february 14, 2015


february 14, 2015
FEBRUARY - VOL.9 - ISSUE 2 - 2015
José Luis Solache
Eduardo Zuñiga
Kid Mayor of the Month January
Maria T. Santillan-Beas
Mayor Pro Tem
Aide Castro
Council Member
Edwin Hernandez
Council Member
Salvador Alatorre
Council Member
Maria Quiñonez
City Clerk
Yolanda Rodriguez Gonzalez
City Treasurer
J. Arnoldo Beltran
City Manager
PG. 2
PG. 2
PG. 3
PG. 5
PG. 6
FEBRUARY 7, 2015
10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
10 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
February is a special time of the year; not because it marks the
beginning of spring or thawing of winter, but because it’s the one month
out of the year when one can’t help but think about all of the special people
that we love in our lives. This month and every month, let love transcend;
February doesn’t have to be just for Valentines.
February is also Black History Month – a month specifically
designated to commemorate the crucial role of African Americans in United
States history. The same way February makes us want to seize the opportunity
to love each other more than usual, February gives us all the opportunity to
honor and shine brighter lights on the resiliences and triumphs of African
Americans throughout history. After all, like Edith Wharton once said, “There
are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
In the City of Lynwood, February is also a month to celebrate
Persons and Children with Special Needs. Every February, the City of Lynwood
hosts a unique celebration for its community with special needs. Working
in concurrence with the Lynwood Unified School District, the annual event
this Feb. 22 brings together more than 200 Children with Special Needs and
their families for a day that’s set aside just for them – to show them how
important they are in our world.
Every month throughout the year is special, but in Lynwood,
February takes the cake. From honoring Black History Month via Senator
Ricardo Lara’s highly praised Gospel Brunch (Feb. 7), to celebrating the lives
of Persons with Special Needs (Feb. 22), in the City of Lynwood February isn’t
just about Valentine’s Day. February is a time to commemorate, to honor and
to love someone special past or present.
February is also American Heart Month, so remember, when you’re
honoring the special people in your lives, don’t forget to love yourself. After
all, you’re important, too.
PG. 6
When Kid President told the world to go out
and “create something that will make the world
awesome,” the Lynwood City Council listened.
The Lynwood City Council in January kicked-off
its first year-long Kid Mayor Program where one
star student from one of Lynwood Unified School
District’s 12 elementary schools will be nominated
to serve as the City’s official Kid Mayor for one month. Starting the yearlong Kid Mayor Program was Lincoln Elementary School’s 5th-grader
Eduardo Zuñiga. Only one student, from 4th through 6th grade classes,
will be nominated for the position every month and the decision will come
exclusively from teachers. Kid Mayor Zuñiga was selected from about 180
students at Lincoln Elementary.
While he wants to grow up to be a baseball player, Kid Mayor
Zuñiga was nominated, said Lincoln Elementary School teachers, for being
an excellent student, for his enthusiasm, for having very good manners
and for always being willing to help and learn from others. Every Kid Mayor
will receive a Proclamation, a name badge and a name plate for his or her
desk at school. Along with a scholarship, each Kid Mayor will also have the
opportunity to attend all City functions with the current Mayor and City
Council. Spearheaded by the City’s current Mayor as a way to “pay it forward,”
the City’s 2015 Kid Mayor Program gives students a hands-on lesson on
leadership and civic duty. It’s unanimous: the school district, teachers,
students, parents and the entire community are calling the City’s Kid Mayor
Program brilliant and of course, “awesome.”
A new Kid Mayor will be selected every month through 2015. After
all, like Kid President says, “the world needs to stop being boring.” The City’s
Kid Mayor will be Lynwood’s guarantee that 2015 will be far from boring and
that is “awesome.”
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
El mes de febrero es un momento especial del año, no porque marca
el comienzo de la primavera o el deshielo de invierno, sino porque es el único
mes del año en el que uno piensa en todas las personas especiales de nuestra
vida. Este mes y cada mes, el amor debe de transcender; febrero no tiene que
ser solo para Valentinos.
Febrero también es el mes de Black History: un mes al año
específicamente designado para conmemorar el papel fundamental de
los afroamericanos en la historia de Estados Unidos. Del mismo modo que
febrero nos permite aprovechar la oportunidad y amarnos más de lo habitual,
también nos brinda la oportunidad de condecorar e iluminar más las
resistencias y triunfos de los afroamericanos a lo largo de la historia. Después
de todo, como Edith Wharton dijo, “hay dos maneras de difundir luz: ser la
vela o el espejo que la refleja.”
En la Ciudad de Lynwood, febrero también es un mes para celebrar a
las Personas con Necesidades Especiales. Cada febrero, la Ciudad de Lynwood
alberga una celebración única para la comunidad con necesidades especiales
(22 de febrero). Junto con el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood, este
evento anual reúne a más de 200 Personas con Necesidades Especiales y sus
familias para un día solo para ellos para demostrarles lo importante que son
en nuestro mundo.
Cada mes es especial, pero en la Ciudad de Lynwood febrero se
lleva el premio. Desde honrar el Mes de Black History a través del almuerzo
evangelio elogiado del Senador Ricardo Lara (7 de febrero), hasta celebrar la
vida de las Personas con Necesidades Especiales (22 de febrero) en la Ciudad
de Lynwood febrero no se trata solo del Día de San Valentín. Febrero es un
momento para conmemorar, honrar y amar a alguien especial presente o
pasado. Febrero también es el Mes del Corazón; por eso recuerde: cuando
esté honrando a personas especiales de su vida, no se olvide de honrarse y
amarse a usted mismo. Despues de todo, usted es importante también.
Cuando el Presidente Niño le dijo al mundo que saliera y “creara algo
que haría del mundo un lugar estupendo”, el Municipio de Lynwood escuchó.
El Municipio de Lynwood en enero inauguró el Programa Alcalde
Niño de un año de duración donde se nominará a un estudiante estrella de
una de las 12 escuelas primarias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood
para que actúe como Alcalde Niño oficial de la Ciudad por un mes. El niño que
dio inicio al Programa Alcalde Niño de un año de duración fue Eduardo Zuñiga
de 5° grado de Lincoln Elementary School. Todos los meses se nominará solo
un estudiante, de 4° a 6° grado, para el puesto y la decisión la tomarán
exclusivamente los maestros. El Alcalde Niño Zuñiga fue seleccionado de
aproximadamente 180 estudiantes de Lincoln Elementary.
