Martin, Dan _Tibskrit 2006


Martin, Dan _Tibskrit 2006
Version: March 10, 2006
Compiled by Dan Martin
Edited by Alexander Cherniak
Although started years ago, much of the work of preparing this
bibliography for distribution was accomplished during the course of my year as a fellow at the
Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram, 2003-2004.
I also benefitted considerably from the use of the Kern Institute Library in Leiden in 2005, with
many thanks to the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the Center for
Non-Western Studies (CNWS) for the generous use of their facilities, which allowed me to
extend the length and coverage of this work considerably. On a more personal as well as
professional note, special thanks are due to Dr. Henk Blezer (Leiden).
This is the kind of bibliographical work that should continue its existence
as a digitally transmitted document only, never as a print publication,
although of course with due consideration for the use of paper, you may
feel free to print parts of it out if you feel that you must. This bibliography,
imperfect and incomplete as it is, yet holding out the promise of some
future perfection in some other realm, was conceived, developed and
typed by Dan Martin. It reached a further stage in the pursuit of
correctness when it was subsequently scanned for errors by Alexander
Cherniak. It was done with neither direct remuneration nor financial
incentives. I place it in the public domain. Feel free to make use of it,
expanding it in the directions of your own research pursuits, making
corrections and additions where needed. However, modified versions of
this file, if passed on to another person, should be clearly marked as
such. I will not be held responsible for any problems resulting from the
use of this file or the information it does or does not contain (as with any
work of this type, be well advised to double-check references before
making use of them in your own work; there are bound to be philological
imperfections despite our best efforts at removing them).
Please do not suffer the least emotional trauma if your important writing
has not been included here. Quite a lot has not been included. A few
things even better, as if that were possible, than your important writing
have not been included. There is some emphasis on less-known works,
which means that there may be more references to the published
literature on a sūtra you've never heard about before than there is on the
Lotus Sūtra (which I assume you must have heard about, or it may be that
you have stumbled into this file inadvertently).
This may be rather simply defined as an essentially Tibetocentric (and
secondarily Buddhocentric), but nevertheless Indologically framed,
bio-bibliographical work/index with the emphasis on the literary. Another
way to put it: This bibliography is most likely to serve the interests of those
who are involved in the Indic side of Tibetan or Buddhist Studies, or
Indologists who need to find out what Indic or in some way Indian-related
materials are available in Tibetan. Those who might have been expecting
a complete bibliography of Indian literature, or a complete bibliography of
Tibetan writings, will have to learn to live with their dissatisfaction. If you
are interested in scriptural, exegetical and literary works in those
languages, this file is for your information, research and enjoyment. I
personally consider this interchange between Indian and Tibetan cultural
spheres to be one of the most significant of such exchanges in human
history, productive of works of great beauty with very profound insights in
the realms of psychology, philosophy and spirituality. Therefore I fear
that this work might promote the unfortunate impression that it is one of
considerable perplexity, with difficult technical problems at every turn.
I do try to be honest about what I think I know and do not know. When I
am only guessing, I find some way of saying so. I do often give
information with which I disagree (supplying the bibliographic source for
it) without necessarily expressing my disagreement. Bear in mind that in
those few places where I do express disagreement, it is with the idea, and
not with the person who holds the idea, or who has once held it.
Those who need or want to find out about (just to give an example)
Jayasena, or about a work written by someone named Jayasena, should
be able to find out a thing or two about him and his works. The
biographical and bibliographical source-materials listed under 'Jayasena'
ought to provide sufficient starting points for research, keys to open doors
into further areas not covered here (but at the same time do try using your
computer search function to look through the entire file as you are likely to
find more information. Even though arranged, as printed reference works
ordinarily are, in alphabetic order, it can be more effective to use it as a
computer search-file... of course one must make allowances for sandhi
when searching for something in Sanskrit).
In general, as far as users of bibliographical works are concerned, there
are two main types, as I see it: [1] those overly stern philologists who
demand nothing less than an instrument of total control over the literature
and [2] those who are content to find one more happy hunting ground,
among others, for their research pursuits. This work ought to recommend
itself to those in category two. Bless this work when it helps you on your
way, fix it when it needs it, but please never curse it for imperfection or
incompleteness. I enjoyed making it, and hope you will enjoy making use
of it.
Wylie transcriptions of Tibetan are used here. Whatever you may think
about Wylie, it does have the advantage of being diacritic-free, making
electronic transmission and word-searching relatively trouble-free. Since
this is intended to be an easily searchable computer file, I have omitted all
dashes from Tibetan titles and personal names, although in principle I see
much wisdom in using them. Generally neither dashes nor spaces have
been used to divide words in Sanskrit titles (meaning the sandhi is almost
always left unresolved; spaces generally are placed only following the
endings of oblique cases, like the ablative or genitive).
On a very minor note: I have generally not imposed consistency of
spelling (although I have often read 'ng' as 'd' and 'b' as 'p' according to my
own understanding). I have imposed the spelling Lo tsā ba (in place of Lo
tstsha ba, etc.). I did this only to facilitate computer-aided searches for
the names of Tibetan translators.
This file was originally created in the rather old and unusual font known as
Orientaltimes. If you by chance do not have this rare font, it should prove
quite easy (well, assuming you are at least a beginning Sanskritist and a
budding cyborg) to transform the Orientaltimes file into your usual diacritic
font using the 'global change' (or 'replace') functions of your computer.
With a minimum amount of care, no errors will be introduced in the
In the present version of the file, the one in front of your eyes, none of this
is very relevant, since it has been transformed into a unicode font. I made
use of the Gentium font, which is freely downloadable over the internet.
Just go to the SIL website: (or go to the more exact
). Of course any Unicode font should work just as well, assuming that
your computer and word processing program are new enough to support
This work includes Tibetan genres of a broadly philological nature (with
some emphasis on the more strictly literary, grammatical and
lexicographical), above all and primarily those located at the
Tibetan-Indian interface, including such works that were originally
authored in South Asian languages, primarily Sanskrit, but at the same
time not excluding Prakrit, Apabhraṃśa, Hindi, Sinhalese, Pāli and so
forth. There is quite a lot of Indian-language literature listed here that may
not be especially or obviously relevant to historic Tibeto-Indian
exchanges, including a fair number of yogic or Shaivite texts and the like.
However, Vedic and Jaina texts are almost entirely absent. Of course
they should not be. Perhaps you would like to add them? I have
deliberately stepped into the margins, thinking that if connections have
not yet been established, one day they just might be.
There are some, but not so many, personal names occurring in
inscriptions, and even then mainly inscriptions of a Buddhist character.
This work does not discriminate between sacred and profane texts, and
some may find it surprising to find juxtaposed works of widely different
sorts. Many titles of scriptural texts begin with the reverential Ārya
('Phags pa) or Śrī (Dpal), which have generally been omitted here, simply
for bibliographical purposes, and not for want of reverence, and certainly
with no intention to offend.
I believe the word Tibskrit was coined and consecrated by Leonard W.J.
van der Kuijp (Tibetological genius of Harvard University), although I think
I might be using it in a broader sense than he intended (Tibetan
knowledge of, and ways of representing and translating, languages and
literatures of South Asia).
This work is primarily structured around authors, secondarily around their
works (all in English alphabetical order, the work subordinated to its
author), and thirdly, notes on and references to studies about the authors
and the works (further subordinated to them, visually, through indentation
and smaller font size).
One common problem in Tibskrit studies stems from the fact that Indian
authors are often supplied with names in Tibetan translation or
transliteration, while Tibetans (especially, but not only, translators) may
have their Tibetan names given in Sanskritic forms. In addition, Tibetan
names of Indian figures are often re-Sanskritized on the basis of their
Tibetan-language translations, sometimes or even rather often
mistakenly. Here we try to overcome these problems (or at least supply
sufficient resources for one day overcoming them) by giving names in all
the forms in which they are found to occur, whether they might be in
Sanskrit, Tibetan or Tibetan transcriptions of Sanskrit (and other Indic
languages when relevant). That means that even if you were to search
this file for a name that I would consider not-quite correctly spelled,
chances are you may still find it (and believe it or not, this is a good thing).
The hope is that sufficient resources will be supplied here so that critical
scholars will be enabled to see through the errors by myself and others,
and can come to their own conclusions about what is acceptable.
Of course the two collections of canonical and of commentarial works
translated into Tibetan — the Kanjur and Tanjur — constitute the
primary monument to Tibskrit philology. A complete catalogue of the
Derge woodblock print of Kanjur and Tanjur has been included here
(initially based on the Tôhoku catalogue, but making corrections and
additions here and there). As I see it, one of the main uses of this file is
that it allows one to quickly locate texts in the Derge Canon, in whatever
form (original woodblock or reprinted versions of the same, Asian
Classics Input Project [ACIP] computer files, microfiche from the Institute
for the Advanced Studies of World Religions [IASWR] or PDF files from
the Tibetan Buddhism Resource Center [TBRC]) one may have it (it will
be necessary to consult the end of this file for a key to the volume
All the names of authors found in the Tanjur are included in the form of
main entries (often with references only to the works they authored, if
there are no other details). Their names, when reconstructed by myself
on the basis of their Tibetan translations (or with little certainty
reconstructed from their Tibetan transliterations) I have marked with an
initial asterisk (*). But note that even when found in standard reference
works, re-Sanskritizations of proper names are often suspect (meaning
even if there is no asterisk, it is still no sign that the form has actually been
attested in an Indian-language source). One example: Līlavajra (but also,
Lalitavajra) has been the more common re-Sanskritization for Sgeg pa'i
rdo rje (or Rdo rje sgeg pa) until recently when Ron Davidson
demonstrated that the correct attested form for the name of this author is
Vilāsavajra (who is sometimes confused with Lalitavajra...).
Many, but not all, of the names of translators of Tanjur texts, have also
been made into main entries. Many, but not nearly all, colophons have
been transcribed here (this often permits one to verify or correct
information in the Tôhoku catalogue).
I haven't made much attempt to divide out works that may be by different
authors sharing the same name (except where the figures are clearly
datable or otherwise distinguishable beyond much doubt, in which cases I
do sometimes give separate entries for them). I do not enter into my own
discussions about the two or three Vasubandhus or the three or more
Nāgārjunas, although I do try to supply references to the literature on
these sorts of arguments.
Especially intended to be included are Alaṅkāraśāstra [Rgyan gyi bstan
bcos], Amarakoṣa ['Chi med mdzod], Abhidhāna [Mngon brjod]; works
exemplifying kāvya [snyan dngags, snyan ngag], Nītiśāstra [Lugs kyi bstan
bcos], epistles ['phrin yig or spring yig]; even some (mainly Sanskrit, but
also Tibetan) grammar [sgra rig pa] and drama [zlos gar]. Vajrayāna
songs — dohā [do ha], caryāgīti [spyod pa'i glu], and vajragīti [rdo rje'i glu]
— are included.
For general coverage of Indian literary figures, this work will of course be
found quite inadequate. For Indian kāvya writers I would especially
recommend the use of Ludwig Sternbach, A Descriptive Catalogue of
Poets Quoted in Sanskrit Anthologies and Inscriptions, Otto Harrassowitz
(Wiesbaden 1978), in two volumes, and Timothy C. Cahill, An Annotated
Bibliography of the Alaṃkāraśāstra, Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section
Two, Indien, series no. 14, Brill (Leiden 2001). For Indian philosophers of
all schools, the most comprehensive are Karl Potter's bibliographies
(available in printed form or via internet download). For yoga, tantra and
kuṇḍalinī, I recommend "Kundalini Bibliography" compiled by Kurt
Keutzer, posted on the worldwide web in 1998 (accessed through,
For Tibetan authors and titles, best try searching the Tibetan Buddhist
Resource Center's (TBRC) online database (
Extra-canonical historical, biographical, ritual and tantric-commentarial
texts are not well represented, and were never intended to be.
Extra-canonical Tibetan-authored texts on medicine, crafts and logic have
not been much included, although they may be subordinated to Indic
works on which they comment or with which they are in some way related.
Works on the Tibetan Bon religion are nearly absent, although there are
good arguments for including them, since there are a number of arguable
or demonstrable connections with India. Some very useful bibliographical
resources are now available for Bon scriptures (Bka', the Bon Kanjur) and
compositions (Bka' brten, the Bon Tanjur), and more will become
available before long. The more important resources for Bon scriptural
bibliography are listed here:
Samten G. Karmay, A Catalogue of Bonpo Publications, The Toyo Bunko
(Tokyo 1977).
Samten G. Karmay and Yasuhiko Nagano, eds., A Catalogue of the New
Collection of Bonpo Katen Texts, Bon Studies nos. 4-5, Senri Ethnological
Reports series nos. 24-25, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka 2001).
Tseyang Changngoba, Namgyal Nyima Dagkar, Per Kværne, Dondrup
Lhagyal, Dan Martin, Donatella Rossi, and Tsering Thar, A Catalogue of the
Bon Kanjur, Senri Ethnological Reports series no. 40, volume editor, Dan
Martin; series editor Yasuhiko Nagano, National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka
A website from Otani University in Japan makes it possible to search for
Tibetan titles in the Peking reprint edition of the Tibetan canon. Visit their
site at:
There are very few titles of scriptures particular to the Rnying-ma-pa
school. These titles may be found in a searchable database at the
website of the "Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library"
(, where one may
find links to another website developed by Cathy Cantwell and Rob
Mayer. The Rnying-ma tantras that are included herein are mainly those
relatively few that are located in the Derge Kanjur.
There is some, yet I would say inadequate, coverage of proper names
(both personal names and book titles) particular to the
comparative-philosophical Siddhānta (Grub mtha') literature, a situation
which ought to be remedied.
I have attempted to include the names of foreign translators of Buddhist
texts who were active in China, even if it is true that overall, with very few
exceptions, these figures played no significant role in the Tibetan realm.
There are but a few entries for eminent Chinese Buddhist teachers, and
even then the emphasis is on those Chinese teachers who worked
together with Indians. I would hardly recommend this work as a primary
reference for East Asian language resources in general. For Chinese
scriptural works, a very good resource is to be found on the internet:
"Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into
Western Languages," compiled by Marcus Bingenheimer. Japanese
Buddhological writings are not well enough represented in this
bibliography, and for this, too, I must apologize.
The general arrangement is quite simple: English alphabetic order is
used throughout (regardless of whether the main entry is in Tibetan or an
Indic language or, relatively rarely, English or Chinese form; entries in
East Asian, Southeast Asian languages and Mongolian are rare and
always at second hand). Wherever possible an author's name is given
first. However, works of unknown authorship, including canonical works,
are placed in the very large first section. Subordinated to the author's
name (given in Indic-language forms wherever possible, with
Tibetan-language translations or transcriptions immediately following and
enclosed in parentheses) are sources of information about him or her.
Then there is an alphabetic listing of works by that same person.
Generally the main works are foregrounded on the basis of the existence
of a Tibetan-language version whenever available, even though the Indic
language title is given precedence wherever possible. Be well aware that
the presence of an Indic language title does not mean that an Indic text is
therefore available (more likely than not, it is not). Subordinated to each
title is a listing of translations, references and studies (where known and
available to me) of that particular text.
The personal name index to Chimpa, THBI, has been included (excluding
only a few of the irrelevant items), which helps explain why there are a
number of names of kings and even (but rather rarely) some supernatural
or divine beings listed here. Of course, kings are often of importance for
dating Buddhist figures associated with their reigns, particularly so in the
cases of poets and Mahāsiddhas. Therefore some kings' names have
been included, especially when they were literary patrons, religious
donors, or the like.
There are some, but not nearly enough, names of characters who appear
in the pages of literary works. The presence of these other types of
names should not obscure the fact that this database is primarily devoted
to [1] authors and [2] their literary works. There are even, I fear, a few
entries for place names, although this was not part of the original intent. It
seemed better to leave them in than to take the trouble of taking them out.
Compiled and typed by Dan Martin,
Edited by Alexander Cherniak,
March 10, 2006
Anonymous (canonical texts, texts with author unidentified, or with
multiple\collective authorship)
— Abhavapraśna.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 117.
— Abhayakarīdhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 287.
— Abhayakumārasya Padmottaratathāgatavyākaraṇa.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Abhayapradā-nāma-aparājita ('Phags pa gzhan gyis mi
thub pa mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa). Tôh. no. 708 (also, no. 928).
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 176v.1-177v.6. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
EoB under the title "Abhayatādāna-nāma-aparājita."
— Abhidhammamūlaṭīkā.
Nakamura, p. 119.
— Abhidhammatthasaṅgraha.
Nakamura, p. 119, 126.
— Abhidhānappadīpikā.
EoB. The most authoritative of the old Pāli synonym lexicons, it held the
same place in Pāli literature as the Amarakoṣa did in Sanskrit.
Jinadasa Liyanaratne, South Asian Flora as Reflected in the
Twelfth-Century Pāli Lexicon Abhidhānappadīpikā, Journal of the Pali
Text Society, vol. 20 (1994), pp. 43-161.
Bhikkhu Medagama Nandawansa, Abhidhānappadīpikā: A Study of the
Text and Its Commentary, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
(Pune 2000), in 558 pages.
Abhidhānappadīpikā and Ekakharakośa, Bauddha Bhārati series nos.
14-15 (Varanasi ????). Pāli-Sanskrit-Hindi dictionary.
— Abhidhānottaratantra (Mngon par brjod pa'i rgyud bla ma).
Tôh. no. 369. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 247r.1-370r.7.
Tr. by Ānanda and Lo chung (but see the colophon). 69
The colophon reads: mngon par brjod pa'i rgyud bla ma'i bla ma las
gsang bas gsang ba'i bde mchog gi rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po zhes bya
ba rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi mkhan po paṇḍi ta chen po dīpaṅka ra shrī
dznyā na dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba chen po dge slong rin chen bzang pos
bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa / phyis paṇḍi ta chen po dznyā na
shrī dang / lo tsā ba khyung po chos kyi brtson 'grus kyis kyang zhus
pa'o // // phyis paṇḍi ta ā nanda dang / lo chung gis chad lhag rnams
bsabs nas / zhus dag byas nas legs par bcos te gtan la phab // 'di las zab
pa med do // Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna (Atiśa) and Jñānaśrī (11th century) are
mentioned here.
Martin M. Kalff, Selected Chapters from the Abhidhānottara-Tantra: The
Union of Female and Male Deities, doctoral dissertation, Columbia
University (New York 1979).
EoB under "Abhidhānottarottara."
I am not certain who the translator Lo chung ought to be, but the most
likely choice would be Lo chung Legs pa'i shes rab.
Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 156 folios belonging to the Nor bu gling
ka. Here the title reads
Śrīherukābhidhānamahātantrarāja...mahāsaṃvara. Tibetan version of
the title given as Bde mchog sdom pa 'byung ba'i rgyud le'u sum cu rtsa
gsum gyi bdag nyid. KCDS, p. 16.
Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Sanskrit title given as Śrīherukābhidhānamahātantrarājatrilakṣādhṛta
(Tibetan given as Sdom pa 'byung ba'i rgyud gnang ba). KCDS, p. 26
(see also p. 35).
Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala. Title given as
Hevajrābhidhānaśrīcakrasaṃvara... I imagine it should read
Herukābhidhāna... Listed as a text from Zhwa lu Monastery. KCDS, p.
A 48-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Ngor Monastery. Here the title is given as
"Śrīherukābhidhānemahātantrarājaṃ." KCDS, p. 158.
Outline of 67 chapters. Matsunami, pp. 245-247.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-25). A 92-folio manuscript dated 1743. Also, BSM, p.
6 (MBB-I-100), a 194-folio palmleaf manuscript dated 1138 CE. BSM,
p. 13 (MBB-II-89), with the title Herukābhidhānamahātantrarāja. A
73-folio manuscript dated 1702.
— Abhidharmadhātukāyapādaśāstra.
EoB. Exists only in Chinese translation.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 54, 64-65. Said to be by Pūrṇa.
— Abhidharmadīpa.
See also Abhidharmapradīpa.
Padmanabh S. Jaini, A Rare Manuscript of
Abhidharmadīpavibhāṣaprabhāvṛtti, contained in: Bhāratī: Bulletin of the
College of Indology [Banaras Hindu University], vol. 1, no. 1 (1956-57),
pp. 50-56.
Padmanabh S. Jaini, Abhidharmadīpa with Vibhāṣāprabhāvṛtti: Critically
edited with notes and introduction, Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research
Institute (Patna 1959), with 144 pages in English, 499 pages in Sanskrit.
Reviewed by Alex Wayman in Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 82, no. 4 (October 1962), pp. 589-591. According to Wayman, Jaini
conjectures that the author of both works ought to be a follower of
Saṅghabhadra, perhaps one named Vimalamitra (dated to between 450
and 550 or perhaps earlier). It seeks to refute Vasubandhu's
Abhidharma work. The author does refer to himself in the Vṛtti with the
name Dīpakāra (a name which seems to mean simply that he is the
author of the Dīpa, meaning the Abhidharmadīpa, and therefore not a
proper name). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 6
(1962), pp. 173-175.
Padmanabh S. Jaini, On the Theory of Two Vasubandhus, Bulletin of
the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 21, no. 1-3 (1958), pp.
48-53, at p. 49, says that the manuscript of this work was found together
with its commentary, the Vibhāṣāprabhāvṛtti, in 1937, by Sānkṛtyāyana.
J.W. de Jong, L'auteur de l'Abhidharmadīpa, T'oung Pao, vol. 52 (1966),
pp. 305-307.
Nakamura, p. 112. Says it is by Dīpakāra, a disciple of Saṅghabhadra.
EoB discusses the manuscript found in Tibet by Saṅkṛtyāyana in 1937.
Jaini thinks that the person referred to as Dīpakāra ('author of the Dīpa')
might have been Saṅghabhadra or a student of his (perhaps
Vimalamitra), who was opposed to the Mahāyāna and to Vasubandhu,
and therefore, it is said, fell to the deepest hell.
Its commentary, the Abhidharmapradīpavibhāṣāprabhadaṃvṛtti. KCDS,
p. 73. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Potala.
Bandurski, pp. 51 (catalogue no. 20) and 111. The manuscript bears a
cursive Tibetan title: Chos mngon pa'i sgron ma [illegible syllables
— Abhidharmahṛdayaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 108.
EoB. Probably the work by Dharmaśreṣṭhin, q.v.
Banerjee, SL, p. 74. Attributed to Dharmajina (?), it exists in Chinese
only. Translated by Saṅghadeva in 391 CE, it contains 10 chapters. It
has a 10-chapter commentary with the same title, translated by
Narendrayaśas in 563 CE.
— Abhidharmajñānakāyapādaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 106.
— Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra.
EoB. See EoB also under "Abhidharmāṣṭagrantha."
— Abhidharmakośasamayapradīpikā.
Nakamura, p. 112.
— Abhidharmāmṛta.
Nakamura, p. 175.
— Abhidharmāmṛtaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 108.
EoB under "Abhidharmāmṛta[rasa]śāstra."
Banerjee, SL, p. 74. Attributed to Ghoṣa, it exists only in Chinese.
Contains 16 chapters.
— Abhidharmanyāyānusāra.
Nakamura, p. 112. Says it is by Saṅghabhadra, alias Sahantabhadra.
EoB, says it is by Saṅghabhadra, contemporary of Vasubandhu, against
whom he argues.
— Abhidharmapañcadharmacarita Sūtra.
EoB. 2nd century translation into Chinese by An Shigao, the author is
— Abhidharmapradīpa.
See also Abhidharmadīpa.
A Sanskrit manuscript, of unknown authorship, found at Zhwa lu
Monastery. SERS, p. 112.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 20 lists a slightly
incomplete (70-folio) Indian manuscript at Zha lu, translating the title as
Chos mngon sgron me bye brag tu gsal bar phye ba'i 'grel pa (this
commentary contains the root text called the Abhidharmapradīpa).
Altekar, SLT, p. 59. A metrical work of unknown authorship, the Sanskrit
of both the main text and the commentary preserved in a fragmentary
form in Tibet.
— Abhidharmaprajñaptipādaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 106.
— Abhidharmaprakaraṇapādaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 106.
Swati Ganguly, Analytical Study of the A-pi-da-mo pinlei zu Lun
(Abhidharmaprakaraṇapādaśāstra), Indian International Journal of
Buddhist Studies, vol. 3 (2002), pp. 71-87.
Nakamura, p. 125 (Prakaraṇapāda).
Jiryo Masuda, Origin and Doctrine of Early Indian Buddhist Schools,
Asia Major, vol. 2 (1925), pp. 5-78, at p. 7.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 54, 62-64. Said to have been composed by Sthavira
Vasumitra at Puṣkaravatī Monastery. There were two Chinese
translations, the first by Guṇabhadra and Bodhiyaśas (in 435-443 CE),
the other by Hsuan-tsang (Xuanzang) in 659 CE.
Taishô nos. 1542 (translated by Guṇabhadra, Bodhiyaśas), 1542
(translated by Xuanzang). Attributed to Vasumitra.
— Abhidharmaprakāśasādhanaśāstra.
EoB. Said to be by, or translated by, Īśvara.
— Abhidharmasāra.
Liebenthal, Biography, p. 286. Most authors Sanskritize the same text
as Abhidharmahṛdaya, which has the same meaning.
— Abhidharmāṣṭagrantha.
Banerjee, SL, p. 54.
— Abhidharmāvatāraprakaraṇa (Rab tu byed pa chos mngon
pa la 'jug pa). Tôh. no. 4098. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYU, folios
Derge colophon: rab tu byed pa chos mngon pa la 'jug pa zhes bya ba
rdzogs so.
M. van Velthem, Le Traité de la descente dans la profonde loi
(Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra) de l'Arhat Skandhila (Louvain-la-Neuve
1977). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in T'oung Pao, vol. 65 (1979), pp.
Nakamura, p. 112.
EoB under "Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra."
Banerjee, SL, p. 74.
Banerjee, ATT, pp. 376-377. It exists in Chinese, but there the title is
re-Sanskritized as Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra.
— Abhidharmavibhāṣā Śāstra.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 10, 71. Commentary on the Jñānaprasthānaśāstra. It
is attributed to Kātyāyanīputra. Preserved in Chinese language only.
— Abhidharmavijñānakāyapāda.
— Abhimantraphalasiddhidāyanī
Vajrayoginīnairātmyaguhyeśvarī Mantradhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 287.
— Abhiniṣkramaṇa Sūtra (Mngon par 'byung ba'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 301. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA [72], folios 1v.1-125r.7. Tr.
by Dharmaśrībhadra and Rin chen bzang po.
Samuel Beal, The Romantic Legend of Śākya Buddha: A Translation of
the Chinese Version of the Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra (London 1875). It was
translated into Chinese by Jñānagupta in 587-592 CE.
Joel Tatelman, The Trials of Yaśodharā: The Legend of the Buddha's
Wife in the Bhadrakalpāvadāna, Buddhist Literature, vol. 1 (1999), pp.
176-261, at pp. 182, 188, gives the misleading information that Beal's
book is a translation of a very hypothetical Sanskrit title
*Śākyamunibuddhacarita, and that it exists only in the form of the
Chinese text Fo pên hsing chi ching (Taishô 190).
EoB. Not preserved in Sanskrit. The Chinese version has 60 chapters
(which brings to my mind the Sixty Deeds of Lord Shenrab...).
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 25 (Abhiniśramaṇa Sūtra).
Best, Paekche, p. 188 (Abiniṣkramaṇa-sūtra). Translated into Chinese
by Jñānagupta in 587 CE.
Davidson, KCN, p. 70.
— Ābhiprāyikārthagāthā.
Bandurski, p. 63.
— Abhisamācārikadharma. A Vinaya text belonging to the
Giulio Agostini, On the Nikāya Affiliation of the Śrīghanācārasaṅgraha
and the Sphuṭārthā Śrīghanācārasaṅgrahaṭīkā, Journal of the
International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 26, no. 1 (2003), pp.
97-114, at p. 104 ff.
— Abhisamayakrama (Mngon par rtogs pa'i rim pa). Tôh. no.
1209. Derge Tanjur, vol. JA, folios 309r.6-311v.1. Tr. by
Ratnavajra and Shākya ye shes.
A text by this title (a Hevajra work) is listed in Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 20 in
the list).
— Abhisambodhikrama.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 22 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
— Abhiṣecanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa dbang bskur ba zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 569 (also, no. 859). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 195r.6-196v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
EoB. Also listed there under "Abhiṣiñcanī-nāma-dhāraṇī."
— *Abhiṣekarāja (Dbang bskur rgyal po)
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. A spurious scripture among the 'New Translations.'
— Abhiṣekasādhanoddeśa.
KCDS, p. 152. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery. The Tibetan titles given here
are: Dbang bskur sgrub thabs kyi gsal bshad and Dbang mdor bstan gyi
— Abhiṣekavidhāna.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-16). A 31-folio manuscript.
— Abhiṣekavidhi.
EoB. Exists in Sanskrit in the form of a manuscript dated 1440. On
entering the maṇḍala.
— Acalābhiṣekavidhi.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-69). A 36-folio manuscript.
Probably the same as the text listed under the title Pañcābhiṣeka
Acalābhiṣeka in BSM, p. 27 (CSG-10), a 36-folio manuscript.
— Acalacakra (Mi g.yo ba'i 'khor lo). Tr. by Chos kyi rdo rje
and Nam mkha' rdo rje.
EoB. Evidently not to be found in Derge Tanjur.
— Acalahṛdaya.
Matsunami, p. 287.
— Acalakalpa-tantrarāja ('Phags pa mi g.yo ba'i rtog pa'i rgyud
kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 434. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
1v.1-12r.7. Tr. by Athuladāsavajra and Mar pa Chos kyi
dbang phyug grags pa.
— Acalamahāguhyatantra ('Phags pa mi g.yo ba'i gsang
rgyud chen po). Tôh. no. 434. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
— Acalamahākrodharājasya sarvatathāgatasya
balāparimitavīravinayasvākhyāta-nāma-kalpa (De bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi khro bo'i rgyal po 'phags pa mi
g.yo ba de'i stobs dpag tu med pa rtul phod pa 'dul bar
gsungs pa zhes bya ba'i rtog pa). Tôh. no. 495. Derge
Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 261v.1-322r.7. Tr. by
Ulaśamarakṣita and Glan Dar ma blo gros. Revised by
Chos skyong bzang po. Revised again by
Evidently this is the text edited in J. Oshika, ed., Tibetan Text of
Ārya-Acala-Mahākrodharāja-Kalpa, Acta Indologica, vol. 4 (1978).
— Acala-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa mi g.yo ba zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 631 (also, no. 963). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 68r.3-80v.7. Tr. by Dharmaśrīmitra (but read
Dharmatāśīla in Tôh. no. 963) and Chos kyi bzang po.
— Acalasādhana.
Matsunami, pp. 247, 287.
— Ācāryābhiṣekavidhi.
KCDS, p. 139. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Ācāryaparīkṣā.
Two brief citations from a Sanskrit text by this title are reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 4.
— Acintyabuddhaviṣayanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa sangs rgyas kyi yul bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 79. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 266v.6-284v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 179.
EoB. Chinese versions exist.
— Acintyaprabhānirdeśa-nāma-dharmaparyāya ('Phags pa
khye'u snang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pas bstan pa zhes
bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 103. Derge
Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 275r.1-285v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
EoB under "Acintyaprabhāsabodhisattvanirdeśa." The Peking Tanjur
has the same text with the title Khye'u snang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pas
bstan pa zhes bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs, and says it was tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. A Chinese translation by Kumārajīva
— Acintyarājasūtra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bsam
gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyal po). Tôh. no. 268. Derge Kanjur,
vol. YA, folios 5v.3-7r.2.
EoB lists Chinese versions.
— Adbhutadharmaparyāya ('Phags pa rmad du byung ba
zhes bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 319. Derge
Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 194r.1-196v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Yael Bentor, The Redactions of the Adbhutadharmaparyāya from
Gilgit," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol.
11, no. 2 (1988), pp. 21-52.
Yael Bentor, Miniature Stūpas, Images and Relics: The Sanskrit
Manuscripts of the Adbhutadharmaparyāya from Gilgit and its Tibetan
Translation, Master's thesis, Indiana University (Bloomington 1987). Only
some parts of this were published in the just-mentioned article.
EoB lists the three Chinese translations.
— Adbhutahetuparyāya Sūtra.
— Āddhātakauṇḍinyajātakāvadāna.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Adhikaraṇavastu (Rtsod pa'i gzhi). 16th section of the
R. Gnoli, The Gilgit Manuscript of the Śayanāsanavastu and
Adhikaraṇavastu, Serie Orientale Roma no. 50 (Rome 1978).
— Adhikārasaṅgraha (Spyir btang ba yang dag par bsdus pa).
Tr. by Blo gros brtan pa. Tôh. no. 4273. Derge Tanjur, vol.
RE, folios 38v.7-46r.6.
Derge colophon: bal po'i mthil ye rang gi grong khyer du dge slong dpal
ldan blo gros brtan pas dag par bsgyur ba'o.
Diemberger, White Crystal, p. 66, says it was translated by Dpang Lo.
EoB says it was translated by Dpang Blo gros brtan pa at Ye rang gi
grong khyer [Lalitpur, in Nepal Valley].
— Ādibuddhagīta.
Matsunami, p. 287.
— Ādikarmapradīpa.
See under Anupamavajra.
Nakamura, p. 332.
— Ādityadvādaśa.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— Ādityadvādaśasūryadhāraṇī.
— Adhyardhaśatikāprajñāpāramitā.
Ian Astley-Kristensen, The Rishukyô: The Sino-Japanese Tantric
Prajñāpāramitā in 150 Verses, Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1991).
J.W. de Jong, Notes on the Sources and the Text of the Sang Hyang
Kamahāyānan Mantranaya, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en
volkenkunde, vol. 130 (1974), pp. 465-482. The Tibetan version has a
title corresponding to Śrīparamādyamantrakalpakhaṇḍa (Tôh. no. 488),
E. Leumann, Die Nordarischen Abschnitte der Adhyardhaśatikā
Prajñpāramitā, Text und Übersetzung mit Glossar, contained in: Journal
of the Taisho University vols. 6-7 [In Commemoration of the Sixtieth
Birthday of Professor Unrai Wogihara, Part II, European Section],
Taisho University (Sugamo, Tokyo 1930), pp. 47-88.
Himansu Bhusan Sarkar, The Philosophical Matrix and Content of the
Vajrayāna System as Practiced by the Śailendra-Rulers of Central Java
(c. 775-856 A.D.): A Search for Its Origin (A Literary and Inscriptional
Approach), Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vols.
58-59 (1977-78), pp. 921-938 at p. 929 ff.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 146, 152.
Hoernle, MRBL, p. 389.
Nakamura, pp. 161 (also called Śatapañcāśatikā), 329.
EoB under "Ardhyardhaśataka." Here the naming problem is discussed,
with a detailed outline and bibliography. It corresponds to the Tibetan
text entitled 'Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul brgya lnga
bcu pa (Tôh. no. 489).
Woodward, EBSA, p. 339. He says this is also known as the Naya
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 1, p. 456.
KCDS, p. 5. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Title given as Adhyardhaśatikābhagavatīprajñāpāramitā. Number of
folios not stated.
— Adhyāśayasañcodana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
lhag pa'i bsam pa bskul ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 69. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
131r.7-153v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
David Snellgrove, Note on the Adhyāśayasaṃcodana Sūtra, Bulletin of
the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 21 (1958), pp. 620-623.
Davidson, IEB, p. 103.
Kapstein, PLBT, p. 29.
Nakamura, p. 180.
EoB under "Adyāśayasañcodana."
— Adhyātmasādhanopāyikā.
A brief citation from a text by this title is reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2,
p. 1.
— Ādibuddha.
Ten brief citations from a Sanskrit text by this title are reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 4-7.
— Ādiyogasamādhi.
Matsunami, pp. 247-248.
— Advayasamatāvijayākhyā-kalpamahārāja ('Phags pa gnyis
su med pa mnyam pa nyid rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i
rtog pa'i rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 452. Derge Kanjur,
vol. CHA, folios 58v.3-103r.3. Tr. by Bu ston Rin chen grub.
Revised by Mi bzang Mgon po'i skyabs.
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 414): mkhan chen thar pa lo tsā ba'i
phyag dpe'i gseb nas shog yar lnga byung ba sngar bsgyur las phyis
nyang stod smad 'gro'i gtsug lag khang nas rgya dpe lhag ma rnams
rnyed nas bsgyur bar rtsom pa na / dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i phyi nang
gzhan gsum gyi tshul la mi 'jigs pa'i spobs pa thob pa'i bla ma yang dag
pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen chen po / legs par sbyar ba'i skad kyi brda
sprod pa'i tshul la blo gros shin tu byang ba'i 'jig rten gyi mig chos grags
dpal bzang po'i bkas bskul zhing sbyin bdag mdzad nas / bu ston gyis
bsgyur ba'i yi ge pa ni dge slong rin chen rgyal mtshan no // rgyud min
rgyud ltar bcos pa yis / chos min sun dbyung bya phyir dang dam tshig
snang ba spol ba'i phyir / ji ltar nus bzhin bsgyur ba lags / 'di don 'byed
pa'i 'grel pa dang rgya dpe'i dpe dbang ma rnyed cing don zab sgra ni
rtogs dka' la / saṃ skri ta la ma byang bas / sgra don ji bzhin ma 'byor
pa'i nongs de mkhas rnams bzod mdzad cing / phyis 'byung skad gnyis
smra rnams kyis / ma dag shes na bcos par zhu / rgyud chen 'di ni
bsgyur ba las / dge ba bdag gis gang thob pa / de yis mtha' yas 'gro ba
kun rdo rje 'chang chen nyid gyur cig.
Scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Introduction to Mahamudra,
the Co-emergent Unification, text with English translation by Khenpo
Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun 2004), pp. 28-31, with the
shortened title Gnyis med rnam rgyal.
A work entitled Gnyis med rnam rgyal, which could mean this text (?), is
said to be a spurious scripture, composed in Tibet. Rhoton, CD, p. 196.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 26, lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu: 'Phags pa nyis su med par mnyam pa nyid rnam
par rgyal ba'i rtogs pa, in 22 chapters. The author believes this was a
personal copy belonging to Thar pa Lo tsā ba.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 435, quoting Bu ston, I believe, lists this
among works that should not be included in the Kanjur (although they
evidently had been included there at some time). But he is evidently
talking about an older translation, done by Chos kyi blo gros (Mar pa?),
which had been corrupted by interpolations added by a Tibetan,
according to Chag Chos rje dpal and others. There is another smaller
version of the Gnyis med rnam rgyal, which is 'authentic' (yang dag), but
it is said to have been made by Rgya Pho ba lung pa. Some say that it
was an autotranslation by Smṛti, but this needs to be checked. But the
Sde srid adds that it is not only to be found in the tables of contents of
the Tshal pa Bka' 'gyur and the Snar thang, but in the Tantra section,
vol. CA, of the Rgyal rtse Them spang ma, is a 22 chapter work with this
title. Bu ston himself found the authentic Indian text and translated it
(this discussion goes on and on).
In fact, in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 1, is a quoted passage from the Sanskrit
text. But note that here the title is given as
— Advayaśatikāprajñāpāramitā.
Matsunami, p. 187.
— Agajakumārasya
— Āgamasiddhikārikā.
See Bandurski, p. 37.
— Agastya Jātaka.
Part seven of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 228.
— Ageyanāvikapravrajyāvratacaraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Aggañña Sutta.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 11-13.
Steven Collins, A Discourse on What is Primary: An Annotated
Translation, Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 21 (1993), pp. 301-393.
Richard Gombrich, The Buddha's Book of Genesis? Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 35 (1992), pp. 159-178.
Konrad Meisig, Das Sūtra von den vier Ständen. Das Aggañña-Sutta im
Licht seiner chinesischen Parallelen von Konrad Meisig, Otto
Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1988).
Ulrich Schneider, Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte des
Aggañña-Suttanta, Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 1 (1957), pp. 253-285.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Fragment of a Buddhist Sanskrit Text on
Cosmogony, contained in: J. Tilakasiri, ed., Añjali: Papers on Indology
and Buddhism (Wijesekera Felicitation) University of Ceylon
(Peradeniya 1970), pp. 40-45.
— Aggavaṃsa.
Nakamura, pp. 24, 120.
— Agnimālā-tantrarāja (Dpal me'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 407. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
244v.1-245v.6. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Agracaryāpraṇidhāna (Mchog gi spyod pa'i smon lam).
Tôh. no. 1097. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAM, folios
267r.5-268v.1. Tr. by Prajñāvara and Ye shes sde.
— Agraprajñapti.
NTSH, p. 178.
— Agrapradīpadhāraṇī-vidyārāja ('Phags pa rigs sngags kyi
rgyal po sgron ma mchog gi gzungs). Tôh. no. 528 (also,
no. 858). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 85v.1-90v.3.
EoB, with list of Chinese translations.
— Agravidyāmantra (Mchog thob pa'i rig sngags). Tôh. no.
742 (also, no. 1036). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— Ahorātrapadasādhanacarcā.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-119). A 23-folio manuscript.
— Ahorātravratacaityasevānuśaṃsāvadāna.
Ratna Handurukande, Three Sanskrit Texts on Caitya Worship in
Relation to Ahorātravrata, International Institute for Buddhist Studies
(Tokyo 2000). Also contains two texts, one in verse the other in prose,
entitled Ahorātravratakathā. Reviewed by Christian Wedemeyer in
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Matsunami, pp. 213, 233 (Ahorātravratakathā).
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-3). Ahorātravratakathā. A manuscript in 17 folios
dated 1849.
— Ajanyakali-nāma-dhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— Ajātaśatrukaukṛttyavinodana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa ma skyes dgra'i 'gyod pa bsal ba zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 216. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA,
folios 211v.2-268v.7. Tr. by Mañjuśrīgarbha and
Paul Harrison and Jens-Uwe Hartmann,
Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodanasūtra, contained in: Jens Braarvig, ed.,
Manuscripts in the Schöyen Collection I: Buddhist Manuscripts Volume
One, Hermes Publishing (Oslo 2000), pp. 167-216.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Paul Harrison, A Sanskrit Fragment of the
Ajātaśatru-kaukṛtya-vinodanā-sūtra, contained in: Paul Harrison and G.
Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama
(Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), pp. 67-86.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Paul Harrison, Another Fragment of the
Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodanasūtra, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul
Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed.,
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume Two (Hermes
Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 45-50.
— Ajātaśatruparidāpitāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Ajitasenavyākaraṇanirdeśa Sūtra.
A now-available Sanskrit sūtra that was not translated into Tibetan.
Only a few other examples have been noticed.
Nakamura, p. 234. "Seems to have been composed in Kashmir."
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 101-136 (and English introduction, p.
73 ff.).
— Akālamaraṇanivāraṇopāya (Dus ma yin par 'chi ba bzlog
pa'i thabs). Tanjur text found in Cordier catalogue, but
apparently not in the Derge.
— Akāretyādimantraṇaprapūjyāstevisarjjayet...
KCDS, p. 138. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Evidently not a proper title, probably just the opening of an
untitled text.
— Ākāśacakrayeṇamantra (??).
KCDS, p. 18. Tibetan title given as Stong pa'i 'khor lo'i gzungs sngags
(although Nam mkha' 'khor lo'i sngags would seem more apt).
— Ākāśagarbha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa nam mkha'i
snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
260. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 264r.4-283v.2. Tr. by
Śākyaprabha and Ratnarakṣita.
Nakamura, p. 218.
EoB, with references to Chinese translations.
Rhoton, CD, p. 235.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 396.
This sūtra predates 5th century. On an extended citation found in the
Śikṣāsamuccaya, which includes a dream incubation type of practice,
see Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the
Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 35,
nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 140.
— Ākhyāta Nāmnita.
Evidently an incipit. KCDS, p. 153. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to the Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery. A note says it
ought to be checked if this belongs to the cycle of the Kalāpa grammar.
bodhana (Phag mo mngon par brjod pa bshad pa'i rgyud
phyi ma las / phag mo mngon par byang chub pa). Tôh. no.
377. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 52v.5-60r.7. Tr. by
Jñānākara and Khun ston Dngos grub.
Derge colophon: bshad pa'i rgyud phyi ma las phag mo mngon par
byang chub pa zhes bya ba rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dznyā
nā ka ra'i zhal snga nas dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba khu ston dngos
grub kyis bsgyur te gtan la phab pa.
— Akṣasūtralakṣaṇa (Bzlas pa'i phreng ba'i mtshan nyid).
Tôh. no. 2650. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 299v.4-300r.6.
Tr. by Ratna and Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
EoB. According to Cordier, translated by Parahita and Shes rab rgyal
— Akṣayamatinirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa blo
gros mi zad pas bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 175. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios
79r.1-174v.7. Tr. by Dharmatāśīla.
Jens Braarvig, Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra, Solum Forlag (Oslo 1993), in 2
volumes. Tibetan text edition, index, portions with Sanskrit
reconstructions, and an English translation that is heavily annotated.
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 39 (1996), pp.
171-176. Review by Ulrich Pagel in Bulletin of the School of Oriental
and African Studies, vol. 58, no. 2 (1995), pp. 385-387.
Alex Wayman, The Samādhi Lists of the Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra and
the Mahāvyutpatti, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 34 (1980), pp.
Alex Wayman, A Report on the Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra, Studies in
Indo-Asian Art and Culture, vol. 6 (New Delhi 1980), pp. xx-xx.
Scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Introduction to Mahāmudrā,
the Co-emergent Unification, text with English translation by Khenpo
Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun 2004), pp. 38-39.
Nakamura, pp. 210, 240.
— Akṣayamatiparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
blo gros mi zad pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 89. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
175v.2-182v.6. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Revised by Dharmatāśīla.
— Akṣirogapraśamanisūtra ('Phags pa mig nad rab tu zhi bar
byed pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 620 (also, no. 1018). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 60v.4-61r.1.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 111 (nos. 66-70).
— Akṣobhyadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— Akṣobhyamaṇḍalakriyā.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-141). A 35-folio manuscript.
— Akṣobhyamaṇḍalapūjāvidhi.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-87). An 18-folio manuscript dated 1912 CE.
— Akṣobhyasādhana (Mi 'khrugs pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
2658. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 310v.6-311r.7.
— Akṣobhyatathāgatasya vyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa mi 'khrugs pa'i bkod pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 50. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 1v.1-70r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Marked as chapter six of
the Ratnakūṭa.
EoB. Has references to Chinese versions. It is supposed to be the
oldest extant scripture referring to Pure Land.
— Akṣobhyavyūha.
Jean Dantinne, La splendeur de l'inébraniable (Akṣobhyavyūha (Tome I,
Chapitres I-III): les auditeurs (Śrāvaka) (Louvain-la-Neuve 1983).
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 29 (1986), pp.
60-63. A French translation of part only.
K. Tropper, Die Akṣobhyavyūhasūtra-Inschrift in Alchi. Ein Beitrag zur
Kanjurforschung, Master's thesis (Vienna 1996).
KCDS, p. 43. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript belonging to the Potala.
'Composed' (?) by Dge slong Rdo rje. The title differs.
Nakamura, p. 178.
— Alagaddūpama Sutta.
Jonardon Ganeri, Why Truth? The Snake Sūtra, Contemporary
Buddhism, vol. 3, no. 2 (2002), pp. 127-139. Similes of the snake and
the raft.
— Alapañcanamañjuśrīsādhana.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— *Ālikāliguhyācintya... (Ā li kā li gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab
pa chu klung chen po'i rgyud). Found in works of Bo dong
pa, the Zhi-byed Collection, and the Gdams ngag mdzod,
but not in the Kanjurs.
Davidson, KCN, p. 77, simply calls it an apocryphal work, based on
Completion Stage yoga.
— Alimanmathasādhana (Bung ba myos pa'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3467. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
119v.4-120v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan. Drunken
bees sādhana.
EoB. Cordier attributes authorship to Ratnāṅkura (Rin chen myu gu).
— Aliyavasa.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription. The title in
Sanskrit would be Āryavāsā. Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— *Ālokavikāsa Sūtra (Snang ba rol pa'i mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum or Bka' chems ka khol
ma); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 54.
Davidson, KCN, p. 77.
— Alpadevatāsūtra (Lha'i mdo nyung ngu). Tôh. no. 330.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 258v.7-259v.3. Tr. by Ye shes
sde. Preceded by Devatāsūtra.
Adelheid Mette, Zwei kleine Fragments aus Gilgit:
I--Tathāgatabimbakārāpaṇasūtra (Gilgit manuscript no 18);
II--Devatāsūtra and Alpadevatāsūtra (aus Gilgit manuscript no 13),
Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, vol. 7 (1981), pp. 133-151.
— Amanasikārakrama.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-144). A 5-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Ambaracakravartisarvaṃdadāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Ambarasya Dharmavaśavartīśvaratathāgatavyākaraṇa.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Ambāṣṭa Sūtra.
Fumio Enomoto, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Hisashi Matsumura,
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und
Neueditionen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1989).
— Amighasya
Matsunami, p. 233.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Amitābhadhāraṇīmantra (Bcom ldan 'das snang ba mtha'
yas kyi gzungs sngags). Tôh. no. 677 (also, no. 864).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 222v.1-222v.6.
EoB under "Bhagavadamitābhadhāraṇīmantra."
Matsunami, p. 288 (Amitābhadhāraṇī).
— *Amitābhānusmṛti (Snang ba mtha' yas rjes su dran pa).
Tôh. no. 678 (also, no. 867). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
— Amitābhavyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'od dpag
med kyi bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo. Tôh.
no. 49. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 237v.1-270r.5. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde. This is marked as
chapter five of the Ratnakūṭa.
EoB. Discussion of Sanskrit manuscripts and Chinese translations.
There is also a discussion of its content.
— Amitārtha Sūtra.
— Amitāyurbuddhadhyānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 207.
— Amitāyurdhyānasūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 172, 203.
EoB. Translated into Chinese by Kālayaśas in 424 CE.
Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), pp. 362, 365, 367, 427, 593, 594, 596.
— Āmnāyāntara (Gdams ngag gi khyad par). Tôh. no. 3200.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 208v.4-208v.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
EoB. Conjectures that Abhayākaragupta is the author.
— Āmnāyaviśeṣa (Gdams ngag gi khyad par). Tôh. no. 3175.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 193r.2-193r.5. Tr. by Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Amoghajñāna Tantra
Sharma, Re-Assessment, p. 78. "A Buddhistic work."
— Amoghapāśahṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa don yod
zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 683.
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 284v.1-287r.5.
R. O. Meisezahl, The Amoghapāśahṛdaya-dhāraṇī: The Early Sanskrit
Manuscript of the Reiunji Critically Edited and Translated, Monumenta
Nipponica, vol. 17 (1962), pp. 265-328. Editions of the Sanskrit text
from Japan, of two different versions of the Tibetan text (one of them
from Dunhuang), and English translation. The Kanjur version says it
was translated by Amoghavajra and Rin chen grags pa.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 1, pp. 979-980.
KCDS, p. 8. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 4 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka.
KCDS, p. 13. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
Two such texts, a longer and a shorter one, in the list of 21 texts
introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi Sambhoṭa (Mdo
rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston (oldest source is
probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 53.
Matsunami, pp. 187, 248, 288.
— Amoghapāśahṛdaya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa don
yod zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 682 (also, no. 901). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA,
folios 278v.1-284r.7. Tr. by Amoghavajra and Rin chen
Kimura Takayasu, Āryāmoghapāśa-nāma-hṛdayaṃ mahāyāna-sūtram,
Taishô daigaku Sôgô bukkyôkenkyūjo nenpô, vol. 1 (1979), pp. 256-242
Min Bahadur Shakya, ed., Arya amoghpasa hrdaya sutra, Introduction,
Text and Translation, Nagarjuna Institute of Buddhist Studies
(Kathmandu 1992). A booklet in 31 pages. Not seen.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-30). A 25-folio manuscript.
— Amoghapāśakalparāja (Don zhags kyi cho ga zhib mo'i
gdams ngag sna tshogs). Tôh. no. 686 (title given as
'Phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i cho ga zhib mo'i rgyal
po). Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios 1v.1-316r.6, continued in
vol. TSA, folios 1v.1-57v.7. Tr. by Chos grags dpal bzang
po and Rin chen grub.
Stog Palace Manuscript (no. 646) has a long colophon with discussion
of some of the textual problems.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 24 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu. Title given as: Don zhags kyi cho ga zhib mo'i
gdams ngag sna tshogs.
Nakamura, p. 325.
Rhoton, CD, p. 44.
— Amoghapāśakalparājavidhi ('Phags pa don yod zhags pa'i
rtog pa'i rgyal po'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 689. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSA, folios 62r.3-66r.1. Tr. by Mañjuśrīvarman and Blo
ldan shes rab.
— Amoghapāśalokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten dbang phyug don
yod zhags pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3435. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 91v.3-93v.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Amoghapāśamaṇḍaladevagaṇastotravimalaprabhā
('Phags pa don yod zhags pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi lha tshogs la
bstod pa dri ma med pa'i 'od). Tôh. no. 2721. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 87r.3-89v.1.
— Amoghapāśapāramitāṣaṭparipūraka-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags
pa don yod zhags pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa drug yongs su
rdzogs par byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 687
(also, no. 903). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 58r.1-59v.3.
Tr. by Mañjuśrīvarman and Blo ldan shes rab. Revised by
Chos kyi shes rab.
— Amoghasiddhidhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— Amṛtabhakṣādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 288.
— Amṛtabhava-nāma-dhāraṇī (Bdud rtsi 'byung ba zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 645. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio
— Amṛtaguhya-tantrarāja (Dpal gsang ba bdud rtsi'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 401. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
233r.5-235r.5. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Amṛtakalaśasiddhi (Bdud rtsi bum pa'i lung). Tôh. no.
841/7. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud section), vol. GA, folios
216r.4-220r.3. The name of the text (probably not the
content?) would appear to be quite similar to the
Amṛtakuṇḍa, q.v.
— Amṛtakuṇḍa. 'Pool of Nectar', perhaps 'Nectar Pit,' or
'Nectar Pitcher/Pot' (and therefore if translated into
Tibetan, *Bdud rtsi bum pa; compare the entry above).
Carl W. Ernst, The Islamization of Yoga in the Amrtakunda Translations,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, series 3, vol. 13, no. 2 (2003), pp.
199-226. He also gives the name as Kamrubijaksa
(*Kāmarūpabījākṣa?). According to the introduction, it was translated
into Persian, and then Arabic, in Bengal in 1210. The Arabic 'translation'
involves a reworking of the Persian text, with added materials. This is
supposed to be the only known Arabic version of a haṭha yoga text.
Remarkable that the Indian-language original is apparently no longer
extant. Remarkable, too, as an Islamic appropriation of a yoga (and
alchemy) text.
Compare also the Bon text studied in Mike Walter, The Tantra A Vessel
of Bdud-rtsi, a Bon Text, The Journal of the Tibet Society, vol. 6 (1986),
pp. 25-72. Includes translation of a Mother Tantra (Ma rgyud) scripture
entitled Bdud rtsi bum pa'i rgyud ['Tantra of the Elixir Pot']. Note also the
same author's doctoral dissertation, The Role of Alchemy and Medicine
in Indo-Tibetan Tantrism, Indiana University (Bloomington 1980).
KCDS, p. 20. A 6-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. The title given here is Amṛtakuṇḍaṇi
(Amṛtakuṇḍali??). Needs checking.
— Amṛtakuṇḍalyai namaḥ (Bdud rtsi 'khyil pa la phyag 'tshal
lo...). Tôh. no. 841/6. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
213v.5-216r.4. In Rnying rgyud section. This is not a title,
but an incipit.
— Amṛtamarīci (Bdud rtsi 'od zer can). Tôh. no. 1526. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 83v.2-84v.3. Tr. by Ratnaśrījñāna
and Mar pa Chos kyi dbang phyug. Part of Cakrasaṃvara
group of texts.
— Amṛtanādopaniṣad.
C. Bouy and P.S. Filliozat, L'Amṛtanādopaniṣad selon Śaṅkarānanda,
Dārā Sukôh et Anquetil Duperron, contained in: Raffaele Torella, ed., Le
Parole e i Marmi: Studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli, Istituto Italiano per
l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2001), pp. 123-170.
The fundamental scripture of the Guhyaka (of Vedaguhyaka) school.
Cozort and Preston, p. 116.
— Amṛtaprabhadhāraṇī.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 1, p. 996.
— *Amṛtarasa.
J. Van den Broeck, La Saveur de l'Immortel (Ap'i-t'an Kan Lu Wei Lun)
(Louvain-la-Neuve 1977).
— Amṛtarasāyana (Tibetan title lacking; *Bdud rtsi'i bcud len
or *'Chi med bcud len). Tôh. no. 841/2. Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 203r.5-207v.6.
EoB. gives full title as
— Amṛtasiddhicandraviviktadoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med
grub pa'i zla ba dben pa'i skyon bcos thabs kyi man ngag).
Tanjur text listed in Cordier, but not in Tôh.
— Amṛtasiddhicittaviviktadoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med grub
pa'i sems dben pa'i skyon bcos thabs kyi man ngag).
Tanjur text listed in Cordier, but not located in Tôh.
— Amṛtasiddhicandraviviktadoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med
grub pa'i zla ba dben pa'i skyon bcos thabs kyi man ngag).
Tanjur text listed in Cordier, but not in Tôh.
— Amṛtasiddhisaṃvaracaturdoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med
grub pa'i sdom pa bzhi'i skyos [?] thabs kyi man ngag).
EoB. Listed in Cordier catalogue (absent from Tôh.).
— Amṛtasiddhivāyuviviktadoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med grub
pa'i rlung dben pa'i skyon bcos pa'i thabs kyi man ngag).
EoB. Listed in Cordier.
— Amṛtavyāharaṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bdud
rtsi brjod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
197. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 271v.2-274v.5. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
EoB under "Amṛtadāna" and under "Amṛtavyāharaṇa."
— Anādisaṃsiddhiyoga.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-84). A 25-folio manuscript.
— Anāgatabhaya.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription. The title in
Sanskrit would also be Anāgatabhaya. Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— Anāgatavaṃsa.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 14, 56.
asūtra ('Phags pa yi ge med pa'i za ma tog rnam par snang
mdzad kyi snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 259. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 259v.5-264r.4.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 165, but he also has the title
EoB has a synopsis, with references to Chinese translations by
Bodhiruci, and by Divākara.
— Ānandapravrajyāvratasandhāraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Anangaṇakumārasya
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Anantamukhanirhāradhāraṇī. See under Jñānagarbha,
who wrote commentaries.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 2, pp. 1-2
A brief citation from a text by this title is reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2,
p. 2.
hāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sgo mtha' yas pa rnam par sbyong
ba bstan pa'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 46. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 45v.1-99v.7. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Dpal brtsegs Rakshi ta. This is marked
as chapter two of the Ratnakūṭa.
— Anantamukhasādhaka-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sgo mtha'
yas pa sgrub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 140 (also,
nos. 525, 914). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
289v.4-299r.5. No. 914 supplies the translators:
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 86-87.
— Anantanāgarājastavastotra.
Matsunami, p. 289. Praise to Lokanātha.
— Anapāraddhastotra.
NTSH, p. 178.
— Anavalokitamūrdhatā.
Nakamura, p. 84.
— Anavataptagāthā.
This text exists only as preserved in Vinaya texts. Earlier scholars gave
this the incorrect titles Sthaviragāthā and Sthavirāvadāna. A Turfan
manuscript preserves the different Sanskrit text as found in the Vinaya
of the Sarvāstivāda school.
Nakamura, p. 25.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 64.
Heinz Bechert, Bruchstücke buddhistischer Verssammlungen aus
zentralasiatische Sanskrithandschriften I: Die Anavataptagāthā und die
Sthaviragāthā (Berlin 1961). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 7 (1964), pp. 232-235.
M. Hofinger, Le congrès du lac Anavatapta (vies des saints
bouddhiques) (Louvain 1954). The 1982 edition was reviewed, with
content summarized, by Marek Mejor in Rocznik Orientalistyczny, vol.
45, no. 2 (1987), pp. 90-93. The new edition adds only a new preface
and list of corrections to the original edition. The Gilgit manuscript is
used for the Sanskrit, and the Tibetan and Chinese texts are included.
Hisashi Matsumura, Preamble to the Anavatapta-gāthā, Buddhist
Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu), vol. 18 (1989).
R. Salomon, The Senior Manuscripts: Another Collection of Gandhāran
Scrolls, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003),
pp. 73-92, at pp. 79-80. It is a series of recitations in verse by 36 or so
disciples of the Buddha. One form of it was imbedded in the
R. Salomon, A Gāndhārī Version of the Songs of Lake Anavatapta
(*Anavataptagāthā). Forthcoming.
Chinese version translated by Dharmarakṣa is available. There is no
Pāli version. R. Salomon, A Second Gāndhārī Manuscript of the 'Songs
of Lake Anavatapta' (Anavatapta-gāthā), paper to be given at the
International Association of Buddhist Studies conference (London
— Anavataptahrada.
Apparently this only survives in citations. See Marek Mejor in Rocznik
Orientalistyczny, vol. 45, no. 2 (1987), pp. 90-93, at p. 93.
— Anavataptanāgarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa klu'i rgyal po ma dros pas zhus pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 156. Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 206r.1-253v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Ye
shes sde, and [the scribe] Dgon gling Rma (Dgon gli
Nakamura, p. 165.
Kuijp, Rivers, p. 324.
Marek Mejor in Rocznik Orientalistyczny, vol. 45, no. 2 (1987), pp.
90-93, at p. 93.
— Anāvila-tantrarāja (Rgyud kyi rgyal po rnyog pa med pa).
Tôh. no. 414. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 259v.3-261v.3.
Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Aṇḍabhūta Jātaka.
Strickmann, CPP, pp. 171-172.
— *Andha Sūtra.
Siglinde Dietz, Fragments of the *Andhasūtra , of the Sūtra on the Three
Moral Defects of Devadatta, and of the Kavikumārāvadāna, contained in:
Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu
Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen
Collection, Volume Two (Hermes Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp.
— Anekārthakośa. Work of unknown authorship.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Aṅgulimālīya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sor mo'i
phreng ba la phan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 213. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
126r.1-206v.7. Tr. by Śākyaprabha, Dharmatāśīla and
Tong (Chinese translator Tong Ācārya).
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1472.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Sanskrit Fragments from the Āgamas (I): The
Aṅgulimālasūtra. Indologica Taurinesia, vol. 23-24 (1997-8 "Prof. G. M.
Bongard-Levin Felicitation Volume), pp. 351-362.
John Snelling, Angulimala: Old Finger-Necklace, Middle Way, vol. 60,
no. 4 (February 1986), pp. 239-240.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 2, p. 70.
Master's thesis at Indiana University by the late Nathan Cutler.
Nakamura, pp. 230, 231.
Tucci, TPS, p. 356.
A Chinese text, with title corresponding to the Sūtra of Aṅgulimālā, is
said to be an apocryphal text, promulgated in order to combat the use of
meat and alcohol. Françoise Wang, Xiao Ziliang and Aṅgulimālā:
Apocryphas and the Proscription of Meat and Alcohol, a paper to be
delivered at the International Association of Buddhist Studies (London
— Aṅguttaranikāya.
Nakamura, pp. 38, 39, 105.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 29 etc. (see index).
Lambert Schmithausen, Benefitting Oneself and Benefiting Others: A
Note on Aṅguttaranikāya 7.64, contained in: Gedenkschrift W.J. de
Jong, pp. 149-160.
— Aṅguttarāṭṭhakathā.
Nakamura, p. 39.
— Animināmarājakumārasya
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Anityasūtra.
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 434.
— Anityatāsūtra (Mi rtag pa nyid kyi mdo). Tôh. no. 309.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folio 155r.2-155v.4. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 25.
— Anityatāsūtra (Mi rtag pa nyid kyi mdo). Tôh. no. 309.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folio 155v.5-157r.5.
K. Tokiya, The Anityatā-sūtra Quoted in the Tibetan Version of a
Mūlasarvāstivāda Text, Indogaku Bukkyôgaku Kenkyû, vol. 34, no. 1
(1985), p. 164(?).
KCDS, p. 86 (also, p. 92). Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging
to Potala.
Matsunami, p. 187.
— Annadānabhojanakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Annaprāśanavidhi.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-289). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Antarābhavasūtra.
Mark Blum, The Antarābhava Sūtra, abstract for XIIIth IABS (Lausanne
1999). This text only exists in Chinese and Korean Tripiṭakas, meaning
there is no Sanskrit and no Tibetan. It was translated in late 4th century.
— Anukarmāvalī (Lu gu brgyud kyi las rim). A tantra
commentarial work that isn't found in Derge Tanjur.
— Anutpanhebhyākāśādityodyāvṛtti (??).
KCDS, p. 116. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Perhaps the title could be read Anutpannebhyākāśādityodayāvṛtti (?).
— Anuttarasandhi.
Two brief citations from a text by this title are reproduced in Lal, Lupta,
vol. 2, pp. 2-3.
— *Anuttarasattvavivṛti.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 22 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
— Anuttarāśrayasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 230.
— Anuyācanasādhana (?).
KCDS, p. 41. Tibetan translation of this title given as Rjes su gdan
drangs pa'i sgrub thabs.
— Anyatamabhikṣu [Avadāna].
Matsunami, p. 225.
— Apadāna.
Nakamura, pp. 25, 49.
— Aparājitākalpa.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-11). An 18-folio manuscript.
— Aparājitāmahāvidyā (Gzhan gyis mi thub pa'i rig pa chen
mo). Tôh. no. 709 (also, no. 978). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA,
folios 177v.6-178r.1.
— Aparājitapṛcchā.
An exhaustive composition on the theory and practice of architecture.
Udai Narain Roy, City-Architecture as Depicted in the Writings of
Bhojadeva, Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, vol. 30
(1964-65), pp. 161-174, at p. 163 et passim.
— Aparājitāratnabhadrasādhana (A pa ra ci ta rin chen bzang
po'i sgrub thabs). In Peking Tanjur, but absent from Derge.
— Aparājitāsādhana (Gzhan gyis mi thub ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3249. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 14r.1-14r.5. Tr.
by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
EoB under "Aparājitā-nāma-sādhana" and under "Aparājitāsādhana."
— Aparājitāsādhana (Gzhan gyis mi thub ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3259. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 16v.6-17r.2.
Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Aparājitāsādhana (Rnam par rgyal ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 3384. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 54r.5-54v.1.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Aparājitāsādhana (Gzhan gyis mi thub ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3593. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 219r.6-219v.2.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Aparimitāyuḥstotra.
KCDS, p. 156. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Ngor Monastery. The title here reads Parimitāyuḥstotraṃ
(here translated into Tibetan as Tshe thung gi bstod pa, as if it were a
praise of short life rather than long!).
Bandurski, p. 82. Here we find out that the added title in cursive Tibetan
reads: Sher phyin stod pa. It has been published as: Jagadīśvara
Pāṇḍeya, Aparimitāyuḥstotram, Pāṭalaśrīḥ, vol. 8, no. 1 (1976), p. 10 ff.
— Aparimitāyurhomavidhi (Tshe dpag tu med pa'i sbyin sreg
gi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2144. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios
219r.4-220r.3. Tr. by Balacandra and Dar ma tshul khrims.
EoB. Includes a summary of its content.
— Aparimitāyurjñānahṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa tshe
dang ye shes dpag tu med pa'i snying po zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 676 (also, no. 850). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 220v.5-222v.1. Tr. by Puṇyasambhava and Pa
tshab Nyi ma grags.
EoB, with summary of contents, reference to Chinese translation.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), pp. 113-114 (no. 83).
— Aparimitāyurjñānamaṇḍalavidhi (Tshe dang ye shes dpag
tu med pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2141. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folio 210r.3-215v.4. Tr. by Zla ba bzang
po and Dar ma tshul khrims.
EoB, with outline of content.
— Aparimitāyurjñāna-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa tshe
dang ye shes dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 674 (also, no. 675, no. 849). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 211v.2-216r.7.
Max Walleser, Aparimitāyur-jñāna-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtraṃ (Heidelberg
1916). Includes Chinese and Tibetan versions. 'Phags pa tshe dang ye
shes dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo.
E. Leumann, Der Anfang der Aparimitāyurdhāraṇī, Nordarischen
Sprache und Literatur (1912), pp. 75-82.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 289-329. Aparimitāyuḥ Sūtra (Tshe dpag tu med pa
zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo). Includes edition of Stein
manuscripts of the Tibetan text.
H.W. Bailey, Aparimitāyuḥ-sūtra, contained in: Khotanese Buddhist
Texts (London 1956), pp. 94-100.
Aparimitāyur Mahāyānasūtra. Matsunami, p. 188.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 2, pp. 150-151.
Nakamura, p. 208.
EoB, with summary of content, references to translations in other
languages (Chinese and Khotanese).
KCDS, p. 25.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 423
Matsunami, p. 289. Dhāraṇī only, with title Aparimitāyurmahāyānasūtra.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-5). A manuscript in 15 folios dated 1656. Probably
the text entitled Aparimitāyumahāyānasūtra listed in BSM, p. 19
(MBB-II-197), a 33-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 26 (WGS-8), a
14-folio work printed in modern times.
— Aparimitāyurjñānasādhana (Tshe dang ye shes dpag tu
med pa zhes bya ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2143. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 216r.3-2219r.3. Tr. by Zla ba
bzang po and Dar ma tshul khrims.
EoB has summary of the Peking Tanjur version, ascribed to Jetāri,
translated by 'Jam pa'i dbyangs and Lce Dga' ba'i dpal.
— Aparimitāyus Sūtra.
EoB. Evidently exists only in Chinese, it has the 24 vows of Dharmākara
(rather than the 48 mentioned in other sūtras).
— Apararājāvavādaka Sūtra. A sūtra cited in the
Śikṣāsamuccaya, which is supposed to concern the duties
of a king.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 1, p. 13.
Rhoton, CD, p. 217, makes reference to a Rājāvavādaka Sūtra, q.v.,
which could be this one.
— Āpastambadharmasūtra.
A.C. Śāstrī and A.R. Śāstrī, The Āpastambadharmasūtra with the
Commentary Ujjvalā by Śrī Haradatta Miśra, Kashi Sanskrit Series no.
93, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series (Benares 1932).
— Aputra Jātaka.
Part eighteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Aputtaka Sutta.
MSL, p. 407.
— Arali Tantras.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 50.
Rhoton, CD, p. 220.
— Araṇeminīrājño Amitāyur-nāma-tathāgatavyākaraṇa.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Arapacanamañjuśrīdhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 289.
— Arapacanapūjāvidhi ('Phags pa a ra pa tsa na'i mchod pa'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 2719. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios
85r.7-86v.3. Tr. by Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
EoB, with a grief summary of content.
— Arapacanasādhana [Aprapañcasādhana?] (Spros pa med
pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3172. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 189r.2-190r.2. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
EoB, discusses various versions. There are three different texts in the
Sādhanamālā with this title.
KCDS, p. 22. A 10-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka.
— Arapacanasādhana [Aprapañcasādhana?] (Spros pa med
pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3173. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 190r.2-192r.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Arapacanasādhana (A ra pa tsa na'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3459. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 113r.7-114v.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ariṣṭakākṣa Sūtra.
EoB. On rosaries made from a type of seed.
— Arśapraśamani Sūtra ('Phags pa gzhang 'brum rab tu zhi
bar byed pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 621 (also, no. 1020). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 61r.2-61v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla
and Ye shes sde.
EoB, with description of content.
— Arthapadasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 45.
— Arthavāha Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Arthavarga.
Nakamura, p. 45 (Arthavargīya).
— Arthaviniścaya-nāma-dharmaparyāya (Don rnam par nges
pa zhes bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 317.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 170v.4-188r.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
N.H. Samtani, ed., Arthaviniścaya-sūtra and Its Commentary
(Nibandhana) [written by Bhikṣu Vīraśrīdatta of Śrī-Nālandāvihara],
Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series no. 13 (Patna 1971). Reviewed by K.R.
Norman in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36,
no. 3 (1973), pp. 677-678. Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 17 (1975), pp. 115-118. The commentary was written in
the time of King Dharmapāla, and so can be dated to last half of 8th
N.H. Samtani, The Arthaviniścaya-Sūtra: An Important Buddhist Text
Discovered by Rāhul Sāṅkṛtyāyana in Tibet, Journal of the Bihar
Research Society, vol. 47 (1961), pp. 399-400.
Alfonsa Ferrari, Arthaviniścaya (Texto e versione), Atti della Reale
Accademie d'Italia, Memorie della classe di scienze morale e storiche,
series 7, vol. 4, fasc. 13 (1944), pp. 535-625. A separate copy is to be
found in the Kern Institute Library. The arrangement of the parts of this
work differ somewhat between the two Chinese translations (Ferrari's
work, pp. 550-551, charts out these differences).
Bhikkhu Padasika, Abhidharma-Zitate aus der
Abhidharmakoṣavyākhyā, der Abhidharmadīpa-prabhāvṛtti und dem
Arthaviniścayasūtra-Nibandhana, contained in: Frank Bandurski, et al.,
eds., Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Literatur I, Vandehoeck and
Ruprecht (Göttingen 1994), pp. 127-154.
Narayan Hemandas Samtani, Arthaviniścaya-Nibandhana: A Study of
Some Buddhist Sanskrit Words, contained in: Mishra, ABS, pp.
Nakamura, p. 234.
EoB, with brief outline of contents, references to Chinese and
Mongolian versions. Sanskrit commentary by Vīryaśrīdatta was
preserved in Tibet.
Bandurski, pp. 68-72 (catalogue nos. 30-32), with references to the
— Arthaviniścayaṭīkā (Don rnam par gdon mi za ba'i 'grel pa).
Tôh. no. 4365. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 1v.1-192r.7.
Wayman, IB, pp. 120-122.
Alfonsa Ferrari, Arthaviniścaya (Texto e versione), Atti della Reale
Accademie d'Italia, Memorie della classe di scienze morale e storiche,
series 7, vol. 4, fasc. 13 (1944), pp. 535-625, at p. 551.
— Arthavistara-nāma-dharmaparyāya ('Phags pa don rgyas
pa zhes bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 318.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 188r.7-193v.7.
EoB under "Arthavighuṣṭa-nāma-dharmaparyāya." Includes resumé of
contents, with references to Chinese translations.
Fumio Enomoto, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Hisashi Matsumura,
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und
Neueditionen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1989). A
fragment from the British Library.
See Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 118, no. 1 (1998), p.
NTSH, p. 178 (Arthavistarasūtra).
— Āsādhāraṇaguhyamahāyogatantra.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 3.
— Aśokadamanāvadāna.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-92). A 35-folio manuscript.
— Aśokadattavyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
mya ngan med kyis byin pa lung bstan pa zhes bya ba theg
pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 76. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA,
folios 225v.3-240v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and
Ye shes sde.
EoB has summary of content.
— Aśokakāṇḍāmārīcīsādhana (Mya ngan med pa'i shing gi 'od
zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3343. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 31v.2-31v.6. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Aśokakāṇḍāmārīcīsādhana (Mya ngan med pa'i shing gi 'od
zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3523. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 166v.5-167r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Aśokakāṇḍāmārīcīsādhana (Mya ngan med pa'i shing gi 'od
zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3531. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 172v.1-172v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Aśokamukhanāgavinayapariccheda (Mya ngan med pa'i
sgo nas klu btul ba'i le'u). Tôh. no. 4197. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NGE, folios 146r.2-149v.5. Tr. by Ajitaśrībhadra and
Shākya 'od. In letters section.
EoB has resumé of content.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting from Bu-ston, lists this among
works that should not be included in the Kanjur (although they evidently
had been included there at some time).
— Aśokāntāmārīcīsādhana (Mya ngan med la dga' ba'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3234. Derge Tanjur, vol.
BU, folio 8r.1-8v.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Aśokaparipṛcchopaguptabhāṣitatriratnaguṇaprārthita.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Aśokarāja Sūtra.
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 355, 366. It survives only in Chinese translation.
EoB. Translated into Chinese by one named Saṅghabhara of
— Aśokarājāvadāna.
EoB. Exists in Chinese.
— Aśokāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 224.
— Aśokāvadānamālā.
Nakamura, p. 137.
Sujit Kumar Mukhopādhyāya, The Aśokāvadāna. Sanskrit Text
Compared with Chinese Versions (New Delhi 1963). Reviewed by J.W.
de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 12 (1970), pp. 269-274.
John S. Strong, The Legend of King Aśoka: A Study and Translation of
the Aśokāvadāna, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1989), reprint of Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1983). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 29 (1986), pp. 70-73.
Jean Przyluski, A-yu-wang-tchouan, Chronique des premiers siècles du
bouddhisme, Paul Geuthner (Paris 1923).
Nattier, OUFT (see index).
Matsunami, pp. 213-214.
— Aṣṭabhujapītamārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can phyag brgyad
ma ser mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3527. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 169r.7-170v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Aṣṭabodhisattvanāma.
Matsunami, p. 289.
— Aṣṭabuddhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas brgyad pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 271. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 17v.3-21r.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
EoB, with resumé of content.
— Aṣṭaḍākinīhṛdayadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 289.
— Aṣṭādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri brgyad
stong pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 10.
Derge Kanjur, vols. KA through GA (vols. 29-31). Tr. by Ye
shes sde (?).
End of vol. KA in Derge: shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri brgyad
stong pa las gzhan mu stegs can gyi le'u zhes bya ste / nyi shu rtsa dgu
Edward Conze, The Gilgit Manuscript of the
Aṣtādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā, Chaps. 55 to 70, Serie Orientale
Roma no. 26, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome
1962). Reviewed by André Bareau in Journal of the American Oriental
Society, vol. 84, no. 4 (1964), pp. 461-462. Reviewed by L.
Schmithausen in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, vol. 23
(1979), pp. 244-246.
Edward Conze, The Gilgit Manuscript of the
Aṣtādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā, Chapters 70 to 82, corresponding to
the 6th, 7th and 8th Abhisamayas, text and English translation, Istituto
Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1974).
Edward Conze, The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom with the Divisions
of the Abhisamayālaṅkāra, University of California Press (Berkeley
1975). Reviewed by Nancy R. Lethcoe in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 97, no. 2 (1977), pp. 229-231.
Khang dkar Tshul khrims skal bzang (b. 1942), Byams zhus le'u'i 'phros
don dang bcas pa'i dpyad zhib, Western Tibetan Cultural Association
(New Delhi 1981), in 106 pages. On the 83rd chapter, entitled
Bodhisattvaśikṣāprabheda Maitreyaparipṛcchā.
KCDS, p. 2 etc. A number of Sanskrit palmleaf manuscripts.
— Aṣṭādaśaśūnyatāśāstra.
EoB. It exists in Chinese translation. It has sometimes been attributed
to Nāgārjuna or Vasubandhu, but here it is suggested that the author is
Paramārtha (who is usually taken to have been rather the translator).
— Aṣṭadevīdhāraṇī ('Phags pa lha mo brgyad kyi gzungs).
Tôh. no. 497 (also, no. 999). Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios
157r.1-158r.6. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Aṣṭagrantha.
Banerjee, SL, p. 55.
— Aṣṭakanāmaśāstra.
KCDS, p. 98. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Translated into Tibetan as Brgyad pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos.
— Aṣṭamahābhairavadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Aṣṭamahābhayapudgaladhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 289.
— Aṣṭamahābhayatāraṇī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa 'jigs pa
chen po brgyad las sgrol ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh.
no. 541 (also, no. 931). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
Matsunami, p. 289.
— Aṣṭamahābhayatāraṇītārāsādhana ('Phags pa 'jigs pa chen
po brgyad las skyob pa'i sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3492. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 147v.7-148r.7. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Evidently this corresponds to the text translated in Luis O. Gómez, Two
Tantric Meditations: Visualizing the Deity, contained in: Donald S.
Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton
1995), pp. 318-327.
— Aṣṭamahābhūtarājñīkalpa.
KCDS, p. 161. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Aṣṭamaṇḍalaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkyil
'khor brgyad pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 277. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 49v.6-52v.6. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
EoB. Fragments found in Dunhuang.
— Aṣṭamaṇḍalaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkyil
'khor brgyad pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 644 (also, no. 882). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
128r.3-129r.2. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Aṣṭamātṛkānavagrahaṇeśamahākālamahābhaivīstotra.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Aṣṭamātṛkāpūjāvidhi.
Matsunami, p. 248.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-136). A 23-folio manuscript dated 1949 CE.
— Aṣṭamīvratakathā.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-19). A 185-folio manuscript dated 1825.
— Aṣṭamīvratamahātmyakuśāvadāna.
Same as Vīrakuśāvadāna. Matsunami, p. 214.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-150). A 35-folio manuscript dated 1820.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-53), with title Aṣṭamīvratamahātmyā. A 63-folio
— Aṣṭamīvratavidhāna.
— Aṣṭāṅgikapoṣadhānuśaṃsa.
KCDS, p. 115. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan version of title given as Yan lag brgyad pa'i gso sbyong gi phan
yon. The same title is given in a mangled form at p. 138:
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-151), with the title Āryāṣṭaṅgapoṣadhānuśaṃsā), a
palmleaf manuscript in 5 folios.
— Aṣṭāpadīkṛtadhūpayogavidhānabhāṣya (Spos kyi sbyor ba
re'u char byas pa'i thabs bshad pa). Tôh. no. 4320. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios 18v.2-20r.7. Tr. by Snar thang
Puṇyaraśmi (Bsod nams 'od zer).
— Aṣṭapīṭhapūjāvidhi.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-83). A 14-folio manuscript.
— Aṣṭasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā ('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha
rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa). Tôh. no. 12. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 1v.1-286r.6. Tr. by Śākyasena,
Jñānasiddhi and [the Tibetan?] Dharmatāśīla. First revised
by Subhāṣita and Rin chen bzang po, then by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Rin chen bzang po, then by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and 'Brom Rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas, then
by 'Brom Rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas, then by 'Brom, then by Blo
ldan shes rab.
Derge colophon: bcom ldan 'das ma 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu
phyin pa brgyad stong pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po shākya
se na dang dznyā na siddhi dang zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba ban de dharma
tā shī la la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab / slad kyis dbang
phyug dam pa'i mnga' bdag bod kyi dpal lha btsan po bkra shis lha sde
btsan gyi bkas / rgya gar gyi mkhan po su bhā ṣi ta dang / sgra bsgyur
gyi lo tsā ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos 'grel pa dang mthun par
bsgyur / slad kyis rgya gar gyi mkhan po paṇḍi ta chen po dī paṃ ka ra
shrī dznyā na dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos
yul dbus kyi 'grel pa dang gtugs nas bcos shing zhus te gtan la phab /
yang slad kyis kyi smad gnye thang na mo cher / paṇḍi ta chen po dī
paṃ ka ra shrī dznyā na dang / lo tsā ba 'brom rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas
gnyis kyis brgyad stong pa bshad pa'i dus su che long zhig gtan la phab
/ phyis ra sgreng gtsug lag khang du lo tsā ba 'brom rgyal ba'i 'byung
gnas kyis rgya gar ghyi mdo gsum dang gtugs nas lan gnyis gtan la
phab / slad kyis yang lo tsā ba de nyid kyis bshad pa mdzad cing phran
tshegs kyang gtan la phab / dus phyis lo tsā ba chen po shākya'i dge
slong blo ldan shes rab kyis kha che'i dpe dang yul dbus kyi dpe du ma
bsags nas gtan la phab.
The colophon to Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 15, has quite similar translation
information, but it seems to add still further revisions: one by Zha lu Lo
tsā ba Rin chen chos skyong bzang po, then one by Mnga' ris Rab
'byams pa Dpal 'byor rgyal mtshan and Kun dga' chos bzang, which was
accomplished in an Iron Tiger year at Sham bu.
Content of the colophon discussed in Rabsal, p. 187.
Nakamura, pp. 152, 161-163, 260.
Lore Sander, "Die Schøyen Collection" und einige Bemerkungen zu der
ältesten Aṣṭasāhasrikā Handschrift, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde
Südasiens, vol. 44 (2000), pp. 87-100.
Lore Sander, Fragments of an Aṣṭasāhasrikā Manuscript from the
Kuṣāṇa Period, contained in: J. Braarvig, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts
(Oslo 2000), vol. 1.
Lore Sander, New Fragments of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā of the
Kuṣāṇa Period, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe
Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts
in the Schøyen Collection, Volume Two (Hermes Academic Publishing
(Oslo 2002), pp. 45-50.
Matsunami, pp. 188-191.
KCDS, p. 127. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. A note says "jo bo'i thugs dam / rgya gar brgyad stong pa rdo rje
gdan nas byon pa." This means that the volume was 'erected' by Atiṣa
and was brought from Vajrāsana (Bodhgaya). More copies are listed.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-36). A 70-folio manuscript dated 1339.
Bandurski, pp. 112-113 (catalogue nos. 71-72). Fragmentary palmleaf
texts including illuminations (Ratnapāṇi and Padmapāṇi).
— Aṣṭaśmaśāna (Dur khrod brgyad). Tôh. no. 1212. Derge
Tanjur, vol. JA, folios 313v.2-314r.2. Tr. by Ratnaśrīmitra
and Shākya ye shes.
Derge colophon: rgya gar gyi mkhan po ratna shrī mi tra dang / dge
slong shākya ye shes kyis bsgyur ba'o.
A brief Sanskrit text with this title listed in Bandurski, p. 114.
— Aṣṭaśmaśāna (Dur khrod brgyad). Tôh. no. 1213. Derge
Tanjur, vol. JA, folio 314r.2-314v.1. Tr. by Ratnaśrīmitra
and Shākya ye shes.
Derge colophon: rgya gar gyi mkhan po ratna shrī mi tra dang / dge
slong shākya ye shes kyis bsgyur ba.
— Aṣṭāṣṭakena Catuḥṣaṣṭhiyoginībalividhi (Brgyad brgyad
drug cu rtsa bzhi'i rnal 'byor ma rnams kyi gtor ma'i cho ga).
Tôh. no. 1382. Derge Tanjur, vol. PA, folios 270r.7-273r.2.
Tr. by Kīrticandra and Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
EoB, with discussion of content.
— Aṣṭavītarāgamāhātmya.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-88). A 34-folio manuscript.
— Aṣṭīṣavijayā-nāma-dhāraṇī.
KCDS, p. 137. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title here 'translated' into Tibetan as Sna brgyad lhan du
bzhugs pa.
— Aṣṭayoginīnāma.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Aṣṭiprakṣāraṇavidhi.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Aṣṭottaraśatikāpratyaṅgirāsarvakarmakarīpaṭhitasiddhā.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Aśubhānusāreṇa cittasthāpanopāya (Mi sdug pa'i sgo nas
sems gnas pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 4368. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NYO, folios 265v.2-268v.5.
EoB. Meditation on foulness of the body.
— Aśvaghoṣanandimukhavyākhyana.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-203). A 130-folio manuscript.
— Aśvaghoṣāvadāna.
Evidently a story about Aśvaghoṣa. Matsunami, p. 214.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-57). Here the title is also given as
Vasundharāvratamāhātmya. A manuscript in 11 folios.
BSM, p. 25 (WGS-3). An 11-folio manuscript.
— Aśvā Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Āśvalāyana Sūtra.
Wayman, BI, p. 257. Equivalent to the scripture known as
Assalāyanasutta in the Majjhimanikāya.
— Atajñāna Sūtra.
— Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 426.
— Āṭānāṭika Sūtra.
Helmut Hoffmann, Bruckstücke des Āṭānāṭikasūtra aus dem
zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon der Buddhisten, hrsg. und im
Zusammenhang mit dem Parallelversionen bearbeitet, F.A. Brockhaus
(Leipzig 1939). Doctoral dissertation. For reviews (by Konow,
Frauwallner, Johnston, Lamotte and Waldschmidt), see the listing by
Collett Cox in her review mentioned below.
Helmut Hoffmann, Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte. Ht. V. Bruchstücke des
Āṭānāṭikasūtra aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon der
Buddhisten. Nachträge zu Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte Hefte III-V
zusammengestellt von Lore Sander, Franz Steiner (Stuttgart 1987).
The first part is simply a photographic reprint of Hoffmann's doctoral
dissertation. Reviewed by J.C. Wright in Bulletin of the School of
Oriental and African Studies, vol. 51, no. 2 (1988), pp. 623-624.
Reviewed by Collett Cox in Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 110 (1990), pp. 143-144. According to Wright, Āṭa is a Vedic nāga
name, while Nāṭa is a Buddhist nāga name. According to Cox, this is a
kind of paritta, or protective text.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 20.
Banerjee, SL, p. 21.
— Āṭānāṭīya Sūtra (Lcang lo can gyi pho brang gi mdo). Tôh.
no. 33. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 250r.5-259v.1. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan. This is a Tibetan
version of the Āṭānāṭikasūtra, q.v.
Nakamura, pp. 314, 317.
Tucci, TPS, p. 576.
— Āṭānāṭīyasūtra-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po kun tu rgyu
ba dang kun tu rgyu ba ma yin pa dang mthun pa'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 656 (also, no. 1061). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
149v.2-162v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 24-27. This is the version of the Āṭānāṭikasūtra that
most corresponds to the Central Asian Sanskrit fragments, and to a
Chinese version.
— Atītādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 290.
— Ātreyatilaka.
Tucci, TPS, p. 291.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-61).
— Aṭṭasālinī.
Nakamura, p. 104.
— Aṭṭhakavagga (or, Aṭṭhavagika, Arthavarga).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915). Arthavargīyasūtra, Aṣṭavarga, Arthapada,
etc. On p. 414, note the Tibetan equivalent Don gyi tshoms kyi mdo
(found in the Vinaya).
Grace G. Burford, Desire, Death and Goodness: The Conflict of
Ultimate Values in Theravāda Buddhism, Peter Lang (New York 1991).
Reviewed by J. McDermott in Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 116.3 (1996), p. 605. Has a detailed textual analysis of the
Aṭṭhakavagga, which she considers highly non-metaphysical, in
contrast to Buddhaghosa's commentaries.
Nakamura, pp. 44, 45, 46, 57, 247.
EoB, under "Aṭṭhakavagga." Considered to belong to the oldest strata
of the Pāli canon...
Ilkka Pyysiäinen, Sounds of Silence: 'Mystical' Paradox in the
Atthakavagga, Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore [Tartu], vol. 15
(2000), pp. 32-38.
— Atthasālinī.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 20.
Takatsugu Hayashi, On the Authorship of the Aṭṭhasālinī, Buddhist
Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu), vol. 28 (1999).
— Atyayajñāna-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'da' ka ye
shes zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 122.
Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folio 153r.1-153v.1.
Nakamura, p. 173.
EoB. It is suggested that the title may be corrected to Mṛtijñāna.
— Aupapātikasūtra.
E. Leumann, Das Aupapātika Sūtra (Leipzig 1883).
Bronkhorst in Mishra, ABS, p. 399.
— Avadānasārasamuccaya. A collection of 14 stories.
Ratna Handurukande, Five Buddhist Legends in the Campū Style: From
a Collection Named Avadānasārasamuccaya, Indica et Tibetica Verlag
(Bonn 1984). Reviewed by Bruce Cameron Hall in Journal of the
American Oriental Society, vol. 107, no. 3 (1987), pp. 512-513.
Reviewed by Per Kvaerne in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies, vol. 49 (1986), pp. 627-628. The five jātakas told are:
Ṛṣipañcaka, Sārthavāha, Sarvaṃdada, Matsarananda and
— Avadānaśataka. Pūrṇapramukhāvadānaśataka (Gang po la
sogs pa'i rtogs pa brjod pa brgya pa). Tôh. no. 343. Derge
Kanjur, vol. AṂ, folios 1v.1-286v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and
Winternitz, vol. 2, pp. 268 ff. (he doesn't discuss it as a work of
Aśvaghoṣa, but does place it in the 2nd century CE).
Rabsal, pp. 67-70.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 89, with the title Gang po rtogs pa, a Śrāvaka
scripture translated soon after the Bsam yas Debate in the late 8th
Rtogs pa brjod pa brgya pa, Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang
(Xining 1995), in 762 pp. This is just a typeset version of the Derge
Kanjur's vol. AṂ. Collection of prose (with interspersed verses)
avadāna stories, supposed to be the oldest of the genre. It says on the
title page it was translated by Ban de De ba tsan dra (Devacandra), etc.
But note that the text on pp. 1-730 is the main title work, translated by
Jinamitra and [Tibetan] De ba tsan dra. Then we find the 'Phags pa
sangs rgyas kyi rtogs pa brjod pa zhes ldan gyi mdo (pp. 731-737),
translated by Vidyākarasiṃha, Sarvajñadeva and Dpal brtsegs. Then
Phag mo'i rtogs pa brjod pa zhes bya ba'i mdo (pp. 738-743, translated
by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde. Then Ma ga dhā bzang mo'i rtogs pa
brjod pa (pp. 744-762); the colophon reads: rgyal gar gyi mkhan po
dharma shrī bha dra [Dharmaśrībhadra] dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba
dge slong tshul khrims yon tan gyis bsgyur te / sgra sgyur gyi lo tsā ba
chen po dge slong rin chen bzang pos bcos te gtan la phab pa.
Léon Feer, Avadāna-çataka: Cent légendes (bouddhiques), Ernest
Leroux (Paris 1891).
P.C. Bagchi, A Note on the Avadānaśataka and Its Chinese
Translations, Vishva-Bharati Annals, vol. 1 (1945), pp. 56-61.
E. Chavannes, Cinq cents contes et apologues (Paris 1934).
Nakamura, pp. 137-138.
Michael Hahn, On the Affiliation of the Avadānaśataka (paper read at the
XXXII ICANAS, 25-30 August 1986; an abstract of 500 words was
published in the proceedings of the conference).
J.S. Speyer, ed., Avadānaçataka, Bibliotheca Buddhica series no. 3 (St.
Petersburg 1902-1906) reprinted by Biblio Verlag (Osnabrück 1970).
EoB. Some have read the colophon as saying it was collected by one
Nandīśvara Ācārya (or Taṇḍiśvarācārya).
Banerjee, SL, pp. 257-260, contains an outline and list of the stories
contained (Sanskrit names only). He notes that the text is to be found in
the Snar thang Bstan 'gyur, but that it is absent (replaced with the
Karmaśataka) in the Sde dge. Banerjee supplies three Sanskrit names
for the text: [1] Avadānaśataka, [2] Śatāvadāna, and [3]
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 19, 25.
Strong, RB, p. 31.
List of the 100 chapters. Matsunami, pp. 217-219.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-125). A 176-folio manuscript dated 1834.
— Avaivartacakra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa phyir mi
ldog pa'i 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 240. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 241v.4-301v.7. Tr.
by Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
EoB, with summary. Dunhuang fragments exist. Peking Tanjur adds
Jinamitra to the list of translators.
Mvy. no. 1371.
— Avadānamālā.
— Avalambana Sūtra.
Orzech in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 103, no. 2
(1983), p. 461. According to him, it contains elements of filial piety.
— Āvalīvidhi.
KCDS, p. 99. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Avalokana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra.
EoB. Cited in the Śikṣāsamuccaya. It is apparently to be found in
Peking Tanjur (which says it was translated by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and
Ye shes sde), but not in the Derge.
— Avalokita Sūtra.
— Avalokiteśvarabodhisattvacintācakrastotra (Byang chub
sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin 'khor lo
la bstod pa).
EoB, a fragment found in Dunhuang.
Sen, Revival, p. 54, mentions an Avalokiteśvarabodhisattvastotra.
— Avalokiteśvaradhāraṇī.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 3, p. 32.
— Avalokiteśvarahayagrīvadhāraṇī ('Phags pa spyan ras
gzigs dbang phyug ha ya grī ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 733
(also, no. 906). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— *Avalokiteśvarahṛdaya ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi
snying po). Tôh. no. 695 (also, no. 911). Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSA, folio 147v.3-147v.3. According to Tôh. no. 911, tr. by
Ngag gi dbang phyug and Klog skya Shes rab brtsegs.
EoB has brief resumé.
— Avalokiteśvaraikādaśamukha-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa
spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug zhal bcu gcig pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 693 (also, no. 899). Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSA, folios 137v.1-139v.1. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and
Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 325.
An Avalokitevara dhāraṇī (with no proper title, evidently) is listed in
KCDS, p. 118.
— Avalokiteśvarakhasarpaṇasādhana ('Phags pa spyan ras
gzigs dbang phyug kha sa rpa ṇi'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
2854. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 195v.5-196r.1. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Shākya blo gros.
— Avalokiteśvaramātā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa spyan ras
gzigs dbang phyug gi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
725 (also, no. 909). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
200v.1-202r.1. Tr. by Jñānamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes
EoB. Chinese translation made in late Sung period.
— Avalokiteśvara-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs
dbang phyug gi gzungs). Tôh. no. 696 (also, no. 910).
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 147v.3-148r.2.
EoB. This contains the six-syllable mantra, and the deity is four-armed,
with seed syllable hrīḥ.
— Avalokiteśvaranāmāṣṭaśataka ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs
dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no.
705 (also, no. 706, no. 900). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
EoB. Dunhuang fragments and incomplete copies. Chinese translation
made in late Sung period.
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
— Avalokiteśvarapadmajālamūlatantrarāja ('Phags pa spyan
ras gzigs dbang phyug gi rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po padma
dra ba). Tôh. no. 681. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
224v.1-278r.7. Tr. by Somaśrībhavya and Tshul khrims 'od
EoB has resumé.
yānasūtra ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gis
zhus pa chos bdun pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 150. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folio 331r.2-331v.5.
Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Dge ba'i blo gros.
EoB has resumé.
Sherburne, pp. 101, 209.
— Avalokiteśvarasādhana ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2854. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 195v.5-196r.1.
— Avalokiteśvarasādhana ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3167. Derge Tanjur, vol.
PHU, folios 184v.4-185r.4. Tr. by Śāntākara and Tshul
khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Avalokiteśvarasamādhi Sūtra.
Harumi Ziegler, The Fo-shuo Kuan-shih-yin san-mei ching (The
Avalokiteśvarasamādhi-Sūtra Spoken by the Buddha), Master's thesis,
University of California at Los Angeles (1994). Contains a translation.
The same author wrote a dissertation called The Fo-shuo Ching-tu
san-mei ching (The Samādhi-Sūtra on Liberation through Purification
Spoken by the Buddha), University of California at Los Angeles (2001).
— Avalokiteśvarasaṃmukhāṅginīdhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 291.
— Avalokiteśvarasiṃhanāda-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa spyan
ras gzigs dbang phyug seng ge sgra'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
703. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 165v.5-171r.5. Tr. by
Rje btsun ma Rdo rje sems ma [a human woman,
evidently] and 'Gar Shes rab 'byung gnas.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 656, has this colophon: kha che'i yul dur khrod
'bri sa ka rang byung gi mchod rten rtsar dngos grub brnyed pa'i rje
btsun ma rdo rje sems ma dang sgra bsgyur gyi lo tsā ba 'gar shes rab
'byung gnas zhes bya bas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
EoB. Contains story about how people in Magadha, then ruled by King
Dbang phyug 'od (Īśvarābha?), were suffering from leprosy.
A Mgar Shes rab 'byung gnas appears in Mkhas grub rim byon, with
birthdate in about mid-11th century.
— Avalokiteśvarastotrasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-241). A 36-folio manuscript.
— Avalokiteśvarāṣṭottaraśataka-dhāraṇīmantrasahita ('Phags
pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa
brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 634
(also, no. 874). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 105r.3-107r.7.
Matsunami, p. 291 (Avalokiteśvarasya
— Avalokiteśvarasūtra.
J. Oda, A Fragment of the Uighur Avalokiteśvara-Sūtra with Notes,
contained in: R.E. Emmerick, W. Sundermann, I. Warnke and P. Zieme,
eds., Turfan, Khotan und Dunhuang. Vorträge der Tagung "Annemarie
v. Gabain und die Turfanforschung," veranstaltet von der
Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin
(Berlin 1996), pp. 229-243.
A common way of referring to the 25th chapter of the Lotus Sūtra. Best,
Paekche, p. 149.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Mahāsthāma.
Matsunami, p. 291.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Mukhodgīrṇasiddhinikādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 291.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Nīlakaṇṭhadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, pp. 291-292.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Rañjakāstava.
Matsunami, p. 292.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Rūpastavastotra.
Matsunami, p. 290.
Contained in: Janardan Shastri Pandeya, ed.,
Bauddha-stotra-saṃgraha (Delhi 1994).
— Avalokiteśvarasya Saprākṣarastotra.
Matsunami, p. 292.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Stavarāja.
Matsunami, p. 292.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Stavastotra.
Matsunami, p. 292.
— Avalokiteśvarasya Vandanāstava.
Matsunami, p. 292. Phyag 'tshal ba'i bstod pa.
— Avalokiteśvarāvadāna.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-140). A 90-folio manuscript.
— Avalokiteśvaravajrośi (?)
KCDS, p. 41. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript belonging to the Potala.
Title translated into Tibetan as Spyan ras gzigs kyi rdo rje'i smon pa.
— Avalokiteśvaravimokṣa.
EoB. A text quoted in Śikṣāsamuccaya.
— Āvaraṇaviṣkambhi-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sgrib pa rnam
par sel ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 891. Derge
Kanjur, vol. E, folio 166v.5-166v.4.
EoB has resumé.
— Avataṃsaka, or,
Buddhāvataṃsaka-nāma-mahāvaipulyasūtra (Sangs rgyas
phal po che zhes bya ba shin tu rgyas pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 44. Derge Kanjur, vols. KA through A [four
volumes of the Phal chen section]. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Revised by Vairocana.
The long colophon in the Derge, which has quite a bit of historical
material, was written by a bhikṣu Bkra shis dbang phyug under the
orders of Bstan pa tshe ring, king of Derge (1678-1738) in a Water Tiger
year (1722). Part of the content of this colophon has been summarized
in Dan Martin, Illusion Web: Locating the Guhyagarbha Tantra in
Buddhist Intellectual History. Contained in: Christopher I. Beckwith,
ed., Silver on Lapis: Tibetan Literary Culture and History, The Tibet
Society (Bloomington 1987), pp. 175-220, at p. 203 n. 41.
Derge colophon: sdong pos brgyan pa zhes bya ba chos kyi rnam
grangs chen po las / nor bzangs kyis dge ba'i bshes gnyen bsnyen bkur
ba'i spyod pa phyogs gcig ste ci snyed pa rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / su rendra bo dhi dang / zhus chen gyi lo
tsā ba bande ye shes sde / la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab
pa'o // // de ltar bde bar gshegs pa'i bka' 'khor lo rim pa gsum las / 'dir tha
ma don dam rnam par nges pa'i 'khor lo'i snying po phul du byung ba
sangs rgyas phal po che mtshan gyi rnam grangs shin tu rgyas pa chen
po'i sde snod / snyan gyi gong rgyan / padma'i rgyan sogs du ma dang
ldan pa la / de bzhin gshegs pa phal po che'i le'u / rdo rje rgyal mtshan
gyi bsngo ba / sa bcu bstan pa / kun tu bzang po'i spyod pa bstan pa / de
bzhin gshegs pa'i skye ba dang 'byung ba bstan pa / 'jig rten las 'das pa'i
le'u / sdong pos brgyan pa'i le'u ste bdun la so so'i nang gses kyi dbye
bas le'u bzhi bcu rtsa lnga / shlo ka sum khri / dgu stong sum cu / bam
po brgya sum cu dang shlo ka sum cu yod par bu ston rin po che sogs
bzhed cing / tshal pa bka' 'gyur gyi dkar chag tu bam po brgya dang bco
lnga / ldan dkar mar bam po brgya dang nyi shu rtsa bdun du mdzad /
deng sang gi dpe rnams la'ang bam grangs mang yung ci rigs yod par
snang / 'di tho mar 'phags pa klu sgrub la / paṇḍi ta byang chub bzang
po dang paṇḍi ta dga' ba gnyis kyis zhus / de gnyis kas rgya nag tu 'gyur
mdzad // rgya nag gi 'gyur la / su rendra bo dhi dang / bai ro tsa na rakṣi
tas zhus chen mdzad par bshad cing / lung gi brgyud rim la'ang rgya nag
nas 'gyur ba'i brgyud pa ni / rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas / 'phags pa 'jam
dpal / mgon po klu sgrub go /ng gi paṇḍi ta gnyis / de nas hwa shang thu
thu zhun sogs rim par brgyud de / hwa shang gying ju la dbus pa sangs
rgyas 'bum gyis gsan / de nas lo tsā ba mchog ldan nas deng sang gi bar
du brgyud pa dang / rgya gar nas 'gyur ba'i brgyud pa ni / klu sgrub nas
/ ārya de wa / 'jam dpal grags pa sogs nas rim bzyin / rdo rje gdan pa la
ba ri lo tsā bas gsan / de nas mchims brtson seng / rje btsun sa skya pa
chen po sogs bgyud par bshad do // 'on kyang gong gi 'gyur byang 'di
las lo paṇ gzhan gyis bsgyur tshul lo rgyus dang / dpe rnams la ma
mthong ngo // 'di nyid tshal pa bka' 'gyur gyi ma phyi byas nas 'jang sa
tham rgyal pos bka' 'gyur ro cog par du bsgrub pa deng sang li thang
'tshal par du grags pa khungs thub kyi tshad mar bzung nas ma phyi
byas pa yin kyang / skabs 'dir chad lhag dang brda ma dag pa mang ba
'dug pas / slar yig rnying dag pa mang du btsal nas zhu dag bgyis pa yin
la / de'ang rgya de mi gcig pa dang / 'gyur mi thun pa ni don gyi khog
gcig kyang tshig la zhu dag mi btub na'ang / 'di'i dpe phal cher zhu dag
pher ba kho na 'dug la 'on kyang rgyan la bkod pa dang / 'byam klas la
rab 'byams dang / so so yang dag par rig pa la / tha dad pa yang dag par
shes pa dang / thugs la dgongs pa dang / nyin mtshan dang zla ba yar
kham mar kham dang zhes pa la / nyin mtshan dang yud du yan man
dang zhes dang / tha snyad la rnam par dpyod pa zhes pa rnams 'gyur
khyad lta bur 'dug pa don la mi 'gal bas rang sor bzhag // rgya sad la
rang bzhin rkyen / rnam 'gyur gyi tshul du ma yod pa / bod la lo paṇ chos
kyi spyan ldan rnams kyis don 'gyur mdzad pa 'ga' zhig / dus dang rnam
dbye sogs shin tu rtogs dka' bas dpe mthun shas che ba gtso bor bzung
/ gzhan dogs gnas cung zad yod pa rnams / bod kyi brda'i bstan bcos
rnams dang go btsun dpe phal cher la brda rnying shas che ba dang /
'gyur bcos mdzad pa'i gsal kha mi snang bas / bod kyi brda rnying pa
sha stag zhig byung na 'brel chags pa 'dra yang phyis su brda gsar
rnying 'dres nyams che ba dang / shad bar gcod mtshams 'khrugs pa
mang du snang yang cung zad skyon chung ba'i dbang du byas nas
btang snyoms su bzhag / de min mon pa'i rdo gcod zhu dag gi dpe zlar
ma song bar nan tan chen pos shin tu dag khul du bgyis pa 'di / sangs
rgyas kyi bstan pa rin po che dang ris med pa'i 'gro ba yongs kyi bsod
nams kyi dpal du bskal pa ji srid gnas kyi bar du khor yug ri bo'i khongs
'dir / nyi zla ltar gsal bar gyur cig / ces bod chen po'i yul ljongs sde bzhi'i
'byung gnas dge bcu'i khrims lugs kyis mngon par mtho ba'i nor 'dzin
yangs pa chos bzhin du skyong ba'i lha chos rgyal byang chub sems
dpa' mi'i dbang po bstan pa tshe rings kyi zhal snga nas / dge byed ces
pa chu stag lor gsung rab 'di nyid par du bsgrub par mdzad pa'i skabs
zhu dag las 'phros te 'di nyid kyi do dam par bkas gnang ba'i zhabs 'bring
ba dge slong bkra shis dbang phyug gis gleng pa dza yantu / [followed
by Ye dharma].
Nakamura, pp. 194-198, 202, 213, 319, 322.
Tucci, TPS, p. 612 (painting in Lhasa).
Thomas Cleary, tr., The Flower Ornament Scripture: A Translation of the
Avataṃsaka Sūtra, Shambhala Publications (Boston 1984, 1986). Has
been reprinted in a single volume. Translation based on the Chinese.
The Buddhist Text Translation Society of the Sino-American Buddhist
Association, The Great Means Expansive Buddha Flower Adornment
Sutra (San Francisco 1979-1982), in 23 volumes.
Doi Torazaku published a German translation under the title Das Kegon
Bernard Faure, Shen-hsiu et l'Avataṃsaka, Zinbun: Memoirs of the
Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, vol. 19 (1983), pp. 1-15.
Taidô Hino, On a Lost Sanskrit Version of the Hua-yen-ching Mentioned
by Chih-yen in his K'ung-mu-chang [in Japanese], contained in: Studies
in Indology and Buddhology Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu
Yamaguchi on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Hozokan (Kyoto
1955), pp. 254-261.
EoB. Comparison of Tibetan and the various Chinese translations.
Matsunami, p. 193.
(translated into Tibetan as Shin tu rgyas pa'i sde snod sangs rgyas phal
po che las sangs rgyas kyi zhing mtha' yas pa'i yon tan 'byung ba zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). KCDS, p. 88. Sanskrit palmleaf
manuscript now belonging to the Potala.
— Avavādānyapañcadevatāsuśāsana (Gdams ngag gzhan gyi
lha lnga legs par bsten par bya ba). Tôh. no. 3256. Derge
Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 16r.2-16v.1.
EoB has resumé of content. The five deities here are So sor 'brang ma
chen mo (Mahāpratisarā), Rma bya chen mo (Mahāmāyūrī), Stong chen
mo rab tu 'joms ma (Mahāsāhasrapramardanī), Gsang sngags rjes su
'brang ba chen mo (Mahāmantrānusāriṇī), and Bsil ba'i tshal chen mo
— Āveśa ritual of Instant Efficacy Expounded by Maheśvara.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 181, n. 105.
— Avikalpapraveśa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa rnam par mi
rtog par 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 142. Derge
Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 1v.1-6v.1.
Carmen Meinert, Structural Analysis of the Bsam-gtan Mig Sgron: A
Comparison of the Fourfold Correct Practice in the
Āryavikalpapraveśanāmadhāraṇī and the Contents of the Four Main
Chapters of the Bsam-gtan Mig Sgron, Journal of the International
Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 26, no. 1 (2003), pp. 175-195. The
same author is doing a full translation and study of this text, together
with its commentary, forthcoming from Wisdom Publications (Boston).
Carmen Meinert, Chinesische Chan- und tibetische rDzogs chen-Lehre:
eine komparatistische Untersuchung im Lichte des philosophischen
Heilskonzeptes 'Nicht-Vorstellen' anhand der Dunhuang-Dokumente
des chinesischen Chan-Meister Wolun und des Werkes bSam gtan mig
sgron des tibetischen Gelehrten gNubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes,
doctoral Dissert., Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (Bonn
2004), p. 104 ff.
Luis Gomez, Indian Materials on the Doctrine of Sudden Enlightenment,
contained in: Early Ch'an in China and Tibet (1983), pp. 393-434.
Kazunobu Matsuda, article on the subject in Indogaku Bukkyôgaku
Kenkyû, vol. 45, no. 1 (1996), pp. 89-113. Also wrote something in
Japanese in Bukkyôgaku Seminar, no. 34 (1981), pp. 40-49.
D. Ueyama, et al., The Avikalpapraveśa-dhāraṇī: The Dharani of
Entering Non-discrimination, Būkkyo Bunka Kenkyūjo Kiyô, vol. 22
(1983), pp. 32-42.
EoB has resumé. A Chinese translation was made in the late Sung.
Dunhuang fragmentary version noted.
KCDS, p. 5. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
A brief citation from a text by this title is reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2,
p. 3. Actually, one is a citation of this title, while the other is simply called
— Avinivartanīyacakrasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 192.
— Aviṣahya Jātaka.
Story of the merchant Aviṣahya. Part five of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra.
Matsunami, p. 228.
— Ayogṛha Jātaka.
Part thirty-two of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Āyuḥparyanta Sūtra.
See under Āyuṣparyanta.
— Āyuḥsādhana (Tshe sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 2336.
Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI, folios 299v.3-299v.6. Tr. by Nags
kyi rin chen (Vanaratna) and Bsod nams rgya mtsho.
Derge colophon: yo gī bi buddha ka ra'i man ngag ste / rgya gar shar
phyogs sadna ga ra'i paṇḍi ta chen po dpal nags kyi rin po che'i spyan
nsgar dge slong chos smra ba bsod nams rgya mtsho'i sdes bsgyur
EoB. Practice centered around Amitāyuḥ, red with a vessel in his right
— Āyuṃparyantasūtra.
H. Matsumura, ed., Āyuṃparyantasūtra, contained in: F. Enomoto,
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, and H. Matsumura, Sanskrit-Texte aus dem
buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen 1
(Göttingen 1989).
— Āyuravasthāphalopadravodbhava-nāma-karma (Tshe'i
gnas skabs kyi 'bras bu gnod pa 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i
las). Tôh. no. 4323. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO, folio
92r.1-92v.1. Tr. by Jayānanda and Shes rab rin chen.
— Āyurvedasarvasvasārasaṅgraha (Tshe'i rig byed mtha' dag
gi snying po bsdus pa'i glegs bam gyi che brjod bsgyur
byang smon lam gyi rim pa). Tôh. no. 4438. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NO, folios 299r.1-334v.6.
The Tôhoku catalogue mistakenly attributes authorship to "Tshangs
sras bzhad pa'i rdo rje (Brahmaputra Hasavajra)," which is in fact just a
name for the Fifth Dalai Lama (and he is not the author).
The original Derge catalogue reads as follows: tshe'i rig byed mtha' dag
gi snying po bsdus pa 'phags yul nub phyogs ma ho ra'i bram ze saṃ
nya'i go ta ra ranytso dang / ma hā lo tsā ba se dkar rigs kyi thig le 'dar pa
ngag dbang phun tshogs lhun grub kyis pho brang chen po po ta lar
bsgyur ba.
EoB, with resumé. Cordier catalogue attributes it to Brahmaputra
Hasavajra, and the translation to Khyim spangs Sa spyod
(Gotrasaṃcāra of Mathurā).
— Āyuṣparyanta Sūtra (Tshe'i mtha'i mdo). Tôh. no. 307.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 139r.4-145v.3. Tr. by
Śuddhasiṃha and Dge ba'i dpal. Revised by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Dpal brtsegs.
See under Āyuḥparyanta.
Matsumura Hisashi, Ayuḥparyantasūtra: Das Sūtra von der
Lebensdauer in den verschiedenen Welten. Text in Sanskrit und
Tibetisch, nach der Gilgit-Handschrift herausgegeben, contained in:
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und
Neueditionen (Göttingen 1989), pp. 69-100.
EoB, with resumé of content, reference to Chinese translations. It tells
the lengths of lives of various beings.
— Āyuṣpattiyathākāraparipṛcchā Sūtra (Tshe 'pho ba ji ltar
'gyur ba zhus pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 308. Derge Kanjur, vol.
SA, folios 145v.4-155r.1.
EoB has resumé. King Śuddhodana is the questioner. It deals with what
happens after death, following the death of one named Dga' skyes. The
general point of it is that offerings to the dead are useless.
— Ba bang ka'i brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. Apparently ba bang ka is a corruption of
something, but I could not decide what.
— Bad kan gyi nad sel ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 801 (also, no.
1057). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 116r.6-116v.7.
EoB. Has resumé of content.
— Bahuputrapratisaraṇa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa bu mang
po rton pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 615 (also, no.
976). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 52r.5-52v.5. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 102.
EoB. Dhāraṇī against poison, weapons, diseases and plague.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 122 (no. 130).
— Bālārka.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-205). A 24-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 20
(MBB-II-218), a 12-folio manuscript.
— Balavatī-nāma-pratyaṅgirā ('Phags pa phyir zlog pa stobs
can). Tôh. no. 737 (also, no. 960). Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSHA, folio 229r.4-229v.4.
EoB has brief summary.
— Balavatkumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-33). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Balicakravidhi.
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 31 in the list). An anonymous Sanskrit text.
— Balitattvādhikāra.
Bandurski, p. 67.
— *Balividhi (Gtor ma'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 1286. Derge Tanjur,
vol. TA, folios 140v.7-141r.6.
— Balividhi (Gtor ma'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 2622. Derge Tanjur,
vol. CU, folios 121r.7-122r.5.
— Balividhi (Gtor ma'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3288. Derge Tanjur,
vol. BU, folios 32v.6-33r.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Balyalpavidhi (Gtor ma'i cho ga nyung ngu). Tôh. no. 1712.
Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folio 75r.1-75r.7. Tr. by Parahita
and Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
EoB. Resumé of contents.
— Balyarcanavidhi.
Matsunami, p. 248.
— Bam ril thod mkhar.
Rhoton, CD, pp. 196, 219. An Old Tantra, said to have been composed
in Tibet.
— Bauddhacitrasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-229).
— Bauddha Tantra Kośa (Bhāga 1), ed. by Vrajavallabha
Dwivedi and Thinlay Ram Shashni, Central Institute for
Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1990). A collation of
citations from various tantras employing particular words (a
citation dictionary, only without the definitions). Quite
useful in any case.
— Bāveru Jātaka.
MSL, p. 284 ff. Babylon.
— Bcings pa las grol ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 796 (also, no.
1035). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 116r.5-116r.6.
EoB has brief comment on content.
— Bcom ldan 'das kyi gtsug gtor chen po de bzhin gshegs pa'i
gsang ba sgrub pa'i don mngon par thob pa'i rgyu byang
chub sems dpa' thams cad kyi spyod pa dpa' bar 'gro ba'i
mdo le'u stong phrag bcu pa las le'u bcu pa. Tôh. no. 236.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 263r.7-287r.4.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 230. Colophon: 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i
gtsug tor chen po'o / le'u stong phrag bcu pa las de bzhin gshegs pa'i
gsang ba / byang chub sems dpa' thams cad kyis bsgrub pa / don
mngon par thob par spyod pa'i rgyu le'u bcu pa rdzogs so / rgya las 'gyur
ba'i brda rnying par snang.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 581.
Haarh, List, p. 204 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, but not found in Derge
Kanjur, says Haarh, although it is in fact in the Derge). Haarh gives the
Sanskrit title as Sarvatathāgatasya
— Bcom ldan 'das kyis 'jam dpal rnon po la bstod pa. Tôh. no.
551. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folio 15r.4-15v.6.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 581. A verse work. Resumé of content.
— Bdag bsrung ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 790 (also, no. 1028).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 115r.4-115r.5.
— Bde ldan gyi snying po. Tôh. no. 680 (also, no. 889).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 223r.5-223r.7.
— Bden pa gnyis mdor bsdus pa'i brjed byang. In 80 śloka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bdud gzhom pa sogs sngags le tshan brgyad.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 106 (no. 33), a work
in 3 folios, evidently containing extracts from the 'Phags pa blo gros rgya
mtshos zhus pa'i mdo.
— Bdud kyi 'gying bag gi mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāyānasūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Bdud thams cad skrag par byed pa. Tôh. no. 797 (also, no.
1053). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 116r.6-116v.1.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 590.
— Be'u bum sngon po'i ming brda'i rnam bshad. Title of a
glossary for the Be'u bum sngon po. Listed in Btsan-lha, p.
— Bhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja ('Phags pa bzang po spyod
pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 1095. Derge Kanjur,
vol. WAṂ, folios 262v.5-266r.3.
Translation in SPVO, pp. 52-58.
Davidson, IEB, p. 159.
EoB, with lengthy discussion of content, Chinese translations, etc.
Matsunami, pp. 191-192.
K. Watanabe, Die Bhadracarī, eine Probe buddhistisch-religiöser Lyrik,
untersucht und herausgegeben (Leipzig 1912).
H. Idzumi, The Hymn on the Life and Vows of Samantabhadra, with the
Sanskrit Text, Bhadracarīpraṇidhāna, Eastern Buddhist, vol. 4 (April
1930), pp. 226-247.
KCDS, p. 17. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-59), with the title Bhadracarīpraṇidhānarāja Sūtra.
An 8-folio manuscript.
'Gyur med rdo rje, 'Phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi 'bru 'grel
mkhas grub dam pa'i zhal rgyun theg chen lam bzang, published in
1987, in 70 pages. Reproduced from the Smin grol gling blockprints.
— Bhadrakalpasamādhisūtra.
Nakamura, p. 178.
— Bhadrakalpāvadāna.
Nakamura, p. 138.
EoB. No author is given, but it says in the beginning of the work that the
stories were related by Jayaśrī at behest of Jinaśrī (but this may be part
a literary convention, and not a statement of actual authorship).
Serge d'Oldenburg, Bhadrakalpāvadāna, Jātakamālā (St. Petersburg
Joel Tatelman, The Trials of Yaśodharā: The Legend of the Buddha's
Wife in the Bhadrakalpāvadāna, Buddhist Literature, vol. 1 (1999), pp.
176-261. English translation of first three of the 38 chapters.
With 39 chapter title outline. Matsunami, pp. 219-220.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-139). A 58-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 24
(MBB-III-8), a 448-folio manuscript.
— Bhadrakalpika-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bskal pa
bzang po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 94.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 1v.1-340r.5. Tr. by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Dpal dbyangs. Revised by Ska ba
Dpal brtsegs.
The Fortunate Aeon: How the Thousand Buddhas Became Enlightened,
Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 1986).
Sten Konow, Saka Versions of the Bhadrakalpikasūtra, Det Norske
Videnskaps-Akademi (Oslo 1929).
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 4, pp. 190-191.
Peter Skilling, An Arapacana Syllabary in the Bhadrakalpika-sūtra,
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 116, no. 3 (1996), pp.
For a publication by Sarat Chandra Das at Darjeeling in the last decade
of the 19th century which is supposed to include a summary English
translation, see L.A. Waddell, The Tibetan Press at Darjiling, The
Academy, no. 1212 (July 27, 1895), pp. 75-76.
Friedrich Weller, Tausend Buddhanamen des Bhadrakalpa: Nach einer
fünfsprachigen Polyglotte herausgeben, Verlag der Asia Major (Leipzig
Nakamura, p. 156 n. (Bhadrakalpitasūtra).
Nattier, OUFT (see index).
— Bhadrakarātrīnāmasūtra, or Bhadrarātrīsūtra ('Phags pa
mtshan mo bzang po zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 313
(also, nos. 617, 974). Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios
161v.1-163v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes
EoB, with summary. The Chinese version was translated from the
Tibetan (!).
— Bhadraka Sūtra
EoB. Evidently exists only in Chinese, translated in 701 CE.
— Bhadramāyākāravyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa sgyu ma mkhan bzang po lung bstan pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 65. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CA, folios 17v.4-36r.1. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and
Ye shes sde.
Konstanty Régamey, The Bhadramāyākāra-vyākaraṇa (Introduction,
Tibetan Text, Translation and Notes), Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1990),
reprint of Warsaw edition of 1938.
EoB, with summary.
— Bhadrapālaśreṣṭhīparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa tshong dpon bzang skyong gis zhus pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 83. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CHA, folios 71r.1-94v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi
and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 176 (also, 172?).
Sanskrit citations from a text by the title Bhadrapāliparipṛcchāsūtra are
given in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 37-38.
— Bhadrapāla Sūtra.
Bagchi, Twelve, p. 11.
— *Bhagavadavalokiteśvarakaruṇāstotra (Bcom ldan 'das
spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la snying rje'i bstod pa).
Ldan dkar ma (Lalou, no. 460), in 15 ślokas.
Matsunami, p. 290. Here the title is Avalokiteśvarabhaṭṭārakasya
— *Bhagavadavalokiteśvaravajrapāṇistotra (Bcom ldan 'das
spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la phyag na rdo rje 'dzin
rnams kyi bstod pa.)
Ldan dkar ma (Lalou, no. 459), in 20 ślokas.
— Bhagavadekajaṭāstotra (Dpal bcom ldan 'das ral pa gcig pa
la bstod pa). Tôh. no. 2128. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios
173v.5-175v.3. Tr. by Buddhaśrībhadrajñāna and Gnubs
Byams pa'i dpal.
— Bhagavadgītā.
KCDS, p. 11. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 114 folios belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. Here the Tibetan translation of the title is given, with
an added note that it is a non-Buddhist text, as Dpal bcom ldan 'das kyi
glu dbyangs (phyi rol).
— *Bhagavadvairocanavajrapāṇistotra [?] (Bcom ldan 'das
rnam par snang mdzad la phyag na rdo rje 'dzin rnams kyi
bstod pa).
Ldan dkar ma (Lalou, no. 458).
— Bhagavadvajrapāṇistotra (Bcom ldan 'das phyag na rdo rje
la bstod pa). Tôh. no. 2890. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio
EoB, with summary.
— Bhagavadyaśoddharākālād
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Bhagavanmañjuśrītīkṣṇāya namaḥ (Bcom ldan 'das 'jam
dpal rnon po la phyag 'tshal lo). Tôh. no. 841/8. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 220r.3-222r.6. In Rnying rgyud
— Bhagavatīpañca.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-167). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Bhagavato Dāsajanmasaddharmacaraṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Bhairavakālacakramantrahṛdayadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 292.
— Bhairavavaca.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-263).
— Bhaiṣajyadhāraṇī.
Also titled Bhaiṣajyaśodhanadhāraṇī. Matsunami, p. 292.
— Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhasya
('Phags pa bcom ldan 'das sman gyi bla bai ḍūrya'i 'od kyi
sngon gyi smon lam gyi khyad par rgyas pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 504. Derge Kanjur, vol.
DA, folios 274r.1-283v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi
and Ye shes sde.
EoB (under the above title as well as under
"Bheṣajyaguru-vaiḍūryaprabhāsa-pūrvapraṇidhāna"). Includes
summary. It corresponds to three Chinese translations. See also EoB,
vol. 3, fasc. 1, p. 34, for reference to a Chinese translation of 615 CE.
Nakamura, p. 181, 182 (Vaiḍūryarājasūtra).
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 1-32 (and English language
introduction, pp. 47-59).
Walter Liebenthal, The Sutra of the Lord of Healing, The Society of
Chinese Buddhists (Peiping 1936), in 30 pages. Brief review by J.K.
Shryock in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 57, no. 2 (June
1937), p. 207. This translation based on the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang.
