Adventist Heritage Center


Adventist Heritage Center
Adventist Heritage Center
North American Division Women's Ministries <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 3:45 PM
Adventist Heritage Center
Women's Intuitions Express
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14 de junio: Día de énfasis del
Ministerio de la Mujer
12 de julio: Ofrenda para el
Ministerio de la Mujer de la
23 de agosto: Día de énfasis
de enditnow: " La libertad en
las relaciones"
Ministerio de las 5
hermanas: Revista Forever
Cumbre sobre la problemática del abuso 2014
¡El 24 de abril es el último día
para inscribirse! Este es un
evento vital para enseñar a los
empleados de la iglesia y laicos,
cómo responder y ayudar a las víctimas de abuso tanto en
nuestras congregaciones como en la comunidad. Se invita
a asistir a administradores de la iglesia, de escuelas,
pastores, profesores, maestros y laicos. Para ver el
cronograma de actividades y los títulos de los seminarios
haga clic aquí. Para obtener información acerca de la
inscripción, alojamiento, comida y transporte, haga clic
Día de énfasis del Ministerio de la Mujer, 14 de
junio 2014
Vosotros sois la luz del
Estamos encantadas de
compartir la programación del
Día de énfasis del Ministerio de la
Mujer 2014.
El paquete de este año, titulado:
"You Are the Light of the
World"(solo en inglés) fue escrito por Denise Hochstrasser
y Hannele Ottschofski de la División Transeuropea.
El Día de énfasis del Ministerio de la Mujer es un evento
anual en el calendario de eventos de la iglesia. La líder del
Ministerio de la Mujer debería reunirse con su pastor por lo
menos seis meses antes de la fecha marcada para dialogar
acerca de los planes especiales para ese sábado. Haga clic
aquí para descargar el paquete.
Informe especial: Misión
¡Lea una muestra aquí!
Noticias de la revista GIGI
Muchas de
ustedes han
visto el número
de primavera de
la revista GIGI
en nuestro sitio
web. Este
recurso para las
¡está ahora disponible para la
Carta introductoria
Formulario de pedido
Directoras de MM ¡por favor
reenvíen esto a sus redesgrupos!
Enviado por Shirley Benton, Directora del MM de la Unión
de Columbia
La Conferencia de Allegheny
West participó recientemente
en un viaje misionero a
Teníamos tres equipos de
ministerio: médico,
evangelístico y Escuela
Bíblica de
Vacaciones/educación. Los
equipos incluyeron 50
voluntarios de 10 estados
que fueron a dar testimonio y
apoyar a los gitanos.
Aproximadamente 40 personas aceptaron a Jesús como su
Salvador y comenzaron a prepararse para el bautismo. Muchos
de ellos son adolescentes y jóvenes de familias musulmanas.
El viaje fue un increíble ministerio de amor. Fuimos a ministrar a
aquellos que tienen tan poco y vimos el gozo y la gratitud en sus
rostros cuando les dábamos asistencia médica, alimentos,
juguetes y ropa. La esperanza cobró vida a través del amor y la
Palabra de Jesucristo. Este país espera las buenas nuevas del
Continúen orando por las personas de Albania.
Lea el artículo de la Revista Adventista aquí.
Recursos de entrenamiento "CREATIVE"
Visite nuestro sitio web para conocer dos nuevos recursos
creativos de Diana Jaworski: "How to Be a Creative
Women's Ministry Leader" y "How to Have a Creative
Women's Ministry" (solo en inglés).
Realmente Libres 2014, Convención de las mujeres
de la DNA
Rompiendo el silencio
¡Condensado y revisado!
Solicítelo hoy por correo
electrónico a Erica:
[email protected].
25-28 de septiembre de 2014. Rosen
Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando, FL
Inscríbase hoy en
La fecha límite de inscripción anticipada
para asegurarse una cuota de inscripción
de $149 es el 3 de junio.
Realmente libres 2014, continúa con el
tema que comenzamos en nuestra convención de 2009 en
Dallas: ¿Cómo nos libera Jesús de aquello que nos impide
experimentar el gozo de la vida en toda su plenitud en él?
