Immaculate Conception Catholic Church


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Most Rev. David R. Choby
Bishop of Nashville
Rev. David J. Gaffny
Rev. Theophilus Ebulueme
Associate Pastor
Immaculate Conception Church
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040-3347
Parish Office 931.645.6275
Parish Fax 931.552.0331
Email: [email protected]
Immaculate Conception School
1901 Madison Street
Clarksville, TN 37043-5001
Pre School
740 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Rev. Jose Kariamadam, CMI
Associate Pastor
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Director of Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Bob Berberich
Deacon John Carroll
Deacon Tim Winters
Deacon Cristiano Nunes
Youth Director
Sunday Obligation Masses
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.,
5:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. (Spanish),
3:00 p.m. (Korean-Last Sunday Month)
Weekday Masses
Monday (Chapel) ................................ 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday (Chapel) ............................... 7:00 a.m.
Wednesday (Chapel) ......................... 7:00 a.m.
(Chapel) ............. 6:00 p.m.
Thursday (Chapel) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
(Spanish) (Chapel) ............. 7:30 p.m.
Friday (M. Church) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
Saturday (M. Church) ......................... 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Tawnya Zeller
Mrs. Therese Ansberry
Director of Religious Education
David Moran
Youth Coordinator/Life Teen
Weekdays after morning Masses and before
evening Masses, Saturday morning after
Mass and from 4-5 pm, as well as by
Office Hours
Monday—Friday ......................... 8 a.m.—4 p.m.
Serving Clarksville Since 1845
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, Tennessee
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Pastoral Ministries
Deacon Tim Winters
Austin Peay Newman Club
Deacon Bob Berberich
Chaplain, I.C. School
Deacon Cristiano Nunes
Youth Director
Bill Young
Facilities Director
Kathy McDonough
Office Manager, Accounting
Judy Spink
Parish Secretary
Venus Newhouser
Mary Hoffpauir
Sacramental Records
Linda Steiner
Office Assistant
Regina Azzara
Safe Environment Coordinator
Pam Loos
Pre-School Director, Dean of Students
June Esquilin
Liturgical Music
David Moran
Youth Coordinator/Life Teen/CYO
Nancy Garza
Pat Paszek
Pat Riley
Hispanic Ministries
Runyon & Runyon
Parish Attorneys
Patty Pierce
Jamie Schacht
Pat Paszek
Nancy Garza
Kathie Schuler
Patricia Doyle
Parish Clergy
Pam Loos
Ed Wilson
Selene Anderson
Therese Ansberry
Tom Grabenstein, MD
Gary Harmon
Mike O’Malley, Co-Chair
Dr. Clif Sites, Co-Chair
Coy Baggett, Jr.
Maggie Kulback
Tom Edwards
Scott Donnellan
Raby Nance
Maggie Kulback, Chair
Len Stolz, Vice-Chair
Mary Vozar, Secretary
Cheryl Cole, HSA President
Woody Burton
Jerry Cole
Wendy Piccirilli
Jamie Schacht
Richard Meeks
Robert German
Richard Ribeiro
Lisa Meeks
 To Register in the parish, just call
the parish office and all necessary
information will be mailed to you or
visit our website to register online.
 In hospital? Going to hospital?
HIPPA regulations no longer allow
us to get names of the sick at hospitals. Call the office for anointing
or a visit. Everyone either in the
hospital, going to the hospital, or
having an outpatient procedure
should receive the Sacrament of
the Sick.
 To schedule a Baptism, call the
office to reserve a seat at the Baptism Class held the last Monday of
the month.
 To schedule a Wedding, call the
priest or deacon you wish to perform the wedding at least four
months in advance.
 Want to be a Catholic? Either call
us or have a friend call the office.
You will receive a quick return call
from a member of our education/
formation program who will invite
you to our formation classes. If you
have questions about joining and
wish some direction, call one of
our clergy.
 Immaculate Conception Catholic
School: K-8. If you have questions
or wish to enroll, call the church or
school office. We’ll help you investigate the school for your students.
 Want to volunteer for something
but do not know who to call? Call
Deacon Dominick Azzara in the
 Need an appointment with a
priest or deacon? Venus in the
office will help you.
 Bulletin notice? Call Judy. Deadline is Friday noon! (Ten days in
advance of date you wish it to
Parents and Godparents are required to
attend a Baptism preparation class prior
to their child’s Baptism. The class meets
on the last Monday evening of each
month at 6:30 pm, except December.
Please register for the class in the
Church Office.
