Week Dec 12 – Dec 18


Week Dec 12 – Dec 18
St. Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church
St. Peter Mission
St. Mary Immaculate - 801 N. Main St. Lakeport,
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm English
10:30 am English
1:30 pm in Español/Spanish
Weekdays: 9am - Wed, Thurs, & Fri
7:00 pm Primeros y Terceros Viernes
del Mes, Misa en Español
El Rosario se reza media hora antes de misa.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confessions:
Saturday 6:15pm or by apt.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación/Confesiones:
Sabados a las 6:15pm o por cita
Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament: Every First Friday 9:30– 10:30 am.
St. Peter Mission - 4085 Main St. Kelseyville,
95451 (Mail and telephone to St Mary’s office)
Mass Schedule:
Rev. Oscar Diaz
Parish Staff
Lisa Lambert– Pastoral Associate
Patricia Giacomini - Director of Rel. Ed.
Juana Hernandez-Briones– Receptionist
Patty Shone– Receptionist
Phillip Myers - Finance Comm. President
Jim Goetz - Parish Council President
St Mary Immaculate Parish Office Hours:
Horas de Oficina: Martes a Viernes
12 noon—4:00 pm
Tel (707) 263-4401 Fax (707) 263-0606
[email protected]
FACEBOOK: St Mary Immaculate Catholic Parish
8:30 am English
Weekdays: 9:00 am Tuesdays English
7:00 pm Español Segundos y Cuartos Viernes
Jubilee Year of Mercy- December 13, 2015
Third Sunday of Advent
Pope Francis chose to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of
Mercy last Tuesday because December 8 marks the fiftieth
anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. That council, Pope
Francis reminds us, inaugurated a new phase in the Church’s
history. The Spirit called the Church to tear down the walls
that for far too long had made it a fortress, and to proclaim
the gospel in a new, more accessible way. Pope Francis
quotes Saint John XXIII in declaring the Church’s preference for “the medicine of mercy,” and Blessed Paul VI in
proposing the Good Samaritan as our model for discipleship
(Misericordiae Vultus, 4). Pope Francis adds that God’s
mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel,” and that mercy
“must penetrate the heart and mind” of every disciple (MV,
12). Three times today’s Gospel asks, “What should I do?”
Pope Francis would say: Imitate Jesus, who came not wielding the fiery judgment that John the Baptist had threatened,
but instead imparting healing, compassion, forgiveness—
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia -13 de diciembre de 2015
Tercer Domingo de Adviento
El Papa Francisco eligió inaugurar el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia el pasado martes porque el 8 de diciembre marca el
quincuagésimo aniversario de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano
II. El Papa Francisco nos recuerda que el Concilio inauguró una
fase en la historia de la Iglesia. El Espíritu llamó a la Iglesia a
derrumbar muros que la habían hecho una fortaleza por mucho
tiempo, y a proclamar el Evangelio en un modo nuevo y más
accesible. El Papa Francisco cita a san Juan XXIII declarando la
“preferencia por la medicina de la misericordia” de la Iglesia, y
al beato Pablo VI proponiendo “al Buen Samaritano como nuestro modelo de discipulado” (Misericordiae Vultus, 4). El Papa
Francisco añade: “la misericordia de Dios es el corazón palpitante del Evangelio” y que esa misericordia debe “alcanzar la mente
y el corazón” de cada discípulo (MV, 12). En el Evangelio de
hoy, tres veces se pregunta “¿Qué tenemos que hacer?” El Papa
Francisco diría: Imita a Jesús, quien vino no empuñando el juicio de fuego que Juan el Bautista anunciaba, sino en su lugar
sanando, siendo compasivo, perdonando —¡misericordia!
From the Pastory’s Desk …. The song of happiness
Not all is penitence, pain, and death as we journey through this desert. Today's liturgy pauses to ring a hymn of
joy. How can we not be delighted when the Son of God, who comes to save us, is near.
Jesus is coming, Jesus is with us. With these certainties, we live in joyful expectation, but we should also live in
a productive way. Where do we find the strength to preach such a joy - especially to a world as ours, one threatened by so
many problems that seem insoluble and where we are also injured by so many dramas? We need courage! This is our secret. The source of our happiness is found so High -that there is no human misery capable of clouding it. Therefore, we have a
reason to be joyful.
It is urgent that we Christians give our testimony to the world through our joy. We should shout in front of all - that our
faith does make us happy. Joy is contagious: it disarms us and leads us. One should say, as P. Claudel said: "My God, you
have granted me that all those that see me, then have the desire to sing, as if I were measuring the time - keeping the beat in
a low voice."
