Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services


Helping Children Grow - River to Coast Children`s Services
Helping Children Grow
New Year
Año Nuevo
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Welcome David Cameron, our newest staff member:
Originally from Scotland, David has been visiting Sonoma County since 2002 and emigrated in
2007, to marry his university sweetheart and local girl, Vanessa. They now live in a ‘wee’ house in
Guerneville with a couple of cats and his beloved dog, Pebbles.
David has worked in the wine industry and managed Riverlane Resort before he was hired to take
over as the Program Manager for the Guerneville Veterans Hall. David is very excited about this
opportunity to contribute and support the community that has welcomed him! He wants to create
a vibrant community center for everyone in western Sonoma County.
David’s office is located off the main lobby of the Veterans Hall and is open Monday to Friday.
Phone: (707) 604-7725
E-mail: [email protected]
Introducing the New Guerneville Veterans Hall
RCCS has big plans for your hall but we need your help and support!
On November 1st we held a Community Forum at the Veterans Hall where we invited everyone to
come forward and share ideas for how they would like to see this hall used. People could indicate
whether they would volunteer or be involved in future events. From a turnout of 30 people we
recieved a wide range of ideas including:
Seasonal fairs/events/fundraisers
Fitness and Art Classes
Community education classes such as CPR training
Acoustic and aesthetic upgrades to the main auditorium
A commercial kitchen and classes and cooking clubs
Afterschool/teen program for middle and highschoolers
Technology and wireless
internet for teens and
community members
We will hold a second Community
Forum in the near future and invite
you all to come and contribute to
the planning because this project
will only succeed with your input
and involvement.
New Years Eve Dance, Featuring: The Fargo Brothers
Join RCCS and welcome the New Year with a good old
Tickets (available early December): Advance - $25.00
Door - $30.00
article continues on next page
Mission Statement: Our mission is to nurture the healthy development of children and
parents in our community. We offer resources, referrals and support to families and child care providers in
western Sonoma County.
Guernevillle Vets Hall Continued:
As part of our plans, RCCS is actively pursuing funding to make capital upgrades to the hall. These will
hopefully, include an expanded and upgraded kitchen as well as a renovation of the main auditorium,
club and conference rooms. We are applying for community grants but will also hold local fundraising
events the first of which happens this month:
To help us further understand what you want the Guerneville Veterans Hall to offer we would really
appreciate it if you could take a moment to answer this survey and either send it back to us or drop
it in to David at the Veterans Hall or RCCS’s office.
1. Do you currently travel outside of the river area for the following?
Gym membership/Fitness/Dance classes
Adult/Child classes
Business/Social/ Education Services
Music/Theater/Cultural events
2. Where do you have to go for these (check all appropriate)?
• Santa Rosa
• Sebastopol
• Windsor
• Rohnert Park
• Petaluma
• Other (specify)
3. If these services were available in Guerneville would you prefer to stay local?
No□ (Please Explain)_________________________________________________
4. Do you have any ideas? Would you like to be involved in the project (Please include name,
phone, email)?
Please send this page back to RCCS with your suggestions.
Mail page to: David Cameron, PO Box 16, Guerneville, CA 95446
Thank You!
Announcing a Children’s Holiday
Wish Program
Now until December 19th
Tree Locations in Guerneville & the West County:
• WestAmerica Bank
• Community First Credit Union
• St. Elizabeth, St. Colman and St.
Catherine Catholic Churches
It’s easy for you to make a child’s wish for a gift
come true this holiday season!
A GinGErBrEAd TrEES have been placed at the above locations with
gingerbread ornaments listing the individual wishes of the children.
To fulfill a child’s wish, please stop by and select a gingerbread
ornament describing the wish. Fulfill the wish and bring the wrapped
gift to the location that hosted the gift tree. river to Coast Children’s
Services will ensure that the gift gets to the child.
The deadline for bringing your purchased gifts to
back to the gift tree location is December 18th.