Somos liberadas para que podamos dar testimonio en el
mundo de la gracia salvadora de nuestro Dios. La
convención estará llena de oportunidades para la extensión
60 Buenas ideas
Los folletos Grandes ideas
están disponibles en inglés,
francés y español.
¡Pídalos ya mismo!
a la comunidad, seminarios, predicaciones poderosas y
mucho compañerismo con mujeres de los EE.UU., Canadá,
Bermuda y más allá. Las actividades comenzarán el jueves
con la inscripción, seminarios vespertinos y entrenamiento
para quienes participen en el evento de testificación
comunitaria "God in Shoes" (Dios en Zapatos) en la
mañana del viernes. Los seminarios continúan el viernes
de mañana y de tarde; habrá una reunión principal el
viernes por la noche.
Todas las mujeres mayores de quince años que quieran
experimentar un fin de semana de fortalecimiento de su fe
deberían hacer planes de asistir.
Oradores principales: Adrienne Townsend, capellana de la
Marina de los EE.UU.; Daniel Jackson, presidente, DNA;
Ella Simmons, vicepresidenta, AG; Katia Reinert, directora
del Ministerio de Salud, DNA; Sara de Bullón y los músicos
Kelly Mowrer y Gale Jones-Murphy.
Se ofrecerán seminarios en español y francés, y todas las
sesiones generales serán traducidas.
Té de las princesas
Un evento de un día para las niñas menores de 12 años. Descubra cómo
organizar un programa Té de las princesas, donde las niñas aprenderán
que ellas son princesas de Dios. Incluye instrucciones para la
planificación, decoraciones, comida, actividades, y mucho más. Material
solo en inglés.
Cómo planear un Princess Tea
Folleto del Princess Tea
Canción Princess
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NAD Women's Ministries Dept. - Women's Ministries Emphasis Day
Home > Resources >
Updated: Apr 9, 2014
Women's Ministries Emphasis Day
June 14, 2014*
Theme: “You Are the Light of the World"
| What is Women's Ministries Emphasis Day?
Women's Ministries Emphasis Day is an annual event on the church's Calendar of Days and
Events. The Women's Ministries leader should meet with their pastor at least six months prior
to this day to discuss special plans for this Sabbath. This is an opportunity to plan a full day of
activities including Sabbath School, the worship service, a fellowship dinner, and perhaps an
afternoon program. The leader may also want to use this time to honor women in the
congregation who have done something unusual or outstanding.
*If the second Sabbath in June is not a convenient date for your church to observe Women's
Emphasis Day, please work with your pastor to find another date.
Sermon (MS Word Doc) (PDF)
Presentation (PowerPoint)
ARCHIVES OF PREVIOUS WOMEN'S MINISTRIES EMPHASIS DAY RESOURCES (COPPA) Children's Privacy Policy Legal notice SiteMap. Powered by © 2002-2014. User Login / Customize.[4/23/2014 11:21:02 AM] Print web pages, create PDFs
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Posted April 15, 2014
In Albania, a country rebounding from Communism and a largely secular Muslim population, the Roma people
struggle to find adequate employment, education and healthcare. A group from Allegheny West Conference recently
traveled to this Southeastern European country to help.
The stamp of Communism is still visible in Albania. The citizens have modern vehicles and cell phones, but in many
ways the country is stuck. Until about 20 years ago Communism kept Albania a closed country. No one was allowed
in or out. This also meant no religious freedom. But there are no locked doors where God’s Spirit is involved.
Although Albania is still a largely secular Muslim country, the Holy Spirit is definitely working through the Albanian
Mission and ADRA Albania. Beatrice Kastrati, director of ADRA Albania, talked passionately about the needs of the
people: “There’s a great disparity between the rich and the poor… There are areas of corruption … there is so much
work to do here.”
About two years ago, Sergio Romero, director of Multicultural Ministries for the Allegheny West Conference (AWC),
heard of the need in Albania. “I started to pray for the people in Albania, specifically for the Roma (Gypsy) people,” he
says. “They are the underprivileged people in Albania. This people, out of prejudice, don’t have access to medical
services or education. I have in my heart to serve those that nobody else wants to serve.”
