St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville


St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville
St. William Catholic Church
929 Gunter Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
1534 Whitesville Road
Albertville, AL 35950
St. William Catholic Church,
929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
Pastor—Rev. Tim Pfander
256-582-4245 ext. 102
Mass Schedule
Monday—Friday 8:30 am
Vigil Mass—Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday—8:30 & 11:00 am
Confession - Saturday
3:45-4:30 pm
Church Office
Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Office Manager—Laura Hodge
[email protected]
Deacon Ken Hall
Music coordinator
Kevin McGarrahan
St. Vincent de Paul
Tim Higgins
*for Assistance
256-582-4245 ext. 201
Mary Fritts
Ladies Sodality
Janet Bright
Knights of Columbus
Council 12618
Kevin Young
Assembly 3328
Sean Landry
Marshall County Homeless Ministry
Janice Slaughter
Respect Life
Judith Hyatt
Alice Beck
Young at Heart
Jeanette Seppamaki
Parish School of Religion
Coordinator— Debbie Klan
256-582-4245 ext. 104
[email protected]
Pre-K through 8th Grade
Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on
Sundays in Mary’s House from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see
the calendar for the full schedule.
Senior Youth Catechism
High School Catechism is held each Sunday in Angel House from
9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.
Adult Formation
Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar
for the full schedule.
Couples must contact Fr. Tim at least 6 months prior to setting a
wedding date at the parish.
Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information.
Bulletin Deadline
Monday 12:00 pm
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
1534 Whitesville Road, Albertville, AL 35950
Padre Guillermo Aristizabal
Diacono Edwin Santos
Oficina de Iglesia
Directora—Yolanda Nieto
Horario de Oficina
lunes - cerrado
martes - viernes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Horario de Misas:
Miércoles, jueves, & viernes 6:00 pm
sábado Misa de Vigilia 6:00 pm
domingo en Español 8:30 am,11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Confesiones: Miércoles 5-5:45 pm, Sábado 4:30-5:30 pm, o por cita
Coro Santa Cruz: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en la Capilla.
*Coordinador: Raúl Garduño, 256-558-5286
Coro Alabanza y Gloria: Ensayo los jueves a las 6 pm en el centro.
*Coordinador: Tomás Ackerman, 251-402-3626
Coro Fuego Divino: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en el centro.
*Coordinador: Gustavo Pérez Macario 256-572-0498
Preparación para la recepción de los sacramentos y para el crecimiento en la fe. Clases los viernes, sábados y domingos en el centro. Se
requiere dos años de clase para la recepción de la Primera Comunión
y para Confirmación. Para la recepción de Comunión el/la estudiante
necesita tener 7 años de edad antes del primero de octubre. Para empezar la clase del primer año de Confirmación, necesita tener 12 años
antes del primero de octubre. Y para la recepción de Confirmación,
necesita tener 13 años antes del primero de octubre.
*Contacte: María López o Yolanda Nieto, 256-891-0550
Clases de Crecimiento. Para los jóvenes y adultos que quieren
aprender más de su fe. “Cuando era niño, hablaba como niño, pensaba
y razonaba como niño. Pero cuando me hice hombre, dejé de lado las
cosas del niño” (1 Corintios 13:11).
*Coordinador: Santiago Vásquez, 256-960-7095
Cursos Pre-Matrimoniales. Dichoso quien ama de corazón los Mandatos del Señor. Anímate a recibir la bendición de Dios en tu matrimonio. Te esperamos.
*Contacte: Diácono Edwin y Paola Santos, 256-738-6153
Clases Pre-Bautismal. Cada segundo sábado del mes a las 1:00 pm.
*Para más información contacte:
María López 256-891-0550
Preparación Quinceañeras. Son solamente tres veces al año.
*Para más información contacte: Ramona Solís, 256-202-9164.
