January 25, 2015 - holy family catholic church


January 25, 2015 - holy family catholic church
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
aens ,uOaSrHy, P2a r5o c,h i2a l0Vi1c5a r
R e v . J o y JJ
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - C hSaapt u
e lr d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k d a y s , 9 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m .
(281) 499-4612
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office at least
Call (281) 499-9688
six (6) months prior to the wedding date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every 1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
each month - 7:00 pm
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
Other Services
P a r i s h O f f ic e
a i l HHu
u t ctch
hi ns,
n i s t ristrator
in s,A dAd
Fr. Biondi Library &
R e l ig io u s Ed u c a t io n
Religious Articles Sundays
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Yo land
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
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Quinceaños contact the CCE
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Office, (281) 499-4612
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Non-Catholics who wish to join D
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our faith community RCIA (Rite SS oo cc ii ee tt yy oo ff SS tt .. V
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P aa u
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David Perez
Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin
of Christian Initiation of Adults) Y
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is a process to welcome you into Je
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our faith, contact the CCE Office, F i n a n c e C ola
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c ihla i r m a n
D a r r e l l G r o v eus n
, C
(281) 499-4612
a i r ma n
Religious Education contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
o huani cr m
i la n
JPoahsnt oLroau li sC
, C
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(N2o8 r1a) 4P9e9r-a3l1ta5,6 Ch a ir w o ma n
(281) 499-6246
(281 ) 844-6087
Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
ME , I will make you
of men” Mt4:19
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n
de n u est r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
[email protected]
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading, Jonah, sent by God to warn the people, storms through Nineveh, frightening the citizens out
of their wits. It works! They repent before Jonah makes his way through a third of the city, and God sees “by their actions” how they have turned from evil.
Then we hear Paul telling the Corinthians that “the world in its present form is passing away.” He calls for a change
of heart. He stops short of telling them to set aside their everyday lives, but still he urges them—rather mysteriously—to
live as though they aren’t doing the things they’re doing.
Finally, Jesus stands on the shore and cries, “The kingdom of God is at hand!” The apostles-to-be abandon their nets
and follow him. Thus in all the readings we hear an invitation to a radical and immediate change in our lives.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — The Ninevites turn from their evil way in response to Jonah’s message (Jonah 3:1-5, 10).
Psalm — Teach me your ways, O Lord (Psalm 25).
Second Reading — The world in its present form is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:29-31).
Gospel — Jesus proclaims, “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” The new disciples abandon their nets and follow him
(Mark 1:14-20).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Catholic Schools Week
Ss. Timothy and Titus
St. Angela Merici
Wednesday: St. Thomas Aquinas
Saturday: St. John Bosco
Domingo: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario;
Semana de las Escuelas Católicas
San Timoteo y san Tito
Martes: Santa Ángela de Meríci
Miércoles: Santo Tomás de Aquino
Sábado: San Juan Bosco
25 de Enero, 2015 Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
En la primera lectura de hoy, Jonás, enviado por Dios a dar advertencia al pueblo, atraviesa Nínive como un huracán, asustando grandemente a los ciudadanos. ¡Y funcionó! Ellos se arrepienten antes de que Jonás cruzara menos de
la tercera parte de la ciudad, y Dios ve “por sus obras” que se han arrepentido del mal.
Luego oímos a Pablo que le dice a los corintios que “este mundo que vemos es pasajero”. El les hace un llamado al
cambio de corazón. Aunque no llega a decirles que cambien su vida cotidiana, sí les insta un tanto misteriosamente
a vivir como si no hicieran lo que hacen de costumbre.
Finalmente, Jesús se detiene a la orilla del lago y grita, “¡El reino de Dios ya está cerca!” Los futuros apóstoles
abandonan sus redes y le siguen. Así es que en todas las lecturas oímos una invitación a un cambio inmediato y radical
de nuestras vidas.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — Con los avisos de Jonás los ninivitas se arrepienten de su maldad y Dios no los castiga
(Jonás 3:1-5, 10).
Salmo — Descúbrenos, Señor tus caminos (Salmo 25 [24]).
Segunda lectura — El mundo que conocemos está pasando (1 Corintios 7:29-31).
Evangelio — El reino de Dios ha llegado. Tomen otro camino y crean en la Buena Nueva (Marcos 1:14-20).
The Order of Malta is coordinating the seventh
annual Mass for the Anointing of the Sick to be
celebrated by Rev. Brendan Cahill at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, Houston, Texas 77002 on Saturday February
7th at 10:00 am..
All are invited to attend the Mass; however the
Sacrament of the Sick is reserved to those with seriously impaired health due to sickness or old age.
Those wishing to receive the Sacrament of the Sick
during the Mass are instructed to register online at
www.orderofmalta-houston.org. or by calling the
Order of Malta at 713-870-8304.
