St. William Catholic Church/Chapel of the Holy Cross


St. William Catholic Church/Chapel of the Holy Cross
St. William Catholic Church/Chapel of the Holy Cross
August 19, 2012
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Tim Pfander, [email protected]
256-582-4245 x103
Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
Fr. Joe Lody, [email protected]
256-582-4245 x105
Saturday/sábado—St. William
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm or by appointment/o por cita
miércoles Capilla de la Santa Cruz
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm/o por cita
Couples must contact one of the parish priests at least 6 months
prior to setting a wedding date at the parish.
Rev. Mr. Edwin Santos
256-878-9973 256-738-6153
Por favor hablar con Padre Joe lo mas pronto posible.
Parish School of Religion Director/Directora de Escuela
Cecilia Hall, [email protected]
256-582-4245 x 104
Office Manager
Laura Hodge, [email protected]
256-582-4245 ext. 102
*Notary Public
DRE Assistant/St. William Facilities
Debra Klan, [email protected]
256-582-4245 ext. 104
New Life Center Director/Directora del Centro de la Vida
Maria Lopez
Church Clubs and Organization Contact Information
Music coordinator/Coordinador de Música
Kevin McGarrahan
St. Vincent de Paul
Tim Higgins
*for Assistance
256-582-4245 ext. 201
Mary Fritts
Ladies Sodality
Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information.
Por favor hablar con Padre Joe para las practicas. Los Padres del
Nino y los padrinos tienen que asistir.
Participants must have received Confirmation or have been prepared for Confirmation. Contact the Pastor 3 months prior to the
Las Participantes deben haber recibido Confirmación o estar preparado para recibir Confirmación. Contactar con el párroco 3 mes
antes de esto evento.
Parish School of Religion/Escuela de Religion
Pre-K through 8th Grade
Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on
Sunday in Mary’s House from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Please see the
calendar for the full schedule.
Senior Youth Catechism
Continuing education for all high school age kids who have been
fully confirmed with the church. Please see the calendar for the
full schedule.
Adult Formation/RCIA
Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on
Tuesday at 7:00 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar for
the full schedule.
Para información sobre las Clases de religión, Confirmación y
Primera Comunión contacte a María López, Tom Ackerman, Cecilia Hall, o Padre Joe.
Knights of Columbus
Council 12618
Joe Castillo 256-458-9543
Assembly 3328
Sean Landry 256-878-0966
Columbian Squires Noel Merrill 256-677-4175
Denis Liederbach
Respect Life
Judith Hyatt
Alice Beck
Pregnant? Need Help?
Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel
Gadsden (256) 546-4883
Young at Heart
Helen Befort
Huntsville (256) 536-0073
Crisis Pregnancy Center
MONDAY 12:00 pm
Albertville (256) 878-1300
National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357)
Se habla Español
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Judith Hyatt
Month 6
“I’m sitting up straight now!”
The baby’s oil and sweat glands are functioning: these help
regulate body temperature. A white filmy layer covers the
baby and protects her delicate skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid and from scratches as she twists and turns. This
way substance will be quickly absorbed into her skin soon
after she is born. She can now respond to sound. Her lungs
are fairly well developed and she would stand a good chance
of survival if born at this time.
Jesus’ invitation in giving us his flesh and blood to eat
and drink is an invitation to enter into his own selfgiving. Eucharist is self-giving. We can be self-giving like Jesus
because through the Eucharist, the body of Christ, we become
Jesus. This is why we can “remain” in Jesus—we are transformed
by what we eat. Our relationship to Jesus, then becomes a relationship of indwelling, of divine life. Eucharist is both gift given
and invitation to our self-giving. The mystery of Eucharist
strengthens us for our daily dying and rising, our daily giving of
ourselves for the sake of others so that we all might share more
abundantly in divine life. (Living Liturgy, p.192)
“I’m 14 inches”
Si usted está en necesidad de asistencia, por favor, consulte Agustín
Contreras, 205-363-2294 o en el Centro el martes desde 4-6 pm.
Please pray for our spiritually adopted children
RAFFLE TICKETS Prizes for the 2012 festival are all cash:
$1000, $500, and $250! Tickets are $2.00 each or 6/
$10.00. Ticket stubs with money may be returned to the box
in the vestibule or to the church office. Additional tickets
are available in the back of the church or in the church office.
If you are willing to donate
to a worthy cause, please
put your name on it and
bring your filled bottle to
Craven Hall by Friday, August 31st.
may pick your
bottle up at the
end of the festival
or on Sunday,
September 2nd.
