Respuestas 4 Fotos 1 Palabra Casino -


Respuestas 4 Fotos 1 Palabra Casino -
January 2012
Dead Ahead...
Membership Renewal Time
February 4: Snowflake Luncheon, Historic Kent Manor Inn
March 20: First Day of Spring!
Welcome to a
new year and
the preliminary
stages of an
exciting 2012
boating season.
The optimistic
way to look at
January, in
regards to our
boating, is the fact that we have the
entire 2012 season before us. At the
risk of jinxing us, I have enjoyed the
mild winter that we are experiencing,
though a little, very little, cold weather
would certainly make the effort and
cost of winterization of the boat a little
easier to take.
Connie and I would like to again say
thank you to those who were able to
attend the Commodore's Ball in
November at the Lancaster Host. We
were truly humbled at the beauty and
effort that so many put into making
this an evening to remember. Vice
Commodore Terry See and Brenda did
a phenomenal job, giving Connie
and I a lifetime memory of a great
party for our members. Thank you,
Terry and Brenda.
The annual Snowflake Luncheon is
on the horizon and this is always an
exciting time for our members. Rear
Commodore Joe Lynch has been
working diligently to produce what
looks to be an exciting venue and
meal at the beautiful Kent Manor Inn.
The other exciting news is that Fleet
Captain Barbara Burlingame will help
us escape the winter blahs by giving
us a peek at the 2012 Cruise schedule.
This is a great time to catch up with
your boating family and friends as we
journey towards Spring. Please consider
bringing a friend who is not yet a
member and introduce them to the
club, so they can enjoy the same fun
and benefits that we receive throughout
the year.
The Board of Governors (BOG), in
keeping with our bylaws, has as its
aim and goal “to promote good
fellowship, to extend friendships....and
provide a means of entertainment and
recreation for the membership.” You
can help us reach that goal by
volunteering to help at our club events
and continue to contribute ideas for
events throughout the 2012 season;
just contact any BOG officer.
At each event, there will be signup
sheets for volunteering to help at
future events. The success and fun of
our yacht club lies within our
membership; we welcome your ideas
and suggestions. We have decided to
continue our Marina Mixers this
season since they proved so popular in
the past. Please consider volunteering
to run or help at these events.
This year brings great hope for a
fun-filled and safe boating season for
our members. I look forward to seeing
all of you at the Snowflake Luncheon.
Connie and I are anxious to spend this
boating season with as many of our
boating friends and family as possible;
we look forward to seeing our old
friends and forging many new
Let's get this season underway.
Commodore Glenn L. Davis
Vice Commodore
I hope everyone
had a great
holiday season!
It is always
good to spend
time with
friends and
family. Now it
is time to start
thinking about the coming boating
season. Brenda and I are very excited
about this year since our Club
responsibility is running the Ship’s
Store. We hope to have items that will
attract your attention and loosen your
purse strings! If there ever is an item
that you would like, please talk with
me, I’ll try to help you out.
I’m looking forward to renewing
friendships and meeting new people
this season. The Snowflake Luncheon
is just around the corner. Come join us
and find out what is in store for the
upcoming year. I hope to see you there.
V/C Terry See
Nauti News January 2012
Rear Commodore
Happy New
Ye a r S RY C !
Things have
been moving
fast and the
Luncheon is
just a few
w e e k s a w a y.
Yo u s h o u l d
have received notification and I hope
you have sent your reservation to me.
If not, Gus did a great job of updating
the “Activities” section of the SRYC
site. Document links are located at the
bottom of the page. Print the
reservation and send it ASAP along
with your check payable to SRYC.
The Snowflake Luncheon will be held
at the beautiful and historic Kent
Manor Inn located in Stevensville, Md.,
on Saturday, February 4th.
Thank you to Fleet Captain
Barbara Burlingame and the Cruise
Team for helping me to collect this
year’s outstanding raffle treasures,
from area vendors. It is sure to be a
great time. So come on out to preview
the club’s 2012 events and cruise
schedule. Hope to see you there!
Safe Seas,
R/C Joe Lynch
Fleet Captain
Happy New
Year! It’s hard
to believe that
the holidays are
already behind
us and the
Luncheon is
around the
corner. Except
for a few days here and there, this
winter has been great. Last year at this
time we had dug out from more than a
few snowstorms. But before we know
it, we’ll be getting a message that the
boats are in the water.
I am looking forward to seeing
everyone at the Snowflake Luncheon
on February 4th. While Rick and I
were scouting cruise locations, we had
a chance to stop at the Kent Manor
Inn. It’s really lovely.
Rick and I and the cruise committee
have been busy planning a wonderful,
2012 cruise itinerary, and we hope you
agree. It has some past favorites and a
few that haven’t been on the schedule
in a couple of years - in total, 6 weekend
cruises and an 8-day Summer Cruise.
If you cannot attend the luncheon,
please ask a friend to get the Cruise
and Activity packet for you or I will
mail it out to you. The deadline for
submitting your signup sheet and
deposit is March 3 rd , with one
exception for a special event, but more
on that at Snowflake.
