Píldoras abortivas viajan a Polonia con un dron


Píldoras abortivas viajan a Polonia con un dron
Píldoras abortivas viajan a Polonia con un dron lanzado
desde Alemania
Por Rachel Browne (/es/contributor/rachel-browne)
junio 25, 2015 | 7:09 am
Este sábado, un dron lleno de píldoras abortivas despegará de Alemania para aterrizar en algún
lugar secreto de Polonia, donde el aborto es ilegal excepto bajo ciertas condiciones.
Women on Waves, una ONG holandesa de médicos y activistas en defensa del aborto viajan en
barco para ofrecer abortos no quirúrgicos en los países donde está prohibido. La ONG se asoció
con grupos alemanes y polacos de derechos de la mujer para hacer esta operación que se llevará
a cabo el sábado. Según la ONG, esta es la primera vez que se hace algo parecido.
Un piloto hará volar el dron desde Frankfurt an der Orden (justo al lado de la frontera germanopolaca y a 6 horas desde Frankfurt) hasta Slubice en Polonia, donde varias mujeres esperan para
poner fin a su embarazo. El punto exacto de del ate3rrizaje de las pastillas será anunciado el
viernes, pero la polémica ya ha comenzado. Los activistas contra el aborto amenazan con derribar
el dron.
"Siempre estamos buscando nuevas maneras de conseguir traspasar la malla legal que impide el
acceso al aborto", explica a VICE News Rebecca Gomperts, la doctora que fundó Women on Waves
en 1999. Ella dijo que su ONG manda por correo postal píldoras abortivas — compuestas de
mifepristona y misoprostol — a Polonia desde hace años. Pero desde hace algún tiempo, las
autoridades aduaneras las confiscan.
Impactante campaña que promueve abortos auto infligidos en Chile evidencia la necesidad
de reforma legal. Leer más aquí.
Las pastillas están disponibles en casi todos los países europeos pero no se permiten en Polonia.
La ley prohíbe tomar tales píldoras pero no hay sanciones penales
(http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/poland-drone-deliver-diy-abortion-drugs-women-1507444) impuestas a
las personas que lo intentan.
En 1993, el gobierno polaco aprobó una serie de leyes que restringen el acceso al aborto — salvo
en casos de violación, incesto o si la vida del feto o la mujer embarazada corre peligro. Antes de
este cambio en el 93, el aborto era legal en el país.
Otros países europeos que prohíben el aborto son Irlanda y Malta.
De acuerdo con cifras oficiales del gobierno polaco, se realizan unos 744 abortos cada año en
Polonia. Para Gomperts, la cifra real sería alrededor de los 50.000 interrupciones voluntarias de
embarazos. Los médicos que se aventuran a realizar abortos en Polonia utilizan instrumentos y
procedimientos obsoletos y cobran 4.000 euros por intervención.
"Usar un dron es nuestra manera de llamar la atención. Queremos hacerles entender a las
mujeres y explicarles que existen píldoras abortivas. También es una oportunidad para mostrar a
qué tipo de realidades se enfrentan las mujeres. Si cada vez más mujeres en Polonia son
conscientes de estas píldoras, serán cada vez más las que las pedirán — y tal vez provocarán el
cambio en su país ", dijo Gomperts.
Polonia se ha convertido en el primer objetivo, según Gomperts. Su proximidad a Alemania y la
comprensión de los grupos de defensa de los derechos de las mujeres en ambos lados de la
frontera han ayudado. La doctora se inspiró por los nuevos métodos de entrega a través de
drones — especialmente ideados por Amazon y Google.
"Pensé, si ellos pueden hacerlo, nosotras también podemos", dice Gomperts.
Hace algunos meses se puso en contacto con los miembros de Cocia Basia — una nueva
asociación de Berlín que ayuda a las mujeres de Polonia a viajar a Alemania para poder acceder a
un aborto legal. Cocia Basia, que se traduce como "la tía bárbara" en polaco, recauda fondos para
que las mujeres tengan acceso a las píldoras abortivas u otros medios no quirúrgicos para un
aborto — o para financiar el viaje a Alemania para acceder a un aborto quirúrgico.
Sarah Diehl, una de las personas que forman Cocia Basia, dijo a VICE News que el grupo no ha
dudado en invertir en el proyecto del lanzamiento del dron por Women on Waves.
"En cierto sentido, esta acción permite dejar en evidencia al gobierno polaco, mostrar lo absurdo
que son las leyes contra el aborto y demostrar que las mujeres tienen el derecho a elegir", dice
Diehl. "El aborto en Polonia es una práctica tan estigmatizada y satanizada que nadie lucha por
ello aquí".
