Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support Change the Setting


Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support Change the Setting
Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support
Change the Setting
Sometimes simply changing the physical location, actual activity, or people
involved can prevent challenging behavior or at least redirect and reduce it
when problems arise. For example:
 If your child becomes over-stimulated when playing games with her siblings,
you could help her avoid multiple distractions "Let’s turn off the TV while
you're playing your game."
 When you observe cues that challenging behavior may be quickly approaching
(raised voices, whining, frustration, etc), you can suggest a different
activity. Moving from sitting activities, such as games or TV, to movement
activities such as dancing, running outside or climbing at the playground, can
be especially helpful. “It sounds like you guys are getting tired of coloring.
Why don’t we put some music on and you can dance. Here are some ribbons
and old scarves; let’s see how we can make them float and dance with us!”
 While visiting and playing with cousins, your three year-old grandson starts
whining and hanging on you. After several attempts to redirect him back to
his cousin’s room to play, his behavior escalates to rolling around on the floor
at your feet. This is an indication that a change of some sort is in order and
continuing to redirect him or getting mad is likely to only make the situation
worse. “ I have an idea! Here is some big paper and crayons, why don’t you go
into the living room where you can stretch out and color. What do you think
you will draw? Surprise me with a beautiful picture!”
Adapted from Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior Positive Solutions
For Families.
These materials were developed (in whole or in part) with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education,
using federal funds, CFDA 84.027A, Special Education - Grants to States.
Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support
Change the Setting
Kev Ua Niam Ua Txiv Nrog Kev
Txhawb thiab Qhuab Qhia Kom Me Nyuam
Coj Zoo los yog Mloog Lus:
Hloov Chaw Ua Si
Muaj qee zaus cia li hloov chaw ua si, khoom ua si, los sis cov neeg uas ua si nrog tus
me nyuam xwb muaj peev xwm txwv tau tus me nyuam tus cwj pwm cov nyom, los sis
qho tsawg kawg nkaus, nws muaj peev xwm rov qab cob qhia thiab txo tau tus me
nyuam txoj kev tawv ncauj thaum muaj teeb meem tshwm sim. Piv txwv li nram no:
 Yog hais tias koj tus me nyuam sam sim muaj muaj siab nrog nws tus nus
los sis tus muam ua si, koj yuav tsum txwv kom txhob muaj ntau yam meem
txom nkawv. Koj yuav tsum hais tias “Thaum neb ua si lawm neb yuav
tsum tua TV nawb.”
 Thaum koj pom hais tias yuav muaj teeb meem (xws li sib nthe, quaj, los
sis yuav muaj kev cov nyom los sis lwm yam), koj yuav tsum hais kom ob
tug me nyuam ua si nrog lwm yam. Ua twb zoo hais kom nkawv tso kev
zaum ua si thiab saib TV tseg, mus ua lwm yam xws li seev cev, khiav ua si
sab nraum zoov los sis nce ub no tom chaw ua si (playground). Qhov no yog
ib qho zoo uas yuav pab tau kom tsis txhob muaj teeb meem. “Zoo nkaus li
neb nkees nkees pleev xim lawm. Cia kuv tso nkauj rau neb seev cev.
Ntawm no yog ib co pluaj ntaub thiab phuam vas caj dab qub; cia peb
muab nws yoj seb nws puas txawj ya thiab seev cev nrog peb.”
 Thaum mus xyuas kwv tij thiab nrog kwv tij ua si, koj tus tub xeeb ntxwv
pib quaj txuj txwv dai lias koj. Tom qab koj hais kom nws rov mus ua si
hauv nws tus kwv tij chav, nws haj yam tsis mloog lus thiab cia li da luj
luam ntawm koj ko taw lawm. Qhov no qhia tau hais tias nws haj yam yuav
muaj teeb meem loj ntxiv yog hais tias koj tseem chim rau nws los yog
tseem pheej hais kom nws rov mus ua si. Koj yuav tsum hais tias, “Kuv
muaj ib lub tswv yim! Nqa cov ntawv thiab cov xim no coj mus ua lawm
tom chav nyob es thiaj muaj chaw dav rau koj tha xim. Koj xav tias koj
yuav kos dab tsi? Kos ib daim duab zoo zoo nkauj coj los rau yawg mog!”
Adapted from Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior Positive Solutions
For Families.
These materials were developed (in whole or in part) with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education,
using federal funds, CFDA 84.027A, Special Education - Grants to States.
Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support
Change the Setting
Gacanta Waalidku ku lee yahay Dabciga Wanaagsan
Beddelesho Goob iyo Xaalad Shoqo
Mararka qaarkood badalashada goobta, howsha, ama dadka ku howlan waxay ka
hortadi kartaa dabeecadda qalafsan ama waxay dhimaysaa ama ka duwaysaa markii
ay dhibaato dhacdo. Tusaale:
Haddii ilmahaaga uu fiirfircooni dheeraad ah muujiyo markuu la ciyaarao
walaaliis gaymka waxaad ka ilaain kartaa waxyaabaha jeedin kara “aan damino
TVga inta aad ciyaaraysaan gaymkiinna.”
Markaad aragto ifafaali ku tusaya inay dabeecaddi qalafsanayd soo
dhowdahay (qaylo, cabasho, is cun-cun iwm), waxaad tusi kartaa hawl kale.
Laga kaxeeyoo hawshii fadhiga ahayd sida gameka ama TVga loona bedelo
qoobkaciyaar, ku orodka banaanka ama kor korista goobaha ilmaha lagu
ciyaarsiiyo waa ay caawin kartaa. “Waxaan u mmuqataa inaad ka daasheen
midabeeyntii. Ka warama haan muusik gashanno ood ciyaartaan. Hooya
safaleetiyaashaan; aan aragno inay buubi karaan oo nala ciyaari karaan!”
Idinkoo booqanaya lana ciyaaraya ilma adeeradiin haddii ilmihi saddex jirka
ahaa oo aad awoowaha u ahayd uu bilaabo inuu cabto oo kugu dego. Markaad
dhowr jeer isku daydayinaad dib ugu celiso inuu la ciyaaro ilma adeeradiis
wuxuuba bilaabay inuu dhulka galgasho. Waa calaamad muujinaysa inuu isbedel
yimid haddii lagu sii wadana ay xaaladdu ka sii darayso. “waxaan kuu hayaa talo!
Hakaan waxaa yaalla warqad wayn iyo midabeeye. Ka waran hadaan wax sawirno?
Bal Awoowe uga yaabso sawir quruxbada
Adapted from Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior Positive Solutions
For Families.
These materials were developed (in whole or in part) with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education,
using federal funds, CFDA 84.027A, Special Education - Grants to States.
Parenting with Positive Behavioral Support
Change the Setting
Ser Padres con Apoyo de Comportamiento Positivo
Cambiando el Escenario
Algunas veces cambiando la ubicación física, la actividad vigente, o la gente
involucrada, puede ayudar a prevenir el mal comportamiento o al menos desviarlo y
reducirlo una vez que se presenten los problemas. Por ejemplo:
Si su hijo se sobre-estimula cuando juega un juego con sus hermanos, usted
puede evitar que tengan otras distraciones diciendo “Vamos a apagar la
televisión mientras ustedes teminan su juego.”
Cuando usted observe indicios de que un mal comportamiento esta a punto de
surgir (las voces se levantan, hay gritos, frustración, etc), usted puede
sugerir una actividad differente. El cambio de actividades donde pasa uno de
estar sentado, o viendo televisión, hacia actividades de movimiento como
bailar, salir a caminar o subirse a los juegos de recreo, puede ser muy útil.
“Parece que ya se cansarón de estar coloreando. Porque no ponemos música
para que bailen. Aqui hay unos listones y pañuelos viejos; Vamos a usarlos
para moverlos con las manos mientras bailamos”.
Mientras visitaban y jugaban con primos, su nieto de tres años empezó a
gritar y a colgarse de su cuello. Después de varios intentos para decirle que
regresara al cuarto de sus primos para seguir jugando, su comportamiento
cambio y se tiro al piso y empezó a patalear. Esto es una indicación de que un
tipo de cambio tiene que suceder antes de que le pida de nuevo que regrese a
jugar, o de otra manera no va a obedecer y quizá la situación empeore.
“Tengo una idea! Aqui esta un pedazo grande de papel y unos colores, porque
no vamos a la sala donde yo puede estirarme y colorear. Qué piensas, quieres
dibujar? Sorprende a la abuela con un dibujo bonito!”
Adapted from Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior Positive Solutions
For Families.
These materials were developed (in whole or in part) with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education,
using federal funds, CFDA 84.027A, Special Education - Grants to States.

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