Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The Catechism of the Catholic


Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The Catechism of the Catholic
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The Eucharist
is the ‘source and summit of the Christian life...’ In brief, the
Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith: Our way of
thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn
confirms our way of thinking” (#’s 1324, 1327). I hope that as
you prepare to come to and are actually at Mass, you are aware
of the immense gift that the holy Eucharist is to us from God our
Father through His Son Jesus.
We should all reflect on the readings of the Mass BEFORE we
arrive at church. If you have children, your entire family should sit
down together and read through these readings and discuss what
these readings mean depending on the ability of each member. In
this way, you will have begun your spiritual preparation and your
mind and heart will be more open and ready to receive the word
of God at Mass. There are several ways to obtain the daily
readings. Including from the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, www.usccb.org. There are publications that are out that
offer the daily readings. And, of course, we publish the daily
readings in our weekly bulletin.
As the Liturgy of the Word is finished (with the Prayers of the
Faithful) we begin the Liturgy of the Eucharist. As the collection
baskets are passed around, we are reminded that the Lord asks
us to give back to His Church a minimum of 10% of what He has
gifted to us through our time, our abilities and, yes, from our
treasure. The baskets represent the gratitude of the faithful
people of God and as the gifts of bread and wine are processed
down the center isle, they carry with them the prayers, petitions
and desires of all gathered. When the priest/presider and/or
deacon receive these gifts, they receive all that is intended. As
the gifts are placed on the altar, the bread and wine and all of the
unspoken prayers and needs of the people of God are offered up
to the majesty of the Lord.
Our Church teaches us that every time we participate in the
holy sacrifice of the Mass, we are participating in the one and only
Last Supper with Jesus Christ. It is not a symbol of, but rather is
the Last Supper and the priest is Christ offering the eternal
sacrifice of reconciliation. In the words of the Eucharistic Prayer
and certainly in the words of consecration, the priest stands in
persona Christi, in the person of Christ. Through the power of the
Holy Spirit the elements of bread and wine are changed (from the
inside out) into the Body and Blood of Christ. Our doctrine calls
this, transubstantiation.
When we come forward for holy Communion, the bishops of
the United States teach that the proper stance for receiving holy
Communion is standing and in procession, as if on pilgrimage to
the eternal Jerusalem and final destination of all Christians. When
the Eucharistic Minister says either, “The Body of Christ” or “The
Blood of Christ,” our proper response is, “Amen” meaning, “I
Finally, I wish to encourage your attendance for ALL of
the Mass, from the beginning of the first hymn until the end
of the last. We are attending the banquet of the Lord, not
going through a drive through line at a restaurant. If we
cannot be civil and courteous to one another in the parking
lot after Mass, then for what have we just come and done?
Likewise, we should be eager to spend time with the Lord
and our sisters and brothers, not rushing to get in an out.
Christ the Good Shepherd come to our aid.
Fr. James Burkart, Pastor
[email protected]
14, 14,
14 de JUNIO del
Undécimo domingo de tiempo Ordinario
El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica afirma que "La Eucaristía es la
"fuente y cumbre de la vida cristiana..." En resumen, la Eucaristía es el
compendio y la suma de nuestra fe: Nuestra forma de pensar está en
sintonía a la Eucaristía y, a su vez la Eucaristía confirma nuestra
manera de pensar" (del # 1324, 1327). Espero que en proceso de su
preparación para venir y estar presente en la Misa, sean conscientes del
inmenso regalo que la Santa Eucaristía para nosotros de Nuestro Padre
Todos debemos reflexionar sobre las lecturas de la Misa antes de
llegar a la iglesia. Si usted tiene niños, toda la familia debe sentarse y
leer juntos, reflexionar las lecturas y discutir lo que significan estas
lecturas en función de la capacidad de cada uno de sus miembros. De
esta manera, usted habrá comenzado la preparación espiritual, con la
mente y el corazón estará más abierto y listo para recibir la palabra de
Dios en la Misa. Hay varias formas de obtener las lecturas diarias.
Incluso desde la página web www.usccb.org. De la Conferencia de
Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, hay publicaciones que están
disponibles que ofrecen las lecturas diarias; y por supuesto publicamos
las lecturas diarias en nuestro boletín semanal.