He then got in touch with ADRA Albania to find out how he could help. They invited him to bring members of his New
Experience mission group along with 11 AWC members. A total of 50 pastors, children ministry leaders, general
contractors, and medical professionals, from four countries and 10 states visited the country for mission work.
The group spent a week in the Albanian capital of Tirana and surrounding cities preaching revivals, providing free
health clinics, health fairs and Vacation Bible School (VBS). Approximately 75 children poured into the ADRA
compound daily for VBS. More than 500 medical cases were treated. And between the five revivals, approximately 30
people made decisions to be baptized.
“While in Albania, God showed me how awesome it is to serve others,” said Amneris Martinez, a member of the
Manantial de Vida Spanish group in Columbus, Ohio.
Shirley Benton, AWC Women’s Ministries leader, agreed, “This mission trip was an amazing ministry of love. We went
to minister to those who have so little, and saw the joy and gratitude on their faces as we gave them medical
assistance, food, toys and clothing. We saw hope come alive as love and the Word of Jesus Christ was shared with
them. It is a country waiting for the good news of the gospel.”
Jason Ridley, pastor of the Hilltop church in Columbus, says this was his sixth international mission trip. “It was
refreshing because the Seventh-day Adventist Church in that country is fairly new. I was the first Adventist to preach
in the city of Fieri where 90 percent of the people in the church were very young,” he recalled.
Romero said he would never forget meeting 12-year-old Alda. “She is in first grade. She is finally attending school
because of the amazing job that ADRA is doing there. She was proud that she was able to write her name. For a
whole week, she attended our VBS program and she was an incredible girl.”
4/23/2014 11:25 AM Print web pages, create PDFs
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He hopes that this is only the beginning of a long partnership with the Albanian mission. Kastrati dreams of building a
community center for girls, a home for senior citizens and much more. And Allegheny West has already been invited
to come back next year.
4/23/2014 11:25 AM
A Princess Tea: A one-day event for girls ages 12 and under
By Tamyra Horst
Design and layout: Nick Sharon
Available from:
5120 Prescott Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68506
©2013 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists
All rights reserved. This book may be used and reproduced without
permission in local church printed matter. It may not, however, be used or
reproduced in other books or publications without prior permission from
the copyright holder. Reprinting the content as a whole for giveaway or
resale is expressly prohibited.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN# 978-1-57756-975-6
A Princess Tea
Many little girls like to pretend to be princesses. They enjoy dressing up in pretty
dresses and sparkly things and twirling around the room. It makes them feel special.
Pretty. All too soon they grow up and no longer believe that they are princesses or
could ever be a princess. They battle with insecurities and struggle to feel pretty or
A Princess Tea is a great ministry event planned for girls under 12 where they not
only get to pretend to be a princess and dress up and enjoy an afternoon tea—all fun
things for little girls—but are reminded that they really ARE princesses. That God calls
them His princesses. More than just a fun afternoon for little girls and their moms and
grandmoms, this event can build a foundation little girls can build on as they grow,
learning lessons that will remind them of who they are and how they are uniquely
special. When included in a women’s ministries program that also plans events for
teens and for adults, the tea makes it possible to impact the lives of women for Christ
from the time they are little girls through their adult years.
It’s a great community event. Invite your neighbors, family members, friends, school
friends of the little girls in your church and/or just advertise in the local newspaper. It’s
a simple, fun event that little girls and their moms will enjoy attending.
The tea not only includes food, but also activities, crafts and stories called a “ball”
before the tea.
The Basics
Step 1: Plan your event. Choose a date, time, and place.
You’ll want to schedule at least three hours for your event, allowing one or two hours
for set up beforehand and cleanup time afterward. Choose a location that’s large
enough to set up tables for the tea as well as with room for activities away from the
tables—either in a separate room or in the same room away from the tables. A gym
can work well with one part of the gym set up for the tea and one part set up for the
activities. A fellowship hall can host the tea, while classrooms serve as rooms for the
Step 2: Create your invitations and send out.
