The Cathedral Parish of The Immaculate Conception


The Cathedral Parish of The Immaculate Conception
Live + Jesus
The Cathedral Parish of The Immaculate Conception
La Parroquia Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción
Diocese of Camden - Diócesis de Camden
Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan, D.D.
Administered by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
26th. Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016
Mass Schedule - Horario de Misas
Sunday/ Domingo
9:00 a.m. (English/Cathedral)
10:00 a.m. (Español/Fatima)
11:30 a.m. (Español/Catedral)
Weekdays/Durante la Semana
12:05 p.m. (Bilingue)
Holy Days/Día de Precepto
12:05 p.m. (Bilingue/Cathedral)
7:00 p.m. (Bilingue/Cathedral)
Holidays/Días Festivos
12:05 p.m. (Bilingue/Cathedral)
Confessions - Confesiones
Wed. & Thurs.11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Cathedral)
or by Appointment
Miércoles y Jueves 11:45 a.m. (Catedral)
o por cita
Through our encounter with Christ, the parish of the
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Mother
Church of the Diocese of Camden, celebrates our multicultural, Catholic identity through our prayer and
sacraments. Our call to live the gospel of love guides our
parish ministries and vision: compassionate outreach
within the city, ministry to our youth and our communal
commitment to lifelong growth in the faith.
Por medio de nuestro encuentro con Cristo la parroquia de
la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, la Madre Iglesia
de la Diócesis de Camden, celebra nuestra identidad
Católica multicultural a través de la oración y los
sacramentos. Nuestro llamado a vivir el evangelio de amor
guía nuestros ministerios y la visión de la parroquia:
Sirviendo compasivamente en la ciudad de Camden,
apoyando y guiando a nuestra juventud, creciendo en la fe.
642 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102 ♦ 856-964-1580 ♦ 856-757-0438 (fax) ♦
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Fr. John J. Fisher, OSFS - Rector: [email protected]
Fr. Michael McCue, OSFS - Associate Pastor/Spiritual Director DSW
Deacon Felix Miranda • Deacon José Rene Zayas
Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS - In Residence
Iris M. Maldonado -Director of Faith Formation
Delia Lugo - Parish Secretary, Bookkeeper, Child and Youth Protection Coordinator
[email protected]
Susan Mackey -Secretary, Outreach Coordinator - [email protected]
Victor Román - Buildings & Maintenance
Good Samaritan Center - Theresa D Seville - Coordinator (215-778-0090) 126 N. Broadway
Infant Baptism
Sacrament of Marriage
Baptismal Instruction is
required for the parents and
godparents. Please contact
Iris Maldonado or the
Rectory office.
Bautismo de Niños
Las instrucciones
bautismales son requeridas
para los padres y los
padrinos. Favor de llamar
a Iris Maldonado o la
oficina parroquial
Necessary preparation requires that arrangements be made at
least 6 months before the date of the wedding. All couples
must attend an approved diocesan marriage preparation program. Please call Deacon Felix (Tito) Miranda at 856-3044309 or email [email protected]
El Sacramento del Matrimonio
Se requiere preparación y arreglos con 6 meses de anticipación
antes de la fecha de la boda. Todas las parejas deben asistir y
ser aprobados en el programa de matrimonio de la diócesis.
Favor de llamar al diácono Miranda al 856– 304-4309 o email.
[email protected]
Parish Organizations / Organizaciones Parroquiales
Parish Council/Consejo Parroquial - 1st Tuesday @ 5:30 PM (Cathedral Hall)
Liturgical Committee/Comité de Liturgia - 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 PM (Cathedral Hall)
Music Ministry/Coro Parroquial - 4th Saturday/4to Sábado @ 6:00 PM (Cathedral)
Finance Council/Consejo Financiero– 4th Tuesday @ 7:00 PM (Cathedral Hall)
Movimentos Eclesiales:
Carismática Católica - La Comunidad de la Renovación Carismática Católica Inmaculada Concepción, les invita a
su Asamblea de Oración todos los viernes de 7 PM - 9 PM. El primer viernes de cada mes tenemos Adoración al
Santísimo Sacramento del Altar. Todos están invitados.