Cuando la Liturgia de la Palabra termina (con la oración de los fieles)
comenzamos la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. Cuando se van pasando las
canastas de la colecta, nos recuerda que el Señor nos pide devolvamos
a Su iglesia un mínimo del 10% del cual El nos ha bendecido a todos
nosotros ya sea con tiempo, nuestras habilidades y, sí, también de
nuestro tesoro. Las canastas representan la gratitud del pueblo fiel a
Dios y mientras la ofrenda del pan y el vino procesan por el centro hacia
el altar, llevan con ellos los rezos, peticiones y deseos de todos los aquí
reunidos. Cuando el sacerdote/ y/ o el diácono reciben estos regalos,
reciben todo esas peticiones. Cuando los regalos son colocados en el
altar, el pan y vino y todas nuestras suplicas, necesidades personales
del pueblo de Dios son ofrecidos ante la majestad del Señor.
Nuestra Iglesia nos enseña que cada vez que participamos en el
santo sacrificio de la Misa, estamos participando en la incomparable
Ultima Cena con Jesucristo. No es un símbolo solamente, sino más bien
es la última cena y el sacerdote es Cristo ofreciendo el sacrificio eterno
de la reconciliación. En las palabras de la Oración Eucarística y, desde
luego, en las palabras de la consagración, el sacerdote in persona
Christi, en la persona de Cristo. A través del poder del Espíritu Santo los
elementos del pan y el vino han cambiado (por dentro y por fuera) en el
Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Nuestra doctrina llama a esto, la
Cuando nos acercamos a recibir la Sagrada Comunión, los obispos
de los Estados Unidos enseñan que la postura apropiada para recibir la
Sagrada Comunión es de pie y en procesión, como en peregrinación
hacia Jerusalén nuestro eterno y final destino de todos los cristianos.
Cuando el Ministro Eucarístico dice, “El Cuerpo de Cristo” o “La Sangre
de Cristo”, nuestra respuesta apropiada es, “Amén” significa, “Creo”.
Por último, quiero animar su asistencia a toda la Misa, desde el
principio del primer y último canto. Estamos asistiendo al banquete del
Señor, no vamos en la línea de un restaurante de comida
rápida. ¿Si no podemos ser civiles y corteses unos con otros en
el estacionamiento después de la Misa?, ¿entonces para qué
hemos venido y hecho? Asimismo, debemos estar dispuestos a
pasar tiempo con el Señor así también con nuestros hermanos
y hermanas; no apresurarse en entrar y salir tan pronto como
Cristo el buen pastor, ven en nuestra ayuda,
Padre James Burkart, Pastor
[email protected]
Join Us In The Large Hall For Sweet Treats And Fellowship
Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community
18511 Klein Church Road / Spring, Texas 77379 / 281-376-6831
Archdiocese of Galveston—Houston
Welcome to Our Parish family!
¡Bienvenido a nuestra familia parroquial!
Please pick up a registration form in the Narthex or brochure rack at the Front Desk, fill it out and
receive your Welcome Packet from the receptionist.
Por favor recoja un formulario de inscripción en el Nártex o estante del folletos en la Recepción,
llénelo y reciba su Paquete Bienvenida del recepcionista.
Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings
Intenciones de la misa & Lecturas de la Escritura
*visiting Priest
Mon/Lun, June 15
Fr. Jones
12 Noon
David C. Kar †
2 Cor 6:1-10 | Ps 98:1-4 | Mt 5:38-42
2 Cor 8:1-9 | Ps 146:2, 5-6, 6-7, 8-9 | Mt 5:43-48
7:00 am
Maria De La Luz Jordan †
Wed/Mie, June 17
9:00 am
Tyler Chase Bohrmann
2 Cor 9:6-11 | Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 9 | Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thur/Jue, June 18
7:00 pm
Pastora T. Carijutan †
2 Cor 11:1-11 | Ps 1-2, 3-4, 7-8 | Mt 6:7-15
Fri/Vie, June 19
9:00 am
Mim McGrogan †
2 Cor 11:18, 21-30 | Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 | Mt 6:19-23
8:30 am
5:30 pm
George E. Bongain †
Robert † / William †
2 Cor 12:1-10 | Ps 34:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 | Mt 6:24-34
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Charles A. Dickens †
Tom Stolle †
Regis Ferrere †
People of the Parish
Jose Moya †
Jb 38:1, 8-11 | Ps 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31 |
2 Cor 5:14-17 | Mt 4:35-41
Tues/Mar, June 16
Sat/Sab, June 20
Fr. Jones
Fr. Jones
Sun/Dom, June 21
En Español
Fr. Jones
Fr. Jones
Please note: If a priest is not available for Weekday Mass we will have Liturgy of the Word (without communion) or Liturgy of the Hours (without
communion). Please continue to come and pray together.
