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Oficio No ASE-DI2016-LP091
Quito, 12 de septiembre de 2016
Dirigido a: Rovers Scouts
Dirigentes Jóvenes de 18 a 24 años
Asunto: Convocatoria a participar en el 4to curso de entrenamiento para Lideres
Scouts de la Región Interamericana.
En Guatemala, se desarrollará el 4to “Interamerican Leadership Training” ILT#4,
curso de entrenamiento de para jóvenes Scouts Líderes de la Región Interamericana,
del 28 de diciembre de 2016 al 3 de enero de 2017.
Las 3 ediciones anteriores del ILT han sido un éxito, los jóvenes que se beneficiaron
de esta capacitación han demostrado mucho liderazgo y como parte de su
compromiso de trabajo posterior, actualmente se encuentran formando parte de
proyectos Scouts a nivel nacional, incluso ya se han replicado 2 cursos de liderazgo en
Ecuador “ELT” y han contado también con expositores internacionales.
El ILT es auspiciado por los Boys Scouts of America quienes cubrirán el traslado
(boleto aéreo) cuando el participante haya sido aceptado, esto se hará vía reembolso
del valor pagado por pasaje aéreo en base al promedio de precios vigentes.
Los participantes seleccionados deberán cubrir un valor de $250,00 más el de la
obtención de su visa a Guatemala (requerida para ecuatorianos, mas información en ).
Quién Participa?
Buscamos dos futuros líderes para la ASE, Scouts comprometidos entre 18 y 25 años
para que participen en el curso “Interamerican Leadership Training”
Perfil requerido por la organización:
Edad entre 18 a 25 años
Futuro potencial como leader in su Asociación Scout Nacional.
Inglés fluido
As the participants are required to be English fluent, from here on, the
information will be delivered in English.
The course will strengthen the Scouts as future contributors to your National Scout
Organization. Leadership skills learned and practiced, resources gathered, and
networking opportunities during the training produce a life changing experience for
participating Scouts.
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Moreover, as ambassadors for your National Scout Organizations you will share your
knowledge at home and promote collaboration of youth leaders within the
Interamerican Region.
Course Overview
Top International Leaders and participating ILT alumni will be talking about leadership,
communication and planning. Sessions are designed for participation rather than
classroom training. Topics include:
Values of Scouting
Messenger of Peace Program / Designing a Messenger of Peace Project
Effective Communication
Understanding the “Group”
Team Development
Problem Solving / Decision Making
Consensus Building / Conflicts Management
Minimum requirements and documents to be prepared:
Age between 18 to 24 years 11 months at the date of the event
Proved potential of leadership in Scouts of Ecuador
Very fluent in English (Will be tested by an interviewed)
Must be registered in ASE the periods 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Send a color copy of the first page of your passport
Been active in an Scout Group (show a recommendation letter from your group
leader in Spanish)
Send full resume and including scout life background in Spanish
Send a support letter from a teacher, dean or director of the school if Student
or from a boss if working, this letter should mentioned your leadership skills.
Include a brief description of community service activities, projects or similar
where you have been involved.
Be able to travel to Guatemala from December 28 th to January 3rd.
If you become selected, you must obtain the Guatemala visa for Ecuadorians
(application must be done by personal means, ASE will not support this
The ones who already earn a scholarship for an international scout event are
not allowed to participate.
Attached form must be send completely filled by the applicant. Application
Please note: Members of the National Board (Consejo Nacional) are not allowed to
participate or their relatives to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Application Deadline
The full information and documents requested must be send by mail until Thursday
September 20th, 2016 at 18h00. The subject of the email must be “ILT No. 4
Application – “your Name” to the following address:
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Para: Tatiana Nolivos,
C.C.: Lyda Pavón,
[email protected]
[email protected]
ILT#4 – Application - “your name”
No se tomarán en cuenta postulaciones recibidas fuera de la fecha y hora
límite antes indicadas.
Para cualquier inquietud o consulta favor comunicarse con la Dirección Internacional
al 02-2266629 o 02-2252617 de la Oficina Nacional.
Siempre lista para servir,
Lyda Pavón Avilés
Comisionada Internacional
Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador
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