Gregory Schopen, The Bhaiṣajyaguru-Sūtra and the Buddhism of Gilgit,
doctoral dissertation, Australian National University (1978).
R.E. Emmerick, A Khotanese Version of the Sūtra of the Lord of Healing,
contained in: Buddhism and Its Relation to Other Religions: Essays in
Honour of Dr. Shuzen Kumoi on His Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji
Shoten (Kyoto 1985), pp. 225-232.
R.E. Emmerick made an entry on this text in E. Yarshater, ed.,
Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 4, pp. 192-193.
Kogi Kudara and Werner Sundermann, Ein weiteres Fragment eine
soghdischen Übersetzung des
Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhatathāgatasūtra, Altorientalische
Forschungen, vol. 19, no. 2 (1992), pp. 350-358.
— Bhaiṣajyarājabhaiṣajyasamudgati Sūtra.
— Bhaiṣajyavastu.
EoB. This is a section of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya. Long summary
of the text. It includes a large number of stories of Avadāna type.
Jin-Il Chung and Klaus Wille, Fragmente aus dem Bhaiṣajyavastu der
Sarvāstivādins in der Sammlung Pelliot (Paris): Sanskrit-Texte aus dem
buddhistischen Kanon IV (Göttingen 2002), pp. 105-127.
— Bhārgava Sūtra.
NTSH, p. 178.
— Bhavalubdhakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Bhavasaṅkrānti-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa srid pa
'pho ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 226.
Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 175r.6-177r.3. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
N. Aiyaswami Sastri, ed., Bhavasaṅkrānti-sūtra and Nāgārjuna's
Bhavasaṅkrānti-śāstra with the Commentary [Bhavasaṅkrānti-ṭīkā] of
Maitreyanātha, Adyar Library (Adyar 1938).
N. Aiyaswami Sastri, Bhavasamkrānti Sūtra: Restored from the Tibetan
Version with an English Translation, Journal of Oriental Research
Madras, vol. 5 (1931), pp. 246-260. The sūtra is frequently quoted by
Prabhubhai Bhikhabhai Patel, A Note on the Bhavasaṅkrāntisūtra,
Journal of Oriental Research, Madras, vol. 7, no. 2 (April 1933).
Giuliana Stramigioli, Bhavasaṅkrānti, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, vol.
16, nos. 3-4 (1937), pp. 294-306. Tibetan-script edition with Italian
Fernando Tola and C. Dragonetti,
Āryabhavasaṃkrāntināmamahāyānasūtra: The Noble Sūtra on the
Passage through Existences, Buddhist Studies Review, vol. 3, no. 1
(1986), pp. 3-18.
Nakamura, p. 242.
KCDS, p. 88. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
— Bhavaśarmāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Bhayagrīyakalpavajragandhādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Bhesajjamañjūsā.
The main Pāli work on materia medica.
— Bhikṣuṇīkarmavācanā.
EoB. One of the five Vinaya books of the Dharmaguptaka school, which
has been preserved in Sanskrit. Edition in Bulletin of the School of
Oriental and African Studies, vol. 1, p. 123 ff.
Paul, WB, pp. 80-94.
Dharmaguptabhikṣuṇīkarma. Translated into Chinese by Guṇavarman.
Pachow, VBM, p. 11.
— Bhikṣuṇīpratimokṣa Sūtra (Dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 4. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios 1v.1-25r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra and Klu'i rgyal mtshan.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 87-88. A Chinese translation exists.
Korosi, LTB, p. 95.
Klaus Wille, Zwei kleine Fragmente aus dem Bhikṣuṇīprātimokṣasūtra,
contained in: Heinz Bechert, Sven Bretfeld & Petra Kieffer-Pülz, eds.,
Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Literatur, Zweite Folge: Gustav
Roth zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der
buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden series no. 8,
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Göttingen 1997), pp. 307-314.
— Bhikṣuṇīvinayavibhaṅga (Dge slong ma'i 'dul ba rnam par
'byed pa). Tôh. no. 5. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios
25v.1-328r.6. Tr. by Sarvajñadeva, Dharmākara,
Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal gyi lhun po. Revised by
Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs.
Edith Nolot, Règles de discipline des nonnes bouddhistes: Le
Bhikṣuṇīvinaya de l'école Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādin Collège de
France (Paris 1991). Reviewed by Gustav Roth in Orientalische
Literaturzeitung, vol. 90 (1995), pp. 207-215.
Gustav Roth, Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya. Including Bhikṣuṇīprakīrṇaka and a
Summary of the Bhikṣuprakīrṇaka of the
Ārya-Mahāsāṅghika-Lokottaravādin, K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute
(Patna 1970). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.
16 (1974), pp. 149-150.
Gustav Roth, Nachtrag zur Edition des Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya der
Ārya-Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādin, contained in: Reinhold
Grünendahl, et al., eds., Studien zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde.
Festgabe des Seminars für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde für Prof.
Dr. Heinz Becher zum 60. Geburtstag (Göttingen 1992), pp. 229-238.
J.W. de Jong, Notes on the Bhikṣuṇī-vinaya of the Mahāsāṃghikas,
contained in: Buddhist Studies in Honour of I.B. Horner (Dordrecht
1974), pp. 63-70.
Davidson, IEB, p. 92 (Mahāsāṅghikabhikṣuṇīvinaya).
Banerjee, SL, pp. 88-89. It is a word for word commentary on the
Korosi, LTB, pp. 95-96, with notes on contents.
Bandurski, pp. 94-95 (catalogue no. 55), with references to the
Bretfeld, pp. 44-45, with references to the literature.
— Bhikṣuprakīrṇaka.
B. Jinananda, ed., Abhisamācārikā (Bhikṣuprakīrṇaka), K.P. Jayaswal
Reearch Institute (Patna 1969). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 16 (1974), pp. 150-152.
Maulichand Prasad, A Comparative Study of the Abhisamācārikā:
Abhisamācārikā-Dharma-Vinaya of the Ārya
Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins and the Pali Vinaya of the Theravādins
(Patna 1984).
Minori Nishimura, Über den Text des Abhisamācārikā, Indogaku
Bukkyôgaku Kenkyû, vol. 32 (1984), pp. 415-409.
Akira Yuyama, The Bhikṣu-prakīrṇaka of the
Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins Quoted by Śāntideva in His
Śikṣāsamuccaya, Annual Report of the International Research Institute
for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University [2002], vol. 6 (2003), pp.
Altekar, SLT, p. 61.
Bretfeld, p. 45.
— Bhikṣuprātimokṣa.
EoB. Preserved in Chinese trans.ation of 5th century.
— Bhikṣupriyasūtra (Dge slong la rab tu gces pa'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 302. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 125r.7-127r.2.
W. W. Rockhill, Translation of Two Brief Buddhist Sūtras from the
Tibetan, Indian Antiquary, vol. 12 (1883), pp. 308-311. Contains
translation of Dge slong la rab tu gces pa'i mdo.
— Bhikṣuvarṣāgrapṛcchā (Dge slong gi dang po'i lo dri ba).
Tôh. no. 4133. Derge Tanjur, vol. SU, folios 66r.1-70v.3.
Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Tucci, TPS, p. 88.
Rockhill, Life of the Buddha, p. 183.
Banerjee, SL, p. 50.
— Bhikṣuvinaya.
— Bhīmarathakriyā.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-149).
— Bhīmasyanadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Bhīmasyanastotra.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Bhṛkuṭīsādhana (Khro gnyer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3243. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 10v.7-11r.3. Tr. by
Mālava and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Bhṛkuṭīsādhana (Khro gnyer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3244. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 11r.3-11r.6. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Bhṛkuṭīsādhana (Khro gnyer can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 3350. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 34v.7-35r.3. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Bhṛkuṭīsādhana (Khro gnyer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3559. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 192r.5-192v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Bhṛkuṭīsādhana (Khro gnyer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3560. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 192v.1-192v.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Bhṛkuṭītārādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Bhṛtakapretikāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Bhuktāṣṭamivratapoṣadhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Bhūmicarā.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-230). A 17-folio manuscript.
— Bhūmisūtra (Sa'i mdo). Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 172.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 583.
— Bhūpāvadāna.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-42). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Bhurkuṃkūṭa.
Cozort and Preston, pp. 124-125. A tantra said to be one of the main
texts of the Śaivas.
— Bhūtaḍāmarabhaṭṭārakasādhana.
Bandurski, p. 87 (the added cursive Tibetan title is Dpal 'byung po 'dul
byed kyi bsgrub thabs).
— Bhūtaḍāmara-mahātantrarāja ('Byung po 'dul ba zhes bya
ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 747. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 238r.1-263r.7. Tr. by
Buddhākaravarman and Chos kyi shes rab.
Davidson, IEB, p. 333.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 246, 403.
EoB under "Bhūtaḍāmaratantra." Has fairly long summary. This work
exists in Sanskrit, and it was also translated into Chinese in the late
Sung dynasty. There is a Hindu tantra by the same name that has 16
chapters, and it is surmised that the Hindu version was a revision of the
B. Bhattacharyya, The Cult of Bhūtaḍāmara, Proceedings and
Transactions of the Sixth All-India Oriental Conference (Patna 1930), p.
349 ff. Also published in Man in India, vol. 11 (1931), pp. 83-115.
Walter, Jābir III, p. 23.
Walter, Corpses, pp. 14, 17.
Outline of chapter titles. Matsunami, pp. 248-249.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-129). A 51-folio manuscript.
Bandurski, pp. 86-87 & 89 (a 23-folio Sanskrit manuscript with the title
Bhūtaḍāmaratantra, and added Tibetan title 'Byung po 'dul byed kyi
— Bhūtaḍāmarasādhana ('Byung po 'dul byed kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3303. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
44v.7-47r.6. Tr. by Dā, Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
EoB. Has summary.
KCDS, p. 161. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery. The title as given here is mangled:
Bhuvatāmvara-mahātantrepiśārinīsādhanavidhivistaratantra. Related
(or identical) texts follow.
— Bhūtaḍāmarasamādhi.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-9). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Bhūtaḍāmarasaṅkṣiptadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 293. Bhūtaḍāṃvarasaṃkṣiptadhāraṇī.
— Bhūtaḍāmarasaṅkṣiptasādhana (Dpal 'byung po 'dul byed
kyi mdor bsdus pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3302. Derge
Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 43v.7-44v.7. Tr. by Dā, Abhaya and
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Bhūtaḍāmarasaṅkṣiptasādhana (Dpal 'byung po 'dul byed
kyi sgrub thabs mdor bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 3641. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 253r.6-254r.4.
— Bhuvanadīpaka.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-134). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Bimbisārapratyudgamana-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po
gzugs can snying pos bsu ba). Tôh. no. 289. Derge
Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 244v.1-249v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
EoB. Has brief summary. The Chinese version was translated by
Gautama Saṅghadeva in 397 CE. The earlier translation by
Dharmanandi is no longer extant.
— Bisa Jātaka.
Part nineteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Bka' bcad che 'bring chung gsum.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: lo paṇ mang pos mdzad pa'i bka' bcad che
'bring chung gsum dang / chos kyi rnam grangs kyi rtsa ba dang brjed
byang bam po bzhi.
— Bka' gdams glegs bam.
Franz-Karl Ehrhard, The Transmission of the Thig-le bcu-drug and the
Bka'-gdams Glegs-bam, contained in: Helmut Eimer & David Germano,
eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002), pp.
29-56. The collection probably first took shape somewhere near the
year 1300. The first woodblock printed version is dated to 1538-39.
— Bla ma drag po ki la ya'i man ngag.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 71.
— Bla na med pa'i smon lam.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bla na med pa'i spyod pa'i mdo.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named. A commentary on the Akṣayamati.
— Bod kyi brda yig gsar rnying dang // mngon brjod 'ga' zhig
bsgrigs pa. A woodblock print in 8 folios. Oriental Institute,
St. Petersburg, nos. B7873/5, B8940/1. The author's name
is given as Btsun chung Ngag blo skal sbyin, which must
abbreviate Ngag dbang blo bzang skal bzang sbyin pa.
The year of composition was an Iron Horse.
— Bod kyi brda yig rtogs pa sla ba. A single page of a
woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
— Bod kyi brda'i bstan bcos legs par bshad pa rin po che'i za
ma tog bkod pa. A 45-folio woodblock print. Oriental
Institute, St. Petersburg, no. B8917/1.
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, no. 1140 (29 folios).
— Bod kyi brda'i bye brag blo ldan nyer mkho'i sgron gsal. A
25-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg,
no. B8907/2. According to the colophon, this is a reedition,
with colophon author Dga' ldan Bshad sgra ba Bka' blon
Dpal 'byor rdo rje.
— Bod kyi brda'i gtsug lag kun gyi nying khu stong thun du
byas pa'i bshad pa kun phan bdud rtsi'i dga' ston. A
16-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg,
no. B10559/15.
— Bod kyi dgod gtam phyogs bsgrigs, Mi rigs dpe skrun
khang (Beijing 1999). Humorous story collection.
— Bod kyi rtsom rig byung 'phel gyi lo rgyus skal bzang mig gi
sgron me, Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang (Xining
— Bod kyi yi ge'i rnam bzhag tho tsam bkod pa blo gsar mig
'byed. A 4-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B10559/16.
— Bod skad kyi brda sprod la nye bar mkho ba'i yi ge go sla
bar bsdus pa'i bshad pa gsum rab rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i
'phrul gyi gru chung blo gsar myur phan. A 10-folio
woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
— Bod yul du byung ba'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen gyi rgyud kyi
rnam grangs. See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 689.2. Studied
by Thomas. A brief historical text.
— Bodhicaryāvatārānuśaṃsāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Bodhicittamahāsukhāmnāya (Byang chub kyi sems bde ba'i
man ngag). Tôh. no. 1696. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios
52v.1-53r.2. Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Dge ba'i blo
gros. Revised by Pho brang Byang chub 'od (Western
Tibetan royalty).
— Bodhicittaśīladānakalpa.
Nakamura, p. 327.
— Bodhigarbhālaṅkāralakṣadhāraṇī (Byang chub kyi snying
po'i rgyan 'bum gi gzungs). Tôh. no. 509 (also, no. 920).
Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 24v.6-25v.1.
Gregory Schopen, The Bodhigarbhālaṅkāralakṣa and Vimaloṣṇīṣa
Dhāraṇīs in Indian Inscriptions: Two Sources for the Practice of
Buddhism in Medieval India, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und
Ostasiens, vol. 29 (1985), pp. 119-149.
— Bodhimaṇḍalalakṣālaṅkāra (Byang chub snying po'i rgyan
'bum zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 508. Derge Kanjur,
vol. NA, folios 7v.3-24v.6. Tr. by Mgon po skyabs (from the
EoB. Brief summary of content.
— Bodhimaṇḍalakṣālaṅkāra-nāma-dhāraṇyupacāra.
Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, Ways of Interpretation as Suggested by the
Narrative's Analysis of the
Bodhimaṇḍalakṣālaṃkāra-nāma-dhāraṇī-upacāra, a paper presented at
11th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,
Mexico City (October 1994). Abstract in Himalayan Research Bulletin,
vol. 14 (1994).
— Bodhipakṣanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byang chub kyi phyogs bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 178. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios
240v.5-244v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Jñānasiddhi and Ye shes
EoB. See also under Bodhivakanirdeśa. Translated into Chinese in last
decades of 10th century.
— Bodhipraṇidhicittasyajñānagraṃbhaviṣyati (? evidently first
line, and not a title).
KCDS, p. 114. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Bodhirājakumāra Sutta; also, Bodharājakumāra.
G.M. Bongard-Levin, A New Fragment of the Bodharājakumārasūtra
from Eastern Turkestan, contained in: D.W. Macdowall, Savita Sharma
& Sanjay Garg, eds., Indian Numismatics, History, Art, and Culture:
Essays in Honour of Dr. P.L. Gupta, Agam Kala Prakashan (Delhi
1992), vol. 2, pp. 287-290.
G.M. Bongard-Levin, Three New Fragments of the
Bodharājakumārasūtra from Eastern Turkestan, Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 109, no. 4 (1989), p. 509-512. Only fragments of
the Sanskrit text have been found, but they correspond to a Pāli text
found in the Majjhimanikāya. The Sanskrit is transcribed here (no
— Bodhisattvacaryānirdeśa ('Phags pa byang chub sems
dpa'i spyod pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 184. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
96v.6-105v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarma and Ye shes
Jens Braarvig, The Practice of the Bodhisattvas: Negative Dialectics
and Provocative Arguments: Edition of the Tibetan Text of the
Bodhisattvacaryānirdeśa with a Translation and Introduction, Acta
Orientalia, vol. 55 (1994), pp. 113-160.
pañjikā (Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i shes
rab le'u dang bsngo ba'i dka' 'grel). Tôh. no. 3877. Derge
Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 178r.2-188r.7.
ACIP data version available.
— Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravivṛtipañjikā (Byang chub sems
dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i rnam par bshad pa'i dka' 'grel).
Tôh. no. 3873. Derge Tanjur, vol. LA, folios 288v.1-349r.7.
ACIP data version available.
EoB. This commentary omits the 2nd chapter of the root text (or perhaps
its root text was lacking the 2nd chapter!)
Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa-nāmamahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa byang chub sems dpa'i spyod
yul gyi thabs kyi yul la rnam par 'phrul pa bstan pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 146. Derge Kanjur,
vol. PA, folios 82r.3-141v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
Lozang Jamspal, The Range of the Bodhisattva: The Treatise of Truth
Teller, doctoral dissertation, Columbia University (New York City 1991).
This includes an edition of the Tibetan text with English translation.
Michael Zimmermann, A Mahāyānist Criticism of Arthaśāstra: The
Chapter on Royal Ethics in the
Bodhisattva-gocaropāya-viṣaya-vikurvāṇa-nirdeśa-sūtra, Annual Report
of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at
Soka University for the Academic Year 1999 (Tokyo 2000), pp. 177-211.
EoB. Has summary of content. There are two Chinese translations,
done in 5th and 6th centuries. Reference to a Dunhuang version.
— *Bodhisattvamārga Sūtra (Byang chub sems dpa'i lam gyi
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Bodhisattvapiṭaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa byang
chub sems dpa'i sde snod ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 56. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios
255v.1-294r.7, vol. GA, folios 1v.1-205v.1. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi, Śīlendra[bodhi] and Dharmatāśīla.
Ulrich Pagel, The Bodhisattvapiṭaka and Akṣayamatinirdeśa: Continuity
and Change in Buddhist Sūtras, contained in: The Buddhist Forum, vol.
III (London 1994), pp. 333-373.
Ulrich Pagel, The Bodhisattva Pitaka: Its Doctrines and Practices and
their Position in Mahāyāna Literature, SOAS (London 1992); The
Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1995). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 39 (1996), pp. 182-184. Reviewed by Charles
Prebish in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 119, no. 1
(1999), pp. 173-174. This work includes as its third appendix a
bibliographical guide to the Mahāratnakūṭa collection.
KCDS, p. 7. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 142 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka. It is stated that it belongs to the 8th century.
— Bodhisattvapratimokṣa.
EoB. Four different Chinese translations.
Davidson, HRPA, p. 160. Translated by Dharmakṣema in 414-421 CE.
asūtra (Byang chub sems dpa'i so sor thar pa chos bzhi
sgrub pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
248. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 46v.1-59r.5. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna, Shākya blo gros and Dge ba'i blo gros.
Nakamura, p. 220 (Bodhisattvapratimokṣasūtra).
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but under the title Bden
pa'i rnam pa'i mdo.
— Bodhisattvaśīlasaṃvara.
Nakamura, p. 222.
— Bodhisattvasya Cakravartijanmasugatabhajanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Bodhisattvāvadāna.
EoB. Contains 35 stories similar, but not identical, to the Jātakamālā,
which contains 34 stories.
— Bodhyāpattideśanā (Byang chub ltung bshags). See
Poussin, Catalogue, no. 634.
Byang chub ltung bshags (Byang chub sems dpa'i ltung ba bshags pa'i
mdo), n.p. (Kelang 1968), in 9 pages. "Printed from blocks preserved in
the Bho gar Temple."
Byang chub ltung bshags, n.p. (Leh 1968), in 21 pages. "Printed from
the blocks preserved at the royal palace in Leh."
Gelongma Khechogpalmo, Translation of Byang chub ltung bshags,
Bulletin of Tibetology, vol. 10, no. 2 (1973), pp. 18-34.
— Bon gyi tha snyad rig gnas bstan bcos phyogs bsgrigs, Bod
ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang (Lhasa 1996).
Source: TBRC.
— Book of Consecration.
Kuan-ting ching (Taishô 1331). It was supposed to be a translation of an
Indian scripture by the Kuchean Śrīmitra in the first quarter of the 4th
century. However, Strickmann finds that it was compiled in 457 CE by a
Chinese monk Hui-chien. Its 10th chapter, on divination, also circulated
separately under the title Book of Consecration Expounded by the
Buddha concerning Brahma's Spirit-Tablets (Fo-shuo kuan-ting
Fan-t'ien shen-ts'e ching). Strickmann, CPP, p. 58.
— Book of Divining the Requital of Good and Evil Deeds.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 80. Chinese scripture recommending the use of
spinning tops for divination of karma (past, present and future).
— Book of Resolving Doubts Concerning the Semblance
Kyoko Tokuno, The Book of Resolving Doubts Concerning the
Semblance Dharma, contained in: Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in
Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 257-271. An
indigenous Chinese scripture dating from the mid-6th century.
— Bower Manuscript.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 114 ff., has discussion of its divination section.
— Brahmadattaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
tshangs pas byin gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 159. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
10v.4-22v.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
EoB. Lengthy resumé of content. Contains story of the Bodhisattva
Amoghadarśana (Mthong ba don yod). Sixty arrogant monks speak
badly of him, and the rumor is spread...
— Brahmajālasūtra (Tshangs pa'i dra ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 352.
Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 70v.2-86r.2. Tr. by Ye shes
Fumio Enomoto, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Hisashi Matsumura,
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und
Neueditionen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1989). On two
fragments, one from Hoernle collection, the other from the Berlin Turfan
J.J.M. De Groot, La Code du Mahāyāna en Chine, son influence sur la
vie monacale et sur le monde laique (Amsterdam 1893). A bilingual
edition. The Chinese text doesn't correspond to the Tibetan one.
Friedrich Weller, Brahmajālasūtra: tibetischer und mongolischer Text
(Leipzig 1934), in 84 pages.
Nakamura, pp. 220-222 (also, pp. 33-34).
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 9, 11.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 78, etc. The Chinese work by this title (in Chinese
Fan-wang ching) was composed in Chiang-nan between 430 and 480
Considered by the Vaibhāṣika school one of their basic scriptures.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 8v.6.
— Brahma Jātaka.
Part twenty-nine of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Brāhmaṇajātakāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Brāhmaṇa Jātaka.
Part twelve of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— *Brahmanipāta Sūtra (Bram ze'i tshig phrad kyi mdo).
D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceta, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge 1951), p. 203.
— Brahmaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
tshangs pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 158. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 1v.1-10v.4. Tr.
by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
EoB. Has summary. Mindfulness of body is the main teaching.
— Brahmasaṃhitā.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 128 ff.
— Brahmaśrīvyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
tshangs pa'i dpal lung bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 189. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
199v.6-201r.6. Tr. by Viśuddhasiṃha and Dge dpal (Dge
ba dpal?). Revised by Vidyākarasiṃha and Devacandra.
EoB. Has summary. Has story of a boy named Brahmaśrī, who with
other children was making houses out of sand and soil. Brahmaśrī
offered his to the Buddha...
'Phags pa khye'u tshangs pa'i dpal gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 364.
— Brahmaviśeṣacintiparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa tshangs pa khyad par sems kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 160. Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 23r.1-100v.7. Tr. by Śākyaprabha, Dharmapāla,
Jinamitra and Dharmatāśīla.
Nakamura, p. 272 (Viśeṣacintāparipṛcchāsūtra).
Kogi Kudara and Werner Sundermann, Fragmente einer soghdischen
Handschrift des Viśeṣacinti-brahma-paripṛcchā-sūtra, Altorientalische
Forschungen, vol. 18, no. 2 (1991), pp. 246-263.
Kogi Kudara and Werner Sundermann, A Second Text of the Sogdian
Viśeṣacinti-brahma-paripṛcchā-sūtra, Nairiku Ajia gengo-no kenkyū, vol.
13 (1998), pp. 111-128.
EoB. Lists translators as Śākyaprabha, Dharmapāla, Jinamitra,
Dharmatāśīla, Devendrarakṣita and Kumārarakṣita. Lengthy summary
of content. Bodhisattva Jalatāṃśu (Dra ba can gyi 'od) is the questioner.
There are 3 Chinese translations.
— Brahmayāmala Tantra.
Prabodh Chandra C. Bagchi, Brahmayāmala-tantra, Chapter IV: A New
Text on Pratimālakṣaṇa, Journal of the Indian Society of Indian Arts, vol.
3, no. 2 (1935).
See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 194.
A Nepalese manuscript is dated 1052 CE.
— Brda nges par gzung ba. Tôh. no. 1214. Derge Tanjur, vol.
JA, folios 314v.1-316r.4. Tr. by Ye shes rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: bla chen gyi la / lha mnga' bdag ye shes rgyal mtshan
gyis 'gyur bcos pa'o.
— Brda' sprod skor gyi thor bu (not a real title!).
KCDS, p. 108 (see also p. 135). Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript in 14
folios belonging to Potala.
— Brda yig ming don gsal ba'i sgron me. A 220-folio
woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, nos.
B7840/1, B7580/3, B7731/1, B8803/1, B8876/1. Evidently
contains Mongolian script. The colophon author gives his
name as Shākya'i dge slong kalpa bha dra shā sa dha ra,
aka Tshangs sras sgeg pa'i lang tsho 'jigs med spobs pa'i
sde. It was done at the order of Bskal bzang sbyin pa.
— Brgya bzhi'i cho ga cha tshad.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 74.
— Bṛhadādibuddha.
Two Sanskrit citations from a text by this title are given in Lal, Lupta, vol.
2, p. 32.
— Bṛhaddyutikumbhakārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Bṛhaspati Sūtra.
F.W. Thomas, A Bṛhaspati sūtra, Le Muséon, vol. 33 (1915-1916), pp.
131 ff.
— Brjed byang chung ngu.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named.
— Brjod kyis mi lang ba'i mdo.
Also cited as Brjod du med pa'i mdo. A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's
Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced in Tibetan or Sanskrit (a
Chinese version is available).
— 'Bru spel ba'i gzungs.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 84.
— 'Brum bu'i nad zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 626 (also,
no. 1019). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 63r.3-63r.4.
— Bsam gtan sgom pa'i thabs dang gnyen po bshad pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bsam pa myur 'grub pa.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 610. A prayer to Padmasambhava found by
Sngags 'chang Kun dga' bsod nams.
— Bsam pa thams cad yongs su rdzogs par byed pa zhes bya
ba yongs su bsngo ba. Tôh. no. 285. Derge Kanjur, vol.
YA, folios 77r.3-79v.7.
— Bskor ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 775 (also, no. 1075). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 112v.5-112v.7.
— Bstan bcos btus pa'i phreng ba.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bstan bsrungs jag pa me len gyi gsol kha mchog sgrigs
dang bcas pa.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 72.
— Bstan pa 'bar ba'i smon lam (Bstan 'bar ma).
Translation in SPVO, pp. 81-82.
— Bstan pa'i nor rdzas. A Guhyasamāja sādhana text. See
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 143.
— Bstan pa'i snying po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bstod pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 1070. Derge Kanjur, vol.
WAṂ, folio 239v.1-239v.2.
— Bu mo yon tan gyis brgyan pa mngon par shes pa rgyas
pa'i le'u mdo.
A sūtra (or a chapter from a sūtra) quoted in Atiśa's
Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced elsewhere.
a-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs rgyas kyi stobs skyed
pa'i cho 'phrul rnam par 'phrul ba bstan pa zhes bya ba theg
pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 186. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA,
folios 143v.4-158r.4.
Gregory Schopen, The Five Leaves of the
Buddhabaladhānaprātihāryavikurvāṇanirdeśa-sūtra found at Gilgit,
Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 5 (1978), pp. 319-336.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 4, pp. 173 ff. (and English introduction).
— Buddhabhagavadaṣṭaśatanāmadhāraṇī (Sangs rgyas
bcom ldan 'das kyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs
sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 532 (also, no. 873). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 95v.4-99v.3.
— Buddhabhāṣitasarvavaipulyavidyāsiddhisūtra.
Nakamura, p. 192.
— Buddhabhaṭṭārakasya Buddhadharmasaṅghastava.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Buddhabhaṭṭārakasya Daśabalāyatanastotra.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Buddhabhaṭṭārakasya Dhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Buddhabhaṭṭārakasya Yaśodharāstotra.
Matsunami, p. 293.
— Buddhābhidharma Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 32.
— Buddhābhiṣeka-nāma-stotra (Sangs rgyas dbang bskur ba
zhes bya ba'i bstod pa). Tôh. no. 1161. Derge Tanjur, vol.
KA, folios 230r.1-231r.2. Tr. by Rin chen bzang po.
— Buddhabhūmi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas kyi sa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
275. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 36r.1-44v.2. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Kyoo Nishio, The Buddhabhūmi-Sūtra and the
Buddhabhūmi-Vyākhyāna of Çīlabhadra Hajinkaku Publishing (Nagoya
1940). Has Tibetan text.
John P. Keenan, tr., The Interpretation of the Buddha Land. I haven't
seen this, but Keenan evidently makes use of the commentary by
Śīlabhadra, as well as an existing — in Chinese only — text by one
Bandhuprabha who is otherwise unknown. Keenan calls it a Yogācāra
Tucci, TPS, p. 104, and on p. 106, reference to a commentary, Sangs
rgyas sa'i mdo 'grel rin chen gser gyi me tog.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Mention of a Brjed byang on this text, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
Nakamura, p. 221.
— *Buddhabhūmisaṅgīti.
Sangs rgyas kyi sa yang dag par sdud pa (perhaps this combines two
different titles?). Listed among scriptures considered basic by the
Mādhyamika school. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
See Mvy. no. 1360.
— Buddhadharmācintyanirdeśa ('Phags pa sangs rgyas kyi
chos bsam gyis mi khyab pa). Tôh. no. 187. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSA, folios 158r.1-191r.7.
— Buddhadhyānasamādhisāgarasūtra.
E. Benveniste, Notes sur le fragment sogdien du
Buddhadhyānasamādhisāgarasūtra, Journal Asiatique, vol. 223 (1933),
pp. 193-248.
Nobuyoshi Yanabe, The Sūtra on the Ocean-like Samādhi of the
Visualization of the Buddha: The Interfusion of the Chinese and Indian
Cultures in Central Asia as Reflected in a Fifth Century Apocryphal
Sutra, doctoral dissertation, Yale University (1999). Kuan-fo san-mei
hai ching, Taishô no. 643.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 97. The Samādhi Sea of Buddha Remembrance
(Taishô no. 643), translated by Buddhabhadra in 420-423 CE.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 66.
— Buddhagīta.
In 25 verses. There are different works by this same [descriptive] title,
including one in 8 verses, and another in 7 verses. Matsunami, p. 293.
— Buddhagītastotra.
One work by this title in 13, and another in 7 verses. Matsunami, p. 294.
— Buddhahṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sangs rgyas kyi
snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 515 (also, no.
855). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 46v.6-48r.6. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Buddhahṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇīdharmaparyāya ('Phags pa
sangs rgyas kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs kyi chos kyi
rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 514 (also, no. 854). Derge Kanjur,
vol. NA, folios 44v.2-46v.6. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and
Ye shes sde.
— Buddhakapāladhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 294.
— Buddhakapāla-nāma-yoginītantrarāja (Dpal sangs rgyas
thod pa zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po).
Tôh. no. 424. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 143r.1-167r.5.
Tr. by Gayadhara and Gyi jo Zla ba'i 'od zer.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 5, 247-252, 255-269, 296.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 86.
KCDS, pp. 125-126. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscripts belonging to the
— Buddhākṣepaṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas mi spang ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 276. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 44v.3-59v.6. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Buddhakṣetraguṇālaṅkāravyūha.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-111). An 84-folio manuscript dated 1831.
aryāya ('Phags pa sangs rgyas kyi dbu rgyan zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo chos kyi rnam grangs chen po).
Tôh. no. 275. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 29v.6-35v.7. Tr.
by Śākyasiṃha and Devendrarakṣita.
— Buddhanāmasahasrapañcaśatacaturtripañcadaśa (Sangs
rgyas kyi mtshan lnga stong bzhi brgya lnga bcu rtsa gsum
pa). Tôh. no. 262. Derge Kanjur, vol. 'A, folios 1v.1-89v.7.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 581, describes a manuscript in 227 folios.
5453 names of Buddha.
— Buddhanāma Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 181.
— Buddhānusmṛti ('Phags pa sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa).
Tôh. no. 279 (also, no. 4520). Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios
— Buddhānusmṛti ('Phags pa sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa).
Tôh. no. 3143. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
162v.1-162v.7. Tr. by Pa tshab Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Buddhānusmṛtisamādhisamudra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
(Sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa'i ting nge 'dzin gyi rgya mtsho
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Stog Palace Kanjur,
no. 130.
Stog Palace colophon: mdo 'di sngon rgya las 'gyur ba'i 'jug ma rdzogs
pa sgyur 'phro lus par snang ste mkhas pas legs par gzigs 'tshal. It has
chapters on the mtshan and dpe byad (the major and minor marks of a
Buddha) and on the four immeasurables, the tshad med bzhi.
E. Benveniste, Notes sur le fragment sogdien du
Buddhadhyānasamādhisāgarasūtra, Journal Asiatique, vol. 223 (1933),
pp. 193-248.
— Buddhapiṭakaduḥśīlanigraha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Sangs
rgyas kyi sde snod tshul khrims 'chal ba tshar gcod pa zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 220. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 1v.1077v.7. Tr. by
Dharmaśrīprabha and Dpal gyi lhun po.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya.
— Buddhasamāgama [?].
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 94.
— Buddhasaṅgīti-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas bgro ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 228. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 189r.1-226r.7. Tr.
by Dpal dbyangs and Dpal brtsegs.
— Buddhaśrīguṇastotra.
Nakamura, p. 132.
— Buddhāvadāna (Sangs rgyas kyi rtogs brjod).
Banerjee, SL, p. 202. A text embedded within the Vinayavastu.
— Buddhavaṃsa.
Nakamura, p. 49.
Peter Skilling, A Citation from the Buddhavaṃsa of the Abhayagiri
School, Journal of the Pali Text Society, vol. 18 (1993), pp. 165-175.
— Buddhistische Triglotte, D.H.
Sanskrit-Tibetisch-Mongolisches Wörterzeichniss mit den
aus dem Nachlass des Barons Schilling von Canstadt
stammenden Holztafeln und mit einem kurzen Vorwort
versehen, Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (St.
Petersbourg 1859). Includes a German forword by Franz
Anton Schiefner. This has been reprinted several times in
India. Glossary, supposedly selections from the
Mahāvyutpatti, but the history is more complex than that,
and there is no Tibetan title, and no colophon.
Vogel (in Mishra, GSBL, p. 7) says that it is the Sanskrit, Tibetan and
Mongolian portions of the Man han hsi-fan chi-yao ('Pentaglot Lexicon')
in Sanskrit, Tibetan Manchu, Mongolian and Chinese, done at order of
Qianlong Emperor in the mid to late 18th century), which was in turn
based on the Mahāvyutpatti. Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian glossary.
The whole work has been reproduced in facsimile, but with added
indices, by Raghu Vira, Pentaglot Dictionary of Buddhist Terms,
Śata-piṭaka Series vol. 19 (New Delhi 1961, reprint 1998), in 453 pages.
Note also C. de Harlez, Babylonian and Oriental Record, nos. 2-4
Katsumi Mimaki, A Tibetan Index to the Pentaglot Dictionary from the
Qing Dynasty, contained in: Helga Uebach and Jampa L. Panglung,
eds., Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the
International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Hohenkammer,
Munich 1985, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Munich
1988), pp. 279-291.
Alfonsa Ferrari, Arthaviniścaya (Texto e versione), Atti della Reale
Accademie d'Italia, Memorie della classe di scienze morale e storiche,
series 7, vol. 4, fasc. 13 (1944), pp. 535-625, at pp. 544-545. Discusses
the Pentaglott and Triglott (made by subtracting the Chinese and
Manchu from the Pentaglott) vocabularies. Remusat published a
transcription of the Tibetan and Sanskrit parts in Melanges asiatiques
— Budhaśataka. Unknown authorship.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— 'Bum gyi brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named.
— 'Bum gyi ṭī ka'i don bsdus mdo dang sbyar ba.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Text without authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Bya dang ri dwags kyi rtogs brjod, Damchoe Sangpo
(Dalhousie 1978-9). Stories of birds and animals.
— Bya chos rin chen 'phreng ba.
The authorship is uncertain. Because of his love for birds, some believe
it to be by the Karma pa X.
I haven't been able to actually see a Tibetan-language text of it,
although according to Conze it was published in Calcutta in 1904, in 40
pages, edited by Satis Chandra Vidyabhushana.
Edward Conze, The Buddha's Law among the Birds (Oxford 1955).
Conze believed this anonymous work must have been written by a Bka'
brgyud pa teacher, since it displays some affinities with that school (but
how is it that 'pho ba is particular to the Bka' brgyud pa? I think Conze is
mistaken here).
Enrico dell'Angelo, L'Insegnamento degli uccelli, Shang-Shung Edizioni
(Arcidosso 1989).
Henriette Meyer, Précieuse guirlande de la loi des oiseaux, brought out
by Cahiers du Sud in 1953.
— Bya khyung bsam yas ma.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. A text said to have been composed by Tibetan
spirit entities.
— Byams pa bsgom pas sems gnas pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Byams pas bstan pa.
A brief text found in Phug-brag, Lhasa and Narthang Kanjurs, but not in
— Byang chub 'byung ba'i smon lam.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Byang chub dam pa'i rjes su mos pa'i smon lam. Stog
Palace Kanjur, no. 323.
— Byang chub dam pa'i smon lam.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times. Perhaps this is the text in the Stog Palace
Kanjur, no. 323, listed above.
— Byang chub kun tu rgyu'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Byang chub kyi phyogs kyi chos sum cu rtsa bdun bstan
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Byang chub kyi sems sgom pa'i 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Byang chub sems dpa' byams pa dga' ldan gnam du skye
ba blangs pa'i mdo. Tôh. no. 199. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA,
folios 296v.1-303r.5. Translated (from Chinese) by Lo tsā
ba Bande Pa ba stong (probably a Chinese name, or Pab
stong?) and Bande Shes rab seng ge.
— Byang chub sems dpa' 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug lag pa stong dang mig stong dang ldan pa'i cho ga
zhib mo. Tôh. no. 690. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
— Byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug
phyag stong spyan stong dang ldan pa thogs pa mi mnga'
ba'i thugs rje chen po'i sems rgya cher yongs su rdzogs pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 691 (also, no. 897). Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 94r.1-129v.6. Tr. by Chos grub
(evidently from the Chinese).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
54. Here the title is given as *Sahasrabhujasahasracakṣu Dhāraṇī
(Phyag stong spyan stong gi gzungs).
— Byang chub sems dpa' chen po'i sa'i snying pos bcom ldan
'das la zhus pa'i mdo las sems can skye dgu rnams kyis
dus drug dang dus bcu dang ring po gsum gyi nyi ma...
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 265.
Colophon of Stog Palace version: kha che'i paṇḍi ta shākya shrī las
brgyud de byung zhes grag go.
— Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa yongs su dag pa'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Byang chub yang dag sprin gyi mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Byang sa'i sa bcu'i brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Byang sa'i tshul khrims le'u'i 'gyur byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. It would seem to be a translation colophon to the
Śīla chapter of the Bodhisattvabhūmi.
— Bzhad slong byis pa'i 'dzum grol, Kan su'u mi rigs dpe
skrun khang (Lanzhou 1991). Humorous stories.
— Caityapuṅgala Sūtra.
Matsunami, p. 249.
— Caityapuṅgava.
Matsunami, p. 294.
— Caityapradakṣiṇagāthā (Mchod rten bskor ba'i tshigs su
bcad pa). Tôh. no. 321. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios
R.E. Emmerick together with P.O. Skjaervø made an entry on this text in
E. Yarshater, ed., Encyclopaedia Iranica (London 1985), vol. 4, pp.
— Caityavarṇanāstava.
Matsunami, p. 294.
— Caityavratānuśaṃsāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 213, 223.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-95). A 21-folio manuscript.
— Cakkavattisīhanādasuttanta.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 13-15. Cakravartisiṃhanāda.
— Cakramukhyākhyāna.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-199). A 19-folio manuscript.
— Cakrasaṃvaramahātantrarāje Dhyānayoga.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-2), evidently an extract from a tantra. An 8-folio
— Cakrasaṃvaramahāyoga.
KCDS, p. 131. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala
(listed among the Zhwa lu monastery texts). The full title begins
Ādisiddhicottratantra (uttaratantra?). Tibetan 'translation' of the title
reads: Dpal he ru ka 'khor lo sdom pa'i yo ga ma chen mo'i rgyud rgyal
po'i lnga bcu nga gcig.
Brief citations from a Sanskrit text by the title Śrīcakrasaṃvara are
reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 13-14.
— Cakrasaṃvara-nāma-śatāṣṭakastotra (Dpal 'khor lo sdom
pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa'i bstod pa). Tôh. no.
1425. Derge Tanjur, vol. WA, folios 171r.7-172r.5.
— Cakrasaṃvaraguhyācintya-tantrarāja (Dpal 'khor lo sdom
pa gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po).
Tôh. no. 385. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 196r.1-199r.1.
Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
Scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Introduction to Mahamudra,
the Co-emergent Unification, text with English translation by Khenpo
Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun 2004), pp. 30-31, 42-43, cites
a Lhan cig skyes pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyud.
— Cakrasaṃvarasādhana (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa zhes bya
ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 1445. Derge Tanjur, vol. WA,
folios 272v.3-276v.7.
KCDS, p. 24 (also, p. 101). Impossible to know which among the many
texts by this title it might be.
— Cakrasaṃvarasamādhi.
See Dhīḥ, vol. 36, pp. 145-158, for the Sanskrit text.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-25). A 133-folio mannuscript.
— Cakrasaṃvarastotradaṇḍaka (Bcom ldan 'das bde mchog
'khor lo'i bstod pa daṇḍa ka).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 151, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4575. No authorship attribution.
— Cakrasaṃvarasya Mūlamantradhāraṇī.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-78). A 7-folio manuscript.
— Cakrasaṃvarasya Tantrāntapaṭalahṛdaya.
Matsunami, p. 294.
— Cakrasaṃvaratantrarāja.
KCDS, p. 50. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka.
— Cakrasaṃvaratantrarāja-adbhutaśmaśānālaṅkāra (Dpal
'khor lo sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dur khrod kyi rgyan
rmad du byung ba). Tôh. no. 413. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA,
folios 254v.5-259v.3. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 449.
— Cakrasaṃvaravivṛtti.
Bandurski, pp. 92-93. Evidently a descriptive rather than an actual title.
— Cakrasaṃvarayāhṛ[?]ākāśamukhadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 294.
— Cakrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
— Cakṣadharmatā-nāma-dhāraṇī (?).
KCDS, p. 108. Sanskrit paper manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Cakṣurviśodhanī-nāma-vidyāmantra ('Phags pa mig rnam
par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i rig sngags). Tôh. no. 619
(also, no. 1008). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 59r.6-60v.4.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po cher khros pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3262. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
17v.5-18v.6. Tr. by Dā, Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3263. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
18v.6-19r.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3358. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
38v.1-38v.6. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3479. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
129r.6-129v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3480. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
129v.3-130r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3481. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
130r.4-131v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 34. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa Tantra.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 397, has the title Śrīcaṇḍamahāroṣaṇa
Tantrarāja (Dpal gtum po khro bo chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). The
colophon reads: theg pa chen po yang dag pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen
mkhyen pa dang brtse ba dang 'phrin las dpag tu med pa mnga' ba bla
ma chen po rin chen rgyal mtshan gyi sku drin la brten nas bla ma dus
'khor ba chen po shes rab seng ges bskul zhing sbyin bdag mdzad pa la
brten na / dpal ldan sa skya'i gtsug lag khang chen por paṇḍi ta ratna
shrī zhal snga nas lo tsā ba grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis sbrul gyi lo smin
drug gi zla ba'i dkar po'i tshes bcu la rdzogs par bsgyur ro.
Christopher S. George, ed., The Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa Tantra, Chapters
I-VIII: A Critical Edition and English Translation, American Oriental
Society (New Haven 1974).
Peter Gäng, Das Tantra des Grausig-Gross-Schrecklichen (Berlin
Wayman tells of a conversation he had with C. George about translating
the sexually graphic portions of the text in Alex Wayman,
Guhyasamājatantra: Reflections on the Word and Its Meaning,
Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan,
no. 15 (1970), pp. 34-44, at pp. 41-42, although Wayman doesn't refer
to him by name.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-110). A 59-folio manuscript dated 1595.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-25). A 63-folio manuscript dated 1965.
BSM, p. 27 (CSG-8 & 9). Two manuscripts, one in 102 folios dated 1920
and one in 51 folios dated 1965.
BSM, p. 27 (CSG-1). A 94-folio manuscript. Two extracted chapter five
manuscripts immediately follow, one in 4 folios, and one in 12 folios
dated 1921. Three extracted chapter fives are listed at BSM, p. 27
(CSG-5 through 7), in 4, 13, and 10 folios.
BSM, p. 27 (CSG-11). An 88-folio manuscript.
Bandurski, pp. 80-81.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇatantramantrasādhana.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-103). A manuscript in 24 folios.
— Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇatantrāntapaṭala.
The final chapter of the tantra only, evidently. Matsunami, p. 295.
— Candanāṅga-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa tsandan gyi yan lag
ces bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 518 (also, no. 857). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 54r.5-56r.2. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Candanāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 228, 231.
— *Candradīpa, *Candrapradīpa (Zla ba sgron ma).
This sūtra seems to be cited by title quite a bit, and is included in some
early lists of sūtras. See, for example, the citations in works of Atiśa
noted in Sherburne, pp. 161, 193, 255, 580.
— Candradvādaśa-nāma-stava.
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Candragarbhaparipṛcchā Sūtra (Zla ba'i snying pos zhus
pa'i mdo las / sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dang gnas pa dang
'jig pa'i tshul lung bstan pa). Tôh. no. 356. Derge Kanjur,
vol. AḤ, pp. 216r.5-220v.5.
Jan Nattier, The Candragarbha-Sūtra in Central and East Asia: Studies
in a Buddhist Prophecy of Decline, dissertation, Harvard University
(1988). AAC8908999.
Jan Nattier, Once upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy
of Decline, Asian Humanities Press (Berkely 1991). Includes English
translation, Tibetan text in transliteration.
Jan Nattier, A Prophecy of the Death of the Dharma, contained in:
Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), pp. 249-256. Nattier provides the title of the
Dunhuang text: Sangs rgyas shag kya thub pa' / byang cub sems dpa'
sems dpa' chen po zla ba' snying pos zhus pa las lung bstan pa.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes chinoises sur l'Inde V: Quelques documents sur le
bouddhisme indien dans l'Asie centrale [Part One], Bulletin de l'Ecole
française d'Extrême-Orient (1905), pp. 253-305.
— Candragarbha-prajñāpāramitāmahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
zla ba'i snying po shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 27. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
176v.6-177v.6. No colophon information.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 103-108.
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Candragomyākhyāna (Tsandra go mi'i gtam rgyud). Tôh.
no. 4340. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios 154v.6-155r.1.
Tr. by Vinayaśrī. A story about Candragomin.
Transcribed and translated by Mark Tatz in Tibet Journal, vol. 7, no. 3
(1982), p. 22, n. 44.
— Candraguhyatilaka-nāma-mahātantrarāja (Dpal zla gsang
thig le zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no.
477. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 247v.4-303r.7. Tr. by Rin
chen bzang po.
KCDS, p. 29. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Here the title is Guhyatilakaṃtantra. Evidently this is a
recopying of the text done by Dharmapālabhadra.
This is probably the Śrīguhyendu and the Guhyendutilaka briefly quoted
in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 13.
According to a Dunhuang text (IOL Tib J 644), it was translated by
Jñānamitra and Brang ti Ācārya Jāyagocha (apparently Brang ti
Jāyarakṣita is intended).
— Candra Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Candramālā-tantrarāja (Dpal zla ba'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 395. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
223r.7-224v.4. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Candraprabhāvadāna (Zla 'od kyi rtogs pa brjod pa). Tôh.
no. 348. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 22r.4-31v.3. Tr. by
Dharmaśrībhadra and Shes rab legs. Revised by Rin chen
bzang po.
— Candraprabhāva Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Candraprabhabodhisattvacaryāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Candraprabharājāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Candrasenarāja Avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Candrasūtra (Zla ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 42. Derge Kanjur,
vol. KA, folios 282v.6-283r.5. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma
rgyal mtshan.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Buddha Frees the Disc of the Moon (Candrasūtra),
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 33, no. 1
(1970), pp. 179-183. Includes a transcription of the Tibetan text
together with a Turfan Sanskrit fragment. It had already been translated
into French by Léon Feer in 1865.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 523.
NTSH, p. 178.
— Candrasūtra (Zla ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 331. Derge Kanjur,
vol. SA, folios 259v.3-260r.4. May be same as Tôh. no. 42.
— Candrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Candropama Sūtra. Part of the Saṃyukta Nikāya.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 40-44.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Candrottarādārikāvyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa bu mo zla mchog lung bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 191. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA,
folios 224v.5-243v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, pp. 225, 230.
Some part of this text has been identified in the recent acquisitions of
the Schøyen collection.
Jens Braarvig and Paul Harrison, Candrottarādārikāvyākaraṇa,
contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann,
Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts in the
Schøyen Collection, Volume Two (Hermes Academic Publishing (Oslo
2002), pp. 51-68.
Paul, WB, pp. 190-199.
— Caṅgī Sūtra (Pāli Caṅkīsutta).
Some fragments of this text has been identified in the recent
acquisitions of the Schøyen collection.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, More Fragments of the Caṅgīsūtra, contained in:
Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu
Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen
Collection, Volume Two (Hermes Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp.
— Carcāsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-122). A 85-folio manuscript dated 1930.
— Cariyāpiṭaka.
Nakamura, p. 49.
Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), pp. 50, 51.
— Caryācayaṭīkā.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-234). A 74-folio manuscript.
— Caryāgrantha.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-269). A 98-folio manuscript.
— Caryāpustaka.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-28). A 36-folio manuscript dated 1740.
— Caryāvratanirdeśanavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Catuḥpīṭhākhyātatantrarājamantrāṃśa (Dpal gdan bzhi pa'i
bshad pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po sngags kyi cha). Tôh. no.
429. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 231v.6-260r.2. Tr. by
Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Catuḥpīṭhamahāyoginī-tantrarāja (Rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po chen po dpal gdan bzhi pa). Tôh. no. 428. Derge
Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 181r.1-231v5. Tr. by Gayadhara
and 'Gos Khug pa Lhas btsas.
Work mentioned as belonging to the Vajraparvata cult (Vajrayāna) in a
14th century Sinhalese historical work, the Nikāya-saṅgraha.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 25 lists an Indian
manuscript of associated texts at Zha lu.
KCDS, p. 43. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript belonging to the Potala.
Davidson, IEB, p. 265.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-20). Probably the text here entitled Pīṭha Tantra is
this one. A manuscript in 12 folios dated 1743. See also
Catuḥpīṭhamahātantrarāja at BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-41), a manuscript in 62
folios. See also the Catuḥpīṭhabṛhatmahātantra listed in BSM, p. 24
(MBB-III-1), a manuscript in 54 folios.
— Catuḥpīṭhavikhyātatantrarāja (Dpal gdan bzhi pa'i rnam par
bshad pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 430. Derge Kanjur,
vol. NGA, folios 260r.3-304r.7. Tr. by Smṛtijñānakīrti.
Revised by Bu ston.
— Catuḥsatyanirdeśa.
Nakamura, p. 113.
— Catuḥsatyasūtra ('Phags pa bden pa bzhi'i mdo). Tôh. no.
316. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folio 170r.1-170v.4.
— Caturbhujamahākālasādhanadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Caturdārakasamādhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
khye'u bzhi'i ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 136. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
144v.2-179r.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 215.
— Caturdaśīvratavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Caturdevīparipṛcchā (Lha mo bzhis yongs su zhus pa).
Tôh. no. 446. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 277v.3-281v.7.
Tr. by Smṛtijñānakīrti.
Nakamura, pp. 333-334.
Brief citations from a Sanskrit text by this title (or something very close to
it) are reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 14-15.
— Caturdharmakasūtra (Chos bzhi pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 250.
Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 59v.7-60r.7.
In a list of scriptures considered basic by the Sautrāntika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.2.
— Caturdharmaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos
bzhi pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 251.
Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 60v.1-61r.2.
KCDS, p. 87. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Caturdharmamahāyānasūtra.
— Caturdharmanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
chos bzhi bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 249. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folio 59r.5-59v.7. Tr.
by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Caturgāthā (Tshigs su bcad pa bzhi pa). Tôh. no. 324.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folio 204r.6-204v.3.
In a list of scriptures considered basic by the Sautrāntika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.2.
— Caturmahārājabali (Rgyal po chen po bzhi'i gtor ma). Tôh.
no. 3772. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 174v.6-175v.1.
Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Ston pa.
— Caturmudrānvaya.
Several ślokas cited from a Sanskrit text by this title are reproduced in
Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 15.
— Caturmudropadeśa (*Phyag rgya bzhi'i man ngag).
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 16.
— Caturvedabandhudatta.
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Caturviṃśatipīṭhapūjāvidhi.
Matsunami, p. 249.
— Caturviṃśatipīṭhaseva.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-88). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Caturviṃśatipīṭha Tantra.
Matsunami, p. 249.
— Caturyogadevadevīdhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 295.
— Caturyoginīsampuṭatantra (Rnal 'byor ma bzhi'i kha sbyor
gyi rgyud). Tôh. no. 376. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
44v.6-52v.5. Tr. by Chings Yon tan 'bar [i.e., La chings Yon
tan 'bar].
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 341): rnal 'byor ma bzhi'i kha sbyor
zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po rdzogs so // dpal in dhi pa na*
las nges par 'byung ba'i rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud chen po stong phrag bcu
gnyis pa las 'jig rten pa dang 'jig rten las 'das pa'i rgyal po chen po rdo rje
slob dpon dpal indra bhū ti'i zhabs kyis bkod cing gsal bar mdzad pa'o //
bod kyi lo tsā ba la chings yon tan 'bar gyis bsgyur te / slad kyis de nyid
kyi paṇḍi ta gnyis la yang dag par gtugs te gtan la phab pa'o. *Instead of
in dhi pa na, the Derge colophon reads oḍḍi yā na. Instead of bkod, it
reads bkol.
— Catuṣkanirhāra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bzhi pa
sgrub pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
252. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 61r.2-69v.2.
— Catuṣpariṣatsūtra.
Nakamura, p. 35.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 61.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Das Catuṣpariṣatsūtra, eine kanonische Lehrschrift
über die Begründung der buddhistichen Gemeinde, Abhandlungen der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für
Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst, Jahrgang 1960, Nr. 1, Akademie-Verlag
(Berlin 1962). This work on the Catuṣpariṣatsūtra was published in
three parts in the years 1952, 1957, and 1962.
Ria Kloppenborg, tr., The Sūtra on the Foundation of the Buddhist Order
(Catuṣpariṣatsūtra), Brill (Leiden 1973). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 18 (1976), pp. 324-327.
W. Clawiter, D. Schlingloff, R.L. Waldschmidt, Faksimile-Wiedergaben
von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden. I.
Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, Mouton and Co. (The
Hague 1963). Reviewed by M.J. Dresden in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 86, no. 4 (1966), p. 430. The Catuṣpariṣat Sūtra is
said to have no parallel in the Pāli Nikāya literature.
NTSH, p. 178.
— Catuṣpīṭha.
See under Catuḥpīṭha (Gdan bzhi). A brief citation from a Sanskrit text
by this title is reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 16.
— Caurabandha (Chom rkun bcing ba). Tôh. no. 3690.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 324v.7-325r.5. Tr. by
Ratnarakṣita and Zhang Grub pa. A Tārā cycle text for
'binding' thieves. Compare Tôh. no. 2829.
— Chakesadhātuvaṃsa.
Strong, RB, pp. 82-85. It was written recently in Burma, in Pāli, by an
anonymous author.
— Chandoviciti.
Dieter Schlingloff, Chandoviciti. Text zur Sanskritmetrik (Berlin 1958). A
fragmentary metrics work found in Central Asia.
— Chatradānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Chattrādipratiṣṭhājīrṇodbhāvavidhi (Gdugs la sogs pa rab tu
gnas pa dang rnying pa 'byon pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 2497.
Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 260r.2-261v.3. Tr. by Zha lu Lo
tsā ba.
Derge colophon: gdugs la sogs pa rab tu gnas pa dang rnying pa 'byin
pa'i cho ga 'di'i rgya dpe gnyal gyi phyogs nas rnyed do // bstan pa rin po
che la phul du byung ba'i gces spras su mdzad pa mtshungs med chos
kyi rje rin po che zhwa dmar cod pan 'dzin pa bzhi pa'i zhal snga nas
bsgyur cig ces bka' stsal ba bzhin zha lu lo tsā ba dge slong chos skyong
bzang pos dpal sne'u gdong rtser bsgyur ba'o.
— 'Chi bdag yi dags rgyal po'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 1966.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 105v.1-106v.6.
Derge colophon: 'chi bdag yi dags rgyal po'i sgrub thabs rdzogs so.
— Chinnamastāsādhana.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-233). A 41-folio manuscript.
— Chos bslab pa'i mdo'i brjed byang. In 200 śloka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Chos kyi mtshan nyid rnam pa gnyis su bstan pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Chos kyi rgya mo sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad kyis
byang chub sems dpa'i sems kyi gnas bshad le'u bcu pa.
Tôh. no. 256. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 74r.4-91r.7.
— Chos kyi rnam grangs gsung rab las bstan bcos btus pa. In
four bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Chos mngon pa la 'jug pa'i 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Chos skad gtan la dbab pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Chos smra ba po'i le'u'i mdo.
— Chos spyod mdor bsdus pa'i bya ba. Tôh. no. 1278. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 130r.6-132r.5.
— Chucchundarakalpa (Te'u lo pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 472.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folio 174r.2-174v.7. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkara and Rdo rje grags (?).
Translation by Bulcsu Siklós. See discussion by Decleer in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 41 (1998), p. 294. See Lhundub Paṇḍita, Staircase, pp.
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), pp. 26, 30. Las
mkhan te'u lo pa chu byi'i rtog pa.
— Chucchundarakalpa (Tshu tstshunda ra'i rtog pa). Tôh. no.
1996. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 192v.5-193v.5. Tr. by
Rwa Rdo rje grags.
Derge colophon: tstshu tstshunda ra'i rtog pa rdzogs so // // bha ro
phyag rdum gyi phyag dpe las / rwa rdo rje grags kyis phyis bsgyur ba'o.
— Cig char yang dag pa'i phyi mo'i tshor ba. Dunhuang text in
Pelliot Collection (Pelliot tibétain no. 116).
Kenneth K. Tanaka and Raymond E. Robertson, A Ch'an Text from
Tun-huang: Implications for Ch'an Influence on Tibetan Buddhism,
contained in S.D. Goodman and R.M. Davidson, eds., Tibetan
Buddhism: Reason and Revelation, SUNY Press (Albany 1992), pp.
— Cīnakramāryatārāsādhana (Rgya nag rim pa'i 'phags ma
sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3493. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 148r.7-148v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Cintāmaṇiratnadhāraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 318.
— Cintāmaṇi Sūtra (Yid bzhin nor bu'i mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
— Citrakarmāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 228.
— Citralekhā.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Citrasūtra.
A text on painting mentioned by Kuntaka, Dāmodaragupta and others.
V. Raghavan, Some Sanskrit Texts on Painting, Indian Historical
Quarterly, vol. 9 (1933), pp. 898-911, at p. 904.
— Citraviṃśati Avadāna.
Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), p. 328.
Matsunami, p. 222.
— Cittabhāvakiñcitmātroddeśa (Sems kyi nyams cung zad
tsam zhig mdor bsdus nas brjod pa). Tôh. no. 4376. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 294r.2-299r.7.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Sems kyi nyams mdor bsdus pa. Listed
among Tibetan Imperial period works of unknown authorship.
— Cittānandapaṭī (?).
KCDS, p. 31. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Cittasthāpanasāmānyasūtrasaṅgraha (Sems gnas spyi
mdor bsdus). Tôh. no. 4367. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO,
folios 260v.1-265v.2.
— Coravidhvaṃsana-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa mi rgod rnam
par 'joms pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 629 (also,
961). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 67r.2-67v.3. No
translators given. Note that mi rgod is supposed by many
to be a Tibetan name for the Abominable Snowman (but in
this context, I think it means something more like 'bandit').
Geza Uray, Date of the Vyutpatti-Treatises, p. 15, notes that this text
exists among the Pelliot tibétain texts, no. 79.2 (see the Lalou
catalogue). Here the translators' names are given: Jinamitra, Danaśīla
and Ye shes sde.
— Cūḍāmaṇi (Gtsug gi nor bu). Tôh. no. 4324. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NGO, folios 92v.2-96v.7. Tr. by Lhan cig skyes pa and
O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal.
— Cūḍāmaṇi-nāma-dhāraṇī (Gtsug gi nor bu zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 574 (also, no. 922). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 200r.7-202r.2. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
— Cūḍāpakṣāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224.
— Cuḍḍabodhi Jātaka.
Part 21 of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Cūḷagosiṅga Sutta.
R. Salomon, The Senior Manuscripts: Another Collection of Gandhāran
Scrolls, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003),
pp. 73-92, at p. 79.
— Cūlavaṃsa.
Wilhelm Geiger, tr., Cūlavaṃsa, Being the More Recent Part of
Mahāvaṃsa, Government Press (Colombo 1953).
Nakamura, p. 118.
Obeyesekere, Conscience, p. 246. Cūlavaṃsa is the second book of
the Mahāvaṃsa.
— Cullabodhivaṃsa.
Strong, RB, p. 157.
— Cullaniddesa.
Nakamura, pp. 48-49.
— Cullavagga.
A section of the Vinaya. The oldest Pāli manuscript contains some parts
of it. See Oskar von Hinüber, The Oldest Pāli Manuscript: Four Folios of
the Vinaya-Piṭaka from the National Archives, Kathmandu, Franz
Steiner (Stuttgart 1991), in 48 pages. Reviewed by Richard Salomon in
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 115, no. 1 (1995), pp.
156-157. This manuscript is dated on paleographic grounds to 8th or
early 9th century.
Nattier, OUFT (see index).
— Cundāsādhana (Skul byed ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3246. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 12r.6-12v.4. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Cundāsādhana (Tsunda'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3346.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 33r.4-33v.5. Tr. by Ba ri Don
yod rdo rje.
Cundāsādhana (Tsunde'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3519.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 165r.1-165v.1. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
Cundāsādhana (Tsunda'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3520.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 165v.1-165v.5. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
Cundāsādhana (Tsunde'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3521.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 165v.5-166r.3. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
Cundīdevī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa lha mo skul byed ma
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 613 (also, no. 989). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 46v.5-47r.7.
Dag pa gser gyi mdo thig.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 78.
Haraprasad Sastri, ed., Hâjâr bhacharer purâna Bângâlâ Bhâsây bauddh
gân o dohâ, Bangiya Sahitya Parisat (Calcutta 1916), pp. 135-167, is
supposed to contain the text of this tantra (surely not the complete text),
although I haven't personally inspected it.
Nagendra Narayan Chaudhuri, Studies in the Apabhraṃśa Texts of the
Ḍākārṇava (Texts from Nepal, 2), Calcutta Sanskrit Series no. 10,
Metropolitan Printing and Publishing House Ltd. (Calcutta 1935), in 148
pages plus index of words. As the title suggests, it focusses on the
Apabhraṃśa passages, which are mainly devoted to the Mantroddaya
(sngags btu, the mantra encodement).
Takashi Maeda, Ḍākārṇavamahāyoginītantrarāja, Chapter 15 (1):
Sanskrit Edition with Tibetan Translation, contained in: Śrāvakabhūmi
Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts Study Group, eds., Studies in
the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for Comprehensive
Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, The Sankibo Press (Tokyo
1995), pp. 147-169.
Nakamura, p. 335.
Ḍākārṇava, source of a Sanskrit verse citation contained in Lal, Lupta,
vol. 2, pp. 18-19.
Matsunami, pp. 249-250.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-66). A manuscript in 161 folios dated 1785.
— Ḍākārṇavamahāyoginītantrarāja (Dpal mkha' 'gro rgya
mtsho rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no.
372. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 137r.1-264v.7. Tr. by
Rgyal ba'i sde (the Newar Jayasena) and Dar ma yon tan.
— Ḍākinīguhyajvala-tantrarāja (Dpal mkha' 'gro ma gsang ba
'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 408. Derge Kanjur,
vol. GA, folios 245v.6-247r.4. Tr. by Gayadhara and
Shākya ye shes.
KCDS, p. 146. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan rendering of the title given as Kye rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma'i dra ba'i
rgyud chen mo'i sdom pa rdo rje gsum pa'i phreng ba me tog gi dka'
I believe this means the Yogaratnamālā-nāma-hevajrapañjikā, q.v.
Bandurski, p. 74.
— Ḍākinīmaṇḍalopāyikā.
Tucci, TPS, p. 88.
Derge colophon: mkha' 'gro ma thams cad kyi thugs gnyis su med pa'i
ye shes bsam gyis mi khyab pa phag mo mngon par 'byung ba rtsa ba'i
rgyud bcom ldan 'das 'jigs byed he ru kas gsungs pa rdzogs so.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 7.
— Ḍākinīsaṃvara-tantrarāja (Dpal mkha' 'gro ma'i sdom pa'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 406. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA,
folios 242v.7-244r.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and 'Brog mi.
ya-tantrarāja (Mkha' 'gro ma thams cad kyi thugs gnyis su
med pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i ye shes rdo rje phag mo
mngon par 'byung ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 378.
Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 60v.1-71r.3. Tr. by
Gayadhara and Gyi jo Zla ba'i 'od zer.
— Ḍākinītanugīti (Mkha' 'gro ma'i 'jam glu; or, 'Byam glu). Tôh.
no. 2451. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 88r.1-90r.4. Part of
Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas collection.
— Ḍākinīvajrapañjara-mahātantrarājakalpa ('Phags pa mkha'
'gro ma rdo rje gur zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen
po'i brtag pa). Tôh. no. 419. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
30r.4-65v.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 263, 506.
Davidson, IEB, p. 193.
Rhoton, CD, p. 142 (Rdo rje gur).
KCDS, p. 140. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title given is Āryaḍākinīvajrapañjaramahātantrarājakalpa (here
translated inaccurately into Tibetan as 'Phags pa mkha' 'gro ma rdo rje
gur zhes bya ba rgyud chen po'i rgyal po'i cho ga).
Source of a brief Sanskrit citation contained in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 19.
Perhaps also source of two citations from the "Vajrapañjara" cited on p.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folios 50, 51.
— Ḍākinyagnijihvajvalātantra (Mkha' 'gro ma me lce 'bar ba'i
rgyud). Tôh. no. 842. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
223v.6-253r.5. In Rnying rgyud section.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 218, 590.
Mkha' 'gro ma me lce 'bar ba zhes bya ba ma mo spyi'i rgyud, contained
in: Bka' brgyud sngags mdzod, Treasury of Precious Teachings of the
Mar pa Bka' brgyud Tradition, Compiled and largely written by 'Jam
mgon Kong sprul Yon tan rgya mtsho, Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel
Parkhang (Tashijong 1974-1975), vol. 5, pp. 231-299.
— Dakṣiṇāpariśodhanī (Yon yongs su sbyong ba). Tôh. no.
777 (also, no. 1011). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
— Dakṣiṇāpariśodhanī (Yon yongs su sbyong ba). Tôh. no.
778 (also, no. 1012). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
— Dam pa'i chos nub par 'gyur ba'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Dam rdzas rmad du bsgyur te bstan pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no.
2005. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folio 213r.6-213v.5.
This is not really an 'independent' text. It has a wonderful recipe for a
medicine using fire bubbles, dry mud and turtle milk...
— Dam tshig thams cad kyi nyams chag skong ba'i lung lnga
bshags pa thams cad kyi rgyud dri ma med pa'i rgyal po.
Tr. by Vimalamitra and Gnyags Dznyā na ku mā ra.
Xylograph in 47 folios. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 200.
— Damamūkanidānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 140.
— Damayantīkatha.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Dānādhikāra-mahāyānasūtra.
J. Ware, Studies in the Divyāvadāna II: Dānādhikāramahāyānasūtra,
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 49 (1929), pp. 40-51.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Dānagāthā.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-81). A 13-folio manuscript dated 1875.
— Dānakathā.
Matsunami, pp. 227, 228.
— Dānānuśaṃsānirdeśa ('Phags pa sbyin pa'i phan yon bstan
pa). Tôh. no. 183. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
95v.2-96v.6. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Dāmara Tantra.
Ram Kumar Rai, ed. and tr., Damara Tantra: Text in Nagari Script with
an English Translation, Prachya Prakashan (Varanasi 2004). In
Sanskrit verse, with English translation.
— Dānapāramitā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sbyin pa'i
pha rol tu phyin pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 182. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 77r.1-95v.1.
Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Dārikāvimalaśraddhāparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa bu mo rnam dag dad pas zhus pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 84. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CHA, folios 95r.1-104v.1.
— Darśanapañcāśatkastava.
NTSH, p. 171.
— Dāruskandha Sūtra.
The Tree Trunk Sūtra. Tien-chang Shih, A Gāndhārī Version of the
Dāruskandhasūtra, paper to be given at the International Association of
Buddhist Studies conference (London 2005).
— Daśabala Sūtra.
Sylvain Lévi, L'Itinéraire d'Ou K'ong (751-790), tr. and annotated
together with Ed. Chavannes, Journal Asiatique (September-October
1895), pp. 341-371.
Sylvain Lévi, Manuscrit de la mission Pelliot, Journal Asiatique
(November-December 1910), p. 626.
NTSH, p. 171.
— Daśabhāṇavāravinaya.
Nakamura, pp. 51, 53-56.
— Daśābhiṣekavidhi.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-239). A 7-folio manuscript.
— Daśabhūmidhāraṇī (Sa bcu pa'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 688
(also, no. 902). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 59v.3-62r.3.
— Daśabhūmika-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sa bcu pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Stog Palace Kanjur,
no. 38.
Jang-kil Chun, A Study of the Daśabhūmika-Sūtra: Its Relation to
Previous Buddhist Traditions and the Development of Bodhisattva
Practice, University of Wisconsin (Madison 1993), in 471 pages.
University Microfilms International no. AAT 9318610.
Matsuda Kazunobu, Two Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Daśabhūmikasūtra
Preserved at the National Archives, Kathmandu, The Toyo Bunkyo
(Tokyo 1996).
Megumu Honda, revised by Johannes Rahder, "Annotated Translation
of the Dasabhûmika-sûtra," Denis Sinor, ed., Studies in South, East and
Central Asia, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1968),
pp. 115-276.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-131). A 115-folio manuscript dated 1714 CE.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 78, 125, 226.
Nakamura, pp. 195, 199, 240, 271.
J. Rahder, Daśabhūmikasūtra et Bodhisattvabhūmi, Chapitres Vihāra et
Bhūmi, publiés avec une Introduction et des Notes (Prose Portion),
Société Belge d'Études Orientales (Louvain 1926).
J. Rahder, Daśabhūmika-sūtram, Le Muséon, vol. 39 (1926), pp.
J. Rahder, Daśabhūmika-Sūtram: Seventh Stage, Acta Orientalia, vol. 4
(1925), p. 214 ff.
J. Rahder, Glossary of the Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese
Versions of the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, Paul Guethner (Paris 1928), in 202
pp. Copy in Givat Ram library.
P.L. Vaidya, ed., Daśabhūmikasūtram, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts series
no. 7 (Darbhanga 1959).
KCDS, p. 140. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
A note adds that this came from the hands of Smon lam grags pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Mention of a Brjed byang on this text, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
Narasingha Charan Panda, Concept of Bhūmi in Buddhist Literature
(with Special Reference to the Daśabhūmika Sūtra), Journal of the
Oriental Institute [Baroda], vol. 46, nos. 1-2 (1996), pp. 31-45.
— Daśabhūmīśvara Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 195 note.
a-ratnarāja. Matsunami, pp. 191, 192-193 (with chapter outline). Note
the similar title (probably just a different reading) in BSM, p. 19
(MBB-II-210), a manuscript in 10 folios: Bodhicaryāprasthānaratnagaja.
— Dasabodhisattuppattikathā.
H. Sadatissa, The Birth-Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas and the
Dasabodhisattuppattikathā, Pali Text Society (London 1975).
— Daśabuddhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Sangs rgyas bcu pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 272. Derge
Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 21v.1-26r.3. Tr. by Prajñāvarma and
Ye shes sde.
— Daśacakrakṣitigarbha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Dus pa chen
po las sa'i snying po'i 'khor lo bcu pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 239. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZHA,
folios 100r.1-241v.4. Tr. by Hwa shang Zab mo and Rnam
par mi rtog pa. Translated from Chinese, apparently.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 71, gives Sanskrit as
Colophon: bande rnam par mi rtog pas rgya las bsgyur ba'o / mdo 'dir
skad gsar bcad kyis gtan la ma phab pa'i 'gyur rnying pa 'ga' zhig gda'o.
Nakamura, p. 217.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 93, 101, 172, 251.
Jackson, ESM, p. 23.
Whalen Lai, The Chan-ch'a ching: Religion and Magic in Medieval
China, contained in: R. Buswell, ed., Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha,
University of Hawaii Press (Honolulu 1990), pp. 175-205, at p. 178.
Quoted at some length in Phyag chen rgya gzhung, pp. 708-710.
Although translated into Tibetan from Chinese, there was at one time an
Indian language original, as proven by two citations from the text in
Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya.
— Daśadharmaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos bcu
pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 53. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 164r.6-184v.6. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Marked as chapter 9 of
the Ratnakūṭa.
— Daśādhyāyavinaya.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 29, 32-35 (with outline of content). Preserved in
Chinese. As the title suggests, it has ten major sections.
— Daśadigandhakāravidhvaṃsana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa phyogs bcu'i mun pa rnam par sel ba zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 269. Derge Kanjur,
vol. YA, folios 7r.2-13r.7. Tr. by Viśuddhasiṃha and
[Rtsangs] Devendrarakṣita. Revised by [Cog ro] Klu'i rgyal
Phyogs bcu mun sel. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 356.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 107 (no. 38), with
transcription of the colophon.
— Daśakarmakriyāvidhi.
Matsunami, p. 250.
— Daśakriyāsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-10). A 99-folio manuscript.
— Daśakrodhabalividhi (Khro bo bcu'i gtor ma'i cho ga). Tôh.
no. 1898. Derge Tanjur, vol. PI, folios 284r.6-285v.2. No
colophon information.
— Daśakuśala Sūtra (Dge ba bcu'i mdo)
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century. See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27.
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55.
Stein in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 555 has it being brought from
China in youth of Khri srong lde btsan.
— Daśakuśalabhāṣya (Dge ba bcu bshad pa). Poussin,
Catalogue, no. 187 (not the same as a similar title in Tanjur,
the Daśakuśalakarmapathanirdeśa).
— Daśakuśīdaprāṇisahasratathāgatavyākaraṇa.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Daśānivāraṇavidhi.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-251). A 70-folio manuscript.
— Daśapāramitāstotra.
Contained in Dhīḥ, vol. 36, pp. 5-6. Extract from Svayambhūpurāṇa.
— Daśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri pa zhes bya ba theg
pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 11. Derge Kanjur, vols. GA,
folios 1v.1-91r.6; NGA, folios 1v.1-397r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri pa las
mjug sdud kyi le'u zhes bya ste sum cu gsum ste rdzogs so // // 'phags
pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa khri pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / pradznyā
war ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba ban de ye shes sdes zhus te gtan la
phab pa.
Nakamura, p. 161.
Sten Konow, The Two First Chapters of the Daśasāhasrikā
Prajñāpāramitā: Restoration of the Sanskrit Text, Analysis and Index,
Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akiademi i Oslo II.
Hist.-Filos. Klasse 1941, no. 1, I Kommisjon Hos Jacob Dybwad (Oslo
1941). Found in Kern Institute Library (Leiden), no. 862 Dasa 1. The
author comments that the work is only known in this Tibetan translation.
— Daśaśirāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-29). A 17-folio manuscript.
— Daśatalanyagrodhaparimaṇḍalabuddhapratimālakṣana
(Sangs rgyas kyi sku'i gzugs brnyan gyi mtshan nyid mtho
bcu pa shing nya gro dha ltar chu zheng gab pa).
Authorship unknown. In Peking Tanjur, no. 5804.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 291, 292, 295, 297.
See also under Pratimālakṣaṇa.
Gopi Natha Kaviraja, ed., Buddhapratimālakṣaṇaṃ (Benares 1933).
See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 195
spells the title as
— Daśatattvasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-208). A 31-folio manuscript.
— Daśavajrapāṇihṛdaya ('Phags pa lag na rdo rje bcu'i snying
po). Tôh. no. 754 (also, no. 951). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA,
folios 5r.7-6r.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Daśottara Sūtra.
W. Clawiter, D. Schlingloff, R.L. Waldschmidt, Faksimile-Wiedergaben
von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden. I.
Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, Mouton and Co. (The
Hague 1963).
Kusum Mittal, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus. I:
Fragmente des Daśottarasūtra aus zentralasiatischen
Sanskrit-Handschriften, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1957).
D. Schlingloff, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus, Ia,
Daśottarasūtra IX-X, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1962). Reviewed by E.
Conze in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 85, no. 3 (July
1965), pp. 463-464. Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 10 (1967), pp. 197-198. Corresponds to the Dasuttarasuttanta of
the Pāli Dīghanikāya.
J.W. de Jong, The Daśottarasūtra, Kanakura Hakushi Koki Kinen:
Indogaku Bukkyôgaku Ronshû, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto 1966), pp. 3-25.
Reprinted in Gregory Schopen, ed., Buddhist Studies by J.W. de Jong
(Berkeley 1979), pp. 251-273.
— Daśottaradharma Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 24.
— Daṣṭṭāśavijayādhāraṇīsvastyayanavidhāna...
KCDS, p. 137. One-folio palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to
the Potala. Evidently not a proper title, just the beginning of the text.
— Dāṭhāvaṃsa.
Strong, RB, p. 191. Chronicles of the [Buddha's] Tooth, the existing
version said to date from 13th century.
— Dbang chen bsdus pa'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 174.
— Dbugs bgrang ba'i sgo nas sems gnas pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Dbus mtha' brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. Evidently on the Madhyāntavibhāga.
— Dbyangs gsal gyi 'grel ba bshad pa'i skabs kyi le'u gnyis
pa'i brda 'grel, contained in: 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud pa
Writings on Sanskrit Grammar and Lexicography, Tsondu
Senghe (Bir 1985), pp. 41-44.
— Dbyin ji hin di bod saṃskri ta rnams kyi tshig mdzod rin
chen spungs pa (added English title: Gem Collected:
English-Tibetan-Hindi-Sanskrit Dictionary). Published in
two parts (with separate pagination), no publishing
information provided. Part one is a Tibetan-Sanskrit
dictionary in 139 pages, with an English-Tibetan-Hindi
Pocket dictionary in 382 pages. Part Two is
Sanskrit-Tibetan, in 104 pages.
— Dbyu gu drug cu rtsa bzhi'i bshad pa. Tôh. no. 1210.
Derge Tanjur, vol. JA, folio 311v.1-311v.4. Tr. by
Ratnavajra and Shākya ye shes.
Derge colophon: rgya gar gyi mkhan po ratna badzra dang / dge slong
shākya ye shes kyis bsgyur ba'o.
— Dbyug pa gsum gyi phreng ba (or, Dbyig pa gsum gyi
phreng ba). A sūtra which was a favorite of Dharmarakṣita.
Apparently this is Aśvaghoṣa's Tridaṇḍamālā, q.v.
Geshe Lhundrub Sopa, with Michael Sweet and Leonard Zwilling,
Peacock in the Poison Grove: Two Buddhist Texts on Training the Mind,
Wisdom (Boston 2001), p. 14.
— De bzhin gshegs pa sman gyi bla'i snying po'i gzungs. Tôh.
no. 862. Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folio 87r.6-87r.7.
— De bzhin gshegs pa spyi'i snying po rjes su dran pa'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 536 (also, no. 869). Derge Kanjur, vol.
NA, folio 100r.2-100r.3.
— De bzhin gshegs pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa. Stog
Palace Kanjur, no. 142.
Haarh, List, p. 204 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, but not found in Derge
— De kho na nyid kyi bsam gtan la 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i mdo
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. Tathatādhyānapraveśa Sūtra??
— Deśanāpāṭha.
Two brief Sanskrit citations from a text by this title are given in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 20.
— Devadūtasūtra.
Chimpa, THBI, p. 377. A text preached or composed by Mahādeva (and
therefore suspect doctrinally speaking).
— Devāntaraviśvasādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 19.
— Devaparipṛcchāmaṅgalagāthā (Lhas zhus pa'i bkra shis kyi
tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no. 819 (also, no. 1100). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 259v.1-260r.5.
— Devatāparipṛcchā Sūtra.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-23). A 6-folio manuscript.
— Devatāsūtra (Lha'i mdo). Tôh. no. 329. Derge Kanjur, vol.
SA, folios 257r.7-258v.6. Tr. by Rtsangs Devendrarakṣita.
Adelheid Mette, Zwei kleine Fragments aus Gilgit:
I--Tathāgatabimbakārāpaṇasūtra (Gilgit manuscript no 18);
II--Devatāsūtra and Alpadevatāsūtra (aus Gilgit manuscript no 13),
Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, vol. 7 (1981), pp. 133-151.
KCDS, p. 86. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Devendra Tantra (Lha'i dbang po'i rgyud).
A tantra sometimes quoted in Guhyasamāja literature, but one that was
never translated into Tibetan.
— Devendraparipṛcchā Tantra.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 76.
aprayoga (Lha dbang phyug gis tshogs bdag la gnang ba'i
sa mu dra pha la'i sbyor ba kha bsgyur dang bcas pa). Tr.
by Ngag dbang phun tshogs lhun grub (Dar pan Phun
tshogs lhun grub, evidently).
Devījālamahāmāyā-tantra (Lha mo sgyu 'phrul dra ba chen
po zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 836. Derge Kanjur
(Rnying rgyud section), vol. GA, folios 1v.1-34v.3.
Devīkālīnāmāṣṭaśataka (Dpal lha mo nag mo'i mtshan
brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 672 (also, no. 1088).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 209v.5-211r.6.
Devīkālīsādhana (Dpal lha mo nag mo sgrub pa'i thabs kyi
cho ga). Tôh. no. 1766. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios
258v.1-263v.1. Tr. by Lokaśrī.
Devīkālīstotra (Dpal lha mo nag mo la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, pp. 156-157, there are two texts of
unattributed authorship found in Peking Tanjur supplement volume,
nos. 4792 and 4796.
— Devīmahākālī-nāma-dhāraṇī (Lha mo nag mo chen mo'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 670 (also, no. 1087). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folio 202v.1-202v.6.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 617: Lha mo nag mo chen mo rol bar byed
pa'i gtsug tor zhes bya ba'i gzungs, manuscript in 10 folios. No. 618,
ditto, woodblock print in 10 folios.
— Devīvasudhārāsādhana (Lha mo nor rgyun ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3603. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
228v.1-228v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Dgag dbye'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not traced
— Dge ba dang mi dge ba'i las kyi rnam par smin pa bstan pa'i
mdo. Tôh. no. 355. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios
Haarh, List, p. 204 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, but not found in Derge
Kanjur, according to him). Haarh supplies the evidently Chinese title
Cu'i bhau'i yu ni go gying, in Tibetan: Las kyi rnam par smin pa'i 'bras
bu'i mdo), translated by Chos kyi rin chen.
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 25. Here it
says that it was translated into Chinese by Thang sam, then into Tibetan
by Lha btsun Chos kyi rin chen at Sa skya. Eimer says, on p. 26, that
there is nothing to correspond to this text in the Derge and Cone, but in
the case of the Derge, this appears to be incorrect.
— Dge tshul gyi bya ba lnga bcu pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo.
Jake Dalton, The Uses of the Dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo in the
Development of the Rnying-ma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Doctoral
dissertation, University of Michigan (2002).
Mkhan po Nus ldan of Kaḥ thog Monastery, aka Thub bstan mkhyen
brtse blo gros thig le rdzogs pa rtsal, Dpal spyi mdo dgongs pa 'dus pa'i
grel pa rnal 'byor nyi ma gsal bar byed pa'i legs bshad gzi ldan 'char kha'i
'od snang, "A Detailed Commentary on the General Tantra of the
Anuyoga Class, the Mdo Dgongs pa 'dus pa of the Rnying ma pa
Tradition, Based upon the Ancient Exegesis, the Mun pa'i go cha of
Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes," Dupjung Lama (Kalimpong 1983).
Reproduced from a clear print from the Kah Thog Monastery blocks."
— Dhammahadayavibhaṅga.
Nakamura, p. 104.
— Dhammapada.
Margaret Cone, ed. & tr., The Patna Dhammapada, doctoral
dissertation in two parts (Cambridge 1986).
Margaret Cone, Patna Dharmapada, Part I: Text, Journal of the Pali
Text Society, vol. 13 (1989), pp. 101-217.
Ven. Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti (Fa Guang), Chinese Versions of the
Dharmapada, contained in: Y. Karunadasa, ed., Ānanda: Papers on
Buddhism and Indology, a Felicitation Volume Presented to Ananda
Weihena Palliya Guruge on His Sixtieth Birthday, Felicitation Volume
Editorial Committee (Colombo 1990), pp. 291-308.
Takayoshi Namikawa, The Transmission of the New Material
Dharmapada and the Sect to which it Belonged, Buddhist Studies
(Bukkyo Kenkyu), vol. 22 (1993), pp. 151-166.
Gustav Roth, Discussions about the Patna Dharmapada, Patna
Museum (Patna 2000).
K.R. Norman, The Word of the Doctrine (Dhammapada) translated with
an introduction and notes, Pali Text Society (Oxford 1997). Reviewed
by Renate Söhnen-Thieme in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies, vol. 61, no. 2 (1988), pp. 355-356.
K.R. Norman, A New Version of the Gāndhārī Dharmapada? Acta
Orientalia, vol. 65 (2004), pp. 113-134.
N.S. Shukla, ed., The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dharmapada (Patna
John Ross Carter and Mahinda Palihawadana, The Dhammapada: A
New English Translation, with the Pali Text and First English Translation
of the Commentary's Explanation of the Verses, Oxford University Press
(New York 1987). Reviewed by George Bond in Journal of the
American Oriental Society, vol. 111, no. 1 (1991), pp. 171-173.
Bandurski, pp. 81-82 ([Patna]Dharmapada).
— Dhammasaṅgaṇī.
Nakamura, pp. 104-105.
Tetsuya Tabata, et al., Index to the Dhammasaṅgaṇī, Pali Text Society
(London 1987). Reviewed by Collett Cox in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 109, no. 1 (1989), p. 172.
U. Kyaw Khine, tr., The Dhammasaṅginī: Enumeration of the Ultimate
Realities, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1999), in 2 volumes, 821
— Dhanadātārāsādhana (Sgrol ma nor sbyin ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3207. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
212r.4-213v.4. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Dhanadātārāsādhana (Sgrol ma nor sbyin ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3207. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
151v.7-153r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Dhanapālavaineya-nāma-sūtra.
KCDS, p. 89. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title translated into Tibetan as Nor skyong 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i
mdo. It probably contains the story of Śākyamuni's taming of the
elephant Dhanapāla.
— Dhārādānajambhalopadeśa (Dzaṃ bha la la chu dbul ba'i
man ngag). Tôh. no. 3620. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
241v.6-242r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Dhārāmukhavajrapāṇigopālakaluddhakadamana-avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Dhāraṇīhṛdayasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-256).
— Dhāraṇīmantrasādhana.
D.C. Bhattacharyya, Notes on the Technique of Buddhist Manuscript
Painting, contained in: B.N. Goswamy and Usha Bhatia, eds., Indian
Painting: Essays in Honour of Karl J. Khandalavala, Lalit Kala Akademi
(New Delhi 1995), pp. 66-70, at p. 67.
— Dhāraṇīpāṭhopadeśa (Gzungs gdon pa'i man ngag). Tôh.
no. 3236. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 8v.3-9r.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Dhāraṇīsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-7). Also, BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-102, a manuscript in 35
— Dhāraṇīsaṅgrahapurāṇamahāyānasūtraratnarāja.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-171). A 282-folio manuscript.
— Dhāraṇīśvararāja Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 327.
— Dharmabuddhinṛpāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Dharmacakrapravartana Sūtra (Chos kyi 'khor lo rab tu
bskor ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 31. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
180v.1-183r.7. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
Nakamura, pp. 19 note, 38, 272.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Dharmacakra Sūtra (Chos kyi 'khor lo'i mdo). Tôh. no. 337.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 275r.6-277r.4. May be same
as or similar to Tôh. no. 31.
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 25.
ānasūtra ('Phags pa chos kyi dbyings kyi rang bzhin dbyer
med pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 52. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 140v.1-164r.5. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Marked as
chapter eight of the Ratnakūṭa.
Dharmadhātuvāgīśvarasādhana (Chos kyi dbyings ngag gi
dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3455. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 111v.6-112r.7.
Dharmadhātuvāgīśvarasādhana (Chos kyi dbyings ngag gi
dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3320. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 15v.7-16r.7. Tr. by Ba ri
Dharmadhātuvāgīśvarasādhana (Chos kyi dbyings ngag gi
dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3458. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 113r.2-113r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
Dharmadhātuvāgīśvarasādhanavaśyavidhi (Chos kyi
dbyings ngag gi dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs kyis dbang du
bya ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3456. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 112r.7-112v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-79). A 35-folio manuscript.
— Dharmaguptakavinaya. Preserved only in Chinese. It
seems to have had a Chinese title corresponding to Skt.
Ann Heirman, Rules for Nuns According to the Dharmaguptakavinaya:
The Discipline in Four Parts (Delhi 2002), published in three parts, total
1211 pages.
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 409.
Nakamura, pp. 51, 52, 54 note.
Agostini, BSF, p. 78.
Jin-Il Chung and Klaus Wille, Einige Bhikṣuvinayavibhaṅga-Fragmente
der Dharmaguptakas in der Sammlung Pelliot, contained in: Heinz
Bechert, et al., eds., Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Literatur II,
Vandehoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1997), pp. 47-94.
— Dharmākarāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Dharmaketumahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos kyi rgyal
mtshan gyi mdo theg pa chen po). Tôh. no. 254. Derge
Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 70v.3-71r.2.
— Dharmalakṣabodhisattvāvadānaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— *Dharmāmṛta (Chos kyi bdud rtsi).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works, vol. 1, p. 30: chos kyi bdud rtsi'i tshigs bcad
gzhung tshad lnga brgya pa. A verse work found in form of Sanskrit
manuscript at Ngor Monastery. Perhaps this is simply the Udānavarga.
— Dharmamudrā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos kyi
phyag rgya zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
203. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 78r.4-81v.2. Tr. by
Klu'i dbang po and Lha'i zla ba.
— Dharmanaya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos kyi
tshul zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 244.
Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 15v.2-27v.4. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Dharmānusmṛti (Chos rjes su dran pa). Tôh. no. 280.
Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folio 55r.7-55v.4.
— Dharmapālāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Dharmapūjāvidhi.
Nakamura, p. 340, where it is attributed to one Raghunandin.
— Dharmārthavibhaṅga-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
chos dang don rnam par 'byed pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 247. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios
42v.5-46r.1. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Dharmarucyavadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224.
— Dharmasāgara-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa chos kyi rgya
mtsho zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 654 (also, no. 975).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 146r.1-149r.7. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Dharmasamudra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Theg pa chen po'i
mdo chos rgya mtsho). Tôh. no. 255. Derge Kanjur, vol.
ZA, folios 71r.3-74r.3.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 426.
— Dharmasaṅgīti-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos yang
dag par sdud pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 238. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 1v.1-99v.7. Tr. by
Mañjuśrīgarbha, Vijayaśīla, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
A citation of this sūtra in the Śikṣāsamuccaya tells how the sounds of
Dharma may come from the sky or trees. Paul Harrison, Mediums and
Messages: Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern
Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 142.
— Dharmasaṅgraha.
Friedrich Weller, Der chinesische Dharmasamgraha mit einem Anhang
über das Lakkhanasuttanta des Dīghanikāya (Leipzig 1923). This was
the author's Habilitation.
F. Max Müller and H. Wenzel, Buddhist Technical Terms: An Ancient
Buddhist Text Ascribed to Nāgārjuna (Dharmasaṅgraha), Orient
Publications (Delhi 1984), with annotations by Kenjiu Kasawara.
Originally published in 1885.
— Dharmaśaṅkhasamādhimañjuśrīsādhana (Chos kyi dung gi
ting nge 'dzin 'jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3474.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 123v.1-124r.5. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 90. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Dharmeśaṅkhasūtra.
— Dharmaśarīra Sūtra.
G.M. Bongard-Levine, Fragment of the Saka Version of the
Dharmaśarīra-Sūtra from the N.E. Petrovsky Collection, Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 11 (1968-9), pp. 269-280.
Nakamura, pp. 176, 214.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 66.
— Dharmaskandha.
One of the oldest Abhidharma works, perhaps dating to time of Aśoka, it
is preserved in Chinese translation as well as in a Sanskrit text from
Gilgit. See Bart Dessein. Dharmas Associated with Awarenesses and
the Dating of Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma Works, Asiatische Studien, vol.
50, no. 3 (1996), pp. 623-651, at p. 628.
Siglinde Dietz, Fragmente des Dharmaskandha, Ein Abhidharma-Text
in Sanskrit aus Gilgit, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften
in Göttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, no. 142 (1984), pp. 2-104.
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 30 (1987), pp.
Nakamura, p. 106.
EoB under "Abhidharma-[dharma]skandhapādaśāstra."
Swati Ganguly, A study on the Chinese Buddhist text of the
Abhidharmadharmaskandhapadasatra, Sri Venkateswara University
Oriental Journal (Tirupati), vol. 27, pts.1-2 (1984), pp. 19-27.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 54, 66-67, 69. Said by Yaśomitra and Bu ston to be by
Śāriputra, although Chinese writers attribute it to Maudgalyāyana. Gives
contents of the 21 chapters.
— Dharmaskandha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos kyi
phung po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
245. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 27v.5-33r.1. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Dharmaśravaṇaprotsāhanakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Dharmaśrījanmavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Dharmataradhyānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 172.
— Dharmatāsvabhāvaśūnyatācalapratisarvālokasūtra ('Phags
pa chos nyid rang gi ngo bo stong pa nyid las mi g.yo bar
tha dad par thams cad la snang ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 128.
Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 171r.1-174v.4. Tr. by
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Dharmavinayasamādhisūtra.
Nakamura, p. 220.
— Dhātubahuka Sūtra (Khams mang po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 297.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 297r.2-301v.2.
— Dhātukathā.
U. Narada and Thien Nyun, trs., Discourse on Elements (Dhātu-kathā), Pali
Text Society (London 1962). This belongs to the Pāli
Nakamura, pp. 105-106.
— Dhātukāya (Byings kyi tshogs). Tr. by [Bu ston] Rin chen
grub. Tôh. no. 4429. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios
Perhaps has something to do with an (added) title Byings kyi skor ram ci
brtag (a cycle of dhātu-roots or whatever). KCDS, p. 68. Sanskrit
palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Dhātukāyapādaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 106, 125.
— Dhātutattvaparīkṣāyāṃvṛttiḥ.
KCDS, p. 120. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
An added note says it is apparently a commentary on the Sutra of Pāṇini
(Pāṇi pa).
— Dhātvavaropanakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Dho ha mdzod [Do ha mdzod]. Mdo ha skor gsum gyi
bsdus don. Dho ha mdzod kyi glu rnam par 'byed pa'i 'grel
pa. Small cursive texts listed in Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, no.
— Dhātuprabhedānusāreṇa cittasthāpanopāya (Khams rab tu
dbye ba'i sgo nas sems gnas par bya ba'i thabs). Tôh. no.
4371. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 274r.1-277r.7.
— Dhvajāgrakeyūra-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa rgyal mtshan
gyi rtse mo'i dpung rgyan zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
612 (also, no. 923). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
45v.1-46v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
KCDS, p. 31. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
Sa paṇ makes fun of Tibetans who interpret the syllable dpung in this
context to mean '[army] troop.' Rhoton, CD, p. 169. The title could be
translated, 'The Armlet at the Point of the Banner.'
J.C. Gyatso, The Doctrine of the Incense Homa, The Mikkyo Bunka
(Quarterly Reports on Esoteric Buddhism, vol. 128 (December 1979),
pp. 108-89, at p. 92: "The most popular inscription on prayer banners is
the Dhāraṇī of the goddess Dhvajāgrakeyūra..." Has a brief resume of
— Dhvajāgrakeyūrāsādhana (Rgyal mtshan rtse mo'i dpung
rgyan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3258. Derge Tanjur, vol.
BU, fo. 16v.3-16v.6. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Dhvajāgrakeyūrāsādhana (Rgyal mtshan rtse mo'i dpung
rgyan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3692. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 219r.3-219r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Dhvajāgra-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po rgyal mtshan
mchog). Tôh. no. 292. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios
262r.1-265v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
— Dhvajāgra-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po rgyal mtshan
dam pa). Tôh. no. 293. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios
265v.4-267r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
NTSH, p. 171 (Dhvajāgrasūtra).
— Dhyānapraveśasaṅgraha (Bsam gtan la 'jug pa bsdus pa).
Tôh. no. 4375. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Dhyānottarapaṭalakrama (Bsam gtan gyi phyi ma rim par
phye ba). Tôh. no. 808. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
Davidson, IEB, pp. 157-158, 199.
— Dīkṣāgranthaṭīkā.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-268). A 35-folio manuscript.
— Dīkṣāvidhāna.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-1). A 61-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-275). A 61-folio manuscript.
— Dīpadānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Dīpakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Dīpaṅkaravastu.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-94). A manuscript in 92 folios.
— Dīpaṅkaravyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa mar
me mdzad kyis lunt bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 188. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
191v.1-199v.5. Tr. by Viśuddhisiṃha, Ye shes sde and
Dge ba'i blo gros. Revised by Jñānagarbha and Klu'i rgyal
— Dīpavaṃsa.
Wilhelm Geiger, The Dīpavaṃsa and Mahāvaṃsa and Their Historical
Development in Ceylon, Government Printer (Colombo 1908).
Hermann Oldenberg, The Dīpavaṃsa, Asian Education Services (New
Delhi 1982; reprint of 1879 edition).
Nakamura, p. 118.
Dated to 4th century. Ranjini Obeyesekere's entry "Sinhala, Buddhist
Literature in" contained in Buswell's EoB, pp. 777-779.
— Dīrghāgama. Dīghanikāya. The Long Discourses (in Pāli
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 89, where it is referred to under the Tibetan title
Lung ring po, said to have been translated following the Bsam yas
Louis de la Vallée Poussin, Une nouvelle traduction du Dighanikāya, Le
Muséon, vol. 32 (1913), pp. 291-308.
Nakamura, pp. 32, 33, 34.
— Dīrghāgamasūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 32, 33, 106.
— Dīrghanakhaparivrājakaparipṛcchā (Kun tu rgyu pa sen
rings kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 342. Derge
Kanjur, vol. A, folios 298v.1-300r.4.
KCDS, p. 87. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Dīrgyanakhaparipṛcchāsūtra (translated into
Tibetan as Sen ring gis zhus pa'i mdo).
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-152). A 5-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Divyānnapradānāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Divyāvadāna.
V.S. Agrawala, Some Obscure Words in the Divyāvadāna, Journal of the
American Oriental Society, vol. 86, no. 2 (April 1966), pp. 67-75.
E.B. Cowell and R.A. Neil, eds., The Divyāvadāna: A Collection of Early
Buddhist Legends, The University Press (Cambridge 1896).
E. Huber, Études de littérature bouddhique, Bulletin de l'École Française
d'Extrême-Orient (January 1907). Several articles by this title were
published in the same journal.
Sylvain Lévi, Les éléments de formation du Divyāvadāna, T'oung Pao
(1907), pp. 105-122.
Joel Tatelman, tr. and ed., The Heavenly Exploits: Buddhist Biographies
from the Dīvyavadāna, The Clay Sanskrit Library, New York University
Press (forthcoming, 2005?). Tatelman, GDP, is a study of the second
story in this work, called the Pūrṇāvadāna.
P.L. Vaidya, ed., Divyāvadāna, Buddhist Sanskrit Text series no. 20
(Darbhanga 1999), in 545 pages. Originally published in Darbhanga in
Burnouf, Introduction a l'histoire du Buddhisme Indien, contains
translations of some of the stories into French.
Chaki in Mishra, ABS, pp. 180-197.
Davidson, IEB, p. 241.
Tucci, TPS, p. 438.
Nakamura, pp. 137-138.
Chapter title outline. Matsunami, pp. 222-226.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 260-262. There is some uncertainty about the true
title of this text, since existing manuscripts lack any title (Burnouf may
have invented it). It contains 38 avadāna stories. Some are in genuine
kāvya style.
— Dkon mchog gsum la skhabs su 'gro ba.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 10.
— Dmigs brtse ma.
Dge lugs pa guruyoga practice.
Elena De Rossi Filibeck, Sul commento alle parole dMigs brtse ma,
contained in: P. Daffinà, ed., Indo-Sino-Tibetica. Studi in onore di
Luciano Petech (Rome 1990), pp. 103-115.
— Dmigs su med pa tshul gcig pa'i gzhung.
Fleming Faber, A Tibetan Dunhuang Treatise on Simultaneous
Enlightenment: The Dmyigs su myed pa tshul gcig pa'i gzhung, Acta
Orientalia (Copenhagen), vol. 46 (1985), pp. 47-77. There is some
confusion here.
Guilaine Mala and Ryûtoku Kimura, Un traité tibétain de dhyāna chinois
(Chan), Peeters (Louvain 1988). Text and translation of Dmigs su myed
pa tshul gcig pa'i gzhung (Pelliot tibétain no. 116, folios 119-170).
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Dmigs su med pa'i tshul gcig pa'i gzhung bam
po phyed. A work with no authorship attribution, written in Tibetan
Imperial times.
Jackson, ESM, pp. 4, 23, 79.
— Dngos grub 'byung ba thugs kyi nor bdag rkang 'gro dang
g.yul las rgyal ba'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 376.
— Do ha mdzod brgyad.
Kapstein in Linrothe, Holy Madness, pp. 56-60, with an outline of the
contents at p. 61. The eight dohas it contains were translated by
Vairocanarakṣita and Mar pa Chos kyi blo gros.
— 'Dod pa la gdams pa'i mdo.
A strange scriptural title found in a work by Atiśa. See Sherburne, p.
— Dohākoṣamekhalāṭīkā.
An anonymous commentary, existing in Sanskrit, on the Dohākoṣa by
Kāṇha. Jackson, Tantric Treasures, p. 8. This text is, in fact, the source
from which the Kāṇha text in its Apabhraṃśa form was extracted.
— Dohākoṣapañjikāsārārthapañjikā.
An anonymous commentary, existing in Sanskrit, on the Dohākoṣa of
Tilopa. Jackson, Tantric Treasures, p. 8. This text is, in fact, the source
from which the Tilopa text (in its Apabhraṃśa form) was extracted.
— Don rnam par gdon mi za ba'i mdo'i 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named.
— Doṣavijñāna.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-280).
— Dpal mchog dang po'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2520.
Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 110r.4-127r.7. Very probably
by Ānandagarbha, since it is sandwiched between other
works by him.
— Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi bstod pa. Tôh. no. 2010. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MI, folio 219r.7-219v.2.
Derge colophon: None. Actually, there is no title, either.
— Dpang skong phyag brgya pa (also spelled Pang kong
phyag rgya pa, etc.). Tôh. no. 267. Derge Tanjur, vol. YA,
folios 1v.1-5v.2. Tr. by Thu mi Saṃbhoṭa (Thon mi Sam
bho ta).
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century, which he then translated. See
Dba'-bzhed, p. 25, where it is spelled Mu tra'i phyag rgya, evidently.
However, the usual story is that it fell down from the sky upon the royal
palace of Yam bu Bla khang in the Yarlung Valley in the time of the
legendary Tibetan king Lha Tho tho ri gnyan btsan.
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55. Lahuli spells the title Spang kong
phyag rgya pa, and dreams up the Sanskrit title Sākṣīpūrṇamudraka
(which actually presumes the spelling Dpang skong).
Davidson, KCN, p. 75, here given as Bhi ma la mu ta'i dpal spang skong
phyag brgya ba. Note Vimalamitra in the title. Note, too, the listing of a
Klu'i dpal spang skong phyag rgya ba.
Probably the subject of the Pan skan brjed byang mentioned in Bu ston
Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi 'byung
gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang (Dehradun
1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in Tibetan
Imperial times.
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 283, 284.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 100 (no. 1),
transcribes the closing of the text more or less as follows: bod du dam
pa'i chos 'byung ba'i snga ltas su lha tho tho ri snyan shal gyi sku ring la
pho brang yum bu bla mkhar du nam mkha' las babs mi rabs ldan 'di'i
don shes pa 'ong zhes rmi lam du lung bstan te chos kyi dbu brnyes so.
— Dpe chos rin chen spungs pa'i tshig bod gyi skad ni sog
skad kyi shan sbyor btus ming mig snang. A 34-folio
manuscript. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no. B9226/3.
It evidently gives Mongolian explanations for selected
words found in the Dpe chos rin chen spungs pa.
— Dpung bzangs kyis zhus pa'i rgyud kyi tshig gi don bshad
pa'i brjod byang. Tôh. no. 2672. Derge Tanjur, vol. THU,
folios 54v.7-100v.6.
— Drā bi da'i bum pa'i cho ga ('Phags pa drā bi da'i bum pa'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 3130. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios
129r.1-244r.3. Title in original catalogue: 'Phags pa dra bi
ta'i bum pa'i cho ga rim par phye ba. Dravidian vase rite?
Cited by Max Nihom in his book Studies in Indian and Indo-Indonesian
Tantrism, p. 182. The syllables Drā bi da correspond closely to Sanskrit
Draviḍa, the ancestor of (or name for) the Dravidians.
— Drag po'i 'khor lo'i las. Tôh. no. 2003. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MI, folios 211r.4-212r.6. Tr. by Shes rab bla ma.
This is part of a larger set of texts, not really 'independent.'
— Dramiḍavidyārāja ('Phags pa 'gro lding ba'i rig sngags kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 927 (also, no. 610), Derge Kanjur, vol.
E, folios 273v.4-276r.1. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes
sde. Note that no. 610 gives translators as Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Based on Tibetan sources using the name 'Gro lding, some have
supposed it to be a name for Madagascar, although it seems much
more likely to be a name of Tamil Nadu, I would think.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), pp. 117-118 (nos.
103-104), with transcription of colophon somewhat as follows: rgya gar
gyi mkhan po Jinamitra dang / Dānaśīla dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba
bandhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsar chad kyis kyang
bcos nas gtan la phab pa'o.
— Drang srong skyed byed kyi yal ga.
A basic scripture for Vaiṣṇavas. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 6v.2.
— Dṛṣṭāntamālya (Dpe'i phreng ba). Tôh. no. 4196. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGE, folios 143r.6-146r.2. Tr. by
Dharmaśrībhadra and Tshul khrims yon tan. Revised by
Rin chen bzang po. Some laypeople from Gandhāra meet
some Brahmins and have a discussion about the relative
merits of their religions.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting from Bu-ston, lists this among
works that should not be included in the Kanjur (although they evidently
had been included there at some time). Title given here as Sangs rgyas
kyi dpe'i phreng ba.
— Dṛṣṭi Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Drumakiṃnararājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa mi'am ci'i rgyal po sdong pos zhus pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 157. Derge Kanjur,
vol. PHA, folios 254r.1-319r.7. Tr. by Dpal gyi lhun po and
Dpal brtsegs.
Paul Harrison has done an edition and study.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 35.
Nakamura, p. 165.
Three brief citations from a Sanskrit text by the title
Kinnararājaparipṛcchāsūtra are reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp.
— Dug zhi bar byed pa. Tôh. no. 795 (also, no. 1051). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 116r.2-116r.4.
— 'Dul ba'i brjed byang.
KCDS, p. 107. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
part of a bundle that evidently belonged to Zhwa lu Lo tsā ba. "Su kaṃ yi
ge 'di 'dul ba'i brjed byang du 'dug ces zer."
— Durdhanākhyacakravartirājāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Durgatipariśodhanadhāraṇimaṇḍalaparivarta.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Durgatipariśodhanasamādhi.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-37). A 99-folio manuscript on paper.
— Durgatyuttāriṇīsādhana (Ngan song las sgrol ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3502. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
153v.1-153v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Durgottariniprakalpaṭīkā (spelling uncertain).
D.C. Bhattacharyya, Notes on the Technique of Buddhist Manuscript
Painting, contained in: B.N. Goswamy and Usha Bhatia, eds., Indian
Painting: Essays in Honour of Karl J. Khandalavala, Lalit Kala Akademi
(New Delhi 1995), pp. 66-70, at p. 67. A Newar manuscript dated 1791
CE, with technical information on manuscript paintings and Buddhist
— Dus 'byung.
Rhoton, CD, pp. 196, 219. A spurious scripture said to have been
composed by Tibetans.
— Dus gsum gyi sangs rgyas la blta ba. Tôh. no. 2564. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGU, folios 24v.7-25v.3. Most likely by
— Dūtikāpūjāvidhi.
KCDS, p. 112. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title translated here as Pho nya mo mchod pa.
— Dvādaśabhujavajravārāhīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 359.
— Dvādaśabuddhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas bcu gnyis pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 853 (also, nos. 273, 511). Derge Kanjur, vol. E,
folios 69r.1-72v.1. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes
— Dvādaśacakra.
Work mentioned as belonging to the Vajraparvata cult (Vajrayāna) in a
14th century Sinhalese historical work, the Nikāya-saṅgraha.
— Dvādaśāgnikriyākāryavidhi.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-98). A 27-folio manuscript dated 1930.
— Dvādaśalocana-nāma-sūtra (Mig bcu gnyis pa zhes bya ba'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 359. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios
King Bimbisāra is troubled by the meanings of various signs, including
shooting stars, meteors and lightning. He goes to the Buddha who
recites this entire non-Buddhist text on the subject to him (thereby
making the text in a very real sense Buddhist).
Three Canonical Texts on Divination from a Lahoul Village Library:
Tibetan Renderings of the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna, the
Dvādaśalocanasūtra, and of Garzha [i.e. Garga] on Omens, Khasdub
Gyatso Shashin (Delhi 1978). "Reproduced from a manuscript
belonging to Don grub Sha shin of Pata nam O longs."
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu ston's citation of Klu mes
Dbang phyug grags, lists this among works that should not be included
in the Kanjur (although they evidently had been included there at some
— Dvādaśasāhasrikā Mahāpratyaṅgirā.
Matsunami, p. 193.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-25), a 150-folio manuscript dated 1889.
— Dvādaśatīrthamāhātmya.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-159). A 62-folio manuscript.
— Dvādaśaviharaṇa Sūtra.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur les Indo-Scythes, Journal Asiatique
(November-December 1896), pp. 444-484; Journal Asiatique
(January-February 1897), pp. 5-42.
KCDS, p. 121. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
(Identifed in Tibetan as Mkha' 'gro ma'i dra ba'i sdom pa'i kye rdo rje'i
rgyud chen po'i rgyal po).
— Dvāviṃśatyavadāna.
R.L. Turner, Notes on the Language of the Dvāviṃśatyavadānakathā,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1913), p. 289 ff.
Mamiko Okada: Die Dvāviṃśatyavadānakathā, dissertation (Bonn
1985). Part I was published in 1993 as vol. 24 of the series Indica et
Tibetica. Both parts reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 39 (1996), pp. 281-284.
Also called the Puṇyaprasādhana. Matsunami, pp. 226-228.
F.W. Thomas, Matriceta and the Maharajakanikalekha, Indian
Antiquary, vol. 32 (1903), p. 350.
Sternbach, IWSI, p. 106.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-98). A manuscript in 133 folios.
— Dvibhujaherukasādhana (Zhal gcig phyag gnyis pa'i he ru
ka'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3391. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 56v.3-56v.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Dzambha la'i ra nad thams cad zhi bar byed pa'i mdo.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 83.
— Ekādaśamukha.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 33-40 (and English introduction, pp.
— Ekagāthā (Tshigs su bcad pa gcig pa). Tôh. no. 323. Derge
Kanjur, vol. SA, folio 204r.4-204r.6.
In a list of scriptures basic to the Sautrāntika. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio
— Ekajaṭamahākalpatantrarājā (Dpal bcom ldan 'das ral pa
gcig pa'i brtag pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no.
476. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 245r.1-247v.4. Tr. by
Vajraśrīkhalarudra and Byams pa'i dpal.
EoB. Here Ekajaṭa is male (everywhere else, female).
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3247. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 12r.4-13v.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3364. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 41r.7-41v.4. Tr. by Ba ri
Don yod rdo rje.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral pa gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3514. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 159v.6-162v.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral pa gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3515. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 162v.3-163v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral pa gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3516. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 163v.1-164r.5. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral pa gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3517. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 164r.5-164v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ekajaṭāsādhana (Ral pa gcig ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3518. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 164v.2-165r.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
EoB. A number of works by this title summarized.
— Ekākṣarakatipayaprayoga (Yi ge gcig pa'i rab tu sbyor ba
cung zad pa). Tôh. no. 3477. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
127r.5-128r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan. Mantra
medicine using the single syllable thliṃ.
— Ekākṣarīmātā-nāma-sarvatathāgataprajñāpāramitā (De
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi yum shes rab kyi pha rol tu
phyin ma yi ge gcig ma). Tôh. no. 23. Derge Kanjur, vol.
KA, folio 147v.3-147v.7. No colophon information.
EoB under "Bhagavatīprajñāpāramitāsarvatathāgatamātā-ekākṣarī."
— Ekanayanirdeśa Sūtra.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 7-8.
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274. Cited at folio 35.
— Ekaśṛṅgamuninalinīkāśyakanyājātakaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Ekaviṃśatiprajñāpāramitā (?).
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-133). A 25-folio manuscript.
— Ekavīrākhyāśrīcaṇḍamahāroṣaṇa-tantrarāja (Dpal gtum po
khro bo chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dpa' bo gcig pa). Tôh.
no. 431. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 304v.1-343r.1. Tr.
by Ratnaśrī and Grags pa rgyal mtshan. Translated at Sa
Derge colophon: theg pa chen po yang dag pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen
mkhyen pa dang brtse ba dang phrin las dpag tu med pa mnga' ba bla
ma chen po rin chen rgyal mtshan gyi sku drin la brten nas bla ma dus
'khor ba chen po shes rab seng ges bskul zhing sbyin bdag mdzad pa la
brten nas dpal ldan sa skya'i gtsug lag khang chen por paṇḍi ta ratna
shrī'i zhal snga nas lo tsā ba grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis sbrul gyi lo smin
drug gi zla ba'i dkar po'i tshes bcu la rdzogs par bsgyur ro.
Davidson, IEB, p. 269.
KCDS, p. 157. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Ngor Monastery. Here the title is given in a mangled form:
Chapter outline. Matsunami, pp. 251-252
(Ekallavīraśrīcaṇḍamahāroṣaṇa Tantra).
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-76). A 62-folio manuscript dated 1797. Here the title
is given as Ekallavīracaṇḍamahāroṣaṇapañjikā (Padmāvatī).
— Ekavīraśrīherukaṣoḍaśabhujasādhana (Dpa' bo gcig pa
dpal he ru ka phyag bcu drug pa'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 1283. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 137r.1-138v.7.
— Ekavīrayoginīsādhana (Dpa' bo gcig pa'i rnal 'byor ma'i
sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 1710. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA,
folios 71r.5-72r.1.
— Ekottara Āgama.
Nakamura, pp. 32, 36 note.
— Ekottarāgama sūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 39, 290.
See under Gcig las 'phros pa'i mdo.
— Ekottarikāgama.
Mark Allon with Andrew Glass, Three Gāndhārī Ekottarikāgama-type
Sūtras: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragments 12 and 14, Gandhāran
Buddhist Texts, no. 2, University of Washington Press (Seattle 2001).
Reviewed by Oskar von Hinüber in Journal of the American Oriental
Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003), pp. 221-224.
Paul Harrison, The Ekottarikāgama Translations of An Shigao,
contained in: P. Kieffer-Pülz and J-U. Hartmann, eds.,
Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ (Swistall-Odendorf 1997), pp. 261-284.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 20, 32.
— Five Hundred Children Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 177.
— Forty-two Section Sūtra.
Ch'an Chu, The Sutra of 42 Sections (London 1942).
Henri-Léon Feer, Le Sūtra des quarante-deux articles Maisonneuve
(Paris 1868), in 39 pages, with Tibetan, Chinese and Mongol texts.
Anton von Schiefner, Das buddhistische Sūtra der zweiundvierzig Sätze
aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt, Bull. Classe Hist-Phil., Académie
Impériale (St-Pétersbourg), vol. 9 (1852), pp. 65-78. Also in Mélanges
Asiatiques, vol. 1 (1852), pp. 435-452.
It seems that Stanley Frye's master's degree or dissertation (no
reference available at the moment), Department of Uralic and Altaic
Studies, Indiana University, was on this subject.
H. Hackmann in Acta Orientalia, vol. 5 (1927), pp. 197-237, evidently
contains an English translation.
Nakamura, p. 215.
On how early Taoists, already in the 4th century, adapted about half of it
to their own purposes, see Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages:
Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist,
new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 143.
— Ga ya go ri'i bsgyur byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named. Evidently it is a translation colophon,
composed in Tibetan Imperial times, to the Gayāśīrṣa.
— *Gaṇākhyāna Sūtra (Mtshan rab yongs su bstan pa'i mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
54. Lahuli identifies as the Mtshan rab[s] bdun yongs su bstan pa'i mdo
(perhaps it has something to do with the Sangs rgyas rabs bdun).
— Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
nam mkha' mdzod kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 148. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
243r.1-330r.7. Tr. by Vijayaśīla, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 94.
Mvy. no. 1336.
— Gaganāmalasupariśuddhadharmadhātujñānagarbha (Nam
mkha' dri ma med pa shin tu yongs su dag pa chos kyi
dbyings kyi ye shes kyi snying po). Tôh. no. 2589. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGU, folios 156r.5-225r.5.
— Gaṇapatihṛdaya ('Phags pa tshogs kyi bdag po'i snying
po). Tôh. no. 665 (also, no. 1084). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA,
folios 192v.4-193r.6.
— Gaṇapatisamayaguhyasādhana.
Tucci, TPS, p. 214.
— Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra.
P.L. Vaidya, ed., Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts series no.
5, Mithila Institute (Darbhanga 2002, reprint of 1st edition published in
1960), in 450 pages.
Discussion of the etymology and meaning of the name in Chandra,
Colossi, p. 37.
On the Indian manuscript found at Sa skya Monastery, see Dge 'dun
chos 'phel, Works, vol. 1, p. 33.
Davidson, IEB, p. 78.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 14.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 182, 552.
Nakamura, pp. 180, 194, 195, 196.
Thomas Cleary, tr., Entry into the Realm of Reality: The Gaṇḍavyūha,
Shambhala (Boston 1987). English translation based on the Chinese
Luis O. Gomez, Selected Verses from the Gaṇḍavyūha: Text, Critical
Apparatus, and Translation, doctoral dissertation, Yale University
Paul, WB, pp. 94-102, 134-162. Tells stories of Āśā, Prabhūtā, and
EoB, vol. 4, p. 68. Mention of a single folio of the Sanskrit.
Jan Fontein, The Pilgrimage of Sudhana: A Study of the Gaṇḍavyūha
Illustrations in China, Japan and Java, Mouton (The Hague 1967).
J.W. de Jong, Le Gaṇḍavyūha et la Loi de la naissance et de la mort,
Indiske Studier, no. 5 (Copenhagen 1985), pp. 7-24.
KCDS, p. 17. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. (Problematic.)
— Gaṇḍīsamayasūtra (Gaṇ ḍī'i dus kyi mdo). Tôh. no. 299.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 303v.4-304v.3. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Dge ba'i blo gros.
— Gaṇḍīsūtra (Gaṇ ḍī'i mdo). Tôh. no. 298. Derge Kanjur,
vol. SHA, folios 301v.2-303v.4. Tr. by Dharmaśrībhadra
and Tshul khrims yon tan. Revised by Rin chen bzang po.
— Gaṅgottarāparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
gang gā'i mchog gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 75. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
222r.3-225v.3. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Garbhopaniṣad.
Agostini, BSF, p. 86. Perhaps composed in 2nd or 3rd century.
— Gargarasthāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Garuḍakalpa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196.
— Gāthādvayadhāraṇī (Tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa'i gzungs).
Tôh. no. 143 (also, nos. 611, 918). Derge Kanjur, vol. PA,
folio 6v.1-6v.6.
In a list of scriptures considered basic by the Sautrāntika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.2.
— Gayāśīrṣa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa ga yā mgo'i ri
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 109. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 285r.1-292r.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi
and Ye shes sde.
Wayman, BI, p. 22.
See under Ga ya go ri'i bsgyur byang.
— Gcer mthong rig pa'i rgyud.
A text in 3500 chapters, which perhaps only existed on the divine plane,
yet was sometimes believed to be the source of Buddhist medical
scriptures. Rechung, TM, p. 9.
— Gcig las 'phros pa'i mdo.
Evidently Ekottarāgama. Quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya.
— Gcig las 'phros pa'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 174 (Gcig las phrin pa'i rgyud).
— Gdams ngag brgya pa.
A basic text for the Vaibhāṣika school. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 8v.6.
— Ghanasya Pūrvān Sutalakṣacaityasya
Matsunami, p. 237.
— Ghanavyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rgyan stug
po bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
110. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 1v.1-55v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 230, 232 (Mahāghanavyūhasūtra).
— Ghaṭīkāra Sutta.
Strong, RB, p. 37.
— Girivilāsā.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Giryānandasūtra (Ri'i kun dga' bo'i mdo). Tôh. no. 38.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 276r.5-279r.2. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan. Translated at Thar pa
gling. Giri-ānanda-sūtra.
— Glang po che rab 'bog gi rgyud.
Source used in a work entitled Sgyu 'phrul zhi khro'i phyag 'tshal na rag
dong sprugs rnal 'byor gyi spyi khrus. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 87.
Glu. Tôh. no. 2360. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folio 7r.7-7v.3.
Glu. Tôh. no. 2363. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folio 8r.2-8r.4.
Glu. Tôh. no. 2364. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folio 8r.5-8r.7.
Gnam sa snang brgyad.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 76.
Stein, in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 593, says it is a translation
from the Chinese T'ien-li Pa-yang king.
See under Sangs rgyas kyi chos gsal zhing yangs pa snang brgyad ces
bya ba'i mdo.
The Snang brgyad said to be a Chinese apocrypha. See Rhoton, CD, p.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu ston's citation of Klu mes
Dbang phyug grags, lists this among works that should not be included
in the Kanjur (although they evidently had been included there at some
time). Title given here is Snang brgyad.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 267.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 85.
— Gnod sbyin gar mkhan mchog gi rgyud. Tôh. no. 767.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 81v.7-88v.7. Tr. by
Dānagupta (Kashmiri) and Rab zhi Lo tsā ba.
— Gopālakalubdhakadamanāvadāna.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-41). An 11-folio manuscript.
— Gopālarājavaṃśāvalī.
The earliest Nepalese vaṃśāvalī text, written in Newari and Sanskrit in
late 14th century.
Theodore Riccardi Jr., The Nepālarājaparamparā: A Short Chronicle of
the Kings of Nepal, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 106,
no. 2 (April 1986), pp. 247-251.
— Gos brgya thob pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 780 (also, no. 1031).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 113v.5-113v.7.
— Gośṛṅgaparvatamāhātmya.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-235). A 35-folio manuscript.
— Gośṛṅgavyākaraṇa ('Phags pa glang ru lung bstan pa zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 357. Derge
Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 220v.6-232r.7.
Studied in Thomas, TLTD, Part 1, pp. 1-38.
— Grahalagna.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-193). A 13-folio manuscript.
— Grahamātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags ma gza' rnams kyi yum
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 660 (also, no. 997). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 180v.5-183v.4. Imperial period
translation. Revised by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: rgyal blon byang chub sems dpa' rnams kyi sku ring la
bsgyur ba las / dus phyis dge bsnyen grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis dpal
ldan sa skya'i dben gnas su rgya dpe la gtugs nas shin tu dag par byas
— Grahamātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī (Gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 661 (also, no. 998). Derge Kanjur,
vol. BA, folios 183v.5-186r.5.
KCDS, p. 108. Sanskrit paper manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Great Sun Sūtra.
Name for the
— Gṛhapati Ugraparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
khyim bdag drag shul can gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 63. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA,
folios 257r.7-288r.4. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes
Jan Nattier, A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path According to "The
Inquiry of Ugra" (Ugraparipṛcchā-sūtra), Oxford University Press,
Joann Schuster, The Bodhisattva Figure in the Ugraparipṛcchā, A.K.
Warder, ed., New Paths in Buddhist Research (Durham 1985), pp.
Joann Schuster, Ugraparipṛcchā, the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra and Early
Mahāyāna Buddhism, doctoral dissertation (University of Toronto 1976).
Nakamura, p. 211.
— 'Gro ba thams cad yongs su skyob par byed pa zhes bya
ba'i yongs su bsngo ba. Tôh. no. 286. Derge Kanjur, vol.
