Designación y Autorización de Agente


Designación y Autorización de Agente
Designación y Autorización de Agente
Fecha: ______________
Equisales, Inc.
P.O. Box 270284
San Juan, P.R. 00927-0284
Por este medio designo y autorizo a :
para actuar como mi agente autorizado para todos los fines legales pertinentes y en
tal condición llevar a cabo todas las gestiones que en mi nombre, en su discreción
entienda prudente, relacionados con la venta de caballos a celebrarse el 10 DE
Subscribo la presente Designación y Autorización de Agente a la persona que
arriba indico para que sirva como mi agente y para que me sustituya y represente
en toda gestión relacionada con la subasta arriba mencionada, incluyendo pero no
limitándose a lo siguiente: la compra de caballos, la otorgación de documentos de
compraventa, de garantías, de cesión y/o pignoración de premios regulares y/o
retroactivos (premios suplementarios) de las carreras en el Hipódromo Camarero,
tanto con la Empresa Operadora del Hipódromo como con la Confederación Hípica
de Puerto Rico, renuncias de derechos; así como para en mi nombre pagar dineros,
suscribir documentos obligacionales, aceptar la posesión, con todas las
responsabilidades que ello conlleva, de los caballos comprados y llevar a cabo
cualquier otra gestión relacionada con la subasta y con la obligación de pago de
los caballos allí adquiridos, ya sea mediante subasta o en negociación privada.
Estoy de acuerdo que esta Designación y Autorización de Agente no podrá ser
revocada excepto por escrito, y que dicha revocación solo será efectiva si es
aceptada por escrito por Equisales, Inc. La Designación y Autorización de Agente,
que mediante el presente documento formalizo, la hago con pleno conocimiento
de las normas y condiciones contractuales, aplicables a la Industria Hípica. Además,
en específico particularizo que no podré devolver el o los caballos que en dicha
subasta adquiera mi agente autorizado y me obligo, mancomunada y solidariamente,
al pago total de su precio de compraventa conforme los términos y condiciones del
Pagaré que se acompaña y se hace formar parte de este documento, dentro del
término de diez (10) días a partir de esta fecha, a menos que el vendedor acepte
alguna forma de pago.
Al actuar como agente del comprador suscribiente, al Agente aquí designado, a su
vez asume la misma responsabilidad que el comprador suscribiente hasta que
haya cumplido con la obligación aquí asumida.
El Agente que por el presente documento se designa y autoriza, a su vez, cosigna
su aceptación y delegación de autoridad y suscribe también el presente documento
reconociendo y obligándose, mancomunada y solidariamente, al pago de los
caballos adquiridos so pena de que su licencia de dueño o entrenador, o sus
credenciales como agente, apoderado o representante debidamente licenciado
por la Administración del Deporte Hípico le sean cancelados.
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Los planes de financiamiento aplicarán solo a compras mayor a cinco mil
dólares ($5,000) . Cualquier compra de cinco mil dólares ($5,000) o menos
tendrá que ser salda, sin descuento
descuento, en o antes del miercoles, 20 de
septiembre de 2016
Opción I
CASH- 100%
Si el pago total se hace en o antes del miercoles, 20 de septiembre
de 2016 el comprador se podrá acoger a un 5% de descuento del
total de su(s) compra(s).
Opción II
1. 25% Pronto Pago en o antes del miercoles, 20 de septiembre de
2. 75% en TRES (3) pagos.
a) 1ro de octubre de 2016 más intereses devengados
b) 1ro de diciembre de 2016 más intereses devengados
c) 1ro de febrero de 2017 más intereses devengados
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PRIMERA Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos en subasta
y otorgados al mejor postor, de conformidad con los disposiciones del
Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la Ley Hípica y el Reglamento Hípico.
SEGUNDA Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen
debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración
de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico.
TERCERA La compañía, entiéndase Equisales, Inc., se reserva el derecho
de retirar de la subasta a cualquier ejemplar por considerar que la oferta es
insuficiente. De así ocurrir, el ejemplar regresará a su jaula y se considerará
no vendido.
CUARTA El subastador será el juez final en cualquier disputa que pueda
surgir entre dos o más licitadores.
QUINTA Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito a
los ejemplares ofrecidos en esta subasta. La compañía sugiere que se
realicen dichos exámenes para mayor protección y seguridad del comprador.
SEXTA El título de propiedad de todo ejemplar subastado pasará al comprador
desde el momento en que dicho ejemplar le sea adjudicado por el subastador.
Desde ese momento el comprador asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo,
y libera a la compañía, al consignatario, a su criador y a su antiguo dueño,
según sea el caso, de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad
o muerte relacionada con el ejemplar adquirido.
SEPTIMA Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el comprador deberá realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente. El comprador
deberá suscribir un Pagaré y un Reconocimiento de Compra a favor de
Equisales, Inc., del cual podrá obtener una copia y examinar mediante
solicitud a la Corporación o a cualquiera de sus oficiales en o antes del
día de la subasta. El comprador se compromete a efectuar el pago del
compromiso contraído dentro de los términos establecidos por Equisales,
Inc. en este mismo catálogo. Se le advierte y apercibe a los compradores
de caballos que las condiciones de financiamiento que Equisales, Inc. ha
expuesto en este catálogo se incorporan por referencia y se hacen formar
parte de estas Condiciones de Venta tal cual si las mismas estuvieran aquí
literalmente transcritas. En consecuencia de ello, todo comprador deberá
darle estricto cumplimiento a estas.
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OCTAVA El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá
personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta
condición incluye a corporaciones y/o sociedades.
NOVENA El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejemplares adquiridos en un período de 24 horas a partir del momento de la
adjudicación del ejemplar. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad y
costo por la transportación del ejemplar adquirido. Si el comprador no
cumple con lo anterior, la compañia transportará al ejemplar adquirido por
el comprador a una finca o establo que le sea conveniente a la compañia.
El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra
el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se compensará a la compañía por los
costos de transportación más veinticinco ($25) por día, por concepto del
cuido del ejemplar.
DECIMA No hay garantía implícita de la compañía, ni del consignatario,
criador y/o antiguo dueño por la salud, uso o destino para cualquier propósito
de los ejemplares vendidos mediante subasta e incluídos en este catálogo.
El comprador o nuevo dueño tendrá un término improrrogable de 48 horas a
partir de la fecha de la compra para hacer su reclamo por escrito a la
compañía acompañado del informe de su veterinario, por vicio oculto
relacionado con el ejemplar adquirido y, a tales efectos, renuncia a los
derechos que le concede el Articulo 1388 del Código Civil de Puerto Rico.
UNDECIMA La preparación y redacción de este catálogo y la información
que contiene concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica
de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u omisiones.
DUODECIMA Cualquier exposición o declaración verbal o escrita de la compañía y/o del consignatario y/o del criador y/o del antiguo dueño, NO ES
Derecho a Devolución
A) Todo ejemplar que luego de un examen endoscópico practicado
por un veterinario, demuestre epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe
será devuelto al consignatario de acuerdo a la decimocuarta cláusula (#14),
más adelante inserta.
B) Todo ejemplar con fractura o fragmentación ósea que afecte su
habilidad para correr podrá ser devuelto al consignatario sujeto al cumplimiento de la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta.
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DECIMOCUARTA El comprador tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas,
luego de haberle sido adjudicado un ejemplar, para radiografiar y endoscopiar
al ejemplar adquirido y darle estricto cumplimiento a esta clausula y a la
décima cláusula (#10) de estas Condiciones de Venta. Inmediatamente
después de conocer alguna condición que, alegadamente le de derecho al
comprador a la devolución del ejemplar adquirido, el comprador deberá
notificar directamente a Equisales, Inc., y , dentro de dicho termino, presentar
la reclamación por escrito acompañada por el certificado de su veterinario
y entregarla personalmente a la oficina de Equisales, Inc. Nuestra oficina
está ubicada en Plaza San Francisco Ave. De Diego #201, Oficina 208, Rio
Piedras, P.R. 00927.
DECIMOQUINTA La compañía, a requerimiento de una devolución según
provisto en las clausulas #13 y #14, tendrá disponible en la subasta un
veterinario de vasta experiencia quien evaluará la reclamación y emitirá su
opinion profesional a la compañía. En caso de surgir un conflicto de opiniones
veterinarias, la compañía nombrará a un tercer veterinario aceptable tanto
para la compañía como para el comprador, cuya opinion será aceptada
como final por ambas partes.
Todos los gastos veterinarios originados por esta controversia serán pagados
por la parte a quien le corresponda finalmente el ejemplar.
El derecho a la devolución de acuerdo a lo previsto anteriormente será el
único recurso del comprador y ninguna de las partes será responsable por
ningún otro daño, sino, solamente por aquellos señalados aquí.
DECIMOSEXTA Con excepción de lo expresado en las clausulas decimotercera y decimocuarta (#13 y #14) de las Condiciones de Venta, no se
admitirá devolución por ningún otro motivo luego de haberse adjudicado un
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Hip #
Color Sex Birth
1 ........ b. c. .... 2015 .... Gone Looking... Mamie’s Prospect
2 ........ ch.f. ..... 2015 .... Gone Looking... Chiminage
3 ........ b. c. .... 2015 .... Brave ............... Beam Queen
4 ........ b. c. .... 2015 .... Gone Looking... Willow Princess
5 ........ gr/ro. c. 2015 .... Stoneyer .......... Honeymoon Secrets
6 .... ... dkb..c .. .2015. .. King’s Crown .... Key Lime Time
7 ............. b.f. .. 2015 .... Brave ............... Voluntariosa
8 ............. b. c. 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Charming Amanda
9 ............. b.f. .. 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Free Light
10 ...... dkb.c. .. 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Studio West
11 ...... b . c. .... 2015 .... Mr. Indy............ Aptitude In Me
12 ...... ch. f. .... 2015 .... Nite Light ......... Lady Claudina
13 ...... dkb. c. . 2015 .... Gone Looking... Tosca
14 ...... b. f. ...... 2015 .... Stoneyer .......... Pleasant Band
15 ...... ch. f. .... 2015 .... Casanova Star . Lordly
16 ...... b. f. ..... 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Anyways Wynn
17 ...... b. f. .... 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Bubbles Cachet
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Hip #
Color Sex Birth
18 ...... ch. c. .... 2015 .... Mr. Indy............ Retadora
19 ...... ch. f. .... 2015 .... Stoneyer .......... Thanks For The Tip
20 ...... ch. f. .... 2015 .... Regal Ransom.. Gold Coast Striker
21 ...... ch. f. .... 2015 .... Drosselmeyer .. Princess Kayla
22 ...... b. c. .... 2015 .... Nite Light ......... Trixie Lady
23 ...... b. f. ..... 2015 .... Brave ............... Yerika
24 ...... gr/ro. c. 2015 .... Nite Light ......... Carmrachkim
25 ...... b. c. .... 2015 .... Mr. Indy .......... Royal Humor
26 ...... b. f. ...... 2015 .... Mr. Indy............ Cheering Dreams
27.... .. dk.b..f. . 2015 .... King’s Crown .... Precise Strike
29 ...... b. f. ...... 2015 .... Nite Light ......... Fake Plastic Tree
30 ...... ch. c. .... 2015 .... Casanova Star . Rokyjam
31 ...... gr/ro. f. . 2015 .... Nite Light ......... Prelude in Blue
32 ...... b. f. ...... 2015 .... Morning Line .... La Sola Nina
28 ...... b. f. ...... 2015 .... Perfect Bullet ... Fun City Lady
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7, 23
Gone Looking
1, 4, 13
6, 8,1 0
9,16,17, 27
22, 24
12,29, 31
Morning Line
Mr. Indy
11, 18, 25
Perfect Bullet
Regal Ransom
14, 19
Casanova Star
King’s Crown
Nite Light
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Yeguas Madres
Lordly ....................... 15
Anyways Wynn ......... 16
Aptitude In Me .......... 11
Mamie’s Prospect........ 1
Beam Queen ............... 3
Pleasant Band........... 14
Bubbles Cachet ........ 17
Precise Strike ............ 27
Carmrachkim ............ 24
Prelude in Blue .......... 31
Charming Amanda ..... 8
Princess Kayla .......... 21
Cheering Dreams ...... 26
Retadora ................... 18
Chiminage .................. 2
Rokyjam ................... 30
Royal Humor ............. 25
Fake Plastic Tree ...... 29
Free Light ................... 9
Fun City Lady ........... 28
Studio West .............. 10
Gold Coast Striker..... 20
Thanks For The Tip .... 19
Tosca ....................... 13
Trixie Lady ................ 22
Honeymoon Secrets ... 5
Key Lime Time ...........
Voluntariosa ................ 7
Willow Princess .......... 4
La Sola Niña ............ 32
Lady Claudina........... 12
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Yerika ....................... 23
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Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 29, 2015
Gone West ......................
Gone Looking ................
Laughing Look ...............
COLTT ...........................
January 29, 2015
Prospectors Gamble ........
Mamie’s Prospect ............
Mamie's Luck ..................
Mr. Prospector
Crafty Prospector
Fannie C.
What Luck
By GONE LOOKING (2005). Half- brother to stakes winner Coronado’s Quest,
Warning Glance, and Military Look. Sire of 19 starters, 11 winners, Santinelo
(9 wins, 3 to 5, 2015, $52,817), Carita de Sol (Winner at 2, $24,895), La
Sensitiva (3 wins at 3, $23,364), Bianca Paola (3 wins at 3, $18,586),
Volumetrico (2 wins at 2), Las Dos Adela (Winner at 2, 2016, $9,764),
Yoshy (Winner at 3, $6,484), Segunda Esperanza (Winner at 2). Son of
Gone West [G1], Stakes winner, Among leading sires, sire of 4 champions.
1st dam
MAMIE’S PROSPECT, by Prospectors Gamble. Placed at 2. Dam of 6 foals
to race, 4 winners, includingGAMBLERS SLEW (c. by Metfield). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $125,804, Charlie
Barley S. [L] (WO, $66,000(CAN)).
Quixote’s Prospect (f. by Dawn Quixote). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $52,275.
