Holy Spirit Catholic Church


Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Octave Day Of Christmas
January 1, 2012
Pastor: Father Bill John Acosta Escobar
Mass Schedule
Weekdays: Tuesday through Friday - 8:00 AM
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sunday from 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Sunday from 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Or any time by appointment with Fr. Bill John
400 Academy Heights Rd, Kinston, NC 28504
252-523-8898 Fax 252-527-9495
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1455, Kinston, NC 28503
email: [email protected]
Visit our website for more information: hscatholicchurchkinston.com
Mass Schedule and Intentions
Sat. Dec. 31
4:00 pm Mass: † Anne Cavanaugh
req. by Tony & Maureen Cuomo
(1Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18)
Sun. Jan. 1
Octave Day of Christmas
9:00 am Mass: † George Fisher
req. by Kristen Jarman
11:30 am Mass: Parishioners of Holy Spirit
(Nm 6:22-27; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 )
Mon. Jan. 2
8:00 am Communion Service
(1Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1:19-28)
Tue. Jan. 3
8:00 am Manny & Ofelia Arcino
req. by Jackie Boscarino
(1Jn 2:29-3:6; Jn 1:29-34)
Wed. Jan. 4
8:00 am Mass: Flood in the Philippines
req. by Ana Fostanes Gardner
(1Jn 3:7-10; Jn 1:35-42)
Weekly Offertory Collection:
12-25-11 ................................................. 3417.02
Weekly Attendance:
12-25-11 …………………………………… 689
Schedule for This Week
Tues. Dec. 20
4:00 pm Rosary in the Chapel
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
We would like to thank everyone who had a part in
decorating the church & anyone who took an Angel from
the tree in order to brighten a child's Christmas!
Thurs. Jan. 5
8:00 am Mass:
(1Jn 3:11-21; Jn 1:43-51)
Fri. Jan. 6
8:00 am Mass: Jean Barber
req. by Colise Hunt
(1Jn 5:5-13; Mk 1:7-11)
Sat. Jan. 7
4:00 pm Mass: Elias & Tarooze
req. by Joseph Karam
7:00pm Mass: Parishioners of Holy Spirit
(1Jn 5:14-21; Jn 2:1-11)
Pastoral Office
New Year Closing Schedule
For the Christmas holiday, the office will be closed
beginning at 12 noon Friday, December 30 through
Monday, January 02, 2012
The office will reopen on Tuesday, January 03, 2012
at 9:00am
Sun. Jan. 8
Epiphany of the Lord
9:00 am Mass: Carolyn Zangrilli
req. by Bob & Owen
11:30 am Mass: Parishioners of Holy Spirit
(Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6;
Mt 2:1-12)
Denotes an intention for the deceased
2012 Calendars
Calendars will be available for pickup in the atrium
after all the Masses
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Join Fr. Bill John in his maiden pilgrimage to the
Holy Land. We will be departing in November 2012
for 10 days. Make plans now to attend this wonderful
journey. We will be having a presentation. For more
information please contact George Keesee @
The celebration of Baptism is a moment of grace
for those to be baptized, their families, as well as
the entire community.
For information and
registration contact the church office 523-8898.
First Communion
Diocesan policy for the reception of the Sacrament
of First Communion states that children must have
at least two full years of religious education in
order to receive the sacrament. Faith Formation
program is scheduled all Sundays from 10:15 to
11:15 a.m. If your children are not baptized, you
should notify the Office 252-523-8898.
Diocesan policy for the reception of the Sacrament
of Confirmation states that children must have at
least two full years of religious education in order
to receive the sacrament. Faith formation program
is scheduled all Sundays from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
Contact Office 252-523-8898
Must be an ACTIVE parishioner. Diocesan policy
is that six months be allowed for preparation.
you have spoken with Father Bill John 523-8898.
Every Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 - 11:a.m.
Or, by appointment call 523-8898.
Hospital Visits/Anointing of the Sick
Please notify the Church office if you or a member
of your family are hospitalized, or, if the Sacrament
of the Sick is needed.
Due to HIPA laws
visitations by clergy/ lay ministers may be denied
unless you inform us. 252-523-8898.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Inquiry sessions for those interested in becoming
Catholic meet Sunday from 12:30p.m. - 1:00pm in
the Library. Contact George & Patty Keesee @
La celebración del Bautismo es un momento de
gracia para los bautizados, sus familias y la
comunidad entera. Es necesaria la participación
de padres y padrinos en una plática de
preparación que se da el segundo jueves de cada
mes a las 7:00 pm. Para registrarse llame a la
Sra. Blanca Pérez (h) 747-3286.
