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View - Catholic Diocese of Brownsville
Volume 5, Issue 10
» More on Page 18
Pope has
‘new life’
Serving More Than A Million Catholics in the Diocese of Brownsville
Celebrate the King Chrism
Annual gathering
highlights unity
of the priests
with their bishop
U.S. bishops say he
has set an example
with simple lifestyle
The Valley Catholic
Catholic News Service
first year as the 265th successor of
Peter, Pope Francis “has brought to
light new dimensions of the Petrine
ministry and added new life to the
office he holds,” the U.S. bishops’
Administrative Committee said
March 11.
He has done this in many ways,
the committee said, including by
again at the
values of the
Gospel” and
Pope Francis
“us to be a
church of the poor and for the poor,
reaching out to the marginalized
and being present to those on the
periphery of society.”
The Administrative Committee
is the highest ranking body of
the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops when the bishops are
not in their plenary session.
During a March 11-12 meeting in
Washington, the committee issued
the statement to congratulate the
pope on his first anniversary.
Pope Francis “has set an
example by choosing a personal
simplicity of life, by washing the
feet of prisoners, and by taking
into his hands and kissing the
badly disfigured,” the committee
said. “His Holiness has also set in
motion a process that will lead to
the reshaping of the Roman Curia
in a way that will enhance the
effectiveness of his ministry and
» Please see Pope Francis p.19
“Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord.”
- Matthew 21:9
TVC Graphic/Evana Zamora
(“The WORD is sent
breathing love.”)
April 2014
SAN JUAN — The annual
Chrism Mass, during which Bishop
Daniel E. Flores will bless the holy
oils to be used in the administration
of the sacraments in the coming
year, is set for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
April 15 at the Basilica of Our Lady
of San Juan del Valle-National
The faithful of the diocese are
invited and encouraged to attend
the Mass.
The Chrism Mass, which is
the largest annual gathering of
clergy and faithful, also highlights
the unity of the bishop and priests
serving in our diocese.
Among the three oils that will be
blessed is the oil of chrism, which is
used in the sacraments of baptism,
confirmation and Holy Orders and
in the dedication and consecration
of churches and altars.
The other oils that will be
blessed at the Mass are the oil of the
sick, used in the sacrament of the
anointing of the sick and the oil of
catechumens, which is used in the
preparatory rites for catechumens
as they prepare for baptism and
initiation into the Catholic Church.
Also, during the Chrism Mass,
the priests in attendance will be
asked to stand and renew their
priestly commitments, the promises
they made at their ordination to
faithfully serve our Lord and his
“We also ask the faithful of our
diocese to pray for the bishop and
the priests, that we may be humble
and generous servants of the Lord
and his people,” said Father A.
Oliver Angel, pastor of Our Lady of
the Holy Rosary Parish in Mission.
Father Angel said it is very
moving to see the faithful take the
time to travel to the basilica to show
their support and appreciation
for their priests. “It is a very joyful
atmosphere,” he said.
At the end of the Mass, the oils
are distributed to representatives of
each parish throughout the diocese.
Artículos sobre un centro
que provee ayuda a familias,
la trampa de la pornografía,
la meditación de las Siete
Palabras, y los Beatos Papas
Juan XXIII y Juan Pablo II
Proyecto Juan Diego reaches
out to families
Page 3
Father Simon Brzozowski, MSF
John XXIII and John Paul II
Page 9
Page 10-11
Páginas 13-16
Amor y
la Cruz
“Sólo porque la verdad permanece, el amor se muestra mortífero.
La verdad sin el amor no tiene que
morir, sólo tiene que juzgar; de
igual manera, el amor sin la verdad
no tiene que morir, sólo tiene que
ceder. Pero cuando la verdad y el
amor están juntos, resulta la Cruz.”
Joseph Ratzinger
“Dogma and Preaching” p. 95
Me encontré con este texto al
leer un libro escrito por el teólogo
Joseph Ratzinger. Este libro lo escribió mucho antes de ser elegido
sucesor de San Pedro pero sus
frases han permeado mis pensamientos de una manera fuerte durante esta Cuaresma y han guiado
varias de mis meditaciones. Por tal
motivo ahora quiero compartir
con ustedes algo de lo que el Señor
me concedió entender por medio
de estas meditaciones.
Dios es el amor, y el mismo
Dios de amor se manifestó a
nuestros ojos en la persona de Jesucristo nuestro Señor quien dijo:
“yo soy la verdad.” La obra redentora de Nuestro Señor fue obra de
amor y de verdad, y solo en él los
dos coinciden perfectamente.
El Señor nos mostró la verdad
con cada palabra, cada gesto, y
cada expresión de bondad. Su
verdad se extiende hacia nosotros,
y revela lo que nos falta. Al contemplarlo sentimos que estamos
viendo en el espejo la totalidad
de lo que no somos. No somos
generosos con los leprosos, no
somos amigables con los enemigos, no somos pacientes con los
testarudos. No nos despojamos
de rencores, no nos fijamos en
los pobres, no nos preparamos
para perdonar. Si el Señor hubiese
venido únicamente con propósitos
de revelarnos solo la verdad, el
estar en su presencia hubiese sido
suficiente para manifestar el juicio
y la condena.
Por eso Cristo Jesús, Dios
verdadero y hombre verdadero,
prefiere morir antes que juzgar y
condenar. El amor de Dios cede
-- o sea, se renuncia completamente-- delante del capricho
venenoso de sus seres insensatos
pero tan pródigamente amados
por él. Más todavía, podríamos
decir que muere precisamente para
evitar juzgarnos en ese momento.
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Truth, Love, and the Cross
Only because truth abides does love
become lethal. Truth without love does not
have to die, but only judge; love without
truth likewise does not have to die, but only
yield. But where the two are together, the Cross
comes to pass.”
Joseph Ratzinger
“Dogma and Preaching” p.95
I encountered this text while reading a
book written by the theologian Joseph Ratzinger. He wrote this book long before his election as successor of Saint Peter, but his phrases
have remained etched in my mind during this
Lent and have guided several of my meditations. For this reason, I want to share with
you some of what the Lord has granted me
through these meditations.
God is Love, and the same God of love
manifested himself before our eyes in the person of Jesus Christ our Lord who said: “I am
the truth.” The redemptive work of Our Lord
was a work of love and truth, and only in him
do both of these coincide perfectly.
The Lord showed us the truth with each
word, each gesture, and each expression of
kindness. His truth extends itself to us, and
reveals what we lack. By reflecting on this we
feel that we are looking in a mirror and seeing the totality of everything we are not. We
are not generous with the lepers, we are not
friendly with our enemies, we are not patient
with those who are stubborn. We do not leave
behind our grudges, we don’t remember to
help the poor, we are not ready to forgive.
If the Lord would have come only with the
purpose of showing us the truth, being in his
presence alone would have been sufficient to
manifest a judgment upon us.
That is why Jesus Christ, true God and
true man, prefers to die rather than to judge
and condemn. The love of God yields – which
means, it renounces itself completely – before the venomous whims of foolish human
creatures, creatures who are nonetheless so
prodigally loved by him. Even more, we could
say that he dies precisely to avoid judging us
at that moment. Love yields, and through this
El amor cede paso, y maravillosamente en el ceder brilla aún más la
belleza de la verdad.
El Señor nos muestra la
verdad aún en su condición de
condenado. ¿Qué es esta verdad?
Esta verdad significa que somos
cómplices en el desprecio letal
que sufre el Hijo de Dios. ¿Cómo
puede ser? Yo no estuve con él
ese día. Cierto, pero en Cristo
encontramos el Dios que quiso
identificarse con cada ser humano.
Se presentó como uno de tantos,
y como tantos y cada uno recibió
el azote y el golpe de un mundo
cruel en su capacidad de enviar
700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd., San Juan, TX 78589-3042
Bishop Daniel E. Flores
Brenda Nettles Riojas
Rose Ybarra
Assistant Editor
ZBG Studio/Graphic Design
Terry De Leon
& South Texas Circulation
The Valley Catholic email:
[email protected]
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Catholic Diocese of Brownsville
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$25 out of U.S.
The Valley Catholic,
Evana Zamora
(956) 784-5055
Gustavo Morales
(956) 266-1527
Gilbert Saenz
(956) 451-5416
a publication of the
Diocese of Brownsville,
is published monthly
Member of
the Catholic Press Assocition
yielding shines all the more marvelously the
beauty of the truth.
The Lord shows us the truth even in his
condemned state. What is this truth? The
truth is that we are accomplices in the lethal
contempt that the Son of God suffers. How
could this be? I was not with him that day.
True, but he presented himself like anyone
else, and like many others and each one of
them he received the scourging blows of a
world cruel in its capacity to send human life
to the trash bin. Yes, but when have I ever done
that? “What you did [or did not do] for one of
these least of mine, you did [or did not do] for
me,… Truly I say, he who despises his brother
will be taken to a place of punishing fire.” (See
Mathew 25:31 and 5:21).
Seeing Christ on the cross should give us a
sense of burning shame. We have condemned
many because of our despising of others,
because of our anger and resentment that at
times dominate us when we feel justified in
our misdirected assumptions. Recognizing in
the Crucified the disfigured face of the sister
or the brother is a difficult but healthful grace.
If we do not see the sorrow of our condition,
we can never ask for help to escape from it.
The God of love does not want to condemn us, but rather to liberate us. The truth
liberates. “What is the truth?” asked Pilate of
the condemned Just One. Soon enough you
will see, the Lord could have answered. The
truth is that God cannot show us his face
of truth without unveiling his heart of love,
because in the end, the truth of God and the
truth of man is love. Truth judges us, but in
la vida humana a la basura. Sí,
¿pero cuándo he hecho yo eso?
“Cuando lo hiciste al más pequeño
de los míos, me lo hiciste a mí,...
aún les digo, el que desprecié a su
hermano será llevado al fuego del
lugar de castigo.” (Véase Mateo 25:
31 y 5:21)
Al mirar a Cristo en la cruz
nos debe de dar una vergüenza
ardiente. Hemos condenado a
muchos por medio de los desprecios, los enojos y los rencores que
nos dominan cuando nos sentimos justificados y satisfechos en
nuestra equivocada presunción.
Reconocer en el rostro del Crucificado la cara desfigurada de la
hermana o hermano es una gracia
dura pero saludable. Si no vemos
la pena que es nuestra condición,
jamás podríamos pedir ayuda para
escapar de ella.
Christ it does not condemn us. The Lord,
instead of being the one who condemns, because of his love accepts being condemned. In
this sense the Lord gives us space and shows
us the strength of his tenderness: forgive them
Father, for they don’t know what they are doing.
Our shame before the Cross would be
our perpetual condition if not for the love of
Christ, perfectly present in his passing-over to
the Father. The truth shows itself but it does
not condemn; on the contrary, it yields a space
for us so that we may go over with him to the
other side of death, towards eternal life. He
dies to show us the truth about God’s love. He
sheds light on our failure in order to invite us
to rise to a new life; a life where there is grace
and forgiveness, and therefore, the fullness of
Love does not condemn but it does show
the truth. The truth is that we need a change
of heart. If we do not change, then we will
continue condemning the Son of Man in his
preferred disguises: the poor, the unborn
little ones, the weak, the outsiders, those who
present themselves disfigured before our eyes,
those who for whatever reason we dislike. Our
indifference will judge us at the final judgment
without the Lord ever having to lift a finger.
God’s intent and that of his truth is to
move us to recognize that in those things
most important in life –our relationship with
other human beings in the world—we do not
attain righteousness, justice and love without a
healing relationship with the God who wishes
to love us towards the truth. That is why he
came, to offer the grace of resurrection, the
grace that comes from the Cross and which
starts with the miracle of a change of heart
and ends with the glory of eternal life.
These are the days for us to receive from
the truth that is given on the Cross, and recognize by means of the sacred body hanging
there, how large the hole in our heart is. These
are the days of grace for us to drink the love
that spills forth from the Cross and through
the blood which flows from there, ask for the
grace to love even as he has loved us. In this
way we will rise with Him to live in the truth.
El Dios de amor no desea
condenar sino liberar. La verdad
libera. “¿Qué es la verdad?” le
preguntó Pilato al justo condenado. Ahora lo verás le podría
haber replicado el Señor. La verdad
es que Dios no puede mostrarnos
su cara de verdad sin descubrir
su corazón de amor, porque al fin
de cuentas, la verdad de Dios y la
verdad del hombre es el amor. La
verdad nos juzga, pero en Cristo
no nos condena. El Señor, en lugar
de ser el que condena, por causa
del amor acepta ser condenado. En
este sentido el Señor nos cede espacio y nos muestra la fuerza de su
ternura: perdónalos, Padre, porque
no saben lo que hacen.
Nuestra vergüenza delante de
la Cruz sería nuestra condición
perpetua si no fuera por el amor
de Cristo perfectamente presente
Bishop Flores’ Schedule
April 5
10 a.m.
Confirmations at St. Anthony
April 5
5:30 p.m.
Confirmations at Resurrection
April 6
Confirmations at Our Lady of the Assumption
April 6
5:30 p.m.
Confirmations at Mary, Mother of the Church
April 12
10 a.m.
Diaconate Ordination at OL of the Holy Rosary
April 13
10:30 a.m.
Mass at Cathedral
April 15
6:30 p.m.
San Juan
Chrism Mass at Basilica
April 17
7 p.m.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Cathedral
April 18
San Juan
Stations of the Cross at Basilica
April 18
7 p.m.
Liturgical Service at Cathedral
April 19
9 p.m.
Easter Vigil Mass at Cathedral
en su tránsito al Padre. La verdad
se muestra pero no condena; al
contrario, cede espacio para que
pasemos con él al otro lado de la
muerte, hacia la vida eterna. Muere
para mostrar la verdad sobre el
amor de Dios. Ilumina nuestro
fracaso para invitarnos a resucitar
a una vida nueva, una vida donde
existe la gracia y el perdón, y por lo
tanto, la plenitud de redención.
El amor no condena pero
si muestra la verdad. La verdad
es que tenemos que cambiar de
corazón. Si no lo hacemos, entonces seguiremos condenando el Hijo
del Hombre en su disfraces preferidos: los pobres, los chiquillos no
nacidos, los débiles, los forasteros,
los que se presentan como desfigurados a nuestros ojos, los que por
» Por favor lea Amor y la Cruz p.14
April 2014
April 20
11 a.m.
San Juan
Easter Mass at Basilica
April 24
7 p.m.
Confirmations for St. Joseph the Worker (San Carlos)
April 25
5 p.m.
Mass for McAllen Pregnancy Center Gala, St Margaret Mary
April 26
10 a.m.
Confirmations at Immaculate Conception Cathedral
April 26
5 p.m.
Santa Rosa
Confirmations at St. Mary
April 27
La Feria
Confirmations at St. Francis Xavier
April 28
10 a.m.
Rededication Mass & Bless Altar at Juan Diego Academy
April 28
7 p.m.
San Benito
Confirmations at St. Theresa
April 29
7 p.m.
Confirmations at Our Lady of Good Counsel
April 30
8:30 a.m.
Mass at Mary, Mother of the Church
April 30
7 p.m.
San Benito
Confirmations at St. Benedict
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
native one
step closer to
The Valley Catholic
The rich tradition of Catholic education in the Rio Grande
Valley began in 1853, when
four Sisters of the Incarnate
Word and Blessed Sacrament
came to Brownsville from
Lyon, France and established
Incarnate Word Academy.
Today, there are 13 Catholic
schools throughout the Valley
with a total enrollment of 3,844
students (Pre-K3-12th Grade).
The Catholic Schools Office
provides guidance and services
to school pastors, principals,
teachers, school councils and
other leaders in the Diocese of
Brownsville schools.
The Catholic Schools Office
supports the spiritual, managerial and instructional goals
as well as the overall Catholic
identity of each school, which
is rooted in the Gospel. The
Office provides assistance with
strategic planning, faculty and
curriculum development, student and family services, legal
matters, testing and more.
Lisette Allen, who serves as
the superintendent of schools,
is assisted by Sister Helen Rottier of the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Carondelet, coordinator of
special programs and Mary
Latigo, secretary.
Each Catholic school in our
diocese is accredited every seven years by the Texas Catholic
Conference Education Department and recently by Advance
ED. The Catholic Schools Office assists each school with the
accreditation process from start
to finish.
