The Assumption of Mary - St. Louis Catholic Church


The Assumption of Mary - St. Louis Catholic Church
St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
Web site: • [email protected][email protected]
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time/ C
August 11, 2013
St. Louis Jubilee Cookbook
The beautiful St. Louis Jubilee Cookbook is about to go
to print. We are soliciting ads for the cookbook to
help offset the printing costs of this beautiful book.
There are different sizes, from a whole page to a 1/15th
of page (for patron ads). An ad in the cookbook would be
a “forever” ad since the 50th anniversary cookbook will
be a treasure for many years to come. If you would like
to place an ad, please use the form and drop off your
check and camera ready ad in the St. Louis Church
office NO LATER THAN August 15th. You may also
e-mail your camera ready ad to Mildred Ratcliffe Tirado at
[email protected] and drop your check payable
to St. Louis Catholic Church in the envelope in the office.
If you have any questions please contact Mildred at
(305) 812-5121, or Felix Tirado (305) 812-5122.
The Assumption
of Mary
Masses for the Holyday of
Día de Precepto
Thursday, August 15:
6:30 AM, 8:30 AM,
7:00 PM (English)
8:15 PM (Español)
Celebrating 50 Years of Living Stewardship
School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
the Office TWO months in advance.
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
f St.Louis
ily o
r a n ce
Director of Music
Mr. Juan Salazar
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
of F
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
6:30 AM Monday - Friday English
8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English
7:00 PM Miércoles – Español
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Biju Vells
Rev. Fredy Yara
Rev. Michael Kish (vicar emeritus)
Deacon Vincent McInerney
Deacon John Peremenis
Deacon John Green
Deacon Thomas Hanlon
Deacon Alex Lam
Deacon Bob Yglesias
Deacon Jeff Reyes
Deacon George Labelle
Deacon José Villena
The Pa
Rev. Paul Vuturo
Remember the Departed
Book and Gift Center
305-238-7562 X7029
Pray for the Sick
Daphne Abraham
Monty Abraham
Pablo Arevalo
Isabel Avila
Alejandro Baldelomar
Verónica Bermudez
Jeannette Bernard
Daisy Bernardo
Rosa Maria Bestard
Maria Eugenia Bolaños
Gudrun Brandl
Giana Brendeke
Jerry Byrne
Joanne Calfo
Angelita Castillo
Dolly Chirino
Sandra Chung
James Clark
Rosemary Clark
Dominick Columbro
Michael Connor
Aramis Cruz
Cici Culverhouse
Olga Del Valle
Luis DeVarona
Alba Díaz
Lorraine Ditzel
Danilo Dominguez
Vincent Evans
Mary Alice Fleming
Mary Glynn
Richard Goethel
Doris Green
Marjorie Gross
Daisy Guerrero
Dorothy Haiduven
Joan Hawk
Alyse Hernández
Salvador Hernández
Andrés Hidalgo
James Houck
Kate Y. Houghton
Carole Howard
Gabriela Imbimbo
Irene Johnson
Lázaro Junco
Elena Franchi-de Alfaro
Mary Ann Kerr
Gerry Knowlan
Robert Kopp
Pat Krupczak
Joseph Kuethe
Helen Labime
Josh Lane
Esperanza Lara
Genaro Llave
Evelyn López
Manolito López
Isabel Luperón
John Mangialetto
Harrison Margulies
Jane McKeon
Kathleen Magrath
Luis Magallanes
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Melendez
Angela Mitchell
Elizabeth Moreira
Paula Moore
Michael Mulsford
Caitlyn Murphy
Ana Carolina Nacif
Greg Page
Gladys Patiño
Michael Pavloff
Jim Petee
Peter Pick
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Karen Pegues
Dinorah Rangel
Shawn Rice
Rolando Rodríguez
Clara Romero
Graciela Rosas
Nicola Roxby
Josephine Sánchez
Jimmy Sarandis
Claudia Schaefer Jones
John Shubeck
Joseph Schneider
Jorge Theye
Toribio Tijerino
Isah Marie Tomas
Chris Warren
Aurora Van de Waters
Josefina Vidal
Concepción Villaborres
David Young
We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish.
Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name
sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.
To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family,
Call Pedro Valentin at 305-251-7335 or the parish office at 305-238-7562.
Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.
Ministry to
The Sick
rest, Flori
son of Aden & Natasha Ackie
daughter of Francisco & Josefina Herdocia
son of Guy & Guyddeline Laviolette
daughter of William & Michelle Martinez
Looking for God?