First Communion
Children are prepared for First Communion by participating in the Sunday
School, Immaculate Conception School,
or Hispanic Community preparation
programs. They must be enrolled for at
least one year prior to enrolling in a
preparation class.
Confessions are heard daily, after the
morning Masses and before the evening
Masses as well as, 4 to 5 pm on Saturdays, or by appointment.
Preparation classes are conducted
through the Sunday School, Immaculate
Conception School, or the Hispanic
Community. Candidates must be enrolled for at least one year prior to enrolling in a preparation class.
Preparation is conducted by parish
clergymen and the Diocese of Nashville.
Please contact the Parish Office at least
four months before the proposed date.
Anointing of the Sick
Anyone may request this sacrament. It is
for major or minor health problems. It is
for the elderly, disabled, homebound or
children. Anyone anticipating a surgery
or a stay in the hospital should request
the sacrament before surgery.
La Quinceañera
Ministerio de la Comunidad Hispana
Representante de la Comunidad ..........Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Secretaria de la Comunidad ..................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell)
Tesorera de la Comunidad ....................Carmen Onate ...................... 931-801-8893
Clases de Bautismo ..............................Jose Hernandez ................... 931-302-1562
Sacramento del Matrimono ...................Daniel Rodriguez .................. 931-241-1725
Ministerio de la Eucaristía .....................Veronica Garcia .................... 931-801-8217
Ministerio de la Palabra .........................Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Ministerio de Bienvenida .......................Manuel Baez ........................ 615-968-7235
Ministerio de Monaguillos ......................Gladivee Roman ................... 931-551-3831
Ministerio de Música ..............................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-648-8553
Ministerio de Sociales ...........................Jaime Nolasco ...................... 931-220-5603
Catecismo ............................................Arlene Perez ......................... 931-906-1665
..............................................................Yolanda Torres ..................... 931-553-8551
Los padres de una candidata de la quinceañera tienen que estar registrados en
la parroquia y presentarla por lo menos
seis meses antes de la ceremonia. La
candidata debe haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo, reconciliación,
comunión, y estar por lo menos preparada para la confirmación. Además ella
tiene que prepararse con buena asistencia al curso especial para esta ceremonia. También es necesario reservar
la capilla y, si lo desea, el salón del
Family Life Center y pagar las cuotas
correspondientes con anticipación.
Para más informes, contacten la oficina
de la parroquia.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Do you have or know elderly parishioners in
your area? Please let us know by calling the
office so that our team of volunteers may
pay him/her a visit and see how we can help
him/her especially with regard to the sacraments—Eucharist, penance, and anointing
and others if need be. Help us to attend to
our older parishioners!
Anointing of the Sick- We are doing everything possible to serve our parishioners here
at Immaculate Conception. So, if you happen to be in the (Gateway) Hospital, please
let them know during registration that “I am
a Catholic and need to be visited by a
priest, deacon or Eucharistic Minister.” In
case of emergency, let your family members
know to give this information during your
registration. You can also call the office
anytime to schedule the Sacrament of the
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
November 17, 2013
ICCCW Annual
Craft Fair
December 7, 2013
Our annual Craft Fair/Country Kitchen is quickly approaching and we
are asking for donations of the ingredients used in our SOUP AND
located in the church Narthex to pick up one of our special quilt pieces
showing our ingredient requests needed for our delicious menu items.
Then return your non-perishable ingredient donation to the Large Box
labeled “CRAFT FAIR” located in the church Narthex by Dec. 1, 2013.
For drop off of perishable items / monetary donations please contact
IC Pro-Life Ministries- meets on the last Gene Costello at (931) 216-1266 or Samantha Wiessing at (573)846Monday of each month in the St. Joseph
Center (upstairs).
Mother’s Group- “Pray & Play” meets on
scheduled Monday mornings at 9 am in the The Craft Fair/Country Kitchen is our annual fundraiser anticipated by
St. Joseph Center (during school year) w/ many in Clarksville and the surrounding areas.
childcare in the nursery. Call Cheryl Cole
for more details 931-896-3878 or e-mail at:
Your generous donations will be greatly appreciated and help
[email protected].
make this event a big success
Parish Youth Council-Our young people
have enormous talents to share with our
parishioners and their fellow youths. If you Shopping starts at 9 am and goes to 3 pm. The craft fair features over
are interested call Fr. Theo, Deacon Chris 50 vendors, a Country Kitchen and Bakery. Christmas ornaments, croNunes, or David Moran at the church office chet articles, wood crafts & jewelry are just a few of the items available
Natural Family Planning (NFP)-if you
want help with INFERTILITY; or are interested in learning about today’s effective
methods of Natural Family Planning; if
you are married or single and looking for a
way to treat Women’s Health Problems
other than using birth control pills then you
need to come to a class. Classes scheduled
for 2nd Saturday of every month at 9:00 am.
