Saint Matthew Catholic Church


Saint Matthew Catholic Church
Saint Matthew Catholic Church
215 Kirkley Road—Tyrone, GA 30290
770.964.5804(P) - 770.964.1228(F)
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Kevin Hargaden, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Jim Weeks - Rev. Mr. Bill Hampton
Rev. Mr. Gayle Peters - Rev. Mr. King Cooper
Religious Education
Clare O’Malley, Dir.
Leila Wathen, Dir.
Office Staff
Susana Ikhwan, Operations & Hispanic Ministry
Rennie Todd, Secretary & April Geldbach, Bookkeeper
Daily and Weekend Readings can
be found at
Bible Study—Bible Study Tuesday morning at 10:15 First and Third-
Tuesday of the month. Please join us - everyone welcome. Our book:
Courageous Women: Heroines of Biblical History. For more information
Mary Rice 770-306-9169 or Sybyl Stanek 770-487-1364
Continuing Conversion—Growing in Faith for Adults
We will meet this Sunday, January 10. We are beginning a new book for
the Year of Mercy. It is Pope Francis' book The Joy of the Gospel. "The
joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew."
The book is available in class. We will read and discuss from the book
each week. We hope you will consider joining us for this class which
meets on Sunday at 9:45am in the conference room. We would love to
have everyone stay and bring their donuts. All are welcome. Nothing is
required but an open heart. Come and join us for a chance to increase
your faith and renew your spirit and follow Jesus.
The schedule for the next few weeks is as follows: January 10,17, 24 and
31. For more information, contact me, Bonnie Kaplan at 770 460 9816 or
email at [email protected]. God bless you all.
Women's Faith Formation—Women's Faith Formation meets on
the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at the church from 7pm to 8pm
exactly. It is open to all women of the parish. For information please call
Sally Peters at 770-486-7374.
RCIA— If you've been coming to Mass for a while, but are not Catho-
lic, we invite you to look deeper into the Catholic faith. Come meet some
faithful Catholics who love the Lord and would consider it a privilege to
get to know you. Our parish will soon begin a set of sessions to share
with others the truths of the Catholics faith and the fellowship of our
Church family. we invite you to learn what Catholics believe in an open
and welcoming environment. These sessions also are opportunities for
you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about
the Church. Sessions are always held on Sundays following the 11:00 a.m.
Mass. Feel free to come any Sunday. Please contact us via email @ [email protected], call 770.964.5804 if you have questions or would
like further information; or visit our website:
Office Hours
Monday –Thursday (9am to 3pm)
Second Collection Schedule
Feb 7—St. Matthew St. Vincent de Paul
Feb 14—Black & Indian Missions
...and the link to the new parish Facebook
page is:
Anointing of the Sick—Anyone facing surgery or dealing with
a serious illness should contact the parish office or Fr. Kevin
for the celebration of this sacrament. Anointing before surgery
can be done prior to or after Mass on the weekends. Please
call the parish office to inform us if you are in need of this
Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:15pm or by appointment. Communal penance services are also held twice yearly.
Sacrament of Marriage—Please contact Fr. Kevin at least six
months in advance to insure ample time for planning, preparation, and scheduling your wedding.
Communion to the Sick and Homebound—If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital, or homebound, please
notify the parish office so a visit can be arranged. Fr. Kevin,
one of our deacons, or an Eucharistic minister will be glad to
bring communion.
Rosary Group—Meets on Thursday morning after the 9:00am
Mass. Join us in body or spirit as we pray.
Eucharistic Adoration—First Thursday of each month devotion will commence immediately after the 9:00am Mass and
continue until Benediction at 12:00pm.
Membership—Registration forms may be found at the back of
the church or by coming to the church office. Please complete
the form and give it to a minister of hospitality or a deacon.
Nursery—A safe, dependable and fun place for our parishioners and prospective parishioners to leave their children, ages 3
months to 5 years, during the 8:30am and 11:00am Mass.
Bulletin Deadline—Announcements and notices for the bulletin must be submitted by 10:00am on Monday for the following Sunday bulletin. They will run for two weeks only. Either
fax them to (770)964.1228 or e-mail them to
[email protected]. Announcements received after the
deadline will need to be modified by the sender to run them in
the bulletin on subsequent weeks.