YA, folios 79v.7-81v.7. Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha and Ye
shes sde. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
— Grub pa'i mtha' bgro ba las btus pa. In a half bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times. Evidently selections from a work by Khri srong
lde btsan.
— Gsang ba dam pa. Tôh. no. 2251. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI,
folio 141r.3-141v.2.
Derge colophon: u pa de sha pa ram pa ya / gsang ba dam pa rdzogs
— Gsang ba rdo rje thod pa'i rgyud.
Davidson, KCN, p. 77. He wants to see the correct reading as Gsang ba
rdo rje thogs med pa'i rgyud.
— Gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa. Tôh. no.
834. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 198v.1-298v.7.
Gyurme Dorje, The Guhyagarbhatattvaviniścayamahātantra and Its
XIVth Century Tibetan Commentary Phyogs-bcu mun-sel, doctoral
dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies (London 1988), in 3
Dan Martin, Illusion Web: Locating the Guhyagarbha Tantra in Buddhist
Intellectual History, contained in: Christopher I. Beckwith, ed., Silver on
Lapis: Tibetan Literary Culture and History, The Tibet Society
(Bloomington 1987), pp. 175-220.
Leonard van der Kuijp, On the Lives of Śākyaśrībhadra (?-?1225),
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 114, no. 4 (1994), p. 612:
the story of the discovery of the text at Bsam yas, a study of it by Gnyal
Lo tsā ba.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 157-158.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 241.
— Gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i bla ma chen
po. Tôh. no. 837. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
— Gsang ldan gyi dka' 'grel don bsdus sgron ma. Tôh. no.
2593. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios 7r.7-32v.1. Tr. by
Devākaracandra and Klog skya.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 180.6.
— Gsang sngags rjes su 'dzin ma'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
3122. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 219v.7-220r.2.
— Gshin rje gshed khro bo rnam par rgyal ba pra khog snang
rtsa ba'i rgyud.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu-ston, lists this among works
that should not be included in the Kanjur (although they evidently had
been included there at some time). This is a whole set of texts, titles
given as: Gshin rje gshed khro bo rnam par rgyal pa pra khog snang rtsa
ba'i rgyud / rgyud phyi ma / phyi ma'i phyi ma gsum.
— Gshin rje gshed nag po'i 'khor lo bri ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no.
1959. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 90r.2-92r.4.
Derge colophon: dpal gshin rje gshed nag po'i 'khor lo bri ba'i cho ga
rdzogs so.
— Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 3325.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 20v.2-20v.5. Tr. by Ba ri
— Gsol 'debs bar chad lam sel.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 605.
— Gsol 'debs bsam pa lhun grub ma.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 607.
Helmut Eimer and Pema Tsering, Bibliographische Bemerkungen zu G.
W. Houston, Gsol 'debs bsam pa lhun 'grub ma, Zentralasiatische
Studien, vol. 10 (1976), pp. 677-682.
Peter Schwieger, Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte des Gsol 'debs le'u bdun
ma und des Gsol 'debs bsam pa lhun grub ma, Zentralasiatische
Studien, vol. 21 (1988), pp. 29-47.
— Gsol 'debs le'u bdun ma.
Peter Schwieger, Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte des Gsol 'debs le'u bdun
ma und des Gsol 'debs bsam pa lhun grub ma, Zentralasiatische
Studien, vol. 21 (1988), pp. 29-47.
Mike Dickman, tr., A Treasure Trove of Blessing and Protection: The
Seven Chapter Prayer of the Great Teacher Padmasambhava, details
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 606: Gsol 'debs le'u bdun pa bsam pa lhun
grub ma bcas pa'i kha skong zhar byung rje 'bangs nyer lnga dang gter
ston brgya rtsa'i gsol 'debs rnams. Ibid., no. 634: O rgyan gyi gu ru
padma 'byung gnas kyi rdo rje gsungs pa med pa'i gsol 'debs le'u bdun
Schlagintweit, München, p. 75.
— Gsung rab dang mdo sde las mdor bsdus pa rtsa 'grel.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Gsung rab kyi brda la nye bar mkho ba byis pa 'jug pa'i sgo.
Woodblock print in 24 folios. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B8937/4.
— Gtam rgyud kyi rtog pa. Tôh. no. 471. Derge Kanjur, vol.
JA, folios 173v.3-174r.2.
Translation by Bulcsu Siklós. See discussion of traditional arguments
for and against its Indian authenticity by Decleer in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 41 (1998), pp. 291-293.
EoB under "Ākhyānakalpa."
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 26.
— Gtam rgyud kyi rtog pa. Tôh. no. 2006. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MI, folios 213v.6-214r.5. May seem to be identical to the
Kanjur text by the same title.
Not really an 'independent' text. Derge colophon:
— Gtor ma'i lag len khyer bde ba.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 76.
— Gtsug gtor chen po bam po dgu pa la bdud kyi le'u nyi tshe
phyung ba. Tôh. no. 237. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 262: Gtsug tor chen po bam po las bdud kyi le'u
nyi tshe 'byung ba.
Stog Palace colophon: gtsug tor chen po bam po dgu pa las / bdud kyi
le'u nyi tshe 'byung ba rdzogs so // sngon gyi dkar chag gsum du rgya
nag las 'gyur bar bshad do. Evidently translated from Chinese.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 105, which says it was used as the basis for
funerary ceremonies from Khri srong lde btsan onward (here with a title
Gtsug tor dgu'i dkyil 'khor). Note the Yogatantra texts called Gtsug dgu,
or Gtsug tor dgu, in Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 155.6 et passim.
— Gtsug lag dgu'i rgyud.
Rhoton, CD, p. 207. A tantra said to have been translated for the first
time by Chag Lo tsā ba. It hasn't been identified.
— Gtsug tor 'bar ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 600 (also,
no. 962). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 260r.1-260r.3.
— Gtsug tor chen po'i mdo.
Jackson, ESM, p. 22. This text is quoted by Sgam po pa and Phag mo
gru pa (q.v.).
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu ston's citation of Klu mes
Dbang phyug grags, lists this among works that should not be included
in the Kanjur (although they evidently had been included there at some
time). Title given here is Bcom ldan 'das kyi gtsug tor chen po'i mdo.
— Gtsug tor dri med kyi gzungs.
See Dba'-bzhed, pp. 25, 103-104.
— Gtsug tor dri med kyi gzungs cho ga. Tôh. no. 3081. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 176v.4-177r.5.
— Gtsug tor gdugs dkar mo la bstod pa. Tôh. no. 3109.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 205r.1-205r.6.
— Gtsug tor nag mo.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 85: Gtsug gtor nag mo, Gtsug gtor nag mo'i
— Guhyagarbhatattvaviniścaya (Dpal gsang ba'i snying po de
kho na nyid rnam par nges pa). Tôh. no. 832. Derge
Kanjur (Rnying rgyud section), vol. KHA, folios
See the entry for Guhyendratilakakalārāja, below.
— Guhyamaṇitilaka-nāma-sūtra ('Phags pa gsang ba nor bu
thig le zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 493. Derge Kanjur, vol.
THA, folios 119v.5-151v.1. Tr. by Bde bar gshegs pa'i dpal
[Sugataśrī] and Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 182.1.
Rhoton, CD, p. 222: Gsang ba nor bu'i thig le.
— Guhyasamājamahātantrabhavotpattikrameṇa
KCDS, p. 103. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title translated [badly] into Tibetan as Dpal gsang 'dus yo ga
chen po'i rgyud kyi 'byung ba'i lam rim rdo rje sems dpa' sgrub pa'i mdo.
— Guhyasamājatantra, or,
hākalparāja (De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku gsung
thugs kyi gsang chen gsang ba 'dus pa zhes bya ba brtag
pa'i rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 442. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CA, folios 90r.1-148r.6. Tr. by Śraddhākaravarman and Rin
chen bzang po. Revised by Nyi ma'i dbang po and Chos
rje dpal.
S. Bagchi, ed., Guhyasamāja Tantra or Tathāgataguhyaka, Buddhist
Sanskrit Texts series no. 9, The Mithila Institute (Darbhanga 1988), in
177 pages. This is called a 'second edition,' for which Dr. Sridhar
Tripathi takes credit, but there is no good reason for this.
B. Bhattacharyya, Tathāgataguhyaka or Guhyasamāja, Gaekwad's
Oriental Series no. 53 (Baroda 1931).
Swami Dwarikadas Shastri, ed., Guhyasamāja Tantra or
Tathāgataguhyaka, Bauddha Bhārati series no. 50 (Varanasi 2003), in
170 pages.
Kenneth Eastman, The Dun-huang Tibetan Manuscript of the
Guhyasamājatantra, contained in: Report of the Japanese Association
for Buddhist Studies, vol. 26 (March 1980), pp. 8-12 (in Japanese, with
English translation appended).
Pio Filippani-Ronconi, Note sulla costruzione del mandala con
riferimento al I capitole del Guhyasamājatantra, Annali (Istituto
Universitario Orientale di Napoli), new series vol. 8 (1958), pp. 173-211.
Francesca Freemantle, A Critical Study of the Guhyasamāja-tantra,
doctoral dissertertation, School of Oriental and African Studies (London
Francesca Fremantle, Chapter Seven of the Guhyasamāja Tantra,
contained in: T. Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies: Papers in Honour
and Appreciation of Professor David L. Snellgrove's Contribution to
Indo-Tibetan Studies, The Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1990), pp.
101-114. Sanskrit text and English translation of Chapter Seven. She
notes on p. 109 that the Narthang, Peking and Lhasa contain the
version revised by 'Gos Lhas btsas, while that of Derge was revised by
Chos rje dpal. These two versions differ considerably.
Peter Gäng, Das Tantra der verborgenen Vereinigung:
Guhyasamāja-Tantra, Eugen Diederichs Verlag (München 1988). The
German translation is found on pp. 107-277.
Taidô Kitamura, On the Abhiṣeka Ceremony of Tibetan Esoteric
Buddhism, Guhyasamāja Abhiṣeka in dGe-lugs-pa Sect [in Japanese],
Journal of the Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies, vol. 15, no. 2
(1992), pp. 129-162.
Yukei Matsunaga, A Doubt to Authority of the Guhyasamāja-Tantra,
Indogaku Bukkyôgaku Kenkyû (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies),
vol. 12, no. 2 (1964), pp. 844-835.
Yukei Matsunaga, Some Problems of the Guhyasamāja-Tantra,
contained in: Lokesh Chandra & Perala Ratnam, eds., Studies in
Indo-Asian Art and Culture, Volume 5: Commemoration Volume on the
75th Birthday of Acharya Raghuvira, The International Academy of
Indian Culture (New Delhi 1977), pp. 109-119.
Yukei Matsunaga, The Guhyasamāja Tantra, a New Critical Edition,
Toho Shuppan (Osaka 1978), in 130 pages.
Yukei Matsunaga, Trikula and Pañcakula, with Reference to the
Construction of the Guhyasamājatantra [in Japanese], Journal of the
Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies, vol. 15, no. 1 (1992), pp.
David Snellgrove, in E. Conze, ed., Buddhist Texts through the Ages
(Oxford 1954), pp. 221-224. An English translation of Chapter 7.
Shinichi Tsuda, The Original Formation and Performance of the 'Secret
Assembly' (Guhyasamāja), an Integration of the Guhyasamāja-tantra
into the History of Tantric Buddhism in India, Journal of the International
College for Advanced Buddhist Studies, vol. 2 (March 1998), p. 61 ff.
Giuseppe Tucci, Some Glosses upon the Guhyasamāja, Mélanges
chinoise et bouddhiques, vol. 3 (1935), pp. 339-353.
Alex Wayman, Early Literary History of the Buddhist Tantras, Especially
the Guhyasamāja-tantra, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, vol. 48/49 (1968), pp. 99-110.
Alex Wayman, Guhyasamājatantra: Reflections on the Word and Its
Meaning, Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in
Japan, no. 15 (1970), pp. 34-44.
Alex Wayman, Yoga of the Guhyasamāja, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi
Christian K. Wedemeyer, Antinomianism and Gradualism: The
Contextualization of the Practices of Sensual Enjoyment (Caryā) in the
Guhyasamāja Ārya Tradition, The Indian International Journal of
Buddhist Studies [Sarnath], vol. 3 (2002), pp. 181-195.
M. Winternitz, Notes on the Guhyasamāja-tantra and the Age of the
Tantras, Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 1 (1933), pp. 1-10.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 17, lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu.
KCDS, p. 34. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. For a fragmentary manuscript, see p. 126.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-126). A manuscript in 101 folios.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-60). A manuscript of the "later half" (parārdha, on
which see Matsunami) of the text in 124 folios dated 1912. See also
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-85), a 125-folio manuscript dated 1715.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folios 55, 89, 96.
Davidson, IEB, index.
Nakamura, pp. 332-334.
For discussion of the pre-1000 CE Tibetan translation, see Mayer,
Pelliot 349, pp. 130-131. The Dunhuang text is preserved, and it would
appear to be the original translation behind all later revisions. Some
Rnying-ma Rgyud-'bum versions of the 17-chapter root tantra state that
the translators were Vimalamitra and Ska ba Dpal rtsegs (Ka ba Dpal
Sdog ston 'Jam dbyangs grags pa rgyal mtshan, Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i
rgyud 'grel le dang yan gyi gsal sgron, Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji
(Thimphu 1979), in 361 pages.
Rgyud chen Shes rab seng ge (d. 1445), Gsang 'dus 'grel chen rgyud
thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi sgron
ma rab tu gsal bar byed pa'i rgya cher bshad pa'i 'chad pa [Rje btsun
shes rab sengge'i gsung le'u dang po nas bcu bdun bar]. Published in
Varanasi (?) in 1969.
Citations under the titles "Śrīsamāja" and "Samājottara," found in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 79-80.
Matsunami, pp. 277-279. Here the cataloguer rather mysteriously lists
the content of an 18-chapter pūrvārdha (early half) together with a
32-chapter parārdha (later half).
— Guhyasamayasādhanamālā.
See English, Vajrayoginī. An anthology of some 46 Sanskrit works
centering on Vajrayoginī.
— Guhyasamayasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-140). A 98-folio manuscript dated 1918 CE.
— Guhyasarvacchinda-tantrarāja (Dpal gsang ba thams cad
gcod pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 384. Derge Kanjur,
vol. GA, folios 187r.2-195v.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and Śā kya
ye shes.
— Guhyāṣṭamīvratavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Guhyavajra-tantrarāja (Dpal gsang ba rdo rje rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 383. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
184v.1-187r.1. Tr. by Ratnavajra and Shākya ye shes.
— Guhyendratilakakalārāja (Gsang ba'i dbang po thig le'i rdog
pa'i rgyal po).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 17, lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Compare KCDS, p. 124. The complete title is given here as
Śrīguhyendratilakadrāma-mahātantrarāja-paramarahasya. The "drāma"
part makes no sense to me. I interpret this to mean 'The supremely
secret king of great tantras, the Secret Power Spot.' However, KCDS
identifies it as the Rgyud sgyu 'phrul dra ba'am rgyud gsang ba snying
po ste dpal gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i rgyud, which is
of course the Guhyagarbha. If this is indeed the Guhyagarbha, Rnying
ma pas may quite rightly feel vindicated after several centuries of doubts
expressed by members of other sects on its Indian authenticity.
— Gulmālaṅkārāgra-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sdong po rgyan
gyi mchog ces bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 1066. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 235r.2-235v.4.
Perhaps this has something to do with a Sdong po rgyan gyi mdo, said
to be a spurious sūtra. Rhoton, CD, p. 196.
'Phags pa mdo sdong po brgyan pa'i mdo. 'Phags pa mdo sdong po
brgyan pa'i mchog. Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 392, 393.
Mdo sdong po brgyan pa'i mdo. Schlagintweit, München, p. 84.
— Guṇakaraṇḍavyūha.
Subject of article by W. B. Douglas, who says it is "a Buddhist sūtra
composed in Sanskrit by Newars probably in the 15th century."
Chapter outline. Matsunami, pp. 193-194.
Giuseppe Tucci, La redazione poetica del Karaṇḍavyūha, Atti delle
Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di scienze Morali,
Storiche et Filologiche, vol. 58 (1922-1923), pp. 271-298.
P.C. Majumdar, The Karaṇḍavyūha, Its Metrical Version, Indian
Historical Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 4 (1949), pp. 293-299.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-12). A 192-folio Nepalese paper manuscript dated
1493 CE.
— Guṇaratnasaṅkusumitaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa yon tan rin chen me tog kun tu rgyas pas zhus
pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 78. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 261v.6-266v.6. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— *Gurumaṇḍala (Bla ma'i maṇḍal). Tôh. no. 3762. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folio 115r.5-115v.5.
— Gurumaṇḍalavidhi.
KCDS, p. 41. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript belonging to the Potala.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-143). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Gurvājñā (*Bla ma'i bka').
'Pronouncements of the Guru.' BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-265). A 27-folio
manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-282 through 284), three
manuscripts in 20, 20, and 24 folios. Also, BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-291), a
20-folio manuscript. BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-293 & 294), a 44-folio and a
15-folio manuscript. BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-296), an 18-folio manuscript.
Notice also the title Siddhigurvājñā (q.v.).
— Gurvārādhanapañjikā (Bla ma'i bsnyen bkur gyi dka' 'grel).
Tôh. no. 3722. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 12r.2-36r.2.
Tr. by Nags kyi rin chen (Vanaratna) and Rig pa gzhon nu.
On guru veneration (commentary on difficult points in the
Bla ma lnga bcu pa).
ACIP version available.
Published on the basis of the Derge in Bla ma lnga bcu pa'i rtsa 'grel
rgya bod mkhas pa'i gsung phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa dngos grub kun
'byung, Rdor gling 'brug sgar dpe mdzod khang (Darjeeling 2004), pp.
— Gza' dang rgyu skar gyi rang bzhin bshad pa. Stog Palace
Kanjur, no. 272.
Seems to be an extract from the Śardulakarṇa. Contains chapters
numbered 16 through 24.
— Gza' dgu'i mchod pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3129. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 234v.3-239r.1. Tr. by Nags kyi rin
chen (Vanaratna) and Gzhon nu dpal.
— Gza' skar gsang ba'i zu tse bskol gyi mdo zhes bya ba'i
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 524, 525. Other titles: Gtsug lag 'phrul gyi
'gyur rtsis, Dag pa gser gyi mdo thig.
— Gza'i nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 526.
— Gzhi chen po'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Gzhi rtsom pa'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
elsewhere. Perhaps it's the same as the Gzhi chen po'i mdo (?).
— Gzi brjid can gyi mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not traced
— Gzi ldan 'bar ba mtshams kyi rgyud.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 135.
— Gzigs pa bla ma.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Gzungs chen mo grangs lnga.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 251. I think this is the same as the Gzungs
grwa lnga, q.v. The colophon of the manuscript here described says it
was the wealthy patron Tshe dbang bkra shis (perhaps the Shel dkar
prince who died in around 1450?) who constructed the volume.
— Gzungs grwa lnga (sometimes spelled Gra lnga).
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century, although not translated at that time.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27.
KCDS, p. 47 (Pañcamahārakṣāsūtra).
— Hālāhalalokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten dbang phyug hā la hā
la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3420. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 84r.3-84v.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Hālāhalasādhana (Snying rje khros pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3158. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 179r.1-179r.7. Tr.
by Abhaya and Tshul rgyal (Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan).
— Hālāhalasādhana (Snying rje khros pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3159. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 179r.7-180v.3.
Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Haṃsa Jātaka.
Part twenty-two of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Haṃsāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Haramekhalā.
Matsunami, p. 252.
— Harihariharivāhanasādhana (Seng ge dang bya khyung
dang khyab 'jug la bzhugs pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3162.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 181r.7-181v.4. Tr. by Tshul
rgyal (Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan).
— Harihariharivāhanasādhana (Seng ge dang bya khyung
dang khyab 'jug la bzhugs pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3163.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 181v.4-182v.2. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Harihariharivāhanodbhavasādhana (Ha ri ha ri ha ri la zhon
par gyur pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3425. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 87r.1-87r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Hariṇamṛga Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Hārītī Sūtra.
Rhoton, CD, p. 125.
— Hastakāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 215, 216.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-26). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Hastamudrā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-69). A 24-folio manuscript.
— Hasti Jātaka.
Part thirty of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, pp. 229, 230.
— Hastikakṣya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Glang po'i rtsal zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 207. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 95r.7-109r.5.
Nakamura, pp. 171, 231.
Listed among scriptures considered basic by the Mādhyamika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
Source of two brief verse citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 90.
Citation in Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 96.
— Hatthavanagallavihāravaṃsa.
See Bechert in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 6. An
anonymous work of the 13th century, it makes use of Āryaśūra's
— Hayagrīvasādhana (Rta mgrin gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
2142. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 215v.4-216r.5. Tr. by
Zla ba bzang po and Dar ma tshul khrims.
— Hayagrīvasādhana (Rta mgrin gyi sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 3390. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 56r.6-53v.3. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Hayagrīvasādhana (Rta mgrin gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3054. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 107v.2-108r.2. Tr. by
Puruṣottama and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan bzang po.
— Hayagrīvasādhana (Rta mgrin gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3277. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 26r.5-26v.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Hayagrīvavidyā.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 41-46 (also, English introduction, pp.
— He ru ka phyag rgya gcig pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 1646.
Derge Tanjur, vol. YA, folio 309r.1-309v.5.
— Herukābhidhānasādhananidhau pañjikā.
KCDS, p. 151. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
— Herukābhyudaya (Dpal khrag 'thung mngon par 'byung ba).
Tôh. no. 374. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 1v.1-33v.7. Tr.
by Advayavajra and Chings Yon tan 'bar.
Derge colophon: dpal khrag 'thung mngon par 'byung ba las 'bum phrag
gsum las btus pa / bstan bcos thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal khrag 'thung
chen po bklags pas 'grub pa / thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes gzhan las
rgyal ba dang po'i sgrub pa'i rgyud kyi phyi ma / dpal khrag 'thung
mngon par 'byung ba rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po rdzogs so // //
rgya gar gyi mkhan po paṇḍi ta chen po a dwa ya badzra dang bod kyi lo
tsā ba chings yon tan 'bar gyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Work mentioned as belonging to the Vajraparvata cult (Vajrayāna) in a
14th century Sinhalese historical work, the Nikāya-saṅgraha.
— Herukādyavajravārāhīyogarāja.
Matsunami, p. 252.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-119), with the title
Herukādyavajravārāhīyogarājatamottamaparamarahasya. A manuscript
in 42 folios dated 1933.
— Herukakaruṇākrīḍitatantraguhyagambhīrottama (Dpal he
ru ka snying rje rol pa'i rgyud gsang ba zab mo'i mchog).
Tôh. no. 840. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 130r.1-202r.3.
Tr. by Newar Śrīkīrti. In Rnying rgyud section.
It is probably this work that Roerich, in his review contained in Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 52, no. 4 (December 1932), p. 398
refers to when he says that a text was translated by the Nepalese
Śrīkīrti, and the work was supported by the Mongols Mchog gi snying po
and An Bkra shis, and the Nepalese Bzang Bkra shis rgya mtsho (I've
corrected Roerich's spellings to my own system).
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu ston, lists this among works
that should not be included in the Kanjur (although they evidently had
been included there at some time), because it is 'corrupt' (yang dag tu mi
'dug pa). The passage reads: He ru ka rol pa bal po shi ke rta'i 'gyur.
— Herukasādhana (He ru ka'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3291.
Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 33v.1-32v.5. Tr. by Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Herukasādhana (He ru ka'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3637.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 251r.3-251r.6.
— Herukātiyoga.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-189). A 24-folio manuscript.
— Herukavajrasādhana (?).
KCDS, p. 115. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Hevajrabalividhi (Dpal Kye rdo rje'i gtor ma'i cho ga). Tôh.
no. 1287. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 141r.7-143v.1.
— Hevajrabalividhi (Kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i gtor ma'i cho
ga). Tôh. no. 1288. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios
— Hevajrabhaṭṭārakasyacakraviṃśatikāstotra.
KCDS, p. 84. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Tibetan version of title given as: Dpal kye rdo rje rje btsun gyi
'khor lo nyi shu bstod pa.
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 24 in the list), attributes the Hevajracakraviṃśikā
(very likely the same text) to Saroruhavajra.
— Hevajraḍākinījālamahātantraṭīkā.
I believe this title of a Sanskrit manuscript, listed in Bandurski, p. 74,
must in fact belong to the Yogaratnamālā-nāma-hevajrapañjikā by Kṛṣṇa,
q.v. The manuscript was made in around 1162.
— Hevajraḍākinījālasaṃvara.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-107). A 61-folio manuscript.
— Hevajradvibhujasādhana (Dgyes pa rdo rje phyag gnyis
pa'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 1276. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TA, folios 103r.1-105r.6. Tr. by Sumatiśrībhadra and
Shākya 'od zer.
— Hevajrakramakurukullāsādhana (Kye rdo rje rim pa'i rigs
byed ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3568. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 200r.5-200v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Hevajra-nāma-tantrārthasaṅgraha (Dpal dgyes pa'i rdo rje
zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi don bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 1193.
Derge Tanjur, vol. CA, folios 12r.2-43v.5. No colophon.
— Hevajrasādhana (Dgyes pa'i rdo rje'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3292. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 33v.5-35r.6. Tr. by Dā,
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-87). There are many texts by this title, so it is not
possible (without looking at the manuscript) to know which one it is. It
may be a collection, since it is quite long. A 46-folio manuscript.
— Hevajrasādhanābhisamayakramārthaprasanna (Bcom ldan
'das kye'i rdo rje'i sgrub pa'i thabs mngon par rtogs pa'i rim
pa don rab tu gsal ba). Tôh. no. 1291. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TA, folios 148r.5-151v.7.
EoB. Includes summary.
— Hevajrasekaprakriyā.
Davidson, IEB, p. 300.
An edition of this text has been made by Harunaga Isaacson and Alexis
Sanderson, as yet unpublished. An edition and French translation may
be found in Louis Finot, Manuscrits Sanskrits de sādhanas retrouvés en
Chine, Journal Asiatique, vol. 225 (1934), pp. 1-85.
— Hevajratantrarāja (Kye'i Rdo rje zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 417. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
David Snellgrove, The Hevajra Tantra, a Critical Study, Oxford
University Press (London 1959), in two volumes. Reviewed by Alex
Wayman in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 80, no. 2 (April
1960), pp. 159-162.
Bhagchandra Jain ('Bhaskar'), ed., Hevajratantra-Yogaratnamālā (along
with detailed introduction [in Hindi]),Sanmati Research Institute of
Indology (Nagpur 2000). This seems to be only a little more than a
re-edition of Snellgrove's Sanskrit texts, only this time using Devanagari
Ram Shankar Tripathi and Thakur Sain Negi, eds., Hevajratantram with
Muktāvalī Pañjikā of Mahāpaṇḍitācārya Ratnākaraśānti, Bibliotheca
Indo-Tibetica Series no. 48, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
(Sarnath 2001).
Ch. Willemen, The Chinese Hevajratantra (Leuven 1983). Reviewed by
J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 29 (1986), pp. 65-68.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 6, 209, 233, 239, 240, 248, 250, 263-269, 275, 296,
299, 304, 318.
Nakamura, pp. 334, 340.
KCDS, p. 30 (see also p. 35). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now
belonging to the Nor bu gling ka. An unidentified commentary appears
at p. 93: Śrīherukatantravṛhat... saṅgrahayaṃjikāyaṃ (here translated
into Tibetan as Dpal kye rdo rje'i rgyud kyi rgyas pa'i 'grel pa bsdus pa).
Zhang Tshul khrims grags (11th century), Dpal brtag pa gnyis pa'i bka' 'grel: An
Eleventh Century Commentary on the Hevajra Tantra, T.G. Dhongthog (New
Delhi 1979), in 135 pages. "Reproduced from a copy of rare manuscript from
Sa skya Bla ma Dam pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1312-1375), Rgyud
kyi rgyal po dpal kyai rdo rje'i rgya cher 'grel pa nyi ma'i 'od zer, Jamyang
Samten (New Delhi 1980), in 761 pages.
Dwags po Paṇ chen Bkra shis rnam rgyal (1512-1587?), Dpal kye'i rdo
rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i 'grel pa legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer,
Delhi Karmapae Chodhey (Delhi 1977), in 568 pages. "Reproduced
from a print from the 16th century Central Tibetan blocks at the order Of
H.H. The Sixteenth Rgyal dbang Karma pa."
Kong sprul Blo gros mtha' yas (1813-1899), Dpal dgyes pa rdo rje'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po brtag pa gnyis pa'i tshig don rnam par 'grol ba gzhom
med rdo rje'i gsang ba 'byed pa, n.p. (Rumtek 1970?), in 657 pages.
Brag phug Dge bshes Dge 'dun rin chen (b. 1926), Rgyud kyi rgyal po
dpal brtag pa gnyis pa'i tshig don rnam par bshad pa man ngag gi
mdzod, "a detailed commentary on the Hevajra Tantra according to the
Rngog tradition of exegesis followed by the 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa,"
Rta mgon Monastic Community (Thimphu 1978), in 663 pages.
Matsunami, pp. 252-253.
Citations in Bendall, Subhāṣita, folios 9, 93.
— Hevajrayoginīstuti.
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 27 in the list).
— Himāśaḥ Kumārasya
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Hiraṇyamālānāmadaśakriyāvidhi (Dbyig gi phreng ba zhes
bya ba cho ga'i bya ba bcu pa). Tôh. no. 2499. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 265r.4-274v.7. Tr. by Chos skyong
bzang po.
Derge colophon: gzhung 'di lha dang bcas pa'i skye dgu'i 'dren pa dam
pa chos kyi rje sprul sku rin po che'i zhal snga nas kyi bka' lung bzhin / lo
tsā ba dge slong chos skyong bzan pos sa skyong ba mkhyen pa'i spyan
ldan dpon chen kun dga' bsod nams rin chen dbang gi rgyal pos bdag
rkyen las dpal e waṃ chos 'khor du bsgyur ba'o. [A small lettered note is
attached below the line which seems to say ma dpe ma 'phyos.]
KCDS, p. 106. 19-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-97). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Hiraṇyapāṇyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-25), title given as Hiraṇyapāśāvadāna. A 14-folio
— Hiraṇyavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa dbyig dang ldan pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 570 (also, no. 991). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 196v.4-198r.6. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Hṛdayadhāraṇī.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-188). An 18-folio manuscript.
— Hṛdayadhāraṇīsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-214). A 61-folio manuscript.
— Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States.
Jen-wang hu-kuo pan-jo-po-lo-mi-tuo ching. There were
two versions believed to be translations, one attributed to
Kumārajīva and another to Amoghavajra.
Charles D. Orzech, Puns on the Humane King: Analogy and Application
in an East Asian Apocryphon, Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 109, no. 1 (January 1989), pp. 17-24.
Charles D. Orzech, Politics and Transcendent Wisdom: The Scripture
for Humane Kings in the Creation of Chinese Buddhism, Pennsylvania
State University Press (University Park 1998).
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 62, 128-129 (Benevolent Kings Sūtra, Jen-wang
— Indrabrāhmaṇa Avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 225.
— Indragaṇakumārasya
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Indrajitkramavajrayoginīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 381.
— Indronāmabrāhmaṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— *Īśvaracakra Sūtra (Dbang phyug 'khor lo'i mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
53. Lahuli identifies this as the Dbang bsgyur 'khor lo'i mdo.
— Ittivṛttaka.
Nakamura, p. 44.
— Itivuttaka.
Nakamura, pp. 27, 28, 44, 57.
— 'Jam dpal la bstod pa gnyis.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— 'Jam dpal gyi mtshan. Tôh. no. 548 (also, no. 894). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PA, folio 14v.1-14v.2.
— 'Jam dpal gyi sngags yi ge 'bru gcig pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no.
550 (also, no. 896). Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
— 'Jam dpal gyis dam bcas pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 547. Derge
Kanjur, vol. PA, folio 14r.5-14v.1.
— 'Jam dpal gyis dmod btsugs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh.
no. 546 (also, no. 893). Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
— 'Jam dpal gshin rje zla gsang nag po'i rgyud.
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 631.
— 'Jam dpal kri ya.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 70, which says it was translated, together with the U
pa ya (Ubhaya) tantras, by the Six Translators soon after the completion
of Bsam yas Monastery. This is a generic term, referring to a body of
Mañjuśrī texts within the Kriyā category of tantras, and not really a title.
— 'Jam dpal ngag gi dbang phyug la bu mo brgyad kyis bstod
pa. Tôh. no. 552. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 15v.6-16r.4.
— 'Jam dpal shes rab kyi sbyor ba. Tôh. no. 3318. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 14r.6-14v.1. Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti.
— Jambhalajalendrayathālabdhakalpa ('Phags pa gnod gnas
dbang po ci ltar 'byung ba'i rtog pa). Tôh. no. 770. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 90r.6-104r.3. Tr. by Sgeg pa rdo rje
and Rdo rje grags.
— Jambhalanāmāṣṭaśataka ('Phags pa gnod 'dzin gyi mtshan
brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 972 (also, no. 771). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 87r.7-89r.4.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzambha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3267. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 21v.4-22r.6. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
A collection of Jambhala Sādhanas and other texts, in Sanskrit, but
incomplete. Matsunami, p. 254.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzambha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3268. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 22r.6-23r.7. Tr. by Dā,
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzambha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3269. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 23r.7-23v.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzambha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3270. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 23v.4-24r.2. Tr. by Dā
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzambha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3272. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 24v.1-25v.4. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dpal gnod gnas kyi sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 3372. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 47v.1-48v.2.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzam bha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3614. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 238r.6-238v.7. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dzaṃ bha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3615. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 238v.7-239r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalasādhana (Dpal dzaṃ bha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3619. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 240v.5-241v.6. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jambhalaśrī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa gnod 'dzin dpal zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 973 (also, no. 768). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 89r.4-90r.3.
— Jambhalopadeśa (Dzambha la'i gdams ngag). Tôh. no.
3274. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 25v.6-26r.2. Tr. by Dā,
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jāmvālāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Janakīraghava.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Jāṅgulībhagavatīkalpa (Bcom ldan 'das 'phags ma dug sel
ba'i rtog pa). Tôh. no. 3512. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
158v.3-159r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jāṅgulīdhāraṇī ('Phags ma dug sel ma'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
3509. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 157r.4-157r.7. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Jāṅgulīdhāraṇī ('Phags ma dug sel ma'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
3365. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 42r.3-42r.6. Tr. by Ba ri
Don yod rdo rje.
Source of a brief Sanskrit citation contained in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 17
(here spelled Jāṅgulidhāraṇī).
Bandurski, p. 114, where it is mispelled Āryāṃgulīdhāraṇī. The
following brief text, here spelled Āryāṃgulīkalpa, should probably be
read Jāṅgulīkalpa.
— Jāṅgulīmahāvidyā ('Phags ma dug sel ma'i rig sngags chen
mo). Tôh. no. 3511. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
157v.4-158r.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 101.
KCDS, p. 162. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Jāṅgulī-nāma-vidyā ('Phags pa dug sel zhes bya ba'i rig
sngags). Tôh. no. 571 (also, no. 990). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 198r.6-199r.3.
— Jāṅgulīsādhana (Gdug sel ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3245. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 11r.6-12r.6. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Jāṅgulīsādhana ('Phags ma dug sel ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3508. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 156v.5-157r.3. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Jāṅgulīsādhana ('Phags ma dug sel ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3510. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
157r.7-157v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jāṅgulīsādhana ('Phags ma dzāṃ gu lī'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3513. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 159r.4-159v.6. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jāṅgulīsādhana ('Phags ma dug sel ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3365. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 41v.4-42r.3. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Jāṅgulītārāsādhana ('Phags ma sgrol ma dug sel ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3499. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
151r.7-151v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Jāṅgulītārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dug sel ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3206. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
211v.3-212r.4. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Jātakanidāna (Skyes pa rabs kyi gleng gzhi). Tôh. no. 32.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 183r.7-250r.5. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
Strong, RB, p. 30 (here it is said to represent the Theravāda tradition).
N.A. Jayawickrama, The Story of Gotama Buddha (Jātaka-nidāna), Pali
Text Society (London 1990).
Sean Gaffney, The Jātakanidāna, thesis, University of London (2003).
Sean Gaffney, The Pāli Nidānakathā and Its Tibetan Translation: Its
Textual Precursors and Associated Literature, contained in: Tadeusz
Skorupski, ed., The Buddhist Forum, Volume IV, SOAS (London 1996),
pp. 75-91.
Sean Gaffney, Do the Tibetan Translations of Indian Buddhist Texts
provide Guidelines for Contemporary Translators? A paper posted in
PDF format on the internet. Discussions of this work and its translation
from Pāli. Ānandaśrī was a Sinhalese, working in Nepal.
— Jātakarman.
Matsunami, p. 254.
— Jātakaṭṭhakathā.
Nakamura, p. 117.
— Jātismarādhāraṇī ('Phags pa skye ba dran pa'i gzungs).
Tôh. no. 4457. Derge Tanjur, vol. PO, folio 265r.6-265r.7.
Tr. by Dharmapālabhadra.
KCDS, p. 35. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Jātivādanirākaraṇa.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-209). A 5-folio manuscript.
— Jyautiṣagrantha.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-258). A 10-folio manuscript on astrosciences.
— Jyautiṣaśāstra.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-109). A 72-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Jayamatī-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 194. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 250v.3-251r.5. The Tibetan doesn't
translate the Sanskrit (obviously there is a problem here).
KCDS, p. 87. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title given as Āryajayamatiparipṛcchāsūtra (here translated into Tibetan
as 'Phags pa rgyal ba'i blo gros kyis zhus pa'i mdo).
— Jayavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa rgyal ba can zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 568 (also, no. 1004). Derge Kanjur,
vol. PHA, folios 191v.4-195r.5.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 371.
— Jayavatī-nāma-mahāvidyārāja ('Phags pa rig sngags kyi
rgyal mo chen mo rgyal ba can). Tôh. no. 567 (also, no.
1003). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 186r.3-191v.3. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Ji lta bu zhig gi mdo.
A sūtra quoted once in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not traced
elsewhere. It seems this would not really be a sūtra title at all, although
Mochizuki takes it to be one.
— 'Jig rten gsum las rnam par rgyal ba 'phags ma sgrol ma
bsgrub pa'i thabs. Peking Tanjur, no. 4710. Tr. by
— 'Jig rten gyi lo rgyus bshad pa.
Siglinde Dietz, 'Jig rten gyi lo rgyus bśad pa, "Die Kunde von der Welt,"
contained in: Helmut Eimer, Michael Hahn, Maria Schetelich and Peter
Wyzlic, eds., Studia Tibetica et Mongolica (Festschrift Manfred Taube),
Indica et Tibetica Verlag (Swisttal-Odendorf 1999), pp. 71-86.
— Jinajananī.
Source of a very brief Sanskrit citation contained in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p.
— Jinaputrārthasiddhi Sūtra.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 427.
See under Rgyal bu don grub kyi mdo.
— Jīrṇoddhāraṇabimbakathā.
Also called Jīrṇoddhāraṇastūpabimbakathā. Matsunami, p. 227.
— Jīrṇoddhāravidhāna.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-72). A 9-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 15
(MBB-II-124), a 34-folio manuscript dated 1836.
— Jñānaḍākinyāmālātantra.
KCDS, p. 136. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Belonged formerly to Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Jñānagarbha-nāma-yoginīmahātantrarājātirāja (Dpal ye
shes snying po zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud
kyi rgyal po'i rgyal po). Tôh. no. 421. Derge Kanjur, vol.
NGA, folio 96r.1-96v.6. Tr. by Shes rab gsang ba
Passage translated into English and Sanskrit by Pathak in Doboom,
BTPP, p. 50 ff.
— Jñānaguhya-tantrarāja (Dpal ye shes gsang ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 392. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
219r.2-220r.7. Tr. by Candramāla and Shākya ye shes.
— Jñānajvala-tantrarāja (Dpal ye shes 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 394. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud section),
vol. GA, folios 222r.1-223r.7. Tr. by Candramāla and
Shākya ye shes.
— Jñānakasūtrabuddhāvadāna ('Phags pa sangs rgyas kyi
rtogs pa brjod pa shes ldan gyi mdo). Tôh. no. 344. Derge
Kanjur, vol. AṂ, folios 287r.1-289v.2. Tr. by
Vidyākarasiṃha, Sarvajñadeva and Dpal brtsegs.
— Jñāmamālā.
Pra Sugandha (Anil Sakya), The Role of the 'Gyanmālā' Liturgy in the
Nepalese Theravāda Community, paper to be given at the International
Association of Buddhist Studies conference (London 2005). These are
devotional songs sung with accompaniment by musical instruments. It
is a recent Nepalese phenomenon.
— Jñānamālā-tantrarāja (Dpal ye shes phreng ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 393. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
220v.1-221v.7. Tr. by Candramālā and Shākya ye shes.
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 355): dpal ye shes 'phreng ba rgyud
kyi rgyal po lha spyod zung du 'jug pa rdzogs so // rnal 'byor ma tsandra
mā lā dang dge slong shākya ye shes kyis bsgyur ba'o. Probably the lha
spyod should be corrected to lta spyod.
— *Jñānapradīpa Sūtra (Ye shes sgron me'i mdo).
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Jñānaprasthānaśāstra.
Nakamura, pp. 102, 105.
Leon Hurvitz, Path to Salvation in the Jñāna-prasthāna, Studies in
Indo-Asian Art and Culture, vol. 5 (1977), pp. 77-102.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 66. Said to have been composed by Kātyāyanīputra of
Kashmir, three hundred years after Buddha.
L. Schmithausen, Das Jñānaprasthāna-Fragment SHT III 823, contained
in: Petra Kieffer-Pülz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann, eds., Bauddhavidyā
Sudhākaraḥ, Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His
65th Birthday, Indica et Tibetica Verlag (Swisttal-Odendorf 1997), pp.
L. Schmithausen, Das Jñānaprasthāna-Fragment SHT 1752, contained
in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in
Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), pp. 143-156.
Śānti Bhikṣu Śāstrī, Jñānaprasthāna-Śāstra of Kātyāyanīputra,
retranslated into Sanskrit from the Chinese version of Hiuan Tsang,
Visvabharati (Santiniketan 1955).
Banerjee, SL, pp. 54-59 (outline of contents).
Agostini, BSF, p. 70.
In work of Atiśa cited by its Tibetan title Ye shes la 'jug pa. Sherburne, p.
— Jñānarāja-tantrarāja (Dpal ye shes rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 398. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
229r.2-230r.2. Tr. by Gayadhara and 'Brog mi.
— Jñānāśaya-tantrarāja (Dpal ye shes bsam pa'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 404. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folio
239r.1-239v.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Jñānatilaka.
A Shaivite text. Dyczkowski, Journey, p. 60 ff. Several other texts —
Buddhist, Jaina and Hindu — are known by this title.
— Jñānatilaka-yoginītantrarājaparamamahādbhuta (Dpal ye
shes thig le rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po
mchog tu rmad du byung ba). Tôh. no. 422. Derge Kanjur,
vol. NGA, folios 96v.6-136v.4. Tr. by Prajñāgupta
[Prajñāśrīgupta, evidently].
Davidson, IEB, pp. 266-268.
— Jñānavajrasamuccaya (Dpal ye shes rdo rje kun las btus
pa). Tôh. no. 450. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
1v.1-35v.7. Tr. by Ākarasiddhi and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Jñānavajrasamuccayamahāyogatantra, source of a few brief Sanskrit
citations contained in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 17-18.
Helmut Eimer, The Classification of Buddhist Tantras according to the
Jñānavajrasamuccaya, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens,
supplement volume no. 36 (1993), pp. 221-228.
— Jñānavati Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Jñānāveśavidhi (Ye shes dbab pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 1596.
Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folios 114v.1-115v.7.
— Jñānodayatantram, Central Institute for Higher Tibetan
Studies (Sarnath 1988). Devanagari text edition, Sanskrit
only, with added indices. A tantra of the Yoga class, partly
in verse, on subject of yoga. If it had a Tibetan title, it would
be *Ye shes 'byung ba'i rgyud.
Matsunami, p. 254.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-184). A 13-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-15). Here there is evidently an extract from a
commentary on this work. The extract has the title:
Jñānodayapañjikāyām vāhātmikakumbhasādhana.
A commentary on this text entitled Jñānodayatantrarājapañjikā. BSM, p.
5 (MBB-I-72). A 13-folio manuscript. See also the Jñānodayapañjikā
listed in BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-74), a 19-folio manuscript dated 1636, and
the same title listed in BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-120), a 20-folio manuscript
dated 1894.
— Jñānolkāhomakārikā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-73). A 33-folio manuscript.
— Jñānolkā-nāma-dhāraṇī-sarvagatipariśodhana ('Phags pa
ye shes ta la la zhes bya ba'i gzungs 'gro ba thams cad
yongs su sbyong ba). Tôh. no. 848 (also, no. 522). Derge
Kanjur, vol. E, folios 55r.1-57r.7.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 373, n. 4.
— Jñeyasaptatiṭīkā.
See Bechert in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 5.
— 'Jur bgegs zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 1081 (also, no.
648: 'Jur 'gegs zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WAM folios 245r.1-247r.7. Tr. by Ye shes sde.
— Jvalāgniguhya-tantrarāja (Dpal gsang ba me 'bar ba'i rgyud
kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 400. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
231v.4-233r.5. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Jvarapraśamanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa rims nad rab tu
zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 625 (also,
no. 1016). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 62v.3-63r.3. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Jyautiṣa Śāstra.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-64). A 25-folio manuscript. No author is given,
although of course it must have one.
— Jyotiṣkāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
Stefan Baums, Jyotiṣkāvadāna, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul
Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed.,
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume Two (Hermes
Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 287-302.
— Jyotiṣpālasya Krakutsandatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Kā ri kā lnga bcu pa'i brjed byang. In two bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Kaineyakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Kākacaṇḍīśvarakalpatantra.
Gyanendra Pandey, ed., tr., Kākacanṇḍīśvarakalpatantra,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office (Varanasi 2003), in 160 pages,
including Sanskrit text and English translation.
— Kākaparīkṣā.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-259). A 3-folio manuscript. Evidently on crow
— Kālacakragaṇanopadeśa (Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rtsis kyi
man ngag). Tôh. no. 1384. Derge Tanjur, vol. PA, folios
— Kālacakragarbha-nāma-tantra (Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo zhes
bya ba'i rgyud kyi snying po). Tôh. no. 364. Derge Kanjur,
vol. KA, folios 144v.1-146r.7. Tr. by Śrībhadrabodhi and
Zla ba'i 'od zer.
— Kālacakranivardhana.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-8). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Kālacakrapūjāvidhi.
Matsunami, p. 254.
— Kālacakrasādhanacaturtha.
KCDS, p. 110. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
A note says it is in bad condition (thor rul).
— Kālacakra Tantra.
See under Paramādibuddhoddhṛta Śrīkālacakra-nāma-tantrarāja.
— Kālacakratantrottaratantrahṛdaya (Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i
rgyud phyi ma rgyud kyi snying po). Tôh. no. 363. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 129r.1-144r.7. Tr. by Gnyan chung
Dar ma grags.
Kuijp, KPTB, pp. 26-27, has comments on the colophon in its early
xylographic edition (dating to around 1310-1325, it has not been sighted
in recent times).
— Kālajñāna.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-287). A 5-folio manuscript.
— Kalāpadhātusūtra (Ka lā pa'i byings kyi mdo). Tôh. no.
4422. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios 1v.1-10r.7. Tr. by
Byang chub rtse mo and 'Jam dbyangs ral gri.
KCDS, p. 19. A 27-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka.
— Kalāpāvatāra (Ka lā par 'jug pa). Tôh. no. 4464. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PO, folios 315v.3-327r.7. Tr. by Tāranātha.
Shastri, AIPT, p. 138.
Dge slong Blo bzang mthu stobs and Rnam rgyal bzang po, Ka lā par
'jug pa'i smon tshig mgyogs 'gro'i pho nya dang rdza rtsig gtam rgyud,
blockprint in 26 folios. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 4.
— Kalpadrumāvadānamālā.
Nakamura, p. 137.
Matsunami, pp. 230-231.
— Kalpāmnāyamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las brgyud pa'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3395. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 57v.7-58r.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Kalparājamahātantra (?).
Matsunami, p. 254.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-58).
— Kalpoktadaśabhujasitamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs
pa'i 'od zer can dkar mo phyag bcu pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3522. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 166r.3-166v.5. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kalpoktakurukullāsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i ku ru
kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3578. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 213r.6-214v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kalpoktamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3228. Derge Tanjur, vol.
BU, folios 3r.1-4r.3. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Kalpoktamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3341. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 29v.2-30v.3. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Kalpoktamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3524. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 167r.1-168r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kalpoktatārodbhavakurukullesādhana (Sgrol ma'i rtog pa
las 'byung ba'i ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3561.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 192v.4-194r.4. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kalpoktavidhinā sitamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i
cho gas 'od zer can dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3342.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 30v.3-31v.2. Tr. by Ba ri Don
yod rdo rje.
— Kalpoktavidhinā sitamārīcīsādhana (Rtog pa las gsungs pa'i
cho ga 'od zer can dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3525.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 168r.2-168v.7. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
— Kalyāṇamitrasevanasūtra ('Phags pa dge ba'i bshes gnyen
bstan pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 300. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA,
folios 304v.3-305r.7. Tr. by Dharmākara and Bzang
— Kalyāṇasaṅgraha.
MSL, p. 265. A medical encyclopedia.
— Kaṃsadeśavyākaraṇa (Li'i yul lung bstan pa). Tôh. no.
4202. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGE, folios 168v.2-188r.7. In the
letters section, although it doesn't belong there.
Studied in Thomas, TLTD, Part 1, pp. 71-136.
Tucci, TPS, p. 572.
— Kanakavarṇaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Gser mdog can gyi
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma gser mdog can gyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3394. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
59r.1-59v.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Kanakavarṇaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Gser mdog can gyi
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma gser mdog can gyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3547. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
183v.1-184r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kanakavarṇaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Gser mdog can gyi
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3549. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 184v.4-185r.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kanakavarṇapūrvayoga (Gser mdog gi sngon gyi sbyor
ba). Tôh. no. 350. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios
— Kanakavarṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 216, 223.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-31), a 9-folio manuscript.
— Kanakavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa gser can zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 924 (also, no. 633, where Sanskrit is
given as Kāñcanavatī). Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folios
268v.7-271r.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Kaṅkhāvitaraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 53 note.
— Kaṅkīrṇatantrahṛdaya.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-132. A 17-folio manuscript dated 1897 CE.
— Kapālapūjāvidhi (Thod pa mchod pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no.
1719. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 87v.2-88r.3. Tr. by
Parahita and Nag tsho Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
— Kapijanmavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Kapilapātrāvadāna.
Has the same subject as the Kapīṣāvadāna. Matsunami, p. 231.
— Kapīśāvadāna.
Leo Both, Das Kapīśāvadāna und seine Parallelversion im
Piṇḍapātrāvadāna (Berlin 1995). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 42 (1999), pp. 67-69.
Matsunami, pp. 231-232.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-55). A 49-folio manuscript.
— Kapīśvara Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Karaṇḍavyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa za ma tog
bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 116.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 200r.3-247v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
This is said to be one of the texts that fell from the sky onto the palace of
the Emperor Lha-tho-tho-ri-gnyan-btsan, although not translated at that
time. See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27.
Marcelle Lalou, A Tun-Huang Prelude to the Karaṇḍavyūha, Indian
Historical Quarterly, vol. 14 (1938), pp. 198-200.
P.C. Majumdar, The Karaṇḍa Vyūha: Its Metrical Version, Indian
Historical Quarterly, vol. 24 (1927), pp. 293-299.
Lokesh Chandra, ed., Karaṇḍa-Vyūha-Sūtra or the Supernal Virtues of
Avalokiteśvara, Śatapiṭaka Series no. 394, Aditya Prakashan (New
Delhi 1999), in 291 pages.
E.B. Cowell, The Northern Buddhist Legend of Avalokiteswara's
Descent into the Hell Avichi, Indian Antiquary, vol. 8 (1879), pp.
249-255. Includes a summary of the Karaṇḍavyūha.
Jeremiah P. Losty, An Early Indian Manuscript of the
Karaṇḍavyūhasūtra, contained in: Debala Mitra, et al., eds., Nalinīkāta
Satavārsikī, Sri N.K. Bhattasali Centenary Volume (1888-1988): Studies
in Art and Archaeology of Bihar-Bengal (Delhi 1989), pp. 1-21.
Adelheid Mette, Beschreibung eines Kultbildes im Gilgit-Manuskript des
Karaṇḍavyūha, Berliner Indologische Studien, vols. 9-10 (1996), pp.
Adelheid Mette, Die Gilgit-fragmente des Karaṇḍavyūha, Indica et
Tibetica no 29 (Swisttal-Odendorf 1997), 164 pp. Reviewed by J.C.
Wright in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 61,
no. 1 (1998), pp. 156-157. Reviewed by Herbert Guenther in Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 120, no. 1 (2000), p. 153. Reviewed
by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 42, no. 2 (1999), pp.
Adelheid Mette, Remarks on the Tradition of the Karaṇḍavyūha,
contained in: Mishra, ABS, pp. 510-519. According to this, Burnouf
made a translation in about 1837, but it remained unpublished.
Constantin Régamey, Lexicographical Gleanings from the
Karaṇḍavyūha, Indian Linguistics (Suniti Kumar Chatterji Jubilee
Volume), vol. 16 (1955), pp. 1-11.
Constantin Regamey, Motifs vichnouites et shivaites dans le
Karaṇḍavyūha, Études tibétaines dediées à la mémoire de Marcelle
Lalou (Paris 1971), pp. 411-433.
Constantin Regamey, Randbemerkungen zur Sprache und
Textüberlieferung des Karaṇḍavyūha, contained in: Asiatica: Festschrift
Friedrich Weller (Leipzig 1954), pp. 514-527.
Alexander Studholme, The Origins of Om Manipadme Hūm: A Study of
the Karaṇḍavyūha Sūtra, SUNY (Albany 2002).
P.L. Vaidya, Mahāyāna-sūtra-saṃgraha, Part One (Darbhanga 1961),
pp. 257-308. Edition of the Sanskrit text.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 118, 253.
Tucci, TPS, p. 695.
Nakamura, p. 319.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 3, pp. 416-417.
KCDS, p. 4. A 33-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka.
KCDS, p. 8 (see also pp. 29, 42, 49). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in
44 folios belonging to the Nor bu gling ka. See also p. 14.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-9). A 59-folio Nepalese paper manuscript dated
1595, and a 49-folio Nepalese palmleaf manuscript dated 1595. Also,
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-13), a 101-folio manuscript dated 1769. Also, BSM,
p. 26 (WGS-17), a 93-folio manuscript dated 1818.
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, pp.
53, 55.
— *Karmaphalasaṅkṣiptanirdeśa Sūtra.
Re-Sanskritized title of the Chinese Fen-pieh-yeh-pao-lüeh-ching,
translated in 434 CE. Its authorship is attributed to one Ta-hung
(Mahāśūra). It is but another version of the
Fen-pieh-shan-o-so-ch'i-ching, said to have been translated by An
She-kao (148-170 CE). Peter Khoroche, Once the Buddha Was a
Monkey: Ārya Śūra's Jātakamālā, University of Chicago Press (Chicago
— Karmapradīpa.
Baron Alexander von Staël-Holstein, Der Karmapradīpa, II. Prapāṭhaka,
Inaugural Dissertation, Friedrichs-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Halle
1900), in 65 pages.
— Karmaprasarasādhanamahoddeśa.
KCDS, p. 136. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery. Complete title given as:
Hevajraṭīkāyāṃkarmaprasarasādhanomahoddeśaḥ (which they have
translated into Tibetan as Kye rdo rje'i 'grel pa'i las spyod kyi sgrub
thabs sdor chen).
— Karmarājaśrīnāmasamādhi.
KCDS, p. 103. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Karmaśataka (Las brgya tham pa). Tôh. no. 340. Derge
Kanjur, vol. HA, folios 1v.1-309r.7; vol. A, folios
No translators named. Winternitz, vol. 2, pp. 272 ff., says it only exists in
Tibetan translation.
Henri-Léon Feer, Le Karma-Çataka, Journal Asiatique
(January-February 1901), pp. 53-100; (March-April 1901), pp. 257-315;
(May-June 1901), pp. 410-486.
Tucci, TPS, p. 82.
Nattier, OUFT, index.
— *Karmasiddhidhāraṇī (Las grub pa'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 794
(also, no. 1030). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Karmavācanā.
Nakamura, p. 54 note.
Śrāmaṇerakarmavāca. Translated into Chinese by Guṇavarman.
Pachow, VBM, p. 11.
Jun-il Chung, Fragments of a Karmavācanā Collection: Karmavācanā for
Ordination, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe
Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts
in the Schøyen Collection, Volume II (Hermes Academic Publishing
(Oslo 2002), pp. 229-238.
Ronald E. Emmerick, ed., The Tumshuqese Karmavācanā Text, Franz
Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 1985). Reviewed by Victor Mair in Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 106, no. 4 (1986), pp. 879-880. Mair
supplies a good list of the previous studies. Emmerick concludes (as did
none of the previous scholars) that it is a ritual for laywomen in
— Karmāvaraṇapratipraśrabdhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa las kyi sgrib pa rgyun gcod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 219. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
297v.5-307r.6. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 8. The exact title given here is
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274. Cited at folio 98.
— Karmāvaraṇaviśuddhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
sgrib pa rnam par dag pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 218. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— Karmavibhāgaya.
Bandurski, pp. 106-107 (catalogue no. 66). A Sinhala manuscript found
in the Sakya library. Somehow it seems to be known (perhaps through
an ownership inscription?) that this manuscript belonged to Anantaśrī, a
Sinhalese monk who visited Tibet during the time of Grags pa rgyal
mtshan (1182-1216 CE). But I think this means Ānandaśrī, q.v., and
that his dating is more problematic.
Heinz Bechert, Petra Kieffer-Pülz, Klaus Küster, Junko Matsumura, An
Ancient Sinhalese Manuscript Discovered in Tibet and Preserved in
Peking, Pārigaku Bukkyô-Bunkagaku (Journal of Pali and Buddhist
Studies), vol. 4 (1991), pp. 67-83.
— Karmavibhaṅga (Las rnam par 'byed pa). Tôh. no. 338.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 277r.4-298v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
Noriyuki Kudo, The Mahākarmavibhaṅga and the Karmavibhaṅgasūtra
(4): Transliterations of the Original Mss. Preserved in the National
Archives of Nepal, Annual Report of the International Research Institute
for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year
2001 (Tokyo 2002), pp. 87-133; [2002], vol. 6 (2003), pp. 19-84.
Noriyuki Kudo, A Textual History of the Karmavibhaṅga: Another
Evidence from the Fragments in the Schøyen Collection, a paper to be
delivered at the International Association of Buddhist Studies
conference (London 2005).
Sylvain Lévi, Mahākarmavibhaṅga et Karmavibhaṅgopadeśa, E. Leroux
(Paris 1932). See also MSL, p. 427 ff.
Nakamura, p. 112.
Walter Simon, A Note on the Tibetan Version of the Karmavibhaṅga
Preserved in the Manuscript Kanjur of the British Museum, Bulletin of
the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 33 (1970), pp. 161-166.
Haarh, List, p. 204 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, but not found in Derge
Kanjur, according to Haarh, but he is perhaps mistaken).
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 25 (Las rnam
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55.
Mvy. no. 1372.
— Karmavibhaṅga-nāma-dharmagrantha (Las kyi rnam par
'gyur ba zhes bya ba'i chos kyi gzhung). Tôh. no. 339.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 398v.7-310r.7 (?!).
— Karṣakasvastikabrāmaṇa Avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Kārtikāvadāna.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-85). A 27-folio manuscript.
— Kārtikavratakathā.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Kārtikavratasaṅghabhojanapuṇyavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Karuṇāgra-nāma-dhāraṇī (Snying rje'i mchog ces bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 603 (also, no. 913). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 267r.3-269r.3.
— Karuṇākāryajambhalajalendrasuśaṅkara-nāma-dhāraṇī
('Phags pa gnod 'dzin chu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs
bde byed). Tôh. no. 769 (also, no. 971). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folios 89v.7-90r.6.
— Karuṇānāvṛtta-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa snying rjes mi
bshol ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 698 (also, no.
908). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 149v.1-150r.5.
— Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa snying
rje padma dkar po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 112. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 129r.1-297r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
Ju-Hyung Rhi, Some Textual Parallels for Gandhāran Art, a paper to be
delivered at the International Association of Buddhist Studies
conference (London 2005).
Matsunami, p. 195.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-101). A 238-folio manuscript on paper. Also, BSM, p.
15 (MBB-II-115), a 184-folio manuscript on paper.
— Kāśyapabrāmaṇārhadvratasaṃdhāraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Kāśyapamāhātmya.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-137). A 28-folio manuscript.
— Kāśyapaparipṛcchā.
Nakamura, p. 210.
KCDS, p. 86. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Kāśyapaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'od
srung gi le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
87. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 119v.1-151v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Forthcoming translation by Jonathan Silk.
Baron A. von Stael-Holstein, The Kāçyapaparivarta: A Mahāyānasūtra of
the Ratnakūṭa Class (Peking 1925). Reprinted in Tokyo in 1977.
J.W. de Jong, Sanskrit Fragments of the Kāśyapaparivarta, contained in:
Beiträge zur Indienforschung: Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag
gewidmet, Museum für Indische Kunst (Berlin 1977), pp. 247-255.
Nakamura, pp. 159, 210.
German translation done by Friedrich Weller.
S. Karashima, Some Features of the Languages of the
Kāśyapaparivarta, Annual Report of the International Research Institute
for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year
2001 (Tokyo 2002), pp. 87-133; [2002], vol. 6 (2003), pp. 43-66.
Boris Oguibénine, Sur un fragment du kāśyapaparivarta, Journal
Asiatique, vol. 282 (1994), pp. 111-123.
Bhikkhu Pāsādika, The Dharma-Discourse of the Great Collection of
Jewels: The Kāśyapa-Section,
Mahāratnakūṭadharmaparyāya-kāśyapaparivarta, Linh Son publications
d'études bouddhologiques (1977-79) in 9 parts.
J.W. de Jong, Sanskrit Fragments of the Kāśyapaparivarta, contained in:
Beiträge zur Indienforschung. Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag
Gewidmet (Berlin 1977), pp. 247-255.
M.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya in collaboration with Seishi Karashima
and Noriyuki Kudo, The Kāśyapaparivarta: Romanized Text and
Facsimiles, Bibliotheca Philogica et Philosophica Buddhica vol. 5, The
International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka
University (Tokyo 2002).
Ruegg, AIE, p. 21.
— Kāśyaparṣiproktastrīcikitsāsūtra.
Nakamura, p. 320. This medical scripture only exists in Chinese.
— Kāśyapasaṅgīti Sūtra.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 42-44. Translated into Chinese by An Shih-kao in
period from 148-170 CE.
— Kathāvatthu.
Nakamura, p. 104.
Tetsuya Tabata, et al., Index to the Kathāvatthu, Pali Text Society
(London 1982). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.
27 (1984), pp. 220-221.
Shwe Zan Aung and Caroline A.F. Rhys Davids, Points of Controversy,
or, Subjects of Discourse: Being a Translation of the Kathā-vatthu from
the Abhidhammapiṭaka, Pali Text Society, no. 5, reprint, Routledge and
Kegan Paul (London 1979), originally published in 1915.
Fujimaro Watanabe, A Study of the Puggala Chapter in the Kathāvatthu
and the Vijñānakāya, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu), vol. 7 (1977).
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 40. Attributed to Moggaliputta Tissa.
— Kaṭhinavastu. A section of the Vinaya of the
Nakamura, p. 51 note.
Judith M. Boltz and Richard Salomon, A New Fragment of the
Kaṭhinavastu of the Sarvāstivādavinaya, Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 108, no. 4 (1988), pp. 539-544.
— Kaṭhināvadāna.
Almuth Degener, Das Kaṭhināvadāna, Indica et Tibetica Verlag (Bonn
1990), in 103 pages. Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 37 (1994), pp. 360-363.
— Kātyāyana Sūtra.
Kā tyā ya na'i mdo. Considered a basic scripture by the Vaibhāṣika
school. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 8v.6.
— Kaumudīmahotsava.
Nakamura, p. 147.
— Kauravyajanaprabodhanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Kauśīdyavīryotsāhanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-117), with title given as
Kauśikādyavīryotsāhanāvadāna. A 14-folio manuscript.
— Kauśikaprajñāpāramitā ('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu
phyin pa kau shi ka). Tôh. no. 19 (also, no. 554). Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 142r.4-143v.5. No colophon
This has been translated by Edward Conze.
See Ron Davidson in H. Eimer and D. Germano, eds., The Many
Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002) at p. 211, note 21,
where it seems to be listed in a set of scriptures which Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta
considered to be in fact Tibetan compositions. See also Rhoton, CD,
pp. 167, 196 (Go rams pa says that the scripture referred to by Sa paṇ is
clearly different from this one).
See Schlagintweit, München, p. 83, which has the title Yum chen mo
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i gshegs mdo. The 'gshegs' is evidently
a deformation of Kauśika.
— Kavikumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-9). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Kāyavākcitta-tantrarāja (Dpal sku gsung thugs kyi rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 388. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
203v.1-208v.1. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Kesadhātuvaṃsa (Keśadhātuvaṃsa).
Strong, RB, p. 82. A no longer extant chronicle, recounting the stories of
the hair relic of Buddha, that is cited in the Cūḷavaṃsa. A different text,
but on the same general subject, is the Chakesadhātuvaṃsa, q.v.
— Kevalanairātmyasādhana (Bdag med ma gcig pu'i sgrub
pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3392. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
56v.7-57r.3. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Kevalanairātmyasādhana (Bdag med ma rkyang pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3639. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
— Kevalī (Mo rtsis).
Strickmann, CPP, pp. 133-134. This dice divination manual is in the
Peking canon, no. 5814. It is attributed to Śāntideva, and was translated
by Gautamaśrī, Rāma, Buddhaśrījñāna and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
— Kha byang mdzod kyi lde mig rgyud.
Tucci, TPS, p. 114.
— Kha mchu nag po zhi bar byed pa
Kha mchu nag po zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo,
n.p. (Chemre 1968), in 11 pages. "Printed from the blocks preserved at
the Hemis Monastery."
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 362, 363.
— Khadiravaṇītārāsādhana ('Phags ma seng ldeng nags kyi
sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3482. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folio 131v.2-131v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Khagarbhāṣṭottaraśataka-nāma-dhāraṇīmantra ('Phags pa
nam mkha'i snying po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa
gzungs sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 636 (also, no.
876). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 109r.5-112r.4.
— *Khakkharasūtra ('Phags pa 'khar gsil gyi mdo). Tôh. no.
335. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 271r.5-274r.7.
— Khams rab tu dbye ba'i sgo nas sems gnas pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Khantivādi Jātaka.
Graeme MacQueen, The Conflict between External and Internal
Mastery: An Analysis of the Khantivādi Jātaka, History of Religions, vol.
20, no. 3 (1981), pp. 242-252.
— 'Khar gsil 'chang ba'i kun tu spyod pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no.
336. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 274r.7-275r.6.
— *Khargaviṣāṇa Sūtra.
In Pāli, Khaggavisāṇa Sutta.
Richard Salomon with Andrew Glass, A Gāndhārī Version of the
Rhinoceros Sūtra: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 5B, University of
Washington Press (Seattle 2000), in 234 pages. Reviewed by Oskar
von Hinüber in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1
(2003), pp. 221-224.
— Khasama-tantrarāja (Dpal nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 386. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA,
folios 199r.7-202r.1. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye
Davidson, IEB, p. 269.
Tucci, TPS, p. 108.
Nakamura, p. 341.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by the title Khasamatantra is
reproduced in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 11.
This text in particular is considered the root text of the Bde mchog snyan
brgyud. Torricelli, Zhang, p. 882.
Gray, Disclosing, p. 429, says this is the title of the one hundred
thousand verse tantra from which the Laghusaṃvara was extracted.
— Khasarpaṇasādhana (Bde ba 'byung ba'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3153. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
175r.6-175v.6. Tr. by Ratnākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Khasarpaṇasādhana (Kha sa rpa ṇa'i sgrub pa'i thabs.
Tôh. no. 3331. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 24v.2-24v.7.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Khasarpaṇasādhana (Dpal kha sa rpa ṇa'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3411. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 75v.2-77r.1.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Khasarpaṇasādhana (Dpal ldan mkha' spyod kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3413. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
80v.7-81r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Khasraghanabhaṅgarakasyaṣṭapañcāśatrāmāni (??!!).
KCDS, p. 148. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The list says he is the author, but I believe this comes from an ownership
mark of Śīlākaragupta (Stengs pa Lo tsā ba).
— 'Khod pa'i rig pa nam mkha' ltar gsal ba'i rgyud.
Rabsal, p. 83. A text contained in the Bai ro'i rgyud 'bum, it was
translated by Śrīsiṃha and Vairocana.
— 'Khor lo sdom pa'i zhi ba'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga bsdus pa.
Tôh. no. 1474. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 75v.1-76r.3.
— Khro ba zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 787 (also, no.
1025). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 114v.5-114v.7.
— Khro mo bdun gyi dkyil 'khor. See Poussin, Catalogue, no.
— Khros pa zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 788 (also, no.
1026). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 114v.7-115r.1.
— 'Khrul pa rtsad gcod kyi rgyud.
See Matthew Kapstein, The Amnesic Monarch and the Five Mnemic
Men: 'Memory' in Great Perfection (Rdzogs-chen) Thought, contained
in: Janet Gyatso, ed., In the Mirror of Memory: Reflections on
Mindfulness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, Sri
Satguru Publications (Delhi 1993), pp. 239-269. Includes translation of
Chapter Six.
— Khrus kyi cho ga'i rim pa. Tôh. no. 2930. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 335v.1-336r.4.
— Khyung chen lding ba'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 196.
— Khuddakanikāya.
Nakamura, p. 39.
— Khuddakapāṭha.
Nakamura, pp. 39, 119.
Matsuda, Stanza, p. 13.
— Kīlanacaryā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-68).
— Kīlanadīkṣākarma.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-59). A 65-folio manuscript.
— Kīlanavidhi.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-185 and 186). A 5-folio and a 24-folio manuscript.
— Kimbila Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Kinnararājaparipṛcchā Sūtra.
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274. Cited at folio 35.
— Kirātaduṣka[ra?]sya...
KCDS, p. 136. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery. Apparently these are the first
words of the text, and not a proper title.
— Klong 'grel.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 196.
— Klu bsangs par chad kun bsel [read: bar chad kun gsal].
Schlagintweit, München, p. 75.
— Klu gtor rgyas pa. Tôh. no. 2196. Derge Tanjur, vol. DZI,
folios 78v.3-79r.6. Tr. by Glan chung Dar ma tshul khrims.
— Klu'i rgyal po bya khyung mchu'i gzungs.
4-folio manuscript. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 8.
— Klu'i spa bkong.
4-folio manuscript. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 9.
— Kokanada Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Kolāsyāsamādhi.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-145). A 7-folio manuscript dated 1748.
— Kollairithi (?).
KCDS, p. 56. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title given as Kollairithi'i 'grel pa.
— Kośalādhirājajanmā[x]takauṇḍomuasārthavāhajātaka.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Kośalokaprajñapti Sūtra (Mdzod dang 'jig rten brjod pa'i
mdo). Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 315.
Siglinde Dietz, Remarks on Four Cosmological Texts from Tun-huang
(Pelliot tibétain nos. 958, 959, 966 and 967), contained in: Helga
Uebach and Jampa L. Panglung, eds., Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of
the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies,
Schloss Hohenkammer, Munich 1985, Kommission für
Zentralasiatische Studien, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
(Munich 1988), pp. 111-117. Dietz points out that this text is only found
in the 'western branch' of Kanjur transmission (meaning it is only found
in the London Manuscript, Tog Palace, Toyo Bunko Manuscript and
Ulan Bator Manuscript versions).
— Kriyāskandha (Bya ba'i phung po). Tôh. no. 4111. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 215r.2-246r.7.
Shayne Clarke, Right Section, Wrong Collection: An Indentification of a
Canonical Vinaya Text in the Tibetan bsTan 'gyur: Bya ba'i phung po
zhes bya ba (Kriyāskandha-nāma). Forthcoming in Journal of the
American Oriental Society.
Banerjee, SL, p. 43. Notes that the work is incomplete.
— Krodhabhurkumkūṭarājastotramantra (Khro bo'i rgyal po
sme brtsegs la bstod pa'i sngags). Tôh. no. 756. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 7v.4-8r.7.
— Krodharājasarvamantraguhyatantra (Khro bo'i rgyal po
thams cad gsang sngags gsang ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 433.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 12v.1-13v.4.
— Krodhavijayakalpaguhyatantra (Khro bo rnam par rgyal ba'i
rtog pa gsang ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 604. Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 269r.3-287r.7, continued in vol. BA, folios
1v.1-35v.7. Revised by Rong zom Chos bzang.
Walter, Corpses, p. 21 ff.
— Krodhavijayakalpaguhyatantraṭīkā (Khro bo rnam par rgyal
ba'i rtog pa gsang ba'i rgyud kyi rgya cher bshad pa). Tôh.
no. 2669. Derge Tanjur, vol. TU, folios 181v.2-285r.7.
Walter, Corpses, p. 21 ff., 34.
— Krodhavijayamañjuśrīśūlakalpa.
KCDS, p. 69. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Kṛṣikobrāhmaṇāvadāna.
Sudhanakumāra. Matsunami, p. 224.
— Kṛṣṇasarpāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3282. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
28v.2-29r.2. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3283. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
29r.2-29v.7. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3284. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
29v.7-30v.3. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po sgrub pa'i
thabs). Tôh. no. 3326. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
20v.6-21r.5. Tr. by Ba ri.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3327. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
21r.5-21v.7. Tr. by Ba ri.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3628. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
246r.7-246v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3629. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
246v.7-247v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana (Gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3630. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
247v.4-248r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kṛṣṇayamāritantrarājatrikalpa (Dpal gshin rje'i gshed nag
po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po rtog pa gsum pa). Tôh. no. 469.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 164r.1-167v.5. No translator's
colophon, but said to have been translated by Āḍayaśrī and
Rong zom.
Translation by Bulcsu Siklós. See discussion by Decleer in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 41 (1998), pp. 293-294.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 169, 231, 239, 269, 295, 304, 316.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 180.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-2). A Nepalese paper manuscript in 77 folios.
D.C. Bhattacharyya, Notes on the Technique of Buddhist Manuscript
Painting, contained in: B.N. Goswamy and Usha Bhatia, eds., Indian
Painting: Essays in Honour of Karl J. Khandalavala, Lalit Kala Akademi
(New Delhi 1995), pp. 66-70, at p. 68. It has elaborate treatment on the
subject of making paintings.
— Kṛṣṇāya-oṣṭha ('Phags pa lcags mchu nag po). Tôh. no.
763 (also, no. 966). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Kṛtajñāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Kṣānti Jātaka.
Part twenty-eight of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Kṣatyānuṣṭhānajñānagāthā (?).
KCDS, p. 118. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The title is here translated into Tibetan: Nyes pa 'joms pa'i ye shes kyi
tshigs bcad (bstod pa).
— Kṣemaṅkaraparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
bde byed kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 165. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 167v.2-171v.3.
Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Kṣemavatīvyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bde
ldan ma lung bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 192. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 243v.6-246r.7.
— Ksha ya'i nad sel ba'i sngags. Tôh. no. 802 (also, no.
1058). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 116v.7-117r.1.
— Kṣitigarbhapraṇidhānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 217. Two volumes in its Chinese version, some believe it
originated in Khotan.
— Kṣitigarbhāṣṭottaraśatakanāmadhāraṇīmantrasahita
('Phags pa sa'i snying po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa
gzungs sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 641 (also, no.
881). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 124r.5-126r.5.
— Kṣitigarbhasūtra.
Bhiksu Heng Ching, Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva,
Buddhist Text Translation Society (New York 1974).
Peter Zieme, Ein alttürkisches Fragment des Kṣitigarbha-Sūtras aus
Bäzāklik, Altorientalische Forschungen, vol. 17, no. 2 (1990), pp.
— Kṣudrāgama.
Nakamura, p. 39.
— Kṣudrakasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 175.
— Ku ru kulle'i dbang du byed pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 3563.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 195v.5-195v.6. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kulacaryāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 255.
— Kulalokanāthapañcadaśaka (Rigs kyi 'jig rten mgon po lnga
bcu pa). Tôh. no. 436. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
27r.6-29v.1. Tr. by Malaśrībhadra [correct to
Vimalaśrībhadra] and Shud ke Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: paṇḍi ta chen po bi ma la shrī bha dra'i zhal snga nas
/ byang chub rin chen gyis bskul nas // shud ke grags pa rgyal mtshan
gyis dpal sa skya'i gtsug lag khang chen por bsgyur ba'o.
— Kulapañcabuddhāya namaḥ (Rigs lnga bde bar gshegs pa
la phyag 'tshal lo). Tôh. no. 841/5. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA,
folios 212r.7-216r.4. In Rnying rgyud section.
— Kulasūtra.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 11.
— Kuliśyasvaratantra.
Or, Kuliśyasvarabhāvanāguhya. Or,
Śrīnityācāramānasibhāvaśrīmatkuliśya (!) svarabhāvanāyāguhya.
Matsunami, p. 255.
— Kulmāṣapiṇḍī Jātaka.
Part three of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 228.
— Kumāradṛṣṭāntasūtra (Gzhon nu dpe'i mdo). Tôh. no. 296.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 295v.2-297r.2.
— Kulārṇava Tantra.
Ram Kumar Rai, ed. and tr., Kulārṇava Tantra, Prachya Prakashan
(Varanasi 1999). Reprint of 1983 edition.
— Kumārajanmāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Kumārīpūjā.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-198). A 16-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-II-298). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Kumbha Jātaka.
Part seventeen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Kunālāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 224.
— Kuṇḍalyamṛtahṛdayacaturtha-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa
bdud rtsi thab sbyor gyi snying po bzhi pa zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 755 (also, no. 957). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folios 6r.6-7v.4.
— Kuñjarakarṇadharmakathana.
A. Teeuw and S.O. Robson, Kuñjarakarṇadharmakathana: Liberation
through the Law of the Buddha, Bibliotheca Indonesica no. 21 (The
Hague 1981).
Mas Nihom, Studies in Indian and Indonesian Tantrism: The
Kuñjarakarṇadharmakathana and the Yogatantra, Publications of the
De Nobili Research Library no. 21, Sammlung De Nobili (Vienna 1994).
— Kuṅkumādidānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Kūrmapatanakrameṇa Vajrayoginīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 377.
— Kurukullādhāraṇīmantra.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 11.
— Kurukullākalpa.
Matsunami, p. 255.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-149). A 37-folio manuscript dated 1720 CE.
Bandurski, pp. 86-87 (no author named; added Tibetan title: Ku ru ku lā'i
rtog pa).
— Kurukullāsādhana.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3209. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 215r.6-217r.1. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3215. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 219r.6-219v.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3216. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 219v.6-220r.4. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3367. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 42r.6-42v.3. Tr. by Ba ri
Don yod rdo rje.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Lha mo rigs byed ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3369. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 44r.3-44v.6.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3217. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 220r.4221r.2. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullā Tantra.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-18). A 12-folio manuscript dated 1743 CE.
— Kurukullākarmaprasaraprayoga (Ku ru kulle'i las rab tu
brgyan pa sbyong ba). Tôh. no. 3579. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 214v.6-215r.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no.
1318. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 244r.3-245r.6. Tr. by
Bin pa (Paṇḍita Bim pa?) and Gzhon nu 'od.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Myur mdzad ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
1319. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 245r.6-247r.5. Tr. by
Mañjuśrījñāna and Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3212. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 217r.5-217v.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3216. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 221r.2-223r.2. Tr. by
Mālava Dānaśrījñāna and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Rigs byed ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3397. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 58v.4-58v.7. Tr. by Ba ri
Don yod rdo rje.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Rigs byed ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3564. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 195v.6-196r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Dpal ldan 'phags ma rigs byed ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3565. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
196r.3-196v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3573. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 204r.5-204v.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullāsādhana (Ku ru kulle'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3577. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 212v.5-213r.6. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kurukullopadeśakrama (Rigs byed ma'i man ngag gi rim
pa). Tôh. no. 3574. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
204v.4-205r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Kuśa Jātaka.
Tilak Raj Chopra, The Kuśa-Jātaka, a Critical and Comparative Study,
Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, no. 13, Seminar für Kultur und
Geschichte Indiens, Universität Hamburg, Cram, de Gruyter and Co.
(Hamburg 1966). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 13 (1971), pp. 214-215.
T. Steele, Kusa Jātakya, a Buddhistic Legend (London 1871).
— Kuśalamūlasaṃparigraha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
dge ba'i rtsa ba yongs su 'dzin pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 101. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
1v.1-227v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Legs kyi sde.
Revised by Prajñāvarman, Jñānagarbha and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 220 (Kuśalamūlasaṅgrahasūtra).
— Kuśasudarśanājātakāvadānaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Kusumasañcaya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa me tog
gi tshogs zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
266. Derge Kanjur, vol. 'A, folios 288r.1-319r.6. Tr. by
Jñānasiddhi and Dharmatāśīla.
Nakamura, p. 177.
— *Kusumavara Sūtra (Padma mchog gi mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
53. Lahuli identifies this as the Padma bkod pa'i mdo.
— Kūṭāgārasūtra (Khang bu brtsegs pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 332.
Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 260r.5-263v.5. Tr. by
Derge colophon: khang bu brtsegs pa'i mdo rdzogs so // // zhu chen gyi
lo tsā ba rad na rakshi tas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Nicholas Poppe, Zwei mongolische Übersetzungen des Kūṭāgāra Sūtra,
Serta Tibet-Mongolica (Wiesbaden 1973), pp. 237-254.
KCDS, p. 85. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Kūṭatāṇḍya Sūtra.
NTSH, p. 179.
— Kye rdo rje'i de kho na nyid rnam par phye ba. Tôh. no.
1211. Derge Tanjur, vol. JA, folios 311v.4-313v.2. Tr. by
Ratnavajra and Shākya ye shes.
Derge colophon: kye'i rdo rje'i de kho na nyid rnam par phye ba dang /
kye'i rdo rje'i bshad pa'i rgyud yang dag par sbyor ba dang / rdo rje
mkha' 'gro las / rtsa'i 'khor lo'i skabs / dge slong shākya ye shes kyis
bsgyur ba'o.
— Kye'i rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma dra ba'i sdom pa'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po. Tôh. no. 418. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
13v.5-30r.3. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
Revised by Gzhon nu dpal.
— Laghujāta Sūtra.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-61). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Lāghulovāda.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur diverses inscriptions de Piyadasi, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1896), pp. 460-485.
'Instruction for Rāhula.' One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an
inscription. The title in Sanskrit would be Rāhulāvavāda. Bhattacharya,
— Laghusaṃvara. Tantrarājaśrīlaghusambara (Rgyud kyi
rgyal po dpal bde mchog nyung ngu). Tôh. no. 368. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 213v.1-246v.7. Tr. by Padmākara
and Rin chen bzang po. Revised by Prajñākīrti and Mar pa
Chos kyi grags pa. Cakrasaṃvara tantra in 51 chapters.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 198, 204.
Nakamura, p. 335, 338 (Laghusaṃvaratantra).
David Barton Gray, On Supreme Bliss: A Study of the History and
Interpretation of the Cakrasaṃvara Tantra, doctoral dissertation,
Columbia University (New York 2001). University Microfilms
International microform 9998161. Has texts and translations of
chapters 1-4, with Tsong kha pa's commentary on the same.
Forthcoming publication entitled The Discourse of Śrī Heruka: A Study
and Annotated Translation of the Cakrasamvara Tantra, American
Institute of Buddhist Studies (New York). Gray dates this scripture to the
late 8th century. See also Gray, Eating.
Janardan Shastri Pandey, ed., Śrīherukābhidhānaṃ
Cakrasaṃvaratantram with the Vivṛti Commentary of Bhavabhaṭṭa,
Rare Buddhist Texts Series no. 26, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan
Studies (Sarnath 2002). The Tibetan-language preface, pp. xlvi-li, has a
useful listing of Indian and Tibetan commentaries on this text. The Indic
commentaries are all to be found at Tôh. nos. 1401-1413. Tibetan
authors of commentaries (not all of them available today) are: Kun
mkhyen Padma dkar po, Kun dga' snying po, La yag pa Byang chub
dngos grub, Dge 'dun rin chen, Co ne Grags pa bshad sgrub, Cog ro
Chos kyi rgyal mtshan, Tsong kha pa, Gnyan Phul byung, Bu ston, Bo
dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal, Blo bzang rta dbyangs, Mar pa Do pa Chos
kyi dbang phyug, Mer rgan Mkhan po 'Jig med rig pa'i rdo rje, Sle lung
Blo bzang 'phrin las, Gser tog Blo bzang tshul khrims, and Gser mdog
Paṇ chen Shākya mchog ldan.
Manuscript in 85 folios. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 77.
— Lakṣacaityabimbakathā.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Lakṣacaityavratā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-60). A 9-folio manuscript.
— Lakṣaṇaṭīkā.
Yoshiyasu Yonezawa, Lakṣaṇaṭīkā, a Sanskrit Manuscript of an
Anonymous Commentary of the Prasannapadā, Journal of Indian and
Buddhist Studies, vol. 47, no. 2 (1999), pp. 1024-1022.
Yoshiyasu Yonezawa, Sanskrit Notes on the Madhyamakāvatārabhāṣya
Chapter 1 in the *Lakṣaṇaṭīkā, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies,
vol. 49, no. 2 (2001), pp. 994-992.
— Lalitacūḍāmaṇi.
Yantracintāmaṇi. BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-135). A 166-folio manuscript dated
1862. Also, BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-137_, a 58-folio manuscript.
— Lalitavistara-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rgya cher rol
pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 95. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 1v.1-216v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
Gwendolyn Bays, The Lalitavistara Sūtra: The Voice of the Buddha, the
Beauty of Compassion, Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 1983), in 2 vols.
English translation of the French translation by Foucaux, with reference
to the Tibetan translation.
E. P. Foucaux, ed., Le Lalita Vistara: l'histoire traditionnelle de la vie du
Bouddha Çakyamuni [Annales du Musée Guimet, vols. 6 and 19] (Paris
1884/1892). Reprinted, Les Deux Océans (Paris 1988).
E. P. Foucaux, Rgya Tch'er Rol Pa ou développement des jeux
contenant l'histoire du Bouddha Çakya-Mouni, première partie: texte
tibétain, Imprimerie Royale (Paris 1847). Tibetan text only without
Phillipe Édouard Foucaux, Rgya Tch'er Rol Pa ou Développement des
Jeux, contenant l'histoire du Bouddha Çakya-mouni, "Traduit sur la
version tibétaine du Bkahhgyour, et revu sur l'original Sanscrit,"
Imprimerie Nationale (Paris 1848).
Bijoya Goswami, tr., Lalitavistara, The Asiatic Society (Kolkata 2001), in
412 pages. English translation.
J.W. de Jong, Notes on Lalitavistara, Chapters 1-4, Journal of the
International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies, vol. 1 (1998), pp.
J.W. de Jong, Buddha's First Meditation in the Lalitavistara, contained
in: Raffaele Torella, et al., eds., Le parole e i marmi. Studi in onore di
Raniero Gnoli, Serie Orientale Roma series no. 92, Istituto Italiano per
l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2001), pp. 229-236.
Salomon Lefmann, Lalita Vistara: Leben und Lehre des Çākya-Buddha,
Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses (Halle 1902-1908), in 2
vols. A reprint was made in Tokyo in 1977.
Arthur Lillie, The Popular Life of Buddha: Containing an Answer to the
"Hibbert Lectures" of 1881, reprint, Asian Educational Services (New
Delhi 2004). Based primarily on the Lalitavistara.
Rajendra Lal Mitra, The Lalita Vistara: Memoirs of the Early Life of Śākya
Siṅha (Chs. 1-15), Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1998). Originally
published in Calcutta in 1877.
P.L. Vaidya, Lalita-Vistara, Buddhist Sanskrit Text series no. 1
(Darbhanga 1987), in 346 pages.
F. Weller, Zum Lalitavistara, über die Prosa des Lalitavistara (Leipzig
Nakamura, pp. 45, 131.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 247-257, contains a resumé of the content of each of
the 27 chapters.
In a list of scriptures considered basic to the Sautrāntika school
(therefore not Mahāyāna?). Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.2.
Matsunami, pp. 195-198. Outline of chapter titles.
— Lam lnga bkol ba.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. Said to be a Tibetan composition.
— Lang kar gshegs pa rin po che'i mdo las sangs rgyas thams
cad kyi gsung gi snying po zhes bya ba'i le'u. Tôh. no. 108.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 192r.1-284v.7. Tr. by 'Gos
Chos grub.
Note the entry in Yisun Chang dictionary: lang kar gshegs pa rin po
che'i mdo sangs rgyas thams cad kyi gsung gi snying po / 'phags pa lang
kar gshegs pa rin po che'i mdo las sangs rgyas thams cad kyi gsung gi
snying po'i le'u bam po brgyad pa / rgya nag gi slob dpon wen hī yis
mdzad pa'i 'grel pa dang sbyar nas bod kyi lo tsā ba 'gos chos 'grub kyis
rgya nag gi dpe las bsgyur pa'o.
— Lang kar gshegs pa'i mdo thams cad bklags par 'gyur ba'i
gzungs sngags. Tôh. no. 589 (also, no. 945). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 204v.3-204v.7.
— Laṅkāvatāra-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa lang kar gshegs
pa'i theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 107. Derge Kanjur,
vol. CA, folios 56r.1-191v.7. Tr. by 'Gos Chos grub. Tôh.
no. 108 is related to (perhaps an extract from) this sūtra.
Davidson, IEB, p. 125.
Nakamura, pp. 174, 230, 231, 245.
Sarat Chandra Das and S. Vidhabhūṣana, Lankavatara-Sutra
(Darjeeling 1900).
Christian Lindtner, The Laṅkāvatārasūtra in Early Indian Madhyamaka
Literature, Asiatische Studien, vol. 46 (1992), pp. 244-279.
B. Nanjio, The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, Bibliotheca Otaniensis series no. 1
(Kyoto 1923).
Lambert Schmithausen, A Note on Vasubandhu and the
Laṅkāvatārasūtra, Asiatische Studien, vol. 46 (1992), pp. 392-397.
D.T. Suzuki, The Lankavatara Sutra, a Mahayana Text (London 1932).
D.T. Suzuki, Studies in the Lankavatara-Sutra (London 1930).
P.L. Vaidya, Laṅkāvatārasūtraṃ, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts series no. 3
(Darbhanga ?).
Satis Chandra Vidyābhūṣaṇa, An Analysis of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, new series vol. 1, no. 6
(June 1905), pp. 159-164. A verse in the 10th and last chapter tells
something about the author (!) of this sūtra. It says 'My mother is
Vasumati, my father Brahmin Prajāpati. I belong to the same clan as
Kātyāyana, my name is Vijito Jina (Tib. Rdul med Rgyal ba, which should
translate Virajo Jina. My father, ancestors and I were born at Campā
(Tsam pa).
Edward Hamlin, Discourse in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, Journal of Indian
Philosophy, vol. 11 (1983), pp. 267-313.
KCDS, p. 3. A 85-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 426. The translator made use of a
commentary composed by a Chinese teacher Rben hwi (Wen hwi, Wan
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Listing of a Brjed byang on this text.
Matsunami, pp. 198-199. Outline of chapters.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-I-151). A 153-folio manuscript dated 1825 CE.
Nakamura, Upanisadic, p. 87.
— Las dge sdig bstan pa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. Said to be a Chinese apocryphal scripture.
— Las grub pa'i dran byed.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. Evidently based on the Karmasiddhi.
— Las kyi grogs kyi bya ba. Tôh. no. 2004. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MI, folios 212r.6-213r.6. Tr. by Shes rab bla ma.
Not really an 'independent' text.
— Las rnam par dag pa'i mdo.
Jackson, ESM, p. 23.
— Ldan grub kyi rgyu dpyod pa.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 20 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu, with no authorship ascription.
— Legs bshad las byung ba'i gtam rgyud gces bsdus, Mi rigs
dpe skrun khang (Beijing 1983).
— Legs nyes kyi rgyu dang 'bras bu bstan pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo. Tôh. no. 354. Derge Kanjur, vol.
AḤ, folios 199r.1-208v.7. Tr. by Chos 'grub.
Note the entry in Yisun Chang dictionary: legs nyes kyi rgyu dang 'bras
bu bstan pa / 'phags pa legs nyes kyi rgyu dang 'bras bu bstan pa zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo / lo tsā ba bande chos grub kyis rgya nag
gi dpe las bsgyur pa'o.
D.N. MacKenzie, The Sūtra of Causes and Effects of Actions in Sogdian
(Oxford University 1970). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 15 (1973), pp. 74-75.
Stein, in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 573, n. 22; 593. The use of
the terms mo bon and bon mo in this manuscript refer to Chinese, not
Tibetan, ideas and practices. It is a Chinese apocrypha.
The scanned version at the website of the International Dunhuang
Project (IOL Tib J 220) gives the title as 'Phags pa las legs nyes kyi rgyu
dang 'bras bu bstan pa.
— Legs sbyar brda' sprod rig par 'jug pa'i sgo, Mi rigs dpe
skrun khang (Beijing 2000). Sanskrit grammar.
— Lekhamālā (not a real title).
KCDS, p. 112. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan given as Yi ge'i phreng ba.
— Lekuñcikāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-36). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Le'u tshe kyang. Or, Le'u tshe kang. Tibetan name for the
Lao-tsu kyaṅ, the book of Lao-tsu. It's mentioned in the
Sba bzhed, as having been obtained in China during the
youth of Khri srong lde btsan.
Stein in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 555.
— Lha mo nag mo'i dngos grub thams cad 'byung ba'i rgyud.
Contained in: Bka' brgyud sngags mdzod, Treasury of Precious
Teachings of the Mar pa Bka' brgyud Tradition, Compiled and largely
written by 'Jam mgon Kong sprul Yon tan rgya mtsho, Sungrab Nyamso
Gyunphel Parkhang (Tashijong 1974-1975), vol. 5, pp. 201-229.
— Lha mo nam gru la stod pa. Tôh. no. 1091. Derge Kanjur,
vol. WAM, folios 255v.6-256r.2. Praise of the Goddess
Ldan dkar ma (Lalou, no. 463), in 15 ślokas. This ought to be a praise to
the Goddess Revatī (Nam gru). Revatī is the name of the wife of
— Lha mo skye rgyud.
Rhoton, CD, p. 219.
— Lha yul du lam bstan pa.
See Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 33. A Dunhuang text on the
postmortem state.
— Lhag mthong skyed pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Lha'i dbang po brgya byin gyis bstod pa. Tôh. no. 1089
(also, no. 673). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAM, folios
254v.7-255r.2. Praise by Indra.
— Lnga phung 'grel pa'i mi brjed pa'i tshig.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. It would seem to be a list of points to be
remembered from the commentary on the Pañcaskandha (Phung po
— Lo ma can gyi gsang tshig.
A basic scripture of the Vaiṣṇavas. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 6v.2.
— Lohatuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa lcags mchu zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 761. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Lohatuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa lcags mchu zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 762. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Lokadharaparipṛcchā-nāma-sūtra ('Phags pa 'jig rten 'dzin
gyis yongs su dris pa zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 174.
Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios 7v.1-78v.7.
— Lokanāthasādhana ('Jig rten mgon po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3407. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 72v.2-72v.5. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Lokanāthasādhana ('Jig rten mgon po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3415. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 81v.7-82r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Lokanāthasādhana (Dpal 'jig rten mgon po'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3437. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 95v.7-97v.1.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Lokānuvartana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'jig rten
gyi rjes su 'thun par 'jug pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 200. Derge Kanjur, vol. 303r.6-308r.7. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Paul Harrison, Meritorious Activity or Waste of Time? Some Remarks
on the Editing of Texts in the Tibetan Kanjur, Tibetan Studies:
Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for
Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989, Naritasan Shinshoji (Narita 1992), vol. 1,
pp. 77-93.
Paul Harrison, Sanskrit Fragments of a Lokottaravādin Tradition,
contained in: L.A. Hercus, et al., eds., Indological and Buddhist Studies
(Canberra 1982), pp. 211-234.
Paul Harrison, Some Reflections on the Personality of the Buddha,
Otani gakuhô, vol. 74, no. 4 (March 1995), pp. 1-28.
Nakamura, p. 221.
— Lokapaññatti.
Eugène Denis, La Lokapaññatti et les idées cosmologiques du
bouddhisme ancien (Paris 1977). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 22 (1980), pp. 70-73.
Strong, RB, p. 133.
— Lokastotrapūjātantra ('Jig rten mchod bstod sgrub pa rtsa
ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 844. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
268r.1-287r.7. In Rnying rgyud section.
— Lokeśvaragāthāsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-80). A 14-folio manuscript dated 1831.
— Lokeśvarakalpa ('Jig rten dbang phyug gi rtog pa). Tôh. no.
700. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 151v.1-157v.2. Tr. by
Jambhala and Ba ri.
— Lokeśvaramāhātmya.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-215). A 73-folio manuscript.
— Lokeśvaramaṇḍala.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu, which he says is a maṇḍala ritual for Amoghapāśa.
— Lokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3416. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 82r.3-72r.6. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Lokeśvaravaśyādhikavidhi ('Jig rten dbang phyug gi lhag
par dbang du bya ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3430. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 89v.6-90r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Lokopasthānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 106.
— Lokotthānābhidharmaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 112. Original Sanskrit lost, it was translated into Chinese
by Paramārtha in 559 CE.
— Ltung ba bco lnga pa. Tôh. no. 2480. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI,
folio 180r.3-180r.5.
— Lug spel ba'i gzungs.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 84.
— Lung bstan kun gsal sgron me lha sras kyis zhus lan.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 560. Prophecy text.
— Lus kyi zag pa sbyin par btang ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 1082
(also, no. 804). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio
247r.7-247v.3. Tr. by Ba ri Lo tsā ba.
— Lus ngag yid gsum bcings pa las rab tu rgyal bar byed pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 562.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), pp. 121-122, gives the
Sanskritic title: Kāyavākyacittastambhanavijayadhāraṇī (Lus ngag nyid
gsum bcings pa las rab tu rgyal bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs).
According to his colophon, it was translated by Gayadhara and the
Tibetan Lo tsā ba Shākya ye shes at Mang yul Byams sbran gyi Gtsug
lag khang.
— Ma byin len gyi skabs nas mkhan po bzhis dpyad pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414.
— Ma zhu ba'i nad 'byang ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 784 (also, no.
1021). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 114v.7-114v.1.
— Mādhavavīkama.
T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on the Amarakośa,
Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp. 372-380, at p.
— Madhurasvarāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Madhyāgama.
Nakamura, pp. 35, 36.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 11, 13, 29 (Madhyamāgama).
Nakamura, p. 32.
Translated into Chinese by Gautama Saṅghadeva in late 4th century.
Best, Paekche, p. 188 (Madhyamāgama; Pāli: Magghima-nikāya).
Bhiksu Thich Min Chau, The Chinese Madhyama Āgama and the Pāli
Majjhimanikāya: A Comparative Study, Motilal (Delhi 1991).
— Madhyamakayogācārabalābalaparīkṣā.
KCDS, p. 16. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Tibetan version of the title given as Dbu ma rnal 'byor spyod
pa'i rtsa stobs brtag pa bcu gnyis.
— Māghavratavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Mahābalajñānarājatantrarāja (Dpal stobs chen ye shes
rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 410. Derge Kanjur,
vol. GA, folios 248r.1-249v.6. Tr. by Gayadhara and
Shākya ye shes.
— Mahābala-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa stobs po che
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 947 (also,
no. 757). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 30v.3-41r.7. Tr.
by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde (Tôh. no. 757 adds
Friedrich Bischoff, Contribution à l'étude des divinités mineures du
bouddhisme tantrique: Ārya-Mahābalanāma Mahāyāna-sūtra, Tibétain
(mss. de Touen-Houang) et Chinois, Paul Guethner (Paris 1956).
Contains a foreword by Marcelle Lalou. Reviewed by Alex Wayman in
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 77, no. 4 (October 1957),
pp. 281-283. Reviewed by de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 2
(1958), pp. 159-162. A tantric Dunhuang scripture.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 385.
— Mahābalasādhana (Stobs po che'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3290. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 33r.4-22v.1. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mahābalasādhana (Stobs po che'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3388. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 55v.5-56r.1. Tr. by Ba
ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Mahābalasādhana (Stobs po che'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3635. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 250v.3-250v.6. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahābala-tantrarāja (Dpal stobs po che'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 391. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
216r.3-219r.2. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Mahābalavegadhārimāṇavakasya
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Mahābhairavatantre Viparītapratyaṅgirā.
Matsunami, p. 255. Evidently an extract of a Pratyaṅgirā (Phyir zlog pa)
part of a Bhairava Tantra.
— Mahābherīhārakaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa rnga bo che chen po'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 222. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios
84v.5-126v.7. Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal gyi lhun
po. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
Nakamura, pp. 192, 230.
— Mahābhiṣekatrikrama (Dbang chen po rim pa gsum pa).
Tôh. no. 1275. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 102v.1-103r.1.
Tr. by Sumatiśrībhadra and Shākya 'od zer.
— Mahābodhibhaṭṭārakasya stotrāṣṭaka (Rje btsun byang
chub chen po'i bstod pa brgyad pa), contained in:
Multi-Lingual Buddhist Texts, reproduced by Lokesh
Chandra from the collection of Prof. Raghuvira (New Delhi
1980), vol. 6, pp. 2006 ff. Bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan text.
Compare Tôh. no. 1153 by Vararuci.
— Mahābodhi Jātaka.
Part twenty-three of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
Ananda S. Kulasuriya, The Mahābodhi Jātaka in Sanskrit and Sinhala,
contained in: Y. Karunadasa, ed., Ānanda: Papers on Buddhism and
Indology, a Felicitation Volume Presented to Ananda Weihena Palliya
Guruge on His Sixtieth Birthday, Felicitation Volume Editorial
Committee (Colombo 1990), pp. 70-83.
Dieter Schlingloff, The Mahābodhijātaka in Bhārhut, contained in: Ludwik
Sternbach Felicitation Volume, Akhila Bhāratīya Sanskrit Parishad
(Lucknow 1981), pp. 745-749.
— Mahābodhyuddeśa (Byang chub chen po mdor bstan pa).
Tôh. no. 3757. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios
106v.6-110r.6. Tr. by Kīrtyananta (Grags pa mtha' yas?).
Bodhgāya, Mahābodhi stūpa.
Derge Tanjur colophon: byang chub chen po mdor bstan pa rdzogs so /
/ / / rnam pa thams cad pa'i spyan gyis sems can ma lus pa'i khams la
gzigs te / phrin las kyi 'jug pa rgyun mi chad pa'i sprul pa'i 'od zer sna
tshogs kyis rnam par mdzes pa chos kyi rje rin po che zhwa dmar cod
paṇ 'dzin pa bzhi pa'i zhal snga nas dang / rmad du byung ba'i bsod
nams dang ye shes chen po'i dpung gis phyogs thams cad las rnam par
rgyal ba'i mi'i dbang po chos kyi rje spyan snga rin po che'i bka' stsal
spyi bor bzung ste / kī rtya nanta [~grags pa mtha' yas?] zhes ming du
chags pas pho brang chen po sne'u gdong gi gtsug lag khang du rgya
gar gyi dpe las bod kyi skad du bsgyur ba'o.
From Derge Tanjur Catalogue: byang chub chen po mdor bstan pa
zhes rdo rje gdan gyi bkod pa zha lu lo tsā bas pho phrang [*brang] chen
po sne'u gdong gi gtsug lag khang du rgya gar gyi dpe las bod kyi skad
du bsgyur ba.
— Mahābuddhavatthu (Mahābuddhavastu).
Bharat Singh Upadhyaya, Mahābuddhavatthu (Mahābuddhavastu),
Delhi Sanskrit Akademi (Delhi 1991-1994). Pāli text with comments in
— Mahācīnācāra Tantra.
M. Meisig, Die China-Lehre des Śaktismus: Mahācīnācāra-Tantra
kritisch ediert nebst Übersetzung und Glossar, Otto Harrassowitz
(Wiesbaden 1988).
— Mahādaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa be con chen po zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 606 (also, no. 958). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 37r.2-39r.4. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Mahādhāraṇī ('Phags pa gzungs chen po). Tôh. no. 529
(also, no. 888). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 90v.3-92v.6.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Mahādīpa.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-223). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Mahāgaṇapatitantra (Tshogs kyi bdag po chen po'i rgyud).
Tôh. no. 666. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 193r.7-199r.6.
Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas.
— Mahāgovinda Sūtra.
Some part of this text has been identified in the recently exported
manuscripts from Afghanistan (last known to be in the shop of Sam
Fogg in London).
Akira Sadakata, Girugitto shahon— 'tensonkyô' danpen no kaisetsu [A
Gilgit Manuscript: An Explanation of Mahāgovindasūtra Fragments],
Daihôrin (Tokyo 1999), pp. 30-35, with illustrations of the original
manuscript on pp. 18-19.
Klaus Hahlweg, Das Mahāgovinda-Sūtra, dissertation (Munich 1954).
NTSH, p. 179.
— *Mahāguhya (Gsang ba chen po).
Rhoton, CD, p. 220.
— Mahajjātakamālā.
Referred to as Bṛhajjātakamālā in MSL, p. 277.
Michael Hahn and Gudrun Bühnemann, Der grosse Legendenkranz.
(Mahajjātakamālā). Eine mittelalterliche buddhistische
Legendensammlung aus Nepal, nach Vorarbeiten von Gudrun
Bühnemann und Michael Hahn hrsg. und eingel. von Michael Hahn
(Wiesbaden 1985), in 72, 745 pages (Asiatische Forschungen series
no. 88). Reviewed and summarized by David Gellner in Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 51, no. 3 (1988), pp.
575-576. Reviewed by Siegfried Lienhard in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 107, no. 3 (1989), pp. 510-511. Reviewed by J.W.
de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 31 (1988), pp. 156-158. The text is
incomplete — out of 52 original chapters, this edition has only 50, and of
that 50 five are incomplete. This work combines previous Jātaka stories
from the collections of Āryaśūra, Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta, except that
here the stories are written entirely in verse.
Emmanuel Lang, La Mahajjātakamālā, Journal Asiatique (1912), pp.
Also called Buddhāvadānamālā. Outline of 50 chapters. Matsunami, pp.
— Mahākālacakra.
Ray, SBB, p. 37. In 1442 listing of texts in Burma.
Bandurski, p. 46. The title Mahākālacakra can indeed apply to the text
generally known to us more simply as the Kālacakra Tantra.
— Mahākāladegurī.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-96). A 10-folio manuscript dated 1938.
— Mahākālamukha.
KCDS, p. 32. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Mahākāla-nāma-dhāraṇī (Dpal mgon po nag po zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 668 (also, no. 1085). Derge Kanjur,
vol. BA, folios 201v.3-202r.3.
— Mahākālāntarasādhana (Dpal mgon po'i nang sgrub). Tôh.
no. 1760. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 251v.1-252r.1. Tr.
by Abhayākara and Rtsa mi chen po.
Derge colophon: mgon po bya rog gdong can gyi nang sgrub rdzogs so
// // paṇḍi ta a bha yā ka ra dang / lo tsā ba tsa mi chen pos bsgyur ba'o.
— Mahākālasādhana (Mgon po nag po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3304. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 47r.6-48r.3. Tr. by
Dā, Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mahākālasādhana (Dpal ldan nag po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3541. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
180v.1-180v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahākālasādhana (Dpal ldan nag po chen po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3643. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
— Mahākālasādhana (Nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3644. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 256v.6-257v.3.
— Mahākālatantra (Dpal nag po chen po'i rgyud). Tôh. no.
667. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 199r.6-201v.3. Tr. by
Amoghavajra and Phur bu 'od.
— Mahākālatantrahṛdaya.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-106). A 22-folio manuscript.
— Mahākālatantrarāja (Nag po chen po zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 440. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
45v.6-86r.7. Tr. by Samantaśrī and Rwa Chos rab.
Davidson, IEB, p. 166.
Outline of 29 chapter titles. Matsunami, pp. 256-257.
KCDS, p. 143 (?).
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-51). A manuscript in 74 folios.
William Stablein, The Mahākālatantra: A Theory of Ritual Blessings and
Tantric Medicine, doctoral dissertation, Columbia University (New York
William Stablein, Mahākāla the Neo-Shaman: Master of the Ritual,
contained in: John T. Hitchcock and Rex L. Jones, eds., Spirit
Possession in the Nepal Himalayas, Aris and Phillips (Warminster
1976), pp. 361-375.
William Stablein, Healing Image: The Great Black One, SLG Books
(Berkeley 1991).
Bandurski, pp. 47-48 (catalogue no. 15). The date in the colophon of
this Sanskrit manuscript (5th year of the reign of Madanapāla) is taken
as equivalent to ca. 1148 CE. An edition of this particular manuscript is
said to be under preparation by Gustav Roth.
— Mahākapi Jātaka.
Parts twenty-four and twenty-seven of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Mahākaruṇācittadhāraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 317. Evidently only in Chinese (and Japanese).
— Mahākaruṇāpuṇḍarīka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
snying rje chen po'i padma dkar po zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 111. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA,
folios 56r.1-128v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 215.
Isshi Yamada, Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka (London 1968). Reviewed by J.W. de
Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 13 (1972), pp. 301-313.
ṃsāhitasūtrāt saṅgṛhīta ('Phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug thugs rje chen po'i gzungs phan yon mdor bsdus
pa). Tôh. no. 723. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
201v.5-204r.7. Tr. by 'Brog mi Shākya ye shes.
— Mahākāśyapasūtra ('Od srung chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 40.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 281v.1-282r.6. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
— Mahākāśyapāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Mahākha-tantrarāja (Dpal nam mkha' chen po'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 387. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
202r.2-203v.1. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Mahālakṣmīsūtra ('Phags pa dpal chen mo'i mdo). Tôh. no.
740 (also, no. 1005). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
234v.2-235r.3. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
— Mahallikāparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
bgres mos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 171. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 310v.4-314r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Stanley Frye, The Sūtra Requested by the Old Woman, Tibet Journal,
vol. 4, no. 1 (1979), pp. 28-33.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 106 (no. 35), with
transcription of the colophon.
— Mahāmahāyānaratnarājasūtra.
A brief Sanskrit citation from a text by this title is given in Lal, Lupta, vol.
2, p. 38. To judge from the citation, it is tantric in nature (despite the
word sūtra in the title).
— Mahāmahīndra-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sa'i dbang po
chen po zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 523 (also, no.
887). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 60v.4-62r.1. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Mahāmaṅgalasūtra (Bkra shis chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 43.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 283r.5-284r.7. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
Chandra, Colossi, p. 46. A text called Mahāmaṅgalamantra. Translated
into Chinese as Ta-chi-i-shên-chou-ching by T'an-yao.
— Mahāmantrānudhāriṇīsādhana (Gsang sngags rjes su 'dzin
ma chen mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3380. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 53v.1-53v.3. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
asyakalparāja-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa nor bu chen po
rgyas pa'i gzhal med khang shin tu rab tu gnas pa gsang ba
dam pa'i gsang ba'i cho ga zhib mo'i rgyal po zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 506 (also, no. 885). Derge Kanjur, vol.
DA, folios 286v.1-309r.6. Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal
gyi lhun po. Revised by Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal
— Mahāmantrānudhāriṇīsādhana ('Phags pa gsang sngags
chen mo rjes su 'dzin ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3588.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 218r.5-218r.7. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāmantrānudhārisūtra (Gsang sngags chen po rjes su
'dzin pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 563. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folios 150v.2-156r.6. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jñānasiddhi,
Śākyaprabha and Ye shes sde.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, pp. 254-255.
— Mahāmantrānusāriṇīsādhana (Gsang sngags kyi rjes su
'brang ba chen mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3254. Derge
Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 15v.4-15v.6. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul
khrims rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 45. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Mahārakṣāmahāmantrānusāriṇī-mahāvidyā.
— Mahāmāyāmaṇḍalopāyikā.
KCDS, p. 82. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Tibetan version of title given as: Sgyu ma chen mo'i dkyil 'khor
cho ga.
— Mahāmāyā Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 234.
Strong, RB, p. 114.
— Mahāmāyā-tantrarāja (Dpal sgyu 'phrul chen po zhes bya
ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 425. Derge Kanjur, vol.
NGA, vols. 167r.6-171r.1. Tr. by Jinapara and 'Gos Lhas
btsas. Revised by Glog skya Shes rab brtsegs [i.e., Klog
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Davidson, IEB, p. 304.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 47, notes that the principle deity Mahāmāyā is
male despite the feminine ending of his name, and his consort is
— Mahāmāyātantra guṇavatīṭīkā.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-143). A 10-folio manuscript. Uncertain which
commentary this might be, although it ought to be Ratnākaraśānti's
Guṇavatyaṃ Śrīmahāmāyāṭīkā, q.v.
— Mahāmāyātisamaya (?).
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 94.
— Mahāmāyottaratantra.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 86.
— Mahāmāyūrīdhāraṇī (4th of the Pañcarakṣā).
Prabodh C. Bagchi, The Geographical Catalogue of the Yakṣas in the
Mahāmāyūrī, Sino-Indian Studies, vol. 3, pts. 1-2 (April 1947), pp. 13-89.
Sylvain Lévi, Le catalogue géographique des Yakṣa dans la
Mahāmāyūrī, Journal Asiatique, 11th series, vol. 5 (1915), pp. 19-138.
Sergei Fedorovich Oldenburg, Mahāmāyūrī, Zapiski Vostocrnago
otdelenia Imp. Russk. Arkheol Obshchestva, vol. 11 (1897-1899), pp.
M.W. de Visser, Die Pfauenkönigin (K'ung-tsioh ming-wang, Kujaku
myô-ô) in China und Japan, contained in: Festschrift für Friedrich Hirth
zu seinem 75. Geburtstag 16. April 1920 Oesterheld & Co. Verlag
(Berlin 1920).
K. Watanabe, Studien über die Mahāmāyūrī (Tokyo 1912).
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 372, n. 2, gives details on its Chinese translations.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 573, 575.
MSL, p. 290.
Nakamura, pp. 231, 318.
There is a story at the end of the Bhaiṣajyavastu about a monk who was
bitten by a poisonous snake. Given medicines which did not help, the
Buddha taught him the mantra of Mahāmāyūrī which cured him. Then
the Buddha tells the story how this mantra was discovered by a peacock
living in the Himālayas. See EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 673. Banerjee, SL,
p. 205.
Matsunami, p. 262-264.
— *Mahāmāyūrīsādhana (Rma bya chen mo'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3120. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 219v.1-219v.5.
— Mahāmāyūrīsādhana (Rma bya chen mo'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3252. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 15r.3-15v.1. Tr.
by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāmāyūrīsādhana ('Phags ma rma bya chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3378. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
52v.7-53r.5. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Mahāmāyūrīsādhana ('Phags ma rma bya chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3586. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
217v.5-218r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāmāyūrīvidyārājñī (Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya
chen mo). Tôh. no. 559. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
87v.1-117r.5. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jñānasiddhi,
Śākyaprabha and Ye shes sde.
L. Schmithausen, Maitrī and Magic: Aspects of the Buddhist Attitude
toward the Dangerous in Nature, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997), p. 53 ff.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 211, 278-279 (Mahāmāyūrīvidhārājñī).
Shūyo Takubo, ed., Ārya-Mahā-Māyūrī Vidyā-Rājñī, Sankibo (Tokyo
Jampa L. Panglung, Zwei Beschwörungsformeln gegen Schlangenbiss
im Mūlasarvāstivādin-Vinaya und ihr Fort leben in der
Mahāmāyūrīvidyārājñī, contained in: Heilen und Schenken. Festschrift
für Günther Klinge zum 70. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden 1980), pp. 66-71.
J.F. Marc DesJardins, Mahāmāyūrī: explorations sur la crèation d'une
écriture prototantrique, Thesis, McGill University (Montreal 2002), in 550
pages. There are six known Chinese translations.
Passage translated into English and Sanskrit by Pathak in Doboom,
BTPP, p. 50 ff.
KCDS, p. 7 (see also p. 44). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 31 folios
belonging to the Potala.
KCDS, p. 48. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Āryamahāmāyūrīvidyārajñī-vinaṣṭākṣasukhātrapratilabdha
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 254.
— Mahāmegha ('Phags pa sprin chen po). Tôh. no. 235 (also,
nos. 657, 1063). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA., folios
250r.2-263r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes
Perhaps this or the following is the subject of Cecil Bendall, The
Megha-sūtra, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, new series vol. 12, pt.
2 (April 1880), pp. 286-311.
Mitsutoshi Moriguchi, Mahā-megha-sūtra P.64.1, Taishô daigaku sôgô
bukkyô kenkyûjo nenpô, vol. 2 (1980), pp. 178-161. Text edition of
Lode Talpe, A Preliminary Study of the Mongolian Versions of the
Mahāmeghasūtra, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 44 (1990), pp.
L. Schmithausen, Maitrī and Magic: Aspects of the Buddhist Attitude
toward the Dangerous in Nature, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997), p. 58 ff.
— Mahāmegha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkon mchog
sprin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 231.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 1v.1-112v.7. Tr. by Rin chen
'tsho and Chos nyid tshul khrims.
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55. Here Lahuli gives the Sanskrit title as
Ratnamegha Sūtra (Mdo sde dkon mchog sprin).
Mahāmegha Mahāyānasūtra. Matsunami, p. 199.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-8). A 47-folio palmleaf manuscript in 47 folios dated
1540 CE.
— Mahāmeghasūtrāt
Daśadigbodhisattvasamudra-sannipātimahotsavavikrīḍitanāma-parivarta ('Phags pa sprin chen po'i mdo las phyogs
bcu'i byang chub sems dpa' rgya mtsho 'dus pa'i dga' ston
chen po la rtse ba zhes bya ba'i le'u). Tôh. no. 233. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 215r.7-245v.7. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Mahāmeghavāyumaṇḍalaparivarta-sarvanāgahṛdayanāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sprin chen po rlung gi
dkyil 'khor gyi le'u klu thams cad kyi snying po zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 234 (also, nos. 658,
1064). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 246r.1-250v.2. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Title may be
— Mahāmokṣa Sūtra, or,
Mahāmokṣādiśunpuṣyakrokramtyapāpaśodhana ('Phags pa
thar pa chen po phyogs su rgyas pa 'gyod tshangs kyis sdig
sbyangs te sangs rgyas su grub par rnam par bkod pa zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 264. Derge
Kanjur, vol. 'A, folios 210r.1-264r.1.
A. Rona-Tas, Tibetological Remarks on the Mongolian Versions of the
Thar-pa Chen-po, Études tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle
Lalou (Paris 1972), pp. 440-447.
— Mahāmudrādvayayogabhāvanā.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 15.
— Mahāmudrāratnābhiṣekacakra (Phyag rgya chen po rin po
che dbang gi 'khor lo). Tôh. no. 2452. Derge Tanjur, vol.
ZI, folios 90r.4-92r.7.
— Mahāmudrātilakatantra-nāma-mahāyoginītantrarājādhipati
(Dpal phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma
chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i mnga' bdag). Tôh. no. 420.
Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 66r.1-90v.7. Tr. by Shes rab
gsang ba, Kam Chos kyi ye shes and Phyug mtshams Dgra
Davidson, IEB, p. 267. Probably the translator Phyug mtshams Dgra
bcom is identical to Phyug mtshams Dbang phyug rgyal po.
Rhoton, CD, pp. 100, 232, 245.
— Mahāniddeśa.
Vijay Kumar Sharma, ed., Saddhammapajjotika, the Commentary on
Mahāniddeśa, Nava Nālandā Mahāvihara (Nālandā 2002), in 400 pages.
Paresh Chandra Dasgupta, Some Geographical Notes on the
Mahāniddesa, Journal of the Oriental Institute of Baroda, vol. 2
(1952-53), pp. 374-376. Twenty-three localities visited by mariners of
ancient India going along the sea-routes are referred to in this text.
Among these places are Tamali, Takkaśīlā and Gumba.
— Mahāpadānasuttanta.
Nakamura, p. 28 note.
Strong, RB, p. 26. In Sanskrit, the title would be Mahāvadāna Sūtra. It
contains descriptions of seven Buddhas (five before Śākyamuni, and
one to come).
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 19-20, 83.
— Mahāpariṇāmarājasamantraka ('Phags pa yongs su bsngo
ba'i rgyal po chen po sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 810.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 229r.3-250v.3. Tr. by
Vidyākaraprabha, Ye shes snying po and Dpal brtsegs
— Mahāparinibbānasuttanta.
Nakamura, pp. 19, 20, 34, 212.
Banerjee, SL, p. 92 ff., compares the Mahāparinirvāṇa section of the
Vinayakṣudraka with the Pāli Mahāparinibbāna.
— Mahāparinirvāṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa yongs
su mya ngan las 'das pa chen po theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 120. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 1v.1-151r.4.
Ernest Waldschmidt, Das Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra, Abhandlungen der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften: no. 1, 1949; no. 2, 1950; no.
3, 1950 -- Akademie-Verlag (Berlin 1950-1951). Reviewed by Franklin
Edgerton in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 72, no. 4
(October 1952), pp. 190-193, where Waldschmidt is criticized for too
zealously Sanskritizing the text.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Die Überlieferung von Lebensende des Buddha,
eine vergleichende Analyse des Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra und seiner
Textentsprechungen, Abh. d. Akad. d. Wiss. in Göttingen, ph.-hist. Kl.,
Dritte Folge, Nr. 29-30 (Göttingen 1944, 1948), in 2 vols.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Beiträge zur Textgeschichte des
Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra, Nachr. v. d. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. zu Gött.,
ph.-hist. Kl. (Göttingen 1939), pp. 55-94.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Wunderkräfte des Buddha, Nachr. d. Akad. d. Wiss.
in Gött., ph.-hist. Kl. (Göttingen 1948), pp. 48-91.
W. Clawiter, D. Schlingloff, R.L. Waldschmidt, Faksimile-Wiedergaben
von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden. I.
Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, Mouton and Co. (The
Hague 1963).
Klaus Wille, Fragments of the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra, contained in: Jens
Braarvig, Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore
Sander, ed., Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume II
(Hermes Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 17-24.
Kosho Yamamoto, The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-Sutra, A Complete
Translation from the Classical Chinese Language, Annotated and with
Full Glossary, Index, and Concordance, The Karinbunko (Oyama
Mark Allon and Richard Salomon, Kharoṣṭhī Fragments of a Gāndhārī
Version of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra, contained in: Jens Braarvig, ed.,
Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection I, Buddhist Manuscripts, Volume
One, Hermes Publishing (Oslo 2000), pp. 243-273.
Masahiro Shimoda, A Study of the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra: With a Focus
on the Methology of the Study of the Mahāyānasūtras, Shunjûsha
(Tokho 1997), in Japanese with English summary.
Liebenthal, Biography, p. 304. On the Chinese translations by Fa-hsien
and Dharmakṣema.
Nakamura, pp. 131, 212, 221, 230.
Strong, RB, p. 98 (list of texts and translations of the various versions).
Nattier, OUFT, index.
— Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra ('Phags pa yongs su mya ngan las
'das pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 119. Derge Kanjur, vol.
NYA, folios 1v.1-343r.6; vol. TA, folios 1v.1-339r.7. Tr. by
Wang phab zhwun (Wang phan zhun), Dge ba'i blo gros
and Rgya mtsho'i sde. A very lengthy version, translated
from Chinese.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 93-97 (Sanskrit fragment).
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 169 (Wang pham zhum).
— Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra ('Phags pa yongs su mya ngan las
'das pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 121. Derge Kanjur, vol.
THA, folios 151r.4-152v.7. Tr. by Kamalagupta and Rin
chen bzang po.
— Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra.
Mark Allon and Richard Salomon, Kharoṣṭhī Fragments of a Gāndhārī
Version of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra, contained in: J. Braarvig, ed.,
Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection I, Hermes (Oslo 2000), pp.
— Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 160, 163, 164, 213, 214, 215, 238, 239.
— Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtropadeśa.
Nakamura, p. 25 note.
— Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstra.
Nakamura, pp. 152 note, 154 note, 165, 186, 220, 239, 241, 246.
Saigusa Mitsuyoshi, Studien zum Mahāprajñāpāramitā-(upadeśa)śāstra
(Tokyo 1969). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.
13 (1972), pp. 314-315.
Étienne Lamotte, Trois Sūtra du Samyukta sur la vacuité, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 2 (1973), pp.
Ruegg, AIE, p. 46.
— Mahāpraṇidhānotpādagāthā.
Nakamura, p. 242.
— Mahāpratihāryanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
cho 'phrul chen po bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 66. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
36r.1-67v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Mahāpratisarā (part of Pañcarakṣā).
Matsunami, p. 264.
Y. Iwamoto, Mahāpratisarā (Pañcarakṣā II), Kleinere Dhāraṇī Texte,
Beiträge zur Indologie, vol. 3 (1938), pp. 1-35.
— *Mahāpratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3119. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 219r.2-219v.1.
— Mahāpratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ba chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3251. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
14r.3-15r.3. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāpratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ba chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3376. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
52r.4-52v.5. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Mahāpratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ba chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3583. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
216r.3-216v.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāpratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ba chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3584. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
216v.1-217r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 45 (see also p. 48). Tibetan translation of title given as
Skyabs mgon chen mo'i rig sngags rgyal mo'i srung gi cho ga'i rig
sngags 'dzin pa.
— Mahāpratisarāvidyārājñī ('Phags pa rig pa'i rgyal mo so sor
'brang ba chen mo). Tôh. no. 561. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folios 117v.4-138v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye
shes sde. Revised by Gzhon nu dpal.
Nakamura, p. 316 (Mahāpratisarādhāraṇī).
KCDS, p. 48. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka.
Matsunami, p. 263.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-14), an 82-folio manuscript with the title
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 254.