PLEASE NOTE: A Heads Up on
the Summer Cruise dates for vacation
planning purposes – from June 30th to
July 7th.
If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to call or send me an
Fleet Captain Barbara Burlingame
Update on the Proposed Recycling Facility and Rubble Fill in Kent County
According to the Kent County
News published November 17,
2011, the Commissioners’ for Kent
County dropped out of the
Developer Rights and
Responsibilities Agreement
negotiation with Kent Recycling
and Land Reclamation LLC with a
unanimous vote on November 1,
2011. The firm proposed to convert
the Alexander gravel pit, at the
headwaters of the Sassafras River,
to a rubblefill. Residents, led by the
Sassafras River Association, turned
out in numbers to oppose the plan.
The resolution contained nine major
points for the decision to end the
negotiation. The conclusions came
from consultant J. Lawrence
Hosmer of Environmental
Resources Management. Besides
the concerned citizen comments,
Hosmer stated the promised
economic benefits seemed
F/C Barbara Burlingame
Nauti News January 2012
Treasurer’s Report
All the activities of the holidays
are over and now it is time to think
about the exciting activities the
Sassafras River Yacht Club has
planned for the members for the
new year. So don't miss out on the
fun, get your membership renewal
and dues in soon.
If you have any questions please
contact me or any member of the
Board of Governors. Also, if you know anyone that is
interested in joining the SRYC, I will be happy to send
them an application and answer any questions they may
have about the club.
See you at Snowflake.
Margaret Clements
BoatU.S. Membership Discount
Club members can get BoatU.S. membership at
half-price. Our Cooperating Group Number is
GA81008Y; use this number on your BoatU.S.
application or renewal.
Yacht Club Reciprocity
As a card-carrying member of a yacht club, you are
usually entitled to special courtesies from other yacht
clubs around the country as well as on the Chesapeake
Bay. These courtesies may range from simply being
allowed to enter their facilities, to discounts on slip
SRYC Officers have CBYCA roster books which
have information on member yacht clubs in the
Chesapeake Bay area. Contact a SRYC officer for more
Editor’s Notes
SRYC members are welcome to place
ads in the Nauti News for boating related
items. Send your ad to Jim at:
[email protected].
January 16, 2012
Money Market Account
Checking Account
Cruise Escrow Acct.
Credit Card Billings
Checks Outstanding
Net Financial Position
Respectfully Submitted,
John P. Boyer
It is that special time of year, where
we start drafting our boat
commissioning 'to-do' list. For some,
it means buying compound, wax and
buffer pads and planning on long
hard days bringing out the ultimate
shine. For others it means writing a
BIG check and hiring a professional
to do the work. Either way, splashdown is just around the corner.
As for the SRYC Website, all systems are running
smoothly. We had a small problem with our Photo Gallery,
where the slideshow would take a very long time to load,
or would not load at all. To correct the problem, I updated
the Slideshow program used for managing our photos,
and it seems to now be working perfectly. If you do
encounter errors, please don't hesitate to let me know.
The 2012 Activities section will be updated after
Barbara and Joe unveil our land and sea schedule at our
Snowflake Luncheon. Lastly, please take pictures at our
events and send to me to share with our members.
Gus Barreiro
SRYC Web Site
The Sassafras River Yacht Club web site address is: It’s a great site with lots of info; check
it out!
For questions about the web site or to submit an
item, email to: [email protected].
Nauti News January 2012
Zebra Mussels in the Sassafras
2012 SRYC
Board of Governors
Commodore – Glenn Davis
302-378-3775 / [email protected]
Oversees the Club and presides at all meetings
of the Club and the Board of Governors
Vice Commodore – Terry See
302-659-0884 / [email protected]
Keeper of the Ship’s Store (SRYC clothing, et;
alternate delegate to the CBYCA
(Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Assn.)
Rear Commodore – Joe Lynch
The SRYC Secretary received a message from a
natural resources biologist working on Invasive Species
Management with the Maryland DNR, informing us that
they have recently discovered the existence of zebra
mussels in the Sassafras River.
Zebra mussels attach themselves to pilings, docks,
etc., as well as to boat bottoms and outdrives. They can
restrict or block a boat’s water intake, causing overheating
and possible engine damage.
The DNR intends to post signs at all marinas, public
landings and boatyards to notify the public, including all
marinas on the Sassafras River.