Call the church office to register!
this year. The Country Kitchen will serve chili, soup, funnel cakes, hot
dogs, chips, and drinks. The Country Bakery will have a wide variety
of homemade cakes, pies, cookies, and candies as well as home canned
jams and jellies.
If you can help with the set up or clean up for the Craft Fair
please call Dianne Ellis at 931-647-4181 or Merci Chartrand at 931
-920-2868. We will set up from 3-5 pm on Friday, Dec. 6th.
Please come and help us!
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(R.C.I.A.)-Informal classes are held on the
1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at
7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs).
Formal Classes Meet Sundays, after the 8
am Mass in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs).
For more information please contact the
church office at 931-645-6275-or check
out our website
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
November 17, 2013
Answer me, Father
Contésteme Padre
By Rev. David J. Gaffny
Por Pbro. David J. Gaffny
Why don’t Catholics get “dunked” at Baptism? Judith
Dear Judith:
As a matter of fact, some Catholics do get dunked, but not all.
For example, the Eastern Rite Churches usually immerse the candidate, not that they necessarily plunge the person below the water. The Church recognizes three valid forms of ablution in performance of the sacrament of baptism: immersion, infusion
(pouring), and aspersion (sprinkling). In the Latin Rite the candidate is usually baptized by infusion. One thing that is necessary is
that the water must include a laving (washing) of the head of the
candidate. In this manner the water flows, not merely touches the
There seems to be some dispute as to the root meaning of
“baptize.” Many hold that the Greek “baptizo” means a washing.
Some fundamentalists insist that “baptizo” as found in the New
Testament only means “to immerse.” However this is not the
only meaning for this word. For example, in Luke 11:38 we encounter Jesus dining at a Pharisee’s house and the host “was astonished to see that he did not wash (baptizo) before dinner.” We
would be astonished to think that Jesus would have had to bathe
or otherwise be immersed in water before the meal. According to
Mark 7:s3-4, the Pharisees “do not eat unless they wash (nipto)
their hands, observing the tradition of the elders; and when they
come from the market place, they do not eat unless they wash
(baptizo) themselves.” This would indicate baptizo has more
than one meaning.
It is true that the most common form of baptism used in the early
Church was immersion. This is evident from the writings of the
Fathers. However, Cyprian (A.D. 215) said that no one should be
“disturbed because the sick are poured upon or sprinkled when
they receive the Lord’s grace.” And Pope Cornelius I (A.D.
251) said that when Novatian was on his death bed, “he received
baptism in the bed where he lay, by pouring.” There is even evidence of this practice from the first century in the Didache chapter seven (written sometime between 70 and 90 A.D.) that tells
us, “Concerning baptism, baptize in this manner: Having said all
these things beforehand baptize in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit in living water [that is in running
water, as in a river]. If there is no living water, baptize in other
water; and if you are not able to use cold water, use warm. If you
have neither, pour water three times over the head in the name of
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” All of these early witnesses
prove that in those times there was already a clearly established
The sacrament of baptism, Judith, brings us into the Church and
makes us adopted children of God and heirs of heaven. It is not
the amount of water that is used that really counts. It is the grace
and love of God who washes away original sin and any other sins
the candidate might have which gives us a new life in Christ our
Savior. Rejoice and be glad!
©David J. Gaffny2013-10-10
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
¿Por qué los Católicos no son “sumergidos” en el Bautismo?
Querida Judith:
Como cuestión de hecho, algunos Católicos son sumergidos, pero
no todos. Por ejemplo, las Iglesias de rito oriental suelen sumergir al candidato, pero no necesariamente hunden a la persona
dentro del agua. La Iglesia reconoce tres formas válidas de ablución en el desempeño del sacramento del bautismo: inmersión,
infusión (verter) y aspersión (rociar). En el rito latino el candidato suele ser bautizado por infusión. Una cosa que es necesaria es
que el agua debe incluir un lavado (limpieza) de la cabeza del
candidato. De esta manera, el agua fluye, no sólo toca el candidato.