Juan XXIII - Jueves @ 7:00 PM (La Catedral ) Info. 856-952-3026
Primer Jueves Misa @ 7:00 PM (La Catedral ) [email protected]
El Camino del Señor - Cada miércoles /Every Wednesday @ 7:00 PM (Cathedral Hall)
Información: Margarita Lugo—[email protected]
Holy Infant Jesus/Santo Niño - 1st Sunday of the month
Información: Jojo Abat (856-426-6592); Mildred Saldana (267-709-4078); Tessie Aquino (856-857-4339)
Sociedad de Santo Nombre - 2nd. Domingo de Mes @ 8:30 AM
Información: Luis Santana (856-882-8213)
Sociedad de Damas—3er. Domingo de Mes @ 8:30 AM Información: Evelyn Rodriguez (267-314-1659)
642 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102 ♦ 856-964-1580
♦ 856-757-0438 (fax) ♦
El Rincón Pastoral/Pastor’s Corner
St. Therese of Lisieux (“The Little Flower”)
October 1st is the Feast of St. Therese of the Little Flower. Her autobiography, “Story of the Soul” gave the
world an inside look into this great Saint who died of tuberculosis at the young age of 24. Just recently, her own
parents Louis and Zellie Martin were canonized saints. Her story relates about her loss of her mother, her moments of despair brought on by sickness and doubt, and her trying to enter the monastery of Mt. Carmel at a
young age. What fascinated me most was a story about her finding it difficult to live with one particular sister
who may not have been the easiest to like. Her solution was simple and brilliant. She simply stated that “she
would be love.” This was her “little way” of being a “little flower” in the garden of God. Thus, she was resolute
in spending her life in love. Simple and powerful. It so captivated me that every day when I left the doors of our
residence at the university on my way to class or a meeting I would repeat to myself “let me be love.” It put me in a frame of mind
to treat others and/or to handle unpleasant situations gently like the student who did not do the assigned reading (can you imagine?)
or the complaining colleague. “Let me be love” puts the responsibility of each of us to do something. We can’t “pass the buck.”
How to deal with so much terrorism, fits of rage, constant violence, addiction to drugs or pornography, a breakdown in communication and a deterioration of civility, a great disparity in economic resources, and the list continues? Why not follow Therese’s example and repeat multiple times each day “I will be love” and see how that translates.
Seré Amor
El primer día de octubre, la iglesia celebra la fiesta de Santa Teresa de Lisieux, “la pequeña flor.” Su autobiografía, “La Historia de
un alma,” nos dice mucho de esta santa joven que murió a la edad de 24 años. Aprendemos que sufría mucho de la enfermedad, la
duda, la tristeza, la muerte de su madre, su deseo de entrar el monasterio de Monte Carmel antes de la edad aceptable. Lo que más
me fascina es la manera en que ella respondió a una monja muy desagradable del monasterio. Ella decidió responder con amor.
Ella se repetía, “Seré amor.” Sería su manera simple de vivir. Su decisión era tan poderosa que me la trasmitió.
Cada día, antes de salir de las puertas de mi casa para las clases, repetía “seré amor.” Esta imitación de Teresa me
permitía a tratar mis estudiantes y colegas con amor, respeto, y la dulzura. “Seré amor” pone la responsabilidad
en cada individuo. En vez de pensar otros tienen que cambiar el mundo, aceptamos el reto en una manera simple
y poderosa. A los actos del terrorismo en este mundo, la violencia de nuestras ciudades, la ira y el odio que existe
entre personas, el contraste de los que poseen mucho y otros que no saben de dónde viene su próxima comida, la
falta de comunicación en la familia, la adicción a las drogas o la pornografía, y la lista continua. ¿Por qué no
seguimos el ejemplo de Santa Teresa y repetimos muchas veces al día “seré amor” y descubramos como esta
imitación traduce? ¡Seamos amor!
