San Felipe Catholic Church


San Felipe Catholic Church
San Felipe
Catholic Church
Our Mission | Nuestra Misión
Come, grow with us in Faith, Hope and Love. We, the parishioners of San Felipe Parish, celebrate
the Eucharist by welcoming and serving everyone. Sharing our talents, nourishing, learning and
initiating the Paschal Mystery of Christ experience to others.
Ven, crece con nosotros en Fe, Esperanza y Amor. Nosotros los feligreses de la parroquia de San
Felipe, celebramos la Eucaristía acogiendo y sirviendo a todos. Compartiendo nuestros talentos,
fomentando y aprendiendo e iniciando a otros en la experiencia del Misterio Pascual de Cristo.
606 E. Aria Blvd. | Wendover, UT 84083 | Phone: 435-406-9610 | Fax: 435-665-0185 | Website:
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00am to 5:00pm
(sin cerrar al medio dia)
Pastor: Oscar Hernández
Office Manager: Francisca Bañuelos
Office Assistant: Adriana Esparza
Webmaster & Bulletin: Nancy Rodriguez
Religious Education Coordinator:
Ana Aboite 801-518-1099
(Please call between 9:00 -11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm)
RCIA Directors:
Mike Katsonis (English)
Daniel Carrillo (Spanish)
Music Ministry:
Mateo Salazar & Adriana Esparza
Maintenance: Joaquin Rosales
Mass Schedule
Weekly: 6:00 pm
Monday and Tuesday
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am
Sunday: 12:00 & 6:00 pm
Saturday: 5:00 to 5:30 pm
Sunday: 11:30 am & 5:30 pm
Blessed Sacrament Adoration
Thursday: 6:00 am– 6:00 pm
March 8, 2015| 3rd Sunday of Lent
St. Frances of Rome
Feast Day: March 9
Frances's life combines aspects of secular and
religious life. A devoted and loving wife, she
longed for a lifestyle of prayer and service, so
she organized a group of women to minister
to the needs of Rome's poor.
Born from wealthy parents, Frances found
herself attracted to the religious life during
her youth. But her parents objected and a
young nobleman was selected to be her husband.
As she became acquainted with her new relatives, Frances soon discovered that the wife of
her husband’s brother also wished to live a
life of service and prayer. So the two, Frances
and Vannozza, set out together—with their
husbands’ blessings—to help the poor.
Frances fell ill for a time, but this apparently
only deepened her commitment to the suffering people she met. The years passed, and
Frances gave birth to two sons and a daughter.
With the new responsibilities of family life,
the young mother turned her attention more to
the needs of her own household.
The family flourished under Frances’s care,
but within a few years a great plague began to
sweep across Italy. It struck Rome with devastating cruelty and left Frances’s second son
dead. In an effort to help alleviate some of the
suffering, Frances used all her money and
sold her possessions to buy whatever the sick
might possibly need. When all the resources
had been exhausted, Frances and Vannozza
went door to door begging. Later, Frances’s
daughter died, and the saint opened a section
of her house as a hospital.
Frances became more and more convinced
that this way of life was so necessary for the
world, and it was not long before she requested and was given permission to found a society of women bound by no vows. They simply
offered themselves to God and to the service
of the poor. Once the society was established,
Frances chose not to live at the community
residence, but rather at home with her husband. She did this for seven years, until her
husband passed away, and then came to live
the remainder of her life with the society—
serving the poorest of the poor.
2 † San Felipe Catholic Church
¿Convicción o Obligación?
Conviction or Obligation?
22 de octubre de 2012, la Unión Internacional de Ciclismo, anunció que Lance Armstrong, perdía sus siete títulos ganados en el
Tour de Francia y que se le prohibía participar en competencias de ciclismo internacional, debido a que la Agencia de Antidopaje
de Estados Unidos, aseguraba haber encontrado evidencias abrumadoras de que la
exitosa carrera del ciclista, era consecuencia
de un sofisticado programa de dopaje.
On October 22, 2012, the International Cycling
Union, announced that Lance Armstrong,
would lose the seven titles he won in the Tour
de France, and prohibited him to participate in
international cycling competitions. This occurred when the United States Anti-Doping
Agency, claimed it found overwhelming evidence that the successful career of the cyclist
was the result of a sophisticated doping program.
Bernard Madoff, con una carrera brillante
en Wall Street. Fue acusado de llevar a cabo
el segundo mayor fraude en la historia de
los Estados Unidos. Al momento de su detención, Madoff, dijo: “Estoy acabado, no
hay nada inocente. He pagado a inversores
con dinero que no existía”.
Bernard Madoff, who had a brilliant career on
Wall Street, was accused of carrying out the
second biggest fraud in the history of the United States. At the time of his arrest, Madoff,
said, "I am finished, there is nothing innocent. I
have paid investors with money that didn't exist”.
A Jose, por envidia sus hermanos decidieron
asesinarlo tirándolo a un pozo, después lo
venden a una caravana de comerciantes,
quienes a su vez lo vendieron como esclavo
en Egipto. En cierta ocasión, la esposa de su
dueño, pidió a José hacer algo contrario a la
Ley de Dios, a lo cual él se negó rotundamente; la mujer le acusó de abuso, haciendo
que lo encarcelaran. Pero Dios le concedió
una sabiduría que no poseía ningún hombre
en Egipto. Por su obediencia a Dios, José
llegó a convertirse en la segunda persona
más importante en aquel reino.
