You pay much less to heat better with OIL


You pay much less to heat better with OIL
P. Daniels Perfect
In Pistol Tourney
POR Julia v Manolo
P. O. B. 257 , Selden
telefono SEIden 2-6071
•California . . . —
En el Patchogue Hotel , se celebro
el dia 29 de Octubre un haile ausp ieiado por el Partido Democratic-!
El Sr. Lester V. Pate-rson , Direc- de Brookhaven Town y debido a
tor de Nueva lndustria y Secre- la inmensa cantidad de publico que
tario Ejecutivo del Comite Indus- asistio, tuvieron que utilizar , adetrial y Consultivo de Brookhaven , mas del Salon Principal de Baile.
dio al publico un reporte sobre la el situado en el primer piso , que
exhibicion del Comite en la Feria por cierto estuvieron maravi lode Ciencia e lndustria de Long Is- samente decorados por Arthur
land , que se celebro por nueve dias Greenfield , que es vin maestro C
en la Pista Roosevelt , (Roosevelt su medio. La organizacion estuvo
Raceway), desde el dia S de Octu- en las manos ex pectu s del Corvt'bre , hasta el dia 16, inclusive.
jal Sr. Howard Rowland , que adeDe acuerdo con las cifras de la mas introdujo a las figuras notaFeria , mas de 300,000 personas bles que estuvieron presente. En
atendieron y el Sr. Peterson , cal- tre ellas recordamos: Dominic Bacula que aproximadamente 200 ,000 ranello , Presidente del Comite
de ellas vieron la caseta de Brook- Democratico del la Ciudad dt
haven. Mas de 1,000 la visitaron Brookhaven; el Supervisor August
y fueron entrevistados personal- Stout , Jr.; Concejales: John J.
mente por el Sr. Peterson y los Foley , Frank Covenev , John A.
Concejales, que se turnaron cuidan- Young, Willard E. Rodd y, Harold
do la caseta. Ademas bubo avuda Chapman y el infati gable Howard
extra de un cuerpo de ciudadanos Rowland: los Jueces de Paz. Milvoluntaries, que cooperaron habil- ton La Gattuta y Anthony Snlvamente, recihiendo al publico v tore; Secretario del Ayuntamiento
contestando a las nreguntas. Se Arthur McComb; Recaudador dc
distribuyeron casi 20,000 piezas de Jmpuestos Wilfred Paquette: Secliteratura , describicido el rreci- retario del Comite Jerome Sadofmiento industrial y las facilidades sky;
de Brookhaven. Las observaciones para la Asamblea, Confrreso v
e impresiones de los que vieron In Senado , respectivamente . J. J. J.
exhibicion , y firmaron el registro Jones , Otis G. Pike , y Robert D.
de visitantes, indican el in teres L. Gardiner; Condc-stab' e de l-i
tan tremendo en las posibi'idades Bahia Bennv Balsamo; Direc t or dr
industrials de la Ciudad de Recreacion Robert Cooney; PresiBrookhaven.
