October 9, 2016 - St Aloysius Catholic Church


October 9, 2016 - St Aloysius Catholic Church
Saturday, October 8 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
4-5:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15 PM
MASS (+ Rose Fritz)
6-7:00 PM
Flu Shot Clinic – Holy Family Hall
7:00 PM
MASS/Spanish (+ Arnulfo Herrera López)
Sunday, October 9
8:00 AM
MASS (+ Thomas Fazio) Rosary7:30 AM
6-8:45 AM
Hispanic St. Emmaus Prayer Grp – Activity Center
9-11:00 AM
Flu Shot Clinic – Holy Family Hall
11:00 AM
MASS (+ Calvin & Marguerite Jones) Rosary 10:30A
1:00 PM
MASS Spanish (Parishioners) Rosary 12:30
2:30-4:30PM Flu Shot Clinic – Holy Family Hall
5:15 PM
LIFETEEN MASS (+ Marion R. Covall) Life Night
Monday, October 10
9:00 AM
MASS (+ Sr. Mary Norman) Sebastian Chapel
12:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous (Monday-Friday) Act. Center
6:00 PM
Stewardship Commission - Parlor
6:30 PM
Franciscan Formation – Video Room
Hispanic Saturday Choirs – Music Room & Lounge
Tuesday, October 11
9:00 AM
MASS (+ Stase Jakubauskas) Sebastian Chapel
10:00 AM
Scripture Study – Parlor
5:45-6:30PM Men’s Cursillo – Parlor
6-8:00 PM
Hispanic St. Tomas – Holy Family Hall
6:45 PM
Catholic Scripture Study – Video Room
7:00 PM
Sunday Choirs Practice – Music Room
7:00 PM
Cenacle Prayer Group – Church
7:00 PM
Hispanic Youth Team – Parlor
7:00 PM
Hispanic Ushers & Lectors - Church
Wednesday, October 12
5:15 PM
MASS (+ Arsenio & Apolonia Campo)Church Ros. 4:45
5:45-7:00 PM Hispanic Children’s Choir – Sebastian Chapel
6-7:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation – Church
6:00 PM
ARK Team/7:00 PM CORE – Lower Level
7:00 PM
RCIA – Parlor
7:00 PM
Hispanic Sunday Choirs – Music Room
7-9:00 PM
Hispanic Eucharistic Ministers - Church
Thursday, October 13
9:00 AM
MASS (Dorothy Shevlin) Sebastian Chapel
9:30 AM
Seniors Exercise Class – Video Room
Diocesan PCPL - Parlor
5-6:00 PM
Hispanic Altar Servers – Church
5:30 PM
Liturgical Ministries – Parlor
7:00 PM
Faithful Citizenship Presentation – Holy Family Hall
7:00 PM
Charismatic Worship & Healing – Sebastian Chapel
7:00 PM
Hispanic RCIA – Lounge
7:30 PM
Contemporary Choir – Music Room
8:00 PM
Hispanic Adoration/Blessed Sacrament - Church
Friday, October 14
9:30-11:30AM Christian Mothers Morning Moms – Video Room
10AM-12PM Our Lady’s Rosary Guild – Holy Family Hall
12:10 PM
MASS (+ Soeren Campo) Church Ros. Prior/Chaplet
6:30-9:00 PM Middle School Dance – Holy Family Hall
7:00 PM
Hispanic St. Emmaus – Activity Center
7:00 PM
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group – Seb.Chapel
Saturday, October 15 Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
Hispanic School of Faith – Activity Center
4-5:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:15 PM
MASS (+ Emma Lou Pratte)
7:00 PM
MASS/Spanish (+ Raul Flores)
6-8:45 AM
Hispanic St.Emmaus Pryr Grp–Seb. Chapel & AC
8:00 AM
MASS (Parishioners) Rosary7:30 AM
9:15-10:30AM Children and Adult Faith Formation
11:00 AM
MASS (+ Michael Kryszczuk) Rosary 10:30A
12:00 PM
Filipino Bake Sale – Holy Family Hall
1:00 PM
MASS Spanish(+Almas del Purgatorio)Rosary 12:30
5:15 PM
LIFETEEN MASS (+ Bern McCann) Life Night
OCTOBER 9, 2016
I invest time and effort to stay current
concerning the issues and events that affect our
nation and our faith. I already know who I will be
voting for in this upcoming election. I will not try to
influence your vote, but I would like to encourage
you to vote in this election. As Catholics, we possess a consistent
moral foundation and we have broad experience serving people in
need. We can not remain silent. We must speak up to promote our
moral values, to encourage a Culture of Life, and to support
candidates who support our Christian faith. Although you may
struggle with your vote for a particular office, please remember
there are many seats up for election this fall. In North Carolina, we
will vote for a president, a vice president, U.S. senator, governor,
state senators and representatives, and other local officials. Nick
Haskell from Catholic Charities will offer a presentation in Holy
Family Hall on Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 PM to help us
understand our current election cycle based on the doctrine of our
Catholic Church. We have “Guides to Catholic Voting” brochures
available in the literature rack near the Parlor. I sincerely encourage
you to pray, become informed about each candidate’s stance on
the issues, ask questions, pray some more, then vote.