Al parecer hay cierta controversia en cuanto al significado etimológico de “bautizar”. Muchos sostienen que el griego
“baptizo” significa un lavado. Algunos fundamentalistas insisten en que “baptizo” como se encuentra en el Nuevo Testamento sólo significa “sumergir”. Sin embargo, este no es el único
significado de esta palabra. Por ejemplo, en Lucas 11:38 encontramos a Jesús cenando en casa de un fariseo y el anfitrión “se
sorprendió de que Jesús no se hubiera lavado (baptizo) primero
antes de comer”. Estaríamos sorprendidos al pensar que Jesús
habría tenido que bañarse o de otro modo sumergirse en agua
antes de la comida. Según Marcos 7: 3-4, los fariseos “no comen a menos que se laven (nipto) las manos cuidadosamente,
observando así la tradición de los ancianos. Cuando vuelven de
la plaza, no comen a menos que se laven (baptizo)” Esto indicaría que baptizo tiene más de un significado.
Es cierto que la forma más común del bautismo usado en la Iglesia primitiva era la inmersión. Esto es evidente en los escritos de
los Padres. Sin embargo, Cipriano (dC 215), dijo que nadie debe
ser "perturbado porque al enfermo le vierten sobre o le rocían
cuando reciben la gracia del Señor." Y el Papa Cornelio I (dC
251), dijo que cuando Novaciano estaba en su lecho de muerte
"recibió el bautismo en la cama donde yacía, mediante el vertido.” Hay incluso evidencia de esta práctica desde el primer siglo
en la Didache capítulo siete (escrito en algún momento entre el
70 y el 90 dC), que nos dice: "En cuanto a bautismo, bautice de
este modo: Habiendo dicho todas estas cosas de antemano bautice en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo en agua
viva [es decir, en agua corriente, como en un río]. Si no hay agua
viva, bautice en otra agua, y si no es posible utilizar agua fría,
utilice la caliente. Si no tiene la una o la otra, vierta agua tres
veces sobre la cabeza en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo." Todos estos primeros testigos demuestran que en
aquellos tiempos ya había una costumbre claramente establecida.
El sacramento del bautismo, Judith, nos trae a la Iglesia y nos
hace hijos adoptivos de Dios y herederos del cielo. No es la cantidad de agua que se utiliza lo que realmente cuenta. Es la gracia
y el amor de Dios que lava el pecado original y cualquier otro
pecado que el candidato pueda tener lo que nos da una nueva vida
en Cristo nuestro Salvador. ¡Regocijémonos y alegrémonos!
©David J. Gaffny2013-10-10
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
Educación Religiosa para Niños y Jóvenes
November 17, 2013
Knights of Columbus Turkey Fry 2013
Información I M PO RT A N T E
Fried Turkeys are
$ 35.00 each
¿Tiene niños en grados K-12? Regístrelos en clases de Catecismo, domingo, 11 AM, salón #5 en el Family Life Center (frente a
la Iglesia principal).
You may contact: Ed
Wilson at 931-552-0575
Frank Pierce at 3580215
Domingo 1 de diciembre- NO habrá clases. Fin de Semana del
día de Acción de Gracias.
Mediados de diciembre- tiempo para el cual todos deben haber
cumplido con la cuota ($25) para la clase.
RECORDATORIO para estudiantes candidatos a recibir
Sacramentos: (1) NO pueden ausentarse o llegar tarde más de 3
veces sin excusa, (2) entregar copia de Acta/Fe de Bautismo
antes del 16 de diciembre.
For your convenience you may pre-order and submit
your order request at the Knights of Columbus table
located in the church narthex.
Please make your check payable to:
K of C Council 3537
¿Preguntas? Por favor llame/deje mensaje al 931-980-0910,
o envié email a [email protected].
Immaculate Conception Preschool
“The Building Blocks to Faith and Learning”
Immaculate Conception Kindergarten
2014-2015 Registration
You are invited to celebrate Mass & visit Mrs. Harper and
her Kindergarten Class on Tuesday, November 19th.
Mass begins at 8:00 AM and the Meet & Greet with Kindergarten will follow until 10:00 AM.
Current ICS & ICP Families will be able to register November
19 – 26th.
Registration for Parish Families begins December 2nd
Please feel free to stop by 1901 Madison Street or contact their office at
645-1865 for a private tour and more information.
Please indicate your flavor choice and the quantity you
would like of each.
Your choice of : (Fried in Peanut Oil)
Smoked: Qty______
Garlic Butter: Qty ______
Plain: Qty _______
Cajun Spice: Qty _______
Total $ ______________
Pick up your Turkey
Wednesday, Nov. 27th
between noon—5PM
At the FLC Kitchen.