This is all that we can report at this time. The
following web sites have more information:
also see:
SRYC Editor Jim Irons
610-255-0520 / [email protected]
Schedules all land-based activities for the Club
(e.g., Snowflake Luncheon, Chili Dinner, Opening Day,
Crab Feast, and Commodore's Ball)
Fleet Captain – Barbara Burlingame
302-737-7111 / [email protected]
Plans trips and leads the Fleet on all organized cruises
Secretary – Margaret Clements
610-719-8696 / [email protected]
Handles new and renewal membership dues and
correspondence; maintains the Club roster
Treasurer – John Boyer
717-786-8343 / [email protected]
In charge of Club funds as directed
by the Board of Governors
Webmaster – Gus Barreiro
620-269-2142 / [email protected]
Maintains the Club web site information
Editor – Jim Irons
302-376-8688 / [email protected]
Publishes the Club newsletter & Member Handbooks
Immediate Past Commodore – Craig Solt
302-239-7180 / [email protected]
Provides previous years’ experience to maintain
consistency in Board of Governors’ policies
Nauti News January 2012
Sassy Says....
Welcome to 2012!
Hope everyone’s
holiday season
was filled with
joy. So far, we’ve
been pretty lucky
Don’t want to jinx it so
I’ll mention it no more. Feels like
boating season is right around the
corner. Yahoo!!!!
So how ‘bout that Jim Skully?
What a surprise - especially when we
were expecting someone XX
chromosome heavy to be Sassy!!!
Hats off to you Jim! Sure proof that
gossip is not only women’s work!!
This year brings a new Sassy and she
hopes that you all will keep her aware
of any “news she could use.” Simply
email any and all bits of juicy gossip
to [email protected] or access
the Nauti News page of the SRYC
website and click on Sassy.
Many thanks and attaboys to our
Past Commodore, Craig Solt and his
first mate Leslie. Your past service has
certainly made our yacht club the best
of the Chesapeake. Now you can
simply take pleasure in the benefits of
your past service without daily worries.
You both deserve it!!!
Best wishes to our new Commodore
Glenn Davis and First Lady Connie! It
goes without saying that 2012 will be
a stellar year for the SRYC with you at
the helm!!!
The Commodore’s Ball at the
Lancaster Host Resort was a huge
success. Many, many thanks to Vice
Commodore Terry and Brenda See for
all your hard work!! Each and every
2011 land activity was impressively
executed. Miss Sassy looks forward to
shopping at the SRYC Ship’s Store!
Rear Commodore Joe Lynch and
his lovely first mate Helena are busily
planning the 2012 land “cruises” with
the first one being our annual Snowflake Luncheon on February 4 at the
Kent Manor Inn. They outdid
themselves planning and executing our
cruises last year. I’m betting that 2012
will be great for land activities under
their management!
Welcome to our newest Bridge
member, Fleet Captain Barbara
Burlingame. Although new to boating,
Barbara took on this mission with
gusto!! Rumor has it that she and her
personal “o captain, my captain” Rick
are hard at work planning our cruising
schedule for this season. Pray for
sunshine and cheap fuel!!
We all learned from Commodore
Glenn’s speech at the Ball that Connie
hails from the Lancaster area. Imagine
my surprise when I heard that the
Lancaster Host Resort was the location
of Glenn and Connie’s very first date –
oh so many years ago! Get your minds
out of the gutter people!! Connie
invited Glenn to a work function and
they’ve been together ever since!!!
Glenn candidly admitted that the resort
holds a special place in his heart for
this very reason!
November 5th was not only the
2011 Commodore’s Ball but also
Margaret Clements’ birthday as well.
Margaret, being the lady that she is,
chose not to share her birth year. To
celebrate, Maura Bidwell got a
boatload of ladies together in the lobby
to do a lemon drop shot in Margaret’s
honor. For future reference Connie, it’s
customary to down the shot in one
gulp – not three or four!!!
The Captain and First Mate of the
Year awards were presented to Ralph
and Nicki White - much to her
surprise! She was speechless and if
you know her, you know how rare that
is! Ralph was heard to offer monetary
bribes to anyone who could re-create
that moment. His ears could use the
Jim Skully hurt his ankle while
assisting in setting up the room for the
evening’s festivities. Word has it that
he scored a 9.5 on that triple axel jump
from the stage. He did prove what a
real trooper he is since he and Barb
danced the night away. Funny how he
couldn’t make it to outlet shopping the
next day. Was it the ankle?? Or a
flashback to an Annapolis jewelry
shopping trip with Barb?? We’ll never
John Boyer and Bill Doyle cut a
mean rug at the Commodore’s Ball –
not with each other – but with any
woman passing by! Perhaps they
should consider opening a dance
studio – they had moves like rock
Mark Cordrey and Shauna Naylor
tied the knot in October and Harry
Gosnear gave a best man’s speech that
didn’t leave a dry eye in the house!!!
Always knew that Harry had a way
with words – got to have the B.S. in
the law biz right? Frank and Lisa
didn’t lose a daughter; they gained a
son, two grandsons and a grand dog!!
Congrats to the Cordeys and the
Naylors – many happy years to you!!!
Congratulations to Gus Barreiro
and Maura Bidwell on moving into
their new home!! Hmmmm – new
boat, new home, what’s next???
Boating season is right around the
corner! Remember, Sassy has eyes and
ears everywhere but she could always
use some help!! So please let me know
of anything newsworthy (i.e., funny or
embarrassing) at [email protected].
See everyone at the Snowflake!!!