— Mahāpratisarāvidyāvidhi ('Phags ma so sor 'brang ma chen
mo'i rig pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3125. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU,
folios 224v.4-225v.6. Tr. by Puruṣottama and Nyi ma rgyal
— Mahāpratyaṅgirā (Phyir zlog ma chen mo). Tôh. no. 3257.
Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 16v.1-16v.3. Tr. by Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan. Compare Tôh. no. 591.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 374, n. 4, for information on a Central Asian
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 52-57.
Nakamura, p. 316 (Mahāpratyaṅgirādhāraṇī).
Aparājitāmahāpratyaṅgirāmahāvidyārājñī. BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-38). An
18-folio manuscript.
— Mahāpratyaṅgirāsādhana (Phyir bzlog ma chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3382. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
53v.6-54r.2. Tr. by [Ba ri] Don yod rdo rje.
— Mahāpratyaṅgirāsādhana (Phyir bzlog pa chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3591. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
219r.1-219r.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāpratyaṅgirāsādhanavidyābhyāsadharma.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-273). A 103-folio manuscript.
— Mahārājaḍīḍā[līlā]mañjuśrīsādhana (Rgyal po chen po 'jam
dpal rol pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3315. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 13v.2-13v.5. Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti.
— Mahārājalīlāmañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal rgyal po chen po
rol pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3463. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 117v.5-118r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sgra chen po
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 208. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 109r.6-111v.7. Tr. by
Viśuddhasiṃha and Dge ba dpal. Revised by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Devacandra.
This is supposed to contain something about the formation of seed
syllables (bīja) from individual letters.
— Mahārathakriyā.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-220). A 26-folio manuscript.
— Mahāratnakūṭa (sūtra collection).
Davidson, IEB, p. 118.
Tucci, TPS, p. 178.
Nakamura, pp. 176 note, 178, 179, 180 note.
Ulrich Pagel, The Bodhisattva Pitaka: Its Doctrines and Practices and
their Position in Mahāyāna Literature, SOAS (London 1992); The
Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1995). This work includes as its third
appendix a bibliographical guide to the Mahāratnakūṭa collection.
— Mahāratnakūṭadharmaparyāyaśatasāhasrikagrantha.
Nakamura, p. 210.
— Mahāratnakūṭadharmaparyāyaśatasāhasrikagranthe
trisaṃvaranirdeśaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po'i chos kyi rnam grangs
stong phrag brgya pa las sdom pa gsum bstan pa'i le'u
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 45. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 1v.1-45r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po'i chos kyi
rnam grangs le'u stong phrag brgya pa las / sdom pa gsum bstan pa
zhes bya ba le'u dang po rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi
tra dang / su ren dra bo dhi dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba ban de ye shes
sdes bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsar bcad kyis kyang bcos nas gtan la
phab pa.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 94 (*Trisaṃvaranirdeśa Sūtra).
— Mahāsahasrapramardanasūtra (Stong chen mo rab tu
'joms pa zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 558 (also, compare
no. 1059). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 63v.1-87v.1. Tr.
by Śīlendrabodhi, Jñānasiddhi, Śākyaprabha and Ye shes
sde. Revised by Gzhon nu dpal.
KCDS, p. 44 (also, p. 47). A Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to the Potala.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 253.
— Mahāsahasrapramardinī (part of the Pañcarakṣā).
Matsunami, p. 264.
Y. Iwamoto, Mahāsāhasrapramardinī (Pañcarakṣā I), Beiträge zur
Indologie, vol. 1 (1937), pp. 1-43.
Matsuda, Stanza, pp. 13, 17-18.
— Mahāsahasrapramardanīsādhana (Stong chen po rab tu
'joms pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3253. Derge Tanjur, vol.
BU, folio 15v.1-15v.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāsahasrapramardanīsādhana (Stong chen mo rab tu
'joms ma zhes bya ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3379. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 53r.5-53v.1. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo
— Mahāsahasrapramardanīsādhana ('Phags ma stong chen
mo rab tu 'joms ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3587. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 218r.2-218r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Mahāsahasratrisahasralokadhātuvarṇana (Stong sum gyi
stong chen po'i 'jig rten gyi khams bshad pa). See Poussin,
Catalogue, no. 640.
— Mahāsamājasūtra-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po 'dus pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 653 (also, no. 1062). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 137r.5-146r.1. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Sanskrit text has been edited by E. Waldschmidt, Central Asian Sūtra
Fragments and Their Relations to the Chinese Āgamas, contained in: H.
Bechert, ed., Die Sprache der ältesten buddhistischen Überlieferung,
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1980), pp. 149-162.
Marcelle Lalou, A la recherche du Vidyādharapiṭaka: Le cycle du
Subāhuparipṛcchā-Tantra, contained in: Studies in Indology and
Buddhology Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu Yamaguchi on
the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Hozokan (Kyoto 1955), pp. 68-72,
at p. 71.
NTSH, p. 179.
Matsuda, Stanza, pp. 29-30.
— Mahāsamayasūtra ('Dus pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 34.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 259v.4-263r.4. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
Yusho Miyasaka, Mahāsamayasūtra (A Critical Study), Acta Indologica,
vol. 1 (1970), pp. 109-136.
Bandana Bhattacharya Mukhopadhyaya, Tibetan Recension of the
Mahāsamaya-sūtra of the Digha-nikāya in Pali, Tibet Journal, vol. 24, no.
3 (Autumn 1999), pp. 48-56.
— Mahāsamayasuttanta.
Nakamura, p. 314.
— Mahāsamayatantrarāja (Dpal dam tshig chen po'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 390. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
213v.4-216r.3. Tr. by Gayadhara and 'Brog mi.
— Mahāsaṃmatasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 131. Chinese translation exists. Contains biographical
material on the Buddha.
— Mahāsaṃnipātaratnaketudhāraṇīsūtra ('Phags pa 'dus pa
chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 138. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
187v.3-277v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century, although not translated at that time.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27 (here with short title Rin po che tog).
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55. Here the title is given as 'Dus pa rin po
che'i tog gi gzungs.
Yenshu Kurumiya, 'Dus pa chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs (Kyoto
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 4, pp. 1-140 (and English introduction).
Nattier, OUFT, p. 172 (Ratnaketudhāraṇī Sūtra).
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 106, has transcription
of the colophon.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 250: 'Phags pa 'dus pa chen po tog gi gzungs
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo.
— Mahāsaṃnipātasūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 172, 216, 218.
Nattier, OUFT, index.
— Mahāsaṃvarodaya-tantrarāja (Dpal bde mchog 'byung ba
zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 373.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 265r.1-311r.6. Tr. by Gzhan
phan mtha' yas and Smon lam grags. Revised by Gzhon
nu dpal.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 269, 318, 320.
Claudio Cicuzza, Il capitolo XXX del Samvarodayatantra, contained in:
Raffaele Torella, ed., Le Parole e i Marmi: Studi in onore di Raniero
Gnoli, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2001), pp. 213-228.
Shinichi Tsuda, The Saṃvarodaya-Tantra: Selected Chapters,
Hokuseido Press (Tokyo 1974).
Nakamura, pp. 338, 339.
Listing of 33 chapter titles. Matsunami, pp. 274-276.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-34). A 99-folio manuscript on paper. See also BSM,
p. 5 (MBB-I-82), a 72-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-10), with the title Samvarodayatantra. A 115-folio
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-12). A 109-folio manuscript dated 1832.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-16). A 124-folio manuscript dated 1740.
— Mahāsandhyāvyākaraṇa Mahāyogatantra.
Judging from the title, it seems it could possibly have to do with Rdzogs
chen. A brief verse quotation from a Sanskrit work cited by this title is
supplied in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 39.
— Mahāsaṅghikavinaya.
Nakamura, pp. 52, 53, 55 note, 81.
— Mahāsarasvatīsādhana (Dbyangs can ma chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3552. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
187v.7-188v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 109. Sanskrit paper manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Mahāsatyanirgranthaputravyākaraṇasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 192. Translated by Bodhiruci into Chinese in 520 CE.
— Mahāśītavanasūtra (Bsil ba'i tshal chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
562. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 138v.6-150v.1. Tr. by
Śīlendrabodhi, Jñānasiddhi, Śākyaprabha and Ye shes sde.
Revised by 'Gos Gzhon nu dpal.
KCDS, p. 44 (see also p. 48). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now
belonging to the Potala.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 254.
— Mahāśītavatī (part of the Pañcarakṣā).
Matsunami, p. 264.
P. Aalto, Prolegomena to an Edition of the Pañcarakṣā, Studia
Orientalia, vol. 19, no. 12 (1954), pp. 1-48.
Y. Iwamoto, Mahāsītavatī, contained in: Kleinere Dhāraṇī Texte,
Beiträge zur Indologie series no. 2 (Kyoto 1937?), pp. 1-6.
— Mahāśītavatīsādhana (Bsil ba'i tshal chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3255. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
15v.6-16r.2. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāśītavatīsādhana (Bsil ba'i tshal chen mo'i sgrub pa'i
thabs). Tôh. no. 3381. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
53v.4-53v.6. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Mahāśītavatīsādhana (Bsil ba'i tshal chen mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3589. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
218r.7-218v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāsudarśana Sūtra.
NTSH, p. 179.
— Mahāśūnyatā-nāma-dharmaparyāya.
Étienne Lamotte, Trois Sūtra du Samyukta sur la vacuité, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 2 (1973), pp.
313-323, at pp. 317-319. Sanskrit text and French translation.
— Mahāśūnyatā-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po stong pa nyid
chen po). Tôh. no. 291. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios
253v.2-261v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
— Mahātārāsādhana (Sgrol ma chen mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3483. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 131v.5-132r.2. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mahāvadānasūtra.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Das Mahāvadānasūtra, ein kanonischer Text über
die sieben letzten Buddhas, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1956).
W. Clawiter, D. Schlingloff, R.L. Waldschmidt, Faksimile-Wiedergaben
von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden. I.
Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, Mouton and Co. (The
Hague 1963).
NTSH, p. 179.
— Mahāvagga.
Nakamura, p. 44.
— Mahāvaipulyamahāyānasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 319.
— Mahāvaipulyamūrdharājasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 225.
— Mahāvairocanasūtra.
endrarāja-nāma-dharmaparyāya (Rnam par snang mdzad
chen po mngon par rdzogs par byang chub pa rnam par
sprul pa byin gyis rlob pa shin tu rgyas pa mdo sde'i dbang
po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no.
494. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 151v.2-260r.7. Tr. by
Śīlendrabodhi and Dpal brtsegs.
Atsuuji Ashikaga, A propos de certaines gāthās remontant du
Mahāvairocanasūtra, contained in: Studies in Indology and Buddhology
Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu Yamaguchi on the Occasion
of His Sixtieth Birthday, Hozokan (Kyoto 1955), pp. 106-121.
Wilhelm Kuno Muller, Shingon Mysticism: Śubhākarasiṃha and I-hsing's
Commentary to the Mahāvairocana Sūtra, Chapter 1, an Annotated
Translation, doctoral dissertation, University of California (1976).
Chikyo Yamamoto, Mahāvairocana-sūtra, Translated into English from
the Chinese Version of Śubhākarasiṃha and I-Hsing (A.D. 725), Aditya
Prakashan (New Delhi 2001), first published in 1990.
Stephen Hodge, The Mahā-Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi Tantra with
Buddhaguhya's Commentary, Routledge Curzon (London 2003).
Stephen Hodge, Considerations on the Dating and Geographic Origins
of the Mahāvairocanābhisaṃbodhi-sūtra, contained in: Tadeusz
Skorupski, ed., The Buddhist Forum, volume 4, School of Oriental and
African Studies (London 1994), pp. 57-83.
J.W. de Jong, Notes on the Sources and the Text of the Sang Hyang
Kamahāyānan Mantranaya. Lost reference
Davidson, IEB, pp. 118, 126, 152, 158, 164, 295.
Tucci, TPS, p. 603.
Nakamura, pp. 319, 321, 322, 323, 326, 328, 329, 337.
Jackson, ESM, pp. 40, 174.
Source of several citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 68-70. Here the title
is given as Vairocanābhisambodhitantra.
Nakamura, Upanisadic, p. 88.
— Mahāvajradhārācāryaniṣyanda
KCDS, p. 132. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Mahāvajrameruśikharakūṭāgāradhāraṇī ('Phags pa rdo rje ri
rab chen po'i rtse mo'i khang pa brtsegs pa'i gzungs). Tôh.
no. 946 (also, no. 751). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios
1v.1-30v.5. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jñānasiddhi and Ye shes
— Mahāvalividhi.
KCDS, p. 138. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Mahāvaṃsa.
The first translation (of the first 20 chapters only) appeared in
1833-1834 in a work entitled Epitome of the History of Ceylon, and the
Historical Inscriptions, by George Turnour (1799-1843).
Wilhelm Geiger, The Mahāvaṃsa or the Treat Chronicle of Ceylon,
Routledge and Kegan Paul (London 1980).
Ananda W.P. Guruge, Mahāvaṃsa: The Great Chronicle of Sri Lanka,
Associated Newspapers of Ceylon (Colombo 1989).
Nakamura, pp. 15 note, 118.
Obeyesekere, Conscience, p. 237 ff. Summary of chapter six.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 11, 58.
— Mahāvastu.
Ludwig Alsdorf, Verkannte Mahāvastu-Strophen, contained in: Wiener
Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, vols. 12-13 [Frauwallner Festschrift]
(1968-1969), pp. 13-22.
Radhagovind Basak, Mahāvastu Avadānaṃ,
Bauddha-Saṃskṛta-Granthāvalī series no. 14,
Mithilāvidyāpīṭhapradhānena Prakāśitam (Darbhanga 2003-2004). Two
(of three?) volumes have been published.
Emmanuel Fauré, Boris Oguibénine, Moriichi Yamazaki and Yumi
Ousaka, Mahāvastu-Avadāna. Volume 1. Word Index and Reverse
Word Index, Philologica Asiatica Monograph Series no. 20 (Tokyo
2003), in 282 pages.
J. J. Jones, tr., The Mahāvastu, Pali Text Society (London 1973-1978),
in 3 volumes.
J.W. de Jong, The Magic Wall of the Fortress of the Ogresses: Apropos
of āsīyati (Mahāvastu III, 86.3), contained in: Pratidānam: Indian, Iranian
and Indo-European Studies Presented to Franciscus Bernardus
Jacobus Kuiper on His Sixtieth Birthday (The Hague 1968), pp.
Bhikkhu Telwatte Rahula, A Critical Study of the Mahāvastu (Delhi
1978). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Journal of the Oriental Society of
Australia, vol. 13 (1978), pp. 95-98.
Émil Senart Le Mahāvastu, Sacred Books of the Buddhists series nos.
16-18, Imprimerie Nationale (Paris 1882-1897), in 3 volumes.
Shindo Shiraishi, Mahāvastu, ein buddhistischer Sanskrittext,
Yamanashi University (Japan 1952, 1957).
Radhagovinda Basak, ed., Mahāvastu Avadāna, Calcutta Sanskrit
College Research Series no. 30 (Calcutta 1965).
According to a brief entry by John Strong in Buswell's EoB, p. 491, this
text's version of the life of the Buddha was written from the perspective
of the Lokottaravādins between 2nd century BCE and 4th century CE in
Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit.
Davidson, IEB, p. 125.
Nakamura, pp. 17, 130, 131, 134, 169, 170, 198, 205.
Nattier, OUFT, index.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-22). A 376-folio manuscript.
— Mahāvastvavadāna.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-154). A 145-folio manuscript.
— Mahāvibhāṣāśāstra (Bye brag tu bshad mdzod chen mo, or
Bye brag bshad mdzod chen po).
Nakamura, pp. 107, 189, 213. Preserved in two (actually more)
Chinese versions (no Sanskrit and no Tibetan).
Nakamura, Upanisadic, p. 84.
Blue Annals, p. 1054, has some interesting information about its partial
Tibetan translations, which probably have not survived. One partial
translation was done by Steng pa Lo tsā ba.
The Thub pa'i bstan pa rgyan gyi me tog by Rig pa'i ral gri says it is as
big as the Hundred Thousand, and that it was composed by Arhats Nyi
ma'i gungs pa [Madhyāntika] and Nye ba'i sbas pa [i.e., Upagupta]:
sangs rgyas nas lo brgya na dgra bcom pa nyi ma'i gungs pa dang nye
ba'i sbas pa la sogs pas theg pa chung ngu'i bstan bcos bye brag tu
bshad mdzod chen po zhes bya ba 'bum dang mnyam pa gcig mdzad
do. In the same work, there is a long citation from the Mahāvibhāṣā, on
the subject of the chronology of the Buddha's life.
Enomoto Fumio, A Sanskrit Fragment from the Vibhāṣā Discovered in
Eastern Turkestan, contained in: Heinz Bechert, ed., Sanskrit-Texte aus
dem buddhistischen Kanon Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen III,
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1996), pp. 135-143.
Robert Kritzer, Antarābhava in the Vibhāṣā, Nôtom Damu Joshi Daigaku
Kirutokyô Bunka Kehyuojo Kiyô, vol. 3, no. 5 (1997), pp. 69-91.
Nakamura, pp. 106, 107, 108.
EoB under "Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā."
Banerjee, SL, pp. 70-71. Compiled by 500 Arhats (including
Vasumitra), it is a huge commentary on the Jñānaprasthānaśāstra. In
Chinese only.
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 41. Described as a 2nd-century
commentary on the Jñānaprasthāna Śāstra. The Chinese translation
was done by Saṅghadeva and Buddhasmṛti in 383 CE.
Nattier, OUFT, index.
— Mahāvidyārājñī.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-11). A 159-folio manuscript dated 1851 CE.
— Mahāvyutpatti (Bye brag tu rtogs par byed pa). Tôh. no.
4346. Derge Tanjur, vol. CO, folios 1v.1-131r.4.
Sanskrit-Tibetan lexical work. Has 9565 entries divided
into 283 sections. Work on it commenced in 814, and it
was several years later completed by the South Asian
teachers Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi, Śīlendrabodhi,
Dānaśīla and Bodhimitra, together with several Tibetan lo
tsā bas.
For various editions and studies, see the listing by Vogel in Mishra,
GSBL, pp. 5-6.
I.P. Minaev, ed., Mahāvyutpatti, Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series no.
98, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1992), reprint of St. Petersburg 1911
edition. Sanskrit only, with Sanskrit word index added.
R. Sakaki, ed., Mahāvyutpatti, parts 1 and 2, Kyoto Imperial University
(Kyoto 1916 and 1925).
Yumiko Ishihama and Yoichi Fukuda, A New Critical Edition of the
Mahāvyutpatti Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian Dictionary of Buddhist
Terminology, The Toyo Bunko (Tokyo 1989), in 460 pages.
Alice Sàrközi and Jànos Szerb, eds., A Buddhist Terminological
Dictionary: The Mongolian Mahāvyutpatti, Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden
1995). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, new
series vol. 15 (1997), pp. 288-291.
Geza Uray, Contributions to the Date of the Vyutpatti-Treatises, Acta
Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 43, no. 1 (1989), pp. 3-21.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 441, 444, 449, 456.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 71.
— Mahāyakṣāparājitasādhanatantra (Gnod sbyin chen po
gzhan gyis mi thub pa'i sgrub thabs kyi rgyud). Tôh. no.
3754. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 89r.5-90v.7. Tr. by
— Mahāyakṣasenāpatinartakaparakalpa (Gnod sbyin gyi sde
dpon chen po gar mkhan mchog gi brtag pa). Tôh. no. 766.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 69r.7-81v.7. Tr. by
Dānagupta (Kashmiri) and Rab zhi Lo tsā ba.
— Mahāyāna Merits Extolling Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 178.
— Mahāyānābhidharmasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 256.
— Mahāyānābhisamayasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 232.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 99-100.
— Mahāyānaprasādaprabhāvana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa theg pa chen po la dad pa rab tu sgom pa zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 144. Derge
Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 6v.6-34r.3. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla
and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 233 note.
Mvy. no. 1365.
— Mahāyānasūtrasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-7). Also, BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-147), a manuscript in 28
folios. Also, BSM, pp. 17-18 (MBB-II-172 through 183), a collection in
12 parts.
— Mahāyānopadeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa theg pa
chen po'i man ngag ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 169. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 260r.1-307r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Mvy. no. 1366.
— Mahimnastava (Mahimnastotra, Mahimnaḥstotra).
C. Bulcke, A Note on a Stanza of the Mahimnastotra, Journal of the
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vol. 37 (1957?), pp. 271-272.
W. Norman Brown, ed., tr., The Mahimnastava, or Praise of Shiva's
Greatness, American Institute of Indian Studies (Poona 1965).
— Mahiṣa Jātaka.
Part thirty-three of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Mahīśāsakavinaya.
Nakamura, pp. 51, 52, 55 note, 56 note.
Liebenthal, Biography, p. 308.
— Mahograherukasādhanapūjāvidhi.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-126). A 17-folio manuscript dated 1805.
— Maitrakanyakāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 230.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Maitreyamahāsiṃhanāda-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byams pa'i seng ge'i sgra chen po zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 67. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
68r.1-114v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi,
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Gregory Schopen, The Bones of a Buddha and the Business of a Monk:
Conservative Monastic Values in an Early Mahāyāna Polemical Tract,
Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 27 (1999), pp. 279-324.
Jonathan A. Silk, Dressed for Success: The Monk Kāśyapa and
Strategies of Legitimation in Earlier Mahāyāna Buddhist Scriptures,
Journal Asiatique, vol. 291, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 173-219, at pp.
201-202. Here it says that the Tibetan text and English translation are
forthcoming from G. Schopen.
— Maitreyanāmāṣṭottaraśatakadhāraṇīmantrasahita ('Phags
pa byams pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags
dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 635 (also, no. 875). Derge Kanjur,
vol. BA, folios 107v.1-109r.5.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 112 (no. 74).
— Maitreyaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 85. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 104v.1-116v.2.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
'Phags pa byams pas zhus pa chos brgyad pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 406.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 105, has transcription
of the colophon.
— Maitreyaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 86. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 116v.2-119r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Maitreyaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 149. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 330v.1-331r.2.
Nakamura, p. 180.
KCDS, p. 88. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
— Maitreyaparipṛcchopadeśa (*Byams pas zhus pa'i man
Nakamura, p. 290. Chinese translation by Bodhiruci.
— *Maitreyapraṇidhāna ('Phags pa byams pa'i smon lam).
Tôh. no. 1096. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios
The same title attributed to Sthiramati in a commentary published as:
Gzhung brgya pa Dngos grub dpal 'bar (late 15th-early 16th century),
Byams pa'i smon lam yon tan gyi rgya mtsho la rnam bshad dad pa'i
ngang mo rnam par rtse ba, "Reproduced from a print from the 1709
Sde dge Dgon chen blocks," T.G. Dhongthog (Delhi 1979), in 27 pages,
poṭhi format. IASWR microfiche: Set VII, LMpj 013,985 (or SB 4057).
According to the English preface, the author was a disciple of 'Jam
dbyangs kun dga' chos bzang (1433-1503) and Paṇ chen 'Bum phrag
gsum pa (1433-1504). He founded Chos 'khor lhun po near Sa skya,
where he wrote the present work in the year 1523.
Khal kha Mkhan po Ngag dbang blo bzang mkhas grub, 'Phags pa
byams pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po'i tshig don rnam par bshad pa'i dgongs
pa gsal bar byed pa'i legs bshad me long. Title listed in SBTD.
Co ne Grags pa bshad sgrub, Byams pa'i smon lam gyi rnam par bshad
pa dga' ldan du bgrod pa'i lam bzang. Title listed in SBTD.
— Maitreyaprasthāna-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
byams pa 'jug pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 198. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 274v.6-296r.7. Tr.
by Prajñāvarman, Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes
— Maitreyapratijñā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa byams pas dam
bcas pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 643 (also, no.
890). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 127v.2-128r.3. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Chos kyi shes rab.
— Maitreyasādhana (Byams pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3264.
Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 19r.4-19v.1. Tr. by Śānta
(Sarta?), Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: paṇḍita chen po shānta dang a bha ya las tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan gyis bsgyur pa'o.
Sādhana for three-headed, four-armed form.
— Maitreyasādhana (Byams pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3265.
Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 19v.1-19v.5. Tr. by Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Maitreyasādhana (Byams pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3351.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 35r.3-35r.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don
yod rdo rje (but see the colophon!).
Derge colophon: paṇḍi ta don yod rdo rje dang / khams pa lo tsā ba ba
ris bsgyur ba'o.
— Maitreyasādhana (Byams pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3611.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 236r.3-236r.6. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
— Maitreyasādhana (Byams pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3612.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 236r.6-236v.2. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
Note that all the Maitreyasādhana titles in the Tanjur seem to be
translations of the very same Indian text. All of them portray Maitreya in
the three-headed, four-armed form.
— Maitreyasamiti Nāṭaka.
The play has Maitreya being reborn as son of the Brahmin Brahmāyu,
household priest of the Cakravartin King Śaṅkha. E. Moerloose,
Maitreyasamitināṭaka: Maitreya's parousia in Tocharian A and in Uighur,
contained in: Antwerps Tibet-Symposium, Liber Amicorum voor Betty
en Carlos Troch, Pia en Louis van der Wee, Lieve en Leo Verleye
(Antwerp 1986) [Copy seen in Kern Institute, Leiden], pp. 73-82. The
title in Uighur is Maitrisimit. The Tokharian text is authored by
Vaibhāṣika Āryacandra, while the Uighur translation was made by
Werner Thomas, Tocharische Maitreya-Parallelen aus Hami, Franz
Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 1990).
Werner Thomas, Zwei weitere Maitreya-Fragmente in Tocharisch A,
Franz Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 1991). Both of these works are reviewed
by Georges-Jean Pinault in Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 121, no. 2 (2001), pp. 275-277. Pinault comments on the history of
the fragments of this 'Drama about the Encounter with Maitreya' (the
Berlin fragments have over the years been added to by further
fragments preserved in China). There is a parallel work in Old Turkic
(Uighur) entitled Maitrisimit nom bitig, which allows in some degree to fill
out the content of the Tokharian fragmented text. Pinault points out that
the title of Thomas 1990 contains a mistake. The fragments are not
from Hami, but from Yanqi (Agni).
Geng Shimin and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Das Zusammentraffen mit
Maitreya (Wiesbaden 1988). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 34 (1991), pp. 312-314.
Geng Shimin, Hans-Joachim Klimkeit and Jens Peter Laut, eds., Eine
buddhistische Apokalypse. Die Höllenkapitel (20-25) und die
Schlusskapitel (26-27) der Hami-Handschrift der alttürkischen
Maitrisimit (Opladen). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 43 (2000), pp. 55-58.
Sinasi Tekin, ed. and tr., Maitrisimit nom bitig. Die uigurische
Übersetzung eines Werkes der buddhistischen Vaibhāṣika-Schule,
Berliner Turfantexte IX, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1980), in 2 volumes.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 24 (Maitrisimit).
— Maitreyāvadāna (?).
KCDS, p. 74. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given in Tibetan form only: Byams pa'i skyes rabs bsdus pa
('Abbreviated Avadāna of Maitreya').
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Maitreyavyākaraṇa ('Phags pa byams pa lung bstan pa).
See under the author 'Candra' below.
Sylvain Lévi, Maitreya le consolateur, contained in: Études
d'Orientalisme publiées par le Musée Guimet à la mémoire de
Raymonde Linossier, Ernest Leroux (Paris 1932), vol. 2, pp. 355-402.
Sanskrit & Tibetan texts of Ārya-maitreya-vyākaraṇa.
P.C. Majumdar, Āryamaitreya-Vyākaraṇam, Firma K.L. Mukhopadhyay
(Calcutta 1959).
— Maitrībala Jātaka.
Part eight of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceta, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge 1951), p. 200.
— Maitrībhāvanānusāreṇa cittasthāpanopāya (Byams pa
bsgom pa'i sgo nas sems gnas par bya ba'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 4369. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 268v.5-271r.5.
— Maitrībhāvanāsūtra (Byams pa bsgom pa'i mdo). Tôh. no.
36. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 270r.1-270v.7. Tr. by
Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
W. W. Rockhill, Translation of Two Brief Buddhist Sūtras from the Tibetan,
Indian Antiquary, vol. 12 (1883), pp. 308-311. Contains translation of
Byams pa bsgom pa'i mdo.
— Maitrīsūtra (Byams pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 35. Derge Kanjur,
vol. KA, folios 263r.4-270r.1. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma
rgyal mtshan.
Haarh, List, p. 205 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, not found in Derge
Kanjur, but then Haarh is apparently mistaken). Haarh gives the
translator's name as Paṇ chen Ānandaśrī, and says it was translated in
the Fire Sheep year, Parinirvāṇa year 1850, when the Dharmarāja Ha
shang ascended the throne (i.e. 1307).
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 59, 60.
— Majjhimanikāya.
Nakamura, pp. 35, 36.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 122.
— Mākandikāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223m 226.
— Mālāṅkāravatthu.
Evidently translated or utilized by P.A. Bigandet in his book The Life and
Legend of Gaudama, published in 1858.
— Mālinīvijayottaratantra.
The Yoga of the Mālinīvijayottaratantra, chapters 1-4, 7, 11-14, ed., tr.,
and annotated by Somadeva Vasudeva, Institutt Français de
Pondicherry (Pondicherry 2004), in 562 pages. Śaiva tantra of Trika
— Mallapatākāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Māṃsāhutī.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-138). A 68-folio manuscript.
— Man ngag dum dum 'khrigs pa dum bu bdun bcu rtsa bzhi
Translated in: L'Essence perlée du secret. Recherches philologiques et
historiques sur l'origine de la Grande Perfection dans la tradition rNying
ma pa, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Brepols (Paris/Turnhout
— Mānasāra.
See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 190.
A text thought to have been compiled in the Gupta period, it has a 64th
chapter on iconometry (entitled Pratimāvidhanā).
— Mānasīcakra.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-7). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Mānavadharmaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 145.
— Maṇḍalagāthāṭippaṇī.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-90). A 30-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 15
(MBB-II-114), a 12-folio manuscript.
— Maṇḍalakānuśaṃsāsūtra.
KCDS, p. 87. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan translation of the title given as: Maṇḍal gyi phan yon gyi mdo.
— Maṇḍalakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Maṇḍalaprakriyā.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-118). A 116-folio manuscript.
— Maṇḍalasādhanavidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-272).
— Maṇḍalāṣṭaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkyil 'khor
brgyad ces bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 105. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
286v.7-288r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
— Maṇḍalāvalī.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-244). A 110-folio manuscript.
— Māndhātāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 225.
— *Maṅgalagāthā (Bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no.
3783. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folio 223r.4-223v.5.
— Maṅgalagāthā (Bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no.
3785. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 224v.3-225r.7.
ACIP version available.
— Maṅgalagāthā (Bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no.
826 (also, no. 1103). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
262v.3-263v.6. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
— Maṅgalakūṭa Mahāyānasūtra (Bkra shis brtseg pa).
A verse extract from Lalitavistara. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 22.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 118 (no. 106).
Āryamaṅgalakūṭanāmamahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bkra shis rtsegs pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
— Maṅgalāṣṭaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bkra shis
brgyad pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
278. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 52v.6-54v.6. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Maṅgala Sutta.
Charles Hallisey, Auspicious Things, contained in: Donald S. Lopez,
ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1995),
pp. 413-426.
— Maṇibhadra-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa nor bu bzang po'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 764. Derge Tanjur, vol. WA, folios
56r.1-56v.2. Tr. by Vidyākarasiṃha and Klu'i dbang po.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 83.
— Maṇibhadrayakṣasenakalpa (Gnod sbyin nor bu bzang po'i
rtog pa). Tôh. no. 765. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
56v.2-69r.6. Tr. by Mañjuśrī and Ba ri.
— Maṇicūḍamaṇipradānaśrīghaṇabodhicaryāvadānamālā.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Maṇicūḍāvadāna.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-74). A 70-folio manuscript dated 1798 BC.
— Maṇidīpa (*Nor bu'i sgron ma?)
Nakamura, p. 115.
— Maṇiratnasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 317.
— Mañjughoṣaprajñāvidhi.
KCDS, p. 41. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan version of title: 'Jam dbyangs shes rab kyi cho ga.
— Mañjughoṣasādhana ('Jam pa'i dbyangs kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3444. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 103r.5-103v.3.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjukriyāvidhi.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-121). A 28-folio manuscript dated 1700 CE.
— Mañjuśrībhaṭṭārakabhāvanopadeśa (Rje btsun 'phags pa
'jam dpal bsgom pa'i man ngag). Tôh. no. 3451. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 109r.2-109r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Mañjuśrībhaṭṭārakaprajñābuddhivardhana-nāma-dhāraṇī
('Jam dpal gyi shes rab dang blo 'phel ba zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 549 (also, no. 895). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PA, folio 14v.3-14v.7.
KCDS, p. 40. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Buddhivardhananāmadhāraṇī.
— Mañjuśrībodhisattvamaṅgalagāthā.
Nakamura, p. 326.
— Mañjuśrībuddhakṣetraguṇavyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi yon tan
bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 59.
Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 248v.1-297r.3. Tr. by
Śīlendrabodhi, Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
Rhoton, CD, p. 59.
— Mañjuśrīkarmacatuścakraguhyatantra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal
las bzhi 'khor lo gsang ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 838. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 60r.5-77r.5.
I believe this is likely to correspond to the Sanskrit manuscript title
Mañjuśrīguhyacakra described in Bandurski, p. 114. It is about 10 folios
in length. The manuscript would seem to be of 14th-century Nepalese
ntrasahita ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gzhon nur 'gyur pa'i mtshan
brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh.
no. 639 (also, no. 879). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
— Mañjuśrīmūlatantra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi rtsa ba'i
rgyud). Tôh. no. 543. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
105r.1-351r.6. Tr. by Kumārakalaśa and Shākya blo gros.
Colophon from Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 503): dpal lha btsan po lha
btsun pa byang chub 'od kyi bkas / rgya gar gyi mkhan po dge bsnyen
chen po ku mā ra ka la sha dang sgra bsgyur gyi lo tsā ba dge slong
shākya blo gros kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Usually known by the title Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa. Its earliest possible date
(based on the historical material it contains) is 8th century. It was
translated in the 10th century by T'ien-si-tsai (in ca. 980-1000).
Translated into Tibetan circa 1040. Chapters 18-23, 36, 39, 40, 42-49,
and 55 are in the Sanskrit only, and missing from the Tibetan and
Chinese versions. The only extant Sanskrit manuscript, acquired by
Gaṇapati Śāstri in South India, is attributed to the scribe Ravicandra,
and is believed to be 16th century.
T. Gaṇapati Śāstri, Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series nos.
70 (Trivandrum 1920), 76 (Trivandrum 1922), 84 (Trivandrum 1925).
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 59, 135, 148, 149, 191-195,
SERS, p. 116, calls it the oldest available book of Mantrayāna, says it
was composed in South India, in vicinity of Śrīparvata (he believes
Andhra to be the place of origins of Mantrayāna in general, and he sees
Mantrayāna as prototype for Vajrayāna).
S.K. Pathak, The Language of the Ārya-mañjuśrīmūlakalpa (-tantra),
contained in: Mishra, ABS, pp. 278-306.
Davidson, IEB, index.
Nakamura, p. 319.
Ariane MacDonald, Le maṇḍala du Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa,
Adrien-Maisonneuve (Paris 1962). Reviewed by Hummel in Tribus, vol.
12 (1963), pp. 232-3. Has translations of chapters 2-3 (chapters 4-7
were translated by Lalou in 1930).
Marcelle Lalou, Iconographie des étoffes peintes (paṭa) dans le
Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa, Librarie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner (Paris 1930).
Marcelle Lalou, Trois aspects de la peinture bouddhique, Annuaire de
l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales (Bruxelles), vol. 3 (1935),
pp. 245-261.
Marcel Lalou, Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa et Tārāmūlakalpa, Harvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, vol. 1, nos. 3-4 (1932), pp. 327-347. She showed that
the two texts have a great number of shared passages.
Yukei Matsunaga, On the Date of the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa, Mélanges
Chinois et Bouddhiques, vol. 22 (1985), pp. 882-894.
E. Obermiller, Buston's History of Buddhism and the
Mañjuśrīmūlatantra, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1935), pt. 2,
pp. 299-306.
K.P. Jayaswal and R. Saṇkṛtyāyana, An Imperial History of India in a
Sanskrit Text, 700 BC - 700 AD (Lahore 1934); reprint, Eastern Book
House (Patna 1988). Study of chapter 53. Shows that the historical
material ends in about 770 CE, at time of death of King Gopāla.
Matsunami, pp. 257-258.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-206). A 68-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Mañjuśrīnairātmyāvatārasūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 156 note, 179 note.
R.E. Emmerick, From the Mañjuśrīnairātmyāvatārasūtra, contained in: P.
Kieffer-Pülz and J.-U. Hartmann, eds., Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ.
Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th
Birthday (Swisttal-Odendorf 1997), pp. 81-90.
R.E. Emmerick, More Verses from the Mañjuśrīnairātmyāvatārasūtra,
contained in: P. Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
(Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), pp. 33-42.
— Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgīti ('Jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par
brjod pa). Tôh. no. 360. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
1v.1-13v.7. Tr. by Kamalagupta and Rin chen bzang po.
Revised by Shong Blo gros brtan pa (evidently Blo brtan II,
the brother of Shong ston Rdo rje rgyal mtshan, and not the
slightly later Dpang Lo [Blo brtan III], but see the
transcription below, where he is clearly identified as the
Second Blo brtan).
Derge colophon: 'phags pa rnal 'byor chen po'i rgyud sgyu 'phrul dra ba
stong phrag bcu drug pa ting nge 'dzin dra ba'i le'u las phyung ba / bcom
ldan 'das 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i don dam pa'i mtshan yang dag
par brjod pa / bcom ldan 'das de bzhin gshegs pa shākya thub pas
gsungs pa rdzogs so // // thun mong dang thun mong ma yin pa'i gsung
rab thams cad la dbang 'byor pa'i bdag nyid chen po bla ma dam pa
chos kyi rgyal po'i bka' drin gyis nye bar bskyangs pa / sgra bsgyur gyi lo
tsā ba dge slong blo gros brtan pas / bsam gtan gling gi dben gnas su
legs par bsgyur cing dag par byas pa'o // sngon gyi sgra bsgyur chen po
de dag gis // rgyud 'di bsgyur cing kun la grags lags mod / 'on kyang sgra
don gtsug lag ji bzhin du // rgyud 'di blo brtan gnyis pas legs par bsgyur //
zab cing rgya che rdo rje theg pa yi // nges don ye shes don gnyer skyes
bu dag // chos dang don la legs par mi rton par // gang zag tshig 'bru'i
rjes su ma 'brang zhig.
A different colophon more or less according to Berthold Laufer,
Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu
Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol.
55 (1901), p. 119 (no. 112): 'di lo chen rin chen bzang po'i 'gyur la /
shong blo gros brtan pas bcos pa la dond ang mi 'gal zhing grags che ba
rnams lo chen 'gyur nyid gzhir bzhag // 'gyur gnyis ka la mi bcos su mi
rung ba rnams dag par rgya gar gyi dpe dang / rgya 'grel chen mo rnams
dang mthun par zha lu lo tsā ba Dharmapālabhadra zhes bya gyi bas
lhun po spang du 'jam sdud bzang gsum bco bor gyur pa'i mdo phran
grags che ba khungs ma rags rim zhig par du bsgrub pa dus zhus chen
legs par bgyis so gsung ba'i dpe nye (?) de nyid ling (?) ches kyi phyi
mor byas te sku rab rnam rgyal rtser par du bsgrubs pa'i par ma nyid yid
ches kyi phyi mor byas te slar yang dga' ldan phun tshogs gling du par
du bsgrubs pa'o.
Ronald M. Davidson, 'The Litany of Names of Mañjuśrī', contained in:
Michel Strickmann (ed.), Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honor of R.A.
Stein, Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises (Bruxelles 1981), vol.
1 (=Mélanges Chinoise et Bouddhiques, vol. 20), pp. 1-69. Also
published in: D. Lopez, ed., Religions of India in Practice, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 104-125.
I.P. Minayev, Buddhizm, Izsledovaniya i Materialui (St. Petersburg
Alex Wayman, Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī, Shambhala
Publications (London 1985).
Alex Wayman, The Tibetan Translation of the Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṅgīti
(abstract), contained in: Barbara N. Aziz and Matthew Kapstein (ed.),
Soundings in Tibetan Civilization, Manohar Publications (New Delhi
1985), pp. 294-295.
In: Multi-Lingual Buddhist Texts, reproduced by Lokesh Chandra from
the collection of Prof. Raghuvira (New Delhi 1980), vol. 6, pp.
2068-2093. Bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan text (bilingual texts of this work
are quite numerous).
Lokesh Chandra, Nāma-Saṅgīti as a Hymn of Advaya Names,
contained in: Cultural Horizons of India, Volume 3: Studies in Tantra and
Buddhism, Art and Archaeology, Language and Literature, Śatapiṭaka
Series no. 370, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi
1993), pp. 380-394.
'Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i 'grel pa rje btsun
'jam pa'i dbyangs kyi byin rlabs kyi char rgyun myur du 'bebs byed bstod
sprin gyi sgra dbyangs, contained in: The Collected Works
(Gsung-'bum) of Tshe mchog gling Yongs 'dzin Ye shes rgyal mtshan,
"reproduced from a set of the Tshe mchog gling blocks," Tibet House
(New Delhi 1974), vol. 7, pp. 229-561.
Tsha ba Lo tsā ba Rin chen rnam rgyal (?), 'Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi
mtshan yang dag bar brjod pa'i rdo rje'i rgyud kyi de kho na nyid gsal bar
byed pa dri bral nor bu'i me long, published in India in 1985, in 324
pages. Reproduced from a rare manuscript from Ugyen Topgyal
Nakamura, pp. 177, 326, 336.
KCDS, p. 51, with the title
Sarvabuddhaguṇānantamadhyamiyaṃnānasaṅgīti. P. 152 lists it with
the short title Mtshan brjod.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-102), with the title Nāmasaṅgīti. An 11-folio palmleaf
manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-170), a 64-folio manuscript.
Outline of 18 chapter titles. Matsunami, pp. 258-260.
— Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgīticakrakrama ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi
mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i 'khor lo'i rim pa). Tôh. no.
2597. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios 50r.6-53r.5.
— Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgītisādhana ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi
mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
2600. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios 67r.3-68v.5.
— Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgītiṭīkāyāṃ-nāma-mantrārthāvalokita
(Tibetan given as 'Phags pa 'jam dpal mtshan brjod btus
pa'i mchan 'grel).
KCDS, p. 11. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 60 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-117), with the title Nāmamantrārthāvalokinī
(Āryanāmasaṅgītiṭīkā). A 112-folio manuscript.
— Mañjuśrīnāmāṣṭaśataka ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan
brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 642. Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 126r.6-127v.2.
Ryûjô Kambayashi, Laudatory Verses of Mañjuśrī, contained in: Journal
of the Taisho University vols. VI-VII in Commemoration of the Sixtieth
Birthday of Professor Unrai Wogihara, Ph.D., D.Lit., Part II: European
Section, Taisho University (Sugamo, Tokyo 1930), pp. 243-297.
Nakamura, pp. 132, 326.
Sen, Revival, p. 54.
— Mañjuśrīnirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal
gyis bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
177. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folio 240r.1-240v.5. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
KCDS, p. 88. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
— Mañjuśrīparinirvāṇa Sūtra.
Raoul Birnbaum, The Manifestation of a Monastery: Shen-ying's
Experiences on Mount Wu-ta'i in T'ang Context, Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 106, no. 1 (January 1986), pp. 119-137, at p. 123.
Said to have been translated into Chinese in the late 3rd century.
— Mañjuśrīparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'jam
dpal gyis dris pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 172. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios 1v.1-5r.7.
— Mañjuśrīprajñācakra ('Jam dpal gyi shes rab kyi 'khor lo).
Tôh. no. 3192. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
201r.7-202v.4. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīprajñācakrasādhana ('Jam dpal shes rab 'khor lo
sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3323. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 18v.4-19v.4. Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti.
— Mañjuśrīpratijñādhāraṇī.
KCDS, p. 40. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3183. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 197r.7-197v.3. Tr. by
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3187. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 200v.1-200v.4. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3188. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 200v.4-200v.7. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3189. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 200v.7-201r.3. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3312. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 11r.6-11v.3.
Tr. by Ba ri.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3440. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 99r.6-100r.2.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3464. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 118r.1-118r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3469. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 121r.4-121v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuśrīstotra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal la bstod pa). Tôh. no.
2707. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 75r.7-76r.5.
— Mañjuśrīsvākhyāta-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi
zhal nas gsungs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 545
(also, no. 892). Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folio 13r.6-13v.4.
Tr. by Jñānagarbha and Klu'i dbang po. Revised by
Viśuddhisiṃha and Devacandra.
— Mañjuśrīvajrasādhana ('Jam dpal rdo rje'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3313. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 11v.3-12r.5.
— Mañjuśrīvihāra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal
gnas pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 196.
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 266v.1-271v.2. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 167 (mispelled Mañjuśrīvikārasūtra).
Mvy. no. 1369.
— Mañjuśrīvikrīḍita-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa 'jam dpal
rnam par rol pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 96. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 217r.1-241v.7. Tr.
by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Rhoton, CD, p. 80.
Quoted in Phyag chen rgya ghung, p. 710-714.
— Mañjuśrīvikurvāṇaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa 'jam dpal rnam par 'phrul ba'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 97. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios
242r.1-257v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jinamitra and Ye
shes sde.
— Mañjuvajramukhyākhyāna.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-11). A 12-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Mañjuvajrasādhana ('Jam pa'i rdo rje'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3476. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 125r.6-127r.6. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mañjuvajrasiddhaikavīrasādhana ('Phags pa 'jam pa'i rdo
rje dpa' bo gcig tu grub pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 3322.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 17v.2-18v.4. Tr. by Ba ri
Chos kyi grags pa.
— Mañjuvajrodayamaṇḍalavidhisarvasattvahitāvahā (Dpal
'jam pa'i rdo rje 'byung ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga sems can
thams cad kyi bde ba bskyed pa). Tôh. no. 2590. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGU, folios 225r.5-274r.7.
— Mantra of Light.
Nakamura, p. 330. Has been restored into Sanskrit from Chinese.
— Mantrasamuccaya.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-89).
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-264). A 30-folio manuscript.
— *Mantravidhitantra (Cho ga sngags kyi rgyud).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
— Mantroddhāra.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-127). A 14-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 17
(MBB-II-164), a 5-folio manuscript.
— Manuṣyadurlabhakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Mānuṣāvatāravarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Māraṇoccāṭanavidhi.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-I-154). Manuscript in 40 folios. Also, BSM, p. 14
(MBB-II-99), with the title Māraṇoccāṭanādiyoga, a manuscript in 23
— Māravijayastotra.
Nakamura, p. 315. Has been restored into Sanskrit based on a Chinese
— Mārīcīdhāraṇīpāṭhopadeśa ('Phags ma 'od zer can gyi
gzungs gdon pa'i man ngag). Tôh. no. 3537. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 178v.7-179r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Mārīcīkalpatantra.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-112). A 73-folio manuscript.
— Mārīcīmaṇḍalavidhimārīcījātadvādaśasahasrād uddhṛta
Kalpahṛdayasaptaśata ('Phags ma 'od zer can gyi dkyil
'khor gyi cho ga 'od zer can 'byung ba'i rgyud stong phrag
bcu gnyis pa las phyung ba'i rtog pa'i snying po bdun brgya
pa). Tôh. no. 566. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
— Mārīcī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa 'od zer can zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 564 (also, no. 988). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 156v.1-158v.2. Tr. by Amoghavajra and Rin
chen grags (no. 988 says Rin chen bzang po).
Nakamura, p. 337 (Mārīcīdhāraṇī).
— Mārīcīpicupāsādhana (Dpal 'od zer can pi tsu ba'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3534. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
175v.5-176v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3226. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 1v.1-2v.3. Tr. by
Dānaśrī and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 31. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Title given in Tibetan as 'Od zer can ma'i sgrub thabs.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3227. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 2v.3-3r.1. Tr. by
Dānaśrī and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3229. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 4r.3-4v.4. Tr. by Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3230. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 4v.4-5v.7. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3232. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 6v.1-7r.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3233. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 7r.3-8r.1. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3533. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 175r.7-175v.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3535. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 176v.4-178r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mātaṅgīsūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 158 note, 318. It was translated into Chinese in 3rd
century. It has been judged from its astronomical information that it
must have been composed in Samarkand.
A Chinese text in the British Library: Or. 8210/S.6024.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 171, n. 32.
— Mātara Tantra.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 187.
— Matibrāhmaṇīparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
bram ze mo dpal ldan mas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 170. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
307v.1-310v.3. Tr. by Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and
Ye shes sde.
— Mātṛjñāna.
KCDS, p. 78. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Tibetan version of the title given as Yum la shes pa.
— Mātṛpoṣahastā Jātaka.
Matsunami, pp. 229, 237 (with the title, Mātṛpoṣahastijātakaparivarta, a
chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā).
— Mātsaryacaritrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Matsya Jātaka.
Part fifteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Maudgal gyi bus ma dmyal ba nas drangs pa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. Said to an apocryphal sūtra composed in China.
— Māyājālakramāryāvalokiteśvarasādhana (Sgyu 'phrul dra
ba'i rim pa'i 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3432. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
90v.6-91r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Māyājālakramena bhaṭtārikātārāsādhana ('Phags pa sgyu
'phrul dra ba'i rim pas rje btsun sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 1704. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 60r.5-62r.2.
Tr. by Mahājana and Gzhon nu 'od.
— Māyājāla-mahātantrarāja (Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po sgyu
'phrul dra ba). Tôh. no. 466. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios
94v.1-134r.7. Tr. by Rin chen bzang po.
SERS, p. 118, gives this as one of the tantric works listed in a Sinhalese
historical work of the 14th century, the Nikāya-saṅgraha.
Ian Sinclair, Iconography in the Chinese Māyājāla-Tantra, Master's
thesis, University of Western Sydney (2000).
Davidson, IEB, pp. 157-158.
Tucci, TPS, p. 108.
Nakamura, p. 332.
KCDS, p. 64. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
KCDS, p. 108. An 18-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging
to Potala. Title: Āryamāyājālaṣoḍaśasāhasrikānmahāyogatantra.
— Māyājāla-nāma-mahāsūtra (Mdo chen po sgyu ma'i dra ba).
Tôh. no. 288. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 230r.1-244r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, pp. 93, 215-216.
— Māyāmārīcījātatantrād uddhṛta-kalparāja (Sgyu ma'i 'od zer
can 'byung ba'i rgyud las 'byung ba'i rtog pa'i rgyal po).
Tôh. no. 565. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
— Māyopamāsamādhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sgyu
ma lta bu'i ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 130. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios
210v.3-230v.4. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
EoB says that this is identical to
There are two Chinese translations.
— Mayūra Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Māyūrīvidyāgarbha ('Phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma
bya'i yang snying). Tôh. no. 560. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folio 117r.5-117v.4.
— Mchod pa byin gyis brlab pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 1071.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 239v.2.
— Mchod pa'i sprin 'byung ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 1072. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 239v.2-239v.3.
— Mchod rten brgya rtsa brgyad. Tôh. no. 3070. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 168r.7-171r.4.
EoB under "Aṣṭottaraśatacaityakriyā."
— Mchod rten dgu gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3075. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 171v.6-171v.7.
— Mchod rten gcig btab na bye ba btab par 'gyur ba'i gzungs.
Tôh. no. 602 (also, no. 921). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
— Mchod rten gcig gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3071. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 171r.3-171r.6.
— Mchod rten gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3076. Derge Tanjur,
vol. PU, folios 171v.7-172r.3.
— Mchod rten gnyis gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3072. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 171r.6-171v.1.
— Mchod rten gsum gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3073. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 171v.1-171v.3.
— Mchod rten gyi cha dbye ba 'dul ba las byung ba'i mdo.
Tôh. no. 3078. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios
— Mchod rten la bstod pa sna gnyis.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Mchod rten lnga gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3074. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 171v.3-171v.6.
— Mchog tu gdags pa'i mdo. Tôh. no. 305. Derge Kanjur, vol.
SA, folios 130v.4-131v.1.
— Mdangs phyir mi 'phrog pa. Tôh. no. 627 (also, no. 1052).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 63r.4-63r.6.
— Mdo mang.
This popular canonical collection varies in content. In general it brings
together all kinds of brief sūtra and dhāraṇī texts. See Denwood,
Catalogue, nos. 228-230, which lists some manuscript and woodblock
printed versions
— Mdo sde rgyan gyi brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. mdo sde rgyan gyi brjed byang bam po / de'i
brjed byang rnying 'gyur bam po.
— Mdo sde snyan gyi gong rgyan. Stog Palace Kanjur, no.
248. Tr. by Ce btsan skyes.
Stog Palace colophon: sangs rgyas kyi snyan gyi gong rgyan las shin tu
rgya che ba'i theg pa chen po bshad pa rnam par snang mdzad kyi le'u
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i rgyud rdzogs so / lo tsā ba ce btsan skyes
kyis bsgyur / yi ge pa ning shing mul tol bris.
— Mdzangs blun zhes bya ba'i mdo (Sanskrit original title
uncertain). Tôh. no. 341. Derge Kanjur, vol. A, folios
129r.1-298r.7. Tr. by 'Gos Chos 'grub. Collection of
stories, evidently translated into Tibetan from Chinese.
A note at the end of the version in the Stog Palace Kanjur reads: rgya
nag las 'gyur snang ngo. This means, 'It would appear that it is
translated from Chinese.
Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish, tr. by Stanley Frye, Library of Tibetan
Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1981), translated from Mongolian
(with the help of the German translation?).
Mdzangs blun zhes bya ba'i mdo, n.p. (Lhasa 1950's), in 434 pages.
"Impressions from blocks preserved at the Zhol Par khang chen mo
(Gangs can phan bde'i gter mdzod gling) in Lha sa."
Mjans blun (=Dsanglun oder Der Weise und der Thor), hrsg. von I.J.
Schmidt (St. Petersburg 1843).
Sylvain Lévi, Le sutra du sage et du fou dans la littérature de l'Asie
Centrale, Journal Asiatiques (1925), pp. 305-332.
Junjiro Takakusa, Tales of the Wise Man and the Fool, in Tibetan and
Chinese, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (July 1901), pp. 447-460.
J. Terjék, Fragments of the Tibetan Sutra of 'The Wise and the Fool'
from Tun-huang, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 22 (1969), pp. 289-334;
vol. 23 (1970), pp. 55-83.
Per Kvaerne, A Preliminary Study of Chap. VI of the Gzer-mig,
contained in: Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi, eds., Tibetan Studies
in Honour of Hugh Richardson,Vikas (New Delhi 1980), pp. 185-191, at
p. 188. The text had been translated into Tibetan in imperial times (see
Pelliot tibétain no. 943).
Liang Liling, The Sūtra of the Wise and the Fool and the Art in Buddhist
Caves, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies, vol. 6 (2002), pp. 41-88.
Paul Pelliot, Neuf notes sur des questions d'Asie Centrale, T'oung Pao,
vol. 26 (1929), pp. 201-266.
Nakamura, p. 140.
Francis W. Cleaves, The Boy and His Elephant, Harvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, vol. 35 (1975), pp. 14-59, at pp. 40-45, a translation
from the Chinese of chapter 49, on Nāgapāla.
Discussion in Laufer, LW 415-422.
Banerjee, SL, p. 262 refers to it under the title Danamukha, noting that
the Sanskrit original is lost. Banerjee makes reference to Asiatic
Researches, vol. 20, p. 480.
Strong, RB, p. 57. Supplies Sanskrit title as Damamūkanidāna Sūtra.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 97, 101 (Hsien yü ching).
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 273.
— Mdze la sogs pa sa bdag gi nad gso ba. Tôh. no. 3094.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 188v.3-188v.7.
— Mdzod kyi 'jig rten bstan pa'i bskyud byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Meditation Concentration Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 171.
— Me'i zug rngu rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 799
(also, no. 1055). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
— Megha Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Mekhalā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa me kha la zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 772 (also, no. 907). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folios 105v.7-111v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
— Meṇḍakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 224.
— Mgrin pa snyan pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 792 (also, no. 1034).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 115v.1-115v.2.
— Mi brjed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 717 (also, no. 1048). Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 179r.5-179r.7.
— Mi dga' bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 781 (also, no.
1032). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 114r.1.
— Mi 'jigs pa'i mtshon cha.
A seven-chapter work which resulted from the collaboration of Indian,
Persian and Chinese physicians in the court of Srong btsan sgam po in
early 7th century. Rechung, TM, p. 15.
— Mi kha'i bzlog bsgyur.
Sdig bshags gser gyi spu gri dang mi kha'i bzlog bsgyur rgya nag skag
bzlog bcas, Tibetan Cultural Printing Press (Dharamsala 1990).
— Mi sdug pa'i sgo nas sems gnas pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Milindapañha.
Dialogue between the Bactrian king Milinda (Menander) and the
Buddhist monk Nāgasena.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 175, 290.
Nakamura, pp. 97, 114, 115.
T.W. Rhys Davids, The Questions of King Milinda, Clarendon Press
(Oxford 1890-1894), in two volumes.
Paul Demiéville, in Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, vol.
24, nos. 1-2 (January 1924), pp. 1-258.
I.B. Horner, Milinda's Questions, Luzac (London 1963-1964), in two
Sylvain Lévi, Un nouveau document sur le Milinda-praçna (for reference,
see MSL, p. 450, no. 52). Also contained in MSL, pp. 214-217.
Edith Nolot, tr., Entretiens de Milinda et Nāgasena (Paris 1995).
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies, vol. 59, no. 2 (1996), pp. 382-383.
Bhikkhu Pesala, ed., The Debate of King Milinda: An Abridgement of the
Milinda Pañha, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1991). Reviewed by James
McDermott in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 119, no. 1
(1999), p. 195.
Ed. Specht, Deux traductions chinoises du Milindapañho, Proceedings
of the 9th International Congress of Orientalists, London 1892, vol. 1,
pp. 518-529 (introduction by Sylvain Lévi).
P. Demiéville, Les versions chinoises du Milindapañha, Bulletin de
l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, vol. 24 (1925), pp. 1-253.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 29, 51.
— Milindaṭīkā.
Nakamura, p. 115.
— Ming don brda' sprod rnam lnga. A 7-folio woodblock print
from Dga' ldan phun tshogs gling. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, nos. B7947/17, B8806/17. Filibeck, CTTF, vol.
2, no. 1161. The five classes of words are: sde chen, rgya
skar, gab yig, ngo bo, and bzang ngan.
— Ming gi rgya mtsho. A manuscript in 132 folios. Oriental
Institute, St. Petersburg, no. B9292/1. Note the similar title
— Mkha' 'gro ma thams cad kyi thugs gnyis su med pa'i ye
shes bsam gyis mi khyab pa phag mo mngon par 'byung
ba'i rgyud las rgyud phyi ma rdzogs rim bstan pa'i le'u ste
gnyis pa rdzogs so. Tôh. no. 379. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA,
folios 71r.3-72v.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and Gyi jo Zla ba'i 'od
zer. Apparently a continuation of Tôh. no. 378.
— Mkhris pa'i nad sel ba'i sngags. Tôh. no. 800 (also, no.
1056). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 116v.4-116v.5.
— Mngon brjod blo gsal rab dga'. Contained in: Bzo rig kha
shas, pp. 75-109. Abhidhana text, author unidentified.
— Mngon pa mdzod kyi brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. A collection of points to be remembered from
the Abhidharmakośa.
— Mngon rtogs rgyan mdo dang sbyar ba.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Work with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Mngon spyod kyi las. Tôh. no. 484. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA,
folio 96r.3-96r.7. Tr. by Śāntigarbha and Jayarakṣita. A
work with the same title is found in the Derge Tanjur.
— Moneyasūta.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription. The title in
Sanskrit would be Mauneyasūtra. Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— Mṛga Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Mṛtyuvañcana.
Ray, SBB, pp. 36, 37. A text which the author says is tantric, found in a
listing of books made in 1442 in Burma.
— Mṛtyuvañcanasitatārāsādhana ('Chi bslu ba sgrol m dkar
mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3496. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 150r.1-150v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mṛtyuvañcanatārāsādhana ('Chi ba bslu ba'i sgrol ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3495. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
149v.4-150r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mṛtyuvañcanopadeśatārāsādhana ('Chi bslu ba'i man ngag
gi sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3504. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 154r.3-154v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mthong sgom. Poussin, Catalogue, no. 605.
— Mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i 'grel pa tshul gsum gsal ba).
Tôh. no. 2091. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSI, folios 199r.6-218r.7.
Derge colophon: tshul gsum gsal bar byed pa'i sgron ma zhes bya ba
rdzogs so.
— Mu stegs kyi lta ba'i skabs kyi brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Mudrāsamayānujñādāna.
KCDS, p. 139. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Mukhāgama (Zhal gyi lung [Zhal lung]). Tôh. no. 1854.
Derge Tanjur, vol. DI, folios 17v.3-28v.6.
Derge colophon: dpal ldan u rgyan yul nas byung ba'i sangs rgyas ye
shes zhabs kyi zhal snga nas kyi sgrub thabs kyi man ngag rdzogs so //
// lo tsā ba dge slong khyung wer rin chen bzang pos bsgyur cing zhus te
gtan la phab pa'o.
— Mukhaikādaśavidyāmantrahṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags
pa zhal bcu gcig pa'i rig sngags kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 694. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
139v.1-147v.3. Tr. by Chos 'grub (evidently from the
Ekadāśamukhadhāraṇī (Zhal bcu gcig pa'i gzungs). In the list of 21 texts
introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi Sambhoṭa (Mdo
rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston (oldest source is
probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 53.
— Mukhākhyāna (title unknown!).
Matsunami, p. 258.
— Muktakena arapacanasādhana (Tshig lhug pa'i a ra pa tsa
na'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3450. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 107r.4-109r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Muktakena sthiracakrasādhana (Tshig lhug pa'i brtan pa'i
'khor lo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3439. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 98v.4-99r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Mūladevavākyaśāstra (Rtsa ba'i lha'i ngag gi bstan bcos).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Siegfried Lienhard, Mūladeva und Verwandtes, contained in: Beiträge
zur Indienforschung: Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet,
Museum für Indische Kunst (Berlin 1977), pp. 299-308.
— Mulamuli (Mūlamūli?)
Francis Mason, Mulamuli, or the Buddhist Genesis of Eastern India,
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 4 (1854), pp. 103-116.
— Mulapariyaya Sutta.
Ñāṇamoli Thera, tr., Mulapariyaya Sutta: The Root of All Dharmas, Pali
Buddhist Review, vol. 5, nos. 1-2 (1980), pp. 1-11.
— Mūlasarvāstivādavinayavastu.
S. Bagchi, ed., Mūlasarvāstivādavinayavastu, Mithila Institute
(Darbhanga 2000), in 798 pages. Reprint of edition of 1967.
Haiyan Hu-von Hinüber, Das Poṣadhavastu: Vorschriften für die
buddhistische Beicht feier im Vinaya der Mūlasarvāstivādins, Studien
zur Indologie und Iranistik, Monograph no. 13, Verlag für
Orientalistische Fachpublikationen (Reinbeck 1994). Reviewed by
Édith Nolot in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol.
61, no. 1 (1998), pp. 157-159. Reviewed by Ludo Rocher in Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003), p. 262. The
Poṣadhavastu is, in Tibetan, Gso sbyong gi gzhi.
Muwagama Gnanaseeha, Poṣadha: A Study Based on the Vinayavastu
of the Mūlasarvāstivādins, contained in: Y. Karunadasa, ed., Ānanda:
Papers on Buddhism and Indology, a Felicitation Volume Presented to
Ananda Weihena Palliya Guruge on His Sixtieth Birthday, Felicitation
Volume Editorial Committee (Colombo 1990), pp. 172-176.
R. Gnoli, The Gilgit Manuscript of the Śayanāsanavastu and the
Adhikaranavastu, being the 15th and 16th Sections of the Vinaya of the
Mūlasarvāstivādin, IsIAO (Rome 1978).
R. Gnoli, The Gilgit Manuscript of the Saṅghabhedavastu, being the
17th and Last Section of the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādin, IsIAO
(Rome 1977-1978), published in two parts.
Hisashi Matsumura, Gleanings from the Gilgit Manuscripts, Serial No. 1:
Vinayavastu, Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 5, nos. 1-2 (1988),
pp. 163-176.
K. Wille, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Vinayavastu der
Mūlasarvāstavādin (Stuttgart 1990).
Selections (based on Dutt's edition of the Gilgit manuscripts) translated
in Gregory Schopen, Deaths, Funerals, and the Division of Property in a
Monastic Code, contained in: Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in
Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 473-502.
Ghosh in Mishra, ABS, pp. 162-179.
Nakamura, p. 52.
Notes on the content may be found in Korosi, LTB, pp. 61-91.
— Mūlasūtra.
Four mainly verse quotations from a Sanskrit work cited under this title
are supplied in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 54-55.
— Mūlatantra.
Twenty-eight quotations from a Sanskrit work cited under this title are
supplied in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 39-54. These would all seem to be
from the Kālacakra (the lost Mūlatantra).
— Munayastava.
An edition of the Sanskrit (nearly complete) has been posted on the web
by J.-U. Hartmann.
NTSH, p. 179.
— Munigāthā (Thub pa'i tshigs su bcad pa).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 418.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription.
Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— Muvadevāvata.
A 12th-century Sinhala poetic work telling the story of the Bodhisattva's
rebirth as King Mukhadeva. Ranjini Obeyesekere's entry "Sinhala,
Buddhist Literature in" contained in Buswell's EoB, pp. 777-779.
— Na rag dong sprug.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 78.
Matthew Kapstein, 'La formation du bouddhism tibétain a travers les
documents de Dunhuang,' Summary of the January 2001 EPHI Véme
section lecture series, IDP News (Newsletter of the International
Dunhuang Project), no. 17 (Winter 200-2001), p. 3. Kapstein shows
connections with two Dunhuang documents that deal with [1] the
maṇḍala and [2] confession.
Matthew Kapstein, Between Na-rak and a Hard Place: Evil Rebirth and
the Violation of Vows in Early rNying-ma-pa Sources and their
Dunhuang Antecedents, a paper to be delivered at the International
Association of Buddhist Studies (London 2005).
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 260.
Schlagintweit, München, pp. 87-88.
— Nad kyi bdag mo la bstod pa. Tôh. no. 1090. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 255r.2-255v.5.
— Nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no.
623 (also, no. 1015). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio
— Nāḍīcakra.
KCDS, p. 87. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Tibetan translation of title given as Rtsa'i 'khor lo ma (tshigs
— Nag po chen po'i gzungs rims nad thams cad las thar bar
byed pa. Tôh. no. 1086 (also, no. 669). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WAM, folio 252v.3-252v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
— Nāgadattadhāraṇīnāgahṛdaya (Klus byin pa'i gzungs klu'i
snying po). Tôh. no. 685. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
290r.5-291r.2. Tr. by Bstan pa'i nyin byed.
P.C. Verhagen, Notes Apropos to the Oeuvre of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Chos-kyi-'byung-gnas (1699?-1774) [2]: Dkar-chag Materials, contained
in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 207-238, at p. 216. A copy of this
translation by Si tu Paṇ chen was also included in his Collected Works.
— Nāga Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Nāgakumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 216, 223.
— Nagara Sūtra.
Sylvain Lévi, Manuscrit de la mission Pelliot, Journal Asiatique
(November-December 1910), p. 626.
— Nāgarājabherīgathā (Klu'i rgyal po rnga sgra'i tshigs su
bcad pa). Tôh. no. 325. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios
— Nāgarājāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Nāgarāvalambikā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa grong
khyer gyis 'tsho ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 205. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 92r.5-93v.7.
Tr. by Jñānagarbha and Klu'i dbang po. Revised by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Devacandra.
— Nagarāvalambikāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224, 225.
— Nāgārjunauṣadhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-257). A 133-folio manuscript. Evidently on
— Nāgaropamasūtra.
G. M. Bongard-Levin, Dan Boucher, Fumio Enomoto, et al., The
Nāgaropamasūtra: An Apotropaic Text from the Samyuktāgama: A
Translation, Reconstruction, and Translation of the Central Asian
Sanskrit Manuscripts, contained in: Sanskrit-Texte aus dem
buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen (III),
(Göttingen 1996), pp. 9-131.
NTSH, p. 171.
Matsuda, Stanza, p. 26.
— Nāgaropamavyākaraṇa.
Takamichi Fukita, Tô-Torukisutan U-bu no dokuju-kyôten:
Nagaropamavyākaraṇa (Nagarasūtra) to mayoke, Sankô-bunka
Kenkûjo Nempô, vol. 20 (1988), pp. 27-49. Charms against evil,
recitation sûtras of the Sarvāstivādins of Eastern Turkestan.
— Nāgasamādhi.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-54). A 13-folio manuscript dated 1738 CE.
— *Nāgasamayavidhi (Klu'i dam tshig gi cho ga). See
Poussin, Catalogue, no. 726. It would seem to be
composed in India by both Man ti gar pa (Matigarbha?) and
A sang (Asaṅga).
— Nāgaśrīparipṛcchā.
Evidently exists only in Chinese. See Hôbôgirin, vol. 2, pp. 164-166.
— Nāgāvadāna.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-38). A 6-folio manuscript.
— Nāgiripuradīrgharathajātra.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-242). A 7-folio manuscript.
— Nairātmāhṛdayamantra.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-212). A 4-folio manuscript.
— Nairātmā Tantra.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-19). A 37-folio manuscript dated 1743 CE.
— Nairātmyāmaṇḍalacakrasādhana (Bdag med ma'i dkyil
'khor gyi 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 1313. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 237v.3-240r.6.
— Nairātmyaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
bdag med pa dris pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 173. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios 5v.1-7v.4. Tr.
by Kamalagupta and Rin chen bzang po.
Sujit Kumar Mukhopadhyaya, Nairātmyā paripṛcchā, Visvabharati
Quarterly, vol. 8, nos. 1-2 (1930-1), pp. 169-190. Tibetan text with
restored Sanskrit version. It was reviewed by Sylvain Lévi in Journal of
the Royal Asiatic Society (1933), p. 214.
Nakamura, pp. 135, 167.
— Nairātmyāsādhana (Bdag med ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3293. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 35r.6-35v.3. Tr. by
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
For an anonymous Sanskrit text by this title, see Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 28
in the list).
— Nairātmyāsādhana (Bdag med ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3294. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 35v.3-35v.7. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Nairātmyāsādhana (Bdag med ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 3393. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 57r.4-57v.7. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Nairātmyāsādhana (Bdag med ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3640. Derge Tanjur, vol. 3640. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 253r.2-253r.6.
— Nakṣatraphala.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-281).
— Nālakamahrṣimunicaryāvratacaraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Nam mkha' lding ral gri 'bar ba'i mchu can gyi gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 265.
— Nam mkha' rin po che'i mdo.
Jackson, ESM, p. 21. Sūtra cited by Sgam po pa and Phag mo gru pa
— Nāmasaṅgīti-nāma-sādhana (Mtshan yang dag par brjod
pa zhes bya ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2616. Derge
Tanjur, vol. CU, folios 87v.5-88v.5. Tr. by Gnyan Dar ma
— Nāmasaṅgītisādhana (Mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3321. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
16v.1-17v.2. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Nāmasaṅgītisādhana ('Phags pa mtshan yang dag par
brjod pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3475. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 124r.5-125r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Nāmasaṅgītyāmnāyasiddhiprajñācakravaralabdhasādhana
(Mtshan yang dag par brjod pa pa'i man ngag shes rab
'khor lo'i dngos grub mchog thob pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3473. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 122r.5-123r.7. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Namastāre ekaviṃśatistotraguṇahitasahita (Sgrol ma la
phyag 'tshal nyi shu rtsa gcig gis bstod pa phan yon dang
bcas pa). Tôh. no. 438. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
42v.3-43v.6. Tārā praise.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 78.
Mkhan chen Dpal ldan shes rab, Rje btsun sgrol ma'i bstod pa nyi shu
rtsa gcig gi tshig don rnam par 'grel pa dad brtson byang chub sems
mchog gi padmo gzhon nu kha 'byed pa'i thabs shes nyi zla'i 'dzum rlabs
(published in India in 2002?), in 104 pages.
Wayman, BI, pp. 441-451 has a Sanskrit text and English translation.
According to this, the title should read as follows:
Lokesh Chandra, Hymns to Twenty-One Tārās, contained in: Studies in
Indo-Asian Art and Culture (N.Delhi 1975), vol. 4.
Peter Zieme, Zum uigurischen Tārā-Ekaviṃśatistotra, Acta Orientalia
Hungarica, vol. 36, nos. 1-3 (1982), pp. 583-597.
I believe that the late Stanley Frye wrote a thesis on this subject for the
Department of Uralic and Altaic Studies at Indiana University
— Namobuddhāyaṭīkā (Na mo buddhā ya'i 'grel pa). Tôh. no.
2300. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI, folio 228v.5-228v.7.
— *Nānānadī Sūtra (Chu klung sna tshogs pa'i mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
Davidson, KCN, pp. 75, 77, with the title Chu klung sna tshogs rol pa'i
mdo, with still another text title, Chu klung ba tsa'i mdo.
Note the very similar title of a sūtra cited by Atiśa: Ba tsha'i chu klung gi
mdo (*Lavaṇanadī Sūtra?). Sherburne, pp. 51, 583.
— Nandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa ('Phags pa dga' bo la mngal
na gnas pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 57. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 205v.1-236v.7.
EoB has brief entry under "Ānandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa."
Wayman, BI, p. 259 ff.
Agostini, BSF, p. 88.
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 42.
— Nandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa ('Phags pa tshe dang ldan pa
dga' bo la mngal du 'jug pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 58. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
237r.1-248r.7. Tr. by 'Gos Chos grub [Chos 'grub].
Robert Kritzer, Garbhāvakrāntisūtra: A Comparison of the Contents of
Two Versions, in Nôtom Damu Joshi Daigaku Kirisutokyô Bunka
Kenkyūjo Kiyô [Maranatha], vol. 3, no. 6 (1998), pp. 3-12.
EoB under "Āyuṣmannandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa." Has resumé of
content, reference to two Chinese versions.
Wayman, BI, p. 262, makes reference to German translation (from the
Chinese, evidently) by F. Hübotter: Die Sutra über Empfängnis und
Embryologie, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und
Völkerkunde Ostasiens, vol. 36 (Tokyo 1932). Am not completely
certain if this might be not an article but rather a monograph.
Phu khang Dge bshes Blo bzang rgya mtsho, Mdo dkon mchog brtsegs
pa ga pa'i nang tshan dga' bo mngal 'jug gi mdo nas legs par btus pa,
Rig slob dbu dge (Dharamsala 1980), in 24 pages.
In the Vinayakṣudrakavastu, Buddha also explains fetal development to
Nanda (as He does in this sūtra). This is noted in Korosi, LTB, p. 99.
— Nandapravrajyāsūtra (Dga' bo rab tu byung ba'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 328. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 254v.3-257r.6. Tr.
by Rtsangs Devendrarakṣita.
— Nandāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 216, 223.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-40). A 13-folio manuscript.
— Nandikasūtra ('Phags pa dga' ba can gyi mdo). Tôh. no.
334. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 268r.5-271r.5. Tr. by
Śākyasiṃha and Byin gyi snying po. Revised by
KCDS, p. 85 (see also p. 92). Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to Potala. Title: Āryanandikaparipṛcchāsūtra (in Tibetan,
'Phags pa dga' byed kyis zhus pa'i mdo).
MSL, p. 370 (Nāndī Sūtra).
— Nandopanandanāgarājadamanasūtra (Klu'i rgyal po dga'
bo nyer dga' 'dul ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 39. Derge Kanjur, vol.
KA, folios 279r.2-281v.1. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma
rgyal mtshan.
— Narasīhagāthā.
Nakamura, p. 120. A Theravāda popular hymn.
Heinz Bechert, Narasīhagāthā abd Śrī-Śākyasiṃhastotra, The Adyar
Library Bulletin, vols. 31-32 (1967-1968).
— Nārāyaṇabhārasa...
KCDS, p. 146. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Incipit, and not a title.
— Nārāyaṇaparipṛcchā (Sred med kyi bus zhus pa'i 'phags pa
sgyu ma chen po rnam par rgyal ba thob par byed pa zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 684. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA,
folios 287v.1-290r.5. Tr. by Bstan pa'i nyin byed.
Anukul Chandra Banerjee, ed., Nārāyaṇaparipṛcchā, Sanskrit and
Tibetan Texts, University of Calcutta (Calcutta 1941), in xvii, 18 pages.
Translated by Si tu (not previously translated). This is a spell for
overcoming enemies in the battlefield. Possible to speculate that the
Pāla King Nārāyaṇapāla (re. ca. 875-932) could be the real person hiding
behind the questioner in this scripture. (His sword was infamous; see
Davidson, IEB, p. 88.)
Some confusion might be created by the fact that Śāntideva cites a text
by this title, but the passage cited is actually found in the
Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhi Sūtra. Paul Harrison, Mediums and
Messages: Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern
Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 125.
P.C. Verhagen, Notes Apropos to the Oeuvre of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Chos-kyi-'byung-gnas (1699?-1774) [2]: Dkar-chag Materials, contained
in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 207-238, at p. 216. In list of
translations made by Si tu Paṇ chen (and also included in his Collected
Wayman, BI, p. 114.
— Nārīsiddhilābhākhyāna (Bud med kyis grub pa thob pa'i
gtam rgyud). Tôh. no. 4343. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO,
folios 155v.6-156r.2. Tr. by Vinayaśrī.
Derge incipit (there is no proper title): yang bhaṃ ga la'i bud med cig gi
khyo shi nas yi dags su skyes te des bdag tu bzung nas rtag tu 'ong ba la
yul dbus kyi tshong dpon cig gis... Derge colophon: bud med kyis grub
pa thob pa ni bi na ya shrīs bsgyur ro.
Said to be a work on erotics (really?). Altekar, SLT, p. 58.
— Nāṭakamahākāvya.
KCDS, p. 110. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The title (?) translated into Tibetan as Zlos gar gyi bstan bcos snyan
ngag chen po.
— Nāṭaratnakośa.
The work by this title cited by Subhūticandra must be older than the one
by Kumbhakarṇa. T.R. Chintamani, Subhūticandra's Commentary on
the Amarakośa, Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 8 (1934), pp.
372-380, at p. 378.
— Navagrahabhāvanā.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-226). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Navagrahapūjāvidhi.
KCDS, p. 138. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Navagrahānāṃ vidhi. Matsunami, p. 260.
— Nepālarājaparaṃparā.
Theodore Riccardi Jr., The Nepālarājaparamparā: A Short Chronicle of
the Kings of Nepal, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 106,
no. 2 (April 1986), pp. 247-251. Makes references to the earliest
vaṃśāvalī text, one written in late 14th century called the
— Nettipakaraṇa.
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, tr., The Guide (Netti-pakaraṇaṃ), Translation Series
no. 33, Pali Text Society (London 1962).
Nakamura, pp. 25, 114.
Zacchetti, Early Chinese, p. 76.
— Ngan song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 782 (also, no. 1013). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 114r.2-114r.5.
— Ngo mtshar snyan tshig gi 'phreng ba spel lugs su bkod pa
ga ma ka'i glu dbyangs, contained in: Literary Arts in
Ladakh, vol. 5, pp. 349-358.
— Nidānakathā.
Nakamura, p. 290.
— Nidānasamyutta.
Nakamura, p. 27.
— Nidānasūtra.
James M. Cooper, A Fragment of the Nidanasutra, Pali Buddhist
Review, vol. 5, no. 3 (1980),
Sylvain Lévi, Texts sanscrits de Touen-Houang. Nidānasūtra.
Daçabalasūtra. Dharmapada. Hymne de Mātṛceta. Documents de l'Asie
Centrale. Mission Pelliot, Journal Asiatique (November-December
1910), pp. 433-456.
— Nidessa.
Nakamura, p. 48.
— Nidhikaṇḍasutta.
Nakamura, p. 119.
— Nighaṇṭu (Sgra sbyor bam po gnyis pa). Tôh. no. 4347.
Derge Tanjur, vol. CO, folios 131v.1-160r.7. This was
meant to contain justifications for the use of various
translation terms supplied in the Mahāvyutpatti. It is
sometimes referred to as the Madhyavyutpatti.
For bibliographical details and studies, see Vogel in Mishra, GSBL, p. 5.
Mie Ishikawa, A Critical Edition of the Sgra sbyor bam po gnyis pa, an
Old and Basic Commentary on the Mahāvyutpatti, The Toyo Bunko
(Tokyo 1990), in 137 pages.
Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, Enacting Words: A Diplomatic Analysis of the
Imperial Decrees (Bkas bcad) and Their Application in the Sgra sbyor
bam po gñis pa Tradition, Journal of the International Association of
Buddhist Studies, vol. 25 no. 1-2 (2002), pp. 263-340.
Cristina Scherrer-Schaub & P.C. Verhagen, The Lexicological Treatise
in Two Volumes (sGra sbyor bam po gñis pa), being a Commentary on
the Great Comprehensive Treatise of Learning (Mahāvyutpatti), a
forthcoming work.
Jampa L. Panglung, New Fragments of the sGra-sbyor bam-po
gñyis-pa, East and West, vol. 44, no. 1 (1994), pp. 161-172.
Verhagen in Mishra, ABS, p. 320 ff.
— Nigrodhamiga Jātaka.
Ulrich Schneider, On the Buddhist Origin of the Christian Legend of
Placidus = St. Eustachius, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay,
new series vols. 36-37 (1961-1962), p. 12-22.
— Nīlakaṇṭhadhāraṇī.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 373, n. 4.
Sylvain Lévi, Nīlakaṇṭhadhāraṇī, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
(1912), p. 1063.
— Nīlakaṇṭhāryāvalokiteśvarasādhana ('Phags pa spyan ras
gzigs dbang phyug mgrin pa sngon po can gyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3431. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
90r.4-90v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Tucci, TPS, p. 215.
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇikalpa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa
lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 748 (also, no. 948). Derge Kanjur, vol.
DZA, folios 263v.1-264v.1.
Tucci, TPS, p. 403.
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇirudratrivinayatantra ('Phags pa
lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can drag po gsum 'dul ba zhes
bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 454. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios
1v.1-3v.2. Tr. by Devapūrṇamati and 'Gar Chos kyi bzang
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇitantra (Bcom ldan 'das phyag na
rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi rgyud). Tôh. no. 498. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 158r.6-167r.3. Tr. by Kashmiri Celu
and 'Phags pa shes rab. This has 13 chapters.
The original catalogue reads (with a longer version of the title): bcom
ldan 'das phyag na rdo rje gos sngon po can rdo rje sa 'og gi rgyud ces
bya ba la le'u bcu gsum / kha che'i paṇḍi ta tse lu dang / lo tsā ba
'phags pa shes rab kyi 'gyur / 'di'i sngags btu'i skabs su 'ga' zhig gis the
tshom mdzad pa'ang yod do. This says that some have expressed
doubts about the 'mantra picking' chapter.
EoB, with summary.
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇivajraphaṇakatantratrilokavijaya
(Lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can rdo rje gdengs pa'i rgyud
khams gsum las rnam par rgyal ba). Tôh. no. 457. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 12r.6-15r.4. Tr. by Aḍayaśrīmati and
Chos kyi dbang phyug grags.
— Nīlakaṇṭha-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa nī la kaṇṭha zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 697 (also, no. 905). Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSA, folios 148r.3-149r.7.
Matsunami, p. 292.
Sylvain Lévi, Nīlakaṇṭha-dhāraṇī, Journal of the Royal Asoatic Society
(1912), pp. 1063-1066.
Louis de la Vallée Poussin and R. Gauthiot, Fragment final de la
Nīlakaṇṭhadhāraṇī en Brāhmī et en transcription sogdienne, Journal of
the Royal Asiatic Society (1912), pp. 629-645.
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇiyakṣamahārudravajrānalajihva
Tantra (Phyag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gnod sbyin drag
po chen po rdo rje me lce'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 461. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 40r.1-65v.6. Tr. by Ratnakīrti and
Dge tshul Khyung grags.
— Nirvāṇakathā.
This is probably not a 'true' title. The manuscript contains an avadāna,
although not of the usual type, involving Aśoka and Upagupta.
Matsunami, p. 235.
— Nirvikalpastotravyākhya.
KCDS, p. 100. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title translated into Tibetan as Rnam par mi rtog pa'i bstod pa'i bshad
— Niścaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa gdon mi za ba zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 524 (also, no. 977). Derge Kanjur,
vol. NA, folio 62r.1-62r.6.
— Niṣpannayogāmbarasaptaviṃśatimaṇḍalasyasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-20). A 90-folio manuscript dated 1853.
Niṣṭhāgatabhagavajjñānavaipulyasūtraratnānta-nāmamahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bcom ldan 'das kyi ye shes
rgyas pa'i mdo sde rin po che mtha' yas pa mthar phyin pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 99. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 1v.1-275v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman,
Ye shes snying po, Viśuddhasiṃha, Sarvajñadeva and
Dpal brtsegs.
— Nītinirdeśvarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Nityakarmapūjāvidhi.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-196). A 17-folio manuscript.
— Niyatāniyatagatimudrāvatāra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa nges pa dang ma nges par 'gro ba'i phyag rgya la 'jug pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 202. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 63r.5-78r.4. Tr. by Prajñāvarman,
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya.
— Nor rgyun ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad. Tôh. no. 3701.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 335r.5-336r.5. Vasundhara.
[Tr. by Blo gros brtan pa; see colophon just below]
— Nor rgyun ma'i smon lam. Tôh. no. 3702. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 336r.5-336v.7. Tr. by Blo gros brtan pa.
Derge colophon: bcom ldan 'das ma nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs dang
mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa dang / smon lam dang bstod pa rnams
rdzogs so // // tshul 'di ni dpang lo tsā ba dpal ldan blo gros brtan pa zhol
phug tu / rgya dpe las bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'i yi ge pa dang
bskul pa po ni dge ba'i bshes gnyen rin chen mtha' can yin no.
— Nyagrodhakalpa.
Tucci, TPS, p. 500.
— Nyāsaluyevidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-255). A 34-folio manuscript.
— Nye bar spyod pa dang bcas pa sran ma ma ṣa'i zhal gyi
gzungs. Tôh. no. 3434. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
91r.5-91v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Nyes pa kun sel.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 82.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 161.
— Nyi ma dang zla ba kha sbyor ba chen po gsang ba'i rgyud.
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 62.
— Nyon mongs pa spang ba'i rim pa. In 60 śloka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— 'Od dpag med kyi snying po'i rgyud las bcom ldan 'das ma
'phags ma sgrol ma'i rtog pa gsung ba. Tôh. no. 3501.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 153r.4-153r.7. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
EoB under "Ahitābhagarbhatantre bhagavatyāryatārāyaḥ Kalpoddeśa."
— Oḍḍiyānakramamārīcīsādhana (U rgyan gyi rim pa'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3345. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 32r.7-33r.4. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Oḍḍiyānamārīcīsādhana (Au ḍyan nas byung ba'i 'od zer
can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3231. Derge Tanjur, vol.
BU, folios 5v.7-6v.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Oḍḍiyānamārīcīsādhana (O ḍi yā na'i 'od zer can gyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3528. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
170v.3-171r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Oḍḍiyānavinirgatakurukullesādhana (O ḍi yān nas byung
ba'i rigs byed ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3370. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 44v.6-46v.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod
rdo rje.
— Oḍḍiyānavinirgatakurukullesādhana (O ḍi yā na las byung
ba'i rigs byed ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3566. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 196v.7-198v.3. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
— Oḍḍiyānavinirgatavajrayoginīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 363. Says this is Tôh. no. 3299.
— Ojaḥpratyañjanasūtra ('Phags pa mdangs phyir 'phrogs pa
zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 967 (also, no. 618). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 83v.2-84r.4.
— Ornament of Enlightenment Mind Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 196.
— Pādasthāpanavidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-254).
— Padma thang yig.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 269.
— *Padmagarbhadhāraṇī (Padma snying po'i gzungs).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
— Padmakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Padmottarāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Pādaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 105 note. A set of 6 Abhidharma texts.
— Padhyānasutta.
Nakamura, p. 45.
— Padmabhāñjanapratiṣṭhāvidhi.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-13). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Padma'i phyag gi gzungs. Tôh. no. 3433. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 91r.4-91r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Padmamukuṭa Tantra (Padma cod pan zhes bya ba'i
rgyud). Tôh. no. 701. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
157v.2-164v.3. Tr. by Dharmaśrīmitra and Dharmabhadra
(i.e., Chos kyi bzang po).
Dennis Cordell, The Lotus Crown Tantra, Tibet Journal, vol. 18, no. 3
(Autumn 1993), pp. 50-64. English translation only.
Padma cod pan gyi mdo. In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early
7th century by Thon mi Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to
the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston (oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum);
see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 54.
— Padmanarteśvarakalparāja.
KCDS, p. 32. A Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. The Tibetan version of the title is given as Dpal padma'i glu
gar gyi sgra'i rgyud kyi rgyal po (clearly a mistranslation).
— Padmanarteśvarasādhana (Padma gar gyi dbang phyug gi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3160. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 180v.3-181r.3. Tr. by Ākara (i.e., evidently
Ratnākara) and Tshul rgyal (Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan).
— Padmanarteśvarasādhana (Padma gar gyi dbang phyug gi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3161. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 181r.4-181r.7. Tr. by Ākara (i.e., evidently
Ratnākara) and Tshul rgyal (Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan).
— Padmanarteśvarasādhana (Padma gar gyi dbang phyug gi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3424. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
86v.4-86v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Padmāvadāna.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-6). A 6-folio manuscript.
— Pāṃśupradānāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 224.
— Pānadānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Pañcadevatāsādhanoddeśa (Lha mo lnga'i sgrub thabs
mdor bstan pa). Tôh. no. 3590. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 218v.2-219r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Pañcābhiṣeka.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-86). A 14-folio manuscript dated 1916.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-252). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Pañcāgnividyā.
S. Schmithausen, Zur Textgeschichte der Pañcāgnividyā, Wiener
Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, vol. 38 (1994), pp. 43-60.
— Pañcakārṣakaśatāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224.
— Pañcamāṇavakatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Pañcapāramitānirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
pha rol tu phyin pa lnga bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 181. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
1v.1-76v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
— Pañcāpattinikāyaśubhāśubhaphalaparīkṣā Sūtra (Ltung ba
sde lnga'i dge ba dang mi dge ba'i 'bras bu brtag pa'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 304. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 128r.1-130v.4.
Tr. by Jñānaśrīgupta and Shākya blo gros.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-127), with the title
Utpātalakṣaṇaśubhāśubhaparīkṣaṇa. A 6-folio manuscript.
— Pañcarakṣā.
Nakamura, p. 317.
Matsunami, pp. 262-264.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-23). A 175-folio manuscript dated 1706. See also
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-84), a 141-folio manuscript dated 1252.
KCDS, p. 4. A 62-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka. Title given as Pañcamahārakṣāsūtra.
KCDS, p. 9 (see also pp. 50, 141, 162 et passim). Palmleaf Sanskrit
manuscript in 123 folios belonging to the Nor bu gling ka. Title given as
Todd T. Lewis, The Power of Mantra: A Story of the Five Protectors,
contained in: D. Lopez, ed., Religions of India in Practice, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 227-234. Lewis translates the
Mahāpratisarā, the first of the five parts.
Gerd J.R. Mevissen, Mongolische Pañcarakṣā-Blockdrucke in Berliner
Sammlungen, Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift, vol. 1 (1997), pp. 24-43.
Gerd J.R. Mevissen, Studies in Pañcarakṣā Manuscript Painting,
Berliner Indologische Studien, vols. 4-5 (1989), pp. 339-374.
An illustrated manuscript. Pratapaditya Pal, Queen Uḍḍākā's
Illuminated Manuscript, contained in: D.W. Macdowall, Savita Sharma &
Sanjay Garg, eds., Indian Numismatics, History, Art, and Culture:
Essays in Honour of Dr. P.L. Gupta, Agam Kala Prakashan (Delhi
1992), vol. 2, pp. 291-296.
— Pañcarakṣādegurī.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-158). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Pañcarakṣāpūjāmukhyākhyāna.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-222). A 21-folio manuscript.
— Pañcarakṣāpūjāsamādhi.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-105). A 29-folio manuscript.
— Pañcarakṣārcanavidhi (Bsrung ba lnga'i mchod pa'i cho
ga). Tôh. no. 3128. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios
230r.2-234v.3. Tr. by Nags kyi rin chen and Gzhon nu
— Pañcarakṣāvidhi (Bsrung ba lnga'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3596.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 220r.2-224r.7. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
— Pañcāśastotra.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-67). A manuscript in 100 folios dated 1686 CE.
— Pañcaśatikāprajñāpāramitā ('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol
tu phyin pa lnga brgya pa). Tôh. no. 15. Derge Kanjur, vol.
KA, folios 104r.1-120v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jinamitra
and Ye shes sde.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa lnga brgya
pa rdzogs so // // skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas gtan la phab pa.
KCDS, p. 6. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
I believe this is to be identified as the text for which the title is here given
Mvy. no. 1373.
— Pañcaśikṣānuśaṃsāsūtra (Bslab pa lnga'i phan yon gyi
mdo). Tôh. no. 37. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
271r.1-276r.5. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
— Pañcatālayoga.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-52). A manuscript in 12 folios.
— Pañcatantra.
J. Hertel, Das Pañcatantra. Seine Geschichte und seine Verbreitung
(Leipzig 1914).
Patrick Olivelle, tr., The Pañcatantra: The Book of India's Folk Wisdom,
Oxford University Press (Oxford 1997, 1999), based on Edgerton's
reconstruction of the original text. He dates it to about 300 CE. In its
prelude, the author is identified as Viṣṇuśarman.
Viṣṇu Śarma, The Pancatantra, translated from the Sanskrit with an
introduction by Chandra Rajan, Penguin Books (London 1993).
— Pañcatathāgatamaṅgalagāthā (De bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i
bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no. 3782 (also, nos. 822
and 1105). Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 222v.5-223r.3.
The colophon title reads: dpal rnal 'byor gyi rgyud kyi dkyil 'khor gyi lha
de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs lnga 'khor dang bcas pa lha sum cu rtsa bdun
gyi bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa.
— Pañcatathāgatastava (De bzhin gshegs pa lnga la bstod
pa). Tôh. no. 1164. Derge Tanjur, vol. KA, folios
237r.5-237v.5. Tr. by Padmākaravarman and Rin chen
bzang po.
— Pañcatathāgatastotra (De bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i bstod pa
rgyud nas phyung ba), contained in: Multi-Lingual Buddhist
Texts, reproduced by Lokesh Chandra from the collection
of Prof. Raghuvira (New Delhi 1980), vol. 6, pp. 2006 ff.
— Pañcatattvastotra (De nyid lnga pa'i bstod pa). Tôh. no.
2009. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 218v.6-219r.7.
Derge colophon: de nyid lnga pa'i bstod pa rdzogs so.
— Pañcatraya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Mdo chen po lnga gsum
pa). Tôh. no. 294. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios
267v.1-275v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye
shes sde.
— Pañcaviṃśatikaprajñāpāramitāhṛdayadhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 200.
— Pañcaviṃśatikaprajñāpāramitāmukha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i sgo nyi shu rtsa
lnga pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 20
(also, no. 491). Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i sgo nyi shu
rtsa lnga pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs so // // skad gsar
chad kyis bcos nas gtan la phab pa.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 140, believes this is an early translation from
time of Rma Rin chen mchog.
KCDS, p. 14. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka, with title Āryapañcaviṃśatikaprajñāpāramitāhṛdayāṃ
(translated into Tibetan as Phar phyin snying po'i mdo).
MSL, p. 357 (listing of the three Chinese translations).
— Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā (Shes rab kyi pha rol
tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa). Tôh. no. 9. Derge
Kanjur, vols. KA through GA (vols. 26-28). No translators
Edward Conze, The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom with the Divisions
of the Abhisamayālaṅkāra, University of California Press (Berkeley
1975). Reviewed by Nancy R. Lethcoe in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 97, no. 2 (1977), pp. 229-231.
Nalinaksha Dutt, ed., Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā, Sanskrit
text with notes and introduction, Calcutta Oriental Series no. 28
(Calcutta 2000), in 269 pages. First published in 1934.
G.M. Bongard-Levin, A Fragment of the
Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāranutā-sūtra from A. Stein Collection,
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vols. 72-73
(1991-1992), pp. 715-717. The fragment came to the author's attention
when it was published in W. Zwalf, ed., Buddhism: Art and Faith
(London 1985). It was excavated from the stupa at Khadalik, Xinjiang
province, China, and dated to 8th century.
Kimura Takayasu, Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā II-III, Sankibo
Busshorin Publishing (Tokyo 1986). IV (Tokyo 1990). Sanskrit in
Roman transcription.
N. R. Lethcoe, Some Notes on the Relationship between the
Abhisamayālaṅkāra, the Revised Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā and the
Chinese Translation of the Unrevised Pañcaviṃśati-sāhasrikā, Journal
of the American Oriental Society, vol. 96 (1976), pp. 499-511.
Kogi Kudara and Werner Sundermann, Fragmente einer soghdischen
Handschrift des Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra,
Altorientalische Forschungen, vol. 15, no. 1 (1988), pp. 174-181.
Matsunami, pp. 200-201. Chapter outline.
KCDS, p. 5. A palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling
ka. Number of folios not stated.
KCDS, p. 7. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 240 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka. Title given as
In 1983, a manuscript in gold leaf written in Sinhala script was found at
Anurādhapura in Sri Lanka. See Oskar von Hinüber, Sieben Goldblätter
einer Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā aus Anurādhapura,
Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Phil.-hist.
Kl. no. 7 (1983). Also, M.H.F. Jayasuriya, The Jetavanārāma Gold
Plates: Being a Fragmentary Sri Lankan Recension of the
Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (Kelaniya n.d.). Tsutomu
Yamaguchi, Suriranka shutsudo no Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā
Prajñāpāramitā ni tsuite [On the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā
Discovered in Sri Lanka], Bukkyôgaku [Journal of Buddhist Studies],
vol. 18 (October 1984), pp. 1-25.
Elena de Rossi Filibeck, A Study of a Fragmentary Manuscript of the
Pañcaviṃśatikā in the Ta pho Library, East and West, vol. 44, no. 1
(1994), pp. 137-160, 204-219.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 69.
Nakamura, p. 161.
— Paṇḍitāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-37). A 13-folio manuscript.
— Pāṇḍulohitakavastu.
Nobuyuki Yamagiwa, Das Pāṇḍulohitakavastu. Über die verschiedenen
Verfahrensweisen der Bestrafung in der buddhistischen Gemeinde.
Neuausgabe der Sanskrit-Handschrift aus Gilgit, tibetischer Text und
deutsche Übersetzung, Indica et Tibetica Verlag (Marburg 2001).
— Paṅkadhā Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Pāpamocanānumodana.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-270). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Papañcasūdanī.
Nakamura, pp. 36, 36 note.
— Pāpaparimocana-nāma-nirdeśa.
Matsunami, pp. 201-202. Outline of 16 chapter titles.
— Pārājikāvinaya.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-3). A 14-folio manuscript dated 1727.
— Paramādibuddha.
Three Sanskrit citations from a text by this title are given in Lal, Lupta,
vol. 2, p. 31.
— Paramādibuddhoddhṛta Śrīkālacakra-nāma-tantrarāja
(Mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas las phyung ba rgyud kyi
rgyal po dpal dus kyi 'khor lo). Tôh. no. 362. Derge Kanjur,
vol. KA, folios 22v.1-128v.7. Tr. by Somanātha and 'Bro
Shes rab grags. Revised by Shong ston Rdo rje rgyal
Frequently referred to as Laghukālacakra Tantra.
Derge colophon: kha che'i paṇḍi ta so ma nā tha dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba
'bro dge slong shes rab grags kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa
las / dus phyis yon tan phul du byung ba dpag tu med pas spras pa'i bla
ma dam pa chos kyi rgyal po'i bka' lung dang / dpon chen shākya bzang
po'i gsung bzhin du / mkhas pa chen po zhang ston mdo sde dpal dus
kyi 'khor lo'i tshul khong du chud pa'i dge slong tshul khrims dar gyis don
gyi cha la legs par dpyad cing bskul te / legs par sbyar ba'i skad kyis
brda sprod pa'i bstan bcos rig pa'i dge slong shong ston gyis / dpal sa
skya'i gtsug lag khang chen por yul dbus kyi rgya dpe gnyis la gtugs
shing legs par bcos te gtan la phab pa'o // // gang gis thugs dgongs
rnam par dag pa yis // 'di la bskul zhing mthun rkyen bsgrubs pa dang //
bdag gis 'bad las bsod nams gang thob des // kun gyis 'di rtogs sangs
rgyas sar gnas shog.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23, lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu of the Ādibuddha (Dang po'i sangs rgyas).
Nakamura, p. 339.
Translation of Chapter One: John Ronald Newman, The Outer Wheel of
Time: Vajrayāna Buddhist Cosmology in the Kālacakra Tantra,
University Microfilms International Dissertation Information Service
(Ann Arbor 1987). Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin,
B. Banerjee, Über das Lokadhātu Paṭala I. Kap. des
Laghu-Kālacakra-tantra-rāja, dissertation (Munich 1959).
Translation of Chapter Two: Vesna Acimovic Wallace, The Inner
Kālacakra: A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual, University
Microfilms International Dissertation Services (Ann Arbor 1995);
Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Berkeley. This contains
the Mongolian text of Chapter Two. The dissertation has now been
published in two parts: Vesna A. Wallace, The Inner Kālacakra: A
Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual, Oxford University Press (Oxford
2001); Vesna A. Wallace, The Kālacakratantra: The Chapter on the
Individual together with the Vimalaprabhā, American Institute of
Buddhist Studies, Columbia University (New York 2004).
Claudia Cicuzza and Francesco Sferra, Brief Notes on the Beginning of
the Kālacakra Literature, Dhīḥ, vol. 23 (1997), pp. 113-126.
Urban Hammar, Studies in the Kālacakra Tantra: A History of the
Kālacakra Tantra in Tibet and a Study of the Concept of Ādibuddha, the
Fourth Body of the Buddha and the Supreme Unchanging, doctoral
dissertation (Stockholm 2005).
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by the title Kālacakra is reproduced in
Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 8.
Dvādaśasāhasrādibuddhoddhṛtaśrīkālacakratantrarāja. Matsunami, p.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-71), with the title Laghukālacakratantra. A 20-folio
manuscript dated 1743. Also, BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-100), with the title
Kālacakratantra, a 110-folio manuscript dated 1688. Also, BSM, p. 26
(WGS-22), a 127-folio manuscript dated 1642.
Bandurski, p. 44 (catalogue no. 12). This 1190 CE manuscript (filmed
by Saṅkṛtyāyana) has been reproduced in facsimile: Sanskrit
Manuscripts from Tibet (Facsimile Edtion of the Kalacakra-tantra and of
an unidentified Palmleaf Manuscript, Śatapiṭaka Series no. 81, series
editor Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi 1971).
Bandurski, p. 46 (catalogue no. 14). This Tibet-preserved manuscript
bears the title Mahākālacakra. At least part of it was written by the hand
of Vibhūticandra (and apparently dated 1211 CE.)
For the story of the printing of Shong ston's Tibetan translation,
preserved in the works of Bo dong Paṇ chen, see Kuijp, KPTB, pp.
— Paramāḍya Mahātantra (?).
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 94.
— Paramākṣarābhiṣekasādhanadeśa.
KCDS, p. 124. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title here 'translated' into Tibetan as Dbang bskur yang dag pa'i
sgrub thabs.
— Paramārthadharmavijaya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
don dam pa'i chos kyis rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba theg
pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 246. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA,
folios 33r.1-42v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 148, 149 (Paramārthasaddharma).
— Paramārtha Mahātantra [?].
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 94.
— Paramāśvasādhana (Rta mchog gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3280. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 27r.6-27v.4. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Paramāśvasādhana (Rta mchog gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3626. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 245r.6-245v.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Paramārthaśūñyatāsūtra.
Étienne Lamotte, Trois Sūtra du Samyukta sur la vacuité, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 2 (1973), pp.
313-323, at pp. 313-316. Sanskrit text and French translation.
— Parameśvara.
Sanskrit verse citation from a text (?) by this title is given in Lal, Lupta,
vol. 2, p. 31.
— Pārāyaṇa (Pha rol 'gro phyin, or, Pha rol tu 'gro phyin).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 407 et passim.
Nakamura, pp. 27, 44.
Sylvain Lévi, Gonarda, le berceau du Gonardīya, contained in: MSL, pp.
306-313, discusses the geography of this text which the author
considers to be one of the most ancient monuments of Buddhism. The
sequence of place names is also found in the Mahāmāyūrī. Lévi's article
was originally published in Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee
Volumes, Calcutta University (Calcutta 1925), vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 197-205
— Pārāyanavagga.
Nakamura, pp. 45, 57.
— Parikathā.
Bandurski, p. 79. Note that are several titles including the word
Parikathā (in Tibetan, gtam).
— Pariṇatacakra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa yongs su
bsngo ba'i 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 242. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 303r.7-306r.7.
Tr. by [Khotanese Bhikṣu] Śīladharma and Rnam par mi
rtog pa.
— Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 761): li'i dge slong sde
snod gsum dang ldan pa shī la dharmas rgya gar gyi
dharma rgya'i yi ge las / bande rnam par mi rtog gis bsgyur
— Pariśaraṇabhājana-nāma-sūtra ('Phags pa yongs su skyob
pa'i snod ces bya ba'i mdo). Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 266.
Tr. by 'Gos Chos grub from Chinese.
Stog Palace colophon: zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dge slong 'gos chos grub
gyis rgya'i dpe las bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Matthew Kapstein, La formation du bouddhisme tibétain à travers les
documents de Dunhuang, Annuaire EPHE, Section des sciences
religieuses, vol. 109 (2000-1), pp. 123-125 ('Phags pa yongs su skyob
pa'i snod).
— Paritta.
Nakamura, p. 117.
S. Hatsuzaki, A Study of Paritta, The Mikkyo Bunka, vol. 141 (February
1983), pp. 27-9. Contains a listing of the 24 texts used in the Paritta
ritual. The cord used in the ritual is divided up and tied around the
participants' wrists or necks for protection. The water in the pot is
sprinkled on them, and they may drink a little of it.
— Parṇaśabarīdhāraṇī ('Phags ma ri khrod ma lo ma gyon ma
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 736 (also, no. 995). Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 228v.1-229r.3. Tr. by Gnas brtan
Ba ri (?).
— Parṇaśabarīdhāraṇī ('Phags ma ri khrod ma lo ma can gyi
gzungs). Tôh. no. 3540. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
180r.2-180r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Nakamura, p. 326.
— Parṇaśabarīdhāraṇīmantra (Ri khrod lo ma can gyi gzungs
sngags). Tôh. no. 3361. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
— Parṇaśabarīsādhana (Ri khrod lo ma can gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3360. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 39r.2-39v.1.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Parṇaśabarīsādhana (Ri khrod lo ma can gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3538. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 179r.6-179v.5.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Parṇaśabarīsādhana (Ri khrod lo ma can gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3539. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 179v.5-180r.2.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Parṇaśabarīsūtra ('Phags pa parṇṇa sha ba ri'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 735 (also, no. 994). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— Pāśakakevalī.
This prophecy text is, in one manuscript [only?] attributed to Garga.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 112.
— Paṭhamasambodhikathā.
Evidently a Pāli text from Southeast Asia which tells the life of the
Buddha. Paṭhamasambodhi (Phasabali) (Bangkok 1993).
— Pātimokkha.
Nakamura, pp. 52 note, 59.
— Paṭisaṃbhidāmagga.
Nakamura, p. 49.
— Paṭṭhāna.
Nakamura, p. 105.
— Paṭṭhānaprakaraṇa.
Nakamura, p. 106.
— Paṭṭhānuddesadīpanī.
Nakamura, p. 120 note.
— Pāyāsisutta.
Nakamura, p. 64.
— Peacock Incantation Sūtras.
Nakamura, p. 317.
— Perfect Enlightenment Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 165.
Peter N. Gregory, Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisattva: A Translation of
Chapter 11 of the Scripture of Perfect Enlightenment, Buddhist
Literature, vol. 1 (1999), pp. 162-175. It purports to be a translation into
Chinese by Buddhatrāta, but modern scholarship finds it to be an
apocryphal text, written in China around the end of 7th or beginning of
8th century. There are a number of associated ritual texts and
commentaries by Tsung-mi.
— Periplus of the Erythraean Sea.
Grant Parker, Ex Oriente Luxuria: Indian Commodities and Roman
Experience, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient,
vol. 45, no. 1 (2002), pp. 40-95, at p. 62. The author was an anonymous
Egyptian writing somewhere between 40 and 70 CE. His work survives
in a single manuscript, now in Heidelberg, made in the beginning of the
10th century. A very important source on trade relations between the
Roman world and India.
L. Casson, ed., The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1989).
Winfred H. Schoff, ed., The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Longmans
(NY 1912). Reprinted by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers (New Delhi
— Peṭaka.
Nakamura, p. 247.
— Peṭakopadesa.
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, tr., The Pitaka-Disclosure (Peṭakopadesa),
Translation Series no. 35, Pali Text Society (London 1964).
Nakamura, p. 114.
Stefano Zacchetti, An Early Chinese Translation Corresponding to
Chapter 6 of the Peṭakopadesa; An Shigao's Yin chi ru ring T 603 and
Its Indian Original, a Preliminary Study, Bulletin of the School of Oriental
and African Studies, vol. 65 (2002), pp. 74-98. The title Peṭakopadesa
would be, in Sanskrit, Piṭakopadeśa. Some have suggested its
composition dates as early as 2nd century BCE.
— Petavatthu.
Nakamura, p. 46.
Agostini, BSF, p. 76.
— Pha rol tu phyin pa bcu thob par 'gyur ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no.
937 (also, no. 581). Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folio
— Pha rol tu phyin pa drug gi snying po'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 935
(also, no. 579). Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folio 281r.4-281r.7.
— Pha rol tu phyin pa drug gzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs. Tôh.
no. 936 (also, no. 580). Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folios
— Phag mo gzhung drug.
A set of six Vajravārāhī texts. For a listing of them, see English,
Vajrayoginī, p. 384, note 4. They correspond to Tôh. nos. 1551 through
— Phag mo thugs kyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 1560. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 216r.3-216v.6. Tr. by Ānandakara
and Chos kyi bzang po.
— 'Phags pa dum bu zhe gnyis pa zhes bya ba'i mdo. Tôh.
no. 359A. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 281v.1-289r.3.
Translated from Chinese. Tr. by Subhagaśreyadhvaja and
Dhyānāriṣṭavyāsa. Sūtra in Forty-Two Sections.
Stanley Frye, doctoral dissertation, Indiana University (Bloomington).
F. Anton von Schiefner, Das buddhistische Sūtra der zweiundvierzig
Sätze aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt. Bull. Classe Hist-Phil., Académie
Impériale (St-Pétersbourg), vol. 9 (1852), pp. 65-78. Also in Mélanges
Asiatiques, vol. 1 (1852), pp. 435-452.
Henri-Léon Feer, Le Sūtra des quarante-deux articles, Maisonneuve
(Paris 1868), in 39 pages with Tibetan, Chinese and Mongolian texts.
— 'Phags pa ljon shing gi mdo.
Contained in: Bod ljongs nang bstan, 1st issue for the year 2001 (29th in
the general series), pp. 19-20. The Tree Sūtra?
Perhaps this has something to do with the Ljon shing bzang po'i mdo,
said to be an apocryphal sūtra. See Rhoton, CD, p. 196.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 382.
— Phal po che gzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 940
(also, no. 584). Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folio 282r.6-282r.7.
— 'Phang thang ma. Catalog of imperial period texts (both
translations and Tibetan language compositions) that were
once held at the pillar-less room at Pho brang 'Phang
A general outline of its contents is found in Rig pa'i ral gri's history, folio
25v ff.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417, explicitly states that most of its list of
Tibetan-composed works (pp. 412-417) is drawn from this catalogue. At
p. 418, Bu ston lists the three main imperial period catalogues in their
chronological order: first Ldan dkar, then Mchims phu, then 'Phang
— 'Phral du nyams su myong ba'i a ra pa tsa na'i sgrub thabs.
Tôh. no. 3324. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU. folios 19v.6-20v.2.
Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti (Chos kyi grags pa).
— Phu bos nu bor btams shing bstan pa'i mdo.
Chab spel Tshe brtan phun tshogs, Tun hong gi gna' yig phu bos nu bor
btams shing bstan pa'i mdo zhes pa'i rtsa 'grel, Mi rigs dpe skrun khang
(Beijing 1997), in 116 pages.
— Phun tshogs gsum gyi bkra shis.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 353.
— Phur pa bcu gnyis.
See Robert Mayer, A Scripture of the Ancient Tantra Collection: The
Phur-pa bcu-gnyis, Kiscadale Publications (Oxford 1996).
— Phur pa gsang chen rdo rje 'phreng ba'i rgyud.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 135.
— Phur pa'i gtam rgyud.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 137. This is the apparent title (or topic
marker) of the Dunhuang text, although it isn't entirely legible.
— Phya g.yang dpal gyi lha brgyad mchod.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 179.
— Phyag bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 779 (also, no. 1069, no.
1073). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 113v.3-113v.6.
— Phyag dang bstod pa dang byin rlabs dang mchod pa'i
sprin 'byung ba dang mchod pa dang bsnyen gnas dang
phyag byas par 'gyur ba dang rin po che brdar ba'i gzungs
padma'i spyan pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 539 (also, no. 866).
Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 100v.3-101r.5. Tôh. no. 866
has the short title 'Phags pa padma'i spyan zhes bya ba'i
— Phyag mtshan gyi phan yon. Tôh. no. 1289. Derge Tanjur,
vol. TA, folios 144r.7-145r.1.
— Phyag na rdo rje gnod sbyin gyi bdag po'i gzungs. Tôh. no.
953. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 46r.1-46v.6.
— Phyag na rdo rje'i sbyin sreg mdor bsdus pa. Tôh. no.
2195. Derge Tanjur, vol. DZI, folios 77v.5-78v.3. Tr. by
Glan chung Dar ma tshul khrims.
— Phyi nang gi 'jig rten mdor bstan pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Phyir bzlog pa rnam par rgyal ba can.
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 401, 402.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 85: Phyir zlog pa rnam par rgyal ba, Phyir
zlog pa ngan sngags kyi 'khor lo.
— Phyogs su rgyas pa'i mdo.
Jackson, ESM, p. 22.
— Piṇḍapātrapradānavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Piṇḍapātrāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 222, 236, 238.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-2), here titled simply Piṇḍapātrā, a manuscript in 16
— Piṅgalāmata.
Prabodh Chandra C. Bagchi, On the Canon of Image-making:
Piṅgalāmata, Chapter IV, Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art,
vol. 11 (1943), pp. 9-31.
See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 194.
A Nepalese ms. is dated 1174 CE.
— Piṭakatrayanaya.
Sanskrit verse citation from a text by this title is given in Lal, Lupta, vol.
2, p. 32.
— Pitāputrasamāgamana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
yab dang sras mjal ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 60. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 1v.1-168r.7.
Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi, Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Title sometimes given as Pitṛputra.
Tucci, TPS, p. 178.
Wayman, BI, pp. 319, 403.
Davidson, KCN, p. 75.
— Pitāputrasamāgamaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Pītavarṇaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu
phyin ma sku mdog ser mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3543.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 181r.6-181v.5. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 97. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Potala
(two folios only).
— Pīṭhastava.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-130).
— Pīṭheśvarīpūjākrama (Zhing gi dbang phyug ma'i mchod
pa'i rim pa). Tôh. no. 1713. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios
75v.1-77v.3. Tr. by Parahita and Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
— Pīṭheśvarīsādhana ('Phags ma gnas kyi dbang phyug ma'i
sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 1706. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA,
folios 63v.3-67v.1. Tr. by Saṅghaśrībhadra and 'Jam dpal
sgeg pa'i rdo rje.
— Pitṛmātṛsūtra (Pha ma'i mdo). Tôh. no. 315. Derge Kanjur,
vol. SA, folio 169r.4-169v.7.
— Poṣadhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 236.
— Potalaka.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-224). A 24-folio manuscript.
— *Prabhāvyūha Sūtra ('Od zer rnam bkod kyi mdo).
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
54. Lahuli identifies this as the 'Od zer bkod pa'i mdo.
— Pradakṣiṇaratnatraya-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa dkon
mchog gi rten la bskor ba bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 776
(also, no. 1076). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Pradīpadānīya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa mar me
'bul ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 204.
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 81v.2-92r.5. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Pradīpapradyotacakravartinṛpāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Prajñābhagavanmahārāja [?] (Bcom ldan 'das gnyis med kyi
rgyal po chen po la phyag 'tshal lo...). Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 207v.6-208v.7. In Rnying rgyud section.
— Prajñālokasādhanavidhi (Shes rab kyi snang ba sgrub pa'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 3608. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
230v.5-233v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Prajñāpāramitā.
Two Sanskrit citations from a text by this (obviously inadequate) title are
given in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 32.
— Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya (Bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha
rol tu phyin pa'i snying po). Tôh. no. 21 (also, no. 531).
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 144v.4-146r.3. Tr. by
Vimalamitra and Rin chen sde. Revised by Dge blo [Dge
ba'i blo gros], Nam mkha' and others. It was inscribed on a
wall of a temple at Bsam yas.
Derge colophon: bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i
snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po bi ma la mi tra dang / lo tsā ba dge slong rin chen sdes bsgyur
cing / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dge blo dang nam mkha' la sogs pas zhus te
gtan la phab pa // // dpal bsam yas lhun gyis grub pa'i gtsug lag khang gi
dge rgyas bye ma gling gi rtsig ngos la bris pa dang zhu dag legs par
bgyis so.
Jonathan Silk, The Heart Sūtra in Tibetan: A Critical Edition of the Two
Recensions Contained in the Kanjur, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und
Buddhistische Studien, Universitāt Wien (Vienna 1994). Reviewed by
Mark Tatz in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1
(2003), pp. 264-265. Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal,
vol. 40 (1997), pp. 275-278.
Malcolm David Eckel, Indian Commentaries on the Heart Sūtra: The
Politics of Interpretation, Journal of the International Association of
Buddhist Studies, vol. 10, no. 2 (1987), pp. 69-79.
Nakamura, pp. 160, 164, 169.
— Prajñāpāramitāmahāparipṛcchā.
Nakamura, p. 245.
— Prajñāpāramitānāmāṣṭaśataka ('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha
rol tu phyin pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 25
(also, no. 553). Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
174r.2-175v.3. No colophon information.
— Prajñāpāramitānayaśatapañcaśatikā ('Phags pa shes rab kyi
pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul brgya lnga bcu pa). Tôh. no. 489
(also, no. 17). Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios 266r.1-272r.7.
Derge colophon (no. 17): 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin a'i tshul
brgya lnga bcu pa rdzogs so.
Yukio Hatta, Index to the Ārya-Prajñāpāramitā-Naya-Śatapañcaśatikā,
Heirakuji-shoten (Kyoto 1971). Glossary, word index. Edited text in
Tibetan script in Part Five.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 152, 242.
Nakamura, pp. 163, 164, 320, 328, 329.
See under Adhyardhaśataka.
KCDS, p. 5. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Here the title is given as Āryabhagavatīprajñāpāramitāpañcaviṃśatikā.
The number of folios not stated.
KCDS, p. 17. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Prajñāpāramitāpañcaśatikā ('Phags pa bcom ldan 'das ma
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa lnga bcu pa). Tôh. no. 18.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 139v.6-142r.4.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu
phyin pa lnga bcu pa rdzogs so.
EoB. Includes summary. Chinese translation exists.
— Prajñāpāramitāratnaguṇasañcayagāthā ('Phags pa shes rab
kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no.
13. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 1v.1-19v.7. Tr. by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Dpal brtsegs.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa
tshgs su bcad pa rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po bidyā ka ra sing
ha dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba ban de dpal brtsegs kyis bsgyur cing
zhus te gtan la phab pa.
In: Multi-Lingual Buddhist Texts, reproduced by Lokesh Chandra from
the collection of Prof. Raghuvira (New Delhi 1980), vol. 6, pp.
2094-2166. Bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan text.
Kuijp, Jayānanda, p. 187, tells about a colophon to a 1447 Ming dynasty
reprint of an undated bilingual Chinese-Tibetan version prepared under
Renzong Renli (reigned 1139-1193). Its colophon names Jayānanda.
E. Obermiller, Prajñāpāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā, Bibliotheca
Buddhica no. 29 (1937). Reprinted with a Sanskrit-Tibetan-English
index by Edward Conze, Indo-Iranian Reprints no. 5 (1960).
A. Yuyama, Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge 1976).
A. Yuyama, Some Glossarial Notes on the
Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā, Proceedings and Papers of
the XIVth Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and
Literature Association (Dunedin 1972), pp. 30-37.
A. Yuyama, Remarks on the Metre of the
Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā, Studies in Indo Asian Art
and Culture, International Academy of Indian Culture (New Delhi 1973),
vol. 2, pp. 243-253.
A. Yuyama, A Grammar of the
Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā, Australian National
University (Canberra 1973).
'Jam mgon 'Ju Mi pham rgya mtsho (1846-1912), Yon tan rin chen sdud
pa'i 'grel pa rgyal ba'i yum gyi dgongs don la phyin ci ma log par 'jug pa'i
legs bshad sogs, D. Tsondu Senghe (Bir 1985), in 351 pages.
Mkhar nang Yang sprul Mkhyen rab 'jam dbyangs blo bzang 'phrin las,
Yon tan rin po che sdud pa tshigs su bcad pa'i 'grel pa zab mo rten
'byung gi de kho na nyid gsal bar byed pa'i nor bu'i sgron me skal bzang
re skong, 'Jam dbyangs Sprul sku (Bylakuppe 1985), in 400 pages.
Matsunami, pp. 202-203. Chapter outline with 32 chapter titles.
Davidson, IEB, p. 195.
Nakamura, p. 162.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 36.
KCDS, p. 13 (also, p. 68). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging
to the Nor bu gling ka. See p. 107 for a Sanskrit manuscript on paper
belonging to the Potala.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-110). A 48-folio manuscript dated 1855.
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3219. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 223r.2-223v.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3220. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
223v.1-223v.3. Tr. by Mālava and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3221. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
223v.3-224r.2. Tr. by Mālava and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3222. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
224r.2-224v.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3354. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
36r.6-36v.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3355. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
36v.7-37r.6. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Prajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3548. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
184r.4-184v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
EoB under "Bhagavatīprajñāpāramitāsādhana."
KCDS, p. 38. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Prajñāpāramitāsaptadaśatikā (?).
KCDS, p. 5. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Combined with another title. Number of folios not given.
— Prajñāpāramitāvajrapāṇimahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa shes
rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa lag na rdo rje'i mdo theg pa chen
po). Tôh. no. 29. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Prajñaptiśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 105. Apparently this refers to the three Prajñapti
Banerjee, SL, pp. 53, 54, 68-70. Says it is by Mahāmaudgalyāyana and
that it exists in Tibetan translation.
— Prajñāvardha (Shes rab bskyed pa). Tôh. no. 3190. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 201r.3-201r.5. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
— Prajñāvardhanavidhi (Shes rab 'phel ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no.
3472. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 122r.1-122r.5. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Prajñāvardhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī (Shes rab skyed pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 718 (also, nos. 650, 719, 1037,
1038, 1039). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 179v.2-180r.1.
Tr. by Jñānagarbha and Klu'i dbang po. Revised by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Devacandra.
— Prajñāvatāraṇayoga.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-42). A manuscript in 40 folios.
— Prajñāvṛddhi (Shes rab 'phel bar byed pa). Tôh. no. 3191.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 201r.5-201r.7. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Prajñopāyayor guhyātyāmabhiṣekavidhi.
KCDS, p. 139. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Prakaraṇeyogayīm Guhyayīm (??).
KCDS, p. 154. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery. Evidently just the first words of
the first available folio...
— Prakṛtyavadāna.
Tucci, TPS, p. 233.
— Prāmāṇyasaṅkṣepodvitīya.
KCDS, p. 112. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Evidently only the second chapter of some text. Title translated into
Tibetan as Tshad ma'i bsdom pa le'u gnyis pa.
— Praṇāmakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Praṇāmastava.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Der Pranāmastava. Ein Buddhastotra aus den
Gilgit-Funden, contained in: Petra Kieffer-Pülz and J.-U. Hartmann,
eds., Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ: Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert,
Indica et Tibetica Verlag (Swisttal-Odendorf 1997), pp. 285-296.
— Prasādanīya Sūtra.
NTSH, p. 179.
— Prasannatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma rab tu dang ba'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3261. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
17r.5-17v.5. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Praśāntakaruṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-28), title given as Praśāntakaraṇāvadāna. A
manuscript in 22 folios.
— Praśāntaviniścayaprātihāryasamādhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa rab tu zhi ba rnam par nges pa'i cho 'phrul gyi
ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
129. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 174v.4-210v.3. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 196.
Mvy. no. 1377: Praśāntaviniścayaprātikarmanirdeśa (Rab tu zhi ba rnam
par gdon mi za ba'i 'cho 'phrul bstan pa).
Quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya.
— Praśastiratna.
MSL, p. 265.
— Prasenajidgāthā (Gsal rgyal gyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh.
no. 322. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 201r.6-204r.4.
— Prasenajitparipṛcchāsūtra.
KCDS, p. 86. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan title given as Gsal rgyal gyis zhus pa'i mdo.
— Pratibhānamatiparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
spobs pa'i blo gros kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 151. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
331v.5-344r.4. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Pratideśanīya
Hoernle, MRBL, p. 365.
— Prātihāryasūtrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 224.
— Pratimālakṣaṇa.
Sambuddhabhāṣitapratimālakṣaṇavivaraṇa (Rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas
kyis gsungs pa'i sku gzugs kyi tshad kyi rnam 'grel). Peking Tanjur no.
Nakamura, p. 158 (Pratimālakṣaṇa).
Haridas Mitra, ed., Samyaksambuddhabhāṣitam [Buddha-]
pratimālakṣaṇaṃ with the Commentary Sambuddhabhāṣita
Pratimālakṣaṇavivaraṇī, Vidya Vilas Press (Benares 1933).