Mamie’s Princess ( f. by Omar Alejandro). 3 wins, 2 to 3, $25,345.
Carlitos O (c. by Wild Escapade). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $6,934.
Angel of Bataan (f. by Holy Mountain). Placed. Dam of 3 winners, incl.Hollywood Angel (g. by Circular Quay). 5 wins , 3 to 4, 2016, $156,506,
General George S., Swift Thouroughbreds Inagural S.
2nd dam
MAMIE’S LUCK, by What Luck. Unraced. Sister to Lucky May, half-sister to
RONBRA, Mamies Greek. Dam of 9 foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, incl.Explosive Luck. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $95,156. Dam of 1 foal, 1 winner, includingSalinas Regal Luck (f. by Cathy’s Regal Son). 3 wins, 2 to 4, $50,914,
3rd Michigan Juvenile Fillies S.-R.
3rd dam
CLARIMAY, by Proud Clarion. Winner at 3. Dam of 6 winners, includingRONBRA. 19 wins, 2 to 8, $434,519, Pa. Governors Cup [G3], R.F. Carey
H.-L, Old Ironsides H., 2nd Americana H.-L, Camden H., B. Roberts H.,
Rhode Island H.,-twice, Somers Point S.,Hurricanes H., 3rd LRL Turf Cup
H. [G3], Old Ironsides H.-twice, etc.-ncr, 1 m 70 yds 1:39.60. Sire.
Mamies Greek. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $88,120, 2nd Elizabeth H., Caesar’s
Wish S., 3rd Miss America S., Caesar’s Wish S., etc. Sire. Dam of ANSWER TO JORDAN (8 wins, 2 to 5, $215,033, Prairie Rose S. -L, etc.
Producer), Helen’s Idea (Winner at 2, 2nd Mom’s Command S. Producer).
Granddam of Supreme Summit (3 wins at 3 and 4, $398,080, 2nd
Ancient Title S. [G1], etc.), I Am in Front (Winner at 2, 2nd Nandi S.-R).
Lucky May. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $75,516, 2nd Rosetown S., Ruddy Belle H.,etc.
DP = 7-9-10-0-0 (26) DI = 4.20 CD = 0.88
MICROCHIP- 900182001156474
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 15, 2015
Gone West ......................
Gone Looking ................
Laughing Look ...............
Y ...............
February 15, 2015
Woodman .......................
Chiminage ......................
Informatrice .....................
Mr. Prospector
Mr. Prospector
By GONE LOOKING (2005). Half- brother to stakes winner Coronado’s Quest,
Warning Glance, and Military Look. Sire of 19 starters, 11 winners, Santinelo
(9 wins, 3 to 5, 2015, $52,817), Carita de Sol (Winner at 2, $24,895), La
Sensitiva (3 wins at 3, $23,364), Bianca Paola (3 wins at 3, $18,586),
Volumetrico (2 wins at 2), Las Dos Adela (Winner at 2, 2016, $9,764),
Yoshy (Winner at 3, $6,484), Segunda Esperanza (Winner at 2). Son of
Gone West [G1], Stakes winner, Among leading sires, sire of 4 champions.
1st dam
CHIMINAGE, by Woodman. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, includingVeneto (c. by Metfield). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $79,651.
Salado’sblondy (f. by Glitman). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $33,035.
Distinguido (c. by Glitman). Winner at 3, $25,540.
Carita de Sol (f. by Gone Looking). Winner at 2, $24,895.
Titere G. (c. by Omar Alejandro). Winner at 4, placed at 5, 2016, $10,417.
2nd dam
INFORMATRICE, by Trempolino. Winner at 2. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winnersLionel Richie (CHI). 19 wins, 2 to 6, in Chile.
Igor Stravinsky (CHI). 15 wins at 3 to 5, in Chile.
3rd dam
INFORMATIQUE, by Quack. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winnersSharp Imposter. 13 wins, 2 to 8 in England and France, $198,482.
Let’s Go West. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of Western Honors (6 wins,
$198,383,-R, etc.), Nattie’s Caroline (at 3, $78,254, 2nd Día de la Mujer).
Factual Basis. Dam of Foamy Water (3 wins,$172,198, 3rd Flaming
Page S.[L]), Brigadier Rodney (5 wins, $162,739, 3rd Elgin S.[L]).
4th dam
SILVER BRIGHT, by Barbizon. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $154,940, Arlington-Washington Lassie S.,etc. Half-sister to SILVER SPOON ($313,930, champion 3year-old filly), THE SEARCHER (sire), SILVER TRUE (dam of SILVER
BUCK [G1] (sire), SILVER BADGE (sire)), Foghorn, Misty. Dam ofSTATE DINNER. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $537,859, Suburban H.-G1,etc. Sire.
BANQUET TABLE. 6 wins at 2 and 4, $235,090, Hopeful S.-G1,etc. Sire.
Gamba. 2 wins, 2 to 3. Dam of GAMBERTA-G3 (dam of Future Act , $206,012).
Her Silver. Dam of STAR OF MANILA, MIO ROBERTINO, Hot Silver (dam of
(dam of Silver Echo), ANTEQUERA, Intent, Silver Tower, Royal Force.
DP = 10-8-14-0-0 (32) DI = 3.57 CD = 0.88
JC- 1519124
MICROCHIP- 900182001156432
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 30, 2015
Elusive Quality .................
Brave .............................
Danka .............................
COLTT ...........................
March 30, 2015
Siphon (BRZ) .................
Beam Queen ...................
Hawaiian Comic ..............
Gone West
Touch of Greatness
Strawberry Road (AUS)
Paloma Blanca
Itajara (BRZ)
Ebrea (BRZ)
Mauna Loa
By BRAVE (2009). His first foals are two-year-olds of 2016. Son of Elusive
Quality, Stakes winner of $413,284, Poker H. [G3]-nwr, etc. Leading sire,
sire of16 crops, 2014 foals, 1568 starters, 123 stakes winners, 1142 winners of 3103 races and earning $95,985,971, 6 champions, incl., Sepoy
($3,990,138, AAMI Golden Slipper [G1], etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,383,942,
Falmouth S. [G1], etc.), Smarty Jones ($7,613,155, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Maryfield [G1] ($1,334,331), and of Ravens Pass [G1] ($3,658,277).
1st dam
BEAM QUEEN, by Siphon (BRZ). Winner at 5, $30,666. Dam ofMr. Alvarez (c. by Mr. Indy). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
HAWAIIAN COMIC, by Doonesbury. Winner at 4. Dam of 12 to race, 9 winnersONE LIFT (f. by Imp Society). 3 wins at 2, $79,579, Display S. [L].
Beauvilliers (c. by Imp Society). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $76,939, in Italy.
Murrayfield (c. by Ghazi). 4 wins, 3 to 9, in Ireland.
3rd dam
MAUNA LOA, by *Hawaii. Winner at 2, $10,300. Dam of 6 winners, includingMYASHA. 12 wins to 5, in England, France, and Belgium, champion
imported sprinter twice.
Tropical Society. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $103,252, 3rd Kamora Br’ders’ Classic S.
Mrs. Magnum. Dam of Bewitching (2 wins, 2 to 3, in England, 3rd Jersey
S. [G3], Daily Mail Classified Silver Trophy H.), Eishin Luveme
(8 wins, 2 to 7, in Japan, 3rd Yomiuri Milers Cup), Arizona Irish (3 wins,
2 and 3, 3rd Phoenix Futurity).Great-g’dam of Best Buddy ($157,698).
Sweet Leilani. Granddam of Man O Manassas (Winner at 3, $23,744).
4th dam
TOO BALD, by Bald Eagle. 13 wins, $174,722, Barbara Fritchie H. twice, etc.
Half-sister to TURN TO TALENT. Broodmare of the year ’86. Dam ofCAPOTE. 3 wins, $714,470, champion 2-year-old colt, Breeders’ Cup
Juvenile [G1], Norfolk S. [G1], etc. Among the leading sires in U.S.
EXCELLER. 6 wins in France, Prix Royal-Oak-French St. Leger-G1, etc.;
winner in 2 starts at 4, in Eng., Coronation Cup-G1, etc.; 8 wins, $1,125,772,
Hollywood Gold Cup-G1, Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1, etc. Sire.
VAGUELY HIDDEN. 2 wins in 4 starts, in England; 6 wins, $239,313, New
Jersey Turf Classic S. [G3], 2nd San Marcos H. [G3], etc.
AMERICAN STANDARD. 5 wins, $180,120, Orange County H., etc. Sire.
BALDSKI. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $103,214, Gold Coast H., etc. Sire.
JC- 1519293
DP = 5-0-17-0-0 (22) DI = 1.59 CD = 0.45
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 19, 2015
Gone West ......................
Gone Looking ................
Laughing Look ...............
COLTT ...........................
March 19, 2015
Jazil ................................
Willow Princess ..............
Wishing Willow ...............
Mr. Prospector
Seeking the Gold
Better than Honour
Seattle Song
Our Lady's Wish
By GONE LOOKING (2005). Half- brother to stakes winner Coronado’s Quest,
Warning Glance, and Military Look. Sire of 19 starters, 11 winners, Santinelo
(9 wins, 3 to 5, 2015, $52,817), Carita de Sol (Winner at 2, $24,895), La
Sensitiva (3 wins at 3, $23,364), Bianca Paola (3 wins at 3, $18,586),
Volumetrico (2 wins at 2), Las Dos Adela (Winner at 2, 2016, $9,764),
Yoshy (Winner at 3, $6,484), Segunda Esperanza (Winner at 2). Son of
Gone West [G1], Stakes winner, Among leading sires, sire of 4 champions.
1st dam
WILLOW PRINCESS, by Jazil. Placed at 2. This is her second foal. Dam ofUnnamed (f. by Mr. Indy). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
Wishing Willow, by Seattle Song. Winner at 3, $37,244, 3rd Ontario Damsel S.-R (WO, $9,199(CAN)). Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.Unique Citizen (f. by Proud Citizen). 4 wins, 3 to 6, $150,907.
Fortress Mountain (f. by Storm Boot). 7 wins at 3 to 5, $44,376.
3rd dam
OUR LADY’S WISH, by Secret Claim. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 11 foals,
11 to race, 10 winners, includingLong Term Success (g. by Sandpit (BRZ)). 10 wins at 5 to 7, $309,035,
2nd Alysheba S. (MED, $13,000).
Le Vainqueur (g. by Fast Play). 8 wins, 2 to 8,, $207,625, 2nd H. J. Addison S.-R (FE, $12,000(CAN)), 3rd Cool Reception S.-R (FE, $6,520(CAN)).
Essa’s Secret (g. by Avies Copy). 8 wins, 3 to 7, $174,993, 3rd Juvenile
S.-R (WO, $7,139(CAN)).
Pronger (g. by Stormin Fever). Winner at 3, $112,085,3rd Prince of Wales S.
Wishing Willow (f. by Seattle Song). Stakes-placed winner, see record.
4th dam
NORTHERN WILLOW, by Northern Dancer. Half-sister to VICTORIAN PRINCE
($358,951, champion twice in Canada), MISS SNOW GOOSE, Muskeg,
Victorian Host. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, incl.L’ALEZANE (f. by Dr. Fager). 12 wins at 2 and 3, $367,307, horse of the
year, champion 2-year-old in Canada, Alcibiades S.- G2, Schuylerville
S.-G3, Adirondack S.- G3, Selene S., Princess Elizabeth S.-R, etc.
MAY COMBINATION (c. by Right Combination). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $44,986,
Carleton S., 2nd Nearctic H., 3rd Yearling Sales S. Sire.
Bay Willow. Placed. Dam of ARAGEN (hwt. filly at 3 on Australian Hand.,
Sires’ Produce S. [G1], etc.). Granddam of CAVALLO PAZZO (8 wins).
DP = 7-8-11-0-0 (26) DI = 3.73 CD = 0.85
JC- 1520095
MICROCHIP- 900182001156436
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled May 5, 2015
Graeme Hall .....................
Stoneyer ........................
Bungalow Eight ..............
COLTT .........
May 5, 2015
Runaway Groom .............
Honeymoon Secrets ........
Secretly's Secret ..............
Win Crafty Lady
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yvonnie Girl
Chieftan's Command
By STONEYER (2006), Champion Imported 2-year-old colt. Stakes winner of
18 races in 24 starts, 2 to 4, $433,904, Clasico Mercado Reveron-G1,
Fanatico Hipico-G1, Coll Vidal-G1, Verset’s Jet-G1, Copa 4 de Julio-G1,
A. T. Cordero Jr.-G1, etc. Sire of Ricky Slim (5 wins, 2 and 3, 2016, $107,890,
Copa San Juan-G1, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueño-G1, 3rd Copa GobernadorG1), Lady Maite (2 wins, 2 to 3, 2016, $32,415), Su Señoria (4 wins, 2 to
3, 2016, $29,132), Non Facile (Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $17,198).
1st dam
HONEYMOON SECRETS, by Runaway Groom. 2 wins at 4, $19,765. This is
her fifth foal. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, includingBen Diez (c. by Bowman’s Band). 6 wins at 3 and 4, in Peru.
Glori C (f. by Tamhid). 3 wins in 4 starts at 3, $12,283.
El Negro Felix (c. by Stoneyer). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SECRETLY’S SISTER, by Secretariat. Sister to Secretly. Dam of 3 winnersStevie’s Lil Sis. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $85,337. Producer.
3rd dam
CHIEFTAN’S COMMAND, by Turn and Count. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $363,219,
Firenze H.-G2, Next Move H.-G3, Rare Treat H.-L twice, Ascot Graduation S., Lassie S., Cinderella S., 2nd Fall Fashion S., 3rd Next Move H.[G3],
Breeders’ Cup Oaks, etc. Half-sister to The Berkeley Man [G3]. Dam ofBARBARA’S NEMESIS. 3 wins at 2, $98,163, Debutante S. [L], Colleen
S., etc. Granddam of FIDDLERS PATRIOT (7 wins, 3 to 6, $348,206,
Jim McKay Turf Sprint S. [L], etc. Set ncr at Sar, 5 1/2 f, 1:00.59), Speed
Bag (6 wins, 2 to 4, $251,959, 2nd Correction H., etc.).
