November 16, 2014


November 16, 2014
St. Paul the
Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
18223 Point Lookout Dr.
Nassau Bay, Texas 77058-3594
281-333-3891 / Fax: 281-333-3815
Monday – Thursday Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
The Clergy Staff
Rev. Wencil Pavlovsky
(Ext. 325)
Deacon Jim Lockwood
Deacon Jerry Coenen
Deacon Arturo Monterrubio
The Pastoral Staff
Heidi Clark,
Adult Faith Formation
Sara Fontana
Children’s Ministry
Vicky Kuehnel,
Early Childhood Program
Esperanza Monterrubio,
Multicultural Ministry
David Rofrano,
Music Ministry
Katie Mahoney,
Youth Ministry
Maria Conner,
Business Manager
Theresa Waller,
Alex Deleon,
Plant Manager
Laura Ruzicka,
Parish Secretary
Elena Capetillo
Assistant Secretary
(Ext. 328)
(Ext. 339)
(Ext. 340)
(Ext. 321)
(Ext. 332)
(Ext. 301)
(Ext. 330)
(Ext. 341)
(Ext. 304)
(Ext. 323)
We Celebrate the Eucharist
(Ext. 302)
Gabriel Project
(Ext. 338)
Parish-based crisis pregnancy ministry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
For those who cannot visit us during the day.
Mass in English
Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Jueves (Thursday) a las 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Mass in English
Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Misa en Español (Mass in Spanish)
Domingo (Sunday) a las 12:00 Mediodía
Confessions: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Continuously in the Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Saturday
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 9 Financial Stewardship
November 16, 2014
Financiera Custodia de 9 de noviembre
On line
$ 61,107
$ 39,894
$ 21,213
En línea
Building Loan Payment
September Capital Campaign Donations
$ 37,252
$ 16,584
Préstamo del Edificio
Donaciones de la Campaña Capital de septiembre
Funded from Parish & Ministry Revenue
$ 20,668
Financiado por Fondos Operacionales de la Parroquia y sus
2014 DSF
Pledged To Date (*306 Parishioners)
Paid To Date
*Increases as parishioners Respond to Archdiocese Appeal
$ 111,273
With the arrival of autumn, please
consider the use of Faith Direct if you
have not registered yet. This is our
parish’s electronic eGiving program. To-do lists are
lengthy for everyone with back-to-school and other fall
activities. Using Faith Direct’s eGiving program will give you
one less thing to remember each week – no more envelopes
to find and checks to write before you go to Mass. Enroll
today by visiting and use our church
code, (TX596), or pick up an enrollment form from the Forms
Wall by the Welcome Center. Once you are set up on Faith
Direct you can easily access donation summaries and also
designate contributions to specific funds, like support of the
Festival and building Funds. It’s a secure system, and
parishioners that use it have given us very positive feedback
regarding its use.
Father Wencil
Con la llegada del otoño, por favor,
consideren el uso de Faith Direct si
todavía no se han registrado. Este es el
programa de eGiving electrónico de nuestra parroquia. Listas
de actividades pendientes son largas para todos con el
regreso a la escuela y otras actividades con el final del
verano. Utilizando el programa eGiving de Faith Direct le dará
una cosa menos de recordar cada semana - no hay que
encontrar sobres y hacer cheques cuando apurados para
llegar a misa. Inscríbanse hoy visitando y
utilizando el código de nuestra iglesia, (TX 596). O recojan un
formulario de inscripción de la Pared de Formas al lado del
Centro de Bienvenida. Una vez que se registren en Faith
Direct se pueden acceder fácilmente resúmenes de donación
y también designar contribuciones a fondos específicos,
como el apoyo de los Fondos del Festival y de la
construcción del edificio. Faith Direct es sistema fácil y con
sistema seguro. Feligreses que lo utilizan nos dan Buena
recomendaciones de su uso.