Visit us on the web at or check us out on Facebook.
Pre K II Celebrated Veterans &
The U.S.A. for “U” week
The children are pictured with our giant tile American Flag made by all
ICP classes during Volunteer Clarksville’s 9/11 Days of Service: We Serve
to Remember
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Penance Service
Tuesday, November
7:00 PM
Main Church
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
Adult Faith Exploration
Room In The Inn
Room in the Inn is a Clarksville program
Like us on face book at Immaculate Concepfor the homeless through which Faith
tion Council of Catholic Women
communities work to provide small indeYou are inpendent shelters within their own facilities. All women of the parish:
vited to join us at our Tuesday, November
On Thursday nights November thru March 19, 2013, meeting - St. Joseph Center at
Immaculate Conception welcomes up to 25
6:30PM. At this month’s meetguests (up to 4 women). We provide a
ing we will be painting bowls for
place to stay, evening meals, breakfasts,
the upcoming 2014 “EMPTY
and sack lunches.
BOWLS” event.
We are looking for generous people who
Empty bowls is a community
can donate time, talent, or treasure to supwide effort where many different
port ICC Room In the Inn ministry. Many
churches, business etc. come
volunteer once a month. This year we need
together to help fight hunger
volunteers to help with the following posi- forthe homeless and hungry in our commutions: Inn-Keepers, Transportation, n i t y
( p l e a s e
s e e
Food, Set Up, Clean Up and Contribu- At this
tions: Donations can be made to support meeting we gather together and use our
ICC Room In the Inn ministry. Checks can “inner artist” to paint bowls that will later
be made payable to Immaculate Concep- be used in 2014 EMPTY BOWLS event.
tion Church – Note Room In the Inn on No special skills or supplies are needed to
“memo” line.
participate – for $6 donation we supply the
More information:
[email protected], or call (931) 206-0939
or during Nov-Mar visit the Family Life
Center any Thursday between 2:30 – 6:30
bowl, tools and paint necessary. This meeting is always a relaxed night of fun and
fellowship. We hope you will join us in
our participation in this important and
worthwhile community event.
Babysitting is available – contact Samantha Wiessing:
[email protected].
Come Join Us Today in the St. Joseph
Center, (downstairs) Room#10
from 1-3PM
If you are interested in learning how to
knit or crochet and be a part of this rewarding ministry, please contact Claire
LaPointe at 931-552-0253 or email:
[email protected] for more information.
November 17, 2013
For more information contact - Carol
Buyna – [email protected], or
Nancy Oelgoetz: [email protected]
Please join us as we experience the
wisdom & breathtaking beauty that is
found within the 2000 year history of
the Holy Catholic Church. We have
one primary goal; To Learn and Understand Our Faith. “Always be prepared to
make a defense to anyone who calls you
to account for the hope that is in you, yet
do it with gentleness and reverence.” 1
Pet 3:15.Can you explain and defend your
When: Continuing on Sundays at
Where: The Saint Joseph Center
(Main Room- Franklin St. Entrance)
If you have any questions or comments,
please let us know.
For more information please contact:
Scott Audet
Email- [email protected]
Ph# 931-249-5893
Gary Harmon
Email- [email protected]
Ph# 931-801-4863
Dan Calderon
Email- [email protected]
Ph# 931-302-2100
Consider using the good people who
advertise in our Bulletin!
Anyone interested in becoming an Altar Server
must have made
1st communion
and parent’s permission.
Please contact Deacon Christiano at the
church office or by email at:
[email protected]
Informal classes (Q & A sessions) are
held year-round on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s
at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs).
Formal Classes Meet Sundays, after the 8:00 am
Mass in the St. Joseph Center (upstairs)
If you desire more information please contact the church office at 931-645-6275
-or check out our website
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Students will be collecting canned
and non-perishable food items
throughout the month of November! Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
November 17, 2013
Please join us in thanking the many sponsors, donors, contributors and volunteers who helped
make the 14th annual Casino Night a success!