Jitendra Nath Banerjea, Pratimālakṣaṇaṃ, Journal of the Department of
Letters, University of Calcutta, vol. 23 (1933), in 84 pp.
Matsunami, p. 265 (fragment only).
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-61).
See Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 195.
There were four versions of the text available to Tibetans. One of them
was translated by Newar Jayasiddhi & Tibetan translator Byang chub.
Another was translated by Atiśa and Rma Dge blo gros [i.e., Rma Dge
ba'i blo gros].
— Pratimānavidhi.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-225). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Prātimokṣabhāṣyāsampramuṣitasmaraṇamātralekha (So
sor thar pa'i bshad pa rnams mi brjed dran byed tsam du
bris pa). Tôh. no. 4108. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
1v.1-161r.7. Tr. by Jārandhara (Janārdana?) and Rin chen
bzang po.
Banerjee, SL, p. 42.
— Prātimokṣasūtra (So sor thar pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 2. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 1v.1-20v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and Klu'i
rgyal mtshan.
Nakamura, p. 52 note.
Lokesh Chandra, Unpublished Gilgit Fragment of the Prātimokṣa-Sūtra,
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens, vol. 4 (1960), pp.
Louis Finot and E. Huber, Le Prātimokṣasūtra des Sarvāstivādins,
Journal Asiatique, 11th series, vol. 2 (1913), pp. 456-558.
W. Pachow and Ramakanta Mishra, The Prātimokṣa-Sūtra of the
Mahāsāṅghikās: Critically Edited for the First Time from Palm-leaf
Manuscripts Found in Tibet, Ganganatha Jha Research Institute
(Allahabad 1956).
Charles S. Prebish, Buddhist Monastic Discipline: The Sanskrit
Prātimokṣa Sūtras of the Mahāsāṃghikas and the Mūlasarvāstivādins,
Pennsylvania State University Press (1975). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong
in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 19 (1977), pp. 127-130.
Georg von Simson, Prātimokṣasūtra der Sarvāstivādins, Vandenhoeck
and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1986). Reviewed by Collete Cox in Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 110, no. 3 (1990), pp. 541-542.
S.C. Vidyabhusana, ed. and tr., So-sor-thar-pa; or a Code of Buddhist
Monastic Laws: Being the Tibetan Version of the Prātimokṣa of the
Mūlasarvāstivāda School, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New
Series, vol. 9, nos. 3-4 (1915), pp. 29-139.
Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba (1871-1927), Sor thar pa'i mdo yi mchan
'grel [Gzhan phan byams pa'i go cha], n.p. (India 1950?), in 152 pages.
"Impressions from blocks preserved in the Sna rtse Ri khrod in Tibet."
KCDS, p. 104. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Also listed here is a Kalyāṇapratimokṣasūtra.
Bandurski, pp. 96-97 (catalogue no. 57).
Banerjee, SL, pp. 84-86. The text contains 8 sections.
Notes on the content may be found in Korosi, LTB, p. 91.
— Prātimokṣasūtravṛtti (So sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pa). Tôh.
no. 4107. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 150r.3-225r.7. No
author or translator named.
Banerjee, SL, p. 41.
— Prātimokṣavibhaṅga.
Seishi Karashima, Two More Folios of the Prātimokṣa-Vibhaṅga of the
Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul
Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed.,
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume II (Hermes
Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 215-228.
— Pratisarā (?).
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-237). A 113-folio manuscript.
— Pratisarākalpa.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-47). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Pratisarāsādhana (So sor 'brang ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3585. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 217r.4-217v.5. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Pratiṣṭhādaśakriyāvidhi.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-219). A 24-folio manuscript.
— *Pratiṣṭhārājapratiṣṭhāvidhi (Rab tu gnas pa'i cho ga rab
gnas kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 2528. Derge Tanjur, vol. KU,
folios 182v.5-188r.4.
— Pratiṣṭhātantra (*Rab tu gnas pa'i rgyud).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 18 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu, in 21 chapters (or just a 21st chapter?), giving the
title in Tibetan translation as: Sangs rgyas kun gyi dam tshig gi rab gnas
rgyud chen po.
— Pratiṣṭhāvidhi (Spyan dbye ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 1284.
Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 138v.1-139r.7.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 18 lists an Indian
manuscript with this title at Zha lu.
— Pratītyasamutpādādivibhaṅganirdeśasūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 176, 176 note, 272, 280.
Aiyaswami Sastri, ed., Ārya Shālistamba Sūtra,
Pratītyasamutpādavibhangga Nirdeshasūtra, and
Pratītyasamutpādagāthā Sūtra, Adyar Library (Adyar 1950), in 110
pages. Adyar Library Series no. 76. Tibetan texts, notes and
— Pratītyasamutpādagāthāsūtra.
Nakamura, p. 176 note.
Aiyaswami Sastri, ed., Ārya Shālistamba Sūtra,
Pratītyasamutpādavibhangga Nirdeshasūtra, and
Pratītyasamutpādagāthā Sūtra, Adyar Library (Adyar 1950), in 110
pages. Adyar Library Series no. 76. Tibetan texts, notes and
Daniel Boucher, Pratityasamutpadagatha: A Study and Contribution of
Two T'ang Translations, unpublished Masters' thesis, Indiana
University, (Bloomington 1989).
Daniel Boucher, The Pratītyasamutpādagāthā and Its Role in the
Medieval Cult of the Relics, The Journal of the International Association
of Buddhist Studies, vol. 14, no. 1 (1991), pp. 1-27.
— Pratītyasamutpādahṛdaya ('Phags pa rten cing 'brel bar
'byung ba'i snying po). Tôh. no. 521 (also, no. 981). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folio 59r.4-59r.7.
For an extracanonical copy of a text with same title (but different
content), see 'Brug chen IV Padma dkar po, ed., Rten 'brel yig rnying,
"reproduced from a rare manuscript collection from Bhutan," Sungrab
Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang (Tashijong 1985), pp. 5-7. This colophon
reads: rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po rnam par bshad pa /
sangs rgyas dpa' bo bdun gyis gsungs pa rdzogs so. It is followed on
pp. 7-29 by a commentary composed by Rje dbon (Sangs rgyas dbon).
— Pratītyasamutpādahṛdayavidhidhāraṇī ('Phags pa rten cing
'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po'i cho ga'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
519 (also, no. 979). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folio
Colophon of Tôh. no. 519: ston pa shākya'i thugs rje 'di // dge slong ner
ban rakṣi tas // tho gar yul nas rnyes pa ste // 'gro ba kun gyi dpal du shar
// 'phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po'i cho ga'i gzungs
rdzogs so.
Note that a text by this title (in the Sanskrit version) appears in 'Brug
chen IV Padma dkar po, ed., Rten 'brel yig rnying, "reproduced from a
rare manuscript collection from Bhutan," Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel
Parkhang (Tashijong 1985), pp. 322-328. Here the Tibetan title reads:
'Phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po'i cho ga bzhugs so
[note: Cho ga zhib mo'i tshigs bcad]. The Sanskrit title reads Ārya pra ti
tya sa mun ta pa ri hrī ta yā dhā ra ṇi. The colophon reads; ston pa
shākya'i thugs rje 'di // dge slong ne pan rakṣi tas // tho gar yul nas rnyed
pa ste / 'gro ba kun gyi dpal du shar // rdzogs so.
— Pratītyasamutpādagaṇanānusāreṇa cittasthāpanopāya
(Rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba bgrang ba'i sgo nas sems
gnas par bya ba'i thabs). Tôh. no. 4370. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NYO, folios 1271r.5-274r.1.
Wayman, BI, p. 183.
— Pratītyasamutpāda-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rten
cing 'brel bar 'byung ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 212 (also, nos. 520, 980). Derge Tanjur,
vol. TSHA, folios 125r.3-125v.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and
Ye shes sde.
Noritoshi Aramaki, On the Formation of a Short Prose
Pratītyasamutpāda Sūtra, contained in: Buddhism and Its Relation to
Other Religions: Essays in Honour of Dr. Shozen Kumoi on His
Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto 1985), pp. 67-50.
— Pratyaṅgirāpaddhati.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-II-297). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Pratyekabuddhabhūmi.
Nakamura, p. 258 note.
Wayman, BI, p. 16.
Alex Wayman, The Sacittikā and Acittikā Bhūmi and the
Pratyekabuddhabhūmi (Sanskrit Texts), Journal of Indian and Buddhist
Studies, vol. 7, no. 1 (1960), pp. 375-379.
a-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa da ltar gyi sangs rgyas mngon
sum du bzhugs pa'i ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 133. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, vols.
1v.1-70v.2. Tr. by Śākyaprabha and Ratnarakṣita.
Philologica Buddhica, Monograph Series I, The Reiyukai Library (Tokyo
Paul Harrison, The
Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra: An
Annotated English Translation of the Tibetan Version with Several
Appendices, doctoral dissertation, Australian National University
(Canberra 1979).
Paul Harrison, The Samādhi of Direct Encounter with the Buddhas of
the Present: An Annotated English Translation of the
Pratyutpanna-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra with Several
Appendices Relating to the History of the Text, Studia Philologica
Buddhica Monograph Series, no. 5 (Tokyo 1990).
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 88-93. Here it is given the title Bhadrapāla Sūtra,
but see the correction on p. 411.
Nakamura, pp. 159, 172, 204.
Walter, Jābir III, p. 29.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 106, 107.
— Pravaradevaparipṛcchā.
Nakamura, p. 187.
— Pravāraṇa Sūtra.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 36-40. Chinese translations by Dharmarakṣa and
Peter Zieme, Das Pravāraṇā-sūtra in alttürkischer Überlieferung, Acta
Iranica, vol. 28 (1988), pp. 445-456.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 21-22.
NTSH, p. 171.
KCDS, p. 138. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Pravrajyāgrahaṇavidhi.
Matsunami, p. 265.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-104). A 21-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-190). A 24-folio manuscript.
— Pravrajyātarāya Sūtra.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
— Pravrajyāśikṣa.
KCDS, p. 115. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Advice for renunciates?
— Pravrājyavastu.
Helmut Eimer, Rab tu 'byung ba'i gzhi: Die tibetische Übersetzung des
Pravrājyavastu im Vinaya der Mūlasarvāstivādins, Asiatische
Forschungen series no. 82 (Wiesbaden 1983).
Claus Vogel and Klaus Wille, The Final Leaves of the Pravrājyavastu
Portion of the Vinayavastu Manuscript Found Near Gilgit, contained in:
Volkbert Näther, ed., Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus
den Turfan-Funden, vol. 4 (Göttingen 1992), pp. 65-109.
— Pravrajyāvidhi.
KCDS, p. 156. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Ngor Monastery.
— Pravrajyāvrata.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Prāyaścittaśaucācāravidhi.
Matsunami, p. 265.
— Prāyaścittavidhi.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-144). A 72-folio manuscript dated 1919 CE.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-20). A 29-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-24), with the title Vratavidhiprāyaścitta. A 22-folio
— Prāyaścittika.
Hoernle, MRBL, p. 365.
— Pretabalyārcanavidhi.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-135). A 72-folio manuscript.
— Pretikāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 215, 216.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-19). A 22-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 10
(MBB-II-30), a 6-folio manuscript.
— Puggalapaññatti.
Nakamura, p. 105.
Om Prakash Patha, et al., Puggalapaññattipāli, New Bharatiya Book
Corporation (Delhi 2000). Includes Pāli text with Hindi translation.
— Pūjāmegha-nāma-dhāraṇī (Mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 538 (also, no. 1068). Derge Kanjur, vol.
NA, folio 100r.5-100v.3.
— Pūjāphalavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Pūjāvaliya.
Pandit Kirialle Ñanavimala, ed., Pūjāvaliya, Gunasena and Co.
(Colombo 1965). Sinhala-language edition.
Strong, RB, p. 80. A thirteenth-century collection of stories.
— Pūjāvidhisaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-75). A 60-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-II-299). A 68-folio manuscript.
— Puṇyabalāvadāna (Bsod nams kyi stobs kyi rtogs pa brjod
pa). Tôh. no. 347. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 1v.1-22r.4.
Tr. by Jinamitra and Devacandra.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Puṇyakāmakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Puṇyarāśyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Puṇyasenāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Puṇyavibhaṅga.
Nakamura, p. 290. Title reconstructed from Chinese.
— Puṇyotsāhanakathā.
Matsunami, pp. 227, 228.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-169). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Pūrṇabhadrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Pūrṇamāṣivratavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Pūrṇaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa gang
pos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
61. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 168v.1-227r.6.
— Pūrṇapramukhāvadānaśataka (Gang po la sogs pa'i rtogs
pa brjod pa brgya pa). See under Avadānaśataka, above.
— Pūrṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Pūrṇika Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Pūrvajanmavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Puṣpakathā.
Also called Puṣpārohaṇakathā. Matsunami, p. 227.
— Puṣpakūṭa-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa me tog brtsegs pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 516 (also, no. 886). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 48r.6-50v.2.
Sanskrit citation from a text by this title is given in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p.
— Puṣpārohaṇa.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Puṣpasādhanamantra (Me tog sbyang ba'i sngags).
KCDS, p. 33. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Ra li nyi shu rtsa bzhi.
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. A spurious scripture, said to have been composed
by Tibetans.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 435: bde mchog ra li'i skor chos 'byung las /
'di rnams ra li sum cu rtsa gnyis su grags na'ang / 'di las gzhan ma zlos
pa mi snang la / 'di dag ga ya dha ras 'brog mi dang gnyos lo tsā gnyis ka
la bshad pa'i rgya dpe can yin pas bod kyis byas zer ba mi bden no //
zhes gsungs shing / dbus pa blo gsal / tshal pa / rgyal rtse bcas dkar
chag gsum ka'i bsgrig rtsom la 'dug pas ra li so gnyis bus rgyud du ma
bcug tshul smra ba mu cor do mngon / chos 'byung las / snga 'gyur
gsang sngags rnying ma ni....
— Rab tu mi gnas pa de kho na nyid kyi rgyud.
Scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Introduction to Mahamudra,
the Co-emergent Unification, text with English translation by Khenpo
Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun 2004), pp. 26-27, 44-45. See
also pp. 36-37 where a Phyag rgya chen po rab tu mi gnas pa'i rgyud is
— Rab tu rnam par 'byed pa'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted more than once in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not
traced elsewhere.
— Rāgamālā.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-9). An 8-folio manuscript dated 1700.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-191). A 32-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-266). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Rāgarājatantrarāja (Dpal chags pa'i rgyal po'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 405. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
240r.1-242v.7. Tr. by Candramāla and Shākya ye shes.
— Rahasyakallolinī.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-136). A 22-folio manuscript dated 1696 CE.
— Rāhulabhadrapravrajyāvratasañcāraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Rāhula Sūtra.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur diverses inscriptions de Piyadasi, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1896), pp. 460-485.
— Rāhulastava.
A Sanskrit text of this hymn has been posted on the internet by
Jens-Uwe Hartmann.
NTSH, p. 180.
— Rahūlovāda.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur diverses inscriptions de Piyadasi, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1896), pp. 460-485.
— Rājādeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Rgyal po la gdams pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 214. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 207r.1-210r.3. Tr. by Dānaśīla
and Ye shes sde.
— Rājādeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Rgyal po la gdams pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 214. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 210r.3-211v.2. Tr. by Dānaśīla
and Ye shes sde.
— Rājasuvarṇabhujapraṇidhāna (Rgyal po gser gyi lag pa'i
smon lam). Tôh. no. 4380. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios
Chos rgyal Gser gyi lag pa. King who offered his hand as a lamp to the
Buddha. TPS, p. 485.
Rgyal po gser gyi lag pa'i mar me'i lo rgyus dang smon lam gyi mdo.
Xylograph in 4 folios. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 64.
— Rajasvalāvratabandhanavidhi.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-15). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Rājāvaliya.
B. Gunasekara, tr. and ed., The Rajavaliya: or a Historical Narrative of
Sinhalese Kings from Vijaya to Vimaladharma Surya II, Government
Printer (Colombo 1900).
— Rājāvavādaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rgyal po la
gdams pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
221. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 78r.1-84v.4. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Rhoton, CD, p. 217.
— Rakṣāsūtramantradhāraṇī.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-12). A 52-folio manuscript.
— Rakṣāyantra.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-14). A 22-folio manuscript.
— Raktalokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten dbang phyug dmar po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3166. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
184r.6-184v.4. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Raktalokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten dbang phyug dmar po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3429. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
89v.2-89v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Raktavajravārāhīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 358.
— Raktayamārisādhana ('Phags pa gshin rje gshed dmar po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3281. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
27v.4-28v.2. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Raktayamārīsādhana ('Phags pa gshin rje dmar po'i sgrub
pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3375. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
51v.3-52r.5. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Raktayamārisādhana ('Phags pa gshin rje gshed dmar po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3627. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
245v.4-246r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Raktayamāri-tantrarāja (Dpal gshin rje'i gshed dmar po
zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 474. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 186r.1-214v.7. Tr. by Candrakīrti and
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: bla ma chos kyi rgyal po'i gsung gi 'od zer dang // bho
ṭa paṇḍi ta'i gsung dang / mi'i dbang po kun dga' bzang po'i gsung dang
/ dbon kun gzhon gyis gser gnang ba la brten nas / shākya'i dge slong
tsandra shrī'i zhal snga nas zhus shing / paṇḍi ta chen po tsandra kīrti
dang / yar lungs pa grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis / bal yul yam bu'i grong
khyer du bsgyur ro.
This same text, evidently, is found in Peking Kanjur, vol. 4, no. 109:
Śrīraktayamāri-tantrarāja (Dpal gshin rje dmar po zhes bya ba rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tr. by Candraśrī, Candrakīrti and Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 25, lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 26.
— Raktayamāritantrarāja (Dpal ldan gshin rje gshed dmar po'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 475. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA,
folios 215r.1-244v.7. Tr. by Thar pa Lo tsā ba and Rin chen
— Raktayamāritantrarāja (Dpal ldan gshin rje'i gshed dmar
po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 478. Derge Kanjur, vol.
JA, folios 303v.1-336r.3. Tr. by Thar pa Lo tsā ba and Rin
chen grub.
KCDS, p. 16. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Raktamayārivajrasādhana.
KCDS, p. 33. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Ramyaka Sūtra, or, Rāmaka Sūtra (?).
A partial version of the Gaṇḍavyūha translated into Chinese by
Āryasthira in 388-407 CE. Chandra, Colossi, p. 38. Other suggested
Indicizations are Pāli Ramma or Rammaka.
— Rasaratnākara. Alchemical text.
Listed under 'Nāgārjuna' below, although as Wujastyk shows, it is clearly
a 'ghost.'
Ācārya Ngawang Samten (Ngag dbang bsam gtan), Ratnāvalī of Ācārya
Nāgārjuna with the Commentary by Ajitamitra, Central Institute of Higher
Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1990), p. 76, translates the title into Tibetan as
Rin po che'i bcud kyi 'byung gnas. An old fragment has a colophon
attributing it to Nityanātha, and one printed verion gives Siddhanātha as
— Rasārṇava. Alchemical text.
— Rasārṇavakalpa.
Mira Roy with B.V. Subbarayappa, eds., trs., Rasārṇavakalpa, Indian
National Science Academy Monograph no. 5, Indian National Science
Academy (New Delhi 1976). Reviewed by Richard J. Cohen in Journal
of the American Oriental Society, vol. 99, no. 3 (1979), p. 541.
Alchemical text said to be circa 11th century.
— Rasāyanaśāstroddhṛti (Gser 'gyur gyi bstan bcos bsdus pa).
Tôh. no. 4314. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios 7r.3-8v.4.
Tr. by O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal. Alchemy, gold
transformation. The original text and/or the translation, is
missing the end.
Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, Sanskrit Treatises on Dhatuvada or
Alchemy as Translated into Tibetan, Acharyya Ray Commemoration
Volume (Calcutta 1932), pp. 121-135.
— Raśmisamantamuktanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa 'od zer kun du bkye ba bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 55. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios
195v.1-255v.1. Marked as chapter 11 of the Ratnakūṭa.
Derge has no translation colophon.
— Raśmivimalaviśuddhaprabhā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa 'od
zer dri ma med pa rnam par dag pa'i 'od ces bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 510 (also, no. 982). Derge Kanjur, vol.
NA, folios 25v.1-35v.3. Tr. by Vidyākarasiṃha and Dpal gyi
lhun po'i sde. Revised by Atiśa and 'Brom ston.
— Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa yul
'khor skyong gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 62. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios
227r.7-257r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Munivarman and
Ye shes sde.
— Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa yul
'khor skyong gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 166. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
171v.3-175r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
Daniel Boucher, The Textual History of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā: Note
on Its Third-Century Chinese Translation, Annual Report of the
International Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for
the Academic Year 2000 (Tokyo 2001), pp. 93-116. The same author is
finishing a book entitled Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of
the Mahāyāna: A Study and Translation of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā
Jacob Ensink, The Question of Rāṣṭrapāla, Translated and Annotated,
N.V. Drukkerij en Uitgeverij van de Ervin (Published dissertation, 1952).
Includes Tibetan texts of two texts with similar title, one of them very
short. Copy seen in Givat Ram library (Jerusalem). Reviewed by
Franklin Edgerton in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 73,
no. 3 (July 1953), pp. 169-170. Edgerton criticizes the translation on the
basis of his own Buddhist Sanskrit dictionary. Reviewed by de Jong in
Journal Asiatique, vol. 241 (1953), pp. 545-549.
Review of J. Ensink's work by Kenneth Ch'en, Harvard Journal of Asiatic
Studies, vol. 17, nos. 1-2 (June 1954), pp. 274-281. Notes that the two
Chinese translations were by Jñānagupta (Sui dynasty) and Dānapāla
(980-1000 CE).
Louis Finot, ed., Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā Sūtra du Mahāyāna, Bibliotheca
Buddhica 2 (St. Petersbourg 1901). Reprinted in 1957.
J.W. de Jong, Remarks on the Text of the Rāṣṭrapālapṛcchā, Adyar
Library Bulletin, vols. 31-32 (1968), pp. 1-7.
P.L. Vaidya, Mahāyāna-sūtra-saṃgraha, pt. 1 (Darbhanga 1961), pp.
Ernst Waldschmidt, The Rāṣṭrapālasūtra in Sanskrit Remnants from
Central Asia, Indianisme et bouddhisme (1980), pp. 359-374.
KCDS, p. 95. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Matsunami, p. 204.
Nakamura, index.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 93, 125.
— Rāṣṭrapālāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Ratana Sutta.
P.V. Bapat, Shan-chien-p'i-p'o-sha and the Code of Conduct of the Early
Buddhist Religieux, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, vol. 52 (1971), pp. 1-30, at p. 19. Recited in exorcisms.
Matsuda, Stanza, pp. 13, 23-24.
— Ratnacandraparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
rin chen zla bas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 164. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
160r.1-167v.2. Tr. by Viśuddhasiṃha and Dge ba dpal.
Revised by Vidyākarasiṃha and Devacandra.
Nakamura, pp. 178, 234.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 106 (no. 34).
— Ratnacūḍaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
gtsug na rin po ches zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 91. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
210r.1-254v.7. Tr. by Kamalaśīla and Dharmatāśīla.
This is probably the Ratnacūḍāmaṇisūtra, on which Vasubandhu is said
to have written a commentary. Nakamura, pp. 271-272.
Wayman, BI, pp. 22, 26.
A line of verse quoted from a Sanskrit work by the title
Ratnacūḍāmaṇimahāyānasūtra in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 55.
Mvy. no. 1363.
— Ratnadhvaja. Part two of the Mahāsaṃnipāta Sūtra.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 100-103.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 69.
— Ratnagotravibhāga.
See under the title Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra.
Nakamura, pp. 151, 213, 230, 262, 270, 327.
— Ratnajāliparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rin
chen dra ba can gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 163. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
144r.1-159v.7. Tr. by Jñānagarbha and Ye shes snying po.
Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
Nakamura, p. 177.
— Ratnajvala-tantrarāja (Dpal rin chen 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 396. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
224v.4-227v.2. Tr. by Zla ba'i phreng ba [Candramāla] and
Shākya ye shes.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, pp. 87, 210, 236.
— Ratnākara-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkon mchog
'byung gnas zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
124. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 213r.1-292v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Listed among scriptures considered basic by the Mādhyamika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
— Ratnakaraṇḍa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkon
mchog gi za ma tog ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 117. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 248r.1-290r.7.
Tr. by Ratnarakṣita.
Dkon mchog za ma tog. Listed among scriptures considered basic by
the Mādhyamika school. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
— Ratnaketuparivarta.
Yenshu Kurumiya, Ratnaketuparivarta (Sanskrit Text), Heirakuji-shoten
(Kyoto 1978).
Some part of this text has been identified in the recent acquisitions of
the Schøyen collection.
— Ratnakoṭi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rin po che'i
mtha' zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 118.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 290v.1-298r.7. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Ratnakūṭa (class of sūtras).
Nakamura, pp. 210, 216.
There is a quotation from a Sanskrit work by the title Ratnakūṭasūtra in
Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 56.
— *Ratnalokā Dhāraṇī Sūtra.
Sen, Revival, p. 58.
— Ratnamālā-nāma-aparājita ('Phags pa gzhan gyis mi thub
pa rin po che'i phreng ba). Tôh. no. 607 (also, no. 929).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 39r.5-40v.6. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Ratnamālā-tantrarāja (Dpal rin chen phreng ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 389. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
Ray, SBB, pp. 36, 38. Possible this may be the Rattamāla, with ṭīkā,
mentioned in a 1442 CE listing of Buddhist texts in Burma.
— Ratnamālāvivaraṇa.
BSM, p. 25 (WGS-2). A 44-folio manuscript.
— Ratnamegha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sprin chen
po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 232.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 113r.1-214v.7. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century. See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27.
M. Asano, The Ratnameghasūtra Quoted in the Śikṣāsamuccaya,
Indogaku Bukkyôgaku Kenkyû, vol. 40, no. 1 (1991), pp. 400-396.
Nakamura, p. 220.
KCDS, p. 3. A 58-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka.
— Ratnanyāsavidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-254).
— Ratnarāśi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rin po che'i
phung po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 88.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 152r.1-175v.2. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Jonathan Silk, The Origins and Early History of the Mahāratnakūṭa
Tradition of Mahāyāna Buddhism with a Study of the Ratnarāśisūtra and
Related Materials, doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan (1994).
M. Asano, The Ratnarāśisūtra quoted in the Śikṣāsamuccaya, Indogaku
Bukkyôgaku kenkyû, vol. 44, no. 2 (1996), pp. 141-145.
Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the Production
of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2
(2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 126.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 116-121.
Nakamura, p. 210.
Davidson, KCN, p. 70.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 94, 100.
— Ratnatrayamaṅgalagāthā (Dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis
kyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no. 824. Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folios 262r.3-262r.7.
— Ratnāvadānamālā.
Nakamura, pp. 137, 138.
Also called Avadānaratnamālā, or, Ratnamālāvadānakathā. A collection
of 34 avadāna stories. Matsunami, p. 214.
Kanga Takahata, Ratnamālāvadāna, A Garland of Precious Gems or a
Collection of Edifying Tales, Told in a Metrical Form, Belonging to the
Mahāyāna, Oriental Library series D, vol. 3, the Toyo Bunko (Tokyo
— Ratnolkā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dkon mchog ta
la la'i gzungs zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
145 (also, no. 847). Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
34r.4-82r.3. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Sherburne, pp. 45-47.
Many verses and a prose passage are quoted from a Sanskrit work by
the title Ratnolkādhāraṇī in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 56-58.
Mvy. no. 1375.
This is probably the text cited by Phag mo gru pa, in his lam rim text,
under the title Dkon mchog sgron me'i mdo.
— Rāvaṇakumāratantra.
Nakamura, p. 320. A medical text preserved in the Chinese canon.
— Rdo rje chos kyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2660. Derge Tanjur,
vol. JU, folios 311v.7-317r.5. Tr. by Lo chung Legs pa'i
shes rab.
— Rdo rje gcod pa'i ṭī ka chen po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414. In a list of works of Old Tibetan authorship,
but with no author named.
— Rdo rje g.yung drung nges par bkod pa'i rgyan. In three
bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Rdo rje khros pa'i zhe sdang bcod. Tôh. no. 841/9. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 222r.5-223v.6. In Rnying rgyud
section. Missing in Tôh. catalogue.
— Rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma lta sgom spyod gsum gyi brda bstan
pa. Tôh. no. 1528. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios
— Rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma la mchod pa mdor bsdus pa. Tôh.
no. 1543. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 182r.7-184r.1. Tr.
by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur ston Dbang nge.
— Rdo rje phur pa chos thams cad mya ngan las 'das pa'i
rgyud chen po.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 133. The folios were shuffled in the course of
textual transmission (i.e., the text is quite a mess).
— Rdo rje phur pa spu gri nag po rab tu gsang ba'i rgyud.
Tibetan text edited in Martin J. Boord, The Cult of the Deity Vajrakīla
according to the Texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition of Tibet
(Byang-gter phur-ba), Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1993), pp.
— Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i zhi ba'i sbyin sreg. Tôh. no. 1577.
Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folios 8r.2-9v.4.
ACIP version available.
— Rdo rje sder mo.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), p. 75 ff.
Dpal rdo rje sder mo zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Denwood, Catalogue, nos.
327, 328.
— Rdo rje'i mgur bzhengs pa nyams kyi man ngag thig le gser
gyi phreng ba. Tôh. no. 2449. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios
83r.1-85v.6. Said to be by the 40 Siddhas (Grub pa thob
pa bzhi bcu). An anthology that forms part of the Pha dam
pa Sangs rgyas collection.
Davidson, IEB, p. 307 counts a total of 43 Siddhas in this text (Tilopa
occurs twice).
— Rdo rje'i ting nge 'dzin gyi chos kyi yi ge. Tôh. no. 135.
Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 122r.1-144v.2.
Although not explicitly stated, this is evidently translated from Chinese
(nowadays believed to be a Korean apocryphal production). See under
— Rdzogs chen Rtsa mun ti.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, pp. 63, 143, 195, 248.
— Rdzogs pa chen po ye shes nam mkha'i rgyud.
Rabsal, p. 83. A text in the Bai ro'i rgyud 'bum, vol. JA, it was translated
by Vimalamitra, Snyags Dznyā na ku ma ra and Ka and Cog.
— Rgya dkar nag rgya ser ka smi ra bal bod hor gyi yi ge dang
dpe ris rnams grangs mang ba. Reproduced in Studies in
Indo-Asian Art and Culture (New Delhi 1974), pp. 1-18.
Also published separately. An abecedarium, including
Indian, Chinese, Mongolian, Kashmiri, Newari and Tibetan
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, no. 1125.
— Rgya nag skag bzlog.
Sdig bshags gser gyi spu gri dang mi kha'i bzlog bsgyur rgya nag skag
bzlog bcas, Tibetan Cultural Printing Press (Dharamsala 1990).
Friedrich Bischoff, Une incantation Lamaique anti-chinoise, Central
Asiatic Studies, vol. 10, no. 2 (1965), pp. 128-35. Contra Bischoff, I
would say that it is if anything a pro-Chinese text.
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 58, 59, "Dhārani for averting the effects of
constellations unfavourable to China."
P.C. Verhagen, Notes Apropos to the Oeuvre of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Chos-kyi-'byung-gnas (1699?-1774) [2]: Dkar-chag Materials, contained
in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 207-238, at p. 221.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 85. Rgya nag skag zlog. 'Phags pa 'jam
dpal gyis gsungs pa'i rgya nag skag zlog ces bya ba'i gzungs. This tells
us that it is a dhāraṇī text pronounced by Mañjuśrī.
— Rgyal ba'i bla ma'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 652 (also, no. 863).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 137r.2-137r.5.
— Rgyal bu don grub kyi mdo. Tôh. no. 351. Derge Kanjur,
vol. AḤ, folios 55v.7-70v.1. Evidently translated from
Compare Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 267, which has this colophon: sngon
rgya las 'gyur ba'i brda rnying par 'dug. Here the Sanskrit is given as
— Rgyal bu kun tu dge zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 268.
This quite brief sūtra is found in Stog and Urga Kanjurs, but not in Derge.
— Rgyud bzhi. Long title: Bdud rtsi snying po yan lag brgyad
pa gsang ba man ngag gi rgyud.
It is said to have been translated by Vairocana and Zla ba mngon dga'
(Candranandana, Candrābhinandana?), although it is highly doubtful
that it could be a direct translation from an Indian text. There is a
considerable literature, and a complete bibliography has not been
attempted here.
This gradually but surely became the most important textbook for
traditional Tibetan medical knowledge. There have been three main
traditional Tibetan scholarly theories about the origins of this text. Some
say it was directly translated from a Sanskrit text (which is doubtful,
given the Tibetanisms in the text). Some say it was composed (or
reworked) in the 12th century by G.yu thog pa the Younger (or some
other Tibetan). The usual idea is that it is a treasure-text excavated by
Grwa-pa Mngon-shes in the vicinity of 1100 CE. It is clear that the text in
large part reflects Vāgbhaṭa's subject headings and wording (it is very
probable that the Tibetan translation of Vāgbhaṭa is the most important
sourcetext for the Rgyud bzhi). For the most important publication on
these historical questions in English see Samten Karmay, Vairocana
and the Rgyud-bzhi, Tibetan Medicine, no. 12 (1989), pp. 19-31.
The first complete translation of this work was into Chinese, published in
Peking in 1983. A Russian translation of the first two books appeared in
Barry Clark, The Quintessence Tantras of Tibetan Medicine.
R.E. Emmerick, rGas-pa gso-ba, contained in: Tadeusz Skorupski, ed.,
Indo-Tibetan Studies: Papers in Honour and Appreciation of Professor
David L. Snellgrove's Contribution to Indo-Tibetan Studies, The Institute
of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1990), pp. 89-99. Text edition and English
translation of Chapter 90, in the third tantra, on geriatrics.
Sources of the rGyud-bzhi, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländische
Gesellschaft, Supplement III, no. 2 (1977), pp. 1143-1165.
E. Finckh, Foundations of Tibetan Medicine. Two parts were published.
Jhampa Kelsang, The Ambrosia Heart Tantra (Dharamsala 1977).
Translates most of the first two of the four books.
A. Csoma de Körös, Analysis of a Tibetan Medical Work, Journal of the
Asiatic Society, no. 37 (January 1835), pp. 1-20. English translation of a
Tibetan summary of the text made for him by the Zangs dkar Lama
Sangs rgyas phun tshogs. Probably the first point of access to the text
supplied in a language other than Tibetan.
Ferdinand Meyer, Théorie et pratique de l'examen des pouls dans un
chapitre du rGyud-bzhi, contained in: T. Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan
Studies, The Institute of Buddhist Studies (Tring 1990), pp. 209-256.
French translation of the first chapter of the Phyi ma'i rgyud, on pulse
Manfred Taube, Tibetischen Autoren zur Geschichte der rGyud-bzi,
Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 34, nos. 1-3 (1980), pp. 297-304.
Banerji, SBI, pp. 13-14: "A voluminous medical work, entitled
Amṛtahṛdaya, is stated to have been translated from Sanskrit into
Tibetan in the eighth century. The Sanskrit original is lost. Several
passages appear to be translation of quotations from Caraka or Suśruta.
So, the tradition can not be rejected as a myth. It was also commented
upon in Tibetan..."
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, pp. 587-589.
— Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal yang dag par sbyor ba'i
thig le. Tôh. no. 382. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
158r.7-184r.7. Tr. by Kāyasthāpa Gayadhara and Shākya
ye shes.
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 344): rgya gar gyi mkhan po kā ya
stha pa ga ya dhā ra'i zhal snga nas dang bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong
shākya ye shes kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa / slad nas yang
bod kyi lo tsā ba gzhan rnams kyis bsgyur ba la zur mi 'dra bar bcos nas
rang gi ming bcug cing gzhan gyi ming 'phyi ba de dag dang ming shes
pa de dag sun dbyung ba'i phyir slad nas yang rgya gar gyi rgyud bzhi
dang dge slong shākya ye shes de nyid kyis gtugs nas bcos te gtan la
phab pa'o.
— Ri bo'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 174, emended to Ri bo rtsegs pa'i rgyud.
— Rig pa'i khu byug. A 6-line Rnying ma pa scripture. See
article by S. Karmay and book by Namkhai Norbu. See
Poussin, Catalogue, no. 647, which has the 'title' Kun tu
bzang po gsung.
Matthew Kapstein, The Strange Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in
M.K., ed., The Presence of Light (Chicago 2004), pp. 119-156, at p. 140.
— Rig sngags bcad pa dang mnan pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2194.
Derge Tanjur, vol. DZI, folio 77r.1-77v.3. Tr. by Glan chung
Dar ma tshul khrims.
— Rig sngags gtad pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2898. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 251v.1-252r.7. Tr. by Nag po pa and Tshul
khrims rgyal ba.
— Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo las gsungs pa'i
smon lam dang bden tshig. Tôh. no. 814 (also, no. 1099).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 254r.6-254v.4.
— Rig sngags kyi rgyal po dbugs chen po. Tôh. no. 773 (also,
no. 969). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 112r.1-112v.4. Tr.
by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Rigs gsum gyi bkra shis (Dpal rigs gsum gyi bkra shis).
Tôh. no. 823 (also, no. 1106). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Rigs gsum gyi bkra shis. Tôh. no. 825. Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 262r.7-262v.3.
— Rigs pa drug cu pa'i ṭī ka. In six bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Commentary with no authorship attribution,
made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Rigs pa drug cu pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa nyi tshe bshad pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Commentary with no authorship attribution,
made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Rigs thigs kyi brjed byang.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times. rigs thigs kyi brjed byang bam po / de'i skabs kyi
brjed byang shu log.
— Rigyāralisādhana (Ri gi ā ra li'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 1658.
Derge Tanjur, vol. RA, folios 243v.5-244v.7. Tr. by Rin
chen grub. Rigyārala?
Rhoton, CD, p. 190 (Rigi-āralitantra).
A few lines of verse are quoted from a Sanskrit work by the title
Rigi-arallimahātantra in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 55.
— Rims dang srog chags kyis mi tshugs pa zhes bya ba'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 803 (also, no. 1050). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 117r.2-117r.4.
— Rims nad zhi ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 624 (also, no. 1017).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 62v.2-62v.3.
— Rin po che bdar ba'i gzungs (or, Rin po che brdar ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 774 (also, no. 1074). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 112v.4-112v.5.
— Rje btsun rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 1558.
Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 214r.6-215v.5. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur.
— Rkang pa bzhi bcu rtsa brgyad pa bsgyur ba'i bstod pa.
Tôh. no. 1517. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 35v.1-36r.3.
Translators were Jayasena and Dar ma yon tan (although
not given in Tôh. catalogue).
EoB under Aṣṭacatvāriṃśatpādastotra."
— Rma bya chen mo'i snying po. Tôh. no. 587 (also, no. 943).
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 204v.1-204v.1.
— Rma 'byor bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs sngags. Tôh.
no. 798 (also, no. 1054). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
— Rmad du byung ba'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 196.
— Rmi lam mthong ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 460/1
(also, no. 952). Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folio 36v.6-36v.7.
This tiny text was overlooked by the Tôhoku cataloguers,
and so is missing in Tôh.
— Rnal 'byor bsgom par dang por sems bskyed pa la bstod
pa. Poussin, Catalogue, no. 602.2.
— Rnal 'byor gyi rgyud kyi dkyil 'khor gyi lha / de bzhin gshegs
pa rigs lnga 'khor dang bcas pa lha sum cu rtsa bdun gyi
bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa. Tôh. no. 820. Derge Kanjur,
vol. WA, folio 260r.5-260v.7.
— Rnal 'byor spyod pa la 'jug pa'i tshul rnam pa gsum las btus
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Rnal 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma'i lta ba'i tshul.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Ṛṣipañca Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), pp. 414-415: Text with no authorship attribution,
made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Ṛṣivyāsaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa drang
srong rgyas pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 93. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
278r.1-299r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po brjed byang.
— Rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po'i bskyud byang
rnam gsum.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Rten 'brel bgrang ba'i sgo nas sems gnas pa'i thabs.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Rten 'brel gyi srung ba. Tôh. no. 2885. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 227v.1-227v.7. Tr. by Jo bo rje and Rgya Brtson
'grus seng ge.
— Rtogs pa chen po yongs su rgyas pa'i mdo las / phyab
'tshal ba cho ga dang / mtshan nas brjod pa'i yon tan gyi
gleng gzhi dang / dus gsum gyi de bzhin gshegs pa rnams
kyi mtshan dang / mdo sde bcu gnyis dang / byang chub
sems dpa' rnams kyi mtshan nas brjod cing phyag 'tshal ba
dang / bshags pa'i le'u rnams 'byung ba nyi tshe bcos shing
bsgyur ba. Tôh. no. 265. Derge Kanjur, vol. 'A, folios
Probably this is the Yongs su rgyas pa'i mdo chos thams cad bsdus pa
cited by Atiśa. See Sherburne, pp. 221, 577.
— Rtogs pa la phan pa'i yal ga.
A basic scripture of the Vaiṣṇava (Khyab 'jug pa'i gzhung). Mimaki,
Dbus-pa text, folio 6v.2.
— Rtse gsum pa'i mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 407.
— Rucirāṅgayaṣṭhi-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa lus kyi dbyibs
mdzes zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 919 (also, no. 707).
Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folios 262v.1-264r.3. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Rudrākṣalakṣaṇa.
Matsunami, p. 265.
— Rudrāyaṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224
— *Rūpamañjarī (Gzugs kyi snye ma).
A dramatic piece (the title resembles that of the play Gzugs kyi nyi ma!).
Kapstein, ILIT, pp. 779-780.
It is listed as a drama in the history by Rig pa'i ral gri.
Diemberger, Feast of Miracles, p. 55.
— Rūpāvatyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Rūpyāvatī Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
Roland Steiner, Zum ursprünglichen Titel der "Rūpyāvatī"-Geschichte,
contained in: Dragomir Dimitrov, Ulrike Roesler and Roland Steiner,
eds., Śikhisamuccayaḥ: Indian and Tibetan Studies (Collectanea
Marpurgensia Indologica et Tibetica), Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie
und Buddhismuskunde series no. 53, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und
Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien (Wien 2002), pp. 203-210.
— Ruru Jātaka.
Part twenty-six of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
Th. Van Erp, Die Geschiedenis van het Ruru-Hert in de Reliëfs van
Barabudur en van Bharhut, Maandblad voor Beeldende Kunsten, vol.
20, nos. 11-12 (November-December 1943), pp. 199-208.
— Sa dang shing dang rdo'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2498. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 261v.3-265r.3. Tr. by Zha lu Lo tsā ba,
at the benest of the Zhwa dmar Karma pa IV. Ritual
instructions for working with earth, wood and stone
(includes lists of Sanskrit tree names).
Derge colophon: 'di'i rgya dpe gnyal gyi phyogs nas rnyed de lha dang
bcas pa'i skye dgu mtha' dag gi gtsug gi nor bus zhabs rten gyi padma la
phyag byas pa'i 'dren pa dam pa chos kyi rje rin po che zhwa dmar cod
pan 'dzin pa bzhi pa'i zhal snga nas bsgyur cig ces gsung ba bzhin du
zha lu lo tsā bas dpal sne'u gdong rtser bsgyur ba'o.
— Śabdaśāstra (Sgra'i bstan bcos). Tôh. no. 4351. Derge
Tanjur, vol. CO, folios 165r.5-173r.7.
— Sabhikasaugataśāsanapravrajyāvratacaraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Saccakatāḍanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 236.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-4), here with the title Saccakratāḍanāvadāna. A
manuscript in 26 folios dated 1932.
— Ṣaḍakṣarasādhana (Yi ge drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3150. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 173v.2-174v.1. Tr. by
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Ṣaḍakṣarasādhana (Yi ge drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3151. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 174v.1-175r.3. Tr. by
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Ṣaḍakṣarasādhana (Yi ge drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3406. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 71r.6-72v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ṣaḍakṣarasādhana (Yi ge drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3408. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 72v.5-73v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ṣaḍakṣaratantrakramamaṇḍalopadeśasādhana (Yi ge drug
pa'i rgyud kyi rim pa'i dkyil 'khor bstan pa'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 2851. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 192r.1-194r.2.
Tr. by Mahājana and Gzhon nu 'od.
— Ṣaḍakṣaravidyā ('Phags pa yi ge drug pa'i rig sngags). Tôh.
no. 575 (also, 917). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio
202r.3-202v.5. No translators given.
Geza Uray, Date of the Vyutpatti-Treatises, p. 15, notes that this text
exists among the Pelliot tibétain texts, no. 51.2 (see the Lalou
catalogue). Here, in the Dunhuang version, the translators' names are
given: Jinamitra, Danaśīla and Ye shes sde. This should be checked,
among other reasons because Y. Imaeda and other scholars have
expressed doubts that the six-syllable mantra of Avalokiteśvara (Oṃ
maṇipadme hūṃ) exists as such in the Dunhuang manuscripts.
Yi ge drug pa'i mdo. In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th
century by Thon mi Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston (oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see
Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 54.
Davidson, KCN, p. 75: Dam chos tsin dha ma ṇi zhes yi ge drug ma'i
— Ṣaḍakṣarīmahāvidyārājñī.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-99). A 21-folio manuscript dated 1650 CE.
— Saḍamgam vidiya.
Nakamura, p. 120. Sanskrit and Sinhalese treatise on ceremonies and
image construction.
— Ṣaḍaṅgayoga (Sbyor ba yan lag drug pa). Tôh. no. 1901.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PI, folios 287r.6-288v.3.
Derge colophon: rgyud gzhan nas bstan pa dang brgyud pa'i rim pa las
byung ba'i bshad pa 'di kho na'o // ye shes zhabs lugs kyi sbyor ba yan
lag drug pa zhes bya ba rdzogs so.
— Ṣaḍbhujakurukullebhaṭṭārikāsādhana (Rje btsun ma ku ru
kulle phyag drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3570. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 101r.1-101v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Ṣaḍbhujakurukullesādhana (Rigs byed ma phyag drug ma'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3571. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
202v.7-203r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ṣaḍbhujaśuklatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo phyag drug
ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3498. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 151r.1-151r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Saddanīti.
Nakamura, p. 120. A Pāli grammar composed by Burmese Aggavaṃsa
in 13th century.
— Ṣaḍdantāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Saddhammapajjotikā.
Nakamura, pp. 48, 49 and note.
— Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Dam pa'i
chos padma dkar po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 113. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 1v.1-180v.7. Tr.
by Surendrabodhi and Sna nam Ye shes sde.
This is said to be one of the texts brought back from India to Tibet by
Thon mi in early-to-mid-7th century, although not translated at that time.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 27.
A Trilingual Edition of the Lotus Sutra: New Editions of the Sanskrit,
Tibetan and Chinese Versions, Annual Report of the International
Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the
Academic Year 2002, vol. 6 (2003), pp. 85-182.
H.W. Bailey, A Metrical Summary of the Saddharma-Puṇḍarīka in
Gostana Deśa, Bulletin of Tibetology, vol. 2, no. 2 (1965), pp. 5-7.
W. Baruch, Beiträge zum Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (Leiden 1938).
H. Bechert, Über die 'Marburger Fragmente' des Saddharmapuṇḍarīka,
Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I.
Philologisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1972, no. 1.
E. Burnouf, Le Lotus de la bonne loi, traduit du sanscrit, accompagné
d'un commentair et de vingt et un mémoires relatifs au Buddhismme
(Paris 1852), reprinted in 1925.
N. Dutt, Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram, with N.D. Mironov's Readings
from Central Asian Mss., Bibliotheca Indica series no. 276 (Calcutta
R. Gnoli, The Gilgit Manuscript of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram,
contained in: G. Gnoli & L. Lanciotti, eds., Orientalia Iosephi Tucci
Memoriae Dicata, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente
(Rome 1988), vol. 2, pp. 533-534.
Oskar von Hinüber, A New Fragmentary Gilgit Manuscript of the
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra, The Reiyukai (Tokyo 1982). Reviewed by
D. Seyfort Ruegg in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 106,
no. 4 (1986), p. 897.
Leon Hurwitz, tr., Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma
(The Lotus Sūtra), translated from the Chinese of Kumārajīva, Columbia
University Press (NYC 1976). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in The
Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 10, no. 2 (1977), pp. 169-174.
H. Kern & B. Nanjio, Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram, Bibliotheca Buddhica
Lokesh Chandra, ed., Saddharma-Puṇḍarīka-Sūtra (Kashgar
Manuscript), The Reiyukai (Tokyo 1977).
Seishi Karashima, A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa's Translation of the
Lotus Sutra, Bibliotheca Philological et Philosophica Buddhica I, The
International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka
University (Tokyo 1998).
N. Simonsson, Untersuchung des Saddharmapuṇḍarīka,
Indo-tibetische Studien I (Uppsala 1957), pp. 13-22.
Hirofumi Toda, Note on the Kashgar Manuscript of the
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra, Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series
Minor no. 2, Reiyukai Library (Tokyo 1977). Reviewed by D. Seyfort
Ruegg in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 99, no. 2 (1979),
pp. 343-345, which includes a sketch history of Lotus Sūtra translations
and studies. Ruegg discusses the two very different recensions, the
Central Asian one and the Nepal-Gilgit one.
P.L. Vaidya, Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts
series no. 6 (Darbhanga 1960).
S. Watanabe, Saddharmapuṇḍarīka Manuscripts Found in Gilgit (Tokyo
1972-1975), in 2 volumes.
Klaus Wille, Weitere kleine Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra-Fragmente aus
der Sammlung Hoernle (London), contained in: Paul Harrison and G.
Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama
(Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), pp. 241-256.
U. Wogihara and C. Tsuchida, Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-Sūtram,
Romanized and Revised Text (Tokyo 1958).
Akira Yuyama, A Bibliography of the Sanskrit Texts of the
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (Canberra 1970).
Akira Yuyama, Notes on Two Manuscript Fragments of Kumārajīva's
Version of the Lotus Sūtra in Tibetan Transcription from Tun-huang
(Fonds Pelliot tibétain 1239 et 1262) [in Japanese], contained in:
Buddhism and Its Relation to Other Religions: Essays in Honour of Dr.
Shozen Kumoi on His Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto
1985), pp. 233-248.
Jian Zhongxin, ed., Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Fragments from the Lüshun
Museum Collection: Facsimile Edition and Romanized Text, Soka
Gakkai (1997). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.
42 (1999), pp. 84-85.
P. Zieme, Zwei neue alttürkische Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-Fragmente,
Altorientalische Forschungen, vol. 16 (1989), pp. 370-379.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 162, 246, 254.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 132-166.
Paul, WB, pp. 111-115, 256-264.
Matsunami, pp. 204-206. Chapter outline and bibliography.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-I-153). A 180-folio manuscript.
Nakamura, pp. 178, 179, 215 note (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka) and 158 note,
171, 172, 183, 188, 194, 271 (Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra). Also in
index under 'Lotus Sūtra'.
Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, On Translating into Spanish the
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra, contained in: Mishra, ABS, pp. 483-509.
F. Edgerton, The Meter of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, contained in:
Studies in Indology: Mahāmahopādhyāya Kūppuswāmī Sastri
Commemoration Volume, G.S. Press (Madras 1935), pp. 39-45.
Nattier, OUFT, index.
KCDS, p. 9. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 160 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka.
KCDS, p. 10 (also, p. 67, etc.). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 158
folios belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
In the list of 21 texts introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi
Sambhoṭa (Mdo rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston
(oldest source is probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p.
Ruegg, AIE, pp. 21-21, on the different recensions.
On the Tangut language translation, based on the Chinese translation
by Kumārajīva, see Tatsuo Nishida, On the Xixia Version of the Lotus
Sutra, published in Journal of Oriental Studies. Nishida makes
reference to the original study of the Tangut translation found in M.G.
Morisse, Contribution préliminaire à l'étude de l'écriture et de la langue
Si-hia (Paris 1904). Lou Fucheng also did a study of it published in
Kyoto in 1914.
'Phags pa composed a work in 1277 refuting what he considered wrong
understandings by Chinese of the instantaneous attainment of
Enlightenment in chapter 11 (or 12) of this work. See Kuijp, KPTB, p.
— Saddharmarāja-mahāyānasūtra (Dam pa'i chos kyi rgyal po
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 243. Derge Kanjur, vol.
ZA, folios 1v.1-15v.1.
Nakamura, p. 166 (Dharmarājasūtra). Perhaps this text has something
to do with the Chinese Humane Kings Sūtra, q.v.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 426. Translated from Chinese.
— Saddharmaratnāvaliya.
A Sri Lankan story collection. Charles Hallisey, Auspicious Things,
contained in: Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 413-426.
Portions translated by Ranjini Obeyesekere in Dharmasena Thera,
Jewels of the Doctrine, SUNY Press (Albany 1991).
— Saddharmasampravāraṇa.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Saddharmasmṛtyupasthāna ('Phags pa dam pa'i chos dran
pa nye bar gzhag pa). Tôh. no. 287. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA,
folios 82r.1-318r.7; vol. RA, folios 1v.1-307r.5; vol. LA,
folios 1v.1-312r.6; vol. SHA, folios 1v.1-229v.7. Revised
by Śāntākaragupta, Abhayākaragupta, Śākyarakṣita and
Vidyākaraśānti. Revised again by Śākyarakṣita,
Subhūticandra, Aḍitacandra (?Aṭitacandra?) and Pa tshab
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
For transcription of the very long colophon, see Stog Palace Manuscript,
no. 280 (the catalogue also has an outline of contents that could prove
very useful for navigating within this oceanic work).
Li-Kouang Lin, L'Aide-mémoire de la vraie loi
(Saddharma-smṛtyupasthāna-Sūtra), Librarie d'Amérique et d'Orient
(Paris 1949).
The Jambudvīpa geography of the text, which would seem to be little
more than a further redaction of the section of the Rāmāyaṇa called
Digvarṇana, has been studied by Sylvain Lévi, Pour l'histoire du
Rāmāyaṇa, Journal Asiatique (January-February 1918), pp. 5-160, plus
charts. On p. 9, Lévi gives an outline of the seven main sections of the
text. He used both the Tibetan and the Chinese translations, since the
only Sanskrit available to him was in the form of citations contained in
the Śikṣāsamuccaya.
It was translated into Chinese in 539 by Prajñāruci. Dharma Aditya
Dharmacharyya, Discovery of Dharma Samuccaya in Nepal, Buddhist
India, vol. 2, no. 1 (March 1928), pp. 34-42, at p. 36 ff.
Tucci, TPS, p. 281.
Nakamura, p. 175.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 66.
Vesna Wallace has announced an edition and translation of this text.
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 42.
KCDS, p. 8 (see also p. 67). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 225 folios
belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
— Ṣadgatikārikā.
Tucci, TPS, p. 231. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa.
— Sādhanamālā.
Tucci, TPS, p. 130.
Nakamura, pp. 337, 339.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 19.
Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, Sādhanamālā, Gaekwad's Oriental Series,
Oriental Institute (Baroda 1925). Reviewed by Prabodh Chandra C.
Bagchi in Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. 6 (1930), pp. 574-587.
Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, The Indian Buddhist Iconography: Mainly
Based on the Sādhanamālā and Cognate Tantric Texts of Rituals, K.L.
Mukhopadhyay (Calcutta 1958).
Ruriko Sakuma, Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Sādhanamālā, in
Saṃbhāṣā, Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism, vol. 21
(1999?), pp. 27-44.
List of over 265 sādhana titles. Matsunami, pp. 265-274.
BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-123). A 310-folio manuscript dated 1637.
— *Sādhanasāgara.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 19.
— Sādhanasamuccaya.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-43). A manuscript in 186 folios.
— Sādhanasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 27 (CSG-4). A 22-folio manuscript.
— Sādhanaśataka (Sgrub thabs brgya rtsa).
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 19.
Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 186.
Here it refers to either [1] a group of about a hundred sādhanas
translated by Pa tshab Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan, "who acted as an
interpreter of Buddhaguhya during the second half of the 8th century" or
[2] a group of about a hundred sādhanas translated by Ba ri Lo tsā ba
Rin chen grags (1038/40-1109?).
— Sādhanaśatapañcāśikā (Sgrub thabs brgya dang lnga bcu).
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 19.
Lo Bue in Skorupski, ed., Indo-Tibetan Studies (Tring 1990), p. 186.
Here it is said to be the earliest collection of sādhanas.
— Sādhanavibhaṅga (*Sgrub thabs rnam par 'byed pa).
Title (?) that serves as source of brief verse citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2,
pp. 85-87.
— Sadyo'nubhavārapacanasādhana ('Phral du nyams su
myong ba'i spros pa med pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3174.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 192r.4-193r.2. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Sadyo'nubhavārapacanasādhana (A ra pa tsa na 'phral du
nyams su myong ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3452. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 109r.7-110r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
mtshan. Arapacanasādhana.
— Sāgaramatiparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa blo
gros rgya mtshos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 152. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
1v.1-115v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Buddhaprabha
and Ye shes sde.
This seems to contain an Arapacana syllabary.
Wayman, BI, p. 279.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 357.
Scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, Introduction to Mahamudra,
the Co-emergent Unification, text with English translation by Khenpo
Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun 2004), pp. 40-41.
— Sāgaranāgarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa klu'i rgyal po rgya mtshos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 153. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folios 116r.1-198r.3. Tr. by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and
Ye shes sde.
Paul, WB, pp. 232-241.
Listed among scriptures considered basic by the Mādhyamika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
— Sāgaranāgarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa klu'i rgyal po rgya mtshos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 154. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folios 198r.3-205r.6. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla,
Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
— Sāgaranāgarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa klu'i rgyal po rgya mtshos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 155. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA,
folios 205r.6-205v.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes
It must be this very brief version of the text that is found in a Dunhuang
manuscript (IOL Tib J 200), available as a scanned version at the
International Dunhuang Project website.
E.D. Grinstead, The Dragon King of the Sea, British Museum Quarterly,
vol. 31, nos. 3-4 (1967), pp. 96-100. Twelfth-century manuscript of the
Tangut language version. In content it is quite close to Peking Kanjur
no. 822. Grinstead here speculates on the Arapacana syllabary as
being possible inspiration for the Japanese iroha syllabary.
— Sagāthavagga.
Nakamura, pp. 27, 38, 43, 57.
Masaharu Anesake, Le Sagātha-vagga du Samyutta-nikāya et ses
versions chinoises, Le Muséon, vol. 24 (1905), pp. 23-32.
K.R. Norman, Notes on the Metres of the Sagāthā-Vagga of the
Saṃyutta-nikāya, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu), vol. 29 (2000).
— Sahagāminīdharma.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-148). A 28-folio manuscript.
— Sahajābhilāṣo nāma-abhisamaya.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-1). A 34-folio manuscript.
— Sahajasiddhisaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-108). A 63-folio manuscript.
— Sahasodgata [Avadāna].
Matsunami, p. 225.
— Sahasrapravartta-nāma-dhāraṇī.
KCDS, p. 115. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Tibetan translation of the title given as 'Khor ba stong phrag gi gzungs.
— Sāhmeguvarṣāpaṇavidhi.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-227). A 6-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Sāhmeṅguṅvihārāmnāyavarṣāpaṇavidhi.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-4). A Nepalese paper manuscript in 42 leaves dated
1761 CE.
— Śaikṣadharma.
Bernard Pauly, Fragments Sanskrits de Haute Asie [Mission Pelliot],
Journal Asiatique, vol. 254 (1966), pp. 245-288; vol. 255 (1967), pp.
— Śailagāthā (Rig gnas kyi tshigs su bcad pa).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 417.
— Śaiśavajanmavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Sakkapañha.
Nakamura, p. 33 note.
— Śakracyavanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Śakra Jātaka.
Part eleven of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Śakti Sūtra. Part of Saṃyukta Nikāya.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 44-46.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Śākyamuner Vṛṣabhajātakaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— *Śākyamunihṛdayadhāraṇī ('Phags pa shākya thub pa'i
snying po'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 533 (also, no. 860). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folio 99v.3-99v.4.
— Śākyasiṃha Jātaka.
Michael Hahn, Notes on the Shākyasimhajātaka, Berliner Indologische
Studien, vol. 1 (1986), pp. 1-10.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Śākyasiṃhastotra.
Nakamura, p. 120.
Heinz Bechert, Narasīhagāthā abd Śrī-Śākyasiṃhastotra, The Adyar
Library Bulletin, vols. 31-32 (1967-1968).
— Śālapuṣpāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-20). Title given as Sālapuṣpāvadāna. A 6-folio
— Śālistamba-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (Sa lu ljang pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 210. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSHA, folios 116v.2-123v.1. No translator named.
Lalou's Dunhuang catalogue, nos. 551 and 552, gives colophons listing
Ye shes sde as translator, editor and reviser (ban de ye shes sdes
bsgyurd cing zhus te / skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas / gtan la
phab pa).
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Mention of a Brjed byang on this text, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
Stein in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 555 has it being brought from
China in youth of Khri srong lde btsan.
See Dba'-bzhed, pp. 50, 70-71, which says it was translated (from
Chinese) soon after the completion of Bsam yas Monastery (i.e., near
the end of the 8th century).
N. Ross Reat, The Śālistamba Sūtra: Tibetan Original, Sanskrit
Reconstruction, English Translation, Critical Notes (Including Pāli
Parallels, Chinese Version and Ancient Tibetan Fragments), Motilal
Banarsidass (Delhi 1993).
Jeffrey D. Schoening, The Śālistamba Sūtra and Its Indian
Commentaries, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien
Universität Wien (Vienna 1995), in 770 pages. Reviewed by Ulrich
Pagel in Bulletin of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 60, no. 2 (1997),
pp. 383-385. Reviewed by Mark Tatz in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 118, no. 4 (1998), pp. 546-547. Reviewed by J.W.
de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 50 (1997), pp. 187-192. The
Chinese version was made by the Central Asian Chih-ch'ien between
220 and 280 CE.
Aiyaswami Sastri, ed., Ārya Shālistamba Sūtra,
Pratītyasamutpādavibhangga Nirdeshasūtra, and
Pratītyasamutpādagāthā Sūtra, Adyar Library (Adyar 1950), in 110
pages. Adyar Library Series no. 76. Tibetan texts, notes and
Nakamura, pp. 176, 283.
See C. Scherrer-Schaub and George Bonani, Establishing a Typology
of the Old Tibetan Manuscripts: A Multidisciplinary Approach, contained
in: Susan Whitfield, ed., Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries, British Library
(London 2002), pp. 184-215, at pp. 187-191. Aurel Stein found a
Tibetan manuscript at Endere which was dated on archaeological and
other grounds to the early 8th century.
— Samādhi Sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken
by the Buddha.
Harumi Hirano Ziegler, The Sinification of Buddhism as Found in an
Early Chinese Indigenous Sūtra: A Study and Translation of the Fo-shuo
Ching-tu San-mei Ching, doctoral dissertation, University of California
(Los Angeles 2001). University Microfilms International no. AAT
3024075. Concludes that the text was composed in late 14th or early
15th century southern China.
— Samādhicakra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa ting nge
'dzin gyi 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 241. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 302r.1-303r.7. Tr.
by Śīladharma and Rnam par mi rtog pa.
— Samādhipratikūlapakṣavyavasthāna [?] (Ting nge 'dzin gyi
mi mthun pa'i phyogs rnam par gzhag pa). Tôh. no. 3932
(also, no. 4534). Derge Tanjur, vol. KI, folios
123v.5-125r.7. Tr. (evidently from Chinese) by Hwa shang
Zab mo and Rnam par mi rtog pa.
ACIP data version available.
— Samādhirāja, or,
-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin
mnyam pa nyid rnam par spros pa ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal
po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 127.
Derge Tanjur, vol. DA, folios 1v.1-170v.7. Tr. by
Śīlendrabodhi and Dharmatāśīla.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 2, contains Sanskrit text of 40 chapters.
Citation in Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 83.
Konstanty Régamey, Philosophy in the Samādhirājasūtra, Motilal
Banarsidass (Delhi 1990), reprint of 1938 Warsaw edition. Includes
Sanskrit, Tibetan and English versions of chapters 8, 19 and 22.
Christoph Cüppers, The IXth Chapter of the Samādhirājasūtra: A
Text-critical Contribution to the Study of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Franz
Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 1990). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 36 (1993), pp. 143-144.
The Sūtra of the King of Samādhis: Chapters I-IV, contained in: Luis O.
Gómez and Jonathan A. Silk, eds., Studies in the Literature of the Great
Vehicle: Three Mahāyāna Texts, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor
1989), pp. 1-88, including a bibliography of previous studies.
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, A Note on a Newly Identified Palm-Leaf
Manuscript of the Samādhirājasūtra, Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 39, no. 2
(1996), pp. 105-109.
Karen Christina Lang, On the Middle Indic Forms Found in Candrakīrti's
Quotations from Chapter Nine of the Samādhirājasūtra, contained in:
Mishra, ABS, pp. 426-459. This is the sūtra Candrakīrti quotes most
often, and of the 40 chapters it contains, the ninth is the one he quotes
most often.
Andrew Skilton, Samādhirājasūtra, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul
Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed.,
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume II (Hermes
Academic Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 97-178.
Matsunami, pp. 207-208. Outline of 39 chapter titles.
Tucci, TPS, p. 118.
Nakamura, pp. 172, 173 (also, Samādhirājacandrapradīpasūtra).
KCDS, p. 3. A 25-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu
gling ka. However, the Sanskrit title is given as
KCDS, p. 8 (see also p. 32). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 135 folios
belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Bandurski, p. 68 (this Tibet-preserved Sanskrit manuscript has not been
used in any critical edition).
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55. Here Lahuli identifies the Zla ba sgron
me'i mdo with the Samādhirāja (although I wonder, since both titles are
cited in chapter 3 of the Bsam gtan mig sgron).
Ruegg, AIE, p. 19, gives Samādhirāja and Candrapradīpa as alternative
This sūtra was especially popular with the Bka' brgyud pa school, in part
at least because of citations from it which seem to support Mahāmudrā,
in particular the quote Chos rnams kun gyi rang bzhin phyag rgya che.
See Jackson, ESM, p. 17.
Source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 79. Note that here it is
cited as both tantra and sūtra, an ambivalence that already existed in
India, evidently.
— Samādhisaṃyukta (Ting nge 'dzin dang ldan pa'i le'u).
Banerjee, SL, p. 221. A section of the Madhyamāgama (Lung bar ma'i
ting nge 'dzin dang ldan pa'i le'u), cited in Vinayavastu. See also Dietz
in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays in
Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 9.
— Samādhisūtra.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-113). A manuscript in 197 folios.
— Samādhividhi.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-192). An 11-folio manuscript.
— Samādhyagrottama ('Phags pa ting nge 'dzin mchog dam
pa). Tôh. no. 137. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios
antrarāja (Phrin las thams cad 'byung ba'i sgrol ma 'dus pa
don dam pa zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po).
Tôh. no. 448. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 286v.1-295r.3.
Tr. by Buddhanātha, Nirvāṇaśrī and Tāranātha. Revised by
— Samājaparamārthasarvakarmodaya-uttaratantrarāja (Phrin
las thams cad 'byung ba 'dus pa don dam pa las phyi ma'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 449. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA,
folios 295r.4-309r.6. Tr. by Buddhanātha, Nirvāṇaśrī and
— Samantabhadra.
('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa kun tu bzang po
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 28. Derge Kanjur, vol.
KA, folios 177v.6-178r.6.
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Samantabhadrabodhisattvadhyānacaryādharmasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 192. Chinese translation by Dharmamitra.
— Samantabhadracaryapraṇidhānarāja, contained in:
Multi-Lingual Buddhist Texts, reproduced by Lokesh
Chandra from the collection of Prof. Raghuvira (New Delhi
1980), vol. 6, pp. 2167-2179, 2180 ff. Two different
Sanskrit-Tibetan bilingual texts (one with Lantsha script,
the other with Vartula).
English translation in William Theodore de Bary, The Buddhist Tradition
in India, China, and Japan, Modern Library (New York 1969), pp.
KCDS, p. 108. Sanskrit paper manuscript now belonging to Potala. A
note says it is a Kashmiri example (kha che'i dpe).
Dge bshes Ngag dbang nyi ma, 'Phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon
lam gyi rgyal po'i tshig don ngo 'phrod (Varanasi 1973?), in 39 pages.
Gser khang Sprul sku Ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan, 'Phags pa
bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po'i tshig don dang 'brel ba'i
dmigs khrid zab mo nyams su len tshul zhal shes kyis brgyan cing nyal
bsgom man ngag dang bcas pa cha tshang ba'i rnam bshad kun bzang
dgongs zab dngos grub kun 'byung, n.p. (Delhi 1975?), in 151 pages.
Tāranātha (b. 1575), Bzang spyod smon 'grel 'phags pa bzang po spyod
pa'i smon lam gyi rgya cher 'grel pa 'phags mchog rnams kyi gsang ba'i
mdzod, n.p. (Bhutan 1977), in 119 pages. Printed from blocks
preserved at Bkra shis' brug rgyas Monastery in Bhutan.
Source of verse citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 78.
This is likely to be the Bhadrapraṇidhāna listed in BSM, p. 19
(MBB-II-194), a 7-folio manuscript.
— Samantabhadra-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa kun tu bzang po
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 699 (also, no. 904). Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 150r.5-151v.1. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Samantabhadra-nāma-homavidhi (Kun tu bzang po zhes
bya ba'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2527. Derge
Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 175r.7-182v.4.
— Samantabhadrāṣṭottaraśataka-nāma-dhāraṇīmantrasahita
('Phags pa kun tu bzang po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa
gzungs sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 637 (also, no.
877). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 112r.4-116r.2.
— Samantamukhaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
kun nas sgo'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 54. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 184v.6-195r.7. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Marked as
chapter 10 of the Ratnakūṭa.
rvatathāgatahṛdayasamayavilokita-nāma-dhāraṇī (Kun nas
sgor 'jug pa'i 'od zer gtsug tor dri ma med par snang ba de
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la
rnam par lta ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 599 (also,
no. 983). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 250r.5-259v.7. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Samantapāsādikā.
Nakamura, pp. 53, 53 note, 115.
P.V. Bapat and A. Hirakawa, Shan-Chien-P'i-Sha: A Chinese Version by
Saṅghabhadra of Samantapāsādikā, Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute [Bhandarkar Oriental Series no. 10] (Poona 1970).
P.V. Bapat, Shan-chien-p'i-p'o-sha and the Code of Conduct of the Early
Buddhist Religieux, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, vol. 52 (1971), pp. 1-30. In the Nanjio catalogue the title has
been re-Sanskritized as Sudarśanavibhāṣā. J. Takakusu showed that
this text is a Chinese version of the Pali Samantapāsādikā, a
commentary on the Vinaya (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society [1896],
pp. 415-439).
Wayman, BI, p. 306.
W. Pachow, A Study of the Dotted Record, Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 85, no. 3 (July 1965), pp. 342-349. It is a Vinaya
commentary by Buddhaghosa; it was translated into Chinese.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 38-39. It is a commentary covering all of the five main
books of the Vinaya (no such extensive Vinaya commentary is to be
found in Tibetan).
Agostini, BSF, p. 89.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 58, 61.
— Sāmānyalakṣaṇaviveka.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-56). A 9-folio manuscript. Note that Atiśa
composed a rather similar title.
— Sāmānyavivecana.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-65). A manuscript in 23 folios.
— Samāsarāśypakṣettasubhāvādevamatheśabda (??).
KCDS, p. 152. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery.
— Śamathamūrtibhāvanālaghūpāya (Zhi gnas sku la bsgom
pa'i thabs chung ngu). Tôh. no. 4373. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NYO, folios 280v.4-281v.5.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: zhi gnas sku la sgom pa'i thabs chung ngu.
Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works of unknown authorship.
— Samathapraveśopāya (Zhi gnas la 'jug pa'i thabs). Tôh. no.
4374. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 281v.5-291v.3.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Samayālaṅkāra (Dam tshig gi rgyan). Tôh. no. 2209.
Derge Tanjur, vol. DZI, folios 180v.1-182r.3. Judging from
its position, this may be authored by Nāgabodhi.
— Sambandhu Jātaka.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-216). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Sambhadrāvadānamālā.
A collection of avadāna stories containing 40 or so chapters.
Matsunami, pp. 236-237.
— Sambhavasya Vairocanakusumatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Sambuddhabhāṣitapratibimbalakṣaṇavivaraṇa (Rdzogs
pa'i sangs rgyas kyis gsungs pa'i sku gzugs kyi mtshan
nyid kyi rnam 'grel). Tôh. no. 4315. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NGO, folios 8v.4-11r.7. Tr. by Dharmadhara and Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas kyis gsungs pa'i
sku gzugs kyi tshad kyi mtshan nyid kyi rnam 'grel rdzogs so // // rgya
gar gyi mkhan po dharma dha ra dang / lo tsā ba yar klungs pa grags pa
rgyal mtshan gyis mang yul gung thang gi rgyal sar bsgyur ba'o // grub
pa kun mkhyen chos rgyal gyi // gsung gi 'od zer snang ba brten //
mkhas chen bho ṭa paṇḍi ta // dam chos 'dzin dag gsung brten nas // yar
klungs grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis // gung thang rgyal sar legs par
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Sambuddhadharmānubhāvaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Sambuddhāryānuśāsanāsthisenajātakaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Sambuddhavānarajātakāvadānaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Saṃjñānaikādaśanirdeśasūtra ('Phags pa 'du shes bcu gcig
bstan pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 311. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA,
folios 157r.6-157v.4.
Haarh, List, p. 204 (a text found in Lhasa Kanjur, but not found in Derge
Kanjur, according to him). Haarh gives the different title:
Daśasaṃjñādeśasūtra ('Du shes bcu bstan pa'i mdo).
Eimer in: Paul Harrison and G. Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrāya: Essays
in Honour of Akira Yuyama (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 25. Gives both
titles, 'Du shes bcu gcig bstan pa, and 'Du shes bcu bstan pa.
— Sāṃmitīyanikāyaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 108. Preserved in Chinese only. No works of the
Sāṃmitīya school has been preserved in Sanskrit (on the school, see
pp. 56 note, 101, note, 102, 129).
K. Venkataramanan translated it into English in Viśva-Bharati Annals,
vol. 5 (1953), pp. 153-243.
— Saṃmohavinodinī.
Nakamura, p. 115.
— Sampūrṇacarcāsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-161). A 101-folio manuscript.
— Saṃpuṭa-nāma-mahātantra (Yang dag par sbyor ba zhes
bya ba'i rgyud chen po). Tôh. no. 381. Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 73v.1-158v.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye
shes. Revised by Bu ston.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 25 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 265-267.
Tucci, TPS, p. 603.
Diemberger, Feast of Miracles, p. 54.
Probably this is the Sampuṭodbhavatantra, mentioned in Nakamura, p.
338. See also BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-124), entitled
Sampuṭodbhavakalparāja, a 24-folio manuscript.
George Robert Elder, The Saṃpuṭa Tantra: Edition and Translation
Chapters I-IV, doctoral dissertation, Columbia University (New York
Shinichi Tsuda, The Rite of Consecration in the Saṃpuṭodbhava
Tantra, Studies in Buddhist Thought Dedicated to Professor Jio Okuda
in Commemoration of his Seventy-seventh Birthday (Kyoto 1976) p.
1131 ff.
Keiya Noguchi, On the Inserted Verses among the Citation[s] from
Prajñopāyaviniścayasiddhi IV in Saṃpuṭodbhavatantra II - ii, contained
in: Śrāvakabhūmi Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts Study Group,
eds., Studies in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for
Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, The Sankibo
Press (Tokyo 1995), pp. 141-145.
Mkhas grub rje, in his Rnal 'byor rol pa'i dga' ston (Sku 'bum woodblock
print), folio 27v, remarks on a passage found in the correct Indian texts,
but lacking in the translations of both 'Brog and 'Gos.
KCDS, p. 30. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
Matsunami, p. 277.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-17). A 70-folio manuscript dated 1743.
— Samṛddhi Sūtra.
Étienne Lamotte, Trois Sūtra du Samyukta sur la vacuité, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 2 (1973), pp.
313-323, at p. 320 ff.
— Sāmudrareṇor Jhotigandhanāmatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Samudrareṇubrāhmaṇajanmāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Samudrareṇubrāhmaṇasya
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Samudrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Samudreśvarabhavaratnakūṭatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Sāmudrikavyañjanavarṇana (Rgya mtshos bstan pa'i
mtshan). Tôh. no. 4336. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios
123v.1-150v.2. Tr. by Prabhākara and O rgyan pa.
— Saṃvara.
Short title named as source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp.
87-88 More citations from Saṃvaratantra on pp. 78-90.
— Saṃvaracaryā.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-4). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Saṃvarakhasamatantrarāja (Dpal bde mchog nam mkha'
dang mnyam pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 415. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 261v.3-263r.7. Tr. by Kashmiri
— Samvarodayasādhana (Dpal sdom pa 'byung ba'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 1515. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios
374v.5-379r.7. Tr. by Kṣāntiśrī and Shong Blo brtan at
Gautamavihara in Nepal.
Derge colophon: bde mchog sgrub thabs bsdus pa las // dri med bsod
nams 'khrungs pa des // mtha' yas skye bo 'di rnams ni // rdo rje dbang
phyug myur thob shog // ces so // dpal sdom pa 'byung ba'i sgrub thabs
rdzogs so // // bal po'i paṇḍi ta chen po kṣānti shrī'i zhal snga nas bod kyi
lo tsā ba dge slong shong blo brtan gyis bal po'i yul gau ta ma bhi ha rir
bsgyur ba'o.
— Samvarodayatantraṭippaṇī.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-65). A 67-folio manuscript.
— Samvaropadeśamukhakarṇaparamparācintāmaṇi (Dpal
sdom pa'i man ngag zhal nas snyan du brgyud pa yid bzhin
nor bu zhes bya ba). Tôh. no. 1529. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA,
folios 86r.4-89r.2. Tr. by Mar pa Chos kyi blo gros.
Phyag chen rgya gzhung, pp. 329-339. Title-page title: Snyan rgyud yid
bzhin nor bu'i gzhung chung. Titles on first page: Shrī tsa kra samba ro
pa de sha mu kha karṇa pa rampa ra tsintā ma ṇi; Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i
man ngag zhal nas snyan du brgyud pa yid bzhin nor bu. Colophon: yid
bzhin nor bu zhes bya ba mkha' 'gro ma'i gsang tshig tilli pas bkod pa
rdzogs s.ho // // rtsigs kyi rgya mdud dang bcas pa nā ro paṇḍi ta'i zhal
snga nas dang / lo tsā ba mar pa chos kyi blo gros kyis puṣpa ha ri'i gnas
su bsgyur ba'o.
— Saṃvarottara.
Source of a very brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 90.
— Saṃvṛtiparamārthasatyanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa kun rdzob dang don dam pa'i bden pa bstan pa
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 179. Derge
Kanjur, vol. MA, folios 244v.4-266v.7. Tr. by Śākyaprabha,
Jinamitra and Dharmatāśīla.
Paramārthasaṃvṛtisatyanirdeśa (Don dam pa dang kun rdzob kyi bden
pa bstan pa). Mvy. no. 1368.
hāyānasūtra ('Phags pa yang dag par spyod pa'i tshul nam
mkha'i mdog gis 'dul ba'i bzod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 263. Derge Kanjur, vol. 'A, folios
Cited with short title Nam mkha' mdog gis 'dul ba'i mdo, in a work of
Atiśa. Sherburne, p. 584. Sherburne re-Sanskritizes Nam mkha'i mdog
as Ākāśavarṇa.
— Saṃyuktāgamasūtra.
Chandrabhāl Tripāṭhī, ed., Fünfundzwanzig Sūtras des
Nidānasaṃyukta, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1962). Reviewed by J.W. de
Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 10 (1967), pp. 198-199.
Ernst Waldschmidt, Identifizierung einer Handschrift des
Nidānasamyukta aus den Turfanfunden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländische Gesellschaft, vol. 107 (1957), pp. 372-401.
J.W. de Jong, A propos du Nidānasaṃyukta, contained in: Mélanges de
Sinologie offerts à Monsieur Paul Demiéville (Paris 1974), vol. 2, pp.
Sylvain Lévi, Le Samyuktāgama sanscrit et les feuillets Grünwedel,
T'oung Pao (1904), pp. 297-309.
Nakamura, pp. 32, 37, 38, 258 note.
Paul Harrison, Another Addition to the An Shigao Corpus? Preliminary
Notes on an Early Chinese Saṃyuktāgama Translation, contained in:
Shoki bukkyô kara Abidaruma e: Sakurabe Hajime hakushi kiju kinen
ronshū (Kyoto 2002), pp. 1-32.
Fumio Enomoto, A Comprehensive Study of the Chinese
Saṃyuktāgama: Part 1, *Saṃgītanipāta (Kyoto 1994).
Nattier, OUFT, index (Saṃyuktāgama).
— Saṃyuktaratnapiṭakasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 139. Uncertain Sanskritization based on the Chinese
translation by Kekaya and others in 472 CE. Story collection.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur les Indo-Scythes, Journal Asiatique
(November-December 1896), pp. 444-484; Journal Asiatique
(January-February 1897), pp. 5-42. Stories about Kaniṣka. Mention of
Devadharma, Māṭhara, Aśvaghoṣa, Caraka as Kaniṣka's associates.
MSL, p. 240.
— Saṃyuktāvadāna.
Pachow, VBM, pp. 6. Translated into Chinese by Kang Senghui.
— Saṃyuttanikāya.
Nakamura, pp. 27, 37, 38, 43, 57.
Wilhelm Geiger, tr., Saṃyutta-Nikāya, Benares-Verlag (Munich 1930).
Part One only, in German translation.
— Saṃsārāmaya.
MSL, p. 265.
— Sandhimālāmahātantrabodhisattvamahāviniścayanirdeśān
('Phags pa dgongs pa'i rgyud kyi phreng ba chen po byang
chub sems dpa'i rnam par nges pa chen po bstan pa las /
nor bu rin po che la mkhas pa bstan pa yongs su bsngo ba
chen po'i rgyal po). Tôh. no. 809. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA,
folios 226r.1-229r.5. Tr. by Kashmiri Dharmākara and Dpal
'byor. Revised by Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs.
— Sandhinirmocana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
dgongs pa nges par 'grel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 106. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
John Powers, Hermeneutics and Tradition in the
Samdhinirmocana-sūtra (Leiden 1993). This was part of the author's
1991 doctoral dissertation at University of Virginia.
John Powers, Lost in China, Found in Tibet: How Wonch'uk Became the
Author of the Great Chinese Commentary, Journal of the International
Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 15, no. 1 (1992), pp. 95-103.
John Powers, The Concept of the Ultimate (don dam pa, paramartha) in
the Sandhinirmocana-sūtra: Analysis, Translation and Notes (vols. 1-2),
doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia (1991).
John Powers, The Term "Samdhinirmocana" in the Title of the
Samdhinirmocana-sūtra, Studies in Central and East Asian Religions,
vol. 4 (Autumn 1991), pp. 52-62.
John Powers, The Tibetan Translations of the Samdhinirmocana-sūtra
and Bka' 'gyur Research, Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 37, no. 3/4 (1993),
pp. 198-224.
John Powers, Wisdom of Buddha: The Samdhinirmocana Sutra,
Dharma Publishing (Berkeley 1995).
L. Schmithausen, On the Vijñaptimātra Passage in
Sandhinirmocanasūtra VIII.7, contained in: Acta Indologica, vol. 6
(1984), pp. 433-455.
Tom Tillemans, On a Recent Translation of the Sandhinirmocanasūtra,
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 20, no.
1 (Summer 1997), pp. 153-164.
John P. Keenan, The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying
Meaning, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research
(Berkeley 2000).
Étienne Lamotte, Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra: L'explication des mystères,
texte tibétain édité et traduit, Adrien-Maisonneuve (Paris 1935).
Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Sanskrit Saṃdhā, Saṃdhi (-nirmocana),
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 57, no. 2 (June 1937), pp.
185-188. Discussion of the meaning of the title.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 78, which says it was stepped on and thrown away
by the Chinese party at the Bsam yas Debate.
Tucci, TPS, p. 118.
Nakamura, pp. 251, 255, 256 note, 294.
— Sandhivyākaraṇa-nāma-tantra (Dgongs pa lung bstan pa
zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 444. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA,
folios 158r.1-207v.7. Tr. by Dharmaśrībhadra and Rin
chen bzang po.
This is one of the four explanatory tantras (bshad rgyud) of
Davidson, IEB, pp. 270, 328.
Nakamura, p. 333.
Source of a very brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 74. The title here is
Sandhyāvyākaraṇa. On pp. 75-78 are lengthy verse quotations from the
— Sandhyāvacana.
?? Source of a very brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 74.
— Saṅghabhedavastu.
R. Gnoli, ed., The Gilgit Manuscript of the Saṅghabhedavastu, pt. 1
(Rome 1977), pt. 2 (Rome 1978).
Nakamura, pp. 17, 55 note.
— Saṅghānusmṛti (Dge 'dun rjes su dran pa). Tôh. no. 281
(also, no. 4522). Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 55v.4-55v.6.
— Saṅgharakṣitāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
Matsuda, Stanza, pp. 26-27. Preserved as part of the Divyāvadāna.
James R. Ware, The Preamble to the Samgharaksitāvadāna, Harvard
Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 3, no. 1 (April 1938), pp. 47-67. Includes
Tibetan text.
— Saṅgharakṣitikāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Saṅghastotrastava.
A Sanskrit text has been posted on the internet by Jens-Uwe Hartmann.
NTSH, p. 171 (Saṃghastava).
— Saṅghāṭasūtradharmaparyāya ('Phags pa zung gi mdo'i
chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 102. Derge Kanjur, vol.
NGA, folios 228r.1-274v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and
Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 234.
KCDS, p. 64. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Giotto Canevascini, The Khotanese Saṅghāṭasūtra: A Critical Edition,
Beiträge zur Iranistik series no. 14, Reichert Verlag (Wiesbaden 1993),
Giotto Canevascini, New Reachings and New Words in the Khotanese
Saṅghāṭasūtra, Studia Iranica, vol. 19, no. 1 (1990), pp. 13-20.
— Saṅghātidharmaparyāyasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 218. In Chinese.
— Saṅghopanimantraṇa (Dge 'dun spyan drang ba). Tôh. no.
4198. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGE, folios 149v.3-152v.3. Tr. by
Zha lu Lo tsā ba. This was translated from an Indian
manuscript in the possession of Dpal 'byor rab brtan.
— Saṅgīti Sūtra.
Valentina Stache-Rosen, Das Saṅgītisūtra und sein Kommentar
Saṅgītiparyāya, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus
series no. 2, Akademie Verlag (Berlin 1968).
W. Clawiter, D. Schlingloff, R.L. Waldschmidt, Faksimile-Wiedergaben
von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden. I.
Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, Mouton and Co. (The
Hague 1963).
Michael Schmidt, Zum Titel des Saṅgīti-Sūtra, contained in: Heinz
Bechert, Sven Bretfeld & Petra Kieffer-Pülz, eds., Untersuchungen zur
buddhistischen Literatur, Zweite Folge: Gustav Roth zum 80.
Geburtstag gewidmet, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte
aus den Turfan-Funden series no. 8, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
(Göttingen 1997), pp. 303-305.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 16-24. Chinese translations done by Buddhayaśas
and Dānapāla.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 65.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 20-21.
— Saṅgītiparyāyaśāstra.
Commentary on the just-listed Saṅgītisūtra.
Nakamura, pp. 105-106.
EoB under "Abhidharmasaṅgītiparyāya."
Banerjee, SL, pp. 53, 54, 59-62 (outline of contents). Chinese attribute
it to Śāriputra, while Yaśomitra and Bu ston ascribe it to Mahākauṣṭhila (a
— Saṅgītigāthāśataka.
Nakamura, p. 220.
— Sangs rgyas kyi chos gsal zhing yangs pa snang brgyad
ces bya ba'i mdo. Tôh. no. 1067. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ,
folios 235v.4-239r.1.
Discussion in Laufer, LW.
— Sangs rgyas kyi lung bstan nam mkha' nas 'babs pa.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 582.
— Sangs rgyas kyi mdzod kyi chos kyi yi ge. Tôh. no. 123.
Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 153v.1-212v.7. Would seem
to be a translation from Chinese.
— Sangs rgyas kyi sku bshad pa. Tôh. no. 3077. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folios 172r.2-173v.3.
— Sangs rgyas kyi sras gcig po zhes bya ba'i rgyud.
Schlagintweit, München, pp. 82-83.
— Sangs rgyas rabs bdun gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa.
Tôh. no. 821 (also, no. 1104). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
Translated in SPVO, pp. 85-87, "Auspicious Verses on the Seven Past
— Sangs rgyas rdo rje sems dpa'i dgongs pa kun grol yangs
pa'i rgyud.
A gter ma of Rgod kyi ldem 'phru can. See Matthew Kapstein, The
Amnesic Monarch and the Five Mnemic Men: 'Memory' in Great
Perfection (Rdzogs-chen) Thought, contained in: Janet Gyatso, ed., In
the Mirror of Memory: Reflections on Mindfulness and Remembrance in
Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1993), pp.
— Sangs rgyas rin chen gtsug tor can gyi mtshan rjes su dran
pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 537 (also, no. 870). Derge Kanjur,
vol. NA, folio 100r.3-100r.5.
— Sāṅkāśya Avadāna.
Timothy Lenz, Miraculous Tradition: The Gandhāran Sāṃkāsya
Avadāna, paper to be given at the International Association of Buddhist
Studies conference (London 2005).
— Saṅkṣiptabauddhakriyāsaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-211). A 33-folio manuscript.
— Saṅkṣiptajambhalasādhana (Mdor bsdus pa'i dzambha la'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3271. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
24r.2-24v.1. Tr. by Dā and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Saṅkṣiptajambhalasādhana (Dzam bha la'i sgrub thabs
mdor bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 3617. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 239v.1-239v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Saṅkṣiptakālacakraṣaḍaṅga.
KCDS, p. 102. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title translated into Tibetan here as Dus 'khor yan lag drug gi
bsdus pa.
— Saṅkṣiptamārīcīsādhana ('Od zer can gyi sgrub thabs mdor
bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 3536. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
178r.2-178v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Saṅkṣiptapītavarṇaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi
pha rol tu phyin ma sku mdog ser mo'i sgrub thabs mdor
bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 3544. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
181v.5-182r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Saṅkṣiptaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Mdor bsdus pa'i shes rab
kyi pha rol tu phyin ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3356.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 37r.6-37v.2. Tr. by Ba ri Don
yod rdo rje.
— Saṅkṣiptavajravārāhīsādhana (Mdor bsdus pa'i rdo rje phag
mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3300. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU,
folios 42r.4-43r.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
English, Vajrayoginī, pp. 356, 371. By Vilāsavajra (?).
Dieter George, Ṣaṇmukhakalpa. Ein Lehrbuch der Zeuberei und
Diebeskunst aus dem indischen Mittelalter (Berlin 1991). Reviewed by
J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 40 (1997), pp. 75-76.
— Ṣaṇmukhakalpa.
— Ṣaṇmukha-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sgo drug pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 141 (also, nos. 526, 916). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 299r.5-300r.3.
Katsumi Mimaki, La Ṣaṇmukhī-Dhāraṇī ou "Incantation des Six Portes,"
texte attribué aux Sautrāntika (I), Introduction, Indogaku Bukkyôgaku
Kenkyū, vol. 25, no. 2 (1977), pp. 972-965.
In the Phug-brag Kanjur (nos. 651-652), at least, the Tibetan translation
is followed by a Sanskrit version (in Tibetan transliteration).
Nakamura, p. 317.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.2.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Saptabhava Sūtra.
Wayman, BI, p. 257. A scripture of contested authenticity.
— Saptabuddhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas bdun pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 512. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 39r.1-42v.7.
— Saptabuddhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas bdun pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 270 (also, no. 852). Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios
13v.1-17v.3. Tr. by Śākyasiṃha and Devendrarakṣita.
— Saptakumārikāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Saptamaithunasaṃyukta Sūtra.
Michael Hahn, Das Saptamaithunasamyuktasūtra, ein Sūtra des
Ekottarikāgama, Beiträge zur Indienforschung, Ernst Waldschmidt zum
80. Geburtstag gewidmet (Berlin 1977), pp. 205-224.
Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Indische Kunst Berlin series no. 4.
Cited in works of Atiśa under the Tibetan title, 'Khrig pa bdun bstan pa
theg pa chung ba'i mdo. Sherburne, pp. 127, 585.
— Saptaśatasahasrādipūjā.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-202). A 16-folio manuscript.
— Saptaśatikakalpoktahayagrīvasādhana (Rtog pa bdun
brgya pa las gsungs pa'i rta mgrin gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3622. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 242v.2-243r.6. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Saptaśatikā-nāma-prajñāpāramitāmahayānasūtra ('Phags
pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa bdun brgya pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 90. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CHA, folios 182v.6-209v.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde. For the same title, with no colophon information
given, see Tôh. no. 24.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 93.
Jiryô Masuda, Saptaśatikā Prajñāpāramitā, Text and the Hsüan-chwang
Chinese Version with Notes, contained in: Journal of the Taisho
University vols. 6-7 [In Commemoration of the Sixtieth Birthday of
Professor Unrai Wogihara, Part II, European Section], Taisho University
(Sugamo, Tokyo 1930), pp. 185-242. Includes Sanskrit text and the
Chinese translation.
Giuseppe Tucci, Saptaśatikā-Prajñāpāramitā (Rome 1923).
P.L. Vaidya, Mahāyāna-sūtra-saṃgraha, pt. 1, pp. 340-351.
Matsunami, pp. 208-209.
Nakamura, p. 161.
KCDS, p. 6. Palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor bu gling ka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Mention of a brjed byang (memoramdum) on
this text.
— Saptaślokikābhagavatīprajñāpāramitā-nāma-sūtra (Bcom
ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma 'phags ma
tshigs su bcad pa bdun ma zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no.
4463. Derge Tanjur, vol. PO, folio 315r.1-315v.2. Tr. by
Sumanaśrī and Rin chen grub.
KCDS, p. 5. A 60-folio palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. The title is here given as
Saptalokikabhagavatyāryaprajñāpāramitā (here translated into Tibetan,
wrongly of course, as 'Jig rten bdun gyi phar phyin).
— Saptasthāna Sūtra.
Tilman Vetter and Paul Harrison, An Shigao's Chinese Translation of
the Saptasthānasūtra, contained in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf
1998), pp. 197-216.
ahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa bdun gyi
sngon gyi smon lam gyi khyad par rgyas pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 503. Derge Kanjur, vol.
DA, folios 248v.2-273v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla,
Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 94, 97.
Kuijp, KPTB, p. 4.
— Saptatathāgatastotra (De bzhin gshegs pa bdun gyi bstod
pa). Tôh. no. 1165. Derge Tanjur, vol. KA, folios
237v.5-238r.6. Tr. by Padmākaravarman and Rin chen
bzang po. The seven Buddhas are Vipaśyin, Śikhin,
Viśvabhuj, Krakkuchanda, Kanakamuni, Kāśyapa, and
Śākyamuni (plus Maitreya). This text, which may also be
called the Saptajinastava, and the Saptabuddhastotra are
closely related.
Text and comparative study: Leo Both, The Saptabuddhastotra and the
Saptatathāgatastotra, Two Hymns Praising the Seven Previous
Buddhas, contained in: Kameshwar Nath Mishra, ed., Glimpses of the
Sanskrit Buddhist Literature (Vol. 1), Central Institute for Higher Tibetan
Studies (Sarnath 1997), pp. 57-73. He believes the Saptabuddhastotra
was composed in Nepal after the year 1000, and that the
Saptatathāgatastotra is older.
Horace H. Wilson, Notice of Three Tracts Received from Nepal, Asiatic
Researches, vol. 16 (1828), pp. 453-454.
The Sanskrit text is a restoration based on the Chinese done by
Alexander von Stael-Holstein, Kien-ch'ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍīstotragāthā),
St. Petersburg (1913), pp. 67-84, which includes edition of the Tibetan
Sen, Revival, p. 54, mentions the Saptabuddhastotra.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 364.
Nakamura, p. 132 (Saptajinastava).
See Strong, RB, p. 26 ff. for a historical explanation of the increase from
7 to 24 and more past Buddhas (probable Jain influence).
— Saptavāra.
Günther Grönbold, Saptavāra, A Dhāraṇī Collection from Nepal,
contained in: Raffaele Torella, et al., eds., Le Parole e i marmi: Studi in
onore di Raniero Gnoli, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome
2001), pp. 369-375.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-249), entitled Saptavāradhāraṇī. A 23-folio
— Saptavetāḍaka-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa ro langs bdun pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 616 (also, no. 1083).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 52v.6-56r.7. Tr. by
Viśuddhasiṃha and Ye shes snying po'i sde. Revised by
Vidyākarasiṃha and Ye shes sde.
Walter, Corpses, pp. 14-15, with text on pp. 30-31.
— Saptavidhānuttarastotra.
Contained in Dhīḥ, vol. 36, pp. 1-4. Extract from Svayambhūpurāṇa.
— Saptaviṃśatinakṣastraśubhāśubhaphala.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-261). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Śarabha Jātaka.
Part twenty-five of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Sāramañjarī (Snying po'i snye ma).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 18 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu. He also mentions an incomplete work called
Ngam gnad kyi snye ma.
— Śaraṇagamanāpattideśanā (Skyabs su nye bar mchi ltung
ba bshag pa). See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 635.
— Sārasamuccaya-nāma-abhidharmāvatāra (Chos mngon pa
la 'jug pa rgya cher 'grel pa snying po kun las btus pa). Tôh.
no. 4097. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYU, folios 237r.2-302r.7. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Derge colophon: chos mngon pa la 'jug pa rgya cher 'grel pa / snying po
las btus pa zhes bya ba rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi
tra dang / dā na shī la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba bande ye shes sde la
sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 73-74.
Banerjee, ATT, p. 376.
— Sārasvatacitrakarmaśāstra.
A text on painting, sculpture, etc. V. Raghavan, Some Sanskrit Texts on
Painting, Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. 9 (1933), pp. 898-911, at pp.
904, 908.
— Sārasvatavyākaraṇa (Brda sprod pa dbyangs can). Tôh.
no. 4423. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios 10r.7-21v.2. Tr. by
Kṛṣṇabhaṭṭa and Tāranātha. Sanskrit grammar.
R.O. Meisezahl, Über jñīṃ in der tibetischen Version der Regel ṃ
chandasi der Sārasvata-Grammatik, Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 9
(1965-66), pp. 139-146.
— Sarasvatīprakriyā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-57). A 179-folio manuscript.
— Sarasvatīsādhana (Dbyangs can ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3223. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 224v.1-225r.4.
Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Sarasvatīsādhana (Dbyangs can ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3225. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 225r.7-226r.7. Tr.
by Dā, Abhaya, Amara and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— *Sarasvatīstotra (Dpal lha mo sgra dbyangs la bstod pa).
Tôh. no. 738 (also, no. 1092). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA,
folios 229v.4-230r.7.
— Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna (Stag rna'i rtogs pa brjod pa). Tôh. no.
358. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 232v.1-177v.5. Tr. by
Ajitaśrībhadra and Shākya 'od.
Translated into Chinese in 265 CE. Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 275.
Sujit Kumar Mukhopadhyaya, Critical Study of the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna,
Viśva-Bharati Annals, vol. 12, pt. 1 (July 1967), pp. 1-108.
S. Mukhopadhyaya, The Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna (Santiniketan 1954).
G.M. Bongard-Levin and M.I. Vorebyeva-Desyatovskaya, Monuments
of Indian Literature from Central Asia, Bibliotheca Buddhica no. 34,
Nauka (Moscow 1990), vol. 2, pp. 39-156.
Three Canonical Texts on Divination from a Lahoul Village Library:
Tibetan Renderings of the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna, the
Dvādaśalocanasūtra, and of Garzha [i.e. Garga] on Omens, Khasdub
Gyatso Shashin (Delhi 1978). "Reproduced from a manuscript
belonging to Don grub Sha shin of Pata nam O longs."
Davidson, IEB, pp. 84, 98, 194, 232.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224.
Nakamura, p. 138.
Sde srid, Mchod sdong, p. 434, quoting Bu ston's citation of Klu mes
Dbang phyug grags, lists this among works that should not be included
in the Kanjur. Title given here is Stag rna'i rtogs brjod.
— *Śāriputradhāraṇisūtra (Shā ri'i pu'i gzungs kyi mdo).
A sūtra scripture quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not traced
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Śāriputra's Repentance Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 222.
— Śarīrārthagāthā.
F. Enomoto, Śarīrārthagāthā, A Collection of Canonical Verses in the
Yogācārabhūmi, contained in: Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistichen
Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen (Göttingen 1989), pp.
Alex Wayman, Is It a Crow (P. dhaṃka) or a Nurse (S. dhātrī)? Journal
of the American Oriental Society, vol. 102, no. 3 (1982), pp. 515-516.
Some verses have their equivalent in the Saṃyutta-Nikāya in a question
by the Yakkha (Yakṣa) Suciloma to the Buddha.
Fumio Enomoto, Śarīragāthā of the Yogācārabhūmi, contained in: Fumio
Enomoto, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Hisashi Matsumura, Sanskrit-Texte aus
dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen I,
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1989).
Bandurski, p. 64.
— Sārottaravṛtti (Sārottravṛtti?).
KCDS, p. 118. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title here 'translated' into Tibetan as Dpal yang dag par tshogs pa grub
pa'i sgra nye bar bstan pa'i bshad pa.
— Sārthavāhajanmāvadānaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Sārthavāhāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 215, 231.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-27). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Sarvābhayapradā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa thams cad la
mi 'jigs pa rab tu sbyin pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
609 (also, no. 925). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
41v.6-43r.2. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
dhisattvaparipṛcchāparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa sangs rgyas thams cad kyi gsang chen thabs la mkhas
pa byang chub sems dpa' ye shes dam pas zhus pa'i le'u
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 82. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 30r.1-70v.7. Tr. by Dānaśīla,
Karmavarman and Ye shes sde.
Tucci, TPS, p. 104.
Probably this is the Thabs la mkhas pa, a sūtra listed in Mvy. no. 1345.
— Sarvabuddhāṅgavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sangs
rgyas thams cad kyi yan lag dang ldan pa zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 513 (also, no. 856). Derge Kanjur, vol.
NA, folios 43r.1-44v.1. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye
shes sde.
— Sarvabuddhasamāyogatantra.
Davidson, IEB, index.
Schaik, EDGP, pp. 174, 179. Says it probably dates from the 8th
century. It contains what may arguably be the earliest references to
Anuyoga and Atiyoga (a Sanskrit citation of this work does indeed
contain these Sanskrit terms, which are translated into Tibetan as rjes
su sbyor ba and shin tu sbyor ba, respectively) Schaik makes reference
to a discussion of the texts with this title found in S. Weinberger, The
Significance of Yoga Tantra and the Compendium of Principles
(Tattvasaṃgraha Tantra) within Tantric Buddhism in India and Tibet,
Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan (2003), pp. 260-268.
atantra (Dpal sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par
sbyor ba mkha' 'gro ma sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog ces bya
ba'i rgyud phyi ma). Tôh. no. 366. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA,
folios 151r.1-193r.6. Tr. by Lha Rin po che (but I don't find
this name in any colophon). This text in Peking Kanjur, vol.
1, no. 8.
Nakamura, p. 163.
Sarvabuddhasamāyogaḍākinījālasaṃvaranaya is source of a brief
citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 83. Other citations, from the title
Sarvabuddhasamāyogaḍākinījālasaṃvara-mahāyogatantra, on pp.
According to a Dunhuang document (IOL TIB J 644, as studied by Jake
Dalton), it was translated by Ācārya Jñānagarbha and Vimalamitra.
Evidently the earliest of the Yoginītantras. Gray, Eating, p. 53.
āyānasūtra ('Phags pa sangs rgyas thams cad kyi yul la 'jug
pa'i ye shes snang ba'i rgyan zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 100. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
276r.1-305r.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, pp. 211, 230
(Sarvabuddhaviṣaya-avatāra-jñānāloka-alaṅkāra-sūtra, or
Cited in Bsam gtan mig sgron (chap. 3) with title Ye shes snang ba
KCDS, p. 43. A palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript belonging to the Potala. A
note seems to name the scribe: Dge slong Rdo rje (Bhikṣu Vajra?).
'Phags pa sangs rgyas thams cad kyi yul la 'jug pa'i ye shes snang ba'i
rgyan zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo, n.p. (? 1973), "Impressions
from blocks preserved at Bhogar Monastery in Ladakh."
Jackson, ESM, p. 23 (using the short title Jñānālokālaṅkāra), finds a
quotation in a Dunhuang manuscript. It's also quoted by Sgam po pa.
Sangs rgyas thams cad kyi ye shes snang ba'i rgyan. Listed among
scriptures considered basic by the Mādhyamika school. Mimaki,
Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
— Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha.
Nakamura, p. 289.
— Sarvadevasamāgatatantra.
This title is source of two brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 82.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folios 67, 81, but here the title is given as
Sarvadevasamāgama Tantra.
— Sarvadharmaguṇavyūharāja-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa chos thams cad kyi yon tan bkod pa'i rgyal po zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 114 (also, no. 527).
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 181r.1-195v.4. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Sarvadharmamahāśāntibodhicittakulayarāja (Chos thams
cad rdzogs pa chen po byang chub kyi sems kun byed
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 828. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud
section), vol. KA, folios 1v.1-86r.7. Tr. by Śrīsiṃhaprabha
and Vairocana.
E.K. Neumaier-Dargyay, The Sovereign All-Creating Mind: The
Motherly Buddha (Albany 1992). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 38 (1995), pp. 200-203.
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu & Adriano Clemente, The Supreme Source:
The Fundamental Tantra of the Dzogchen Semde Kunjed Gyalpo, Snow
Lion (Ithaca 1999), translated from Italian by Andrew Lukianowicz.
Eva K. Dargyay, A Rnying-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo,
contained in: Barbara Aziz & Matthew Kapstein, eds., Soundings in
Tibetan Civilization, Manohar Publications (Delhi 1985), pp. 283-293.
Eva K. Dargyay, The Concept of a 'Creator God' in Tantric Buddhism,
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 8
(1985), pp. 31-47.
Kennard Lipman and Merril Peterson, You are the Eyes of the World,
Lotsawa (Novato 1987). Translation of Klong chen pa's commentary on
the Kun byed rgyal po.
John Myrdhin Reynolds, Kun byed Rgyal po: The Principal Dzogchen
Tantra, contained in: John Reynolds, The Golden Letters: The Three
Statements of Garab Dorje, the First Teacher of Dzogchen, together
with a Commentary by Dza Patrul Rinpoche Entitled, “The Special
Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King,” Snow Lion, Ithaca, 1996.
— Sarvadharmamātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags ma chos thams
cad kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 573 (also, no.
996). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 200r.2-200r.7.
— Sarvadharmapravṛttinirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa chos thams cad 'byung ba med par bstan pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 180. Derge Kanjur,
vol. MA, folios 267r.1-296r.6. Tr. by Rin chen 'tsho.
Fragments have been identified among the recent manuscript
acquisitions of the Schøyen collection (as noted by Kazunobu Matsuda).
Sarvadharmāpravṛttinirdeśasūtra is source of a brief citation in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 82.
Mvy. no. 1362.
Citation in Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 37.
— Sarvadharmaratnottarārthasaṅgītiśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 283. It was translated into Chinese by Dānapāla in around
980-1000 CE.
— Sarvaduḥkhapraśamanīkara (Sdug bsngal thams cad rab
tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 1024.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 183r.70183v.7.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanarājasya kalpaikādaśama.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-166). A 10-folio manuscript. Evidently a single
chapter extracted from the wellknown tantra.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanatejorājasya tathāgatasya arhato
samyaksambuddhasya kalpa (De bzhin gshegs pa dgra
bcom pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas ngan song
thams cad yongs su sbyong ba gzi brjid kyi rgyal po'i brtag
pa). Tôh. no. 483. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios
58v.1-96r.3. Tr. by Śāntagarbha and Jayarakṣita. Revised
by Rin chen mchog.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 139, describes the occasion of the translation by
Śāntigarbha and Dpal brtsegs rakshi ta. It was later revised by Rma Rin
chen mchog. He comments on some who say that some parts of it,
which involved more fierce rites, were not translated. Others say they
were not in the Indian text.
See Dba'-bzhed, p. 105, which says it was used as the basis for
funerary ceremonies from Khri srong lde btsan onward.
Tadeusz Skorupski, The Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra: Elimination
of All Evil Destinies, Motilal Banarsidass (Delhi 1983). Sanskrit and
Tibetan texts, English translation. Review by D. Seyfort Ruegg in
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 48, no. 1
(1985), pp. 166-167.
Zeff Bjerken, On Mandalas, Monarchs, and Mortuary Magic: Siting the
Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Tantra in Tibet, Journal of the American
Academy of Religion, vol. 73, no. 3 (September 2005), pp. 813-841.
Wayman, Disputed. Tsongkhapa believed that four of the available 5
commentaries on this tantra were Tibetan-authored and therefore not
authentically Indian.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 139, 152, 158, 295.
Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 37 et passim.
Matsunami, pp. 276-277.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-68). A 99-folio manuscript dated 1783.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanatejorājasya tathāgatasya arhato
samyaksambuddhasya kalpaikadeśa (De bzhin gshegs pa
dgra bcom pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas ngan
song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba gzi brjid kyi rgyal po'i
brtag pa phyogs gcig pa). Tôh. no. 485. Derge Kanjur, vol.
TA, folios 96v.1-146r.7. Tr. by Devendradeva,
Māṇikaśrījñāna and Chos rje dpal.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanatejorājakalpālokālaṅkāra (Ngan
song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba gzi brjid kyi rgyal po
brtag pa snang ba'i rgyan). Tôh. no. 2627. Derge Tanjur,
vol. CHU, folios 219v.6-290r.7. Tr. by Suvidyākaravarman
and Dbang phyug rgyal mtshan.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 165.5 has a discussion.
Wayman, Disputed, pp. 203, 205-207. The author is anonymous, but
Wayman believes it might be Buddhaguhya. Some have thought it was
by Ānandagarbha (Tsongkhapa rejected this possibility).
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanī uṣṇīṣavijaya-nāma-dhāraṇī
('Phags pa ngan 'gro thams cad yongs su sbyong ba gtsug
tor rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 597
(also, no. 984). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
243v.1-238r.3. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
KCDS, p. 14 (also, p. 50). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging
to the Nor bu gling ka.
— Sarvajñamitra-avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 237.
-ḍākinījālaśaṃvara-uttarottaratantra (Rtog pa thams cad
'dus pa zhes bya ba sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam
par sbyor ba mkha' 'gro sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog gi rgyud
phyi ma'i phyi ma). Tôh. no. 367. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA,
folios 193r.6-212r.7. Tr. by Smṛtijñānakīrti. Revised by
Gzhon nu grags pa. Short title: Sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 5. Known to have been in existence in the
mid-8th century, since Amoghavajra, sometime between 746 and 774
CE, translated at least parts of it into Chinese.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 181, has a strange reference to a commentary,
Śrīsarvabuddhasamayoga-ḍākiṇījālasaṃvaratantrārthīkā (?) by Rgya
sbyin ldong po (?). See under Indranāla, below.
It is possible that this is the Lha tham cad 'dus pa cited by Atiśa. See
Sherburne, p. 574.
Sarvakalpasamuccaya is source of a brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p.
— Sarvakarmāvaraṇaviśodhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa las
kyi sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 743 (also, no. 1009). Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSHA, folio 236r.3-236v.7.
Sarvakarmāvaraṇaviśuddhisūtra is source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta,
vol. 2, pp. 81-82.
— Sarvamaṇḍalasāmānyavidhīnāṃ guhyatantra (Dkyil 'khor
thams cad kyi spyi'i cho ga gsang ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 806.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 141r.1-167v.7.
Nakamura, p. 319 (Sarvamaṇḍalasāmānyavidhānaguhyatantra).
Rhoton, CD, pp. 98, 185 (Gsang ba spyi rgyud), 245
(Sāmānyavidhiguhyatantra). Caryā tantra, scriptural source for Sa skya
pa idea that no more than 25 initiates should be present at an
— Sarvaṃdadābhidhānamahārājāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Sarvaṃdadarāja Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 229.
— Sarvānandajanmadīpaṅkaranimantraṇa.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Sarvānandajanmavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Sarvāntarāyikaviśodhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa bar du
gcod pa thams cad rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 608 (also, no. 926). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 40v.7-41v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye
shes sde. Tôh. no. 926 says it was tr. by Prajñāvarman and
Ye shes sde.
— Sarvāntarāyikasaṅgrāsadhāraṇīmantra ('Phags pa bar du
gcod pa thams cad sel ba'i gzungs sngags). Tôh. no. 630
(also, no. 1010). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 67v.4-68r.2.
āṣṭaka (Thams cad bdud rtsi lnga'i rang bzhin / dngos grub
chen po nye ba'i snying po mchog bam po chen po brgyad
pa). Tôh. no. 841/1. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
— Sarvaprajñāntapāramitāsiddhacaitya-nāma-dhāraṇī (Shes
pa thams cad mthar phyin par grub pa'i mchod rten zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 601 (also, no. 884). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 260r.3-266v.4.
— Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra.
This apparently IS found in the Derge Kanjur (re-check the Tohoku
catalogue, where it ought to be no. 134). The original Tibetan-language
catalogue reads as follows: 'phags pa bsod nams thams cad bsdus pa'i
ting nge 'dzin gyi mdo bam po bzhi dang le'u lnga bcu pa / paṇḍi ta
pradznyā warma dang / shī lendra bo dhi dang / lo tsā ba bande ye
shes sde la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus pa.
Nakamura, p. 215.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, under the title Bsod
nams thams cad bsdus pa'i mdo.
Two Chinese versions are extant, one by Dharmarakṣa, and one by
Śāntideva cites this scripture (in his Śikṣāsamuccaya, chap. 10) under
the title Nārāyaṇaparipṛcchā. It has a passage on dharma texts (chos kyi
gter) being deposited in mountains, caves and trees. It exists only in
Chinese and Tibetan translation, according to Harrison. Paul Harrison,
Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna
Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp.
115-151, at p. 125.
— Sarvarahasya-nāma-tantrarāja (Thams cad gsang ba zhes
bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 481. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TA, folios 1v.1-10r.1. Tr. by Padmākaravarman and
Rin chen bzang po.
Alex Wayman, The Sarvarahasyatantra, Acta Indologica (Indo Kotan
Kenkyu), vol. 6 (1984), pp. 521-569.
Nakamura, p. 335.
Source of four brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 84-85.
Citation in Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 85.
— Sarvarogapraśamanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa nad thams
cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no.
622 (also, no. 1014). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio
— Sarvārthasādhanyāryaprasannatārāsādhana (Don thams
cad grub pa rab tu sbyin pa'i 'phags ma sgrol ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3506. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
155r.4-155v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Sarvārthasiddhidhāraṇī (Don thams cad 'grub pa'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 793 (also, no. 1029). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 115v.3-115v.5.
— Sarvārthasiddhikumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-39), with the title Sarvārthasiddhakumārāvadāna.
An 11-folio manuscript.
— Sarvaśāntikapañcarakṣāvidhāna.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-157). A 23-folio manuscript.
— Sarvasattvābhibodhanasaddharmāvatāraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Sarvasattvavaśīkaraṇasamādhi (Sems can thams cad
dbang du byed pa'i ting nge 'dzin). Tôh. no. 3457. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 112v.4-113r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Sarvasiddhikara.
KCDS, p. 38. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Sarvāstivādavinayasaṃgraha.
Nakamura, p. 55 note.
— Sarvāstivādavinayavibhāṣā.
Nakamura, pp. 32, 55 note.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 38-39 (Vinayavibhāṣā, extant in Chinese only).
— Sarvāstivādimūlabhikṣuṇīpratimokṣasūtravṛtti ('Phags pa
thams cad yod par smra ba'i rtsa ba'i dge slong ma'i so sor
thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pa). Tôh. no. 4112. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TSU, folios 1v.1-177r.4.
ACIP data version available.
Banerjee, SL, p. 43 (rough outline). There are 8 sections.
— Sarvāstivādiśrāmaṇerakaraṇa (Thams cad yod par smra ba
rnams kyi dge tshul gyi bya ba). Tôh. no. 4129. Derge
Tanjur, vol. SU, folios 28v.1-45r.3.
Banerjee, SL, p. 47.
— Sarvatantranidhānarahasya.
Extracted from the Saṃpuṭa Tantra. Matsunami, p. 277.
— Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānasattvāvalokena
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi byin gyis
rlabs sems can la gzigs shing sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi bkod
pa kun tu ston pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 721 (also, no. 98). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
180v.1-199v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde (no. 98 adds Cog ro Klu'i rgyal mtshan).
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 47-90 (and English introduction on
pp. 63-70.
ahātantra (De bzhin gsnegs pa thams cad kyi dgongs pa
bla na med pa gsang ba rta mchog rol pa'i rgyud chen po).
Tôh. no. 839. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 77r.6-129v.7.
— Sarvatathāgatacittagarbhārthatantra (De bzhin gshegs pa
thams cad kyi thugs kyi snying po don gyi rgyud). Tôh. no.
412. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 251v.3-254v.4. Tr. by
Guru Shākya 'od.
a (De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba'i ye
shes don gyi snying po khro bo rdo rje'i rigs kun 'dus rig pa'i
mdo rnal 'byor grub pa'i rgyud ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 831. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud section),
vol. KHA, folios 1v.1-110r.7.
samayadharmaparyāyavyūha-nāma-sūtra (De bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba'i ye shes don gyi
snying po rdo rje bkod pa'i rgyud rnal 'byor grub pa'i lung
kun 'dus rig pa'i mdo theg pa chen po mngon par rtogs pa
chos kyi rnam grangs rnam par bkod pa zhes bya ba'i
rgyud). Tôh. no. 828. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud
section), vol. KA, folios 86v.1-290r.7. Tr. by Dharmabodhi,
Dānarakṣita and Che btsan skyes. This was supposed to
have been translated from Burushaski, and a Bru zha title
is also given.
Walter, Corpses, p. 22 ff. Notes two distinct texts, both with the short
title Rdo rje bkod pa, in the Rnying ma rgyud 'bum collections.
As is well known this is one of the very rare Tibetan texts that has a title
in Burushaski (Bru sha) language: Hon pan ril til pi bu pi til ti ta shing un
ub hang pang ril ub pi su bang ri zhe hal pai ma kyang ku'i dang rong ti.
This is the title as given in A.H. Francke, Ein Dokument aus Turfan in
tibetischer Schrift, aber unbekannter Sprache. Sitzungsberichte der
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1927), pp.
124-130, at p. 129.
Note in Lhasa Kanjur catalogue: grangs 123 na 6 nas rdo rje bkod pa'i
rgyud lung dgongs pa 'dus pa bam po bcu dang le'u bdun cu rtsa lnga pa
shlo ka nyis brgya lnga bcu rtsa gnyis pa / dharma bo dhi dang / dā na
rakshi ta dang / lo tsā ba che btsan skyes kyis bru sha'i yi ge las bru
sha'i yul gyi khrom du bsgyur ba. This clearly states that it was
translated on the basis of a Burushaski document in the land of
Jacob Paul Dalton, The Uses of the Dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo in the
Development of the Rnying-ma School of Tibetan Buddhism, doctoral
dissertation, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor 2002), 352 pages.
University Microfilms International no. AAT 3057935.
āma-dhāraṇīmahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa
thams cad kyi byin gyis brlabs kyi snying po gsang ba'i ring
bsrel gyi za ma tog ces bya ba'i gzungs theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 507 (also, no. 883). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA,
folios 1v.1-7v.3. Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha and
Sarvatathāgatādiṣṭhānasattvāvalokanabuddhakṣetrasandarśanavyūha. Also called
Nakamura, p. 326.
— Sarvatathāgatadvādaśasāhasrapārājikāvinayasūtra.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-267). A 30-folio manuscript.
amahāpratāpasādhanatantrajñānāścaryadyuticakra-nāmamahāyānasūtra (De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang
ba gsang ba'i mdzod chen po mi zad pa gter gyi sgron ma
brtul zhugs chen po bsgrub pa'i rgyud ye shes rnam pa
glog gi 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 830. Derge Kanjur (Rnying rgyud section), vol. KA,
folios 290v.1-358r.7. Tr. by Vajraviśvamitra and
tāvijaya-nāma-vajraśrīvaramahākalpādi (Dpal de bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang ba rnal 'byor chen po rnam
par rgyal ba zhes bya ba mnyam pa nyid gnyis su med pa'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po rdo rje dpal mchog chen po brtag pa
dang po). Tôh. no. 453. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
103r.3-331r.5. Tr. by Ye shes snying po [Jñānagarbha] and
Mar pa Chos kyi grags pa.
— Sarvatathāgatakāyavākcittaguhyālaṅkāravyūha-tantrarāja
(De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku gsung thugs kyi
gsang ba rgyan gyi bkod pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 492. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios
83v.1-119v.5. Tr. by Bde bar gshegs pa'i dpal and Kun
dga' rgyal mtshan.
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 452): rgya gar gyi mkhan po brda
sprod pa chen po bde bar gshegs pa'i dpal zhes bya ba dang bsgyur
byed kyi mkhas pa sgra'i gzhung lugs la blo gros dkar ba kun dga' rgyal
mtshan gyis dpal sa skya'i dben gnas dam par bsgyur / mda' lnga'i gtsug
ldan yid kyi srub shing gi dregs pa'i dra ba rnam par dral ba'i phyir /
rgyud rgyal rgya mtsho'i rgyal po ltar zab 'di / bsgyur la 'gal gang 'di la
'phags rnams dgongs.
KCDS, p. 13. A text on Tibetan paper (but still evidently in Sanskrit), for
which only a Tibetan title is supplied: De bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi
lus ngag yid gsum gyi gsang ba'i dpal gsang spyod thams cad kyi de
bzhin gshegs pa'i yid yi dkyil 'khor. manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Sarvatathāgatakāyavākcittakṛṣṇayamāri-nāma-tantra (De
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku gsung thugs gshin rje
gshed nag po zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 467. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 134v.1-151v.4. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Tshul khrims rgyal ba. Revised by
Dar ma grags, and revised once more by Bā ro phyag rdum
and Rdo rje grags.
Colophon according to Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 430: dpal rdo rje 'jigs
byed chen po'i 'khor lo'i rgyud 'bum pa nas btus na phyung ba rtog pa'i
phyogs bklags pas 'grub pa / dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed chen po ma he'i
gdong can gyis dngos grub pa rtogs pa rdzogs so // dpal o rgyan gyi
gnas chen po nas dpal 'jam dpal gyi rgyud las phyung ba rgyud kyi rgyal
po chen po dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed chen po zhes bya ba bla ma dam pa'i
dkyil 'khor chen po'i slob dpon dpal lā li ta badzras bton nas mdzad pa
rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi paṇḍi ta mchog gi dngos grub brnyes pa bha ro
phyag rdum gyi zhal snga nas dang bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong rdo rje
grags kyis bsgyur ba'o.
Kṛṣṇayamāritantraṃ with Ratnāvalī Pañjikā of Kumāracandra, Ed.
Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, with a team of coeditors,
Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1992).
— Sarvatathāgatamātṛtārāviśvakarmabhavatantra (De bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi yum sgrol ma las sna tshogs
'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 726. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 202r.1-217r.7. Tr. by
Dharmaśrīmitra and Chos kyi bzang po.
— Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṅgraha (De bzhin gshegs pa thams
cad kyi de kho na nyid bsdus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 479. Derge Kanjur, vol. NYA, folios
1v.1-142r.7. Tr. by Śraddhākaravarman and Rin chen
bzang po.
Maeda Takashi, Tibetan-Sanskrit-Chinese Index to the
Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṅgraha Nāma Mahāyāna Sūtra,
Kokushokankokai (Tokyo 1985). Vocabulary for first chapter only.
Hisao Takahashi, Tibetan Edition of the Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha,
contained in: Śrāvakabhūmi Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts
Study Group, eds., Studies in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The
Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University,
The Sankibo Press (Tokyo 1995), pp. 39-140. Tibetan-script edition.
Isshi Yamada,
Sarva-Tathāgata-Tattva-Samgraha-Nāma-Mahāyāna-Sūtra, a critical
edition based on a Sanskrit manuscript and the Chinese and Tibetan
translations, Śata-Piṭaka Series 262 (New Delhi 1981).
Davidson, IEB, index.
Ronald M. Davidson, The Bodhisattva Vajrapāṇi's Subjugation of Śiva,
contained in: D. Lopez, ed., Religions of India in Practice, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 547-555.
Nakamura, pp. 323, 324, 332.
Dale Allen Todaro, An Annotated Translation of the Tattvasaṅgraha
(Part 1), with an Explanation of the Tattvasaṅgraha Lineage in the
Teachings of Kûkai, doctoral dissertation, Columbia University (1985).
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, index under
Tucci, TPS, pp. 105, 218, 225, 603.
S. Wienberger, The Significance of Yoga Tantra and the Compendium
of Principles (Tattvasamgraha Tantra) within Tantric Buddhism in India
and Tibet, Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan (2003).
Source of a brief Sanskrit citation contained in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 19.
Here the title is Śrītattvasaṃgrahatantra.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-123), with the title Tattvasaṅgraha, a manuscript in
11 folios only.
Nakamura, p. 324.
ṅgirāmahāvidyārājñī ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams
cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba gdugs dkar po can zhes bya
ba gzhan gyis mi thub ma phyir zlog pa'i rig sngags kyi
rgyal mo chen mo). Tôh. no. 590 (also, no. 985). Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 205r.1-212v.6.
Nakamura, p. 316.
Matsunami, pp. 209-210. With bibliography.
— Sarvatathāgatoṣṇīṣavijaya-nāma-dhāraṇīkalpa (De bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i
gzungs zhes bya ba'i rtog pa). Tôh. no. 598. Derge Kanjur,
vol. PHA, folios 248r.3-250r.5. Tr. by Ne'u Mkhan po and
Nyi ma rgyal mtshan.