Appropriate reception of the Sacrament of the Sick
includes those whose health are seriously impaired by
sickness or old age, before surgery if the surgery is
caused by serious illness, elderly people who have become notably weakened, seriously ill children who have
reached the age of reason and those who were previously
anointed if there is a relapse after recovery or if the condition has become more serious.
To receive the Sacraments of the Church a Catholic is
to be in a state of grace. Individual confession and absolution constitute the ordinary means by which a member
of the faithful conscious of grave sin is reconciled with
God and the Church. Those receiving the Sacrament are
encouraged to receive in their local parish the Sacrament
of Penance prior to receiving the Sacraments of the
Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion. The Sacrament of Penance will also be available starting at 9:00
am before the 10:00 am Mass
A Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing
of the Sick for those facing a ser ious illness will be held
Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
We all need healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. Please
come pray with us and for one another. Refreshments will
be served after the Mass. Everyone is invited
February 3, 2015, we celebrate St. Blaise, the patr on
saint of throat ailments. Throats will be blessed after
Tuesday's morning and evening Masses.
KSHJ 1430 AM – English Catholic radio in Houston,
TX. Tune in for intelligent talk, catechesis, apologetics, a
Catholic perspective on news and current events, great
fun, and lots of advice on living the faith in our relationships and sharing the faith with our friends and family.
Tune in every Monday at 12 noon to “Evangelium Live,”
Houston’s local live program hosted by Joe McClane.
Listen on air at AM 1430, online at GRNonline.com, or
on your mobile device – both IOS and Android.
Join us, we ar e on Or der of lay people tr ying to get
closer to God by following the example of St. Francis of
Assisi. For more information call Burgi Bullock OFS,
Mass Intentions
January 26 - February 1, 2015
January 26th, Monday, Sts. Timothy & Titus, bishops;
Mk 3:22-30
8:45 am Melvin (+) & Movita (-) Cavalier by Sister Henrietta
Tony Leal (+) by Wife, Terry Leal, Tony, Michael &
12:10 pm Nora Peralta (-) by Ruben & Connie Govea
January 27th, Tuesday, Weekday; St. Angela Merici, virgin;
Mk 3:31-35
8:45 am Eugene Gerla (+) by Mary Lee Scanlin
Special Intention by Emeka Ume-Ezeoke
7:00 pm Fr Ken Decker, CSB (-) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
January 28th, Wednesday, St. Thomas Aquinas, priest &
doctor of the Church; Mk 4:1-20
6:30 am Charlotte DeMaria (-) by Friends
8:45 am Angelita Longoria (+) by Joe & Olga Longoria
Theresa Pereira (+) by Family
January 29th, Thursday, Weekday; Mk 4:21-25
8:45 am Joannes Edwards (+) by Verna Edwards
7:00 pm Josey Ester Perez (+) by Bertha Perez
January 30th, Friday, Weekday; Mk 4:26-34
6:30 pm Joe Rodriguez (-) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
8:45 am George Toro (+) by Toro Familu
Santiago Fonseca (+) by Joe & Olga Longoria
January 31st, Saturday, St. John Boscoe, priest; Mk 4:35-41
Vigil, 4th Ordinary Sunday
8:45 am Severino F. Collado (+) by Fred & Virginia Tan
John N.J. (+) by Joseph John
5:30 pm Pablo Luna & Debra Gaytan (+) by Arturo Canales
Janie Schuman (+) by Mamie & Vic Mercatante
February 1st, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am Joe Updyke (+) by Margaret Bosold
Betty Marek (+) by Marie Kramer Mark
9:00 am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
10:45am For All Souls in Purgatory by Verna Edwards
Regina Agnello (+) by Dr. Mary Frances Agnello
12:30pm Ferran Maldonado (+) by John & Carmen Tristan
Miembros de Adoracion Nocturna,
Vivos y Difuntos
5:30 pm Special Intention by Emeka Ume-Ezeoke
Charlie Rodriguez (+) by Marie Gomez
New Parents Please Note...English Baptism Preparation Classes for par ents who wish to baptize their infants has changed. We will now be offering classes every other month beginning in February, skipping March
and so forth. Please call the CCE office to register for
your Baptism Preparation class, 281-466-4612.
Important Notice: Help us keep our pews clean! If
you must eat or drink during Mass, please eat in the
Nathex or feed infants & children in the Cry Room. Food
& Drink are NOT permitted in the church or the
chapel. Please deposit all gum in the tr ash cans
located outside the church and chapel.
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
Holy Family will have a training session for all new
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on
Thursday, February 5, 2015, at 6:30 pm in the Centennial
Room. Before coming for training, you must meet with a
priest or deacon and receive a certificate of approval. If
you would like to serve Holy Family in this important
ministry, please call the church office to make an appointment. For more information, please call Connie Govea at
the church office 281-499-9688
Gift Shop News…Come to the gift shop and buy a raffle
ticket for a unique Valentine angel. All proceeds will
benefit the building campaign. We have a large selection
of affordable jewelry for the special Valentine in your
life. For those preparing for their first confession, we
have confession holy cards and books.