"It is always spring for a soul that is in grace" – said the saintly Curé of Ars. Where God is present, happiness flourishes - as if by enchantment. Christ has come so that our joy will be full, and so grounded - that no one would be able to snatch
it away. Experience shows us, that the secret to possess true joy - is not to seek it in urgency. Many make the illusion of finding it in the superficial, mitigating factors of pleasure and yet, it ends in anguish. Pleasure remains in the senses; yet on the
other hand, joy is a pure and irresistible leap of our entire being - towards the only way that satisfies all our yearnings. In this
way, it is natural to believe, to pray, to help one's neighbor, and to respond to the action of grace.
We need to know how to listen to the Lord, who continues repeating: "Love one another, as I have loved you." How
has He done this? He delivered his only robe, He shared his bread, He did not ask anyone for more than what He owed, He
did not accuse those that sought his death, nor did He defend Himself of false accusations. So what should I do? Saint Augustine tells us: "Love and do what you want". The one that loves, does not ask the duration, nor how, nor why, nor much
less - when. Just love! Because love acts. True love is translated into works. It is love that guides one's life and creates our
We should also ask ourselves: What should we do? This urges us to an authentic conversion, one that is not obtained
without painful detachments. A nightingale knows how to sing even when it stands on a branch of thorns. May the love of Our
Lord, His joy, His peace, accompany us always. May the figurines at the Bethlehem stable, the tree, the Christmas gifts,
the ornaments and Christmas carols remain not as material or exterior items for each one of us, but may they become the expression of joy that we have in our soul because Christ wants to be born once more in us and wants to tell us: "I continue
trusting in humanity." "I continue loving you." God bless you, Fr. Oscar
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meet on the First
Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the St
Mary’s Hall. Next: Tues, Jan 5th.
Knight Ladies Auxiliary meets on the First
Tuesday at 7pm at Glebe Hall.
The Belles of St Mary’s meet on the 3rd
Monday at 7pm in the Hall.
The St Peter’s Mens and Ladies Club
meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 1pm at
Glebe Hall, St Peter’s, Kelseyville.
Next meeting will be January 20th .
Mass Intentions for the week:
Sat 12/12 5pm
All who are sick
Sun 12/13 10:30am Fr. Michael Kelly +
Sun 12/13 1:30am Juan Salguero +
Wed 12/16 9am
Thurs 12/17 9am All our CCD teachers
Fri 12/18 9am
Sat 12/19 5pm
Fr. Michael Kelly +
Sun 12/20 10:30am
Sun 12/20 1:30am Alfonso Alfaro +
St Peter’s
Sun 12/12 8:30am Fr. Phil Ryan (Health)
Tues 12/15 9am Benito Villalobos (health)
Sun 12/20 8:30am June Hazel Wemple +
and Susan Mozelle Wemple +
In Thanksgiving for 2 wonderful ladies! Jay
50/50 Raffle Fundraiser by the Knights of Columbus:
Buy your tickets after Mass,
DRAWING WILL BE SUNDAY, DEC 20th after the 1:30pm Spanish.
Thursdays, Dec 3rd, 10th, 17th, and the fourth meeting TBA,
at 7pm in the Rectory.
Christmas Vigil Mass:
Thursday, Dec 24th at St Mary’s Church at 5pm –Children’s Mass
Thursday, Dec 24th at St Peter’s Mission in Spanish at 8pm
Christmas Mass of the Day:
Friday, Dec 25th 8:30am at St Peter’s Mission in English
Friday, Dec 25th at St Mary Immaculate in English
Friday, Dec 25th at St Mary Immaculate en Español.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation):
Friday, January 1st 9am at St Mary Immaculate in English
After the 9:00am we will have Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, all are welcome!!
Friday, January 1st at 12noon at St Peter’s Mission in English
Friday, January 1st at 7pm at St. Mary Immaculate en Español
SAVE THE DATE: Parish Christmas Potluck—
The Knights of Columbus will provide a Meat Entrée,
the Parish will provide Beverages…
You provide a side dish or dessert!
in the St Mary’s Parish Hall.
Del escritorio del Sr. Cura…
La canción de la felicidad
No todo es penitencia, dolor y muerte como parte de nuestro caminar a través de esta vida. La liturgía de hoy hace
una pausa para que suene un himno de alegría. ¿Cómo no estar contentos cuando el Hijo de Dios, que viene a salvarnos,
está cerca?