- Sincerely Yours in Christ Fr. Larry LoMonaco
Making Sense of this Election: Faithful Citizenship and
Catholic Social Teaching. Join us on Thursday October 13th at
7:00 PM in Holy Family Hall for a ninety minute presentation,
sponsored by Catholic Charities, on how we understand our current
election cycle using the lens of the Church’s teaching. Our
presenter will be Nick Haskell, Poverty and Justice Education
Coordinator for Western North Carolina.
Monica Ebelhack, Patricia Lang, Mary Lynn Floyd, Phyllis Smith,
Pam AuBuchon, Don Duclos, Bob Crispano, Christopher Childres,
Mary Lou Lefebvre, Joyce Hodorovick, Tony Llambias, Jessica
Duke, Joan Gaudette, Andi Mitchell, Salvatore D’Angelo, Mary
Propst, Carol McVean, Linda Wandersee, David Sission, Harold
Mosquera, Joan Newman, Caroline E. Price, Judy Davis, Steve
Lambrechts, Edith McCellan, Caleb Horner, Caleb Harris, Karen
Miller, Cameron Crisp, Barbara Belcher, Roger Stewart, Mario
Simoncioni, Gene Sweeney, Gloria Croce, Olin Treadway, Kelly
Aldrich, Evelyn Showfety, Michael Lella, Jr., John Stuckey, William
Kelly, Peggy Confoy, Pat & Frank von Drehle, James Stonemetz,
Maureen Draver, Morgan Menzyk, Sean Powers, Joseph
Bachofner, Cora Woodend, Lynn McCain, and those listed on our
Prayer Sheet on the hallway bulletin board.
FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL: We pray for the repose of the
soul of Betty Jo Heflin, parishioner, who passed away October 1st.
October 1/2, 2016
Offertory $18,253.36
Louisiana Flood Assistance YTD $5,048.99
Priests’ Retirement YTD $18,865.70 GOAL $35,359.00
Thank you!
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who recognize their unique combination of God-given gifts
and use them to participate in, and support,
all our various parish ministries.
St. Aloysius’ first ever Jr. High Dance is
scheduled for this Friday, October 14th from
6:30-8:30 PM in Holy Family Hall. All Jr. High
students are invited to come hang out, dance,
listen to good music, and have a great time with
great people. Admission is $5.00 and
concessions will be available for purchase. Parents must walk their
children in at the beginning of the night and at the end of the night.
Questions? Call Samantha Elam, Director of Youth Ministry, at the
parish office – 327-2341. Come join us!
Thank you to the 75 St. Aloysius parishioners, among the 125
participants from 17 churches, who participated in last Sunday’s
Hickory Life Chain.
October is St. Aloysius' month to collect toiletries and personal
need items for the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. The
trial/travel sizes available of toothpaste, deodorant, and soap and
such are the perfect size for those who are at the Shelter. Also,
any other personal need items such as disposable razors, feminine
hygiene items, toothbrushes, mouthwash, floss, and ponchos are
welcome as well. Please put your donations in the collection bin
across from the restrooms this month. Thank you!
Con el corazón agradecido, volvemos a Dios aclamando su victoria.
