This past Wednesday Rev. Msgr. Larry Pichard, the pastor of St


This past Wednesday Rev. Msgr. Larry Pichard, the pastor of St
Calendar for the Week
8:30 A.M. Quarterly Blood Drive
9:00 A.M. Mass
9:45 A.M. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
10:30 A.M. Mass – Pro Populo (at Boals Elementary
School, 2035 Jaguar Dr. Frisco, TX)
Baptism: Archer Jacob Tennill
10:30 A.M. Rosary
11:15 A.M. Mass
12:30 P.M. Rosary
1:00 P.M. Mass - † Antonia Nuñez
8:30 A.M. Mass
6:30 P.M. Youth Softball Practice
7:00 P.M. Finance Advisory Council
7:00 P.M. Bible Study
9:00 A.M. Mammogram Exam Unit
1:00 P.M. Food Pantry
6:30 P.M. Youth Softball Practice
7:00 P.M. Mass
7:00 P.M. Pray with us… Stay with us
(Session VI)
8:30 A.M. Mass
6:00 P.M. Women for Women
FRIDAY, July 29
8:30 A.M. Mass - † Robert Deevey
10:00 A.M. Liturgy of the Eucharist Workshop
6:30 P.M. Liturgy of the Eucharist Workshop
7:30 P.M. El Coro de Adultos (Ensayo)
10:00 A.M. RCIA – Practice for the Rite of Welcome
4:00 P.M. Confessions
4:25 P.M. Rosary
5:00 P.M. Mass – † Edward A. Vahala
9:00 A.M. Mass - † Mary Elizabeth Rhodes
Rite of Welcome
9:30 A.M. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
10:00 A.M. Knights of Columbus Scholarship
10:30 A.M. Mass – (at Boals Elementary
School, 2035 Jaguar Dr. Frisco, TX)
10:30 A.M. Rosary
11:15 A.M. Mass
12:30 P.M. Rosary
1:00 P.M. Mass
4:15 P.M. Respect Life Ministry
Kindly call the parish office to add names to our
Prayer List. / Por favor llame a la oficina de la Iglesia si
desea agregar algún nombre a nuestra Lista para Orar.
Important Note / Nota Importante
The deadline for bulletin and pulpit announcements is
Monday 10:00 A.M. / La fecha límite para anuncios en el
boletín y en el púlpito es el lunes a las 10:00 A.M.
July 24, 2011
Julio 24, 2011
Pray With Us, Stay With Us
This past Wednesday Rev. Msgr. Larry Pichard, the
pastor of St. Francis Assisi Church in Frisco, was
the presenter of our fifth “Pray With Us, Stay
With Us” faith formation session. That evening we
learned about the Eucharistic Prayer:
The Eucharistic Prayer begins with a dialogue
between the priest and the people. Our words
change little during this dialogue.
The Lord be with you.
Lift up your hearts.
Let us give thanks and
the People:
And with your spirit.
We lift them up to the
It is Right and Just.
The Preface is a joyful praise to God for all His
wonderful deeds. We will hear some differences in
the words Father uses during the preface.
The Holy, Holy, Holy has one minor change in the
Previous Translation:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power
and might
Current Translation:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of hosts.
The words reflect better the passage from Isaiah
6:3, where this song is based. It is in the Holy, Holy,
Holy that we add our prayers of thanksgiving to
the priests and to the angels, the heavenly hosts.
The Doxology is said by the priest. The main
difference will be the word order. The new order
will reflect the flow of the Latin. It will help us to
better understand that the prayer is offered to God
the Father, through Jesus Christ, and in the Holy
We reply Amen to the priest proclamation of Glory
and Honor to God, saying we affirm all that has
been said.
The Eucharistic prayer starts with a dialogue
between the priest and the people and ends with a
dialogue between the priest and the people.
Please “Pray With Us and Stay With Us” on July
27th when Kevin Keil, composer, Director of
Music/Liturgy at Holy Cross will help us learn
more about The Mystery of Faith.
P.O. Box 5365, Frisco, Texas 75035
Office: 972-625-5252
New Location for Our Satellite Mass / Nueva
Ubicación de Nuestra Misa Satélite
On Sunday, August 7 we will be moving the Satellite
Location to Purefoy Elementary School at the
intersection of Teel and Eldorado Parkway in Frisco.
Sunday Mass 10:30 mark your calendar!
El domingo, 7 de agosto estaremos moviendo nuestra
locación satélite a Purefoy Elementary School en la
intersección de Teel y Eldorado Parkway en Frisco. Misa
del Domingo de las 10:30 a.m. Por favor marque su
Religious Education Needs Your Help!
The religious education program is looking for LOTS of
helping hands. We are in NEED of Catechists and
Catechist assistance for all grades. Also assistants for
the gatherings and the sacramental preparation
programs. Please contact Renée at the office or by email
at [email protected] if you are interested in
sharing your faith with our children.
El programa de educación religiosa esta en busca de
muchas manos que ayuden. Estamos en gran necesidad
de Catequistas y Asistentes de Catequistas para todos
los grados. Necesitamos también asistentes para las
reuniones de los grupos y las clases de Preparación
Sacramental. Por favor comuníquese con Renée en la
oficina de la iglesia o por correo electrónico en
[email protected]
interesado(a) en compartir su fe con nuestros niños.