The Catholic Schools Office
promotes Catholic education
throughout the year. Two of
the office’s largest events are
the Spirit Awards Banquet and
The Spirit Awards Banquet, which is held annually
in January, raises funds for
the diocesan tuition assistance
program and recognizes those
who have made a difference in
our Catholic schools. The event
kicks off the annual observance
of Catholic Schools Week by
the National Catholic Educational Association.
Walkathon is held annually
in the spring. The students in
the Catholic schools, their parents, grandparents and other
supporters take to the streets to
raise awareness about Catholic
education. The students are
asked to collect pledges and
the money raised benefits the
diocesan tuition assistance
The Catholic schools in our
diocese offer a holistic education, combining academic
excellence with spiritual and
faith formation. The students
are taught to care for those
within their school communities and beyond. All the schools
participate in community
service projects that assist their
neighbors in need.
Office: Catholic Schools
Superintendent: Lisette Allen
Phone: (956) 787-8571
E-mail: [email protected]
The Valley Catholic
The little faces of life
McAllen Pregnancy
Center’s annual gala
set for April 25
The Valley Catholic
Maribel Loera, 25, already had
two young daughters at home and
couldn’t fathom having yet another
She made an appointment
at a McAllen abortion clinic,
determined to terminate her
But on her way inside the
abortion clinic, she was approached
by a sidewalk counselor from the
McAllen Pregnancy Center, who
handed her a brochure about the
realities of abortion. The sidewalk
counselor also reminded her that
the baby in her womb already had
a heart and soul.
Loera went into the abortion
clinic where the staff told her that
her baby was “just a bunch of cells”
and “not really living.” They then
showed her a video.
“The video is designed to
convince women that having an
abortion is not bad,” Loera said in
Spanish. “They paint a very pretty
Loera said
the abortion
make her a
abortion but
she refused.
Archbishop Naumann
“It didn’t feel
right,” said Loera, a Pharr resident.
“I told them I would get back to
Loera recalls that when she
walked out of the clinic, the
sidewalk counselor approached her
once again and said, “you didn’t do
it, did you?”
Loera shook her head and
teared up, feeling bad for what she
almost did to her unborn child.
The sidewalk counselor walked
Loera to the McAllen Pregnancy
Center a few blocks away.
encouragement, love and support
that I needed to continue my
pregnancy,” she said. “I am very
grateful to all of them.”
Today, Loera’s baby boy is sixmonths-old and “I just love him so
much,” she said.
“I’ve always wanted a son, but
I didn’t think I wanted him right
now,” Loera said. “God sent me the
son that I wanted so badly. God has
blessed me abundantly.”
Helping women like Loera is the
ministry of the Catholic, pro-life
McAllen Pregnancy Center. Since
the center opened in May 2008,
more than 3,000 babies have been
saved and more than 6,000 women
have received free services such
» Please see Pro-Life, p.19
Proyecto Juan Diego
Cameron Park
programs provide
families a hand up
»News Briefs
Youth JAM
set for April 5
The Valley Catholic
Zamorano, 33, who relocated to
this country from Matamoros,
Mexico a year ago, is taking GED
classes at Proyecto Juan Diego in
Cameron Park.
equivalency certificate means
a better life for her and her two
children, ages 10 and 16, she said.
“I want to earn my GED and
then pursue an education in the
medical field,” Zamorano said in
Spanish. “All of the schools require
that you have a high school diploma
or a GED, so this is the first step.”
For the last 11 years, Proyecto
Juan Diego has given families like
the Zamoranos a hand up in life.
Proyecto Juan Diego, a nonprofit organization, was established
in 2003 by Sister Phylis Peters of the
Daughters of Charity. The mission
of the organization is to educate and
empower low-income families to
make healthy choices and become
socially responsible members
of society. This is done through
various programs that promote
health care, families, education,
social and civic engagement.
Proyecto Juan Diego is located
at 2216 Eduardo Ave. in the heart
of Cameron Park, one the largest
and poorest colonias in the United
States. The latest census figures
estimate the neighborhood has a
Bishop Daniel E. Flores
will ordain Jesus G. Garza
a transitional deacon at 10
a.m. on Saturday, April 12 at
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Church, 923 Matamoros St. in
Garza, 41, is the son of
Guadalupe and Delia Garza of
Mission. A graduate of Mission
H i g h
c u r re nt ly
in his third
in Columbus,
transitional diaconate marks
a critical step on the journey
to the priesthood. Transitional
deacons are theology students
who have completed, or have
nearly completed, their studies
for the priesthood. The period
of the transitional diaconate
focuses on service.
A deacon receives the
sacrament of Holy Orders
and becomes a member of the
clergy. In parish life, a deacon
may proclaim the Gospel at
Mass and deliver homilies. He
may also preside at baptisms,
weddings, rites of Christian
burial, the celebration of the
Liturgy of the Hours and other
liturgical rites.
Eric Sánchez/The Valley Catholic
population of 6,963 with about 40
percent under the age of 18.
The need for an organization
like Proyecto Juan Diego in
Cameron Park became evident
when Sister Peters, a registered
nurse, completed a medical survey
of 755 homes in the neighborhood.
“We noticed that health care
and family social issues were major
areas of concerns for the residents
of Cameron Park,” Sister Peters said.
One of the oldest and “most
successful” programs, according
to Sister Peters, at Proyecto Juan
Diego has been the family program.
Staff and trained volunteers make
regular home visits and assist
families for an extended period
of time to help meet their health
and social needs with the goal of
improved outcomes for children
and families.
The home visitors serve as a link
between the family and the services
available through Proyecto Juan
Diego, government programs and
other resources.
Programs include afterschool
citizenship classes, English as a
Second Language classes, stress
management activities and more.
Although Proyecto Juan Diego
serves families of all faiths, some
Catholic programs, such as a
summer Bible program, are offered
in partnership with San Felipe de
Jesus Church. The parish is located
a few blocks from the center.
Residents and community
leaders have also advocated for
better public safety in Cameron
Park. Street lights have been
» Please see Proyecto, p.9
The Office of Youth Ministry
of the Diocese of Brownsville
is hosting Youth JAM, a youth
conference for middle school
students from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
on Saturday, April 5 at B. Garza
Middle School, 1111 W Sugar
Cane Dr. in Weslaco.
The theme of Youth JAM
2014 is, “Go and Make Disciples
of All Nations.” It calls young
people to live as witnesses of the
Risen Christ.
Speakers will include Bishop
Daniel E. Flores and Brian
Lennox, Jr., a youth minister
from the Houston area.
education or youth pastor at your
parish for more information or
visit the diocese’s youth ministry
Save the date:
Chastity Conference
scheduled May 17
The Apostolate for Life is
hosting a Chastity Conference
on Saturday, May 17 from 7 to 9
p.m. at the Basilica of Our Lady
of San Juan del Valle-National
Shrine in San Juan.
»Family Life
Lydia Pesina
Director, Family
Life Office
Family prayer
here is power in the
written word. Since the
advent of ink on paper,
there is something very
special about reading what is in
the heart and mind of a person or
a collection of people. In previous generations, a note or a letter
from a loved one near or far was
something that was often kept and
revisited. I have to admit I still
have some letters that my husband
Mauri sent me in the 1970’s before
we married from wherever he was
working cotton or cotton gins.
The Church has a long history
of beautifully written documents
that are worth reading and rereading like beautifully written letters.
I believe that similar to hearing the
scriptures proclaimed in the Sunday liturgy, many of these documents have the power to remind us
of some of the basic truths of how
God is ever present in our domestic church, our family.
In a Pastoral Message of the
US Catholic Bishops to Families
entitled “Follow the Way of Love”,
they gently remind us that “A family is our first community and most
basic way in which the Lord gathers us, forms us, and acts in the
world. The early church expressed
this truth by calling the Christian
family a “domestic church” or
“church of the home”. ….What you
do in your family to create a community of love, to help each other
to grow, and to serve those in need
is critical, not only for your own
sanctification, but for the strength
of society and our Church. It is a
participation in the work of the
Lord, a sharing in the mission of
the Church. It is holy.” Beautiful
words to remind us of the sacredness of family life.
Family life is holy: messy but
holy. I believe that what documents
such as the above mentioned one
and also Blessed John Paul II’s
Apostolic Exhortation “Familiaris
Consortio” remind us that the
sacredness of life is in the ordinary
things of life. When a family gathers, especially around the dinner
table, to eat, pray, share, disagree,
worry about bills, and reconcile:
what they share is holy. For some
families, this holy sacred time
might sometimes be around the
table at McDonald’s or Whataburger between baseball practice
and CCD classes.
Wherever we gather as a family; or as scripture reminds us,
“Where two or three are gathered
in my name, there am I in your
midst”, it is a good time to prayer
together; a good time to recall that
God is ever present in our midst,
ever present in our joys and in our
sorrows; and a wonderful time
to thank Him for our blessings
and praise him for sending us His
Holy Spirit to accompany us in our
tough times.
God hears our innermost
concerns and desires no matter
what language or what words we
use. Being a lover of words, I think
that sometimes it does help to use
“prayer starters” especially in sharing prayer in the home where we
» Please see Family, p.19
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Lumen Christi Award
Bishop nominates
Sisters from Peñitas
for national honor
»Women speak
for themselves
en la Frontera
Nettles Riojas
The Valley Catholic
PEÑITAS — Bishop Daniel
E. Flores nominated Sister
Carolyn Kosub, Sister Fatima
Santiago and Sister Emily Jocson
of the Missionary Sisters of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary for the
2014 Lumen Christi Award.
The Sisters operate Proyecto
Desarrollo Humano, a non-profit
organization and community
center that serves the Pueblo de
Palmas colonia in Peñitas.
The Lumen Christi Award is
presented annually by Catholic
Extension, a national fundraising
supporting and strengthening
poor mission dioceses in the
United States, including the
Diocese of Brownsville.
“They have joyfully and
generously given of themselves
in service to the poor from the
creation of Proyecto Desarrollo
Humano in 2004 to the present,
while exemplifying the strength
and beauty of cultural diversity
focused on a common objective:
the restoration of human dignity
to the marginalized poor for love
of Jesus Christ,” Bishop Flores
said in his nomination letter.
Humano celebrated its 10th
anniversary on March 8 with a
community celebration and by
recognizing many of those who
have contributed to the project’s
The Sisters also recalled the
early days of Proyecto Desarrollo
the center, the Sisters were
serving in different ministries
Editor of The
Valley Catholic
Courtesy photo
throughout the country but
dreamed of working together in
an underserved area.
They prayed about it and
researched many possibilities
throughout the United States.
They ultimately chose the Pueblo
de Palmas colonia in Peñitas,
which had recently been affected
by a tornado. Most of the humble,
make-shift homes in the colonia
sustained heavy damage.
Sister Kosub and Sister Jocson
said the project has grown and
evolved so much in 10 years.
“We started out with the hall
and the kitchen,” Sister Kosub
said. “We used the hall for all of
our activities.”
The community, however,
quickly outgrew the hall. The
center has gradually expanded
and now consists of several
classrooms where tutoring and
courses are offered, a medical
clinic and dental clinic and much
When the Sisters first arrived
in the area, the people expressed
that education and health care
were their greatest concerns but
soon, they also began asking about
religious education programs and
the possibility of having Mass in
the colonia.
Sister Jocson said Masses
were celebrated in the hall but the
community of faith outgrew the
facility. An architect, Sister Jocson
was instrumental in building St.
Anne Church in 2009, which is
located a few blocks from the
community center. The church
was recently named a quasiparish by the diocese on Sept.8,
“We never imagined that the
church would become a parish,
not in a million years,” Sister
Jocson said. “We had outgrown
the hall and wanted to make sure
the community could worship
comfortably, that is all that was on
our minds.”
The Lumen Christi Award is
accompanied by a $50,000 grant
— $25,000 for the honoree(s) and
$25,000 for his or her nominating
Restoring our Cathedral
Spring gala
to raise funds
for new altar
The Valley Catholic
The Immaculate Conception
Cathedral’s Spring Gala –“Some
Enchanted Evening” is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday,
April 12 at Dr. & Mrs. Roberto
Robles home in Brownsville.
The repairs on the roof of
the historical cathedral, which
serves as the bishop’s home
church and central place of worship, are almost complete and
the next phase is to construct a
new altar.
Committee members are
raising funds for the new altar.
The cathedral’s weekly collections are not enough to support
the church’s day-to-day operations and the new construction.
The downtown parish is one
of the smallest in Brownsville in
terms of both population and
territory and most of the cathedral’s parishioners are from the
working class.
The faithful of the Diocese
of Brownsville are asked to con-
The Valley Catholic
sider offering a donation to this
project, which is expected to
cost about $55,000.
It has been more than 30
years since any modifications
have been made to the altar. The
plans will include a new cathedra (chair) for the bishop and
a fixed altar. The tabernacle,
which is currently on the side
of the church, will be moved directly behind the altar.
Tickets are available for $50
per person and $100 per couple
at the BCVB, 802 & Expressway
and at the Cathedral office, 1218
E. Jefferson.
For additional information
call (956) 546-3178. Sponsorships are also available.
of Being:
To speak
without words
n a world that chases accolades and fame, we sometimes undervalue our dayto-day being. We forget that
who we are matters and radiates to
those around us.
Pope Francis talks often about
the encounter with the other, and
he reminds us in his Apostolic
Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium in
which he focuses on the joy of the
Gospel, that we each have a daily
responsibility to bring the love of
Jesus to people we meet, “whether
they be our neighbors or complete
The Holy Father notes, “this
can happen unexpectedly and in
any place: on the street, in a city
square, during work, on a journey.”
This encounter with others,
this sharing of the Gospel does not
always involve words.
Alice von Hildebrand, Catholic
philosopher and author, speaks often about the “apostolate of being,”
a term she credits to her husband
the late Dietrich von Hildebrand.
It’s not what you say, it’s what you
She writes, “The apostolate of
‘being’ is the best way of drawing
sinners into God’s holy net. One
cannot ‘force’ others to accept
truth, but one can irradiate peace
and joy and thereby ‘tempt’ our
neighbors to marvel about ‘our
Beginning in our own families,
who we are impacts the tone or the
setting in our homes.
No matter what storms might
blow through our home when I
was young, my mother’s presence
always gave us peace.
The most important lessons I
learned, I didn’t gain from books
or school; I learned them from my
mother’s humble ways. Growing
up we never left home without her
blessing. With the sign of the cross
on our foreheads she was commending us, her three daughters
and a son, to God’s protection. She
taught us daily to place our trust
in God. She also taught us to care
for family.
On her only day off, she
crossed the border into Matamoros each week to visit her mother
and to take her groceries or clothes
and supplies for her younger
brothers and sisters.
Even before my mother died of
cancer at the age of 50, the cancer
may have attacked her body, but
her kindness, her faith in God
never wavered. Just by sitting beside her, holding her hand, I could
feel her love.
In her talk, “Mulieris Dignitatum: Radical Feminism and the
Restoration of the Dignity and
Vocation of Women,” Hildebrand
» Please see Apostolate, p.17
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
The Word of God in the Life
and Mission of the Church
( Fifth Sunday of Lent)
Reading 1:
EZ 37:12-14
Responsorial Psalm:
PS 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Reading 2:
ROM 8:8-11
Gospel: JN 11:1-45
(Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion)
Reading 1:
MT 21:1-11
AT THE MASS Reading 1 IS 50:4-7
Responsorial Psalm:
PS 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24
Reading 2:
PHIL 2:6-11
MT 26:14-27:66
(The Resurrection of the Lord
The Mass of Easter Sunday)
Reading 1:
ACTS 10:34A, 37-43
Responsorial Psalm:
PS 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Reading 2:
COL 3:1-4 or
1 COR 5:6B-8
JN 20:1-9
(Second Sunday of Easter
Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Reading 1:
ACTS 2:42-47
Responsorial Psalm:
PS 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Reading 2:
1 PT 1:3-9
JN 20:19-31
The word of the Lord abides for ever.
This word is the Gospel which was
preached to you” (1 Pet 1:25; cf. Is
With this assertion from the First
Letter of Saint Peter, which takes up
the words of the Prophet Isaiah, we
find ourselves before the mystery of
God, who has made himself known
through the gift of his word.
This word, which abides for ever,
entered into time. God spoke his
eternal Word humanly; his Word
“became flesh” (Jn 1:14). This is the
good news. This is the proclamation
which has come down the centuries
to us today.