Secretly. 4 wins, 3 to 4, $184,949, 2nd Monmouth Oaks [G2], etc. Dam of
Hot Contest (4 wins, 2 to 10, 3rd Sham S.-R). Granddam of CARPHONIC
(2 wins at 2, $110,666), Ocarson (3 wins, 2 to 4, $135,620, etc.), Big N
Toasty (3 wins, 3 to 4, 2015, $134,797, 3rd Powder Break S.).
Best in the West. 2 wins at 4, $37,981. Dam of Bham (2 wins at 2, $109,000,
2nd Remsen S. [G2], 3rd Holy Bull S. [G3]), Secret Ride (2 wins at 2,
$61,961, 2nd Lafayette S., 3rd Jamestown S.-R).
Supreme Order. Winner at 3, $26,704. Dam of Premier Peak (2 wins at 2,
3rd Jeano S. [L]; dam of Sunset Silhouette, $168,855), Point Reyes (3
wins, 5 starts at 2.).G’dam Younique Cat (6 wins, 2 to 7, $123,050, etc.).
Sovereign Command. Dam of Bermuda Bride (4 wins, 2nd Southampton
S.). Granddam of Cape Town Bride (3 wins, 3rd Donnie Wilhite Mem. S.).
DP = 4-5-5-0-0 (14) DI = 4.60 CD = 0.93
MICROCHIP- 900182001156530
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled April 11, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
April 11, 2015
Cat Thief ..........................
Key Lime Time ................
Tomorrows Angel ...........
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
Storm Cat
Train Robbery
Unbridled’s Song
Tomorrow’s Child
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
KEY LIME TIME, by Cat Thief. 4 wins, 3 to 4, $94,420. Dam of 2 foals to raceLlavero (c. by Stoneyer). Winner at 3, 2016, $12,870.
Volvemo (g. by Casanova Star). Winner at 3, $9,657.
Negri (c. by King’s Crown).Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
TOMORROWS ANGEL, by Unbridled’s Song. Winner at 3, $58,840. Dam
of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, includingNext Level (f. by Tale of the Cat). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $78,828.
Strong Shaft (g. by Mineshaft). 3 wins, 3 and 6, placed at 7, 2016, $71,676.
3rd dam
TOMORROW’S CHILD, by Al Nasr (FR). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $483,229, Pasadena
S. [L], Berlo H. [L], Vallejo S. [L], 2nd A-W. Lassie S. [G1], Bonnie Miss S.
[G2], Sorority S. [G2], Anoakia S. [G3], etc.,Dam of 8 winners, includingTOMORROWS CAT (c. by Storm Cat). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $516,090, Buick
Pegasus H. [G2], 2nd Pennsylvania Derby [G3], etc. Sire.
TETON FOREST (c. by Forestry). 3 wins at 3, $222,000, Jerome H. [G2]
(BEL, $90,000), 2nd Riva Ridge Breeders’ Cup S. [G2] (BEL, $40,000).
Dream Child. Dam of LITTLE ALEXIS (3 wins, $246,318, Cash Run S.,etc.).
4th dam
DANTINA, by Gray Phantom. 3 wins at 2, Starlet S. Dam of 9 winners, incl.PASS THE TAB.11 wins, 2 to 4, $463,652, Ohio Derby-G2, Carter H.-G2, etc.
ITALIAN RULER. 18 wins, $98,117, Riley Allison Thoro’bred Futurity, etc.
Tomorrow’s Spirit. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $164,322, 2nd Realization S [G3], etc.
Tomorrow’s Song. Winner, $60,650. Dam of TOMORROWS SUNSHINE
($296,308, dam of Brilliant Sunshine), Colorado Song, Datttsdawayilikeit (dam of Revocation).G’dam of Daymaker (dam of SNUGGLES),etc.
Danrullah. 2 wins to 3. Dam of A GYPSY SAYS ($112,420, sire). G’dam
of Tilt the Odds ($56,943, set 2 ntrs at Ruidoso Downs), Goidelic.
Deed a Double. 4 wins at 3. G’dam of WILD WILD WEST (9 wins, $305,404).
DP = 1-5-11-3-0 (20) DI = 1.35 CD = 0.20
JC- 1524087
MICROCHIP- 900182001156528
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 29, 2015
Elusive Quality .................
Brave .............................
Danka .............................
Y ..........................
January 29, 2015
Devil His Due ...................
Voluntariosa ...................
Splashing Lil ...................
Gone West
Touch of Greatness
Strawberry Road (AUS)
Paloma Blanca
Devils Bag
Plenty O'Toole
Our Best Turn
By BRAVE (2009). His first foals are two-year-olds of 2016. Son of Elusive
Quality, Stakes winner of $413,284, Poker H. [G3]-nwr, etc. Leading sire,
sire of16 crops, 2014 foals, 1568 starters, 123 stakes winners, 1142 winners of 3103 races and earning $95,985,971, 6 champions, incl., Sepoy
($3,990,138, AAMI Golden Slipper [G1], etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,383,942,
Falmouth S. [G1], etc.), Smarty Jones ($7,613,155, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Maryfield [G1] ($1,334,331), and of Ravens Pass [G1] ($3,658,277).
1st dam
VOLUNTARIOSA, by Devil His Due. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $129,895, Clasico
Blanqui R. [G3], Copa Criadores/H., 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet,Jr. [G1].
Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner, includingTan Malcriá (c. by Greedy). Winner at 2, $18,221.
Benicio D (c. by Nite Light). Placed at 3, 2016.
Dama Caribeña (f. by Nite Light). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
Splashing Lil, by Bucksplasher. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $82,796, 2nd Blue Bonnet S.R. Half-sister to CARLOS CRUZ. Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner,
includingVOLUNTARIOSA (f. by Devil His Due). Stakes winner, see above.
Boticaria (f. by Elshaan). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $45,604.
3rd dam
OUR BEST TURN, by Best Turn. Winner at 3, $4,410. Half-sister to Cushing.
Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, includingCARLOS CRUZ. 3 wins at 2, $59,520, Admiral’s Image S.-R, 3rd Pennsylvania Futurity-R.
Splashing Lil. Black type placed winner, see above.
Tom Freda. 25 wins, 2 to 10, $124,623.
Miss Bucksville. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $37,513.
Tami’s Turn Today. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,458.
4th dam
JACK’S JENNY, by *Tobin Bronze. Unraced. Dam of 2 foal to race, 1 winnerCushing. Placed at 2 and 3, 2nd Lady-Luck S. Dam of 6 winners, incl.Me Mole Catcher. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $21,630.
Fast Buck. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $14,115.
Life in the Big. Winner at 3 and 4, $11,979.
Me Mole’s Seester. Winner at 4. Dam of 1 foal, 1 to race, 1 winner, incl.Me Me Lamour. 2 wins at 3, $8,412.
DP = 3-2-9-0-0 (14) DI = 2.11 CD = 0.57
JC- 1519134
MICROCHIP- 900182001156486
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 31, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
COLTT ...........................
March 31, 2015
Charismatic .....................
Charming Amanda ..........
I’m in Celebration ............
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
Summer Squall
Bali Babe
In Jubilation
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
CHARMING AMANDA, by Charismatic. Winner at 2, $12,630. Dam of 5
foals to race, 4 winners, includingCHARMING TAM (f. by Tamhid). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, $80,846,
Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr. S. [G1].
Te Lo Dije (c. by Sharp Humor). 16 wins, 3 to 7, 2016, $115,318.
Counting On You (f. by Jump Start). 3 wins at 3, $21,371.
2nd dam
I’M IN CELEBRATION, by Copelan. 3 wins in 4 starts at 3, $54,660. Halfsister to LITTLE BABY BEAR-[G1], FIRST AMERICAN ($259,215,[G3],sire), DUBAI DUST [L] ($269,332, sire). Dam of 10 winners, incl.NICE TO KNOW (g. by Known Fact). 19 wins, 2 to 9, $421,556, Col. R. S.
McLaughlin H. [L], 2nd Grey S. [G3], Fair Play Breeders’ Cup S. [L], etc.
CHEERS AND TEARS (f. by Bold Ruckus). 5 wins, 2 to 3, $170,124, Ruthless S [L],etc. Granddam of TRUELY QUICK (2 wins in 4 starts, $61,050).
Brave Victory (c. by Lion Heart). 2 wins, 2 to 3,$127,587,3rd Peter Pan S. [G2]
Slammingpartygirl. Winner at 3. Dam of Flame Broiled (g. by Henny
Hughes). 3 wins, 2 and 4, $104,275, 2nd Riley Allison Futurity [L], etc.
Sommerfest. Placed at 2. Dam of BEAUTIFUL BETS (f. by Alphabet Soup,
7 wins, $399,710, TP Breeders’ Cup S. [G3]-ntr, 1 1/16 m.,1:42 3/5, etc.),
Citifest (g. by Citidancer, 4 wins, 3 to 5, $241,983, 2nd Maryland
Million Turf Sprint H.-R., etc.), Karakorum Legend (g. by Mutakddim,
6 wins, 2 to 7, $360,897, 2nd West Point S.-R (SAR, $20,000),etc.).
Are You Kidding. Dam of WHATSITGONNATAKE (f. by Mancini, 9
wins to 5, $247,894, Prairie Gold Lassie S., etc), HURRY HOME WARREN (g. by Mancini, 5 wins, 3 to 6, $191,308, H. Henson S. [L]).
Birthday Wire. Dam of WIREDFORTWOTWENTY (g. by Greatness, 9
wins, 3 to 9, 2014, $372,464, Iowa Sprint H. [L], Phoenix Gold Cup H., etc.)
Accomplished. Dam of SARAH ACCOMPLISHED (f. by Performing Magic,
2 wins at 2, $97,200, New York Stallion Fifth Avenue S.).
DP = 0-4-9-3-0 (16) DI = 1.13 CD = 0.06
JC- 1524336
MICROCHIP- 900182001156527
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 17, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
Y ..........................
January 17, 2015
Crown Delite ...................
Free Light ........................
Swift Star ........................
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
A.P. Indy
Ms.Teak Wood
Theatrical (IRE)
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
FREE LIGHT, by Crown Delite. 3 wins, 3 to 4, $42,096. This is her second
foal. Dam of Gaby’s Crown (c. by King’s Crown). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SWIFT STAR, by Theatrical (IRE). Placed at 4. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of 4
foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, includingBELLAMY STAR (f. by Bellamy Road). 2 wins at 3, $91,470. Xtra Heat S.
(BEL, $36,000), 2nd Lake George S. [G2] (SAR, $30,000).
3rd dam
RIVERMORN, by Riverman. Sister to MAGICAL RIVER.Dam of 5 winnersQUIET RULER (g. by Woodman). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $399,698, Mohawk H.-R
(BEL, $90,000) twice.
4th dam
MORNING GAMES, by Grey Dawn II. Unplaced,1 start at 2. Dam of10 winnersROYAL EXPERIMENT. 9 wins, 2 to 6 in Norway,Sweden, and Denmark;
champion 3-year-old colt in Scandinavia, Marit Sveaas Minnelop [G3],
2nd Stockholms Stora Pris, etc.; Hangover Square Pokallob, etc; Sire.
ALPHABATIM. 4 wins in 8 starts, 2 to 3 in England, William Hill Futurity S.G1, Guardian Classic S.-[G3], etc.; 3 wins, 3 to 5, $1,123,300, in U.S.,
Hollywood Turf Cup-[G1], Hollywood Turf Cup Invitational [G1], etc. Sire.
GRAN ALBA. 5 wins, 3 and 5, $158,046, in England and Ireland, 3rd
Leisure Burr S. Irish National Stud S. Sire.
PUZZLE BOOK. 4 wins, $111,425, Canterbury Oaks [L]. Dam ofMONARCH’S MAZE ($286,755, Jamaica H. [G2], etc., sire), MYSTERIOUSLY [G3] ($659,578, dam of Strizzi [G3],$195,036;Multipass [L],
dam of MY MISS VENEZUELA, to 4, 2016); Granddam of Dancing
Rage), BROCK STREET (17 wins, $351,072, Eclipse H. [G3], etc.).
MAGICAL RIVER. 9 wins, 2 to 10 in Germany, Jungheinrich Gabelstapler.
Afternoon Winner. 2 wins in England. Dam of Golf Game [L] ($147,590).
DP = 1-7-15-3-0 (26) DI = 1.48 CD = 0.23
JCMICROCHIP- 900182001156435
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 1, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
COLTT ................
February 1, 2015
Forty Niner ......................
Studio West ....................
T.V. Ad ............................
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
Mr. Prospector
T.V. Commercial
Port Royal
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1),Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
STUDIO WEST, by Forty Niner. Unplaced. Half-sister to RATINGS, SHE CAN
ADD, TADA.This is her eight foal. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winnersKing Carter (g. by Cat Thief). 3 wins at 5 and 6, $108,745.
Basile Premier (c. by Maria’s Mon). Winner in 1 start at 2, in France.
Mis Dos Marias (f. by King’s Crown). 5 wins at 2 and 3, 2016, $32,235.
Precario (g. by Arch). Winner at 3, $16,995.
Balvina (f. by Casanova Star). Winner at 2 and 3, $14,239.
Gran Alazana (f. by Casanova Star). Winner at 3, $11,634.
2nd dam
T. V. AD, by T. V. Commercial. 3 wins at 3, $18,829. Half-sister to Bering Sea.
Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, includingRATINGS (f. by Caveat). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $448,641, Diana H. [G2], Sheepshead Bay H. [G3], Lady Baltimore H. [L], White Rose S., Blue Bonnet S., 2nd Flower Bowl H.[G1], Diana H. [G2], Long Island H.[G2],
Maryland Million Ladies S.-R, Miss Liberty S. Dam ofSMART GROWTH (c. by Gone West). 6 wins at 4 and 5, $315,895,
Brandywine S. [L], Stymie S., 3rd Queens County H. [G3].
RECORDING (f. by Danzig). 3 wins at 3, $134,224, Sands Point S.[G3],
etc. Dam of SMART BID [G2] (6 wins, $1,008,309), REPRESENTING
(14 wins, to 8), DEAL MAKING ($237,874), Vanishing ($104,025).