Primera Comunión
Los niños deben participar en el programa de
preparación durante dos años, para recibir la
Primera Comunión. Las clases se imparten todos
los domingos de 10:15 a 11:15 am. Si su niño no
está bautizado debe comunicarlo a la directora de
la formación de la fe, Office 252-523-8898
Los niños inician su preparación para el
sacramento de la confirmación en el 9º. grado la
preparación durante 2 años. Las clases se imparten
los domingos de 10:15 a 11:15 am. Office 252-5238898
Reconciliación/Confesiones: Domingos de 10:30 a
11:00 am. O mediante una cita con el padre Bill
Uno de los contrayentes debe ser un miembro
ANTES consultar con el sacerdote. Se requiere de
seis meses de preparación. Es necesaria la
participación de los novios en el programa para
recibir el Sacramento. Si alguno de los dos no ha
recibido el Bautismo, Primera Comunión o
Confirmación deben participar también en el
programa de preparación para recibir estos
sacramentos, lo cual alarga el tiempo de
preparación para el matrimonio. Los Interesados
por favor comunicarse con Blanca Pérez (252-7473286)
Visitas al Hospital/Unción a los Enfermos
Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial si algún
miembro de su familia está en el hospital o necesita
el Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos. 252523-8898 ext. 221/224(Español)
Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Catecismo para
Las Personas mayores de 18 años interesadas en
recibir el sacramento del Bautismo, Confirmación
y/o Primera Comunión o que hayan sido bautizadas
en otra Iglesia Cristiana, por favor comuníquense
con Blanca Pérez (252-747-3286) o George &
Patty Keesee @252-939-1909.
Ron Owens, Chair
Kristin Jarman, Secretary
Paul McKinley
Bonnie Kasper
George Keesee
Paul McKinley
Robert Lassiter
Blanca Pérez
Richard Basili, Jr.
Jesús Vasqúez
Pastor Pineda
Brenda Ipock, Chair
[email protected]
Bob Bianchi
Catherine Shedrick
Gisele Owens
Please call the office
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight
For information contact church office
Youth Group Director
Please call the office
St. Martins Guild
Robert Lassiter
Circle of Renewed Life
Pat Bizzell
Altar Guild
Presentación en el templo (3 años)
Las presentaciones en el templo se realizarán 3
veces al año. Los padres y padrinos del niño(a)
deben participar en una platica de preparación.
Para consultar las fechas comuníquese con Blanca
Pérez 252-747-3286.
Las jóvenes, sus chamberlanes y damas deben
participar en el programa de preparación que dura
un día. La celebración se realizará durante la misa
dominical. Por favor, déjennos saber diez semanas
antes de la fecha de la celebración.
registrarse y conocer las fechas comuníquese con
Hugo and Carmen Hernandez 252-286-6463.
Gisele Owens
Sheltered Meals Coordinator
Helen Uhlig
Meals on Wheels
Brenda Ipock
[email protected]
Latino Choir
Hugo Hernández
Alvernia (Latino Married Couples)
Hugo Hernández
[email protected]
Ballet Folklorico
“Espiritu Latino”
Jesús y Marisa Vásquez
Crowley Financial Services
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E-mail: [email protected]
James H. “Jim” Eason
(252)523-3884 Fax
Owner-Funeral DirectorEmbalmer
This Space for Rent
This Space for Rent
Office: (252) 523-1366 IF NO ANSWER: (252) 527-0708
500 East Blount Street ~ Kinston, North Carolina 28501
In Loving Memory of
Charles & Vi Bianchi
Hyman M. Bizzell, Jr.
Angelo Boscarino
Bremner Family
Bill Cashin
Cashin Family
Richard F. & Anne T. Cavanaugh
Robert & Marcella Curtis
John DeLuise, Sr. & Michael DeLuise
Dee Del Papa
Tonya Benita Drake
Walter & Doris Dupré
Rita Fallon
George & Ann Fisher
Roman & Teofila Flores
Francis & Kuzdenyi Families
Jerry & Vivienne Garbis
Norlburt Greene
Richard J. Hargitt
John A. Ipock
Lonnie Gene Jarman Jr.