Jesús viene, Jesús está con nosotros. Con estas certezas, vivimos en gozosa expectación, pero también debemos
vivir de una manera productiva. ¿Dónde encontramos la fuerza para predicar una alegría - especialmente a un mundo como
el nuestro, uno amenazado por tantos problemas que parecen insolubles y donde también se lesiona por tantos dramas?
Necesitamos coraje! Este es nuestro secreto. La fuente de nuestra felicidad se encuentra tan alta -que no hay miseria humana capaz de nublar la misma. Por lo tanto, tenemos una razón para estar alegre.
Es urgente que los cristianos dan nuestro testimonio al mundo a través de nuestra alegría. Debemos gritar delante
de todos - que nuestra fe no nos hace felices. La alegría es contagiosa: nos desarma y nos lleva. Hay que decir, como P.
Claudel dijo: "Dios mío, me has hecho que todos los que me ven, entonces tienen el deseo de cantar, como si estuviera
midiendo el tiempo - mantener el ritmo en voz baja."
"Siempre es primavera para un alma que está en gracia" - dijo el Santo Cura de Ars. Donde Dios está presente, la
felicidad florece -como por encanto. Cristo ha venido para que nuestro gozo sea completo, y por lo tanto a tierra -que nadie
sería capaz de arrebatárselo. La experiencia nos demuestra, que el secreto de poseer la verdadera alegría -no es buscar en
la urgencia. Muchos hacen la ilusión de encontrar en lo superficial, la mitigación de los factores de placer y, sin embargo, que
termina en la angustia. El placer se mantiene en los sentidos; sin embargo, por otro lado, la alegría es un salto pura e irresistible de todo nuestro ser -hacia la única manera que satisfaga a todos nuestros anhelos. De esta manera, es natural creer,
orar, para ayudar al prójimo, y para responder a la acción de la gracia.
Tenemos que saber escuchar al Señor, que sigue repitiendo: "Amaos los unos a los otros, como yo os he amado".
¿Cómo ha hecho esto? Él entregó su único traje, que comparte su pan, Él no pidió a nadie por más de lo que debía, él no
acusó a los que buscaban su muerte, ni Él se defendió de las acusaciones falsas. ¿Entonces, qué debería hacer? San Agustín nos dice: "Ama y haz lo que quieras". El que ama, no pide la duración, ni cómo, ni por qué, ni mucho menos - cuando.
Simplemente me encanta! Debido a que los actos de amor. El verdadero amor se traduce en obras. Es el amor que guía la
vida de uno y crea nuestra felicidad.
También debemos preguntarnos: ¿Qué debemos hacer? Esto nos impulsa a una auténtica conversión, uno que no
se obtiene sin separaciones dolorosas. Un ruiseñor sabe cantar, incluso cuando se coloca en una ramificación de espinas.
Que el amor de Nuestro Señor, su gozo, su paz, que nos acompañe siempre. Que las estatuillas en el establo de Belén, el
árbol, los regalos de Navidad, los adornos y los villancicos no permanecen como elementos materiales o exteriores para cada uno de nosotros, pero pueden se convierten en la expresión de la alegría que tenemos en nuestra alma, porque Cristo
quiere para nacer de nuevo en nosotros y nos quiere decir: "Sigo confiando en la humanidad." "Sigo amándote." Dios los
bendiga, P. Oscar
Tuesday, December 15th , the parish will host a
Dinner, Talk and Private Confessions for ALL!
Please join us for:
5:15pm Dinner in the St Mary’s Hall.
At 6pm, a talk by Fr John Boettcher,
St Peter’s Tree benefits Easter Seals and Child
Protective Services.
St Mary’s Tree benefits children in the
Victim Witness Program.
Director of Spirituality for the Diocese of SR
(and he used to play Jesus in the Lake Co Passion Play!), in the
church.Immdiately followed by private Confession. Four priests
available, English and Spanish.
Please join us in our Advent preparations!
Sunday 12/13 Plate Collection: $ 3,143.00
Building Maintenance: $ 1,391.00
Thank you for your generosity, God bless you!
Liturgical Ministry Schedule Dec 19-20
Lectors 5pm A Haack, S Schweifler
8:30am S Blavet, D Seller
10:30am P Myers, B Bonnett
Eucharistic Min 5pm P Wiggs J Payne J Payne
8:30am M Ibarra, J Hume, B Hume
10:30am P Shone, S Jerome, P Navarro, B Bonnett,
S Woods, B Woods
Altar Servers 5pm ***
10:30am C DeChaine, G Wind
Ushers 5pm E McDonald, T Czosnowski
10:30am T Dingwall, J Goetz
+RETURN by SUNDAY, Dec 13th.