Request for Mass Intentions—In our Church tradition no
better gift can be given our beloved departed than a Mass
offered in their memory on the anniversary of their death,
birth, or wedding anniversary. There are forms for scheduling
Mass intentions in memory of the departed and special intentions for the living in the pamphlet racks in the administration
Mass Schedule
Monday & Wednesday 7am
Tuesday & Thursday 9am
Saturday 5pm
Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am & 2:00pm Spanish
Page 3
January 30, 2016
Offertory (Envelopes & Checks 148)
Building Fund
Ministry and Liturgy
The book of Isaiah begins with the prophet’s description of his call: “In
the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty
throne” (v 1). Ussiah’s death is usually dated to the year 742 BC, so we
Second Collections
105.00 can date the year of the prophet’s call precisely. Isaiah’s vision depicts
10290.76 the Lord surrounded by “seraphim” (v 2), angels who serve as guards
around God’s throne. These angels sing of the holiness of God, who is
Online Giving for January 30, 2016 Collections “holy, holy, holy” (v 3), a Hebrew phrase comparable to the English
1550.00 describing God as “the holiest.” Isaiah’s favorite term for the LORD is
“the holy one of Israel,” and throughout his text he emphasizes Israel’s
Building Fund
2022.50 call to be holy like the LORD.
Today’s Gospel narrates the call of Simon Peter. According to Luke’s
St Vincent de Paul Society
245.00 chronology, this call takes place after Jesus cures Peter’s mother-in-law,
unlike Mark’s chronology, in which Peter’s call precedes the miracle
(see Mk 1:16-18; 29-31). For Luke, the disciple responds to Jesus and
Event: Pack 373-Scout Sunday
his prior preaching and miracle working. The miraculous catch of fish
When : Sunday, February 7, 2016
anticipates Jesus’s promise that “from now on you will be catching
men” (v 9). Also unique to Luke, “they left everything” (v 11); throughTime: 11 AM MASS
out his text the evangelist stresses the cost of discipleship.
The Boy Scouts of America is celebrating Scout Sunday.
Paul reminds the Corinthians of the centrality of the gospel to our faith.
This is a day to recognize the contributions of young
This “gospel I preached to you” (v 1) is no human invention; he
boys and adults to Scouting.
“received” (v 3) it as part of a heavenly revelation. The power of the
St. Matthew has sponsored Cub Scout Pack 373 and
gospel results in the fact that we “are also being saved” (v 2). Paul sumScouting for 15 years! We’d like to show our appreciamarizes the core of the message: “Christ died for our sins…; he was
tion for St. Matthew’s support and participation in this
raised on the third day…; [and] he appeared to [many of the disciBoy Scouts of America tradition.
ples]” (vv 3-8). Those eyewitnesses and recipients of divine revelation
Note: the first three pews have been reserved for all past, handed on to us the gospel tradition.
present Scouts and their families to sit with PACK 373
For reflection: Do I have a conscious sense of having been called by
Cub Scouts. Also wear your Class A uniform.
God for a mission? Do I strive to deepen my personal holiness?
If you have any questions, please contact Cubmaster
Norman Soberano. [email protected] 404 543-9093 UPCOMING BLOOD DRIVE
Lenten Opportunity
This Lent, Dynamic Catholic has a great opportunity for
our parish—a free email program called “Best Lent
Ever”. And guess what? The program is based on Matthew Kelly’s new bestseller Rediscover Jesus—that’s the
same book you all received as you left Christmas Mass
this past year! Each day you’ll get an inspirational email
with a short video featuring Matthew Kelly and a member of the Dynamic Catholic Team. Throughout Lent,
they will guide you through each of the 40 chapters in
Rediscover Jesus and share simple ways to bring Jesus
into your everyday life.
I hope you will all join me for this free program! All you
have to do is sign up at
Let’s do something life-changing this Lent. Let’s take a
40-day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus—and ourselves—in a deeply personal way.
Over 50
will have their meeting and carry in
supper at 6:30 on Feb. 8. If you haven't already
paid dues we remind you to do so. New members
are always welcome and encouraged to attend.