SHE CAN ADD (f. by Robellino). 5 wins, 3 to 5, Blue Bonnet S.,etc. Gr’dam of
c. by Malibu Moon, NORMAN ASBJORNSON ($536,600); Who Was.
TADA (f. by Tasso). Winner at 3, White Rose S. Dam of No Jepordy (g. by
Storm Boot). 6 wins, $176,767, etc.). Granddam of HARRODS CREEK.
Forty Share (g. by Red Ransom). 8 wins, $166,618, 2nd J. Shumaker S.
Double One (f. by Nodouble). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $70,150, 3rd Tiger Heart S.
Adellino (f. by Robellino). 3 wins, 3 to 5, 3rd Foxy J. G. S., etc.. Dam ofLOGAN’S PRESS CARD (f. by Press Card). 4 wins, 2 to 3,-L,etc.
DP = 4-6-12-3-1 (26) DI = 1.60 CD = 0.35
JC- 1501919
MICROCHIP- 900182001156489
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled April 4, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Mr. Indy .........................
Miss Loren .....................
COLTT ...........................
April 4, 2015
Aptitude ..........................
Aptitude In Me ................
Jaguar Meadow ..............
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Luminare (ARG)
A.P. Indy
Boomer Lady
By MR. INDY (2007), His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015. Sire of 14 foals,
8 starters, 5 winners including, Mr. Coronel (3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $38,783),
Caramelero (Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2016, $28,114), El Caribeño (2 wins
at 2, placed at 2016, $19,691), Indy Wolf (Winner at 2 and 3, $15,479),
Odabella (Winner at 3, 2016). Son of A.P. Indy, sire of 18 crops,1186
foals, 942 starters, 156 stakes winners, 667 winners,$132,776,615, champions Bernardini-G1, Mineshaft-G1 (Horse of the Year), Rags to Riches-G1.
1st dam
APTITUDE IN ME, by Aptitude. Winner, $43,611. This is her third foal. Dam ofGus Is Due (c. by Devil His Due). Placed at 3, 2016.
Mirador del Cielo (c. by Brave). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
JAGUAR MEADOW, by Meadowlake. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $13,360.Dam
of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, includingJAGUAR CITY (f. by Slew City Slew). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $304,480, Isaac Murphy H. (AP, $51,420), 2nd Powerless H. (HAW, $17,340), Isaac Murphy
H. (AP, $17,150), Illini Princess H. (HAW, $16,890). Producer.
Jaguar Posse (f. by Posse). 2 wins at 3, $56,429.
San Giacomo (g. by Cactus Ridge). 10 wins in 14 starts, 3 to 5, $51,422.
Lewis Meadow (f. by Lewis Michael). 5 wins at 3 to 5, 2016, $67,197.
3rd dam
BOOMER LADY, by Time to Explode. 4 wins , 3 to 4, $88,718. Dam of 4 winnersLady Sky Racer. 3 wins at 3, $94,138, 2nd Purple Violet S.-R (AP, $15,000),
3rd Cy-Fair S. (HOU, $2,750). Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 6 winnersFirst Captain. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $127,950, 3rd Northern Lights Futurity
(CBY, $6,000), Minnesota Sprint Championship S. (CBY, $5,500).
Rime Ice. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $70,870, 3rd Assiniboia Oaks.
Shimmering Tale. Winner at 2 and 3, $62,839, 2nd ITBOA Sales Futurity (PRM, $10,054). Dam of My Daughter’s Song (Winner at 2,
$82,277, 2nd Donnie Wilhite Memorial S. (LAD, $10,000)).
4th dam
LADY LIBBER, by Mr. Leader. Winner at 3. Half-sister to PRIMO RICO. Dam ofNORTH TO ALASKA. 7 wins, 3 to 8, $96,675, Balmoral Derby (BML,
$18,060), 3rd Nebraska Racing Hall of Fame S.
Sarada Spy. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $53,035, 2nd Washington Stallion S., etc.
Northern Lass. 4 wins, 3 to 4, $36,965. Dam of 9 winners, includingInyourface. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $102,525, 3rd Don B. S.-R (BM, $7,500).
DP = 5-7-12-0-0 (24) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.71
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 28, 2015
Thunder Gulch ................
Nite Light .......................
Lite Light .........................
Y ...............
January 28, 2015
Yellow Metal ....................
Lady Claudina .................
Claudina .........................
Line of Thunder
Majestic Light
Printing Press
Mr. Prospector
Sir Roland
Miss Drum Beat
By NITE LIGHT (2004), 6 wins, 3 to 5, $546,960, Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3], Gallant Fox H. [L], John B. Campbell H. [L], Coyote Lakes
S. [L], 2nd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Excelsior S.
[G3] -twice, Gallant Fox H., etc. Sire of 9 starters, 6 winners,incl., Betty
Starlite (12 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $70,047), Norma Iris (5 wins at 3 and
4, 2016, $43,142), Nite Princess (4 wins, 3 and 4, 2016, $44,090), Concepto
(2 wins at 2), Dirigente (Winner at 3), La Diaspora (Winner at 3, 2016).
1st dam
LADY CLAUDINA, by Yellow Metal. This is her fourth foal. Dam ofLady Courageous (f. by Omar Alejandro). 8 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $54,371.
Mr. Coronel ( c. by Mr. Indy). 3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $39,783.
Omar D (c. by Omar Alejandro). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $23,753.
2nd dam
CLAUDINA, by Sir Roland. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $247,261, champion 2-year-old
filly, Luis Muñoz Rivera [G1], 3rd Criadores de PR. Dam of 1 winnerLA COROZALENA (f. by Glitman). 10 wins at 2 to 4, $187,677, Clasico
Verset Dancer [G1], 2nd Clasico Bricola [G3], Clasico Camarero [G1],
Clasico Mediavilla R.[G3], 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.[G1].
3rd dam
Miss Drum Beat, by Drum Fire. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $130,573, 2nd Clasico Bold
Forbes-G2, 3rd Prensa Hipica [G2]. Dam of 4 winners, includingCLAUDINA (f. by Sir Roland). Champion see above.
4th dam
PRO TAB, by Al Hattab. 4 wins, 3 to 4, Prima Donna H., etc. Half-sister to
foals,12 to race,11 winners, includingFUTURE BRIGHT. 5 wins to 3, $174,364, Critical Miss S., etc. Dam of Further Outlook (14 wins, 2 to 12), Cosmic Fire (2 to 4, $255,689, 2nd
Sorrento S.[G2], etc.;dam of COSMONAUT [G3], $1,397,723; g’dam of
IJIGEN), FIRE WITH FIRE [G2], Kickin’the Clouds.Gotta Wear Shades
[L] (dam of Conscience Clear,$141,785, 3rd Choice S.), Venezia (5 wins).
SOUTHERN CROWN. 4 wins at 3, $69,560, Miss Liberty S. (MED, $21,000).
DUKE OF RONI. 3 wins, 2 to 3, $45,010, W.H.B.A. Sales S., 3rd Tukwila H.
Gray Tab. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $92,460, 2nd Fashion H. Dam of SPEED WORLD
(4 wins, 2 to 3), GOING GRAY ( 2 to 7, $260,823, etc.), LADIES EXCUSE
Burning Mountain. G’dam of Capote Wildcat (7 wins, 3rd G. Washington.).
DP = 6-1-6-1-0 (14) DI = 2.50 CD = 0.86
JC- 1519834
MICROCHIP- 900182001156440
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 2, 2015
Gone West ......................
Gone Looking ................
Laughing Look ...............
COLTT ................
February 2, 2015
Holy Bull .........................
Tosca ..............................
Chapstick ........................
Mr. Prospector
Great Above
Sharon Brown
Toots La Mae
By GONE LOOKING (2005). Half- brother to stakes winner Coronado’s Quest,
Warning Glance, and Military Look. Sire of 19 starters, 11 winners, Santinelo
(9 wins, 3 to 5, 2015, $52,817), Carita de Sol (Winner at 2, $24,895), La
Sensitiva (3 wins at 3, $23,364), Bianca Paola (3 wins at 3, $18,586),
Volumetrico (2 wins at 2), Las Dos Adela (Winner at 2, 2016, $9,764),
Yoshy (Winner at 3, $6,484), Segunda Esperanza (Winner at 2). Son of
Gone West [G1], Stakes winner, Among leading sires, sire of 4 champions.
1st dam
TOSCA, by Holy Bull. Placed at 3, $10,822. Dam of 3 foals of racing age.
2nd dam
CHAPSKICK, by Hansel. 3 wins at 3, $65,252. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winnersBridled Path. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $89,678.
Bird Cay. 2 wins at 3, $63,915. Producer.
3rd dam
TOOTS LA MAE, by Danzig Connection. 3 wins at 3, $61,965, Miss Preakness
S. (PIM, $26,505). Dam of 8 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, includingMO HOTTA MO BETTA. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $129,463, Ambassador of
Luck H. Granddam of RES JUDICATA (9 wins, 2 to 6, 2016,$432,340,
(Salvator Mile S. [G3], City of Laurel S., 2nd Penn’ Nursery S., etc.).
TOOTS’S TONYA. 7 wins, 3 to 4, $121,780, Race Street H.-R. Dam of It’s
My Day Toots (3 wins, 3 and 4, $69,466, 3rd Mamie Eisenhower S.-R).
Last Toots. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $164,305, 3rd Go for Wand S. [L]. Producer.
Entwining. 4 wins, 2 to 3, $106,174, 2nd Blue Mt. Futurity-R, etc. Dam ofHarrow Land. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $160,451, 2nd Northern Spur BC S., etc.
4th dam
Fortunate Bid, by Lucky Debonair. 2 wins, 2 to 3, 2nd Smithville S. Halfsister to NIKKI WINFIELD ($117,038, dam of LEGS GALORE; g’dam
of PALETTE KNIFE, $319,400), Faithful Diplomat. Dam of 9 winnersFORTUNATE PROSPECT. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $439,875, San Vicente S.-G3,
Equus H. [L] twice-once in etr, Morven S.-L, etc. Sire.
FRITZIE BEY. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $186,894, Grassland H. [L], etc. Dam ofFRITZIE’S PROSPECT (dam of FRITZIE’S CHIME), Six Way’s (dam
of VERKADE). G’dam of Rey Del Sol (11 wins, 3 to 7, $299,915),
Majestic Zeal (6 wins, 2 to 10, $227,600), Tnt Mill (2 wins, $28,801).
ROSIE’S WAY. 5 wins, $101,931, Deceit S., etc. G’dam of MAXIE MATCH
(3 wins, Plymouth S., etc.), Bubbicious (8 wins, 2 to 7, 2016, $105,590).
Syncopize. Placed. Dam of SCAPADE ($306,770), Avro Aero ($111,512).
DP = 5-8-9-0-0 (22) DI = 3.89 CD = 0.82
JC- 1519170
MICROCHIP- 900182001156475
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 11, 2015
Graeme Hall .....................
Stoneyer ........................
Bungalow Eight ..............
Y ..........................
February 11, 2015
Pleasant Tap ....................
Pleasant Band .................
Sherry Elizabeth ..............
Win Crafty Lady
Pleasant Colony
Never Knock
Dixieland Band
Im a Star Prospect
By STONEYER (2006), Champion Imported 2-year-old colt. Stakes winner of
18 races in 24 starts, 2 to 4, $433,904, Clasico Mercado Reveron-G1,
Fanatico Hipico-G1, Coll Vidal-G1, Verset’s Jet-G1, Copa 4 de Julio-G1,
A. T. Cordero Jr.-G1, etc. Sire of Ricky Slim (5 wins, 2 and 3, 2016, $107,890,
Copa San Juan-G1, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueño-G1, 3rd Copa GobernadorG1), Lady Maite (2 wins, 2 to 3, 2016, $32,415), Su Señoria (4 wins, 2 to
3, 2016, $29,132), Non Facile (Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $17,198).
1st dam
PLEASANT BAND, by Pleasant Tap. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winnersMauricio R (g. by Casanova Star). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $46,563,
2nd Copa Navidad [G1].
2nd dam
SHERRY ELIZABETH, by Dixieland Band. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winnersTOOCLEVERFORWORDS (f. by Arch). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $201,308, Stage
Door Betty H. [G3] (CRC, $58,280), Cinnamon Girl S. (CRC, $30,000).
Sherry’s Tiger (f. by Hold That Tiger). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $145,109.
3rd dam
IM A STAR PROSPECT, by Mr. Prospector. Dam of 13 to race, 7 winnersPATSYPROSPECT (c. by Personal Flag). 13 wins, 3 to 7, $450,044, Kings
Point H.-R (AQU, $33,000), Alex M. Robb H.-R (AQU, $32,910), General Douglas MacArthur H.-R, Evan Shipman H.-R, etc. Sire.
TERREAVIGNE (f. by Belong to Me). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $433,313, Ticonderoga
H.-R (BEL, $90,000), Gaily Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), 2nd Frances A.
Genter H. [L] (CRC, $20,000), Ticonderoga H.-R (BEL, $30,000), Yaddo
H.-R, Mount Vernon H.-R, 3rd Gallorette H. [G3], etc. Producer.
Cosmah Star. Winner at 4, $68,725. Dam of Starry Skies (2 wins in 4
starts at 3, $169,460, 2nd Melair S.-R, Unzip Me S. (SA, $11,424)).
Pierce Arrow. Dam of MEGOMAN (10 wins, 3 to 7, $310,578, Paradise
Creek S. (AP, $28,080), 2nd Hawthorne Derby [G3], Awad S.).
4th dam
LIZA STAR, by Bold Hitter. 2 wins at 2, $9,410. Dam of 8 winners, includingSTAR GALLANT. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $443,110, Fountain of Youth S.-G2, Illinois Derby-G3, Suffolk Downs Sprint H., Alsab , 2nd Florida Derby-G1,
Chief Pennekeck H.-L, Derby Trial, 3rd Metropolitan H.-G1, etc. Sire.
REALIZA DREAM. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $94,040, Liberation H.-R, etc.
Yardstick. Winner at 4. Dam of RAGING CREEK (to 7, Jebel Ali Sprint).