Create postcards, bulletin inserts, ads for the local newspapers, or invitation cards
that you can hand or mail out. Include the date, location, time, RSVP and “for more
information” contact phone number and email address. Wording for the invitation can
be simple:
All of God’s princesses, 12 years old and younger, are invited to bring their moms,
grandmoms, or adult friend and join us for an afternoon tea with fun activities and
stories that remind us that we are truly princesses.
As people register, send them a confirmation letter similar to the one in the Appendix,
letting them know the time, place, what to wear, anything you’d like them to bring, etc.
Step 3: Organize your team.
You’ll need:
• Meal staff to prepare, serve, and clean up from the tea itself
• Someone to greet and register people as they arrive
• One-two people to lead the welcome craft should you choose to plan a craft for girls to do as they arrive and wait the event to begin
• One person to keep track of time and keep the “ball” moving on schedule
• One-two people for each activity in your “ball”
This is a great activity to include teens in, pairing them with an adult to work together
in the kitchen, crafts, and activities. Teens will enjoy dressing like a princess, too, and
the little girls will enjoy having them involved.
Step 4: Plan the activities for your event.
This is where the fun begins—planning the tea. The goal of the afternoon is for
little girls (and their moms) to walk away reminded that they are princesses of God,
uniquely designed and wanted by Him. So plan fun activities that will repeat this
thought over and over.
Sample Schedule
1:00-1:20 pm – Welcome and Activity
1:20-1:30 pm – Group Welcome and Instructions for The Ball
1:30-1:50 pm – Ball Stop One
1:50-1:55 pm – Switch
1:55-2:15 pm – Ball Stop Two
2:15-2:30 pm – Switch
2:30-2:50 pm – Ball Stop Three
2:50-2:55 pm – Switch
2:55-3:15 pm – Ball Stop Four
3:15-3:25 pm – Move Back to Tables for Tea and Blessing for Meal
3:25-4:00 pm – Tea
When They Arrive (20 minutes)
• Have someone at the door welcoming each princess as she arrives, directing her to find a table and/or go to a welcome activity.
• If you have a man in your church who can play a trumpet, have him at the door, dressed as a royal greeter who trumpets the arrival of a princess and calls our her name, “Welcome, Princess Kaleigh, and her mother, Princess Melissa.”
• Have a welcome activity for girls and their moms to do as they arrive, while
waiting for the event to begin. A fun activity would be to create a tiara. Purchase
cardboard tiaras at or your local craft store and have gems,
stickers, glitter paint (girls love anything sparkly—the glitter tubes will disappear
faster than the regular tubes of paints! The tubes of craft paints will work easier
than paints and brushes. You will have to let the tiaras dry a bit if using paints or
glue), paint, markers, etc. Have moms make a tiara, too, and encourage them to
participate in all activities. (You may need to remind them throughout the afternoon
that moms are encouraged to participate with their daughters. This goes for
grandmoms and youth leaders, too.)
The Ball
Once everyone has arrived, the fun begins. You’ll want to plan several activities,
allowing 20 minutes for each activity for this portion of the tea. Calling it “The Ball”
adds to the fun and princess-likeness. Divide your group into four groups, each group
will go to a different Ball stop and then rotate through them, so that all four groups
will go through all four stops. If your group is large, divide them into eight groups, but
don’t plan eight different stops. Plan four different stops and have two of each. So if
you have a picture-taking stop, have two picture taking spots so that two groups are
doing the same thing at the same time but in different locations. If your group is small,
you can just have one group and go through the Ball stops together.
The hostess for each stop will read a story (book ideas listed in the Resources section
at the end) and then lead an activity. Some of the stories are longer, so she may want
to paraphrase the story in order to keep it short, while keeping the main thought,
leaving time for an activity. Or you can plan only three stops and lengthen the time at
each stop.
Ideas for Ball Stops
• Read Gigi, God’s Little Princess by Sheila Walsh. For the activity, take pictures
of each princess and her mom/grandmom together. You may want to have a castle
or other fun backdrop to pose them in front of. If you have someone who can
process the pictures quickly, you can print them at the tea (while people are eating)
and hand them out as people leave or mail them to each princess with a follow up
letter (follow up letter sample in the appendix). Just make sure as the pictures are
taken, someone writes down the names of the girls in the picture and their address
to ensure that you get the right pictures to the right person.