A pesar de que quiere ser un jugador de baseball, el Alcalde Niño
Zuñiga fue nominado, según los maestros de Lincoln Elementary School, por
ser un excelente estudiante, por su entusiasmo, por tener buenos modales y
por estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar y aprender de otros. Todo Alcalde Niño
recibirá una Proclamación, una credencial con su nombre y una placa con su
nombre para su pupitre en la escuela. Junto con una beca, cada Alcalde Niño
tendrá la oportunidad de ocuparse de todas las funciones de la Ciudad con el
Alcalde y el Municipio actuales. Encabezado por el Alcalde actual de la Ciudad
como una forma de “cadena de favores”, el Programa Alcalde Niño 2015 de la
Ciudad les brindan a los estudiantes una lección práctica sobre liderazgo y
deber cívico. Es unánime: el distrito escolar, los maestros, los estudiantes, los
padres y toda la comunidad consideran el Programa Alcalde Niño de la Ciudad
brillante y, por supuesto, “estupendo”.
Se seleccionará un nuevo Alcalde Niño por mes durante el año 2015.
Después de todo, como dijo el Presidente Niño, “el mundo necesita dejar de
ser aburrido”. El Alcalde Niño de la Ciudad será la garantía de Lynwood de que
el año 2015 no será aburrido y que es “estupendo”.
City Council Meetings
1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
6:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
Open to the Public
November 18, 2014 Meeting:
El Natatorio de Lynwood no
reabrirá este mes como lo hace
cada febrero. De hecho, se espera
que la alberca de 50 metros de la
Ciudad permanezca cerrada hasta
la primavera por extensivas renovaciones y reparaciones que
fueron recientemente aprobadas por el Municipio. Se espera que
las reparaciones estén terminadas antes del verano.
El Natatorio estuvo cerrado por poco tiempo en el año
2014 por problemas con la transparencia del agua. La bomba
y la unidad de control químico de la alberca se repararon
pero, durante este proceso, se descubrieron otras deficiencias
y condiciones del funcionamiento de la alberca. El edificio del
Natatorio incluye la alberca en el interior, el patio, el hall,
los vestidores, las duchas y los baños públicos. El Municipio
presentó una opción para realizar modestas reparaciones aquí y
allí, pero para garantizar que la alberca no necesitaría ninguna
otra reparación pronto, el Municipio también presentó una
extensa lista del alcance del trabajo necesario. El Municipio
eligió la extensa lista y al aprobar las recomendaciones, se
volvería a pintar toda la alberca para reducir la cantidad de
pintura descascarada y polvo de tiza flotando. Otras necesidades
inmediatas que se satisfarán serán la reparación de las puertas,
el reemplazo de un barandal de la alberca y el reemplazo de
los gabinetes de los extinguidores de incendios junto con otras
deficiencias de la instalación que necesitan ser reparadas.
El Natatorio generalmente está abierto entre febrero y
noviembre, pero para completar estas reparaciones, la alberca
permanecerá cerrada durante algunos meses más. “Esperamos
que las reparaciones se puedan completar para el verano”,
dijo Rosie Carrillo, Especialista en Servicios Comunitarios y
Recreación, quien ha supervisado el Natatorio durante 16
años. “Finalmente, el Natatorio obtendrá las tan necesitadas
reparaciones. Es increíble; realmente necesita las reparaciones.
Los químicos afectan la alberca, los pisos y las duchas más
de lo que creemos. Nuestra comunidad disfruta la alberca
climatizada durante todo el año por eso no será fácil ver su
alberca cerrada pero, después de que se realicen todas las
renovaciones y reparaciones, la comunidad estará muy feliz con
los mejoramientos”.
The Lynwood Natatorium will not be reopening this
month as it does every February. In fact, the City’s 50-meter
pool is expected to stay closed through the spring for extensive
renovations and repairs that were recently approved by the
City Council. Repairs are expected to be completed before
The Natatorium was closed briefly in 2014 due to
water clarity issues. The pool’s pump and chemical control unit
were repaired but in the process, other working conditions
and deficiencies of the pool were ascertained. The Natatorium
building includes the indoor pool, the patio, lobby, changing
and shower rooms, and a public restroom. The City Council
was presented with an option to make modest repairs here
and there, but in order to ensure that the pool wouldn’t
need any more repairs any time soon, the City Council was
also presented with an extended list of the scope of work
needed. The City Council chose the latter and in approving
recommendations, the entire pool will have to be repainted
to reduce the amount of peeling paint and floating chalk
dust. Other immediate needs that will be addressed will be
the repairing of doors, repairing an existing leak, replacing
a pool handrail, and replacing the fire extinguisher cabinets,
along with other facility deficiencies that need repair.
The Natatorium is usually open between February
and November, but in order to complete these repairs,
the pool will remain closed for a few more months. “We’re
hoping the repairs can be completed by summer,” said Rosie
Carrillo, Recreation and Community Services Specialist,
who has overseen the Natatorium for 16 years. “Finally, the
Natatorium will be getting some much needed repairs. It’s
awesome, it really needs the repairs. The chemicals affect
the pool, the floors and the showers more than we think they
do. Our community enjoys the heated pool all year long so it
may not be easy seeing their pool closed, but after all of the
renovations and repairs are made the community is going to
be very happy with the improvements.”
December 2, 2014 Meeting:
With every new year, come changes at City Hall. The
Development Services Department recently moved to the City Hall’s
northwest wing by the Main Entrance from the temporary Annex
building in front of Bateman Hall.
Services that were relocated into the City Hall’s northwest
wing include: Code Enforcement, Planning, Building & Safety, Parking
Enforcement and Animal Control. Business License will remain in a
portable trailer outside of Bateman Hall for the time being.
In 2012, the City Council decided to shut the doors on its
dilapidating Annex Building to build a brand new, modern, two-story
Annex Building. The building was torn down in the Spring of 2013.
While it is still uncertain what departments will be housed in the
new building, it will include a new Council Chamber and offices for
all five council members. The City Manager’s office will also be moved
into the new building.
The process of starting construction still requires another
six months, but City officials estimate that construction will take
place sometime at the end of 2015. After that, construction should
last about eight months. “These are all just estimations, but we’re
hoping to meet these timelines,” said the City official. “If all goes
well, we should be looking at a brand new building by October 2016.”