"También nos permite mostrar a nuestros vecinos europeos que las mujeres se ayudan
Gomperts y Diehl son conscientes de que las píldoras abortivas en drones no es una solución
sostenible en el tiempo. Tienen la esperanza, sin embargo, que esta acción va a atraer la atención
y va a movilizar activistas para pedir un cambio en la ley. Gomperts espera exportar este proyecto
a otros países, incluyendo los Estados Unidos.
No todo el mundo en Polonia está contento por la llegada del dron. Gomperts indica que los
activistas anti-aborto intentarán derribar el dron antes de que aterrice.
Gomperts no se inmuta ante esta posibilidad, ella sólo espera que el proyecto sea controvertido.
"Esta es una señal de que el derecho al aborto está de vuelta en las conversaciones en Polonia. Y
eso es más que necesario ", dijo.
"Veremos que pasa. No es fácil derribar un dron. Son rápidos y eficientes"
Sigue a Rachel Browne en Twitter: @rp_browne (https://twitter.com/rp_browne)
TEMAS: europa (/es/topic/europa), alemania (/es/topic/alemania), polonia (/es/topic/polonia), women on
waves (/es/topic/women-on-waves), cocia basia (/es/topic/cocia-basia), derecho al aborto
(/es/topic/derecho-al-aborto), píldoras abortivas (/es/topic/pldoras-abortivas), derechos humanos
(/es/topic/derechos-humanos), derechos de las mujeres (/es/topic/derechos-de-las-mujeres),
mifepristone (/es/topic/mifepristone), misoprostol (/es/topic/misoprostol)
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2 days ago
Good idea! I think I might buy a truckload of those abortion pills and drop them for free from
drones into the parking lots of all Hobby Lobby stores.
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2 days ago
“A Nation that kills its own children is a nation without
– Pope John Paul II
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bobconner > Az
2 days ago
or better yet - "a nation without little boys is a boring place indeed"
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NATO loving trolls are morons > Az
a day ago
An organisation that rapes little boys has no business commenting on their well being.
- Me
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HelloKittyMadeMeDoIt > NATO loving trolls are morons
a day ago
A paid Russian FSB drone who's murderous boss is on a rampage has no
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Blind-Truth > Az
2 days ago
Now that is a transparent organization / state I can get behind. Your right they are the
most open and honest around.....
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cyninoregon > Az
a day ago
Your pope is no one to me. I studied the Inquisition and the murder of women all
through the ages as witches etc--so what kind of moral authority can the catholic
church possibly represent? Finally, how are opus dei men like anton scalia observing
the pope's words on global climate change, helping the poor, and gun control? Oh, they
are ignoring their own church and pope? But we women who are not catholic and never
have been should be denied access to birth control and abortion based on what the
pope says? Can't you see the insane hypocrisy in that?
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HelloKittyMadeMeDoIt > cyninoregon
a day ago
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Mrs. S. Jackson
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2 days ago
Disgusting to use also the name Ciocia Basia which means Auntie Barbara for this abortion
venture!, Saint Barbara is petron Saint of miners and her feast is celebrated on 4 th December
in Poland!, the devil never sleeps!, I hope that the dron will be shot down before it lands on the
Polish land!, the Germans were dropping all sorts of extermination stuff over Poland in 1943!!
They just hate Poles who always stood up for God and the truth!, please pray for Poland. God
Bless. BK.
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Johnny Mac > Mrs. S. Jackson
2 days ago
You know God doesn't exist, right?
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aamicko losi > Mrs. S. Jackson
2 days ago
※⁂⁂⁂※I agree that Debra `s blog is impressive, last thursday I bought a top of the
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per/hr .
You Can See It Out This Link.◠.◠.
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Don Langosta > Mrs. S. Jackson
2 days ago
You know, when you use nothing but exclamation points they kind of lose their
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2 days ago
sad, sad, sad. So we're helping the current generation by killing the next? : ( Skynet would be
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Don Langosta > Leah
2 days ago
I'm sure all these potentially aborted children will grow up to be well-adjusted and
productive members of society.
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Asahi > Don Langosta
a day ago
Your implication being that children who were going to be aborted would have
been unwanted anyways, with negative impact on their future development.
Fine. But let me ask you – would you be miserable but with a shot at still leading
a happy life? Or would you just choose death?
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Don Langosta > Asahi
a day ago
Abortion is never a happy decision, and there is a certain nobility in
accepting death as inevitable.
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Asahi > Don Langosta
a day ago
You go ahead and be noble then, bud. Plus, is it still noble to dish out
death to someone other than yourself?
What you just said might qualify as the stupidest thing that anyone has
ever said.
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Don Langosta > Asahi
a day ago
I betcha it's not.