• St. Elizabeth Catholic Church is located at 14095 Woodland drive,
• Community First Credit Union is located at 16200 Main Street,
Guerneville. They are open Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5:30 PM
(closed Saturday and Sunday).
• WestAmerica Bank is located at 16264 Main Street, Guerneville. They
are open Monday through Thursday, 9am-4pm, and Friday 9am–6pm
(closed Saturday and Sunday).
Let’s make children’s wishes come true this holiday
For more information, please contact river to Coast Children’s
Services at 707-869-3613 or at [email protected].
Botiquín Básico para Desastres
Se recomienda que los siguientes suministros sean
incluidos en su botiquín básico para desastres:
Suficiente suministros de comida no
perecederos para tres días.
Suficiente agua para tres días – un galón de
agua por persona, por día.
Un radio o televisión portátil de baterías, con
baterías extra.
Linterna con baterías extras.
Botiquín de primeros auxilios con un manual
de instrucciones.
Artículos de sanidad y de higiene (toallitas
humadas y papel higiénico).
Fósforos y un envase a prueba de agua.
Ropa adicional.
Accesorios de cocina y utensilios para cocinar,
incluyendo un abridor de latas.
Fotocopias de tarjetas de crédito e
Dinero, ambos billetes y monedas.
Artículos especiales, tales como medicina por
receta, espejuelos, solución para lentes de
contactos, y baterías para audífonos.
Artículos para bebes, tales como formula,
pañales, biberones y chupones.
Otros artículos que sean necesarios para su
Si usted vive en un clima frió, usted debe de pensar
sobre la calidez. Existe la posibilidad de que haya frío.
Piense en su ropa y la ropa de cama. Incluya ropa y
zapatos adicionales por persona, incluyendo:
Utilice la comida antes que se dañe, y
reemplácela con suministros frescos.
• Coloque los suministros más frescos en la parte
de atrás y los más viejos al frente en almacén.
• Reemplace los suministros de comida y agua
cada seis meses. Escriba la fecha en los artículos
de comida cuando los almacene.
• Piense sobre sus necesidades cada año y
ponga al día su botiquín dependiendo de las
necesidades actuales de su familia.
Mantenga todos los artículos en bolsas plásticas y
meta todos los suministros en recipientes que sean fáciles
de cargar, como botes de basura o bolsas de acampar.
Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
The following items are recommended for inclusion in your
basic disaster supplies kit:
Abrigo o chaqueta.
Pantalones largos.
Camisa de mangas largas.
Zapatos fuertes.
Sombrero, guantes y bufanda.
Bolsa de dormir o colchas (para cada persona).
Esté conciente de que los niños crecen y la familia
cambia. Consulte el Apéndice B para una lista detallada
de provisiones para un desastre. Puede ser que usted
quiera añadir algunos de esos artículos dependiendo de
las necesidades de su familia.
Manteniendo su Botiquín para Desastres
Es tan importante mantenerlo al día como el prepararlo.
Aquí hay algunos consejos para mantener las provisiones
listas y en buenas condiciones.
Mantenga las latas en un sitio seco donde la
temperatura esté fresca.
Almacene las cajas de comida en un recipiente
plástico o de metal para protegerlas contra
insectos y extender la fecha de vigencia.
Deseche cualquiera lata que no esté en buena
Three-day supply of non-perishable food.
Three-day supply of water - one gallon of water per
person, per day.
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and
extra batteries.
Flashlight and extra batteries.
First aid kit and manual.
Sanitation and hygiene items (moist towelettes and
toilet paper).
Matches and waterproof container.
Extra clothing.
Kitchen accessories and cooking utensils, including a
can opener.
Photocopies of credit and identification cards.
Cash and coins.
Special needs items, such as prescription
medications, eye glasses, contact lens solutions, and
hearing aid batteries.
Items for infants, such as formula, diapers, bottles,
and pacifiers.