Padre Wencil
2014 DSF
Prometido al Día (*306 feligreses )
Pagado al Día
*Número aumenta a lo que feligreses responden al apelación
de la Arquidiócesis
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Office Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:30 11:30 a.m., Thursday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The good news of today’s Gospel is
the extravagance of what is being given us. All
we need do is be faithful in “small matters.” The
cost of fidelity has no comparison to the reward
When you give furniture, household items and
clothing that you no longer use to the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s
extravagant love. Please call Vincent’s Resale
Shop to arrange for a pick-up or drop items off
at 6654 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77087
Save the date, December 6
Breakfast with Santa
Santa will make an exclusive early appearance at
St. Paul this year. Santa will join us for
Breakfast on Saturday, December 6. Tickets will
go on sale this weekend in the Narthex and at
the Welcome Center. Don’t miss the opportunity
to make it on the “nice” list.
Upcoming Conference Meetings
December 10, 6 PM at St. Paul (Note time change)
Holiday Office Closures:
November 24 – 28
December 22 – January 2
We invite you to join us if you are interested in
serving God through this ministry. Please
contact us at [email protected].
Our phone number is 281.333.2509.
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
Readings & Mass Intentions ♦ Lecturas Y Intenciónes de Misa
(11/16/2014 –11/22/2014)
Sunday (Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or
25:14-15, 19-21) Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
Arthur D. Anton †
8:00 AM
Irma Nunez †
10:00 AM
Lorenzo Nodarse †
5:00 PM
Monday (Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43) St. Elizabeth of Hungary,
No Mass
Tuesday (Rev 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 or for the Memorial of the
Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-33) The
Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul,
Apostles; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin
Arthur D. Anton †
Wednesday (Rev 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28)
Thursday (Rev 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44)
John Holohan †
Joel Alexander Lopez †
Friday (Rev 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48) The Presentation of the
Virgin Mary
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
Stacy Barnett †
8:30 AM
Saturday (Rev 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40) St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
Vigil: (Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46)
Fred Broesche †
8:30 AM
Fred Broesche †
5:00 PM
Please Pray For: Cap. Ivan Rodriguez, Steven Ruby, Christopher Shileds, Maureen
Holcroft, Cynthia Kanu, Rick Pozda, Yazmin Ruiz, Leonel Garcia, Gertrude D’souza,
Sue Guy, Josie Travalos, Margie Lopez, Carmen Garza, Marta Morris, Ray Fernandez,
Carlotta Del Campo, Judith Conrad, Brittney Maynard, Daniel Adcock, Ernesto
Rumbaoa, Missy and Nicky McCormick, Pat Dalton, Glenn Alexander, Frank O’Connor,
Raymond Ciak, Wendy Wells, Chan Finch, Joe and Irma Garcia, Kimberly Parsneau,
Kent Kaufhold, Julie Martin, Tammy Nordan, Marcial Bacani, Ma. Emelia Cadena
Paredes, Marco Lopez, Lyla and Angelica Marie Janda, Latanier Richard, Mary Lopez,
Donna Ruggerieri, Jackie Christ, David Scott, Heidi Glassmeyer, Paul Miller, Ann
Johnson, Madge Bualexanderduan, Carol Leistikow, Raymond Fernandez, Connie
Fernandez, Margaret Escobedo, Bobby Lopez, Nancy Ware, Lorai O’Gorman, Trace
Cook, Julia Brown, Mary Kyle, Kenneth Parker, Daniel Parker, Betty Jean Herron, Lynn
Bell Osina, Bella Ogbu, John & Christine Baldwin, James & Gloria Bond, Gladys
Galloway, Janice Mosher, Candy Smith, Hugo Moreno, Ruth & Art Schaedel, Maria
Magdalena Roman, Jimmy Tague, William Swenson, Allison Hawthorne Swenson,
Robby McCormick, Bernie Brabant, Mary Lee Knight, Rose Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda
Buckminster, Rosalba Ramirez, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok, Mary Loring,
Judy Williams, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Louise Giulianelli, Edril
Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Max Cadena, Eloisa Allen, Margaret Stanard,
Betty Johnson, Ken & Beverly Tiger, Kristin Scott, Alice Jean Pursell, Estela Narvaez,
Geraldine MacDonald, Marcos Jimenez, Rebecca Brooklier, Anna Feiaiullo, Deborah
Groth, Dorothy Breidenstein, Rudolfo Dumdumaya, Alan Harvey, Karen Savko, Jim
Buggy, Gerard & Antoinette Fossatti, Angelica Mendoza, Ed Baca, Liz, Jeremiah &
Justin DeLeon, Wendy & Alexandria Mattingly, Tom Leahy, Jo Michael, Norma Bischel,
Sherry Sullivan, Isaiah Pina, Leandra Chavarria, Edward Templin, Patti DiCostanza,
John & Carmen Heckler, Michael Herron, Brian Lee, Ann Kuehnel, Emily Weiss, Pam
Collins, Deanna Stellato, Joyce Curtner, Verr Soltes, Soledad Martinez, Darius Riley,
Ellen Guy, Peggy Vargas, Louise Temple, Angela Porter, Angelo La Cognate, Blanche
Riel, David Braun, Verena Costello, Efrain Gellibert, Claire Cavetti, Chris Hebert,
Thomas Frasier, Ayden Olivarez, Minnie Hill-Honor, Bennett Lynton, David Cabrera,
James John, Sarah Marcela Poole, Audrey Cegielski, Alma Andreason, Janie Torres,
Evarist Coryat, Robin Schultz, Barbara Hanselkar, Joann Nelson, Jackie Lucas, Maria
Aparecida, Teixeira de Silva, Victorino Tacorda, and Maria Hernandez.
