the language day celebration


the language day celebration
THE LANGUAGE DAY CELEBRATION -­‐ DIA DEL IDIOMA EXTRANJERO “A different language is a different vision of life” “Un différent langage, donne une différente vision de la vie » “Un lenguaje diferente permite una visión diferente de la vida” Sans Façon School
And The Foreign language
Are glad to invite you To the language day celebration August 08th, 2014
7:30 am– Coliseum
. Parade
. Spelling
. Presentation Tour Con un programa cuidadosamente preparado, por el Departamento de Idiomas, se celebró el dia del Idioma extranjero. Para comenzar, Izada de Bandera con la presencia de todas las estudiantes de la Institución, el cuerpo directivo, el profesorado y algunos padres de familia. Niñas que izaron el pabellón Nacional por su excelente desempeño en Inglés y en Francés Terminada la Izada, siguió la presentación de algunos personajes memorables de países de habla Inglesa. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to our foreign language day LINCOLN Valeria León I would like to introduce myself; I’m Abraham Lincoln, lawyer and the 16th president of the United States of America. I abolished slavery and I was assassinated on April 15th, 1865. CHARLES CHAPLIN Manuela Larrota BIG BEN (María Paz Jiménez) He was an English actor. He was born on 16th April 1889. He didn’t speak in his films but he was an excellent comedian. We always remember his little moustache and his walking stick. His body language always tells funny stories QUEEN ELIZABETH II Gaby Rojas I was born on 21st April 1926.
I have been queen for 61 years. My son,
Prince Charles, has been my support
especially now that I am older.
STATUE OF LIBERTY Ana María Alarcón Did you know that the statue of liberty was given to us by the French government on October 28th, 1886? It’s a symbol of friendship due to our support on the American Revolution WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Luna Campo I was born on April 1564.
My books and plays are very famous.
People around the world know my stories; for
example Romeo and Julieth, a beautiful love story
or Hamlet
Valeria Torres
Je suis né le 15 août 1769 à l’Ajaccio, France. Je suis considéré comme un des meilleurs génies militaires de l’histoire. « Should I say France »; the capital of love (walks towards Eiffel tower).. JEANNE D’ARC
Karina Garzón
Je suis née le 6 janvier 1412 à Domrémy, France. Je suis une héroïne de l'histoire de France. Je suis sainte de l'Église catholique. JIM CARREY
Danna Quiroz
My name is Jim Carrey. I am a comedian and actor.
I was born on 17thJanuary 1962 in Canada, but I got the
American citizenship on 2004.
One of the most famous characters I have performed
is The Mask.
But I love comedic as well as I love dramatic
characters. CÉLINE DION
Alejandra Díaz
I am Celine Dion, I was born in Canada on
March 1968.
I am a singer. I sing in French and English.
I have won important prices and one of my
songs is remembered because of the famous
movie, Titanic.
Mariana Becerra,
Heart attack - Demi Lovato
Over the rainbow/ derrière l’arc-en-ciel.
Daniela Figueredo y Laura Murcia
“What makes you beautiful”
from, One direction
Hna. Laura Inés Niño Martínez, felicita y agradece, a todas las estudiantes, al Departamento de Idiomas y a todos los profesores, por el acto de Izada y por la manera como han logrado que las niñas manejen el Inglés y el Francés Final “Spelling Bee” intercursos. (se entrega lista de palabras el 25 de Julio, se hace la eliminatoria de 28 de Julio, al 1° de Agosto) Solo participa 1 niña por grado Categoría. Categoría 1: 3°, 4° y 5° ; Categoría 2: 6°, 7° y 8° ; Categoría 3: 9°, 10° y 11° Después de un descanso, Rotación por Bases, con la participación de todas las estudiantes. ROTACION POR BASES Grado 11º Colombian history, Travel agency, Gold Museum, Karaoke, Funny videos Reading club, Video games, Experiments Alice´s adventure in wonderland 8° Who wants to be a millionaire Jeu de mémoire 9° Halloween town and Fun Space 8° Neon Circus 10º Vocabulary game, Game: WHAT?, Balloons 11 B Experiments 11 A Reading PREMIACION Y CIERRE DE LA ACTIVIDAD
Claudia Orellanos Spelling Bee 10° A Categoría 3 9° B -­‐ Best organization And cooperation 8° A-­‐ Best organization And cooperation Ganadoras Spelling bee Categoría 1: Isabela Sánchez 4° B Categoría 2: Cindy Patricia Díaz « Dans les mots, se trouve toute une vision du monde »