Other items to meet your unique family needs.
If you live in a cold climate, you must think about warmth.
It is possible that you will not have heat.
Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
Be sure to include one complete change of clothing
and shoes per person, including:Jacket or coat, long
pants, long sleeve shirt, sturdy shoes., hat, mittens,
and scarf.
Sleeping bag or warm blanket (per person).
Be sure to account for growing children and other
family changes.
You may want to add some of the items listed to your
basic disaster supplies kit depending on the specific needs
of your family.
Maintaining Your Disaster Supplies Kit
Just as important as putting your supplies together until
needed. Here are some tips to keep your supplies ready
and in good condition:
Keep canned foods in a dry place where the
temperature is cool.
Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal
containers to protect from pests and to extend its
shelf life.
Throw out any canned good that becomes swollen,
dented, or corroded.
Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with
fresh supplies.
Place new items at the back of the storage area and
older ones in the front.
Change stored food and water supplies every six
Be sure to write the date you store it on all
Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as
your family needs change.Keep items in airtight plastic
bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or
two easy-to-carry containers, such as an unused trashcan,
camping backpack, or duffel bag.
Robert Oliver, DDS
Pediatric Dentistry
Helping Children Grow
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
From all
of the Fall
Folks at
River to
Thank You
for the toothbrushes and all
the cool information on keeping our little
teeth healthy and bright!
Before calling RCCS at 869-3613, have the
following details ready for each child
requesting gifts. Deadline: December
5 you must call us before this date, the
sooner the better.
Your Name & telephone number
Case Manager’s Name or zipcode
Child’s Name
Child’s Age and sex
My Child’s Gift Wish is
Further Details about Wish
If clothing or shoes, describe:
Size : adult? child?
** A second gift option is:
Further Details about Wish
Special Information about my child (include interests, challenges,
talents, etc). Please provide a brief description.
Antes de ponerse en contacto con nosotros,
por favor anote los detalles pertinentes.
Fecha limite: Diciembre 5!
• Mi Nombre, • El Nombre del Manejador de mi Caso
• El Nombre de mi Niña/o
• La Edad de mi Niña/o
• El Regalos que mi Niña/o Desea es: (Primera opción)
• Más Detalles Sobre el Regalo
• Si son zapatos o ropa
• Descripción::
1. Tamaño : ¿Adulto? ¿Niño?
2. Color
3. Moda
**Una Segunda Opción es...
Más Detalles Sobre el Regalo
Información especial sobre mi niña/o (incluya intereses, gustos,
talentos, etc.)
Por favor proporcione una breve descripción.
El Programa de Emergencia de RCCS
Padres, ustedes saben que...
Si sus hijos necesitan comida, formula para bebes,
pañales, tratamiento contra el piojo, o cualquier
medicamento que se puede obtener sin receta, como
acetaminófeno, usted puede tener acceso al Programa de
Emergencia de RCCS. Las familias pueden obtener hasta
un valor de $30 al mes en necesidades básicas para sus
pequeños. Todo lo que las familias del West County (el
oeste del condado) tienen que hacer es pasar a recoger
los artículos. Las familias que reciben subsidios de RCCS
también son elegibles. Necesitaremos el código postal
de su residencia y su número de teléfono.
Para el tratamiento contra el piojo, formula para
bebes, o medicamentos que puede obtener sin receta,
es necesario que la familia llame a RCCS antes de venir
para confirmar que tenemos los artículos necesarios
en la oficina. Comida y pañales normalmente están
disponibles de lunes a viernes de 9am a 5pm en nuestras
oficinas localizadas en 16300 1st Street en Guerneville.
Llame al 707-869-3613 para obtener más
información o para solicitar un artículo
The Emergency Resources Program
Parents, did you know…
IF your children need food, infant formula, diapers, lice
treatment, or other over-the-counter medications, such
as acetaminophen, you may access the RCCS Emergency
Resources Program. Families can obtain up to $30.00
worth of basic needs for their young children once a
month. All that West County families need do is come
by and pick up the items. Families whose children are
enrolled in RCCS subsidized child care programs are
eligible too. We will need the zipcode of your residence
and a contact phone number.
