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× This form is to update an existing meeting. DO NOT use this form to inquire about a meeting or try to join
the meeting. You can send an email to [email protected] to enquire about a meeting or contact the contact(s)
To join the meeting, simply show up at the meeting. Meeting Information WES043
Start Time 6:30 PM
Length: 2 horas
Meeting Day Wednesday
(TARRAGONA) miércoles
Language Spanish(Espanol)
Meeting Type Face to Face Meeting
Meeting Category Open
Your Name Pilar
Last Updated: 28-Feb-15
a la Izquierda
C/ Monestir de Montserrat,
Facility Name Iglesia San Ramón, entrando
Facility Address 1 Facility Address Facility City Comarruga - El Vendrell (Tarragona) Cataluña
Facility State Other
Facility Zip Facility Country Spain
Special Instructions
Meeting Contacts
Name Maria L.
Name Pilar
By submitting this request you certify that you are a contact, local meeting coordinator, or intergroup
representative (i.e. someone that has knowledge of the meeting!)
Submitter's Email Address (required)
Title (required)
When you enter a proper email address in the "Submitter's Email Address" box, and click the "submit"
button, your information will be sent via email to our Fellowship Services worker who does the actual edit to
the database. By filling in this form, you do not actually edit the database!
If you do not type a proper email, you will get an alert that you have input an improper email. Change your
email address appropiately and resubmit.
After several tries, if you still are not able to submit your info, send an email to "[email protected]" stating
the problem you are having and request the changes in the body of the email. Please give your meeting
number when sending an email to "[email protected]". This will speed up the update process!
After clicking on submit button, you will receive a notification message that your edits have been sent to
"[email protected]" Within several days you will receive notification from our Fellowship Services worker
that your edits have been updated in the database. If you do not get this last message, then something went
wrong and you should resubmit your data. Type in the code you see below and click Submit Meeting.
Submit Meeting
(TARRAGONA) miércoles
Day: wed
Length: 2 horas
Start: 6:30 PM
CoDA Meeting Number: WES043
Language: Spanish(Espanol)
Type: Face to Face Meeting Category: Reunión sobre temas específicos; descanso de 5
minutos, siempre que lo permite el tiempo, para los que
necesiten salír a fumar. e lo permite el tiempo, para los que
necesiten salir a fumar Primary Contact
Maria L.
Iglesia San Ramón, entrando a la Izquierda
C/ Monestir de Montserrat, n 2
Comarruga - El Vendrell (Tarragona) Cataluña, OT
640 243 546 de 15:00 a 16:30 horas
Secondary Contact
600 593 783 Lunes-Jueves 5-9 PM
[email protected]
Tren: Sant Vicenç de Calders *Dado que estamos en una sala dentro de la iglesia, el Párroco es quien abre y
cierra las puertas por ahora, pero un Servidor se encarga de estar a la hora de la apertura para preparar la
sala. **Los días que sean festivos para esa iglesia, o que sean los días de vacaciones para el Párroco, el
grupo tendrá que cerrar hasta que nos den una llave. Cuando sepamos las fechas, lo comunicaremos. Sólo
por ahora, los días 24 y 31 de Diciembre (miércoles ambos), el grupo permanecerá cerrado por festividades.
Con el tiempo se decidirá si los días festivos se abre o no.

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