Until then, City officials remind the Lynwood community
that services will be streamlined to be delivered as efficiently and as
professionally as possible. For more information on Annex Services,
please call (310) 603-0220 Ext. 289.
Approved the Contract for On-Demand Dial-A-Ride Service with
Administrative Services Cooperative (DBA Fiesta Taxi), for a TwoYear Agreement, with Two One-Year Extension Options
Approved a Los Angeles County Sanitation District and County of
Los Angeles Household Hazardous and Waste, and Electronic Waste
Collection Event for Lynwood on March 14, 2015
Authorized Staff to Release a Request for Proposal to Hire a
Professional Geologist to Provide a Geotechnical Report and
Determine the Cause of the Subsidence on State Street and Cedar
Asamblea del 18 de noviembre de 2014:
Cada año nuevo surgen cambios en la Municipalidad. El
Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo recientemente se mudó del
edificio Anexo temporario enfrente del Bateman Hall al ala noroeste
de la entrada principal de la Municipalidad.
Los servicios que se reubicaron en el ala noroeste de la
Municipalidad incluyen: Cumplimiento del Código, Planificación,
Construcción y Seguridad, Cumplimiento de Reglas de Estacionamiento
y Control Animal. La Licencia Comercial permanecerá, por el momento,
en un tráiler portátil fuera de Bateman Hall.
En el año 2012, el Municipio decidió cerrar las puertas en su
deteriorado Edificio Anexo para construir un nuevo y moderno Edificio
Anexo de dos pisos. El edificio fue demolido en la primavera del año
2013. A pesar de que es incierto qué departamentos se encontrarán en
el nuevo edificio, incluirá una nueva Cámara del Municipio y oficinas
para los cinco miembros del Municipio. La oficina del Administrador
de la Ciudad también se trasladará al nuevo edificio.
El proceso de inicio de la construcción todavía requiere otros
seis meses pero los oficiales de la Ciudad estiman que la construcción
tendrá lugar a finales del año 2015. Después de eso, la construcción
durará aproximadamente ocho meses. “Estas son todas estimaciones,
pero esperamos cumplir con estos plazos”, dijo el oficial de la Ciudad.
“Si todo va bien, deberíamos estar observando un nuevo edificio para
octubre del año 2016”.
Hasta entonces, los oficiales de la Ciudad le recuerdan a la
comunidad de Lynwood que se agilizarán los servicios para que se
puedan brindar de la forma más eficiente y profesional posible. Para
obtener más información sobre los Servicios Anexos, por favor llame
al (310) 603-0220, ext. 289.
Authorized the Submittal of an Application to Calrecycle,
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for the
Rubberized Pavement Grant Program for which the City of Lynwood
is Eligible
Approved the Use of the City’s Bateman Hall Auditorium and Waive
the Rental Fees for the Daughters of Charity Transaction Public
Meeting to be Held by the California Attorney General’s Office on
January 5, 2015
Portions of the December 16, 2014 Meeting:
Approved the Republication of the Request for Proposal for the
Printing Services of the City’s Newsletter, Lynwood N’ Perspective
Authorized the Execution and Extension of a License Agreement
between the City of Lynwood and St. Francis Medical Center for the
use of the City-owned parking facility and spaces on a Month-toMonth basis until Staff Negotiates a New Agreement
Approved the Installation of a Left-Hand-Turn Lane on East Bound
and West Bound Directions of the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
and State Street Intersection
Approved the Purchase of a new Animal Control Vehicle; 2015 Ford
F-250 Pickup Truck with an Animal Control Body
Authorized an Agreement Between the City of Lynwood and the
National Resource Network to Develop and Implement Strategies
to Promote Economic Recovery
Authorized Staff to Prepare Specifications, Contract Documents and
Working Details for the Street Improvement Project
Aprobó la republicación de la solicitud de propuestas para brindar
servicios de impresión del boletín de la Ciudad, Lynwood N’
Autorizó la firma y extensión de un acuerdo de licencia entre la
Ciudad de Lynwood y St. Francis Medical Center para el uso de la
instalación y espacios de estacionamiento de la Ciudad de forma
mensual hasta que el personal negocie un nuevo acuerdo
Aprobó la instalación de un carril para girar a la izquierda en la
dirección este y oeste de la intersección de Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard y State Street.
Aprobó la compra de un nuevo vehículo del control de animales;
una camioneta Ford F-250 Pickup 2015 con caja para el control
Autorizó el acuerdo entre la Ciudad de Lynwood y la Red Nacional
de Recursos para desarrollar e implementar estrategias para
promover la recuperación económica
Autorizó al personal a preparar especificaciones, documentos de
contrato y detalles de trabajo para el Proyecto de Mejora de Calles
Recibió y presentó un informe sobre las Especificaciones y los
Planes de Modificación del Centro Comunitario Ham Park y
autorizó la presentación de los Planes para el Control del Plan
Asamblea del 2 de diciembre de 2014:
Autorizó la presentación de una solicitud a Calrecycle;
departamento de reciclado y recuperación de recursos para el
programa de subsidios para pavimento con caucho para el cual la
Ciudad de Lynwood es elegible
Aprobó el uso del Auditorio de la Ciudad Bateman Hall y la
renuncia a tarifas de alquiler para la asamblea pública sobre la
transacción de Daughters of Charity a ser celebrada por la Fiscalía
general de California el 5 de enero de 2015
Partes de la asamblea del 16 de diciembre de 2014:
Aprobó el contrato de servicios Dial-A-Ride por encargo con
Administrative Services Cooperative (DBA Fiesta Taxi), por un
contrato de dos años, con posibilidad de dos extensiones de un
Aprobó un evento de recolección de Desechos Domésticos
Peligrosos y de Residuos Electrónicos programado por el Distrito
Sanitario del Condado de Los Ángeles y el Condado de Los Ángeles
para el 14 de marzo de 2015 en la Ciudad de Lynwood
Autorizó al personal a emitir una solicitud de propuestas para
contratar un geólogo profesional para que brinde un informe
geotécnico y determine la causa del hundimiento en State Street
y Cedar Avenue
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
Stop, that doesn’t go in the trash! For
safety purposes, don’t you wish you could tell
everyone that not everything goes into their
trash containers. Perhaps some people don’t
know that things like brake fluid, paint thinner,
household batteries, pesticides or motor oil do
not go in the regular trash bins or storm drains,
but the rest of us should know better. Items like
hypodermic needles, syringes and lancets aren’t
supposed to go into the regular trash bin either.