Jesús sano a diez leprosos en el Evangelio de hoy. Solo (el 10%)
volvió a dar gracias. Yo también, he recibido muchas bendiciones
del Señor – de hecho, ¡todo lo que soy y todo lo que tengo es un
don! ¿Cómo y que tan a menudo me he acordado
de agradecerlo a El?
Clínica de Vacuna para la Gripe
Se llevara acabo una clínica de vacunas
contra la gripe el Sábado, 8 de Octubre de
las 6 a 7pm y Domingo, 9 de Octubre de
9 a 11am y de 2:30 a 4:30pm
En el Salón de la Sagrada familia. La vacuna
no tendrá costo con los siguientes seguro:
Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Aetna, Cigna, United
Health Care y Tricare. Si no tiene seguro el costo por la vacuna
es de $25.00.
Fechas de formación para Bautizar
-Octubre 29
Our Charismatic Prayer Group invites you to join them each
Thursday in Sebastian Chapel. The second Thursday of each
month includes Worship and Healing Prayers. Join us this
Thursday, October 13th for Praise and Worship with music at
6:30 and at 7:00 PM for a Healing Communion Service with Rev.
Mr. A. Stephen Pickett. Questions? Call Eric & Nora McIntire at
294-0357. The Holy Spirit is alive in our church!
Favor de inscribirse con anticipación. La
formación empieza a las 9:00AM en el
Salón de la Sagrada Familia
No se aceptan como padrinos a parejas
no casadas por la Iglesia.
Fechas para Bautismo
Noviembre 5
Diciembre 3
The Knights of Columbus will be making their annual membership
presentation at the end of all Masses next weekend. The
presentation will focus on opportunities for service to our parish and
Please consider joining the largest Catholic
brotherhood in the world. Please check out www.kofc.org and hit
the “join us” tab for more information.
administración no se trata de solo dar dinero. La administración
es un ¡forma de vida! Es un vivir, viviendo en la gratitud por todo
lo que Dios nos ha proporcionado. Lo vivimos en cada aspecto de
la vida, en nuestras familias, iglesia y comunidad. Se basa en
nuestra administración de “apagar por adelantado” y dar de
nuestra abundancia.
La Administración (Stewardship) implica el cuidado de
Cursillo is a Short Course in Christianity or Christian Living.
Cursillo is not an organization, but rather a worldwide lay
movement within the Catholic Church, and its mission is exactly the
same as the Church's - Evangelization. We learn how to share
our faith with family, friends, co-workers, etc at social gatherings or
wherever we are. Our weekly meetings provide encouragement
and support to persevere in our Christian walk. The St. Al's Men’s
Cursillo group meets each Tuesday from 5:45-6:45 PM in the
Parlor. For more information, please contact Eddie Williams at
828-320-9907 or [email protected]. For information of our
St. Al’s Women’s Cursillo, please contact Debbie Vanover at 704438-4601.
The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.
personas, recursos, dones y talentos y la gracia de Dios. Su
talento es un regalo de Dios para usted. Lo que usted haga con su
talento, es un regalo que le da a Dios. Cuando llegamos a ser
buenos administradores de todo lo que Dios nos ha dado con las
oportunidades que se presentan a través de su providencia, ¡lo
estamos glorificando, sirviendo al bien común y a la extensión de
su reino!
El quiosco de nuestra parroquia tiene el CD exacto para cultivar y
enriquecer su fe católica. Si usted esta buscando unos recursos
para alentar a otros a seguir a Jesús en su camino espiritual
¡tenemos las herramientas justas! Si necesita la motivación,
orientación o desea profundizar en su fe Católica ¡tenemos lo que
necesitas! Por favor venga y eche una ojeada, done $4.00 y
comparta su amor por Dios, los temas de los CD varían de mes en
mes y están en ingles y español. ¡Nos vemos en el Kiosco!
OCTOBER 9, 2016
Youth Ministry
SUMMIT by Life Teen is St. Aloysius’s new opportunity to
help high school teens grow closer to Christ, by diving into
the upcoming Sunday readings. SUMMIT is open to all high
school teens, and will meet Fridays from 6:15 – 8:00 PM in
the Lower Level.
Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM all high school teenagers are
invited to come to the lower level for our Life Nights.
This Sunday: October 9: Loud and Clear.
Liturgy of the Word.