Our Knights of Columbus Council #7728 Diaper
Drive… January 22 was the 42nd Anniversary of Roe vs
Wade. In remembrance of all the unborn babies, the
Knights would like to help the WOMEN'S PREGNANCY CENTER with donations of baby diapers for those
mothers in need. Please bring your packages of newborn
(or infant sizes) diapers to the shopping carts outside of
the back of the Church this weekend. You can also drop
off at the WPC 8300 Bissonnet -713-774-0126. God Bless
you for your Help!
KC Holy Family Council 7728 January Quarterly
Blood Drive Report...Our Knights of Columbus Holy
Family Council #7728 report a very successful blood
drive last Sunday. The drive brought in a total of 86 individuals. We thank our parishioners for the participation
and prayers. This first Quarterly Blood Drive for 2015
was the second best number of participants in 10
years. Please know that in a parish of our size, 2,800 parishioners, we really should see at least 150 participants in
each of our quarterly blood drives. We thank you in behalf of many that are in need of blood at our hospitals in
our Gulf Coast Area. Our next blood drive is on Sunday,
April 19th, please commit for lives.
KC Holy Family Council 7728 is hosting the 7th Annual Scholarship Dinner/Dance on Satur day, Febr uar y
14th. Please come out to support scholarships for our area
high school seniors. A social hour will begin at 6:00
pm. Dinner will be served from 7:00 to 8:00 pm and the
dance will be from 8:00 to 12:00 midnight in our Parish
Hall. The Knights will be crowning their 2015 Sweetheart and there will be raffles by our CDA and setups and
drinks from our Squires Circle. The hall will be delightfully decorated and there will be an opportunity for
memory pictures with a beautiful backdrop. Tickets may
be purchased by calling 832-473-6408 or contacting the
parish office for more information, 281-499-9688.
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Kenya Guadalupe
Cendejas: Par ents, Miguel A. Cendejas & Lucer o
Briceida Cornejo; Godparents, Juan & Gabriel Chijate.
Davier Gonzales: Par ents, Rusber & Patr icia Gonzales; Godparents, Octavio & Darlene Manriquez.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Dor othy McMachon; U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr. Phi; Deacon Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael
Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Toni Weber; Lindy Halloran;
Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Helen Russell; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl
Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy;
Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria;
Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Helen Cervenka; Marcia Lee; Joe Rodriguez; Ricky Martinez; Charles Clark; Sally Vu;
Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman; Georgia Sladecek; Bernice Buri; Velma Packard; Martha & Alvin Kocich; John Tristan; Milton Bath; Alfonso Austria; Greg Alquiza; Mary
Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Garrett Phillips; Harold Way, Sr; Magan Rychlik; Bimla Joseph;
Beto Mendoza; Mary Margaret Trevino; Laura Hernandez; Bill Bates; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad;
Tommy Hill; Ed James; Elizabeth Battle.
DECEASED: Priscilla Akuechiama
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, January 25th
9:00 am
English RCIA - attend Mass - Room #2
10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3
10:00 am Sunday English Family CCE & Groups I & II
Centennial, Assembly & Meeting Rms,
Rooms 4 - 12
10:00 am English Group II (during class) Reconciliation
Reflection - Meeting Room A/B
1:30 pm
Sunday Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II
Centennial, Assembly & Meeting Rms,
Rooms 4 - 12
2:30 pm
English Group Baptisms - Church
Tuesday, January 27th
6:00 pm
Middle School & High School CCE Assembly & Meeting Rooms, Rooms 2,3
Archdiocesan Sacred & Safe Program for
Wednesday, January 28th
9:30 am
Scripture Study, “The First 500 Years” Centennial Rm
5:00 pm
Spanish Sacramental Preparation - Meeting
Room A/B
6:00 pm
Pre-K, Kinder & Elementary CCE Classes Rooms 3-10
7:00 pm
Scripture Study, “The First 500 Years” Centennial Rm
Saturday, January 30th
8:30 am
Spanish 2nd Graders Reconciliation Retreat
Parish Hall & Church
Sunday, February 1st
9:00 am
English RCIA - attend Mass - Room #2
10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3
10:00am High School Confirmation I & II - Assembly
& Centennial Rooms
2:00 pm
Spanish Baptism Preparation Meeting Room A/B
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
Reconciliation Retreat for Spanish grades 2 & 3Regular Family CCE students...will be J anuar y 31st,
8:30 am until 3:00 pm. Students and at least one parent
need to attend. Meet in Parish Hall.