For lice treatment, infant formula, or OTC medications,
the family should call RCCS before coming by, to assure
that the items are on hand in the office. Food and diapers
are usually on hand Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM
at the River to Coast Children’s Services office located at
16300 1st Street in Guerneville.
Call 869-3613 for more information or to request a
specific item.
The RCCS Emergency Resources Program is
funded by grant from:
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Thank You!
Recall Information
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
advises consumers to stop using recalled products
immediately unless otherwise instructed. In addition,
it is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled
consumer product.
It is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure the
health and safety of all children in their care. Licensees
are to follow manufacturer labels and adhere to all
recall instructions provided by the CPSC. Licensees may
visit the CPSC website and subscribe to receive recall
alerts on consumer products.
Deadline reminder - December 28, 2012, any crib used by
Child Care Centers (CCC) and Family Child Care Homes
(FCCH) must meet new federal safety standards. The new
standards went into effect for manufacturers, retailers,
importers and distributors on June 28, 2011, addressing
deadly hazards previously seen with traditional dropside rails, requiring more durable hardware, parts, and
mandating more rigorous testing.
What you should know…
This is more than a drop side issue. Immobilizing your
current crib will not make it compliant. You cannot
determine if a crib is compliant by looking at it. The
new standards apply to all full size and non-full size
cribs including: wood, metal, and stackable cribs. If you
purchased a crib prior to the June 28, 2011, effective
date and you are unsure it meets the new federal
standard, CPSC
recommends verifying the crib meets the standard by
asking the manufacturer, retailer, importer or distributor
to show a Certificate of Compliance. The document must:
Describe the product: Give name, full mailing address,
and telephone number for importer or domestic
Identify the rule for which it complies (Code of Federal
Regulations, Section 1219 or 1220).
Give name, full mailing address, email address, telephone
number for the records keeper, and location of testing
Give date and location of manufacturer and testing.
The crib must also have a label attached with the date of
What you should do…
All CCCs, FCCHs, and places of public accommodation:
Must prepare to replace current cribs with new, compliant
cribs before December 28, 2012. Noncompliant cribs
should not be resold (online, donated to local thrift
stores or given away). CPSC recommends disassembling
noncompliant cribs for disposal in a manner it will not be
To learn about the drop-side crib
recall, visit the CPSC at
Check U the Things I Need To Do To Prepare For A Disaster.
Put a second check UU when I’ve completed each task.
Fill in my Emergency Information form
’ Talk to people about being on my Support Team.
’ Look up any missing information and fill in the form
’ Check my pill bottles at home to make sure I’ve recorded all my
medications on this form.
’ Make at least 5 copies
’ Keep one with me all the time
’ Put one in my car
’ Give one to a neighbor and everyone on my Support Team
’ Put one in my Evacuation Go Bag and in my Home Bag
’ Tell everyone in my family and on my Support Team the phone
number of my primary out-of-town contact person so they can
call them in an emergency to see how I am doing
Complete My Plan to Stay Safely at Home
’ Review the Emergency Supplies List for things I need to stay at
home for at least 3 days
’ Gather the items I already have
’ Purchase the supplies I need
’ Put them in a watertight container in my home
If I live in a house or mobile home: Learn the location and how to
turn off my gas, water, and electricity.
’ Put at least one fire extinguisher on each floor of my home,
check to see that are fully charged, and learn how to use them
Complete My Evacuation Plan
’ Make arrangements where I will go
’ Plan where I will take my animals
’ Make at least 4 copies
’ Put one in each Go Bag (home, car, pet Go Bag)
’ Give one to my primary contact person on others on my
Support Team
’ Leave one on my kitchen counter in my house if I leave
Our Service Delivery Area. RCCS’ service area includes the West
Sonoma County Union High School district, the Sonoma County
portion of Shoreline Unified School District and the Kashia
Reservation School District.