Learn Our Catholic Faith
Pcentered on Christ. Faith in Christ brings salvation because in him our lives become
ope Francis explains our faith as a foundation of life: “Faith’s new way of seeing things is
radically open to a love that precedes us, a love that transforms us from within, acting in
us and through us.” (Encyclical “Light of Faith,” #20)
RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults– is not like going back to school, because
RCIA is more of a process of growth than a project in school. RCIA means learning not just with the head, but most
importantly with the heart. Our RCIA program, also called the Catechumenate, can benefit:
• Those unbaptized persons who want to become C
­ hristians.
• Those baptized non-Catholic who want to join the Catholic community.
• Adult Catholics who have not yet received First ­Communion or Confirmation.
Call the the office 305-238-7562 Ext. 7010 to speak with F
­ ather Paul for more information.
New Program Begins Monday, September 9, 7:30 PM
in the Religious Education Conference Room
¿Buscando a Dios?
Aprende Nuestra Fe Católica
l Papa Francesco explica nuestra fe como la fundación de la vida: “La nueva lógica de la fe está centrada en
Cristo. La fe en Cristo nos salva porque en él la vida se abre radicalmente a un Amor que nos precede y nos
transforma desde dentro, que obra en nosotros y con nosotros.” (Encíclica “Luz de la Fe,” #20)
RCIA – Rito Cristiano de Iniciación para Adultos– no es volver al colegio, porque RCIA es más como un proceso
de crecimiento que un proyecto escolar. RCIA es aprender no simplemente con la cabeza, sino más importante
aun con el corazón. Nuestro programa RCIA, llamado también el Catecumenado, puede ayudar:
• Adultos que no han sido bautizados
• Adultos Bautizados en otra religión
• Adultos Católicos que no han recibido los Sacramentos de la Eucaristia y la Confirmación
Para más información puede comunicarse con Olivia Baca, 786-399-0279.
El programa empieza Miercoles, Septiembre 11,
7:30 PM en el Conference Room
The items have been collected. The displays are almost finished. Now we need
YOU. The History Museum will be open after the evening Mass on Saturday
Aug. 24 and all day Sunday, Aug. 25 from 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM. In order to
insure that all of the items collected are well cared for, we need volunteers to
stand by the exhibits for two-hour intervals. If you represent a ministry, or are
an individual who would be able to share this “once in 50 years experience”
please call Pat Desbiens 305-251-8988.
Catholic Bible Fellowship
Each year our ministry offers a journey into the Word of God. With the help
of the Holy Spirit we learn the story of God and His children. From Genesis
to Revelation God’s Word takes us from the beginning of Creation to God’s
final destination for man, His eternal kingdom.
Along the way we read the accounts of other spirits who are messengers,
guides, guardians, helpers and teachers. They are called angels. Most of
the books of the Bible mention these pure spirits. This year’s study has
gathered those scattered passages together to discern the truth God has revealed to us about angels. In addition
we will be drawing from St. John Paul II's 1986 catechetical series on the angels, the Catechism of the Catholic
Church and other official documents as well as consult the early Church Fathers.
We are pleased to offer:
A Scriptural Study of Angels
For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways. Ps 91:11
o 25 week study includes 10 weeks “Entertaining Angels” and 15 weeks “Angels throughout the ages”.
o Commentaries and Workbooks
o Weekly video lectures by Fr. Mitch Pacwa.
o Cost of materials $49.95
Beginning: Wednesday evening, Sept. 25th, 7:30 PM
Thursday morning Sept. 26th, 9:30 AM (Child care Provided)
Sign ups after all Masses Aug. 3/4 and 10/11
Wed night Study: Marie Rhugnanan, [email protected], 305-255-7593
Thurs. morning Study: Joan McCaffery, [email protected], 305-595-3351
Lectio Divina
A Personal Encounter with the Living Word of God
Mondays - beginning September 23 – 7:30 PM
Lectio Divina is a Latin term for “divine reading.” A practice strongly recommended to us by our Church.
Pope Benedict XVI recently said “I would like in particular to recall and recommend the ancient tradition of Lectio Divina. The
diligent reading of Sacred Scripture accompanied by prayer brings about that intimate dialogue in which the person reading
hears God who is speaking and in praying, responds to him with trusting openness of heart (cf. Dei Verbum, n.25). If it is
effectively promoted, this practice will bring to the Church –
I am convinced of it – A NEW SPIRITUAL SPRINGTIME.”