His brothers envied Joseph, and therefore, decided to assassinate him by knocking him down
a well. Then they sold him to a caravan of merchants, who in turn sold him as a slave in
Egypt. On one occasion, the wife of his owner
asked Joseph do something contrary to the Law
of God, which he flatly refused to do. The woman then accused him of abuse, and he was imprisoned. However, God gave Joseph wisdom
unlike any man possessed in Egypt. For his
obedience to God, Joseph became the second
most important person in that kingdom.
“Las “diez palabras”, bien sean formuladas
como preceptos negativos, prohibiciones, o
bien como mandamientos positivos (como
“honra a tu padre y a tu madre”), indican las
condiciones de una vida liberada de la
esclavitud del pecado. El Decálogo es un
camino de vida” (CIC, 2057). La historia de
la humanidad nos enseña que nadie puede
ser feliz ni realizar su misión a plenitud en
este mundo, si vive de manera contraria a la
Ley de Dios. Este es el origen del fracaso en
el ser humano: juzgar que puede desobedecer a Dios, sin ninguna consecuencia
negativa en su vida. Pero la vida comprueba
que “el salario del pecado es la muerte”.
Que los niños y jóvenes obedezcan a sus
padres y maestros; los ciudadanos respetemos y obedezcamos las leyes justas de nuestro país; las autoridades civiles no promuevan ni aprueben leyes contrarias a la Ley de
Dios, no es una idea o capricho de la Iglesia
Católica en el mundo, sino la voluntad de
Dios que dijo a Moisés: “Yo soy el Señor, tu
Dios”. Por eso, “aún con la dolorosa conciencia de las propias fragilidades, hay que
seguir adelante sin declararse vencidos, y
recordar lo que el Señor dijo a San Pablo:
“Te basta mi gracia, porque mi fuerza se
realiza en la debilidad” (Papa Francisco, “La
Alegría del Evangelio, 85).
“Whether formulated as negative commandments, prohibitions, or as positive precepts
such as: "Honor your father and mother," the
"ten words" point out the conditions of a life
freed from the slavery of sin.” (CIC, 2057). The
history of mankind teaches us that no one can
be happy or carry out their mission in this
world if you live in a manner contrary to the
Law of God. This is the origin of human failure:
to believe that you may disobey God, without
any negative consequences in your life. But life
proves that "the wages of sin is death".
That children and teenagers need to obey their
parents and teachers; citizens should respect
and obey the laws of our country; civilian authorities not promote or approve laws contrary
to the law of God, is not an idea or whim of the
Catholic Church in the world, but the will of
God who said to Moses: "I am the Lord, your
God". For this reason, "even with painful awareness of one’s own frailties, one must proceed
without declaring themselves defeated, and
remember what the Lord said to Paul, "My
grace is sufficient for you because my strength
is carried out in my weakness" (Pope Francis,
The Joy of the Gospel, 85).
Are you convinced that obeying The Law of God
is a necessity and not an obligation in our life?
¿Esta convencido usted que obedecer la Ley
de Dios, es una necesidad y no una obligación en nuestra vida?
1. Viernes, Marzo 13: Via Crucis a
las 5:30 pm y después la santa
1. Friday, March 13: Stations of the
Cross at 5:30 pm and following
with mass.
2. Todos los Jueves, Exposición del
Santísimo de 6:00 am a 6:00
2. Every Thursday, Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament from
6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
3. Si tienen biblias que gusten donar, por favor déjenlos en la oficina.
3. If anybody has bibles they wish
to donate, please drop them off
at the office.
4. Todos los Domingos se estará
4. We’ll be receiving DDD contributions after Sunday masses.
recibiendo la ayuda para el DDD
después de Misas.
Para los que esten interesados
en participar en la Via Crucis en
vivo para Semana Santa porfavor contactese con Padre Oscar.
5. For those who are interested in
participating in the live Stations
of the Cross for Holy Week, contact Father Oscar.
March 01, 2015
Gracias por apoyar a su parroquia.
La joven que desee celebrar sus Quince Años
en nuestra parroquia, debe haber recibido el
Sacramento de la Confirmación, o estar
asistiendo al Programa de Educación Religiosa. Reservar con tiempo en la oficina
parroquial la fecha de su celebración y asistir
al curso de preparación para Quinceañeras.
Si desea celebrar su matrimonio, debe comenzar el proceso con seis meses de anticipación. Llame a la oficina parroquial para
más información.
Intenciones del Papa Francisco para el mes
de Marzo
Oremos por:
Universal: Científicos.
Para que quienes se dedican a la investigación científica se pongan al servicio del
bien integral de la persona humana.
Por la Evangelización: Contribución de la
Para que se reconozca cada vez más la contribución propia de la mujer a la vida de la
Catechist Corner
Theme for the month
of Marzo:
Development Drive (DDD)
March 8, 2015 † 3

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