DP = 3-6-5-1-1 (16) DI = 2.56 CD = 0.56
MICROCHIP- 900182001156471
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 8, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Casanova Star ................
Minstrella ........................
Y ...............
March 8, 2015
Victory Gallop .................
Lordly .............................
Lordy Lordy ....................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
The Minstrel
Flight Dancer
Victorious Lil
Lord At War
Current Guest
By CASANOVA STAR (1996). 4 wins, $117,970. Sire of 78 foals, 65 starters,
53 winners, 7 stakes winners, 3 champions, Don Paco (Triple Crown winner,
21 wins, 2 to 6, $618,181, Derby Pr.-G1, etc. Sire), Criador ($374,206,
Copa Gobernador-G1,-ntr, etc.), Yosolita ($212,592,Criadores PR-G1, etc.),
and of Alanis Ponce (Criadores PR-G1), Kristian Quiles (9 wins, 2 to 5,
$242,665, Derby Pr.-G1, etc.), Satinada (10 wins,Dia de Las Madres-G3),
Kween C.-G2, Mauricio R (2nd Copa Navidad -G1), El Radar (28 wins, 2016).
1st dam
LORDLY, by Victory Gallop. Winner at 3, $61,084. This is her fifth foal. Dam of 2
foals to race, both winners, includingSpirit Racer (f. by Flatter). Winner at 3, $16,448.
Inimitable (c. by Casanova Star). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $12,120.
2nd dam
LORDY LORDY, by Lord At War (ARG). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $354,466, Spicy
Living Sweepstakes H. [L] (RKM, $60,000), Omnibus S. [L] (MTH,
$36,000), 2nd Mint Julep S. [L] (CD, $22,840), Penn National Distaff H.
[L], Doylestown H. [L]. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, includingPulpit Talk (g. by Red Ransom). 4 wins, 3 to 6, $222,864, 2nd Pass the
Line S. (CRC, $7,000), 3rd Elkwood S. (MTH, $6,600).
Lawdy Me (g. by Menifee). 4 wins at 6, $97,772.
Pretty Pleaser (f. by Pleasant Tap). Placed at 2 to 4, $98,839..
3rd dam
CURRENT GUEST (IRE), by Be My Guest. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 13
foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, includingLORDY LORDY (f. by Lord At War (ARG)). Stakes winner, above.
Midway Downtown. 19 wins, 2 to 8, $226,462.
Cordovesa. Winner at 3, $70,586. Dam of 8 foals, 5 to race, 5 winnersTHEIR APPROVAL (g. by With Approval). 15 wins in 26 starts, 3 to
5, $151,802, -etr, Clasico Bobby Fabelo [G3].
Sevillana. 15 wins in 28 starts, 2 to 5, in Mexico.
4th dam
LA CORRIENTE, by Little Current. 2 wins at 3, $35,660. Dam of 4 winnersCORRENTINO. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $341,097, Ky Colonel S. [L] , 2nd Sanford
Duncan S. [L] Isaac Murphy S., 3rd Budweiser Endurance S. [G3].
Helen Brann. 5 wins, $105,388. Dam of ALEX’S RAGTIMEBAND (4 wins,
3 to 5, $134,838, Road Runner H., 2nd Don Juan de Onate S., etc.).
Majestic Nimbus. 20 wins, 2 to 9, $95,944.
DP = 3-6-9-0-0 (18) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.67
MICROCHIP- 900182001156481
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 21, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
Y ..........................
March 21, 2015
Northern Afleet ................
Anyways Wynn ...............
I Like Punch ....................
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
Two Punch
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
ANYWAYS WYNN, by Northern Afleet. This is her fifth foal. Dam of 3 foals to
race, 2 winners, includingGold Dust Diva (f. by Gottcha Gold). Winner at 3, $31,571.
My Channel (f. by High Cotton). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $18,966.
2nd dam
I LIKE PUNCH, by Two Punch. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $97,065. Dam of 2 winners, incl.WYNN DOT COMMA (c. by Struggler (GB)). 6 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3,
$298,525, Swale S. [G3], Spectacular Bid S. [G3], Birdonthewire S. [L],
Here Comes My Baby S., 2nd Jack Price Juv. S. Etr 3 fur. in :33 2/5.
Bob’s Big Hope (g. by Northern Afleet). 9 wins, 5 to 7, $77,155.
3rd dam
AMMOLITE, by Assert (IRE). Dam 13 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, includingOutlaw Bag. 4 wins, 5 to 7, $45,712.
Assert Louise. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 5 winners, includingPunchy Louise. 7 wins, $224,285, 2nd J. Archie Sebastien Memorial S.,
3rd Magnolia S., Azalea S., Camelia S., Gardenia S. Producer.
4th dam
ROLLING MILL, by Hagley. 10 wins in 18 starts at 3 and 4, $147,548, Queenstown S., etc. Sister to SPOTTWO ($145,690). Dam of 11 winnersEagle Mill. 21 wins, 2 to 8, $218,274, 2nd Devil’s Bag S. [LR] (LRL, $15,000), 3rd Maryland Juvenile Championship S. [LR] (LRL, $16,500).
Buckles and Kinks.2 wins to 3, $106,883, 2nd Md Million Lassie S.,etc.Dam
of BRONZE ABE ($520,564, dam of WESTOVER WILDCAT, $283,850).
My Mafalda. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $103,321, 2nd Be Faithful S. (AP, $5,500), etc.
Dam of TAKE HEED (21 wins, $377,637), Centurion (15 wins, $247,556).
Lord Herrman. 5 wins at 3, $81,450, 2nd Sun Beau H. (HAW, $7,360), etc.
Mill Song.3 wins at 3, 3rd Princess S. G’damof Seattle Rascal (Winner at 3).
Lingquoit. 6 wins, $109,581. Dam of Woolly Bear [L] (3 wins, $216,304).
Caution. Placed at 3. Dam of Moravian Gate [L] (2 wins, set cre, $100,407).
DP = 2-4-13-3-0 (22) DI = 1.32 CD = 0.23
JC- 1524743
MICROCHIP- 900182001156482
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 31, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
Y ..........................
January 31, 2015
With Approval .................
Bubbles Cachet ...............
P J Floral ........................
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
Caro (IRE)
Passing Mood
Peroxide Princess
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
BUBBLES CACHET, by With Approval. 3 wins at 3 to 4, $85,160. Dam of No Es Conmigo (f. by Tamhid). Winner at 2 and 3, $17,478.
King Daniel (c. by King’s Crown). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
P J FLORAL, by Baldski. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $245,403, The Very One H. [L], 2nd
April Run S., Searching S., 3rd Hialeah Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H.
[L]. Dam of 11 foals, 9 foals to race, 7 winners, includingQUEUE (f. by French Deputy). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $400,260, Long Island H.
[G2], New Castle H. [L], Going Up S., 2nd Violet H. [G3], Calder
Oaks, Navajo Princess S., Searching S. Dam of 7 to race, 4 winnersBREAK RUN OUT (c. by Smart Strike). 2 wins, 2 to 3, Kyodo News Serv.
Hai [G3], 2nd Tokyo Sports Hai Nisai S., 3rd Asahi Hai Fut. S. [G1].
Ramiano (c. by Rubiano). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $136,985,3rd B.Smith Mem-S.
Free Beer (g. by Medaglia d’Oro). 9 wins, 3 to 8, $95,356.
3rd dam
PEROXIDE PRINCESS, by What a Pleasure. 5 wins, 3 to 4, $60,115. Dam ofP J FLORAL. Stakes winner, above.
4th dam
SHANGHAI MARY, by Stage Door Johnny. Winner at 3. Half-sister to PROUD
POCKET, BOLD THRUST, MIDNIGHT TRAVELER. Dam ofTango Five Juliet. Dam of GRAN BARBARA (15 wins, 3 to 5 in Venezuela,
champion older mare, Clasico Asamblea Nacional, etc.; dam of Secret
Weapon, 3rd Clasico Francisco de Miranda), GRAN MUSIC. (Winner
at 2 in Venezuela, Clasico Victoreado, etc.), Five Juliet. (2nd Premio
Gustavo Sanabria [G3];dam of RAUL), Capitan Trueno (3rd Clasico
Millard Ziadie), Midedos (dam of Mohicano), Miss Belen (dam of Real
Arte). Granddam of Tango Drink (2nd Premio Jose Antonio Paez, etc.).
Terrible Secret. Granddam of Miterrand (12 wins, 3 to 5, in Peru).
DP = 4-8-14-4-0 (30) DI = 1.73 CD = 0.40
MICROCHIP- 900182001156473
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 17, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Mr. Indy .........................
Miss Loren .....................
COLTT ................
February 17, 2015
Casanova Star .................
Retadora .........................
Princesa de Oro ..............
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Luminare (ARG)
A.P. Indy
Noblesse Oil
By MR. INDY (2007), His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015. Sire of 14 foals,
8 starters, 5 winners including, Mr. Coronel (3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $38,783),
Caramelero (Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2016, $28,114), El Caribeño (2 wins
at 2, placed at 2016, $19,691), Indy Wolf (Winner at 2 and 3, $15,479),
Odabella (Winner at 3, 2016). Son of A.P. Indy, sire of 18 crops,1186
foals, 942 starters, 156 stakes winners, 667 winners,$132,776,615, champions Bernardini-G1, Mineshaft-G1 (Horse of the Year), Rags to Riches-G1.
1st dam
RETADORA, by Casanova Star. Winner at 3, $14,803.This is her first foal.
2nd dam
PRINCESA DE ORO, by Noblesse Oil. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $693,339, champion 2-year-old filly, Champion older mare, Puerto Rico Futurity [G1],
Clasico Constitucion [G1],Clasico Dia de las Madres [G1], twice,
Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal [G1], Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua
[G1], 2nd Clasico Navidad [G1],Clasico Dia de Reyes [G1],Copa
Rafael Martinez Nadal [G1],3rd Clasico Camarero [G1],Clasico
Criadores de Puerto Rico [G3], Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. [G1], Clasico
Antonio R. Matos [G2], Clasico Roberto Clemente [G2],Clasico Wiso
G. [G1]. Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, includingKRISTIAN QUILES (c. by Casanova Star). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $242,665,
Derby Puertorriqueno
[G1], Clasico Alves Rueda G3], 2nd PR Futurity [G1], Copa Navidad [G1], 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil S.[G1].
RICKY SLIM (g. by Stoneyer). 5 wins, 2 and 3, 2016, $107,890, Copa San
Juan [G1], 3rd Copa Gobernador S.[G1], Derby Puertorriqueño S.[G1].
Jose Ignacio (g. by Ordway). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $30,998.
3rd dam
CALLEJA, by Natidan. Unraced. Half-sister to WHY NOT DANCE. Dam ofEL CALLEJERO (c. by Noblesse Oblige II). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $74,682,
Clasico Luis Muñoz Rivera [G1], 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity [G1]. Sire.
Aerial Speed . 4 wins at 3, $42,472.
4th dam
LINDA OTRA VEZ, by *Oceanic II. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $16,615. Dam ofWHY NOT DANCE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $98,387, Antonio R. Matos [G2],
etc. G’dam of South Bound n Down (2nd Go For The Gold Futurity, etc.),
Fabulous Fever (3rd Idaho Cup Distaff Dby., etc. Producer.).
Kafu. 21 wins, 2 to 5, $120,406. Sire.
DP = 4-7-11-0-0 (22) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.68
JC- 1519142
MICROCHIP- 900182001156487
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 11, 2015
Graeme Hall .....................
Stoneyer ........................
Bungalow Eight ..............
Y ...............
February 11, 2015
Evansville Slew ................
Thanks For The Tip .........
Queen's Toast ..................
Win Crafty Lady
Slew City Slew
Shape Shifter
Black Claret
Victorian Village
By STONEYER (2006), Champion Imported 2-year-old colt. Stakes winner of
18 races in 24 starts, 2 to 4, $433,904, Clasico Mercado Reveron-G1,
Fanatico Hipico-G1, Coll Vidal-G1, Verset’s Jet-G1, Copa 4 de Julio-G1,
A. T. Cordero Jr.-G1, etc. Sire of Ricky Slim (5 wins, 2 and 3, 2016, $107,890,
Copa San Juan-G1, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueño-G1, 3rd Copa GobernadorG1), Lady Maite (2 wins, 2 to 3, 2016, $32,415), Su Señoria (4 wins, 2 to
3, 2016, $29,132), Non Facile (Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $17,198).
1st dam
THANKS FOR THE TIP, by Evansville Slew. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $173,204, Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S., MTA Stallion Auction Lassie S.,
2nd Frances Genter S.,3rd Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S.
This is her third foal. Her second foal is a two-year-old of 2016. Dam ofJet Bala (f. by Benny the Bull). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $15,479.
2nd dam
QUEEN’S TOAST, by Black Claret. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, incl.THANKS FOR THE TIP (f. by Evansville Slew). Stakes winners, see above.
Bing’s Magic (g. by Evansville Slew). 4 wins at 3 and 5, $112,700.
Kato Miss (f. by Ghazi). Winner at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2016, $72,625.
3rd dam
VICTORIAN VILLAGE, by L’Emigrant. Half-sister to SPLENDID CAREER. Dam
of 14 foals, 11 to race, 10 winners, includingYEARLY TOUR (f. by Half a Year). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $573,848, Palomar H.
[G2], Carmel H. [L] (BM, $55,000), Palo Alto H. [L] (BM, $30,700),
Canvas Specialty California Cup Matron H.-R (SA, $55,000), Fran’s
Valentine H.-R (HOL, $48,650), Cecilia De Mille Harper H.-R (BM,
$31,000), Tanaka Family Farm H., 2nd Santa Barbara H. [G1], Santa
Ana H. [G1], Las Palmas H. [G2], Palomar H. [G2], Moment to Buy
H., 3rd Ramona H. [G1], San Gorgonio H. [G2], etc. Dam ofParadise Treasures. 9 wins, Set ntr, 1 1/8 m. 1:50.80. Set ntr, 1 m. 1:40.80.
VICTOR AVENUE (g. by Avenue of Flags). 15 wins, 2 to 7, $471,489, Fall
Highweight H. [G2], Gravesend H. [G3], Renaissance H. [L]-ntr, 6 fur.,2nd
Holiday Cheer S.- 2x, Forego S.-2x, 3rd Count Fleet Sprint H. [G3], etc.