 Doris Pearse
 Jim Cox
Together, let us pray for the needs of our
brothers and sisters, for those in the military, and
those we hold in our hearts.
Juntos, oremos por las necesidades de nuestros
hermanos y hermanas, para los militares y los que
guardamos en nuestro corazón.
Frank O’Neill, Jr., James Morton, Elaine Hintzel, Elaine and
David Clopton, Paula Delaney, Alexander Cadena, Donna Grady,
Ruth Macias, Samantha Rangel, Amy Smith, Shane Smith,
Kennedy Law, David Wagner, Natalie Pate, Jay Ballard, Joe
Johnson, Lucille Isam, Elvis Ray Isam, Clarence Bronger, Kim
Warwick, Michael J. Soroka, Peter Mulholland, Dorothy
Martinez, Patty White, Bob & Kathie Binkle, Fr. John Upton.
Jesus & Maria Lopez
Miguel & Juana Rendon
Felipe & Juana Urrea
Jesus & Yesenia De Paz Flores
Jon & Jennifer DeJong
Ryan & Ashley DeLuna
Catherin Castillo
Thomas & Jennifer Padilla
Oscar & Ericka Rivera
George & Sherry Bourgeois, Jr.
Hernan & Brenda Piz
Alberto Asconcio
Azucena Yaneth
John & Julieta Young
Julia Johnson
Matthew & Blanca Richardson
The best way to ensure our parish receives the support needed for
our operating expenses and ministries during the busy summer
months is eGiving through Faith Direct! Enroll today by visiting
www.faithdirect.net, our church code is TX665.
Thank you for your continued support!
Hello my name is Gloria Scoyola and I am the new RCIA
Director. Are you interested in the Catholic Faith? Are you
an adult who has never been baptized? Or do you have a
child older than the age of 7 who has never been baptized? I
would love to talk to you about the Catholic faith and the
sacraments of the Church. The informal inquiry sessions for
adults begin on Monday, July 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the
PAC Bride’s Room. These sessions are also for adults
baptized in another Christian denomination who are now
interested in the Catholic Faith. Please call me for an
appointment 281-376-6831 or drop by on July 6. I look
forward to meeting you! [email protected]
In Fall, 2015, a six-week session of small faith-sharing groups
that meet in homes and other locations throughout the parish.
“ARISE Together in Christ” is a parish centered process of
evangelization and spiritual renewal that enables people to
develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in Community,
and reach out in service to others.”
“Take heart; ARISE; He is calling you!” Mk 10:49
JUNE 14, 2015
14 de JUNIO 2015
El RICA es el proceso por el cual los adultos, mayores de
18 años, que tienen interés en ser Católicos entran en
nuestra fe. Si nunca recibiste el bautizo o si fuiste
bautizado en otra fe cristiana, por favor llámame para
platicar del proceso que necesitas para recibir los
sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica. Este proceso es
también para los adultos que fueron bautizados Católicos
pero que nunca fueron a la doctrina y que no han
cumplido con los sacramentos de la Primera Comunión y
la Confirmación. Comuníquese con Gloria Scoyola en al
281-376-6831 [email protected]
Dios mediante, el proceso se llevará a cabo durante el otoño de este
año 2015. La duración es de seis semanas donde formaremos grupos
pequeños que se reunirán en ciertos hogares y locales dentro de la
“LEVANTATE, Unidos en Cristo” es un proceso de evangelización y
renovación espiritual que capacita cada uno para desarrollar una
relación más cercana con Cristo, para el crecimiento de la comunidad
y del servicio a los demás.
“¡Vamos, Levántate; que te está llamando!” Mk 10:49
Respect Life Update
The heart of the our ministry is based on the encyclical of Saint Pope John Paul II. In his “Gospel of Life”
Pope John Paul quotes the following from the Second Vatican Council.