For AP funding: For families in the Alternative Payment
Programs, either the care must be used OR the family must live
in the service area described above.
For CFCC Funding: For families in the Family Child Care (CFCC)
programs, child care must be provided by our contracted
providers in the RCCS Family Child Care Network.
La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES
respeta la preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de
escoger el cuidado de niños es de los padres. Asistimos a los
padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de cuidado de niños
que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado
de niños. Una recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía
de calidad. Les pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista
cuidadosa y que examinen las recomendaciones antes de que
dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona.
Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas previas
de una casa o centro con licencia para cuidar niños, pueden
llamar a Community Care Licensing tel. 707.588.5026.
Your case manager will share network providers with you.
Parents and Providers:
The newest, revised edition of the Parent and Provider
informational handbook is now online. Note that there is
only ONE handbook for both subsidized parents
and contracted providers!
Parents go to:
(and scroll down to, and click on, the link for the RCCS
Subsidized Parent Information)
Providers go to:
(and scroll down to, and click on, the link to Provider Information).
River to Coast Children’s
River to Coast Children’s
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
P.O.Box 16/16300 1st St.
Guerneville, Ca 95446
Fax(707) 869-2616
email: [email protected]
Serving west Sonoma County
Sirviendo el Oeste del
Condado de Sonoma con:
• Help paying for child
• Referrals for child care
• Resources for children
and their families
• Support for child care
• Emergency Resources
• Kindergym and
Infantgym in
Guerneville, Forestville
and Bodega Bay
• Car Safety Seat Program
• Counseling Program
for children and their
• Referencias para el
Cuidado de Niños
• Recursos para los Niños
y sus Familias
• Apoyo para los
Proveedores del Cuidado
de Niños
• Ayuda Monetaria para el
Cuidado de Niños
• Programa de suministros
de Emergencia
• Gimnasio para Niños en
Guerneville, Forestville
y Bodega Bay
• Programa de Asientos de
• Programa de Conserjería
River to Coast Children’s Services’ referral policy is based on
respecting parental choice. Responsibility for selecting child
care rests with each parent. RCCS assists parents in finding the
widest range of available child care and offers information to
help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO
COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES referral is not a recommendation
or a guarantee of quality care. Parents should carefully interview
and check references of potential child care providers before
leaving a child in their care.
• For Information on all licensed family child care homes and
centers call Community Care Licensing at 707.588.5026
River to Coast Children’s Services
Staff and their phone number extensions.
(707) 869-3613
toll free calling from the Sonoma Coast 1-800-994-3613
Jynx Lopez (Executive Director) 111
Kellie Nunez (Fiscal & Operations Manager) 105
Andy Hilldale (Bookkeeper) 106
Soledad Cardona (Lead Family Case Manager,
Senior NHTSA Certified Car Safety Seat Technician)
• Tess Lowe (Family Case Manager) 114
• Mel Wainwright (Case Management) 110
• Mendy Behrens (Child Development Resource
Specialist) 117
• Cara Colombo (Child Development Resource
Specialist) 112
• Lupita Dominguez and Jayme Melum 118
• Elaina Boyce (Community Resources Coordinator,
Resource & Referral, Newsletter Editor) 104
• Vesta Griffith (Resource & Referral Counselor,
NHTSA Certified Car Safety Seat Tech) & Front
Desk Staff 101
• Counseling call 869-3613, leave a message with
your request if calling when office is closed.