Gifts can be brought back to the tree or dropped at the Parish office.
It is very important to get the gifts back promptly. We need time to
get them picked up and delivered to the kids. Thank you so much for
Please pray for those who are sick:
Por favor recemos por las siguientes personas:
Mary Sachse, Darrell Perry, Nancy Davis, Carolyn Fanseca, Richard
Medeiros, Maggie Magliocco, Anita Rabedeaux, Scarlett Michelle
Reardon, Karen Marquez, Herminia Canchola, Bill Sterbenk, Tom
Dingwall Sr, Rose Vierra, Ray Pato, Fran Pato, Lynn Vierra, Sharon
Ornellas, LaVerne–Ornellas Saltz, Denny & Irene Deaver, Kathy and
Paul Zunino, Jeannie Rigod, John D. Baltazar, Nancy Gard, Carol
Scott, Michael Cernas, Ofelia Alive, Gerome Alloysius, AnnMarie
Hansberg, Benito Villalobos, Sara Hernández, Margie Tellez, Evangelina Gomez, Miguel Mosqueda, Walt and JoAnn Cannon, Dorothy
McDonald, Patricia Schmidt, Travis Brasier, Lucille Rammoni, John
Jojola, Gaylene Hines, Doris McKenna, Tyler Kreuger, Hope Brewer,
Andy Skonberg, Marcia and Bob Chalk, Hank Lescher, Ray Cernas,
Sharon Turner, Gloria Jimenez, Juana Hernandez-Briones, Janette
Payne, Juan Erquiaga, Catherine Quistgard, David Quistgard.
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Antoinette’s School of Dance
Antoinette Goetz, Owner
91 Soda Bay Rd.
Mail: 730 Crystal Lake Way
Lakeport, CA 95453
707- 263-5617
Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary
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Flowers by Jackie
Pat Tyrrell
108 South Main Street
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flowersbyjackie @att.net
Dr. MarkBuehnerkemper
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120 South Main Street
Lakeport, CA 95453
Farmers Insurance
Pat Lambert
Insurance Agency
License: OC86728
[email protected]
(707) 263- 7111
367 Lakeport Blvd. Lakeport,
Knights of Columbus #7611
Queen of the Lakes
Catholic Men Serving the Church
And the Community.
Jim Goetz (707)237-1561
Meetings: 1st Tuesdays of the Month
6:00 P.M @ St. Mary’s Parish Hall
John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants
Diane Tomkins Plante, CPA
P.O Box 1140
QuickBooks ProAdvisor
5925 E. Hwy 20
Lucerne, CA 95458
Individual– Partnership
707.274-1843 p
Estate– Corporation
707.274.1206 f
Not-For– Profit
Kelseyville Appliance
Dave & Mary Morse, Owners
3532 N. Main St.
Kelseyville, CA 95451
707-279-8559 707-279-9715
[email protected]
Wanda Holson-Lopez,
Realtor Lic#01198282
Re/Max Lake County Realty
1675 S. Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453
707-292-0687 cell , 707-262-5700, ext. 107
[email protected]
Susie Q’s
Made Fresh Daily
414 S. Main Street, Lakeport
Sunday 6:30 am – 2:00 pm
Special Orders 707 413-3055
Westgate Petroleum
Home Heating Oil Gasoline - Diesel
Biodiesel - Lubricants
Claude Brown, Manager
3740 Highland Springs Rd Lakeport, CA
Tel: (707) 263-6512 Fax: (707) 263-0225
Jones Mortuary
Lake County Memorial Crematory
Karen Karnatz
Manager FDR 2505- EMS 8691
115 South Main St. Lakeport, CA 95453.
(707) 263-5389
Fax (707) 263-1665
Mac’s Marine & Land
Macario Tejeda
Cell (707) 245-9201
Home (707)279-9414
[email protected]
Lic. # 993800
Lincoln Leavitt
Insurance Agency
Tom Lincoln
850 N Main St.
PO. Box 850
Up Town Dog Grooming
Shauntel Stark Groomer
5281 State Street, Kelseyville
(707) 245-8042
[email protected]
Dog and Cat grooming!

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St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church and St

St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church and St Por favor recemos por las siguientes personas: Mary Sachse, Darrell Perry, Nancy Davis, Carolyn Fanseca, Richard Medeiros, Maggie Magliocco, Anita Rabedeaux, Scarlett Michelle Reardon, Karen Marque...

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