Holy Trinity Catholic Church


Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity
Catholic Church
101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269
Parish Office
(770) 487-7672
Faith Formation
(770) 487-0175
Hispanic Ministry
(770) 487-5352
(770) 631-4380
[email protected]
June 5, 2016
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil
5:30 pm Vigil
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm Español
4:30 pm LifeTeen
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm
Noon & 6:30 pm
9 am
Holy Hours of Adoration
Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary
Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass
Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass
“Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am
in the Adoration Chapel
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Fridays at 3pm
Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am
or by appointment with a priest.
Healing Mass Schedule
2nd week of each month
Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon
June 14 & 17
Raising of the Son of the Widow of Zarephath
Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy
Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus
Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander
Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche, Don Kelsey
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm
4:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
12:00 pm
6:30 pm
4:00 pm
June 4
Chris & Michelle Wagnon (SI)
Mary Barth 
Ellie Fenton 
June 5
Sarah Hohenberger (SI)
Robert Stumpf 
Marie & Mike Sacco 
Parish Family
Angel Vélez Matos 
Ellen S. Fisler-Reed 
June 6
Alex Bookalam 
Michael John Collins 
June 7
Robert Vedder 
Jack & Margaret Gorham 
June 8
Brett Thomas 
Sarah Fox Klein 
June 9
Carmelina Salvino 
John Fedewa 
June 10
Mary Louise Bosworth 
Bob Perrault (SI)
June 11
Fr. Michael McWhorter 
Deceased members
of the Mezosi Family
5:30 pm Wayne Christensen 
June 12
7:15 am
Armand J. Rochon 
8:45 am
Mark Ryalls (SI)
10:30 am Andres Ricards 
12:15 pm Robert Flaherty 
1:45 pm Parish Family
4:30 pm Jack Galvin 
 = Deceased
(SI) = Special Intentions
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13;
Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17
Mon Saint Norbert, Bishop
1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1b-8; Mt 5:1-12
Tues 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5,7b-8; Mt 5:13-16
Wed 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2,4,5,8,11;
Mt 5:17-19
Thurs Saint Ephrem
1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26
1 Kgs 19:9a,11-16; Ps 27:7-8-9abc,13-14;
Mt 5:27-32
Saint Barnabas, Apostle
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1-6;
Mt 5:33-37
Sun Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2,5,7,11;
Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36-8:3 or 7:36-50
Elijah heals the son of a widow.
She praises the Lord that her son had been
healed. Jesus raises from the dead
the son of a widow of Nain.
All are amazed and glorify God.
It is this God who revealed his son to St. Paul
that he might proclaim him to the Gentiles.
Hearing Devices are available for your convenience
located in the back of the Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
June 5, 2016
Tom Aishton, Noha Baressi, Linda Barnes, Emily Beers,
Ronnie Bentley, Bishop Fernand Cheri, James Corda,
Remember Marie Daniel Comeau, Christa Kinzly Crawford, Gordon Cunningham,
in Prayer
Dcn. Gene Dickerson, Susan DiLisi, Judy Thuong Tran Doan,
Damien Dopp, Fannie Ferrara, Dcn. Mark Friedlein, Esperanza Garcia, Jerry Greenwell,
Elaine Greenwood, Nicole Guyton, Kathleen Hall, Jane Herrera, Oliver Himbert, Gary
Hohenberger, Rita Hughes, Dcn. Don Kelsey, Theresa Kinzly,
Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Betty Lenz, Anna Mancini, Kristi Martin, Drew Marvin,
Tara Newton, Emma Morales Pagán, Suzan Page, Neisa Pamfil, Andy Parzygnat,
Lois Pavlica, Ed Smith, Rose Smith, Adam Vargas, Don Ventura, Crystal Vogtner,
Pat Walczak, Ther esa Westber g, Helen & Tom Zawor ski, Jim Zimmer
Please pray for those who have died
Stella Napoli, mother of Rober t Napoli
Martha Laura Peralta, sister of Silvia Per alta
and all the wonderful caregivers
2016 Journey of the Silver Rose
Peregrinaje de la Rosa de Guadalupe
June 3 - June 5
The Rose is traveling to the Basílica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
and will visit Holy Trinity on its journey.