Not only will these items affect the landfills and
oceans in negative ways, but they can also cause
a hazard to the workers handling the trash/waste.
Plus, our communities and the environment are
endangered when these products are discarded in
household garbage, sinks or in storm drains.
For everyone’s safety, the County of
Los Angeles and the Sanitation Districts of Los
Angeles County are hosting several Household
Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Roundups.
Residents must hold onto these items until they
learn about a Household Hazardous Waste and
E-Waste Roundup. A Roundup is scheduled for
March 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Lynwood at the
intersection of Butler Avenue and Bellinger Street.
Residents can also bring: cleaners with acids or
lye, household and car batteries, pool chemicals,
motor oil and filters, expired pharmaceuticals,
anti-freeze and fluorescent light bulbs. This
event will also be accepting household electronic
waste such as: computer monitors, televisions,
computer CPUs, keyboards, printers, cell phones,
What you can’t bring to this event:
Hazardous waste and electronic waste from
businesses, explosives, ammunition, radioactive
materials, trash, tires, refrigerators, washing
machines and controlled substances.
¡Deténgase, eso no va en la basura! Con
fines de seguridad, no desearía poder decirles a
todos que no todo va en sus contenedores de
basura. Quizás, algunas personas no saben que
las cosas como líquido para frenos, solvente
para pintura, pilas del hogar, pesticidas o aceite
de motor no van en el tacho de basura regular
o en las alcantarillas, pero el resto de nosotros
deberíamos saber más. Los elementos como
lancetas, jeringas y agujas hipodérmicas no
deben ir en el tacho de basura regular. No solo
afectarán los rellenos sanitarios y océanos de
forma negativa sino que pueden constituir un
peligro para los trabajadores que manipulan
la basura/los desechos. Además, nuestras
comunidades y el ambiente están en peligro
cuando estos productos se eliminan en los
desechos domésticos, lavabo o en alcantarillas.
Para la seguridad de todos, el Condado
de Los Ángeles y los Distritos Sanitarios del
Condado de los Ángeles realizan varios eventos
de Recolecciones de Desechos Domésticos
Peligrosos y de Residuos Electrónicos. Los
residentes deben conservar estos elementos
hasta que sepan de un evento de Recolección de
Desechos Domésticos Peligrosos y de Residuos
Electrónicos. Una Recolección está programada
para el 14 de marzo de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. en
Lynwood en la intersección de Butler Avenue
y Bellinger Street. Los residentes también
pueden traer: limpiadores con ácido o lejía, pilas
domésticas y del auto, químicos para piscinas,
aceite de motor y filtros, medicamentos vencidos,
anti-congelantes y focos fluorescentes. Este
evento también aceptará residuos electrónicos
domésticos como: monitores de computadora,
televisiones, CPU de computadora, teclados,
impresoras, teléfono celulares, etc.
Lo que no puede traer al este evento
es: Desechos peligrosos y residuos electrónicos
de negocios, explosivos, municiones, materiales
refrigeradores, lavarropas y sustancias
A recent overhaul of the City’s tree trimming schedule will assure that all 9,000 of the
City’s trees are trimmed every two years, instead of every three years.
Years ago, trees in the City were being trimmed every four years. But times
have changed, and while the current drought is affecting the City’s tree population, it
has been found that trees need to be trimmed sooner than every three or four years.
From now on, each tree will be trimmed every other year. Half of the City’s trees will be
trimmed one year, and the other half will be trimmed the second year.
For this new tree trimming schedule, the City’s 4.9 square miles has been
divided into two sections, the north and the south, both of which consist of six grids,
for a total of 12 grids. The north section’s six grids are located between Alameda Street
and Atlantic Avenue west to east, and from Abbott Road to the 105 Glenn Anderson
Freeway, north to south. Trees in the north portion of the City were trimmed in the
2013-14 year and will be trimmed again in the 2015-16 year, and then again in 201718, and so on.
The southern section of the City consists of six grids as well, but they are
located south of the 105 Glenn Anderson Freeway all the way to the southern end of
the City at Orchard, Palm and McMillan streets. One grid between Imperial Highway and
Fernwood Avenue, and Atlantic Avenue and the 710 Freeway is included in the south
section of the City. This section will be trimmed along with the rest of the southern
section this year, 2014-15 year, and again in the 2016-17 year, and then in 2018-19 and
so on.
The City’s 9,000 trees do not include trees that are on private properties.
Hoping that the recent rains ease the impact of our three-year drought, City officials
are continuing to monitor the City’s dwindling tree numbers.“ Tree issues that are
happening here are also happening in other Cities and the drought isn’t helping,” said
a City official. “This new schedule will ensure that our trees get trimmed in a timely
manner, and at the same time, it can help us to keep better track of the state of our tree
population.” While the City takes care of the City’s trees as best as possible, City officials
encourage homeowners/property owners that it is their responsibility to upkeep and
trim the trees that are on their own private properties.
Una revisión reciente del cronograma de poda de árboles
de la Ciudad garantizará la poda de los 9,000 árboles de la
Ciudad cada dos años, en lugar de cada tres años.
Años atrás, los árboles en la Ciudad se podaban cada
cuatro años. Pero los tiempos cambiaron y, a pesar de que
la sequía actual está afectando la población de árboles de la
Ciudad, se descubrió que los árboles necesitan ser podados con
más frecuencia que cada tres o cuatro años. Desde ahora en
adelante, cada árbol se podará cada dos años. La mitad de los
árboles de la Ciudad se podará un año y la otra mitad se podará
el segundo año.
Para este nuevo cronograma de poda de árboles, las 4.9 millas cuadradas de la
Ciudad se dividieron en dos secciones, el norte y el sur; ambas consisten de seis redes,
con un total de 12 redes.
Las seis redes de la sección norte están ubicadas en Alameda Street y Atlantic
Avenue de oeste a este y de Abbott Road a 105 Glenn Anderson Freeway, de norte a sur.
Los árboles en la parte norte de la Ciudad se podaron en el año 2013-14 y se podarán
nuevamente en el año 2015-16 y nuevamente en el año 2017-18 y así sucesivamente.