dente del Averell H a r r i m a n Chili
El Sr. Peterson, informa que el Democrat:! Jim Wal«h: Locator de
Comite Industrial , conserva y Radio y TV Emiho De Tone; tenisigu e vi gorosamente los contactos endo cuidado de los pcrros Joe
hechos en la Feria , con los que Walker y John Catalano: mencion
consideran Brookhaven. un sitio especial a la Asistonta de! Superconveniente para extender sus em- visor Sra. Lynn Nichols . A ' c"l-'-i
presas y presiente que la Feria dio de Patchogue Robert T. Wald
oportunidad para propalar el men- bnuer v el Ex-Secretario de la
sage de la Ciudad de Brookhaven Villa. Salvatore Romeo y el invitaa un grupo grande e interesa- do de honor Sr. Anthony ,T. Trivia,
do . . .—
lider de la Minoridad de la A samPuerto Rico—Los diarios de San blea del Estado de Nueva York ,
que dirigio la palahra con gracin
carta pastora l de los tres obispos v soltura. El sexo debil. represenque prohiben a los Catoliros vota r tado por las esposas, hijas , herpor el Partido Popular Democra- manas y demas familiares. contic^ eneabezado por el Gobernador tribuyeron a Ja decoracion , de tal
Luis Munoz Marin. El dia 25 de manera , que parecian los salone=
Octubre, los diarios de la lengua un jardin de Mores. El baile fue
Espanola , EL MUNDO y EL IM- amenizado por la orquesta de JimPARTIAL, presentaron fuertes edi- my Lotito, que no necesita adjetoriales, denunciando la accion de tivos y como broche de oro. el Con
los obispos, y no apoyan a ninpfun iunto Espanol formado por Kathy
"partido en las elecciones del 8 de Balsamo, Julia v Manolo De Torre,
Nbviembre. El diario ingles SAN bnilarony cantaron cosas tipicas de
JUAN STAR , (Estrella de San Espana: Manolo tambien acornJ u a n ) , habia ya demandado la re- pano al piano v tuvieron ny.idn
vocacion de los obispos y subsM- musical con Emilio De Torre ITT
tucion por representantes del Ca- y todos 7'eoibieron los aplauso=
tolicismo , que reconozcan la indis- calurosos de la conenrrencia ¦. •—
pensibilidad de el princi pio de se- Fn el Rrooklrivon Memor ial Hosparacion de la Iglesia y el Estado pital , el dia 5 de Octubre. nacio
en una Democracia . . . —
una nina , hiia de los Sres. Ramon
El dia 27 de Octubre, se celebro Rodriguez del 45 Swan River St..
el cump leanos del Sr. Emib'o De Pa tchogue y el dia 0 en e! mi-smo
Torre, de Forest Hills v Center Hospital, un nino. hi in de los Sres ,
Moriches , y el dia 28 el del joven Julio Cardona , del 82.r> Doane AveJuanito Morales , hijo de los Sres, nue , Bell port. En el Southside
Ana y Juan Morales , Sr., de Elm Hospital , nacio un nino . hijo de
hurst , N. Y. y Selden , a los dos los Sres. Manuel Cancel , de Saynuestras mas sincera s felicita- ville , el dia lfi de Octubre: a tociones . . . —
dos les damos nuestras felicitaEl dia 25 de Octubre do I960, en csones . . . —
el Brookhaven Memorial Hospital , Oueremos expresar miostra mas
la Sra. Sharon Fren , dio a luz un sincera manifestacion de agradehermoso niiio , al que se le impon- cimiento a los Sres. Bill y Gene
dra el nombre de Juan Jose. El Bonyun , por la estupenda carta
papa del "baby ", Sr. Frank Fren , encomiando la columna en Eslos abuelos Sres. Laura y Joh n panol , y de. paso ,. los comunicaFren , de Blu e Point Road , Selden , mos el dolor que nos ha causado
y la tita , Srta. Dolores Fren , estan el aeoidente de la Sra . Bonyun y
contentisimos con el advenimiento deseamos que recupere rapidade Juanito, asi como la abuela mente . . . —
materna ,
Certif y Mastic Man
Safe Hunt Instructor
T E A X K C K — Paul Daniels
of the Suffolk C o u n t y Police
Department posted a perfect
score of 300 and won top individual honors in the Twentysixth Anniversary International Police Pistol Tournament ,
sponsored by the Teaneck Police Department recently.
Daniels posted his perf ec t
score with 28 Xs. lie also won
top honors in the individual
reduced target event shootinir n 287. The Suffolk County
Police team came in second
with a 1,09:2.
