2013), Margaret Swiderski (2015)
Jan. 23: Mark Foster (1984), Newton Withers (1988),
Kenn L. Teel (2005), Walter Sumner (2014)
2nd Sunday in Ordinary time
Sanctuary Flowers this weekend
were sponsored by:
The Sloss Family and
Marieke Eninger
In loving memory of
George Eninger
Mass Intentions
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m
5:30 p.m
Jan 17
Mass for the People
Marjorie Terry †
Richard Stensby †
Candido Cruz †
Catherine Pawlikow †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jan 18
Darci Kosmal
No Mass-Cancelled
8:15 a.m.
5:30 P.m.
Jan 19
Florence Rosales †
Luwanna Sullivan †
Wednesday Jan 20
8:15 a.m.
Sheila Schonberg
5:30 p.m.
Lyndsay Mackler
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jan 21
Maria Simmons
Margarita de Jesus Ramirez †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jan 22
Eilleen Delis †
Richard Stensby †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jan 23
Gary Easterling †
Tom Healey †
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m
5:30 p.m
Jan 24
Mass for the People
Richard Stensby †
Peter & Nora McAleer †
Jose Carteño
Doran Parsons †
Year to date Sunday donations
ending November 30th
Budget: $917,403
Actual: $854,230
Thank you to all who supported the
2015 Pastoral Services Appeal
We exceeded our goal of $237,000.
Over $8,000 will be rebated back to St.
Edwards. “Every dollar rebated will be
given to the poor of our community.”
Celebrating an anniversary
or other special occasion,
remembering a loved one?
Please consider sponsoring
a flower arrangement for $60
each in the Sanctuary.
We have made arrangements
with a local florist, McCool Flowers to have the bouquets delivered weekly to the church. We will
acknowledge your donation in the bulletin. Please go to
the parish office to reserve your date and make payment for the flowers, and we will do the rest! Please
do not contact McCool’s directly as they do not keep a
record of who reserved each weekend.
Daily Schedule Monday-Saturday
7:30 a.m.—Pro Life Rosary and Morning Prayer
(Liturgy of the Hours)
8:15 a.m.—Mass
Divine Mercy Chaplet for Priests
5:30 p.m.—Mass
(Saturday is Sunday’s Liturgy)
This Week’s Events
January 18 Martin Luther King Day
Parish Office Closed
Cancelled: 5:30 pm Mass & 6pm Confessions
24 Hour Adoration
6:00 p.m.
Serra Club, Knight Hall
January 19
7:45 a.m.
Moms in Prayer, St. Edward Room
6:00 p.m.
Rosary World Apostolate of Fatima
7:00 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul, Church Mtg Room
Wednesday January 20
9:00 a.m.
Circle of Praise, Church Cry Room
9:00 a.m.
Binky Patrol, Church Mtg. Room
9:30 a.m.
Women of Wisdom
1:00 p.m.
Families of Nazareth, Church Mtg. Rm
7:00 p.m.
Bible Study
January 21
8:45 a.m.
Tijuana Ministry
6:30 p.m.
Parents Grief Group
January 22
9:00 a.m.
Prayer Shawl, Church Mtg Room
January 23
8:00 a,m.
OneWalkLA bus departs St. Edward
Scripture Readings
Wedding Banns
Daniel Rooney & Maria Novak ♥ Jan 23, 2016
Joseph Tassel & Bailey Cuzner ♥ Feb 20, 2016
January 17, 2016
Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27];
Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2;
Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-18 or 9:1-22; Ps 24:7-10;
Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14;
Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17;
Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17;
Mk 4:35-41
Attention Married Couples!
Marriage Encounter Weekend
February 12-14
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. The question is what to get your
spouse to show your love and commitment. How
about a weekend away from work, kids, housework
and cooking? If you are after a memorable Valentine’s with your spouse, then a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is for you.
For more information, please contact Jim and
Cheryl at 949-551-9156 or John and Maggie Lee at
714-837-5136. If you prefer sign up at our website
at ocwwme.org
Thursday, January 21 at 7 pm
John F. Kippley, founder of Natural Family Planning Int’l
Will speak at St. Edward (no cost) in the Parish Room
(#219)-2nd Floor of the Parish School
January 22 and 23
John Kippley will teach the symptom-thermal NFP method at a private home in Capistrano Beach.
For information or to register contact Martha Sears
[email protected], 949-422-7676
or Meredith Thomas [email protected],
949-370-8017 (Cost of course materials - $50)
Blood Drive
Sunday, February 7
8:00 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Red Cross Bloodmobile at St. Edward the
Confessor Catholic Church
To schedule your appointment, sign up online at:
RedCrossBlood.org and use sponsor code: Edwards
or contact Terry Bustillos [email protected]
or Dick Gosselin [email protected]
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
A Lifeline for Marriages
Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their
marriages. It is designed to provide tools to help get
your marriage back on track. You will have the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives
together in a new and positive way.
This program has helped tens of thousands of couples
experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery.
For confidential information or to register for the
January 22 weekend call (714) 306-6469 or email:
[email protected] or visit the web site at
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
When: Sunday, January 17, 2016
Where: Knight Hall
Time: After 11:00AM Mass
Break Bread with the Knights of Columbus!
Come ake the B
Intere ights?
Hous to our Op Q?
e on
the K elcome!
ary 1 esday,
lies W
9 , 7p
Hot Dogs!
Knights of Columbus
Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism
Catholic gentlemen from 18 & up can help our community.
Please contact SK Lou Ramirez, Membership Director
949-374-0498 · [email protected]
Or visit our website at www.kofc12451.org
to see what we’re doing.
Men’s Retreat Mater Dolorosa
January 29—31
This Year’s Theme: “No Greater Love.”
St. Edward the Confessor retreat for men will
be held at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center. The retreat
begins Friday evening, Jan 29 with a buffet dinner and
concludes Sunday, January 31, at noon. Deposit is $50.
Requested donation is $240. No one is turned away if
they cannot pay. You can sign up by contacting Rob
Wagner(949) 842-2277 [email protected]
or registers online at www.materdolorosa.org
Christian Refugees
Christians in the Middle East face persecution and extinction simply because they
are Christians. The Knights of Columbus have purchased olive wood crosses made by Christians in Bethlehem. If you would like one of these crosses, they will
be available from the Knights at a table after Masses on
the weekend of January 17. The Knights are requesting
a minimum donation of $10 dollars for a cross. The
proceeds will go to the refugee camps in Iraq and Syria.
The Knights of Columbus

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