Boletín Informativo DAAD Enero


Boletín Informativo DAAD Enero
DAAD Centro de Información Caracas
Boletín Informativo Enero-Febrero 2009
Estimados señoras y señores,
En esta circular del Centro de Información del DAAD Caracas les informamos sobre los siguientes
Pasantías en Alemania
SLE plus: Berlin Training for International Development
Scholarships: International Master Program Environmental and Resources Management
Presentación de Carreras / Oportunidades de Estudio
European Master in Intercultural Education – Freie Universität Berlin
Aún sigue abierta la convocatoria del Convenio DAAD-FUNDAYACUCHO hasta este 12 de febrero
de 2009.
Dirigido a docentes, investigadores y profesionales venezolanos que deseen estudiar postgrado
(Máster, Doctorado y Postdoctorado) en Universidades y Centros de Investigación de la República
Federal de Alemania, a iniciar estudios a mediados de octubre de 2009.
Centro de Información del DAAD
Telefax: (+58 212) 5502631
En el marco del Programase ofrece una beca cofinanciada, el DAAD ofrece una beca para
cursar estudios del idioma alemán con una duración de hasta (6) meses en un Instituto en Alemania, el
pago del seguro médico y la vivienda mientras dure dicho curso, además ofrece apoyo administrativo y
orientación a su regreso. FUNDAYACUCHO ofrece el pago de una manutención para gastos del
estudiante durante toda su permanencia en Alemania como estudiante.
Pasantías en Alemania
La Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAF) es una dependencia de la Bundesagentur für
Arbeit (Agencia de Trabajo) y está ofreciendo posibilidad a estudiantes extrajeros que esten
matriculados en una universidad o centro de educación superior la posibilidad de realizar pasantías de
hasta 12 meses en Alemania.
De especial interés son las áreas de ingeniería (industrial, construcción de máquinas, técnica de
procesos, construcción de vehículos, electrotécnica entre otros). Los interesados deben tener al menos
18 años y ser estudiantes tiempo completo (en 3º semestre minimo). Conocimientos básicos de alemán
para poder comunicarse con los compañeros de trabajo es indispensable y tener buen nivel de inglés es
Para información de preguntas frecuentes (FAQs) escribir al [email protected]. Para más
detalle directamente a:
Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit
Zentrale Auslands-und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)
53107 Bonn
Tel.: +49-(0)228-713-1330
Fax: +49-(0)228-713-270-1037
Email: ZAV-Bonn.
SLE plus: Berlin Training for International Development
This summer the SLE plus: Berlin Training for International Development Cooperation at HumboldtUniversitaet zu Berlin is offering again three short term courses:
Decentralised Management of Regional Development (3.08.-14.08.2009)
Project Cycle Management (17.8.-28.8.2009)
Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management (31.8.-11.9.2009)
Centro de Información del DAAD
Telefax: (+58 212) 5502631
A framework programme provides participants with the opportunity to become familiar with scholarly
discussions in the area of development cooperation, and to meet with representatives of German
governmental and non-governmental organisations active in the field of development cooperation.
Costs for each 10-day-course are € 500.00. (Partial) Scholarships will be available for qualified foreign
alumni of German institutions of higher education and for alumni of universities who received a German
The deadline for scholarship applications: May 3rd.2009.
The programme funded by DAAD with funds from the Ministry of Economic Cooperation, the German
Office of Foreign Affairs and the Senat of Berlin.
For all further information please check "SLE plus: Berlin Training" on the following website:
Scholarships: International Master Program Environmental and Resources Management
The four-semester Master Programme “Environment and Resources Manage- ment” is composed of
the curricula of the renowned MSc Programmes “Programa Multidisciplinario de Posgrado en Ciencias
Ambientales” at the Universidad Autó- noma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico and “Technology and
Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics” at Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Its
general objective is to qualify young professionals from Latin America and Germany for a career in the
public and private environmental sector as well as for further PhD studies in the field of environmental
sciences and natural resources management.
The first two semesters are conducted in San Luis Potosí, the third in Cologne while the fourth is
reserved for the field research and elaboration of the master thesis, which may be related to a project in
any country in Latin America or Germany. Teaching languages are Spanish in Mexico and English in
Students of the Master Programme are prepared to identify, analyze and solve environmental
problems, with the aim to formulate solutions which consider technological, economic and social aspects.
Furthermore they are qualified to conduct trans-disciplinary basic and applied research in the context of
environmental sciences. Science skills and the elaboration of the master thesis topic are fostered from
the first semester on, culminating in the research for the master thesis in the fourth semester which also
qualifies graduates for future PhD studies.
The graduates acquire up to date knowledge regarding recent technologies, concepts,
approaches and methods on sustainable and suitable energy systems, integrated land and water
management, waste management as well as the decontamination of soils and other resources
management topics. In addition, they are equipped with intercultural communication skills, cultural
knowledge related to the involved countries and a profound knowledge on international development
cooperation institutions and private sector projects.
Centro de Información del DAAD
Telefax: (+58 212) 5502631
The involvement of a wide range of external experts as invited speakers, field visits in Mexico
and Germany to private and public institutions and companies as well as to development cooperation
institutions and international organizations related to the environmental sector guarantee a permanent
contact towards practice. Furthermore, options to realize internships and to conduct the master thesis in
collaboration with ongoing projects are facilitated.
European Master in Intercultural Education – Freie Universität Berlin
The course is designed for those who work in the educational sector, be it in schools or other
institutions, who are interested in dealing with subjects related to intercultural pedagogics. Lecturers with
a broad scientific, practical and research background will be discussing and researching the following
areas with you:
Intercultural and anti-racism education
Language training
International social work with children and adolescents
Migration, multicultural societies and globalisation
Mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion
In addition you will receive an introduction to the application of new media. The programme
combines theory, practical trainingand empirical research to cover the whole range of intercultural
pedagogics. We offer courses with small numbers of participants
International Media Studies – Universität Bonn
It is a joint project from the University of Bonn, the Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
and Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster with its headquarters in Bonn. The bilingual
Master’s Program offers a unique course offer given the current development of global media and the
connection between media and cooperative development. Students from around the world will benefit
from the inclusion of partners and the unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience.
The program combines topics like media and development, journalism, communication science and
media economics, while developing practical skills and competencies that are important for the world of
Centro de Información del DAAD
Telefax: (+58 212) 5502631

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