La sección sur de la Ciudad consiste de seis redes también pero se encuentran al sur de
105 Glenn Anderson Freeway hasta el extremo sur de la Ciudad en las calles Orchard,
Palm y McMillan. Una red entre Imperial Highway y Fernwood Avenue y Atlantic Avenue
y 710 Freeway está incluida en la sección sur de la Ciudad. Esta sección se podará junto
con el resto de la sección sur este año, 2014-15 y nuevamente en el año 2016-17 y luego
en el año 2018-19 y así sucesivamente.
Los 9,000 árboles de la Ciudad no incluyen los árboles que están en
propiedades privadas. Con la esperanza de que las recientes lluvias alivien el impacto
de nuestra sequía de tres años, los oficiales de la Ciudad continúan monitoreando la
cantidad decreciente de árboles de la Ciudad. “Los problemas con los árboles que están
sucediendo aquí también existen en otras Ciudades y la sequía no ayuda”, dijo un oficial
de la Ciudad. “Este nuevo programacion garantizará que nuestros árboles se poden en
tiempo y forma y, al mismo tiempo, nos ayuda a realizar un mejor seguimiento del
estado de nuestra población de árboles”. Mientras la Ciudad cuida de los árboles de la
Ciudad lo mejor posible, los oficiales de la Ciudad les animan a los propietarios de casas/
inmuebles que mantengan y poden los árboles que están en su propiedad privada.
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
Residents following the development of the City’s
first Linear Walking Park can start polishing their walking shoes
as its completion date of Fall 2015 is fast approaching.
The park’s developer was given 274 days from
December 1, 2014 to complete the project, and with every day
that the project is late, there will be a $2,500 fine. While both
Lynwood Park and Yvonne Burke-Ham Park have sidewalks for
joggers and walkers, the City of Lynwood was awarded nearly
$5 million from the State of California’s Parks Competitive Grant
Program specifically for the City to build a Linear Walking Trail/
Park along the Fernwood corridor. The linear piece of vacant
land for the proposed trail/park runs parallel to the Glenn
Anderson (105) Freeway, between Atlantic Boulevard and Bullis
Road. The property is about a mile long (five blocks) and ranges
between 50 to 60 feet wide.
Construction workers are already laying concrete for
the park’s walkway, which will run through the entire 5-blocks
of the linear-shaped park. In the last two months, construction
workers have been excavating the ground, grading the land,
trenching a bioswale ditch to remove silt and pollution from
surface runoff water, and laying the foundation.
“No time is being wasted,” said a City official. While
the Linear Walking Park has been in the planning process for
some years now, by Fall 2015, residents will get their new
park. Upon receiving the grant, the City asked residents to help
design the new Linear Walking Trail/Park, and to suggest what
they would like to see in this new space. Along with its linking
walking trail through the entire site, the park will also feature
several amenities. The park’s key features include: a small dog
park, community garden with a tool shed and a vegetable wash
station, a fitness area, a small playground, native vegetation,
solar security lighting, seating opportunities, and historical
signage that tells the history of Lynwood. Every block of the
park will encompass something different; Block 1) Dog Park,
2) Fitness Park, 3) Kid’s Park, 4) Community Garden, 5) Nature
Los residentes que siguen el desarrollo del primer
Parque Lineal para Caminata de la Ciudad pueden comenzar a
sacarle brillo a sus zapatillas para caminar ya que su fecha de
finalización de otoño del año 2015 se aproxima rápidamente.
El desarrollador del parque tenía 274 días desde
el 1 de diciembre de 2014 para completar el proyecto y, con
cada día de demora, se emitirá una multa de $2,500. A pesar
de que el Parque de Lynwood y el Parque Yvonne Burke-Ham
tienen senderos para quienes corren y caminan, a la Ciudad de
Lynwood se le otorgaron aproximadamente $5 millones de parte
del Programa de Subsidios de Parques Competitivos del Estado
de California específicamente para construir un Sendero/Parque
Lineal de Caminata a lo largo del corredor Fernwood. La parte
lineal de tierra desocupada para el sendero/parque propuesto
corre paralelo a la Autopista Glenn Anderson (105) entre
Atlantica Boulevard y Bullis Road. La propiedad es de alrededor
de una milla de largo (cinco cuadras) y tiene entre 50 y 60 pies
de ancho.
Los trabajadores de la construcción ya están haciendo
las capas de concreto para el paso de tránsito del parque, que
se extenderá a lo largo de las 5 cuadras del parque lineal. En
los últimos dos meses, los trabajadores de la construcción han
estado excavando la tierra, nivelando la tierra, realizando zanjas
de drenaje para remover el limo y la contaminación del agua
superficial de escorrentía y estableciendo los cimientos.
“No se pierde tiempo”, dijo un oficial de la Ciudad. A
pesar de que el Parque Lineal para Caminata ha sido parte del
proceso de planificación por varios años, para el otoño del año
2015, los residentes tendrán su nuevo parque. Cuando recibió
el subsidio, la Ciudad le pidió a sus residentes que ayudaran a
diseñar el nuevo Sendero/Parque Lineal para Caminata y que
sugirieran qué les gustaría ver en este nuevo espacio. Junto
con un sendero de conexión para caminata a través de todo el
sitio, el parque también presentará varias instalaciones. Las
características principales del parque incluyen: un pequeño
parque para perros, un jardín comunitario con un cobertizo de
herramientas y una estación para lavar vegetales, un área de
ejercicios, un pequeño patio de juegos, vegetación autóctona,
iluminación de seguridad solar, lugares para sentarse y
señalización histórica que cuenta la historia de Lynwood. Cada
cuadra del parque abarcará algo diferente; Cuadra 1) parque
para perros, 2) parque de ejercicios, 3) parque para niños, 4)
jardín comunitario, 5) sendero natural.
Starting now, we are accepting photo submissions to be featured on our Lynwood feature page. Here’s how this goes: You
submit photos, our staff decides on the best, and your photo
gets month-long fame in our newsletter. You can send in a
photo of you at a Community event, or of you involved in the
Community or you can send in a photo of you doing something to make
your community better. You have creative freedom. All we ask is that
you are the taker of the photo, and that you think it represents the
Lynwood community. Filters are allowed – be as creative as you want!
Send photo to [email protected].
undreds of Lynwood Unified middle
and high school students received
support and inspiration to attend
college during the 15th annual Alumni
College Conference on January 10 at
Lynwood High School.
The event drew more than 50
Lynwood Unified alumni, who gave
back to their community by helping
to coordinate and provide more than
30 workshops on items such as the
college application process, grants and
scholarships and more.