Come and pray with the Silver Rose in the Adoration Chapel!
Spiritual Rosaries / Rosarios espirituales
June 3rd, after the 6:30 pm Mass
5 de junio, después de la Misa de 1:45 pm
Contacts: Tom Hughes/Vita Cama
Thanks for your generosity!
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
Offertory / Ofrenda
FY2015/2016 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date
Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real
Offertory / Ofertorio May 15, 2016
To Date Actual / Cifra Real
Prior Year Comparison 5/17/2015
Upcoming Second Collection:
June 26 - Peter’s Pence Collection for the Holy Father
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Trinity
welcomes our newest parishioners!
Geoffrey & Linda Calvert
Gina Rochell
A Baptismal Preparation Class will be held on Sunday,
June 5, at 10am in the Library. Classes are held on the 1st
Sunday of each month, unless the first Sunday falls on a
holiday weekend. Babes in arms are welcome. Contact
Kathy Boats at (678) 466-1701.
MACS (Mature Adult Catholic Singles) is a ministry of fellowship
and service for singles of the parish who are 40 years and older.
We are having our monthly meeting on Saturday, June 11,
6:30pm at Partners Pizza, 834 South Glynn Street in Fayetteville.
Please RSVP by Friday, June 10 to Eileen Lavoie at lavoiem1@
bellsouth.net so that we can reserve for the correct number. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John
Previous reflections can be found on his blog at
Today’s readings focus on the stories of two widows whose only
sons are dying or are dead and how Elijah and Jesus in their
compassion restored them to life. Most of the gospel commentaries for today emphasize Jesus as the source of life and his power
over death. But what struck me as I reflected on these readings
was the response of the widow of Zarephath in the first reading
and the people of Nain in the gospel to the miracles they
witnessed. The phrase that popped into my head was “seeing is
Elijah had already performed one miracle for the widow of
Zarephath when he provided her with a jar of flour that would
never go empty and a jug of oil that would never run dry. We
don’t know what she thought about that. I hope she was appreciative. However, when Elijah restored her son to life she declared
“Now indeed I know that you are a man of God, and it is truly the
Loaves & Fishes Weekend, June 11 & 12
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of the word of the LORD that you speak” (1 Kings 17:24). Something
following items. Donations can be placed in the wicker similar happened in Nain when Jesus restored the widow’s dead
bin in the Vestibule this weekend, or at any convenient son to her although there are some subtle differences. In this case,
the whole town witnessed the miracle. Initially they were seized
with fear and out of their fear they glorified God crying out “A
Canned Meat
Canned Tuna Mac and Cheese
great prophet has arisen in our midst,” and “God has visited his
Bath Soap
Toilet Tissue
Dishwashing Detergent
people” (Luke 7: 16).
Hand Towels Laundry Detergent
In both these scenarios people witnessed a miracle – Elijah and
Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you!
Jesus brought a dead person to life. And because the witnesses
actually saw these miracles with their own eyes they believed. But
Healing Masses
what about us? What draws us into belief? What is the basis of
our faith? Do we have to witness miracles to believe? I hope that
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be we have enough faith substance to move beyond “seeing is believavailable during Mass for every baptized Catholic over ing.” In his letter to the Hebrews St. Paul says “Faith is the
the age of reason. Prayer teams will also be available immediately
after Mass to pray with people for healing and other needs.