Grupo Juvenil Reuniones Miércoles 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, y Domingos 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm
*Contacte: Maricela Nieto, 256-572-6613
Caballeros de Colón
*Contacte: Joe Castillo, 256-744-0232
Luis Rivera, 256-630-4395
Grupos de Oración. “Eran asiduos a la enseñanza de los Apóstoles, a
la Convivencia fraterna a la fracción del pan y a las oraciones” (Hechos 2:42). Domingos desde las 2 p.m. hasta las 5 p.m. en la
*Coordinador 1: Baltazar Zamarripa, 256-293-2599
*Coordinador 2: Pedro González, 256-486-7890
Comité Organizador de los Eventos de la Iglesia
*Contacte: Rosalinda Vega, 256-572-1642
Respect Life
Judy Hyatt
Patron Saints of the Pro-Life Movement
St. Gerard Majella, religious, is the patron of
expectant mothers. He was born at Muro, Italy,
in 1726 and joined the Redemptorists at the age
of 23, becoming a professed lay brother in
1752. He served as sacristan, gardener, porter,
infirmarian, and tailor. However, because of his
great piety, extraordinary wisdom, and his gift of
reading consciences, he was permitted to counsel
communities of religious women.
There are plenty of
“treasures” in our tradition
that if resurrected today
would cause anxious moments for bishops! Many
concern marriage. There
was a time when the church
“consecrated” both virgins
dedicated to prayer and
charity, and brides dedicated to husband and family. Virgins were blessed in
the sanctuary of the church,
and brides in the sanctuary
of the home. The custom of
blessing the bride in the
marriage chamber was
standard in England, Ireland, Spain, and France
until the eleventh century.
If the groom (the
groom’s side planned the
wedding) chose from the
full menu of liturgy, there
would be a blessing of the
bridal room, solemn evening prayer on the eve and
morning prayer on the day
of the wedding, a blessing
at the church door of the
spouses, and then in the
church for the wife alone
during Mass, and Communion. After the feast, a priest
would represent the bride’s
father in presiding over the
legal process by which the
bride transferred from her
father’s clan to her husband’s. Some enduring customs hearken back to these
days when marriage was
seen as a contract between
men (the bride’s father and
the groom) and was not so
much about living out one’s
baptismal call, and certainly
not about the equality of the
spouses in Christ. Happily,
this baptismal focus has
been restored and unhelpful
customs set aside by today’s
marriage rite.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. Vincent de Paul urged his followers to worship and to
imitate the Trinity, and to live a life in which all are one,
as Jesus is one with the Father and the Spirit. He
wanted his followers to have in themselves the image of
the Trinity, to share a sacred relation to the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. St. Vincent wanted us to be together as having but one
heart and soul so that through this union of spirit we would be a true
image of the unity of God. He prayed to the Holy Spirit, who is the
union of the Father and Son, that he would likewise be ours, giving
profound peace in the midst of contradictions and difficulties.
(Maloney, The Way of Vincent de Paul, p.34)
Theologians throughout the Christian centuries have spilled
much ink (and, on occasion, some blood) in describing and
defining the mystery of the Holy Trinity. One of the earliest,
most poetic, and beautiful descriptions comes from St.
Augustine in De Trinitas, wherein he describes the Trinity as
One (the Father) who loves, One (the Son) who is loved, and
One (the Spirit) who is love. And these three Ones are also one
It might be wisest for us to leave the technical wranglings
to the academic theologians, and focus on the fact that the
three Persons of the Trinity are indeed persons; they are best
known and understood in their love for each other and for us.
We are made in the image of those loving persons, and our best
relationships are lived out in the context of love. Truly loving
relationships are inexhaustible mysteries to be lived in joy. If
this is true of our human relationships, how much more so is it
true of our relationship with the Trinity. And how much more
does it call upon us to be joyful, loving witnesses of the holy
mystery of the One‐in‐Three. This is the mystery to which we
were called when we were chosen to be God’s own, baptized
with water in the name of the Holy Trinity.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice.
The Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center
and the Office of Lay ministry of the
Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
The Psalms as Spiritual Road Maps Day Retreat
June 13th at the Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center
9:30 am-3:30 pm
Lead by Sister Genevieve Glen, OSB
Sister Glen writes regularly for Give Us This Day (Liturgical Press)
and is a composer of numerous hymn texts published by Oregon
Catholic Press. The cost for this day is $30. A non-refundable deposit of $9 is required. Various registration options are available.
Please email [email protected], telephone 256-734-8302 or visit for more information.
Sunday, June 7th
11:00 am Mass to be held at Civitan Park
with picnic to immediately follow.