JEKYLL AND HYDE (c. by Latin American). ). 9 wins, 2 to 7, $313,573, 2nd
California Derby [L], Forty-Niner H. [L], 3rd Oceanside S.-R.
Prim Flower. Winner at 3, $34,135. Gr’dam of A POLITICAL TIME ($93,733,
Arizona Bredeers’ Futurity, etc.), Hidden Harbor (14 wins, 3 to 7, $117,943,
2nd Ladies Exp’ss S.), My Fine Lady (at 2, 2nd ATBA Fall Sales S.).
DP = 2-3-3-0-0 (8) DI = 4.33 CD = 0.88
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 24, 2015
Distorted Humor ..............
Regal Ransom ...............
Kelli's Ransom ................
Y ...............
February 24, 2015
Touch Gold .....................
Gold Coast Striker ...........
Coastal Strike ..................
Forty Niner
Danzig's Beauty
Red Ransom
Musical Minister
Deputy Minister
Passing Mood
Smart Strike
Costa Rica
By REGAL RANSOM (2006). Hwt. in U.A.E., black-type winner of 4 races,
$1,894,835, Super Derby [G2] (LAD, $450,000), etc. His first foals are
3-year-olds of 2016. Sire of 32 starters, 11 winners of 14 races and earning $418,277, including Freaky Kiki ($25,980, 2nd Barbara Shinpoch S.
(EMD, $9,900)), Lemnos (placed, 3rd Kemal Sahir Kurutluoglu), Sheza
Fine Justice (4 wins, $69,704), Strong Titan ($57,540), Royal Ransom
($40,449), Regal Roma (at 3, 2016, $31,570), Fast Justice ($26,332).
1st dam
GOLD COAST STRIKER, by Touch Gold. 6 wins, 4 to 7, $76,517. This is her
first foal.
2nd dam
COASTAL STRIKE, by Smart Strike. 5 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3, $197,214,
Generous Portion S.-R (DMR, $60,000), Trenton S. (MTH, $33,000), Thomas J. Malley S. (MTH, $33,000), 2nd Beautiful Day S. (DEL, $11,720),
Xtra Heat S. (PIM, $10,000). Dam of 7 foals, 5 foals to race, all winnersYou’re Late (f. by Lucky Pulpit). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2016,$40,320.
Strike Em’ Out (f. by Posse). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $35,443.
Coastal Holiday (f. by Harlan’s Holiday). Winner in 2 starts at 3, $11,800.
Heat Striker (f. by Unusual Heat). Winner in 1 start at 3, $8,400.
3rd dam
COSTA RICA, by Meadowlake. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, all winners, incl.COASTAL STRIKE (f. by Smart Strike). Black-type winner, above.
4th dam
BET HER NAME, by Better Bee. Unraced. Half-sister to CLEMANNA($93,187,
Regret S., etc.), Red Who ($45,979). Dam of 7 winners, includingDusty Heart. Winner at 2, $282,928, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies
[G1], 3rd Alcibiades S.[G2], Mill Springs S. Producer.
Win Dusty Win. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $144,090, 2nd Miller High Life Cradle
S. [G3], 3rd Young America S. [G1], General George S. [L] (LRL, $11,480).
Johnkaranotegami. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $1,354,754, in Japan, 2nd CBC Sho.
Better Bourbon. 4 wins, 2 and 3, $60,825, 3rd Miss America S. Producer.
Be Mindful. Dam of BETHREEFULLPOCKETS (6 wins, 2 to 3, $73,432,
Ruidoso Horse Sales Thoroughbred S., etc.), POCKETFULLAPOZZIES
(2 wins at 2; dam of POCKETFULLACHIME, 4 wins, $177,105, Indy’s
Rocket, to 2016, 3rd G. Maloof Futurity), Smarty Ghost (5 wins, $102,373,
2nd Sierra Blanca H.), Mostly Ghostly (2nd G. Maloof Futurity, etc.).
Trinity Bluffs. Dam of Sky Miles ($29,407, 3rd Cimarron S. (RP, $4,400)).
DP = 2-3-9-0-0 (14) DI = 2.11 CD = 0.50
JC- 1523593
MICROCHIP- 900182001156488
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 2, 2015
Distorted Humor ..............
Drosselmeyer .................
Golden Ballet ...................
Y ...............
March 2, 2015
Outofthebox ....................
Princess Kayla ................
Empty the Bases ..............
Forty Niner
Danzig's Beauty
Moscow Ballet
Golden Jewel Box
Cricket Box
Grand Slam
Deputy's Honey
By DROSSELMEYER (2007). Classic winner of $3,728,170, Belmont S. [G1]
(BEL, $600,000), etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2016. Sire of 77
starters, 31 winners of 36 races and earning $824,134, including Find Joy
($45,835, 3rd Anoakia S. (SA, $8,820)), Virtual Machine (place, $49,880,
2nd Rushaway S. (TP, $19,100)), Copper Cajun ($32,340, 2nd Evangeline
Downs Star S.(EVD, $13,500)), A Shin Picasso (at 3, 2016, $69,803), Clara’s
Dream (2 wins, $47,183), Metmeyer ($40,970), Sweetest Yet ($33,535).
1st dam
PRINCESS KAYLA, by Outofthebox. 2 wins at 2, $40,420. Dam of 3 foals, 2
to race, 1 winner, includingBlazing Brother (g. by Brother Derek). Winner at 2, $13,730.
2nd dam
EMPTY THE BASES, by Grand Slam. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winnersBANDBOX (c. by Tapit). 5 wins, 2 to 6, $390,345, General George H.
[G3] (LRL, $150,000), Charles Town Juvenile S. [L] (CT, $60,000), Sleepy
Hollow S.-R (BEL, $60,000), Private Terms S. (LRL, $30,000), 2nd Maryland Sprint H. [G3] (PIM, $20,000), Wild and Wonderful S. [L] (CT,
$20,000), Miracle Wood S. (LRL, $10,000).
Road Boss (g. by Bellamy Road). Winner at 3, $49,165.
3rd dam
DEPUTY’S HONEY, by Deputy Minister. Dam of 5 winners, includingDeputy’s Citizen. 3 wins, 3 to 6, $74,484.
4th dam
HARLAN HONEY, by Silver Hawk. 4 wins in 7 starts at 3, $107,624, Appalachian S. [L], Palisades S. [L]. Sister to More Silver [L], Officer Hawk
[L], half-sister to Nervy Naevus [L]. Dam ofIMPENDING BEAR. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $255,751, Appalachian S. [L]
(KEE, $70,246), 2nd Valley View S. [G3], Jersey Lilly S. [L], 3rd BlackEyed Susan S. [G2], Mrs. Revere S. [G2], Pucker Up S. [G3], etc.
Broodmare of the year, Venezuela. Dam of SENOR ACUNA (champion
sprinter, etc.), SENORA SIMONA (champion 3-year-old filly). Granddam
of MEME JO (14 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $223,695, etc.).
Siphon Honey. 2 wins, $129,040, 2nd Hawthorne H. [G3] (HOL, $21,660).
Deposit Returned. Winner at 3, $22,624. Dam of Oh Mya (8 wins, 2 to 5).
Harlan Helper. Dam of Help From Heaven (3 wins, 2016, Set ncr at MTH,
2 1/4 miles in 4:25.99).
DP = 2-3-4-1-0 (10) DI = 2.33 CD = 0.60
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 11, 2015
Thunder Gulch ................
Nite Light .......................
Lite Light .........................
COLTT ...........................
February 11, 2015
Phone Trick .....................
Trixie Lady .......................
Princess of Tides .............
Line of Thunder
Majestic Light
Printing Press
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
By NITE LIGHT (2004), 6 wins, 3 to 5, $546,960, Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3], Gallant Fox H. [L], John B. Campbell H. [L], Coyote Lakes
S. [L], 2nd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Excelsior S.
[G3] -twice, Gallant Fox H., etc. Sire of 9 starters, 6 winners,incl., Betty
Starlite (12 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $70,047), Norma Iris (5 wins at 3 and
4, 2016, $43,142), Nite Princess (4 wins, 3 and 4, 2016, $44,090), Concepto
(2 wins at 2), Dirigente (Winner at 3), La Diaspora (Winner at 3, 2016).
1st dam
TRIXIE LADY, by Phone Trick. Winner at 2, $23,780. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race,
all winners, includingRetake (g. by Repent). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $80,675.
Big Debbie (f. by Theatrical (IRE)). 3 wins at 4, $55,084. Producer.
Country Magnum (g. by Majestic Warrior). Winner at 3, $19,412.
Trixie Baby (f. by City Zip). 2 wins at 3, $9,788. Producer.
2nd dam
PRINCESS OF TIDES, by Dahar. 2 wins at 4 in Argentina. Half-sister to THEORETICALLY (hwt. filly at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., C. L. Weld Park
S. [G3], etc.), CUDAS ($371,324, Early Times Turf Classic S. [G3]-ncr,
etc.), RIVERMIKE (Hotellerie Baden, etc.), Fasta ($173,209, 2nd Mrs.
Revere S. [G3], etc.), Malmo ($198,008, 2nd Gallant Fox H. [G3],etc.).
Dam of 6 winners, includingVITALINA (f. by Itajara). 5 wins at 4 and 5 in Brazil, Grande Premio Onze
de Julho [G2], Duque de Caxias [G2], Oswaldo Aranha [G3] twice,
Carlos Amorim [G3], 2nd Copa ANPC [G3], 3rd Mariano Procopio
[G3], Jose Bonifacio Coutinho. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winnersINDIANETTE (f. by Know Heights (IRE)). 7 wins, 3 to 4, in Brazil, champion older mare, Grande Premio Borges Filho [G2], Oswaldo Aranha
[G2], Marciano de Aguiar Moreira [G2], Presidente Arthur da Costa
Silva [G3], Roger Guedon [G3], 2nd Peixoto de Castro [G1], Eiras
deAraujo [G2], 3rd Grimaldi Seabra [G1], Borges Filho [G2], etc.
Nohar (c. by Know Heights (IRE)). 4 wins, 3 to 5, in Brazil, 3rd-[G1], etc.
Le Roi S’amuse (c. by Roi Normand). 3 wins, 2nd Cruzeiro do Sul [G1].
BUCAREST (ARG) (f. by Ski Champ). 4 wins in 5 starts, 3 to 4 in Brazil,
ANPC Eguas [G3], 2nd Honey Fox H.[L], etc. Producer.
Always Princess (f. by Ski Champ). 3 wins, Arg./Brazil, 2nd JC de Rosario.
Princesa Americana.Dam of PATAQUES (10 wins, 2 to 5, Montevideo-G1).
DP = 2-0-6-0-0 (8) DI = 1.67 CD = 0.50
JC- 1519900
MICROCHIP- 900182001156490
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 3, 2015
Elusive Quality .................
Brave .............................
Danka .............................
Y ..........................
February 3, 2015
Ordway ...........................
Yerika ..............................
Sweet Plea ......................
Gone West
Touch of Greatness
Strawberry Road (AUS)
Paloma Blanca
Salt Lake
Priceless Countess
So Pleasantly
By BRAVE (2009). His first foals are two-year-olds of 2016. Son of Elusive
Quality, Stakes winner of $413,284, Poker H. [G3]-nwr, etc. Leading sire,
sire of16 crops, 2014 foals, 1568 starters, 123 stakes winners, 1142 winners of 3103 races and earning $95,985,971, 6 champions, incl., Sepoy
($3,990,138, AAMI Golden Slipper [G1], etc.), Elusive Kate ($1,383,942,
Falmouth S. [G1], etc.), Smarty Jones ($7,613,155, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Maryfield [G1] ($1,334,331), and of Ravens Pass [G1] ($3,658,277).
1st dam
YERIKA, by Ordway. 24 wins, 3 to 7, $178,524. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SWEET PLEA, by Alydar. 2 wins at 3, $40,320. Half-sister to Axel Munthe.
Dam of 12 foals, 10 foals to race, 9 winners, includingCO ANIMADORA (f. by Tamhid). 8 wins at 3 and 5, $353,577, Clasico
Antonio Fernandez Castrillon [G1], Clasico A.R. Barcelo [G1], Clasico
Dia de las Madres [G1], Clasico Constitucion [G1], Copa Criadores H.,
2nd Clasico Verset Dancer [G3], 3rd Clasico Constitucion [G1].
FAST LORD (c. by Fast Gold). 19 wins, 3 to 8, $236,853, Copa Criadores
[G1], 2nd Clásico Día del Veterano [G3].
Roble Pulido (c. by Bo Judged). 11 wins, 2 to 5, $161,071.
Doña Pilar (f. by Hail Bold King). 14 wins, 3 to 6, $118,788.
Secretariado (c. by Hail Bold King). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $63,215.
Plea for Sunshine (f. by Sunshine Jimmy). 2 wins at 3, $17,420.
3rd dam
So Pleasantly, by Gleaming. 5 wins at 4, $120,980, 3rd Sheepshead Bay
H.-G2, Diana H.-G2. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winnersAxel Munthe (c. by Secreto). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, 3rd Pr. del Dado.
4th dam
PLEASANT, by *Seaneen. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $45,765. Half-sister to ROYAL
EXCHANGE (12 wins, 2 to 4, $146,028, Royal Palm H., etc. Sire.),
Rebuttal (11 wins, 3 to 7, $111,010, 3rd Minuteman H.[G2]), Lucinda
Lea (3 wins, 2 to 3, 3rd Tempted S.). Dam of 11 foals,10 to race, 6
winners, includingSo Pleasantly. Black type placed winner, see above.
Saved Ground. 3 wins, at 3 and 5, $65,414. Producer.
Delta Oracle. Winner at 4 and 5, $25,918.
So Glad. Winner at 3, $11,606.
DP = 7-0-22-0-1 (30) DI = 1.50 CD = 0.40
MICROCHIP- 900182001156438
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 24, 2015
Thunder Gulch ................
Nite Light .......................
Lite Light .........................
COLTT .........
February 24, 2015
Go For Gin ......................