(Heb. 11:11). Our faith is not built on what we see. Rather it is
Anointing of the sick primarily is for spiritual healing. Physical built on what is not seen. Our faith is built on our trust in God and
healing might occur, but it is not the main purpose of the sacraour belief in God’s infinite love for each and every one of us.
ment. Certainly the sacrament should not be expected to automatically cure the sick person. Such an expectation tends toward superMerciful God,
stition (cf. CC2111). Baptized children below the age of reason
your glory to us all
cannot commit personal sin and so do not need anointing of the
your Son
sick if they are in danger of death. Rather, when in danger of
to conquer the powers of death
death, such children can be given confirmation, for spiritual
and call us forth into life.
strengthening and more fully to initiate them into the Christian
Break the bonds which hold us, so
that we may believe and proclaim Christ,
Holy Trinity Preschool has openings for three
the source of life,
year olds for the 2016-2017 school year. Stop by
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
anytime for a tour and information regarding our
God for ever and ever.
outstanding preschool program, or contact Beth
Cunningham at (770) 631-4380, or at BCunningham@HolyTrinity
Your parish won’t shut down during the summer so we r eally need your financial giving even
if you are enjoying your time at the beach. Enjoy
that beverage with the little umbrella in it but
please remember Holy Trinity parish while you are away!
Gift Shop. The Gift Shop will remain open the summer
months to continue the 50% off sale. Same hours except it
will be closed Wednesday evenings as no PSR.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
Nuestro Ministerio Hispano
770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303
(Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves;
11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos)
en español: domingos 1:45 pm
Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am,
o por cita llamando al 770-487-7672 Ext. 311.
Bautizos: Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial para
anotarse para la plática o para información sobre los bautizos.
Eucaristía: Comida Sagrada, Sacrificio y Presencia:
Acompáñenos a profundizar en nuestra fe con este programa a base del
DVD del Padre Barron. Este programa se ofrecerá los lunes 6, 20, 27
de junio y el 11 de julio; de 7-9pm, en el Salón Adult Faith.
El facilitador del programa será Carlos Rossell.
Más información: Terri Thomas: 678-466-1739.
Inscripciones de Catecismo:
Las inscripciones/matrícula para las clases de catecismo que comenzarán
en agosto 2016 ya comenzaron. El horario del catecismo en español permanecerá igual, domingos de 12pm-1:30pm.
Más información: 678-466-1704.
Virgen Peregrina:
¿Le gustaría que la Virgen visite su hogar? Aproveche la oportunidad de reunirse con su familia y amigos para rezarle a la Virgen. Cada domingo, una familia
distinta se lleva la imagen de la Virgen a su casa y la trae de
vuelta el siguiente domingo. Para anotarse, favor de pasar por
la Oficina de la Parroquia.
June 5, 2016
Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico.
5 de junio del 2016
Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La muerte en la flor de la vida.
Toda muerte impacta pero no cabe duda que la muerte de los
jóvenes resulta particularmente dolorosa porque contradice el curso
más natural de las cosas. La mujer viuda de la Primera Lectura se
estrella contra el absurdo de una muerte así, la de su hijo, y trata de
encontrar sentido relacionando lo que Dios le hace con lo que ella
le ha hecho a Dios. La imagen de Dios que ella tiene es la de un
vengador, o por lo menos, la de uno que paga con la misma
moneda. El profeta no discute con el dolor de ella. No le corrige
la teología vengativa con palabras sino con un acto de ternura y de
poder. No sólo se restaura la vida en aquel niño o joven, sino que
se restaura y purifica la fe de la madre. A veces la mejor respuesta
no es una teoría sino un acto, un hecho.