“It is so rewarding to see
former students returning to mentor
and provide resources to students, and
reminding them that they were once in
their shoes,” said Lynwood Unified Board
of Education President Maria G. Lopez.
“I want to thank everyone involved for
the tremendous job they are doing to
ore than 50 teams of four have signed up to participate
in the 2015 Weight Loss Challenge. This City-wide
friendly rivalry encourages the Lynwood community to
race to lose pounds against each other in exchange for cash
at the end of 12 weeks. Individuals who are participating in
the competition are required to meet at Yvonne Burke-Ham
Park every Saturday for 12 weeks between 7 a.m. and 11
a.m. to weigh-in. The goal is to encourage the community to
lose weight by eating healthy and exercising. Even though
it sounds like an impossible task to accomplish in only 12
weeks, it is possible. It has been done four years in a row. Last
year, the winning team of four people, or the biggest losers,
lost a total of 14 percent of their total body weight and won
a total of $1,200. Response for the Weight Loss Challenge has
been unbelievable. Not only did last year’s Challenge attract
the most participants ever, but the competition’s success and
momentum also spilled over onto nearby Cities who took the
initiative and started similar city-wide weight loss programs
for their residents. Radio personality Carlos Alvarez, from
Super Estrella 97.1, is donating his time with his Insanity
Workout Sessions throughout the 12-weeks challenge.
Participants in the Challenge need to remember that in this
race, if they lose, they win!
support our youth.”
More than 20 universities and
organizations also staffed the event’s
college and resource fair, to provide
additional support and information to
“This year, our theme was
‘Preparing Today for a Brighter Tomorrow’
to emphasize the fact that education in
our community is a priority,” said AlmaDelia Renteria, Lynwood Unified Board
of Education member and co-chair of the
event. Renteria said the event’s 2015
theme also pairs well with the City of
Lynwood’s Mayor’s overarching goal to
‘Build a Brighter Lynwood.’
The special guest speaker of the
day was Ruben Canedo, a first-generation
college student from UC Berkeley who
speaks to college and K-12 students across
the state.
ore than 100 volunteers took to the streets
for the City’s second Keep Lynwood Clean
Community Cleanup on January 24, 2015
around the neighborhoods surrounding Lincoln
Elementary School. Students from all across the
Lynwood Unified School District and their parents
joined the district and City staff for a day of raking,
sweeping and picking up trash between the streets
of Century Boulevard, Long Beach Boulevard,
Imperial Highway and Santa Fe Avenue. The event
aims to encourage residents and business owners
to help keep their properties clean all year long. The City’s
trash hauler also provided the area with large orange trash
bins so that residents could get rid of unwanted bulky items
such as mattresses, chairs, tables and rugs. This was the
City’s second massive Community Cleanup. The first one took
place around Firebaugh High School. The next Community
Cleanup is scheduled to take place around the community
of Will Rogers Elementary School on Saturday, March 28,
2015. Volunteers for the next Community Cleanup may call
the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department
at (310) 603-0220 Ext. 319.
Fabiola Hernandez is one proud
mom this month as her first-born Eduardo
Zuniga, 11, was chosen by Lincoln
Elementary School to serve as the City of
Lynwood’s first Kid Mayor. Fabiola will be
one of 12 lucky moms in 2015; she will be
joined by 11 other moms this year as a new
Kid Mayor will be selected from a different
elementary school in the City every month.
Along with a scholarship, each Kid Mayor
will have the opportunity to attend all
City functions with the current Mayor and
City Council. The Kid Mayor Program gives
students a hands-on lesson on leadership
and civic duty. All Kid Mayors will be
selected by each of the Lynwood Unified
School District’s Elementary Schools
principals and teachers.
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
After-school Drop-in
All kids are different. They play different and they express
themselves differently from one another. Some kids like to play
video games, some like to read books, some like to sing, and some
like to dance. Some kids like veggies, while others don’t, and
some kids like to play outdoors, while others prefer to stay inside.
The City of Lynwood offers local youth a little bit of everything to
choose from: little leagues, ballet, ballet folklorico classes, karate
classes and an afterschool program. But did you also know that
the City of Lynwood offers a performing arts program for youth
who love to express themselves on stage? Called Theatre in The
Community, TITC is an after-school Performing Arts Program that
is looking for youth between 8 and 14 years of age who like to
sing, dance and act.
Currently working on a 2015 Black History Month
performance, TITC performs year-round throughout the City of
Lynwood and in nearby Cities. From major City special events to
grand openings, TITC is proud to represent the City of Lynwood!
This past holiday season, TITC was featured in the City’s Candy
Cane Lane Parade, the official City’s Tree Lighting Ceremony and
performed at local convalescent homes.
TITC is always looking for new performers. Are you
interested? The TITC After-School Performing Arts Program runs
Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Lynwood
Community Center, 11301 Bullis Road in Lynwood. Contact Joy
Andrade, Recreation Specialist at (310) 603-0220, Ext. 319 or
[email protected].
Drop-in to this FREE program
and meet up with friends or
make new ones! We provide a
variety of activities including
Internet access, games,
movies, a daily meal and
an X-Box Tournament every
Friday. This program operates
Monday through Friday, from
2:45 p.m. to 5 p.m. during the school year at the
Youth Center, 11409 Birch St. Closed on major
holidays. No registration is required, however
children under 9 years must be accompanied by
an adult.
Todos los niños son diferentes. Juegan de forma distinta
y se expresan diferente uno del otro. A algunos niños les gusta
jugar con video juegos, a otros les gusta leer libros, a otros cantar
y a otros bailar. A algunos niños les gustan las verduras, mientras
que a otros no y a algunos les gusta jugar al aire libre, mientras
que otros prefieren quedarse adentro. La Ciudad de Lynwood
les ofrece a los jóvenes locales un poco de todo de donde elegir:
pequeñas ligas, ballet, clases de ballet folclórico, clases de karate
y un programa después de clase. Pero, ¿usted también sabía que
la Ciudad de Lynwood ofrece un programa de arte en vivo para los
jóvenes que aman expresarse en el escenario? Con el nombre Teatro
en la Comunidad, TITC es un Programa de Arte en Vivo después de
la escuela que es para jóvenes de entre 8 y 14 años que les guste
cantar, bailar y actuar.
Actualmente trabajando en una actuación sobre el Mes
de la Historia Negra 2015, el TITC realizar presentaciones durante
todo el año en la Ciudad de Lynwood y en Ciudades cercanas.