• Read Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Purple Ponies by Sheila Walsh. For the
activity, have a large foam board and markers. Have each person (remember to
encourage moms to participate) draw a stick figure of themselves and something
that they are good at.
• Read Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Pink Ballerina by Sheila Walsh. For the
activity, you could play musical chairs. Or have kazoos for each person and “play” a
song they all know, like “Jesus Loves Me.” Oriental Trading has “Jesus Loves Me”
kazoos for $3.00 per dozen.
• Read Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Royal Tea Party by Sheila Walsh. For the
activity, have sugar cookies cutout in princess designs (like crowns) and cookie icing
tubes. Have girls decorate two cookies—one for them to eat and one for them to
share with a friend to tell her that she’s a princess. Have baggies to put the cookies
for friends in.
• Read Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle, Mike
Gordon and Carl Gordon. For the activity, play the princess shoe game. Basically
hot potato with a fancy high-heeled shoe. Or hiking boot to go with the story. Play
music and when the music stops, whoever has the shoe is out.
• Read Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle and Mike
Gordon. For the activity, play Kiss the Frog. Like pin the tail on the donkey. Draw a
frog on a big poster board. Get stickers of kisses (easy to find at Valentine’s.) You’ll
need a blind fold.
• Read Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle and
Mike Gordon. For the activity, do something fun for the girls to try (remind moms/
grandmoms to do it, too.) It might be a bubble blowing contest—have a hula hoop
or something for the girls to attempt to blow bubbles through and small bottles of
• Read Do Princesses Have Best Friends Forever? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle,
Mike Gordon and Carl Gordon. For the activity, you could create picture frames,
decorated with princess stickers or “gems” for the pictures you’re taking.
• Read I’d Be Your Princess by Kathryn O’Brien. For the activity, have the girls
decorate their own castles. You can draw a castle template and make copies on
card stock so that they’re sturdy or purchase the “Create Your Own Giant Castle”
You may decide to come up with your own stories and activities. Or consider using
stories of “princesses” from the Bible (like Esther, Ruth, etc.) and tell their stories with
an activity to reinforce the story in some way.
Step 5: Purchase or borrow supplies for your tea.
You may already have some great places to find these inexpensively, but two great
websites for getting princess items inexpensively are and Both have supplies that do not use Disney princesses, making your tea
less commercial and more about being God’s princess instead of a Disney princess.
Oriental Trading has castle kits for $8.50 each that make great centerpieces. They
are heavy cardboard and snap together. They also have “Carriage Treat Boxes” that
are incredibly cute for $5.00 per dozen. They “park” wonderfully at the castles. They
also have a “Design Your Own Giant Castle” kit that allows kids to color and design
a castle (you could make a template and cut out and create your own if you have
the time) costing $10.50 for a dozen. A great activity for a ball stop that talks about
heaven or living with God one day—God preparing us a home.
You may want to order party favors for each girl—like a princess scepter. These are
fairly inexpensive and fun. Tiaras or tiaras/crowns to make are another great gift.
Party City has paper supplies of princess items or just pick up solid color plates,
napkins and cups in pinks and purples.
Instead of paper cups, you may want to use teacups and teapots for an extra
elegance. A piece of tape on the bottom of a saucer with the name of the person the
tea cup and saucer were borrowed from written (on the tape) in permanent marker
will aide in returning the cups after the event is over. If using teapots, you may want to
make sure an adult at each table does the serving. You’ll also need to prepare plenty
of hot water ahead of time, fill pots, and have people to refill them as needed.
There are simple and inexpensive ways to decorate that will create a fun and beautiful
setting for your little girls. Simply purchasing balloons in pink, purple, and white, filling
them with helium and creating a balloon centerpiece for each table (with one balloon
per chair so each attendee can take a balloon home at the end) adds an elegance and
extra spark to the room.
You can include a small “scroll” at each place setting as a party favor. Write a note
about being a princess. A sample scroll letter is included in the Appendix.