The Chapel candle burns in loving
memory of deceased members of the
Legion of Mary at the request of the Our
Lady Star of the Sea Legion of Mary.
November 16, 2014
“Ustedes son el cuerpo de Cristo, y cada uno en
su lugar es parte de él.” (1 Cor. 12:27)
Para mas información acerca de este ministerio comuníquese con
Esperanza Monterrubio a [email protected] o al
281.333.3891 Ext 321.
Como actuamos en la Iglesia
La Iglesia es un lugar
sagrado, reservado para
el culto a Dios. El
Santísimo Sacramento
está en el tabernáculo y
Su Presencia Real
requiere de nosotros la
mayor reverencia. Es por
eso que, aunque no se
esté celebrando la Santa Misa, el ambiente en la iglesia
debe conducir a la oración y el respeto a Dios. Es más
bien un lugar sagrado, diferente a todos los demás. ¡Es
casa de oración! Toda nuestra actitud debe reflejar
nuestra fe en la Presencia de Cristo. Tenemos la
obligación moral de reflexionar sobre nuestro propio
comportamiento y enseñar a nuestros hijos.
Algunas reglas en la Iglesia:
Prohibidos chicles, comidas y bebidas.
Vestir decorosamente. Evitar escotes y vestidos
provocativos; evitar jeans, pantalones
apretados, shorts, camisetas.
Mantener el teléfono apagado. Nunca utilizarlo
en la iglesia.
Persignarse con agua bendita al entrar. Nos
recuerda nuestro bautismo.
Hacer genuflexión ante el sagrario (tocar el
suelo con la rodilla derecha)
Guardar silencio por respeto, para facilitar el
recogimiento y la oración.
En la misa:
Saber cuándo sentarse, arrodillarse y pararse.
Participar en las oraciones y los cantos.
Cuidar de no hacer ruido con los reclinatorios al
levantarlos y bajarlos.
Sentarse con postura decorosa. No acostarse
en los bancos.
Enseñar a los niños a comportarse, si lloran,
sacarlos tantito. No correr por la Iglesia.
Para comulgar:
Es necesario practicar la fe católica y estar en
gracia de Dios para ir a comulgar.
Respetar la hora del ayuno.
- Padre Jordi Rivero
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Liturgy and Worship
Liturgia y el Culto
The Most Blessed
Sacrament will be reposed
for the entire Thanksgiving
weekend at 12:00 Noon on
Wednesday, November 26,
and exposed at 6:00 PM on
Sunday, November 30.
Divina Misericordia
During the Sundays of Advent we will
have short videos prior to the start of all
Masses. They will be seen about 6 minutes
prior to Mass. These are designed to
prepare us for Advent. On November 23,
the Sunday before Advent we will begin.
You may want to arrive a little earlier to
enjoy the videos.
Los miembros de la Divina
Misericordia nos reunimos todos
los jueves después de la misa en
español. Si no hay misa ese día,
nos reunimos a las 7:00 PM. Están
todos invitados. Para más
información, favor de llamar a
Nelly al 281.538.2212.
Divine Mercy Cenacle
Members of the Divine Mercy Cenacle meet
on Fridays at 7 PM in Room 1. Please join us
as we learn of Jesus’ unfathomable Mercy
which He revealed to St. Faustina. For more
information contact Virginia at 281.480.4131.