Disciples in Mission: Six Weeks
with the Bible
Help Us Grow
Let’s Work together to share the
Good News. Now in our fifth
year of publishing The Valley
Catholic, we want to expand our
circulation and reach out to more
readers. To do this, we need your
help. As the official newspaper
of the Diocese of Brownsville,
we are the only Catholic news
source providing comprehensive
coverage in the Rio Grande Valley.
To donate or reserve an ad,
call (956) 784-5055 or email us
at [email protected]
»Making Sense of Bioethics
Discrimination and human sexuality
iscrimination is often
understood as acting
out of prejudice against
persons who differ from
us and do not share our views,
traits, values or lifestyles. The word
“discrimination,” however, has an
older meaning as well, namely, to
draw a clear distinction between
proper and improper, good and
evil, to differentiate and recognize
as different. This older meaning
generally carried favorable connotations with it: a person of discrimination was someone of good
judgment and detailed knowledge,
as in the case of one who could
discriminate between fine wines,
detecting subtle but relevant differences, or someone on Wall Street
who could discriminate between
the profiles of different companies,
discerning which stocks would
rally and which would decline.
Only in more recent times has
the term “discrimination” assumed
the second meaning signifying
prejudice, or an unfounded bias
against a person, group, or culture
on the basis of racial, gender, or
ethnic background. Sometimes
people will equate discrimination against people who are gay
or lesbian with racism, much like
discrimination based on skin color.
As Michael Kirby notes,
“Bishop Desmond Tutu, one
time Anglican Archbishop in
South Africa, who had earlier
tasted the sting of racial discrimination, has been a valiant defender
of the equality and dignity of
GLBTIQ [gay,lesbian, bisexual,
transsexual, intersex, and otherwise ‘queer’] people. He has
explained that he could no more
embrace the hatred and discrimination of Christian brothers and
Priest of the
Diocese of Fall
sisters against the sexual minority
than he could embrace the racism
of apartheid, now overthrown.”
Regrettably, we all know of
people who manifest a racist attitude against others, treating them
improperly because of characteristics they cannot control, like skin
color. Even when a person can
control certain characteristics, like
their sexual behaviors, and they
still choose to do something wrong
and perverse, such as having sex
with animals, we must never
choose to hate the person who engages in these wrong and perverse
behaviors. But loving the person
who commits sexual sins never entails that we should accept his sins
and perversions; on the contrary,
to love him authentically means
we seek to help him rise out of his
damaging behaviors, so that he can
live in a more fully human way by
means of better moral choices.
Clearly, then, nobody should
embrace “hatred and discrimination” against anyone, GLBTIQ or
otherwise, but everyone should
show care and compassion towards
those with GLBTIQ dispositions,
in the hope that they might come
to recognize and renounce the
harmful and disordered forms of
sexual activity that tempt them. It
remains the better part of wisdom
to discriminate, in the moral sense
of the term, between disordered
uses of human sexuality and the
ordered engagement of human
sexuality within marriage.
In the human body, our
organs have discernible functions:
the heart pumps blood; kidneys
remove waste products from the
blood and excrete them in the
urine; reproductive organs join
man and woman as one, and enable the procreation of children.
The anatomical and procreative
complementarity of men and
women is evident, and even the
shapes of their sexual organs reveal
how they are designed for each
other, something not true of nonconjugal forms of sexual activity.
As Dale O’Leary points out, “the
reproductive/sexual organs of
men and women are different and
designed to fit together. When
electricians refer to male and
female plugs, everyone can easily
recognize which is which and why
they are so named.”
O’Leary further notes that
non-conjugal acts are ultimately
acts that one person does to
another, and that such acts involve
the language of using and being
used. She notes that “Although
there are various acts in which two
or more individuals can engage
for sexual pleasure, only one very
specific act consummates a marriage. The other acts… involve the
hands, either end of the digestive
system, or physical objects, but not
the reproductive organs of both
simultaneously in the same act.”
Conjugal acts, meanwhile,
involve the language of giving
and receiving, through a union of
complementary human persons.
Conjugal acts address a man’s and
a woman’s need for completion not
» Please see Bioethics, p.19
Evangelizing every day
“The harvest is abundant but
the laborers are few; so ask the
master of the harvest to send out
laborers for his harvest.” (Luke
10:1-12). The Lord Jesus calls us
to this ongoing mission of the
Church to evangelize just as he
called and sent the seventy two
disciples. As Catholics this invitation is our baptismal vocation,
no matter what our state in life.
Baptism, Confirmation and the
Eucharist bestow on us the grace
necessary to be Jesus’ disciples and
called to give witness.
Many times we think that the
work of “evangelization” or “to
evangelize” is something only bishops, priests, deacons and religious
do. However, we have an opportunity to bring others to Christ in
the circumstances of everyday life.
This means reaching out to those
missing at the table of the Lord at
Mass on Sundays. By inviting those
who have left the Church and no
longer believe or practice the faith
to come back home.
Evangelization first begins
when you accept God’s Word into
your life. Then you proclaim that
Word to others by living it out
in service and witness every day.
Then, when ready, share your story
of Jesus in your life, and invite
others to deepen their relationship with Christ through the
Church community. (Pope Paul
VI, Evangelization in the Modern
World.).This is most effectively
done by evangelizing everyday.
“The term evangelization has
a very rich meaning. In the broad
sense, it sums up the Church’s
entire mission: her whole life consists in accomplishing the traditio
Luis Zuniga
Director, Office for
Pastoral Planning
& San Juan Diego
Ministry Institute.
Evangelii, the proclamation and
handing on of the Gospel, which is
“the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes”
(Rom 1:16) and which, in the final
essence, is identified with Jesus
Christ himself (cf. 1 Cor 1:24).
Understood in this way, evangelization is aimed at all of humanity.
In any case, to evangelize does not
mean simply to teach a doctrine,
but to proclaim Jesus Christ by
one’s words and actions, that is, to
make oneself an instrument of his
presence and action in the world.”
(Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects
of Evangelization, Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith,
Ever since the Second Vatican
Council the Catholic Church has
invited all the faithful (baptized
into Christ) to participate in the
saving mission of His Church. In
order to engage in such a missionary task, the Church reminds us
that we need to first be renewed
in our own Baptismal faith. This
begins through a personal and
transforming encounter with the
Risen Lord which requires an
interior change, the Church calls
this conversion.
In his 1975 (ten years after
the close of the Second Vatican
Council) Apostolic Exhortation,
Evangelii Nuntiandi (described the
essential aspects of evangelization
and its effects on the one evangelizing and the one being evangelized) Pope Paul VI mentions,
“The Good News proclaimed by
the witness of life sooner or later
has to be proclaimed by the word
of life. There is no true evangelization if the name, the teaching, the
promises, the Kingdom and the
mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the
Son of God, are not proclaimed.”
The Bishops of United States in
their National Plan for Evangelization invite all Catholics to share
their stories of faith with others as
an effort to evangelize and to give
witness: “You have received the
Spirit of Christ Jesus, which brings
salvation and hope; your lives are
a witness of faith. Whether you
were baptized as a child or joined
the Church as an adult, you have
a story of faith. Whether you
sincerely live your faith in quiet or
have a great public ministry, you
have a story of faith. Whether you
have a grade school knowledge of
the catechism or have a theological
degree, you have a story of faith.”
(Go and Make Disciples,1992).
Blessed John Paul II made
evangelization a priority during
his pontificate: “I sense that the
moment has come to commit all
of the Church’s energies to a new
evangelization and to the mission
ad gentes (“to the world”). No
believer in Christ, no institution of
the Church can avoid this supreme
duty: to proclaim Christ to all
peoples.”(Redemptoris Missio, No.
3, On the Permanent Validity of
» Please see Evangelizing, p.12
Courtesy photo
»Feast Day
- April 23
Spotlight on
St. George
Catholic News Agency
St. George was a soldier of
the Roman army who was
tortured and beheaded for his
Christian faith in the year 303,
in Lydda (in modern day Palestine).
He was likely born in Cappadocia, of a Cappadocian father
and a Palestinian mother of
noble rank. At the death of his
father (possibly martyrdom)
he moved to Palestine with his
mother where he joined the
military and apparently served
with some distinction, meriting several promotions in rank.
One account of the martyrdom of St. George is Eusebius´
Ecclesiastical History, which
relates that when the emperor
Diocletian issued an edict “to
tear down the churches to the
foundations and to destroy the
Sacred Scriptures by fire…a
certain man, of no mean origin, but highly esteemed for his
temporal dignities, stimulated
by a divine zeal, and excited by
an ardent faith, took it as it was
openly placed and posted up
for public inspection, and tore
it to shreds as a most profane
and wicked act.” This act of intransigence and holy audacity
enraged the emperor who had
the man tortured and killed.
This man “of no mean origin”,
i.e. of nobility, has been identified by more than one ancient
source, including Eusebius, as
St. George, though most modern historians of the period
state that this is unlikely.
St. George is usually depicted
in Christian art as a soldier on
horseback killing a dragon with
a lance, a powerful symbol of
the victory of Christian faith
over evil, personified by the
devil who is symbolized by the
dragon according to the imagery in the Book of Revelations.
St. George is invoked as a
patron of military causes, not
only because he was a soldier,
but also, and primarily, due to
his appearance to the Christian armies before the battle of
Antioch, in which they were
victorious, and to King Richard the Lionheart of England
during his crusade against the
St. George is the patron
of soldiers and the patron of
many nations, including Palestine; Lebanon; England; Georgia; Malta. He is also the patron
of Palestinian Christians and of
Boy Scouts.
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Providing Help, Creating Hope
Fourth annual
Providing Help,
Creating Hope
to assist the poor and
vulnerable families of the
Rio Grande Valley
April 5, 2014
Cimarron Country Club
1200 S. Shary Rd.
Mission, TX 78572
Reception: 6 p.m. &
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
(956) 702-4088
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
»Hope in Action: A Spotlight on Youth
Catholic Schools Walkathon
Love your neighbor
Teen coordinates
clothing drive, helps
39 parish families
Special to The Valley Catholic
McALLEN — How many
times have we heard love your
neighbor? How many times do
we actually put action to our
words? Gloria Gonzalez is a senior
at IB Lamar Academy. She’s been
a parishioner at Our Lady of
Perpetual Help Church since she
was in the fourth grade in 2005.
When asked at school to
come up with a project to help
the community, she immediately
thought of joining forces with
her parish. Gonzalez spoke to the
director of religious education
and youth minister about helping
families in need with clothing.
She later met with the Food
Pantry to coordinate names of
families. She and her friend called
the families to confirm the sizes
of clothing, shoes and addresses
given. She came on Wednesdays
to promote the project with the
high school religious eduction
students and get them involved in
sponsoring a member of a family
in need.
In total the project was able
to help 39 families with a total
of 130 persons. The families
were given a date to pick up the
clothing items, but Gloria didn’t
stop there. With the help of her
family she wrapped every single
piece of clothing so the children
would feel as if they were getting
Courtesy photo
Courtesy photo
presents. She provided them
with snacks and refreshments so
they felt welcomed at the time of
picking up their gifts. Gonzalez
is an inspiration to our teens. The
project’s name was Love your
Neighbor and that she did.
Name: Gloria Gonzalez
School/Grade: McAllen High
School/ IB Lamar Academy
Eloquent, Persuasive, Dancer &
Kick boxer
Best Movie Ever: About A
Most Listened to Song on My
iPod?: Origin Love by MIKA
TV Show I Never Miss:
Fashion Police
Book I’d Read Again (and
Again): Fire Fly Lane by Kristin
Future Plans: I hope to be
able to help people suffering
from depression and anxiety with
the use of my blog and YouTube
Meaningful Quote: Amazing
People always do AMAZING Gloria
Who has made an influence
in their lives or who they admire
and why? My sister, Olga, because
not only is she really nice and
caring but she is always there for
me. I can count on her.
If you would like to nominate a
student to be featured in “Hope
in Action: A Spotlight on Youth,”
please email Angel Barrera, director
of Youth Ministry, at abarrera@
National Honor Society
of Catholic Colleges
Courtesy photo
»Birthday & Anniversary Wishes
The list of birthdays and ordination
anniversaries is provided so that
parishioners may remember the priests,
deacons and religious in their prayers
and send them a note or a card.
» Birthdays
Rev. Francois Tsanga, SCJ
Msgr. Patrick Wells -retired
Rev. Manoj K. Nayak, SS.CC
Rev. Jaime Torres
Rev. Carlos Zuniga
Rev. Michael Montoya, MJ
Rev. Samuel Arizpe
5 Brother Orlando Rivera, MSC
7 Sister Therese Cunnigham, SHSp
8 Brother Mario Nagy, OFM
10 Sister Emily Perez, O.P
21 Sister Juliana Garcia, MJ
Deacon Benito Flores
Deacon Javier A. Garcia
Deacon Julio Castilleja
Deacon Irineo Gonzalez Jr.
Deacon Luis Zuñiga
Deacon Louis Oden
Deacon Jose A. Solis
Deacon Jose Guerra
Deacon Alejandro Gamboa
» Anniversaries
Rev. George Kerketta
Rev. Jose R. Torres III, OMI
Rev. Lee Dacosta - retired
Rev. Jaime Torres
12 Deacon Inocencio Diaz
27 Deacon Antonio Osorio
» Birthdays
Rev. Luis Javier Garcia, JCL
Rev. Jose Villalon, Jr.
Rev. Hector Cruz, SM
Rev. Juan Manuel Salazar
Rev. Jorge A. Gomez
Rev. Roy Lee Snipes, OMI
Rev. Gregory Kuczmanski
Rev. Michael Amesse, OMI
Rev. Francisco J. Solis
Deacon Antonio Osorio
Deacon Juan Pablo Navarro
Deacon Roberto Cantu
Deacon Juan M. Delgado
6 Sister Dorothy Carey, SHSp
17 Sister Patricia DeBlieck, CSJ
21 Sister Mary Sardinha, SSD
23 Sister Zita Telkamp, CDP
30 Sister Therese Corkery, PBVM
» Anniversaries
2 Rev. Carlos Zuniga
5 Rev. Msgr. Gustavo Barrera
7 Rev. Francois Tsanga, SCJ
10 Rev. Michael Amesse, OMI
10 Rev. Timothy Paulsen, OMI
11 Rev. Msgr. Louis Brum
11 Rev. Tomas Sepulveda, CSB
15 Rev. Paul Roman, FSSP
16 Rev. Thomas Luczak, OFM
17 Rev. Porfirio Garcia, OMI
23 Rev. Alejandro Flores
23 Rev. George Gonzalez
23 Rev. Miguel Angel Ortega
24 Rev. Gregory Kuczmanski
25 Rev. Arturo Castillo
25 Rev. Eduardo Gomez
25 Rev. Juan Manuel Salazar
25 Rev. Juan Pablo Davalos
25 Rev. Juan Rogelio Gutierrez
25 Bishop Emertius Raymundo J.
Peña - retired
26 Rev. Andres Gutierrez
26 Rev. A. Oliver Angel, JCL
26 Rev. Jesus Paredes
26 Rev. Luis Roberto Tinajero
26 Rev. Martin De La Cruz
26 Rev. Ruben Delgado
26 Rev. Tomas Mateos – Retired
27 Rev. Aglayde Rafael Vega
27 Rev. Eduardo Ortega
27 Rev. Francisco J. Solis
27 Rev. Gerald Frank
27 Rev. Gregory Labus
27 Rev. Mario A. Castro
27 Rev. Oscar O. Siordia
28 Rev. Alfonso Guevara
29 Rev. Ignacio Tapia
29 Rev. Jorge A. Gomez
29 Rev. Luis Fernando Sanchez
29 Rev. Salvador Ramirez
31 Rev. Amador Garza
31 Rev. Ernesto Magallon
31 Rev. Mishael Koday
31 Rev. Terrence Gorski, OFM
5 Dcn. Bruno Cedillo
5 Dcn. Juan M. Delgado
5 Dcn. John P. Kinch
5 Dcn. Alvino Olvera
12 Dcn. Roberto Cano
12 Dcn. Agapito Cantu
12 Dcn. Roberto Cantu
12 Dcn. Julio Castilleja
12 Dcn. Alberto X. Chapa
12 Dcn. Augusto Chapa Jr.
Visit the Diocese of Brownsville’s website at
Dcn. Hugo De la Cruz
Dcn. Jesus P. Galvan
Dcn. Alejandro Gamboa
Dcn. Jose G. Garza
Dcn. Irineo Gonzalez Jr.