Carmrachkim ...................
Magnolia Springs ...........
Line of Thunder
Majestic Light
Printing Press
Never Knock
Essen ‘N Fressen
By NITE LIGHT (2004), 6 wins, 3 to 5, $546,960, Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3], Gallant Fox H. [L], John B. Campbell H. [L], Coyote Lakes
S. [L], 2nd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Excelsior S.
[G3] -twice, Gallant Fox H., etc. Sire of 9 starters, 6 winners,incl., Betty
Starlite (12 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $70,047), Norma Iris (5 wins at 3 and
4, 2016, $43,142), Nite Princess (4 wins, 3 and 4, 2016, $44,090), Concepto
(2 wins at 2), Dirigente (Winner at 3), La Diaspora (Winner at 3, 2016).
1st dam
CARMRACHKIM, by Go for Gin. Winner at 2, $21,337. Dam of 4 foals to race,
3 winners, includingSr. de Los Cielos (c. by English Channel). 7 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $78,663,
2nd Clasico PR Futurity [G1], 3rd Clasico Navidad S. [G1].
Texas Josh (g. by Istan). 3 wins, 2 to 5, $30,445.
El Caribeño (c. by Mr. Indy). 2 wins at 2, placed at 2016, $19,691.
2nd dam
MAGNOLIA SPRINGS, by Relaunch. Winner at 3, $9,600. Dam of 12 foals
9 to race, 8 winners, includingSHE’S A MUGS (f. by Doneraile Court). 3 wins at 3, $111,253, Funistrada
S. (BEL, $36,390), 2nd Legal Light S. [L] (DEL, $15,000). Producer.
Magnolia Steel. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $61,485, 3rd Panthers S.
Unbridled Spring. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $84,855. Sire.
Dontess. 2 wins at 4, $66,467.
3rd dam
ESSEN ‘N FRESSEN, by Dr. Blum. 2 wins at 3, $42,920. Dam of 6 winnersTomorrows Banquet. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $212,883, 2nd New York Breeders’ Futurity-R (FL, $29,845), 3rd Aspirant S.-R (FL, $7,394).
Appetizer. Winner at 2 and 3, $72,344.
Essen of Roy. Granddam of ISLAND TOWN (4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at
4, 2016, $344,993, Smarty Jones S. [G3], Matt Winn S. [G3], etc.).
4th dam
KAREN MULHOLLAND, by *Pago Pago. Unplaced in 2 starts. Sister to PAGO
HOP ($115,968). Dam of 16 foals, 13 to race, 10 winners, includingLAUNCH A PEGASUS. 10 wins in 20 starts, 3 to 5, $328,353, Widener H.
[G1], Seminole H. [G2], Ark-La-Tex H. [G3], 2nd Miami Lakes S. Sire.
Proud Karen. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $119,809, 2nd Mount Vernon S.-R.,etc.
Circle Marx a Spot. 4 wins, 3 to 4, $102,165.
DP = 3-0-5-1-1 (10) DI = 1.22 CD = 0.30
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 18, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Mr. Indy .........................
Miss Loren .....................
COLTT ...........................
February 18, 2015
Distorted Humor ..............
Royal Humor ...................
Clearly A Queen ..............
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Luminare (ARG)
Forty Niner
Danzig's Beauty
Lucky North
By MR. INDY (2007), His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015. Sire of 14 foals,
8 starters, 5 winners including, Mr. Coronel (3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $38,783),
Caramelero (Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2016, $28,114), El Caribeño (2 wins
at 2, placed at 2016, $19,691), Indy Wolf (Winner at 2 and 3, $15,479),
Odabella (Winner at 3, 2016). Son of A.P. Indy, sire of 18 crops,1186
foals, 942 starters, 156 stakes winners, 667 winners,$132,776,615, champions Bernardini-G1, Mineshaft-G1 (Horse of the Year), Rags to Riches-G1.
1st dam
ROYAL HUMOR, by Distorted Humor. Winner at 3, $83,222. This is her third
foal. Dam of 2 foals to race, 1 winner, includingCommute (c. by Hold Me Back). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $170,972,
3rd Shakertown S. [ G2]] (KEE, $20,000).
2nd dam
CLEARLY A QUEEN, by Lucky North. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $504,532, Violet H.
[G3], Eatontown H. [G3], Matchmaker H. [G3], Columbiana H. [L], Miss
Gibson County S., 2nd Black Helen H. [G2], Seaquay S., 3rd Calder
Breeders’ Cup H. [L], One Dreamer S., Convenience S., Politely S.
Dam of 6 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, includingQueen of the Waves (f. by English Channel). Winner at 3 and 4,$128,356
in Canada and N.A., 2nd River Memories S. (WO, $24,000). Producer.
Nefertiti (f. by Speightstown). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $91,932, 2nd Politely S.
(MTH, $11,400). Producer.
Town Belle (f. by Speightstown). 2 wins at 3, $88,025. Producer.
3rd dam
CRYPTOQUEEN, by Cryptoclearance. Placed at 2. Dam of 8 winners, incl.CLEARLY A QUEEN. Black-type winner, above.
Donna Getyourgun. 4 wins, 2 to 6, $167,626, 3rd Very One S.
Queen Martha. 2 wins at 3, $145,670, 2nd Lady’s Secret S. [L] (MTH, $80,000).
Queenly Luck. 4 wins, 4 to 6, $159,297
4th dam
ROYAL SETTING, by Raise a Cup. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $47,000, Ribbon S.
Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, includingREFORMER RALLY. 5 wins, $243,768, Hopemont S. [L] (KEE, $44,780), etc.
WILD ROYAL. 8 wins, 3 to 4, $115,873, Ribbonwood Farm H.. Dam of
SAVEDBYTHELIGHT (to 3, $388,944, Ladies H. [G3], etc. Producer).
Ritzy Dixie. Dam of MADERO DE MARFIN (10 wins, 2 to 6, $222,850, etc.).
DP = 5-6-11-0-0 (22) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.73
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 15, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Mr. Indy .........................
Miss Loren .....................
Y ..........................
January 15, 2015
Vindication .....................
Cheering Dreams ............
Imaginary Gold ................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Luminare (ARG)
Seattle Slew
Strawberry Reason
Mr. Prospector
Starlet Storm
By MR. INDY (2007), His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015. Sire of 14 foals,
8 starters, 5 winners including, Mr. Coronel (3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $38,783),
Caramelero (Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2016, $28,114), El Caribeño (2 wins
at 2, placed at 2016, $19,691), Indy Wolf (Winner at 2 and 3, $15,479),
Odabella (Winner at 3, 2016). Son of A.P. Indy, sire of 18 crops, 1186
foals, 942 starters, 156 stakes winners, 667 winners,$132,776,615, champions Bernardini-G1, Mineshaft-G1(Horse of the Year), Rags to Riches G1.
1st dam
CHEERING DREAMS, by Vindication. Dam of 2 foals to race, includingDreaming of Kitten (f. by Kitten’s Joy). 3 wins at 4 and 5, 2016, $44,909.
2nd dam
IMAGINARY GOLD, by Mr. Prospector. 2 wins at 4, $99,450. Dam ofTIZ IMAGINARY (f. by Tizway). 3 wins in 6 starts, 2 to 3, 2016,$186,626,
Fanfreluche S.-R, Fury S.-R, 3rd Star Shoot S. [L].
3rd dam
STARLET STORM, by Storm Bird. 2 wins in 2 starts at 3, $35,200. Sister to
STORM STAR [G3] , half-sister to SYOURINOMEGAMI, Choctaw
Ridge [G3]. Dam of 14 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, includingFLANDERS. 4 wins in 5 starts at 2, $805,000, champion 2-year-old filly,
Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Frizette S. [G1], etc. Dam ofSURFSIDE. 8 wins to 3, $1,852,987, champion 3-year-old filly, Frizette S.
[G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], etc.; dam of IRISH SURF (Cougar II
S.-ntr, etc.), Shark [L] ($183,076). G’dam of HIGH CELEBRITY [G3].
BATTLE PLAN. 4 wins in 6 starts at 4 and 5, $373,143, New Orleans H.
[G2] (FG, $180,000), 2nd Stephen Foster H. [G1] (CD, $126,279).
Flanders Fields. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $135,631, 2nd Woodchopper H. Sire.
Sanibel Island. Dam of HOLY REINA (2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $37,874),
Island Warrior (10 wins, $378,950, 2nd Kentucky Cup Sprint [G3], etc.).
Biscayne Bay. Dam of OPEN WATER [G2] (3 wins, at 3, $310,366).
Late Edition. 3 wins to 6, $102,029, 2nd San Vicente S. [G2], etc. Sire.
Cobb’s Creek. 2 wins at 2, 3rd Tyro S. [L] (MTH, $5,500), etc. Sire.
Engaging. Dam of FIERY PURSUIT (5 wins,3 to 4, $336,322, Louisville Breeders’ Cup S. [G2] (CD, $202,069), etc.; dam of Lawn Party, Producer),
STAGE TRICK (5 wins, 3 to 4, $198,817, Rosenna S.,etc.Producer),
Space Cruise. 7 wins, $184,605, 2nd Matron H. [L], etc. Producer).
Circle of Gold.Dam of Chatham ($156,431,dam of AIR FORCE BLUE [G1],
($474,935, in England, hwt. colt at 2 on European and Irish Free Hand., etc.).
JC- 1519625
DP = 9-5-12-0-0 (26) DI = 3.33 CD = 0.88
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 12, 2015
Kris S. .............................
King's Crown .................
All the Crown ..................
Y ................
January 12, 2015
Precise End .....................
Precise Strike ..................
Nora November ...............
Sharp Queen
Chief's Crown
All the Years
End Sweep
Phone Trick
By KING’S CROWN (1996). Stakes-placed winner of $143,225, 3rd Tremont
S. [L]. Sire of 61 winners of 397 races, 2 stakes winners, Centrica (Champion, 5 wins, 2 to 4, A.R. Matos-G1,etc.), Lady Veiga (14 wins, $277,006,
Confederacion Hipica-G1,etc.), Alex’s Disaster (16 wins, $145,980, 3rd V.
Ruiz-G3), Palma Real (9 wins, $125,045, 2nd A.R. Matos-G1), Despachado
(2nd Copa Navidad-G1), Imbuia’s Boy (to 2016, 2nd A.Mongil Jr.-G1, etc.),
Charlie and John (3rd Copa Navidad-G1), Vengador (3rd A.Mongil Jr.-G1).
1st dam
PRECISE STRIKE, by Precise End. 3 wins, 3 and 4, $126,558. Dam of 4
foals to race, 3 winners, includingMERIT MAN (c. by With Distinction). 4 wins at 2 to 4, $462,030, Spectacular Bid S. [L] (GP, $100,000), Tim Conway S. [L] (SA, $60,-000),
Green Flash H. (DMR, $56,100), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint
[L] (SA, $90,000), 3rd Besilu Stables Florida Derby [G1] (GP, $100,000).
Lady Maite (f. by Stoneyer). 2 wins, at 2 and 3, 2016, $32,415.
2nd dam
NORA NOVEMBER, by Phone Trick. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winnersSweet Sweep. Winner at 2, $77,690. Producer.
Ju Ju Baby. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $63,001. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 3 winnersBad Ju Ju (f. by Desert Code). 3 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $122,047, 3rd
Wishing Well S.-R (SA, $12,168).
3rd dam
JUDAIRE, by Explodent. 10 wins at 3 and 4, $186,798, Rumson H. , Egret
S., Tiger Heart S., Moonbeam S.-R, Miss New Jersey H.-R, 2nd
Glassboro H. [LR], Herecomesthebride S.-R, 3rd Ambassador of
Luck H. Half-sister to Earlham (5 wins, 2 to 5, $90,986, 2nd Eatontown
H.,etc). Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners, includingMADAM PRESIDENT. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $294,643, Grecian Flight S., Castle
Forbes S. twice, 2nd Konica Long Look H. [G2], etc. Producer.
FRESH AIRE. 2 wins at 2, $114,690, Jr Champion S., 2nd Captive Miss S.
[L], Spruce Fir H.-R, 3rd Reeve Schley S.[G3], NJ Futurity-R. Producer.
Hana J. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, includingSILENT APPEAL.10 wins, 3 to 6, $325,541,Dan Horn H.-R (MTH,
$34,200), 3rd Charles Hesse III H.-R (MTH,$6,000).
EXIT STAGE LEFT. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, $157,750, California Dby [L], Gold Rush S., Gold’n Nugget S, 2nd Lost in the Fog S.
Marionette. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $153,500. Producer.
DP = 0-4-9-3-0 (16) DI = 1.13 CD = 0.06
JCMICROCHIP- 900182001156433
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
R. Jiménez
Foaled February 26, 2015
El Prado (IRE) .................
Perfect Bullet ..................
Perfect Sting ...................
COLTT ................
February 26, 2015
Jeblar ..............................
Fun City Lady ..................
Lots of Fun .....................
Sadler’s Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
City Girl
Cornish Prince
Vita Mia
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,3rd
Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid. His
first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE), leading
sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera ($664,452,
Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten’s Joy ($2,075,791, Joe Hirsch
Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d’Oro (8 wins,
$5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
FUN CITY LADY, by Jeblar. Winner at 2, $16,684. Dam of 4 winners, incl.Straightlittlelady (f. by Straight Man). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $208,278. Producer.
Mile High City (g. by High Cotton). 2 wins at 3 to 4, $57,690.
You Have No Idea (g. by Sweetsouthernsaint). 2 wins at 3, $47,702.
Fun City (g. by Sweetsouthernsaint). 2 wins at 3, $17,126.
2nd dam
LOTS OF FUN, by Cornish Prince. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $30,905, Cleveland
Cotillion S. Half- sister to Ribot Princess (3rd Santa Ysabel S.). Dam of
13 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, includingDR ABRAHAM (c. by Lord Avie). 20 wins in 30 starts, 3 to 5, $227,824,
champion imported 3-year-old colt, Clasico Jose de Diego [G1], Clasico
Jose Celso Barbosa Memorial [G1], 2nd Copa 4 de Julio, Clasico
Juan Ponce de Leon [G1], 3rd Copa Washington [G1].