Sin defensa y sin sustento
El cuadro que nos presenta el Evangelio es aún más doloroso en la
escena inicial. Esta vez no sólo se trata de un joven que ha
fallecido sino que es el único hijo, y la madre es viuda. En una
sociedad como aquella, eso significa que en esa mujer se juntaban
todas las pérdidas y desastres: sin sustento, sin defensa, sin futuro,
sin alegría, sin amor. El milagro que realiza Cristo, al resucitar a
este joven de Naím, es entonces mucho más que un portento
inmenso. Es además un acto de compasión entrañable y sobre todo:
una señal de lo que significa su oferta de salvación. En efecto,
sin Cristo la humanidad se vuelve como esa mujer: infecunda,
indefensa, sin esperanza ni amor. Por eso también nosotros
necesitamos que la recia voz del Nazareno levante a la nueva
generación, que a veces parece estar ya en brazos de la muerte.
Donaciones de Sangre:
por la Cruz Roja Americana, en Holy Trinity, el lunes 27 de junio,
12pm,- 6pm en el Loreto Hall.
Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia:
Una jornada espiritual en
Holy Trinity
Retiro para mujeres: 30 y 31 de julio
Retiro para hombres: 6 y 7 de agosto
sábado, 11 de junio
7:45am - 12 mediodía
Salón Santa Faustina
Del Ministerio Respeto a la vida:
“Pues por Cristo, por su sangre, hemos recibido la redención, el perdón de
los pecados”. (Efesios 1:7) Leccionario II © 1976
Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgical de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Se usa con permiso.
San Vicente de Paúl:
Línea de ayuda:
678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450
Promesa de proteger, Compromiso de sanar:
Queremos ayudarte a recuperar. Tú importas. Tú eres familia.
Para reportar abuso por parte del personal de la Iglesia: por
favor, llame a la Línea Directa de 24 horas de la Arquidiócesis
de Atlanta:
¡Estamos para escucharte y tomar acción!
Mini-Retiro de Parejas - en Holy Trinity
Comunicación Positiva de la Pareja
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Why? God wants us to come to Him with
Christ Renews His Parish
our questions, our worries and our concerns.
A Spiritual Journey
He understands our grief and He desires to
bring healing to grieving hearts. What words of encouragement
Women’s Weekend – Jul 30-31
does God have for you and what does His healing look like? Join
Men’s Weekend – Aug 6-7
us on Wednesday, June 8, 7pm-9pm, in Room #102 in the Faith
Formation Building. Contact Tom McBrayer at (404) 797-2488, or
If you would like to add someone to the Sick List in the Bulletin,
at [email protected] for more information.
contact the Parish office at (770) 487-7672. The name will be pubWhen you’re going through tough times, ever yone lished in the bulletin for 6 weeks. You may call at anytime and have
has advice. Often that advice is not what you need. the name removed. Ongoing illnesses and special intentions may be
placed in the Prayer Intention book located in the back of the church.
Stephen Ministers are trained to care by listening
instead of telling you what to do. For more information
We are now accepting nominations for
about Stephen Ministry, please contact Sandy or Frank
the 2016 Catholic Charities Atlanta
Killoran at (678) 489-8502.
Leadership Class. If you or someone you
know is interested in participating in the
Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Group. St. Per egr ine
nomination forms and sponsorship inforCancer Support Group will not be meeting through
For additional information, contact Julia
the summer months of June, July, and August. The next
920-7757 or jbacce@catholiccharities
meeting will be held on September 20. June and Norma
will be available throughout the summer months for
personal visits, the opportunity to discuss our support
(770) 823-9213 / [email protected] (770) 487-2752.
There will be a Painting on Canvas class on
Friday, June 24, 7pm to 9pm-ish in Loreto Hall.
Let the paint move you to unwind and have fun!
All supplies are provided. BYOB and snacks.
Cups and ice provided. $30 payable to Victoria Perez. 10% donated to Holy Trinity. Taught by Victoria Perez, HT Teacher & Art
Teacher. (678) 613-6004. Register in the Parish Office.
12pm to 6pm in Loreto Hall. Donors should be 18+
years of age (16 with parental permission). For answers
to questions, to signup or to volunteer to help, contact
Ron Plues at (770) 487-2590 or [email protected].