The original catalogue reads: 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad
kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba'i gzungs rtog pa'i rab byed dang po /
ne'u mkhan po'i gsung bzhin / thar pa lo tsā ba nyi ma rgyal mtshan
dpal bzang po'i 'gyur.
— Sarvatathāgatoṣṇīṣavijaya-nāma-dhāraṇīkalpasahita (De
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal
ma'i gzungs zhes bya ba'i rtog pa dang bcas pa). Tôh. no.
594. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 230r.1-237v.4. Tr. by
Chos kyi sde [Dharmasena] and Ba ri.
— Sarvatathāgatoṣṇīṣavijaya-nāma-dhāraṇīkalpasahita (De
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba
zhes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 595.
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 237v.4-242r.6.
— Sarvatathāgatoṣṇīṣavijaya-nāma-dhāraṇīkalpasahita (De
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba
zhes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 596.
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 242r.6-243v.1.
— Sarvavaidalyasaṅgraha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
rnam par 'thag pa thams cad bsdus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 227. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA,
folios 177r.3-188v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Munivarman and Ye
shes sde.
īmantrasahita ('Phags pa sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sel
ba'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang
bcas pa). Tôh. no. 640 (also, no. 880). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 122r.3-124r.4.
— Sarvayogatattvāloka-nāma-vikalavajragīti (Rnal 'byor pa
thams cad kyi de kho na nyid snang ba zhes bya ba rnams
kyi rdo rje'i mgur). Tôh. no. 2453. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI,
folios 92v.1-115v.3. Tr. by Dam pa Rgya gar ba (Pha dam
pa Sangs rgyas). Part of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas
Davidson, IEB, p. 307. He counts a total of 381 siddhas in this text (but
many are repeated).
— Sarveṣāṃ Bhikṣūṇāṃ Karmaplotikā Sūtra.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Sarveśvararasāyanarogaharaśarīrapuṣṭikara (Thams cad
kyi dbang phyug gi bcud len nad thams cad 'joms shing lus
kyi stobs rgyas par byed pa). Tôh. no. 4318. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NGO, folios 17v.1-18r.2. Alchemy. Tr. by Śivadāsa
(Śivadāśa?) and O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal.
This has been translated into German by Berthold Laufer, Kleinere
Schriften, vol. I, pp. 84-86, where he gives a Sanskrit title, not a Tibetan
German translation contained in: Heinrich Laufer, Beiträge zur Kenntnis
der tibetischen Medicin, II Teil, O. Harrassowitz (Leipzig 1900), pp.
Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, Sanskrit Treatises on Dhatuvada or
Alchemy as Translated into Tibetan, contained in: Acharyya Ray
Commemoration Volume (Calcutta 1932), pp. 121-135.
— Śaśa Jātaka.
Ludwig Alsdorf, Śaśa-Jātaka und Śaśa-Avadāna, Wiener Zeitschrift für
die Kunde Südasiens, vol. 5 (1961), pp. 1-17.
Dieter Schlingloff, Das Śaśajātaka, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde
Süd- und Ostasiens, vol. 15 (1971), pp. 57-67.
There is a 12th-century Sinhala poetic work called Sasadāvata (on
Bodhisattva's rebirth as a rabbit). Ranjini Obeyesekere's entry "Sinhala,
Buddhist Literature in" contained in Buswell's EoB, pp. 777-779.
Part six of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, pp. 228, 230.
— Śāsanaparamparā [?] (Bstan pa'i gtad rabs). Tôh. no. 4200.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NGE, folios 160v.2-161v.4. Tr. by 'Gos
Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal at Tshong 'dus kyi pho brang. He
based himself on a single folio fragment. It might be
considered a sketchy Buddhist history of Kashmir (it
mentions the Arhat Rtsibs log who lived in time of Kaniṣka,
and Vasumitra among others). In letters section.
From original Derge Tanjur catalogue: bstan pa'i gtad rabs mgo mjug
ma tshang na yang tshong 'dus kyi pho brang du 'gos lo tsā ba gzhon nu
dpal gyi 'gyur.
— Śāsanavaṃsa.
Nakamura, pp. 118, 119. Written in Burma in 1861 by a monk named
— Śatākṣaravidhi (Yi ge brgya pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 2649.
Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 298v.1-299v.4.
— Śatapatra Jātaka.
Part thirty-four of the Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Śatasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
pa stong phrag brgya pa). Tôh. no. 8. Derge Kanjur, vols.
KA through A (vols. 14-25). No translators named.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 9, has the following colophon: 'di ni bsam yas
dang lha sa'i rig zing mtshams mi 'da' la sogs la gtugs nas / zhus dag lan
bcu drug byas pa'i rgyan gong gi 'bum nag mtshams mi 'da' la phyi mo
byas nas / dag par gtugs pa'i 'bum sdig ma 'dres zhes bya ba'i gser 'bum
bcu gnyis dum / lo tsā ba chen po thams cad mkhyen pa bu ston rin grub
kyi thugs dam la phyi mo bgyis nas / mkhan chen rin chen rgyal mtshan
pas bzhengs pa la ma phyi bgyis pa'o / 'di'i dge bas sems can rnams
'khor ba'i rgud pa kun dang bral gyur nas / don gnyis lhun gyis grub par
Lalou's Dunhuang catalogue, no. 1312, describes a manuscript with the
individual sections edited and scribed by various named persons. The
final colophon says: mdog yul zung dang rgya mthon kong dang ban de
ye shes sde dang ban de de bzhin gshegs kyis zhus so // // 'greng ro dra
ma skyes kyis bris. Lalou's no. 1582, a fragment, has a colophon
reading: rgya gar gyi mkhan po shag kya pra ba dang / su ren 'dra bo de
dang / lo tsa pa ban 'de be ro tsa nas zhu chen bgyis. (Here the Indians
Śākyaprabha and Surendrabodhi, and the Tibetan translator Vairocana
are named.)
Rong ston Shes bya kun rig (1367-1449), Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
pa stong phrag brgya pa'i 'grel pa, Pal Ewam Chodan Ngorpa Centre
(Manduwala 1985), in 842 pages.
Matsunami, p. 210.
Nakamura, pp. 161, 163.
KCDS, p. 126. An 126-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to the Potala (contains only certain chapters).
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55.
— Satipaṭṭānakathā.
Keisho Tsukamoto, The Formation of the Andhakas and Their
Controversy with Another School: On the Satipaṭṭhāna
(Smṛtyupasthāna) Kathā, contained in: Buddhism and Its Relation to
Other Religions: Essays in Honour of Dr. Shozen Kumoi on His
Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto 1985), pp. 143-158.
— Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta.
Nyanaponika Thera, The Heart of Buddhist Meditation (Satipaṭṭhāna): A
Handbook of Mental Training Based on the Buddha's Way of
Mindfulness, Rider (London 1962).
— Ṣaṭpāramitābhāṣya (Pha rol tu phyin pa drug bshad pa).
See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 645.
K. Watanabe, The Story of Kalmāṣapāda and Its Evolution in Indian
Literature (A Study in the Mahābhārata and the Jātaka), Journal of the
Pali Text Society, vol. 6 (1908-1912), pp. 237-305, at pp. 248-249.
— Ṣaṭpāramitāsamuccaya.
— Ṣaṭpāramitāsaṃgrahasūtra (or, Saṃnipātasūtra).
Nakamura, p. 139.
Ṣaṭpāramitāsannipāta Sūtra. Translated into Chinese by Kang Senghui.
— Satpuruṣasūtra ('Phags pa skyes bu dam pa'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 327. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 253v.1-254v.3. Tr.
by Dharmākara and Bzang skyong. Revised by Dpal
Wayman, BI, pp. 257, 263 (Satpuruṣagatisūtra). Evidently there is a
scripture corresponding to this in the Aṅguttaranikāya.
Saptasatpuruṣagati Sūtra. Cuevas, Hidden History, p. 41.
— Sātstsha gdab pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 1641. Derge
Tanjur, vol. YA, folios 268v.5-269r.1.
— Sātstsha lnga gdab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 3080. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 176r.5-176v.4.
— Satstsha'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 1279. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA,
folio 132r.5-132r.7.
— Satyadarśa, or Satyadṛṣṭi (Bden pa'i mthong ba).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 407, 417 etc.
— Satyāvatāra.
See Bechert in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 6.
— Śāyanāsanavastu.
Nakamura, p. 55 note.
— Sbyin pa nges par bstan pa'i mdo.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not yet traced
elsewhere, except in the Chinese translation.
— Sbyin pa'i rabs las 'byung ba'i smon lam. Tôh. no. 815.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 254v.4-256r.6. Tôh. no. 815.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 254v.4-256r.6.
— Sbyor ba yan lag drug gi man ngag. Tôh. no. 1372. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PA, folios 224r.4-226v.4. Tr. by Somanātha
and 'Bro Shes rab grags.
— Scripture of Lao-tzu Converting the Barbarians.
This work only survives in cited passages, and is attributed to one
named Wang Fu, according to Richard B. Mather, Chinese and Indian
Perceptions of Each Other between the First and Seventh Centuries,
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 112, no. 1 (1992), pp. 1-8,
at p. 3.
— Scripture Spoken by the Buddha to the Four Orders on the
Prophecy Given to King Yama Concerning the Seven
[Rituals] of Life to be Cultivated in Preparation for Rebirth in
the Pure Land.
Sen, Revival, p. 69. A Chinese apocryphal work.
— Sdang ba thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs. Tôh.
no. 785 (also, no. 1022). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio
— Sdig bshags gser gyi spu gri.
Sdig bshags gser gyi spu gri zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo, n.p.
(Rumtek [Rum btegs] 1972), in 22 pages.
— Sdig pa thams cad bshags pa'i mdo.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 251.
— Sdig pa thams cad bshags par gter chos (?).
Emil Schlagintweit, Das Mahāyāna Sūtra Digpa thamchad shagpar
terchoi, Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-philogischen Classe der
königlichen bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1863), pp.
81-99. This is published as part one of a series entitled Tibetische
— Sdig pa thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 786 (also, no. 1023). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WA, folio 114v.3-114v.5.
— Sdig sgrib kun 'joms.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 83.
— Sdong po bkod pa'i snying po. Tôh. no. 585 (also, no. 941).
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 204r.5-204r.6.
— Sedamocaka Gāthā.
One particular part of the Parivāra, an appendix to the Theravāda
Vinaya. Oskar von Hinüber, The Sedamocakagāthās: On Hilarious
Hermeneutics of the Vinaya, a paper to be delivered at the International
Association of Buddhist Studies conference (London 2005).
— Sekaprakṛyā (Dbang gi rab tu byed pa). Tôh. no. 365.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 146r.7-150r.7. Tr. by
Samantaśrī and Chos rab.
— Sekhadharma.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-204). A 31-folio manuscript.
— Sekoddeśa (Dbang mdor bstan pa). Tôh. no. 361. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 14r.1-21r.6. Tr. by Somanātha and
'Bro Shes rab grags pa. Revised by Rin chen rgyal
Giacomella Orofino, Sekoddeśa: A Critical Edition of the Tibetan
Translations, with an appendix by Raniero Gnoli on the Sanskrit text,
Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome 1994). Makes
use of two different Tibetan translations, one by Somanātha and 'Bro
and another by Samantaśrī and Rwa. The two are printed on facing
pages. Review by Alex Wayman in Journal of the American Oriental
Society, vol. 116, no. 1 (1996), pp. 164-165.
Source of a very brief verse citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 90.
— Sekoddeśapañjikā (Dbang mdor bstan pa'i dka' 'grel). Tôh.
no. 1354. Derge Tanjur, vol. PA, folios 27v.7-40v.6. Tr. by
Bu ston.
KCDS, p. 84. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Sems dang sems las byung ba'i mtshan nyid mdo tsam du
bstan pa. In one half bam po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Sems gnas pa spyi'i yi ge.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 417: Listed among Tibetan Imperial period works
of unknown authorship.
— Sems gnyis med pa dpyod pa'i rab byed.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 20 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu with no authorship ascription.
— Sems 'khor ba mdo tsam du bstan pa sna gsum.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Sems 'khor ba'i tshul mdo tsam du bstan pa. Poussin,
Catalogue, no. 602.1.
— Seng ge rtsal rdzogs chen po'i rgyud.
Jackson, ESM, p. 13.
— Seng ge'i gdong pa can gyi mdo.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 585.
— Sgrol ma dkon mchog gsum la bstod pa. Tôh. no. 1695.
Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 52r.5-52v.1. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
— Sgrol ma 'khros pa'i ba liṃ gi gtor ma. Tôh. no. 1730.
Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folio 96r.5-96v.1. Tr. by Dānaśīla.
— Sgrol ma'i man ngag me long dangs pa. Tôh. no. 1743.
Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 108v.6-111v.6. Tr. by Rma
and Ba ri Lo tsā ba Dharmakīrti (Chos kyi grags pa). The
Tôh. mistakenly says tr. by "Gus ston, Dharmakīrti."
— Shes rab kyi lha rnams kyi rjes gnang skabs su gleng bar
'os pa'i gtam nyung bdud rtsi'i dbyangs snyan, G.T.K.
Lodoy et al, (Dehradun 1970).
— Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i gzungs.
Tôh. no. 578 (also, no. 934). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio
— Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa
gzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 583 (also, no. 939).
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio 204r.1-204r.3.
— Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 576 (also, no. 932). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folios 202v.5-203r.1.
— Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga
pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 577 (also, no. 933). Derge Kanjur,
vol. PHA, folio 203r.1-203r.3.
— Shes rab snying po'i bshad pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 414: Commentary without authorship attribution,
made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Shig can ('Phags pa shig can).
See Ron Davidson in H. Eimer and D. Germano, eds., The Many
Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002) at p. 211, note 21,
where it is listed in a set of scriptures which Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta
considered to be in fact Tibetan compositions. See also Rhoton, CD, p.
— Shis par brjod pa'i tshigs su bcad pa. Tôh. no. 1107. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 275v.7-278r.7.
EoB under "Āśīrvādagāthā."
— Shlo ka brgya lobs pa. Tôh. no. 711 (also, no. 1042).
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 178r.7-178v.2.
— Shlo ka brgya lobs pa. Tôh. no. 712 (also, no. 1043).
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 178v.2-178v.4.
— Shlo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 713 (also, no.
1044). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 178v.4-178v.6.
— Shlo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 714 (also, no.
1045). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 178v.6-179r.2.
— Shlo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 715 (also, no.
1046). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 179r.2-179r.5.
— Shlo ka sum stong lobs pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 716 (also, no.
1047). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 178v.6-179r.2.
— Sho bshad, Mi rigs dpe skrun khang (Beijing 2003). Dicing
songs. Gambling.
— Shwa na dkar nag gi rgyud.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 150.
— Śibi Jātaka.
Part two of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 228.
— Śibirājacakṣupradānāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Siddhaikallavīrapratibhedāntarasahajābhirāsa.
Matsunami, p. 280.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-1), has the title Sahajābhilāṣo nāmābhisamaya, a
34-folio manuscript.
— Siddhaikavīrahṛdayatantrasamaya.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-16). A 7-folio manuscript dated 1743 CE.
— Siddhaikavīra-mahātantrarāja (Dpa' bo gcig pu grub pa
zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 544
(commentary by Śubhākara at Tôh. no. 2674). Derge
Tanjur, vol. PA, folios 1v.1-13r.6. Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna
and Dge ba'i blo gros. Revised by Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Siddhaikavīramahātantram (Dpa' bo gcig pu grub pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud
kyi rgyal po), ed. by Janardan Pandey and a maṇḍala of coeditors,
Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1998). Editions of
both the Sanskrit and the Tibetan texts.
Nobuo Otsuka, The Siddhaikavīramahātantra, Chapter 1, Annual of the
Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, no.
17 (March 1995), pp. 366-349. Text edition of the Sanskrit in romanized
Nobuo Otsuka, Siddhaikavīramahātantra Chapter II, contained in:
Śrāvakabhūmi Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts Study Group,
eds., Studies in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for
Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, The Sankibo
Press (Tokyo 1995), pp. 1-10. Sanskrit text edition.
Hideaki Kimura, Siddhaikavīramahātantra Chapter III, contained in:
Śrāvakabhūmi Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts Study Group,
eds., Studies in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for
Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, The Sankibo
Press (Tokyo 1995), pp. 11-19.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 17, lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 65, 295.
KCDS, p. 23 (see also p. 26). A Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to the Nor bu gling ka. Sanskrit title given as
Siddhikaviramahātantrarāja, the Tibetan as Ka bī ra grub pa'i rgyud chen
po'i rgyal po. A similar title appears again on the same page (but here
the Tibetan translation is given as Dpa' bo grub pa'i rgyud).
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-63). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Siddhaikavīrapratibhedāntara.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-46). A 17-folio manuscript.
— Siddhaikavīrasādhana (Dpa' bo gcig tu grub pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3184. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
197v.3-199r.2. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Siddhaikavīrasādhana (Dpa' bo gcig tu grub pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3185. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
199r.2-199r.6. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Siddhaikavīrasādhana (Dpa' bo gcig tu grub pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3461. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
115v.5-117v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Siddhaikaravīrasādhana ('Phags pa dpa' bo gcig tu grub
pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3465. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 118r.4-119v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Siddhaikaravīrasādhana (Dpa' bo gcig tu grub pa'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3466. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
119r.6-119v.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Siddhāmnāya.
Lévi, Nouveau document.
Giuseppe Tucci, ?
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 14.
Dhīh, vol. 10, pp. 8-13.
— Siddhapaṭhitabhagavatī āryāṅguli-nāma-vidyārāja (Bklags
pas grub pa bcom ldan 'das ma 'phags ma sor mo can zhes
bya ba rig pa'i rgyal mo). Tôh. no. 572 (also, no. 993).
Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 199r.4-200r.2.
— Siddhasādhana.
MSL, p. 265.
— Siddhayogeśvarīmata.
Judit Törzsök, Tantric Goddesses and Their Supernatural Powers in the
Trika of Kashmir (Bhedatraya in the Siddhayogeśvarīmata), Rivista degli
Studi Orientali, vol. 73 (1999), pp. 131-147. It is said that this is perhaps
the oldest scriptural source of the Kashmiri Trika form of Hindu Tantra.
The Mālinīvijayottara claims that it is a shorter version of this text, which
should contain 90 million verses. Three parts of it were taught by three
masters: Amarendra, Bhīṣma and Siddhayogin.
— Siddhigurvājñā.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-278m 279). Two manuscripts with the same title,
one in 18 and one in 35 folios. Also, BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-288), a 25-folio
manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-295), a 16-folio manuscript.
— Sigālovādasutta.
Nakamura, pp. 34 note, 80.
— Śighrabodha.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-285).
— Sīhalavatthapakaraṇa.
Nakamura, pp. 118, 120. An old collection of 77 stories, derived from
times of Aśoka through the first century BCE, with a supplement from
after the 4th century CE.
Jacqueline ver Eecke, Le Sihaḷavatthuppakaraṇa: Texte Pāli et
Traduction, Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient vol. 133,
École Française d'Extrême-Orient (Paris 1980).
— Sihnāmatapūjāvidhi.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-46). A manuscript in 44 folios, dated 1818 CE.
Alternative title given as Sinduramakuṭapūjāvidhi.
— Śikṣāciraṃpātayantaśāsana.
KCDS, p. 104. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The title is [no doubt badly] translated into Tibetan as 'Phags pa slob pa'i
theg pa bstan pa rnam rgyal bar gyur.
— Śikṣātrayanāmasūtra (Bslab pa gsum gyi mdo). Tôh. no.
282. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 55v.6-56r.4.
— Śilākṣiptasūtra ('Phags pa rdo 'phangs pa'i mdo). Tôh. no.
295. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 276r.1-295v.1. Tr. by
Bzang skyong. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
— Śīlapaṭala.
Nakamura, p. 290. A Buddhist work, composed in around 500-650,
which is cited by Jain writers.
— Śīlasaṃyukta Sūtra (Tshul khrims yang dag par ldan pa'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 303. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folio
Thub bstan chos grags, Tshul khrims yang dag par ldan pa'i mdo'i tshig
don legs par bshad pa chos kyi gaṇḍi'i sgra dbyangs, Sherab Gyaltshen
Lama (Gangtok 1983), in 61 pages. "Reproduced from a tracing of a
print from the Dpal spungs blocks from the Library of Zhwa dmar
— Siṃhabhedakathā.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-109). A 29-folio manuscript dated 1805.
— Siṃha Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Siṃhakeśaristhāpana.
Matsunami, p. 228.
— *Siṃhanādadhāraṇī (Seng ge sgra'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 704.
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 171r.5-171v.1. Tr. by Ngag gi
dbang phyug and Klog skya Shes rab brtsegs.
— *Siṃhanādadhāraṇīpratijñāsahita (Seng ge sgras dam bcas
pa'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 912. Derge Kanjur, vol. E, folio
— Siṃhanādadhāraṇī (Seng ge sgra'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 3156.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 178r.2-178r.6. Tr. by Tshul
khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādarakṣācakra (Seng ge sgra'i srung ba'i 'khor lo).
Tôh. no. 2860. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios
— Siṃhanādasādhana (Seng ge sgra'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3155. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 177v.4-178r.2. Tr. by
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādasādhana (Seng ge sgra'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3157. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 178r.6-179r.1. Tr. by
Ratnākara and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādasādhana (Seng ge sgra'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3417. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 82r.6-82v.7. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādasādhana ('Phags pa seng ge sgra'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3418. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
82v.7-83r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādasādhana (Dpal seng ge sgra'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3419. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 83v.1-84r.3.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Siṃhanādatantra (Seng ge sgra'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 702.
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 164v.4-165v.5. Tr. by
Prajñākara and 'Gos Khug pa Lhas btsas.
— Siṃhanādika-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa seng ge'i
sgra bsgrags pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 209. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 111v.7-115v.7.
Tr. by Vidyākarasiṃha and Rba rje Ye shes snying po.
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Siṃhanāmno Rājakumārasya
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Siṃhaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa seng
ges zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
81. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios 27r.4-29v.7. Tr. by
Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
KCDS, p. 88. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
— Siṃhasārthavāhamahāyānasūtra.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-134. A 126-folio manuscript dated 1711.
— Siṃhavyūharājabodhisattvaparipṛcchā.
Davidson, IEB, p. 80.
— Śiṣyābhiṣekadevapratiṣṭhāvidhisaṅkṣipta.
KCDS, p. 143. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Sitātapatrādhāraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 335.
— Sitātapatrā-nāma-aparājitāsādhana (Gzhan gyis mi thub ma
zhes bya ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3389. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 56r.1-56r.6. Tr. by Ba ri
Don yod rdo rje.
— Sitātapatrāparājitāsādhana ('Phags ma gdugs dkar mo can
gzhan gyis mi thub pa sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3114.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 214r.4-214v.6. Tr. by
Vibhūticandra and Shes rab rin chen.
See EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 1, p. 11.
— Sitātapatrāparājitāsādhana ('Phags ma gzhan gyis mi thub
pa gdugs dkar mo can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3581.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 215v.2-215v.6. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
Sitatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3203. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 210r.3-210v.5. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Sitatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3204. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 210v.5-211r.4. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Sitatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3339. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 28r.7-29r.1. Tr. by Ba
ri Don yod rdo rje.
Sitatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3673. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 286r.7-287r.2. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
MSL, p. 265.
— Skad gnyis brda' sbyor gyi mngon brjod ngo mtshar me tog
'khri shing, contained in: 'Bri gung Bka' brgyud pa Writings
on Sanskrit Grammar and Lexicography, Tsondu Senghe
(Bir 1985), pp. 113-371. A Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary,
arranged in Tibetan alphabetic order, evidently. No author
is named in the final colophon, but it says that the author
used as basis the summary (zin bris) of Skyer Lo tsā ba
Bstan 'dzin dbang po.
— Skandhaka.
Torkel Brekke, The Skandhaka of the Vinayapiṭaka and Its Historical
Value, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens, vol. 42
(1998), pp. 23-40.
Charles Prebish, Theories Concerning the Skandhaka: An Appraisal,
The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 32, no. 4 (1973), pp. 669-678.
— Skar ma'i yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 24.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 119 (no. 113), gives
the Sanskritized version of the title as Nakṣatramātṛkānāmadhāraṇī
(Marginal title: Skar yum). The colophon Laufer transcribes more or less
as follows: drang srong skar ma dga' bas zhus pa'i mdo las skar ma'i
yum zhes bya ba / skar ma ngan pa thams cad bzlog par byed pa'i mdo
rdzogs so / zhus dag.
— Skra kha dang pho rog gnyis kyi mngon shes bya skad rtag
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 28, 29. Divinations on the basis of bird
— Skran zhi ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 783 (also, no. 1060).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 114r.5-114r.6.
— Sku thams cad kyi snang bar ston pa dbang rdzogs pa rang
byung chen po'i rgyud.
A Rnying ma tantra, source of a passage translated in Walter, Corpses,
pp. 18-21.
— Skyabs su 'gro ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2560. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NGU, folios 23v.2-23v.7. Most likely by Mañjuśrīmitra.
— Skye shi'i lo rgyus.
Translated in Yoshiro Imaeda, Histoire du cycle de la naissance et de la
mort: étude d'un text tibétaine de Touen-houang, Librarie Droz (Geneva
— Skyes bu chen po mgar ba nag pos dgra bgegs thams cad
bsgrol bar byed pa'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 27.
— Sman gtong ba'i tshe sman la sngags kyis gdab pa. Tôh.
no. 1059/1. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folio 190r.1-190r.2.
Compare the title of Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 466: Sman gtong ba'i tshe
sman la sngags kyis btab pa.
According to Haarh, List, p. 205, this text is found in the Lhasa Kanjur,
but not in the Derge Kanjur.
— Sman ming bod dang rgya'i skad shan sbyar ba. A
Tibetan-Chinese glossary of materia medica.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 438. Laufer made an edition of the text, but
it was then published by Pozdnayev (and Hübotter, according to Laufer,
made a mess of it). The work was edited by Mgon po skyabs.
— Śmaśānālaṅkāra-tantrarāja (Dpal dur khrod rgyan pa'i rgyud
kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 402. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
235r.5-237r.5. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 449.
— Śmaśānasaṃskārasādhanavidhi (Ro bsreg pa'i sgrub thabs
kyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 1647. Derge Tanjur, vol. YA, folios
— Sme bdun zhes bya ba'i skar ma'i mdo. A dhāraṇī text that
doesn't seem to exist in the Derge Kanjur, although it is in
the Peking Kanjur, and in some dhāraṇī collections (gzungs
'dus). The title is given in three languages: Chinese,
Uighur (Hor), and Tibetan.
Berthold Laufer, Zur buddhistischen Litteratur der Uiguren, T'oung Pao,
vol. 8 (1907), pp. 391-409.
Herbert Franke, The Taoist Elements in the Buddhist Great Bear Sūtra
(Pei-tou ching), Asia Major, vol. 3 (1990), pp. 75-111.
Sylvain Lévi, L'original chinois du Sūtra tibétain sur la Grande Ourse,
T'oung Pao (July 1908), pp. 453-454.
Jampa L. Panglung, Die tibetische Version des Siebengestirn-Sūtras,
contained in: E.Steinkellner, ed., Tibetan History and Language:
Studies Dedicated to Uray Géza, Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und
Buddhistische Studien (Vienna 1991), pp. 400-416. This scriptural text,
The Great Bear Constellation Sūtra, is evidently of Chinese Taoist
origins, first translated into Uighur, then Tibetan (Tibetan translation by
Matiphala and Ānandavajra [Kun dga' rdo rje?] at Gung thang).
Roerich, in his review contained in Journal of the American Oriental
Society, vol. 52, no. 4 (December 1932), p. 399, discusses this, calling it
"The Sūtra of the Great Bear." He notes that it is found in some Kanjurs,
but not in others.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 489.
— Sna tshogs btus ming 'tshol bar sla ba dkar po mthong
smon. Woodblock print in 137 folios. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B9291/1.
— Snānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Snānavidhi (Sku khrus kyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2651. Derge
Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 300r.5-302r.7. Tr. by Sarahita
(Parahita, Paraheta?) and Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
— Snang ba brgyad.
Helmut Eimer, Das Sūtra der 'Acht Erscheinungen': Bemerkungen zu
den tibetischen Versionen, contained in: Gedenkschrift Klimkeit
(Wiesbaden 2002), pp. 63-71. Other publications are available on this
apocryphal scripture.
— Snātāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-18), title given as Snānāvadāna. A 14-folio
— Sngags snying bzhi 'byung smon lam dang tshigs su bcad
pa. Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 565.
— Snyan ngag me long las le'u gnyis pa'i rgyan rnams kyi
dper brjod dwangs gsal me long. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B10766/7 (a manuscript in 13 folios).
— Snyan ngag me long le'u gsum gyi dper brjod skal ldan lus
khra'i rna rgyan. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
— Snyan tshig gis ngo mtshar grangs med pa 'char byed pa'i
rnam dpyod rgyan gyis me tog, contained in: Rig gnas
phyogs bsdebs, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
(Dharamsala 1981), pp. 153-280. Poetics work. Given the
title, perhaps it is by Bcom ldan ral gri, since most of the
titles of his work end with "rgyan gyi me tog."
— Snying rje chen po la 'jug pa'i mdo.
In Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, this is several times used as just
another title for the Samādhirāja Sūtra.
— So sor 'brang ma chen mo gzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs.
Tôh. no. 588 (also, no. 945). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folio
— So sor thar pa'i brjed byang chen po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— So sor thar pa'i ṭī ka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: so sor thar pa'i ṭī ka bam po / 'brel pa bam po
/ gleng gzhi man chad so sor thar pa'i tshig brjed pa dran byed bam po.
Text with no authorship attribution, made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Ṣodaśākṣaracakraparīkṣā.
BSM, p. 18 (MBB-II-187). A 26-folio manuscript.
— Somajātakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Somāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-34). An 11-folio manuscript.
— Somāvāśivratamaṇicūḍamāhātmyanirdeśavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Soṇadaṇḍa Sutta.
Konrad Meisig, Chung Têh King: The Chinese Parallel to the
Soṇadaṇḍa-Sutta, contained in: V.N. Jha, ed., Kalyāṇa-mitta: Professor
Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume (Delhi 1991).
— Śoṇatāṇḍa Sūtra.
Fumio Enomoto, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Hisashi Matsumura,
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und
Neueditionen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1989).
Konrad Meisig, A Stratification of the Śoṇatāṇḍyasūtra, contained in:
Helmut Eimer, Michael Hahn, Maria Schetelich and Peter Wyzlic, eds.,
Studia Tibetica et Mongolica (Festschrift Manfred Taube), Indica et
Tibetica Verlag (Swisttal-Odendorf 1999), pp. 217-224.
— Spel ma gsum pa'i phreng ba.
Reading if the first syllable not sure. A basic scripture for the Vaibhāṣika
school. Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 8v.6.
— Sprin gyi sgra dbyangs, Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun
khang (Xining 1991, 1992).
— Spyan 'dren rgyud gsum pa. Tôh. no. 846. Derge Kanjur,
vol. E, folios 1v.1-3v.6.
Stein, in McKay, History of Tibet, vol. 1, p. 595, notes a Dunhuang
manuscript of the Rgyud gsum pa, which also has a commentary not
known in the Tanjur.
Marcelle Lalou, Notes de mythologie bouddhique 2. Les Rgyud sum-pa
manuscrits de Touen-houang, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 3,
no. 2 (July 1938), pp. 128-136.
— Spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gsang ba'i mdzod thogs
pa med pa'i yid bzhin gyi 'khor lo'i snying po zhes bya ba'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 692 (also, no. 898). Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSA, folios 129v.7-137r.7. Tr. by Chos grub (evidently
from the Chinese).
— Spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin gyi nor bu'i rtog pa
las smon lam 'byung ba. Tôh. no. 722 (also, no. 812, no.
1094). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 200r.1-201v.3.
— Spyan ras gzigs la bstod pa sna gnyis.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Spyi'i lung chen po bdun so so'i lta spyod pa bstan pa.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 183. This is the title of Pelliot tibétain no. 656.
— Śraddhābalādhānāvatāramudrā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa dad pa'i stobs bskyed pa la 'jug pa'i phyag rgya
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 201. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 1v.1-63r.2. Tr. by Surendrabodhi
and Ye shes sde.
Evidently this is the sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but
with the shorter title Dad pa'i stobs bskyed pa'i mdo.
— Sragdharāsādhanasastuti (Me tog phreng 'dzin gyi sgrub
pa bstod pa dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 3692. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 325v.6-327r.4. Tr. by Ratnarakṣitapāda and
Grub pa dpal bzang po (Tôh. calls him Zhang grub).
— Śrāmaṇeravarṣāgrapṛcchā (Dge tshul gyi dang po'i lo dri
ba). Tôh. no. 4132. Derge Tanjur, vol. SU, folios
64r.5-66r.1. Tr. by Narasadeva (Kashmiri) and Rgyal ba'i
shes rab.
Banerjee, SL, p. 47. Gives translators as Naradeva and Jayaprajñā (i.e.,
Zhang zhung pa Rgyal ba'i shes rab).
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 635.
— Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra. In Pāli, Sāmaññaphala-sutta.
P.V. Bapat, Another Valuable Collection of Buddhist Sanskrit
Manuscripts Containing among Others the Śrāmaṇya-phala Sūtra in
Sanskrit, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vol. 30
(1949), pp. 241-253. The birchbark mss. belonged to the collection of
one M.A. Shah of Rawalpindi.
Konrad Meisig, Das Śrāmaṇyaphala-Sūtra: synoptische Übersetzung
und Glossar der chinesischen Fassungen Verlichen mit dem Sanskrit
und Pāli, Otto Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden 1987). Reviewed by Paul
Griffiths in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 109, no. 1
(1989), pp. 147-149.
R. Salomon, The Senior Manuscripts: Another Collection of Gandhāran
Scrolls, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003),
pp. 73-92, at p. 79.
Shingen Takagi, The Relation of the Six Heretics to Buddhism in the
Sāmaññaphala-sutta [in Japanese], contained in: Buddhism and Its
Relation to Other Religions: Essays in Honour of Dr. Shozen Kumoi on
His Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto 1985), pp. 159-172.
Claus Vogel, Pali Lexical Studies (Continued), Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.
14 (1972), pp. 204-209.
— Śrāvakayāna (Nyan thos kyi theg pa). See Poussin,
Catalogue, no. 644.
— Śreṣṭhijanmāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Śreṣṭhi Jātaka.
Parts four and twenty of the Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, pp.
228, 229.
— Śreṣṭhimahājanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Sri gnon pa'i lto spe.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 71.
— Śrīdevīkālīpraśaṃsārājatantra (Dpal lha mo nag mo'i bstod
pa rgyal po'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 671. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA,
folios 202v.6-209v.5.
The text is made of several short praise texts. For a listing, see Namdol,
Catuḥstava, pp. 88-89.
— Srid bzlog.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 84.
— *Śrīdevīnāmadvādaśa (Dpal gyi lha mo mtshan bcu gnyis
pa). Tôh. no. 741 (also, no. 1006). Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSHA, folio 235r.4-235v.5. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes
— Śrīdevyuṣṇīṣalalitatantra (Dpal lha mo gtsug tor rol pa'i
tantra). Tôh. no. 987. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios
— Śrīgupta-nāma-sūtra ('Phags pa dpal sbas zhes bya ba'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 217. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA (vol. 62),
folios 269r.1-284r.2. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye
shes sde.
Rockhill, TBBS, pp. 12-14, tells the story of the Peacock King from this
— Śrīmadudāra-nāma-maṇḍalavidhi (Dpal ldan rgya che ba
zhes bya ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2526. Derge
Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 168v.4-175r.7.
— Śrīmahādevīvyākaraṇa ('Phags pa lha mo chen mo dpal
lung bstan pa). Tôh. no. 193 (also, 739). Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSA, folios 246r.7-250v.3.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 192, 195, 201.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 1, pp. 91-100 (and English introduction, pp.
— Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
lha mo dpal phreng gi seng ge'i sgra zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 92. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
255r.1-277v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
Alex Wayman and Hideko Wayman, trs., The Lion's Roar of Queen
Śrīmālā, A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory,
Columbia University Press (Columbia 1974). Says it is translated from
Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese versions, along with Sanskrit
Several fragments, including 3 complete palmleaves, were located by
Kazunobu Matsuda in the recent acquisitions of the Schøyen collection.
Paul, WB, pp. 289-301.
Nakamura, pp. 220, 226, 230, 231.
— Śrīmanmahāsattvamaṇicūḍamahārājabodhisattvāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Śrīmatyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Śrīparamādyamantrakalpakhaṇḍa (Dpal mchog dang po'i
sngags kyi rtog pa'i dum bu). Tôh. no. 488. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TA, folios 173r.1-265v.7. Tr. by Mantrakalaśa and Zhi
ba 'od. The colophon says that Rin chen bzang po couldn't
find a text of this and so didn't translate it, but that I (Zhi ba
'od) found one and translated it.
Derge Kanjur colophon: dpal mchog dang po las rtog pa'i rgyal po
thams cad kyi mchog rdzogs so // // thugs dam sa'i snying po tho lding
du / rgya gar gyi mkhan po paṇḍi ta mkhas pa chen po mantra kā la sha
dang / sgra bsgyur gyi lo tsā ba lha btsan po dge slong bla ma zhi ba'i 'od
kyi zhal snga nas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa // // lo tsā chen po
rin chen bzang po yis // dpal mchog dang po'i rgyud 'di bsgyur ba la // bar
bar dpe ma rnyed pas ma 'gyur nas // bdag gis 'bad pas dpe btsal rnyed
pas bsgyur.
— Śrīparamādya-nāma-mahāyānakalparāja (Dpal mchog dang
po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i rtog pa'i rgyal po). Tôh.
no. 487. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios 150v.1-173r.1. Tr. by
Śraddhākaravarman and Rin chen bzang po.
Derge colophon: bde ba chen po rdo rje don yod pa'i dam tshig gi rtog
pa'i rgyal po chen po las shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin tu phyin pa'i tshul
rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi mkhan po ā tsārya shrad dhā ka ra barma dang
/ zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos bsgyur cing zhus
te gtan la phab pa.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 146-152.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 174. Dpal mchog dang po'i rgyud.x
— Śrīsenāvadāna (Dpal gyi sde'i rtogs pa brjod pa). Tôh. no.
349. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios 31v.3-50r.5. Tr. by
Dharmaśrībhadra and Shes rab legs pa. Revised by Rin
chen bzang po.
— Śrīvasuparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dpal
dbyig gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 162. Derge Kanjur, vol, BA, folios 139v.5-143v.7.
Tr. by Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Śṛṅgārālāpa.
A verse anthology made in 1612. Sternbach, Sources, p. 459.
— Śroṇakoṭīkarṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-66). A 16-folio manuscript.
— Śrutidhara-nāma-dhāraṇī (?).
KCDS, p. 23. A Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Tibetan translation of the title here given as Snyan 'dzin gyi
— Stag mos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 384.
— Steam Bath Sūtra.
Kogi Kudara and Peter Zieme, Chinesisch-alttürkische Fragmente des
Schwitzbad-Sūtras, Altorientalische Forschungen, vol. 15, no. 1 (1988),
pp. 182-91. Text in Old Turkic and Chinese of the "Steam Bath Sūtra."
— Sthaviragāthā (Gnas brtan gyi tshigs su bcad pa).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 418.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 79, 202 ff. This is embedded within the
Tibetan-translated Vinayavastu. In title it would seem to correspond to
the Theragāthā, but not in content.
— Sthāvirakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Sthavirīgāthā (Gnas brtan ma'i tshigs su bcad pa).
See Sylvain Lévi, La récitation primitive des textes bouddhiques, Journal
Asiatique (May-June 1915), p. 418.
— Sthiracakrabhāvanā (Brtan pa'i 'khor lo'i cho ga). Tôh. no.
3307. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 3v.4-6v.1. Tr. by
Vīrabhadra and Rin chen bzang po.
— Sthiracakrasādhana (Brtan pa'i 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3168. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 185r.4-186v.3.
Tr. by Āryākara and Pa tshab.
— Sthiracakrasādhana (Brtan pa'i 'khor lo sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3169. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 186v.3-187r.5.
Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Sthirādhyāśayaparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('phags pa
lhag pa'i bsam pa brtan pa'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 224. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios
164r.2-173v.7. Tr. by Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and
Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 230. Exists only in Tibetan, although there is a modern
Japanese translation.
— Stong chen mo nas phyung ba sman la sngags kyis gdab
pa. Tôh. no. 1059. Derge Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios
According to Haarh, List, p. 205, this text is found in the Lhasa Kanjur,
but not in the Derge Kanjur (although this is incorrect).
— Stong chen mo rab tu 'joms pa las gsungs pa'i smon lam.
Tôh. no. 813 (also, no. 1098). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
— Stong chen mo rab tu 'joms ma'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
3121. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folio 219v.2-219v.7.
— Stong 'gyur zhes bya ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 710 (also, no.
930). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 178r.1-178r.7.
— Stotrasaṅgraha.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-50). A manuscript in 46 folios. Evidently a
collection of praises.
— Strīvivartavyākaraṇa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bud
med 'gyur ba lung bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 190. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios
201r.6-224v.5. Tr. by Prajñāvarman, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde. Gender transformation.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1472 (Bud med 'gyur ba'i mdo).
Pachow, VBM, p. 6. Chinese translation made in early 5th century by
Dharmayaśas and Dharmagupta.
— Stūpalakṣaṇakārikāvivecana.
Gustav Roth, Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya, K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute
(Patna 1970), pp. xv, xlvi. A manuscript exists in Nepali characters of
about the 15th century.
Gustav Roth, Remarks on the Stūpa-lakṣaṇa-kārikā-vivecana, Journal of
the Bihar Research Society, Prof. S.H. Askari Felicitation Volume
(1968), pp. 3-46.
— Stūpāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Stutibrāhmaṇadārikāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 222, 223.
— Stutyanuśaṃsā (Bstod pa'i phan yon). Tôh. no. 3146.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 170r.1-170r.5. Tr. by Tshul
khrims rgyal mtshan. On the benefits of reciting Tôh. no.
3145 in particular.
— Subāhuparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa lag
bzangs kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 70. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 154r.1-180v.7.
Tr. by Dānaśīla, Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
Anne M. A. Bonneux, The Chinese Subāhuparipṛcchāsūtra:
Schriftuurlijke tekst over de vragen van de jongeling Subahu,
Rijksuniversiteit te gent (Belgium 1991).
Davidson, IEB, index.
— Subāhuparipṛcchā-nāma-tantra ('Phags pa dpung bzang
gis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 805. Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 118r.1-140v.7.
Marcelle Lalou, A la recherche du Vidyādharapiṭaka: Le cycle du
Subāhuparipṛcchā-Tantra, contained in: Studies in Indology and
Buddhology Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu Yamaguchi on
the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Hozokan (Kyoto 1955), pp. 68-72.
There were two Chinese translations. The Teacher in this text is
Vairapāṇi under tne name Gnod sbyin bdag po. There are three
commentarial works in the Tanjur.
Nakamura, p. 318.
Walter, Corpses, p. 24 ff.
— Subāhuparipṛcchā-nāma-tantrapiṇḍārthavṛtti ('Phags pa
dpung bzangs kyis zhus pa'i rgyud kyi bsdus pa'i don dgrol
ba'i brjed byang). Tôh. no. 2673. Derge Tanjur, vol. THU,
folios 100v.6-116v.2.
— Subāhuparipṛcchāsūtrodbhavapraṇidhāna ('Phags pa lag
bzangs kyis zhus pa'i mdo las byung ba'i smon lam). Tôh.
no. 4381. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 310r.5-310v.2.
— Subantaratnākara (Su pa'i mtha' rin chen 'byung gnas).
Tôh. no. 4430. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios 122v.3-134r.6.
On the "sup" endings in Sanskrit grammar.
— Subhāṣitasaṅgraha.
Davidson, IEB, p. 222.
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274.
Ludwik Sternbach, Sanskrit Subhāṣita-Saṃgraha-s in Old-Javanese
and Tibetan, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vol.
43 (1963), pp. 115-158.
Nakamura, p. 338.
— Subhāṣitasarasamuccaya.
A verse anthology made at the end of the 17th century. Sternbach,
Sources, p. 459.
— Subhāṣitasavaskṛta[?]śloka.
A verse anthology made in 18th or 19th centuries. Sternbach, Sources,
p. 459.
— Śubhāśubhasvapnaparīkṣā.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-195). A 49-folio manuscript. This belongs to the
genre that Tibetans would call Rmi lam brtag pa. On good and bad
— Subhūtibrāhmaṇāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Subhūti Sutta.
An apocryphal text recited in Thailand for rain making.
— Sucandrāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 216, 238.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-286). A 25-folio manuscript.
— Śuddhodanarājaparinirvāṇasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 182. Translated into Chinese by Dharmarakṣa.
— Sudhanakumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 223.
— Sugandhyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Sugatabhāṣitasugatapratiṣṭhālakṣaṇa.
KCDS, p. 148. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The Tibetan translation of the title is too ridiculous to reproduce here.
— Sugatasya cakṣaṃdharmāvatāraṇī.
KCDS, p. 56. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Supplies Tibetan translation of the title: Bde bar gshegs pas bshad pa'i
chos la 'jug pa.
— Sugatāvadāna.
Leo Both, The Saptabuddhastotra and the Saptatathāgatastotra, Two
Hymns Praising the Seven Previous Buddhas, contained in:
Kameshwar Nath Mishra, ed., Glimpses of the Sanskrit Buddhist
Literature (Vol. 1), Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath
1997), pp. 57-73, at pp. 57-58.
Outline of 12 chapters. Matsunami, pp. 238-239.
BSM, p. 4 (MBB-I-56). Manuscript in 81 folios.
— Śukapotaka [Avadāna].
Matsunami, p. 225.
— Sūkarikāvadāna-nāma-sūtra (Phag mo'i rtogs pa brjod pa
zhes bya ba'i mdo). Derge Kanjur, vol. AṂ, folios
289v.2-291r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra and Ye shes sde.
J. Ware, Studies in the Divyāvadāna I: Sūkarikāvadāna, Journal of the
American Oriental Society, vol. 48 (1928), pp. 159-165.
Sūkarīkāvadāna. Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-21). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Śukasaptati (*Ne tso bdun cu pa)
Silke Hermann, Die tibetische Version des Papageienbuches (Sankt
Augustin 1983). Tales of the Parrot.
Biswanarayan Shastri, Śuka-Saptati: Some Common Motifs, Aligarh
Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 5, nos. 1-2 (1988), pp. 83-92.
— Śuka Sūtra. Part of Madhyama Āgama.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 46-52. Śuka is the name of a lay householder in
Banerjee, SL, p. 21.
Noriyuki Kudo, A Textual History of the Karmavibhaṅga: Another
Evidence from the Fragments in the Schøyen Collection, a paper to be
delivered at the International Association of Buddhist Studies
conference (London 2005).
— Sukhadevasiddhilābhākhyāna (Su kha de bas grub pa thob
pa'i gtam rgyud). Tôh. no. 4344. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO,
folio 156r.2-156r.7. Tr. by Vinayaśrī. Story about a
merchant's son named Sukhadeva.
Derge colophon: su kha de bas grub pa thob pa / paṇḍi ta bi na ya shrīs
bsgyur ba'o.
— Sukhākaraśrībhaṭṭārikāstotra (Bde ba'i 'byung gnas dpal
ldan rje btsun ma la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 153, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4769. No authorship attribution.
— Sukhāvativyūha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa bde ba
can gyi bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 115. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 195v.4-200r.2. Tr. by
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Ducor, Sources.
Matsunami, pp. 210-211. With bibliography.
Nakamura, index.
A stone stele of around 2nd century CE depicts Sukhāvatī. See JAS
(Calcutta), vol. 43, no. 4 (2001), p. 26.
EoB under "Amitāyus Sūtra."
G. Fussmann, La place des Sukhāvatī-vyūha dans le bouddhisme
indien, Journal Asiatique (1999).
Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Kazunobu Matsuda, Larger
Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra, contained in: Jens Braarvig, Paul Harrison,
Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda, Lore Sander, ed., Buddhist
Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, Volume II (Hermes Academic
Publishing (Oslo 2002), pp. 179-214.
— Śuklacaṇḍālamahāroṣaṇasādhana (Gtum po dkar po chen
po'i sgrub thabs, or, Gtum po dkar po khro bo chen po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3064. Derge Tanjur, vol. PU, folios
119v.6-120r.6. Tr. by Dānaśīla. It may also be by
— Śuklakurukullāyāprajñāvidhi.
KCDS, p. 136. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title translated here into Tibetan as Ku ru ku llā yā dkar po'i shes
rab cho ga.
— Śuklakurukullesādhana (Rigs byed ma dkar mo'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3575. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
205r.6-209r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Śuklaprajñāpāramitāsādhana (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3542. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folio 181r.1-181r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Śuklatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3205. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 211r.4-211v.3.
Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Śuklatārāsādhana (Sgrol ma dkar mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3398. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 59r.2-59v.7. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje. The Tôhoku catalogue lists the
author as Bcom ldan 'das (Bhagavan).
— Śuklāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 215.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-24). A 15-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-7), with the title Ratnamālāyām Śuklāvadāna. An
11-folio manuscript.
— Sumagadhāvadāna (Ma ga dhā bzang mo'i rtogs pa brjod
pa). Tôh. no. 346. Derge Kanjur, vol. AṂ, folios
291v.1-298r.6. Tr. by Dharmaśrībhadra and Tshul khrims
yon tan.
Nakamura, p. 139 (Sumāgadhāvadāna).
Matsunami, p. 244.
H.L. Feer, Suvarṇavarṇāvadānaṃ et Vratāvadānamālā, Actes du XIII
Congres International des Orient (Florence 1901-1902), pp. 19-30.
Markus Görtz, Deutsche Übersetzung der beiden Sanskritfassungen
des Sumāgadhāvadāna und vergleichende Untersuchung der
bekannten Fassungen der Sumāgadhā-Legende, dissertation (Marburg
1993), in 242 pp.
Yutaka Iwamoto, Sumāgadhāvadāna, Proceedings of the Faculty of
Letters [Tokai University], vol. 1 (1959).
Tsurumatsu Gyôyû Tokiwai, The Sumāgadhāvadāna: A Buddhist
Legend (Isshinden 1918).
— Sumanāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Sumatidārikāparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
bu mo blo gros bzang mos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 74. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
216r.1-222r.3. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
Paul, WB, pp. 199-211.
Nakamura, p. 226.
Perhaps this may in some way be identifiable with a scripture called Blo
gros bzang po chung ngu. See Ron Davidson in H. Eimer and D.
Germano, eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden
2002) at p. 211, note 21, where this title is in a list of scriptures which
Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta considered to be in fact Tibetan compositions. See
also Rhoton, CD, p. 167.
KCDS, p. 89. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as
Guṇanaṃkṛtasaṃdyasvamitādārikaparipṛcchāmahāyānasūtra (this title
here translated into Tibetan as Khe'u yon tan gyis brgyan pa me tog kun
tu rgyas pas zhus pa'i theg pa chen po'i mdo).
— Sumukha-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa sgo bzang po zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 614 (also, no. 915). Derge Kanjur,
vol. BA, folios 47v.1-52r.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and
Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 156 note (Sumukhasūtra), 317
R.E. Emmerick, Another Fragment of the Sanskrit Sumukhadhāraṇī,
contained in: G. Bhattacharya, ed., Deyadharma: Studies in Memory of
Dr. D.C. Sircar (Delhi 1986), pp. 165-167 plus plates.
— Sumukha Sūtra.
R.E. Emmerick, The Khotanese Sumukhasūtra, Indologica Taurinensia,
vols. 23-24 (1997-1998), pp. 387-421.
— Sundarāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Suññasutta.
Étienne Lamotte, Trois Sūtra du Samyukta sur la vacuité, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 36, no. 2 (1973), pp.
313-323, at p. 319 ff.
— Śūnyatānāmamahāsūtra (Mdo chen po stong pa nyid). Tôh.
no. 290. Derge Kanjur, vol. SHA, folios 250r.1-253v.2. Tr.
by Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Supāraga Jātaka.
Part fourteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Suprabhāsajātakāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Suprabhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Supratiṣṭhatantrasaṅgraha (Rab tu gnas pa mdor bsdus
pa'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 486. Derge Kanjur, vol. TA, folios
146v.1-150r.7. Tr. by Kashmiri Jñānavajra and 'Bro Shes
rab grags pa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 134 (Supratiṣṭhatantra).
— Supriyasārthavāha Jātaka.
Ratna Handurukande, The Supriyasārthavāhajātaka, Indica et Tibetica
Verlag (Bonn 1988). Reviewed in Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities,
vol. 14, nos. 1-2 (1988), pp. 197-202. Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 37 (1994), pp. 364-365.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 237
— Supriyāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-160). A 40-folio manuscript.
— Śūraṅgamasamādhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dpa'
bar 'gro ba'i ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 132. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios
253v.5-316v.6. Tr. by Śākyaprabha and Ratnarakṣita.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 56, 64-65, 71, 78, 103, 196,
R. v. Muralt, Sūraṅgama-Sūtra: Das grosse Kronen-Sūtra. Ein Text des
Mahāyāna-Buddhismus, publ. as a manuscript by
Kasar-Devi-Ashram-Publication (India 1970). Copy in Hamburg
institute library.
John McRae's translation has been published by the Numata Center for
Buddhist Translation and Research (Berkeley 1998).
Étienne Lamotte, La Concentration de la marche héroique, Institut Belge
des Hautes Études Chinoises (Bruxelles 1965 [1975 reprint]).
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Orientalische Literaturzeitung, vol. 65
(1970), pp. 72-83.
Étienne Lamotte, Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentration of
Heroic Progress, an Early Mahyana Buddhist Scripture, tr. Sara
Boin-Webb, Curzon Press in association with The Buddhist Society
(Richmond 1998).
R.E. Emmerick, The Khotanese Śūraṅgamasamādhisūtra (London
1970). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Asia Major, vol. 16, parts 1-2
(January 1971), pp. 207-210.
Charles Luk (Upasaka Lu K'uan Yu), The Śūraṅgama Sūtra (Leng Yen
Ching), Chinese rendering by Master Paramiti of Central North India at
Chih Chih Monastery, Canton, China, A.D. 705, Commentary
(Abridged) by Ch'an Master Han Shan (1546-1623), Munshiram (New
Delhi 2001), reprint of 1966 edition.
Best, Paekche, p. 188.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 125-132.
Nakamura, pp. 156 note, 173.
Source of two rather long citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 73-74. Here
the title is Śūraṅgamasūtra.
— Surataparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa nges
pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
71. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 181r.1-193v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Sūryacakra-tantrarāja (Dpal nyi ma'i 'khor lo'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 397. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
227v.3-229r.2. Tr. by Gayadhara and 'Brog mi.
— Sūryagarbha.
Āryaprajñāpāramitāsūryagarbha-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i nyi ma'i snying po theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 26. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios
175v.3-176v.6. No colophon information.
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Sūryagarbha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa shin tu
rgyas pa chen po'i sde nyi ma'i snying po zhes bya ba'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 257. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios
91v.1-245v.1. Tr. by Sarvajñadeva, Vidyākaraprabha,
Dharmākara and Bzang skyong. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
Nakamura, p. 216.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 93, 114, 171, 172, 199, 251.
Its list of holy places discussed in Sylvain Lévi, Notes chinoises sur
l'Inde IV: Le pays de Kharoṣṭra et l'écriture Kharoṣṭrī, Bulletin de l'Ecole
française d'Extrême-Orient (1904), pp. 543-573. Another note by Lévi in
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1917), p. 358.
— Sūryamālagandhākhyabrāhmaṇajātakāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Susiddhārthamatisārthavāhāvadāba.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Susiddhikaramahātantrasādhanopāyikapaṭala (Legs par
grub par byed pa'i rgyud chen po las sgrub pa'i thabs rim
par phye ba). Tôh. no. 807. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
Nakamura, p. 319.
A related text. KCDS, p. 33. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now
belonging to the Nor bu gling ka. Sanskrit title
Harriet Hunter, Faquan's Transmission of the Susiddhi Category of the
Esoteric Buddhist Teachings, Journal of the International College for
Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, vol. 8 (2004), pp. 280-321.
— *Susiddhikaramahātantrāt praṇidhāna (Dpal legs par grub
par byed pa'i rgyud chen po las byung ba'i smon lam). Tôh.
no. 811. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 250v.4-251r.5. An
aspiration prayer extracted from the Susiddhikara.
— Susiddhikarasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 319.
The Numata series has published a translation by Rolf Giebel, "The
Susiddhikara Sutra." It is based on the Chinese translation (Taishô no.
— Susthitamatidevaputraparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa lha'i bu blo gros rab gnas kyis zhus pa zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 80. Derge Kanjur, vol.
CA, folios 285r.1-309r.7; vol. CHA, folios 1v.1-27r.4. Tr. by
Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarman and Zhang Ye shes sde.
Revised by Klu'i rgyal mtshan.
— Sūtrānuyāyibhāvanākrama (Mdo sde rjes su 'brang ba'i
bsgom pa'i go rims pa). See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 648.
— Surūpa-nāma-dhāraṇī (Su rū pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs).
Tôh. no. 1078 (and 540). Derge Kanjur. No translator
— Sūryaśatakastotra.
KCDS, p. 100. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title translated into Tibetan as Nyi ma'i bstod pa brgya pa'am yi ge
brgya pa. Is there a remote possibility this might be the Sūryaśataka by
Mayūra (?).
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-116), a manuscript in 22 folios.
— Sūryasūtra (Nyi ma'i mdo). Tôh. no. 41. Derge Kanjur, vol.
KA, folios 282r.6-282v.6. Tr. by Ānandaśrī and Nyi ma
rgyal mtshan.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 160.
— Sūryacandra Sūtra.
Actually, this 3-folio manuscript would seem to contain both the
Sūryasūtra and the Candrasūtra. Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der
tibetischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden,
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55
(1901), p. 105 (no. 28). The colophon reads more or less as follows: Zla
ba'i mdo rdzogs so // paṇḍi ta chen po Ānandaśrī'i zhal snga nas / mang
du thos pa'i lo tsā ba Śākya'i dge slong nyi ma rgyal mtshan dpal bzang
pos / skad gnyis smra ba rnams kyi gdan sa / gtsug lag khang chen po
dpal thar pa gling du bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
— Susiddhikara.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 125, 132, 152. A text said to have been translated by
Śubhakarasiṃha in 726 CE.
— Sutasoma.
Santoso Soewito, Sutasoma: A Study in Javanese Wajrayana,
Śata-piṭaka Series no. 213 (Delhi 1975).
— Sutasoma Jātaka.
Part thirty-one of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Suttanipāta.
Dines Andersen and Helmer Smith, Sutta-Nipāta (1913; reprint by The
Pali Text Society, London 1965).
N.A. Jayawickrama, A Critical Analysis of the Sutta Nipāta, Pali Buddhist
Review, vol. 2, no. 1 (1977), pp. 14-41.
K.R. Norman, The Group of Discourses (Sutta-Nipāta), vol. 2 (Oxford
1992). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 38
(1995), pp. 283-285.
Nakamura, pp. 23 note 42 note, 43, 44, 45, 57, 59, 69, 78.
— Sūtra of Auspicious Incantations.
Nakamura, p. 325.
— Sūtra of the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin on the Conditions for
Being Born in the Pure land.
Paul, WB, pp. 264-278. Exists only in Chinese.
— Sūtra of the Buddha Teaching the Seven Daughters.
Paul, WB, pp. 11-25. Exists only in Chinese.
— Sūtra of the Child and His Five Mothers.
Paul, WB, pp. 67-70. Exists only in Chinese.
— Sūtra of the Eleven-headed Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva.
Eric Grinstead, The Sūtra of the Eleven-headed Avalokiteśvara
Bodhisattva, contained in: Henrik Sørensen, ed., The Esoteric Buddhist
Tradition, Selected Papers from the 1989 SBS Conference
(Copenhagen 1994).
— Sūtra of the Teachings Left by the Buddha.
Nakamura, p. 214.
— Sūtra on Changing the Female Sex.
Paul, WB, p. 175.
— Sūtra on the Dhāraṇī for Protecting Children.
Nakamura, p. 316.
— Sūtra on the Forbidding Precepts of the Kāśyapiyas.
Nakamura, p. 220.
— Sūtra on the Importance of Parental Love.
Harold J. Isaacson, The Throat of the Peacock: A Book of Modern
Senryu on Parents and Children, with a Sūtra by the Buddha about Filial
Devotion, Theatre Arts Books (NY 1977). Reviewed by Charles Orzech
in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 103, no. 2 (1983), pp.
— Sūtra on the Incarnation of the Bodhisattva (or,
Vaipulya-sūtra Preaching the Bodhisattva's Spiritual
Descent into the Womb of His Mother from Tuṣita Heaven,
or, The Bodhisattva's Taking up Abode in the Womb of His
Arthur E. Link, The Earliest Chinese Account of the Compilation of the
Tripiṭaka (II), Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 81, no. 3
(August 1961), pp. 281-299, at p. 282. The Sanskrit title
Bodhisattvagarbhastha Sūtra has been proposed as a restoration. It
was translated sometime between 384 and 417 CE.
— Sūtra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha.
Evidently only preserved in the Chinese translation by Yijing (625-713).
English translation in Daniel Boucher, Sūtra on the Merit of Bathing the
Buddha, contained in: Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice,
Princeton University Press (Princeton 1995), pp. 59-68.
— Sūtra on the Original Action of Bodhisattva.
Nakamura, p. 194.
— Sūtra on the Secret Teaching of Meditation.
Nakamura, p. 171.
— Sūtra on the Seven Dreams of Ānanda.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 37, 40-41. A-nan ch'i-meng ching.
— Sūtra on the Twelve Years of the Wandering Life of
Bagchi, Twelve. Chinese title given as She eul yeu king.
— Sūtras Enumerating Buddha's Names.
Nakamura, p. 177.
— Sūtras of the Verses of a Hundred Comparisons by
Prasenajit for Converting the World.
Nakamura, p. 218.
— Suvarṇabālukopamā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa gser
gyi bye ma lta bu zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh.
no. 126. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 293r.7-296r.7. Tr.
by Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarma and Ye shes sde.
— Suvarṇābhakumārāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Suvarṇābhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— *Suvarṇaprabhāsamṛdaṅgadhāraṇī (Gser 'od rnga sgra
zhes bya ba'i gzungs).
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 598, describes an 11 folio woodblock print.
— Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra ('Phags pa gser 'od dam pa mchog
tu rnam par rgyal ba'i mdo sde'i rgyal po theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 555. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios
19r.1-151r.7. Tr. by 'Gos Chos 'grub (from the Chinese
Claus Oetke, Die aus dem Chinesischen übersetzten tibetischen
Versionen des Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra (Wiesbaden 1977). Reviewed by
J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 21 (1979), pp. 300-304.
S. Bagchi, ed., Suvarṇaprabhāsūtra, Buddhist Sanskrit Text series no. 8
(Darbhanga 2002), reprint, in 140 pages.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, p. 425.
— Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra, or
a ('Phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 556. Derge
Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 151v.1-273r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
— Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra, or
a ('Phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po
zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 557. Derge
Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios 1v.1-62r.7.
The Suvarṇaprabhāsa definitely precedes the early 5th century when it
was first translated into Chinese, although it is explainable as a
compilation of earlier sources, and the I-tsing translation of 703 is much
S. Bagchi, ed., Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra, Sanskrit Text (with an
introduction in English), Mithila Institute (Darbhanga 2002), in 186
R.E. Emmerick, The Sūtra of Golden Light, Pali Text Society (Oxford
1970/1996). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 14
(1972), pp. 118-121.
R.E. Emmerick, On the St. Petersburg Folios of the Khotanese
Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra, contained in: R. Gyselen, ed., Au
carrefour des religions. Mélanges offerts à Philippe Gignoux
(Bures-sur-Yvette 1995), pp. 61-66.
Johannes Nobel, Das Goldglanz-Sūtra, ein Sanskrittext des Mahāyāna
(Leipzig 1937).
Johannes Nobel, Das Goldglanz-Sūtra, ein Sanskrittext des
Mahāyāna-Buddhismus. Die tibetischen Übersetzungen mit einen
Wörterbuch pt. 1 (Leiden-Stuttgart 1944), pt. 2 (Leiden 1950). Text of
the Tibetan versions and Tibetan-German-Sanskrit glossaries. Review
of the second volume by Johannes Rahder in Journal of the American
Oriental Society, vol. 72, no. 3 (July 1952), pp. 123-124 (the same
author reviewed the first volume in Harvard Journal of Asian Studies,
vol. 10, pp. 224-227). Review of the second volume by J.W. de Jong in
T'oung Pao, vol. 41 (1952), pp. 247-250.
Oktor Skjaervo is preparing a new edition of the Sanskrit (with
corresponding Khotanese passages), using a Nepalese example not
available to Emmerick.
Natalie D. Gummer, Articulating Potency: A Study of the
'Suvarna(pra)bhasottamasutra', doctoral dissertation, Harvard
University (2000), in 321 pages. AAT 9988617.
Kögi Kudara and Klaus Röhrborn., Zwei Verirrte Blatter des uigurischen
Goldglanz-Sutras im Etnografiska Museum, Stockholm, Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 132, no. 2 (1982), pp.
J. Wilkens, Die drei Körper des Buddha (Trikaya). Das dritte Kapitel der
uigurischen Fassung des Goldglanz-Sutras (Altun Yaruk Sudur)
eingeleitet, nach den Handschriften herausgegeben, übersetzt und
kommentiert (2002).
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 108-116.
Matsunami, pp. 211-212. Includes outline of 20 chapter titles and
Nakamura, pp. 193, 291, 318.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 256.
— Suvarṇasūtra-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa gser gyi
mdo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 125.
Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 293r.1-293r.7.
— Suvikrāntacintadevaputraparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa lha'i bu rab rtsal sems kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 161. Derge Kanajur, vol.
BA, folios 101r.1-139v.4. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes
— Suvikrāntavikramiparipṛcchāprajñāpāramitānirdeśa ('Phags
pa rab kyi rtsal gyis rnam par gnon pas zhus pa shes rab
kyi pha rol tu phyin pa bstan pa). Tôh. no. 14. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 20r.1-103v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi,
Jinamitra and Ye shes sde. In 7 chapters.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa rab kyi rtsal gyis rnam par gnon pas zhus pa
/ shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa bstan pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po shī len dra bo dhi dang / dzi na mi tra dang / zhu chen gyi lo
tsā ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsar chad kyis
kyang bcos nas gtan la phab pa.
Hikata Ryusho, Suvikrāntavikrāmi-paripṛcchā Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra,
Kyushu University. (Fukuoka 1958).
J.W. de Jong, Notes on Prajñāpāramitā Texts 2: The
Suvikrāntavikrāmiparipṛcchā, contained in: Lewis Lancaster, ed.,
Prajñāpāramitā and Related Systems (Berkeley 1977), pp. 187-199.
Nakamura, p. 162.
— Svādhiṣṭhānakramamārīcīsādhana (Rang byin gyis brlab
pa'i rim pa'i 'od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3530.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 171v.4-172r.7. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
— Svādhiṣṭhānakumārītarpaṇavidhi.
English, Vajrayoginī, pp. 380-381.
— Svāgatāvadāna.
Matsunami, pp. 223, 224.
— Svalpākṣaraprajñāpāramitā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa yi ge nyung ngu zhes
bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 22 (also, no. 530).
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folio 146r.3-147v.3.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa yi ge nyung
ngu zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs so.
EoB under "Alpākṣaraprajñāpāramitā."
Charles Willemen, A Tantric Heart Sūtra, Samadhi, vol. 7 (1973), pp.
Akira Yuyama, Svalpākṣarā Prajñāpāramitā, contained in: Leslie
Kawamura, ed., Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilization, Dharma Press
(Emeryville 1977), pp. 299-301.
Matsunami, p. 212.
— Svapnādhyāya (Rmi lam le'u ma).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 22 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-67), with the title Svapnādhyāya. A 12-folio
— Svapnanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rmi lam
bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 48.
Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 203v.1-237v.7. Tr. by
Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde. This is marked as chapter
four of the Ratnakūṭa. There is no translation colophon in
the Derge.
Rhoton, CD, pp. 148, 194.
The Chinese translation is by Dharmarakṣa, and so dates to late 3rd
century (therefore the text itself must be older). Buddhist dream theory
and interpretation is the main subject matter, as the title suggests. Paul
Harrison, Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the Production of
Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003),
pp. 115-151, at pp. 136-137.
— Svapnavicāra.
Also called Svapnāvali. BSM, p. 7 (MBB-I-125). A 103-folio manuscript
dated 1711.
— Svarodayalagnaphalopadeśa (Dbyangs 'char ba'i dus
sbyor gyi 'bras bu nye bar mkho ba). Tôh. no. 4327. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGO, folio 99r.1-99v.5. Tr. by Jayānanda and
Chos rje dpal.
— Svarodayānāmaṇḍalopāyikā.
Matsunami, p. 281.
— Śvāsagaṇānusāreṇa cittasthāpanopāya (Dbus bgrang ba'i
sgo nas sems gnas par bya ba'i thabs). Tôh. no. 4372.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios 277r.7-280v.4.
— Svastigāthā (Bde legs kyi tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no. 1101
(also, no. 817). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAM, folios
— Svastyayanagāthā (Bde legs su 'gyur ba'i tshigs su bcad
pa). Tôh. no. 1102 (also, no. 818). Derge Kanjur, vol.
WAM, folios 272v.4-273r.5.
Matsuda, Stanza, p. 20. Evidently this is a set of verses extract from the
— Svayaṃbhūcaityābhattarakadeśa.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-14). An 18-folio manuscript.
— Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa.
Horst Brinkhaus, Śāntikara's Nāgasādhana in the Svayambhūpurāṇa, A
Medieval Legend of a Rain Charm in the Nepal Valley, Journal of the
Nepal Research Center, vol. 12 (2001), pp. 17-38.
R. Mitra, The Vṛhat Svayambhū Purāṇaṃ (Calcutta 1900).
Louis de la Vallée Poussin, Svayambhūpurāṇa, dixième chapitre,
Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Université de Gand (Gand 1893).
Hariprasad Shastri, Notes on the Svayambhūpurāṇaṃ, Journal of the
Buddhist Text Society of India, vol. 2, part 2 (1894), pp. 33-37.
Warren Smith and Manabajra Vajracharya, Mythological History of
Nepal Valley from Svayambhu Purana, Avalok Publishers (Kathmandu
Nakamura, pp. 341, 342.
Matsunami, pp. 238-241.
Bṛhatsvayambhūpurāṇa. BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-12). A 133-folio
— Śvetaketu Sūtra (Dam pa tog dkar gyi mdo).
For the association of this text with Thon mi Sambhoṭa in 7th-century
Tibet, see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 55.
Dam pa tog dkar gyi bkra shis. 2-folio manuscript listed in Denwood,
Catalogue, no. 197.
— Śyainika Śāstra.
A treatise on hunting. Strickmann, CPP, p. 172.
Mohan Chand, ed., Śyainika Śāstram: The Art of Hunting in Ancient
India, Easern Book Linkers (Delhi 1982).
— Tamovanamukhanāmasūtra (Mun gyi nags tshal gyi sgo
zhes bya ba'i mdo). Tôh. no. 314. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA,
folios 163v.6-169r.4.
— Tantracikitsā.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-290). A 44-folio manuscript. Evidently on tantric
— Tantrākhyāna.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-131). A 62-folio manuscript. Also, BSM, p. 16
(MBB-II-141), a 39-folio manuscript.
— Tantrākhyāyika.
J. Hertel, tr., Tantrākhyāyika, die älteste Fassung des Pañcatantra
(Berlin 1909), in 2 volumes.
— Tantrāloka.
Tucci, TPS, p. 239.
— Tantrarāja.
Sanskrit citations from a text by this (obviously inadequate) title are in
Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 27.
— Tantrasāra.
Tucci, TPS, p. 239.
— Tanūvicāraṇaśāstrasaṅkṣepa (Mi dpyad kyi bstan bcos
bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 4337. Derge Tanjur, folios
150v.2-151r.5. Tr. by O rgyan pa Rin chen dpal.
— Tapasvīnāgarājaparipṛcchā ('Phags pa klu'i rgyal po gzi can
gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 659 (also, no.
— Tārābhaṭṭārikākalpa (Rje btsun 'phags ma sgrol ma'i cho
ga). Tôh. no. 3507. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
155v.3-156v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Tārābhaṭṭārikānāmāṣṭaśataka (Rje btsun ma 'phags ma
sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 727
(also, no. 745, no. 1000). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
217r.2-219r.6. Tr. by Thar pa Lo tsā ba (no colophon, but
said to be a translation of Thar Lo). Tôh. no. 745 says it is a
translation by Si tu pa Bstan pa'i nyin byed.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 679 is a similar title with the colophon: kha che'i
paṇḍi ta bu ddhā ka ra dang bod kyi lo tsā ba ga rub chos kyi shes rab
kyis kha che'i dpe las bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
P.C. Verhagen, Notes Apropos to the Oeuvre of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Chos-kyi-'byung-gnas (1699?-1774) [2]: Dkar-chag Materials, contained
in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 207-238, at p. 216 (a copy of Si tu
Paṇ chen's translation was also included in his Collected Works).
— Tārādevīnāmāṣṭaśataka (Lha mo sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya
rtsa brgyad pa). Tôh. no. 728. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA,
folios 219r.6-222r.6.
— Tārādevīsādhana (Lha mo sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3503. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 153v.7-154r.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Tārādevīstotra ('Phags ma lha mo sgrol ma la bstod pa).
Tôh. no. 3695. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 328r.2-328r.7.
— *Tārādhāraṇī ('Phags ma sgrol ma'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 729
(also, no. 1001). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folio
— Tārādharma.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-101). A 24-folio manuscript dated 1899.
— Tārākārikā.
BSM, p. 26 (WGS-21). A 6-folio manuscript.
— Tārākurukullekalpa ('Phags ma sgrol ma ku ru kulle'i rtog
pa). Tôh. no. 437. Derge Tanjur, vol. CA, folios
29v.1-42v.3. Tr. by Kṛṣṇa Paṇḍita and Tshul khrims rgyal
ba (the disciple of Atiśa).
Kurukullākalpaḥ ('Phags ma sgrol ma ku ru kulle'i rtog pa), ed. by
Janardan Shastri Pandey and a team of coeditors, Central Institute for
Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 2001). Editions of the Sanskrit and
Tibetan texts.
Wayman, BI, p. 405.
Matsunami, p. 255.
— Tārāmūlakalpa.
See under
Marcel Lalou, Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa et Tārāmūlakalpa, Harvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, vol. 1, nos. 3-4 (1932), pp. 327-347.
— Tārānāmastotra.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-63). A 16-folio manuscript dated 1908 CE.
— Tārānucarīyakṣiṇīsādhana ('Phags ma sgrol ma'i rjes su
spyod pa'i gnod sbyin mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3691.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 325r.5-325v.6. Tr. by
Vairocana and Dar ma blo gros (mistakenly listed as
authors in the catalogue).
— Tārāpārājikā.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-260). A 5-folio manuscript.
— Tārāpratijñādhāraṇi.
KCDS, p. 39. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3193.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 202v.4-203r.1. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3194.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 203r.1-203r.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3195.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 203r.6-203v.3. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3196.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 203v.4-203v.7. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tārāsādhana ('Phags ma sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3199. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 208r.6-208v.4. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3201.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 208v.4-209v.5. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3202.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 209v.5-210r.3. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Tārāsādhana (Sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3683.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 314r.1-314r.3.
Tārāṣṭaghoratāraṇīsūtra ('Phags ma sgrol ma 'jigs pa
brgyad las skyob pa'i mdo). Tôh. no. 731. Derge Kanjur,
vol. TSHA, folios 222v.5-224v.1.
Tārāstotradvādaśagāthā ('Phags ma sgrol ma la bstod pa
tshigs su bcad pa bcu gnyis pa). Tôh. no. 3668. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 281r.5-281v.5.
Tārāstutivṛtti (Sgrol bstod 'grel pa).
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 17, lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu.
— Tārāsvapratijñā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags ma sgrol ma rang gis
dam bcas pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 730 (also, no.
1002). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folio 222r.7-222v.5.
— Tārāyā daṇḍakastotra. Preserved in Chinese.
Nakamura, p. 335 (Āryatārāyadaṇḍakastotra).
— Tarkarahasya.
Bandurski, p. 52 (catalogue no. 21). An edition by Paramanandan
Shastri has been published (Patna 1979).
Bretfeld, p. 42.
Hideomi Yaita, Tarkarahasya ni-okeru Sambandhaparīkṣā, Indogaku
Bukkyôgaku Kenkyû, vol. 38, no. 1 (1989), pp. 387-385 [in Japanese].
Gudrun Bühnemann, Tarkarahasya and Vādarahasya, Wiener
Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, vol. 27 (1983), pp. 185-190.
— Tarkavighātaṭippaṇakavṛtti (Tshad ma rnam par 'joms pa
mdor bshad pa'i 'grel pa). Tôh. no. 3904. Derge Tanjur,
vol. A, folios 293v.1-296r.3.
ACIP data version available.
— Tārodbhavakurukullāsādhana (Sgrol ma las 'byung ba'i ku
ru kullā'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3208. Derge Tanjur, vol.
PHU, folios 213v.4-215r.6. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tathāgata.
A text by this title is quoted (a single śloka) in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 20. It
is probably short for Tathāgataguhyakośa or some other such text.
— Tathāgatabimbakārāpaṇa.
Adelheid Mette, Zwei kleine Fragments aus Gilgit:
I--Tathāgatabimbakārāpaṇasūtra (Gilgit manuscript no 18);
II--Devatāsūtra and Alpadevatāsūtra (aus Gilgit manuscript no 13),
Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, vol. 7 (1981), pp. 133-151. The title
might be translated "On Commissioning the Buddha Image."
— Tathāgatācintyaguhyanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gsang ba bsam gyis mi
khyab pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 47. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 100r.1-203r.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
This is marked as chapter three of the Ratnakūṭa.
Nakamura, p. 333.
See Dan Martin, "Tibet at the Center: A Historical Study of Some
Tibetan Geographical Conceptions Based on Two Types of
Country-lists Found in Bon Histories," contained in: Per Kværne, ed.,
Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International
Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992, The Institute for
Comparative Research in Human Culture (Oslo 1994), vol. 1, pp.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes chinoises sur l'Inde V: Quelques documents sur le
bouddhisme indien dans l'Asie centrale [Part One], Bulletin de l'Ecole
française d'Extrême-Orient (1905), pp. 253-305.
— Tathāgatagarbha-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa de
bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 258. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios
245v.2-259v.4. Tr. by Śākyaprabha and Ye shes sde.
Shu-hui Chen, Affirmation in Negation: A Study of the Tathāgatagarbha
Theory in the Lihgt of the Bodhisattva Practice, doctoral dissertation,
University of Wisconsin (Madison 1998).
William H. Grosnick, The Tathāgata Sūtra, contained in: Donald S.
Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton
1995), pp. 92-106. The questioner in this scripture is the Bodhisattva
Michael Zimmermann, A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra,
the Earliest Exposition of the Buddha-Nature Teaching in India,
International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka
University (Tokyo 2002).
Michael Zimmermann, The Tabo Fragments and the Stemma of the
Tibetan Tathāgatagarbhasūtra, contained in: Helmut Eimer and David
Germano, eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden
2002), pp. 177-196.
Michael Zimmermann, A Second Tibetan Translation of the
Tathāgatagarbhasūtra in the Newark Manuscript Kanjur from Bathang:
A Translation of the Early Period (snga dar), contained in: Transactions
of the International Conference of Eastern Studies, vol. 43 (1998), pp.
Michael Zimmermann, The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra: Its Basic Structure
and Relation to the Lotus Sūtra, contained in: Annual Report of the
International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka
University for the Academic Year 1998 (Tokyo 1999), pp. 143-168.
Nakamura, pp. 220 note, 229.
— Tathāgataguhyakośa Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 220.
Sanskrit citation from a text by this title is quoted in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p.
20. Perhaps it is identical to the texts quoted (on pp. 21-26) under the
titles Tathāgatakoṣasūtra and Tathāgataguhyasūtra.
— Tathāgataguhya Sūtra.
Sanskrit citation from a text by this title is quoted in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp.
Tathāgataguṇajñānacintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśa-nāmamahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i yon tan
dang ye shes bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i yul la 'jug pa bstan
pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 185.
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folios 106r.1-143v.4. Tr. by
Jñānagarbha and Ye shes sde.
Nakamura, p. 196.
— Tathāgatajñānamudrāsamādhi-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i ye shes kyi phyag rgya'i
ting nge 'dzin zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
131. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 230v.4-253v.5. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Munivarman and Ye shes sde.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, under the title De bzhin
gshegs pa'i ye shes kyi phyag rgya'i mdo.
Mookerji, Ancient, p. 609. Reference to its Chinese translation by
Jñānaśrī sometime after his arrival in China 1053 CE.
— Tathāgatakoṣasūtra.
Sanskrit citation from a text by this title is given in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p.
— Tathāgatamahākaruṇānirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying rje chen po nges
par bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
147. Derge Kanjur, vol. PA, folios 142r.1-242v.7. Tr. by
Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. This seems to contain an
Arapacana syllabary. The Chinese translation was done
by Dharmarakṣa.
*Mahākaruṇā Sūtra (Snying rje chen po'i mdo). In the list of 21 texts
introduced to Tibet in early 7th century by Thon mi Sambhoṭa (Mdo
rgyud nyer gcig), according to the Mkhas pa'i dga' ston (oldest source is
probably the Maṇi bka' 'bum); see Lahuli, Thon-mi, p. 54.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 388.
— Tathāgatānām buddhakṣetraguṇoktadharmaparyāya
('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa rnams kyi sangs rgyas kyi
zhing gi yon tan brjod pa'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no.
104. Derge Kanjur, vol. NGA, folios 285v.4-286v.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
ma-dharmaparyāya ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gzugs
brnyan bzhag pa'i phan yon yang dag par brjod pa zhes
bya ba'i chos kyi rnam grangs). Tôh. no. 320. Derge
Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 197r.1-198v.4. Tr. by Dharmākara
and Ye shes snying po. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
The title is rather similar to that of the text found at Gilgit:
Tathāgatabimbakārāpaṇasūtra, q.v.
— Tathāgatasamādhi (not a 'real' title).
KCDS, p. 129. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
A note says it is a collection of various tantras and dhāraṇīs. A note says
it is from Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Tathāgatasaṅgīti-nāma-mahāyānasūtra (De bzhin gshegs
pa bgro ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
229. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 226v.1-265v.7. Tr. by
Jñānagarbha and Dpal dbyangs. Revised by Dpal brtsegs.
— *Tathāgataśatākṣara (De bzhin gshegs pa'i yi ge brgya pa).
According to Haarh, List, p. 205, this text is found in the Lhasa Kanjur,
but not in the Derge Kanjur. The text only contains two lines.
— Tathāgataśrīsamaya.
-mahāyānasūtra ('Dus pa chen po theg pa chen po'i mdo
sde las de bzhin gshegs pa'i dpal gyi dam tshig ces bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 230. Derge Kanjur, vol.
DZA, folios 266v.1-297r.7. Tr. by Sarvajñadeva and Dpal
Nattier, OUFT, p. 172.
— Tathāgatoṣṇīṣasitātapatra-nāma-aparājitadhāraṇī ('Phags
pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs
dkar po can gzhan gyis mi thub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs).
Tôh. no. 593. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
224v.2-229v.7. Tr. by Kashmiri Mahājñāna (Mahājāna??).
amasiddhi-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i
gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar po can gzhan gyis mi
thub pa phyir zlog pa chen mo mchog tu grub pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 591. Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
212v.7-219r.7. Tr. by Parahitaprabha and Gzu Dga' rdor
[Dga' ba'i rdo rje].
— Tathāgatoṣṇīṣasitātapatrāparājita-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa
de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar
po can gzhan gyis mi thub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh.
no. 593 (also, no. 986). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
— Tathāgatotpattisambhavanirdeśasūtra.
Luis O. Gómez, The Whole Universe as a Sūtra, contained in: Donald S.
Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton
1995), pp. 107-112.
Nakamura, p. 196.
Wayman, BI, p. 170.
— Tātparyanibandhanaṭippaṇa.
Nakamura, p. 302. An anonymous commentary on the Nyāyabinduṭīkā
by Dharmottara. Its Sanskrit text has been found, but still unpublished.
— Tattvadeśaka.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-50). A manuscript in 26 folios.
— Tattvajñānasiddhitantra.
BSM, p. 5 (MBB-I-73). A 25-folio manuscript. One suspects this has
something to do with the Tattvajñānasaṃsiddhi, q.v.
— Tattvakārikā (De kho na nyid kyi tshig le'ur byas pa). Tôh.
no. 1714. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 77v.3-78v.6. Tr.
by Parahita and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Tattvakṣaṇikā.
KCDS, p. 112. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript (in 95 folios?) belonging to
Potala. Tibetan version of the title given as Yang dag pa'i skad cig ma.
A note says it is a medical treatise of uncertain authorship.
— Tattvamohanīsādhana.
BSM, p. 23 (MBB-II-277). A 10-folio manuscript.
— Tattvasaṅgraha (De kho na nyid bsdus pa).
See under Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṅgraha.
— Tattvasaṅgrahaniścaya.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 94.
— Tha snyad kyi phreng ba.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Thabs dang shes rab kyi spyod pa bstan pa. in 80 śloka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Thabs mkhas pa chen po sangs rgyas drin lan bsab pa'i
mdo. Tôh. no. 353. Derge Kanjur, vol. AḤ, folios
86r.2-198v.7. Evidently translated from Chinese.
Discussion in Laufer, LW, pp. 422-423.
Rhoton, CD, p. 93 (Mdo drin lan bsab pa).
Pha ma'i drin lan bsab pa'i mdo. Very brief text in 2 folios. Denwood,
Catalogue, no. 351.
— Theg bsdus.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po gcig char 'jug pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i chos dang don dang dkyus bris pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), pp. 415-416: Text with no authorship attribution,
made in Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i chos rgyu dang 'bras bu mdor bshad pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i dbu ma lugs kyi snying po.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i dbu ma'i tshul bstan pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i gang zag rnal 'byor pas nyams su blang
ba'i mdo.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theg pa chen po'i kun rdzob dang don dam pa bstan pa. In
200 ślokas.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Theragāthā.
Nakamura, p. 46.
Hermann Oldenberg and Richard Pischel, The Thera- and Theri-gāthā
(Stanzas ascribed to Elders of the Buddhist Order of Recluses), The
Pali Text Society (London 1883; reprint 1990).
K.R. Norman, ed., The Elders' Verses, 1: Theragāthā (London 1969).
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 13 (1972), pp.
— Therigāthā.
Nakamura, p. 46.
— Thos pa 'dzin pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 651 (also, no. 1040).
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 136v.7-137r.2.
— Thos pa 'dzin pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 720 (also, no. 1041).
Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA, folio 180r.4-180r.7.
— Thousand Bowl Sūtra.
Nakamura, p. 327.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, p. 266.
— Thugs rje chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs ma ṇi snying.
— Thūpavaṃsa.
Strong, RB, p. 46.
N.A. Jayawickrama, The Chronicle of the Thūpa and the Thūpavaṃsa,
Pali Text Society (London 1971).
— Tiṅanta (Ti nga'i mtha', or Tingnga'i mtha'). Tr. by Blo gros
brtan pa. Tôh. no. 4275. Derge Tanjur, vol. RE , folios
65r.6-69r.1. On inflected verbal bases in Sanskrit
Derge colophon: ting nga'i mtha' rdzogs so // dpal gyis byed pa yin no //
bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong dpal ldan blo gros brtan pas bal po'i yul rol
pa'i grong khyer du bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o // 'gro ba du
ma la phan par gyur cig // shong ston legs bshad lde mig blangs // legs
sbyar skad kyi gter kha phye // gzhung lugs rgya chen rin chen rnyed //
legs bshad dga' ston 'gyed la dbang.
— Ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo'i gzung bar 'gyur ba'i
gzungs. Tôh. no. 586 (also, no. 942). Derge Kanjur, vol.
PHA, folio 204r.6-204v.1.
— Tirokuḍḍasutta.
Nakamura, p. 227.
Orzech in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 103, no. 2
(1983), p. 461. According to him, it (Tirokuddha Sutta) represents an
accommodation with lay concerns for family and ancestors.
— Tīrthikaprabodhanaprātihāryāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Trailokyavaśaṅkaralokeśvarasādhana ('Jig rten gsum po
dbang du byed pa'i 'jig rten dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3428. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 88v.3-89v.1.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Trailokyavijaya-mahākalparāja ('Jig rten gsum las rnam par
rgyal ba rtog pa'i rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 482. Derge
Kanjur, vol. TA, folios 10r.1-58r.7. Tr. by Rin chen bzang
po or Rma Dge blo (Dge ba'i blo gros). Revised by Zha lu
pa Ye shes rgya mtsho.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 147.4: yang 'jig rten gsum las rnam par rgyal
ba'i rtog pa dang / de'i 'grel pa mu ti ta ko shas mdzad pa gnyis la 'gyur
byang med pa gnyis yod de / kha cig lo chen gyi 'gyur yin zer / kha cig
dge blo'i yin nam zer ba gcig yod do...
— Trailokyavijayasādhana (Khams gsum rnam par rgyal ba'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3278. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
26v.3-26v.7. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Trailokyavijayasādhana (Khams gsum rnam par rgyal ba'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3624. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
244v.4-245r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Trayacattvāriṃśatślokā (?).
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-15). A 4-folio manuscript.
— Trayastriṃśatparivarta-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
sum cu rtsa gsum pa'i le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 223. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios
127r.1-164r.2. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
— Trayodaśātmakasamādhi.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-48). A manuscript in 20 folios dated 1763 CE.
— Trayodaśātmikavajraḍākinīvajravārāhisādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, pp. 364-365.
— Tridaṇḍi Sūtra.
Kazunobu Matsuda, The Tridaṇḍi-sūtra in the Dīrghāgama Manuscript,
a paper to be delivered at the International Association of Buddhist
Studies conference (London 2005).
— Tridharmaka-nāma-sūtra (Chos gsum pa zhes bya ba'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 253. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios
69v.2-70v.3. Tr. by Jinamitra and Devacandra. Revised
by Dpal brtsegs.
Liebenthal, Biography, p. 286, note 12. One of the Chinese translations
(not the first one) was made in 391 CE.
— Trikāyanāmamahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa sku gsum zhes bya
ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 283. Derge Kanjur,
vol. YA, folios 56r.5-57r.3.
— Trikāyastava.
Lancaster, PRS, p. 366.
S. Paranavitana, The Trikayāstava in an Inscription at Mihintale,
Epigraphia Zealanica, vol. 4, pp. 242-246.
Baron Alexander von Staël-Holstein, Bemerken zum Trikāyastava, IIAN
(? 1911), pp. 837-845.
— Trikoṭīmāṇavakatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Triṃśadbrāhmaṇapravrajyāvratacaraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Triṃśadgoṣṭhikapravrajyācaraṇaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Triṃśatikaprajñāpāramitā (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa
sum brgya pa).
Mvy. no. 1374.
— Tripiṭāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-35), with the apparently more correct title
Tripiṭakāvadāna. A 13-folio manuscript.
— Tripratyayabhāṣya (Rkyen gsum bshad pa). Tr. by Rong
zom Chos bzang (Rong zom pa Chos kyi bzang po). Tôh.
no. 4432. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios 141v.7-149r.7.
— Tripusabhallika Sūtra.
NTSH, p. 180.
— Triratnabhajanānuśaṃsānidhānaparivarta.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Triratnabhajanānuśaṃsāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-94). A 5-folio manuscript.
— Triratnānusmṛti Sūtra (?).
'Jam mgon 'Ju Mi pham rgya mtsho (1846-1912), Dkon mchog gsum
rjes su dran pa'i mdo rnam par 'grel ba bkra shis mi zad pa'i sgra
dbyangs, Gsung rab Nyams gso Par khang (Dalhousie 1966), in 79
pages. Toh. nos. 279-281 are probably the subjects of this
— Triratnasamutpattikathāpravṛtti.
Matsunami, p. 233.
— Triratnasvastigāthā (Dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis kyi
tshigs su bcad pa). Tôh. no. 1108 (also, no. 827). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WAṂ, folios 278r.2-278r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra
and Ye shes sde.
Stog Palace Kanjur colophon (no. 763): dkon mchog gsum bkra shis kyi
tshigs su bcad pa bcom ldan 'das kyis khyim bdag des pa la gsungs pa
rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang zhu chen gyi lo tsā
ba bande ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
— Trisamayamaṇḍalottaratantramudrāvidhāna
KCDS, p. 16. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 100 folios belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. Tibetan translation of the title given as Dam tshig
gsum bkod pa'i phyag rgya.
— Trisamayasādhana.
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-121). A 9-folio manuscript.
— Trisamayavyūharāja-nāma-tantra (Dam tshig gsum bkod
pa'i rgyal po zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 502. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 181r.2-247r.7. Tr. by Kṛṣṇa Paṇḍita
and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
KCDS, p. 31. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka with title (in Tibetan) Dam tshog gsum gyi rgyud kyi bshad
pa. Evidently this Sanskrit-language text was written on palmleaf using
Tibetan script.
This is probably the scripture cited in Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon,
Introduction to Mahamudra, the Co-emergent Unification, text with
English translation by Khenpo Konchok Tamphel, Songtsen (Dehra Dun
2004), pp. 4-5, under the short title Dam tshig bkod pa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 101 (Dam tshig gsum bkod).
Sanskrit citations from a text by the title Trisamayarāja are supplied in
Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 27-29.
— Trisaṃpadopadeśasūtropadeśa.
Nakamura, p. 290. Sanskrit reconstructed from the Chinese translation
by Vimokṣasena or Vimokṣaprajña.
— Triśaraṇagamana-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa gsum
la skyabs su 'gro ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 225. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 174r.1-175r.5.
Tr. by Sarvajñadeva and Dpal brtsegs.
Ken Liberman & Ven Jampa Losel, trs., The Going for Refuge Sūtra,
Bulletin of Tibetology, new series no. 1 (1988), pp. 35-36.
— Triśaraṇagatābhiprasannatriśaraṇasaṃvara.
KCDS, p. 138. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Triskandhaka-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa phung po
gsum pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
284. Derge Kanjur, vol. YA, folios 57r.3-77r.3. Tr. by Ye
shes sde.
Nancy J. Barnes, The Triskandha, Practice in Three Parts: Study of an
Early Mahayana Buddhist Ritual, contained in: N. K. Wagle and F.
Watanabe, eds., Studies on Buddhism in Honour of Professor A.K.
Warder, University of Toronto (Toronto 1991).
Lobsang Dorjee (Rabling), restorer, tr. and ed., Āryatriskandhasūtraṃ
Ṭīkātrayasaṃbalitam ('Phags pa phung po gsum pa'i mdo dang de'i rgya
'grel gsum), Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series no. 49, Central Institute of
Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 2001). Includes commentaries by
Nāgārjuna, Jitāri and Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna.
The 'three heaps' of the title are confession of sin (pāpadeśanā),
rejoicing at merit (puṇyānumodanā), and requesting instruction from a
Buddha (buddhādhyeṣaṇā). Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages:
Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist,
new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 137.
Takayasu Kimura, The Triskandhakam, Taishô daigaku sôgô
bukkyôkenkyūjo nenpô, vol. 2 (1980), pp. 194-179. Sanskrit text.
Pierre Python, Le rituel du culte Mahāyānique et le traité tibétain 'Phags
pa Phuṅ po gsum pa, Asiatische Studien, vol. 35, no. 2 (1981), pp.
Matsunami, p. 212.
— Tṛtīyapīṭha Tantra.
BSM, p. 8 (MBB-I-133). A 107-folio manuscript.
— Tshad med bzhi bsgom pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2563.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NGU, folio 24v.5-24v.7. Most likely by
— Tshad med bzhi thob par 'gyur ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 582
(also, no. 938). Derge Kanjur, vol. PHA, folios
— Tshad med pa bzhi'i rgya cher 'grel pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Tshangs la phan sems kyis 'jam dpal la zhus pa.
See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 709.2.
— Tshegs chung dus bsod nams chen po thob pa'i rtags.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Tshig btsan pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 789 (also, no. 1027).
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 115r.1-115r.4.
— Tshogs kyi bdag po rin po che 'bru'i dkor mdzod dang / 'bru
dang longs spyod spel ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 409.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 120 (no. 115). Here
the Sanskritized title is given as Āryagaṇaratnavayādharanāmadhāraṇī.
Schlagintweit, München, p. 84.
— Tshul khrims nyams pa'i rnam par smin pa lci yang bstan
pa'i mdo.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 264.
— Tuṃvuroḥ Kanakamunitathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Tuṇḍilovāda Sutta.
Charles Hallisey, The Advice to Layman Tuṇḍila, contained in: Donald
S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), pp. 302-313.
Charles Hallisey, The Tuṇḍilovāda: An Allegedly Non-Canonical Sutta,
Journal of the Pāli Text Society, vol. 15 (1990), pp. 170-195.
— Ucchuṣmadhāraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 318.
— Udānālaṅkāra.
E. Sieg and W. Siegling, Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Heft 1.
Die Udānālaṅkāra-Fragmente, Text, Übersetzung und Glossar,
Vandenhoek und Ruprecht (Göttingen 1949). Reviewed by George S.
Lane in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 70, no. 2 (April
1950), pp. 130-132.
Nakamura, p. 43. Tokharian commentary on the Udānavarga.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 63.
— Udayanavatsarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-parivarta ('Phags pa
batsa'i rgyal po 'char byed kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i le'u).
Tôh. no. 73. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 204v.1-215v.7.
Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Paul, WB, pp. 25-50.
— Uḍḍiyānamārīcīsādhana (O rgyan gyi 'od zer can gyi sgrub
pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3340. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
29r.2-29v.1. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Uḍḍiyānatārābhisamayakrama (Dpal u rgyan gyi sgrol ma'i
mngon par rtogs pa'i rim pa). Tôh. no. 1707. Derge Tanjur,
folio SHA, folios 67v.1-69r.2. Tr. by Saṅghaśrībhadra and
'Jam dpal sgeg pa'i rdo rje.
— Uḍḍiyānatārākrama (U rgyan gyi sgrol ma'i rim pa). Tôh.
no. 1708. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folio 69r.2-69v.1. Tr. by
Saṅghaśrībhadra and 'Jam dpal sgeg pa'i rdo rje.
— Udgatastotra.
The title was evidently invented. A Sanskrit text has been posted on the
internet by Jens-Uwe Hartmann. It is quite fragmentary.
— Udumbarikasīhanāda Sutta.
Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages: Reflections on the Production
of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist, new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2
(2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 123.
— 'Ug sred bcas pa'i mdo.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 532. Sūtra with Owl Thirst?? Denwood gives
the Sanskrit title as Humunasūtra, which seems quite strange (and
probably not even Sanskrit).
I wonder if this might have to do with the Blon po 'ug phrad zhes bya ba'i
bstan bcos, which has been published in the two-volume set with the
overall title Tibetan Didactic Tales on Animal and Bird Themes.
— Ugradattaparipṛcchā.
Nakamura, p. 224. Chinese translations listed.
Text cited by Śāntideva. Paul Harrison, Mediums and Messages:
Reflections on the Production of Mahāyāna Sūtras, Eastern Buddhist,
new series vol. 35, nos. 1-2 (2003), pp. 115-151, at p. 131.
— Ugraparipṛcchā.
Jan Nattier, A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to the
Inquiry of Ugra, University of Hawaii Press (Honolulu 2003).
— Ugratārāmūlamantrastotra (Sgrol ma khro mo la rtsa ba'i
sngags kyis bstod pa). Tôh. no. 1725. Derge Tanjur, vol.
SHA, folio 91v.1-91v.5.
— Ujjvālikādānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Ullambanasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 228.
EoB, vol. 3, p. 276. There is reason to think this was produced in China.
It contains the story of Maudgalyāyana's visit to hell to free his mother.
Sen, Revival, p. 70.
— Unmādayantī Jātaka.
Part thirteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Upadeśa (Gdams ngag). Tôh. no. 3210. Derge Tanjur, vol.
PHU, folio 217r.1-217r.3. Tr. by Abhayākaragupta and
Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Upadeśāntara (Gdams ngag gi khyad par). Tôh. no. 3211.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio 217r.3-217r.5. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Upadeśaśāstra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 10.
— Upadeśaviśeṣasādhana (Gdams ngag gi khyad par yi ge
drug pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3152. Derge Tanjur, vol.
PHU, folio 175r.4-175r.6. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal
— Upaguptāśokāvadāna.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-90). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Upaguptāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 241.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-91). A 22-folio manuscript.
— Upāyapāśapadmamālā.
Nakamura, p. 332.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Upāliparipṛcchā.
('Phags pa 'dul ba rnam par gtan la dbab pa nye bar 'khor
gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
68. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 115r.1-131r.7. Tr. by
Jinamitra, Prajñāvarman, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Tucci, TPS, p. 357.
Nakamura, pp. 56 note, 220.
Valentina Stache-Rosen, tr., Upāliparipṛcchāsūtra: ein Text sur
buddhistischen Ordensdisziplin. Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt und
den Pāli-Parallelen gegenübergestellt, Abhandlung der Akademie der
Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Phil.-hist. Kl. Dritte Folge, nr. 140,
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (Göttingen 1984). Review by J.W. de Jong
in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 49, no. 3
(1986), pp. 591-592. This work survives only in Chinese, although
based on a Pāli or Sanskrit original, and apparently has nothing to do
with the similarly titled Tibetan text. The Taishô catalogue mistakenly
(?) attributes the translation to Guṇavarman.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 34-35. A kind of Bodhisattva-oriented Vinaya text,
embedded as section nine of the Daśādhyāyavinaya.
Valentina Stache-Rosen, The Upāliparipṛcchāsūtra, a Vinaya Text in
Chinese, contained in: Harish Chandra Das, Chittaranjan Das, Shri Stya
Ranjan Pal, eds., Buddhism and Jainism, Institute of Oriental and
Orissan Studies (Cuttack 1976), pp. 24-30.
Pierre Python, Vinaya-Viniścaya-Upāli-Paripṛcchā: Enquete d'Upāli pour
une exégèse de la discipline, Adrien-Maisonneuve (Paris 1973).
Includes translation of Mātṛceta's Sugatapañcatriṃśatstotra. Reviewed
by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 19 (1977), pp. 131-135.
Agostini, BSF, p. 80.
Pachow, VBM, p. 11.
— Upāli Sūtra. Part of Madhyama Āgama.
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 27-35.
Banerjee, SL, p. 21.
Sylvain Lévi, Notes indiennes, Journal Asiatique (January-March 1925),
pp. 17-69.
Bela Bhattacharya, A Comparative Study between the Pāli Upāli Sutta
and the Manuscript of Sanskrit Version Found in Central Asia, paper to
be given at the International Association of Buddhist Studies conference
(London 2005).
— Upāsakapañcaśīlarūpasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 227. Said to have been compiled in China.
Banerjee, SL, p. 32.
Pachow, VBM, p. 11. Translated into Chinese by Guṇavarman.
— Upāsakaśīlasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 227 note.
The Numata series has published a translation by Heng-ching Shih,
"The Sutra on Upāsaka Precepts," based on the Chinese (Taishô no.
— Upasampadājñapti.
Bandurski, p. 96 (catalogue no. 56).
Bretfeld, p. 45, with references to the literature.
B. Jinananda, Upasampadājñaptiḥ (Patna 1961).
— Upasampadāvidhi.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-70). A manuscript in 65 folios.
— Upasena Sūtra.
E. Waldschmidt, Das Upasenasūtra (Göttingen 1957).
E. Waldschmidt, The Upasena-sūtra, a Charm against Snake-bites from
the Saṃyuktāgama, contained in: Heinz Bechert and Petral Kieffer-Pülz,
eds., Ernst Waldschmidt: Ausgewählte kleine Schriften (Stuttgart 1989),
pp. 180-199 (234-252).
L. Schmithausen, Maitrī and Magic: Aspects of the Buddhist Attitude
toward the Dangerous in Nature, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften (Wien 1997).
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Upatisapasina.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription. The title in
Sanskrit would be Upatiṣyapraśna. Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— Upāyakauśalya-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa thabs
mkhas pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no.
261. Derge Kanjur, vol. ZA, folios 283v.2-310r.7.
Mark Tatz, tr., The Skill in Means (Upāyakauśalya) Sūtra, Motilal
Banarsidass (Delhi 1994). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 41 (1998), pp. 69-72. Reviewed by James McDermott in
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 118, no. 1 (1998), pp.
148-149. Following McDermott, it was translated from Chinese at
Dunhuang by Wou Fa-ch'eng in the first half of the 9th century. The
other translation, by Dānaśīla, Karmavarman and Ye shes sde, is found
in the Ratnakūṭa collection.
Rhoton, CD, p. 78.
— *Upāyapāśa ('Phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa padmo'i
phreng). Tôh. no. 835. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios
Kenneth Eastman, The Lotus Snare of Method: A Study of Buddhist
Tantras in the Eighth Century, doctoral dissertation, Stanford University
(1990). B. Faure, advisor. Thabs-kyi Zhags-pa. Unfortunately, this
dissertation was never submitted, and is probably unobtainable.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 174 (U pa ya pa sha).
— Upoṣadhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 241.
lavistarāt Bhagavatyāryatārāmūlakalpa (Ral pa gyen brdzes
kyi rtog pa chen po). Tôh. no. 724. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSA,
folios 205v.1-311r.7; vol. TSHA, folios 1v.1-200r.7. Tr. by
[Bu ston] Rin chen 'grub. Translated without the help of an
Indian pundit.
The original catalogue of the Derge Kanjur reads: gsum pa rigs kyi yum
la / sgrol ma ral pa gyen brdzes rtsa ba'i rtog pa las lhag par mos pa'i
phreng ba zhes bya ba'i rig pa'i rgyal po rdzogs so yan cad [?] bzhugs so
/ tsha pa la / sgrol ma ral pa gyen brdzes kyi rtog pa'i 'phro yongs su
rdzogs pa shākya'i dge slong rin chen grub kyi 'gyur.
Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 683) colophon: 'di ni jo bo chen po a ti sha'i
phyag dpe rwa sgreng nas dka' thub chen pos gdan drangs nas /
shākya'i dge slong rin chen grub kyis 'phar ba'i lo / cho 'phrul chen po
rta'i zla ba'i tshes bco lnga la rdzogs par bsgyur ba'i yi ge pa ni / shākya'i
dge slong bsod nams lhun grub kyis bgyis so // paṇḍi ta la ma gtugs
shing / dpe dpang [?] 'grel pa ma rnyed pas / sgra don log par gyur srid
na / mkhas pa rnams kyis bcos par gsol. This says that Bu ston
received, with great difficulty, the personal copy of Atiśa from Rwa
sgreng, and then translated it alone in the 'phar ba year (i.e., an Iron Ox,
1361 CE) without the help of a pundit.
Susan Amy Sinberg, Tārā and the Tārā-mūla-kalpa: The Tārā Cult's
Formative Period in India, Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University
(1995). Contains a general analysis and partial translation of the text.
The complete Sanskrit title of the text is:
Bhagavatyāryā-tārāmūlakalpa. She says no Sanskrit texts or
commentaries have surfaced so far. The original manuscript on which
Bu ston based his translation was brought to Tibet by Atiśa, and
subsequently kept at Rwa sgreng Monastery, until it was translated by
Bu ston in 1361. She believes the text was composed in the 7th
Tucci, TPS, p. 292.
Rhoton, CD, p. 220 (Rtog pa chen po)
— Ūrdhvapādaśuklavajrayoginīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Uṣṇīṣacakravartimantra.
A brief citation from a Sanskrit text by this title is reproduced in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 7.
— Uṣṇīṣacakravartitantra.
Nakamura, p. 316. Translation into Chinese by Amoghavajra.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayā.
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-146). A 7-folio manuscript dated 1748.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayadhāraṇī.
Nakamura, p. 316.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayāsādhana (Gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3248. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
13v.3-14r.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayāsādhana (Gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3377. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
52v.3-52v.7. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayāsādhana (Gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3580. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
215r.6-215v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Uṣṇīṣavijayāsādhana ('Phags ma gtsug tor rnam par rgyal
ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3601. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 116v.1-227r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Uṣṇīṣavijayāsādhana (Gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3602. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
227v.1-228r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Uttāraṇamahādarapañca ('Bras bu chen po lnga bsgral ba).
Tôh. no. 841/4. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios
209r.1-211v.5. In Rnying rgyud section.
Uttaratantra (Rgyud phyi ma). Tôh. no. 443. Derge Kanjur,
vol. CA, folios 148r.6-157v.7. Tr. by Śraddhākaravarman
and Rin chen bzang po.
Vadaradvīpa Jātaka.
Matsunami, p. 230.
— Vādarahasya.
Bandurski, p. 73 (catalogue no. 34). A kind of edition was made, but
with wrong (or at least quite doubtful) identification of both author and
title: Ragunath Pandey, Ācāryaratnakīrtiviracitam Udayananirākaraṇam
(Delhi 1984). Evidently the manuscript is in a very unsatisfactory
— Vādirājasādhana (Ngag gi rgyal po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3443. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 102v.7-103r.5. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vādirājasādhana (Dpal ldan 'phags pa ngag gi rgyal po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3445. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
103v.4-104v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vādirājasādhana (Ngag gi rgyal po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3446. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 104v.7-105r.6. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vādirāṭsādhana (Gsung gi mnga' bdag gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3170. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
187r.5-188v.3. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vādirāṭsādhana (Gsung gi mnga' bdag gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3171. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
188v.3-189r.2. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vāgīśvarasādhana (Ngag gi dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3178. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
195r.1-195v.2. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Vāgīśvarasādhana (Ngag gi dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3179. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
195v.2-195v.6. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Vāgīśvarasādhana (Ngag gi dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3180. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
195v.6-196r.3. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
Vāgīśvarastotra (Ngag gi dbang phyug la bstod pa). Tôh.
no. 2706. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 75r.2-75r.7. No
author given, although the text itself says it is by Bu mo
brgyad, q.v. (Aṣṭakanya??), which might just mean 'eight
Vāgrājamañjuśrīsādhana ('Phags pa 'jam dpal ngag gi rgyal
po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3442. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 101r.5-102v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Vāgrājasādhana (Ngag gi rgyal po sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh.
no. 3314. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 12r.5-13v.2. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Vāgrājasādhana (Ngag gi rgyal po'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3448. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 105v.2-106r.6. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-3). A 40-folio manuscript. Perhaps the title should
be read Bāhyacaryā (?).
— Vaiḍūryaprabha-nāma-baladhanasamādhi-dhāraṇī ('Phags
pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i ting nge 'dzin gyi stobs bskyed pa
bai ḍūrya'i 'od ces bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 505. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 284r.1-286r.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. Revised by
Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
— Vaijayanta Tantra.
A śilpaśāstra work in use in Śrī Laṅkā for a very long time. It is in Sanskrit
verse (over 1600 stanzas), with word-for-word paraphrase in Sinhalese.
Vaijayanta is the teacher of the text, with Skanda as the questioner. It is
evidently a Shaivite work. It contains quite a lot of information about
jewelry, household furnishings, etc. Nandasena Mudiyanse, An
Introduction to the Vaijayanta-Tantra, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental
Research Institute, vol. 57 (1976), pp. 167-174.
— *Vairocanahṛdayadhāraṇī ('Phags pa rnam par snang
mdzad kyi snying po'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 534 (also, no.
861). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folio 99v.4-99v.7.
— Vaiśālīgāthāstava.
Sylvain Lévi, Manuscrit de la mission Pelliot, Journal Asiatique
(November-December 1910), p. 626.
NTSH, p. 171.
— Vaiśālīpraveśa-mahāsūtra ('Phags pa yangs pa'i grong
khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo chen po). Tôh. no. 1093 (also, nos.
312, 628). Derge Kanjur, vol. WAM, folios 256v.7-260v.7.
Tr. by Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. For verses
extracted from it, see Tôh. no. 816.
Matsuda, Stanza, p. 15.
— Vaiśāyanasya Maitreyatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Vaiśravaṇadevarājasūtra.
Nakamura, p. 318.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 117 (nos. 103-104),
with transcription of colophon somewhat as follows: 'Phags pa rdo rje
'jigs byed kyi gzungs zhes bya ba / ma rungs pa phyir bzlog pa rdzogs
so // 'phags pas gsungs pa'i gsungs rnams rnam mang yang // rdo rje
'jigs byed zhal nas gsungs pa'i gzungs / bsrung bya'i las bdun ldan pa'i
gzungs mchog 'di / kun gyis thun mongs ma yin rnal 'byor dam pa'i
gzungs / rnal 'byor gyi rnal 'byor chen po don yod rdo rje'i zhal snga nas
bsgyur nas / bod kyi bandhe skyo 'od 'byung la gnang ngo. Here it
would seem that Amoghavajra is an Indian pundit, with Skyo 'Od 'byung
as his Tibetan co-translator (other reading possible).
— *Vaiśravaṇakalpa (Bai shra ba ṇa'i rtogs pa). Tôh. no.
3735. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 71v.1-72r.4.
— *Vaiśravaṇakalpa (Rnam sras rtogs pa). Tôh. no. 3736.
Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 72r.4-73r.2.
— Vajrabhairavadhāraṇī ('Phags pa rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi
gzungs). Tôh. no. 605 (also, no. 956). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 36r.1-27r.2. Tr. by Don yod rdo rje.
— Vajrabhairavakalpa-tantrarāja (Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi
rtog pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 470. Derge Kanjur,
vol. JA, folios 167v.5-173v.3. Tr. by Chos kyi dbang phyug
grags pa. Revised by Karmaśrī and Nyi ma rgyal mtshan
Translation by Bulcsu Siklós. See discussion by Decleer in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 41 (1998), p. 291.
Its seven chapters (because of which it may be called Rtog pa bdun pa)
are listed in Lhundub Paṇḍita, Staircase, p. 4.
— Vajrabhairavavidāraṇa-tantrarāja (Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed
rnam par 'joms pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 409.
Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 247r.4-248r.1. Tr. by
Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Vajrabhūmitricaraṇarājakalpa (Rdo rje sa gsum du rgyu ba
zhes bya ba'i rtog pa'i rgyal po). Tôh. no. 500. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 172v.1-176v.7. Tr. by Kumāravajra
and Ra byid Lo tsā ba.
Colophon in Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 460): dbang phyug dam pa'i mnga'
bdag khri srong lde btsan gyi bka' khrims su / dpal dpe med lhun gyis
grub pa'i gtsug lag khang du rgya gar gyi mkhan po ku mā ra badzra
dang ra byid lo tsā bas bsgyur ba'o.
— Vajracaṇḍacittaguhyatantra (Dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs
gsang ba'i rgyud dpal gtum po). Tôh. no. 458. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 15r.5-30r.7. Tr. by Avayukti and Bla
ban Chos kyi brtson 'grus. There should be 24 chapters.
— Vajracaṇḍacittaguhyatantrottara (Dpal rdo rje gtum po
thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma). Tôh. no. 459. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 30v.1-36v.3. Tr. by Avayukti and Bla
ban Chos kyi brtson 'grus. There should be 14 chapters.
— Vajracaṇḍacittaguhyatantrottarottara (Dpal rdo rje gtum po
thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma). Tôh. no. 459.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 36v.4-39v.6. Tr. by Avayukti
and Bla ban Chos kyi brtson 'grus. There should be 8
— Vajracarcikāsādhana (Rdo rje tsa rtsi ka'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3250. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 14r.5-14v.3.
Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajracarcikāsādhana (Rdo rje tsa rtsi ka'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3582. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
215v.6-216r.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajracchedikā-nāma-prajñāpāramitāsūtra ('Phags pa shes
rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa zhes bya ba theg
pa chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 16. Derge Kanjur, vol. KA,
folios 121r.1-132v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes
Derge colophon: 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod
pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs so.
Lalou's Dunhuang catalogue (no. 99) lists a text with colophon stating
that it was translated by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
See Dba'-bzhed, pp. 50, 71, which says it was translated from Chinese
Gregory Schopen, The Manuscript of the Vajracchedikā Found at Gilgit,
contained in: Luis O. Gómez and Jonathan A. Silk, eds., Studies in the
Literature of the Great Vehicle: Three Mahāyāna Texts, University of
Michigan (Ann Arbor 1989), pp. 89-139.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 4, pp. 141 ff. (and English introduction).
Hoernle, MRBL, pp. 176-195 (Sanskrit), 214-288 (Khotanese version).
Nakamura, pp. 159, 160, 161, 163, 169, 289. 323.
Schlagintweit, München, pp. 86-87.
Schlagintweit, Stuttgart, pp. 255-256.
KCDS, p. 143. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery.
A fairly large portion of the text has been found among the old
manuscripts supposedly from Bamiyan. See Paul Harrison, Editing and
Translating the Diamond Sūtra in the 21st Century, a paper to be
delivered at the International Association of Buddhist Studies
conference (London 2005).
— Vajraḍākaguhya-tantrarāja (Dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro gsang
ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 399. Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 230r.2-231v.3. Tr. by Gayadhara and Shākya ye
— Vajraḍāka-nāma-mahātantrarāja (Rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal
rdo rje mkha' 'gro). Tôh. no. 370. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA,
folios 1v.1-125r.7. Tr. by Gayadhara and 'Gos Lhas btsas.
Davidson, IEB, p. 239.
KCDS, p. 131 (see also p. 132). Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now
belonging to Potala. Title given as Vajraḍākamahātantra (Rdo rje mkha'
'gro pa'i rgyud chen po).
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folio 8.
Matsunami, p. 282 (Vajraḍākamahātantra).
— Vajraḍāka-nāma-uttaratantra (Rdo rje mkha' 'gro zhes bya
ba'i rgyud phyi ma). Tôh. no. 371. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA,
folios 125v.1-136v.7. Tr. by Mchog gi dbang phyug and
Shākya brtson 'grus. Colophon title: Dpal rdo rje mkha'
'gro'i rgyud phyi ma snying po bsdus pa.
Colophon: rgya gar gyi mkhan po chen po mchog gi dbang phyug gi
zhal snga nas dang / bod kyi dge slong shākya brtson 'grus kyis grom pa
ru lag rgyang phu'i lha ri mo'i mgul gyi dben gnas su bsgyur ba'o //
— Vajraḍākinīgīti (Dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma'i mgur). Tôh. no.
2441. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 62r.6-64v.7. Tr. by Zha
ma Lo tsā ba. Part of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas collection.
Derge colophon:
— Vajradharasaṅgītibhagavatstotra (Bcom ldan 'das la bstod
pa dpal rdo rje 'dzin gyi dbyangs). Tôh. no. 1162. Derge
Tanjur, vol. KA, folios 231r.2-231v.1 Tr. by
Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs.
— Vajradharasaṅgītistotra (Rdo rje 'dzin pas legs par gsungs
pa bstod pa). Tôh. no. 3145. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 169v.3-170r.1. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
The following work in the Tanjur, Tôh. no. 3146, is evidently
on the benefits of reciting this stotra.
— Vajradharmasādhana (Rdo rje chos kyi sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3422. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 85v.2-86r.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Source of a brief Sanskrit citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 61.
— Vajradhātumaṇḍalārthabhāvanāpiṇḍārtha (Rdo rje dbyings
kyi dkyil 'khor gyi don bsgom pa'i don bsdus pa). Tôh. no.
2530. Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 225v.1-227v.1. Tr. by
— Vajradhātumukhyākhyāna.
BSM, p. 14 (MBB-II-108). A 22-folio manuscript.
Mitsutoshi Moriguchi, Vajra-dhātu-mukh'ākhyāna-deguri-vidhiḥ III,
published in The Mikkyo Bunka, vol. 162, no. 3 (1988). References to
the two earlier articles, parts I and II, may be found here.
Mitsutoshi Moriguchi, Vajra-dhātu-mukh'ākhyāna-deguri-vidhiḥ IV,
contained in: Śrāvakabhūmi Study Group and Buddhist Tantric Texts
Study Group, eds., Studies in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The
Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University,
The Sankibo Press (Tokyo 1995), pp. 199-215. Includes drawings of
the mudrās.
— Vajradhātvīśvarīmārīcīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang
phyug ma 'od zer can gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3562.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 168v.7-169r.7. Tr. by Grags
pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajradhṛkvajradhṛkāravajradṛdha (?).
KCDS, p. 106. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Vajradhvajapariṇāma Sūtra (Rdo rje rgyal mtshan bsngo
ba, Rdo rje rgyal mtshan gyi yongs su bsngo ba). Stog
Palace Kanjur, no. 327. A very brief text, also found in
Urga and Phug-brag Kanjurs, but not in Derge.
Sa Paṇ, who sees nothing 'natural' about either virtue or non-virtue, had
some problem with ideas that have been justified with reference to it,
ideas associated with 'natural virtue,' which could perhaps explain a
reluctance to keep this text in the canon.
Said to be part of the Avataṃsaka (this may be true, I suppose, but in
the Stog Palace it is in the Mdo sde section, not the Phal chen). Rhoton,
CD, pp. 49, 53-54, 75.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 237.
Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 125 (no. 137).
— Vajragāndhārīsādhana (Rdo rje dri ldan ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3260. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 17r.2-17r.5. Tr.
by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajragāndhārīsādhana (Rdo rje gandha rī'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3385. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 54v.1-54v.6.
Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vajragāndhārīsādhana (Rdo rje gandha rī'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3594. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 219v.2-219v.4.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajragāndhārīsādhana (Rdo rje gandha rī'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3595. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
219v.4-220r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajragarhābhisambodhi-nāma-kalparāja (?).
KCDS, p. 120. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
The Tibetan translation of the title offered here is too embarrassingly
bad to reproduce.
— Vajraghaṇṭalakṣaṇa (Rdo rje dril bu'i mtshan nyid). Tôh.
no. 1718. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 86r.7-87v.2. Tr.
by Parahita and Nag tsho Shes rab rgyal mtshan.
— Vajragīti (Rdo rje'i glu). Tôh. no. 2290. Derge Tanjur, vol.
ZHI, folio 153r.4-153r.5.
Derge colophon: rdo rje'i glu rdzogs so.
— Vajrahṛdayālaṅkāratantra (Dpal rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi
rgyud). Tôh. no. 451. Derge Kanjur, vol. CHA, folios
36r.1-58v.3. Tr. by Kamalagupta and Lha Ye shes rgyal
Rhoton, CD, p. 222, also with a longer title, De bzhin gshegs pa thams
cad kyi sku dang gsung dang thugs kyi gsang ba rgyan gyi bkod pa zhes
bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po.
— Vajrahṛdayavajrajihvānala (Rdo rje snying po rdo rje lce
'bar bva zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 462. Derge
Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 65v.6-68r.1. Tr. by Ska and Cog.
Revised by Dar ma grags.
— Vajrahūṅkārasādhana (Rdo rje hūṃ mdzad kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3289. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
33r.1-33r.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrahūṅkārasādhana (Rdo rje hūṃ mdzad kyi sgrub pa'i
thabs). Tôh. no. 3359. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
38v.6-39r.2. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vajrahūṅkārasādhana (Rdo rje hūṃ mdzad kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3634. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
250r.7-250v.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrājitānalapramohanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa rdo rje mi
'pham pa me ltar rab tu rmongs byed ces bya ba'i gzungs).
Tôh. no. 752 (also, no. 954). Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios
1v.1-4v.4. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Vajrajñānasamuccaya-nāma-tantra (Ye shes rdo rje kun las
btus pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 447. Derge Kanjur,
vol. CA, folios 282r.1-286r.6. Tr. by Jñānākara and Khu
Dngos grub. Revised by Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Nakamura, p. 333.
— Vajrajvalānalārkasādhana (Rdo rje me dang nyi ma 'bar ba'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3625. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
245r.1-245r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrajvālāsādhana.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-II-300). A 34-folio manuscript. In Tibetan, the title
might read *Rdo rje 'bar ba'i sgrub thabs.
— Vajraketu. Āryaprajñāpāramitāvajraketu-mahāyānasūtra
('Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje rgyal
mtshan gyi mdo theg pa chen po). Tôh. no. 30. Derge
Kanjur, vol. KA, folios 178v.6-179r.7.
Nakamura, p. 165.
— Vajrakīlayamūlatantrakhaṇḍa (Rdo rje phur pa rtsa ba'i
rgyud kyi dum bu). Tôh. no. 439. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA,
folios 43v.7-45v.6. Tr. by Sa skya Paṇḍi ta.
Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 405) colophon: rdo rje phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud
kyi dum bu slog dpon padma 'byung gnas dngos kyi rgya dpe dang 'thun
par dpal ldan sa skya paṇḍi tas g.yas ru'i sa'i cha shangs kyi sreg zhing
du bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o. This says the translator
followed an Indian manuscript that had belonged to Padmasambhava.
— Vajrakrodharājakalpalaghutantra ('Phags pa rdo rje khro
bo'i rgyal po'i rtog pa bsdus pa'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 632.
Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 81r.1-102v.7.
— Vajralohatuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī (Rdo rje gnam lcags mchu
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 760 (also, no. 965). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 50r.4-52r.1.
— Vajramahābhairava-nāma-tantra (Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed
chen po'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 468. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA,
folios 151v.4-164r.1. Tr. by Bha ro Phyag rdum and Rdo
rje grags.
Translation by Bulcsu Siklós. See discussion by Decleer in Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 41 (1998), p. 290. Review of Siklós by Ludo Rocher in
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003), pp.
262-263 (this is little more than an outline of contents).
Davidson, IEB, pp. 194, 295.
— Vajramahākālakrodhanātharahasyasiddhibhavatantra
(Dpal rdo rje nag po chen po khros pa'i mgon po gsang ba
dngos grub 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 416.
Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 263v.1-292r.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Khe'u gang 'Khor lo grags. Revised
by Sangs rgyas grags pa [i.e. Rtsa mi] and Shes rab dpal.
In 25 chapters.