Legion of Mary
11th Annual Sharing of
Thanksgiving Bread
Please bring a loaf of bread to
share when you come to
celebrate Mass on Thanksgiving
Day at 8:30 AM on Thursday,
November 27th. More details next
NO MASS on Friday,
November 28.
Everyone is welcome to join
us every Monday at 6:30 PM
in Room 1. Come and be a
part of Mary’s Army.
If you are interested in donating flowers for
our Altar, for Special Intentions or in
Memory of a loved one, contact Rosalie
Daves at 281.768.0243 or
[email protected].
A 2 week notice is required for ordering the
flowers and bulletin posting. No flowers
during Advent or Lent.
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Matthew Kelly Will Sell Out!
Matthew Kelly is an internationally acclaimed speaker and best-selling
author who has spoken to more than 4 million people world-wide about
becoming the best version of themselves. Don’t miss this rare opportunity
to see him in person on Saturday, January 31, 2015, from 7-10:45 PM.
He’ll be appearing with award-winning singer songwriter Eliot Morris.
This isn’t your typical church event! It is life-changing! This event is about
living every day with passion and purpose and the role our faith is meant
to play in the midst of it all.
Tickets are $39 General Admission and $59 seating each, including all
retreat materials and a gift bag filled with the items pictured here.
This event is perfect for ages 12+, husbands and wives, boyfriends and
girlfriends, single or married, Catholic or non-Catholic, active in your faith
or haven’t seen the inside of a church in decades. When was the last time
you invested in YOUR life? It’s time! Get your tickets today at the
Welcome Center or on our website:!
The Sixth Commandment:
What do we REALLY Believe about
Sexual Morality?
Inquiring Catholic minds want to know what our Church
really teaches about sexual morality, Theology of the Body,
and other, related topics. This is the topic at our next adult
catechism discussion session set for Tuesday, December 9,
from 7-8:30 PM in Room 10. Learn about what the Church
teaches (and WHY!) The topic is based on Chapter 30 of the
Catholic Catechism for Adults, and the discussion is led by
author and theologian, Julie Dienno-Demarest. Next up? The
7th Commandment: The Church’s Teaching on Social Justice.
This discussion is set for Tuesday, January 13. Same time.
Same place.
Not too Late to Begin the Divorce
Recovery Program
Our divorce care program is a Catholic peer-ministry support
group that addresses the stress, anger, blame and guilt of
divorce and leads participants toward forgiveness, happiness
and growth. The 14-session program began Monday,
November 10, and meets weekly into February. Cost is $30;
financial assistance is available. Free childcare is provided
when reservations are made in advance. The program will be
facilitated by Laura Hicks, LMFT with the assistance of others
who have already completed the program. Contact Heidi if
you are interested: [email protected] or
Traveling Vocations Chalice Needs
Host Families
The Vocation Committee thanks everyone who signed up for a
week with the Traveling Vocations Chalice recently. We were
able to fill all of the available slots for the 12 PM Sunday
Mass in Spanish, but we still have a few slots to fill for the
remaining Masses. If you would like to sign up for a week
between January and August next year please call Tom or
Mele Paul at 281.455.3187, 281.338.7285, or email:
[email protected].
What’s New at Silver Linings?
Silver Linings, St. Paul’s 55 and over group, meets on the 2nd
Monday, at 12:30 PM in Room 10. Join us for fun, food and
games. Our next event is the Galveston Festival of Lights
evening trip on November 17th. On Friday, February 20th,
we’re touring the Lanier Theological Library & Stone Chapel.
More information is available from the parish secretary at the
Welcome Center.
Zumba Classes Twice Weekly
You’ve always been able to get in shape spiritually at St. Paul,
and now you’re able to get in shape physically, too, thanks to
our twice-weekly Zumba classes. Zumba is a fun, easy-tofollow dance fitness program. Classes take place on Thursday
evenings at 6:45 PM and Saturday mornings at 10 AM in Beck
Hall. There is no charge to participate, but a $5/class donation
is requested to help support a variety of adult ministry
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Welcome to SPACE!
“…dedicated to bringing teens into relationship with Jesus Christ, and
empowering young people to become disciples of Him in their everyday life
through study of scripture, catechesis and service…”
Contact Katie Mahoney, Director Youth Ministry, 281.333.3891, Ext. 301 or
[email protected] for more information.