In the 12th century, a Carthusian monk called Guigo, described the four stages essential to the practice of Lectio Divina:
LECTIO The first step is lectio (reading) where we read the Word of God, slowly and reflectively so that it sinks into us. Listening attentively with the “ear of one’s heart.”
MEDITATIO The second step is meditatio (reflection) where we think about the text we have chosen and ruminate upon it so that we take from it what God wants to give us.
ORATIO The third step is oratio (prayer) where we leave our thinking aside and simply let our hearts respond to God in prayer.
CONTEMPLATIO The final stage of Lectio Divina is contemplatio (rest) where we simply rest in the Word of God. We
listen at the deepest level of our being to God who speaks within us with a still small voice. As we listen, we are gradually
transformed from within. Signup after Mass on Aug. 31/Sept. 1 and Sept. 7/8 or
contact Bohn and Jennifer Phillips at [email protected]
$20 Fee for handbook & workbook (Scholarships available)
(305) 606-1891
Adoración Eucarística Perpetua
Cenáculo (*) en San Luis
(*) El cenáculo es el lugar donde
nuestro Señor Jesucristo presidio
la última cena. Acompaña a las
Hermanas del Sagrado Corazon en
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Cenacle (*) at St. Louis
(*) The cenacle is the place where
our Lord Jesus had his last supper in
Jerusalem. Come join in adoration the
Sisters of the Pierced Heart.
30th, 2013 at 7:30 PM
Cenaculo Contemplativo De La Divina Misericordia
Les invita a un encuentro
profundo y personal con Jesús,
contemplando la Imagen de
Jesús de la Divina Misericordia
a una noche de sanación interior
Con el Padre Fredy Yara Martes,
13 de agosto, a las 8:00 PM,
en la capilla.
Para más información contactar:
María de los Ángeles Expósito ocv
E/mail: [email protected] o
Cell: 786-326-7969
Only One Hour
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini was born in Italy yet was the first American citizen to
become a Saint. She started a missionary order in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to care for the
poor in hospitals and schools. When she arrived in New York City in 1889 without even a place to
stay with her small number of sisters, they made several Holy Hours of Adoration before the Sacred
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus every day despite their very demanding schedule. She said: “Pray always
with Jesus, always remembering that a soul united with Him can do everything. At the time of her death in 1917, she had
more than four thousand sisters and over fifty houses in addition to many orphanages, schools and hospitals worldwide.
To sign up for an hour e-mail us at [email protected] or call 786-242-0481.
Ven a conseguir Estabilidad Emocional
Ven a experimentar la Paz y el amor de Dios
Padre Ignacio Larrañaga
Dos horarios:
Lunes de 11:00 a 13:00 hrs y 19:00 a 21:00 hrs
Inicio: Agosto 12, 2013
St. Louis Catholic Church
Yuya: 305-951-5607
Fernando: 305-951-5633
50th Anniversary News
For half a century the St. Louis Community has had
a positive influence in this community far beyond
the confines of parish membership. Part of the
Anniversary year celebration will be a 5K Run – 1K
for each 10 years – on Saturday, October 26th.
The sponsorship levels are:
Platinum $1500,00
Gold $1000,00
Silver $500.00
Bronze $250.00
Each sponsor will have their name on the race
application and race t-shirt. The Platinum sponsor
will also have their logo on the application and
the t-shirt. Please consider supporting this
event. On behalf of our parish community I want to thank
you for your support and kindness over the years.
Prayer and Life Workshops
Father Ignacio Larrañaga
Looking for a closer relationship with The Lord?
Register for the Prayer and Life Workshops
The Workshops will be offered in English during 15
consecutive weeks. They will start on Tuesday
August 13 at 10:00 AM – Room H “A”
Bring your Bible and a notebook,
Jesus is waiting for you!
For more information call Nena Brackett at
50th Anniversary
Jubilee Choir
Calling all singers,
16 - 106 years old!
We are forming a Jubilee Choir
for our 50th Anniversary Mass on
Saturday, November 23. We will
be having a concert at 4:30 PM with
Mass to follow at 5:30 PM.
We will begin rehearsals in August
and desire singers who were
previously in the choir or new to the
Please call or e-mail Juan to join
this Jubilee Choir.
