international recognition of suspensions


international recognition of suspensions
Last published on 9 October 2015 INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION OF SUSPENSIONS ONGOING Licence‐holder Parent National Sporting Authority (ASN) Disciplinary body which pronounced the suspension Date of decision (dd/mm/year) Term (dd/mm/year) BERTRAND, Céline Fédération Française de Sport Automobile (FFSA) Commission de Discipline de la FFSA 16/07/2014 Until 30/07/2019 incl. DE PERETTI, Jacques Fédération Française de Sport Automobile (FFSA) Commission de Discipline de la FFSA 30/01/2014 Until 20/03/2016 incl. OSCHNER, Markus Auto Sport Suisse (ASS) National Disziplinar Kommission, ASS 28/05/2015 Until 31/12/2017 incl. SOCIÁS FEMENÍA, Miguel Real Federación Española de Automovilismo (RFEdA) Tribunal Nacional de Apelación y Disciplina, RFEdA 11/08/2015 18/11/2015 SCHIMPF MATEOS, Alejandro Real Federación Española de Automovilismo (RFEdA) Tribunal Nacional de Apelación y Disciplina, RFEdA 01/09/2015 02/12/2015 AGUADO RUIZ, Antonio Real Federación Española de Automovilismo (RFEdA) Tribunal Nacional de Apelación y Disciplina, RFEdA 01/09/2015 14/03/2016 MOAR MAESTRO, Urbeltz Real Federación Española de Automovilismo (RFEdA) Tribunal Nacional de Apelación y Disciplina, RFEdA 01/09/2015 03/03/2016 LÓPEZ‐PASTOR, José Loro Real Federación Española de Automovilismo (RFEdA) Tribunal Nacional de Apelación y Disciplina, RFEdA 09/09/2015 14/12/2015 Article 12.12 (effects of suspension) of the FIA International Sporting Code: 12.12.1 A sentence of Suspension pronounced by an ASN shall apply only within the territory of that ASN. 12.12.2 If, however, the ASN wishes the sentence of Suspension to be recognised internationally, it shall notify its wish without delay to the Secretariat of the FIA and the latter will inform all other ASNs. The sentence of Suspension shall be noted by each ASN immediately, and the consequent restriction will thereby come into force. 12.12.3 The recognition of this Suspension by all ASNs will be posted on the website and/or in the FIA Official Motor Sport Bulletin. The FIA International Sporting Code is available in its entirety at:‐sporting‐code‐123 

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