CCE Parents...please r emember to pay your CCE fees
for 2014/15. Call the office for balance information, 281499-4612
As a result of the reforms of the Second Vatican
Council, the Church has defined a new pastoral plan for
your care whenever you struggle with illness. There are
rites for children, a communal rite for celebration in the
parish, forms of care for the sick at each stage and transition, and for the desperately ill. There is a much broader
interpretation of who may be anointed, including not only
the visibly ill, but those battling addiction, or the elderly
coping with the frustrating aches and pains of aging. Children under seven are normally not anointed, since the oil
is associated with reconciliation. (For the same reason,
they do not receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.) However,
children close to that age who have a serious illness often
gain a deep level of spiritual insight and maturity, and
may benefit from catechesis for the Eucharist. Once admitted to confirmation and/or Eucharist, a sick child
should be anointed. It is a great strength of our present
rite that a section is included with prayers tailored to the
experience and understanding of a child. Considering our
recent history of being fairly sparing with this sacrament,
the generosity of celebration today is helping us to retrieve an essential part of our tradition of reverence for
the sick. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
En los años 70 y 80, Cesáreo Gabaráin compuso un
sinnúmero de cantos bellísimos, para, mediante ellos,
glorificar a Dios e instruir a los fieles. Entre sus cantos
más famosos se encuentra “Pescador de hombres” (1979). Mezclando el llamado de los primeros discípulos, Gabaráin nos enseña en sus versos, que todos los
cristianos somos llamados no sólo a seguir a Jesús, sino
también a ser pescadores de personas para Cristo.
El famoso llamado de Pedro, Santiago, Juan y Andrés
(Marcos 1:16-19; Mateo 4:18-22) se complementa con la
pesca milagrosa (Lucas 5:1-11). Los discípulos escuchan
la voz del maestro y abandonan todo para seguirlo. Al
poco tiempo se encuentran pescando de nuevo, pero sin
éxito. Otra vez aparece Jesús y les indica dónde echar las
redes. Seguramente pensarían: “Y este carpintero, ¡qué
sabe del oficio de pescar!” Pero echaron las redes, tal
vez para comprobar que no había peces, o tal vez porque
deseaban creer. Aún así, Jesús les llenó las redes, y de
nuevo les llamó a la pesca de seres humanos para el
Reino de su Padre. Y ellos dejaron todo a la orilla para
seguirlo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sacred & Safe Programs for Middle School & High
School Students & Parents...will be Tuesday, January
27th at 6:00 pm during class on January 27th. Please
make every effort to attend.
Baptism information is needed for English 2nd gr aders and the Sunday Group II students. Please submit to
the CCE Office. Students needing baptism need to submit a copy of their birth certificate. Please turn in as
soon as possible.
... and Treasure
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
Altar Servers
5:30 pm
Zen Badavi
Mary Helen Hoelscher
Guillermo Garza
Angie Perez
Philomina Waturoucha
Helen Fadri
Rafaela Laran
Sr Ancilla Uchendu
Ijeoma Akuechiama
Gloria Colunga
Mary Guerrero
Caroline Okpara
Mary Paul
Petra Enriquez
Guadalupe Betancourt
Benito Salazar
Jesus Cantu
Jeanette Velasquez
Cecilia Flores
Mary Jo Barta
Ugo Nweke
Martha Riley
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Nancy Isla
Nora Peralta
Paula Perry
Inger Louis
Patti Molina
Lilian Ekwealor
Debbie Cortez
Gabriel Waturoucha
Sheila Dubey
Renee Lovelace
Maria Diaz
Frances Jalomo
5:30 pm Sat
William Barre
Michael Saenz
Natalie Ledesma
Eric Anumnu
Devon Sanchez
Chinwe Akuechiama
Chinyere Akuechiama
Marybel Garcia
Paola Perez
Katia Maldonado
Chisimdi Okpara
Nirmal Joseph
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Bernice Chaloupka
Brenda Carlyon
Jim Keenan
Monica Medina
Jacqueline Harleaux
Maria Ramsey
Delores Uhyrek
Barbara Janda
Sandy Laran
George Thomas
Marina Beltran
Hope Groves
Franca Okonkwo
Chinwe Osondu
Adelaida Reyes
Alba Martinez
Edgar Gonzales
Luz Cruz
Yolanda Salazar
Laura Cantu
Teresa Velasquez
Kathy Mroczkowski
Guillermina Darino
Kevin Riley
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Homero Flores
Munachi Akuechiama
Carlos Enriquez
Joshua Estrada
Erica Maldonado
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For December 2014
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Cumulative Year to Date
2nd Collections for December:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Sisters Collection
DSF 2nd Collection
Current Parish Loan Debt
December Building Fund Payments/
Donations $98,063
2014 Archdiocese DSF Support
Parish Assigned Goal
Parishioner Commitments $99,086
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting
www.faithdirect.net to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
January 25, 2015
1 through 7
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568

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