¡Desde importantes eventos especiales de la Ciudad a grandes
inauguraciones, el TITC está orgulloso de representar a la Ciudad
de Lynwood! En las últimas fiestas, el TITC se destacó en el Desfile
de Calles Decoradas de la Ciudad, la Ceremonia oficial de Encendido
de las Luces del Árbol de la Ciudad y se presentó en hogares
convalecientes locales.
TITC siempre está en la búsqueda de nuevos artistas.
¿Está interesado? El Programa de Artes en Vivo después de la
escuela del TITC se dicta de lunes a viernes de 3 p.m. a 6 p.m. en
el Centro Comunitario de Lynwood, 11301 Bullis Road en Lynwood.
Contáctese con Joy Andrade, Especialista en Recreación, al (310)
603-0220, Ext. 319 o [email protected].
Lynwood Gym Open for Basketball Pickup Games
Stop by for a quick, FREE pick-up game at the
Lynwood Community Center Gym, Monday
through Wednesday, Noon to 3 p.m. No
registration is required, just bring your own ball!
Spring Select AYSO Soccer
Coaches, register your team today! Registration
fee is taken in cash only at the Lynwood
Community Center. The fee is $35 per player for
returning players and $55 for each new player.
Coaches must present birth certificates for new
players at time of registration. Uniforms are not
included in team registration fee.
Karate Classes
Lynwood Karate Club – Come learn Kenjutsuryu
Karate from Tony Bautista, Renshi. The Lynwood
Karate Club is open to everyone, ages 5 years
through adults of all ages. Each 10-week session
is $42 per person. Classes are held at Hosler
Middle School, 11300 Spruce St., every Tuesday
and Thursday. Beginners Class 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
and Advanced Class from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
You may register for the following
programs at the Lynwood Senior Center,
11329 Ernestine Ave., Monday through
Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and
Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please
bring the fee in cash. Contact the Senior
Services Division at (310) 886-0425 for
more information.
Pala Casino Spa & Resort – Tuesday,
February 10, 2015
Enjoy a short day-trip to San Diego. Depart
from the Lynwood Senior Center at 9:15 a.m.
and return at 6 p.m. Open to everyone 21
years & older, all participants must present
valid I.D. The cost is $23 per person. Receive
$5 in free play at the Casino.
Hundreds of people are saving the
date for Senator Ricardo Lara’s annual Gospel
Brunch. Entitled “A Century of Black Life,
History and Culture,” Senator Lara’s 4th Annual
Gospel Brunch is scheduled to take place on
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Bateman Hall,
11331 Ernestine Ave. in Lynwood, from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. and is expecting more than 400
dignitaries, community leaders, activists, and
residents from throughout the 33rd Senate
Senator Lara’s annual event expects
people from the Cities of Cudahy, Bell, Bell
Gardens, Lynwood, Maywood, Signal Hill,
Paramount, South Gate, Vernon, Walnut Park,
Huntington Park, Long Beach, Los Angeles
and Lakewood.
Every year, Senator Lara looks
forward to celebrating the rich spiritual,
cultural and ethnic traditions that are an
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
integral part of the daily lives of each of
the communities that he represents. Held
during Black History Month, this event,
Senator Lara said, commemorates the
extensive contributions African Americans
have made to the state of California and to
the United States of America.
Attendees of this highly-praised
annual event will be treated to musical
group performances, praise dancers, guest
speakers and an impressive luncheon.
Complimentary tickets for this event are
available at the Lynwood Senior Center and
at Senator Lara’s District offices located at
3939 Atlantic Ave., Suite 107, Long Beach
CA 90807 or at 6550 Miles Ave., 2nd Floor,
Huntington Park, CA 90255. Tickets are
limited. For further information please call
(323) 277-4560 or (310) 886-0425.
Valentine’s Day Party – Thursday,
February 12, 2015
Join us for a celebration of love & friendship
at the Senior Center, starting at 11 a.m.
through 2 p.m. This gathering is offered
during the Senior Center meal program. If
you’d like to purchase lunch, please call one
day in advance to R.S.V.P. Senior Donation
(60 yrs. & older is $2.00/Non-Senior
Donation is $4.00
Original Farmers Market – Thursday,
February 26, 2015
Travel to the Fairfax District in Los Angeles,
home of the Original Farmers Market since
1934! The coach bus departs from the Senior
Center at 9 a.m. and returns at 3:30 p.m. The
cost is $5 per person.
A Celebration of Children with Special
Needs – Sunday, February 22, 2015
Join us at Bateman Hall in the Lynwood
Civic Center behind City Hall, as we
celebrate our friends from the special
needs community! This annual free
event is open to any member of the
Lynwood special needs community and
one parent or guardian. Enjoy food, live
entertainment, free giveaways, music and
have fun! Seating is limited; reserve your
seats by calling (310) 603-0220, Ext. 319.
The last day to register is February 18,
“Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love
can do that. Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses
life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The story of Black History Month begins in 1915, half a
century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the
United States. That September, the Harvard-trained historian Carter
G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded
the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an
organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements
by Black Americans and other peoples of African descent. Known
today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and
State Sen. Ricardo Lara, in partnership with the City
of Lynwood, the Lynwood Unified School District,
the Lynwood Bingo Club and Members of the Community, are hosting the 4th annual Gospel Brunch.
Themed “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture,” this year’s highly praised and attended event
adds the Lula Washington Dance Theater to its lineup of entertainers and guest speakers. More than
400 people from throughout Sen. Lara’s Senate District attend the annual Black History Month celebration. The event takes place on Saturday, February 7,
2015 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bateman Hall, 11331
Ernestine Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262. Complimentary
tickets can be picked up or requested at the Lynwood
Senior Center or at Sen. Lara’s district offices in Long
Beach or in Huntington Park.
Be Social Productions, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles, is hosting a
mega health fair on Saturday, February 14, 2015 from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Plaza Mexico in Lynwood. The objective of this event is to provide to the community
free health screening services and valuable health
resource information that Los Angeles County offers
for them. The event also will feature booths that
specialize in assisting families in enrolling for health
care as the deadline for Covered California is quickly
approaching. Individuals seeking to apply for health
care must provide a California identification card,
show proof of residence, proof of income taxes, and
legal proof of U.S. residency. More than 3,000 people
are expected to attend this health fair. Screening tests
available at the fair include: cholesterol, HIV, blood
pressure, glucose and others. Plaza Mexico is located
at 3100 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood, CA 90262.