Dominican Sisters of Hawthone
Vocation Discernment Weekend
June 24-26
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home
760 Pollard Boulevard, SW, Atlanta
We invite young women who are discerning a religious vocation to
join us for a weekend of sharing in our life of prayer and apostolate. Reservations are required. For information or reservations,
please contact Sister Alma Marie at (845) 745-1319 or Vocation
[email protected]
More information on job openings
below and others can be found at:
Blessed Trinity High School, Roswell - Maintenance Super - FT
Christ the King School, Buckhead - Substitute Teachers
Lucy Ibotson and Marlene Scheepers will provide no
Teacher, Assistants - PT
charge repairs for your rosaries! Contact the Parish Office
at (770) 487-7672. You can drop them off in the Parish
Office and they will be returned after repairs are completed.
Our Lady of Victory, Tyrone - K-8 Teacher
St. Brendan - Director of Music - FT
God is Merciful! Come away to Ignatius House
St. John Neumann, Lilburn - 4th Grade Teacher
Jesuit Retreat Center for a weekend retreat.
- Spanish Teacher - PT
Contemplate Mercy in the Jubilee Year of Mercy;
- School Counselor - PT
Encounter our Merciful God, who will speak to
St. John the Evangelist, Hapeville - 5th Gr. Science & SS Teacher
you in the quiet and draw you to drink from the well-spring of
- Teacher Assistants - PT
life. Register by Website www.ignatiushouse.org or by phone at
(404) 255.0503
Couples Celebrating their 50th and 60th Wedding AnniSummer 2016 Weekend Retreats include:
versary in 2016. Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like
June 10-12 (Women Only) * July 8-10
to honor couples married in 1966 and 1956 with an invitaJuly 22-24 * July 29-31 *Aug 5-7 * Aug 11-14
tion to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on
Saturday, October 1, 12 noon, at St. Br igid Catholic Chur ch. A
Members of Holy Trinity would like to begin a reception will follow the Mass for the anniversary couples and their
Ministry to pray for our men and women, sons and families. Space is limited. Please visit: http://tiny.cc/anniversary
daughters, etc. in the Military. If you have a mass to RSVP for this event and for additional information.
loved one of any relationship to you, please forward
the name to Carolyn Hohenberger at CHohenberger@HolyTrinity Please support our bulletin advertisers! The cost of printing the
PTC.com. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, bulletin continues to be covered by the generosity of our advertismore information will be found in future bulletins as it is formed.
ers at no cost to the parish!
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
June 21 to July 4
Fortnight for Freedom
June 5, 2016
Come Give Catholic Schools a Try!
Excerpt From the USCCB, Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty
Our First, Most Cherished Liberty
A Statement on Religious Liberty
We are Catholics. We are Americans. We are proud to be both, grateful for the gift of faith which is ours as Christian disciples, and grateful
for the gift of liberty which is ours as American citizens. To be Catholic and American should mean not having to choose one over the other.
Our allegiances are distinct, but they need not be contradictory, and
should instead be complementary. That is the teaching of our Catholic
faith, which obliges us to work together with fellow citizens for the
common good of all who live in this land. That is the vision of our
founding and our Constitution, which guarantees citizens of all religious faiths the right to contribute to our common life together.
Freedom is not only for Americans, but we think of it as something of
our special inheritance, fought for at a great price, and a heritage to be
guarded now. We are stewards of this gift, not only for ourselves but
for all nations and peoples who yearn to be free. Catholics in America
have discharged this duty of guarding freedom admirably for many
In 1887, when the archbishop of Baltimore, James Gibbons, was made
the second American cardinal, he defended the American heritage of
religious liberty during his visit to Rome to receive the red hat. Speaking of the great progress the Catholic Church had made in the United
States, he attributed it to the "civil liberty we enjoy in our enlightened
republic." Indeed, he made a bolder claim, namely that "in the genial
atmosphere of liberty [the Church] blossoms like a rose."