Directions for a “castle” made from an appliance box are included in the appendix.
Step 6: Plan your food.
You can serve a variety of herbal teas, plus lemonade, juice and/or water for those
who don’t want hot tea. Keep food simple. Finger foods are fun, simple and kidfriendly. Ideas for food include:
• Finger sandwiches which can be made more fun by cutting them into shapes with cookie cutters. Sandwich filling ideas:
oo Peanut butter and jelly
oo Cucumber with a little mayo or cream cheese
oo Humus and tabouli
oo Grated green pepper and cheddar cheese mixed together into a spread
• Mini bagel pizzas
• Fresh cut veggies:
oo Peanut butter on celery
oo Radish flowers
oo Grape tomatoes
oo Carrot sticks
oo Pepper sticks—use red, yellow, or orange for color
• Fruit salad in a small cup
• Cookies
• Small cream puffs or mini éclairs—can be bought in the frozen food section and simply taken out of the freezer to thaw just before the meal is served
• Slices of cake made prettier with a strawberry and a drizzle of chocolate or strawberry syrup
Step 7: Your event finally arrives! Bathe your event in prayer.
Before you set up the event, take a few moments to pray for the event. Prayer
walk the facility and pray for each aspect of the event. Pray for those who attend
afterwards, that they will remember the lessons learned, that every girl is a princess.
Step 8: Follow up.
Follow up from the event by sending a note and, if you choose to do it, a picture of
the princess from the tea. A sample follow up note is included in the appendix. You
can create a database from those in attendance. If you asked for birthdays, you could
send a birthday card and again, remind them that they are God’s princesses. Then
when they reach their teens, invite them to your teen events.
Confirmation Letter
Greetings, Princesses!
We are glad that you have accepted the invitation to attend our Princess Tea on
DATE:________, LOCATION:_________________________________________.
We invite you to dress in your princess attire should you so desire, but know that
every princess is unique and has their own style, so please dress in your favorite
colors and/or clothes. Dresses are not required.
The afternoon tea will include light refreshments, crafts, stories, and fun. Please feel
free to bring your camera in order to capture the memories of this special afternoon.
Every group of princesses will be photographed and later sent those pictures.
If you have any questions, contact :____________________________________.
Scroll Letter Sample
You are a real princess—not a pretend princess. God has chosen you to be His
God loves you so very much, and He wants to talk to you every day through His
Word, the Bible.
Someday, you will meet God in heaven, but until then, never forget that you are His
special princess. He has created you just the way He wanted you to be. You don’t
need a crown to be His princess. He has given you things only you can do, a smile
only you can smile, and He will use you to help others learn that they are princesses,
You will always be a princess, no matter how big you grow. And God will always love
you and take care of you.
Follow-up Letter
Dear Princess,
You are precious to Me in every way. I think about you all the time. Nothing is more
important to Me than you. I want you to tuck this in your heart: No matter how big you
grow or where you go, you’ll always be My princess and I’ll always be your God. I will
always love you, no matter what you do and I will never leave you.
You are very beautiful to me. I love the way I created you. When you look into the
mirror, remember that I carefully chose the color of your eyes and the highlights of
your hair. I designed the shape of your nose and your happy smile. There is no one in
the world just like you.
I gave you a very special gift. It’s something you can do very, very well. I planned it
just for you. Your friends will have different gifts. That’s okay. Remember you do not
have to be just like them. I planned you to be you. And I love you! -Your Father in Heaven
Castle Instructions
Here’s what you need:
Sturdy ¼” foam core or heavy cardboard—a refrigerator or appliance box
works well for this, too
Vinyl wall background
One roll of transparent tape
Heavy duty packing tape
Jute cording or thin rope cut in 36” lengths
Heavy-duty scissors
Here’s how you do it:
1. Cut 4 panels to the desired height and width. These will form the walls of the castle.
2. Create “battlements” by cutting out several notches at the top of each panel. Adult supervision is recommended for this step.
3. Trace the door opening on one of the wall panels. An arch or square-shaped door can be used — it’s up to you!
4. Cut out a large “drawbridge” opening in the center of one of the wall panels. Keep the inner panel to use as the bridge.