Dcn. Roberto Ledesma
Dcn. Gilberto Lopez
Dcn. Ruben Lopez
Dcn. Juan P. Navarro
Dcn. Hector Perez
Dcn. Peter Requeñez
Dcn. Eduardo Reyna
Dcn. Salvador Rojas
Dcn. Manuel Sanchez
Dcn. Pedro F. Sanchez
Dcn. Carlos Treviño
Dcn. Rene Villalon
Dcn. Daniel Zamora
Dcn. Jesus E. Aguayo
Dcn. Benito Flores
Dcn. Alvin H. Gerbermann
Dcn. Juan Francisco Gonzalez
Dcn. Jose Guerra
Dcn. Benito Saenz Jr.
Dcn. Israel Sagredo
Dcn. Rodolfo C. Salinas
Dcn. Jose A. Solis
Dcn. Eduardo Ovalle
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
The Seven Last Words
For centuries these words have been built into various forms of devotion for
the consideration and consolation of the Christian people. English Catholics of the
late Middle Ages were especially devoted to this pious exercise and passed it on
in latter-day prayer books.
Hear the famous English mystic, Julian of Norwich:
Suddenly it came into my mind that I ought to wish for the second wound, that
feeling of his blessed Passion, as I had prayed before, for I wished that his pains
might be my pains, with compassion which would lead to longing for God. . . . And
at this suddenly I saw the red blood trickling down from under the crown, all hot,
at the time when the crown of thorns was thrust down upon his blessed head. .
. . With this sight of his blessed Passion and with his divinity, I saw that this was
strength enough for me, yes, and for all living creatures who will be protected from
all the devils from hell and from all spiritual enemies.
Loyola Press
One may meditate on the
Passion of Christ by reflecting
on seven short phrases that Jesus
spoke on Calvary.
1. “Father, forgive them, they
know not what they do.” (Pater,
dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid
faciunt.) Luke 23: 34
Merciful Savior and friend
of the human race, in your
compassion you forgave your
mortal enemies who sentenced
you and nailed you to the cross. By
your gracious example, help us to
forgive our enemies from the heart
and make friends even with the
sinful. Blessed be your forgiving
heart, now and forever. Amen.
2. “This day thou shalt be with
me in Paradise.” (Hodie mecum
eris in Paradiso.) Luke 23: 43
Merciful Savior and friend
of the human race, you heard the
repentant plea of the criminal on
your right hand and promised him
paradise for his faith. As we are
dying in the midst of our sins, let us
hear this same word from your lips
in response to our prayer of faith
and the life-giving power of your
holy sacraments. Blessed be your
undying mercy, now and forever.
3. “Woman, here is your son.”
… “Here is your mother.” (Mulier,
ecce filius tuus. Ecce Mater tua.)
John 19: 26-7
Merciful Savior and friend of
the human race, on Golgotha you
pitied your martyred mother and
bequeathed her to your beloved
disciple. By her tears and prayers,
break our proud hearts as we
worship your cross and passion and
let us take her into our hearts and
homes, now and forever. Amen.
4. “My God, My God, why hast
thou forsaken me?” (Deus meus,
Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me?)
Mark 15: 34
Merciful Savior and friend of
the human race, as darkness came
over the whole land you cried out
in agony to your Father. By this cry
of dereliction, rescue us from the
torments of despair and entrust us
to your sacrificial death. You live
and reign with the Father, in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever. Amen.
5. “I thirst.” (Sitio.) John 19: 28.
Merciful Savior and friend of
the human race, as your life drew
near its end, you cried out in thirst,
a thirst for souls. By this dreadful
and abiding thirst, draw our hearts
and minds to your great love for us
and especially at the hour of our
death. Blessed be your merciful
love, now and forever. Amen.
(Consummatum est.) John 19: 30
Merciful Savior and friend
of the human race, as darkness
closed in on you, you gave a loud
cry, bowed your head and died.
By your perfect surrender to the
Father, make us worthy disciples of
the cross and defend us from our
spiritual enemies, now and forever.
7. “Into thine hands, O Lord, I
commend my spirit.” (In manus
tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum
meum.) Luke 23:46
Merciful Savior and friend of
the human race, in a final act of
surrender you breathed forth your
spirit into your Father’s hands. By
this ultimate commitment to the
Father’s loving care, deliver us from
despair in our dying hour and help
us die in hope and full confidence
in your precious blood poured out
for us. Blessed be your gracious
caring, now and forever. Amen.
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April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
Those Who Serve:
Father Simon Brzozowski, MSF
Serving God and country
WWII veteran
was searching for
a ‘different life’
The Valley Catholic
DONNA — “I turned 18
three days after the attack on
Pearl Harbor,” said Father Simon
Brzozowski of the Missionaries of
the Holy Family, who is in residence
at St. Joseph Parish in Donna. “I
knew it was a matter of time before
I would be called to serve.”
spent nine years in the military
during World War II before
entering the priesthood. He was
stationed overseas twice, in the
tropical jungles of New Guinea
serving under General Douglas
MacArthur who was appointed as
the Supreme Commander, South
West Pacific Area. He remembers
the dropping of the atomic bombs
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and
Japan’s subsequent surrender..
Father Brzozowski was later
stationed in Nuremberg, Germany,
serving in the Army Finance
Department during the war crimes
In 1952, Father Brzozowski,
who had reached the rank of Master
Sergeant, opted not to re-enlist and
was honorably discharged.
“By then, I was searching
for something, a different life,
but I didn’t know what,” Father
Brzozowski said.
Spending some time in his
hometown and at his home parish
of St. James Church in Gonzales,
Texas marked the beginning of his
journey to the priesthood.
Father Peter J. Roebrocks of the
Missionaries of the Holy Family
and pastor of St. James Church
was assigned rector of the Holy
Family Seminary in St. Louis. As
Father Roebrocks was leaving, he
said, “see you in the Fall,” to Father
“I thought to myself, ‘well, I
guess I should go then,’” Father
Brzozowski said. “I saw that as
my call to the priesthood and the
answer to my prayers for a new
His original plan was to become
a religious brother but his superiors
suggested that he was better suited
for the priesthood.
He was ordained a priest for the
Missionaries of the Holy Family
on March 14, 1964 in the St. Louis
Father Brzozowski celebrated
50 years as a priest during the
5 p.m. Mass on March 15 at St.
Joseph Church in Donna.
served in parishes in Corpus
Christi, Beeville, New Braunfels,
Jourdanton, just to name a few. He
was also a hospital chaplain for 12
years at Corpus Christi Memorial
Hospital and also served at a
nursing home.
“He was and still is active with
the ministry of the sick,” said Father
Philip Sosa, Provincial Superior
of the Missionaries of the Holy
Family and a Harlingen native. “He
has deteriorating vision and can
The Valley Catholic
no longer drive, but he never lacks
for anyone to take him to visit the
homebound or parishioners who
are in hospital.”
Father Franciscus Asisi Eka
Yuantoro, parochial vicar of St.
Joseph Church in Donna, said
he is inspired to keep healthy by
watching Father Brzozowski in
“He is 90 years old and he can
still kneel down and genuflect,
climb the altar and several flights
of stairs with no problem,” Father
Yuantoro said.
Father Yuantoro added that
Father Brzozowski has taught him
how to slow down a bit when it
comes to the people.
“He gives people his undivided
attention,” Father Yuantoro said.
“He genuinely listens to people, he
is patient.”
Father Brzozowski was born
in Gonzales on Dec. 10, 1923, the
oldest of Simon Peter Sr. and Mary
Ann Brzozowski’s seven children.
He received his early education
in small, “country” schools and
graduated from Gonzales High
School in 1940 at age 16.
He then attended Baldwin’s
Business College in Yoakum for a
year before beginning his search
for a job.
Father Brzozowski heard about
a position working as messenger in
San Antonio.
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continued from pg. 3
installed throughout the
neighborhood, more roads
have been paved and there
is increased presence of law
enforcement. Voter turnout
has also increased by almost
20 percent, thanks to several
outreach programs.
Proyecto Juan Diego
is funded mostly through
“The job interview was at
a saloon on the road between
Gonzales and San Antonio,” he
recalled. “They asked if I could start
the next day, so I did.”
Father Brzozowski was hired
to work at Duncan Field (most
recently Kelly Air Force Base)
traversing the base on a bicycle,
delivering internal mail and
“I had the graveyard shift,” he
said. “I worked from 11 p.m. to 7
a.m. in the dark and in the cold
He was ultimately called to
serve in the Army Air Corps at Fort
Sam Houston and sent to service in
World War II.
private donations and grants.
A development director was
recently hired to attend to
that aspect of the project.
Carolina Herrera has been
volunteering or working
with Proyecto Juan Diego
since its first days. The
Reynosa, Mexico native is
now a supervisor with the
several parenting classes, the
summer Bible program and
other programs.
Several volunteers and
even some clients have gone
on to earn paid positions at
Proyecto Juan Diego, Herrera
“Proyecto Juan Diego not
only helps the community
but its workers as well,” she
said. “I have earned several
certifications since I began
serving here. I have a job
that allows me to work in
ministry while taking care
of my family. I couldn’t be
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Pope Francis
to canonize
Catholic News Service
John XXIII and John Paul II
have widespread reputations
for holiness and that years of
studying their lives and actions
have proven their exceptional
virtue, Pope Francis announced
he would declare his two
predecessors saints at a single
ceremony April 27.
announcement Sept. 30 at the
end of an “ordinary public
consistory,” a gathering of
cardinals and promoters of the
sainthood causes of the two
late popes. The consistory took
place in the context of a prayer
service in Latin and included the
reading of brief biographies of
the two sainthood candidates.
Cardinal Angelo Amato,
prefect of the Congregation
for Saints’ Causes, read the
biographies and highlighted
the “service to peace” and the
impact both popes had “inside
and outside the Christian
community” at times of great
cultural, political and religious
The testimonies of their
lives, “completely dedicated to
proclaiming the Gospel, shine
in the church and reverberate
in the history of the world as
examples of hope and light,” the
cardinal said.
Blessed John Paul, known
as a globetrotter who made
» Please see Canonization p.11
The Valley Catholic -April 2014
hen on October 20,
1958 the cardinals,
conclave, elected
Angelo Roncalli as pope, many
regarded him, because of his age
and ambiguous reputation, as a
transitional pope, little realizing
that the pontificate of this man of 76
years would mark a turning point
in history and initiate a new age
for the Church. He took the name
of John in honor of the precursor
and the beloved disciple—but also
because it was the name of a long
line of popes whose pontificates
had been short.
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli,
the third of thirteen children,
was born on November 25, 1881
at Sotto il Monte (Bergamo) of
a family of sharecroppers. He
attended elementary school in the
town, was tutored by a priest of
Carvico, and at the age of twelve
entered the seminary at Bergamo.
A scholarship from the Cerasoli
Foundation (1901) enabled him to
go on to the Apollinaris in Rome
where he studied under (among
others) Umberto Benigni, the
Church historian. He interrupted
his studies for service in the
Italian Army but returned to the
seminary, completed his work for
a doctorate in theology, and was
ordained in 1904. Continuing
his studies in canon law he was
appointed secretary to the new
bishop of Bergamo, Giacomo
Radini-Tedeschi. Angelo served
this social-minded prelate for
nine years, acquiring firsthand experience and a broad
understanding of the problems of
the working class. He also taught
apologetics, church history, and
With the entry of Italy into
World War I in 1915 he was
recalled to military service as a
chaplain. On leaving the service
in 1918 he was appointed spiritual
director of the seminary, but found
Catholic News Service
time to open a hostel for students
in Bergamo. It was at this time
also that he began the research
for a multi-volume work on the
episcopal visitation of Bergamo
by St. Charles Borromeo, the last
volume of which was published
after his elevation as pope.
In 1921 he was called to
Rome to reorganize the Society
for the Propagation of the Faith.
Nominated titular archbishop of
Areopolis and apostolic visitator
to Bulgaria (1925), he immediately
concerned himself with the
problems of the Eastern Churches.
Transferred in 1934 to Turkey and
Greece as apostolic delegate, he set
up an office in Istanbul for locating
prisoners of war. In 1944 he was
appointed nuncio to Paris to assist
in the Church’s post-war efforts
in France, and became the first
permanent observer of the Holy See
at UNESCO, addressing its sixth
and seventh general assemblies in
1951 and 1952. In 1953 he became
cardinal-patriarch of Venice, and
expected to spend his last years
there in pastoral work. He was
correcting proofs of the synodal
Acts of his first diocesan Synod
(1958) when he was called to Rome
to participate in the conclave that
elected him pope.
In his first public address Pope
John expressed his concern for
reunion with separated Christians
and for world peace. In his
coronation address he asserted
“vigorously and sincerely” that it
was his intention to be a pastoral
pope since “all other human gifts
and accomplishments—learning,
practical experience, diplomatic
finesse—can broaden and enrich
pastoral work but they cannot
replace it.” One of his first acts was
to annul the regulation of Sixtus
IV limiting the membership of the
College of Cardinals to 70; within
the next four years he enlarged it
to 87 with the largest international
» Please see John XXIII p.12
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
continued from pg. 10
The Vatican
arol Józef Wojtyła, known as John
Paul II since his October 1978
election to the papacy, was born in
the Polish town of Wadowice, a small
city 50 kilometers from Krakow, on May 18,
He was the youngest of three children born
to Karol Wojtyła and Emilia Kaczorowska.
His mother died in 1929. His eldest brother
Edmund, a doctor, died in 1932 and his father, a
non-commissioned army officer died in 1941. A
sister, Olga, had died before he was born.
He was baptized on June 20, 1920 in the
parish church of Wadowice by Fr. Franciszek
Zak, made his First Holy Communion at age 9
and was confirmed at 18.
Upon graduation from Marcin Wadowita
high school in Wadowice, he enrolled in
Krakow’s Jagiellonian University in 1938 and in
a school for drama.
The Nazi occupation forces closed the
university in 1939 and young Karol had to work
in a quarry (1940-1944) and then in the Solvay
chemical factory to earn his living and to avoid
being deported to Germany.
In 1942, aware of his call to the priesthood,
he began courses in the clandestine seminary of
Krakow, run by Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha,
archbishop of Krakow. At the same time,
Karol Wojtyła was one of the pioneers of the
“Rhapsodic Theatre,” also clandestine.
After the Second World War, he continued
his studies in the major seminary of Krakow,
once it had re-opened, and in the faculty of
theology of the Jagiellonian University. He
was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop
Sapieha in Krakow on November 1, 1946.
Shortly afterwards, Cardinal Sapieha sent
him to Rome where he worked under the
guidance of the French Dominican, GarrigouLagrange. He finished his doctorate in theology
in 1948 with a thesis on the subject of faith in
the works of St. John of the Cross (Doctrina de
fide apud Sanctum Ioannem a Cruce). At that
time, during his vacations, he exercised his
pastoral ministry among the Polish immigrants
of France, Belgium and Holland.
In 1948 he returned to Poland and was vicar
of various parishes in Krakow as well as chaplain
to university students. This period lasted until
1951 when he again took up his studies in
philosophy and theology. In 1953 he defended
a thesis on “evaluation of the possibility of
founding a Catholic ethic on the ethical system
of Max Scheler” at Lublin Catholic University.
Later he became professor of moral theology
and social ethics in the major seminary of
Krakow and in the Faculty of Theology of
On July 4, 1958, he was appointed titular
bishop of Ombi and auxiliary of Krakow by
Pope Pius XII, and was consecrated September
28, 1958, in Wawel Cathedral, Krakow, by
Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak.
On January 13, 1964, he was appointed
archbishop of Krakow by Pope Paul VI, who
made him a cardinal June 26, 1967 with the title
of S. Cesareo in Palatio of the order of deacons,
later elevated pro illa vice to the order of priests.
Besides taking part in Vatican Council
II (1962-1965) where he made an important
contribution to drafting the Constitution
Gaudium et spes, Cardinal Wojtyła participated
in all the assemblies of the Synod of Bishops.