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Chicken, hot dogs
and drinks provided
Santísima Trinidad
Help Wanted Administrative position in the Santa Cruz office,
30-35 hours per week. Hours are flexible, but
weekends are necessary most of the time during
the school year. Computer knowledge and the
ability to communicate in both English and Spanish are essential. If interested, please contact Laura
at the St. William office (256) 582-4245 ext. 102.
Health insurance and other benefits are available. Colectas de la Capilla
Primera colecta: Fondos de operación para los servicios públicos,
empleados, programas suministros, mantenimiento, etc.
Cantidad necesaria cada semana
Colección la semana pasada
$ 5,600
$ 6,503
Segunda colecta: Fondo de construcción (Para pagar la deuda)
Cantidad total de la deuda
Pago mensual de la deuda
Colectado este mes
Mas venta de comida este mes
Colecta total en mayo
$ 12,294
$ 9,967
$ 3,191
$ 13,158
Marcos, Mateo y Lucas nos
relatan los eventos de la
Ascensión de Cristo al
cielo. En estas narraciones
Jesús envía a “los Once y
los que estaban con
ellos” (Lucas 24:33), es
decir, a todos los
discípulos. La misión que
Jesús nos confía es de ser
sus testigos y
llevar la Buena
Nueva del perdón
de los pecados
desde Jerusalén a
naciones y a toda
la creación. Esta
predicación debe ir
acompañada del Bautismo,
para que así, las personas
que escuchen el mensaje
tengan la oportunidad de
aceptar en su vida al Señor
Por su parte, Jesús
envía a los discípulos a
bautizar a todas las
personas en el nombre de
la Santísima Trinidad. Es
Dios entero, Padre, Hijo y
Espíritu Santo actuando en
la vida de toda persona
bautizada, así como en la
persona misionera. Hoy día
estos misioneros
son los papás y
mamás que traen
sus niños para ser
ellos Jesús les
exige: “Enseñen
[a sus hijos e
hijas] a cumplir todo lo que
yo les he mandado” (Mateo
28:19). También les
promete su ayuda diciendo:
“Y yo estoy con ustedes
mundo” (Mateo 28:20).
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright ©
J. S. Paluch Co.
“El Papa Francisco ha cautivado el mundo con su humildad, calidez y compasión por cada persona. Los vívidos relatos de su ternura por “los más pequeños de estos”: los ancianos, los presos,
los que padecen discapacidades deformantes, los niños por nacer
y muchos más. ¿Por qué? En el centro de cada una de estas interacciones hay una verdad que resuena en nuestro corazón, revelándonos algo esencial para entendernos a nosotros mismos y entender nuestro propósito. Somos amados”.
— Declaración para el Mes Respetemos la Vida 2014, Cardenal Seán P. O’Malley,
O.F.M. Cap., Presidente, Comité para las Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB
Una de las más antiguas, más poéticas y más
hermosas descripciones de la Santísima Trinidad se halla
en le libro De Trinitate, por san Agustín. Allí, el santo
describe a la Trinidad como Uno que ama (el Padre), Uno
que es amado (el Hijo) y Uno que es el amor (el Espíritu
Santo). Y esos tres Unos suman Uno solo.
Tal vez lo mejor para nosotros sea dejar las dificultades
técnicas de este misterio a los teólogos profesionales, y
enfocarnos en el hecho que las tres Personas de la Santísima
Trinidad son precisamente personas; se les conoce y se les
comprende en su amor mutuo y en su amor hacia nosotros.
Hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de esas tres
Personas amorosas, y nuestras mejores relaciones se viven
en el contexto del amor. Las relaciones verdaderamente
amorosas son misterios inagotables que se expresan en una
profunda felicidad. Y si esto es así en nuestras relaciones
humanas, ¡cuánto más lo será en nuestra relación con la
Santísima Trinidad! Y, ¡cuánto más somos llamados a dar
un testimonio alegre y amoroso de este sagrado misterio de
los Tres que son Uno! Este es el misterio que fuimos
llamados a vivir cuando fuimos escogidos como hijos de
Dios, bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del
Espíritu Santo.
Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at
June 6-7
5:00 pm
Ministers of Communion
Robert Crowell
Linda Hodge
John Summers
Kevin McGarrahan
Tony Sorcic
Al Summers
Sean Landry
Norb Patla
Harold Davis
Jackie Todd
Kevin Young
John Eason
Cindy Hammond
Jimmy Lester
8:30 am
Jack Hahn
Shawn O’Harra
Chris Andreae
Finie Higgins
Matt Laski
Zack Summers
11:00 am
Gayle Eason
Kay Nolan
Nancy Curtin
Maria Go
Ryan Buchanan
Payton Uchaker
June 13-14
Ministers of Communion
Kevin McGarrahan
Norb Patla
Billie Simpson
Linda Hodge
John Summers
Erin Summers
Dewon Simpson
Gene Doyle
5:00 pm
8:30 am
Derry Ewing
Lupe Kirby
Jeff McLaughlin
Dianne Thomas
William McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
William Busic
Dale Lee
Kevin Young
11:00 am
Mary Rusk
Mary Traynor
Kristen Skaziak
Chris Wallace
Ryan Buchanan
Maggie Skaziak
Jimmy Chavez
John Eason
Vinnie Riggs
June 20-21
Ministers of Communion
Robert Crowell
Linda Hodge
John Summers
Kevin McGarrahan
Tony Sorcic
Al Summers
John Bannan
Sean Landry
5:00 pm
8:30 am
Ed Cattadoris
Mary Cattadoris
Chris Andreae
Finnie Higgins
Matthew Laski
Breanna Laski
11:00 am
Tina Hoang
Lien Thu Hoang
Cindy Hammond
Melinda Mitchell
Payton Uchaker
George Uchaker
Kelley’s Rainbow Marshall County
Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Kelley’s Rainbow offers many services for victims of domestic violence and their families. If you are a victim or know
someone who is, please contact us and let us help you.
To St. William Catholic Church
Office: (256) 891-9864
Hotline (256) 891-0019
or toll free: (888) 582-6883
24 hrs. 7 days a week!!
Harold Davis
Jackie Todd
Kevin Young
Jimmy Chavez
Mark Etu
Jimmy Lester
Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel
Gadsden (256) 546-4883
Huntsville (256) 536-0073
Crisis Pregnancy Center
an t
Albertville (256) 878-1300
l p?
National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357)
To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located:
At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or you may complete
the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at:
St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form.
I would like more information about becoming Catholic.
St. William Calendar of Events
Sun, May 31, 2015
Music Rehearsal
St. William
VBS Planning Meeting
12:15 PM
Mary's House
Mon, Jun 01, 2015
8:30 AM
St. William
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
7:00 PM
Mary's House
Tue, Jun 02, 2015
8:30 AM
St. William
1:00 PM
Angel House
Wed, Jun 03, 2015
8:30 AM
St. William
Pastors Prayer Group
1:00 PM
Angel House
Thu, Jun 04, 2015
St. Thomas More Assembly
6:00 PM
Craven Hall
Fri, Jun 05, 2015
Fr. Tim Ordination Anniversary (2004)
Young at Heart
9:00 AM
Angel House
Pro-Life Committee Meeting
12:00 PM
Angel House
Sat, Jun 06, 2015
4:30 PM
St. William
Sun, Jun 07, 2015
Music Rehearsal
9:30 AM
St. William
Vietnamese Mass
3:00 PM
St. William
Mon, Jun 08, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul
7:00 PM
Mary's House
Tue, Jun 09, 2015
1:00 PM
Angel House
Wed, Jun 10, 2015
Knights of Columbus
7:00 PM
Craven Hall
Thu, Jun 11, 2015
Fri, Jun 12, 2015
Sat, Jun 13, 2015
4:30 PM
St. William
Religious Articles Sale
6:00 PM
Vestibule following Mass
Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos
domingo 31 de mayo
Clases de Crecimiento
Sala Grande, mediana, y chica
Grupo de Oración
2:00 PM
Niños de Jesús
5:00 PM
Centro - Sala Mediana
Jóvenes Pastoral
5:30 PM
Sala Grande
2:00 PM
9:30 AM
lunes 1 de junio
8:00 AM Oficina Cerrada
martes 2 de junio
St. Vincent de Paul
Coro: Fuego Divino
6:00 PM
Centro Sala Mediana
San Juan 23
6:00 PM
Centro (Sala Chica)
miércoles 3 de junio
Grupo (Jóvenes)
10:00 AM
4:30 PM Confesiones
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
jueves 4 de junio
4:30 PM Exposición del Santísimo
5:30 PM Rosario
Ensayo del coro: Tomas
6:00 PM
Centro - Sala Grande
6:00 PM Misa
viernes 5 de junio
4:00 PM Exposición del Santísimo
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
Coro: Santa Cruz
7:00 PM
sábado 6 de junio
8:00 AM Centro RESERVADO
10:00 AM Bautismos
12:00 PM XV Años: Espita
1:00 PM Convivio de Catequistas
2:00 PM Boda: López & Ajualip
4:30 PM Confesiones
5:30 PM Rosario
6:00 PM Misa
7:00 PM Adoración
Consejo Pastoral
7:30 PM
domingo 7 de junio
Reunión de Monaguillos
9:45 AM
Clases de Crecimiento
2:00 PM
Sala Grande, mediana, y chica
Grupo de Oracion
2:00 PM
Niños de Jesus
5:00 PM
Centro - Sala Mediana
Caballeros de Colon
5:30 PM
Sala Mediana
Jóvenes Pastoral
5:30 PM
Sala Grande
5:00 PM
Weekly Collection St. William
Offertory Last Weekend
Mortgage Payment per Month
Building Fund Collections Current Month
Parish Debt
Poor Box
Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”
If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a
visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 5824245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit.