Whatever is opposed to Life itself such as any type of murder, genocide, abortion , euthanasia or willful
self-destruction, whatever violates the integrity of the human persons such as mutilation, torments inflicted
on body or mind, attempts to coerce the will itself; whatever insults human dignity such as subhuman living
conditions, arbitrary imprisonment , deportation, slavery, prostitution, the selling or women and children as
disgraceful working conditions where people are treated as mere instruments of greed rather than free and
responsible persons; all these things and others like them are infamies indeed. They poison human society
and they do more harm to those who practice them than to those who suffer from their injury. Moreover, they are a supreme
dishonor to the Creator. EV#3
Next: Death came into the World.
CGS parish is forming a team of married couples to implement the exciting new marriage preparation program, FULLY
ENGAGED. Will you share the joys and realities of marriage with those wishing to enter into Holy Matrimony? FULLY
ENGAGED takes place in a group setting that will emphasize the importance of the sacrament and faith community in the
new couples’ lives. Married Couples interested in this ministry are asked to call Gloria Scoyola @281-376-6831 ext 320 or
email [email protected]
Nuestra parroquia está formando un equipo de parejas para el desarrollo de un nuevo programa para preparación
matrimonial. Les invitamos a compartir las alegrías y las realidades de la vida conyugal con personas que desean celebrar el
Sacramento del Matrimonio. Esta preparación se llevará a cabo en grupos pequeños y pondrá énfasis en el sacramento tanto
como en la importancia que tiene la comunidad de fe en la vida de las nuevas parejas. Parejas interesadas en servir en este
ministerio favor de llamar a Gloria Scoyola @ 281-376-6831 ext 320 o escribir a su correo electrónico
[email protected]
ACTS stands for:
Adoration—the call by, acceptance of, and
response to God.
Community—the love and caring of each other.
Theology—the study of God through scripture
and the Catholic faith.
Service—to God and His people.
What can I gain from this retreat?
 Renew yourself spiritually and deepen your relationship
with Jesus Christ.
 Unburden yourself from the past and grow closer to God.
 Meet other women beginning a spiritual journey, or who are
already on one.
 Build new lasting friendships with members of your parish
and faith community.
Find out more about the ACTS Retreat by going to the local website at www.actshouston.org ACTS is a very
Spirit-filled retreat & we would like everyone who has not been on an ACTS Retreat to consider signing up.
Contact Tom Thibodeau at 281-831-2252 OR
[email protected] for info & to sign up
For more information please contact Linda Diaz at
(214) 354-7199 OR [email protected]
Social Ministry: Service opportunity for families and youth. Our church has adopted a mile on
Spring Cypress between Stuebner Airline and Champion Forest. We are scheduling a clean-up
for this mile on July 18th. We need to have release of Liability for Adults, Parents Consent and
Release of Liability for Minor Child forms signed and submitted to the County before we clean the mile.
If you are interested in helping on this service opportunity please contact Jan Papciak in the social
ministry office no later than July 9th. Join us in this wonderful opportunity to help care and protect our
planet. Jan can be reached by email at [email protected] or calling the office.
"The Old Testament Comes Alive! Jesus' Roots"
July Session: we currently have a waiting list. Help us open
more spaces and end our waiting list, we are still in need of
catechist and co-catechist. Please call Mrs Lara at 281-376
-6831 X 316 or [email protected] if you can teach!
"¡El Antiguo Testamento Cobra Vida!
Las Raíces de Jesús"
Sesión en Julio: en estos momentos solo tenemos lista de
espera. Ayúdenos a abrir mas espacios y terminar con la
lista de espera, aun estamos necesitando catequistas y
co-catequistas. Por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Lara al
281-376-6831 X 316 o [email protected] si usted
puede enseñar en idioma inglés!
Junior High Youth Group
Grupo de Jóvenes Adolescentes
Calling all incoming 6th graders to join,
BE LIGHT, the Jr. High Youth Group. We meet every
Thursday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. It’s Free!
Come join us for games, fellowship, prayer, music &
High School Youth Group
Wednesday Evening June 17th.
12th Annual Vocations Benefit Dinner & Auction
Your generous donations will support Archdiocese Vocations Programs
Saturday, July 11 at St. Ignatius Loyola, following 5:15pm Mass
celebrated by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
Gathering and silent auction beginning at 6:30 pm, in the new Gonzaga Center on the St. Ignatius Loyola campus
followed by dinner at 7 pm. Live auction will follow keynote speaker Gus Lloyd, of “Seize the Day” on the Sirius Radio
Catholic Chanel. Tickets are $50.00/person. This will be a night to remember and seating is extremely limited.