The Cardinals elected him Pope at the
Conclave of Oct. 16, 1978, and he took the name
of John Paul II. On Oct. 22, the Lord’s Day, he
solemnly inaugurated his Petrine ministry as the
263rd successor to the Apostle. His pontificate,
one of the longest in the history of the Church,
lasted nearly 27 years.
Driven by his pastoral solicitude for all
Churches and by a sense of openness and charity
to the entire human race, John Paul II exercised
the Petrine ministry with a tireless missionary
spirit, dedicating it all his energy. He made 104
pastoral visits outside Italy and 146 within Italy.
As bishop of Rome he visited 317 of the city’s
333 parishes.
He had more meetings than any of his
predecessors with the People of God and the
leaders of Nations. More than 17,600,000
pilgrims participated in the General Audiences
Catholic News Service
held on Wednesdays (more than 1,160), not
counting other special audiences and religious
ceremonies [more than eight million pilgrims
during the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 alone],
and the millions of faithful he met during
pastoral visits in Italy and throughout the
world. We must also remember the numerous
government personalities he encountered
during 38 official visits, 738 audiences and
meetings held with Heads of State, and 246
audiences and meetings with Prime Ministers.
His love for young people brought him to
establish the World Youth Days. The 19 WYDs
celebrated during his pontificate brought
together millions of young people from all over
the world. At the same time his care for the
family was expressed in the World Meetings of
Families, which he initiated in 1994.
John Paul II successfully encouraged
dialogue with the Jews and with the
representatives of other religions, whom he
several times invited to prayer meetings for
peace, especially in Assisi.
Under his guidance the Church prepared
herself for the third millennium and celebrated
the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 in accordance
with the instructions given in the Apostolic
Letter Tertio Millennio adveniente. The
Church then faced the new epoch, receiving
his instructions in the Apostolic Letter Novo
Millennio ineunte, in which he indicated to the
faithful their future path.
With the Year of the Redemption, the
Marian Year and the Year of the Eucharist, he
promoted the spiritual renewal of the Church.
» Please see John Paul II p.12
104 trips outside Italy, served
as pope from 1978 to 2005 and
was beatified by Pope Benedict
XVI on Divine Mercy Sunday,
May 1, 2011. Blessed John
XXIII, known particularly for
convoking the Second Vatican
Council, was pope from 1958 to
1963; Blessed John Paul beatified
him in 2000.
Asked by reporters if
retired Pope Benedict would
participate in the canonization
ceremony, Jesuit Father Federico
Lombardi, Vatican spokesman,
told reporters it was possible,
but given the retired pope’s
preference for staying out of the
public eye, he could not say for
The choice of April 27,
which is Divine Mercy Sunday,
was not a complete surprise.
Speaking to reporters traveling
with him from Brazil to Rome
July 28, Pope Francis said he
had been considering Dec. 8,
but the possibility of icy roads
could make it difficult for Polish
pilgrims who would travel by
bus to Rome for the ceremony.
The other option, he said,
was Divine Mercy Sunday, a
celebration instituted worldwide
by Pope John Paul. Since the
beginning of his pontificate
in March, Pope Francis has
emphasized God’s mercy and
readiness to forgive those who
recognize their need for pardon.
He told reporters on the flight
from Brazil that Pope John Paul’s
promotion of Divine Mercy
Sunday showed his intuition that
a new “age of mercy” was needed
in the church and the world.
Asked on the plane to
describe the two late popes, Pope
Francis said Blessed John was “a
bit of the ‘country priest,’ a priest
who loves each of the faithful
and knows how to care for them;
he did this as a bishop and as a
He was holy, patient, had
a good sense of humor and,
especially by calling the Second
Vatican Council, was a man of
courage, Pope Francis said. “He
was a man who let himself be
guided by the Lord.”
As for Blessed John Paul,
Pope Francis told the reporters
on the plane, “I think of him
as ‘the great missionary of the
church,” because he was “a man
who proclaimed the Gospel
Pope Francis signed a
decree recognizing the miracle
needed for Blessed John Paul’s
canonization July 5; the same day,
the Vatican announced that the
pope had agreed with members
of the Congregation for Saints’
Causes that the canonization of
Blessed John should go forward
even without a second miracle
attributed to his intercession.
Except in the case of
require one miracle for a
and a second for his or her
canonization as confirmations
that the candidate really is in
heaven with God. However, the
pope may set aside the rule.
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Anointing of the Sick brings healing
Pope: People worry
sacrament ‘brings
bad luck’
Catholic News Service
hesitate to call a priest to bless
and anoint sick or elderly family
members, Pope Francis said.
Some people worry receiving
the sacrament of the anointing of
the sick “brings bad luck” and “the
hearse will come next,” the pope
said. “This is not true!”
Jesus closer to those in need,
strengthening their faith and hope,
he said Feb. 26 during his weekly
general audience in St. Peter’s
Continuing a series of audience
talks on the sacraments, Pope
Francis focused on the sacrament
of the anointing of the sick, which,
along with the prayer of the
priest, expresses God’s mercy and
presence to those who are sick,
suffering and elderly.
Formerly known as extreme
unction or “the last rites,” it had
once been seen as a ritual only
for those who were in danger of
or at the point of death. A more
expanded use to provide spiritual
strength and healing for the sick
and elderly was promoted by the
Second Vatican Council.
Pope Francis said the sacrament
“permits us to touch with our hands
God’s compassion for humanity”
and bring God’s healing presence
Courtesy photo
to those who are suffering.
“However, this mustn’t let us
fall into an obsessive search for
a miracle or the presumption of
always and in every case being able
to be healed,” he said.
The sacrament “is the assurance
of Jesus being close to the sick and
the elderly,” he said, adding that
“everyone over the age of 65 can
receive this sacrament.”
Often times when people think
about whether they should call
a priest to come to the bedside of
someone seriously sick or suffering,
he said, there might be objections
and concerns that it could frighten
the person who is ill.
“Why? Because there’s this idea
that when someone is ill and the
priest comes, after him, the hearse
will come next,” the pope said to
The superstition is not true,
the pope said; when the priest goes
to the sick person, “it is Jesus who
comes to bring comfort, to give
strength, to give hope and help,
also to forgive sins and this is very
“Do not think this is taboo”
to call the priest over, he said,
“because it is always beautiful
knowing that in moments of pain
and sickness we are not alone.”
“The priest and those who are
present during the anointing of the
sick, in fact, represent the whole
Christian community, who, as
one body with Jesus, embrace the
person who is suffering and his or
her family members,” providing
them with strength and hope and
sustaining them with their prayers
and love, Pope Francis said.
The sacrament “reminds us
that nothing, not even evil and
death, can ever separate us” from
Christ and the saving power of his
love, he said.
A step closer to sainthood
Catholic News Service
Medical experts
credit Archbishop
Sheen with miracle
Catholic News Service
PEORIA, Ill. — A sevenmember team of medical experts
convoked by the Vatican reported
there is no natural explanation for
the survival of a child delivered
stillborn and whose heart did not
start beating until 61 minutes after
his birth.
The survival of the child, James
Fulton Engstrom, now 3 years old
and developing normally, was
credited by his parents to a miracle
attributable to the intercession of
Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a Peoria
diocesan priest who gained fame
for his 1950s television show “Life
Is Worth Living” and his 16 years
at the helm of the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith.
The medical experts’ report
was announced March 6 in Peoria
by the Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Foundation, which is headed by
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria.
happened at a gathering with
Catholic Press Association.
When Engstrom was pregnant
with James, a feeling came over
her that “God wants this baby to
exist,” she said. “Maybe he’s going
to be the pope. We didn’t know,
but we were shooting high.”
During delivery, what caused
James to be stillborn was that
his umbilical cord had knotted
continued from pg. 10
representation in history. Less
than three months after his
election he announced that he
would hold a diocesan synod for
Rome, convoke an ecumenical
council for the universal Church,
and revise the Code of Canon
Law. The synod, the first in the
history of Rome, was held in 1960;
Vatican Council II was convoked
in 1962; and the Pontifical
Commission for the Revision of
the Code was appointed in 1963.
His progressive encyclical,
Mater et Magistra, was issued
in 1961 to commemorate the
anniversary of Leo XIII’s Rerum
Pacem in terris,
advocating human freedom and
dignity as the basis for world
order and peace, came out in
1963. He elevated the Pontifical
John Paul II,
continued from pg. 11
He gave an extraordinary
impetus to Canonizations and
countless examples of holiness
as an incentive for the people
of our time. He celebrated 147
beatification ceremonies during
which he proclaimed 1,338
Blesseds; and 51 canonizations
for a total of 482 saints. He made
Thérèse of the Child Jesus a
Doctor of the Church.
He considerably expanded
the College of Cardinals, creating
231 Cardinals (plus one in
pectore) in nine consistories. He
also called six full meetings of the
College of Cardinals.
He organized 15 Assemblies
of the Synod of Bishops - six
Ordinary General Assemblies
(1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994
and 2001), one Extraordinary
and eight Special Assemblies
(1980,1991, 1994, 1995, 1997,
1998 (2) and 1999).
Exhortations, 11 Apostolic
Constitutions, 45 Apostolic
Catechism of the Catholic
Church in the light of Tradition
as authoritatively interpreted by
the Second Vatican Council. He
also reformed the Eastern and
itself, cutting off his blood flow
and oxygen supply. The more
he progressed through the birth
canal, the tighter the knot became.
“He was born stillborn,” Engstrom
said, remembering how “his arms
flopped by his side” when she
reached for him to hold him.
Others at the home birth did
CPR and chest compressions for 20
minutes waiting for an ambulance
to arrive. Engstrom said she had
no pre-composed prayer asking
for help from Archbishop Sheen.
“I just kept repeating his name
over and over in my head: Fulton
Sheen, Fulton Sheen, Fulton
Sheen,” she recounted. “I didn’t
know what else to do.”
At the hospital, James was
described as “PEA,” for “pulseless
electrical activity.” Medics tried
two injections of epinephrine.
Neither worked. A nurse held one
of James’ feet in an effort to give
him some measure of comfort,
and Engstrom said she remarked
later, “It was so cold, it was so cold.
It was like in the
saying ‘cold and dead.’”
Engstrom remembered that
a doctor in the emergency room
said, “We’ll try for five more
minutes, then call it,” meaning
recording the time of death. “If he
had known about the previous 40
minutes” of efforts to revive him
before arriving at the hospital, she
said, “he would have just called it.”
She added, “They were just
about to call it when his heart
started beating — 148 beats per
minute, which is healthy for a
newborn. And it never faltered.”
The case will next be reviewed
by a board of theologians. With
their approval, the case could
move on to the pope.
If the Engstrom case is
authenticated as a miracle by
Pope Francis, Archbishop Sheen
would be beatified, elevating his
from “venerable” to “blessed.” In
general, a second miracle would
need to be authenticated for
continued from pg. 5
the Church’s missionary mandate, 1991).
To become evangelizers, we
must first be evangelized. To
evangelize effectively it is necessary that we deepen our commitment to Jesus as Lord in all
aspects of our life. For evangelization is holding Jesus in your
Commission for Cinema, Radio,
and Television to curial status,
approved a new code of rubrics
for the Breviary and Missal,
made notable advances in
ecumenical relations by creating
a new Secretariat for Promoting
Christian Unity and by appointing
the first representative to the
Assembly of the World Council
of Churches held in New Delhi
(1961). In 1960 he consecrated
fourteen bishops for Asia, Africa,
and Oceania. The International
Balzan Foundation awarded him
its Peace Prize in 1962.
Since his death on June 3,
1963, much has been written
and spoken about the warmth
and holiness of the beloved Pope
John. Perhaps the testimony of
the world was best expressed by
a newspaper drawing of the earth
shrouded in mourning with the
simple caption, “A Death in the
Western Codes of Canon Law,
created new Institutions and
reorganized the Roman Curia.
As a private Doctor he also
published five books of his
own: “Crossing the Threshold
of Hope” (October 1994), “Gift
and Mystery, on the fiftieth
anniversary of my ordination
as priest” (November 1996),
meditations (March 2003), “Arise,
Let us Be Going” (May 2004)
and “Memory and Identity”
(February 2005).
In the light of Christ risen
from the dead, on April 2, 2005,
at 9:37 p.m., while Saturday was
drawing to a close and the Lord’s
Day was already beginning, the
Octave of Easter and Divine
Mercy Sunday, the Church’s
beloved Pastor, John Paul II,
departed this world for the
From that evening until April
8, date of the funeral of the late
Pontiff, more than three million
pilgrims came to Rome to pay
homage to the mortal remains of
the Pope. Some of them queued
up to 24 hours to enter St. Peter’s
On April 28, the Holy Father
Benedict XVI announced that the
normal five-year waiting period
before beginning the cause of
beatification and canonization
would be waived for John Paul II.
The cause was officially opened
by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar
general for the diocese of Rome,
on June 28, 2005, and he was
beatified May 1, 2011.
heart and carrying Jesus to the
hearts of others.
This is what Catholic evangelization is about - to live the faith
more openly and to share it more
freely with others as we witness Christ to a world that is so
hungry for God. In our journey
of faith we cannot give what we
don’t have and we cannot speak
of that which we have not experienced. After all evangelization
is a lifelong process for everyone
on a journey.
Abril 2014 - The Valley Catholic
» La Alegría de Vivir
Msgr. Juan
Pastor, Nuestra
Señora del
Perpetuo Socorro
La trampa de la
a pornografía ha existido
desde hace mucho tiempo,
pero ahora la facilidad de obtenerla por medio del internet hace
que muchos caigan en la tentación
de entrar en sitios especializados
en toda clase de perversiones
Lo que inicia por curiosidad
puede culminar en una obsesión
compulsiva que puede arruinar
la carrera de una persona al ser
descubierta, o llevarlo a su ruina
moral si se deja llevar por los
comportamientos observados en
dichos sitios o portales del internet.
Desgraciadamente muchas
personas caen en la trampa de
la pornografía sin saber que es
como cualquier otra adicción. El
Dr. Jeffrey T. Parsons, experto en
adicciones sexuales y profesor de
psicología en el Hunter College de
la ciudad de Nueva York, explica
que las adicciones sexuales todavía
no están calificadas como una enfermedad mental, según el Manual
de Diagnostico y Estadísticas de los
Desordenes Mentales (Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders) pero que en la próxima
edición de dicho manual muchos
expertos quieren que se anexe un
capitulo explicando claramente
los casos de hipersexualidad en
algunos individuos y catalogar
este comportamiento como un
desorden, pues dichos individuos
se dejan llevar por la adrenalina y
la euforia cegadora que los invade
cuando se encuentran en estado
de excitación sexual, y claramente
siguen el patrón de comportamiento de un adicto, ya sea a las drogas
o al juego de apuestas, o cualquier
otro comportamiento compulsivo.
Cuando una persona reconoce que no sabe porque actúa en
contra de su propio bienestar debe
buscar ayuda psicológica que le
permita a reconocer las causas que
lo llevaron a actuar de esa manera
autodestructiva, de qué forma
puede evitarla en un futuro y sobre
todo como recuperar la confianza
qué su familia le ha perdido debido
a sus “locuras”.
Aunque el poseer material
pornográfico, ya sea impreso o
virtual, no es un delito cuando las
partes involucradas son adultas, si
es contra la ley cuando involucre a
menores de edad, por supuesto es
penado con muchos años de cárcel
el poseer y retrasmitir pornografía
Hay casos escandalosos que
involucran a adultos, que ocupan
puestos de liderazgo, que están
perfectamente consientes que si
son descubiertos ponen en riesgo
su matrimonio y seguramente
avergonzaran a toda su familia,
donde es casi imposible comprender el por qué lo hacen a menos
que se considere a ese individuo
como un “enfermo”, un adicto que
no mide las consecuencias de sus
Hay que ser cautos y precavidos al usar las nuevas tecnologías,
pues tu puedes estar confiado
“platicando” o mandando textos,
sin tener una idea clara de cómo
» Por favor lea Trampa p.14
Proyecto Juan Diego
»Mujeres en la frontera
Centro provee
una mano de
ayuda a familias
Nettles Riojas
Editora, The
Valley Catholic
El apostolado
del ser: Hablar
sin palabras
The Valley Catholic
Zamorano, 33, quien se mudó a
este país de Matamoros, México
hace un año, está tomando clases
de GED en Proyecto Juan Diego
en el parque de Cameron.
Tener un equivalente a un
significa una mejor vida para ella
y sus dos hijos, de edades 10 y 16,
ella comentó.