We need everyone to put
up signs (flyers) in their
cars, workplaces where
allowed, and store fronts
(with prior permission of
course!) Please make an
effort to put a few signs
up this week and next. If
everyone makes a little
effort, we make a BIG impact! Flyers are available
in the vestibule of the
Festival t-shirts are in and will be sold on a firstcome, first serve basis! The design is on a paprika-colored shirt and is available from size
youth XS to adult 2X. Shirts are $10.00 each
and can be purchased from the church office during regular office hours.
9:00 am
Roux & Celery
7:30 am
9:00 am
Roux & Celery
6:30 pm Festival Meeting
9:00 am
Cocktail Sauce
2:00 pm
Shrimp Cooking
5:00 pm
Friday Night Drive-Thru
7:30 am
Like us on Facebook
St. William Seafood Festival
Check out the link to the Seafood
Festival on the church website:!
“Seafood Festival”, and then go to
“Click here to volunteer”. Fill in
the information and check all of the
areas you are interested in volunteering for and then click “Submit”!
You are done, and do not need to
sign up again.
The areas to volunteer will
“disappear” from the list online
when available spots are filled!
Ladies, it’s baking time again!
Please bring one (or more!) baked goods to the church on Friday,
August 31st or to Civitan Park early Saturday morning for our
Dessert Sale. Individually packaged (brownies, cookies, candies,
small loaf pans, etc) sell quickly. People like dessert with their
meal! Cakes and pies do sell and are welcomed too. Please, no
refrigerated items.
We are grateful for all your contributions!
The Word in our Lives/La Palabra en nuestras vidas
Cuando estábamos en la escuela preparatoria, nos
enteramos que la palabra “sophomore” vino de la palabra
griega que significa “tontos sabios.” La idea era que el estudiante del segundo año cree que ahora él sabe lo todo,
pero él todavía tiene mucho que aprender. Las dos primeras lecturas nos invitan a un banquete de la sabiduría.
Jesús dice que él mismo es el camino a la comprensión de
la voluntad de Dios. Él se entrega como alimento y bebida
para la vida eterna. Entonces, ¿cómo vamos a aceptar estas
invitaciones para participar de la Sabiduría de Dios?
Una forma es leer las Escrituras todos los días,
teniendo tiempo para pensar y orar sobre lo que lee. No
haga todo el hablar, deja que Dios tenga su oportunidad de
ser escuchado. Los evangelios son especialmente buenos
“alimentos,” a causa de todos los ejemplos que Jesús dio en
sus sermones y parábolas.
Escuche las lecturas y la homilía en la misa. El
pastor puede tener algunas ideas que le hace pensar. Reciba la comunión con frecuencia para ser alimentado con el
pan de vida. La Iglesia siempre ha enseñado que recibimos
alimento con ambos la Palabra y la Eucaristía.
Si queremos crecer en la sabiduría de Dios, tenemos que ejercer nuestra fe. Si usted tiene un amigo o pariente que es un buen ejemplo de la fe, hable con esa persona acerca de cómo usted experimente a Dios o la falta de
experiencia. Usted podría ofrecer ser un patrocinador para
alguien en el programa de iniciación cristiana para adultos
y ayudar a alguien a crecer en la fe. Su parroquia puede
tener recursos o discusiones en línea. Dios nunca se obliga
a nadie. Para crecer en su sabiduría, tiene que aceptarla.
Pídale verdadera comida y usted no será decepcionado.
Pero sea paciente; Dios nos da solamente lo que estamos
listos para recibir.
If you would like to contact Roy as he continues his studies for
the priesthood, you may reach him at:
Si quiere comunicarse con Roy mientras él sigue con sus
estudios, puede escribir a:
Roylan Recio-Mirabent
Notre Dame Seminary
2901 S. Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Roylan Recio-Mirabent
Notre Dame Seminary
2901 S. Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
To St. William Catholic Church
When we were in high school, we learned that
the word sophomore came from Greek words meaning
“wise fools.” The idea was that the second year student
thinks he knows it all now, but still has a lot to learn.
The first two readings invite us to a banquet of wisdom.
Jesus says he himself is the way to understanding God’s
will; he gives himself as food and drink for eternal life.
So how will we accept these invitations to partake of the
Wisdom of God?
One way is to read the scriptures every day, taking time to think and pray about what you read. Don’t
do all the talking; let God have his chance to be heard.
The gospels are especially good “food” because of all the
examples Jesus gave in his sermons and parables.
Listen to the readings and homily at Mass. The
Pastor may have some insights that make you think.
Receive communion often to be fed with the living
Bread. The Church has always taught that we are fed
with both the word and the Eucharist.
If we want to grow in God’s wisdom, we have to
exercise our faith. If you have a friend or relative who
is a good example of faith, talk with that person about
how you experience God or your lack of experiences.