Some Updates
Last Sunday at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, we had a great celebration for the 35 th anniversary of the Santo Niño Prayer Group of South
Jersey. As you know, the Cathedral is the shrine for the Santo Niño statue. To celebrate well this milestone, we moved the statue to
its own pedestal to the right of the St. Joseph statue. The Filipino community donated many food baskets at the liturgy. Later in the afternoon at their dinner at Crowne Plaza, the community generously donated $5,000.00 to the
parish. Thank you for your continual support of the parish. May your devotion to Santo Niño continue to renew
your faith and inspire our parish community.
Algunos Adelantos
El domingo pasado celebramos el 35º aniversario del grupo Santo Niño de la comunidad filipina. Al fin de la misa,
movimos la estatua en su pedestal propio. En una cena en Crowne Plaza la comunidad nos presentó con un cheque
de cinco mil dólares. Les Damos gracias por su apoyo y su caridad y rezamos que el Santo Niño continua a protegerlos con su
The Charismatic Retreat is this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The theme is “The Family in the Plan of God.” It will be held here
beginning Friday night. If you still want to attend contact Mariannie Zayas at 856-662-5690. Let us pray for those attending!
El Retiro Carismático comienza este viernes, el 30 de septiembre hasta el dos de octubre. Todos están invitados. El tema es: “La
familia en el plan de Dios.” Llame a Mariannie Zayas al 856-662-5690. Oremos por los asistientes.
The Sanctuary Candle/ Velas del Santuario
John Keane
26th. Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 25, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Manuel Feliciano— 1 year Anniversary
10:00 a.m.
Felix Perez
A petición de Rosin Perez
Rosalia Perez
A petición de Rosin Perez
Dobla Lopez
A petición de Normalia Martinez
11:30 a.m.
Si desea la vela del Santuario encendida por una
intención especial o en memoria de un ser querido,
favor de llamar a la Rectoria.
September 25, 2016—11 de septiembre, 2016
Ministros de La Eucaristia/Eucharist Ministers
Avel Domingo Vaccaro
A petición de Eva Vaccaro y familia
Victor Roman Sr.
A petición de la familia.
Mercedes Rivera
A petición de Maria Pitre y fa.
Sofilio Nuñez
A petición de la familia.
12:05 p.m.
September 26, 2016
Michael Lopez
At the request of the family.
12:05 p.m.
September 27, 2016
Patricia Bakey
At the request of the Cathedral Community
12:05 p.m.
If you would like to have the candle lit for a loved one,
please call the rectory.
September 29, 2016
Miguel Espinal
Requested the family
12:05 p.m.
September 30, 2016
Gertrudis Bonilla
At the request of the family
Violeta Olavarria, Sr. Claire, Sr. Selena
Digna Quiles y Fanny Torres
Emilia Burdie y Grisel Reyes
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Elva Vazquez and Sister Lucy
Enesida Rodriguez y Palmira Velazquez
Fidel Olavarria y Maria DeJesus
October 02, 2016—02 de octubre, 2016
Ministros de la Eucaristia/Eucharist Ministers
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Gloria Acevedo y Palmira Velazquez
Milly Lopez y Miledys Caba
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
September 28, 2016
Patricia Bakey
Requested by Martha A. Scutte
12:05 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Minerva Velez y Margarita Lugo
Maria Luciano y Maribel Roman
Recuerden a los Enfermos-Remember the Sick
Roberto Crespo, Fanny Torres, Luis Ortiz, Judy
Nelson Alvarado y todos los
enfermos. All who are caring for a loved one.
Please remember those who have died.
Please call the Rectory to have someone put on
the sick list. Favor de llamar a la Rectoria para
añadir personas a nuestra lista de enfermos. Llame a la
rectoria .