“Quiero tener mi GED y
después continuar mi educación
en el campo médico,” dijo
Zamorano. “Todas las escuelas
requieren un diploma de
preparatoria o GED, así que éste
es el primer paso.”
En los últimos 11 años,
Proyecto Juan Diego ha dado a
familias como los Zamoranos
una mano de ayuda en la vida.
Proyecto Juan Diego, una
organización no lucrativa, se
estableció en el 2003 por la
Hermana Phylis Peters de las
Hijas de la Caridad. La misión
de la organización es educar y
fortalecer a familias de bajos
ingresos para tomar buenas
decisiones y convertirse en
miembros responsables de la
The Valley Catholic
sociedad. Esto se hace a través de
varios programas que promueven
la salud, familias, educación, y el
compromiso social y cívico.
El Proyecto Juan Diego está
localizado en 2216 Eduardo
Ave. en el corazón del parque
Cameron, una de las colonias más
grandes y pobres en los Estados
Unidos. El último censo calcula
que el barrio tiene una población
de 6,963 con alrededor de un 40%
menores de 18 años.
La necesidad de una
organización como Proyecto Juan
Diego en el parque de Cameron
se hizo evidente cuando la
Hermana Peters, una enfermera
registrada, hizo una encuesta de
755 hogares en el barrio.
“Notamos que la salud y
problemas sociales y familiares
fueron grandes áreas de
preocupación para los residentes
del parque Cameron,” dijo la
Hermana Peters.
Uno de los programas
más antiguos y “más exitosos”,
según la Hermana Peters, en el
Proyecto Juan Diego ha sido el
programa familiar. El personal
y voluntarios entrenados hacen
visitas regulares a los hogares y
asisten a familias por un periodo
extendido para satisfacer sus
necesidades de salud y sociales
con la meta de mejorar el estado
de los niños y familias.
Los visitantes de hogar sirven
» Por favor lea Proyecto, p.14
Misa Crismal el 15 de abril
Celebra el obispo
reunido con todo
su Presbiterio
The Valley Catholic
SAN JUAN – La Misa
Crismal anual, donde el Obispo
Daniel E. Flores bendecirá
los santos óleos que se usarán
en la administración de los
sacramentos para el año que
viene, se llevará a cabo a las 6:30
p.m. el Martes, 15 de abril en la
Basílica de Nuestra Señora de
San Juan del Valle-Santuario
Los feligreses de la diócesis
son invitados a que asistan a la
La Misa Crismal, cuya
asamblea anual es la más grande
de cleros y feligreses, también
enfatiza la unión del obispo y los
sacerdotes que sirven en nuestra
Entre los tres óleos que
se bendecirán en la Misa se
encuentra el óleo crismal, usado
en el sacramento del Bautismo,
Sacerdotal y en dedicación y
consagración de las iglesias y
Los otros óleos que serán
bendecidos durante la Misa son
el óleo de los enfermos, usado
en el sacramento de la Unción
de los Enfermos y el óleo de los
The Valley Catholic
catecúmenos, el cual es usado
en los ritos de preparación para
los catecúmenos mientras se
preparan para el bautismo e
iniciación en la Iglesia Católica.
También, durante la Misa
Crismal, a los sacerdotes
presentes se les pedirá que se
pongan de pie y renueven sus
compromisos sacerdotales, las
promesas que hicieron en su
ordenación de fielmente servirle
a nuestro Señor y a la Iglesia.
“También le pedimos a los
fieles de nuestra diócesis que oren
por el obispo y los sacerdotes,
que seamos humildes y sirvientes
generosos del Señor y su pueblo,”
dijo el Padre A. Oliver Ángel,
pastor de la Parroquia de Nuestro
Señora del Santo Rosario en
El Padre Ángel dijo que
es muy motivante ver a los
feligreses tomar de su tiempo
para viajar hacia la basílica para
mostrar su apoyo y aprecio por
los sacerdotes.
“Es una atmosfera alegre,”
Al final de la Misa, los
óleos son distribuidos a los
representantes de cada parroquia
alrededor de la diócesis.
n un mundo que persigue
los reconocimientos y la
fama, a veces subestimamos nuestro ser día a día.
Olvidamos que quienes somos
importa e irradia hacia aquellos
El Papa Francisco a menudo
habla sobre el encuentro con otros,
y nos recuerda en su Exhortación
Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium en
la cual se enfoca en la dicha del
Evangelio, que cada uno tiene una
responsabilidad diaria de traer el
amor de Jesús a las personas que
conocemos, “así sean nuestros vecinos o completos desconocidos.”
El Santo Padre señala, “esto puede pasar sin esperarlo en cualquier
parte: en la calle, en una plaza,
durante el trabajo, en un viaje.”
Este encuentro con otros, este
compartir del Evangelio no siempre
involucra las palabras.
Alice von Hildebrand, filosofa
Católica y autora, a menudo habla
sobre el “apostolado del ser,” un
término que atribuye a su esposo el
fallecido Dietrich von Hildebrand.
No es lo que dices, es lo que eres.
Ella escribe, “El apostolado del
‘ser’ es la mejor forma de atraer a
los pecadores a la red sagrada de
Dios. Uno no puede ‘forzar’ a otros
a aceptar la verdad, pero uno puede
irradiar la paz y dicha y entonces
‘tentar’ a nuestros vecinos a maravillarse en ‘nuestro secreto.’”
Comenzando con nuestras
propias familias, quienes somos
tiene un impacto en el tono o el
ambiente de nuestros hogares.
Cuendo era joven no importaba que tormenta interrumpiría
nuestro hogar, la presencia de mi
madre siempre nos daba paz.
Las lecciones más importantes
que aprendí no las obtuve de los
libros en la escuela; las aprendí de
la humildad de mi madre. Cuando
éramos pequeños nunca salimos de
casa sin su bendición. Con la señal
de la cruz en nuestras frentes ella
encomendaba a sus tres hijas e hijo,
a la protección de Dios. Ella nos
enseñaba a diario a poner nuestra
confianza en Dios. Ella también
nos enseñó a cuidar a la familia.
En su día de descanso cruzaba
la frontera a Matamoros cada
semana para visitar a su madre
y comprar abarrotes o ropa y
materiales para sus hermanos y
hermanas menores.
Incluso antes de que mi madre
muriera de cáncer a los 50, el
cáncer pudo haber atacado su
cuerpo pero su nobleza y su fe en
Dios nunca flaquearon. Sólo con
sentarme a su lado, sosteniendo su
mano, podía sentir su amor.
En su plática, “Mulieris Dignitatum: Feminismo Radical y la
Restauración de la Dignidad y la
Vocación en la Mujer,” Hildebrand
dijo, “Las mujeres han perdido el
sentido de la extraordinaria belleza
de su misión.” “Dios le ha dado a la
mujer una misión de vital importancia,” añade.
Como mujeres debemos
» Por favor lea Apostolado p.14
continúa de la pág.13
recordar nuestra misión y tomar
en cuenta que nuestra vocación, ya
sea en el área laboral o en la casa
y en nuestra comunidad, cualquiera que sea nuestro papel, lo que
somos importa. Lo que somos le
habla a aquellos que encontramos.
La pequeña flor, Sta. Teresa
de Lesieux, aprendió que no eran
actos heroicos o grandes obras lo
que la llevarían a la santidad. Ella
escribió, “La santidad consiste en
simplemente hacer la voluntad
de Dios, y ser simplemente lo que
Dios quiere que seamos.”
“Si cada florecita quisiera ser
una rosa, la primavera perdería
todo su encanto,” dijo.
Es fácil distraernos por la
ambición, los deseos de cumplir
las normas de lo que el mundo
secular considera exitoso, especialmente cuando escuchamos el
grito de protesta de los derechos
de la mujer. Pero a veces aquellos
continúa de la pág.13
como un enlace entre la familia y
los servicios disponibles a través del
Proyecto Juan Diego, programas
gubernamentales y otros recursos.
Los programas incluyen tutoría
después de clases, chequeos de
salud, clases de ciudadanía, clases
de inglés como segundo idioma,
actividades para el manejo del
estrés y más.
Aunque el Proyecto Juan Diego
sirve a las familias de todos credos,
algunos programas Católicos,
tal como el programa bíblico de
verano, se ofrece en conjunto con
la Iglesia de San Felipe de Jesús.
La parroquia se encuentra a unas
cuadras del centro.
The Valley Catholic - Abril 2014
que afirman hablar en nuestra
representación pueden alejarnos
de nuestra misión.
En nuestra lucha por mantener
y avanzar en nuestras vidas profesionales, algunas veces viramos
alejándonos de nuestros deberes
familiares. Perdemos la vista de la
dicha de lavar los trastes cuando
lo hacemos por amor a nuestras
familias. Nos quejamos del fastidio
que son los quehaceres del hogar,
en lugar de celebrar que tenemos
un hogar y una familia que cuidar.
Ya sea que trabajemos en casa
o fuera de ella, debemos de reconocer que las contribuciones que
hacemos pueden parecer ignoradas, pero en nuestro apostolado
del ser, éstas resuenan en formas
El Beato Juan Pablo II en su
Carta Apostólica “Familiaris Consortio,” dijo, “La mentalidad en la
cual honramos a la mujer más por
su trabajo fuera de la casa que por
el trabajo dentro de la familia debe
Y como nos recuerda la
Pequeña Flor, “Confía a Dios que
eres exactamente quien debes de
San Josemaría Escriva, fundador del Opus Dei, coincidió con
Sta. Teresa de Lesieux cuando
dijo, “Es el deber de millones de
cristianos, hombres y mujeres…
anunciar a través de sus vidas el
hecho de que Dios ama y quiere
salvar a todos.” “La manera más
importante para hacerlo,” dijo él,
“es siendo realmente cristianos
precisamente en donde ellos se
encuentran, el lugar al cual su vocación humana los ha llamado.”
Para hacer esto, añade, que
como nuestra Santa Madre, María,
debemos vivir con nuestros “ojos
en Dios,” repitiendo sus palabras
fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum
– ‘que sea hecho en mí de acuerdo
a tu palabra’ (Lucas 1:38). En estas
palabras depende la fidelidad de
nuestra vocación personal – la cual
siempre es única e intransferible
en cada caso – la cual nos hará a
cada uno cooperadores en el trabajo de salvación que Dios guarda en
nosotros y en todo el mundo.”
Los residentes y líderes
abogado para mejorar la seguridad
pública en el parque de Cameron.
Se han instalado luces en las
calles alrededor del barrio, se han
pavimentado más carreteras y ha
incrementado la presencia de la
policía. La participación electoral
también ha incrementado casi
20 por ciento, gracias a varios
programas de asistencia.
El Proyecto Juan Diego es
donaciones privadas y becas.
Recientemente se contrató a un
director de desarrollo para asistir
esta parte del proyecto.
Carolina Herrero residente
de Brownsville ha sido voluntaria
trabajando con Proyecto Juan
Diego desde que empezó. La
oriunda de Reynosa, México
es ahora una supervisora de la
organización, supervisando varias
clases sobre la crianza de los hijos,
el programa bíblico de verano y
otros programas.
Varios voluntarios e incluso
algunos clientes han llegado a
posiciones de paga en Proyecto
Juan Diego, dijo Herrera.
“El Proyecto Juan Diego no
sólo ayuda a la comunidad sino
a sus trabajadores también,”
comentó. “He completado varias
certificaciones desde que empecé
aquí. Tengo un trabajo que me
permite a trabajar en el ministerio
mientras cuido a mi familia. No
podría ser más feliz.”
Para más información sobre el
Proyecto Juan Diego, llame al (956)
»Vida Familiar
Oración Familiar
ay poder en la palabra
escrita. Desde la
llegada de la tinta
en el papel, hay algo
muy especial acerca de leer lo que
se encuentra en el corazón y la
mente de una persona o un grupo
de personas. En las generaciones
anteriores, una nota o una carta
de un amado cerca o lejos era
algo que a menudo se guardaba y
se revisitaba. Tengo que admitir
que aún tengo algunas cartas
que mi esposo Mauri me mandó
en los 70s, antes de que nos
casáramos desde donde estuviera
trabajando en las desmontadoras
de algodón/
La Iglesia tiene una larga
historia de hermosos documentos
escritos que valen la pena leer
y releer como hermosas cartas
escritas. Yo creo que similar a escuchar las escrituras proclamadas
en la liturgia dominical, muchos
de estos documentos tienen el
poder de recordarnos algunas de
las verdades básicas sobre cómo
Dios está siempre presente en
nuestra iglesia doméstica, nuestra
En un mensaje pastoral de los
obispos de los Estados Unidos
a las familias titulado “Sigue el
camino del amor”, ellos gentilmente nos recuerdan que “La
familia es nuestra primer comunidad y la manera más básica en
la que el Señor nos une, forma,
y actúa en el mundo. La iglesia
temprana expresó esta verdad
al llamar a la familia cristiana la
“iglesia doméstica” o “la iglesia
del hogar”… Lo que haces en tu
familia para crear una comunidad
de amor, para ayudarse mutuamente a crecer y servir a aquellos
que lo necesitan es crítico, no
solamente para nuestra santificación, sino para el fortalecimiento de la sociedad y nuestra
Iglesia. Es la participación en el
trabajo del Señor, el compartir la
misión de la Iglesia. Es sagrada.”
Hermosas palabas para recordarnos sobre la santidad de la vida
La vida familiar es sagrada:
desordenada pero sagrada. Yo
creo que los documentos como el
mencionado y también como la
Exhortación Apostólica del Beato
Juan Pablo II “Familiaris Consortio” nos recuerdan lo sagrado
de la vida en las cosas ordinarias.
Cuando una familia se reúne,
especialmente alrededor de la
mesa para comer, orar, compartir,
discernir, preocuparse por las
Amor y la Cruz ,
continúa de la pág.2
cualquier razón no nos caen bien.
Nuestra indiferencia nos juzgará
en el juicio final sin que el Señor
tenga que levantar el dedo.
El propósito de Dios y de su
verdad es movernos a reconocer
que en lo que más importa de
la vida --nuestras relaciones
con nuestros cohabitantes en el
mundo-- no alcanzamos rectitud,
justicia y amor sin una relación
sanadora con el Dios que desea
amarnos hacia la verdad. Para
eso vino, para ofrecernos la gracia
continúa de la pág.13
serán usados y por quien, pues si
las cosas no son cómo parecen en
Lydia Pesina
Directora, Oficina
de Vida Familiar
cuentas y reconciliarse: lo que
comparten es sagrado.
Dondequiera que nos reunamos como familia: o como las
escrituras nos recuerdan, “Donde
dos o más están reunidos en mi
nombre, ahí estoy entre ustedes”,
es un buen momento para rezar
juntos; un buen momento para
recordar que Dios está siempre
presente entre nosotros, siempre presente en nuestras dichas
y sufrimiento; y un momento
maravilloso para agradecerle por
nuestras bendiciones y adorarlo
por mandarnos su Espíritu Santo
para acompañarnos en los momentos difíciles.
Dios escucha nuestras
preocupaciones más profundas
sin importar qué lenguaje o que
palabras usemos. Siendo una
amante de las palabas, pienso que
a veces sí ayuda utilizar “iniciadores de oración” especialmente
en la oración compartida en casa
donde tenemos personas de diferentes edades y perspectivas de
vida. Algunas veces, usar libros de
oración así como “Payers for the
Domestic Church” por el Padre
Edward Hays, el cual incluye oraciones para la hora de la comida,
oraciones matutinas y nocturnas
las cuales ayudan a la reflexión
personal y para hacer peticiones
para otros, así como oraciones
de bendición para cumpleaños,
aniversarios, cuando muere una
mascota, o cuando visitamos
un cementerio, pueden ser una
buena forma para fomentar y
aumentar la oración en el hogar.
Nuestra familia, nuestro
hogar, realmente es una “iglesia
doméstica” en la cual los líderes
de oración son los adultos que
pueden unir a la familia a rezar de
cualquier manera posible. Quizás
la siguiente oración pueda ayudar
a recordarnos que Dios está siempre presente en cada momento de
cada día y que nuestras oraciones,
en cualquier forma, nos enlazan
con nuestro Creador en mente y
corazón. “Padre Celestial, gracias
por este día. Señor Jesús, quiero
seguir tu camino. Espíritu Santo,
guíame en todo lo que hago y
todo lo que digo.” Amen.
de la resurrección, gracia que
viene desde la Cruz, que empieza
con el milagro de un cambio de
corazón y que termina en la gloria
de la vida eterna.