A night on the
Next Sunday: October 16: Charismatic Gifts. Welcome a
guest speaker to teach on the charismatic gifts of the spirit.
This Friday October 14: Middle School Dance Fundraiser. St.
Aloysius is hosting a middle school dance 6:30 to 8:30PM.
Admission $5.00.
Would you like to try something new and exotic? Our Filipino
Community will be hosting a Bake Sale next Sunday, Oct. 16th
after the 11:00 AM Mass in Holy Family Hall to raise funds for the
upcoming Feast of the Santo Nino to be celebrated on January 14,
2017. Come by and satisfy your sweet tooth by trying an exotic
dessert or confection from the Philippines!
Our Shepherd’s Corner religious articles stores is open after
weekend Masses. Located in the back of Holy Family Hall, they
offer various items and can order by request. Hoping to expand
inventory, they are interested in hearing your suggestions as
to what types of religious articles you might like to be able to
purchase. Call Diane Dooley at 495-4500 or [email protected]
You may also share your ideas and suggestions with one of our
Pastoral Council members. You will find their names and contact
information on the front of the bulletin each week.
The Second Annual Trunk or Treat is scheduled for Friday,
October 28th, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The Family Life Commission is
excited about adding new games and activities to the event this
year and hopes that all parishioners will join in the fun! To host a
trunk or volunteer for the event, please sign up after Mass or on
Sign Up Genius by using the link on Facebook or the parish
website. We need candy donations! Please donate individually
wrapped bags of candy in the bins located throughout the church. If
your business would like to donate a gift card for the “best trunk”
prizes, please contact Katie Tocci at [email protected].
Thank you to…
William F. Straka, DDS, PA
Family Denistry
for sponsoring an ad in our weekly bulletin.
There is no Faith Formation this week – Fall Break.
Classes resume the week of October 16th.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) offers people
who are not yet Catholic to join the Catholic Church. This
process is for those who have not yet been baptized, those
who have been baptized in another Christian tradition, and
those who have been baptized Catholic, but have not
received any additional Sacraments. RCIA meets each
Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:15 PM in the Parlor. This week’s
topic: Sacred Scripture–The Old Testament with Fr. Larry.
If you would like more information, please contact Monica
Ebelhack [email protected] or 828-327-2341.
No Class Today - Fall break. Next week “Living in the Present
Moment” with Fr. Albert Hasse, OFM in Keeping the Fire Alive/
Navigating the Challenges of Spiritual Life. For next week, please
read Luke 1:26-38.
Our next Supreme Timers meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 18th. We
will gather in Holy Family Hall at 11:30 AM and have our covered
dish lunch at 12:00 Noon. Our speaker will be Todd Byrd, a
minister, counselor and writer, who will give us advice on
depression, anxiety, and self esteem. Mr. Byrd has his MA in
Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lenoir-Rhyne University.
Please bring a dish to share (meat, veggie, fruit, pasta, or dessert),
and join us for fellowship, fun, and new friends. Supreme Timers is
open to any church members 55 years of age or older. Join us!
ALSO…… Join Seniors from across the diocese for a Day of
Reflection on October 19th at the Catholic Conference Center.
The day will begin at 10:00 AM with registration, refreshments and
opening statements. Our presenter will be Fr. Brian Cook. Lunch
will be served at 12:30 PM. Afternoon session will resume with Fr.
Brian and the day will end with Mass at 2:20 PM. The cost will be
$10.00 for Supreme Timer members - all other Seniors will have to
pay $25.00. Make checks payable to ""CATHOLIC CHARITIES".
The cut off date for reservations is October 12th. If you have any
questions, call Julie Esposito at 294-0794.
There is still room for two or three more adults to go on the
November 13-19th trip to the St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia.
Besides working in the soup kitchen, there are opportunities to pick
up food donations, work in the thrift store, work in the women’s day
center, and even possibly work in the free clinic if you’re an RN.
There’s also daily Masses or prayer services, as well as a few
hours each day to pray, meditate, or just be by yourself. By the end
of the week you’ll be tired but elated as if you’ve finished a retreat.
Interested or want to find out more? Email Dave Gerhardt at
[email protected].
 1st Reading – Exodus 17:8-13
 Responsorial - Psalm 121
 2nd Reading – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
 Gospel – Luke 18:1-8

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