Th ap ca go cl m de p m de re ap ap m th th p de PRODUCT his


Th ap ca go cl m de p m de re ap ap m th th p de PRODUCT his
Proceedings of the Third Internatiional Symposium
m on Renewable E
Energy and Sustaainability,
Temixco, Moreloos, México, Septeember 9-11, 20155
CLINE ANALLYSIS E. Santoyo1, A. Aragón‐A
Aguilar2*, E. Santoyo‐Castelaazo3 1
nstituto de Energías Renovables U
UNAM, Priv. Xochicalco s/n, Col. C
Centro, Temixco M
Morelos, CP 625889 México. In
nstituto de Invesstigaciones Eléctrricas, Reforma 11
13, Col. Palmira, Cuernavaca, Mo
orelos, CP 624900, México. 3
Seecretaria de Enerrgía, Av. Insurgenttes Sur 890, Col. D
Del Valle Centro, Benito Juárez, CP
P 03100, México D
D.F. 2
his paper p
presents praactical methods for prroduction data d
analysis with ap
pplicability to oil and ggeothermall wells. Thee main meth
hods fall into two caategories: D
Decline curvve analysis aand type currve matchin
ng. A review
w of the go
overning eq
quations an
nd a diagnosis of the m
model type decline usiing the classical meethodology of the decline analysis are shown. The m
methodologies applied for analysiss decline in the wells p
productivityy, allow deetermining values of th
he rock form
mation prop
perties. It w
was found th
hat the production d
data of oil aand steam recovery, r
n studied reeservoirs co
ould be m
matched adeequately ussing the ap
ppropriate analytical a
model. The results deemonstratee that the d
decline anaalysis model is not only suitable for oil reeservoirs bu
ut also for ggeothermal systems. Th
he analysis methodology was ap
pplied usingg productio
on data of oil and geo
othermal w
wells. Through the ap
pplied methodology w
were obtain
ned values of reservo
oir transmissivity, m
model of deccline type and decline a
rate. Another interestting result is that, th
hrough estaablishment o
of limits in operative p
parameters can be estiimated th
he remainin
ng useful lifee of analyzeed wells. Th
he obtained results relaated to production ccharacterizaation in thee wells, allow establisshing explo
oitation deesigns and n
new projectts for field eexpansion.
E. Santoyo, A. Aragón‐Aguilar, E. Santoyo‐Casstelazo (2015) P
Production characterization applied to gs of the geeothermal wellss using declinee analysis. Postter Session: Geeothermal Enerrgy; Proceeding
hird Internation
nal Symposium
m on Renewable Energy and
d Sustainabilityy (Eds. E. Santtoyo, P.J. Seebastian, M. Lóp
pez de Haro), Teemixco, Morelo
os, México, Septtember 9‐11, 20

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