Estos son los días para tomar
de la verdad que se entrega en la
Cruz y reconocer por medio del
cuerpo sagrado, ahí colgado, qué
tan grande es el hueco que hay
en nuestro corazón. Estos son los
días de gracia para beber del amor
que se derrama desde la Cruz y
por medio de la sangre, que desde
ahí fluye, pedir la gracia de amar
como él nos ha amado. De esta
manera es como resucitaremos
con él para vivir de verdad.
la vida real, en el mundo virtual
de la internet son claramente
confusas y fácilmente usadas en
tu contra. Ten presente que la
pornografía es una trampa de la
cual es muy difícil salir.
Abril 2014 - The Valley Catholic
Juan Pablo II, el Papa Peregrino
Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede
Karol Józef Wojtyla, conocido
como Juan Pablo II desde su elección
al papado en octubre de 1978, nació
en Wadowice, una pequeña ciudad
a 50 kms. de Cracovia, el 18 de
mayo de 1920. Era el segundo de los
dos hijos de Karol Wojtyla y Emilia
Kaczorowska. Su madre falleció en
1929. Su hermano mayor Edmund
(médico) murió en 1932 y su padre
(suboficial del ejército) en 1941.
A los 9 años hizo la Primera
Comunión, y a los 18 recibió la
Confirmación. Terminados los
estudios de enseñanza media en
la escuela Marcin Wadowita de
Wadowice, se matriculó en 1938
en la Universidad Jagellónica de
Cracovia y en una escuela de teatro.
Cuando las fuerzas de ocupación
nazi cerraron la Universidad, en
1939, el joven Karol tuvo que
trabajar en una cantera y luego
en una fábrica química (Solvay),
para ganarse la vida y evitar la
deportación a Alemania.
A partir de 1942, al sentir la
vocación al sacerdocio, siguió las
clases de formación del seminario
clandestino de Cracovia, dirigido
por el Arzobispo de Cracovia,
Cardenal Adam Stefan Sapieha.
Al mismo tiempo, fue uno de los
promotores del “Teatro Rapsódico”,
también clandestino.
Tras la segunda guerra
mundial, continuó sus estudios en
el seminario mayor de Cracovia,
Catholic News Service
nuevamente abierto, y en la Facultad
de Teología de la Universidad
Jagellónica, hasta su ordenación
sacerdotal en Cracovia el 1 de
noviembre de 1946.
Seguidamente, fue enviado por
el Cardenal Sapieha a Roma, donde,
bajo la dirección del dominico
francés Garrigou-Lagrange, se
doctoró en1948 en teología, con una
tesis sobre el tema de la fe en las obras
de San Juan de la Cruz. En aquel
período aprovechó sus vacaciones
para ejercer el ministerio pastoral
entre los emigrantes polacos de
Francia, Bélgica y Holanda.
En 1948 volvió a Polonia, y
fue vicario en diversas parroquias
de Cracovia y capellán de los
universitarios hasta 1951, cuando
reanudó sus estudios filosóficos y
teológicos. En 1953 presentó en
la Universidad Católica de Lublin
una tesis titulada “Valoración de
la posibilidad de fundar una ética
católica sobre la base del sistema
ético de Max Scheler”. Después pasó
a ser profesor de Teología Moral y
Etica Social en el seminario mayor
de Cracovia y en la facultad de
Teología de Lublin.
El 4 de julio de 1958 fue
nombrado por Pío XII Obispo
Auxiliar de Cracovia. Recibió la
ordenación episcopal el 28 de
septiembre de 1958 en la catedral
del Wawel (Cracovia), de manos del
Arzobispo Eugeniusz Baziak.
El 13 de enero de 1964 fue
nombrado Arzobispo de Cracovia
por Pablo VI, quien le hizo cardenal
el 26 de junio de 1967.
Además de participar en el
Concilio Vaticano II (1962-65),
con una contribución importante
en la elaboración de la constitución
Gaudium et spes, el Cardenal
Wojtyla tomó parte en todas
las asambleas del Sínodo de los
Desde el comienzo de su
pontificado, el 16 de octubre de
1978, el Papa Juan Pablo II realizó
104 viajes pastorales fuera de Italia,
y 146 por el interior de este país.
Además, como Obispo de Roma ha
visitado 317 de las 333 parroquias
principales se incluyen: 14
apostólicas, 11 Constituciones
apostólicas y 45 Cartas apostólicas.
El Papa también publicó cinco
libros: “Cruzando el umbral de la
esperanza” (octubre de 1994); “Don
y misterio: en el quincuagésimo
aniversario de mi ordenación
sacerdotal” (noviembre de 1996);
“Tríptico romano - Meditaciones”,
libro de poesías (Marzo de 2003);
“¡Levantaos! ¡Vamos!” (mayo de
2004) y “Memoria y identidad.”
Juan Pablo II presidió 147
ceremonias de beatificación -en las
que proclamó 1338 beatos- y 51
canonizaciones, con un total de 482
santos. Ha celebrado 9 consistorios,
durante los cuales creo 231 (+ 1
in pectore) Cardenales. También
presidió 6 asambleas plenarias del
Colegio Cardenalicio.
Desde 1978, el Santo Padre
presidió 15 Asambleas del Sínodo
de los Obispos: 6 ordinarias (1980,
1983, 1987, 1990, 1994, 2001), 1
general extraordinaria (1985), y 8
especiales (1980, 1991, 1994, 1995,
1997, 1998 [2] y 1999).
Ningún otro Papa se ha
encontrado con tantas personas
como Juan Pablo II: en cifras,
más de 17.600.100 peregrinos
han participado en las más de
1160 Audiencias Generales que se
celebran los miércoles. Ese numero
no incluye las otras audiencias
especiales y las ceremonias
religiosas [más de 8 millones de
peregrinos durante el Gran Jubileo
del año 2000] y los millones de fieles
que el Papa encontro durante las
visitas pastorales efectuadas en Italia
y en el resto del mundo.
Hay que recordar también
las numerosas personalidades de
gobierno con las que se entrevisto
durante las 38 visitas oficiales y las
738 audiencias o encuentros con
jefes de Estado y 246 audiencias y
encuentros con Primeros Ministros.
The Valley Catholic - Abril 2014
Juan XXIII, revolucionador de la iglesia
Cortesia de El Instituto
Educacional Juan XXIII
Juan XXIII el Papa Bueno es
muy recordado porque fue aquel
que revolucionó la iglesia católica
debido a que cambió la manera
de oficiar la misa de espaldas a los
oyentes y en latín, Juan XXIII logró
que el celebrante se colocará de
frente a los feligreses y se expresara
en idioma patrio.
Nuestro querido Papa nace
ACI Prensa
en Sotto IL Monte, Roma, el 25
se cría en una humilde familia
de agricultores, su verdadero
nombre es Ángelo Giuseppe Teología en Roma en 1901. Para el el Obispo Radini Tedeschi, donde
Rocalli. Ingresa al seminario de año 1904 es ordenado sacerdote y aprende a cultivar aún más el
Bergamo en el año 1892, para desde el año siguiente en Bergamo, amor A Dios. Luego vendría la
luego proseguir sus estudios de comparte responsabilidades con etapa más dolorosa de la vida
de Ángelo, al estar realizando
estudios de Capellán durante la
Segunda Guerra Mundial, cosa que
lo afectaría en gran parte ya que
convivió con los desdichados de
aquella terrible guerra.
Visitador Apostólico en Bulgaria y
consagrado Obispo en el año 1925;
donde desarrolla una trayectoria
impecable que le hace ascender a
Cardenal en el año 1958.
A la edad de 77 años fue elegido
Papa, a pesar de su avanzada edad,
demostró que no era un Papa de
transición sino de cambio, ya que
con su alegría y bondad adquirió
rápidamente el respeto y cariño de
El día 25 de Enero de 1959
anuncia la reunión de un concilio
ecuménico destinado a promover
la unión de los cristianos de
las diferentes iglesias, donde se
realizaron drásticos cambios a la
doctrina eclesiástica.
La labor fundamental de
nuestro papa Juan XXIII, consistió
en cultivar la filosofía de la amistad
a toda costa, propagó la hermandad
alcanzando muchos triunfos en tal
Pero su labor no solo quedó allí,
sino también realizó dos encíclicas
las cuales son:
paz del mundo)
Lamentablemente, el “Papa
Bueno” muere en Roma el 13 de
Junio de 1963.
Meditación de las Siete Palabras
ACI Prensa
Vamos a reflexionar en las
últimas siete palabras de Jesús en la
Primera Palabra
“Padre, perdónalos, porque no
saben lo que hacen” (Lc 23,34)
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en la
cruz para pagar con tu sacrificio
la deuda de mis pecados, y abriste
tus divinos labios para alcanzarme
el perdón de la divina justicia: ten
misericordia de todos los hombres
que están agonizando y de mí
cuando me halle en igual caso: y
por los méritos de tu preciosísima
Sangre derramada para mi
salvación, dame un dolor tan
intenso de mis pecados, que expire
con él en el regazo de tu infinita
Segunda Palabra
“Hoy estarás conmigo en el
Paraíso” (Lc 23, 43)
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en
la Cruz y con tanta generosidad
correspondiste a la fe del buen
ladrón, cuando en medio de tu
humillación redentora te reconoció
como Hijo de Dios, hasta llegar a
asegurarle que aquel mismo día
estaría contigo en el Paraíso: ten
piedad de todos los hombres que
están por morir, y de mí cuando
me encuentre en el mismo trance:
y por los méritos de tu sangre
preciosísima, aviva en mí un espíritu
de fe tan firme y tan constante que
no vacile ante las sugestiones del
enemigo, me entregue a tu empresa
redentora del mundo y pueda
alcanzar lleno de méritos el premio
de tu eterna compañía.
Tercera Palabra
“He aquí a tu hijo: he aquí a tu
Madre” (Jn 19, 26)
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en
la Cruz y , olvidándome de tus
tormentos, me dejaste con amor y
comprensión a tu Madre dolorosa,
para que en su compañía acudiera yo
siempre a Ti con mayor confianza:
ten misericordia de todos los
hombres que luchan con las agonías
y congojas de la muerte, y de mí
cuando me vea en igual momento;
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y por el eterno martirio de tu madre
amantísima, aviva en mi corazón
una firme esperanza en los méritos
infinitos de tu preciosísima sangre,
hasta superar así los riesgos de la
eterna condenación, tantas veces
merecida por mis pecados.
Cuarta Palabra
“Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué
me has abandonado?” (Mt 27, 46)
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en la
Cruz y tormento tras tormento,
además de tantos dolores en el
cuerpo, sufriste con invencible
paciencia la mas profunda aflicción
interior, el abandono de tu eterno
Padre; ten piedad de todos los
hombres que están agonizando,
y de mí cuando me haye también
en la agonía; y por los méritos de
tu preciosísima sangre, concédeme
que sufra con paciencia todos
los sufrimientos, soledades y
contradicciones de una vida en tu
servicio, entre mis hermanos de
todo el mundo, para que siempre
unido a Ti en mi combate hasta el
fin, comparta contigo lo mas cerca
de Ti tu triunfo eterno.
Quinta Palabra
“Tengo sed” (Jn 19, 28)
The Valley Catholic
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en
la Cruz, y no contento con tantos
oprobios y tormentos, deseaste
padecer más para que todos los
hombres se salven, ya que sólo
así quedará saciada en tu divino
Corazón la sed de almas; ten
piedad de todos los hombres que
están agonizando y de mí cuando
llegue a esa misma hora; y por los
méritos de tu preciosísima sangre,
concédeme tal fuego de caridad
para contigo y para con tu obra
redentora universal, que sólo llegue
a desfallecer con el deseo de unirme
a Ti por toda la eternidad.
Sexta Palabra
“Todo está consumado” (Jn
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en la
Cruz, y desde su altura de amor
y de verdad proclamaste que ya
estaba concluida la obra de la
redención, para que el hombre,
hijo de ira y perdición, venga a ser
hijo y heredero de Dios; ten piedad
de todos los hombres que están
agonizando, y de mí cuando me
halle en esos instantes; y por los
méritos de tu preciosísima sangre,
haz que en mi entrega a la obra
salvadora de Dios en el mundo,
cumpla mi misión sobre la tierra,
y al final de mi vida, pueda hacer
realidad en mí el diálogo de esta
correspondencia amorosa: Tú no
pudiste haber hecho más por mí;
yo, aunque a distancia infinita,
tampoco puede haber hecho más
por Ti.
Séptima Palabra
encomiendo mi espíritu” (Lc 23,
Reflexión: Señor y Dios mío,
que por mi amor agonizaste en la
Cruz, y aceptaste la voluntad de tu
eterno Padre, resignando en sus
manos tu espíritu, para inclinar
después la cabeza y morir ; ten
piedad de todos los hombres que
sufren los dolores de la agonía, y de
mí cuando llegue esa tu llamada; y
por los méritos de tu preciosísima
sangre concédeme que te ofrezca
con amor el sacrificio de mi vida en
reparación de mis pecados y faltas
y una perfecta conformidad con tu
divina voluntad para vivir y morir
como mejor te agrade, siempre mi
alma en tus manos.
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
continued from pg. 4
said, “Women have lost the sense
of the magnificent beauty of their
mission.” “God has given women
a mission of crucial importance,”
she adds.
As women we must remember our mission and that no matter our vocation, whether in the
workplace or at home, and in our
communities, whatever our role,
who we are matters. Who we are
speaks to those we encounter.
The Little Flower, St. Therese
of Lesieux, came to learn that it
was not heroic acts or great deeds
that would bring her to holiness.
She wrote, “Holiness consists
simply in doing God’s will, and
being just what God wants us to
“If every tiny flower wanted
to be a rose, spring would lose its
loveliness,” she said.
It is easy to get sidetracked
by ambition, by desires to meet
the standards of what the secular
world considers success, especially when he hear the rally cry for
women’s rights. But sometimes
those who claim to speak on our
behalf may steer us away from
our mission.
In our fight to maintain and
advance our professional lives,
sometimes we veer away from
our home and family duties.
We lose sight of the joy washing
dishes can bring when we offer it
in love for our families. We moan
about the drudgery of house
chores, rather than celebrate that
we have a home and family to
care for.
Whether working at home
or out of the home, we must
recognize the contributions we
make may seem to go unnoticed,
but in our apostolate of being,
they resonate in ways beyond our
Blessed Pope John Paul II in
his Apostolic Letter “Familiaris
Consortio,” said, “The mentality
which honors women more for
their work outside the home than
for their work within the family
must be overcome.”
And so as the Little Flower
reminds us, “May you trust God
that you are exactly where you
are meant to be.”
Saint Josemaria Escriva,
founder of Opus Dei, echoed St.
Therese of Lesieux when he said,
“It is the task of the millions of
Christian men and women …
to announce through their lives
the fact that God loves and wants
to save everyone.” “The best and
most important way to do this,”
he said, “is by being truly Christian precisely where they are, in
the place to which their human
vocation has called them.”
To do this, he adds, that like
our Blessed Mother, Mary, we
must live with our “eyes on God,
repeating her words fiat mihi
secundum verbum tuum — ‘be
it done unto me according to
Thy word’ (Luke 1:38). On these
words depends the faithfulness to
one’s personal vocation — which
is always unique and non-transferable in each case — which
will make us all cooperators in
the work of salvation which God
carries out in us and in the entire
Father Gerard Barrett, OMI
January 14, 1937 - March 20, 2014
The Valley Catholic
Father Gerard “Gerry” Barrett
of the Missionary Oblates of
Mary Immaculate died on March
20 at Oblate Madonna Residence
in San Antonio. He was 77.
Father Barrett served as
pastor of Our Lady Star of the
Sea Parish in Port Isabel for nine
years before his retirement in
August 2011.
He was born in Bangor
Erns, Ireland on January 14,
1937. Father Barrett entered
novitiate on September 21,
1957, in Cahernoyle, Ireland and
professed vows as a member of the
Congregation of the Missionary
Oblates of Mary Immaculate on
September 29, 1958.