Please pray for…...
Our Parishioners
Paul Bartinikatis
Glenda Carboni
Dottie Browne-Peck
Donna Mitchell
Sally Goerss
Stuart Howell
Carmen Collazo
Virginia Witherspoon
Mary Tillman
Becky Atwell
Flo Powers
Phillip Worley
Billie Kim Smith
Anna Caliguire
Our homebound parishioners
Our Friends and Family
Saturday, May 30th
5:00 pm St. William—Paul Marriott, RIP
Sunday, May 31st
8:30 am St. William—George & Susanna Massingill, RIP
11:00 am St. William—St. William Parishioners
Monday, June 1st
8:30 am St. William—No Daily Mass
Tuesday, June 2nd
8:30 am St. William—No Daily Mass
Wednesday, June 3rd
8:30 am St. William—No Daily Mass
Thursday, June 4th
Friday, June 5th
Saturday, June 7th
Julius Befort
John & Pam Hahn
Sherlyn Braga
Mary Hinchee
Bill Franey
Ian Fernandez
Casey Roberson
Cameron & Cheyenne House
Louise Cowart
Aaron Spurlin
Paula Butler
Thomas Traynor
Venice & Katie Brassell
Jim Wainwright
Isabella Montgomery
Davey Joe Roberson
Sam Gibson
Enoch & Zenaida Yii
Brooks Family
Eva Shahan
Tony Williams
Jimmy Trammell
Bill McManamy
Those Recovering from Surgery
Betty Denham
Elbert Trammell
Michael Anthony Cammarata
Patricia Jolley
Chrysanthe Bamman
Mark Meatte
Mary Hart Caputo
Bob Cavannah
Cecilia McClure
Claud Pendergrass
Dave Johnson
Gloria & Rodolfo Rabin
Julia Draps
Virginia Culver
Janet Mata
Marcus Gross
Kimberly Browder
Nancy Noble
Sharon Cheshire
Amber Sabala
Joy Hildebrandt
Nancy Sewell
Sherry Johnston
Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas
Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who
believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servants for whom we implore the
aid of Your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, may they
give thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Sunday, June 8th
8:30 am St. William—Al & Zita Huebel, RIP
8:30 am Chapel—Jimmy Trammell
11:00 am Chapel—St. William Parishioners
Love, God
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can help you do
that! The Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is 44
hours where married couples can get away from
jobs, kids, chores and phones and focus only on
each other. Enjoy this opportunity to talk and listen to that special someone who loves you! The
next weekend in the diocese is scheduled in Cullman, June 19-21 at St. Bernard’s Abbey. You can register
online today at or by calling Bob & Joy
Hernandez at 678-985-0125.
ff ts
R ke ble
ti ila e
a h e
av in t bul
Co hir
mi ts
so ng
Need volunteer information? Visit our website at
Assisted and Independent Living
Bernadette Lanier *
763 Medical Center Parkway
Boaz, Alabama 35957
* Parishioner
Following Jesus Every Day:
A way for you to partner with service
providers who support your parish through
their sponsorship of the parish bulletin.
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