Saint Matthew Catholic Church and Life South Community Blood
Centers will host a blood drive at Saint Matthew on Sunday, Feb
21, 2016 from 9AM to 2PM in the area between the church and
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School. The Saint Matthew Knights
of Columbus will conduct preliminary donor signups before and
after masses on Feb 6,7,13 and 14. We thank you in advance for
your support.
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School
Help support the fine arts! Please join the Our Lady of Mercy
Catholic High School Fine Arts Department for their annual
fundraiser “Leap Year Cabaret” on Leap Day, Monday, February 29th at 6:30pm at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church Founder’s Hall 591 Flint River Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30238.
Patrons will enjoy homemade tapas style entrees and decadent
desserts while drama students and faculty perform song, dance,
and monologues from popular productions!
Tickets are $10 per adult and $5 for children 10 and under. Family
price $25 (two adults and one or more children) Ticket price includes one tapas entrée and one beverage. All desserts are $1
Funds raised will support the Mercy Players spring musical production, Hairspray. Musical performance dates March 18 & 19th
at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic high school.
Lunes a Jueves 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Domingos: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Teléfono: (770) 964-5804
BAUTIZOS: Si desea bautizar a su niño(a), favor acérquese
a la oficina para llenar el formulario y regístrese en clases prebautismales. Las clases se llevan a cabo el 2ºdomingo de cada
mes a las 12:30pm. Los bautizos se celebran el 3er domingo
de cada mes.
Los domingos: cada segundo y cuarto del mes, antes de la misa
de español.
Servidore de Santa Misa - Febrero 14, 2016 @ 2:00 pm
Lectores: Carmen Hernandez, Mario Camarillo, Patty Garcia, Cecilia
Ministros de la Eucaristía: David Moreno, Lorena Moreno, Elida
Ujieres: Sabinne Garcia, Cynthia Gonzalez, Stephany Gonzalez, Maria Jimenez
Reflexiones para la Homilía
A la mayoría de nosotros, seguramente Dios no nos hablara de manera
con revelaciones asombrosas o por medio de visiones;
Favor reservar la Parroquia mínimo con 6 meses de anticipación.
pero no hay duda de que Dios siempre habla y habla allí donde estemos. Isaías estaba en el templo y allí experimento la presencia de Dios.
Simón estaba en su barca y fue allí donde escucho la llamada de Jesús
Pláticas: Luz Moreno 678-830-6978
a seguirle. ¿Cuántos de nosotros no hemos estado alguna vez contemplando un paisaje maravilloso, los primeros pasos de un bebe o a
Reservaciones: en la oficina
nuestros seres queridos, y no hemos sentido de manera extraordinariaINTENCIONES PARA LA MISA: Llene la forma mente fuerte la presencia de Dios? Lo mismo nos puede ocurrir en
verde o blanca, ubicada frente el baño de damas y entrégala en cada uno de los momentos de nuestra vida en que se nos presenta una
la oficina por anticipado!
encrucijada en la que debemos tomar una decisión que puede afectarnos a nosotros mismos, nuestras familias, nuestros seres querido o
nuestros compañeros. Ahí, frecuentemente, esta la voz de Dios; y la
voz de Dios llama siempre a seguir su camino.
Colecta semana pasada:
Nuestra meta por semana: $1000.00
Para algunos, esta llamada puede ser a constituir una familia cristiana y
a trabajar honradamente, buscando siempre la verdad y la justicia en
todo. Podría ser una llamada a vivir el sacramento de l matrimonio
escuchando conjuntamente la voz de Dios. También podría ser una
llamada a optar exclusivamente por el servicio a Dios desde el sacerdoExposición del Santísimo—Primer jueves de cada
cio, la vida religiosa o el compromiso total con la misión desde la vida
mes 9:30am-12:00 pm y de 6-9 pm en la capisoltera. Dios llama de diversas maneras y a diversos caminos, pero
siempre llama. Lo importante es descubrir a que nos llama a cada uno
Rezo del Rosario—Jueves, 9:30 a.m. en la capilla
de nosotros: ¿Dónde encontramos mas frecuentemente la presencia de
Dios? ¿Qué nos apasiona? ¿Dónde podemos encontrar la felicidad
verdadera? ¿Qué nos da paz? ¿Qué nos desafía mas allá de lo que
Virgen Peregrina
pensábamos que podíamos hacer? ¿Qué estamos llamados a dejar atrás para alcanzar aqueFebrero 7 Familia Valadez Alba
llo a lo que Dios nos llama?