History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History
week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide
with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The
event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize
local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances
and lectures.
The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909, the
centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.
In the decades that followed, mayors of cities across the
country began issuing yearly proclamations recognizing Negro
History Week. By the late 1960s, thanks in part to the Civil Rights
Movement and a growing awareness of Black identity, Negro
History Week had evolved into Black History Month on many
college campuses. President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized
Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the
opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of
Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
Since then, every American president has designated
February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme.
The 2015 theme is, A century of Black Life, History and Culture.
FEBRUARY 7, 2015
10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.
FEBRUARY 11, 2015
6 P.M. TO 8 P.M.
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
10 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
FEBRUARY 16, 2015
. SoCalGas offers many assistance programs for customers with financial
SoCalGas has expanded its participation guidelines for its bill assistance
programs. The income requirements to qualify for the California Alternate Rates for
Energy Program were raised this year so that a family of one that earns up to $31,460
may now receive 20 percent off of their monthly natural gas bill. This also qualifies
residents for the Energy Savings Assistance Program, which qualifies customers for
free energy-saving home upgrades. SoCalGas also has a Middle Income Direct Install
Program, a Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and a Gas Assistance Fund
Program – all of which provide assistance for customers with financial difficulties.
SoCalGas also offers a Medical Baseline Allowance Program for customers who have
a member of their household who is seriously disabled or who has a life-threatening
medical condition.
SoCalGas understands that all of their customer’s needs are different.
Some customers might be recently unemployed, some not, but whenever there
is financial difficulty, SoCalGas encourages customers to call and see how they
can provide assistance. Not only is SoCalGas offering bill assistance programs, but
customers can also participate in rebates and energy efficiency programs or in
payment arrangement opportunities. For more information, SoCalGas customers
may go online at www.socalgas.com or call (877) 238-0092.
FEBRUARY 22, 2015
11 A.M. TO 2 P.M.
(310) 603-0220 EXT. 319
FEBRUARY 24, 2015
6 P.M.
• Bateman Hall
(310) 886-0413
• City Hall
(310) 603-0220
• Code Enforcement
(310) 886-0456
• Compton Court
(310) 762-9100
• Waste Resources
(888) 467-7600
• Dial-A-Taxi
(855) 545-9595
• Fire Inspection
(310) 603-5258
• Fire Station #147
(310) 603-5255
• Fire Station #148
(310) 603-5270
• Hall of Records
(562) 462-2137
• Health Department, Environmental
(213) 351-5085
• L.A. County, Sheriff ’s Department
(323) 568-4800
• Lynwood Library
(310) 635-7121
• Lynwood Natatorium
(310) 886-0414
• Lynwood Post Office (Atlantic Ave.)
(310) 632-3707
• Lynwood Post Office (Long Beach Blvd.)
(310) 638-9074
• Lynwood Unified School District
(310) 886-1600
• Lynwood Senior Center
(310) 886-0425
• Lynwood Sports Office
(310) 886-0426
• Lynwood Youth Center
(310) 886-0453
• Senior Meals
(310) 886-0416
• Street Sweeping
(562) 860-0604
• Service Request
(310) 603-0220 x. 207
• Trolley, MV Transit
(562) 259-9911
• Used Oil Recycling
(800) 449-7587
• Bulky Item Pick-up
(888) 467-7600
• Animal Control Request
(310) 603-0220 x. 207, 312
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
C A LL : (310 ) 60 3 -0 2 2 0 , ex t. 6 1 3
on all white display boards
Happy Valentine’s Day
Free Drink with Purchase of
ANY Meal!
February 13, 14, 15, 2015
Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner
3102 E. Imperial Highway,
Lynwood, CA 90262
1 Free 21 oz. drink with
a purchase of any Plate
11123 Long Beach Blvd. 4181 Tweedy Blvd #101
South Gate Ca 90280
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 567-9222
(310) 637-9222
Offer expires on March 15, 2015
The City’s two big red Trolleys and its two white
Lynwood Breeze Buses operate on four different
routes seven days a week throughout the City’s
4.9 square mile radius. Each trolley and bus has
its own route.
This transportation service runs along
all of the City’s major thoroughfares and through
its neighborhood streets. All four routes begin
and end their routes at the City’s Transit Center.
The City’s Transit Center is located on the corner
of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Bullis
Road. Color-coded on this map (pictured), the
trolleys and the Lynwood Breeze Buses operate on
different schedules. Schedules are also modified
on weekends and on no-school days. You may go to
the City’s website at www.lynwood.ca.us for times
and a clearer picture of all four routes.
Route A - Red
Regular: 7 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 5:29 p.m.
No-School: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 5:29 p.m.
Weekend: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 3:29 p.m.
Route B - Green
Regular: 7 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 5:25 p.m.
No-School: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 5:25 p.m.
Weekend: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 3:55 p.m.
Route C - Purple (30 minute break after 11 a.m.)
Regular: 7 a.m. at Transit Center in 1 hour intervals. Last stop is 5:25 p.m.
No-School: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 1 hour intervals. Last stop is 5:25 p.m.
Weekend: 9 a.m. at Transit Center in 1 hour intervals. Last stop is 4:25 p.m.
Route D - Blue
Regular : 7 a.m. at Transit Center in 30 minute intervals. Last stop is 6 p.m.
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca
For more detailed information regarding the Lynwood Trolley/ Breeze scheduled routes please
go to the City’s website at www.lynwood.ca.us.
Valentine’s Day
11123 Long Beach Blvd. #8 (310) 603-0770
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there.
Delores Stubbs
3601 E. Imperial Highway
Lynwood, CA 90262
State Farm Mutual Automible Insurance Company.
State Farm Indeminty Company, Bloomington, IL | statefarm.com
www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca

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350538_NewsLetter May

350538_NewsLetter May the City Council Meeting like a pro. Sterling said that she had heard about the City’s Kid Mayor Program but didn’t think she would ever be selected by her teachers. “I can’t believe I was chosen,”...

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HERE cOmEs sUmmER Not only has the City’s Olympic-sized pool been renovated just in time for the summer months, but there are oodles of events in the works intended to bring out entire families to enjoy the outdoors...

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351328_lnp_November 2015

351328_lnp_November 2015 LNP LYNWOOD N’ PERSPECTIVE

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