Eden Day Spa
Appleton’s Harley Davison
The Bicycle Center of
Sango Pool & Spa
Just Massage
Luxury Nail Spa
Jets Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza
Papa Murphy’s Pizza
Jersey Mike’s
Jeff Burkhart
Beachaven Winery
Allen’s Gun Shop
Zanies’ Night Club
Louise DelGadio
Fusion Soccer Camp
Title Boxing
Miss Lucille’s Marketplace
Harrah’s Casino
American Girl
Michael’s Pizza
Red Lobster
The Wheel Shop
Wilderness at the Smokies
Barbara Gill
Rogates Boutique
Flower Lily
CDE Light Band
The Wheel Shop
The Wilderness At the Smokies
Michael’s Pizza
Red Lobster
Ruby Tuesday’s
Wal-Mart (St. B) Lanny Barker
Lylewood Inn Bed & Breakfast
Cathi Schacht
Texas Roadhouse
Paige Shearon
Nancy Diamond
Queen City Disposal
Elaine Purvis
Bob & Kathryn Roberts
Rainbo Stake Center
Tilted Kilt
Olive Garden
Fifth City Wine & Spirits
Favorite Liquors U Jumpin’ Foulks, LLC
Queen City Ice
Rudolph Transfer & Storage Co.
Clark & Associates Architects, Inc.
Party Station Rentals
Allegra Printing
3G Marketing
Cumberland Bank & Trust
Boren Auction & Realty
Veterans United Home Loans
John Sites
Erin Johnson
Sharon Meeks
Daphne Treadway Photography
Scott’s Bartending
CDE Lightband The Law Firm of Meeks & Meeks
George the Cupcake Guy
Don Panchos
Nuttin’ But Wings
Pizza Hut
Ajax Distributing
Budweiser of Clarksville
Peter H. Martin
Todd Morris
Alford Plumbing
ServPro of Montgomery
County Brent & Angel Nicholson
Queen City Pick-A-Part
Jeff Truitt
Lee Sargent & Katie Williams
Dr. Cliff Sites
Red River Concrete Products
Barry & Maggie Kulback
David Moran
Anderson Farm
Chris & Ann Schrichte
Hawkins Homes LLC
Margo Purvis
ICS Teachers,
Parents &
Give them a big “thank you!”
when you visit their
Training classes start on
at 3PM at the Chapel of
Immaculate Conception
For more information call:
Deacon Bob Berberich
552-0275 or 278-1437
Every Wednesday 6:30PM—8:30PM at ICS
Friday 12/6/13 6:30PM—8PM at St. Joseph Center
AHU - Kerigma - meets weekly on
Thursdays evenings from
6:00-8:30 PM at St. Joseph Center
(Youth Room/ 7-8) downstairs.
Entrance through the
lower parking lot.
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
NEWMAN CLUB - meets on
Thursdays evenings from 7-8:30 pm in room
103 C at the University Center APSU.
Bible Study - Tuesdays evenings from
6pm -7pm at St. Joseph Center, downstairs.
For College/University students
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
November 17, 2013
In 1999, a grocery store tabloid ran a banner headline across its front page : “World will end in
2000, warn Bible scholars.” The Bible scholar referred to was Jimmy Bakker. This is precisely
how we should not read “apocalyptic” literature like the one we have in Luke 21:5-19. The turn
of the millennium brought with it unnecessary fear and anxiety about the future. But the world
goes on, perhaps more peacefully than before.
When Luke portrays Jesus teaching his followers about the end of the world, he turns to a literary form called “apocalyptic” meaning “unveiling.” Indeed, hidden in the language and imagery of this chapter of Luke
are some of the most complex riddles in all the New Testament. Luke draws from a staggering array of sources, some
indecipherable even to the most reliable scripture scholars.
Apocalyptic literature is as old as the written word and as contemporary as Star Wars. It is highly symbolic and thus
we are not to read it like a newspaper report. Apocalyptic literature is highly encoded. In the Book of Daniel for example, the writer uses sixth century rules and events to critique the second century B.C. when the ruler Antiochus was
threatening the very existence of Judaism.
Luke is also straddling two generations. He inherits much of his rhetoric from Mark. Jerusalem had been destroyed,
but the end had not come, though many Jews had expected it would. So Luke must temper the harsh urgency of Mark’s
warnings about the end (Mk 13). While retaining much from Mark, Luke needs to read the signs of his own times and
address the business of day-to-day living for the long haul. He saw as clearly as many contemporary theologians the
need to live in the tension between the “now” and the “not yet.” He urges his disciples to be wary of the hysteria of the
extremists. To his suffering community he instead turns to the consoling words of the angel to Mary at the beginning of
his Gospel and the risen Jesus to the disciples at the end of the Gospel: “Do not be terrified.”
For each one of us the end of this world is when our personal story ends. Let us be ready for that end, being not afraid
to face it. “Do not be terrified” is what the angels said and John Paul II repeated. It may not be on the cover of the
tabloids. Let it be our mantra as we continue of spiritual and physical journey.