You could offer to be a sponsor for someone in the
RCIA, and help someone else’s faith to grow. Your parish or diocese may also have on-line resources or discussions. God never forces himself on anyone. To grow in
his Wisdom, we have to accept it. Ask him for real food
and you won’t be disappointed. But be patient, God
only gives what we are ready to receive.
To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located:
At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at or complete the form
below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at:
St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976
I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form.
I would like more information about becoming Catholic.
Minister’s Schedule (schedule available online at
August 25-26
Virginia Witherspoon
John Bannan
Alex Summers
Erin Summers
Eugene Doyle
Dewon Simpson
8:30 am
Ministers of Communion
Linda Hodge
Kevin McGarrahan
Norb Patla
Ada Winters
Ken Hall
Derry Ewing
Paul McKinney
Bethany Merrill
William McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
Harold Davis
Jackie Todd
William Busic
11:00 am
Jim Curtin
Maria Go
Kay Nolan
Eden Yutiamco
Alice Beck
Kathryn Hammond
Alexis Lopez
John Thompson
Jimmy Chavez
Jimmy Lester
Norb Patla
Jessica Doyle
Zack Summers
Sean Landry
John Bannan
8:30 am
Ministers of Communion
Billie Simpson
Bev Sorcic
Virginia Witherspoon
Jessica Hahn
Zenaida Pua
Lupe Kirby
Shawn O’Harra
Lorraine Armstrong
Amanda Lee
Emilia Summerlin
Jackie Todd
Dale Lee
Ada Winters
11:00 am
Maria Go
Eden Yutiamco
Lien Thu Hoang
Kristen Skaziak
Pat Chomskis
Maggie Skaziak
Matthew Skaziak
Vinnie Riggs
Patrick Hammond
Rickey Hammond
Denis Liederbach
John Bannan
Jake Hodge
5:00 pm
Ministers of Communion
Kevin McGarrahan
Robert Crowell
Bev Sorcic
Norb Patla
Flo Stamm
8:30 am
Joan Whitfield
Terri Rushing
Sandy Whitaker
Tony Hoeppner
Finie Higgins
William McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
Bill Schmidt
Ken Hall
Don Whitaker
11:00 am
Gayle Eason
Kay Nolan
Tina Hoang
Cindy Hammond
Nancy Curtin
Kathryn Hammond
Anthony Lopez
John Thompson
John Eason
Jimmy Lester
5:00 pm
Sept. 1-2
5:00 pm
Sept. 8-9
Are you being called?
We are in need of Catechist for are Religious Education Program. Are you being
called to this important ministry to our
children? If you are a Catholic in good
standing with the Church and at least 21,
please prayerfully consider serving as a
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
If you know someone interested in learning about the Catholic faith please invite
them to attend our RCIA program beginning Tuesday, September 11th at 7pm in
Craven Hall. RCIA is also open to any
Catholic who would like to learn more
about the Catholic faith.
?’s - Contact Cecilia Hall 256-582-4245
All children scheduled to receive 1st
Communion or Confirmation during the
2012-2013 school year must provide a copy
of their baptismal certificate by Nov. 1st.
Registration for PSR is ongoing. You may come
by the church office Tuesday-Thursday
between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm to register your
child. Tuition is $20.00 per child with a
maximum of $60.00 per family.
¡Clases de Catecismo
Registraciones para las clases de catecismo,
para adultos y niños, empiezan el 15 de julio y
terminan el 26 de agosto. Se puede inscribirse
en la oficina del Centro durante las horas normales de operación. Las clases comienzan el 9
de septiembre, 2012.
St. William Calendar of Events
Sun, Aug 19, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
9:30 AM Choir Practice
St. William
Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos
domingo 19 de agosto
1:00 PM Clase de Crecimiento
Centro - Sala pequeña
Mon, Aug 20, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting
Mary's House
7:00 PM Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Mary's House
2:00 PM Grupo de Oración
2:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes
Centro - Sala Grande
3:00 PM Clase de Crecimiento
Centro - Sala Pequeña
Tue, Aug 21, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
lunes 20 de agosto
Wed, Aug 22, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
9:15 AM Adult Scripture Study
Mary's House
martes 21 de agosto
miércoles 22 de agosto
4:30 PM Confessions/Confesiones
Thu, Aug 23, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
jueves 23 de agosto
6:30 PM Choir/Ensayo del coro
Fri, Aug 24, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
8:00 AM Roux Prep
Craven Hall
6:30 PM Choir/Ensayo del coro
Sat, Aug 25, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
8:00 AM Gumbo Prep
Craven Hall
4:30 PM Rosary
St. William
6:30 PM Recovery Group
Angel House
Centro - Sala Pequeña
viernes 24 de agosto
6:30 PM Choir/Ensayo del coro
Centro - Sala pequeña
sábado 25 de agosto
7:00 PM Adoration/Adoración
Sun, Aug 26, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
9:30 AM Choir Practice
St. William
domingo 26 de agosto
1:00 PM Clase de Crecimiento
Centro - Sala pequeña
Mon, Aug 27, 2012
7:00 AM Craven Hall Reserved
2:00 PM Grupo de Oración
Tue, Aug 28, 2012
8:00 AM Roux Prep
Craven Hall
6:30 PM Holy Hour for Vocations
St. William
2:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes
Centro - Sala Grande
3:00 PM Clase de Crecimiento
Centro - Sala Pequeña
THANK YOU Tim Higgins
A big thanks goes out to Tim Higgins, the president of our St. Vincent de Paul Society. Under Tim’s
guidance, leadership, and craftsmanship the Centro at the Chapel of the Holy Cross now has more appropriate classroom and storage space. Others helped, too, including our Knights of Columbus Grand
Knight, Joe Castillo. THANK YOU!