5. Cover the walls with our vinyl wall background and add a rope for the drawbridge.
6. Connect the 4 wall panels together with heavy-duty packing tape applied at each corner.
7. Attach the bridge/door panel to the cutout wall panel with the jute cording or thin rope.
8. To finish the look, cut out a coat of arms from a foam sheet, decorate with a pennant banner then just add your imagination!
Great books to use at the tea:
• Gigi, God’s Little Princess by Sheila Walsh
• Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Purple Ponies by Sheila Walsh
• Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Pink Ballerina by Sheila Walsh
• Gigi, God’s Little Princess: The Royal Tea Party by Sheila Walsh
• Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle, Mike Gordon and Carl Gordon
• Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle and Mike Gordon
• Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle and Mike Gordon
• Do Princesses Have Best Friends Forever? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle, Mike Gordon and Carl Gordon
• His Little Princess: Love Letters from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd and Lisa Marie Browning
• I’d Be Your Princess by Kathryn O’Brien
Great places to order princess supplies:
I am a Princess
You are a princess.
God chose you to be His
He made you to be exactly the princess that
He wanted you to be.
Some princesses are good at singing. Others
can tell great stories. Some princesses like to
cook. Others like to play oustide. Some princesses like to dress up in pretty dresses. Others like to wear jeans and tshirts.
Every princess is different.
And every princess is just the way God
wants them to be. The Bible tell us that God
planned us and wrote a story about us. This
book will help you see part of the story He
wrote for you.
Princess Esther wore princess gowns
and lived in a palace. But Princess
Esther was also brave. When she wasn’t
brave, she asked God to help her.
What are ways you are brave?
Are there things you need to ask God to help you be brave
Princess Ruth didn’t dress up in princess gowns or live in a
palace. She wasn’t rich like some princess are. Princess Ruth
worked hard outside in the fields to help her family. She
liked being outside and helping her family.
What do you like to do outside?
How can you help your family?
Princess Lydia was a leader in her
town. She sold purple cloth. And she
invited people to come to her house
to learn about Jesus. She wanted
everyone to know about Jesus.
How can you be a leader?
How can you tell people about Jesus?
Princess Dorcas liked to help people.
She shared clothes and food with
them. She helped so many people that
when she got very, very sick, many
people were sad. They asked Jesus’s
friends to make her better.
How do you help people?
Who can you help this week?
Jesus saw a princess at church one day, but we don’t know
her name. She was very poor and didn’t even have a family.
Yet she went to church and shared what she did have. Jesus
told His friends that even though she didn’t give very much,
because she wanted to give whatever she could, her gift was
bigger than people who gave more, but didn’t really care
about what they gave.
What do you share cheerfully?
Are there ways you can help at church?
The Bible tells two stories about
Princess Mary sitting at Jesus’s feet,
listening to Him talk and tell stories
about God. Mary liked being with
Jesus. He was her friend. She believed what He said sbout God and
trusted Him.
What’s your favorite Bible story?
How can you spend time with Jesus every day?
God asked another Princess Mary to do
something special for Him. He wanted
her to be Jesus’s mom. She said yes,
even though it was a little scary.
What are some of the things you
want to be when your grow up?
Will you say yes to God when He asks you to do something
big for Him? Even if it’s a little scary? Write a note to Jesus
to tell Him that you will do whatever He wants you to do if
He helps you.
The Bible tells about lots of other princesses. Some were
young. Some were old. Every one of them was different
from the other. God made them unique. Special. Just like He
made you. What are some special things about you?
Favorite colors
Favorite things to do
Favorite foods to eat
Things that you are good at
Ways you like to have fun
Your favorite other princesses
Draw a picture of you as a princess
This book was created for princesses everywhere by two princesses.
Princess Kaleigh drew all the pictures.
Princess Tamyra wrote all the words.
© 2014 Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
720 Museum Road
Reading, PA 19611
Jesus calls me His princess
He made me the very best
He designed me perfectly
For His special plan for me.
Jesus calls me His princess
He made me the very best
He designed me perfectly
For His special plan for me.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
He calls me His princess!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
He calls me His princess!

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