Miercoles de Ceniza
El horario para las misas de miércoles de
Ceniza son:
Miercoles, 10 de febrero a las 7 am y 7
Servicio solo para recibir las cenizas
12:00 pm
Para la Reflexión
¿Cómo apoyo a mis hijos y demás miembros de mi familia para que escuchen y busquen la llamada de Dios
en sus vidas y la sigan?
Si alguien está interesado en que el
coro de la Iglesia de San Mateo que
toca a las 2:00p.m los domingos sea el
coro de su próxima misa ya sea de
quinceañera o boda o cualquier otra
ocasión por favor comuníquese con
Teresa Aguirre: 678-939-9167.
Page 5
Ash Wednesday is early this year—February 10th. Ash Wednesday Masses will
be at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Ashes will be distributed outside of Mass at noon.
Our Lenten Dinners and Stations of the Cross will be on Fridays during
Lent. A meager dinner will be supplied at 6:30 pm with stations following at 7:15
Our Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, March 2nd @ 7:00 pm
Your Friend
in the Narthex
Color me...
This program has been designed by the
Stewardship Committee in hopes to highlight the different ministries in the parish and
to spark the interest of you, the parishioners,
to become involved in a particular ministry. One weekend each month a group of
particular ministries will be available in the
Narthex after all Masses. February's weekend
is February 13th and 14th and will include the Altar Servers, Emergency Call Ministry, and Men's Night Shelter. Also, after
the Spanish Mass on February 14th, the
Spanish Ministry will have their Lector and
Eucharistic Ministers in the Narthex. Stop
by the table and learn more about these ministries and the resources available to you!
Fortunate & Faithful
a ministry for Catholic families with LGBT
members, will host a meeting on Sunday,
February 21 following 11:00 Mass at the
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48
Martin Luther King Drive. The focus of the
dialogue, “Sexuality, Gender, and the Whole
Person,” will be on greater understanding of
and love for each person as created and
loved by God. All parents of LGBT children, family members and compassionate
allies are encouraged to attend. For further
information, visit
Aluminium Cans
Aluminum can proceeds go toward purchasing garden related supplies for the
parish community garden. Help the environment—bring your aluminum cans
to the church recycling bins. Please continue to support our recycling efforts and
the parish community garden.
Local Area Lenten Penance Services
February 24th --- St. Gabriel, Fayetteville
March 2nd
--- St. Matthew, Tyrone
March 10th --- Holy Trinity, Peachtree City
March 14th --- San Felipe, Forest Park
March 15th --- St. Philip Benizi, Jonesboro
Page 6
Prayer List…
Teresa Catron, Mary Osborn, Marian Hansen, Doris Cooper, Bonnie, Jenny, Michael, Frances James, Mary Whittaker, Imoter
Mngerem, Susan Lawton, Jenny Essien, Pat Moser, A.J. Garner,
Modesto Samaniego, Tracy Ikai, Nancy Milani, Susie Morrison, Jon,
Carson Bird, Matthew Hukin, Barbara Dormer, Linda & Kevin
McCarrey, Vanessa McCarrey, Darlene (McCarrey) Nollman, Paula
Brady, Denny Glowacki, Jon Danner, Ed Craig, Deryl Mitchell, Jordan, Mary Jo Shamas, Marty Yarbrough, Janet Cox, Patrick, Anna,
Chris & Family, Sunni & Family, Dollie Jackson, S. Bronson, Michelle Vincent, Tim Bearden, Tito Alvarenga, Doug Strickland,
Becky Byrd, Our Military/Families, Susie, Mary Lynn Ochlerts,
Chris Cudd, Mary, Lynny Snyder, Jo Ann Sowinski, Nicole & Cassie
Semple, Spencer, Cliff, Joe & Pat Craddock, MNR, Hazelwood
Family, Marcus D. Caldwell, Myia M Hamler, Michael Stroble, Justin
Hail, Jennifer Stacy, Palaio Family, Phil & Lynn H., Barb & Harry
T., Bob, Nekisa, Sandra & Darius Cooper, Kaye Lawe, Robert &
Harry Green, Fitzgerald Family, Angie & Carl Dellaquila, Lillian
Bosco, Angela & Justino, Stephanie, Dan, Luke, Beck & Bufano
Families, Michael Spataro Jr., Steve Massie, Brian Prado, Joanna,
John, Charlie, Baby, Anna & Henry, Chris B & Paul, Tony
D;Onofrio, Mary Jo Dodson, Justine McGuire, Paul Messina, Bernadette, Walter T., Sam W., Mary Platt, Jim & Rita Maharry, Eva
Perez de Garcia, Alicia N Garcia, Sherry Garcia, All Fulton County
Jail Inmates, Bernie, Rhett Butler, Rosa Douakediare, Daudine &
Ray Mattews, Rose Dabney, Jessica Rosengard, Alfred Cud,
Dominick All, Shelly Mendez, Elsie Cruz, Bob & Emily Daniel,
Genie Wilmore, Sam Johns, Mike Robson, Fr. Leo, Sara Jacobs,
Julie Langley, Joy Cudsik, Herschel Coker, Maureen Lennon, Carolyn Wood, Charles Bacigalupi, Jr., Mickey Todd, Martin Kelley, Ruth
Wells, Craig & Joey Crean, Dennis Alicea, Mike Henry.
