Bulletin - Diocese of Charlotte


Bulletin - Diocese of Charlotte
Published by the Development
Office of the Diocese of Charlotte
to Assist Parish Stewardship
Committees in their Awareness and
Program Activities throughout the Year
Volume XXV
Number 1
January / February 2015
SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendar now! 2015 Regional Stewardship Conference Hosted by the Diocese of Savannah, GA May 2, 2015 at the Savannah DeSoto Hilton
Who will benefit from attending this conference? Anyone interested in embracing stewardship as a way of life will benefit from attending the conference. Whether a priest, deacon, parish staff member, or engaged parishioner, our goal is for you to receive the tools and motivation to take your parish's stewardship program to the next level. The conference offers compelling and practical workshops, interactive forums, presentations and discussions around stewardship, teamwork, and innovative parish programs. Keynote: Make Church Matter Tom Corcoran Associate to the Pastor Church of the Nativity, churchnativity.tv
We are proud and delighted to have Tom Corcoran as our keynote speaker. Tom, along with Father Michael White, is the author of Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter and Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better. Tom Corcoran received his bachelor’s degree from Loyola University Maryland. Tom has served Church of the Nativity in a variety of roles that give him a unique perspective on parish ministry and leadership. Beginning as a youth minister, Tom later held positions as coordinator of children’s ministry and director of small groups. He currently serves in the position of associate to the pastor and is responsible for weekend message development, strategic planning, and staff development. Breakout Session Topics 
The Spirituality of Stewardship Promoting Stewardship in the Youth Ministry Program Stewardship in the Hispanic Community 
Forum: Putting the Plan into Action Profile of a Strong Stewardship Committee New Ideas: Thinking Outside the Box Registration Materials will be available in January 2015 Stewardship Messages in the Sunday Gospels
January 4, 2015
Epiphany of the Lord
“Then they opened their coffers and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:1-12
January 25, 2015
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
“They immediately abandoned their nets and became his followers.”
Mark 1:14-20
February 8, 2015
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“…She immediately began to wait on them.”
Mark 1:29-39
Suggested Stewardship Bulletin Announcements
January 4, 2015
The Epiphany of the Lord
The Magi brought the child Jesus gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh. What gifts do I place
before Jesus? My time? My talent? My
January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Stewardship involves a change of heart,
embodied not just in a single action, nor even a
series of actions, but in one's entire life.
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
4 Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Blessed Virgin Mary was the model steward
with her unqualified, “yes” and complete trust in
God’s will. When I put God first in my life,
everything else falls into place.
February 8, 2015
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
As Catholics, we are not to focus only on
ourselves but are called by our Baptism to reach
out and share our time, talent and treasure with
our brothers and sisters.
February 15, 2015
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
It is important to measure our generosity not by
what we give, but by what we have left.
We don't give because we have an abundance of
resources and can afford it; we give because of a
desire to share what we have with others out of
love and gratitude.
January 25, 2015
3 Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 22, 2015
1st Sunday of Lent
Stewardship involves the conscientious, firm
decision, carried out constantly in action, to
conduct one's self as a follower of Jesus,
regardless of the cost.
Lent is a time to reflect on our relationship with
God. We are called to focus on prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving in our Lenten stewardship.
Stewardship Bulletin Announcements in Spanish
Spanish Translations taken from:
“Stewardship by the Book” Scriptural Quotations on Stewardship
by Sharon Hueckel, published by Our Sunday Visitor
04 de enero 2015
01 de febrero 2015
4to. del Tiempo Ordinario
Hoy recordamos a los Reyes de Oriente que
fueron a rendir homenaje al niño Jesús,
trayéndole preciados regalos de oro, incienso y
mirra. Los regalos que nosotros traemos-nuestro
tiempo, servicio y alguna parte de lo que
ganamos por el trabajo que hacemos-son
igualmente preciosos ante Sus ojos.
Los discípulos responsables hacen una decisión
firme y consciente, acompañada de la acción, de
seguir a Jesucristo sin importarles el costo.
11 de enero 2015
Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Nuestro Bautismo, al igual que el del Señor, es
una consagración al servicio. La pastoral de los
obispos sobre la Administración de Nuestro
Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro como Bienes de Dios
nos recuerda que existe una obligación
fundamental, que se origina del sacramento del
bautismo, de que las personas pongan sus
regalos, sus recursos y ellas mismas al servicio
de Dios dentro de la Iglesia y a través de ella.
18 de enero 2015
2do. del Tiempo Ordinario
El Salmo de oración de hoy es el tema del buen
administrador de los bienes de Dios: “Aquí
estoy, Señor; Vengo a hacer tu voluntad.” Que
yo también pueda estar listo para ofrecer mis
regalos y a mí mismo al servicio de Dios.
25 de enero 2015
3ro. del Tiempo Ordinario
La consigna de hoy es “inmediatamente.” Pedro
y Andrés, Santiago y Juan, todos respondieron
inmediatamente al llamado de Cristo. ¡Que yo
pueda estar tan dispuesto a la llamada de Dios y
listo a usar todo mi talento a Su servicio tal
como lo estuvieron esos primeros discípulos!
08 de febrero 2015
5to. del Tiempo Ordinario
En la primera lectura, Isaías nos exhorta en
nombre del Señor a dar de comer al hambriento,
albergue a quien no tiene hogar y vestir al
desnudo. Si así lo hacemos, él nos asegura, el
Señor escuchará y contestará nuestras peticiones
de ayuda en tiempos de necesidad.
15 de febrero 2015
6to. del Tiempo Ordinario
La Administración de Nuestro Tiempo, Talento
y Tesoro como Bienes de Dios implica más que
el regalo que llevamos al altar. La lectura de hoy
dice claramente que es la fidelidad a la ley de
Dios la que hace aceptable nuestra ofrenda.
22 de febrero 2015
1 ro. De Cuaresma
En la primera lectura de hoy, los Israelitas son
exhortados a amar a su prójimo como a sí
mismos. En el Evangelio, Jesús explica cómo
debemos hacer esto- dar generosamente a
quienes nos lo piden y no volver nuestras
espaldas a aquellos que solicitan un préstamo.
For additional information on parish stewardship resources, training parish stewardship committees, planning a
ministry fair, implementing children’s stewardship, or for details on anything mentioned in this Stewardship Bulletin
please contact:
Kerry Ann Tornesello, Associate Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte
1123 South Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28203
[email protected]

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