From well before Cardinal Gibbons, Catholics in America have been
advocates for religious liberty, and the landmark teaching of the
Second Vatican Council on religious liberty was influenced by the
American experience. It is among the proudest boasts of the Church on
these shores. We have been staunch defenders of religious liberty in
the past. We have a solemn duty to discharge that duty today.
We need, therefore, to speak frankly with each other when our freedoms are threatened. Now is such a time. As Catholic bishops and
American citizens, we address an urgent summons to our fellow
Catholics and fellow Americans to be on guard, for religious liberty is
under attack, both at home and abroad.
This has been noticed both near and far. Pope Benedict XVI recently
spoke about his worry that religious liberty in the United States is
being weakened. He called it the "most cherished of American freedoms"—and indeed it is. All the more reason to heed the warning of
the Holy Father, a friend of America and an ally in the defense of freedom, in his recent address to American bishops:
Of particular concern are certain attempts being made to limit that
most cherished of American freedoms, the freedom of religion.
Many of you have pointed out that concerted efforts have been
made to deny the right of conscientious objection on the part of
Catholic individuals and institutions with regard to cooperation in
intrinsically evil practices. Others have spoken to me of a worrying tendency to reduce religious freedom to mere freedom of
worship without guarantees of respect for freedom of conscience.
Here once more we see the need for an engaged, articulate and
well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense
vis-à-vis the dominant culture and with the courage to counter a
reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church's participation in public debate about the issues which are determining
the future of American society.
The Office of Catholic Schools launches Welcome Grants for the
2016-17 school year. Come see what a Catholic education can do
for your child and your family.
 Students must be Catholic and may not currently be enrolled in
another Catholic school.
 Students must be entering PreK-7th grades or 9th-11th grades.
 Admission procedures will be conducted at each participating
school; all admission decisions are determined by the schools
administrative teams.
 There is no risk in applying!
- Elementary schools will waive the testing and application fees.
- High Schools will refund application fees in the event that they
may not admit the student.
Once accepted into one of the participating schools, tuition for our
Welcome Grant recipients is reduced for two consecutive school
 Students entering PreK-7th grades will receive
$2,500 off the first year’s tuition and $1,500 off
the second year’s tuition.
 Students entering 9th-11th grades will receive
$4,000 off the first year’s tuition and $2,500 off
the second year’s tuition.
Participating Schools
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School
St. Peter Claver Regional Catholic School
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School
Steps to Apply
 Visit www.WelcomeGrantsATL.com
 Complete the initial application online
 Complete admission procedures at the
participating school of your choice.
Grants awarded on a first-come, first-served basis
Welcome Grants reduce tuition for two years
Additional financial aid may be available at the school
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wish your
would return
to the Church?
You need a
game plan.
5 weeks - Tuesdays
10:00-12:00 PM
7:00-9:00 PM
Next session June 7
Do you
have a son
or daughter who
has left the
Do you know a young person who
has become "spiritual, but not religious"? Or perhaps atheist/agnostic?
Do you know Catholic parents who
Next session June 8
This series will take place on Thursdays. You can choose from:
 morning session (9:45-11:45 AM) Adult Faith Room
 evening session (7:00-9:00 PM) FF Chapel
Each one of these sessions in this series can stand
alone. Come when you can & bring a friend.
2nd Session: June 9
Speaker: Geneva Tigue
Topic: From Emotional chaos to Abandonment to the Cross
Learn to surrender the emotions that wreck us from sin
and unhealed memories so as to receive the
inexhaustible mercy of God.
This course
combines the
Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius with
the teachings of Saints
Thérèse of Lisieux, Faustina
Kowalska, and Louis de
Montfort. The author,
Father Michael Gaitley, MIC,
has a remarkable gift for
inspiring little souls to trust in
Jesus, The Divine Mercy.