All those needing prayer on our website, and all those listed on our parish prayer
list. In an effort to keep the published list to a manageable size, it is necessary to
erase it on a weekly basis. You may write the names of those in need of prayer on
the sheets provided, or call the office. If you know of, or are acquainted with,
someone who is on the prayer list, show your love and concern by phoning them or
sending them a card.
Our Lady of Mercy
Catholic High School
The Archdiocese of Atlanta and Our Lady of Mercy Catholic
High School are committed to providing quality, Catholic
education that is available, accessible, and affordable to all Catholics who desire an education that is both truly Catholic and
of the highest academic quality. Please join the Mercy community on Tuesday, March 15th from 4:00 pm for its Spring
Preview Open House. There will be campus tours. Meet the
administration, faculty and staff, students, coaches and current families. There will also be specific information about
the financial aid process and the application process. Catholic education can, and should be, a reality for your children.
Young people are a valued treasure and the future leaders of
our Church. Give them the gift of Catholic Education.
Ash Wednesday Ministry Schedule
Lectors: Starr Helms, Eileen Shaw
Extraordinary Ministers: Dennis & Donna Norris,
Ken McCarrey, Cliff Craddock
Lectors: Jacquie Stahler, Claudette Roberts
Extraordinary Ministers (Ash): Phil Brodowski, Gregg
Plese, Leon Roberts
Lectors: Cameron McCune, Corinne McCune
Extraordinary Ministers: Ken McCarrey, Vernessa
Britt, Myra Burn, Janet LeBlanc, Tom Sheehan, Sybyl
Ministers of Hospitality: David Long, Diane Long,
Ken Miller, Julie Allen
Altar Servers: Jessica Buonerba, Luke Buonerba,
Wesley Buonerba
Mass Intentions & Ministry Schedule
Monday, Feb 8 @ 7am
Mass Intention:
Alexandra Cueva
By Susana
Tuesday, Feb 9 @ 9am
Mass Intention:
Helen Elphingstone
By Carol & Tom Sheehan
Wednesday, Feb 10 @ 7am&7pm
Mass Intention:
Saint Matthew
Parish Family
Thursday, Feb 11 @ 9am
Mass Intention:
Rose Herold
By Hubie Herold
Saturday, Feb 13 @ 5:00 pm
Mass Intention:
Clarence “Ed” Laffin Jr
By Katherine Ozburn
Sunday, Feb 14 @ 8:30 am
Mass Intention:
Uso Family
By Maurice Uso
Sunday, Feb 14 @ 11:00 am
Mass Intention:
George Heatwole
By Jim & Theresa Weeks
Sunday, Feb 14 @ 2:00 pm
Mass Intention:
Saint Matthew
Parish Family
Jimmy Derichsweiler
Phil Hanna
Doris Cooper
John Cooper
Sharyn Doanes-Bergin
Dawn Bond
Carol & Jim Balloni
Bill Bohach & Lynn Brooks
P Brodowski, Mario Camarillo
R. Amsberry, Ada Ngoddy
Dennis & Donna Norris
C. Roberts, Janet LeBlanc
Cameron & Corinne McCune
Annette Ross, Janet Smola
Rick & Rhonda Sauer
Ministers of
Cindy Boron, Michelle Campbell
Judy & Ron Godwin
B Amsberry, Jerry Magrosky
C Osanu, Bob Todd
Olly Larson, Mike Smola
Cynthia Welsh, Peter Conley
Altar Servers
Abby Wheeler
John Wheeler
Avery Fuller
John & Frank Marant
Jacob & Joachim Carreon
Daniel Conley
Page 7
Stewardship Reflection Discussion Questions
Is 6: 1-2A, 3-8; Ps 138: 1-5, 7-8; First Reading
Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
1 Cor 15: 1-11; Lk 5: 1-11
1. When you examine these readings, what might you see that Isaiah, Paul and
What we know and understand as Church
more or less begins with today’s Gospel reading from St. Luke. Jesus calls His first disciples
— His first Apostles. Luke tells us of the
miracle that occurred for St. Peter and the
others in their fishing boat. At the Lord’s
command, they cast their nets after a time of
catching nothing, and “they caught a great
number of fish.”