Charles & Annie Kellum
Paul & Gladys Lee
Joe & Georgia McLeod
Edward & Queenie Mae Mumm
Thomas Joseph Mumm
Margarita Tejano - Orphilla
James L. Owens
Edward Pacofsky
George & Juliette Rancourt
Christle & Joshua Robinson
Jeff & Verna Rutherford
Nicolas & Maria Tejano
Emiliano & Brigida Tejano-Perez
Remember in Your Prayers
Thomas A. Uhlig
Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our
parish listed below and for all of those who
are not listed, but are in need of prayers.
Pray especially for: Josephine Almanza,
Ofelia and Manny Arcino, Carlos Austin,
Sandy Barwick, Kirsten Blanks, Andrea
Brandes, Fr. Ed Burch, Myron Carter,
Glen, Mayre & Lillian Colburn, Olissa Cox, John Crowley,
Monica Daugherty, Chris Davis, Dot DeLuise, Bob and
Imelda Dunbar, Sandy Fisher, Bishop Joseph Gossman,
Corbin Hawkins, Beth Stalnaker Hill, Bertha Hill &
Family, Morris Howard, Charlotte Johnson, Phillip
Johnson, Donna Lassiter, Sandra Lassiter, Ivory
Meadows, Carolyn & Robert Melton, Msgr. Francis
Moeslein, Basil Moots, Beatrice Olds, Bruce Patterson,
Sue Plasky, Leo Quintero, Silas Rechtenwald, Fr. Ernest
Ruede, Anthony Ruggiero, Sandra Singleton, Jim
Sperry, Linda Tejano, Anne Toulouse, Ron and Shelby
VanCor, Zachery Weldon.
Into Your Hand O Lord, we commend the souls of our
dearly departed.
Let us hold in prayer the family and friends of the
departed. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in
Please remember in prayer all the caregivers. May they
be strengthened in faith and compassion.
Around the Diocese
December 25, 2011
Catholic Perspective for the week of January 2 will be “The Chimes,” produced by The Christophers. Written by
Charles Dickens and narrated by Derek Jacobi, this is the story of a poor and discouraged 19th century porter. Chiming church bells magically transport him to the future where his hope is renewed.
Due to copyright protection, the program will only be aired on the broadcast stations that carry Catholic Perspective.
Catholic Perspective, the weekly Diocesan TV program airs in Greenville Wednesday evenings at
7:00 p.m. on Cable Channel 69. The program is also available on the Diocesan website at
Catholic Perspective, the weekly Diocesan TV program airs on the Time-Warner Find It on Demand
Channel, 1083 in Craven, New Hanover, Brunswick, Onslow and Pender Counties, allowing viewers
to watch at any time during the week. The program is also available on the Diocesan website at
AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION: Do you and your spouse fight a lot? Or hardly speak? Fear you are growing apart?
Feel misunderstood, angry, “used”? Come learn new ways to handle old problems. The Third Option now meets at
two locations in the Diocese: At St. Patrick Catholic School, 1620 Marlborough Rd, Fayetteville, Jan. 2 and 16, 7-9pm;
and at St. Francis of Assisi, Room 403, 11401 Leesville Rd, Raleigh, Jan. 11 and 25, 7-9pm. All are welcome. For
more information go to www.dioceseofraleigh.org or call 919-821-9753.
Pro-Life Rally for High School Students “Love My Life” (LML) on Saturday, January 14,
2012, at Sacred Heart Cathedral parking lot in Raleigh from 11:00-12:45. All high school students and parish youth groups are invited to participate and CELEBRATE God’s special gift of
HUMAN LIFE. This high energy, spirit-filled event will include special guest Bishop Burbidge,
Fr. DeCandia as keynote speaker, music and food. Following the event, students may also
participate in the NC Rally and March for Life scheduled at 1:00 PM at Nash square.
Prayer Breakfast on January 14: NC Right to Life will sponsor the 13th Annual Prayer Breakfast for Life at the North
Raleigh Hilton on January 14, at 3415 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC, at 10:00 a. m. featuring Randall K. O’ Bannon,
Ph. D., the Director of Education and Research at National Right to Life. Dr. O’ Bannon is an expert on the funding
and activities of Planned Parenthood, the chemical abortion RU-486, and many other issues related to abortion. After
his talk, the award winning music video, My Chance by Jaime Thietten, a Christian recording artist, will be shown. Join
members of the NC General Assembly and the general public at this popular event. For more information, contact
Barbara S. Holt at North Carolina Right to Life at 1-800-392-6275.