(305) 496-6840 or
[email protected]
Bereavement Support Groups
Bereavement Support Group Line: (305) 351-7025
Bereavement Support Group for Adults - Spanish
St. Catherine’s West Rehabilitation Hospital
8850 North West 122nd Street,
Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
(Lobby – Conference Room)
Every Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Breast Cancer Support Group
St. Catherine’s Rehabilitation Hospital
8850 North West 122nd Street,
Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
(Lobby – Conference Room)
Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month
from 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Educational Support Group
Miami Springs Community Center
343 Payne Drive, Miami Springs, FL 33166
Every Two Months
Bereavement Support Group for Adults - Spanish
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
12800 North West 6th Street, Miami, Florida 33182
Every Thursday from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Caregiver Support Group for Adults – English
Mercy Hospital
3663 South Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33133
(6 Carroll, Room 6104)
From 12 noon – 1:00 PM
Every Other Tuesday
Bereavement Support Group
for Continuous Care Staff - English
Catholic Hospice North Office
14875 NW 77th Ave suite 100
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Every Other Tuesday at 9:30 AM
St. Louis Covenant School
Our parish school has openings for the 20132014 school year. We cordially invite you to
consider sending your child/children to our
wonderful school. The Covenant School is
fully accredited through the Florida Catholic
Conference and offers education for grades PK2
through 8th grade. The school offers a vibrant
Catholic spirituality, top-notch education, after
school sports and activities all within a warm and
welcoming family community.
We currently have a limited number of openings.
If you would like further information, kindly contact
the school office at: 305-238-7562 X 7025 or
[email protected]
Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM
until the school year begins.
Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade
Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade
Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade • Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade
Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade • Covenant School News Pre-K2 - 8th Grade
Registration Now Open For School Year 2013-2014
Baptism Certificate Required for All New Students
Certificado de Bautismo Requerido para Todos los Nuevos Estudiantes
For Schedule of Classes, Registration Form, Fees, Curriculum, etc.
please go to our website at or contact us at:
favor de contactarnos en nuestra página Web o puede llamarnos a
Office of Religious Education
305-238-7562, Ext 7017 (Monday - Thursday) or [email protected]
Oficina de Educación Religiosa, 305-238-7562 Ext. 7017 (lunes - jueves) o [email protected]
CCD Volunteers needed. Adults and high schoolers welcome.
Catechists, class room assistants, office help, etc.
Training available.
CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade • CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade
CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade
CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade
CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade • CCD News Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Youth Ministry News 7th - 12th Grade • Youth Ministry News 7th - 12th Grade
For more information
contact our Youth Minister
[email protected] or
305-238-7562 Ext. 7016
Director of Youth Ministries
7th - 8th Gra
Youth Group
egistrations are open for our 7th – 8th grade youth group. We gather
every Tuesday in the Assembly Hall beginning September 17th. The
students experience a variety of activities designed to help them spiritually,
socially, physically, and emotionally. Typical meetings include games, skits,
music, talks, and small group discussions of the topic presented that night.
Topics range from Catholic doctrine to spiritual and social issues relevant to
a middle schooler’s life and development. Go to our website to download
the registration form at
eginning September 25th this group gathers every Wednesday from
7:45 PM to 9:30 PM in the Lecture Hall. Meetings consist of gathering,
opening prayer, live music (Christian rock and praise music), student led skits,
topic presentations, small group discussion time, and closing prayer. Topics
range from prayer to sexuality, all from the perspective of Catholic theology.
Discussions go into further depth in our Bible studies, retreats and overnight
Lock-Ins. Students also meet on various Friday nights in the Youth C e n t e r
for social activities and dinner as well as play Ultimate Frisbee every
Saturday at Coral Reef Park. Activities range from seeing a movie
to going to Christian concerts. The activity for the week is always
announced at the Wednesday meeting as well as our New Life facebook page called New Life Youth Group. New Life also offers special
activities, such as weekend and Spring Break retreats, summer trips,
paint ball games, Lock- Ins, etc. All activities are designed to foster
exciting, faith filled growth.
9th - 12th Gra
New Life
Youth Group
ock the Universe & Night of Joy
Grade Students
When: Friday - Sunday, September 6th – 8th, Where: Orlando, FL
Cost: $225 + Food. Cost includes: 1 ticket each to Night of Joy & Rock the
Universe, Transportation, Lodging
Cost does not include: Food
(4 meals at the hotel, 2 at the parks, 2 on the road).
Register at
9th Grade
Year 2
egister online now to join us in September Wednesday or Sunday for
Confirmation Year 2 classes. You can choose which day is better for your
family. Wednesday’s class is from 7 PM – 7:30 PM followed by attendance to
New Life, our high school youth group, which runs from 7:45 PM – 9:30 PM
in the Lecture Hall. Sunday’s class is from 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM followed by
attending the 5:30 PM Mass as a group. Go to our website to download the
registration form.