Note Peter’s reaction, however. He falls to his
knees and implores Jesus, “Depart from me
Lord, for I am sinful man.” St. Peter is astonished and amazed, and he is, quite frankly,
afraid of what he has just experienced. We
may sometimes react to the Lord’s calling in a
similar way. It is a bit overwhelming and
frightening to come to the realization that we,
too, are called, and that the Lord has expectations of us.
Yet, this is how what we know as the Church
began. It commenced with Jesus calling simple
fishermen according to our Gospel. These, of
course, then developed into twelve, then hundreds, then thousands, and now millions upon
millions of those called to be disciples. We are
among that throng. When Luke speaks of
“following,” he is talking about discipleship.
We are called to be stewards and disciples, but
are we willing to “leave everything and follow
Join us for Middle School
Attention all St. Matthew EDGE
students !
We’re going to Middle School
Catholic Fest at St. John Neumann on February 27!
Pick up your permission forms at
the next EDGE class! Chaperones welcome! See Mrs. O’Malley
for more details, or on the web at
Peter have in common?
2. God had some big tasks in mind for Isaiah, Paul and Peter. What might be
some small things or baby steps that God could call us to do first, till we get
used to saying yes to bigger tasks?
Second Reading
Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6
1. Paul persecuted the Church, but then, because of grace, he became a great
minister. Was he given this grace solely for his own benefit? Explain.
2. “For I am ... not fit to be called an apostle …” Do you think fit or worthy is
the measure that God uses to call a person? Discuss any inconsistency between what Paul was and what he was asked to do? Is anyone “fit” or worthy?
Luke 5:1-11
1. Where did Peter have to go before he could catch fish in the lake? Where
did he have to go in his personal life before he could “catch” people for God?
Was everything up to him or did Peter receive extraordinary help? When are
you yourself when you are on the shore and when you are in the deep?
2. What do you think we will find in the “deep of the contemporary world”
where Pope Francis says (below) that reality forces us to cast our nets? List
some of the dangers of “deep water.” What is there to threaten you? So why
would you go there? What virtue do you need?
We need to “go out,” then, in order to experience our own
anointing, its power and its redemptive efficacy: to the
“outskirts” where there is suffering, bloodshed, blindness that
longs for sight, and prisoners in thrall to many evil masters.
Those (priests) who do not go out of themselves, instead of
being mediators, gradually become intermediaries, managers.
… This is precisely the reason why some priests grow dissatisfied, become sad priests, lose heart and become in some sense
collectors of antiques or novelties—instead of being shepherds living with “the smell of the sheep,” shepherds in the
midst of their flock, fishers of men. True enough, the socalled crisis of priestly identity threatens us all and adds to the
broader cultural crisis; but if we can resist its onslaught, we
will be able to put out in the name of the Lord and cast our
It is not a bad thing that reality itself forces us to “put out into
the deep,” where what we are by grace is clearly seen as pure
grace, out into the deep of the contemporary world, where the
only thing that counts is “unction”—not function—and the nets
which overflow with fish are those cast solely in the name of
the One in whom we have put our trust: Jesus.
Pope: Homily for Chrism Mass (full text)
March 28, 2013
Anne Osdieck -
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