MT. PLEASANT (c. by Vigors). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $197,232, Kentucky
Jockey Club S. [G3]. Sire.
Laughing Larry (c. by Robyn Dancer). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $86,030.
Vigorous Princess (f. by Vigors). 3 wins at 2 to 4, $59,405. Producer.
My Granny (f. by Racing Star). 3 wins at 3. Dam of 4 winners, includingDemus. 18 wins, 3 to 6, $180,556. Producer.
3rd dam
VITA MIA, by *Ribot. Half-sister to AUTOBIOGRAPHY (10 wins, $385,909,
champion older horse, Jockey Club Gold Cup, etc). Dam of 9 foals, 8
winners, includingLOTS OF FUN (f. by Cornish Prince). Stakes winner, above.
Ribot Princess (f. by *Prince Taj). Winner at 2, 3rd Santa Ysabel S.
Mon Temps. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, includingDigie Digie Di. 15 wins, 2 to 8, $100,186, 3rd Pink Lady S. Producer.
DP = 8-6-11-2-1 (28) DI = 2.29 CD = 0.64
JCMICROCHIP- 98517000296226
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled March 6, 2015
Thunder Gulch ................
Nite Light .......................
Lite Light .........................
Y ..........................
March 6, 2015
You and I ........................
Fake Plastic Tree ..............
Hyfiver .............................
Line of Thunder
Majestic Light
Printing Press
Kris S.
La Chaposa (PER)
Irish Tower
Landmark Decision
By NITE LIGHT (2004), 6 wins, 3 to 5, $546,960, Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3], Gallant Fox H. [L], John B. Campbell H. [L], Coyote Lakes
S. [L], 2nd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Excelsior S.
[G3] -twice, Gallant Fox H., etc. Sire of 9 starters, 6 winners,incl., Betty
Starlite (12 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $70,047), Norma Iris (5 wins at 3 and
4, 2016, $43,142), Nite Princess (4 wins, 3 and 4, 2016, $44,090), Concepto
(2 wins at 2), Dirigente (Winner at 3), La Diaspora (Winner at 3, 2016).
1st dam
FAKE PLASTIC TREE, by You and I. Winner at 3, $10,673. This is her sixth
foal, 5 to race, all winners includingHELADERO (c. by Ice Box). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $115,535, Derby Puertorriqueño [G1], 2nd Copa Gobernador [G1].
Special Tree (g. by Special Rate). 12 wins, 3 to 8, 2016, $126,957.
Sandipat (f. by Wimbledon). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $42,416.
Personal Parade (f. by Parading). Winner at 3, $27,069.
2nd dam
HYFIVER, by Irish Tower. Winner at 2. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winnersPARADISUS (g. by Numerous). 13 wins in 19 starts, 3 to 6 in Peru, champion sprinter and grass horse, Clasico America [G1], Clasico
Presidente de la Republica [G2], Clasico Velocidad [G2], Clasico Miguel
A. Checa Eguiguren [G3], Clasico Marina de Guerra del Peru, Clasico
Aniversario de la Fundacion del Jockey Club del Peru, 2nd Clasico
Jockey Club del Peru [G1], Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico [G2],
Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga [G3], Clasico Enrique Meiggs [G3],
Clasico Coronel Francisco Bolognesi; placed in 1 start at 7, etc.
Bachicho (g. by Banker’s Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $54,451.
3rd dam
LANDMARK DECISION, by Fifth Marine. Half-sister to SWEET ALEX, IRISH
JODY. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, includingGREEN BOUNDARY. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $110,980, Philadelphia H., 2nd Am
Capable S., 3rd Little Silver S. [G3], etc. Dam of EAST OF EASY (4
wins, 2 to 5, $254,535, Mecke S. [L], etc.), TREVELYAN (8 wins,3 to 5,
$183,579, Capital City S., etc.), ACT OF GOD (4 wins, 3 to 4, $122,511,
Regaey Island S.,etc.). Granddam of FLOWERDRUM (8 wins, $208,782,
Essendon Nissan [G2], etc.), Avanti Avanti (6 wins, $187,219, etc.).
Fashionaire. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $109,312, 2nd Lazer Show S., etc.
DP = 2-0-4-0-0 (6) DI = 2.00 CD = 0.67
MICROCHIP- 900182001156437
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled January 30, 2015
A.P. Indy .........................
Casanova Star ................
Minstrella ........................
COLTT ................
January 30, 2015
Petionville .......................
Rokyjam ..........................
Salem's Nymph ...............
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
The Minstrel
Flight Dancer
Seeking the Gold
Vana Turns
Delta's Nymph
By CASANOVA STAR (1996). 4 wins, $117,970. Sire of 78 foals, 65 starters,
53 winners, 7 stakes winners, 3 champions, Don Paco (Triple Crown winner,
21 wins, 2 to 6, $618,181, Derby Pr.-G1, etc. Sire), Criador ($374,206,
Copa Gobernador-G1,-ntr, etc.), Yosolita ($212,592,Criadores PR-G1, etc.),
and of Alanis Ponce (Criadores PR-G1), Kristian Quiles (9 wins, 2 to 5,
$242,665, Derby Pr.-G1, etc.), Satinada (10 wins,Dia de Las Madres-G3),
Kween C.-G2, Mauricio R (2nd Copa Navidad -G1), El Radar (28 wins, 2016).
1st dam
ROKYJAM, by Petionville. Winner at 3, $28,680. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4
winners, includingBet On Jack (g. by With Distinction).11 wins, 2 to 6,placed at 7, 2016, $245,814.
Seabrook Charmer (f. by French Envoy). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $69,808.
Listowel Boy (g. by French Envoy). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,602.
This Gal Is Mine (f. by Untuttable). 2 wins at 3, $19,510.
2nd dam
SALEM’S NYMPH, by Salem. 5 wins at 2, $57,779, Special Goddess H., Lady
Sponsors’ S., 2nd Lady-Luck S., Thelma S., 3rd Luck Penny S. Dam ofIRISH NYMPH (f. by Irish Tower). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $225,604, Dahlia S.,
Venus S., 3rd Abrogate H. [L], Holiday Inaugural S., Spring Fever S.,
Scarlet Carnation H., Westland S. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winnersOLD TIME POWER (g. by Cryptoclearance). 11 wins, 3 to 7, $144,097,
William Almy, Jr. H. (SUF, $15,000).
SECRET NYMPH (f. by Secreto). 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, Premio Libero
Perlini,Pr. Buontalenta, Pr. Alessandro Perrone, 2nd Pr. Vittorio Crespi,
3rd Pr. Italian One Thousand Guineas [G2], Criterium Femminile.
GIBAKOOK (c. by Giboulee). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $46,774, Whirlaway S. [O].
3rd dam
DELTA’S NYMPH, by Delta Judge. Placed at 2. Dam of 5 winners, includingSALEM’S NYMPH. Stakes winner, above.
Rock ‘n Ready. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $77,157, 2nd Primer S.
4th dam
SACRED GROVE, by Olympia. Half-sister to Golden Louis. Dam ofLotis. Winner at 3. Dam of
INCREDULA (5 wins at 3, E. Navarro [G1], etc. Dam of LA OTRA (O.
Ghitis [G3], etc., dam of CANTALANTE, champion 3-year-old filly, etc.).
CAUTELOSO. 11 wins, 2 to 4 in Panama, Premio Cuerpo de Bomberos
[G3], 3rd Premio Heraclio Barletta B. [G1].
DP = 4-5-9-0-0 (18) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.72
JC- 1501822
MICROCHIP- 900182001156472
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled February 2, 2015
Thunder Gulch ................
Nite Light .......................
Lite Light .........................
Y ........
February 2, 2015
El Prado (IRE) .................
Prelude in Blue ...............
Anniversary Blues ...........
Line of Thunder
Majestic Light
Printing Press
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Cure the Blues
Stage Hour
By NITE LIGHT (2004), 6 wins, 3 to 5, $546,960, Turfway Park Fall Championship S. [G3], Gallant Fox H. [L], John B. Campbell H. [L], Coyote Lakes
S. [L], 2nd Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Excelsior S.
[G3] -twice, Gallant Fox H., etc. Sire of 9 starters, 6 winners,incl., Betty
Starlite (12 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $70,047), Norma Iris (5 wins at 3 and
4, 2016, $43,142), Nite Princess (4 wins, 3 and 4, 2016, $44,090), Concepto
(2 wins at 2), Dirigente (Winner at 3), La Diaspora (Winner at 3, 2016).
1st dam
PRELUDE IN BLUE, by El Prado. Unplaced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winnersEl Antillano (g. by Drosselmeyer). Winner at 3, 2016, $15,196.
Oh So Wicked (g. by Lion Heart). Winner at 3, $12,474.
2nd dam
ANNIVERSARY BLUES, by Cure the Blues. Dam of 3 winners, includingDeputy’s Reward (g. by Silver Deputy). 11 wins, 3 to 7, $102,290.
One Bad Romance (f. by Broken Vow). Winner at 3, $39,196.
3rd dam
STAGE HOUR, by Stage Director. 2 wins at 3, $13,640. Dam of 10 winnersPROUDEST HOUR. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $238,633, Lafayette S. [L], Arch Ward
S., Joliet S., 2nd Jack R. Johnston Memorial S. [L], Flintlock S. [L],
Olympia S., 3rd Aprisa H., etc. Set ntr, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:02.
Returno de Darrow. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $176,326, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Weekend Delight S. [L], Marigold S. [L], Venus S., etc. Dam of 5 winnersSpeedy Diva. 5 wins, $67,035, 3rd Genesis S. Producer.
Wallis of Windsor. Dam of BELTENE ($195,508, Sun/Mill.Oaks, etc.).
Lagaylia. 3 wins at 3, $104,730, 2nd Miss Woodford S. [L] (MTH, $13,300),
etc. Producer. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, includingHeaded for Home (11 wins, 3 to 8, $151,212. Set ntr, 1 mile in 1:34.19).
Western Fling. 3 wins at 4, $43,494, 3rd Valnore H. [O]. Producer.
4th dam
GAY HOUR, by Sir Gaylord. Half-sister to Drum Fire. Dam of 5 winnersNOONTIME. 10 wins, $145,463, Yo Tambien H., etc. Dam of Barrtime
[O](14 wins, 2 to 6). G’dam of MONTEZUMA. Great-g’dam of Mr. Even.
HOURLY TRIP. 3 wins at 3, $52,013, Land of Lincoln S.
Speed Bunny. Winner. Granddam of Bugsy Mae ($310,377, 2nd Peach of
It H. Producer), Splashpasser (2 wins at 3, 3rd Magic City Classic S.).
Non Stop Silence. Dam of Silence Please (3 wins, 2nd Gosford Classic).
JC- 1519116
DP = 7-5-6-2-0 (20) DI = 3.00 CD = 0.85
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
Consigned by Potrero Jorge R. Jiménez
Foaled April 29, 2015
Tiznow ............................
Morning Line .................
Indian Snow ...................
Y ..........................
April 29, 2015
Chester House ................
La Sola Nina ...................
Santa Fe Sand ................
Cee's Tizzy
Cee's Song
A.P. Indy
November Snow
Mr. Prospector
Known Feminist
By MORNING LINE (2007). Black-type winner of 5 races, 3 to 5, $1,251,300,
Carter H. [G1] (AQU, $150,000), Pennsylvania Derby [G2] (PHA, $574,000), Mervyn LeRoy H. [G2] (BHP, $90,000), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile
[G1] (CD, $180,000), Donn H. [G1] (GP, $100,000), 3rd Triple Bend H.
[G1] (BHP, $30,000), Hal’s Hope S. [G3] (GP, $10,000). His first foals are
yearlings of 2016. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading
sires, sire of 58 black-type winners, 2 champions, including Folklore [G1].
1st dam
LA SOLA NINA, by Chester House). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $72,674. Dam of 6
foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, includingBagpipes (c. by Langfuhr). 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $80,426, 3rd Allen’s
Landing S. (HOU, $5,500).
Dr Williams (g. by Exchange Rate). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $90,892.
La Swift (g. by Langfuhr). 8 wins, 3 to 7, 2016, $74,906.
Blindsided Blues (g. by Giant Oak). Placed at 3, 2016, $8,530.
La Sola Ranger (f. by U S Ranger). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
Santa Fe Sand, by Meadowlake. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $106,380, 3rd Ellis Park
Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (ELP, $11,704). Dam of 1 registered foal, see record.
3rd dam
Known Feminist, by Known Fact. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $115,748, 2nd BlackEyed Susan S. [G2]. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, includingSTARFORADAY (c. by Five Star Day). 113 wins, 3 to 10, $578,771, Maryland Sprint H. [G3], OBS Sprint S.-R, 2nd Valley Forge S. [L], 3rd Gravesend H., Spooky Mulder S.
Santa Fe Sand (f. by Meadowlake). Black-type-placed winner, above.
Princess Hillary. Placed. Dam of AUNT ELLEN (at 3, $86,569, Twixt S.).
4th dam
Cassowary, by Cormorant. 2 wins, $72,562, 2nd Post Deb S.- G3, etc. Dam ofMEADOW FLIGHT. 5 wins, $526,936, Pennsylvania Derby [G2], etc. Sire.
PEOPLE’S PRINCESS. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $339,175, Rare Treat H. [G3] (AQU,
$65,160), etc. Dam of CAROLYN’S CAT [G2] (4 wins, $307,415, dam
of MUFAJAAH, 5 wins at 3 and 4, $267,140, Bayakoa S. [G3], etc.).
NORTH LAKE JANE. 4 wins, $263,321, Salem County S, etc.
You Blew. 3 wins, 2 to 5, $66,095, 3rd Baron O’Dublin H., etc.
Race Driver. Placed at 2 and 3, $29,560, 3rd Great White Way S.-R.
DP = 5-2-5-0-0 (12) DI = 3.80 CD = 1.00
JC- 1519860
MICROCHIP- 00182001156525
8/3/2016, 3:37 PM
2016 AG2-INTRO-PARTE1-ESMACO2016.pmd4
8/3/2016, 2:14 PM
2016 AG2-INTRO-PARTE1-ESMACO2016.pmd4
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