Derge colophon: dpal mgon po chen po dngos grub 'byung ba'i rgyud
kun gyi snying por gyur pa gdod nas grub pa'i bla ma yin no rdzogs so //
// rgya gar gyi mkhan po ma hā paṇḍi ta a bha yā ka ra gupta pā da'i zhal
snga nas dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba mkhas pa chen po khe'u rgad 'khor lo
grags kyis bsgyur cing zhus pa'o // yang slad nas mkhas pa chen po
sangs rgyas grags pa'i spyan sngar kre bo shes rab dpal gyis kyang zhu
tig bgyis pa'o. (Note that the Stog Palace Kanjur colophon lacks the
sentence about the revision by Sangs rgyas grags and Kre bo Shes rab
dpal, which may mean it represents the earlier version.)
arahasyavibhaṅga (Rnal 'byor chen po'i rgyud dpal rdo rje
phreng ba mngon par brjod pa rgyud thams cad kyi snying
po gsang ba rnam par phye ba). Tôh. no. 445. Derge
Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 208r.1-277v.3. Tr. by Sujanaśrījñāna
and Zhi ba'i 'od (Zhi ba 'od).
Colophon according to Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 410): rnal 'byor chen
po'i rgyud dpal rdo rje 'phreng ba'i mngon par rtogs pa las rgyud thams
cad kyi snying po gsang ba rnam par phye ba zhes bya ba rdzogs so //
thugs dam sa'i snying po tho ling snying po dpal dpe med lhun gyis grub
pa'i gtsug lag khang du rgya gar gyi mkhan po su dza na shrī dznyā na
dang sgra bsgyur gyi lo tsā ba chen po bod kyi lha btsan po bla ma dge
slong zhi ba'i 'od kyi zhal snga nas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Nakamura, p. 333 (Vajramālātantra).
Source of some verses cited in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 64-65. Here the
title is given as "Vajramālā (Vyākhyātantra)."
— Vajramaṇḍālaṅkāra-nāma-mahātantrarāja (Dpal rdo rje
snying po rgyan zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po).
Tôh. no. 490. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 1v.1-82r.7. Tr.
by Sugataśrī, Sa skya Paṇḍi ta and Blo gros brtan pa. Toh.
catalogue gives the apparently inaccurate spelling
Derge colophon: dpal rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi rgyud du ji ltar rnyed pa
yongs su rdzogs so // // rigs gzugs skal bzangs mang thos blo 'byor
sogs // phun tshogs ldan pa dpal ldan chos rje yis // rgyud 'di bsgyur las
cung zad ma rdzogs pa // dpal ldan blo gros brtan pas rdzogs par
Stog Palace Kanjur (nos. 449, 450) has two different translations, the
second one with changes introduced by Bu ston Kha che.
Nakamura, pp. 328, 329.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 258.
With the title Vajramaṇḍālaṅkāratantra, source of a brief citation in Lal,
Lupta, vol. 2, p. 64.
— Vajramaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa rdo
rje snying po'i gzungs zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 139. Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 278r.1-289v.4.
Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde.
Janet Gyatso, Letter Magic: A Peircean Perspective on the Semiotics of
Rdo Grub-chens Dhāraṇī Memory, contained in: Janet Gyatso, ed., In
the Mirror of Memory: Reflections on Mindfulness and Remembrance in
Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1993), p.
A lengthy Sanskrit citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 62-64.
— Vajramantrabhīrusandhimūlatantra (Drag sngags 'dus pa
rdo rje rtsa ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 843. Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 253r.5-267v.7. Tr. by Padma 'byung gnas
(Padmasambhava) and Vairocana. In Rnying rgyud
— Vajrāmṛtakriyā.
KCDS, p. 106. One-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
— Vajrāmṛta Tantra (Rdo rje bdud rtsi'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 435.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 16v.5-27r.6. Tr. by Gyi jo Zla
ba'i 'od zer.
SERS, p. 118, lists this as one of the tantric works listed in a Sinhalese
historical work of the 14th century, the Nikāya-saṅgraha.
— Vajramukhīyoga Tantra.
Source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 65.
— Vajrānaṅgamañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal rdo rje lus med kyi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3177. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU,
folios 193v.3-195r.1. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Vajrānaṅgamañjuśrīsādhana (Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje 'jam
pa'i dbyangs kyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3319. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 14v.2-15v.7. Tr. by Ba ri
— Vajrānaṅgamañjuśrīsādhana ('Jam dpal yan lag med pa'i
rdo rje'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3435. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 110v.2-111v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrānaṅgasādhana (Rdo rje lus med kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3176. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
— Vajrānaṅgasādhana (Rdo rje lus med kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3453. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 110r.5-110v.2.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Vajrapāṇiḍāka (Phyag na rdo rje mkha' 'gro).
Rhoton, CD, p. 196. A spurious scripture, said to be a Tibetan
— Vajrapāṇiguhyābhideśa Tantra (Dpal phyag na rdo rje
gsang ba bstan pa'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 463. Derge Kanjur,
vol. JA, folios 68r.1-69r.7. Tr. by Valacanda [Balacandra?]
and Glan chung Dar ma tshul khrims.
— Vajrapāṇiguhyābhideśa-tantrarāja (Bcom ldan 'das phyag
na rdo rje gsang ba mngon par bstan pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po). Tôh. no. 464. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios
69r.7-90v.4. Tr. by Valacandra [Balacandra?] and Glan
chung Dar ma tshul khrims.
EoB. Has summary.
— Vajrapāṇinīlāmbaradhara-nāma-tantraṭīkā (Lag na rdo rje
gos sngon po can zhes bya ba'i rgya cher bshad pa). Tôh.
no. 2203. Derge Tanjur, vol. DZI, folios 143v.7-148v.3. Tr.
by Guhyarūpa.
The original catalogue reads as follows: lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can
zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgya cher bshad pa rtog pa drug pa zhes bya ba
slob dpon gu ya rū pa'i zhal snga nas bsgyur ba mkha' 'gro'i gling nas
dum bu brgyad du legs par bris pa / de'i bshad rgyud 'bum phrag phyed
dang sum stong las phyung ba 'di rgyud du 'dod do.
— Vajrapāṇinīlāmbaradharatrilokavinaya-nāma-tantra ('Phags
pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can zhes bya ba 'jig rten
gsum 'dul ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 501. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA,
folios 177r.1-181r.2. Tr. by Dīpaṅkara and Rin chen bzang
— Vajrapāṇinīlāmbaradharavajrapātāla-nāma-tantra ('Phags
pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can rdo rje sa 'og ces bya
ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 499. Derge Kanjur, vol. DA, folios
167r.4-172r.7. Tr. by Dīpaṅkāraśrījñāna and Bya'i glong pa
can (i.e., Bya'i gdong pa can). This has 7 chapters.
Colophon in Stog Palace Kanjur (no. 459): rdo rje sa 'og gi rgyud rdzogs
so // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dī pangka ra dang sgra bsgyur gyi lo tsā ba
dge slong bya'i gdong pa can gyis bsgyur ba'o.
'Having Bird Face' is believed to be a nickname of Lo chen Rin chen
bzang po.
— Vajrapāṇinīlāmbaravidhivajradaṇḍatantra (Lag na rdo rje
gos sngon po can gyi cho ga rdo rje be con gyi rgyud). Tôh.
no. 456. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 8r.4-12r.5.
— Vajrapāṇyabhiṣeka-mahātantra ('Phags pa lag na rdo rje
dbang bskur ba'i rgyud chen po). Tôh. no. 496. Derge
Kanjur, vol. DA, folios 1v.1-156v.7. Tr. by Śīlendrabodhi
and Ye shes sde.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 126-127, 148, 152, 222.
Nakamura, pp. 315, 319 (Vajrapāṇyabhiṣekasūtra).
— *Vajrapāṇyaṣṭanāmamantrasahita ('Phags pa lag na rdo rje
mtshan brgyad pa gsang sngags dang bcas pa). Tôh. no.
749 (also, no. 950). Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios
— Vajrapāṇyaṣṭottaraśatakanāmadhāraṇīmantrasahita (Lag
na rdo rje'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags
dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 878 (also, no. 638). Derge Kanjur,
vol. E, folios 111r.6-114r.2.
— Vajrapātāla-nāma-tantrarāja ('Phags pa rdo rje sa 'og gi
rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 744. Derge Kanjur, vol.
TSHA, folios 237r.1-266r.7. Tr. by Bde bar gshegs pa'i
dpal (Sugataśrī) and Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.
Rhoton, CD, p. 222.
Colophon from Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 697: 'phags pa phyag na rdo
rje'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po rdo rje sa 'og ces bya ba ji snyed pa
yongs su rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi paṇḍi ta brda sprod pa chen po bde
bar gshegs pa'i dpal zhes bya ba dang / sgra bsgyur gyi mkhas pa sgra'i
gtsug lag la ma rmongs pa gsang sngags 'dzin pa kun dga' rgyal mtshan
dpal bzang pos dpal sa skya'i dben gnas dam par bsgyur / lha min
dbang po'i sgo glegs 'joms byed pa / gsung rab dam pa dpal ldan kun
dga' yi / rgyal mtshan gyis bsgyur 'di la sgra nyams pa / gang lags de la
mkhas rnams bzod par mdzod / sa 'og 'khrul 'khor bde legs rin chen gter
/ gsang bdag rdo rje 'dzin pa dam pa'i bka' / gangs can 'gro la phan pa'i
blo gros kyis / bsgyur ba'i bsod nams 'dzin bcas rnams la byin.
— Vajrarājamahātantra (Dpal rdo rje rgyal po chen po'i rgyud).
Tôh. no. 403. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 237r.5-238v.7.
Tr. by Candramāla and Shākya ye shes.
Brief mention of an empowerment at the end of Pelliot tibetain, no. 849
(Hackin edition).
— Vajrārali-mahātantrarājanāma (Rdo rje ā ra li zhes bya ba'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po). Tôh. no. 426. Derge Kanjur,
vol. NGA, folios 171r.2-176r.2. Tr. by Kāyasthāpa
Gayadhara and Shākya ye shes.
— Vajrasamādhisūtra.
Robert E. Buswell, Jr., The Korean Origin of the Vajrasamādhi-sūtra: A
Case Study in Determining the Dating, Provenance, and Authorship of a
Buddhist Apocryphal Scripture, doctoral dissertation, University of
California (Berkeley 1985).
See Ron Davidson in H. Eimer and D. Germano, eds., The Many
Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002) at p. 211, note 22,
where he identifies it with Tôh. no. 135.
Donald S. Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press
(Princeton 1995), p. 554.
Nakamura, p. 173.
Rdo rje ting nge 'dzin gyi mdo. Jackson, ESM, pp. 5, 6, 22-23 and
references given there.
— Vajrasamaya.
KCDS, p. 139. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3148. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 170v.5-172v.4. Tr. by
Abhayākara and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3149. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 172v.4-173v.2.
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3306. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 1v.1-3v.4. Tr. by Ba ri.
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Dpal rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3402. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 67r.5-68v.7.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3403. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 69r.1-69v.5. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrāsanasādhana (Rdo rje gdan gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3404. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 69v.5-70v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3224. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folio
225r.4-225r.7. Tr. by Mālava and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3553. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
188v.2-188v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3554. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
188v.6-190r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3556. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
190v.6-191r.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3557. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
191r.2-191v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje dbyangs can ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3558. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
191v.7-192r.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrasattvakavaca ('Word of Vajrasattva').
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-64). A 3-folio manuscript.
— Vajrasattvamāyājālaguhyasarvādarśa-nāma-tantra (Rdo rje
sems dpa'i sgyu 'phrul dra ba gsang ba thams cad kyi me
long zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 833. Derge Kanjur
(Rnying rgyud section), vol. KHA, folios 132v.1-198r.7. Tr.
by Vimalamitra and Jñānakumāra.
— Vajraśekhara-mahāguhyayogatantra (Gsang ba rnal 'byor
chen po'i rgyud rdo rje rtse mo). Tôh. no. 480. Derge
Kanjur, vol. NYA, folios 142v.1-274r.5. Tr. by Karmavajra
and Gzhon nu tshul khrims.
The Numata series has published a translation, which I have not seen
yet, by Rolf Giebel, "The Adamantine Pinnacle Sutra." It is translated
from the Chinese (Taishô no. 865).
It is aid that the Chinese Jingangjun jing, as found at Dunhuang, is a
kind of apocryphal work (since it wasn't actually translated by
Amoghavajra as it claims). Liying Kuo, Ritual and Authenticity: A
Dunhuang Perspective, a paper to be delivered at the International
Association of Buddhist Studies conference (London 2005).
Davidson, IEB, pp. 145-146, 152, 197, 204, 384.
Nakamura, pp. 319, 321, 325, 330.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 162.7.
Source of a very brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 65. Here the title is
given as "Vajraśikhara (Śekhara)."
Max Nihom, The Maṇḍala of Caṇḍi Gumpung (Sumatra) and the
Indo-Tibetan Vajraśekharatantra, Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 41, no. 2
(1998), pp. 245-254.
— Vajrasena Avadāna.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Vajrasiddhajālasaṃvaratantrarāja (Dpal rdo rje grub pa dra
ba'i sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 411. Derge
Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 249v.6-251v.3. Tr. by Gayadhara
and Shākya ye shes.
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhana (Rdo rje lcags sgrog ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3241. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
10r.6-10v.3. Tr. by Malava and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhana (Rdo rje lcags sgrog ma'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3242. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
10v.3-10v.7. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhana (Rdo rje lcags sgrog gi sgrub pa'i
thabs). Tôh. no. 3387. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, vol.
55r.7-55v.4. Tr. by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhana (Rdo rje lcags sgrog gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3597. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 224r.7-224v.4.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhana (Rdo rje lcags sgrog gi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3598. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 224v.4-224v.7.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajraśṛṅkhalāsādhanavidhi (Rdo rje lcags sgrog gi sgrub
thabs kyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 3599. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 224v.7-225r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Vajraśṛṅkhalā-tantrarāja ('Phags ma rdo rje lu gu rgyud ma'i
rgyud kyi rtog pa). Tôh. no. 758. Derge Kanjur, vol. WA,
folios 19r.5-27v.4. Tr. by Atuladāsavajra and Mar pa Chos
kyi dbang phyug grags pa.
Vajrasukhakrodha-tantrarāja (Rdo rje bde khros rgyud kyi
rgyal po). Tôh. no. 465. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios
90v.4-93v.7. Tr. by Jñānakara.
Vajrasūkṣmāpratihata-nāma-dhāraṇī (Rdo rje phra mo
thogs pa med pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 753.
Derge Kanjur, vol. WA, folios 4v.4-5r.7.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
1326. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 279v.5-281v.7.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3197. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 203v.7-206r.1. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3198. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 206r.1-208r.6. Tr. by
Abhayākaragupta and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3374. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 49v.1-51v.3. Tr. by Ba
ri Don yod rdo rje.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3486. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 132v3-134v.1. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Vajratārāsādhana (Rdo rje sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3487. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 134v.1-136v.3. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Vajratuṇḍa-nāma-nāgasamaya (Rdo rje mchu zhes bya ba
klu'i dam tshig). Tôh. no. 759 (also, 964). Derge Kanjur,
vol. WA, folios 27v.4-50r.3.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 243.
— Vajravākānalārkasādhana (Rdo rje me 'bar ba'i gzi brjid kyi
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3279. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
27r.1-27r.6. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajravārāhīhomavidhi.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 379.
— Vajravārāhīkalpa.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 380.
Chapter outline with 38 chapter titles listed. Matsunami, pp. 282-284
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-47). A manuscript in 151 folios.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-247), entitled Vajravārāhīkalpamahātantrarāja. A
198-folio manuscript.
BSM, p. 25 (WGS-1). A 159-folio manuscript.
— Vajravārāhīkalpasarvārthasādhaka (Dpal rdo rje phag mo'i
rtog pa don thams cad sgrub pa). Tôh. no. 3298. Derge
Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 41r.3-41v.4. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul
khrims rgyal mtshan.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 366.
— Vajravārāhīkalpasarvārthasādhaka (Dpal rdo rje phag mo'i
rtog pa don thams cad sgrub pa). Tôh. no. 3610. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 234v.1-236r.3. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Vajravārāhīmukhyākhyānasamādhi.
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-40). A 15-folio manuscript dated 1938.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 1572. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folio 249r.1-249r.7. Tr. by
Sumatikīrti and Mar pa Chos kyi dbang phyug.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 360. Sanskrit text with this title, otherwise not
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-246), a text with this title in 5 folios.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3295. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 35v.7-39r.3.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3297. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 39v.7-41r.3. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3300. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios 41v.4-42r.4. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3396. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 58r.7-58v.4. Tr. by
Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vajravārāhīsamādhi.
BSM, p. 25 (WGS-4). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Vajravārāhīvajrayoginīdegurī.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-232). A 23-folio manuscript.
— Vajravārāhīvaśyavidhi (Rdo rje phag mo'i dbang du bya ba'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 3296. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
29r.3-39v.7. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vajravārāhīvaśyavidhi (Rdo rje phag mo'i dbang du bya ba'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 3609. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
233v.4-234v.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajravārāhyā Gopyahomavidhi.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 360.
— Vajravidāraṇa-nāma-dhāraṇī (Rdo rje rnam par 'joms pa
zhes bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 750 (also, no. 949). Derge
Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 265v.3-266v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Davidson, IEB, p. 152.
Nakamura, p. 317 (Vajravidāraṇī).
Denwood, Catalogue, nos. 245-248.
— Vajravīṇāsarasvatīsādhana (Rdo rje pi wang dbyangs can
ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3555. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 190r.5-190v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vajrayoginīpraṇāmaikaviṃśikā [Stotra].
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 380.
— Vajrayoginīrahasyakarṇākarṇamukhāmukha.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-13). A 20-folio manuscript.
— Vajrayoginīsādhana (Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3301. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 43r.4-43v.7. Tr.
by Dā, Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
English, Vajrayoginī, pp. 366, 371, 372. Texts with same title in
— Vajrayoginyopalagāthā.
BSM, p. 17 (MBB-II-168). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Vajroṣṇīṣatantra.
Source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 65-67.
— Vāksādhana (Ngag gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3181. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 196r.3-197r.4. Tr. by Śākyarakṣita
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vāksādhana (Ngag gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3182. Derge
Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios 197r.4-197r.7. Tr. by Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Vāksādhana (Ngag gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3460. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 114v.4-115v.2. Tr. by Grags pa
rgyal mtshan.
— Vāksādhana (Ngag gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3462. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 117v.2-117v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Valāhassa Jātaka.
Nakamura, p. 325.
— Valasyakramadvayastotra.
KCDS, p. 156. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Ngor Monastery. Apparently it is a praise to Acala (Mi g.yo
ba'i bstod pa).
Bandurski, p. 82. The Sanskrit manuscript entitled Acalakramadvaya
would seem to be the same text (the added Tibetan title is Mi yo ba'i stod
pa; i.e., Mi g.yo ba'i bstod pa).
— Valgusvarāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 213.
— Vānarajātakāvadānaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Vapuṣmatkumārāvadana.
Matsunami, p. 215.
Vapuṣmadavadāna. Matsunami, p. 228.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-22), title given as Vapuṣmānkumārāvadāna. A
9-folio manuscript.
— Varadatārāsādhana (Mchog sbyin sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3484. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 132r.2-132r.7.
Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vardhakisiddhilābhākhyāna (Shing bzo bas grub pa thob
pa'i gtam rgyud). Tôh. no. 4342. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO,
folio 155v.1-155v.6. Tr. by Vinayaśrī.
This is a story about a carpenter in the time the Gar log came to
Jagaddala (this happened around 1200) and the monks were fleeing.
— Varmavyūhanirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa go
cha'i bkod pa bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 51. Derge Kanjur, vol. KHA, folios 70v.1-140r.7.
Tr. by 'Gos Chos grub. Marked as chapter seven of the
Ratnakūṭa. No translation colophon in Derge.
— Varṣāpanavidhi.
Matsunami, p. 285.
— Vartakāpotaka Jātaka.
Part sixteen of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Vāśiṣṭhaparipṛṣṭopoṣadhāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— *Vasiṣṭha Sūtra ('Phags pa gnas 'jog pa'i mdo). Tôh. no.
333. Derge Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 263v.6-268r.4. Tr. by
Sarvajñadeva and Dpal brtsegs.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa gnas 'jog ces bya ba'i mdo rdzogs so // //
rgya gar gyi mkhan po sarba dznyā de ba dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba
ban de dpal brtsegs la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
The main subject is a set of 8 vows, the 'Phags pa'i yan lag brgyad dang
ldan pa'i bsnyen gnas. Contains geographical information on the set of
5 rivers and the 16 great countries.
This is not the same as the Vāseṭṭha Sutta (Majjhima Nikāya no. 98),
although the main character in both scriptures is the same Brahmin
disciple of Buddha.
— Vastradānakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Vastrapradānāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Vastrāvadāna.
BSM, p. 10 (MBB-II-32). A 9-folio manuscript.
— Vāstunāgaparīkṣāvidhi.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-107). A 7-folio manuscript dated 1486.
— Vāstupenavidhi.
BSM, p. 21 (MBB-II-253). A 6-folio manuscript.
— Vāstuvidhi.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-49). An 18-folio manuscript.
— Vasudhārādevīmaṇḍalavidhi (Dpal lha mo nor rgyun ma'i
dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 3753. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TSHU, folios 86v.6-89r.5. Tr. by Zha lu Lo tsā ba
— *Vasudhārādhāraṇīkalpa (Bcom ldan 'das ma nor rgyun
ma'i gzungs kyi rtog pa). Tôh. no. 664. Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folios 191r.2-192v.4.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, pp. 582-583.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 619.
— Vasudhārādhāraṇyupadeśa (Nor rgyun ma'i gzungs kyi man
ngag). Tôh. no. 3240. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
10r.3-10r.6. Tr. by Dā and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
KCDS, p. 14. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka. Here the Sanskrit is given as
Āryavasudhārānāmadhāraṇymahāpiṣṭa (no Tibetan translation given).
— Vasudhārādhāraṇyupadeśa (Nor rgyun ma'i gzungs kyi man
ngag). Tôh. no. 3606. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
229r.6-229v.2. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— *Vasudhārākalpa (Bcom ldan 'das ma nor rgyun ma'i rtog
pa). Tôh. no. 663. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 583.
— Vasudharākalpa.
BSM, p. 9 (MBB-II-6). A manuscript in 22 folios.
— Vasudhārākalpāvadāna Sūtra.
Matsunami, p. 238.
— Vasudhārā-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa nor gyi rgyun zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 662 (also, no. 1007). Derge
Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 186r.5-190r.3.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 23 lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu.
Meisezahl in Zentralasiatische Studien, vol. 2 (1968), pp. 76-77.
Denwood, Catalogue, no. 397.
Nakamura, p. 316.
KCDS, p. 39 (also, p. 144). Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now
belonging to the Potala.
'Phags pa nor gyi rgyun zhes bya ba khyim bdag zla ba bzang pos zhus
pa. Berthold Laufer, Verzeichnis der tibetischen Handschriften der
Königlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 55 (1901), p. 113 (no. 80).
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Lha mo nor rgyun gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3349. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU folio 34v.3-34v.6. Tr.
by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Dpal nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3237. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 9r.3-9v.2. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Dpal nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3238. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 9v.2-9v.5. Tr. by
Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Dpal nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3239. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 9v.5-10r.2. Tr. by Dā
(Dānaśīla) and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3604. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 228v.6-229r.2. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3605. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 229r.2-229r.6. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vasudhārāsādhana (Dpal nor rgyun ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3700. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 332v.1-335r.5.
[This was tr. by Blo gros brtan pa; see colophon to no.
KCDS, p. 135. Sanskrit manuscript on Tibetan paper belonging to the
Potala. Title given is Vasudhārābhaṭānirūpāsādhana.
— Vasudhārā x x hṛdayamūlatantra.
Matsunami, p. 285.
— Vasudharāvidhāna.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-200). A 24-folio manuscript.
— Vasudhārāvratakathāvidhi.
Matsunami, p. 285.
— Vasudhārāvratasarvavidhāna.
Matsunami, pp. 238, 285.
— Vasudhārāvratapūrvamūrtyamaṇḍalāgatakathā.
Matsunami, p. 214.
— Vasudharāvratotpattyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 241.
— Vaśyādhikamañjuśrīsādhana (Lhag par dbang du byed pa'i
'jam dpal gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3468. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MU, folios 120v.4-121r.4. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
— Vatthupama Sutta.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 73.
— Vātūlātka Sūtra.
L. Silburn, tr., Vātūlātka Sūtra avec le commentaire d'Anantaśaktipāda
(Paris 1959). Reviewed by de Jong in Journal of the American Oriental
Society, vol. 81 (1961), pp. 159-161.
— Vāyuviṣṇubrāhmaṇasya Śālendrarājatathāgatavyākaraṇa.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Vedalla.
Nakamura, pp. 27, 28.
— Velāma Sūtra.
MSL, p. 406. Part of Aṅguttara Nikāya.
— Verahaccāni Sutta.
E. Waldschmidt, On a Sanskrit Version of the Verahaccāni Sutta of the
Saṃyutta-nikāya, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse (Göttingen 1980).
— Vetālapañcaviṃśati.
Vetālapañcaviṃśati (Tibetan Version: Ro Sgrung; Ro dngos grub can gyi
sgrung), "Manuscript Collection Of Thirty Seven Tibetan Vetala Stories,"
Kandro (Bir, H.P. 1975).
Vetālapañcaviṃśati (Tibetan Version: Ro Sgrung; Ro dngos grub can gyi
sgrung mkhas pa dang skye bo rnams kyi rna ba'i bcud len phun tshogs
bde gter, "A manuscript collection of twenty-four Tibetan Vetala Stories,"
Ngawang Sopa (Delhi 1976). "Reproduced from a copy of an ancient
manuscript belonging to Khri byang Rin po che."
Tibetan Fairy Tales of the Vetala, Tā Bla ma Rnam rgyal rdo rje (Ma su ri
/ Mussorie 1964).
Dpal mgon 'phags pa klu sgrub kyis mdzad pa'i ro langs gser gyur gyi
chos sgrung nyer gcig pa rgyas par phye ba, Bod ljongs mi rigs dpe
skrun khang (Lhasa 1980).
Dpal mgon 'phags pa klu sgrub kyis mdzad pa'i ro langs gser gyur gyi
chos sgrung nyer gcig pa rgyas par phye ba, Tibetan Cultural Printing
Press (Dharamsala 1996?).
August Hermann Francke, Die Geschichte des toten Ṅo-rub-can. Eine
tibetische Form der Vetālapañcavṃśatikā aus Purig, Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 75 (1921), pp. 72-96.
August Hermann Francke, Zur tibetischen Vetālapañcaviṃśatikā
(Siddhikur), Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft,
vol. 77 (1923), pp. 239-254.
August Hermann Francke, Zwei Erzählungen aus der tibetischen
Vetālapañcaviṃśatikā. Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik, vol. 6
(1928), pp. 244-254.
Laszlo Lörincz, Les "Contes du cadavre ensorcelé" dans la littérature et
le folklore tibétaines, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 18 (1965), pp.
Laszlo Lörincz, Les recueils ro-sgrun tibétaines contenant 21 contes,
Acta Orientalia Hungarica, vol. 21 (1968), pp. 317-337.
Alexander W. Macdonald, Matériaux pour l'étude de la littérature
populaire tibétaine, Presses Universitaires de France (Paris 1967,
1972), in two volumes. Text of Dpal 'phags pa klu sgrub kyis mdzad pa'i
ro langs gser gyi chos sgrung nyi shu rtsa gcig.
Alexander W. Macdonald, Cendrillon au Tibet, contained in: F. Meyer,
ed., Tibet civilization et société, Éditions de la fondation Singer-Polignac
(Paris 1990), pp. 143-149.
Raffaella Riva, The Tales of the Bewitched Corpse: A Literary Journey
from India to China, contained in: Alfredo Cadonna, ed., India, Tibet,
China: Genesis and Aspects of Traditional Narrative, Leo S. Olschki
Editore (Florence 1999), pp. 229-256. Includes a very useful
bibliography on the subject. The Tibetan Ro sgrung presumes earlier
Indian versions that were first Buddhicized before being Tibetanized.
One may count 35 (!) stories in the Tibetan version.
Wayne Schlepp, Cinderella in Tibet, Asian Folklore Studies, vol. 61, no.
1 (2002), pp. 123-147; Corola Torontonensis, vol. 19 (1994), pp.
Sonja Wengoborski, Notes on a Story from the Ro-sgruṅ, a Tibetan
Version of the Vetālapañcaviṃśati: What is the Tiger Afraid of? Paper
given at Schloss Seggau (1995), abstract.
Walter, Corpses.
— Vetālasādhana.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-221). A 9-folio manuscript.
— Vibhaṅga.
Nakamura, pp. 104, 106.
— Vibhaṅgaguhyatantrāṇāṃ trirudradamana (Gsang ba'i
rgyud rnams kyi rnam par 'byed pa drag po gsum 'dul).
Tôh. no. 455. Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 3v.2-8r.4. Tr. by
Devapūrṇamati and 'Gar Chos kyi bzang po.
— Vicitrakarṇikāvadāna.
Hans Jørgensen, Vicitrakarṇikāvadānoddhṛta, a Collection of Buddhistic
Legends (Nevāri text), Oriental Translation Fund, new series no. 31
(London 1931).
Nakamura, pp. 137, 138.
Matsunami, pp. 241-243.
— Vicitrakarṇikāvadānoddhṛta.
See preceding entry.
— Vidagdhavismāpana.
MSL, p. 265.
— Vidhurapaṇḍita Jātaka.
Strickmann, CPP, p. 172.
— Vidūrāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Vidvegañjaghṛṇāśrayasya
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
KCDS, p. 130. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
A note says it is incomplete.
— Vidyādharapiṭaka.
Nakamura, p. 319.
— Vidyādharapiṭakapratibaddhamañjughoṣasādhana (Rig pa
'dzin pa'i sde snod kyis bsdus pa'i 'jam pa'i dbyangs kyi
sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3317. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folio 14r.2-14r.6. Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti (Ba ri Chos
— Vidyādharapiṭakapratibaddhamañjughoṣasādhana (Rig pa
'dzin pa'i sde snod so so nas bsdus pa'i 'jam dpal dbyangs
kyi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3471. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 121v.5-122r.1. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vidyādharapiṭakasaṅkṣiptamañjuśrīsādhana (Rig pa 'dzin
pa'i sde snod las byung ba bsdus pa'i 'jam dpal gyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3470. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio
121v.1-121v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vidyādharapiṭakasaṅkṣiptamañjuśrīsādhana (Rig pa 'dzin
pa'i sde snod du gsungs pa'i mdor bsdus pa'i 'jam dpal gyi
sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 3316. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU,
folios 13v.6-14r.1. Tr. by Ba ri Dharmakīrti.
KCDS, p. 101. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. This rather curiously supplies an author, Slob dpon Rnam pa
yang dag pa (probably just another one of their bad translations).
— Vidyādharīkramabhāvana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 367.
— Vidyādharīkramavajrayoginīsādhana.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 367.
— Vidyādharīvajrayoginīsādhana (Rig pa 'dzin pa rdo rje rnal
'byor ma'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 380. Derge Kanjur, vol.
GA, folios 72v.7-73r.7. Tr. by Jayasena and Dar ma yon
— Vidyādharīvajrayoginyārādhanavidhi.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 368. Includes account of Śabara's quest for a
This would seem to be the same as Sādhanamālā no. 235, which has a
colophon attributing it to the school of Śabarapāda.
— Vidyādharyupahṛdaya.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-228). A 3-folio manuscript.
— Vidyottamamahātantra (Rig pa mchog gi rgyud chen po).
Tôh. no. 746. Derge Kanjur, vol. DZA, folios 1v.1-237v.7.
Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs.
Bischoff and Hartman, Padmasambhava's Invention.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 145, 266, 300-303, 331-333.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 184.
See Geoffrey Samuel's remark in Linrothe, Holy Madness, p. 41: "...the
Vidyottama Tantra, which has been dated to the fifth to seventh
— Vidyutprāptaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
glog thob kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo).
Tôh. no. 64. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 1v.1-17v.4.
Variant reading: Vidyātaprāptaparipṛcchā.
— Vighnāntakasādhana (Bgegs mthar byed kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3287. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 32r.6-32v.6. Tr.
by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Vighnāntakasādhana (Bgegs bskrad pa'i sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 3363. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 41r.1-42r.7. Tr.
by Ba ri Don yod rdo rje.
— Vighnāntakasādhana (Bgegs mthar byed kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3633. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
249v.7-250r.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Vighnavināyaka-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa bgegs sel ba'i
gzungs). Tôh. no. 655 (also, no. 959). Derge Kanjur, vol.
BA, folio 149r.2-149v.1.
— Vihārakathā.
Matsunami, p. 227.
— Vijayavatī-nāma-pratyaṅgirā (Phyir zlog pa 'phags pa rnam
par rgyal ba can). Tôh. no. 734 (also, no. 968). Derge
Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios 225v.7-227r.7.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Vijñānabhairava.
Jaideva Singh, tr., Vijñānabhairava or Divine Consciousness (Delhi
2002, reprint).
— Vijñānasaṃkrāntisūtra.
Source of brief citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 67-68.
— Vijñaptimātra (Sems tsam pa).
KCDS, p. 112. A 120-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging
to Potala. Apparently it is the third chapter only: Rnam par rig byed tsam
du sgrub pa yang dag pa'i don le'u gsum pa.
— Vikalparāja.
Source of a very brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 67.
— Vikurvāṇarājaparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa
rnam par 'phrul pa'i rgyal pos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 167. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios
175v.1-210v.7. Tr. by Prajñāvarman and Ye shes sde.
Title given in Mvy., no. 1409.
— Vimaladattāparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dri
ma med kyis byin pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 77. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
241r.1-261v.6. Tr. by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye
shes sde.
Rhoton, CD, p. 59 (Dri med byin gyis zhus pa'i mdo).
— Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags pa dri ma
med par grags pas bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo). Tôh. no. 176. Derge Kanjur, vol. MA, folios
175r.1-239v.7. Tr. by Chos nyid tshul khrims.
J.W. de Jong, Fonds Pelliot tibétain nos. 610 et 611, contained in:
Studies in Indology and Buddhology Presented in Honour of Professor
Susumu Yamaguchi on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Hozokan
(Kyoto 1955), pp. 60-67. Treats two of the three Dunhuang manuscripts
identified by Lalou as belonging to the Vimalakīrti. The Dunhuang
readings are placed parallel to the Kanjur readings for ease of
comparison. The differences are considerable.
Charls Luk (Lu K'uan Yü), tr., The Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra (Wei Mo
Chieh So Shuo Ching) (Berkeley 1972). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 16 (1975), pp. 310-311.
Jan Nattier, The Teaching of Vimalakīrti (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa): A Review
of Four English Translations, Buddhist Literature, vol. 2 (2000), p. 234 ff.
The translations by Étienne Lamotte and by Robert A.F. Thurman are
reviewed together by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 22
(1980), pp. 254-256.
Paul, WB, pp. 221-232.
Jisshu Oshika, Tibetan Text of Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, Acta Indologica, vol. 1
(1970), pp. 137-240.
Jisshu Oshika, An Index to the Tibetan Translation of the
Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, Acta Indologica, vol. 3 (1975), pp. 197-352.
Bhikṣu Prāsādika and Lal Mani Joshi, Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra: Tibetan
Version, Sanskrit Restoration and Hindi Translation, Central Institute for
Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1981). Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in
Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 25 (1983), pp. 160-161.
Roy Andrew Miller, Apropos of the Fond Pelliot tibétaine no. 610,
Fragment of the Tibetan Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra, Central Asiatic
Journal, vol. 10 (1965), pp. 44-54.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 391, 397 ff.
Nakamura, pp. 159 note, 224, 225, 320.
Ruegg, AIE, p. 56.
— Vimala-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa dri ma med pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 517 (also, no. 871). Derge Kanjur,
vol. NA, folios 50v.2-54r.5. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and
Ye shes sde.
— Vimalaprabhāparipṛcchā (Dri ma med pa'i 'od kyis zhus pa).
Tôh. no. 168. Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folios 211r.1-159v.7.
Studied in Thomas, TLTD, Part 1, pp. 137-258.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 199, 203.
— Vimalaprabhātantrāvatāraṇīvādācalahṛdayāloka (Dpal ldan
dri ma dang bral ba'i 'od kyi rgyud la 'jug pa'i bshad sbyar
mi g.yo ba'i snying po snang ba). Tôh. no. 1349. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NA, folios 20r.4-72v.5. Tr. by Blo gros brtan pa.
Derge colophon: 'di ni chos kyi rje shong lo tsā ba rdo rje rgyal mtshan
gyi bka' drin la brten nas legs par sbyar ba brda spyod [sbyor] pa'i tshul
la blo'i snang ba cung zad skyes pa dpang lo tsā ba dge slong dpal ldan
blo gros brtan pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
— Vimānavatthu.
Nakamura, pp. 46, 139.
— Vimānāvadāna.
Nakamura, p. 139.
— Viṃśatisaptasaptatipūjā.
BSM, p. 19 (MBB-II-201). A 34-folio manuscript.
— Viṃśikāvivṛtti.
Bandurski, p. 32.
— Vimuktimārge dhūtaguṇanirdeśa (Rnam par grol ba'i lam
las sbyangs pa'i yon tan bstan pa). Tôh. no. 4143. Derge
Tanjur, vol. SU, folios 161v.2-172v.7. Tr. by
Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs. Occurs again, with the
same translators, under the title
Vimuktimārgadhautaguṇanirdeśa, at Tôh. no. 306 (Derge
Kanjur, vol. SA, folios 131v.1-139r.4). Ascetic practices of
monks. An extract from Buddhaghoṣa's famous work the
P.V. Bapat, Vimuktimarga Dhūtaguṇa Nirdeśa, A Tibetan Text critically
edited and translated into English (New Delhi 1964). 123 pp.
P.V. Bapat, A Fragment of the Tibetan Version of a Lost Indian Work
(Vimuktimagga), Proceedings and Transactions of the All India Oriental
Conferences, Session VII, pp. 131-135.
P.V. Bapat, A Washington Manuscript: New Light Thrown on the
Fragmentary Tibetan Version of the Vimuktimārga, Annals of the
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vol. 22 (1941), pp. 116-119.
P.V. Bapat, Interpolations in the Fragmentary Tibetan Version of the
Vimuktimārga, New Indian Antiquary, vol. 7 (1944), pp. 58-60.
Nakamura, p. 117 (Dhutaṅganirdeśa, Dhūtaguṇanirdeśa).
Banerjee, SL, p. 50.
— Vīṇāśikha Tantra.
Teun Goudriaan, The Vīṇāśikhatantra: A Śaiva Tantra of the Left Current
(Delhi 1985).
— Vinaya.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 20 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu, a volume with the title 'Phags pa dge 'dun phal
chen pa'i 'jig rten las 'das par smra ba'i 'dul ba.
— Vinayabhāṣāśāstra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 10.
— Vinayadvāviṃśatiprasannārthaśāstra.
Nakamura, p. 56 note.
— *Vināyaka Sūtra.
An esoteric scripture produced in 1017, which was barred from the
Chinese canon because of bloodletting rites it contained. Sen, Revival,
p. 56.
— Vinayakṣudrakavastu ('Dul ba phran tshegs kyi gzhi). Tôh.
no. 6. Derge Kanjur, vol. THA, folios 1v.1-310r.7; vol. DA,
folios 1v.1-333r.7. Tr. by Vidyākaraprabha,
Dharmaśrībhadra, and Dpal 'byor.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 89-99.
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 42, 44.
Korosi, LTB, pp. 97-103, with notes on content.
— Vinayamātṛkā.
Nakamura, p. 56 note.
Clarke, Vinaya Mātṛkā, p. 81 ff.
Agostini, BSF, p. 78.
Banerjee, SL, p. 32. Translated into Chinese by Saṅghavarman in 445
CE. He says that it fairly agrees with the Tibetan (?).
— Vinayāmoghasiddhimahātantra.
Source of brief citation in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 68.
— Vinayanidāna (*'Dul ba'i gleng gzhi).
Banerjee, SL, p. 32. Translated into Chinese by Vimalākṣa, between
405 and 418 CE.
— Vinayasamukasa.
One of the texts recommended by Aśoka in an inscription. The title in
Sanskrit would be Vinayasamutkarṣa. Bhattacharya, BTRA.
— Vinayavastu ('Dul ba gzhi). Tôh. no. 1. Derge Kanjur, vols.
KA through NGA. Tr. by Sarvajñadeva, Vidyākaraprabha,
Dharmākara and Dpal gyi lhun po. Revised by
Vidyākaraprabha and Dpal brtsegs.
Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. 3, published in 4 parts, contains the
Sanskrit text of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinayavastu.
Derge Kanjur colophon: thub dbang zla ba'i zhal nas byung gyur pa //
gsung gi me tog char pa yid 'ong rnams // lta ba ngan zlog rnyi ba med
pa yi // rang bzhin yun ring skye dgu'i nang gnas shog/ kha che'i mkhan
po sarba dznyā de ba dang / rgya gar gyi mkhan po bi dyā ka ra pra bha
dang / kha che'i mkhan po dharmā ka ra dang / lo tsā ba ban de dpal gyi
lhun pos bsgyur cing / rgya gar gyi mkhan po bi dyā ka ra pra bha dang
/ zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba ban de dpal brtsegs kyis bsgyur cing zhus te
gtan la phab pa'o.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 83-84 (with list of the 17 chapter titles in both Sanskrit
and Tibetan), 101-246. Banerjee says it corresponds, sometimes
verbatim, with the Pāli Mahāvagga and portions of the Cullavagga.
— Vinayavibhaṅga ('Dul ba rnam par 'byed pa). Tôh. no. 3.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 21r.1-292r.7, continued in
vols. CHA, JA, and NYA. Tr. by Jinamitra and Klu'i rgyal
Nakamura, p. 51.
EoB under "Bhikṣuvibhaṅga."
V. Stache-Rosen, Vinayavibhaṅga zum Bhikṣuprātimokṣa der
Sarvāstivādins, Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden series no. 2,
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Berlin 1959).
Banerjee, SL, p. 86 ff. (with rough outline of content). Corresponds
rather closely with the Pāli Mahāvibhaṅga.
Notes on the content may be found in Korosi, LTB, pp. 92-95.
— Vinayaviniścaya.
Tucci, TPS, p. 357.
— Vinayottaragrantha ('Dul ba gzhung bla ma). Tôh. no. 7,
vol. NA, folios 1v.1-92r.7; vol. PA, folios 1v.1-313r.5.
Vinaya-uttaragrantha. Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 7.
Clarke, Vinaya Mātṛkā, pp. 85, 87 ff. Text describes itself as "ma lta bu,"
mother-like, which probably translates Skt. mātṛkā. Tibetan title given as
'Dul ba ma mo lta bu.
Banerjee, SL, pp. 99-100. Corresponds to Pāli Parivārapāṭha.
Colophon says it was translated into Tibetan during the time of Klu'i
rgyal mtshan. It includes the Upāliparipṛcchā as its concluding section.
Korosi, LTB, p. 103, has a short resumé of the contents. Upali is the
questioner in this text.
— Vinayottaragrantha ('Dul ba'i gzhung dam pa). Stog Palace
Kanjur, no. 8.
— Vipaśyanotpādanopāya (Lhag mthong skyed pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 4366. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYO, folios
— Vīradattagṛhapatiparipṛcchā-nāma-mahāyānasūtra ('Phags
pa khyim bdag dpas byin gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo). Tôh. no. 72. Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios
194r.1-204v.1. Tr. by Jinamitra, Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
Mvy., no. 1407.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya. A Chinese translation is
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Viśeṣāmnāya (Khyad par gdams ngag). Tôh. no. 3276.
Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio 26r.4-26r.6. Tr. by Dā, Abhaya
and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan. Tôh. no. 3275 has identical
title and translators.
— Viśeṣapuṇyāhorātraguṇavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Viśeṣavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī ('Phags pa khyad par can zhes
bya ba'i gzungs). Tôh. no. 542 (also, no. 872). Derge
Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 102r.3-104v.7. Tr. by Jinamitra,
Dānaśīla and Ye shes sde.
— Viśeṣopadeśa (Gdams ngag gi khyad par ji lta ba bzhin du
mdud pa byas). Tôh. no. 3235. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folio
8v.1-8v.3. Tr. by Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Viṣṇudharmottara.
A text on painting. It has been translated into English by Stella
Kramrisch. V. Raghavan, Some Sanskrit Texts on Painting, Indian
Historical Quarterly, vol. 9 (1933), pp. 898-911, at p. 904.
— Vistarajambhalasādhana (Dzaṃ bha la'i sgrub thabs rgyas
pa). Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 239v.6-240v.5. Tôh. no.
1863. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Visualization of Amitāyus Sūtra (or, Visualization Sūtra).
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Practice of Visualization and the Visualization
Sūtra: An Examination of Mural Paintings at Toyok, Turfan, Pacific
World, 3rd series, no. 4 (Fall 2002), pp. 123-152. Kuan Wu-liang-shou
ching, Taishô no. 365.
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, An Examination of the Mural Paintings of Toyok
Cave 20 in Conjunction with the Origin of the Amitāyus Visualization
Sūtra, Orientations, vol. 30, no. 4 (1999), pp. 38-44.
— Viśvamātāsādhana (Sna tshogs yum gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 3505. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 154v.5-155r.3. Tr.
by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Viśvantara Jātaka.
Part nine of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Viśvantarāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 243.
— Viśvasamayakalpa.
MSL, p. 265.
— Vītāśokāvadāna.
BSM, p. 13 (MBB-II-93). A 34-folio manuscript.
— Vratāvadānamālā.
H.L. Feer, Suvarṇavarṇāvadānaṃ et Vratāvadānamālā, Actes du XIII
Congres International des Orient (Florence 1901-1902), pp. 19-30.
Yutaka Iwamoto, Vratāvadānamālā, Oriental Studies, a Commemorative
Volume of Prof. Ishihama's 70th Birthday (Osaka 1958).
Nakamura, pp. 137, 138.
Matsunami, pp. 243-244.
— Vṛjiputra Sūtra.
Banerjee, SL, p. 22.
— Vyāghrī Jātaka.
Part one of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 228.
— Vyāghrī Kathā.
Matsunami, p. 244.
— Vyākaraṇasubanta (Lung du ston pa su banta). Tôh. no.
4431. Derge Tanjur, vol. NO, folios 134r.6-141v.7.
— Vyākaraṇaṭīkāvihara.
KCDS, p. 155. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery.
— Vyākhyā (?).
BSM, p. 16 (MBB-II-153). A 5-folio palmleaf manuscript.
— Vyākhyātantra.
Source of a few long verse citations in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, pp. 70-72.
— Yajñādikṛtapuṇyakathā.
Matsunami, p. 244.
— Yajña Jātaka.
Part ten of Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. Matsunami, p. 229.
— Yakṣajanmāvadāna.
A chapter from the Mahajjātakamālā. Matsunami, p. 234.
— Yamācāryābhiṣekavidhi.
KCDS, p. 132. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Yamanikāntara (?).
KCDS, p. 144. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala,
formerly of Zhwa lu Monastery.
— Yamāntakasādhana (Gshin rje mthar mdzad kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3285. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
30v.3-31r.5. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Yamāntakasādhana (Gshin rje mthar mdzad kyi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3286. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
31r.5-32r.6. Tr. by Abhaya and Tshul khrims rgyal mtshan.
— Yamāntakasādhana (Gshin rje mthar byed kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3631. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
248r.6-248v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Yamāntakasādhana (Gshin rje mthar byed kyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3632. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
248v.7-249v.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Yamānuśaṃsadānyekapañcaśata (?).
KCDS, p. 32. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript now belonging to the Nor
bu gling ka.
— Yamārikṛṣṇakarmasarvacakrasiddhikara-nāma-tantrarāja
(Gshin rje'i gshed dgra nag po'i 'khor lo las thams cad grub
par byed pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po). Tôh. no. 473.
Derge Kanjur, vol. JA, folios 175r.1-185v.7. Tr. by Bā ro
Phyag rdum and Rdo rje grags.
— Yamāripūjā.
BSM, p. 11 (MBB-II-52). An 8-folio manuscript.
— Yamāristutitantravajradhṛk (Rdo rje 'dzin pas gshin rje
gshed po la bstod pa'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 1969. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 109r.7-110v.1.
Derge colophon: rdo rje 'dzin pas gshin rje gshed po la bstod pa le'u'i
rgyud las bstod pa'i le'u'o // rdzogs so.
— Yan lag can med pa.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 20 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu with no authorship ascription.
— Yan lag gi dam tshig. Tôh. no. 2483. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI,
folios 180v.5-180v.6.
EoB, under "Aṅgasamaya-nāma."
— Yan lag gi nyes pa bdun pa. Tôh. no. 2481. Derge Tanjur,
vol. ZI, folio 180r.6-180v.1 (?).
EoB, under "Aṅgaparādhasaptaka." A work with similar title is found in
Peking, but lacking in Derge Tanjur.
— Yang dag pa'i lam bstan pa. In two bam po, 100 śloka.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo las 'byung ba'i bde
legs kyi tshigs su bcad pa. Tôh. no. 816. Derge Kanjur,
vol. WA, folios 256r.7-257r.5. Apparently a verse extract
from Vaiśālīpraveśasūtra.
— Yantraśodhanavidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-274). A 4-folio manuscript.
— Yantravidhi.
BSM, p. 22 (MBB-II-271). A 15-folio manuscript.
— Yantraprayogavidhi.
BSM, p. 20 (MBB-II-217). A 12-folio manuscript.
— Yaśodāvadāna.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 236.
— Yaśodharāpadmāvatījātakaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Yaśodharārāhulabhadrakarmavipākaparivarta.
A chapter in the Sambhadrāvadānamālā. Matsunami, p. 237.
— Yaśomatyavadāna.
Matsunami, p. 231.
— Yaśorājāvadāna.
Matsunami, p. 216.
— Yaśovatīdhāraṇī ('Phags pa grags ldan ma'i gzungs). Tôh.
no. 732 (also, no. 992). Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— Yathālabdhakhasama Tantra (Ji bzhin brnyes pa nam
mkha' dang mnyam pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud). Tôh. no. 441.
Derge Kanjur, vol. CA, folios 86v.1-89v.7. Tr. by
Tākṣakagaṇa and Mang 'or Byang chub shes rab.
— Ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro ma sum cu rtsa lnga'i rtogs pa brjod
pa. Tôh. no. 2450. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios
85v-6-88r.1. Tr. by Zha ma. Part of the Pha dam pa Sangs
rgyas collection.
— Ye shes skar mda'i snying po. Tôh. no. 649 (also, no.
1077). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA, folio 136r.7-136v.4.
— Ye shes sku mchog.
A prayer to Mañjuśrī. Denwood, Catalogue, no. 539.
— Yi dwags kha nas me 'bar ba la skyabs mdzad pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 646 (also, no. 1080). Derge Kanjur,
vol. BA, folios 130r.1-132v.2.
— Yi dwags mo kha 'bar ma dbugs dbyung ba'i gtor ma'i cho
ga. Tôh. no. 647 (also, no. 1079). Derge Kanjur, vol. BA,
folios 132v.2-134r.5.
— Yi ge'i mtha' dpyod ma dag dri ma 'khrud pa'i chab gtsang.
Listed in Btsan-lha, p. 1059.
— Yid du 'ong ba. Tôh. no. 791 (also, no. 1033). Derge
Kanjur, vol. WA, folio 115r.5-115r.7.
— Yid gnyis yang dag par 'joms pa'i mdo.
There are citations from a text by this title in Atiśa's
Mahāsūtrasamuccaya. Source of the citations has not been identified,
although it is also cited in Nāgārjuna's Sūtrasamuccaya.
— Yogācārabhūmisūtra.
Nakamura, p. 171. Chinese scripture with 27 and 30 chapter versions.
— Yogāmbaramahātantra (*Rnal 'byor nam mkha'?).
BSM, p. 15 (MBB-II-120). A 56-folio manuscript.
— Yogāmbarīsādhanaratnamālā.
Matsunami, p. 286.
— Yogarājatantra.
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-23). A 33-folio manuscript.
— Yogatantra.
Several verses are quoted from a Sanskrit work by this (obviously
inadequate) title in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 55.
— Yogāvacara.
Nakamura, p. 119.
T.W. Rhys Davids, ed., The Yogāvacara's Manual of Indian Mysticism
as Practised by Buddhists, Pali Text Society (London 1896).
Frank Lee Woodward, tr., Manual of a Mystic, Being a Translation from
the Pāli and Sinhalese Work entitled Yogāvachara's Manual (1916).
— Yogavidhi (*Rnal 'byor gyi cho ga?).
Nakamura, p. 113.
EoB, vol. 4, p. 67.
A birchbark Sanskrit manuscript of this text, together with a second
untitled text, was found in area of Qizil during the third German Turfan
expedition. It was discussed by D. Schlingloff, Yogavidhi, Indo-Iranian
Journal, vol. 7 (1964), pp. 146-155.
See D. Seyfort Ruegg, On a Yoga Treatise in Sanskrit from Qizil,
Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 87, no. 2 (April 1967), pp.
D. Schlingloff, Ein Buddhistisches Yogalehrbuch, Deutsche Akademie
der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientgforschung,
Veröffentlichung Nr. 59, Akademie-Verlag (Berlin 1964).
D. Schlingloff, Die Birkenrindenhandschriften der Berliner
Turfansammlung, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientalforschung, vol. 4
(1956), pp. 120-127.
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, New Fragments of the Yogalehrbuch, Kyûshû
Ryûkoku Tanki Daigaku kiyô, vol. 43 (1997), pp. 11-39.
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, The Significance of the Yogalehrbuch for the
Investigation into the Origin of Chinese Meditation Texts, Bukkyô bunka,
vol. 9 (1999), pp. 1-74.
Walter, Jābir III, p. 27.
— Yogeśvarīmahāvidyāsiddhinimittanirdeśa.
KCDS, p. 150. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. To judge from the title, it is on the signs of siddhi, and to judge
by the texts it is bundled with, it must be related to the Pañcakrama (of
Nāgārjuna, etc.).
— Yoginījālamahātantrarāja.
Matsunami, p. 286.
BSM, p. 2 (MBB-I-21). A 43-folio manuscript dated 1743.
— Yoginīsañcāra (Rnal 'byor ma'i kun tu spyod pa). Tôh. no.
375. Derge Kanjur, vol. GA, folios 34r.1-44v.5. Tr. by 'Gos
Lhas btsas. In 17 chapters.
Derge colophon: rnal 'byor ma'i kun tu spyod pa rdzogs so // // zhu chen
gyi lo tsā ba 'gos lha btsas kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Yoginīsañcāratantramwith Nibandha of Tathāgatarakṣita and
Upadeśānusāriṇīvyākhyā of Alakakalaśa, ed. Janardan Shastri Pandey
and a maṇḍala of coeditors, Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies
(Sarnath 1998).
KCDS, p. 22. A 15-folio Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. Here the Sanskrit title is given as Yoganisaṃcara,
the Tibetan as Rnal 'byor ma spyod pa.
— Yoginītantra.
A line of verse is quoted from a Sanskrit work by this (obviously
inadequate) title in Lal, Lupta, vol. 2, p. 55.
— Yoginīvijayādhāraṇī.
Matsunami, p. 286.
— Yongs su skyobs pa'i snod ces bya ba'i mdo. This sūtra is a
version of the Chinese Yulanpen jing, containing the story
of Maudgalyāyana (Ch. Mulian). It doesn't exist in the
printed editions of the Tanjur, but is found in the Stog
Palace manuscript Kanjur. It was translated from Chinese
by 'Gos Chos grub.
Matthew Kapstein, 'La formation du bouddhism tibétain a travers les
documents de Dunhuang,' Summary of the January 2001 EPHI Véme
section lecture series, IDP News (Newsletter of the International
Dunhuang Project), no. 17 (Winter 200-2001), p. 3. Kapstein points out
that 'Gos Chos grub himself wrote a short verse text on the story of
Maudgalyāyana (IOL Tib J 686).
— Yuddhajaya-nāma-tantrarājasvarodaya (G.yul las rnam par
rgyal ba zhes pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dbyangs 'char ba).
Tôh. no. 4322. Derge Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios 49v.1-91v.7.
Tr. by Jayānanda the Great, and Shes rab rin chen (Glo bo
Lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen).
Rtsis pa Kun dga' gsal ba (14th century) Yuddhajayārṇava Tantra,
Tibetan Translation Of The Text and a Detailed 14th Century
Commentary, D. G. Khochhen Trulku (Dehra Dun 1975), in 713 pages.
"Reproduced from the Manuscript from the Library of Nyingmapa
Lama's College."
Rare Tibetan Astrological Texts from the Kyirong Lama Kunsang
Collection Including a Rare Commentary on the Yuddhavijaya Tantra by
'Chi med bde ba, Damchoe Sangpo (Dalhousie 1980).
Dbyangs 'char rgyud las gza' bdun mo dpe dang gzhan yang mo dpe
nyer mkho sna tshogs: A Manual for the Prognostication of Events
through the System of the Yuddhavijaya Tantra and Other Systems,
Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute (Rewalsar 1985), in 66 pages.
— Yugādiprasiddhapuṇyavarṇana.
Matsunami, p. 232.
— Yuktipradīpa (Sbyor ba'i sgron me).
On the Indian manuscript found at Sa skya Monastery, see Dge 'dun
chos 'phel, Works, vol. 1, p. 32.
— Yul kun la 'jug pa'i rgyud.
Schaik, EDGP, p. 196.
— Zambasta, Book of.
R.E. Emmerocl. ed. and tr., The Book of Zambasta: A Khotanese Poem
on Buddhism, Oxford University Press (London 1968).
Nattier, OUFT, pp. 49, 85, 157, 170-188, 206, 210, 211, 216, 285,
— Zas kyi phung po spyod pa'i tshul.
A sūtra quoted in Atiśa's Mahāsūtrasamuccaya, but not traced
— Zas kyi 'tsho ba rnam par dag pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen
po'i mdo. Tôh. no. 206. Derge Kanjur, vol. TSHA, folios
— Zhe sa'i tshig mdzod rab gsal me long, Mi rigs dpe skrun
khang (Beijing 1993). Dictionary of honorific terms.
— Zhi ba'i mchog 'pho ba'i 'phrin las bsdus pa.
See Mayer, Pelliot 349, p. 152. Mayer intends to do a study of this
Dunhuang Phur pa text.
— Zhi gnas dang lhag mthong gi lam bstan pa.
Bu ston Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi
'byung gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang
(Dehradun 1989), p. 416: Text with no authorship attribution, written in
Tibetan Imperial times.
— Zla ba'i bu chen po. See Poussin, Catalogue, no. 711.
— Zla ba'i khyim brtsi ba dang rgyu skar brtsi ba'i mdo las
'byung ba zla ba'i bam brtsi ba.
Stog Palace Kanjur, no. 273.
— Zla 'od kyi mtshan rjes su dran pa'i gzungs. Tôh. no. 535
(also, no. 868). Derge Kanjur, vol. NA, folios 99v.7-100r.2.
Tôh. no. 868 has the title Zla ba'i 'od kyi mtshan rjes su dran
Ā bhya'i ming can
— Don rgyan so lnga'i mtshan nyid dbye ba dper brjod mdor
bsdus ra yig gnyis pa'i glu dbyangs. Source: BKTC. Ā
bhya'i ming can, 'the one with the name beginning with
Abhaya,' may mean Bo dong Paṇ chen (who is sometimes
known as 'Jigs med grags pa, which could be
re-Sanskritized as Abhayakīrti). The last part of the title
translates 'Song of the one with two letter "R"s' (i.e., bee,
since the Sanskrit word for bee has two "R"s in it).
A khu chin Shes rab rgya mtsho (1803-1875)
— Dbyangs can sgra ṭīk gi mchan dngos gzhi 'jam pa'i
dbyangs pradznyā'i mtshan can gyi phyag bris las bshus
pa. Source: TBRC.
— 'Dul ba dang sngags kyi tshig bkra sogs. Oriental Institute,
St. Petersburg, no. B7491/11. A 37-folio woodblock print
(of Mdzod dge Monastery), in vol. CHA of the author's
collected works. The author's 7-volume collected works
have been published in New Delhi. Glossary of terms used
in Vinaya and Mantra texts.
— Dpe rgyun dkon pa 'ga' zhig gi tho yig don gnyer yid kyi
kunda bzhad pa'i zla 'od 'bum gyi snye ma. This was
published by Ngawang Sopa (Delhi 1973), and was also
incorporated into MHTL.
— Rngog dkyil bdun las brtsams pa'i gtam du brjod pa snyan
bskul lha'i rnga sgra. Source: TBRC.
— Sgra'i dka' gnad las brtsams pa'i brjed byang dbyangs can
rol mtsho. Source: TBRC.
— Yid ches gsum ldan gyi bshad lung zin bris.
Translated in Mullin, Readings, pp. 42-70. It was based on a public
reading of a work by Tsong kha pa.
Ā khyung Ngag dbang mkhyen rab (aka 'Jam dbyangs bstan
'dzin dbang rgyal, b. late 18th century).
— Don rgyan so lnga'i snyan ngag dbyangs can pi wang.
Source: BKTC. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
B8936/5 (title of B10000/32 differs slightly). The author's
works are listed in SBKC, vol. 3, p. 533.
— Sdeb sbyor ngo mtshar rtogs byed kyi gsal byed. Source:
— Snyan ngag gi legs bshad kun mkhyen lnga ba'i zhal lung.
Source: BKTC. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
B8936/7 (25-folio woodblock print).
Ā kyā II Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1708-1768)
— Bstan pa'i bdag po thub pa sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das la
sngon gyi thugs bskyed bskul ba'i gdungs dbyangs rma
bya gzhon nu'i zlos gar. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg,
no. B7393/10.
— Snyan ngag don rgyan so lnga'i dper brjod mkhas dbang
dandi'i spring yig. Source: BKTC. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B8390/19.
— Snyan ngag gi 'grel pa. Source: TBRC.
— Snyan ngag me long gi le'u gnyis pa'i dper brjod. Source:
— Sum rtags kyi 'grel pa. Source: TBRC.
Ā kyā Yongs 'dzin Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros (aka Blo bzang
don grub, 1740-1827)
— Be'u bum sngon po'i ming brda go dka' ba 'ga' zhig bshad
pa som nyi'i mun sel, contained in: Collected Works (New
Delhi 1971), vol. 1, pp. 200-227. See Helmut Eimer's
"Dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros' Explanation of Some
Expressions" (1986).
Contained in "Gangs can Rig Brgya'i Sgo 'Byed Lde mig" series vol. 16
(Lhasa 1991), pp. 464-486.
Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, nos. B8791/6, B9026/3 (a 15-folio
woodblock print).
— Blo rigs kyi sdom tshig blang dor gsal ba'i me long,
contained in: Collected Works (New Delhi 1971), vol. 1, p.
515 ff.
Sherpa Tulku, A. Berzin et al., A Compendium of Ways of Knowing,
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1980).
— Byang chub lam gyi rim pa chen po las byung ba'i brda
bkrol nyer mkho bsdus pa. A 49-folio woodblock print.
Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no. B8791/5. Composed
at G.yar khral. Vocabulary to the Lam rin chen mo of Tsong
kha pa.
— Dbyangs can sgra ṭīk kyi yuṣmad a smad don gsal. Source:
— Dge ldan legs bshad kyi 'grel ba nyi ma'i 'od zer, contained
in: Dge ldan legs bshad kyi rtsa 'grel, Mtsho sngon mi rigs
dpe skrun khang (Xining 1995), pp. 43-276.
Mkhas pa dang blun po brtag pa'i bstan bcos dge ldan legs bshad
padma dkar po'i chun po'i chun po'i 'grel pa nyi ma'i 'od zer, n.p.
(Dharamsala 1970?), in 333 pp.
— Dge slong gi bslab bya gnam rtse ldeng ma'i brda don 'ga'
zhig. An 11-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B6774/11 (other copies, B8048/5,
B6677/6). Jackson, Misc., no. 51. Monastic terminology
from a work on the subject by Tsong kha pa.
— Dpe chos rin chen spungs pa'i brda bkrol don gnyer yid kyi
dga' ston. A woodblock print in 12 folios. SBKC, p. 513.
Jackson, Misc., no. 1014/1. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B6677/6. Meanings of words used in the
old Bka' gdams pa work.
Dpe chos rin chen spungs pa'i brda bkrol don gnyer yid kyi dga' ston,
contained in: Dpe chos dang dpe chos rin chen spungs pa (=Gangs can
rig brgya'i sgo 'byed lde mig series no. 17), Mi rigs dpe skrun khang
(Lhasa 1991), pp. 502-520.
— 'Dul ba'i gleng 'bum chen mo las byung ba'i ming brda go
dka' ba rnams bshad pa blo ldan dga' bskyed. A
woodblock print in 29 folios. See SBKC, p. 515. Jackson,
Misc., no. 1014/4. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, nos.
B8049/10, B8791/19. Monastic terminology. Note that
three different vocabularies for this text are listed in
Btsan-lha, p. 1050 (and note also p. 1057).
— 'Dul ba'i sdom tshig gnad bsdus nor bu'i phreng ba. A
37-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg,
no. B6774/10. Apparently on Vinaya terminology.
— 'Dul 'dzin rin po ches mdzad pa'i Dge slong gi bslab bya
chen mo'i brda don go dka' ba 'ga' zhig bkrol ba. A
woodblock print in 9 folios. See SBKC, p. 514-5. Monastic
terminology. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, nos.
B8049/9, B8791/18.
— Ngo mtshar rtogs byed nag 'gros su bkod pa legs bshad
'phrul gyi lde mig. Tôh. no. 6616. [Kha. 1-8]. On metre.
— Rnam dbye brgyad dang bya byed sogs kyi khyad par mdo
tsam brjod pa dka' gnad gsal ba'i me long. Contained in:
Blaṅ, pp. 209-222. Sanskrit cases, verbal conjugations,
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, nos. 1116/4, 1120/2.
— Rtags kyi 'jug pa'i dgongs 'grel rab gsal snang ba.
Contained in: Blaṅ, pp. 171-207. Tibetan grammar.
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, nos. 1116/3, 1120/1.
— Rtags kyi 'jug pa'i dka' gnas bdag gzhan dang bya byed las
gsum gyi khyad par zhib tu phye ba nyung gsal 'phrul gyi
lde mig. Contained in: Blaṅ, pp. 223-233. Tibetan
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, nos. 1094/4, 1116/5.
— Sa skya legs bshad sogs kyi brda don 'ga' zhig bkrol ba. A
woodblock print in 13 folios. See SBKC, p. 515. Jackson,
Misc., no. 1014/3. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
B8791/28 (and other copies). Definitions of words in the
Sa skya legs bshad and in still other works. This work is
the subject of a paper by Helmut Eimer.
— Sdeb sbyor las nyer mkho rags rim. Tôh. no. 6615 [vol.
KHA, folios 1-4].
— Sdeb sbyor rin 'byung gi gnad don gsal ba'i me long. Tôh.
no. 6614 [vol. KHA, folios 1-39]. An epitomized
explanation of the Chandoratnākara (Tôh. no. 4459).
— Sdeb sbyor rin chen 'byung gnas kyi gzhung gi zin bris
rnam gsal du bkod pa ngo mtshar me tog bkra ba'i 'khri
shing. Composed in 1811. Printed at Zhol printery in 1944.
16 folios
Source: Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, no. 1094/9.
— Skyes rabs so bzhi'i snying po bsdus pa'i gsol 'debs rgyal
sras 'jug ngogs. 5 folios in his Collected Works. Tôh. no.
— Snyan ngag me long gi le'u dang po nas byung ba'i sbyar
ba sogs yon tan bcu'i gnad don gsal bar ston pa legs bshad
panda ri'i ka'i phreng mdzes. Source: BKTC. Tôh. no.
6610 [vol. KHA, folios 1-25].
— Snyan ngag gi bstan bcos mu tig phreng ba. Source:
BKTC. Tôh. no. 6612 [vol. KHA, folios 1-31].
— Snyan ngag gi lus rgyan skyon sel gsum gyi sdom tshig rab
gsal me long (Dharamsala 1966?). IASWR fiche nos.
R-1223, R-2009. Tôh. no. 6613 [Vol. KHA, folios 1-6]. This
was also published in the Blo bzang dgongs rgyan series,
vol. 45 (Drepung Loseling, Mundgod), which isn't available
at the moment.
— Snyan ngag me long gi rgyan rnams kyi dper brjod dpyid
kyi rgyal mo'i glu dbyangs. Source: BKTC. Tôh. no. 6611
[vol. KHA, folios 1-38].
— Śraddhāpralāpa-nāma-stava (Dad pa smra ba zhes bya ba'i
bstod pa). Tôh. no. 1837. Derge Tanjur, vol. CI, folios
306r.3-308r.7. Tr. by Prajñāśrīgupta and Rin chen bzang
— Theg pa chen po'i blo sbyong nyi ma'i 'od zer gyi brda don.
A woodblock print in 9 folios. See SBKC, p. 514. Oriental
Institute, St. Petersburg, nos. B8049/8, B8791/17 (in 7
folios). Meanings of words in the Blo sbyong nyi ma'i 'od
— Thog mar blo sbyong gi dris lan brda' don gsal ba'i me long.
A woodblock print in 7 folios. Jackson, Misc., no. 1013.
Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, nos. B8791/7 (9 folios),
B10897/1. Mind Training terminology.
— Yi ge'i thob thang nyer mkho rab gsal me long. Contained
in: Blaṅ, pp. 235-236. Brief tract on the rights of letters (on
Tibetan spelling and grammar).
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, nos. 1094/3, 1116/6.
A lag sha Ngag dbang bstan dar (1754-1840)
An important philosopher of Mongolian ethnicity. For a list of his works
studied & translated by modern scholars, see Tom Tillemans, Scripture,
Logic, Language, Wisdom (Boston 1999), p. 265, n. 4.
— Brda' yig ming don gsal bar byed pa'i zla ba'i 'od snang. A
106 or 107-folio woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, nos. B8554/1, B8911/2. Dated 1838. The
author is often called Bstan dar Lha rams pa.
— Dag yig gces bsdus 'khrul spong legs par bshad pa'i skya
rengs gsar pa, contained in: Dag yig skor gyi dpe rgyun
dkon po 'ga' phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa mu tig tshom bu,
Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang (Xining 1998), pp.
457-492. This is a typeset version of the Sku 'bum
Monastery woodblock print. The author was native to
A 20-folio woodblock print from Sku 'bum Byams pa gling. Oriental
Institute, St. Petersburg, no. B8922/3.
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, nos. 1122, 1124.
— Dpe rgyan gyi sgo nas bla ma la bstod pa yon tan rgya
mtshor gzhol ba'i dad pa'i chu bo. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B6744/29.
— Gangs can gyi brda' gsar rnying las brtsams pa'i brda' yig
blo gsal mgrin rgyan. A 52-folio woodblock print. Oriental
Institute, St. Petersburg, nos. B6744/27, B8922/4.
Gangs can gyi brda' gsar rnying las brtsams pa'i brda' yig blo gsal mgrin
rgyan, contained in his Collected Works, vol. 2 [KHA] (New Delhi 1971).
See also SBKC, p. 484.
— Mdo tshig 'ga' zhig gi 'grel pa dpag bsam ljon bzang.
Filibeck, CTTF, vol. 2, no. 1123/1.
— Mi chos dga' ston. Listed in Btsan-lha, p. 1057. Apparently
on law.
— Shes rab snying po'i 'grel pa don gsal nor bu'i 'od.
Contained in: Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Bstan dar Lha ram or
Alag sha, Lama Guru Deva (New Delhi 1971), vol. 1, pp. 291-322.
English translation in: Donald S. Lopez Jr., The Heart Sūtra Explained,
Sri Satguru Publications (Delhi 1988), pp. 139-159.
— Snyan ngag me long gi le'u gnyis pa'i mtshungs pa gsal
byed kyi sgra'i sgo nas rang gi bla ma la bkod pa byin rlabs
'bod pa'i dbyangs snyan rol mo. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B6744/30.
— Snyan ngag me long le'u gsum gyi dper brjod blo gsal mgul
rgyan mu thig phreng mdzes. Oriental Institute, St.
Petersburg, no. B6744/28.
— Ston pa tshad ma'i skyes bur sgrub pa'i gtam.
Tom J.F. Tillemans, Persons of Authority: The sTon pa tshad ma'i skyes
bur sgrub pa'i gtam of A lag sha Ngag dbang bstan dar (Stuttgart 1993).
Reviewed by J.W. de Jong in Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 38 (1995), pp.
— Sum cu pa dang rtags 'jug gi don go sla bar bsdus pa'i
bshad pa skal ldan yid kyi padma 'byed pa'i snang ba'i
— Yi ge'i bshad pa mkhas pa'i kha rgyan. A 26-folio
woodblock print. Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, no.
— Yi ge'i mtha' dpyod ma dag pa'i dri ma 'khrud pa'i chab
gtsang, contained in: Collected Works (New Delhi 1971),
vol. KHA, pp. 585-610. On editorial procedures. Noted in
Kuijp, Treatise, p. 423, n. 28.
A mchog 'Jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho (1849-1944)
— 'Phags yul mkhas pa'i dbang po daṇḍi'i dgongs bzhed
snyan ngag me long gi dper brjod dri za'i bu mo'i glu
dbyangs. Source: SBTD, vol. 3, p. 542.
A mchog tshang
— Rgyan gyi bstan bcos me long gi 'grel ba legs bshad 'dod
'jo. Source: BKTC.
A myes zhabs Ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams (1597-1659)
— Bkyi brda'i bstan bcos mkhas mang dgongs pa'i bcud
bsdus gsung rab kun la lta ba'i legs bshad mig dbang rab
gsal snang ba. A 35-folio woodblock print. Jackson, Misc.,
no. 1147.
— Gsar rnying brda'i rnam dbye legs par bshad pa gsung rab
kun la lta ba'i sgron me. Listed in the medical dictionary
DD, p. 719. Listed in Btsan-lha, p. 1062.
— Legs sbhar klog tshul gyi bstan bcos blo gsal kun dga' ba.
Verhagen in Mishra, ABS, pp. 330-333, following Khetsun Zangpo's
biographical dictionary, therefore gives the author the mistaken dates of
1537-1601. It's interesting that, by its own account, this work is based
on the Tshogs gsum gsal ba by Dpang Lo (Verhagen gives the dates
1276-1342) with the annotations by Dpang Lo's disciple Lo chen Byang
chub rtse mo (Verhagen gives the dates 1303?-1380).
A ro Manydzu
A Tibetan sent to India in time of Khri srong lde btsan. Mtshan tho, no.
See Bal po A su.
A su
A tsa ra Dmar po
"Red Ācārya." Blue Annals, pp. 697, 1049-50. Indian who seems to
have been active in western Tibet. He was a controversial figure, and
there was plenty of discussion of his identity, which seems to have
gotten crossed with other figures (including the Tibetan Dam pa Dmar
po). Often identified with Guhyaprajña or Prajñāguhya, q.v.
'A zha Rgya gar brtseg (11th century)
Contemporary of Somanātha, he worked together with Aśokaśrī on
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 788.
According to Mtshan tho, no. 50, he assisted Somanātha with the
translation of the Kālacakra in the late 11th century, under the patronage
of Lce Yab sras.
To judge from his 'surname' 'A zha, he must have been a member of (or
descendent of) the T'u-yü-hun.
Blue Annals, p. 1045.
Blue Annals, p. 14.
Abhaya (Mi 'jigs pa)
EoB. Name of a number of figures.
Banerjee, SL, p. 215.
Tôh. no. 1905 (where name is mistakenly read Mi 'jigs pa'i phyag).
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 313-316, 319, 329-30.
Blue Annals, pp. 226, 342, 371, 760, 761, 765, 795-796, 800-801, 1043,
1046, 1061.
— Devīkālīstotra (Dpal lha mo nag mo la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 156, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4795.
— Mahākālastotra (Nag po chen po la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 155, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4787. Author's name is given as 'Jig med [i.e.,
'Jigs med], which is re-Sanskritized as Abhaya.
— Pratiṣṭhāvidhi (Rab tu gnas pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 1905.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PHI, folios 16v.4-21v.4.
Derge colophon: paṇḍi ta mi 'jigs pa'i phyag gis mdzad pa // rab gnas kyi
cho ga mdor bsdus pa rdzogs so.
Gustav Roth, Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya, K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute
(Patna 1970), p. l.
Schmidt, Interdisciplinary, p. 79.
Abhayadatta (Mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa)
It's possible that the more correct re-Sanskritization ought to be
Abhayadāna. Sbyin pa generally translates as dāna, while byin pa
translates as datta.
See the following entry for Abhayadattaśrī, as well as Abhayaśrī.
Tibetans writers like to shorten the name even more, sometimes even
with the bad spelling A bhya. The proof that he is to be identified with
Abhayākaragupta is found in Gsan yig of Dalai Lama V, vol. 2, p. 199,
which has the following lineage: rdo rje gdan pa / de la tsa mi sangs
rgyas grags pa smon grub shes rab dang a bha yā ka ra gnyis kyis
gsan / gnyis ka la dpal rgwa lo. This says Vajrāsana transmitted the
teachings to both Rtsa mi and to Abhayākara, and the two of them
transmitted them to Rgwa Lo. We may conclude from this that the
complete name of Rtsa mi is Rtsa mi Sangs rgyas grags pa smon grub
shes rab (note the Mi nyag Smon grub shes rab who worked with
Abhayadatta on several translations).
— Grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i rdzogs rim rin chen phreng
ba rtsa 'grel. Contained in: Gdams ngag mdzod, vol. 16,
pp. 149-200. At least three texts are hidden under this title,
the root text, a commentary (ending at p. 193.5) and finally
a Zhal gdams text.
Colophon, Gdams ngag mdzod, vol. 16, p. 154.3: gdams pa rin chen
phreng ba'i gzhung chung rdzogs so. Colophon, p. 193.4: rin po che'i
phreng ba'i bshad ṭī ka rdzogs so // bla ma a bha ya shrīs gsungs pa /
me nyag lo tsā bas bsgyur ba'o.
See the comment in David White, ed., Tantra in Practice, Princeton
University Press (Princeton 2000), p. 52.
Shaw, PE, pp. 76-77, 239.
Matthew Kapstein, 'King Kuñji's Banquet,' contained in: David White,
ed., Tantra in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton 2000), pp.
52-71 (here refered to as Ratnamālā, the commentary is some kind of
collaboration between Abhayadatta and his Tangut disciple Smon grub
shes rab). Kapstein gives a complete translation of the root text, with
summary from the commentary. In Matthew Kapstein, The Strange
Death of Pema the Demon Tamer, in M.K., ed., The Presence of Light
(Chicago 2004), pp. 119-156, at p. 126, Kapstein says he does not
believe the commentary is by Abhayadatta, but a Tibetan composition
that "may have originated as a Tibetan disciple's record of
Abhayadatta's oral expositions of the verse text."
Davidson, IEB, pp. 170, 228, 305-311.
Tucci, TPS, p. 227. Also, Abhayaśrī.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 172.
— Lū yi pa'i sogs grub thob brgyad bcu rtsa bzhi'i yang dag lo
rgyus. Peking Kanjur (?!), vol. 87, pp. 175-201.
Abhayadattaśrī (Mi 'jigs sbyin), Grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus
("The Biography of Eighty Four Saints"), ed. by Acharya Sempa Dorje,
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1979), first edition.
On p. 45, the editor comments: grub pa thob pa'i slob dpon rnams kyi
rnam thar 'di mi nyag lo tsā ba smon grub shes rab kyis rgya gar gyi skad
nas bod skad du bsgyur bar gsal bar bshad 'dug kyang / 'di dang po nas
rgya skad du bris yod pa zhig / phyis bod skad du bsgyur ba lta bu ma
yin par / bla ma "abhayadattaśrī" zhes bya [p. 46] ba / rgya gar canpāran
gyi sngags kyi slob dpon zhig gis, dang por rgya skad du zhal nas
gsungs / de nyid lo tsā bas bod skad du bsgyur bar snang ste / rnam thar
bris pa'i thog mar lo tsā bas, bla ma abhayaśrī ste mi 'jigs sbyin pa'i dpal
la mchod brjod mdzad nas, rnam thar 'di rang gis 'bri bar dam bca' gsal
bar bkod 'dug pas so. In general, this says that Abhayaśrī probably
never wrote down this text, but delivered it orally to the Tangut
translator. The colophon on p. 262: ji ltar 'jig rten grags pa lū hi pa sogs
grub thob brgya[d] cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus gang // rigs mchog rmad byung
ma ga dhar 'khrungs yang dag yon tan gyis brgyan mi 'jigs pa dpal gyi //
mgur [~mgul] gyi bum pa las byung bzhin du bdag gis de rnams legs
bsgyur bsod nams gang // dug gis mnar rnams 'tsho byed bla mas zin
nas dug nyid sman gyi ngo bor rtogs par shog // grub thob brgyad cu
rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus, rgya gar tsam parna'i bla ma mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa dpal
gyi zhal nas gsungs pa ltar / dge slong smon grub shes rab kyis legs par
bsgyur ba'o / dge'o.
Abhayadānaśrī, The Biography of Eighty Four Saints of Buddhist [sic] by
Mi-hjigs-pa Sbyin-pa Dpal, tr. by Dge slong Smon grub shes rab, E.
Kalsang (Varanasi 1972), in 208 pages. Colophon on p. 204: ji ltar 'jig
rten grags pa lū yi pa sogs grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus gang
// rigs mchog rmad byung ma ga dhār 'khrungs yang dag yon tan gyis
brgyan mi 'jigs pa dpal gyi // mgur gyi bum pa las byung gzhan du bdag
gis yang dag de rnams legs brgyus bsod nams des // dug gis mnar
rnams 'tsho byed bla mas zin nas dug nyid sman gyi ngo bor rtogs par
shog // grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus rgya gar tsam parṇa'i bla
ma chen po mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa dpal gyi zhal nas gsungs pa ltar dge
slong smon grub shes rab kyis legs par bsgyur ba'o // dge'o.
James B. Robinson, tr., Buddha's Lions: The Lives of the Eighty-Four
Siddhas, Caturaśīti-siddha-pravṛtti, Translated into Tibetan as Grub
thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus by sMon-grub Shes-rab, Dharma
Publishing (Berkeley 1979). Here is the Tibetan-language colophon as
found at columns 317-318 on p. 391: ji ltar 'jig rten grags pa lū yi pa sogs
grub thob brgyad bcu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus gang // rigs mchog rmad byung
mā ga dhar 'khrungs yang dag yon tan gyis brgyan mi 'jigs pa dpal gyi //
mgur gyi bum pa las byung bzhin du bdag gis yang dag de rnams legs
rgyus bsod nams des / dug gis mnar rnams 'tsho byed bla mas zin nas
dug nyid sman gyi ngo bor rtogs par shog // grub thob brgyad bcu rtsa
bzhi'i lo rgyus rgya gar tsam parṇa'i bla ma chen po mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa
dpal gyi zhal nas gsungs pa ltar / dge slong smon 'grub shes rab kyis
legs par bsgyur ba rdzogs so.
*Caturaśītisiddhapravṛtti. Davidson, IEB, pp. 2, 170, 228, 305-307. This
would seem to be the Sanskrit original title according to the Peking
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 389, note 29.
A Jain scholar of about 11th century. Nakamura, Upanisadic, p. 101.
Abhayagirikavicakravartī Ānanda
See Bechert in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 4.
— Saddhammopāyana.
Blue Annals, pp. 760, 763, 801. This is simply a shortened form of the
name Abhayākaragupta.
Abhayākaragupta ('Jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa, active early
to mid 12th century)
A number of works in Tanjur, but mostly tantra commentaries. Tôh. nos.
1198, 1383, 1449 (mistake), 1498, 1499, 1500, 1618, 1654, 1831, 2036,
2484, 2491, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3266, 3613, 3743, 3766, 3805, 3903,
3970. Abhayākara: Tôh. no. 1380.
The chronology at the end of the Yisun Chang dictionary places his
death in the year 1125 (not sure what the source of this certainty might
be, but see below).
Templeman, SIL, pp. 70-73.
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 219.
Shaw, PE, pp. 52-53, 214.
Banerji, Bengal, p. 30.
Banerji, CBSL, pp. 150-151. Active between end of 11th and early part
of 12th centuries, he is supposed to have been born in a Kṣatriya family
of Bengal. According to some, he hailed from Bihar or Orissa.
Nakamura, p. 335.
Lancaster, PRS, pp. 283, 286.
Bireschwar Prasad Singh, A Tibetan Account of Abhayākaragupta,
Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, vol. 54 (1968), pp.
Gudrun Bühnemann, Some Remarks on the Date of Abhayākaragupta
and the Chronology of His Works, Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 142, no. 1 (1992), pp. 120-127.
For Sanskrit manuscripts of his works, see Moriguchi, pp. 44, 62, 64, 82,
Niyogi, BSAB, pp. 36-40.
Blue Annals, pp. 32, 219, 371, 846, 1048.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, pp. 1496-1497 (his life, including a list of his works
and a list of his disciples). Among his teachers is Anupamarakṣita
(Sauripa) who ordained him. The Indians could not bring themselves to
pronounce his name, so they just called him Vikramaśīla Paṇḍita. He
lived 121 years. Tibetan translators among his disciples included Tsa
mi Sangs rgyas grags, Spong zho Gsal ba grags, Kher gad 'Khor lo
grags, Rgwa Lo, Gnyan Lo, She'u Lo tsā ba, Rong gling Lo tsā ba, Ldi ri
Chos grags, Tre bo Shes rab dpal and others.
Often said that he was generally located at Vikramaśīla, and that he
flourished during the time of Rāmapāla (1084-1130).
Davidson, IEB, pp. 250-252, 267.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 132, 160, 412 ff., 416, 599, 657.
Lévi, Nouveau document, pp. 418, 419. In Siddha lineage between
Paiṇḍapātika and Advayavajra II.
EoB has biographical sketch. "It is said that he died in 1125 A.C." A
story is told how he visited the city of Carasiṃha where a king was about
to make a hundred human sacrifices to his god.
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 196.
KCDS, p. 25.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 239.
Schaeffer, RCV, p. 365. Taught certain tantric texts to Vairocanavajra.
Mookerji, Ancient, pp. 593-594. He was a native of Gauḍa. After
becoming a monk, Rāmapāla of Magadha appointed him as court priest.
— Abhiṣekaprakaraṇa (Dbang gi rab tu byed pa). Tôh. no.
1499. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 226v.4-250r.6. Tr. by
the author and Shes rab dpal.
— Aṣṭasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitāvṛttimarmakaumudī ('Phags
pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i 'grel
pa gnad kyi zla ba'i 'od). Tôh. no. 3805. Derge Tanjur, vol.
DA, folios 1v.1-228r.4. Tr. by the author and Shes rab dpal.
ACIP data version available.
— Bodhipadhati (Byang chub kyi gzhung lam). Tôh. no. 3766.
Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios 119v.4-127r.7. Tr. by
Śākyaśrībhadra and Dgra bcom.
EoB. Spelled Bodhipaddhati.
— Bodhisattvasaṃvaragrahaṇavidhi (Byang chub sems dpa'i
sdom pa gzung ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 3970. Derge Tanjur,
vol. GI, folios 248v.5-250v.7. Tr. by Śākyaśrībhadra and
Chag Dgra bcom.
ACIP data version available.
— Buddhakapālamahātantrarājaṭīkābhayapaddhati (Dpal
sangs rgyas thod pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po'i rgya cher
'grel pa 'jigs pa med pa'i gzhung 'grel). Tôh. no. 1654.
Derge Tanjur, vol. RA, folios 166v.1-225v.3. Tr. by Ding ri
Chos grags (?). Revised by Blo gros brtan pa.
Derge colophon: ces pa dpal sangs rgyas thod pa'i rgyud chen po'i 'grel
pa mi 'jigs pa pa'i gzhung 'grel gnas brtan mkhas pa a bha ya ka ra
guptas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // 'di ni sngon lo tsā ba mkhas pa zhig gis
bsgyur ba la / bar skabs su dpe stor bas ma tshang ba las / dpang lo tsā
ba dge slong blo gros brtan pas spyi bo lhas pa mkhan pa 'jam dpal ser
po'i gsung gis bskul te / le'u dang por bcom ldan 'das kyi phyag rgya
chen po rdo rje zhes pa nas / 'og gi lam nas byung zhes pa'i bar dang /
lha'i sku bsgom pa kho na gsungs te / gang gsungs pa zhes pa nas
brtan pas gzhi la sogs pa rnams dang g.yo ba zhes pa'i bar dang / le'u
gsum pa'i mjug he ru ka'i gzugs su bsgom pa rdzogs pas zhes pa nas
le'u bzhi pa'i tha ma la ni 'dir ma rig pa ste nges zhes pa'i bar dang / le'u
bcu gsum pa'i dbu'i de kho na nyid ni thams cad la zhes pa nas le'u bcu
bzhi pa'i mjug na gang zhig shar bas ni zhes pa'i bar dang / srid gsum
rnam rgyal zhes pa la sogs pa'i tshigs bcad gnyis rnams hor kong bsabs
shing lhag ma rnams la zhu chen pa gyis nas bsgyur cing gtan la phab
Davidson, IEB, pp. 250-252 (Śrībuddhakapāla-mahātantrarājaṭīkā
KCDS, p. 28. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 12 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka.
KCDS, p. 58. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Cakrasamvarābhisamaya (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i mngon
par rtogs pa). Tôh. no. 1498. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA,
folios 219r.1-226v.4. Tr. by Ratnarakṣitapāda and Zhang
grub pa.
KCDS, p. 28. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 33 folios belonging to the
Nor bu gling ka.
— Dus kyi 'khor lo'i sdom tshig. Tôh. no. 1380. Derge Tanjur,
vol. PA, folios 165v.2-267r.3. Tr. by Jo bo ri pa and Khe'u
brgad 'Khor lo grags.
— Gaṇacakravidhi (Tshogs kyi 'khor lo'i cho ga). Tôh. no.
2491. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 243v.3-245v.2. Tr. by
— Jñānaḍākasādhana (Ye shes mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 1618. Derge Tanjur, vol. YA, folios 150r.1-152r.6.
Tr. by Rin chen rgyal mtshan.
— Jyotirmañjarī-nāma-homavidhi (Sbyin sreg gi cho ga 'od kyi
snye ma). Tôh. no. 3142. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
151v.1-162r.7. Originally an autotranslation of the Indian
pundit Thams cad mkhyen pa'i dpal. Tr. by Nyi ma'i dbang
po'i 'od zer and Chag Lo Chos rje dpal. Revised by Shong
Lo Blo brtan.
Derge colophon: ces pa sbyin sreg gi cho ga 'od kyi snye ma zhes bya
ba / rje btsun ma rdo rje rnal 'byor mas byin gyis brlabs pa'i paṇḍi ta chen
po a bha yā ka ra gupta'i zhal snga nas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya
gar gyi mkhan po paṇḍi ta chen po thams cad mkhyen pa'i dpal bzang
pos bod yul gyi dbus drang srong srin bu'i ri rang 'gyur du mdzad pa la /
slad kyi paṇḍi ta chen po rig pa'i gnas rnams thugs su chud pa'i mkhas
pa dag dang / grub pa brnyes pa'i skyes bu chen po rnams kyis gsung gi
bdud rtsi'i rgyun gyis thugs gtams shing de kho na nyid la gzhol ba'i slob
dpon nyi ma'i dbang po'i 'od zer dang / chag lo tsā ba dge slong chos rje
dpal gyis legs par bsgyur cing gtan la phab pa / dus phyis shong lo tsā
ba dge slong blo brtan gyis legs par bcos shing dag par byas so // tshigs
su bcad pa nyis brgya bdun cu rtsa lnga ba'o.
Tadeusz Skorupski, Jyotirmañjarī: Abhayākaragupta's Commentary on
Homa Rites, Mikkyô Bunka Kenkyūsho Kiyô, vol. 8 (1994), pp. 206-236.
Naoji Okuyama, On the Jyotirmañjarī, a work by Abhayākaragupta on the
homavidhi, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies [Indogaku Bukkyôgaku
Kenkyû], vol. 31 (1982-1983), pp. 617-618. [in Japanese]
Naoji Okuyama, A Study on the Jyotirmañjari (I), Bunka, vol. 47, nos. 1-2
(1983), pp. 136-118.
Naoji Okuyama, A Study on the Jyotirmañjari (II) [Jyotirmañjarī no
kenkyū II], Tôhoku Indogaku Shûkyô Gakkai Ronshû (Sendai), vol. 13
(1986), pp. 108-91.
— Kālacakrāvatāra (Dus kyi 'khor lo la 'jug pa). Tôh. no. 1383.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PA, folios 273r.2-281r.6. Tr. by the
author and Śrīdharmakīrti (Chos kyi grags pa). Revised by
Rāhulaśrībhadra and Dpal gyi mtha' can.
— Madhyamakamañjarī (Dbu ma snye ma).
KCDS, p. 68. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
— Munimatālaṅkāra (Thub pa'i dgongs pa'i rgyan). Tôh. no.
3903. Derge Tanjur, vol. A, folios 73v.1-293r.7. Tr. by Blo
gros brtan pa.
Derge colophon: thub pa dgongs pa'i rgyan slob dpon mkhas pa chen
po 'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa'i zhabs kyis mdzad pa rdzogs so // //
rnam gnon tshul mkhas 'ji gas med kyi // gnas la reg pa'i tshul 'di ni //
dpal ldan dga' skyong rgyal srid kyi // sum cu'i lo la byas pa yin // phyed
dang bcas pa'i stong phrag lnga // mkhas pa rnams kyis sdom pa'i tshad
// bsngags 'os brgyan pa'i ched du 'di'i // tshad bzhin snying la dngos po
rnams // zhes pa'o // bde gshegs bstan pa bsam 'phel nor bu skye bo
kun gyi rang gi mi shes mun pas bsgribs nas don med 'gyur // de rtogs
don du shes rab sgron ma 'degs par byed pa'i dbang gyur shing rta chen
po rnams kyang nub gyur te // 'gro ba kun la shin tu don med lta bur mi
'jigs seng ge'i zugs rje'i spyan gyis rab gzigs nas // yon tan rang bzhin
thub chen dgongs pa'i sgron ma 'di ni mi shes mun pa bsal phyir mdzad
// de lta na yang 'phags pa'i skad kyis dben pa'i skye bo dag la don med
lta bur kho bos rab rtogs nas // de dag kun gyis yid kyi mun pa shin tu
stug po rnam par bsal phyir bdag gis legs par 'di bsgyur nas // byung ba'i
bsod nams chu 'dzin 'od zer lta bur shin tu gsal zhing dga' ba skyed pa
gang yin des // 'di ru skye bo kun gyi yid kyi mun pa shin tu stug po rnam
par bsal nas zab mo'i lam rtogs shog // / mkhas pa rnams kyi gtsug gi
nor bu bde bar gshegs pa'i bka' rab 'byams la shes pa'i snang ba skyes
pa'i mkhas pa chen po de nyid las mnyan nas / de nyid kyi zhal sngar
shākya'i dge slong dpang zho gsal ba grags zhes bya bas / yul dbus kyi
grong khyer chen po mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas dpal nā lendrar bsgyur cing
zhus te gtan la phab pa'o // // dus phyis lung dang rigs pa'i dbang phyug
stag sde pa chen po seng ge rgyal mtshan gyi bka' drin dang / de nyid
kyi sras kyi thu bo bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i blo gros kyi stobs kyis mtha'
yas pa'i shes bya'i chos la dbang bsgyur ba shong ston lo tsā ba rdo rje
rgyal mtshan gyis legs par bshad pa'i srol la sogs pa la brten nas / phyi
dang nang gi gzhung lugs du ma rnams la blo'i snang ba cher rgyas pa /
zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dpang dge slong dpal ldan blo gros brtan pas /
dge ba'i bshes gnyen dog shing dbon po dang / bde ba chos kyi bzang
po la sogs pas / mthun rkyen bsgrubs pa la brten nas / legs par bcos nas
dag par bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o // // slar yang dpal ldan
blo gros brtan pa de nyid kyis gzhung 'di'i skabs dang gzhung lugs
gzhan gyi skabs mthun pa ji snyed rnyed pa rnams sbyar zhing rgya dpe
dang gtugs te legs par brtags shing dpyad nas zhus chen bgyis la / don
la yang legs par dpyad pas shin tu dag par bgyis pa'o // sgra don snang
ba nyin byed 'od // brtson pas yang yang brten pa yis // gzhung mchog
zab yangs 'dab brgya'i tshal // dgongs don ge sar rab gsal gyur // 'gro ba
mang po la phan gyur cig.
Some canonical versions have an interlinear commentary (mchan 'grel).
Kapstein, ILIT, p. 750, says these notes were composed by a Tibetan.
KCDS, p. 66. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
ACIP data version available.
Ray, SBB, p. 76. Composed in the 13th year of the reign of King
Composed in 1114 CE. Mookerji, Ancient, p. 593.
— Niṣpannayogāvali (Rdzogs pa'i rnal 'byor gyi phreng ba).
Tôh. no. 3141. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
94v.4-151r.7. Tr. by Thams cad mkhyen pa
(*Sarvajñaśrībhadra). Revised by Ratnarakṣita, Revendra
and Chag Lo Shākya'i dge slong (but see transcription of
the colophon).
Derge colophon: rdo rje 'dzin dpal sku yi bdud rtsi'i chu rgyun las // 'dor
bar byas pa'i bsod nams bdud rtsi'i tshogs kyis ni // dpag med sku yi
rlabs ni rim par brgyud pa yis // mkhas pa'i dbang phyug 'jigs med gzhan
don byed gyur cig // rdo rje phag mos mngon sum du byin gyis brlabs
pa'i paṇḍi ta chen po 'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa'i zhal snga nas
mdzad pa rdzogs pa'i rnal 'byor gyi phreng ba zhes bya ba rdzogs so //
// 'di'i gzhung tshad ni stong nyis brgya bzhugs so // rgya gar gyi paṇḍi ta
chen po thams cad mkhyen pa'i dpal bzang pos 'gyur rnying pa la brten
nas smon 'gro'i gtsug lag khang du rang 'gyur mdzad pa'o // // paṇḍi ta
de nyid kyis lan gnyis su zhus shing gtugs so // slad kyi rgya gar gyi
paṇḍi ta chen po mkhas btsun mchog gi grub pa brnyes pa / bla ma rje
btsun chen po ratna rakshi ta'i zhabs dang / bla ma rje btsun paṇḍi ta
chen po re bendra'i zhal snga nas / chag lo tsā ba shākya'i dge slong
dpal gyi mtha' can gyis zhus shing dag par bsgyur te gtan la phab pa'o.
Rnal 'byor rdzogs phreng, contained in: The Vajrāvali and
Niṣpannayogāvali in Tibetan, "a reproduction of the maṇḍala texts of
Abhayākaragupta in their Tibetan translation from ancient manuscripts
from Hemis Monastery in Ladakh," Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang
(Darjeeling 1983), pp. 317-479. Although it has the same substantial
information, it seems, the wording of the colophon differs from that of the
Derge version.
Benyotosh Bhattacharya, ed., Niṣpannayogāvalī of Mahāpaṇḍita
Abhayākaragupta, Gaekwad's Oriental Series no. 109, Oriental Institute
Reprint (Baroda 1949/1972).
Gudrun Bühnemann and Musashi Tachikawa, Niṣpannayogāvalī: Two
Sanskrit Mss. from Nepal, The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies
(Tokyo 1991).
KCDS, p. 148. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given here as Niṣpannayogāvālī (here rendered into
Tibetan as Rnal 'byor rdzogs kyi phreng ba).
Niṣpannayogāṃbalī. Outline of 28 chapter titles. Matsunami, pp.
— Pañcakramamatiṭīkācandraprabhā (Rim pa lnga pa'i
dgongs 'grel zla ba'i 'od zer). Tôh. no. 1831. Derge Tanjur,
vol. CI, folios 180v.3-203r.4. Tr. by Vibhūticandra.
— Raktayamāntakaniṣpannayoga (Gshin rje gshed dmar po'i
rdzogs pa'i rnal 'byor). Tôh. no. 2036. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TSI, folios 135v.3-136v.7.
Derge colophon: gshin rje gshed dmar po'i rdzogs pa'i rnal 'byor zhes
bya ba / mkhas pa chen po 'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pas mdzad pa
rdzogs so.
— Sampuṭatantrarājaṭīkāmnāyamañjarī (Dpal yang dag par
sbyor ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rgya cher 'grel pa man ngag
gi snye ma). Tôh. no. 1198. Derge Tanjur, vol. CHA, folios
1v.1-316r.7. Tr. by the author and Rtsa mi Sangs rgyas
grags. Revised by Chos kyi bzang po. Revised by Blo gros
brtan pa.
Derge colophon: dpal yang dag par sbyor ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i 'grel
pa man ngag gi snye ma mkhas pa chen po 'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas
pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnam gnon tshul mkhas 'jigs med kyis //
gnad la reg pa'i tshig 'di ni // dga' ba skyong gis rgyal srid lo // sum cu
rtsa bdun pa la byas // yul dbus kyi mkhas pa chen po de nyid dang /
mang du thos pa'i bsod snyoms pa sangs rgyas grags pas na len drar
bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o // // yang slad nas ma hā pandi ta
shākya shrī dang / dpyal lo tsā ba chos kyi bzang pos yul dbus kyi dpe
dang bstun nas bcos shing bsgyur te zhu tig dag par bgyis so // slar
yang bla ma dam pa rnams kyi bka' drin dang sbyin bdag rnams kyis
mthun rkyen bsgrubs pa las brten nas legs par sbyar ba brda sprod pa'i
tshul la blo'i snang ba cung zad skyes pa dpang lo tsā ba dge slong dpal
ldan blo gros brtan pas / rgya gar gyi dpe gnyis la gtugs te / 'di'i snga
'gyur ma dag pa gzigs pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen sde snod 'dzin pa mang
po'i gsung gis bskul nas / bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o. [Note:
Dpang Lo tsā ba and Rtsa mi Lo tsā ba are mentioned here.]
ACIP version available.
KCDS, p. 123. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
A short version of the title is given here: Śrīsampuṭatantrarājaṭīkā, and
the author is identified as Abhayākaragupta.
Discussion of date of composition by van der Kuijp in Journal of the
American Oriental Society, vol. 123, no. 1 (2003), p. 230. It was
completed in the 37th year of the reign of Rāmapāla (therefore in about
1110). Van der Kuijp dates the fluirit of the author to roughly 1060-1125.
— Svādhiṣṭhānakramopadeśa (Rang byin gyis brlab pa'i rim
pa'i man ngag). Tôh. no. 1500. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA,
folios 250r.7-251v.1. Tr. by Ratnarakṣita and Chos rje
— Ucchuṣmajambhalasādhana (Dzambha la tshon po'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3266. Derge Tanjur, vol. BU, folios
19v.5-21v.4. Tr. by the author and Tshul khrims rgyal
— Ucchuṣmajambhalasādhana (Khro zhing dgyes pa dzam
bha la'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3613. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MU, folios 236v.5-238r.6. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Ucchuṣmajambhalasādhana (Rmugs 'dzin 'chol ba'i sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 3743. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU, folios
77r.6-79r.4. Tr. by Alaṅkadeva and Tshul khrims 'byung
gnas sbas pa. Revised by Vibhūticandra and Chag Chos
rje dpal.
— Vajrāvali-nāma-maṇḍalavidhi (Dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga rdo rje
phreng ba). Tôh. no. 3140. Derge Tanjur, vol. PHU, folios
1v.1-94v.4. Tr. by the author and 'Khor lo grags. Revised
by Shes rab dpal. Revised by Ratnarakṣita,
Rāhulaśrībhadra [and Maṇikaśrījñāna] and Chag Chos rje
dpal. Revised by Blo brtan.
Derge colophon: dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga rdo rje phreng ba zhes bya ba
paṇḍi ta chen po gnas brtan a bha yā ka ra guptas mdzad pa rdzogs so
// // paṇḍi ta de nyid dang lo tsā ba kher gad bande 'khor lo grags kyis
'gyur la / dus phyis lo tsā ba shes rab dpal gyis bcos shing slad nas
paṇḍi ta ratna rakṣi ta dang / rā hu la shrī bha dra dang / ma ṇi ka shrī
dznyā na dang / chag chos rje dpal gyis bcos pa la slad nas dpang lo tsā
ba blo brtan gyis ma bcos su mi rung ba rnams bcos nas dag par byas
Contained in: The Vajrāvali and Niṣpannayogāvali in Tibetan, "A
reproduction of the maṇḍala texts of Abhayākaragupta in their Tibetan
translation from ancient manuscripts from Hemis Monastery in Ladakh,"
Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang (Darjeeling 1983), pp. 1-298.
Colophon follows [p. 297]: dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga rdo rje phreng ba zhes
bya ba / paṇḍi ta chen po gnas brtan chen po a bha yā ka ra gup ta pā
das {'jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa'i zhabs} mdzad pa rdzogs so // paṇḍi
ta de nyid dang / lo tsā ba khe brgad ban dhe 'khor lo grags kyis bsgyur
ba'o // bstan bcos kun gyi po ti gcig // phyogs kun mi 'jigs seng ge las /
ban dhe 'khor lo grags kyis bsgyur // de las bsod nams gang thob des //
bdag la sogs pa'i sems can kun // myur du bla med byang chub shog //
sems can gyi don gyi phyir / gsol ba 'debs shing bskul ba'i yid / dge slong
{ye shes grags zer ba'ang snang} shes rab grags kyang ni / rdo rje 'dzin
pa'i go 'phang shog // dus phyis khams pa ban dhe shes rab dpal gyis bi
ka ma la shi la'i gtsug lag khang du mkhas pa chen po de nyid kyi spyan
sngar legs par gtugs shing bcos nas bstan [~gtan] la phab pa'o // slad
kyis bla ma rje btsun paṇḍi ta chen po mkhas btsun grub chen ratna
rakshi ta'i {rgya gar sal por bzhugs pa bla ma kha che paṇ chen dang /
yon tan mnyam pa de dang / dus mnyam du byon pa rdo rje gdan par
grags pa rdo rje gdan na len trar bzhugs pa'i} {rin chen 'tsho} zhabs dang
/ bla ma chos rje paṇḍi ta gnas brtan chen po ra hu la shrī bha dra'i {sgra
gcan 'dzin dpal bzangs} zhal snga nas dang / bla ma rje btsun chen po
{bal po yam bu'i} nyi ma'i dbang po'i 'od zer gyi zhal snga nas / paṇḍi ta
mkhas pa chen po {bal po} ma ṇi ka shrī dznyā na'i {nor bu dpal ye shes}
snga nas chag lo tsā ba dge slong chos rje dpal gyis legs par zhus shing
gtugs te gtan la phab pa'o.
The Vajrāvali is a collection put together (not necessarily authored) by
Abhayākaragupta. Its lineage evidently entered Tibet only with Kha che
Paṇ chen, at the beginning of the 13th century.
D. C. Bhattacharya, The Vajrāvalī-nāma-maṇḍalopāyikā of
Abhayākaragupta. Tantric and Taoist Studies (1981), vol. 1, pp. 70-95.
Lokesh Chandra, Vajrāvalī, International Academy of Indian Culture
(Delhi 1977), facsimile edition.
Masahide Mori, The Vajrāvali of Abhayākaragupta: A Critical Study,
Sanskrit edition of Selected Chapters and Complete Tibetan Versions,
doctoral dissertation, University of London (1997), in 482 pages.
Yong-Hyun Lee, Synthesizing a Liturgical Heritage: Abhayākaragupta's
Vajrāvalī and the Kālacakramaṇḍala (Mahāpaṇḍita Abhayākaragupta),
Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin at Madison (Madison
2003). University Microfilms International no. AAT 3089732. Adviser:
Charles Hallisey.
Amy Heller, The Vajravali Mandala of Shalu and Sakya: The Legacy of
Buton (1290-1364), Orientations, vol. 35, no. 4 (May 2004), pp. 69-73.
KCDS, p. 15. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 168 folios belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. Here the title is given as
Matsunami, pp. 284-285.
BSM, p. 1 (MBB-I-6). A Nepalese paper manuscript in 116 folios dated
1913 CE.
— Vajrayānāpattimañjarī (Rdo rje theg pa'i ltung ba'i snye ma).
Tôh. no. 2484. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 180v.6-181r.5.
Tr. by the author and Sangs rgyas grags pa.
Abhayakīrti ('Jigs med grags pa)
Pundit name of Naropa.
See under Pham mthing pa. See under 'Jigs med ming can.
Nālandā, LMT, pp. 103, 111, 112.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 207. Aka Bal po A des pa.
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, pp. 644, 646.
An image, inscribed with "Rje btsun Ā bya ya kir ti la na mo," is illustrated
in Pratapaditya Pal, A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and
Southeast Asian Art from the James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Art
Institute of Chicago (Chicago 1997), no. 301 (description on p. 341). It
is described as an Indian, nevertheless wearing Tibetan robes.
— Ajitanāthastutimṛtyuvañcanā (Mi pham mgon po la bstod pa
'chi slu ma). Listed in Cordier catalogue.
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 150, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4525.
EoB. A courtesan, her original name was Padumāvatī.
KCDS, p. 46. Ācāryābhayamitra (Slob dpon 'Jigs med kyi grogs don).
A Newar pundit who started the building of the Mahabauddha temple in
Lalitpur. Harihar Raj Joshi, Brian Houghton Hodgson: The Unsung
Story, contained in: David M. Waterhouse, ed., The Origins of
Himalayan Studies: Brian Houghton Hodgson in Nepal and Darjeeling
1820-1858, Routledge Curzon (London 2004), pp. 39-48, at p. 41.
EoB. Son of King Bimbisāra.
See under Abhayadatta, above.
Abheda, Arhat
Tucci, TPS, p. 570.
Abhijñā (Mngon shes can)
He worked on translations together with his student 'Gos Khug pa Lhas
btsas. Blue Annals, pp. 360-361.
Cuevas, Hidden History, pp. 46, 50.
Second half of 9th century.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, pp. lxviii-lxx. He is one
of the few authors of verses contained in the Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa who
also has substantial works apart from this collection. These works
include Devīmāhāmyā, Rāmamāhātmyā (Rāmacarita?) and a
philosophical discourse. His royal patron was Yuvarāja. I suppose the
Tibetan form of his name would have to be *Mngon dga', although I
haven't noted it anywhere.
According to Gary Tubb of Columbia University (seminar presentation,
Jerusalem 2004), there were two Abhinandas living in same general
area (Gauḍa) at the same time, both of them known authors. The author
of the Rāmacarita was a son of Śatānanda, while the author of the
Kādambarīsāra (abridgement of the Kādambarī) was son of Jayanta (he
was born in Kashmir, but moved to Gauḍa region). One or neither of
them authored the Yogavāsiṣṭhasāra (Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha). An
Abhinanda is credited with an extant play entitled Bhīmaparākrama.
Abhinavagupta (ca. 950-1025)
Davidson, IEB, pp. 10, 179, 206, 280-285.
K.C. Pandey, Abhinavagupta: An Historical and Philosophical Study
(Varanasi 1935, reprint 1963).
Verhagen, HSGL, vol. 2, pp. 266, 273.
— Bṛhadvimarśinī.
Raffaele Torella, The Word in Abhinavagupta's Bṛhad-Vimarśinī,
contained in: Raffaele Torella, et al., eds., Le parole e i marmi. Studi in
onore di Raniero Gnoli, Serie Orientale Roma series no. 92, Istituto
Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome 2001), pp. 853-874.
— Parātrīśikāvivaraṇa.
Parātrīśikā-Vivaraṇa: The Secret of Tantric Mysticism, tr. by Jaideva
Singh, ed., Bettina Baümer (Delhi 2003, reprint). Commentary on a
short tantra entitled Parātrīśikā.
— Tantravaṭadhānikā.
This work is a briev epitome of the Tantrāloka. Francesco Sferra, La
Tantravaṭadhānikā di Abhinavagupta, contained in: Raffaele Torella, et
al., eds., Le parole e i marmi. Studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli, Serie
Orientale Roma series no. 92, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente
(Rome 2001), pp. 743-769. Sanskrit text and Italian translation.
— Tantroccaya.
F. Sferra, The Tantroccaya by Abhinavagupta: An English Translation,
Annali dell'Istituto Orientale, vol. 59 (1999), pp. 109-133.
EoB. In Jātaka story. Wife's name, Ummadantī, daughter of
Kirīṭavatsa. His friend the king falls in love with his wife...
EoB. Daughter of an actor (naṭadārikā). Ultimately, she had the
Bodhisattva name Dharmadhātunayāvartanagarbha.
Abhirūpanandā (Gtsug dga' mo)
Banerjee, SL, p. 89.
Abhisaṅkaṭa (Ā bhi sang ka tā)
— Vajravārāhīsaṅkṣiptastotra (Rdo rje phag mo mdor bsdus
pa'i bstod pa). Tôh. no. 1595. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folio
114r.1-114v.1. Tr. by Ngag gi dbang phyug (Vāgīśvara)
and Klog skya Lo tsā ba.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxx (this surely
seems strange for a personal name!).
Tôh. nos. 1597, 1598, 1599, 1600, 1601. All Vajrayoginī ritual texts.
Blue Annals, pp. 396, 761, 843, 1045.
Tucci, TPS, p. 585.
His name appears in a list in the 1360 Kālacakra history by a student of
Dol po pa Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292-1361), Bcom ldan 'das dpal dus
kyi 'khor lo'i chos 'byung ngo mtshar rtogs brjod, folio 34r.3 (A bhi yukta).
A bhi yukta. Disciple of Maitripa. Blue Annals, p. 843. Biographical
Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 813.
— Gtor ma bya ba. Tôh. no. 1600. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A,
folios 117v.7-118r.5.
— Lag pa'i mchod pa. Tôh. no. 1601. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A,
folio 118r.5-118v.7.
— Phyir bzlog 'khor lo. Tôh. no. 1599. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A,
folios 116v.6-117v.7.
— Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i bsad pa las kyi man ngag. Tôh. no.
1598. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folio 116v.2-116v.6.
— Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i dgongs pa gsang ba'i sbyin sreg gi
cho ga. Tôh. no. 1597. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folio
Chandra, Colossi, pp. 37, 43.
Abraham Yishu
Ranabir Chakravarti, Nakhudas and Nauvittakas: Ship-owning
Merchants in the West Coast of India (c. AD 1000-1500), Journal of the
Economic and Social History of the Orient, vol. 43, no. 1 (2000), pp.
34-64, at pp. 38, 44 ff. He was recipient of the largest number of geniza
trade documents. Originally from Tunisia, he spent some time in al
Fustat (what is now Old Cairo) before he came to Manjrur (i.e.,
Mangalapura, presentday Mangalore) and stayed there from 1132 to
1149 CE.
The novelist Amitabh Ghosh has translated letters written by him.
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 292, 294.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxviii.
Acalanātha, Ācārya
— Vidyādharavinodaguptatantraguptādhirāja.
Moriguchi, p. 120.
Niyogi, BSAB, p. 14. Earlier name of Śāntideva.
Puspa Niyogi, Śīlabhadra and Śantideva, Journal of Ancient Indian
History, vol. 13 (1983), pp. 169-178, at p. 174.
*Acalasiṃha (Mi g.yo seng ge)
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxviii.
Sternbach, Sources, p. 466. In the verse anthologies his name may be
given simply as Acala, or as Acalanṛsiṃha, Acaladāsa, Acalarudra, and
— Nāmasaṅgītisādhana (Mtshan yang dag par brjod pa sgrub
pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 2614. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios
85v.2-86v.2. Tr. by Mar pa Do pa.
Ācārya Dmar po (A tsa ra Dmar po)
See under A tsa ra Dmar po.
— Dpal lha mo dmag zor gyi man ngag. Tôh. no. 1767. Derge
Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios 263v.1-265r.2.
Ācaṭa (Bram ze Ā tsa ṭa)
— Hetubinduvivaraṇa (Gtan tshigs thigs pa'i 'grel pa). Tôh.
no. 4235. Derge Tanjur, vol. WE, folios 181v.1-327r.7.
Could this be the work by unknown author, the "Hetuvindu-Anu Tika," a
Sanskrit manuscript found in Zha lu Monastery? Listed in SERS, p. 112.
ACIP data version available.
Accuta Vikkanta
EoB. A king of south India.
Acela Kassapa
EoB. A naked ascetic.
Acela Seniya
EoB. A naked ascetic who observed the dog vow (kukkuravata). He
and his friend, who practiced the ox vow (govata), met the Buddha.
Ācinti (Slob dpon Ā tsinti)
Acintapā. No. 38 in Sempa Dorje. Illustration following p. 104. His
name in Tibetan, Bsam du med pa. He was of the lakaḍahārā caste,
from Dhanirūpa (Bhanirūpa).
Egyed, Mahāsiddha no. 38 (A tsinta pa), spelled A tsin dha in the text of
Vīraprabhāsvara. Shown chopping a tree, with a bundle of cut wood.
Evidently the same as the Mahāsiddha Acinta (A tsinta), in Tibetan:
Dran pa med pa, or Bsam du med pa. He was a wood seller by caste
and very poor. He couldn't think of anything besides making money.
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, pp.
Linrothe, Holy Madness, p. 253 (upper left). Shown tying together a
bundle of wood.
— Tīrthikacaṇḍālikā (Mu stegs kyi gtum mo). Tôh. no. 2393.
Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 22v.7-23r.3.
Derge colophon: mu stegs kyi gtum mo zhes bya ba slob dpon a tsintas
mdzad pa rdzogs so.
Davidson, IEB, p. 218, supplies a translation, giving the author the name
siddha Acinta.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 203, note 1. Number 61 in the list of 84 (actually 76)
Mahāsiddhas from a circa 1300 work by Jyotirīśvara.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 203, note 1. Number 25 in the list of 84 (actually 76)
Mahāsiddhas from a circa 1300 work by Jyotirīśvara.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxviii.
Adarpa (Dregs med)
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 16, 47.
Blue Annals, p. 15.
Wayman, BI, p. 143.
Banerjee, SL, p. 202.
Stog Palace catalogue, p.
*Adhigamadeva (Rtogs pa'i lha)
Btsun pa Rtogs pa'i lha. A representative of the Sautrāntika school.
Mimaki, Dbus-pa text, folio 9r.
Thakur, Jñānaśrīmitra, p. 18.
Tucci, TPS, p. 493.
Ādinātha (*Dang po'i mgon po)
Generally, he stands at the head of Nāth lineages.
In list of 8 Nāths. See Dasgupta, ORC, p. 206. He resides in the land of
In list of 12 Nāths according to Kāpālika school. See Dasgupta, ORC, p.
J. Mallinson, The Khacarividya of Adinatha: An Early Hathayogic Text,
forthcoming in 2006.
EoB. His son was Maṭṭakuṇḍalī.
One of a set of eight cosmogonic female figures. She gave birth to the
gods. Nakamura, Upanisadic, p. 100.
A seal of a person by this name was found at Nālandā. Hiranand Sastri,
Nālandā, p. 61. For a stone image inscription, see pp. 82-83.
A Sumatran prince who reigned circa 1343-1378 CE. His inscriptions
make reference to Tantric Buddhism. Ray, SBB, p. 13.
Olivelle, Pañcatantra.
*Advaya (Gnyis su med pa)
I think it is clear that this is just a shortened version of the name of
— Kudṛṣṭinirghātaṭīkā (Lta ba ngan pa sel ba'i dka' 'grel). Tôh.
no. 2231. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 110r.6-111r.3. Tr.
by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur.
Derge colophon: lta ba ngan pa sel ba'i dka' 'grel dpal ldan nges par
sbyangs pa gnyis su med pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // badzra pā ṇi
dang mtshur gyis bsgyur ba yin no.
Advayagupta (Gnyis su med pa sbas pa)
Tôh. no. 2537, 2602, 2613, 2691 [mistake for 2601].
— Āryajñānasattvamañjuśrītattva-nāma-sādhana ('Phags pa
'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa' de kho na nyid ces bya ba'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2602. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios
76r.6-77v.2. Tr. by Dharmaśrīmitra and Chos kyi bzang po.
— Āryamañjuśrīnāmasaṅgītivṛttināmārthaprakāśakaraṇa
('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i
'grel pa). Tôh. no. 2537. Derge Tanjur, vol. GU, folios
47v.4-67v.4. Tr. by Dharmaśrīmitra and Chos kyi bzang
— Jñānasattvasādhana (Ye shes sems dpa'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 2613. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folio 85r.3-85v.1.
— Mañjuśrīmaṇḍalavidhi ('Phags pa 'jam dpal gyi dkyil 'khor
gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2601. Derge Tanjur, vol. CU, folios
68v.5-76r.6. Tr. by Dharmaśrīmitra and Chos kyi bzang po.
Nālandā, LMT, p. 128.
Advayavajra (Gnyis med rdo rje, Gnyis su med pa'i rdo rje)
Nearly 50 short pieces, many in verse, both Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna,
which have been collected and edited. Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 362, dates
him to 11th or beginning of 12th century. Tôh. nos. 1243, 1244, 1308,
[1483], 1485, 1486, 1487, 1542, 1578, 1583, 2094, 2096 through 2105,
2229, 2233 through 2240, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2248,
2249, 2250, 2256, 2257, 2295, 2297, 2298, 2352, 2459, 2607 (bum
reference!), 3414.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927). Contains 21 short works.
Tantric Texts Study Group, Advayavajrasamgraha — New Critical
Edition with Japanese Translation, Taishô Daigaku Sôgô
Bukkyūkenkyūjo Nenpô Part 1: 10 (1988), pp. 234-178 <1>-<57>, Part
2: 11 (1989), pp. 259-200 <86>-<145>, Part 3: 12 (1990), pp. 316-282
<49>-<83>, Part 4: 13 (1991), pp. 291-242 <46>-<95>.
For Sanskrit manuscripts, see Moriguchi, pp. 2, 34, 48, 62, 122.
Tucci, Animadversiones, p. 139, says that one person has the different
names Avadhūtipā, Maitrīgupta and Advayavajra. At p. 43 he supplies
Advayavajra the two names Dāmodara and Maitrīgupta.
Lévi, Nouveau document, p. 418, supplies a siddha lineage in which
there are two Advayavajras: Śavaranātha > Advayavajra I > Vajrapāṇi >
Paiṇḍapātika > Abhayākaragupta > Advayavajra II. This would seem to
supply an approximate dating for both, since Abhayākaragupta's dates
are known. He gives another siddha lineage in which an Advayavajra
comes between Nāropa and Dhyāyīpā (and certainly this one should be
the same as the second Advayavajra, and date to around 1100-1150 or
slightly later).
See Lévi, Nouveau document, p. 419-420, for discussion of his works,
and dates him vaguely to between 9th and 11th centuries.
In a conference paper given by Glenn Wallis (American Oriental
Society, 2003), he is given the dates 1007-1085 (on assumption that he
is indeed identical to Maitrīgupta; at the very least the Advayavajra texts
that were translated by Vajrapāṇi must be by the earlier Advayavajra,
who should indeed be identified with Maitrīgupta, or so I'm thinking at
the moment).
Bu ston's History (1989), Catalogue Section, p. 405.6: slob dpon gnyis
med rdo rjes mdzad pa'i lta ba ngan sel rtsa 'grel ye shes 'byung gnas
kyi 'gyur / ... slob dpon gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa'i rmi lam nges
bstan / sgyu ma nges bstan / rab tu mi gnas pa gsal bar ston pa / de kho
na nyid bcu pa / zung 'jug gsal ba rnams nag tsho'i 'gyur.
Blue Annals, p. 731.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 128, 209, 243-244, 246, 501.
His collected works, Advayavajrasaṅgraha, pp. 118-119, 133-134,
229-231, 243-244, 265.
Davidson, IEB, p. 228.
Nakamura, pp. 190, 289, 337.
Tucci, TPS, p. 349.
EoB, where he is dated to the 11th or beginning of 12th centuries.
Since one named Advayavajra translated together with La chings Yon
tan 'bar, this particular person really ought to belong to the 11th century.
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 185.
KCDS, pp. 25, 45, 46 (Avadhūtaśryadvayavajra).
— Abodhabodhaka (Ma rtogs pa rtogs par byed pa). Tôh. no.
2297. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI, folios 226v.3-227v.5. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban Chos 'bar.
Derge colophon: ma rtogs pa rtogs par byed pa slob dpon chen po dpal
gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po
phyag na rdo rje dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba rma ban chos 'bar gyis bsgyur
— Amanasikāroddeśa (Yid la mi byed pa ston pa). Tôh. no.
2249. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, fols 138v.4-140r.5. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Gnyan chung.
Derge colophon: yid la mi byed pa ston pa bdag med pa gsal ba slob
dpon chen po gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po badzra pā ṇi dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba gnyan chung gis bcos
Suniti Kumar Pathak, A Comparative Study of the Amanasikārādhāra of
Advayavajra (From Sanskrit and Tibetan Materials), contained in: V.
Raghavan, ed., Proceedings and Transactions of the All-India Oriental
Conference, Twentiety Session, Bhubaneshwar, October 1959,
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (Poona 1961), pp. 93-107.
Mikkyô-seiten Kenkyūkai, Advayavajra Chosaku-shū [2],
Taishô-daigaku Sôgô-bukkyô-kenkūsho Kiyô, no. 13 (1989), pp.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xiv (Amanasikārādhāra). Includes speculations on the letter 'A'.
EoB. Translated by Vajrapāṇi and Gnyan chung Bsod nams.
— Aprasahaprakāśa (Rab tu mi gnas pa gsal bar ston pa).
Tôh. no. 2235. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folio 112r.7-112v.7.
Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Derge colophon: rab tu mi gnas pa gsal bar bstan pa / slob dpon gnyis
med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // badzra pā ṇi dang / nags tshos
bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xii (Apratiṣṭhānaprakāśa).
EoB has a brief summary of its content (see EoB under
"Apratiṣṭhānaprakāśa as well).
Matsunami, p. 248 (Apratiṣṭhānaprakāśa).
— Buddhabodhisamādhiviṣaghātadīpa (Sangs rgyas kyi
byang chub bsam gtan gyi dug sel bar byed pa'i mar me).
Tôh. no. 2101. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folio
131r.1-131v.4. Solo translation by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Sanskrit title in Derge reads: sa mā dhi buddha bi ṣa gā ta bodhi dī paṃ
nā ma. Derge colophon: sangs rgyas kyi byang chub bsam gtan gyi dug
sol ba'i mar me zhes bya ba // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis su
med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms pa
pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Cakrasaṃvarasupratiṣṭhā (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i rab
gnas). Tôh. no. 1487. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios
154v.6-159r.7. Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban Chos 'bar.