3rd Session: June 23
Speaker: Tricia Gieseke
Topic: Prophetic Art
Register: Terri Thomas
[email protected]
Register: Terri Thomas
[email protected]
Spiritual Exercises Retreat
It’s time for a spiritual workout!
Come to “Cross Training: A Prayer Retreat Based on the Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius of Loyola, with spiritual director and expert on Ignatian prayer,
Fr. Gregory Cleveland, O.M.V. Retreat will be held here at Holy Trinity.
Friday, June 24 - 7:00 - 9:00 PM &
Saturday, June 25 - 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
For more information contact
Terri Thomas 678-466-1739 or
[email protected]
Childcare is available for this
event but there are a limited
number of spaces available.
Preregistration is necessary.
To register for childcare contact
Tina Terrell at 678-466-1724 or
[email protected]
Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday
Topic this year: Discernment of Spirits
How to become aware of and respond to influences of good and evil in the
spiritual life
In this retreat you will learn about:
Defining discernment
Two persons, two strategies
Welcoming the good Spirit of God
Resisting the enemy
Spiritual Exercises Retreat Registration Form
Cost $30.00
Register in the
Faith Formation Office
or online
Fill out information below and place in a sealed envelope with your payment. Drop in locked white box designated “Spiritual Exercises Retreat.”
Locked boxes can be found in the vestibule or outside the faith formation office. You can also register in the Faith Formation Office during regular
business hours (Payment due upon registration). Payment due upon registration. If this is a group registration please list other names below:
Name: _________________________________________________
Phone # ________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
Check one:
____ cash
$ amount enclosed _______
_____ check (payable to Holy Trinity)
Childcare is available for this event but there are a limited number of spaces
available. Preregistration is necessary. To register for childcare contact
Tina Terrell at 678-466-1724 or [email protected]
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
June 5, 2016
Padre Robert Barron
Cristo vive y está plenamente presente en la Eucaristía. Acompáñenos
a profundizar en la “fuente y culmen” de nuestra Fe con el programa
basado en DVD del Padre Barron: Eucaristía: Comida Sagrada, Sacrificio
y Presencia Real. Este estudio espiritual les dará una comprensión más
profunda de los preciosos dones del cuerpo, sangre, alma y divinidad de
Cristo que ustedes pueden recibir en todas y cada una de las Misas.
Los lunes 6, 20 y 27 de junio y 11 de julio 7:00-9:00 p.m.,
en nuestra parroquia comenzará con el programa Eucaristía.
Para mayor información, por favor comunicarse con
Terri Thomas en la oficina de formación de fe o 678-466-1739 o
[email protected]
A Journey of Conversion
For those wanting to be Catholic .
Those needing to complete their Sacraments.
Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world
Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?”
Are you interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry.
Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm.
All sessions are informal and completely commitment free.
After the excitement of the Easter Season and the Feasts celebrated
on the Sunday’s that followed, today marks the Church’s return to
Ordinary time.
The Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time take us through the life of
Christ. It is a time of conversion and of living the life of Christ.
The color of the Season is green, reflecting its purpose as a time
for growth and a deepening of our faith.
RCIA Summer Hours:
Please consult the bulletin or contact Joanne 678-466-1738 or
[email protected] for summer dates and times.
RCIA Summer Programs
RCIA Inquiry
for those seeking answers
to their questions in an
informal setting...
For those already started on
the journey to the Catholic Church,
we offer more structured sessions
utilizing the Faith Clips series,
featuring Bishop Robert Barron.
Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or
[email protected] for confidential counseling.
Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith?
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Trinity Elementary News
Formación de Fe Hispana
Para más información, favor de leer la sección de Ministerio de Jóvenes en el boletín de Holy Trinity
Elementary Coordinators can be reached at:
Sharon Brown at [email protected] or Sachiko Doreste at: [email protected].