Collection/Expenses 9/18/2016
Sunday collection 3,017.00
Gracias por su ayuda. Dios los bendiga.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Office of Safe Environment - Child Assult Prevention (CAP)
The office of Child and Youth Protection is announcing CAP (Child Assault Prevention) sessions. CAP is a safe environment
training for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter
for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the Diocese of Camden is that adults will attend CAP once every
five years.
Report Sexual Abuse
An independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by
priests, deacons, religious, employees and /or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed clinical social worker. In accord with
state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency and law enforcement.
For information or to inquire about counseling and support services, call 1800-964-6588
Respect Life Committee Forming NOW! John and Janice Moore have graciously accepted the leadership mantel for the formation of
the Respect Life Group. They are calling on interested parishioners to join the committee to guide the parish in all events throughout
the year. Please contact them immediately as they are planning for many activities to celebrate October as it is Respect for Life
Month. The committee also needs to plan for January’s events. In October, they will offer us many opportunities to show our respect for life from the womb to the tomb. Included in these are: bring in diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) before a Sunday Mass, visit someone
in a nursing home, call or visit an elderly relative with whom you may not have had contact lately, visit someone in the hospital or
prison, volunteer in our kitchen pantry this month, or write a letter to someone on death row. Please call John at (856) 981-7078 or
email him at [email protected].
El comité de Respeto la Vida se está formando. John y Janice Moore han aceptado la posición como jefes de este grupo pero
necesitan muchos voluntarios para manejar las actividades durante el año. Octubre es el mes para respetar la vida en una manera
intencional. El grupo quiere invitar a cada miembro de la parroquia a participar en una serie de eventos: trayendo pañales (pampers)
(tamaños 4, 5, 6) para la colecta durante la misa en los domingos, visitando a alguien in un hospital o la cárcel, ayudando en nuestra
cocina distribuyendo los sándwiches, escribiendo una carta a una persona en el pabellón de la muerte. Llamen a John al (856) 9817078 or email him at [email protected].
The finance committee, comprised of Gabriel Chacón (chair), Jonathan Latko, Bonnie Cavanaugh, Carmen Quiles, John Fisher,
OSFS, and Delia Lugo (ex officio), will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month. However, its first meeting will be a planned
meeting with the Diocesan Financial Office on Thursday, September 29 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral.
El comité financiero se reúne el último martes de cada mes con la excepción de este mes cuando el comité se reúne con los
financieros de la diócesis. Esta reunión tiene lugar el 29 de septiembre.
Second Collections-Las segundas colectas
Second Collections: Today’s second collection was requested by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, head of the Catholic Conference of
Bishops. It is for those affected by the recent flooding in Louisiana. Though it seems like we have been having a second collection
every Sunday, I believe it is important for us to contribute as it shows our concern for brothers and sisters whom we don’t know
and will probably never meet but are still part of the one Church. It also helps us appreciate what we have and in some small way,
our giving is an expression of our generosity, thanks, and compassion.
With all of this in mind, next Sunday, October 2, the second collection is the Diocesan Pro-life Collection. This is a great start for
our parish’s celebration of October as Respect Life Month and the inauguration of our Pro-Life Committee.
La colecta de hoy es para las personas que sufrían de las inundaciones en Louisiana. Entiendo que han sido muchas colectas pero
es bueno que participamos para aliviar el sufrimiento de los otros. De una manera pequeña, podemos demonstrar nuestras gracias
por los bienes que disfrutamos. El domingo próximo es la colecta pro-vida como comenzamos el mes de octubre.
There will be a Marian Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception
THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. The diocesan pilgrimage features Sacred Music, Procession of
Parishes, Rosary, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Mass with Bishop Dennis Sullivan. For more
information, call (856) 939-1769.
Habrá un viaje a la Basílica Nacional de La Inmaculada Concepción en Washington, D.C. el primero
de octubre. Esta peregrinación contiene la música sagrada, la procesión de las parroquias, el rosario,
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