Peace and all good!
Fr. Jose Kariamadam, CMI
On December 1st we begin the new liturgical year. We will be using NEW missals!
In the past we purchased annual missals at a yearly cost of $5,550. This year we
purchased “permanent” missals at a cost of $18,700. This change will prove to be
cost effective since we will not purchase missals each year.
If you or your family would like to make a Memorial donation towards the cost of a missal
in memory of a loved one; please contact the church office.
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
The Celebration of the Eucharist November 23—24
Mass Intentions
Sunday, November 17
8:00 am .... Intention of Patrick & Ellen Bourke’s
40th Wedding Anniversary
11:00 am ... David Alexander
By M/M Gilles Tremblay
1:00 pm ....Wasner Martinez
By Carol Cala
5:30 pm ....People of the Parish
Monday, November 18
By Jocelyn Selles-Fernandez
Tuesday, November 19
7:00 am .... Adam Kowalski
By Patty Bevilacqua
Intention of ICS Faculty, Staff & Students
Wednesday, November 20
7:00 am ....  Karl Heinrich Platz
By Wayne & Judy Adams
6:00 pm ....John Sites
By Fr. David & Parish Staff
Thursday, November 21
7:00 am ... Hanley Revis
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
5:30 PM
Jackson Becker
Peyton Nance
Justin Miller
Mycah Milton
Michael Ressler
Matthew Klomfas
Sam Johnson
Carter Woehlert
Volunteer needed
Mary Gail Russ
Volunteer needed
Raby Nance
Ben Johnson
Katie Woehlert
Connie Pierotti
Merci Chartrand
Gary Davis
Scott Donnellan
Walter Stockton
Cheryl Trovato
Selene Anderson
Volunteer needed
Jonathan Azzara
Allyne Petersen
Diann Nance
Nancy Smithfield
Linda Cunningham
Bob Petersen
Rick Catignani
Mary Vozar
Lori Akscin
6:00 pm ... Miguel Angel Selles-1st Anniversary of Death
8:15 am ....
By Jan & Van Revis
7:30 pm ....Celia Luna
Kathleen Lange
Therese Ansberry
Christine Voorhis
Mary McIntosh
Irene Buck
Jeffrey Doyle
Mae Cruz
Amy Stockton
Maureen Boles
John Cruz
Jackie Vandal
Patricia Doyle
Ginny Newman
Edward Grimes
Maggie Kulback
Gary Newman
Tina White
Volunteer needed
Pamela Klomfas
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Debby Riddell
Volunteer needed
Patty Pierce
Pat Toutges
Irene Buck
Volunteer needed
Judy King
Rhonda Runyon
Eileen Estenson
Volunteer needed
Sylvia May
Howard French
Cheryl Tancrede
Volunteer needed
Donna Fondren
Bob Tancrede
By Sonia Holt
Friday, November 22
November 17, 2013
7:00 am ....Barbara Esser
5:30 pm ... Intention of Deacon John Carroll
By Deacon Dominick & Family
Sunday, November 24
8:00 am .... Phil & Irene Anderson
By Karen Goodwin
11:00 am ...People of the Parish
1:00 pm ....Rene Torres
By Elizabeth Ramos
3:00 pm .... Intention of our Korean Community
5:30 pm .... Intention of our Youth Ministries
Rev. Stephen Gideon
St. Hugh of Lincoln
Rev. Alejandro Godinez
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Rev. Jae Sang Han
St. Nerses the Great
Wednesday Rev. John C Henrick
St. Edmund Rich
Rev. Dennis Holly
St. Gelasius
Rev. Paul Hostettler
St. Cecilia
Rev. Mark Hunt
Bl. Miguel Pro
The dignity of resembling the Almighty is common
to all people; we should then love them all as
ourselves, as living images of the Deity. It is in this
that we belong to God
—St. Francis de Sales
Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2 Thes 3:712; Lk 21:5-19
1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63;
Ps 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158;
Lk 18:35-43 or (for the memorial of the
Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31;
Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Ps 17:1bcd, 5-6, 8b,
15; Lk 19:11-28
Thursday: 1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;
Lk 19:41-44
1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29:10bcd,
11-12; Lk 19:45-48
1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19; Lk 20:27
2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122:1-5; Col 1:12-20;
Lk 23:35-43
“Stewardship…Living Gracefully”
Stewardship of Treasure
Sunday envelopes
and loose
collection from
Sunday 11/3/2013
Thank you to all who contributed your time, talent
and treasure! Especially
the 298 families who used
their contribution envelopes, the 59 who offered
their gifts by loose check
and the 101 who offered
by e-tithing!