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Aug. 11th Wis 18: 6-9; Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19; Lk 12: 32-48
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
8:15 am
Special Intention
9:30 am
+ Helen Burnett/Randy & Patti Green
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Carlos Estrada/Loving Family
12:30 pm
+ Yolanda Diaz-Albertini/Lyden Family
5:30 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory
7:15 pm
+ José Ramón Montes de Oca/Gresly-Sarjonse
St. Jane Fances de Chantal, religious
Aug. 12th Dt 10: 12-22; Mt 17: 22-17
6:30 am
+ Mary Jane Renuart/Deacon from Charlotte
+ Isela Robaina/Loving Family
8:30 am
Ivan Giraldez - Special Intention
+ Erdio Gomez/Dugard Family
Thursday/jueves The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Aug. 15th Rv11: 19; 12: 1-6, 10; 1 cor 15: 20-27;Lk 1: 39-56
6:30 am
+ Isela Robaina/Loving Family
8:30 am
Special Intention
7:00 pm
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
8:15 pm
Special Intention
St. Stephen of Hungary
Aug. 16th Jos 24: 1-13; Mt 19: 3-12
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
Aug. 17th Jos 24:14-29; Mt 19: 13-15
8:30 am
+ Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother
+ John Skidmore-Ellen Skidmore
5:30 pm
+ Bernardo Jaime/Loving wife
Carlos & Patricia Rodas - Special Intention
St. Pontian, Pope, and Hyppolytus,
Aug. 13th Dt 31: 1-8; Mt 18: 1-5, 10, 12-14
6:30 am
John Barnes/Agress Family
+ Darwin Otalvora/Loving Family
8:30 am
Fr. Mike Kish - Happy Birthday
+ Joe Kane & Family/FSU Catholic Student Union
Sunday/domingo Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Aug. 18th Jer 38: 4-6, 8-10; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12: 49-53
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
Jorge Ravé - In Thanksgiving
8:15 am
+ Angel & Rebeca Castro/Lam Family
+ Moises Perez/Loving Family
9:30 am
+ Pauline Laviolette/Randy & Patty Green
+ Mary Jane Renuart/Deacon from Charlotte
Wednesday/miércoles St. Maximilian Kolbe, priest-martyr 11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
Aug. 14th Dt 34: 1-12; Mt 18: 15-20
+ Carlos Estrada/Loving Parents
6:30 am
+ Fr. Wallace McGowan - St. Louis Parish Family 12:30 pm
+ Florence Hafner/Frances Tomcavage
+ Darwin Otalvora/Loving Family
+ Julio Bendezu/Nueva Vida
8:30 pm
Fr. Paul Futuro - Happy Birthday
5:30 pm
+ D. J. Euwing/Pilar Carson
7:00 pm
Felipe Chuy - Special Intention
7:15 pm
+ Marina Nuñez/Clara Ferreyra
+ Ramon Montes de Oca/Gresly Sarjonse
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Carlton/Martínez E.
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
The Nursery
is OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:30 and 11:00
AM Masses.
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Jubilee Events
Join us as we continue to celebrate our
50th Jubilee year!
August 10/11 Bumper Sticker Weekend
Fr. Paul will distribute our new MAGNETIC
bumper sticker with the winning logo you chose
with our survey!
August 24/25 we will celebrate our Feast of St. Louis and
have our long awaited History Museum.
October 25 Handbell Choir Concert
October 26 5K Run (1K for each 10 years)
November 23 Concert at 4:30 PM to celebrate 50 years
of inspiring music. We will have our Jubilee Choir,
Children’s Choir, Cantors, Singers, Dancers, Musicians as
well as the Sunday night 5:30 PM Music Ministry perform.
November 23 50th Jubilee Anniversary Mass at 5:30 PM
This will be our only Mass of the weekend celebrated by
Archibishop Thomas Wenski
Bank United Center
at the University of Miami
1245 Dauer Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Fire in the Night
Fuego en la Noche
In South Florida we are used to the heat in
August during the day. Usually at night things cool off.
Such was not the case this past week during our “Five
Nights of Fire.” Things did not cool off at night, but they
got hotter… with the fire of God’s love in the Holy Spirit.