Religious Education Reminder: Recordatorio de
Educación Religiosa:
Register your children for next year’s classes. The
cost is $60/student. Registration will continue till the end
of August.
2. Any child who will receive 1st Communion in May of
2012 or the following year, need to sign in at Mass every
week. The binders (sign in sheets) are in the cafeteria.
Registre a sus niños para las clases de Educación
Religiosa del próximo año. El costo es de $60 por
estudiante. Las inscripciones continuarán abiertas hasta
finales del mes de agosto.
2. Todos los niños que vayan a recibir su 1ra. Comunión
en mayo del 2012 o el año siguiente, necesitan firmar su
asistencia cuando vienen a Misa cada semana. La
carpeta (con las hojas para firmar) está en la cafetería.
Youth Ministry / Ministerio Juvenil
Registration for Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade) is
ongoing. The cost is $60. Packets are available in the
church office or on the website
click on Youth ROCK.
1. Las Inscripciones para el Ministerio Juvenil (6th-12th
grados) están abiertas. El costo es de $60. Los paquetes
de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina de la
iglesia o en la página de internet
vaya a Youth ROCK.
CCA Giving Tree / Árbol de Donaciones de CCA
CCA Back to School collections will begin July 30th thru
August 14th. Please check the cafeteria after all masses
and pick up a tag. Donations can be returned under the
tree during these dates. If you have any questions please
call the office 972-625-5252. Your giving hearts are
deeply appreciated.
de CCA Back to School serán del 30 de julio
July 30th al 14 de agosto. Por favor vaya a la cafetería
después de las misas y recoja un tarjeta. Las donaciones
las puede poner de regreso junto al árbol durante este
tiempo. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a
la oficina de la iglesia 972-625-5252. Su corazón
dadivoso es profundamente apreciado.
Fax: 972-370-5524
Baptisms / Bautizos
Baptismal Preparation Classes are held quarterly (Jan.,
Apr., Jul., & Oct.). For more information, please call the
church office.
Las clases de Preparación Bautismal se levan a cabo
trimestralmente (Ene., Abr., Jul., & Oct.). Para más
información, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia.
Marriages / Matrimonios
Marriage Preparation Classes are held quarterly (March
15, June 21, September 20. & December 20 of 2011).
Couples planning on getting married should attend a
preparation class at least 9 months prior to their
projected wedding date.
Las Clases de Preparación Matrimonial se llevan a
cabo trimestralmente (Marzo 15, Junio 21, Septiembre
20, & Diciembre 20 del 2011). Las Parejas que planean
casarse deberán asistir a un programa de preparación
matrimonial 9 meses antes de su fecha planeada.
Why Catholic? & Adult Faith Formation Team
Presentation / Presentación del Equipo de ¿Por
Qué Ser Católico? & Formación de Fe para
The Why Catholic? and Adult Faith Formation team
would like to invite you to “Are We There Yet? Making
Our Family Holy” Lucas Pollice will sharing helpful tips to
help us bring our families closer together and as a family
become more involved in our Catholic
Faith. Come join
us in the cafeteria on August 13th at 9am.
El equipo de Por Qué Ser Católico? Y de Formación de
Fe para Adultos le gustaría invitarlo a “Are We There
Yet? Haciendo Santa Nuestra Familia”. Marlone de la
Torre estará compartiendo consejos que nos ayudarán a
unir mas a la familia y como familia participar más en
nuestra Fe Católica. Venga y acompáñenos aquí en la
iglesia el 13 de agosto a las 9am.
A Mammogram Can Save Your Life / Una
Mamografía Puede Salvar su Vida
Fully funded mammograms for women without insurance
will be offered on July 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. here
at the church.
You must call 1-800-405-7739 to schedule your breast
screening appointment. Women with health insurance or
Medicare are also encouraged to call for an appointment.
Mamografías completamente gratuitas para mujeres sin
seguro médico se ofrecerán el 26 de julio de 8:00 a.m. a
4:00p.m. aquí en la iglesia.
Usted deberá llamar al 1-800-405-7739 para programar
su cita para su examen. Mujeres con aseguranza o
Medicare también se les invita a que llamen para que
hagan su cita.
The Holy Cross Golf League / Liga de Golf de
Holy Cross
The Holy Cross Golf League will begin its' Fall League
Tuesday, August 2, 5:30 PM at Stewart Peninsula Golf
Course. Profits from the league will be donated to the
Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund. For
additional information contact Don Beckel at 972-6253790.
La Liga de Golf de Holy Cross comenzará su torneo de
otoño el martes, 2 de agosto, 5:30 PM en el Campo de
Golf de Steward Peninsula. Las ganancias que se
recauden serán donadas al fondo de becas escolares
de los Caballeros de Colón. Para información
adicional comuníquese con Don Beckel al 972-6253790.
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Collections Record / Registro de Colectas
Week ending 07-17-11 / Fin de Semana 07-17-11
Budget Week $12,929.00
Actual Week $11,780.52
Budget YTD $39,559.00
Actual Week $33,794.43

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