For the 2015/16 Faith Formation year 1,106 total students were enrolled ( 631 families total). We need 200+ Catechists to
serve this number of students. Did you know that over 50% of our catechists did NOT have children in the 2015-16 school
year program?? We are so blessed and thankful for their service.
As of May 15 there are 300+ students registered but only a handful of catechists have committed to volunteer. We are
asking for you to prayerfully consider donating your time to volunteer this year. There are opportunities at all skill levels
in areas such as hospitality, teacher aides, classroom and hallway monitors and office aides. Thank you for your prayerful
Catechists Are Needed.
“Do you want to do a good deed? Teach the young!
Do you want to perform a holy act? Teach the young!
Do you want to do a holy thing? Teach the young!
Truly, now and for the future, among holy things,
this is the holiest.”
Classes will be filled on a space available basis.
Please prayerfully consider volunteering during the
St John Bosco.
2016-17 Faith Formation year.
Thank you!
To Donate/Volunteer: Checks, cash or supplies deliver to Faith Formation Office. Use QR code or go to
www.signupgenius.com, click on “Find a Sign Up”, enter [email protected] and find 2016 Summer
Lunch Sign Up. Contact: Win Rorabaugh, e-mail above or (404) 610-4896. Para ayudar como voluntario
para “Summer Lunch Program”, vaya al correo electrónico de Win Rorabaugh, [email protected].
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News
Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes
Middle School
High School
ATTENTION! For more details about Youth Ministry news, go to htptc.com.
Youth Ministers: Heather Garger: [email protected].
Megan Vilardi: [email protected].
Summertime Boredom Busters!!
All Middle And High School Teens are invited to attend our youth ministry summer happenings!!
You must preregister for all events. Forms are available in the Faith Formation office and htptc.com.
Please note modified schedule. Deadline for all these events is June 15.
Monday, June 20
Tuesday, June 21
Mercy Monday Summer Olympics at Shiloh Mobile Home Ranch. Host games and activities for the children in
the Shiloh Community.
Lunes de
Juegos Olímpicos en Shiloh. Presentar los juegos y actividades para los niños de la comunidad de Shiloh.
Coffee Chats Solo para los estudiantes de preparatoria: vengan a socializar en el salón Bosco con café, conversación y
Charlas con Café Cristo.
Middle School and High School students come join us for soccer at Glenloch Rec Center.
Miércoles Locos
Monday, June 27
Para los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria: vengan a jugar al fútbol (soccer) en Glenloch Rec
Mercy Monday Solehope—Be a part of our shoe cutting party which will help make shoes with blue jeans and
Lunes de
milk jugs for the children in Uganda. Participa en la fiesta para cortar zapatos que va a ayudar a
hacer zapatos para los niños en Uganda usando los pantalones de mezclilla y jarras plásticas de leche.
EDGE Super Wednesday
June 15, 6:30p -8:00p
3rd Annual Messy Game Day - Wear dark clothing you can
get messy in! Bring a towel. Cost $5.
Deadline to register is extended to June 8.
EDGE Super Miércoles, el 15 de junio
6:30pm hasta las 8pm.
La tercera jornada anual de Día de Juegos Alborotados.
¡Lleva puesto ropa de color obscuro para que puedan ensuciarse!
Trae una toalla. El costo es de $5.
Fecha límite para inscribirse es el 8 de junio.
Youth Ministry is collecting
gently used blue jeans of all
sizes and clean, plastic milk
jugs to be used for the
Solehope project. Please drop off donations
to the Faith Formation office by June 22.
Youth Ministry está juntando los pantalones
de mezclilla ligeramente usados de todas las
tallas y las jarras plásticas y limpias de
leche para usar en el Proyecto de Sole Help.
Favor de dejar las donaciones en la oficina
de Formación de Fe antes del 22 de junio.
Holy Trinity Youth Adult Group
RSVP today at:
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics
of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question that people can
have about faith and is designed to create conversation. It’s just an open, informal,
and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together.

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