SPACE is TONIGHT! And our first groups are going off-site. If you’re in a 2nd year Pod,
your group is going OFF-SITE! Make sure your permission slip is turned or you’ll be
sitting with Katie for the evening. Other Pods, make sure you are on time for dinner, and
ready to dive in!!
We have a parent meeting THIS Tuesday, November 18 at 6:30 PM in the Youth Room.
We’ll start dividing responsibilities, select Chairpersons (they earn double shares) and talk
about making this year’s fundraiser bigger and better than ever!
St. Paul’s Senior Class presents
the “Divergent” Retreat/Lock-In
Saturday, December 6-7, 9 PM – 7 AM
Which faction are you? What are you passionate about? What are we all
called to? Come to the Senior Class’ retreat/lock-in for a great night of fun
and faith. Participation Fee: $15 Registration due by Tuesday, December 2.
6:30-8:00 PM: Salvation & Forever: What do Catholics believe about “The End of the
World”? As Catholics, we believe something different than Fundamentalists and other
Protestants. Do you know what we believe? Come to EDGE on Monday to find out!
This Wednesday…Theology of the Body for Middle Schoolers
6:30-8:00 PM: It’s our LAST WEEK!!! We’ve come a long way, and our Middle School
students are doing a great job in growing closer to God and finding out who they truly
are. Keep praying for our Jr. High students!
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
Children’s Ministry
Partnering with parents to keep
the light of faith burning
For information call Sara Fontana 281.333.3891 ext. 339
or e-mail [email protected]
November 16 and December 7
November 17/19, December 1, and 3
Next Classroom Session is December 7
Parents, if you are registered for Family Formation CCE please
make it a priority on your calendar to participate as a family in
the Classroom Sessions.
Please pray for the children who have been prepared
and will be making their 1st Reconciliation.
Please note there is NO CCE on December 8 & 10
instead parents are asked to bring their children to the
December 8: Immaculate Conception Mass at 7 PM
his is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Mass will be bilingual.
Mary Immaculate is the
patroness of the United States.
She speaks to us of God’s
initiative in her life and ours;
she witnesses to the primacy of
grace in her life and ours.
Francis Cardinal George, OMI
December 10: FAMILY ADVENTure 6:30 – 8 PM
A unique opportunity for
parents to accompany their
children through different
rooms that provide hands-on
activities designed to help
families enhance the Advent
Season with various
traditions. Activities include
making Advent Wreaths,
Advent Chains, learning ways to tell the Christmas
story with your Nativity scenes and more. Families
can go through all of the rooms or just one. Please
RSVP to Sara by December 7, so we can have enough
materials for participants. 281.333.3891 or
[email protected].
November 16, 2014
Early Childhood Program
Seeing Children Through The Eyes of God!
For information contact: Vicky Kuehnel, Director
[email protected] or 281.333.0176
This week we will be having our
annual Thanksgiving prayer
celebration. Parents and family are
welcome to come to the Chapel at
10:00 AM, November 20th or 21st of this upcoming
week. Afterwards we will be “trotting” around the
church for our 1st annual turkey trot. Classes will be
enjoying a special lunch in their classrooms that
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!
Help our Early Childhood Program by
purchasing a Pizza kit. They will be on sale during all
Masses the weekend of the 15th and 16th. The cost will
be $19 per kit with several options to choose from.
Cash, check or credit card will be accepted!
Make way for the POLAR EXPRESS!
We will be having a Polar Express night here at St. Paul.
Where: Beck Hall and the back parking lot
When: December the 19th from 4-6:30
What: Hot dogs, chips, cookies, cocoa, a train ride, and the
movie the Polar Express on the big screen.
Cost: The ticket will be $20 per family. This will include
parents, grandparents and siblings.
Bring the kids in their pajamas for this fun family night!
Holiday recipe ideas: Breakfast Bake
1lb ground sausage
1 small onion 2 tbls basil
½ cup chopped, roasted red peppers 8 eggs
2 cups heavy whipping cream 2/3 cup parmesan
8 cups day old sourdough
1 tbls Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper
¾ mozzarella cheese shredded
Brown the ground beef and onion together.