un desfile por la caiie Princi pal ,
de Patchogue , (Main Street), constituido por la juventud , con disfraces originates, on tre ellus , b rajas , duendes , trasgos etc. . . . y
el simpati-'o Alcald•• de Patcliogui
Sr. Robert T. Waldbauer , entrego
premios a los mejores vestidos de
mascaras y a las ventanas de las
tiendas , que habian sido pintadas
con motives adecuados a la fiesta
de Hallowe 'en , por las muchachas
y los muchachos de las escuebis
y algunas de ellas , eran verdaderas piezas de arte : se repart ieronmas de 200 premios y el espectaculo result-, m u y anim-do. Pesiiues
de la parada y con olijeto de conmemorar la Visnera de To-los i > Santos , el Sr. Francisco J. Lora -.i
Director-Gerente d<d Colonial Hall ,
situado en el 118 South Ocean
Avenue , Patchogue, reunio a un
grupo selecto de amigos , a q'l'enn s
obsequio con una gran vane-dad de
refrescos , licores , emparedados y
en fin de todo lo bueno . Los i-ivitados fueron: el Alaca'de de Patchogue Robert T. Waldbauer; el
Diputado de las oficinas del Alguacil Mayor Thomas M. Browne;
el Ex-Secretario del Ayuntamiento Salvatore Romeo: el dueno do '
Colonial Hall Jack Gindi ; los columnistas Espanoles del Patchoirn e
Advance y Mori-dies Tribune Julia
v Manolo; Emilio De Torre TIT:
Sr. y Sra. Nicomedes Mendc. y
familia: Sr. v Sra. Elndio Gonralez; Srtas. Marv , Carmen y Shirley Mendoz; ninn Barbara Gonzalez y nino . Guillermo Gonzalez;
Damary Gonzalez; Sres. Afortunado Aponte , Manuel y Pedro
Gonzalez. Dario Gonzalez , Luis
Alberto Soto. Hector Juan Figueron. Angel Sanchez , Mi- r -iel Santiago, Luis Carreras y Nicoir.e.'.pSanchez. El entrete-nimienfo c- tuvo
a cargo del ioven "Vaquero Cantor ". (Singing Cowboy), Hank
Werner, que ha actuado en rodeos .
Ferins de los Estados v much -is
funciones civicas y sociales; este
artista empezo cuando era un nino
en programas de aficionados y - "ahora uno do los ennta-'tes in: ,~ jovenes del Oeste , foe del agi-a-k
de todos v le aplaudieron mncbi
simo. Nuestras mas exDresivagracias al Sr. T.ornn y le d"seamos siea sus triunfos en el Colorial Hall . . . —
El Domingo 30 de Octubre , estnvimos agradablemente sornrendidos por una visita inesperada , que
no pqdemos dejar de men-Sonar •
so trata del Conceial Sr. Howard
Rowland , esnosa Florence e hijos .
Sandra , Judith , Howard. Jr y
Timoteo , a estos dos chiquitines .
W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. —
Lawrence J. Sitkawitz of 85
Riverside A v e n u e . Mastic
Acres , has been certified as
an instructor for the H u n t e r
Safety Course sponsored by
the National Rifle Association
of America it was announced
here last week.
The new instructor will conduct the four-hour course in
gun operation , safe gun-handliivg, techni ques of shooting
in the field and the safety
responsibilities of all hunters.
The Hunter Safety Course
is part of a nation-wide education progra m now available
to the outdoor sportsmen of the
United States tbiougn tne
facilities of the National Rlile
Association. The cours e was
designed to allow all communities in the country to educate
their young and inexperienced
hunters on a volunteer basis.
heard Henry Cabot Lodge
praise Representative Stuyvesant Wainwright and call for election of Nixon-Lodge ticket and a GOP
majority in House of Representatives. Lodge spoke at GOP
rally held in Blue Point last Th u rsday night and outlined a fourpoint program to maintain strength in America. Rep. Wainwright,
left, joins with Ambassador Lodge in waving to cheering crowd.
—William Goldfein Photo
5,00° P e°P le
Stresses Strength:
Lodge Draws 5,000
To Republican Rally
BLUE POINT—The confidence of the Suffolk Republican organization received a tremendous boost last Thursday night as more
than 5,000 people turned out in bad weather to hear Henry Cabot
Lodge present a four-point program designed to protect America
and m a i n t a i n her leading position in the world. The huge crowd ,
gainere unuei a large lent set
up next to County GOP headquarters here in Blue Point , gave forward through dip lomacy to a
Mr. Lodge a 10-minute ovation partnership of nations and gain
and repeatedly interrupted his 30- strength through our Allies. He
minute speech by shouting their also tailed for the increase of our
strength by every citizen workapproval of his remarks.
The major portion of Mr. Lodge's ing together to show the rest of
speech hinged on his program of the world that our system is th"
strength for America. He said best and that communism
that Vice President Richard Nixon wrong. These points Lodge said ,
would be able to supp ly the leadershi p necessary to lead America preserve the American way of life
to a new plateau and leave the and insure that we and our chilcold war behind us. His second dren live in peace.