• David Cameron (Program Manager - Vets Hall)
(707) 604-7725
December Calendar 2012 y
Calendario de Diciembre 2012
‹‹ 12/3 & 4: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 12/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by
5 PM/ Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de
Asistencia a las 5 PM
‹‹ 12/5: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 12/7: OFFICE CLOSES @ 12:00 PM 
‹‹ 12/10 & 11: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 12/11: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC)
Committee meets at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call
Soledad at 869.3613 x 107 y El Comité
Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las
6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Soledad
al 707-869-3613 x 107
‹‹ 12/12: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 12/17 & 18: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 12/18: Provider Payday y Día de pago de
los proveedores
‹‹ 12/19: Providers’ Workshop: “How to Set Up
a Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers” 
Taller Para Proveedores: “Como Preparar Un
Curriculo Para Infantes y Preescolares” , 6:15
PM to 8:15 PM at/en RCCS, RSVP Mendy at
869-3613 x 117
‹‹ 12/19: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 12/24 to 1/1/2/2013: OFFICE CLOSED
12/31: HOGMANAY HOOTENANY: New Years Eve
Dance, featuring: The Fargo Brothers. Join RCCS and
welcome the New Year with a good old dance.
Tickets (available early December):
Advance purchase :$25.00 / at the Door : $30.00
January Calendar 2013 y
Calendario de Enero 2013
‹‹ 1/1 : NO KINDERGYM in Guerneville
‹‹ 1/2: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 1/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5
PM/ Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de
Asistencia a las 5 PM
‹‹ 1/7 & 8: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 1/8: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC)
Committee meets at 6:00 PM at RCCS. Call
Soledad at 869.3613 x 107 y El Comité
Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las
6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Soledad
al 707-869-3613 x 107
‹‹ 1/9: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 1/14 & 15: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 1/16: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 1/16: Provider Workshop: 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM
at RCCS, RSVP Mendy at 869-3613 x 117
‹‹ 1/18: Provider Payday y Día de pago de los
Martin Luther King Day
‹‹ 1/21 & 22: NO KINDERGYM in Guerneville
‹‹ 1/23: Kindergym in Forestville
‹‹ 1/23: Board of Directors meeting / Mesa
Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:30 at RCCS
‹‹ 1/23: Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 PM
at RCCS y El comité de publicidad de RCCS
se réune de 5:30 PM en RCCS
‹‹ 1/28 & 29: Kindergym in Guerneville
‹‹ 1/30: Kindergym in Forestville
Visit us on Facebook:
Provider Workshops / Taller para Proveedores
All workshops run from 6:15 to 8:15 PM at RCCS /Todos los talleres se llevan a cabo de las 6:15 PM a las 8:15PM
December 19, 2012  Diciembre 19, 2012
Enero 16,2013  January 16, 2013
Presented by Olga King
Presented by Scott herring, Provider Advocate CCL
Presentado por Olga King
Follow me to Kindergym! ¡Sigueme a Kindergym!
River to Coast Children’s Services now offers
Kindergym in Bodega Bay!
River To Coast Children’s Services presents:
Kindergym is on its way to Bodega Bay!
Come join the fun.
When: 2nd Thursday of each month, Starting Dec. 13, 2012
Where: Bodega Bay Union Church
1320 Bayview Street, Bodega Bay
Time: 10:00-12:30 AM
Questions? Call Mendy at 869-3613 X117
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by their parent/
guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community resources, learning
parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development, Health, Nutrition and Safety.
River To Coast Servicios para los niños presenta:
Kinder Gimnasio estará en Bodega Bay muy pronto!
Ven y únete a la diversión.
Fecha: el segundo jueves de cada mes.
Fecha de la primera clase: 13 de Diciembre, 2012
Ubicación: Bodega Bay Union Church
1320 Bayview Street, Bodega Bay
Hora: 10:00-12:30 AM
Preguntas?? Llame a Mendy al 869-3613 X117
Este kinder gimnasio está diseñado con un énfasis en el juego motor
grueso. Tenemos triciclos, colchonetas y juguetes para empujar. Este
programa está diseñado para los bebés, niños pequeños y niños en edad
Hay una actividad diferente cada clase. Por ejemplo, podemos tener algunas
actividades apropiadas de matemáticas, ciencia, literatura o manipulativos
listos para que los niños jueguen. Siempre hay una área para hacer arte y una actividad de juego
Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo
Nuestro programa es facilitado por una persona de nuestro
personal en la área de “recursos del desarrollo de niños”.