Layer in a casserole dish the bread, peppers, basil,
and brie and parmesan cheese. Whisk together the
eggs, cream and mustard. Pour egg mixture over the
bread. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and top with
mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
The Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic
Women will hold a Day of Reflection- Marriage in
God’s Plan, Wednesday, November 19th, at the
Christian Renewal Center, 1515 Hughes Rd,
Dickinson. Registration, 8:30 AM, Program: 9 - 2
PM. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Father Dale
Edwards. Speakers include Nadine UnderbrinkUnderstanding Marriage within the Catholic
Church, Father Luke Milette- The Declaration of
Nullity of a Marriage within the Catholic Church,
and Heidi Clark-Guidance and Resources for Loving
Those Outside the Church’s Teachings. Childcare
will be provided free of charge upon request
(must provide snack and lunch for each child).
Cost of event: $30, includes snacks, beverages, a
hot lunch, handouts and materials. Must register
by Wednesday, November 12. The CCW is an
affiliated network of dedicated Catholic women
who come together for fellowship, to grow in
spirituality, leadership and service to Christ, His
church and society. For more information, to
register or sign up for childcare, please contact:
Judy Erne: 281.280.8071 or [email protected].
Sidewalk Counseling Training
On Monday, November 11, at 7 PM in Beck Hall,
Teresa Camara from Houston Coalition for Life will
provide training on how to lovingly and
prayerfully sidewalk counsel those women and
couples considering an abortion. Counseling
emphasizes help and hope, never criticism or
shame. The training will guide counselors to reach
out to those facing unexpected pregnancies with
compassion, to offer information on local
assistance to mothers in need, and to affirm the
dignity of all human life. By witnessing to clinicbound women and couples on the sidewalk,
counselors have a last opportunity to share a
positive message and connect those wanting to
keep their child with supportive community
November 16, 2014
Renewal In Spiritual Empowerment
RISE is a men’s fellowship group that repeats
every Friday morning beginning at 6:00 AM until
the last one leaves. We meet at the Marriott
Courtyard – Nassau Bay (18100 Saturn Lane).
Join the Holy Spirit and other men over a cup of
coffee. Discussion focuses on motivation and
inspiration from the Holy Spirit present in our
daily lives to better men of God and community.
Respectfully ends at 7:00 AM to get those on
their way to work.
For more information please contact Marcus,
832.250.3897 or Brian, 713.560.8412.
The Legion
of Mary,
listed officially as
a pious union in
the Church may
be defined as an
association of
formed into an
army for service
in the spiritual
warfare which
the Church is
waging against
the evil forces in
the world. The
Legion aims to
sanctify its members by a solid interior life of prayer
which forms the mainspring of a very definite, active
cooperation in spiritual work assigned by the Church.
A Legionary must forget himself, his own comforts
and desires and concentrate completely on what he
can do for others with the power of the Holy Spirit and
the ministering help of Mary..."
Interested in becoming a member and being part of
Mary's army? Join us on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in
room 1. For those interested in the Legion of Mary but
cannot attend the Monday meetings, consider
becoming an Auxiliary Member. Auxiliary members do
not undertake the active apostolate of weekly
meetings and weekly two hour assignment, but they
assist the active Legionaries with the Tessera
Prayers, which consist of all the prayers of the weekly
meeting. Contact Lora Ruzicka
([email protected] or 281-333-3891) for
more information.
Volume XVIII No. 1765
Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Spiritual Adoption Program
Programa de Adopción Espiritual
Month 1
Mes 1
Thank you for
praying for me. I am
one month old now. I
have a heart pumping
my blood and a
backbone. I am very,
very tiny and I
appreciate your
Gracias por rezar por
mí. Ya tengo un mes
de edad. Tengo un
corazón bombeando
mi sangre y tengo
una columna
vertebral. Soy muy,
pero muy chiquito
pero agradezco tus

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July 5, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

July 5, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Rosalba Ramirez, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok, Mary Loring, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Ken & Beverly ...

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April 17, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

April 17, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Miller, Austin Gerry, Linda Buckminster, Betty Quebedeaux, Dr. Frank Greytok, John Turco, Jerry Ozment, Jack Scarmardi, Edril Phillips, Judy Ganske, Josefina Saenz, Eloisa Allen, Betty Johnson, Kri...

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