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Nov 17 thru Nov 24
Pray Daily for our Priests
Seminarians, and Religious
By Patsy Johnson & Family
Saturday, November 23
8:00 am ....Intention of all Loaves & Fishes Volunteers
Contrib. Average
Families Contrib.
Envelopes w/ Cash or
Loose Currency
Email : [email protected]
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
SUNDAY, November 17
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses
Parish Choir 9-10 am ....................... MC
Safe at Last 9:00 am ...................... FLC
R.C.I.A. 9:15 am .............................. SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ............................. SJC
Religious Ed (English) 9:15 am ...... …ALL
EMOC Training 9:15am .................... MC
Our Lady of Providence (Sp) ........ FLC
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ..... SJC
Religious Ed (Spanish) 11:00 am....... FLC
IC Knitting Grp. 1:00 pm ................. SJC
Exalt 4:30 pm ................................... MC
MONDAY, November 18
Pray & Play 9:00 am ............... SJC/NYS
Adoration Society 6:30 PM............ SJC
Prayer Group (Sp) 7:15 pm ............. CH
TUESDAY, November 19
Adult Bible Study 9:30 am ............. SJC
Knights of Columbus 5:30 pm ...... KCH
33 Days of Glory 6:00 pm ............... FLC
EMOC Training 6:00 pm .................. MC
Children’s Choir 6:15 pm ................. MC
ICCCW 6:30 PM ............................... SJC
WEDNESDAY, November 20
Chancel Choir 5:00 pm ................... MC
Cub Scouts 6:00 pm ....................... FLC
Life Teen 6:30 pm ........................... ICS
Teen Choir 6:30 pm .......................... MC
Parish Choir 6:30 pm ....................... MC
Boy Scouts 6:45 pm ....................... KCH
RCIA Q & A 7:00 PM........................ SJC
Come to the Table 7:00 pm............. SJC
THURSDAY, November 21
Room/Inn 3:00 PM .......................... FLC
Prayer Grp (Sp) 6:00 pm .................. SJC
NEW AHU-KERIGMA 6:00 pm ....... SJC
Parish Choir 6:00 pm ....................... MC
Venture Crew 7:00 pm.................... KCH
AA Meeting 8:00 pm ........................ ICS
FRIDAY, November 22
ADORATION .................................... MC
CYO 6:30 pm ................................... SJC
SATURDAY, November 23
Gift Shop Open Before & After 5:30 Mass
EMOC RETREAT 8:00 am .............. SJC
Rosary/Divine Mercy 2:00 pm ......... MC
Nocturnal Adoration 5:00 pm .. FLC/MC
SUNDAY, November 24
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses
Parish Choir 9-10 am ....................... MC
Safe at Last 9:00 am ...................... FLC
R.C.I.A. 9:15 am .............................. SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ............................. SJC
Religious Ed (English) 9:15 am ...... …ALL
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ..... SJC
Religious Ed (Spanish) 11:00 am....... FLC
Korean Event 4:00 pm..................... FLC
Exalt 4:30 pm ................................... MC
**Don’t forget to schedule your meeting
rooms with the church secretary!
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
November 17, 2013
Nursery hours:
During 8 am
For children of
CCD Teachers, RCIA, Adult Ed
and Choir participants
During 11 am Mass
Volunteers Needed! Call Sharon
@ (931) 368-1898
“I need nothing in this world in order to be
happy. I only need to see Jesus in Heaven
whom I now see and adore on the altar with
the eyes of faith.”
St. Dominic Savio 1842-1857-He became the
youngest non-martyr to be canonized a Saint.
24 hour Adoration is held in the main
church every Friday 7:30 a.m. to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Adoration is also held on
the first Friday and Saturday of each
month from Friday 7:30 a.m. through
Benediction on Saturday at 4:00 p.m.
upon arrival.
For information on Adoration
check our website at:
Open before and after weekend Masses
If you would like to register as a
member of the parish, register
your child for CCD, change your
membership information or just
looking for information,
please …
Check out our Parish website :
AA Meetings are held every Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Immaculate Conception School gym.
Meetings are open.
Living Stewardship Now
Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to
serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You only need a
heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Email : [email protected]
Immaculate Conception Church #331300
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
931 645-6275
Judy Spink
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Monday 4:30 pm
November 17, 2013
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