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noddy > Don Langosta
2 days ago
Yes, and the aborted children would also have grown up the same I suppose
which makes abortion seem a waste perhaps although I try not to judge on this.
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comin' get it! > noddy
2 days ago
How can you know that?
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Paul Menard
• Reply • Share ›
2 days ago
its less harmful overall to have legal abortions, and we clearly have enough people running
about already
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noddy > Paul Menard
2 days ago
Abortion has become acceptable worldwide but does that make it right? I am not
judging, nor am I religious, just wondering if this is the best way to do things. The many
risks physical and psychological risks to the mother using abortion pills or surgery are
never mentioned by the abortion providers it seems. Should one human have the right
to end the start of anothers life just because the latter is not a grown adult? Of course
most governments are happy to have an abortion industry because it keeps the
population down I suppose. It is a complex,deeply emotional issues to decide on.
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Blind-Truth > noddy
2 days ago
As you clearly stated you are not going to judge right?
Then leave them alone.
It is not effecting your body, or your life.
You let the woman make her own life choices. It doesn't belong to you, me or
the state / country in question.
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noddy > Blind-Truth
a day ago
I think the body belongs to the woman of course and it can be argued
she owns the child growing in her so she is free to keep it or not. But
often women do not get told the downsides of abortion which are many.
It is a money making industry often like any other and the risks are hidden
so the womans 'choice' is not always based on the full facts
unfortunately. Many women suffer physical and mental negative
consequences after abortion and often there is no help for them with that
certainly not from the company or person that did the abortion probably. I
do not judge but it is a big issue.
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drew > noddy
a day ago
I think anyone who personally considers abortion is very aware of the moral
dilemma they're facing, and if they aren't aware of the moral dilemma they're
facing, do you really think they're mature enough to have a child? Even if you're
playing devil's advocate here, this is an open and shut debate that was over 20
years ago. Move on.
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noddy > drew
a day ago
so everyone who has a child is morally mature? Was that a joke? And all
would be parents are aware of the many risks of abortion psychological
and physical? This debate will go on because it is so important. I am not
for or against but that 'choice' is only a choice if important facts are
known in advance but they often are not.
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drew > noddy
a day ago
We're not talking about parents. We're talking about people who are
questioning whether or not they SHOULD be parents. I'd say a very small
minority of parents are ready to be parents psychologically, financially
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NATO loving trolls are morons > noddy
a day ago
Most governments that allow abortion actually want the population to go up. It's
just that certain civil liberties are valued more than needs of the state.
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HelloKittyMadeMeDoIt > NATO loving trolls are morons
a day ago
If your fellow comrades would put down the vodka bottles, your women
wouldn't offer themselves as mail order brides and the Russian
population would not be in decline.
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drew > Paul Menard
a day ago
Although I agree 100%, that's the type of statement that evangelicals plaster all over the
web to discredit the philosophy of pro choice, often drawing comparisons to the way
the final solution was sold to the few rational naughtseez there were left: 'we clearly
have enough jooish people and Slahhhvic people running around already...'
The issue of having the choice to abort a pregnancy is not in any way comparable to
genocide. It's multifaceted and personal, rather than a blanket argument for 'population
control'. I just think that's a bad talking point because it doesn't address any of the
many real reasons anybody who ever CONSIDERS abortion faces. (vice censored my
post so I adjusted the spelling to the words they objected to.)
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Gjergi Kastrioti
2 days ago
Good on Germans for helping to reduce SLAVe population.
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noddy > Gjergi Kastrioti
a day ago
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lk kara > Gjergi Kastrioti
15 hours ago
Hiding behind ur PC while talking $hit is a valiant effort, u Russian dbag.
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Gjergi Kastrioti > lk kara
an hour ago
Not a SLAVe.
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drew > Gjergi Kastrioti
a day ago
wow, you suck.
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2 days ago
I'm sending belts over in drones to countries which have laws banning spanking.
Screw those stupid child abuse laws. The parent's right to not be inconvenienced by their
children should be absolute
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Blind-Truth > Joe333
2 days ago
Yea that is nice......(sarcasm)
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Joe333 > Blind-Truth
a day ago
Thanks for your support
Children need to understand that they are their parent's property not their own
separate person
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noddy > Joe333
a day ago
That was not support from Blind Truth it was sarcasm and it is even
written next to the comment in case you were not intelligent enough to
know what sarcasm is. Hopefully you are sterile: children are not the
property of the parent forever (or ever even) and beating them will bring
consequences eg violent psychopaths in society and or your child may
hate you.
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Joe333 > noddy
18 hours ago
I bet, You failed the analogy questions n the SAT's
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drew > noddy
a day ago
i'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic too.
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noddy > drew
a day ago
probably not
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