10th Annual Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference Feb 24-25, 2012 NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh Raymond Arroyo, Host of EWTN's "The World Over Live;" Michael Barber, Ph.D. Professor of
Theology, Scripture, & Catholic Thought; Dr. Philip Mango, Catholic Psychotherapist; Sister Miriam
James Heidland, Former Volleyball Star; John W. Garcia, Founder of Sober for Christ; Mario St. Francis, Fashion Model on a Mission; Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Vigil Mass Celebrant and Homilist.
FREE Friday Night “Discover the Catholic Church” including Praise & Worship Music and talks in English
and Spanish. Early Registration Discounts for full program Saturday: Adults $25 (groups of 5 or more),
Individuals $35, Students(age 10+) $20, including Lunch! After Feb 5, prices increase to $45/Adult, $25/Student. Gift
Certificates available! Who will you invite? Questions: (919) 789-1IBT www.IgnitedByTruth.com
¡GRATIS charlas en español durante la Conferencia Católica Ignited By Truth!
Viernes, 24 de febrero 2012 NC 6-10pm NC State Fairgrounds edificio Jim Graham, Raleigh
Mario St. Francis, Modelo de Moda en una Misión, “La influencia de los medios de comunicación en la vida moderna” Juan W. Garcia, Fundador de Sobrios Por Cristo, “La lucha espiritual” ¿A quién vas a invitar? Preguntas: (919)
789-1IBT www.IgnitedByTruth.com
How much time will you spend with your spouse today? Some studies say that the average couple spends only
20 minutes a day together. Do you need to increase face time? On your wedding day you promised to love each
other for better or for worse. What is a “for better” that your spouse has made in your life?
Share it before you go to bed tonight. For more tips and resources to strengthen your marriage, visit www.foryourmarriage.org.
Marriage – Love and Life In The Divine Plan: Gratitude As a husband and wife are thankful for one another and
express their gratitude in the giving of themselves completely to one another, so this gratitude is open to the further
gifts that this self-giving literally embodies: that is, a gratitude for the possible further gift of children. Inherent within
a husband’s gratitude for his wife is that together with her he can beget children. Inherent within a wife’s gratitude for
her husband is that together with him she can conceive children. Together a husband and wife are gratefully open to
the gift of children.
Look what the United States Catholic Bishops are saying about marriage
Advent is a time for renewal. Give your spouse the best Christmas present ever – take them on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to renew your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb 3-5, 2012 in Charlotte, NC and Feb 24-26, 2012 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early registration is
highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact
William & Elizabeth Nickles at [email protected] or 704-469-3866.
Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned,
frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness or conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how
to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information and to register for the program beginning
with a weekend on March 9-11, 2012, call 434-793-0242 or 1-800-470- 2230 or email: [email protected] or
visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org.
National Migration Week, January 8-14 This year’s theme is “Welcoming Christ in the Migrant.” As
Catholic social teaching on migration developed, three fundamental principles came to inform Church
teaching on this issue:
1) People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
2) A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control migration.
3) A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.
People of faith must seek a way of balancing their valid security needs while at the same time striving to
meet the basic human needs of others. Parishes and individual Catholics are called to proclaim the Church’s
message of hope and welcome; to create a society that acknowledges the vital contributions of migrants, refugees,
and other newcomers to the United States; and to seek to gain basic rights and protections for those living and
working outside society’s mainstream. For more information on our responsibilities and those of migrants go to:
http://usccb.org/about/migration-and-refugee-services/national-migration-week/ and www.justiceforimmigrants.org

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Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Holy Spirit Catholic Church 10th Annual Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference Feb 24-25, 2012 NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh Raymond Arroyo, Host of EWTN's "The World Over Live;" Michael Barber, Ph.D. Professor of Theology, Scr...

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Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Brandes, Fr. Ed Burch, Myron Carter, Glen, Mayre & Lillian Colburn, Olissa Cox, John Crowley, Monica Daugherty, Chris Davis, Dot DeLuise, Bob and Imelda Dunbar, Sandy Fisher, Bishop Joseph Gossman,...

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Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Raleigh Raymond Arroyo, Host of EWTN's "The World Over Live;" Michael Barber, Ph.D. Professor of Theology, Scripture, & Catholic Thought; Dr. Philip Mango, Catholic Psychotherapist; Sister Miriam J...

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