St. William Prayer List
Stewardship Report
Needed Each Week
Mortgage Payment per Month
Building Fund Collections Current Month
Building Fund Food Sales Current Month
Total Building Fund Collections Current Month
Parish Debt
Poor Box
Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa
August 18-26, 2012
Saturday, August 18th
8:30 am St. William - Pro-Life Intentions
6:00 pm Chapel - Antonio Zanghi
Sunday, August 19th
8:30 am St. William
Sylvia Haase, Jamie Davis, Janet Doyle, RIP
11:00 am St. William - St. William Parishioners
11:00 am Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory
Monday, August 20th
8:30 am St. William - Helen Meadows, RIP
Tuesday, August 21st
8:30 am St. William - Teresa Duckett, RIP
6:00 pm Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, August 22nd
8:30 am St. William - Obdulia Colon, RIP
6:00 pm Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory
Thursday, August 23rd
8:30 am St. William - Michael Tom Arago, RIP
Friday, August 24th
8:30 am ST. William - Charles Tarantola, RIP
Saturday, August 25th
8:30 am St. William - Seth Beard, RIP
6:00 pm Chapel - All Souls in Purgatory
Sunday, August 26th
8:30 am St. William - Liz Wickersham, RIP
11:00 am St. William - St. William Parishioners
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of
Man and drink his blood, you do not
have life within you.
~John 6:53
When hospitalized, please call the church office to request a visit from the
priests. Please call the church office with the parishioners name, hospital where
they are admitted, room and phone number, if available, as soon as possible
after admission. If our parish priests are unavailable, the office will try to make
other arrangements.
Reba Jo Davis
Lawrence Lee
Flo Stamm
Tom Ewing
Shelvy Landry
Donna Mitchell
Elsa Kirst
Denis Liederbach
Dottie Browne-Peck
Our homebound parishioners
Marlene Matuszak
Mark Etu
Jeanette Andrews
Bev Sorcic
Dolores Garbowicz
Flo Powers
Becky Swatek
Sally Goerss
Marie Bass
Carmen Collazo
Friends and Family
Virginia Nolan
Rusty Stahl
Jean Black
Crystal Young
Thomas Sorcic
Laurence Blanchard
Hardie McAlister
Marie Dodd
Teresita Buenaventura
Ruth Holthause
Lana Ahrens
Mary Ann & Bud Haygood
Kirk Henderson
Those Recovering from Surgery
Lynn Jones
Jaymie Antuaco
Tom Hodges
Lillian Reavis
Martilia Fields
Jean Brandon
Lisa Bates
Wendy & Lillie Ann Lenz
Caulin Carsey
Julius J. Befort
Sebastian Caracci
Grace Dickman
Teresita Buenventura
Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas
Note: Names will remain on list for 1 month. Please, contact the office to put
name on list for a new 1 month period.
Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”
If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a
visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 5824245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit.
Please pray for the repose of the soul and the comfort of the family of
Tom Schwerin, USN-Retired. Tom died last week peacefully at his
home in Union Grove after a 1.5 year battle with cancer. He had
received the sacraments and was surrounded by his family.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Evelina Oben, the mother of
Sheila (Dr. Alvin) Oben-Tenchavez. She was also the grandmother of Vincent. She died in the Philippines last week. The Tenchavez family will travel for the funeral.
Deepest sympathy is extended to Jimmy Lester, whose mother Laura
Lester, passed away last week. Laura died at the age of 96 with her
grandchildren by her side.
Eternal rest grant unto them, oh Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. AMEN
St William Church
929 Gunter Ave
Guntersville AL 35976
Contact: Laura Hodge
[email protected]
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