He also pointed opt that Mr.
point was that the Republican
team would be able to keep Nixon has tho needed experience
America 's strength up, so that to lead America and said that
everyone would be afraid to at Senator Kennedy lacked maturity
tack us. The third point was that and was prone to mak e rash and
America under tbe GOP would no imirulsive statements. To. illustrate
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Once in a lifetime! The finest
workmanship at popular prices in
Wedding invitations. Let ue show
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The Patchogue Advance, Medford
Uev Willard I. Kile, pastor of
PI I R 9 F
r rvILOOM O r U I x O C
St. John 's Episcopal Church
in Center Moriches receives purse presented as gift from congregation in celebrating Tenth Anniversary at Center Moriches.
Gift was highli ght of dinner affair held recently . Shown
left to right are: The Rev. Mr . Kile and August Stout, Jr., lay
preacher of St. John's Church.
—Photo by Gomez
The congregation of St. John 's Episcopal Church of Center
Moriches recently held a dinner party in honor of the Tenth
Anniversary of the Rev. Willard 1. Kile 's arrival at the church. The
affair was attended by various Episcopal Church officials and 100
members of the congregation.
Distinguished guests attending gregation and the other consisted
were: The Right Rev. Jonathan of a modern version of the new
Sherman , sutVergen bishop of Long testament presented by the Youth
Island; the Ven. Canon Harry J. Fellowshi p.
Strecb , archdeacon
Prior to serving at the Center
County; the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph
Livesay of the Center Moriches Moriches Episcopal Church the
Presbyterian Church , Supervisor Rev. Mr. Kile served the Parish of
and Mrs. August Stout . Jr., and St. Peters in Pittsburgh , Pa. After
representatives of all the churc h lie was ordained in l'.l.lll in West
organizations of the area , as wall Virginia, be served his first asas other Center Moriches resi- signment at St. Paul's Church in
Kim Grove, a suburb of Wheeling,
The Uev. Mr. Kile received two \V. Va. He also served at three
gifts as the highlight of tbe affair. 1 other missions in the southern
One g i f t wis a purse from the. con- I part of West Virginia.
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Pantiac tailors body design to a new Wide-Track
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We 've built more room and greater readability into this sleek new '61 Pontiac.
There 's more headroom , legroom and footroom. Doors are wider and they 're
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By trimming side overhang, we balanced more wei ght directly between
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. , .
his point he mentiontd the Cuban
situation , the and Qucmoy
statements and the statement in
which Kennedy said President
Eisenhower should have apolog ized
to Khrushchev . He added that as
a candidate for President one can
retract impulsive statements but
that as President it would be impossible to retract mistakes made
by rash and impulsive decision
On hand for the rally were the
local GOP candidates, ' State Attorney Genera l Louis Lefkowitz
and Lodge's two sons and their
The local candidates on hand
Wainwri ght ,
candidate for Congress; Elisha T.
Barrett , candidate for State Senate ; James R. Grover , Jr., Perry
B. Duryea, Jr., and Prescott P..
Huntington, candidates for State
Assembly; L. Barron Hill , Paul J.
Widlitz and Percy Ingerman , candidates for the Supremo Court.
Mr. Lodge arrived at the rally
held at Suffolk County Republica n
headquarters in Blue Point , i H -.30
p.m. and departed for Levittown
at 9:15 p.m. to attend another
GOP rally.
Other highlights of the rally
were the presentation of a bouquet to Mrs. Lodge by Campaign
Chairman Dr. Murp h y and addresses by Suffolk GOP Leader
Arthur M. Cromart y and all the
local candidates with the exception of the candidates seeking
judicial office who were only introduced to the crowd.
fueron , nuestro gato "Butch" y
nuestra perri t "Serlia ", espera mos repitan pi-onto la visita y . . .
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Father Kile Receives Gifts
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I ' f H K . M K N surve> r u i n s of a new h o m e w hich A ; IS n u k e d l>> a g- ;is e x p l os i on <n> ; , ( . . . The
i "iite l o< a l e d at . ; *> , . was to be nci-upied h> new t»« ni rs on (lie l 'i » l( i n \ i n g day. The e nt i r e
I ' h o t o h> (ieo. l' n w c r
I' i l r i i r t g WJIS jolted off t h e {muidntiou.
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