Father Barrett completed his
studies in philosophy at Belmont
House in Dublin, Ireland, and his
studies in theology in Piltown,
Ireland. He was ordained to the
priesthood on February 23, 1964,
in Piltown, Ireland by Bishop
Peter Birch.
Father Barrett’s first priestly
assignment was as associate
pastor of St. Margaret Mary
Parish in Pharr. He also served
as associate pastor at Our Lady,
Queen of Angels Parish in La
Joya and Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church in Mission.
He served as pastor at St.
Helen’s Parish in Pearland,
Texas; Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church in Mission, Texas; St.
Louis Cathedral in New Orleans,
Louisiana; Sacred Heart Parish in
Del Rio, Texas and St. John the
Baptist Parish in San Juan.
The Valley Catholic
family, Father Barrett is survived /DG\6WDURIWKH6HD3DULVKIRUQLQH\HDUV
by extended family in Ireland.
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The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Pope Francis: His words hit home
Top quotes from
the Holy Father’s
first year
a history of goodness which
touches every story of suffering
and opens up a ray of light.”
(“Lumen Fidei,” June 29, 2013).
searching for the Lord and has
good will, then who am I to judge
Catholic News Service
him? ... The problem is not having
this tendency, no, we must be
VATICAN CITY — In light of
brothers and sisters to one another.
the Pope Francis’ first anniversary
The problem is in making a lobby
as Bishop of Rome, the Vatican
of this tendency: a lobby of misers,
stated that the pontiff did nothing
a lobby of politicians, a lobby of
special to celebrate other than
masons, so many lobbies.” (News
pray, as he was participating in his
conference during flight from
Lenten retreat.
Brazil to Rome, July 28, 2013).
“Today the Pope is not doing
anything special or different from
look like someone who has
other days. He is praying,” Vatican
just come back from a funeral.”
spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi
(“Evangelii Gaudium,” Nov. 24,
told reporters in a March 13
In his formal documents,
it kills the reputation of the person!
Paul Harring/Catholic News Service
may seem like a nice thing, even
Pope Francis has given the church
amusing, like enjoying a candy.
a bounty of memorable sound Angelus as pope, March 17, 2013) to come out? And we do not let him points in some cities, it constitutes But in the end, it fills the heart
tićJTJTQSFDJTFMZUIFSFBTPO out because of our own need for a tragedy. Someone who dies is with bitterness, and even poisons
Here’s a look at what could be for the dissatisfaction of some, security, because so often we are not news, but lowering income by us.” (Angelus, Feb. 16, 2014).
the top 10 most quotable quotes.
who end up sad — sad priests — locked into ephemeral structures 10 points is a tragedy! In this way
t i#SPUIFST BOE TJTUFST HPPE in some sense becoming collectors that serve solely to make us slaves people are thrown aside as if they exist, nor is there a perfect husband
evening. You all know that the of antiques or novelties, instead of and not free children of God.” were trash.” (General audience, or a perfect wife, and let’s not talk
duty of the conclave was to give being shepherds living with ‘the (Pentecost vigil, May 18, 2013).
about the perfect mother-in-law!
June 5, 2013).
a bishop to Rome. It seems that odor of the sheep.’ This I ask you:
t i'BJUI JT OPU B MJHIU XIJDI It’s just us sinners.” A healthy
my brother cardinals have gone Be shepherds, with the ‘odor of the sacrificed to the idols of profit and scatters all our darkness, but a family life requires frequent use of
almost to the ends of the earth to sheep,’ make it real, as shepherds consumption: it is the ‘culture of lamp which guides our steps in the three phrases: “May I? Thank you,
get him... but here we are.” (First among your flock, fishers of men.” waste.’ If a computer breaks it is night and suffices for the journey. and I’m sorry” and “never, never,
words as pope: March 13, 2013)
(Chrism Mass, March 28, 2013).
a tragedy, but poverty, the needs To those who suffer, God does not never end the day without making
ti"TLZPVSTFMWFTUIJTRVFTUJPO and dramas of so many people end provide arguments which explain peace.” (Meeting with engaged
forgiving. It is we who tire of How often is Jesus inside and up being considered normal. ... everything; rather, his response is couples, Feb. 14, 2014).
asking for forgiveness.” (First knocking at the door to be let out, When the stock market drops 10 that of an accompanying presence,
April 2014 - The Valley Catholic
» Calendar of Events
»Media Resource Center
Coordinator of the Media Resource Center - Diocese of Brownsville
»Worth Watching
» From the Bookshelf
The Stations
of the Cross/
El VIa Crucis
The Easter
Story by
Patricia A.
4 Lenten Retreat
As Morning
Breaks and
Evening Set
A Journey in
Jornada en Fe
5 YouthJam (Youth Ministry)
The Last
7 Theology Class
8 Clases de Teologia
12-13 For Better and Forever
13 Palm Sunday
Format: Paperback
Length:32 pages
Illustraion: Mary Ann Utt
Publication: Ideals Childrens Books
(February 15, 2006)
The facts:This is the story of the
First Easter and its meaning for us
Read about Jesus’ life as he healed
the sick and taught others about
God’s love.
Learn about Christ’s resurrection
from the dead and the life he gives.
continued from pg. 3
as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds,
adoption referrals and material,
spiritual and emotional support.
The McAllen Pregnancy Center,
which operates on donations only,
is hosting its fifth anniversary gala,
themed, “Starry, Starry Night,” on
Friday, April 25 in Pharr.
The festivities will open with a
Mass at 5 p.m. at St. Margaret Mary
Church, 122 W. Hawk St. in Pharr
followed by the gala at Valencia
Events Center, 3012 S. Jackson Rd.
in McAllen.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann,
D.D. of Kansas City, Kan., a
member of the Committee on ProLife Activities and the Committee
on Marriage and Family Life for
the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops (USCCB) will celebrate
the Mass and serve as the keynote
speaker at the gala.
“Archbishop Naumann has
extensively supported pro-life
causes throughout his ministry,”
Format: Paperback
Length:32 pages
Author: Monica Gonzalez
Publication: Paulist Press
Language: English and Spanish
The facts: This prayer service
booklet engages participants
through the “eyes” of various
individuals along the Via Dolorosa.
A useful prayer resource for
parishes with a Hispanic population,
as well as bilingual families, it offers
bilingual Stations of the Cross,
English and Spanish on facing
said Elisa Cedeño, chair of the
gala committee. “We know he
will have a strong life message for
our supporters and that he will
encourage and motivate us to keep
promoting our mission to respect
all human life from conception to
natural death.”
Tickets for the gala are $200
per person. Table sponsorships and
live and silent auction items are
still needed to help make the gala a
The abortion clinic located near
the McAllen Pregnancy Center
closed its doors on March 6.
In 2013, Texas legislators
passed House Bill 2, which placed
new regulations on abortion
clinics. The law requires clinics to
meet ambulatory surgical center
standards, bans abortions after
20 weeks and requires doctors
performing abortions to have
hospital admitting privileges within
a 30 mile radius.
The McAllen clinic stopped
performing abortions on Oct. 31,
2013 after its doctors were unable
to earn admitting privileges to a
nearby hospital, but remained open
Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J. Peña’s
April 1-2 All Day
Border Bishops’ Meeting
April 5
7 p.m.
April 9
6 p.m.
Catholic Charities Gala
Evins Ministry
April 11-13 All Day
Bronc Awakening
April 17
7 p.m.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Convent
April 18
3 p.m.
Liturgy of the Passion at Convent
April 19
7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil at Convent
April 20
3 p.m.
Easter Mass at Convent
April 25
5 p.m.
Mass at St. Margaret for MPC
April 26
10:30 a.m. Mass for Sacraments at Evins
Format: CD
Publisher:GIA Publications, 2004
Composers:Tony Alonso, Michael
Mahler, and Lori True
The facts:provides an introduction
to the biblical form of prayer known
as the Liturgy of the Hours--a rich
and time-tested way for Christians
to pray with the whole community
of faith and out of the source of its
hope, the inspired Scriptures. This
type of prayer immerses believers
in the poetic word of God found in
the psalms, scriptural canticles, and
scriptural readings.
providing referrals to abortion
clinics in other cities and other
The new laws and the closing of
the abortion clinic, however, have
not diminished the need for the
McAllen Pregnancy Center, said
Diamantina Barba, a counselor at
McAllen Pregnancy Center. In fact,
client traffic has increased since
abortions ceased in McAllen, she
“We get a lot of telephone calls
from women seeking abortions,”
Barba said. “We have them come
in to the center so we can give them
information, a pregnancy test and if
possible, a sonogram.
“For those who allow us, we
take them before the Blessed
Sacrament where God helps us with
them, where we pray that they will
continue with their pregnancies.”
Barba said most of the women
coming are in difficult situations
– for example, they feel they can’t
afford to have a baby, they don’t
know who the father is or their
romantic relationship is in trouble,
but the center staff advises the
women that there is no good reason
continued from pg. 4
have people of different ages and
life perspectives. Sometimes, using
prayer books such as “Prayers
for the Domestic Church” by Fr.
Edward Hays which includes
meal time prayers, morning and
evening prayers which allow for
personal reflection and for voicing petitions for others, as well
as blessing prayers for birthdays,
anniversaries, when a pet dies, or
when visiting a cemetery can be a
Format: VHS
Publishers: Irving, Tex. : Distributed in
the U.S., Canada and Mexico by CCC of
America, ©1997
Author: CCC of America, Inc
The facts:The apostles enter
Jerusalem to prepare for the
Passover meal, while Judas
arranges for the betrayal of Jesus.
Jesus celebrates His Last Supper
with the twelve.
continued from pg. 5
only by the intimate bodily communication of themselves to each
other, but in a transcendant and
ecstatic way to a reality greater
than themselves in the engendering of their offspring.
We intuitively view the world
in purpose-driven ways, and we
recognize the telos (“end”) written
into the realities that surround us.
18 Good Friday
20 Easter Sunday
24 Inservice
26 Sponsor Couple Training - I
to terminate the pregnancy.
“We tell them, ‘with God’s help,
it is all possible. You can’t kill this
baby, it’s already moving around,’”
Barba said. “We tell them that we
(the center staff and volunteers) are
the only voice for their baby and
that voice is saying, ‘Mommy, don’t
kill me.’”
Ruben Rosales, Jr., a member
of the McAllen Pregnancy Center
board of directors, was among the
pro-life activists who continued to
pray outside the McAllen abortion
clinic, even after it stopped
providing abortions.
Rosales said many prayers are
still needed.
“These law changes have not
stopped women from getting
pregnant and from considering
abortion,” he said. “That’s why we
need to pray because only God can
do the impossible.”
Rosales added that he believes
the well-financed abortion lobby
will work to provide access to
abortion in the Rio Grande Valley
and beyond.
“We can’t let our guard down or
we will be sucker punched,” he said.
good way to encourage and augment prayer in the home.
Our family, our home, really is
a “domestic church”’ in which the
prayer leaders are the adults whom
can gather that family to pray in
whatever way works best. Perhaps the following prayer can help
remind us that God is ever present
in every moment of every day and
that our prayers in whatever form
connect us to our Creator in mind
and heart. “Heavenly Father, thank
you for this day. Lord Jesus, I want
to follow your way. Holy Spirit,
guide me in everything I do and
everything I say.” Amen.
On going:
Sisters and Brothers in our diocese and
Mass at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual
the success of their mission
2nd: Vocations to the Permanent
Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo
Diaconate the deacons (permanent and
8 a.m. & 4 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Chatransitional) of the diocese and their
pel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie
St., Alamo
3rd : Vocation to Married Life: for the
Holy Hour will be held Weekly every
families in the diocese and for building
Thursday at 7 p.m., 727 Bowie St., Alamo
up the Kingdom in our domestic
Every Sunday: 6 p.m. & 9 p.m.
4th: Vocations to the priesthood and the
Confessions/Mass at UTPA-Edinburg
priests of the diocese for the success of
their ministry
1st: Vocations to the Consecrated Life
5th: Vocations to the Pro-Life Intentions
(active and contemplative) and for the
17 Holy Thursday
closing at noon
The telos of an acorn is to become
an oak tree; the telos of human
sexuality is to draw man and woman together to procreate and raise
children in the family unit created
by marriage. Acknowledging the
fashioning of our sexuality in this
determinate way, and recognizing
the conjugal union of marriage
as an institution of nature, not
a product of man’s willfulness,
enables us to discriminate between
proper and improper uses of the
gift of our genital sexuality.
1 Theology Classes
2 Clases de Teologia
2 Convalidation Conference
2-4 Catholic Engaged Encounter
11 Mother’s Day
15 Advisory Team
17-18 Retiro Pre-Matrimonial
24 CoordinatorsTraining )DPLO\/LIH2I¿FH
26 Memorial Day Holiday
Please submit your schedule to be
published in The Valley Catholic by
the first Friday of each month by
email at [email protected] or fax:
(956) 784-5082.
Pope Francis,
continued from pg. 1
better serve the needs of the
church in our present day.”
Committee also noted the
impact that Pope Francis’
leadership and simple lifestyle
have had on the world.
“His constant outreach to
the alienated, his emphasis on
mercy and his sheer humanity
have served as an inspiration
not only to Catholics but also
to other Christians and people
of good will around the globe,”
the statement said.
“On this first anniversary of
his election, the Administrative
Committee invites the prayers
of all the faithful that Christ our
Lord will bless Pope Francis
and grant him many years of
fruitful ministry as bishop of
Rome, as the servant of the
servants of God,” it added.
The Valley Catholic - April 2014
Our Catholic Family
Father James C. Erving, OMI
January 22, 1971 - March 18, 2014
Diocesan director
of Respect Life
Apostolate dies at 43
Special to the Valley Catholic
Rev. James Charles Erving,
OMI, born in Brooklyn, New York
on January 22, 1971, died in San
Antonio, Texas on March 18, 2014,
at the age of 43 years.
Father Erving entered Novitiate
on August 17, 1994, in Godfrey,
Illinois, and professed vows as a
member of the Congregation of
the Missionary Oblates of Mary
Immaculate on August 1, 1995.
Father Erving completed his
studies in theology at the Pontifical
Gregorian University in Rome,
Italy in 1999. He was ordained to
the priesthood on May 27, 2000, at
Immaculate Conception Parish in
Towson, Md., by Bishop Michael
D. Pfeifer, OMI.
Prior to his priestly ordination,
Father Erving served as Campus
Minister and Teacher at St.
Anthony Catholic High School in
San Antonio, Texas.
Father Erving’s first priestly
assignment was as Parochial
Vicar at Immaculate Conception
Parish in Lowell, Mass. He then
The Valley Catholic
served in vocation ministry in
the Northeast. Father Erving also
served as Parochial Vicar at Holy
Angels Parish in Buffalo, N.Y.; and
Our Lady of Refuge Parish in Eagle
Pass, Texas. Father Erving served
as Pastor at Our Lady Star of the
Sea Parish in Port Isabel, Texas;
and Our Lady of Refuge Parish in
Roma, Texas.
While in Buffalo, N.Y., Father
Erving hosted a radio program on
The Station of the Cross Catholic
Radio Network. In South Texas,
he was very active in the ACTS
movement and was a member
of the Knights of Columbus, as a
third degree Knight. At the request
of Bishop Daniel E. Flores, Father
Erving also served as Director of
the Respect Life Apostolate of the
Diocese of Brownsville.
“Should God grant me the
grace to let Him do in me what He
must do to get me to heaven, Jim
will be one I expect to see early on,
pointing, to make sure I remember
to look up at the Mystic Rose,
and beyond her, to that center
where is beheld the Word Eternal
proceeding in the glorified flesh of
God Incarnate,” Bishop Flores said.
In addition to his Oblate
family, Father Erving is survived
by his parents, Joseph and Eileen
(Tierney) Erving; his sister,
Elizabeth Gonzalez and her
husband, Rubén Gonzalez; his
brother, Daniel Erving and his wife
Amy Erving; his nephews, Joseph
and Patrick Gonzalez; and his
nieces, Annabelle Gonzalez, Grace
Erving, and Nora Erving. Father
Erving will be remembered with
respect and esteem by his Oblate
brothers and all the people who
were recipients of his pastoral care.
A Vigil/Rosary was held at
Immaculate Conception Memorial
Chapel in San Antonio on March
21. Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated on March 22 and
interment followed at the Oblate
Memorial contributions may
be made to Missionary Oblates
of Mary Immaculate, 327 Oblate
Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216.
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