Again this year our parish welcomed evangelist
Jim Murphy whose prophetic words challenged us to
answer in a deeper way the question that Jesus addressed
to his apostles: “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew
16:15) At first Jesus had asked what others said about
him; the disciples said that he was likened to John the
Baptist or Elijah– no faint praise! But then Jesus asked
them what they thought about him. That same question
each of us must answer. Who is Jesus for me? Not
just, what does the bible say? or, what does the Church
teach? But where I am in my relationship with Christ?
What does Jesus mean to me?
Old Stories sounded new. Jim Murphy used
the theme “Who do you say that I am?” and related the
question to different New Testament biblical characters:
Thomas, Nicodemus, Martha and Mary, John, and the
woman at the well. We have all heard these stories
before, but Jim unpacked them with new insights into
the character of these biblical figures and how Jesus
changed their lives. He challenged us to see ourselves
in their stories.
All ages shared together. Devout prayer teams
and enthusiastic music ministries called forth from
participants of all ages an openness to God’s grace and
action in their lives. Jesus drew people together–adults,
teens and children, of different races, cultures and ethnic
backgrounds. All celebrated our unity in the Lord,
what we are called to be as a “catholic” or “universal”
Church. Jesus makes us all one Body, members who
can appreciate our many differences as different gifts we
share in the one Lord.
Time’s passage went unnoticed. Clock watchers
forgot their chronologist obsessions. Caught up in
the lived experience of prayer and reflection, people
listened attentively, sang gustily, danced spiritedly,
prayed heartily, and shared openly with each other the
experience of God touching individuals and drawing
people closer to each other.
Thanks to Jim, the event organizers, the prayer
teams, and the incredible musicians for their wonderful
sharing of faith and love in Christ.
En el Sur de la Florida estamos
acostumbrados al intenso calor de agosto
durante el día. Usualmente en las noches
refresca un poco. Tal no ha sido el caso
durante la pasada semana con las “Cinco
Noches de Fuego.”
Las noches no
refrescaron, sino que se calentaron más...
con el fuego del amor de Dios en el Espírtu
Una vez más, éste año, nuestra parroquia dió la
bienvenida al evangelista Jim Murphy cuyas proféticas
palabras nos desafian a contestar con más profundidad la
pregunta que Jesús le hizo a sus apóstoles: “¿Quién dices
que soy yo” (Mateo 16:15). Al principio Jesús les preguntó
qué dicen los demás de mí; los discípulos le decían que él
se parecía a Juan el Bautista o a Elías - sin alabanzas. Pero
entonces Jesús les preguntó que pensaban de él. Esa es la
pregunta que cada uno de nosotros debe constestar. ¿Quién
es Jesús para mi? No sólo lo que la Bíblia dice o, lo que
la Iglesia enseña. Sino, ¿dónde estoy yo en mi relación con
Cristo? ¿Qué significa Jesús para mí?
Las viejas historias parecen nuevas. Jim Murphy
usó el tema “¿Quién dices que soy?” y relacionó la pregunta
con diferentes personajes bíblicos del Nuevo Testamento:
Tomás, Nicodemos, Marta y María, Juan, y la mujer del pozo.
Todos hemos escuchado antes estas historias, pero Jim nos
presentó estos personajes bíblicos desde un punto de vista
diferente y cómo Jesús cambió sus vidas. El desafio está en
que nos veamos en cada una de esas historias.
Todas las edades comparten juntas. Devotos equipos
de oración y un ministerio de música lleno de entuciasmo
que animó a los participantes de todas las edades a abrirse
a la gracia y la acción de Dios en sus vidas. Jesús unió a
todos - adultos, adolecentes y niños, de diferentes razas,
culturas y orígenes. Todos celebramos la unidad con el
Señor, lo que estamos llamados a hacer como “católicos” o
Iglesia “universal.” Jesús nos hizo a todos un sólo Cuerpo,
miembros que pueden apreciar nuestras muchas diferencias
como diferentes dones que compartimos en un sólo Dios.
El tiempo pasó sin darnos cuenta. Los obsecionados
con los relójes se olvidaron. Cautivados con la viva experiencia
de la oración y la reflexión, la gente escuchaba atentamente,
cantaban, bailaban llenos del espíritu, y compartian libremente
los unos con los otros la experiencia de sentir a Dios tocarles
individualmente y acercarles a sus semejantes.
Gracias a Jim, a los organizadores del evento, al
equipo de oración, a los magníficos músicos por su increible
manifestación de fe y amor en Cristo.
Yours in Christ,
Suyos en Cristo,

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