— Cakrasaṃvaratrayodaśātmakābhiṣekavidhi (Dpal 'khor lo
sdom pa'i bcu gsum ma'i bdag nyid kyi dbang bskur ba'i
cho ga). Tôh. no. 1486. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios
144r.1-154v.6. Tr. by (Newar) Jñānavajra and Zhang
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 635.
— Cakrasamvaropadeśa (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i man ngag).
Tôh. no. 1485. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios
139r.1-143v.7. Tr. by Varendraruci and Rma ban Chos
— Caturmudropadeśa (Phyag rgya bzhi'i man ngag). Tôh. no.
2295. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI, folios 211v.4-214v.5. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Derge colophon: phyag rgya bzhi'i man ngag slob dpon gnyis med rdo
rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po badzra pā ṇi dang /
bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong tshul khrims rgyal bas bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. ix-x. The Four Mudrās are: Karmamudrā, Dharmamudrā,
Mahāmudrā and Samayamudrā.
— Dohākoṣapañjikā (Do ha mdzod kyi dka' 'grel). Tôh. no.
2256. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 180v.3-207r.7. Tr. by
Vairocanavajra. Peking Tanjur no. 3101, vol. MI, folios
Derge colophon: do ha mdzod kyi dka' 'grel slob dpon chen po dpal
gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // rgya gar lho phyogs yul
ko sa lar sku 'khrungs pa'i rnal 'byor pa chen po shrī bai ro sa na badzras
bsgyur ba'o.
Jackson, Tantric Treasures, p. 7. The Sanskrit version exists (found in
Perhaps this is the text by the title (there are others) used by Bendall.
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274. See for example p. 377.
— Dohākoṣaṭīkā.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 22 lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu.
— Dohānidhikoṣaparipūrṇagīti-nāma-nityatattvaprakāśaṭīkā
(Mi zad pa'i gter mdzod yongs su gang ba'i glu zhes bya ba
gnyug ma'i de nyid rab tu ston pa'i rgya cher bshad pa).
Tôh. no. 2257. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 207v.1-265r.2.
Solo translation by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Derge colophon: mi zad pa'i gter mdzod yongs su gang ba'i glu zhes
bya ba'i rgya cher bshad pa rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug chen po dpal sa
ra ha pa'i dgongs pa mkhas par grags pa dpal ldan gnyis su med pa'i rdo
rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms pa pradznyā
shrī dzmuā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Hevajra-nāma-sādhana (Kye rdo rje zhes bya ba'i sgrub
pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 1243. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYA, folios
Derge colophon: dpal kye rdo rje'i sgrub thabs kyi rgyal po / slob dpon a
ba dhū tī pa gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so.
— Jñānasattvamañjuśrīsamādhicakramano'vatāra ('Jam dpal
ye shes sems dpa'i yid 'jug pa'i bsam gtan gyi 'khor lo).
Tôh. no. 2102. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios
131v.5-133v.2. Solo translation by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Derge colophon: 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i yid 'jug pa'i bsam gtan
gyi 'khor lo zhes bya ba / rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis su med
pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms pa pradznyā
shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Jnānasattvamañjuśrīsārasiddhi ('Jam dpal ye shes sems
dpa'i snying po grub pa). Tôh. no. 2105. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TSHI, folio 135r.1-135v.4. Tr. by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Derge colophon: 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i snying po grub pa zhes
bya ba / rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes
mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms pa pradznyā shrī
dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Jñānasattvamañjuśrīvimalaratnamudrāvidhi ('Jam dpal ye
shes sems dpa'i rin po che'i phyag rgya dri ma med pa'i cho
ga). Tôh. no. 2097. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios
93v.6-94v.7. Solo translation by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Derge colophon: 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa' rin po che'i phyag rgya dri
ma med pa'i cho ga zhes bya ba rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis
su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms
pa pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Jñānasattvamañjuśryabhisamaya ('Phags pa 'jam dpal ye
shes sems dpa'i mngon par rtogs pa). Tôh. no. 2096.
Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 92v.7-93v.5. Solo
translation by Prajñāśrījñānakīrti.
Sanskrit title in Derge reads: ārya dznyā na sa twa manydzu shrī no pi
ka nā ma. Derge colophon: 'phags pa 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i
mngon par rtogs pa zhes bya ba / rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis
su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa / rnal 'byor pa pradznyā shrī dznyā na
kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Kudṛṣṭinirghāta (Lta ba ngan pa sel ba). Tôh. no. 2229.
Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 104r.7-110r.2. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur ston Ye shes 'byung gnas.
Derge colophon: slob dpon mkhas pa chen po nges par sbyangs pa
gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa lta ba ngan pa sel ba zhes bya ba
rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po bla ma badzra pā ṇi'i zhal snga nas
dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba mtshur ston ye shes 'byung gnas kyis bsgyur
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. vii. Said to be an abbreviation of a work by a pundit named
Gaganagarbha made at the request of Viprajanya (?).
KCDS, p. 83. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. A note says the author is Maitri pa.
Rhoton, CD, p. 125 (Kudṛṣṭinirghāti).
Matsunami, p. 254.
— Madhyakaṣaṭka.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xiii.
— Mahāsukhaprakāśa (Bde ba chen po gsal ba). Tôh. no.
2239. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 114v.2-115r.6. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban (Rma ban Chos 'bar).
Derge colophon: bde ba chen po gsal ba slob dpon a wa dhū tī pa dpal
gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // bla ma badzra pā ṇi
dang / rma ban gyis bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xii, 50-51.
Nakamura, p. 337.
Matsunami, p. 257.
— Mahāyānaviṃśati (Theg pa chen po nyi shu pa). Tôh. no.
2248. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 137v.7-138v.4. Tr. by
Devākaracandra and Shākya brtson 'grus.
Derge colophon: theg pa chen po nyi shu pa sob don gnyis med rdo rjes
mdzad pa rdzogs so // // pa ri pa ta pradznyā sha ra sa ma dhya na /
rgya gar gyi mkhan po de bā ka ra tsandra dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba dge
slong shākya brtson 'grus kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gan la dbab pa'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xiii, 52-53.
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 637.
Probably the subject of the Nyi shu pa brjed byang mentioned in Bu ston
Rin chen grub, Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa'i gsal byed chos kyi 'byung
gnas gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod, Drikung Partrun Khang (Dehradun
1989), p. 415: Text with no authorship attribution, made in Tibetan
Imperial times.
Matsunami, p. 282 (Tattvaviṃśikā). In Peking Tanjur the title would
seem to be De kho na nyid theg pa chen po nyi shu pa.
— Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgītiṭīkāsārābhisamaya ('Phags pa 'jam
dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i 'grel pa snying po
mngon par rtogs pa). Tôh. no. 2098. Derge Tanjur, vol.
TSHI, folios 95r.1-129r.7. Solo translation by
Derge colophon: 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i
'grel pa snying po mngon par rtogs pa zhes bya ba / slob dpon chen po
dpal gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa chen po
pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du byas pa'o.
— Mantracaryādaśakasvabhāvavāsa (Rang bzhin du gnas pa'i
sngags kyi spyod pa bcu pa). Tôh. no. 2099. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 129v.1-129v.7. Solo translation by
Derge colophon: rang bzhin du gnas pa'i sngags kyi spyod pa bcu pa
zhes bya ba // dpal ldan gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal
'byor pa bsod snyoms pa pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du
mdzad pa'o.
— Māyānirukti (Sgyu ma nges par bstan pa). Tôh. no. 2234.
Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 111v.6-112r.7. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Derge colophon: sgyu ma nges par bstan pa slob dpon gnyis med rdo
rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po badzra pā ṇi dang /
lo tsā ba dge slong tshul khrims rgyal bas bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xi, 44.
— Mūlapattayaḥ and Sthūlāpattayaḥ. These are subjects, not
titles, of one of his works.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. viii, 13, 44.
Mūlāpatti. Matsunami, p. 258.
— Nairātmyāprakāśa (Bdag med ma'i rab tu gsal ba). Tôh. no.
1308. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 218v.5-223r.1. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Jñānākara (Ye shes 'od?).
— Nāmasaṅgītyupasaṃhāravitarka (Mtshan yang dag par
brjod pa'i nye bar bsdus pa'i rnam par rtog ge). Tôh. no.
2094. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 56v.6-84v.7. Tr. by
Vajrabodhi and Bsod nams rgyal mtshan.
Derge colophon: mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i nye bar bsdus pa rnam
par rtog ge zhes bya ba mkhas pa chen po nges par sbyangs pa dpal
gnyis su med pa'i rdo rje zhes bya bas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar
gyi mkhan po chen po shrī badzra bo dhi dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba
dpyal ser tsa bsod nams rgyal mtshan gyis bsgyur cing gtan la phab
pa'o // // byang chub sems dpa'i rnam 'phrul gyis // gnas mchog smin
lung gtsug lag khang // rdzogs pa'i rim pa'i skal ldan mang // de dag don
du legs par bsgyur.
— Nirbhedapañcaka (Mi phyed pa lnga pa). Tôh. no. 2238.
Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folio 114r.3-114v.2. Tr. by Vajrapāṇi
and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Derge colophon: mi phyed pa lnga pa slob dpon mai tri pas mdzad pa
rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po badzra pā ṇi dang / lo tsā ba rma
ban gyis bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xiii (Nirvedhapañcaka, Nirvedapañcaka).
— Pañcākāra.
One of Advayavajra's works, the Pañcākāra, has been tr. into English in
Buddhist Texts Through the Ages (1964). I believe it is identical to the
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xi. Revised by Amṛtadeva (but this is incorrect!).
MSL, p. 265.
"Pañcākāra of Bhaṭṭaratnākara," contained in: BLGS, pp. 149-152.
Sanskrit text only. Note that it is attributed to one Ratnākara.
Immediately following is a related anonymous Pañcākārābhisambodhi
text (on pp. 153-159), also in Sanskrit only.
— Pañcasvabhāva (Rang bzhin lnga ma). Tôh. no. 2245.
Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 134v.3-136v.6. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur Jñānākara (Ye shes 'od). Revised by
Derge colophon: 'di ni rdo rje sems dpa'i rang bzhin lnga pa dpal gnyis
med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // a mṛ de bas zhus te gsol ba btab
nas brtsams. This says it was composed after being requested by
Amṛtadeva. There is no translation information.
Prajñārāmbhāvadhiparikathā (Shes rab brtsam pa dus kyi
gtam). Tôh. no. 2459. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI, folio
— Prajñopāyakrīḍāpañca (Thabs dang shes rab rtse ba lnga
pa). Tôh. no. 2246. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios
136v.6-137r.3. Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur Jñānākara.
Derge colophon: thabs dang shes rab brtse ba lnga pa slob dpon a ba
dhū tī pa gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po badzra pÅ î dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba mtshur dznyā na ā ka ras
bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xiii (Premapañcaka), 58. "Five verses on love." (Allegory of
Voidness and illusion as bride and bridegroom. Sahaja is the love
between them.) Perhaps this has something to do with the preceding
text (Tôh. no. 2245), since [B]rtse ba lnga pa could translate
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 30.
Prajñopāyapremapañcaka. Matsunami, p. 265.
— Saṅkṣiptasekaprakriyā (Dbang gi bya ba mdor bsdus pa).
Tôh. no. 2244. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 125v.7-134v.5.
Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur Jñānākara (Ye shes 'od).
Derge colophon: dbang gi cho ga mdor bsdus byas pa las // gang yang
bsod nams las byung gzhal med pa // de yis gnyis med bsam mi khyab
pa yi // bde ba chen po'i bdag nyid thob par shog // dbang gi cho ga mdor
bsdus pa rdzogs so // // dpal gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. ix (Saṅkṣepasekaprakriyā).
— Saptākṣarasādhana (Yi ge bdun pa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
1483. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 130r.7-133v.1. Tr. by
Mar pa Chos kyi dbang phyug.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 535. Alexis Sanderson has done an edition and
translation with commentary, unpublished.
— Sarvasārasamuccayaprakaraṇa (Snying po kun las btus
pa'i rab tu byed pa). Tôh. no. 2298. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI,
folios 227v.5-228r.5. Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban Chos
Derge colophon: snying po kun las btus pa'i rab tu byed pa / slob dpon
chen po shrī ā nanda badzra'i zhal snga nas mdzad pa rdzogs so // //
rgya gar gyi mkhan po badzra pā ṇi dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba rma ban
chos 'bar gyis bsgyur ba'o.
— Sekakāryasaṅgraha (Dbang gi dgos pa mdor bsdus pa).
Tôh. no. 2243. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 122v.4-124v.7.
Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur Jñānākara (Ye shes 'od).
Derge colophon: dbang gi dgos pa mdor bsdus pa mkhas pa chen po
nges par sbyangs pa gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // //
rgya gar gyi mkhan po bla ma badzra pā ṇi'i zhal snga nas dang / lo tsā
ba mtshur ston gyis bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. ix (Sekanirṇaya, or Sekanirdeśa); pp. x-xi
(Sekatānvayasaṅgraha). Probably the Sekanirṇaya is a separate text.
Nakamura, p. 337 (Sekanirṇaya, Sekanirdeśa).
Tatz, LSPM, p. 709 (Sekanirṇaya), quoting Tāranātha, says this text is
considered by Tibetans to be the oral instructions of Śabara, who based
them on his own experience.
— Siṃhanādasādhana (Seng ge sgra'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3414. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 81r.3-81v.7. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Svapnanirdeśa (Rmi lam nges par bstan pa). Tôh. no.
2233. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folio 111r.7-111v.6. Tr. by
Vajrapāṇi and Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Derge colophon: rmi lam nges par bstan pa / slob dpon gnyis med rdo
rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // bla ma badzra pā ṇi dang / dge slong tshul
khrims rgyal bas bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xi, 45 (Svapnanirukti).
Matsunami, p. 280 (Svapnanirukti).
— Svapnekṣā (Rmi lam brtag pa). Tôh. no. 2100. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folio 130r.1-130v.7. Solo translation by
Derge colophon: rmi lam brtag pa / rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan
gnyis su med pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms pa
pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Tathāgatapañcamudrāvivaraṇa (De bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i
phyag rgya rnam par bshad pa). Tôh. no. 2242. Derge
Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 120v.3-122v.3. Tr. by Phyag na rdo
rje (Vajrapāṇi) and Rma ban Chos 'bar.
Derge colophon: de bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i phyag rgya rnam par bshad
pa / slob dpon gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po phyag na rdo rje dang / lo sā ba rma ban chos 'bar gyis bsgyur
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. viii-ix (Pañcatathāgatamudrāvivaraṇaṃ), 23-27.
Matsunami, p. 264.
— Tattvadaśaka (De kho na nyid bcu pa). Tôh. no. 2236.
Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 112v.7-113r.6. Tr. by Phyag
na (Vajrapāṇi) and Mtshur. Revised by Tshul khrims rgyal
Derge colophon: de kho na nyid bcu pa / slob dpon gnyis su med pa'i
rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // bla ma phyag na dang / mtshur gyis
bsgyur ba'o // phyis lo tsā ba tshul khrims rgyal bas bsgyur ro.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xiv. On subject of unmattavrata (*smyon pa'i brtul zhugs).
Matsunami, p. 281.
— Tattvamahāyānaviṃśati (De kho na nyid theg pa chen po
nyi shu pa). Tôh. no. 2250. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios
140r.5-141r.3. Tr. by Dhiriśrījñāna and Seng dkar Shākya
'od [Seng kar].
Derge colophon: a wa dhū tī pa gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa ardzogs
so // // rje btsun dhi ri shrī dznyā na'i zhal snga nas / lo tsā ba seng kar
shākya 'od kyis bsgyur ba'o.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 24-25 lists an incomplete
Indian manuscript at Zha lu, but says it's by Nāgārjuna.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xii-xiii (Tattvaviṃśikā).
— Tattvaprakāśa (De kho na nyid rab tu bstan pa). Tôh. no.
2241. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folio 120r.1-120v.3.
Derge colophon: de kho na nyid rab tu bstan pa zhe sbya ba // slob
dpon gnyis med rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), p. xii.
Matsunami, p. 282.
— Tattvaratnāvalī (De kho na nyid rin po che'i phreng ba).
Tôh. no. 2240. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios 115r.6-120r.1.
Tr. by Phyag na rdo rje (Vajrapāṇi) and Rma ban Chos 'bar
(but Tôh. is mistaken here, it was translated by Nag tsho
Tshul khrims rgyal ba).
Derge colophon: de kho na nyid rin po che'i phreng ba zhes bya ba /
slob dpon a wa dhū tī pa gnyis su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so
// // nag tsho tshul khrims rgyal bas bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. viii, 14-22. This is a siddhānta type work, in which the
Sautrāntika is rather curiously included within the Mahāyāna.
Mark Tatz, Tattva-Ratnāvalī: The Precious Garland of Verses on
Reality, contained in: G. Kuppuram and K. Kumudamani, eds.,
Researches in Indian History, Archaeology, Art and Religion: Prof.
Upendra Thakur Felicitation Volume (Delhi 1990), vol. 2, pp. 491-513.
Nakamura, p. 337.
Matsunami, p. 282.
— Tilakasiddhi (Thig le grub pa). Tôh. no. 2103. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios 133v.2-134r.2. Solo translation by
Derge colophon: thig le grub pa'i rgya gar gyi mkhan po dpal ldan gnyis
su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms
pa pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Tilakaika (Thig le gcig pa). Tôh. no. 2104. Derge Tanjur,
vol. TSHI, folios 134r.3-135r.1. Solo translation by
Derge colophon: thig le gcig pa zhes bya ba // slob dpon dpal ldan gnyis
su med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor pa bsod snyoms
pa pradznyā shrī dznyā na kīrtis rang 'gyur du mdzad pa'o.
— Vajracaturgītikā (Rdo rje bzhi'i glu). Tôh. no. 2352. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 5v.6-6r.2.
Dge 'dun chos 'phel, Works (1990), vol. 1, p. 18 lists an Indian
manuscript at Zha lu entitled Bodhicittavajragāthāṭīkā (Byang chub sems
kyi rdo rje bzhi'i tshigs bcad kyi 'grel pa).
— Vajravārāhīkalpasarvārthasādhana (Dpal rdo rje phag mo'i
sgrub thabs kyi cho ga don thams cad grub pa). Tôh. no.
1578. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folios 9v.5-10r.5. Tr. by Nyi
ma rgyal mtshan.
ACIP version available.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 1542. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 181r.1-182r.7.
Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Mtshur ston Dbang (i.e., Mtshur ston
Dbang nge).
Published in Louis Finot, Manuscrits Sanskrits de Sādhanas retrovés en
Chine, Journal Asiatique, (July-September 1934), pp. 1-85.
Richard O. Meisezahl, Die Göttin Vajravārāhī. Eine Ikonographische
Studie nach einem Sādhana-text von Advayavajra, Oriens, vols. 18-19
(1965-1966), pp. 228-303.
— Vajravārāhīsādhana (Rdo rje phag mo sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 3607. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios
119v.2-230v.5. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
R.O. Meisezahl, Die Göttin Vajravārāhī. Eine ikonographische Studie
nach einem Sādhana-Text von Advayavajra, Oriens, vols. 18-19
(1965-66), pp. 228-303.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 356.
dhana (Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i bde ba mchog gi sdom pa
'jug pa nges pa don gyi dkyil 'khor gyi sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 1583. Derge Tanjur, vol. 'A, folios 44r.4-48v.6. Tr. by
ACIP version available.
— Viśuddhanidhi-nāma-hevajrasādhana (Kye rdo rje'i sgrub
pa'i thabs rnam par dag pa'i gter). Tôh. no. 1244. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NYA, folios 175r.1-189r.4. Tr. by Nags kyi rin
chen and Gzhon nu dpal.
Derge colophon: dpal kye rdo rje'i sgrub pa'i thabs rnam par dag pa'i
gter zhes bya ba / mkhas pa chen po gnyis su med pa'i rdo rje a ba dhū
tī pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar shar phyogs kyi mkhas pa chen
po / dpal nags kyi rin chen gyi spyan sngar / dpal kye rdo rje'i lam gyi
stegs bu las / bde ba chen po'i khang bzangs su nye bar 'dzegs pa / mi'i
dbang po grags pa 'byung gnas kyis gsol ba btab pa las / paṇḍi ta chen
po de nyid dang / gzhon nu dpal gyis pho brang sne gdong du bsgyur
pa'o // 'di'i gzhung tshad ni rgya dpe la tshigs su bcad pa bdun cu lhag
pa'i sum brgya'o zhes so // 'dis kyang 'gro ba mang po la phan par gyur
KCDS, p. 133. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
Title: kyai rdo rje'i sgrub thabs rnal 'byor dag pa'i gter.
— Yuganaddhaprakāśa (Zung du 'jug pa rab tu gsal ba bstan
pa). Tôh. no. 2237. Derge Tanjur, vol. WI, folios
113r.6-114r.3. Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban Chos 'bar.
Derge colophon: zung du 'jug pa rab tu gsal ba bstan pa zhes bya ba /
slob dpon a ba dhū tīs mdzad pa rdzogs so // // badzra pā ṇi dang / nags
tshos bsgyur ba'o.
Hara Prasad Shastri, Advayavajrasamgraha, Oriental Institute (Baroda
1927), pp. xii, 49. On Yab Yum.
Nakamura, p. 337.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 30.
Matsunami, p. 286 (author's name given in Peking Tanjur as Avadhūti).
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 2 in the list), lists a title Hevajrākhyayuganaddha
by the same author (probably this one).
Templeman, APR, p. 38.
Agasti (Ri byi)
Mvy., no. 3457. A Maharṣi.
V.G. Rahurkar, Agastya in Vedic and Post-Vedic Literature, Aligarh
Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1984), pp. 97-106.
Sylvain Lévi, Le Bouddhisme et les Grecs, Revue de l'Histoire des
Religions, vol. 23 (1891) pp. 36-49. MSL, p. 208. Appears in Indian
inscription as Akathukreyasa.
EoB. Name of a number of kings.
Michel Hulin, ed. and tr., Mṛgendrāgama. Sections de la doctrine et du
yoga. Avec la vṛtti de Bhaṭṭanārāyaṇakaṇṭha et la Dīpikā
d'Aghoraśivācārya, Institut Français d'Indologie (Pondicherry 1980).
Reviewed by John Borelli in Journal of the American Oriental Society,
vol. 103, no. 2 (1983), pp. 435-434.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 203, note 1. Number 53 in the list of 84 (actually 76)
Mahāsiddhas from a circa 1300 work by Jyotirīśvara.
Agnidatta (Mes byin)
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 8, 85.
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 110.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1432 (Mes sbyin).
Banerjee, SL, p. 200.
Jan Nattier, Once upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy
of Decline, Asian Humanities Press (Berkely 1991), p. 292. Ag na tra ta.
D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceta, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge 1951), p. 205.
Agniveśa (Me bzhin 'jug)
Mvy., no. 3471. A Maharṣi.
Rechung, TM, p. 12.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1514.
Bod Mkhas pa, Snyan ngag gi bstan bcos (xylographic ed.), folio 20v.4
(his daughter).
Rin spungs pa'i snyan 'grel, p. 14.5: me bzhin 'jug gi bu mos byas pa'i
snyan ngag sgom pa'i chos. Listed among predecessors of Daṇḍin.
Vaidya Jādavaji Trikamji Ācārya, ed., The Charakasaṃhitā of Agniveśa,
Revised by Charaka and Dṛdhabala (with the Āyurveda-Dīpikā
Commentary of Chakrapāṇidatta), Nirnaya Sagar Press (Bombay
1941); Munshiram Manoharlal (1981).
Taradatta Panta Shastri, ed., Carakasaṃhitā of Agniveśa, Revised by
Caraka and Dridhabala, Haridass Sanskrit Series no. 67, Chowkhamba
Sanskrit Series Office (Varanasi 2005), in 940 pages.
Jean Filliozat, ed. and tr., Yogaśataka: Texte médical attribué à
Nāgārjuna, Publications de l'Institut Française d'Indologie no. 62, Institut
Français d'Indologie (Pondichéry 1979), p. xxxv.
Probably the Drang srong Me gzhi depicted in Lo Bue, Great Stupa, p.
In list of Mahāsiddhas taken from Haṭhayogapradīpikā. Dasgupta, ORC,
p. 203, note 2. Ahvaya (Maya?).
Aibak (Zla ba)
Aibak, Turkish meaning 'moon,' was one of the names of Qutb-ud-din.
Filliozat, Emigration, p. 46.
Rhoton, CD, p. 250.
S. Subramonia Iyer, Indore Copper Plate Charter of Yādava
Airamadeva, Śaka 1009, contained in: K.V. Ramesh, et al., eds., Indian
History and Epigraphy: Dr. G.S. Gai Felicitation Volume, Agam Kala
Prakashan (Delhi 1990), pp. 6-11.
The first elephant, produced from the churning of the milk ocean. H.
Zimmer, Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization (New York
1962), pp. 102-109.
Chimpa, THBI, p. 26.
Blue Annals, p. 33.
Ajātaśatru (Ma skyes dgra)
Chimpa, THBI, index.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 44, 456, 486, 626.
Hahn, HG, p. 17.
Michael Hahn, Ajātaśatrvavadāna: A Gopadatta Story from Tibet. K. P.
Jayaswal Commemoration Volume (Patna 1981), pp. 242-276.
EoB under "Ajātasattu" and under "A-shê-shih-wang-shou-cheüh-ching."
Obeyesekere, Conscience, p. 240 ff. Ajātasattu. Story as told in a 13th
century Sinhala text, the Pūjāvaliya.
Banerjee, SL, p. 89.
Rhoton, CD, p. 254.
Michael Hahn, Sanskrit Metrics as Studied at Buddhist Universities,
Adyar Library Bulletin, vol. 52 (1988), p. 53, notes that he is cited in the
metrics work by Śākyarakṣita (as being a lexicographer).
Strong, RB, p. 79. Name of a king.
Ajiravatī (Khyams ldan)
Tucci, TPS, p. 513.
Ajita (the Arhat)
EoB. Ten figures with the name Ajita are discussed.
Ajita (the bhikṣu)
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 69 n., 205.
Blue Annals, pp. 4, 16.
Nakamura, p. 180.
Tucci, TPS, p. 569.
Ajita (the Jina or Bodhisattva)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 277.
Nakamura, p. 180.
Ajita (the Brahmin)
*Ajitacandra (Mi pham zla ba)
Tucci, TPS, p. 680.
— Maṇyālokapariṇamanā (Bsngo ba nor bu'i sgron ma). Tôh.
no. 2127. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folio 173v.1-173v.5. Tr.
by Subhāśānti and Byams pa'i dpal.
This might be by Mitrayogin! See also colophon to Tôh. no. 4317.
Ajitagupta (Mi pham sbas pa)
Tôh. nos. 2123, 2124. Ekajaṭa sādhana works tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(i.e., Mitrayogin) and Byams pa'i dpal. This is probably just another
name for Mitrayogin.
Blue Annals, p. 38.
Blue Annals, p. 14.
EoB. One of the 6 heretical teachers in the story of Siddhārtha. His
actual name was Ajita, but he wore a [human] hair blanket, which
explains the last part of his name (keśa kambala).
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 68.
Sadakata, Buddhist Cosmology, p. 22.
Ajitakṛṣṇa (Thub dka' nag po)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 123 n.
Ajitamitra and Ajitamitragupta (Mi pham bshes gnyen)
He should be identified with Mitrayogin, q.v.
Ajitamitragupta: Tôh. nos. 2122, 2462, 2741 through 2847 (over a
hundred works). Mi pham pa'i bshes gnyen: Tôh. no. 2714. Mi phan
bshes gnyen (sic! for Mi pham bshes gnyen): Tôh. nos. 2715, 2716,
3311, 3449, 4159. Ajitamitrayogin: Tôh. nos. 2130, 2131, 2132.
In list of Later Spread (Phyi dar) period pundits in Tibet contained in Zhu
chen, Bstan 'gyur dkar chag, p. 161, line 14 ('Gro bshes dga'), although
this identification is not especially clear!
Chimpa, THBI, p. 316 n.
Blue Annals, p. 1031.
EoB contains a discussion of his life and works, in the entry "Ajitamitra."
Stearns, Luminous Lives, p. 209.
— Arapacanasādhana (A ra pa tsa na'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3311. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 10r.7-11r.6. Tr. by
Kamalagupta and Rin chen bzang po. There seems to be
a chronological problem if this was translated by Rin chen
bzang po, and at the same time the author is identified as
— Arapacanasādhana (A ra pa tsa na'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no.
3449. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folios 106r.6-107r.4. Tr. by
Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
— Aṣṭottaraśatakāryāvalokiteśvarasādhana ('Phags pa spyan
ras gzigs dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs brgya rtsa brgyad
pa). Tôh. no. 2741. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio
127v.3-127v.7. Tr. by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Bhagavadekajaṭamaṇḍalacakrasādhana (Dpal bcom ldan
'das ral pa gcig pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 2122. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHI, folios
161v.5-170r.6. Tr. by the author and Byams pa'i dpal.
Author's name given as Ajitamitragupta.
Derge colophon: dpal bcom ldan 'das ral pa gcig pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi 'khor
lo'i sgrub thabs / grub pa brnyes pa'i paṇḍi ta chen po a dzi ta mi tra
guptas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug chen po shrī
dza ga ta mi tra ā nanda dang / de nyid kyi zhabs kyi padmo'i rdul la spyi
bos reg cing gsung gi bdud rtsi'i ro myang ba / bod kyi lo sā ba gnubs
byams pa dpal gyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
EoB, with summary.
— Bkra shis kyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2845. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 183v.6-184v.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal). *Maṅgalavidhi.
— Bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i mchod pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2767.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 142v.5-143r.5. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
EoB under "Acintyapūjāvidhi."
— Bum pa bzang po can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2810.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 166r.5-166v.5. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Byin rlabs mi zad pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2782. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 150v.4-151r.3. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
EoB under "Akṣarādhiṣṭhānavidhi."
— Chags nyams gso ba. Tôh. no. 2778. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 148v.4-148v.5 (?). Tr. by the author. Revised by
Gnubs Byams pa.
— 'Chi ba bslu ba'i gdams pa. Tôh. no. 2839. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 180v.1-181r.4. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Chom rkun bcing ba. Tôh. no. 2829. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 175r.3-175v.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal). Perhaps the Sanskrit title would be
— Chu sbyin gyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2771. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 144v.3-145r.1. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Dpag bsam gyi shing can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2809.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 165v.2-166r.4. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Dri ma rnam dag gi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2777. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 148r.2-148v.1. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Grags pa bskyed pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2803. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 162r.4-163r.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Gsang sngags myur du grub pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2785.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 152r.7-152v.6. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Gzhan bskyab pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2818. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 169v.2-169v.6. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Gzhan la rnam par rgyal ba'i gdams ngag. Tôh. no. 2825.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 173r.2-173v.1. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Gzhon nu bsrung ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2820. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 170r.5-170v.3. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Gzi brjid bskyed pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2804. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 163r.2-163v.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
'Jig rten dbang phyug wa ti can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2812. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 167r.6-167v.6. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
'Jig rten mgon po sgrub pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2864.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 140v.7-141v.7. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
'Jig rten mgon po tshad med bzhi'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2746. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 129v.3-130r.3. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
'Jig rten mgon po yi ge drug pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2747. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 130r.3-130v.2. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
— Kha sa rpa ṇa mar me 'bar ba'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2751.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 132r.5-132v.4. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Kha sa rpa ṇa padma kha 'byed kyi man ngag. Tôh. no.
2796. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 158r.6-158v.7. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Kha sa rpa ṇa ye shes kyi 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2757. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 135v.6-137r.1. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
— Kha sa rpa ṇa'i sku gsum gyi gdams pa. Tôh. no. 2752.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 132v.4-133v.2. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— 'Khor lo 'bar ba. Tôh. no. 2783. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio
151r.3-151v.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa
dpal). It's possible the Sanskrit title would be Dīptacakra.
— 'Khor lo rnam dag gi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2791. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 155v.4-156r.3. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Khro ba bsal ba. Tôh. no. 2788. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folio 154r.4-154v.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author)
and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams
pa dpal).
— Lam chen po'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2811. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 166v.5-167r.6. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Lha'i grong khyer du 'jug pa. Tôh. no. 2840. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 181r.4-181v.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— *Lokeśvarasādhana (Rje 'jig rten dbang phyug gi sgrub
thabs). Tôh. no. 2742. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios
127v.7-128r.3. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa
— Longs spyod mi zad pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2808.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 165r.3-165v.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under "Akṣarasambhogasādhana."
— Lus kyi 'khor lo bcing ba dang / dgrol ba'i man ngag. Tôh.
no. 2793. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 156r.7-157r.5. Tr.
by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB, under the title "Aṅgacakrabandhanamocanopadeśa."
— *Mahākāruṇikajñānasattvasādhana (Thugs rje chen po ye
shes sems dpa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2743. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 128r.3-128v.3. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Mdze nad gso ba. Tôh. no. 2824. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folios 172v.2-173r.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
— Me tog gi gdan can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2798. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 159v.2-160r.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Me tog la brten pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2799. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 160r.2-160v.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Me'i mchod pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2773. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 145v.4-146r.6. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
EoB under "Agnipūjāvidhi."
— Mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2795. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 157v.7-158r.6. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Nam mkha' dri med kyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2754. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 134r.3-134v.2. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
EoB under "Ākāśavimalasādhana."
— Ngag gi mthu bskyed pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2784. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 151v.4-152v.7. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Nyi zla sgron ma'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2802. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 161v.4-162r.4. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Pad mo'i sdong bu can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2813.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 167v.6-168r.5. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Pha rol dbang du bya ba. Tôh. no. 2828. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 174v.5-175r.3. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Pha rol gyi gnod pa bsrung ba. Tôh. no. 2826. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 173v.1-174r.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Pha rol gyi sde gzhom pa. Tôh. no. 2827. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 174r.2-174v.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Rab tu gnas pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2847. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 185r.1-185v.2. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Rang bsrung ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2817. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 169r.4-169v.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under Ātmarakṣāvidhi."
— Ratnāvalīṭīkā (Rin po che'i phreng ba'i rgya cher bshad pa).
Tôh. no. 4159. Derge Tanjur, vol. GE, folios 126r.4-165r.5.
Ācārya Ngawang Samten (Ngag dbang bsam gtan), Ratnāvalī of Ācārya
Nāgārjuna with the Commentary by Ajitamitra, Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica
Series no. 21, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath
1990). Edition of Tibetan texts only, but includes unclear photocopies of
surviving palm-leaves of the Sanskrit text.
Yukihiro Okada, Ajitamitras Ratnāvalīṭīkā und die chinesische
Übersetzung der Ratnāvalī, dissertation (Bonn 1985). Part I was
published in 1990 as vol. 19 of the series Indica et Tibetica; part 2 was
supposed to follow in 1999.
Yukihiro Okada, Die Ratnāvalīṭīkā des Ajitamitra, Indica et Tibetica
Verlag (Bonn 1990), in 198 pages. Reviewed by Christian Lindtner in
Adyar Library Bulletin (1992), pp. 200-202.
— Rdo rje 'bar ba'i bsrung ba chen po'i man ngag. Tôh. no.
2815. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 168v.4-168v.7. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Perhaps this has something to do with the Chinese text entitled Vajra
Blaze Dhāraṇī to Stop Wind and Rain, for which see L. Schmithausen,
Maitrī and Magic: Aspects of the Buddhist Attitude toward the
Dangerous in Nature, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften (Vienna 1997), p. 63 ff.
— Rdo rje skar mda'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2841. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 181v.7-182r.3. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Rdo rje thod pa'i dngos grub sgrub pa'i thabs. Tôh. no.
2794. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 157r.5-157v.7. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Rmi lam dri ma med pa bsgom pa. Tôh. no. 2832. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 176v.5-177v.3. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Rmi lam dri ma med pa'i bsgom pa. Tôh. no. 2786. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 152v.6-152v.5. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Rmi lam gyi lta ba ngan pa rnam par bzlog pa. Tôh. no.
2787. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 153v.5-154r.4. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
— Rmi lam ston pa. Tôh. no. 2806. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folio 164r.50164v.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author). Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug chen po shrī mai tri'i gdams pa
lus sbyin pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2770. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 144r.3-144v.3. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Ro bsreg gi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2843. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folios 182v.4-183r.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
— Sbyin sreg gi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2844. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 183v.6-184v.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal). *Homavidhi.
— Sems brtan par byed pa. Tôh. no. 2781. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 150v.1-150b.4. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. REvised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Sems can mgu bar byed pa. Tôh. no. 2805. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 163r.2-163v.2. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Note the similar title attributed to Nāgārjuna.
— Sems ngal so ba'i thugs rje chen po'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2748. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 130v.2-131r.6. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
— Sku gzugs kyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2774. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 146r.6-147r.3. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Skye ba bsdams pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2838. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 180r.1-180v.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Skye bo gdul bar dka' ba rnams kyi snying dregs pa zhi bar
byed pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2790. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folio 155r.2-155v.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author)
and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams
pa dpal).
— Slob ma byin gyis brlab pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2833.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 177v.3-178r.5. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Slob ma la shes rab bskyed pa. Tôh. no. 2930. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 175v.1-176r.2. Tr. bu author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Smon lam du bya ba. Tôh. no. 2768. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folio 143r.5-143v.4. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Snying gi dug sbyong ba. Tôh. no. 2792. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 156r.3-156r.7. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
Spyan ras gzigs bcu gcig pa'i zhal can gyi sgrub thabs.
Tôh. no. 2756. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 135r.3-135v.6.
Tr. by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa.
Spyan ras gzigs bdud rtsi brnyes pa'i zas kyi cho ga. Tôh.
no. 2769. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 143v.4-144r.3. Tr.
by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa.
EoB under "Avalokitāptāmṛtaprāśanavidhi."
— Spyan ras gzigs dri ma 'jig pa'i bum pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no.
2814. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 168r.5-168v.4. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under "Avalokitamalāpahakalaśavidhi."
— Spyan ras gzigs 'khor lo gsum bsgom pa. Tôh. no. 2744.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 128v.4-129r.2. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
EoB under "Avalokitatricakrabhāvanā."
— Spyan ras gzigs khros pas ser ba bzlog pa'i cho ga. Tôh.
no. 2831. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 175r.2-175v.5. Tr.
by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Spyan ras gzigs kyi nad bsrung ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2821.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 170v.3-171r.7. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under "Avalokitarogarakṣāvidhi."
— Spyan ras gzigs kyis klu gso ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2823.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 171v.5-172v.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under "Avalokitanāgadoṣacikitsāvidhi."
— Spyan ras gzigs kyis nad bsal ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2822.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 171v.1-171v.5. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
EoB under "Avalokitaroganivartitavidhi."
— Spyan ras gzigs yid bzhin nor bu'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2758. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 137r.1-137v.5. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
EoB under "Avalokitacintāmaṇisādhana."
— Spyil bu can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2800. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 160v.2-161r.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
— Srung ba'i 'khor lo. Tôh. no. 2816. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU,
folios 168v.7-169r.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
— Srung skud kyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2819. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 169v.6-170r.5. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
— Stong pa nyid bsgom pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 2750. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 131v.6-132r.5. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
— Striṃśatyavadāna (Rtogs pa brjod pa sum cu pa). Tôh. no.
2130. Derge Tanjur vol. TSHI, folios 176v.4-177v.6. Tr. by
Mitrānanda (i.e., the author) and Byams pa'i dpal.
— Sugataśāsanaratnavohittha (Bde bar gshegs pa'i bstan pa
rin po che'i gru bo). Tôh. no. 2461. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZI,
folios 135v.7-138r.7.
— Thugs rje chen po can dpal 'khor los sgyur ba'i sgrub thabs.
Tôh. no. 2760. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 138v.4-139r.4.
Tr. by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po dka' thub can gyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2762. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 139v.6-140r.7. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
Thugs rje chen po gdug pa 'dul ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2789.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 154v.4-155r.2. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Thugs rje chen po gzugs brnyan la brten pa'i sgrub thabs.
Tôh. no. 2797. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios
158v.7-159v.2. Tr. by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po lha lnga'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2745.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 129r.2-129v.3. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po lus kyi 'khor lo 'bar ba. Tôh. no. 2761.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 139r.4-139v.6. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po mkha' spyod kyi sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2753. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 133v.2-134r.3. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
Thugs rje chen po nam mkha' mdzod kyi sgrub thabs. Tôh.
no. 2755. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 134v.2-135r.3. Tr.
by the author. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po po ta la ke ri'i rtse mo'i sgrub thabs. Tôh.
no. 2759. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 137v.5-138v.4. Tr.
by the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po rnga sgra'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 2801.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 161r.1-161v.4. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Thugs rje chen po rtag tu bya ba'i rnal 'byor. Tôh. no. 2763.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 140r.7-140v.7. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po yi ge med pa'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no.
2749. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 131r.5-131v.6. Tr. by
the author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams
Thugs rje chen po'i chab gtor gyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2772.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 145r.1-145v.4. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po'i gtor ma'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2765. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 141v.7-142r.6. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Thugs rje chen po'i maṇḍal gyi cho ga. Tôh. no. 2766.
Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 142r.6-142v.5. Tr. by the
author and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Ting nge 'dzin brtan par byed pa'i gdams ngag. Tôh. no.
2780. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 150r.1-150v.1. Tr. by
the author. Revised by Gnubs byams pa.
Ting nge 'dzin gyi byin rlabs. Tôh. no. 2835. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 178v.4-179r.3. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Ting nge 'dzin gyi dbang bskur. Tôh. no. 2836. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 179r.3-179v.1. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Ting nge 'dzin myur du bskyed pa'i gdams ngag. Tôh. no.
2779. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 149r.4-150r.1. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Tsha tsha 'debs pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2846. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 184v.1-185r.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Tshe 'das pa la bya ba'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2842. Derge
Tanjur, vol. NU, folio 182r.3-182v.4. Tr. by
Śrījaganmitrānanda (the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna.
Revised by Gnubs Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Ye shes 'bar ba'i 'khrul 'khor. Tôh. no. 2837. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 179v.1-180r.1. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Ye shes gzhug pa'i cho ga. Tôh. no. 2834. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folio 178r.5-178v.4. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda
(the author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs
Byams pa (Byams pa dpal).
Ye shes sbar ba'i gdams pa. Tôh. no. 2776. Derge Tanjur,
vol. NU, folios 147v.2-148r.2. Tr. by the author and
Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa.
Yid 'gyod pa bsal ba. Tôh. no. 2807. Derge Tanjur, vol.
NU, folios 164v.2-165r.3. Tr. by Śrījaganmitrānanda (the
author) and Buddhaśrījñāna. Revised by Gnubs Byams pa
(Byams pa dpal).
Ajitanātha (*Mi pham mgon po)
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 156, 159, 211-212. Name for Maitreyanātha. Used
for both the teacher of Asaṅga and for the future Buddha.
One of several Indic names ascribed to Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas.
Sherburne, pp. 117, 121, 141.
Ajitasena (*Mi pham sde)
Nakamura, p. 234.
Ajitaśrībhadra (*Mi pham dpal bzang po)
Stog Palace catalogue, pp. 148, 165.
Ajitavajra (*Mi pham rdo rje)
Templeman, TLK, p. 105.
Ājīvaka ('Tsho ba can)
Banerjee, SL, p. 98.
Sørensen, TBH, p. 55. One of the five ascetics who later became
disciples of the Buddha.
Sternbach, Sources, p. 461. He was the great-grandfather of
Nakamura, p. 307.
A ka ra tsandra. Aka Stong nyid ting 'dzin. Disciple of Maitripa.
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 836.
Ākaragupta (*'Byung gnas sbas pa)
Blue Annals, pp. 34, 1071.
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 151.
Sørensen, TBH, pp. 189-190, 195, 266, 543.
Ākarasiddha (*'Byung gnas grub thob)
Blue Annals, pp. 792, 868, 868 (?).
Ākarasiddhi (*'Byung gnas dngos grub)
Templeman, SIL, p. 49 (disciple of Naropa).
Schaeffer, Crystal: Dngul sgong list no. 35 (Sa ka ra si ti); Gser sgong
list no. 42 (A ka ra si ti); Shel sgong list no. 43 (A ka ra si ti); Brda'i man
ngag list no. 53 (A kar ba si ti).
Nālandā, LMT, pp. 64-66. Disciple of Naropa who visited Nag tsho in
Kha che Ā ka ra siddhi. One of Nāropa's seven "most famous" disciples.
Padma dkar po, Chos 'byung, pp. 275, 277, 410, 438. Herbert V.
Guenther, The Life and Teachings of Naropa, Oxford University Press
(London 1963), p. 99. Dated to 11th century, he wanted to go to China,
but he came to the place where Nag tsho was teaching the Sgron gsal,
and granted him Guhyasamāja teachings. He visited O rgyan, as is
clear in the biography of Mar pa. Mtshan tho, no. 46.
Ākarṣaṇī (De bzhin 'gugs mo)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 213. Short for Ākāśagarbha.
Name of a king. Sherburne, p. 179.
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 7, 117, 120.
Ākāśagarbha (Nam mkha'i snying po)
Nam mkha'i snying po (a Tibetan): Tôh. no. 4364.
Chimpa, THBI, p. 213.
Blue Annals, p. 842.
One Nam mkha'i snying po is praised, with a hymn on the view of yoga,
and the life and works of his disciple Spug Ye shes dbyangs, in no. 996
in Lalou's Dunhuang catalogue. This text is reproduced in Marcelle
Lalou, Document tibétain sur l'expansion du Dhyāna chinoise, Journal
Asiatique (1939), pp. 505-523, at p. 518.
Karmay, Great Perfection, p. 154. Spug Ye shes dbyangs died in 866,
was abbot of Khri ga (Khri kha) Monastery near Kokonor.
See Amy Heller's forthcoming article on the cult of Vairocana.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 197, 242, 340, 362, 440.
EoB. The Bodhisattva, also called Gaganagañja.
— Pho brang stod thang ldan dkar gyi chos 'gyur ro cog gi
dkar chag. Tôh. no. 4364. Derge Tanjur, vol. JO, folios
294v.6-310r.7. Listed as being coauthored with Dpal
brtsegs. Usually known under the short title Ldan dkar ma,
or more correctly, Lhan dkar ma.
Marcelle Lalou, Contribution à la bibliographie du Kanjur et du Tanjur:
Les textes bouddhiques au temps du roi Khri-sroṅ-lde-bcan, Journal
Asiatique (1953), pp. 313-354.
Rab gsal, ed., Pho brang lhan dkar gyi dam pa'i chos 'gyur ro cog gi dkar
chag blta bder bsgrigs pa gna' bo'i gtam la 'jug pa'i pho nya, Central
Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1996). Includes indices of
titles, but not practical to use, because of the division into several
sections. The introduction and footnotes are useful.
E. Frauwallner, Zu den buddhistischen Texten in der Zeit
Khri-srong-lde-btsan's, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und
Ostasiens, vol. 1 (1957), pp. 95-103.
Adelheid Hermann-Pfandt, The Lhan-kar-ma as a Source for the History
of Tantric Buddhism, contained in: Helmut Eimer and David Germano,
eds., The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism, Brill (Leiden 2002), pp.
Zuiho Yamaguchi, Denkaruma 824-nen Seiritsu Setsu (in Japanese,
"The View that the Ldan dkar ma was compiled in 824"), Journal of the
Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies, vol. 9 (1985), pp. 1-61.
Shyuki Yoshimura, The Denkar-ma, An Oldest Catalogue of the Tibetan
Buddhist Canons (Kyoto 1950). This is a booklet that has been
reproduced also in Indo daijô bukkyô shisô kenkyū (1974), pp. 99-199.
Nattier, OUFT, p. 151.
*Akāyavajra (Sku med rdo rje)
— Sgyu 'phrul chen mo'i sgrub thabs. Tôh. no. 1648. Derge
Tanjur, vol. YA, folios 312v.4-314r.7.
Templeman, SIL, p. 96. The king, son of King Hamehubāca.
EoB. Subject of a Jātaka. He had a sister named Yasavatī.
*Akoranātha (A ko ra nā tha)
Teacher of Ratigupta, q.v.
Grub thob O ko ra nā tha (*Okoranātha?). He later went to Baluchistan
and was referred (by the Goddess) to Go raksha. Teacher of Rātigupta.
Disciple of Go len nā tha. Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan
Buddhism, vol. 1, pp. 245, 423, 439-440.
Ghoshal & Dutt, THBI XV, p. 49.
Akṣapāda (Rkang mig can)
Mvy., no. 3466. A Maharṣi.
Jackson, EGW, pp. 200. 324-326, 370.
EoB. Founder of the Nyāya school, also known as Gautama or Gotama.
Lived from about 50-150 CE.
Here spelled Akṣipāda, said to be a Śaiva teacher. Cozort and Preston,
p. 124, 127, 129 etc.
Stag tshang, Grub mtha' kun shes, p. 50, tells the story of how he got his
Mahāmahopādhyāya Haraprasād Shāstri, History of Nyāyaśāstra from
Japanese Sources, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, new
series vol. 1, no. 8 (August 1905), pp. 177-180.
Akṣayamati (Blo gros mi zad pa)
Schaeffer, Crystal: Brda'i man ngag list no. 6 (Blo gros myi bzad pa).
Lacking from the other three lists.
He was the questioner in the famous sūtra with the same name.
Author of a Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra text. See Poussin, Dunhuang
catalogue, no. 628.30.
Akira Saito, A Study of Akṣayamati (=Śāntideva)'s
Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts from
Tun-huang, Research Report of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research, Mie University (1993), in 124 pages.
EoB. The Bodhisattva.
*Akṣobhyapāda (Mi bskyod pa)
— Vajrabhairavatantraṭīkā (Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi rgyud kyi
dka' 'grel). Tôh. no. 1970. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios
110v.1-120v.2. Tr. by Vinayacandra and Chos kyi shes
Derge colophon: dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi rgyud kyi dka' 'grel / rdo rje
slob dpon mi bskyod pas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan
po bi nā ya tsandra dang / lo tsā ba dge slong chos kyi shes rab kyis
bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Akṣobhyavajra (Mi bskyod rdo rje)
Mi bskyod rdo rje: Tôh. nos. 1525 (tr. by the author together with Mar pa
Chos kyi blo gros, which gives him an 11th century date!), 1716, 1931.
He might be identified with Buddhajñānapāda, or Jñānapāda (late 8th
Works listed in Joshi, p. 167.
Sørensen, TBH, pp. 207, 288, 289, 340, 492 (apparently all references
to the name of the deity, not the author).
Several Indian teachers were on their way home from China, when they
were detained by the Tangut Emperor (in the year 1037). One of these
monks was Shi Budong, which in Sanskrit is Akṣobhyavajra (in Chinese,
Budong Jingang). He translated Yoga Tantras in Tangut land. He had a
disciple named Lebu. See Ksenia B. Kepping's article "Portraits of
Tibetan and Indian Teachers in a Tangut Engraving," in which she
believes she can identify portraits of both Akṣobhyavajra and his
disciple Lebu. See also Ruth Dunnell, The Great State of White and
High: Buddhism and State Formation in Eleventh-Century Xia,
University of Hawai'i Press (Honolulu 1996), pp. 32-34.
Blue Annals, p. 809.
— Cakrasaṃvarastotra (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 151, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4573.
— Guhyaratna (Gsang ba rin po che). Tôh. no. 1525. Derge
Tanjur, vol. ZA, folios 82v.6-83v.2. Tr. by the author and
Mar pa Chos kyi blo gros.
— Kṛṣṇayamārisādhana sacakrārthavistaravyākhyā (Dpal
gshin rje gshed dgra nag po'i sgrub thabs 'khor lo'i don
rgyas par bshad pa dang bcas pa). Tôh. no. 1931. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 43v.3-49v.4. Tr. by Vinayacandra
and Chos kyi shes rab.
Derge colophon: dpal gshin rje'i gshed dgra nag po'i sgrub pa'i thabs
'khor lo'i don rgyas par bshad pa dang bcas pa slob dpon mi bskyod pa'i
rdo rje'i zhal snga nas mdzad pa 'di yongs su rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po ā tsārya bi nā ya tsandra dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong
chos kyi shes rab kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
— Pīṭhakramatārādevīstotra (Gnas chen gyi rim pa'i lha mo
sgrol ma'i bstod pa). Tôh. no. 1716. Derge Tanjur, vol.
SHA, folios 83v.4-84r.5. Tr. by Parahita and Tshul khrims
rgyal mtshan.
— Tārāstotra.
Tr. in Willson, In Praise of Tara, pp. 274-276. He follows Lalou in
identifying author with Buddhajñānapāda (Buddhaśrījñāna), gives rough
dates of 705-790, and supplies a biographical sketch on pp. 271-272.
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 153, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4767.
A seal of a person by this name was found at Nālandā. Hiranand Sastri,
Nālandā, p. 61.
Tucci, TPS, p. 632.
EoB. Ceylonese poet of early 17th century.
Alagiyavanna Mukaveṭi, author of the Sinhala poem Subhāṣitaya in
1611. See Bechert in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf 1998), p. 1.
Tucci, TPS, p. 221, 571.
EoB. A Buddhist missionary sent to the Himālayan region after the third
An early monk missionary who went to the Himavant region. K.R.
Norman, Aśokan Envoys and Buddhist Missionaries, contained in:
Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 69-81, at p. 71.
Alakakalaśa (Lcang lo can gyi bum pa)
Yoginīsañcāratantram with Nibandha of Tathāgatarakṣita and
Upadeśānusāriṇīvyākhyā of Alakakalaśa, ed. Janardan Shastri Pandey
and a maṇḍala of coeditors, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
(Sarnath 1998).
Moriguchi, p. 106: Yoginīsañcāratantra text (and autocommentary).
The Tibetan form of his name is located in the final colophon to Tôh. no.
4152. He must belong to 12th century (perhaps born in late 11th?),
since he was a teacher of (and co-translator with) Steng pa Lo tsā ba.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 468, note 402.
— Vajramālāmahāyogatantraṭīkāgambhīrārthadīpikā (Rnal
'byor chen po'i rgyud dpal rdo rje phreng ba'i rgya cher 'grel
pa zab mo'i don gyi 'grel pa). Tôh. no. 1795. Derge Tanjur,
vol. GI, folios 1v.1-220r.7. Tr. by the author and Steng pa
Lo tsā ba.
Tucci, TPS, p. 632.
Ālalavajra (Slob dpon chen po Ā la la badzra)
Templeman, SIL, p. 21 (disciple of Dombīheruka).
— Herukasādhana.
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 14 in the list), author's name given as Alalavajra.
— Hevajrabalikrama (Dpal dgyes pa'i rdo rje'i gtor ma'i rim
pa). Tôh. no. 1298. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios
190v.6-196r.5. Tr. by Kāyasthagayadhara and Gyi jo Zla
ba'i 'od zer.
EoB. A musician in the service of the Sakka. Other musicians:
Bhaggara, Bhīma, Sādhuvādī, Saṃsaya, Pokkhara and Suphassa.
EoB. In story of Isisiṅga (ṛṣyaśṛṅga).
*Alaṅkadeva (A langga de wa, A lang ka de wa, Rgyan gyi lha)
Kashmir pundit invited to Tibet by Steng pa Lo tsā ba Tshul khrims
'byung gnas (1107-1190).
Blue Annals, pp. 1053-1054, spells his name Alaṅkāradeva. He was a
descendent of the Kashmiri grammarian Trilocana (Spyan gsum pa),
and brought with him to Tibet many man-loads of Indian books. He died
in Tibet.
According to information of Gendun Chomphel in Blue Annals, p. 1053,
many of the Indian manuscripts preserved at Ngor, have the Sanskrit
version of Steng Lo's name [Śīlākara] written on them (as a mark of
In Tibet at beginning of 11th century (actually, the 12th!), he worked on
translating part of the Bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo together with
Steng pa Lo tsā ba, according to the Blue Annals. Mtshan tho, no. 53.
Alaṅkāra or Laṅkaka
Active in around 1140. Older brother of Maṅkha (the latter a student of
Alaṅkāra Upadhyāya
Chimpa, THBI, identifies as Prajñākaragupta.
Blue Annals, pp. 1053-1054.
EoB. Says he is same as Alaṅkārakalaśa, that he translated Sanskrit
commentaries into Tibetan in first half of the 7th century (this seems a
Chimpa, THBI, p. 29 n. Name of a Kashmir dragon.
Āḷāra Kālāma
Nakamura, p. 18.
Mookerji, Ancient, p. 386. One of the pre-Enlightenment teachers of the
Name of a donor. Linrothe, Holy Madness, p. 189.
EoB. EoB, vol. 4, p. 64.
See under Hattaka.
Alexander. K.R. Norman, Aśokan Envoys and Buddhist Missionaries,
contained in: Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, pp. 69-81, at p. 70.
— Jñānasāgara.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 177. An Islamic yoga text in Bengali, combining Sufi
and Vaiṣṇava and Nāth ideas.
Mahāsiddha listed in Haṭhayogapradīpikā, chap. 1, verse 7. See also
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 203, note 2.
*Ālokavajra (Snang ba'i rdo rje)
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 125.7.
Shaw, PE, p. 80.
Blue Annals, p. 368.
Author, from Buṇḍelkand, of the Nāna inscription of 1287. Sternbach,
Sources, p. 471. He has nothing to do with other persons known with
similar names.
Amaracandra (*'Chi med zla ba)
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 216.
In list of South Asian pundits in Bu ston's History (1989), p. 281.4.
In list of Later Spread (Phyi dar) period pundits in Tibet contained in Zhu
chen, Bstan 'gyur dkar chag, p. 161, lines 9-10 (A ma ra tsandra).
KCDS, p. 116. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to Potala.
'Chi med zla ba is named as the author of this Abhidharmasamuccaya
Amaradatta (*'Chi med sbyin)
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxx.
Amaragomin (Go mi 'chi med)
Rngog Blo ldan shes rab studied with him, and together they translated
the Abhisamayālaṅkāra. Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 215.
According to Lde'u history, he was present at the council of 1076.
Amarajati (A ma ra dza ti)
Tucci, TPS, p. 278. Newar artist.
Olivelle, Pañcatantra, p. xii. King of Mahilāropya.
The personal seal of a person by this name was found at Nālandā.
Hiranand Sastri, Nālandā, p. 57.
Amarasiṃha ('Chi med seng ge)
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 225, 227. Pollock in Pollock, LCH, p. 42, dates him
to shortly after the 4th century.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1509.
Hahn, HG, p. 27.
Verhagen, HSGL, vol. 2, p. 156.
He also composed some verses preserved in anthologies. Sternbach,
Sources, p. 457.
— Amarakoṣa ('Chi ba med pa'i mdzod). Tôh. no. 4299.
Derge Tanjur, vol. SE, folios 126v.1-243r.7. Tr. by
Kīrticandra and Yar lungs pa Grags pa rgyal mtshan.
Revised by Dharmapālabhadra. In grammar (sgra mdo)
Derge colophon: paṇḍi ta chen po kīrti tsandra'i zhal snga nas / yar lung
ba grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis bal yul yam bu'i grong khyer du bsgyur
ba'o // gang yin pa / de bzhin gshegs pa nyid kyis bka' stsal te // de skad
gsung ba'i tshul can dge sbyong che // // shu bhaṃ mastu sarba dza ga
tāṃ / slad nas 'gos lo tsā ba dge slong shrī dharma pā la bha dra zhes
bgyi bas / rgya dpe dang 'gyur rnying la gtugs te / don la ci nus dpyad de
'gyur bde bar bgyis pa'o // sna tshogs dngos po rnams kyi mngon brjod
pa // rin chen 'byung gnas la 'gran bstan bcos 'di // sngon gyi paṇḍi ta
dang lo tsā bas // gangs can skad du bsgyur ba'i rjes su yang // ma dag
dka' ba rnams // gtsug lag dpang po bgyis te ci nus bcos // slad nas 'jig
rten mig mchog rnams kyis kyang // 'grel dang bstun nas byi dor rnam
dag zhu // sarba mangga laṃ.
Note: The correct spelling of the title, according to the author's own rules
(3.3.221), would be Amarakoṣa, although the spelling Amarakośa later
became the rule.
Satis Chandra Vidyābhūṣaṇa, Amarakoṣa and Its Tibetan Translation
'Chi med mdzod, "A metrical dictionary of the Sanskrit language by
Amarasiṃha with its Tibetan translation made by Mahāpaṇḍita
Kīrticandra and Yar-lungs Lo-tsā-ba Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan," Sherab
Gyaltsen Lama (Gangtok 1984), reprint of Calcutta : Asiatic Society of
Bengal, 1911-1912.
Unfortunately no indexed version of this extremely important source of
Tibskrit vocabulary has ever been done (i.e., never one that includes the
Tibetan). However, Lozang Jamspal has announced that he is doing
this (based on Si tu Paṇ chen's version), and it should appear before
Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Cósha, or Dictionary of the Sanscrit
Language by Amera Sinha, with an English Interpretation and
Annotations (Serampore 1808).
Amarakocha ou Vocabulaire d'Amarasinha, A Loiseleur
Deslongchamps (Paris 1839-1845), published in two parts, with
Sanskrit, French translation, notes and index.
Amarakośa, with the Commentary of Maheśvara, enlarged by
Raghunath Shastri Talekar, edited with an index by Chintamani Shastri
Thatte under the superintendence of F. Kielhorn (Bombay 1882), 1st
edition 1877.
The Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana {Amarakosha} of Amarasimha, with the
Commentary {Amarakoshodghātana} of Kṣīrasvāmin, ed. by Krishnaji
Govind Oka (Poona 1913).
'Chi med mdzod (Amarakoṣa). Tibetan translation by Kīrticandra and
Yar lungs Lo tsā ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan. IASWR fiche set XII under
Slob dpon 'chi med seng ges mdzad pa'i ming dang rtags rjes su bstan
pa'i bstan bcos 'chi med mdzod ces bya ba'i gzhung skad gnyis shan
sbyar ba(Dehradun 1968), in 185 pages (modern book format) IASWR
fiche no. R-1109. A bilingual edition. This is a recopying of the Derge
edition of the revised translation done in 1764 by Si tu Chos kyi snang
ba (1700-1775), and therefore the Derge edition itself would most likely
be preferable.
The Amarakośa in Tibet, Satapitaka Series no. 38. I'm not sure what is
actually in this volume, which couldn't be located in the IASWR fiche
collections (it should have been at no. R-1121, but is not).
Mngon brjod kyi bstan bcos 'chi ba med pa'i mdzod. Oriental Institute
Library, St. Petersburg. B8646/14 (woodblock print in 113 folios) and
B8927/1 (print in 389 folios, apparently bilingual). B8646/14 contains
the following informative colophon: paṇḍi ta chen po kīrti tsandra'i zhal
snga nas dang / yar lung pa grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis bal yul dbu'i
grong khyer du bsgyur ba las slad nas bsod nams chen po'i dpal gyi
'dzin ma'i khyon yangs par stobs kyi 'khor los bsgyur ba'i sa skyong chen
po // mi 'phrog pa'i mkhyen rab dkar po dri ma med pa dang ldan pas /
mtha' yas pa'i shes bya'i bya lam yangs pa la thogs pa med cing / khyad
par bde bar gshegs pa'i gsung rab thams cad kyi phul du gyur pa dpal
dus kyi 'khor lo'i phyi nang gzhan gsum gyi tshul rnam par 'byed pa la /
dpal shambha la'i yul gyis bcu pa'i sprul pa'i sku rigs ldan padma dkar po
slar yang gangs can khrod pa'i dpal mgon du bsam bzhin du skye ba
bzhes pa lta bu'i mi'i dbang po chen po shākya rgyal mtshan dpal bzang
po'i zhal snga nas mkhas pa rnams kyi yid brtan par 'os pa'i bstan bcos
'di'i / rgya gar gyi skad dang bod kyi skad zung du sbyar ba / ma 'khrugs
shing thad sor sbyor ba / kun gyis go bde ba zhig gi glegs bam gsal bar
bsgrub shig ces bka' gnang ba la brten nas / bstan bcos 'di'i rgya dpe
gnyis dang bod dpe 'gyur snying yar lung ba grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis
bsgyur ba dang / 'gyur gsar yar lung pa grags pa mtha' yas kyis mkhyen
rab kyi dbang phyug dpal stag lung thang pa chen po ngag gi dbang
phyug grags pa'i zhal snga nas kyis bka' stsal pa bzhin bsgyur ba dang /
'grel ba'i rgya dpe dang bod dpe'i dum bu ji ltar rnyed pa la gtugs te /
bod la mkho che ba rnams legs par btus shing / phan tshun ya 'dres pa /
rgya bod kyi skad thad sor sbyar zhing / rgya dpe dang snga 'gyur la yod
pa'i rtags ngos 'dzin pa'i tshig rnams dang / bod la nye bar mi mkho
zhing go dka' ba 'ga' zhig bor te / rang gis ji ltar rtogs pa rnams gsal bar
sbyar la / rgya gar gyi skad rnams rgya dpe las go rim bzhin bris na /
bod skad dang 'byor dka' bar snang bas rnam dbye dang kha skong gi
tshig bor nas sdeb sbyor spang te kun gyi go sla bar bris pa 'di'i byed pa
po ni / legs par sbyar ba'i skad kyi brda sprod pa'i bstan bcos kā la pa
dang tsandra pa cha lag dang bcas pa rnams cha shas tsam rig pa / zha
lu lo tsā ba dge slong chos skyong bzang po zhes bgyi ba'o // shu bha
ma stu dza ga tam / de yang rje 'jam dbyangs bzhad pa mdo smad du
byon nas dgung lo re bdun dang re brgyad pa'i lo snga phyir / 'chi med
mdzod kyi 'gyur rnying la hor khrungs su lus pa dang / 'gyur skyon
kyang 'ga' re 'dug gsungs nas na ga ra'i dpe zhig la brten nas 'go 'jug
tshad ma bsgyur bar mdzad / ces rnam thar las 'byur ba ltar / skyabs
mgon sku phreng gnyis pa'i drung nas na ga ra'i yi ge shan sbyar gyi
phyag dpe ngo ma byung ba par du sgrub rtsis kyis zhus dag pa la gtad
kyang thog tu ma khel / 'chi med mdzod dpal ldan zla bas kyang sgron
gsal du khungs su drangs pa'i gzhung tshad ldan dang / lhag par kun
mkhyen bla mas 'gyur bcos gnang ba gal che snyam nas phyis su rtsar
bcad pas mkhas dbang dbyig kya {?} rab 'byams pa 'jam dbyangs dpal
ldan pa'i dpe tsam las gzhan ma byung la / der yar lung lo tsā ba grags
pa rgyal mtshan dang / / yar lung pa grags pa mtha' yas gnyis kyi 'gyur
la zhwa lu lo tsā ba chos skyong bzang pos 'gyur bcos mdzad pa nyid
gzhir bzhag 'dug kyang de'i dpe zur ba gzhan yang ma rnyed pas de
dang mi 'dra ba'i lhag khyad dang / 'go 'jug rdzogs ma rdzogs kyi zhib
cha ma nges / 'on kyang ma dpe gcig bu de yang chu zos dogs nas
mchan bu dang tshig gi gcod 'tshams kyi rtags sogs de na gang yod sor
bzhag la zhu dag phran tshegs byas nas par du bkod pa yin pas slar
yang don du gnyer zhing rnam dpyod kyi rtsal dang ldan pa dag gis kun
mkhyen bla ma'i phyag dben ga ra'i yi ge shan sbyar nyid 'bad pas btsal
nas bsdur rgyu byung na shin tu legs so.
Robert Birwé, The Amarakośa and the Lexicographical Chapters of the
Agnipurāna, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 96, no. 3
(1976), pp. 383-403. This has outlines of the contents with information
on the various editions, on the commentators (Kṣīrasvāmin,
Sarvānanda, Liṅgayasūrin, Mallinātha Rāyamukuṭa, Bhāruji Dīkṣita
[Rāmāśrama]) and on the Tibetan translation. The Tibetan version
divides the first kāṇḍa into 2 vargas, those of heaven and hell (other
versions give 9, 10, or 12 vargas).
Gaṇapati Shāstrī, ed., The Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana of Amarasiṃha,
Trivandrun 1915). There is a commentary on this by Sarvānanda
entitled Ṭīkāsarvasva. See Hahn, HG, p. 27.
EoB, with a discussion of content. The original name of the book, given
by the author, was Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana. People date it somewhere
between 400 and 600 CE.
KCDS, p. 15. Palmleaf Sanskrit manuscript in 161 folios belonging to
the Nor bu gling ka. See also p. 49 for the strange title Amaramālāvṛṃ
(title translated into Tibetan as 'Chi med mdzod), with the note: A ma ra
ko ṣa 'di dpyal lo tsā ba chos bzang gi phyag dpe stong 'gyur gyi mchan
lo tsā ba byang 'bum gyis btab pa yin mkhan chen ma hā lo tsā ba
gsung. Apparently this was the personal copy of Dpyal Lo, with notes
added by his apprentice Byang chub 'bum.
KCDS, p. 90. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Title given as Nāmaliṅgasaṃgraha (in Tibetan, 'Chi med
mdzod). Probably the same (?) as the text listed with the title
Ākhyayisarvanāmaliṅgāḥ at KCDS, p. 151: a 35-folio Sanskrit palmleaf
manuscript now belonging to the Potala, formerly from Ngor Monastery.
— Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana. This is just another name for the
Amarakoṣa (the name the author originally gave for it).
Appears in lineages of haṭhayoga which were transmitted by Jābir, as
practiced in Tibet. See Walter, Jābir I.
Amaru, Amaruka
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, pp. lxx-lxxi.
Das Amaruçataka in seinen Rezensionen dargestellt, mit einer
Einleitung und Auszūgen zus den Commentatoren versehen, ed. by
Richard Simon (Kiel 1893).
Tucci, TPS, pp. 216, 728.
Ambakhādaka Mahātissa
EoB. Also called Ambapālikā, Āmrapālī or Āmrapālikā. A courtesan in
Vesāli in time of Buddha.
Banerjee, SL, p. 199.
"Amara-Skydngma" (A ma ra skyong ma?). Korosi, LTB, p. 83.
Brahmin of Roca. Sylvain Lévi, Une légende du Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka en
langue tokharienne, contained in: Festschrift Wilhelm Thomsen,
Harrassowitz (Leipzig 1912), pp. 155-165.
MSL, p. 275 ff.
Sherburne, pp. 9, 155.
Ambedkar, Babasaheb
Eleanor Zelliot (b. 1926), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the
Untouchable Movement, Blumoon Books (New Delhi 2004), in 278 pp.
Based on the author's doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
Sylvain Lévi, Notes sur l'Inde à l'époque d'Alexandre, Journal Asiatique
(February-March 1890), pp. 234-240.
*Amitābha ('Od dpag med)
— Śrīkṛṣṇavajrapādadohākoṣaṭīkā (Dpal nag po rdo rje zhabs
kyi do ha mdzod kyi rgya cher 'grel pa). Tôh. no. 2302.
Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHI, folios 230r.6-242v.7. Although no
translator is given here, we may know that it was translated
by Vairocanavajra by looking in the Peking Tanjur
catalogue. This is a commentary on the text that
immediately precedes it.
Derge colophon: dpal nag po rdo rje'i do ha mdzod kyi 'grel pa paṇḍi ta
'od dpag med kyis mdzad pa rdzogs so.
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-91). A 31-folio manuscript.
*Amitābhavajra (Snang ba mtha' yas rdo rje)
— Pratikarahṛdayaśatanāma (Go bar byed pa'i snying po
brgya pa'i ming). Tôh. no. 1267. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA,
folios 25v.2-28v.4.
Amitavajra (Dpag med rdo rje)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 305.
Templeman, SIL, p. 25 (disciple of Kalyāṇanātha), 44.
Templeman, TLK, p. 83.
Moriguchi, p. 106. Yogāmbarasādhanopāyikā.
— Cakrasaṃvarasahajatattvāloka (Dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i
lhan cig skyes pa'i de kho na nyid snang ba). Tôh. no.
1504. Derge Tanjur, vol. ZHA, folios 271r.4-272r.3. Tr. by
Dīpaṅkararakṣita and Mar pa Chos kyi dbang phyug.
— Śrīkṛṣṇavajrapādānāṃ dohākoṣasya ṭīkā.
KCDS, p. 82. Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript now belonging to the
Potala. Tibetan version of the title given as Dpal nag po rdo rjes mdzad
pa'i do hā mdzod kyi 'grel pa. Note gives author as Dpal Dpag med rdo
Amogha (A mo gha)
Name of an Indian siddha who prophesied at the birth of Khyung po
Rnal 'byor.
Amogha (Don yod, A mo gha), Yüan agent
Diemberger, White Crystal, folios 6 verso, 7 recto, 8 verso, 17 recto, 37
verso, 38 verso. Son of Sa skya Dpon chen Dkon mchog bzang po. He
later became himself Sa skya Dpon chen. Received title of Duke (Gung)
from the Mongols.
*Amogha (Don yod pa)
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 231.
— Bhagavanmañjuśrīghoṣakrodhayamāntakahomavidhi
(Bcom ldan 'das 'jam dpal dbyangs kyi khro bo gshin rje
gshed po'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2669. Derge
Tanjur, vol. TU, folios 178r.1-181v.2.
— Maṇḍalavidhi (Dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 1983.
Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 166r.1-171v.4. Tr. by the
author and Rwa Rdo rje grags.
Derge colophon: dpal 'jam pa'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho
ga slob dpon chen po dpal don yod pa'i zhabs kyis mdzad pa rdzogs so
// // paṇḍi ta de nyid dang / lo tsā ba rdo rje grags kyis bsgyur ba'o.
— Mañjuśrīguhyatantramaṇḍalavidhi ('Phags pa 'jam dpal
gsang ba'i rgyud kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2667.
Derge Tanjur, vol. TU, folios 172r.6-178r.1.
Amogha the Junior (A mo gha chung ba)
— Bhai ra ba'i zhi ba'i bya ba bdun pa. Tôh. no. 2001. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 204v.1-208r.1.
Derge colophon: bhi ra ba'i zhi ba'i bya ba bdun pa / paṇḍi ta a mo gha
chung bas mdzad pa rdzogs so. This and several following texts form a
group (and might even be considered 'one' text).
EoB under "Bhairavaśāntikarmasaptaka." Has summary.
— Drag po'i bya ba bdun pa. Tôh. no. 2002. Derge Tanjur,
vol. MI, folios 208r.1-212r.4.
Derge colophon: drag po'i 'khor lo'i las rdzogs so.
— Nīlāmbaradharavajrapāṇiroṣaṇasādhana (Phyag na rdo rje
gos sngon po can gtum po zhes bya ba'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 2934. Derge Tanjur, vol. NU, folios 344v.2-345r.2. Tr.
by Devapūrṇamati and Chos kyi bzang po).
Amoghapāśa (Don yod zhags pa)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 193.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 168.3 (Dge slong A mo gha pā sha). He
belonged to the eastern transmission of Vajraśekhara originated by
Amoghasiddhi (15th century)
A Tibetan of Yar 'brog. Apparently he was not a monk, but belonged to a
local ruling family in Yar 'brog. Group of 30 letters addressed to him in
Ehrhard, BC, [1] folios 68-103, [5] folios 25-46. The second group of
letters are less formal in tone, but contain much of a yogic nature,
instructions on postures and visualizations, etc. I believe he is identical
to the 1453 biographer of Bo dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal. As such he is
also called 'Jigs med 'bangs. He was younger brother of Yar 'brog Khri
dpon Kun dga' rgyal mtshan.
Lévi, Nouveau document, p. 418. He is in Siddha lineage following
Dhyāyīpā. He has the title Mahāpaṇḍita. Perhaps 12th century.
Amoghavajra (Don yod rdo rje), Indian in China, 704-774 CE.
Tôh. nos. 1745, 1746, 1982, 1987, 1997, 2011, 3738.
The famous Vajrayāna teacher in China by this name lived 704-774.
Nakamura, p. 335.
Chimpa, THBI, p. 305.
Templeman, SIL, p. 66.
Templeman, TLK, p. 83.
Shaw, PE, p. 33.
Lancaster, PRS, p. 108.
Rolf W. Giebel, The Chin-kang-ting ching yü-ch'ieh shih-pa-hui
chih-kuei: An Annotated Translation, Journal of the Naritasan Institute
for Buddhist Studies, vol. 18 (1995), pp. 179-182.
Raffaello Orlando, A Study of Chinese Documents Concerning the Life
of the Tantric Buddhist Patriarch Amoghavajra (A.D. 705-774), doctoral
dissertation, Princeton University (1981).
For the intriguing idea that he was a disciple of Mañjśrīmitra, see
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 379.
In list of Later Spread (Phyi dar) period pundits in Tibet contained in Zhu
chen, Bstan 'gyur dkar chag, p. 161, line 11 (Don yod rdo rje).
Blue Annals, pp. 163, 396, 729, 1042.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 361, 500.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1501.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 115, 145-146, 198, 204.
Tucci, TPS, pp. 222, 224 ff.
EoB. Lengthy biographical sketch. Other name: Amoghajñāna. At 14,
he met Vajrabodhi in Yavadvīpa (Java) and came with him to China.
Woodward, EBSA, pp. 338-339.
Stog Palace catalogue, pp. 267, 284.
He is called an Indo-Sogdian monk, with the Chinese form of his name
being Bukongjin'gang, in Sen, Revival, p. 32.
Stearns, Luminous Lives, pp. 56, 193, 208.
A mo gha ba dzra, the Vajrayāna teacher in China. Sngon gyi gtam me
tog gi phreng ba, "A 13th-century source on history of Tibetan kings and
rulers by Ne'u Pandi ta Grags pa smon lam blo gros, with other rare
historical texts from the library of Burmiok Athing," T.D. Densapa,
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala 1985), p. 534.
Charles Orzech, The Legend of the Iron Stūpa, contained in: Donald S.
Lopez, ed., Buddhism in Practice, Princeton University Press (Princeton
1995), pp. 314-317.
Pachow, VBM, pp. 17-19.
Mookerji, Ancient, pp. 607-608.
Amoghavajra (Don yod rdo rje), Indian siddha in India and Tibet,
circa 11th century.
Grub thob A mo gha ba dzra See Padma dkar po, Chos 'byung, pp. 394,
502. Both Ras chung pa and 'Brog mi studied with him in India. In
Tibetan he may be referred to as Don yod rdo rje Chung ba ('the lesser').
Came to Tibet near the beginning of the 11th century, invited by Ba ri
Rin chen grags. He is also known as Rdo rje gdan pa Chung ba. Zhang
Lo, although old, heard teachings from him. His disciple Skyo 'Od 'byung
founded the Skyo lugs for the Gshed skor. Mtshan tho, no. 52.
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 875.
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, pp. 219 (invited to Tibet by Pha ri Rin chen
grags), 221 (invited by Shes rab bla ma).
See discussion in Schaeffer, AI, p. 520 ff. He did autotranslations (rang
'gyur) of texts related to the Amṛtasiddhi (and many of these are
included in the Peking Tanjur; Schaeffer lists the titles on his p. 531.).
In list of South Asian pundits in Bu ston's History (1989), p. 281.4.
— Amṛtasaṅkaṭanibarhaṇa ('Chi med kyi 'phran sel). Listed
on Cordier catalogue (not in Tôh.).
— Amṛtasiddhiguhyavajrajāpa ('Chi med grub pa'i gsang ba
rdo rje bzlas pa). In Cordier catalogue.
— Amṛtasiddhināḍiviviktapradhānavyañjana ('Chi med grub
pa'i rtsa dben pa'i yig sna). In Cordier catalogue, not in
vyañjana ('Chi med grub pa'i rtsa mdud brgyad 'grol ba'i
'khrul 'khor gyi yig sna). In Cordier catalogue (not in Tôh.).
— Amṛtasiddhipañcadhātūpadeśa ('Chi med grub pa'i khams
lnga'i man ngag). Translated by the author.
EoB. Listed in Cordier catalogue.
— Amṛtasiddhisaṃvaracaturyantrapradhānavyañjana ('Chi
med grub pa'i sdom pa bzhi'i 'khrul 'khor gyi yig sna).
EoB. Listed in Cordier catalogue.
— Amṛtasiddhisaptadaśavastuvyavasthāna ('Chi med grub
pa'i dngos gzhi bcu bdun gyi rnam par bzhag pa).
EoB. Listed in Cordier catalogue.
— Amṛtasiddhiśukraviviktadoṣapratikāropadeśa ('Chi med
grub pa'i thig le dben pa'i skyon bcos thabs kyi man ngag).
EoB. Listed in Cordier catalogue.
— Amṛtasiddhyaṣṭaviviktakāyaviviktadoṣapratikāra ('Chi med
grub pa'i dben pa brgyad las lus dben pa'i skyon btses thab
[?]). Tr. by the author.
— Amoghasiddhivṛtti ('Chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa).
EoB. Listed in Cordier. It seems that the Sanskrit title should be, to
follow the Tibetan, rather Amṛtasiddhivṛtti.
— Gaṇapatidhāraṇī.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 373, n. 2.
— Gaṇapatiguhyasādhana (Tshogs kyi bdag po gsang ba'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3738. Derge Tanjur, vol. TSHU,
folios 73v.2-74v.5. Tr. by Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna and Nag tsho
Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
— Gaṇapatistotra (Tshogs kyi bdag po la bstod pa).
According to Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 159, this is found in Peking Tanjur
supplement volume, no. 4866.
— Karmamudrāparīkṣopadeśa (Las kyi phyag rgya brtag pa'i
man ngag). Tôh. no. 1746. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA, folios
116r.3-117v.5. Tr. by the author and 'Gos Lhas btsas.
— Mahāvajrabhairavahomavidhi (Rdo rje 'jigs byed chen po'i
sbyin sreg gi cho ga). Tôh. no. 1997. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MI, folios 193v.5-196v.3. Tr. by Rwa Rdo rje grags.
Derge colophon: dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi drag po'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga
a mo gha badzras mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rwa rdo rje grags kyis bsgyur
— Rjes chags kyi sbyor bas de kho na nyid kyi rnal 'byor la 'jug
pa'i man ngag. Tôh. no. 1745. Derge Tanjur, vol. SHA,
folios 113v.2-116r.3. Tr. by the author and 'Gos Lhas
— Vajrabhairavasādhanakarmopacārasattvasaṅgraha (Dpal
rdo rje 'jigs byed sgrub pa'i thabs dang las bya ba'i cho ga
sems dpa' bsdus pa). Tôh. no. 1982. Derge Tanjur, vol.
MI, folios 159v.5-166r.7. Solo tr. by the author. Revised by
Mañjuśrījñāna and Rong zom Chos kyi bzang po. Further
revised by Phyug mtshams Dbang phyug rgyal po.
Derge colophon: dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi sgrub thabs / ā tsarya don
yod rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // nyid kyi rang 'gyur ro // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po manydzu shrī dznyā na dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba rong zom chos
kyi bzang pos bsgyur cing / slar yang phyug mtshams dbang phyug
rgyal pos bsgyur cing gtan la yang dag par phab pa'o.
— Vajrabhairavastuti (Dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi bstod pa).
Tôh. no. 2011. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 219v.2-220r.5.
Tr. by the author and Shes rab bla ma.
Derge colophon: dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi bstod pa paṇḍi ta don yod
rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // paṇḍi ta de nyid dang / zhang lo gsā ba
shes rab bla mas bsgyur ba'o.
See Namdol, Catuḥstava, p. 117, where it would seem to say that this is
the title immediately following Tôh 2008, which is neglected in the
Tôhoku catalogue (note that 2010 is given the same title, too).
— Vajrapadavibheda (Rdo rje'i tshig rnam par dbye ba). Tôh.
no. 1987. Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 183r.3-184v.6.
Derge colophon: rgyud dang man ngag thams cad kyi don phyogs gcig
tu bsdebs mtshan ma gyen 'greng thig le'i 'khrul 'khor gyi man ngag //
rdo rje tshig rnam par dbye ba zhes bya ba / rgya gar shar phyogs kyi
paṇḍi ta a mo gha badzras mdzad pa rdzogs so.
*Amoghavarṣa, or Amoghodaya (Don yod 'char)
"Amoghavarśa was a ruler of the Rāṣṭrakūṭa dynasty in the Deccan, and
he is probably identical with Amoghavarṣa I, who ascended the throne in
ca. 814 A.D. after the death of Govinda III. He is said to have abdicated
his throne for becoming a monk." Suniti Kumar Pathak,
Vimala-praśnottara-ratnamālā (with Tibetan Version), Journal of the
Greater India Society, vol. 17, nos. 1-2 (1958), pp. 92-113, at p. 94.
— Vimalapraśnottararatnamālā (Dri ma med pa'i dris lan rin po
che'i phreng ba). Tôh. no. 4333 (also, 4499). Derge
Tanjur, vol. NGO, folios 126r.6-127v.6. Tr. by
Kamalagupta and Rin chen bzang po.
There are a large number of ideas about the authorship of this work, on
which see Pathak in Mishra, GSBL, p. 82, as well as the introduction to
the text by Pathak listed below. The author may be the king
Amoghavarṣa I, who was enthroned in about 814. Davidson, IEB, p. 55,
says he dates to ca. 814-880.
A nice script edition of both the Sanskrit and the Tibetan is found in
Suniti Kumar Pathak, Vimala-praśnottara-ratnamālā (with Tibetan
Version), Journal of the Greater India Society, vol. 17, nos. 1-2 (1958),
pp. 92-113. Pathak is of the opinion that the element "Vimala" in the title
indicates authorship by Vimalacandra, to whom some Jains attributed
the work.
Bu ston's History (1989), Catalogue Section, p. 341.6: snyan dngags
mkhan don yod 'char gyis mdzad pa'i dri ma med pa'i dris lan rin po che'i
phreng ba.
See the discussion in Sternbach, IWSI, p. 105. The original would seem
to be Jaina, not Buddhist.
Amoghasiddhi, the Paṇḍita
A biography by Kun dga' grol mchog is listed in BLP, no. 1275.
Ras chung snyan rgyud gsar ma, compiled by 'Brug chen III 'Jam
dbyangs chos kyi grags pa (1478-1523), Khampa Gar Sungrab Nyamso
Gyunphel Parkhang (Tashijong 1985), vol. 1, p 71.
EoB. A laywoman donor in early Kuṣāṇa times, known from an
See D.D. Kausambi, The Basis of Ancient Indian History (II), Journal of
the American Oriental Society, vol. 75, no. 4 (October 1955), pp.
226-237, at p. 226, which says that he was a general under
Candragupta who in 409-410 purchased a village for the support of
Buddhist monks at Sāñcī.
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 8, 310, 312.
Āmrapāli (A mras bskyangs ma)
Banerjee, SL, p. 95.
Siglinde Dietz, Sanskrit Fragments of the Abhidharmaśāstra
Kāraṇaprajñapti, contained in: Heinz Bechert, et al., eds.,
Untersuchungen zur buddhistischen Literatur II, Vandehoeck and
Ruprecht (Göttingen 1997), pp. 95-120, at p. 117.
Schmidt, Interdisciplinary, p. 77.
Amṛta (Ma shi ba)
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 109.
Blue Annals, p. 22.
Amṛtā (Bdud rtsi ma)
Sørensen, TBH, pp. 49, 52.
Blue Annals, p. 12.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxxi.
He requested Advayavajra to compose one of his works.
Amṛtaguhya (Bdud rtsi gsang ba)
Chimpa, THBI, p. 288.
Nakamura, p. 242.
EoB. Says he fled India for Tibet (?).
— Catuḥstavasamāsārtha. Commentary on the Catuḥstava.
Sanskrit palmleaf manuscript from Ngor Monastery edited in Tucci,
MBT, pp. 233-246. Tucci has nothing to say about the identity of the
author. His name could be translated into Tibetan as *Bdud rtsi 'byung
Nakamura, p. 242.
Altekar, SLT, p. 58.
EoB (a writer who compiled the work listed below, and a recent different
writer who 'completed' the Buddhacarita).
Claus Vogel, On the Exact Date of Amṛtānanda's Recension of
Aśvaghoṣa's Buddhacarita, Indo-Iranian Journal, vol. 14 (1972), pp.
He composed 365 ślokas in order to 'complete' the Buddhacaritā in its
Sanskrit version. He did this in Nepal in 1830. One named
Rāmacandradāsa Śāstrī also attempted to reconstitute the missing parts
of the Sanskrit. Mishra, MSBP, pp. 224-225.
He was the pundit collaborator of Brian Hodgson in Nepal in the 1820's.
He is said to have written a history of Nepal in Sanskrit, which was
translated into Persian (existing now in manuscript only). See Donald S.
Lopez, Jr., The Ambivalent Exegete: Hodgson's Contributions to the
Study of Buddhism, contained in: David M. Waterhouse, ed., The
Origins of Himalayan Studies: Brian Houghton Hodgson in Nepal and
Darjeeling 1820-1858, Routledge Curzon (London 2004), pp. 49-76; .
Harihar Raj Joshi, Brian Houghton Hodgson: The Unsung Story,
contained in: David M. Waterhouse, ed., Ibid., pp. 39-48.
— Naipālīyadevatākalyāṇapañcaviṃśatikā. 25 stanzas for
Nepalese deities.
Winternitz, vol. 2, p. 364.
Moriguchi, p. 44: Candomṛtalatā.
BSM, p. 12 (MBB-II-55), with the title Kalyāṇapañcaviṃśati. A 10-folio
BSM, p. 25 (MBB-III-21), with the title Kalyāṇapañcaviṃśati, in 20 folios.
Amṛtaprabha (Bdud rtsi 'od)
A Maharṣi. Lokesh Chandra, Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary, pp. 388, 402.
Banerji-Sastri, Inscriptions, p. 239. Monk (bhikṣu) who had made an
image. The inscription says he is a descendent of Suśilanara.
Amṛtodana (Bdud rtsi zas)
Sørensen, TBH, p. 52.
Blue Annals, p. 12, 13.
Bagchi, Twelve, p. 35. Uncle of Siddhārtha, and father of both
Devadatta and Ānanda.
Aṃśuvarman ('Od zer go cha)
Sørensen, TBH, pp. 199-200, 544. Nepalese king.
Rerikh. King of Nepal, father of one of the wives of Srong btsan sgam
An Fa-ch'in
Nattier, OUFT, p. 42.
An Shigao
A Parthian, he began to be active as a translator of Buddhist texts into
Chinese in 148/9 CE.
Stefano Zacchetti, An Early Chinese Translation Corresponding to
Chapter 6 of the Peṭakopadesa; An Shigao's Yin chi ru ring, T 603, and
Its Indian Original, a Preliminary Study, Bulletin of the School of Oriental
and African Studies, vol. 65 (2002), p. 74.
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, On the School Affiliation of An Shigao:
Sarvāstivāda and Yogācāra. Unpublished paper given at Leiden in 1996.
Florin Deleanu, A Preliminary Study of An Shigao's Translation of the
Yogācārabhūmi, Journal of the Department of Liberal Arts, Kansai
Medical University, vol. 17 (1997), pp. 33-52.
Florin Deleanu, An Shigao and the History of the Anban shouyi jing [Part
One], Ronsô Ajia no bunka to shisô, no. 2 (1993), pp. 1-47.
Arthur E. Link, Evidence for Doctrinal Continuity of Han Buddhism from
the Second through the Fourth Centuries: The Prefaces of An Shih-kao
Grand Sūtra on Mindfulness of the Respiration and K'ang Seng-hui's
Introduction to the "Perfection of Dhyāna," contained in: James B.
Parsons, ed., Papers in Honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham: A
Festschrift for his Seventy-fifth Birthday, Chinese Materials Center (San
Francisco 1976), pp. 55-126.
Tilman Vetter and Paul Harrison, An Shigao's Chinese Translation of
the Saptasthānasūtra, contained in: Sūryacandrāya (Swisttal-Odendorf
1998), pp. 197-216.
Antonino Forte, An Shih-kao: biografia e note critiche, Annali dell'Istituto
Orientale di Napoli, vol. 28 (1968), pp. 151-194.
Antonino Forte, The Hostage An Shigao and His Offspring: An Iranian
Family in China, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Scuola di Studi sull'Asia
Orientale (Kyoto 1995).
EoB under "An Shih-kao."
Nattier, OUFT, p. 42.
Pachow, VBM, pp. 3-4. Suggests his name might be Sanskritized as
Pārthamaśiri. Father was King Pakor of Parthia.
In list of 12 Nāths according to Kāpālika school. See Dasgupta, ORC, p.
A Buddha image bears a (ca. 11th century) inscription saying dānaṃ srī
pāvakasya āṇakasya, "Donation of the illustrious saint Āṇaka. See
Rangan Kanti Jana, A Note on an Inscribed Image of Dhyānī Buddha,
Journal of the Asiatic Society (Kolkota), vol. 45, no. 1 (2003), pp. 46-47.
A nāga maiden. EoB.
Name of a king of Tāladhvaja. EoB.
Ānanda (Kun dga')
Most famous disciple of the Buddha.
Chimpa, THBI, index.
Sørensen, TBH, index.
Haṭhayogapradīpikā, chap. 1, verse 4.
Sometimes this appears as a short form of the name of Jayānanda, the
Kashmiri who went to Tangut land (see article by van der Kuijp).
Persons with this name may be (and are) confused with Kha che (or
Bram ze) Ananta, q.v.
Blue Annals, pp. 12, 15, 20, 22, 346, 869, 1032, 1051.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 21, 35, 310-311, 344.
Davidson, IEB, p. 194.
Nakamura, pp. 20, 100, 119, 139.
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 175.
An exemplary monk. Lancaster, Narratives, p. 118.
Ānanda, 12th century Pāli author
— Upāsakajanālaṅkāra.
Nakamura, p. 119.
Ānanda, the Newar
Lo Bue, Newar Scholars, p. 638.
See under Ananta, the Newar.
Ānanda, Ruddha (Ru ddha Ā na nta)
Taube, Beiträge, p. 57. Medicine student of Mnyam nyid rdo rje
*Ānandā, Bhikṣuṇī (Dge slong ma Kun dga' ma)
Schaik, EDGP, p. 197.
Templeman, APR, p. 44. A siddha.
In list of Mahāsiddhas taken from Haṭhayogapradīpikā. Dasgupta, ORC,
p. 203, note 2.
Ray, SBB, p. 78. Name of a king of Arakan in 11th century.
Blue Annals, p. 1053.
Ānandagarbha (An Indian from Bengal; Kun dga' snying po)
22 works listed in Tôh. Kun dga' snying po: Tôh. nos. 1662, 1917, 2509,
[i.e., 2510], 2511 through 2513, 2516 through 2519, [quite likely 2520],
2521, 2523, 2626, 2628, 2630 through 2633, 2635, 2638, 2644, 3661
(tr. by Rin chen bzang po).
Chimpa, THBI, pp. 284-286.
Blue Annals, pp. 352, 355, 373, 869.
Schaeffer, Crystal: Dngul sgong list no. 33 (Kun dga' snying po); absent
in the other three lists (although it is quite likely that his presence is
hidden under the second occurrence in all three lists of the name
Ānanda/Ananta [A nan ta]).
Gray, Eating, p. 59, discusses his dates, tentatively placing him within
the period of the reign of Devapāla (ca. 812-850).
In Vajrāsana's prayer in Egyed, Mahāsiddha no. 58 (Kun dga' snying
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, pp. 1434 (prophecy), 1474 (author of commentary
on De nyid 'dus pa, etc.), 1478. A second Ānandagarbha (Kun snying
gnyis) is mentioned as author of commentary on Ngan song sbyong
Moriguchi, pp. 88, 110, 132.
Tucci, TPS, p. 232.
An Ācārya from Magadha, who flourished in time of King Mahīpāla (ca.
988-1038 CE). Gustav Roth, Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya, K. P. Jayaswal
Research Institute (Patna 1970), p. xvi.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 121.7 ff., 168.2 (tells how his yogatantra
tradition split into three branches, called east south and central, with
names of persons belonging to each).
ra (Bcom ldan 'das de bzhin gshegs pa dgra bcom pa yang
dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas ngan song thams cad
yongs su sbyong ba gzi brjid kyi rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po
chen po'i rnam par bshad pa mdzes pa'i rgyan). Tôh. no.
2626. Derge Tanjur, vol. CHU, folios 1v.1-219v.6. Tr. by
Rin chen 'byung gnas bzang po.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 164.3.
EoB. According to this, the author is Vajravarman.
Wayman, Disputed, p. 208, ascribes this text to Vajravarman (the name
appears in the colophon). He may have been a Śrī Laṅkan teacher of
Ānandagarbha. Wayman believes the text is of Southeast Asian origins
(and the translator Rin chen 'byung gnas bzang po he takes to be Lo
chen Rin chen bzang po; I have no better idea to offer although I have
some doubts).
— Guhyasamājapañjikā (Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i dka' 'grel).
Tôh. no. 1917. Derge Tanjur, vol. BI, folios 1v.1-81r.7. Tr.
by Vijayaśrīdhara [Vijayaśrībhadra] and Rin chen bzang po.
Revised by Śraddhākaravarman.
Derge colophon: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku dang / gsung
dang / thugs kyi gsang ba 'dus pa zhes bya ba rtog pa'i rgyal po chen
po'i dka' 'grel slob dpon kun dga' snying pos mdzad pa rdzogs so // //
rgya gar gyi mkhan po bi dza ya shrī bha dra dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā
ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos bsgyur te / slad nas ā tsarya shraddha
ka ra war mas zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Gray, Eating, p. 59, with the title Guhyasamājamahātantrarājaṭīkā.
— Herukabhaṭtārakasādhana.
Bandurski, p. 76 (no. 15 in the list), author's name here given as
— Mārīcīdevīsādhana (Lha mo 'od zer can gyi sgrub thabs).
Tôh. no. 3661. Derge Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 265r.1-265r.7.
Tr. by Rin chen bzang po.
— Māyājālamahātantrarājaṭīkākhyā (Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen
po sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i rgya cher bshad pa). Tôh. no. 2513.
Derge Tanjur, vol. I, folios 192v.5-287v.1. Tr. by Rin chen
bzang po.
— Paramādiṭīkā (Dpal mchog dang po'i rgya cher bshad pa).
Tôh. no. 2512. Derge Tanjur, vol. SI, folios 49v.2-242r.7,
continued in vols. HI, folios 1v.1-352r.7 and vol. I, folios
1v.1-192v.5. Tr. by Śraddhākaravarman, Kamalagupta and
Rin chen bzang po. Revised by Mantrakalaśa and Zhi ba
Derge colophon (end of vol. SI): byang chub sems dang rgya chen shes
rab pha rol phyin 'byung ba'i // rgyud 'di bshad byas bdag gis dge ba
ttshad med gang bsags shing // shes rab pha rol phyin la kun dga'i
snying pos dge bskyed pas // 'jig rten ma lus khyab bdag chen po rdo rje
'dzin gyur cig // dpal mchog dang po las gsang ba'i shes rab kyi pha rol
tu phyin pa 'byung ba zhes bha ba / dum bu dang po'i phyag rgya bshad
pa rdzogs so // // sngags dgongs sgra yi tshig don rtogs dka' las // blo
gros brtson sogs rgyu dang mi ldan zhing // don bzhin sgrub pa phal
cher 'das pa na // nus gzhan bdag la spro ba'i sems med kyang // mya
ngam gnas kyi dpag bsam shing 'dra yi // snyigs dus mtha' 'khob gnas su
rje rgyal 'khrungs // chos don lhur mdzad kun la thugs brtse bas // don 'di
bsgrub phyir bla ma'i bka' yis bskul // rje yi bka' las mi 'da' gtsor bgyis te
// bka' drin blan zhing ci nas mnyes bya dang // yongs la phan dgongs
rgya chen bsgrub pa'i phyir // sngon mkhas rjes 'brangs rtsol ba gtugs te
bsgyur // de bas chos rjes 'brang ba'i dam pa rnams // yang dag don
btsal rjes su mos blo yis // chos mchog bka' drin dam pa shes byas la //
don bzhin dpyad pas bka' drin bsam pa'i rigs // rgya gar gyi mkhan po ā
tsarya shraddhā ka ra barmma dang / ka ma la gupta dang / zhu chen
gyi lo tsā ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la
phab pa'o.
Wayman, BI, p. 280.
— Paramādivivaraṇa (Dpal mchog dang po'i 'grel pa). Tôh.
no. 2511. Derge Tanjur, vol. SI, folios 1v.1-49v.2. Tr. by
Padmākaravarman and Rin chen bzang po.
Derge colophon: dpal mchog dang po las shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
pa'i dum bu'i 'grel pa / slob dpon kun dga' snying pos mdzad pa rdzogs
so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po padma ka ra barma dang / zhu chen gyi lo
tsā ba dge slong rin chen bzang pos bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab
— Prajñāpāramitāmaṇḍalavidhi (Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 2644. Derge Tanjur,
vol. JU, folios 247r.4-260r.7.
— Pratiṣṭhāvidhi (Spyan dbye ba'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 2521.
Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 127r.7-130r.5.
— Pratiṣṭhāvidhi (Rab tu gnas pa'i cho ga). Tôh. no. 2523.
Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 132v.5-138r.3. Tr. by
Śraddhākaravarman and Rin chen bzang po.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 156.2 has interesting comments about these
two texts, expressing doubts about their authenticity. He believes the
longer one was written by a Tibetan who added on to the shorter one
(and the shorter one is based on the Māyājālā, and not on the Vajradhātu
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanamahāmaṇḍalasādhana (Ngan
song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i dkyil 'khor chen po'i
sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 2630. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios
112v.1-124v.5. Tr. by Smṛtijñānakīrti.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanamaṇḍalasādhanavṛtti (Ngan song
thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi sgrub thabs
kyi 'grel pa). Tôh. no. 2638. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios
228r.2-238v.3. Authorship given with a questionmark.
BSM, p. 24 (MBB-III-10), has the title
Durgatipariśodhanamaṇḍalasādhana, a manuscript in 110 folios.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanamaṇḍalavidhi (Ngan song thams
cad yongs su sbyong ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga). Tôh. no.
2635. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 187r.5-199r.6. Tr. by
Buddhaśrīśānti and Rin chen bzang po.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanamaṇḍalavidhikṛpāvalī (Dpal ngan
song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga
thugs rje phreng ba). Tôh. no. 2631. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU,
folios 124v.5-156v.7. Tr. by Kiraṇākaravarman and
Khyung grags.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanamarahomavidhikarmakrama
(Ngan song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i shi ba'i sbyin
sreg gi cho ga'i las kyi rim pa). Tôh. no. 2633. Derge
Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 168r.2-179v.5. Tr. by
Śraddhākaravarman and Rin chen bzang po.
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanapretahomavidhi (Dpal ngan song
thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i ro'i sbyin sreg gi cho ga).
Tôh. no. 2632. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 157r.1-168r.2.
Tr. by Kanakavarman and Rin chen bzang po.
ksaṃbuddha-nāma-kalpaṭīkā (De bzhin gshegs pa dgra
bcom pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas ngan song
thams cad yongs su sbyong ba'i gzi brjid kyi rgyal po zhes
bya ba'i brtag pa'i bshad pa). Tôh. no. 2628. Derge Tanjur,
vol. JU, folios 1v.1-97r.7. Tr. by Kumārakalaśa and Khyung
po Chos brtson.
Wayman, Disputed, pp. 203, 209-210. Tsongkhapa refers to this text by
its colophon title: Gsal ba'i sgron ma. According to Wayman, the
colophon reads: rnam par snang mdzad kyi rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi bshad po
gsal ba'i sgron ma zhes bya ba slob dpon chen po kun dga' snying po
mdzad pa rdzogs so.
— Sarvakalpasamayayogaḍākinīmāyāsambarottaratantraṭīkā
(Rtog pa thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha' 'gro
ma sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog gi rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma
rnam par bshad pa). Tôh. no. 1662. Derge Tanjur, vol. LA,
folios 19v.3-58v.5. Tr. by Smṛtijñānakīrti.
āma-tantratattvālokakarī-nāma-vyākhyā (De bzhin gshegs
pa thams cad kyi de kho na nyid bsdus pa theg pa chen po
mngon par rtogs pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi bshad pa de
kho na nyid snang bar byed pa). Tôh. no. 2510. Derge
Tanjur, vol. LI, folios 1v.1-352r.7, continued in SHI, folios
1v.1-317r.7. Tr. by Rin chen bzang po, Thugs rje chen po
and 'Phags pa shes rab.
Derge colophon: 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi de kho na
nyid bsdus pa'i theg pa chen po'i mdo'i bshad pa de kho na nyid snang
bar byed pa zhes bya ba rdzogs so // // grangs la rmongs pa gzhig pa'i
phyir // gzhung 'di'i grangs kyi tshad dag ni // stong phrag dag ni bco
brgyad du // 'gro la phan pa bskyed phyir byas // slob dpon kun dga'
snying po'i zhal snga nas kyis mdzad pa'o // rgya gar gyi mkhas pa paṇḍi
ta chen po thugs rje chen po dang zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba dge slong
'phags pa shes rab kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 123.7, 144.3, 169.6. De nyid bsdus pa'i rgyud
kyi 'grel pa de nyid snang ba, in 18,000 ślokas. There was some
problem with obtaining the Stod 'grel (the earlier half of the commentary
(p. 148.7) which Rin chen bzang po received from a copy kept in the
Rājavihara in Nepal thanks to Rngog Rin chen rgyal mtshan. Lo chen
was so happy to receive it he made a translation of his own (rang 'gyur)
without consulting a pundit...
oddhṛtā (Dpal khams gsum rnam par rgyal ba'i dkyil 'khor
gyi cho ga 'phags pa de kho na nyid bsdus pa'i rgyud las
btus pa). Tôh. no. 2519. Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios
67r.3-110r.4. Tr. by Rin chen bzang po.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 124.3: 'Jig rten gsum rgyal 'byung ba zhes bya
ba shu log (śloka) stong nyis brgya nyi shu rtsa lnga pa.
Perhaps this is the khams gsum rnam par rgyal ba'i rtog pa mentioned in
Jackson, ESM, p. 68.
— Vajradhātumahāmaṇḍalavidhisarvavajrodaya (Rdo rje
dbyings kyi dkyil 'khor chen po'i cho ga rdo rje thams cad
'byung ba). Tôh. no. 2516. Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios
1v.1-50r.4. Tr. by Buddhaśrīśānti and Rin chen bzang po.
Mitsutoshi Moriguchi, Palm Ms: Sarvavajrodaka — belonging to
National Archives, C. No. tr 360, Taishô daigaku sôgô bukkyôkenkyūjo
nenpô, vol. 7 (1985), pp. 218-198.
H. Takahashi, Japanese Translation of the
Vajradhātumahāmaṇḍalopāyika Sarvavajrodaya, "Ādiyogasamādhi,"
The Mikkyo Bunka vol. 161 (January 1988), pp. 150-163.
Tantric Texts Study Group, Vajradhātumahāmaṇḍalopāyikā
Sarvavajrodaya..., Taishô Daigaku Sôgô Bukkyūkenkyūjo Nenpô, Part 1:
8 (1986), pp. 257-224 <24>-<57>, Part 2: 9 (1987), pp. 294-222
— Vajrasattvasādhana (Rdo rje sems dpa'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 2518. Derge Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 62r.5-67r.3. Tr. by
Subuddhaśrīśānti [i.e., Buddhaśrīśānti, Sangs rgyas zhi ba]
and Rma Dge ba'i blo gros.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 124.4.
— Vajrasattvodaya-nāma-sādhana (Rdo rje sems dpa' 'byung
ba zhes bya ba'i sgrub pa'i thabs). Tôh. no. 2517. Derge
Tanjur, vol. KU, folios 50r.4-62r.5. Tr. by Subuddhaśrīśānti
and Rma Dge ba'i blo gros.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, pp. 124.4, 151.6 (named also Sems dpa' 'byung
Frequently cited under short title Rdo rje 'byung ba.
"Parhetanandaghoṣsa." Ray, SBB, p. 86.
Ānandaguṇa (*Kun dga' rin chen?)
BSM, p. 3 (MBB-I-45). A manuscript on palm leaves in 174 folios.
Probably, to judge from the title (although it seems quite long for this
purpose), this is just a praise of the qualities of the [Buddha's disciple]
Ānanda, in which case this entry is mistaken.
Blue Annals, p. 347.
Eleventh-century Newar king. Lewis, Chronology, p. 153.
Stog Palace catalogue, p. 249.
Templeman, SIL, p. 94.
Templeman, APR, p. 44.
See under Anantaśrī (these spellings are frequently switched back and
Obermiller, Bu ston, pt. 2, p. 224. Indian pundit who taught Nyi ma rgyal
mtshan (teacher of Bu ston).
Translator together with Nyi ma rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (a teacher
of Bu ston), in Nepal, of the Nidānakathā. See Sean Gaffney, The Pāli
Nidānakathā and Its Tibetan Translation: Its Textual Precursors and
Associated Literature, contained in: Tadeusz Skorupski, ed., The
Buddhist Forum, Volume IV, SOAS (London 1996), pp. 75-91, at p. 79.
Sean Gaffney, Do the Tibetan Translations of Indian Buddhist Texts
provide Guidelines for Contemporary Translators? A paper posted in
PDF format on the internet, it was evidently published in SOAS Literary
Review, no. 2 (July 2000). Ānandaśrī was a Sinhalese, working in
In list of Later Spread (Phyi dar) period pundits in Tibet contained in Zhu
chen, Bstan 'gyur dkar chag, p. 161, line 20 (Ā nanda shrī).
EoB. Went to Tibet in the 9th century, and together with Nyi ma rgyal
mtshan translated a number of sūtras. This statement seems quite
mistaken Surely this pundit was active in early- to mid-14th century.
Stog Palace catalogue, pp. 157, 158.
Templeman, TLK, p. 78. Associate of Tāranātha.
Shaw, PE, p. 106.
Subrahmanyam, VBC, p. 71. A Burmese inscription dating to late 15th
century mentions the visit by this native of Kañcīpuram to Pagan.
Ānandavajra (Dga' ba'i rdo rje)
Shaw, PE, pp. 103, 228.
Blue Annals, p. 552. Here, with the name Ānandavajra, the Weaver
(Tha ga na Dga' ba'i rdo rje) he is counted among the prior incarnations
of Phag mo gru pa.
Verhagen, HSGL, vol. 2, p. 71.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1475 (Tha ga pa Dga' ba'i rdo rje).
— Abhiṣekaprakriyā (Dbang gi rab tu byed pa). Tôh. no. 1886.
Derge Tanjur, vol. PI, folios 173v.1-184r.4. Tr. by Mar me
mdzad and Ba ri.
Derge colophon: mdor bsdus pa'i dbang gi rab tu byed pa // slob dpon
mkhas pa chen po dpal dga' ba'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdozgs so // //
gzhung tshad ni tshigs bcad sum brgya ste bam po gcig go // tho ling gi
gtsug lag khang du rje mnga' bdag btsan o rtse lde btsan gyis bka' lung
gis / rgya gar gyi mkhan po khas pa chen po dpal mar me mdzad dang /
bod kyi lo tsā ba dge slong ba ris bsgyur ba'o.
— Hevajra-nāma-sādhanopadeśa (Dpal kye'i rdo rje'i sgrub
pa'i thabs kyi man ngag). Tôh. no. 1302. Derge Tanjur,
vol. TA, folios 205v.2-209r.2.
Ānandavardhana (*Kun dga' 'phel?)
I haven't noticed anything about him in Tibetan sources. Poet who lived
end 10th and early 11th centuries.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxxi.
Kuijp, TBTC, p. 388. He wrote an exegesis of Dharmottara's
Anand Amaladass, The Concept of Beauty according to
Ānandavardhana, Adyar Library Bulletin, vol. 50 (1986), pp. 287-298.
Ānandayaśas (*Kun dga' grags pa)
EoB. A Tibetan monk of the Yüan Dynasty. Tibetan form: Kun dga'
Mahāsiddha. No. 81 in Sempa Dorje. Illustration following p. 202.
Name in Tibetan: Lus med zhabs, Yan lag med pa'i zhabs. He was a
śūdra from Ghahura (Gauḍa).
Sharma, Re-Assessment, p. 75. 12th century. Two kings by this name.
Anaṅgavajra (Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje)
Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje: Tôh. nos. 1249 (Hevajrasādhana), 1264
(Hevajrasādhana), 2218. The author was a disciple of Padmavajra.
Shaw, PE, pp. 135, 182, 192-193.
Chimpa, THBI, identifies with Gorakṣa.
Dasgupta, ORC, p. 199.
Templeman, SIL, p. 25 (identified with Phag tshang ba, 'Pigpen'), 26
(teacher of Saroruha).
In Vajrāsana's prayer in Egyed, Mahāsiddha no. 25 (Phag tshang ba).
Schaeffer, Crystal: lacking in Dngul sgong list; Gser sgong list no. 22
(Yan lag med pa'i rdo rje); Shel sgong list no. 22; Brda'i man ngag list no.
Blue Annals, pp. 372, 856, 869.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 182-3, 270, 283-284.
For Sanskrit manuscripts, see Moriguchi, pp. 32, 46, 76, 106.
Nakamura, p. 337.
Bu-ston, Yogatantra, p. 125.7.
Lévi, Nouveau document, pp. 418, 419. In Vajrayoginī lineage between
Vijayaghoṣa and Biso.
Herbert V. Guenther, The Life and Teachings of Naropa, Oxford
University Press (London 1963), p. 12.
Pig-herding siddha, also called Phag tshang pa. Biographical
Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 234.
Linrothe, Holy Madness, p. 223 (detail, depicted apparently butchering a
Disciple of Padma badzra (Padmavajra). See Eva Allinger, A Gnyos
Lineage Thangka, contained in: Deborah Klimburg-Salter & Eva
Allinger, eds., Buddhist Art & Tibetan Patronage: Ninth to Fourteenth
Centuries, Brill (Leiden 2002), pp. 59-68, at p. 61.
— Hevajrasādhana (Dpal dgyes pa rdo rje'i sgrub thabs). Tôh.
no. 1249. Derge Tanjur, vol. NYA, folios 209v.7-210v.7.
Tr. by Vajrapāṇi and Rma ban Chos 'bar.
Derge colophon: dpal he ru ka zhal gcig pa'i sgrub thabs slob dpon yan
lag med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po
badzra pā ṇi dang / bod kyi lo tsā ba rma ban chos 'bar gyis bsgyur ba'o.
— Hevajrasādhana (Dgyes pa'i rdo rje'i sgrub pa'i thabs).
Tôh. no. 1264. Derge Tanjur, vol. TA, folios 14v.1-22v.2.
Tr. by Kun tu bzang po and Tshul khrims rgyal ba.
Bandurski, p. 76 (nos. 9 & 10 in the list). Two texts by this title attributed
to Anaṅgavajra, existing in a Tibet-preserved Sanskrit manuscript.
— Prajñopāyaviniścayasiddhi (Thabs dang shes rab rnam par
gtan pa dbab pa sgrub pa). Tôh. no. 2218. Derge Tanjur,
vol. WI, folios 28v.4-36v.7. Tr. by Śāntabhadra and 'Gos
Lhas btsas. Has 5 chapters.
Derge colophon: thabs dang shes rab rnam par gtan la dbab pa'i sgrub
pa slob dpon chen po yan lag med pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa rdzogs so // //
paṇḍi ta chen po shānti bha dra dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsā ba 'gos lha
btsas kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa.
Bu ston's History (1989), Catalogue Section, p. 405.1.
Bendall, Subhāṣita, folios 1, 56. Author's name also given as
Contained in: Guhyādi-Aṣṭasiddhi-Saṅgraha, ed., Samdhong Rinpoche
and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, with a number of coeditors, Central Institute for
Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1987), pp. 63-87 (Sanskrit text), and
109-144 (Tibetan text).
Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, Two Vajrayāna Works, Gaekwad's Oriental
Series, no. 44 (Baroda 1929). Prajñopāyaviniścayasiddhi, Jñānasiddhi.
Cecil Bendall, ed., Subhāṣita-Saṅgraha, Le Muséon, vol. 22 (1903), pp.
375-402; vol. 23 (1904), pp. 1-46, 245-274. See p. 267.
Citation in Bagchi, ST, p. 35.
Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, pp. 181-2, 270-272, 284.
Nakamura, p. 337.
EoB. 8th century son of King Gopāla, he became a disciple of
BSM, p. 6 (MBB-I-103), with the title Prajñopāyaviniścaya. A 30-folio
The author may or may not be the same as Anaṅgavajra.
Davidson, IEB, pp. 261-262.
English, Vajrayoginī, p. 381. Authorship with a question mark. Not
really a sādhana text, but a commentary on Cakrasaṃvara materials.
— Ḍākinīguhyasamayasādhana.
— Ḍākinījālasaṃvararahasyam, ed. by Samdhong Rinpoche
and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, and a number of coeditors,
Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies (Sarnath 1990).
Edited in Sanskrit only, with added indices. No Tibetan
translation available.
Tiina Hyytiäinen, Reconsidering sandhyā-sandhābhāṣā in a Sanskrit
Tantric Buddhist Text, a paper to be delivered at the International
Association of Buddhist Studies conference (London 2005).
Egyed, Mahāsiddha no. 81 (A nanggo li), with the text by
Vīraprabhāsvara reading A nang go, variant A nang ko. He is shown
meditating, with meditation strap, inside a grass hut.
Ananta (Mtha' yas)
The snake that bears the weight of the world. See Hahn in Archiv
Orientalni, vol. 71 (2003), p. 533.
Ananta (A nanta)
As far as Indian teachers in Tibet are concerned, I believe we have to
distinguish between at least three persons by this name: 1. Bram ze A
nanta who was active in mid-7th century in time of Emperor Srong btsan
sgam po. He may have been from Burushaski (Bru sha). 2. The
Kashmiri (Kha che) A nanta, active in mid-8th century. 3. The 'Pundit in
Nepal' (Bal por Paṇḍi ta) A nanta, active in time of Ba ri Lo tsā ba. Of
course, Ananta and Ānanda are easily and rather freely confounded by
In Vajrāsana's prayer in Egyed, Mahāsiddha no. 55 (A nanta).
Schaeffer, Crystal: Dngul sgong list no. 19 (A nan ta); Gser sgong list
no. 11; Shel sgong list no. 11; Brda'i man ngag list no. 27.
A Kashmiri Ananta is in some lists of the Nine Great Translators (they
are supposed to have been active in time of Khri srong lde btsan).
In list of South Asian pundits in Bu ston's History (1989), p. 280.7: Bram
ze Ā nanta.
In list of imperial period pundits in Tibet contained in Zhu chen, Bstan
'gyur dkar chag, p. 158, line 18 (Bram ze Ā nanda).
On the Brahmin Kashmiri Ananta, personal translator for Śāntarakṣita
during his first trip to Tibet of about 763 CE, see Scherrer-Schaub in
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 25
(2002), pp. 275, 293. Ananta was already in Tibet working as a
translator when Śāntarakṣita arrived. It's quite remarkable that, as an
'Indian,' he is consistently called a translator (lo tsā ba), and not a pundit
(but then he belonged to a merchant family, and was probably not
learned in śāstras).
Hoffmann, Religions of Tibet, p. 73, in reign of Khri srong lde btsan, a
story about a market place assembly where he publicly defeated Bon
A curious thing, no works or translations by him seem to survive (and
Kashmiri Ānanda in a few canon colophons seems to refer rather to
Bal por Paṇḍi ta A nanta A teacher of Ba ri Lo tsā ba. It seems he was
also known as Ye rang Paṇḍi ta.
*Anantadeva (Mtha' yas lha)
— Padāṣṭakastotra (Tshig brgyad pa'i bstod pa). Tôh. no.
1143. Derge Tanjur, vol. KA, folio 104r.4-104v.4.
In colophon, author is called Dge bsnyen Mtha' yas lha. Sanskritic title:
pa da sya a ṣṭa sya sto tra.
Blue Annals, p. 757.
Davidson, KCN, p. 75.
Anantakṛṣṇa Bhaṭṭāraka
Author of a commentarial work on Elephant sciences known as
Bhāvasandarśanī. A manuscript preserved in Adyar Library. K.
Balasubrahmania Iyer, review of Edgerton's book Elephant Lore of the
Hindus, contained in Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 7
(1933), pp. 191-195.
— Yogaratnasamuccaya.
Yogaratnasamuccaya, Pt. 3, V.A.R. Śāstri, ed., University of Travancore
(Trivandrum 1947).
Lewis, Chronology, p. 157. Ruler of Nepal from 1274 to 1310, he had
close relations with Gzhis ka rtse (Shigatse).
Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, vol. 1, p. 927.
Anantanemi (Mu khyud mtha' yas)
Mvy., no. 3646.
Sørensen, TBH, p. 51. A figure in royal genealogy.
Anantaparahita (Rgya gar gyi mkhan po Ā nanta pa ra hi ta)
— Sarvadurgatipariśodhanasaṅkṣipta (Ngan song thams cad
yongs su sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i cho ga mdor bsdus pa).
Tôh. no. 2639. Derge Tanjur, vol. JU, folios 238v.4-243v.4.
Tucci, TPS, p. 348.
Diemberger, White Crystal, folio 72 verso.
In list of South Asian pundits in Bu ston's History (1989), p. 282.1: Ā
nanta shrī.
Invited from Nepal by Thar Lo Nyi ma rgyal mtshan, they together
translated Kun dga'i mdo, etc. Mtshan tho, no. 117.
A Sinhalese manuscript, found at Sakya Monastery, belonged to
Anantaśrī, a Sinhalese monk who visited Tibet during the time of Grags
pa rgyal mtshan (1182-1216 CE). Bandurski, p. 107.
*Anantavijaya (Mtha' yas rnam rgyal)
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1493.
EoB, vol. 3, p. 201.
EoB, vol. 2, fasc. 4, p. 606. Her name appears in an inscription.
Anāthapiṇḍika (Mgon med zas sbyin)
Blue Annals, p. 21.
Davidson, IEB, p. 77 (Anāthapiṇḍada).
EoB. His personal name was Sudatta, and was also known as
Anāthapiṇḍada ('Feeder of the Destitute'). A great donor to the Buddha,
he is famous for paying for Jetavana Grove by paving it with gold coins.
Rerikh. "Name of the famous Buddhist upāsaka who was the chief
householder devoted of (sic!) Buddha."
Banerjee, SL, pp. 201, 222, 235 ff. (Anāthapiṇḍada). He was son of a
merchant of Śrāvastī named Sbyin pa. He had a friend named Sbrang
rtsi'i phung po (i.e., the Brahmin Madhuskandha) who negotiated his
son Legs skyes' marriage into a rich merchant family.
D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceta, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge 1951), p. 203 (Anāthapiṇḍada, the Tibetan
form here spelled Mngon med zas sbyin, which is mistaken).
Anāvila (Rnyog pa med pa)
— Khasarpaṇalokeśvarasādhana ('Phags pa kha sar pa ṇa 'jig
rten dbang phyug gi sgrub thabs). Tôh. no. 3409. Derge
Tanjur, vol. MU, folio 73v.1-73v.7. Tr. by Grags pa rgyal
mtshan. Read: Khasarpaṇi.
Anāvilavajra (Rnyog med rdo rje)
Tôh. no. 1933 (tr. by Grags pa rgyal mtshan), 3978 (on the three vows;
tr. by Atulyadāsa and Blo ldan shes rab), 4529.
— Trisaṃvarakrama (Sdom pa gsum gyi rim pa). Tôh. no.
3978. Derge Tanjur, vol. GI, folios 257r.4-258r.6. Tr. by
Atulyadāsa and Blo ldan shes rab.
ACIP data version available (but here the author's name is given as
Niṣkalaṅkavajra, as also in Peking Tanjur no. 5375).
— Maṇḍalavidhi (Maṇḍal gyi cho ga). Tôh. no. 1933 (also, no.
4529). Derge Tanjur, vol. MI, folios 57r.7-58r.3. Tr. by
Aduladhasa (this must be Atyulyadāsa in any case) and Blo
ldan shes rab.
Derge colophon: slob dpon chen po dpal rnyog med rdo rje'i zhal snga
nas mdzad pa rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po a du la dha sa dang
/ lo tsā ba dge slong blo ldan shes rab kyis bsgyur ba'o.
Aṇḍīra (Gza' 'dzin)
EoB. A yakṣa general.
Name of a yakṣa, in Khotanese Andāla. R.E. Emmerick, A Khotanese
Version of the Sūtra of the Lord of Healing, contained in: Buddhism and
Its Relation to Other Religions: Essays in Honour of Dr. Shuzen Kumoi
on His Seventieth Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten (Kyoto 1985), pp. 225-232,
at p. 230.
Aneka (?)
Bhaṭṭaputrāneka. A seal of a person by this name was found at
Nālandā. Hiranand Sastri, Nālandā, p. 63.
EoB. Name of several kings in India.
Jan Nattier, Once upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy
of Decline, Asian Humanities Press (Berkely 1991), pp. 197, 294. Ag na
dhe'i, A gan la, A kan bi, A gna bi, Ang ghan.
EoB. King of Videha. See also EoB, vol. 3, p. 311.
Aṅgaja (Yan lag skyes)
Blue Annals, p. 269.
Mkhas pa'i dga' ston, p. 1514.
Tucci, TPS, p. 569 (name of an arhat).
Tucci, TPS, p. 569 (Yan lag 'byung, Yan lag skyes).
EoB. Nphew of Soṇadaṇḍa.
EoB. King of Videha. Had daughter named Rujā, and three ministers:
Vijaya, Sunāma and Alāta. He questioned a naked ascetic named
Guṇa, who taught him the doctrine of total predestination, with no
hereafter, so he spent his time entirely in pursuit of pleasure. Nārada
then converted him.
EoB. A Vedic sage.
Mookerji, Ancient, p. 471. An ancient physician.
See Kosambi and Gokhale, Subhāṣitaratnakoṣa, p. lxviii.
Aṅgulimāla (Sor mo'i phreng ba)
Nakamura, p. 20.
EoB. His birth name was Ahiṃsaka (or perhaps Hiṃsaka, which was
later changed to Ahiṃsaka).
Stearns, Luminous Lives, pp. 81, 203.
Pia Brancaccio, Aṅgulimāla or the Taming of the Forest, East and West,
vol. 49 (1999), pp. 105-118.
Indiana University masters thesis by the l

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