Adapted room for paediatric EB patients:


Adapted room for paediatric EB patients:
Adapted room for paediatric EB patients:
I am a Paediatrician taking care of 2 children with recessive dystrophic EB and I would
like advice on the special needs for an adapted hospital room (type of bed, matress,
bath, air conditioned,..) Thank you very much for your assistance.
Dr. G. Pintos
Dept of Paediatrics
University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
08916 Badalona, Spain
Tel: + 34 93 497 8928
Fax: + 34 93 497 8843
e-mail: [email protected]
Estimado Dr Pintos,
DEBRA UK en el Greate Ormond Street Hospital tiene una sala de curaciones con una
tina, donde hacen el retiro de vendas y las curaciones. Esto le podría servir de modelo.
Nosotros en pacientes escolares hospitalizados usamos una catre clínico con control
electrónico de posición con un colchón antiescaras. En los casos severos las curaciones
las hacemos en pabellón con sedación con benzodiazepinas y probofol y analgesia con
derivados de morfina, en casos extraordinarios con anestesia general.
Una alumna de diseño lleva 6 meses trabajando en un diseño ideal de camilla para
curar pacientes con EB, nos acompaña a las curaciones y el diseño inicial ha cambiado
varias veces, en Junio terminará su tesis. Si le interesa podemos enviarle el modelo.
Dr. Francis Palisson
Director Médico
Answer translated by Evanina de Morcillo Makow,
Director Debra SpainDear Dr.Pintos,
Debra UK has a wound management room within the Great Ormond Street Hospital,
where they take bandages off as well as assesing and dealing with the wounds. This
could serve you as a model. In Chile, for hospitalised patients we use a catre clínico con
control electrónico de posición with a antiescaras matress.
In the most severe cases, we take care of the wounds using anaesthetic such as
benzodiazepins, probofol and some analgesia with some derivatives of morphine. In
extraordinary cases, we use general anaesthetic.
A design student has been working for the past 6 months on an ideal design for the
surface needed to manage the wounds of patients with EB. She accompanies us
throughout the dressing changes and the initial design has changed various times. In
June she will be finishing her thesis. If you are interested we could send you the model.
Dear Dr F Palisson,
Thank you for your answer. I'll be very interested in receiving your design.
Dr. G. Pintos

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