Todos los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto que los
supervise. Pregunte acerca de los recursos que tenemos para
ofrecer a las familias.
Follow me to Kindergym ! Sigueme a Kindergym !
River to Coast Children’s Services offers Kindergym in Guerneville
When: Monday and Tuesday from 9:45 AM to 12:20 PM
WheRe: The Guerneville Veterans’ Hall , corner of 1st and Church Street in downtown Guerneville.
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be accompanied by their parent/guardian/
adult /childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community resources, learning
parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development, Health, Nutrition and Safety.
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece Kindergym en Guerneville!
Cuándo: Lunes y martes empezando a las 9:45 AM hasta 12:20 PM
dónde: En el Salon de los Veteranos de Guerneville, en la esquina de 1st y Calle Church.
Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño debe estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o
adulto proveedor de cuidado de niños
PoR Qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que desarrollo amistades, conectándose con recursos
de la comunidad, aprendiedo técnicas de crianza, y lo última sobre el
Desarrollo del Niño, Salud, Nutrición y Seguridad.
GRATIS, pero las donaciones son aceptada con gusto.
FREE! But donations gladly accepted
River to Coast Children’s Services now offers
Kindergym in Forestville!
WhEn: Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to Noon
WhERE: The United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road (near the
intersection of Hwy 116 and Covey Road in downtown Forestville)
Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 5 years, child must be
accompanied by their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider
Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community resources, learning
parenting skills, and the latest about Child Development, Health, Nutrition and Safety.
River to Coast Children’s Services ofrece ahora Kindergym en Forestville!
Cuándo: Los Miércoles 9:30 AM hasta el mediodía
dóndE: La Iglesia Metodista Unida, 6550 Covey Road (cerca de la intersección de la carretera 116 y
carretera Covey en el centro de Forestville)
QuIén: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 5 años, el niño debe estar
acompañado por sus padres, tutores o adulto proveedor de
cuidado de niños
PoR Qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que
desarrollo amistades, conectándose con recursos
de la comunidad, aprendiedo técnicas de crianza,
y lo última sobre el Desarrollo del Niño, Salud,
Nutrición y Seguridad.
Llame al 869.3613 para obtener más
Call 869.3613 for more information
Celebrating 35 Years of Service to Children & Families
P.O. Box 16
Guerneville, CA 95446
en e
Our Board Of Directors:
Staff wishes to acknowledge and thank the community members who have served on the River to Coast Board of
Directors in 2012. They are the guiding lights who generously give their time, expertise and monetary support to keep
the doors open and programs running here at RCCS. Thanks to:
Dominic Maccario
Bobbi Noel
Brendan Coen
Vicki Halstead
Jennell Parr
Jodi Chung
Mike Nicholls
Nancy Saxe
A Call for Nominations
River to Coast Children’s Services is Looking for
YOU! (to serve on its Board of Directors)
Board service is a wonderful way to help support the work
that RCCS does for the children and families of west Sonoma
County. It is also an excellent opportunity to make new
connections with other community-oriented individuals
who want to be a positive force for children. We extend
an invitation to parents, providers and community members
to volunteer energy, experience and expertise by becoming a
member of the RCCS Board of Directors.
Patty Johnston
Amber Twitchell
Bob St. Clair
Patty Gerlach
Alicia Montano
Jennifer Schiavone
Andrew Sullivan
Angela Gianni
The Staff and Board of River
to Coast Children’s Services wishes
everyone a peaceful and joy-filled new
year. Welcome 2013!
Interested individuals please contact Jynx Lopez at
707.869.3613 or
e-mail to: [email protected].
Printed with funds provided by the California Department of Education

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