To purchase tickets email: [email protected] or stop by the St. Ignatius Loyola office at 7810
Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX, 77379.
JUNE 14, 2015
14 de JUNIO 2015
Sun / Dom, June 14
Community Sunday
Preparacion para Quinceaneras
Grupo “El Rebaño”
Summer Faith Formation Set Up
High School/College Musicians
Mon / Lun, June 15
Summer Faith Formation
El Pan de Vida
Grupo de Sanacion
Ensayo del Coro del Grupo de Oracion
Tues / Mar, June 16
Summer Faith Formation
Handbell Choir Practice
Women’s ACTS Retreat
Gathering Of Liturgical Ministers-Lectors
Boy Scout Troop 1550
Reunion de Servidores del Grupo de Oracion
Infant Baptism Reg/Orient-English
Wed / Mie, June 17
Summer Faith Formation
Finance Council
Gathering Of Liturgical Ministers EMHC-Spanish
High School Youth Night “Da Vine”
The Earthen Vessels Prayer Group
Choir Practice
Thur/Jue, June 18
Summer Faith Formation
The Great 80’s
K of C Business Meeting
Jr. High Youth Group “Be Light”
Nuestra Fe Catolica
Gathering Of Liturgical Ministers Hosp.-Spanish
Grupo de Oración “El Rebaño”
Practica del Coro
Gathering of Liturgical Ministers Lectors
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7: 00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Devocion a la Santisima Sangre de Nuestro
9:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
11:00 p.m.
Fri / Vie, June 19
Summer Faith Formation
Encuentro Matrimoniales “Pequena Comunidad”
9:30 a.m
7:00 p.m.
Señor Jesucristo
Sat / Sab, June 20
Lay Carmelites of Devine Mercy
Infant Baptism Celebration-Spanish
Knights of Columbus Officer Installation
55 Plus Game Night
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Rosary
Sun / Dom, June 21
Preparacion para Quinceaneras
Summer Faith Formation Set Up
High School/College Musicians
9:15 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
For the weekend of / Para el fin de semana June 6 & 7
Corpus Christi/St. Mary’s Seminary
$ 28,669.
FaithDirect—Parish eGiving / eGiving de la parroquia
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Sign up today for Regular Enrollment!
¡Inscribase en línea hoy!
www.faithdirect.net CGS code is TX665
Diocesan Services Fund / Fondos de Servicios Diocesanos
2015 Parish Goal / 2015 Meta Parroquia
Pledged to date / Comprometidos hasta fecha
Total Amount Paid / Cantidad Total Pagada
Amount still owed / Cantidad total que se debe
$ 57,763.
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad!
Infant Baptism/Bautizo de Infantes
Registration/Information in English is held on the third Tuesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. Inscripciones y Junta de orientación para bautizos,
son el Segundo sábado del mes a las 10:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Marriage/Sacramento de Matrimonio
Couples wishing to prepare and/or marry here must attend a Marriage
Orientation held the 1st Sunday of each month at 2pm. Hable con el
Diacono Alberto Patetta por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda para
arreglar la preparación pre-matrimonial.
2015 Catholic Women’s Retreats
June 26-28
4pm Friday through 2pm Sunday
$200/person or $185/Senior rate
Register www.passionist.org/holyname
“Fortnight for Freedom” is a 14 day period of prayer, education and
action in support of religious freedom, initiated by the Catholic
bishops of the United States from June 21 - July 4. The bishops
called for this period prayer, education and action in a statement titled
Our First, Most Cherished Liberty. This statement written by the
bishops’ ad hoc Committee on Religious Liberty, outlined the bishops’
concerns over threats to religious freedom both at home and abroad.
You can learn more about the Fortnight for Freedom online at
www.fortnight4freedom.org Additional information and prayers for
Fortnight for Freedom are available in the Social Ministry office.
Two million couples have found answers on a Marriage Encounter Weekend. Register early to secure your
place. The next scheduled weekend is June 19-21, 2015
Find out more or sign up at: www.houstonme.org or call (713) 482-1791.

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